#blue island is a little beachy!
californianmotel · 1 year
gonna go write the girlies’ fight 2.0 !!
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thunderstomm · 1 year
Talking About The New Scare-adise Island Dolls (Monster High G3)
Monster High G3's newest line, beach wave Scare-adise Island has just fully leaked! As always, I am just delighted to see new dolls and want to talk all about them and my opinions on each doll, and if i will be buying them once they release.
The Line Overall
Not many people know this, but I love beach lines. They're a staple of any doll line naturally, but I love to see the takes that a brand does on swim wear or summer fashion, and how they make it both fashionable and practical. And for the most part, I do think Scare-adise Island does a good job at this. Each doll, bar one, comes dressed in swimwear, and all of them come with a bag, sunglasses, a drink, and an extra accessory. There is also a playset, which comes with a lot more accessories, as well as a doll.
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Clawdeen Wolf
Clawdeen's doll is quite interesting, and I don't excatly think it captures a beachy vibe. Clawdeen comes dressed in a green leopard print swimsuit, with holes in the sides. She also wears a transparent purple pair of long pants with black patterns, transparent pink shoes, and a transparent purple visor, both made of a "gummy" plastic material. She comes with a purple bag, lavender water bottle with sipping straw, green crescent moon sunglasses and a novel, titled "Howler Thriller".
This look doesn't fully read as "beach" to me- the pants, and more full heels paired with her swimsuit almost read to me as being a "dance" look. I think Clawdeen would have been improved by one thing- having shorts instead of long pants. Her accessories are cute, and I especially like the water bottle, even if it is a recycled mold from G3 Basic Clawd. I also think her shoes should have matched the visor- why are they pink?? At least the green sunglasses match both the swimsuit and earrings. Her pink lipstick is also a little weird- MH PLEASE give her a natural lip. Or even, purple! I think her side ponytail is cute, but I cannot help but think it will be poly, again.
This Clawdeen is cute overall, but she is not for me.
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Frankie Stein
This Frankie doll is super cute- and looks so transgender in all of the best ways. They are dressed in a silver and white top, and black and white checked board shorts, with yellow lightning bolts streaked across them. Over top, they wear a black button-up top, with yellow lightning bolt patterns. They have long straight hair, which is black, white and blue streaked, and sport a silver bucket hat, with blue and yellow rings piercing the brim. They wear cute black heel sandals, and come with a blue bag, yellow skullette drinks cup, yellow lightning shaped shades and a green sports ball.
I personally adore this Frankie, and I think it was the best possible thing they could have designed for them. I think the color combo of the look is great, and I hope it stays the same in the animated series. One of the only complaints I can really give is the pink lips- Frankie do you only own one pot of lip gloss? This Frankie would have been so cute with a black, blue, or even yellow lip! I suppose it is an easy fix for any customizers, though.
This Frankie is so so stunning! I think they are worth a buy for any fans of Frankie and beach wear.
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And another banger! Draculaura looks absolutely stunning in this look, sporting a pink sunhat with black bat shaped bow, pink and yellow cobweb earrings that look almost like a sun, a pink bikini with cobweb patterns and black ruffles, and a transparent cover up with cobweb patterns. Draculaura wears pink pumps, and comes with pink sunglasses recolored from her core look, sunscreen, a mocktail with little bat wings, and a black, bat shaped bag with a pink charm. She wears her hair in a low ponytail, and it is mostly black with pink streaks.
This Draculaura is pretty perfect, and I don't really have any complaints other than she could maybe use a necklace or two in her look. She is oh-so very pretty, and I love the way that they made the cobwebs of the design look like suns.
I think that this Draculaura is great, and an absolute must own for Draculaura and beach doll enthusiasts. So pretty!
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Heath Burns
Making his first ever doll debut in G3, it's Heath Burns! And honestly, I like it! Heath Burns has orange skin, and orange eyes, and has plastic hair, which is made to resemble a mohawk. The hair is shaved on both sides, and he has red painted hair. Heath's face sculpt also has small pointed ears. Heath wears a blue hoodie with flame patterns, and blue board shorts with a similar flame patterns. Heath also sports a pair of slip-on sandals, which are dark blue with flame patterns. The Heath Burns doll also comes with a blue tote bag, an orange, volcano shaped drink, a bottle of sunscreen, and orange sunglasses with flames on the frames.
As somebody who loved G3 Heath with all my heart, I have to say that I just love this doll. I do wish his face sculpt better matched his show counterpart, by having bigger ears, a longer, thinner face, and a different nose shape, rather than looking similar to the other boys. I also am a fan of bald Heath, and prefer it over the mohawk. The outfit is similar to what he wears in the show, except for the shoes. I do wish that this doll had come out in another line so that it could better match the show, but now is better than never, and Heath is the last member of the "poster cast" (characters featured on promotional posters and advertisements) to get a doll. Also, I really hope he's short! I NEED him to be shorter than Abbey!
I like this doll! He's pretty good for a boy doll, and I will be getting him so he can sit next to my Abbey.
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Lagoona Blue
Lagoona Blue is the playset doll for this wave! However, I won't be talking about the playset, just the doll. And this Lagoona, oh boy she is PRETTY!! Lagoona has long yellow hair, with teal and pink streaks, styled mostly out, with a small ponytail in at the right. She has gorgeous pink lips, and soft makeup. Lagoona wears a pastel tie dye bikini top, with black ruffles and straps. She sports a matching skirt with drip patterns, black pleather ruffles and plastic pink rope-esque belt-cover piece. Lagoona's shoes match, being pink, and seemingly tied up with plastic textured to look like rope.
I personally love this Lagoona doll so much, and think she is so pretty. I am almost upset that she is a playset exclusive, as that just means that she will be more expensive for me to buy. I don't have any design complaints for her, it's a pretty perfect doll!
If you like playsets, then I'd give this one a buy JUST for the exclusive doll!! Lagoona is so pretty!
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What Do You Think..?
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mollyrolls · 2 months
wouldn't it be nice 𓇼 semi e. x reader
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1. off balance
warnings: language
an: i dont know when it happened, but this turned into jimmy buffett slander hour. sorry man.
𓇼 sounds like: best of jimmy buffett
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The moments of peace in your days are few and far between. Your coworkers—whom you love dearly— are anything but calm, and the customers they attract are not much better. 
Solitude finds you on your commute to work, when you take a leisurely stroll across the island and see what there is to see. Animals crossing the roads, bathing suits falling down, beachy walks of shame that are somehow worse than normal ones, you’ve seen it all. Some are more appealing than others.
When your solitude is disturbed, for whatever reason, your day is always thrown off balance.
And based on what you just saw, today was going to be a doozy.
Trying to shake the image from your mind, you prepare for the inevitable battle scene taking place behind the blue screened door of the surf shop. The promise of tropical rock music looms over you as you approach, but you see the door left open with no sound coming out.
“Oh thank god.” 
Sure enough, your ears are not bombarded with Jimmy Buffett, meaning Noya and Bokuto haven’t gotten here yet. A moment's reprise before the storm blows in. 
Saeko laughs when she hears you enter, poking her head out from around a shelf. “Any moment without Jimmy is a good moment in my book.” 
“Tell me about it.”
You slip into the back room, glancing at the schedule to see who you would be teaching today. Your slots were pretty empty, which meant you’ll probably be in the store for most of it. Not ideal, but you might get cut early and have the rest of the day off. 
“Oh hey,” You call out, taking advantage of the fact that it’s just the two of you right now. “Do you want to hear something weird that happened to me this morning?”
Before she can even respond, Oikawa’s voice chimes out through the shop, paired with the aggressive slamming of the screen door. 
“I do!”
You join Saeko at the counter and share a knowing look, silently communicating that you’ll talk later.
“What are we talking about?” Oikawa asks with a grin, not even bothering to put his stuff away. He beelines towards the two of you and waits with eager eyes.
“Nothing now. I was only going to tell Saeko.”
“What?” He looks galled at your response. “I thought I was your best friend. Best friends tell each other everything...” He drags the last syllable out for effect, but it does little to sway you.
“Yeah, nice try. Maybe I’ll tell you later.”
“Tell him what?”
The front door slams into the wall once more, the final two rounding out your little cohort. Bokuto and Noya both join you expectantly, always ready for any drop of gossip. 
The three men staring at you briefly resemble hungry dogs, begging at the table for any scraps you’re willing to throw them. 
You and Saeko both laugh at the scene before you, but now that they’re all here, you know better than to try and keep the story to yourself. Bokuto and Noya’s constant persistence and optimism are exhausting to outpace, and you learned a long time ago that there’s nothing they won’t do for some gossip.
Resigning yourself to a very long day after this, you relax against the counter and begin your tale.
You were walking along the interstate as usual, the ocean breeze tickling your neck. Mainland traffic wouldn’t start for another couple hours, so the only people you see are your fellow island coworkers and the occasional seagull. 
“Awful way to start a story.” “There’s no way you’re only telling it now that they showed up. Do you hate me?” “When have you ever not ‘walked to work like normal’? It’s like when you talk about your day and you start with ‘I woke up’.”
“Shut up. Let me finish.”
The whizzing of bike wheels, the chatter of early morning joggers. Small moments of serenity before the chaos of your day. Something you wouldn’t trade for the world. 
The natural landscape is the soundtrack to your morning. Low distant rumbles of waves, wind rustling the palm trees and occasional shrub. A loud, bass boosted stereo- wait.
“So what? It’s probably someone from that wedding party, right?” “No, I thought they left already.” “Man, they were something else. Remember when Bokuto got shot in the eye with one of those squirt guns?” “It still hurts.” “Hah! Weak.”
It’s about as cliche of tourists as they come. The white Jeep, no doors. Surfboards hanging precariously off the back. No consideration for how loud or fast they’re going. An equally loud argument between the driver and the passenger, worryingly distracting. Drifting ever so slightly into the oncoming lane before majorly correcting.
You step to the side, despite being on the sidewalk. You want to get as far away from them as you can. The car zooms past you, but for a split second you catch something.
The sandy blonde tips whipping in the wind. Light brown eyes that pierce through your soul. 
But you blink, and they’re gone.
The four of them sit in front of you, all on the edge of their seats. Waiting for something more.
You pause. There’s nothing else you can say.
“So… then what happened?” Noya’s question tests the silence. 
“Wait. Do you guys not know about Semi?” 
There’s a collective confusion before they all shake their heads. 
You want to scream. Their lack of reaction makes a lot more sense now, but you’re kicking your past self for not telling them about him sooner. 
It’s going to be a long day indeed.
“Okay. We don’t have time to get into… all of that.” You start, face screwing up when the screen door creaks again, alerting you all to the first customers of the day. “But basically, he was my childhood best friend until he moved away and fell off the face of the planet. I thought he was the love of my life and then he never spoke to me again. Little 14 year old me was heartbroken.”
“What?!” “You’re joking.” “And you think he’s back?” “Did he tell you he was coming?” “No dumbass, why would he? She just said they never talked again.”
The quiet cacophony of questions is hushed when the customers come around the bend, smiling politely. You all straighten up, trying and failing to look like you were not violently gossiping. 
“Sorry to interrupt,” one of them starts with a laugh, “but could you show us where the wax is?”
Bokuto takes the offer, ushering them all away from the counter. You’re about to sit back at the stool before you realize Noya’s already there, plugging in his phone with an evil grin.
“Noya, no-” “Please, we just got here.” “My ears will start bleeding if I hear stupid Jimmy Buffett one more time…”
The complaints fall on deaf ears as he sits and scrolls through his phone, swiping and forming a queue. “All I’m saying is that he has a lot of advice on love!” He looks up, beaming.
A nice sentiment, but one that falls short as the opening chords of its five o’clock somewhere start to play through the speakers.
Your face deadpans to his. “Your advice is for me to drink away my pain?”
He simply shrugs. “There are worse ways to spend a day.”
“It is literally 9 in the morning.”
“But it’s five o’clock somewhere.” He replies, shit eating grin plastered on his face. You groan in disbelief, not sure how you fell for that. 
He and the others cackle as you turn tail, disappearing into the back room once more. There are some packages that need sorting and you figure it’ll be a nice break from the chaos up front.
You busy yourself with your task, making sure to voice your discontent everytime a new song comes on. Despite the music, you find yourself in a comfortable quiet, catching bits of conversation from the front. The occasional passing by of people on the beach, a few coming in to say hi.
“Do you think it really was him?”
The intrusion makes you jump, not noticing Bokuto leaning in the doorway. As you look over your shoulder, you catch him looking at you curiously.
You pivot, neglecting the boxes. You’re not the closest with Bokuto, but his expression makes you think he’s being sincere. You decide to trust him. 
“I honestly don’t know. It was so fast, and it feels really unlikely, but my gut is telling me it was.”
The admission leaves you a little shaken, suddenly faced with the reality now that you’ve voiced it. It really did look like him. That thought shouldn’t terrify you as much as it does. 
“But I don’t even know if it’ll matter.” You brush it off, turning your attention to the boxes again. “He hasn’t reached out so I doubt he’s here for me, and it’s not likely that I’ll see him around.”
“You said he left you heartbroken.” Bokuto shifts, almost uncomfortably, as he walks into the room and past you, going for his board. “Do you still have feelings for him?”
You can’t fight the laugh that comes out at that. The question has been posed to you since you met Semi, so you’ve gotten very good at the song and dance that comes next.
“He was a silly childhood crush.” You start, picking up the sorted boxes and waiting for him to catch up, walking to the front together. “I’d be happy to see him for old times sake, but it’s not like he’s a long lost lover. Not really.”
Bokuto hums in understanding. “Well, I hope you get what you’re hoping for! Seeing him again or not.” He gives you a beam of a smile before slipping out the side door, a child’s cheer coming from the other side and the boisterous laugh that follows.
“He’s in a good mood.” Saeko comments, now sitting alone at the counter. Noya disappeared somewhere, but the music persists.
“When is he not?”
“Fair enough.” She softly laughs, standing to offer you the stool. “Can you sit for a second? I need to make some calls.”
You nod, dropping the box to the floor and taking her place. Working the counter is the least interesting job in the shop, so it’s no surprise when your mind starts to wander.
Would seeing Semi be the worst thing in the world? You’re confident the childhood feelings are well and over with, but there is still a little bit of resentment about how he left things. You should have known better than to expect him to keep a promise like that, but you were also kids. Maybe a little bit of grace is necessary.
Fiddling with the bracelets on your arm, you start to absentmindedly hum along to the song currently playing in the shop. Tropical paradise be damned, he knows how to make an earworm.
“Since when do you like Buffett?”
Your fingers freeze in their movements, recognizing the casual lilt from days long ago. Dragging your gaze up from where they were focused on the counter, you come face to face with familiar light brown eyes. 
The ones you realize have been quietly haunting your dreams ever since that night, many summers ago.
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playlist 𓇼 pinterest
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homeremodeladvice · 11 months
10 Best Home Remodeling Ideas for Florida Homes
Welcome, Floridian friends! Home remodeling in the Sunshine State is not just about style and aesthetics, it's also about functionality and making the most out of our unique tropical climate. From Miami's art deco flair to the casual, beachy vibes of the Gulf Coast, your home can be a reflection of all the beauty that Florida has to offer. So, whether you're looking to increase your home's value or simply want to refresh its look, here are the top 10 home remodeling and renovation ideas to consider.
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1. Open Up for Natural Light Nothing says Florida living like abundant natural light. Consider large, impact-resistant windows that not only let in the sunshine but also stand up to our sometimes-fierce weather. Skylights are also a fantastic way to brighten up your space.
2. Optimize Outdoor Living Spaces Expand your living space to the outdoors by creating a seamless flow between indoor and outdoor areas. Think large sliding doors that open to a screened patio or deck. An outdoor kitchen or bar can be a fantastic addition for entertaining, and don't forget a comfortable seating area for those balmy evenings.
3. Coastal-Inspired Flooring Ditch the carpets and go for easy-to-clean and cool flooring options. Large, light-colored tiles or laminate flooring can give your home a coastal feel while also keeping it cool underfoot.
4. Embrace a Beachy Palette A fresh coat of paint can do wonders. Choose colors that reflect the seaside—soft blues, warm sands, and gentle greens. These hues not only lighten up your space but also create a calming atmosphere that pays homage to the Florida coast.
5. Update Your Kitchen with a Focus on Function The kitchen is the heart of the home. Add a touch of Florida with a backsplash that features sea glass colors, upgrade to modern appliances for energy efficiency, and consider an island that doubles as a dining space.
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6. Incorporate Smart Home Technology With Florida's hot summers, smart thermostats and energy-efficient lighting can make your home more comfortable and save on energy bills. Automated hurricane shutters can provide peace of mind during storm season.
7. Refresh Your Bathroom with a Spa Feel Turn your bathroom into a personal spa with a rain shower head, a deep soaker tub, and natural stone or tile. Think about installing a skylight to bathe your bathroom in natural light.
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8. Landscaping for Curb Appeal and Climate Invest in landscaping that not only boosts curb appeal but is also drought-resistant and suited to Florida's climate. Native plants will thrive and help to conserve water.
9. Create a Mudroom or Drop Zone With the beach close by, a designated space to drop towels, sandals, and beach gear can keep the rest of your home sand-free and organized. A mudroom with built-in storage can be a game-changer.
10. Energy-Efficient Additions Consider solar panels for a greener footprint and lower energy bills. Florida's sunny days can be harnessed to power your home, and many solar companies offer installation with little to no upfront cost.
Conclusion Florida homes have the unique advantage of being located in a beautiful, diverse state with weather that allows for year-round enjoyment of outdoor spaces. Whether you're making small changes or undertaking a major remodel, these ideas can help you make the most of your Floridian home, combining style, functionality, and sustainability. Remember, a successful remodel not only adds value to your home but also enhances your lifestyle. So, embrace the Florida charm and make your home a personal paradise!
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terrivb · 2 years
Breakfast waffle house menu
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It now has more than 365 restaurants in 29 states. The decor is old-school touristy Florida, with colorful images of the sun, the ocean, seagulls, shells, seahorses and lizards, and the service is equally cheery-and quick.įirst Watch has grown from a small Manatee County-based chain into the nation’s largest breakfast-lunch operation. Winners include the rich corned beef hash, topped with a couple eggs, and the “bacon Benny,” an eggs Benedict upgraded with applewood-smoked pork. every day of the week, cranking out primarily egg-heavy plates. This café's two locations offer crazy-affordable breakfast food from sunup until 3 p.m. You’ll see plenty of beards and bonnets here, of course, but along with Pinecraft neighbors, the eatery also attracts working-class guys filling up before a day spent repairing roofs and pouring concrete. There’s no better place to sample that than at Der Dutchman, which serves strips of crispy bacon, magnificent hash browns and big, doughy biscuits. The little Amish-Mennonite community of Pinecraft is beloved by locals and visitors for its restaurants serving hearty comfort food. The menu is equally inviting: sumptuous, fluffy omelets buttery biscuits swimming in sausage gravy pancakes plain or topped with tropical fruit and a lush assortment of eggs Benedicts, including a version featuring a crispy crab cake. The place to be is the front porch, shaded by a massive oak tree decked out in orchids and air plants. It couldn’t be more inviting, with an eclectic mix of restored furniture and beachy accessories in hues of orange, yellow, pink and purple. Vintage charm gets a tropical twist at The Breakfast Cottage, a lively yellow hotspot in Nokomis. The Dolphin is a perfect place for kicking back with coffee and the paper or your phone. gamut from corned beef hash to huevos rancheros and Belgian waffles, with a very worthy eggs Benedict playing a starring role. Armands Circle and another on Longboat Key, the Blue Dolphin feels like a welcoming neighborhood joint. Past specials have included “Wealthy Whisky Bacon,” which featured two thick slices “grilled with a nice little char and a side of Chef Alan’s whisky glaze.” Creative, yes, and satisfying, too. What really separates Blú Island, however, is that Laskowski, a graduate of the Culinary Institute of America, lets loose his creative impulses on a daily basis. Its buttermilk pancakes, for example, follow a recipe chef-owner Alan Laskowski has been using for decades, producing succulent cakes that are crispy outside and moist inside, forming a flavorful union with butter and warm syrup dispensed from glass thimbles. Blú Island does the expected uncommonly well. 41 on Venice Island, the Blú Island Bistro is easy to miss but hard to forget. Tucked next to a small motel along a curve of U.S. The dish is centered around a mound of blueberry quinoa-bland on its own, but a nice counterpoint to the more powerful flavors arrayed around it. A bowl of house-made granola, fruit and Greek yogurt balances sweetness with whimsical hits of salt. Highlights at Another Broken Egg, located on Siesta Key and in Lakewood Ranch, can be found on the restaurant’s extensive healthy eats section. The local Broken Egg chain divorced in 2013, separating into a one-off independent restaurant on Clark Road and two outposts of Another Broken Egg, a chain headquartered in Destin.
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writingtheafterglow · 3 years
fuck, i'm lonely | r.c
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pairing: rafe cameron x pogue!fem!reader
summary: the pogues are starting to couple up and by doing that, they sort of forget about you. maybe you just need to find someone else to hang with while they're busy. maybe that someone is a certain blue eyed kook.
warnings: fluff and me not knowing anything about surfing.
wc: 1.8k
a/n: two fics in one day? hell yeah! i hope you liked this, it took me hours to write. anyways enjoy bitcheeeesssss!!!
♡ part two ♡
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"Seriously? What the hell even is that?" I asked my best friend, John B, as he loaded up the twinkie. I just asked him to hang out for a little bit but he told me that him and Sarah were celebrating their "first-kiss-anniversary". Like what the hell is that? They kissed in the rain on a dirty dock but, hey, that's not the point.
"Look, y/n, I'm sorry. Maybe another time." He shoots me a apologetic look before hopping in the beat up van and driving off. The worst part about all of this, the rest of the pogues were busy too. JJ and Kie were on a surfing "hangout" -- it was a date but, they wouldn't admit to that -- and Pope was on a actual date with some touron he met at a party. So, now it's just me, standing in the heat, feeling lonely as hell.
Today was a me day, that's what I told myself as I was walking through the main part of the island. Strolling through different shops and freeing my mind of my friends. Unfortunately, it only last for so long. I stopped by the beach to try and clear my mind again. As the sand hit my feet and the light beachy breeze hit my face, I took a deep breath and thought deeply about all of it. Why do they keep turning me down?
I mean I know they don't have to spend every waking moment with me but, spending some time with me would be nice.
"Fuck, I'm lonely." I groan, rubbing my eyes.
"That makes two of us." I hear I deep voice say from behind me. Turning my head I'm met with the face of Rafe Cameron. I scoff a little then turn back to look at the view.
"Why are you hear Rafe Cameron?" He chuckles before coming to sit next to me.
"Well first off, it's a public beach. Second, same reason you're here." I laugh at his response.
"Wow, kook king is lonely? Kind of unrealistic." My hands are planted in the sand behind me as I lean back. He hums and looks away.
"So because I'm a kook I can't feel lonely?" Rafe's hand comes up to rest under his chin as he studied me.
"I didn't mean it like that. I'm just saying, you have friends, a family, all the money you could want. How are you lonely?" I turn to look him in the eye and he looks like he's in deep thought.
"Well...My family doesn't really care about me, I doubt my friends do and money only keeps me happy for so long." His gaze falls from me to the sand as he starts to run his hands through it. My face softens a bit at this. Rafe Cameron, Kook King, admitting money doesn't make you happy?
"Didn't know about that..." I trail off looking down at the sand as well.
"You and I are a lot more a like than you think." He meets my gaze again, this time a small smile painted on his face. Rafe's smile is contagious, so my lips curve into one as well. I've never looked at him in any way other than a stuck up s.o.b but, he just gave me a new perspective on things. Rafe seemed shocked that he was having the same feelings as a pogue. I look around for something to start a conversation about.
"Have you ever surfed?" I asked with a smirk. He breaths out and leans back in the same position I am.
"That would be a no." Rafe's eyes meet mine and he sees the look I'm giving him. A groan escapes his lips and his hand comes up to rub his eyes.
"Pleas tell me you don't wanna teach me how to-" I cut him off before he can finish,
"I wanna teach you how to surf!" I squeal jumping up on to my feet. His head falls back as if he was annoyed -- he probably was but who cares -- and I kick his leg.
"Do I have a choice?"
"No, so suck it up buttercup!" My hand reaches out for his and he grabs it. I help him up onto his feet and I do stumble back a little. Look, he's 6'2 and probably weighs a lot more than me...what did you expect? Besides that, maybe today isn't gonna be too bad. I get to teach Rafe Cameron how to surf.
"Alright so, you just keep your hands like...yep there you go." I direct as Rafe stands on my extra board practicing how to stand on it. I had gone to my truck to get my two surf boards for us to use and came back to Rafe in his swim trunks, awaiting his painful time learning how to surf.
"I look so stupid right now." He rolls his eyes before glaring at me.
"Yeah you do." I giggle. He had the board on the sand and was pretending to surf it. That's basically what I made him do for his "lesson". Hey, that's how my dad taught me.
"Alright I'm good, we've been doing this for almost an hour and I'm pretty sure you're only doing this for your own amusement." Stepping off the board, Rafe makes his way over to me with his normal cold look on his face.
"True, but if you think you can do it then come on." I pick up my board a d start towards the ocean.
"Come on big boy! These waves aren't gonna catch themselves!" I yell over my shoulder before turning back. With my chest pressed against the top of my board, I paddle out about halfway waiting for Rafe.
"One, never call me that again. Two, god damn you're fast." He says finally meeting me in the water.
"Well sorry Mr. Grumpy. Are you sure you're ready? It took me years to learn not hours." I see him scan the ocean, eyes catching the sweet waves that kept crashing in the distance. He bites his lip before turning back to me.
"Yeah I'm ready but, if I crash you owe me." He points before starting to paddle out. I follow behind him but separate a little bit so I can enjoy it as well. Standing up I immediately catch a big wave and start catching more as I progress. Glancing over I see Rafe, surfing, like he had done it a million times before. Feeling proud, I go back to enjoying the waves I was surfing.
"Shit!" Rafe cursed. When I turn, I can't see him.
"Rafe?!" I call, no answer.
"Rafe?!" No answer. That was enough for me to paddle over to his abandoned board. When I get there, I see no sign of him.
"God damn it Rafe!" I jump off my board and dive under water. Feeling the cold salty water hit my skin, I open my eyes to search for any sign of the blonde kook. I can't see anything but, all of the sudden, I feel a pair of strong arms wrap around me and pull me up. Coughing and catching my breath, I turn around in the person's arms to see who grabbed me. To my surprise, I'm met with the face of Rafe.
"You scared me!" I yell and slap his shoulder. He just laughs before swimming is over to our boards.
"Sorry, that was just too easy." With his arms still wrapped around me, one of his hands come up to brush my hair out of my face. I feel a swarm of butterflies fill my stomach as I stare into his gorgeous blue eyes. His hand rests on where my neck meets my jaw and we just sit there.
"Don't drown while surfing...forgot to tell you that." I break the silence, eliciting a laugh from him. Rafe's head comes to rest on my shoulder.
"Yeah I got that." He says into my skin. My hands come up to brush through his hair and we just sit there for a second. In peaceful silence. I wish everyday was like this. Surfing and laughing with someone. With Rafe. I didn't know what I was feeling but, it was a nice feeling. As it got cooler, I started to shiver a little bit.
"You cold?" Rafe asks into my skin. Humming, his hand grab my hips and lift me up onto my board. They stay there for a second and he stays between my legs.
"I hate to admit but, I had a good time." I hide my face in my hands and laugh.
"Me too." My eyes meet his again and I fell that warm fuzzy feeling again. We both start to lean in.
"We should probably get out." I change the subject and he shoots back.
"Yeah uh..." He coughs before swimming back to his board. We both make our way back to the sand. Once we're there we sit the boards down and grab our towels. As I dry myself off I feel a pair of eyes on me. I turn to see Rafe, arms folded, and studying me.
"You are...nevermind." He says as he finishes drying his hair. My mind wandered to what he was going to say but, I just brushed it off.
"So, my lessons seemed to pay off big boy." I tease reaching over and shoving his shoulder.
"Ah ah, don't get too cocky. I might get you confused for me." He teases back.
"Well what if we're a lot alike?" We're now stepping closer to eachother.
"Then I might have to ask you to do this again sometime."
"I might say yes to that." A smile takes over my face and he launches towards me. In a blink of an eye he grabs my waist and tosses me over his shoulder.
"AHH RAFE PUT ME DOWN!!" I yell as I try to wiggle out of his grasp. Our stuff starts to get farther and farther away. Before I can think about it, I feel a cold liquid engulf me and salt fills my eyes and nose. I come back up to the surface to see Rafe laughing his ass off.
"You asshole! I just dried myself off!" Rafe just keeps laughing and I take it upon myself to pull him into the water with me.
"Fuck you, Y/L/N!" He laughs.
"Fuck you, Cameron!" I shoot back.
Soon enough, we're both having a water fight and pushing eachother into the ocean. Today wasn't that bad, in fact it was probably one of the best days I've had in a while. For once in a few weeks, I don't feel lonely.
What you didn't see as you and Rafe we're having the time of your lives, was a certain blonde in the distance. His jaw clenches at the sight of his best friend cozying up to Rafe Cameron and he swears that if he could, he'd march right over there and give you two a piece of his mind. He couldn't though, he had to wait, see if it ever happens again.
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outer banks taglist: @eunoiamaa @wanniiieeee @ratatouilleangel @kaitieskidmore1 @willowpains @crazyfordc @lorenakaspersen @slaydrewstarkey @shrimpyshrimp @lj127 @luvhann @dojacatismywife @abbyj1822 @artemishunter18 @tpwkstiles @hello1276 @tinytintina @mayal0pez @scenesofobx @tomhollandlol @luvwanda @poisxnedmind @gillybear17 @luversgirl @k-k0129
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Kim, of Desire to Inspire, says if not being able to travel is getting you down,  why not turn your home into a tropical oasis? Well, I must say that this living room is bright and cheery.
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This bar room, I love. The bamboo bar, disco ball and classy velvet chairs in front of the fire make it look like a classy little deco bar.
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We can only get ideas from this home, though, and Kim says rattan, plants, beachy pastel colors, floral and tropical wallpapers and fabrics all add to the vacation-on-an-island vibe.
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Breezy light blue kitchen cabinets and a pink tile backsplash by the stove.
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The bedroom is beautiful- that lamp and tub!
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The home office/lounge definitely has a tropical vibe.
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Lots of potted plants outside complete the feel. 
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jaehotbuns · 4 years
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♡ 2.6k, fluff  =^._.^= ∫
you first met Mark on a Nature Republic photo shoot where your friend was a hair stylist 
she called you frantically because the SM staff caught multiple employees from each department posting on their personal social media stories the location and whereabouts of the members and dismissed them from the site
they were shooting at an island in the middle of nowhere which you were conveniently writing a thesis on different landscapes of South Korea 
you had no experience of styling other people and only did it for yourself but you knew you couldn’t leave your friend deserted so you came to help in any way that you could
half of the staff were fired on the spot so they immediately pushed you towards the members to prepare them for their next shoot after threatening legal action if you decided to act as stupidly as the other stylists did 
you saw your friend quickly adjusting the collar of theHawaiian shirt that was roughly put on Jaehyun and she gave you an apologetic look and mouthed a ‘thank you’
you were assigned at styling Mark’s hair, which you were scared of because you had never styled a man’s hair before never mind a celebrity but you squared your shoulders and hoped for the best
he was already used to the chaos but he was slightly concerned at how well you would perform considering that your eyebrows were furrowed and had sweat rolling down your temples as you scrunched the ends of his hair with mousse to create beachy waves
every stylist that he met was always either professional and stoic or overly friendly to try and get with the members romantically but he tried to suppress his laughter when he saw your distressed face under your medical mask
in such a stressful and hectic situation, he would never talk to the staff to help them focus but he couldn’t help but strike up a conversation with you
you looked younger than him too so he felt more comfortable
“first time?” he asked with a smile on his face as he looked up at you
your hands stopped in the middle of combing the fluffy mousse through his hair and your face dropped slightly, “you could tell?”
Mark covered his laugh with his hand as he didn’t want to discourage you but couldn’t help but chuckle at the cute expression on your face 
“yeah,” he answered but then realized that it came out meaner than he had intended
“but you’re doing a great job! Keep going!” He tried to encourage you by motioning with his hands to continue
you patted his hair into place for finishing touches but you pouted under your mask when you realized, “how would you know? You can’t even see it” 
there were no mirrors in sight except for the hand mirrors that stylists held on their belt
he choked on his saliva out of embarrassment and rubbed his hand awkwardly on the back of his neck
“well let’s see then!” He exclaimed and you begrudgingly gave him the hand mirror to see 
you were bracing yourself in case he thought you made his hair into a bird’s nest and demanded you to be fired on the spot but he let a “wahh” escape his mouth as he admired the hairstyle 
“this actually looks great!” He said a little too excitedly 
“we were both expecting it to look bad then, huh?” You joked but really you were relieved that he thought it didn’t look atrocious 
Mark shook his head to deny but you held his shoulders in place to not disrupt his hair 
his face went pink and you realized that you just touched a client, a very influential client 
you lifted your hands off of him quickly and stepped back so that he could stand up from his chair and go in front of the cameras to prepare for the shoot
“thank you” he said and you both exchanged bows before awkwardly getting back to work 
you stayed on the set with your friend for the rest of the day until the sun went down and the sky turned a bright pink from the previous ocean blue 
luckily, that was the last hair and clothes change that NCT needed and everyone started to pack up after the photographer and managers shouted “thank you for your work” and everyone bowed and clapped to each other 
while each member started to load into their vans to get back to the city for their next schedule, Mark ran up to you and asked if you were apart of the SM staff or were for hire from another beauty boutique
“oh, I just came last minute,” you said 
“I’m not actually licensed for this I came to help”
he let out a disappointed “oh” and decided not to take your number down since it was unprofessional and knew that after the fiasco today that there could be anyone around to expose him if he did 
“good night, see you around,” he said in hopes that he would see you again
you doubted that he would see you around but you repeated what he said and waved at him as he ran into the van 
the other members were confused as to why he ran off to greet you and were ready to tease him since they noticed that you were his type physically 
but he knew that they were about to so he lied and said that he forgot to take a bracelet from you and pretended to fall asleep so that they couldn’t question him further
you thought about that was a once in a lifetime experience until 2 weeks later the campaign was a hit and everyone was fawning over Mark specifically since he looked like boyfriend material in a white button up shirt and blue jeans with messy beach hair 
your friend called to tell you that she recommended you as a freelance hair stylist after they asked her who did Mark’s hair 
as a broke college student living in another country you took the offer but felt guilty getting an amazing job with no credentials so you got licensed at a beauty school within 2 months 
the next time you saw Mark was on the Punch music video set 
he had everything on except makeup and hair 
you were taken aback at how different he looked with the leather pieces, chain jewelry, and overall bad boy vibes
he was sitting in front of the dressing room vanities and his face lit up when he saw you stand behind him with your cart of hair products and tools 
usually he’d stay still in his chair but this time he turned around to face you, “hey! I thought you said you weren’t even licensed?”
“I decided to after getting offered a job” you smiled 
he turned around and looked at you through the mirror’s reflection, “or did you come back because of me?” 
you coughed through your mask and felt the heat creep from your neck all the way to your cheeks and temples
Mark smiled to himself when he saw your bright red face and was even more excited for the music video shoot knowing that the stylist he thought was cute would be doing his hair on a regular basis and could see him act cool on stage
to not let you out of his sights again, Mark pulled his phone off of the vanity table in front of him and went straight to his Instagram search page, “can I have your Insta by the way?” 
you were combing the translucent gel through his hair when you tilted your head out of curiosity of why he would want your socials 
“I send what kind of hairstyles and concepts I’d like to try to stylists on here,” he said 
in actuality Mark wasn’t one of the idols that really cared of how his stylists dressed him like Johnny or Jaehyun but he wanted an excuse so that his interest in you was too obvious
“oh sure,” you spelled out your Instagram handle and you saw him follow you right away
for the rest of the shoot for the two days that it took place, Mark would admire you every time you came up to him between scenes to wipe the sweat off his forehead and to spray his hair with setting mist 
although you were a fan of the group, you didn’t want to make them uncomfortable so you invested all of your focus on making them look their best
Mark appreciated that; you weren’t completely cold and professional but you also didn’t cross any boundaries by asking him about his personal life or interviewing him like some new stylists did 
when you got home you decided to look at Mark’s profile and saw that he was only following his family, friends from Vancouver, idols friends, and a few celebrities that he looked up to 
you were the only staff member that he was following other than his managers
but you didn’t think for a second Mark liked you
even though during promotions he would text you on his time off about your day and ask you about yourself 
“because I don’t want to be to formal” was his excuse to his unofficial game of 21 questions 
even though after promotions when he was on his break, he’d ask you to go shopping with him “to get some inspiration from uh hair stuff” 
at one point he was bold enough to ask you to go to a cafe because he said he felt like you two were friends at one point
behind the scenes, Johnny caught on quickly at how Mark was on his phone more often when he’d usually just use it to play mobile games or listen to music 
“I don’t think you left the bracelet with the pretty stylist,” Johnny would tease Mark one day when he saw him re-reading your texts and smiling to himself 
“you left your heart,” he’d say and slap himself on the knee from laughing too hard at his own joke
“can you get out of my room?” Mark would retort in embarrassment but it was worse for him from there
Johnny told both floors that Mark had a big fat crush on the young stylist and was flirting with them 24/7 
Mark wasn’t really the type to get in his feelings 
sure he’d find different celebrities or employees that he’d work with attractive but he knew it was for business or that they’d just be really good friends in the industry 
but you felt like home 
like he could imagine that if he was back in Vancouver that you two would meet at a library or something and he’d ask you for a coffee after you asked him to watch your bag to go to the washroom 
that was what he’d imagine before he went to sleep at night anyways 
half of the time he’d stay up thinking about asking you out officially and keeping your relationship as a secret and the other half of the time he’d kick his blankets scolding himself for even thinking that because it would put both of your careers on the line and he didn’t want you to feel the burden of dating in secret
you also had feelings for Mark but thought that he was just friendly and flirty 
even if he did have feelings for you, you thought that it would be best to just stay as friends because you didn’t want to get in the way of his career
one day Mark couldn’t take it anymore and went to the convenient store by himself instead of riding bikes with Haechan and Renjun like he originally planned to 
they noticed that he didn’t get embarrassed or annoyed at the teasing anymore and just kept to himself so they followed him to the store and found him outside on a bench with a beer in his hand
both of them sat beside him and Haechan grabbed the beer and took a swig, “just tell her” 
Mark placed his elbows on his knees and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration, “I don’t want to ruin it for us… Or for her”
Renjun placed a hand on his shoulder reassuringly, “if you both have strong feelings for each other then it’ll always work out in the end” 
Mark shook his head although he appreciated the support, “what if the stress gets us to break up? What if I make it awkward for her at work?” 
Haechan stopped him and told him sternly, “I see the way you two look at each other and I know that she’d accept if you asked. If the press or pressure causes you to break up then at least you tried.” 
Renjun added on more gently, “do you just want to continue suffering forever? What if she’s waiting for you too?” 
Mark didn’t want to think about it any longer and as a lightweight, the 2 cans of beer in his system were already giving him courage
if he had another night to think about it, he’d probably never confess to you so he decided in his tipsy state to confess right then 
with urgency, he told you to meet you at Hangang River right away 
“thank you guys,” he said while standing up too quickly 
he stumbled a little bit before starting to walk towards the meeting place, “I can do it!”
“you can do it!” Renjun laughed while holding up too fists to show his support
Haechan on the other hand held up his phone and started to record Mark walking clumsily towards the river, “don’t mess up loser!” 
you were finishing up on your readings when you got Mark’s text 
it sounded like he was going to confess but you shook the thought out of your head at the thought of a global star asking you out 
“probably wants to de-stress with a friend,” you thought before putting on a hoodie and jeans before walking to Hangang
when you arrived you could smell a mixture of beer and mint in his breath
His face was flushed pink which was a result of the alcohol and the 2.2km he had just walked
“why did you call me out all of a sudden?” You asked 
“will you go out with me?” He said a little bit too loudly
you quickly looked around to make sure that no one was within a kilometre near you too and asked in a hushed voice, “what?”
“I like you!” He nearly shouted, not aware of his volume due to the nervousness of the chance of rejection
“I tried not to like you ever since I met you but I can’t get you out of my head,” he avoided your gaze and couldn’t believe how cheesy he sounded
Mark continued regardless, “I know that we have to date in secret if you do like me but I promise to protect you and I won’t regret my decision if anything happens. So uh-”
“yes,” you grinned. “I’ll go out with you”
he was surprised at how you accepted with ease, “oh wow I wasn’t expecting this. Thank you for listening to me talk on haha, I don’t even know what to say I-”
to stop his blabbering you held onto his arms to steady yourself for when you went on your tippy toes to peck him on the lips
“that’s not fair” he pouted
“what’s not fair?”
“that’s it?” He murmured under his breath 
“then get some more” you teased
his hands cupped the sides of your face and bent his neck down to reach your height
your hand wrapped around his waist to pull him into a hug while his warm lips pressed onto yours
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hello-nichya-here · 2 years
I've been working on scenarios taking place after the latest atla comics imbalance. (They are more fanfic-like and not really canon) I've regained some faith in the atla comics that they can be saved and might as well finish what mess they started.
Zuko asks Aang for help in tracking down Azula. You remember when Aang used energybending to track down Appa in the swamp? Well, Aang does the same with Azula, but something else happens. Due to Azula being a descendant of Aang's past life, Roku, Aang's soul accidentally intertwines with Azula's soul and they end up sharing a strong spirit bond.
How this bond works essentially allows them to understand each other on an empathy level, they grow closest to each other out of everyone else and Aang can even know when she lies and vice versa. Something not even Toph could pull off.
We know nothing of this Zirin or her cohorts, there for I imagine Zirin embodying all of Azula's worst qualities, she is everything what bias anti-azula guys think Azula is, is everything that Azula fears and hates to become. Zirin's a dark counterpart to Azula as Ozai is to Aang, Hakoda and Zuko, Hama was to Katara and Jet was to Sokka. Azula tries to keep them under control but they get all antsy and begin bullying Azula.
After Aang tells Zuko where Azula is, Zuko takes up the blue spirit mantle once more, finds her surprisingly at ember islands. He gives her the note given to him about going to the catacombs and reading Sozin's story. Azula does the same and finds all the secrets to the catacombs, including Sozin's POV.
Azula barges into Zuko's bedroom at night with Zuko expecting her, a direct parallel to Zuko barging into her room with her expecting him. Zuko tells her that he and her are related to avatar Roku, Azula freezes, unable to know what to do or say next. After that, he just repeats everything Iroh told him but then apologizes to her for turning his back on her and realizes how much he owes her his life by remembering that she help save his life the night Azulon put a hit on Zuko. As Azula begins to leave the room, Zuko says "Sleep well Azula."
I don't buy that Azula was able to orchestrate everything that goes on in smoke and shadow by herself given her mental chaos in the search, someone else has to be pulling the strings from deeper in the shadows. given that Ozai is the only one to have an affect on her, is the only one she's fanatically loyal to, is the one who nearly tricked Zuko into restarting the war, her and Ozai speaking privately under Azula's request, and her whole plan is clearly Ozai themed despite him not being physically involved. It would make sense to me if Ozai's behind it all.
Bit of a time skip here but Azula hunts down Ozai in her quest for vengeance, they fight and Ozai beats her. He drags her in a dark room, she's chained up and Ozai leaves her to die. She starts blubbering like a baby and begs him not to go but does. This is a parallel scene to the ending scene from Saw.
Aang can sense Azula's anguish, she tells Zuko, the two make their number 1 priority to rescue her. The rest of the gaang are reluctant but the two managed to convince them to come along. As they find Azula, she appears brain-dead. Zuko personally unbinds her, he apologizes to her again, swears he'll never leave her again and begs for her to come back to him, as she comes to her senses, all her bottled up emotions get released, she desperately clings on to Zuko, crying and wailing like little baby-toddler. Zuko comforts her and soothes her and tells her everything's gonna be alright, he carries her, bridal style, and the gaang bring her back home.
Aang offers Azula a hand to clear her chakras so they'd hopefully help her heal mentally. She agrees and together they go to a remote, empty, beachy island all by themselves. The chakras was the most difficult and painful task she's ever had to do in her life but the results were worth it. Once they were clear, their spirit bond became even stronger.
Long essay, I know, but what do you think?
I like spiritual bonds, I'm writting a Zucest fic with it, and you got some neat ideas. But I just can't deal with the comics. They get on every single nerve I have.
There are no comics in Ba Sing Se.
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forever--rain · 3 years
Okay okay this is not a title but a situation. You’re sitting around a bonfire with your friends at the beach under the stars. You haven’t met in months, maybe years, and this is the happiest you’ve felt in a while. Everyone’s eating and drinking and laughing and talking. It’s getting late tho and you’re tired so you allow the sounds of Crashing Waves and the Crackling Fire to lull you to sleep and in that moment, life feels magical. What about a playlist for that feeling?
Banshee, this one was SO much fun to make--even before you and I discussed your wish for some subtle Zutara vibes! (I may have gone overboard on that. Sorry. 😬) It was fun to look for songs that reminded me of beach bonfires and had vibes of friendship and love. Right off the bat, I knew I had to start with "There's a Place," but I wanted to leave it on a positive note for our ship, so we end on "1435." (Struggling to not let this turn into a fic.)
More explanations below the cut!
Send me a playlist title and I’ll give you 5-10 songs I think would go on it!
There's a Place
And what I fight today/I always keep those yesterdays in my mind//All I want, wanted/Was to be want, wanted by you
This song for me was, for me, the best song to match the "old friends meeting with lingering love" part of this playlist. When you listen to it, a lot of the lyrics fit Zuko and Katara so well. Can you just see their eyes meeting across the beach as this song plays in the background? Just me? Okay.
I'm On Fire
Vibes only here. No explanation, really. It just fit the mood.
Stars Are on Your Side
Sometimes it takes dark, yeah, to feel a little light/Sometimes you need fire to see the other side/So get up off your knees/Hope is still alive/That place your searching for, I know you'll find/'Cause the stars are on your side
Ah! Okay, so I love this song's lyrics. To me, it represents Zuko and Katara within the group. Personally, I feel like they really anchored everyone--especially Katara. Girl's hope is what kept them all going.
The words hung above/But never would form/Like a cry at the final/Breath that is drawn
So I wasn't around on Tumblr when the "no I love you" challenge was issued, but I heard about it! And I looked up the song because I was curious. Oh, goodness. *sigh* In our little bonfire scenario here, this to me is a Zuko POV song. The group gets back together after a few years and he's just sitting there thinking of all the things he never said as the fire spits up sparks and everyone is laughing and reminiscing.
Again, just vibing here. This song never fails to give me bonfire vibes, so that's why it's here.
But I can see us lost in the memory/August slipped away into a moment in time/'Cause it was never mine
Again, beachy, summery overtones with regret. A Katara POV song.
Young And Beautiful
I've seen the world/Done it all, had my cake now/Diamonds, brilliant, and Bel-Air now/Hot summer nights, mid-July/When you and I were forever wild
Look. I am a basic bitch. I like Lana and I love Taylor and that ain't changing anytime soon. I first heard this song on a late summer night with my s.o. (back when we were still "only friends, we swear") and I haven't been able to kick those memories ever since. Back then, he lived a block from a lake and we'd walk up there on summer nights to sit in the sand and stargaze together.
Now, tying this into your above scenario a little more concretely, imagine Zuko and Katara breaking away from the group to walk through the shallows of the sea together, the bonfire a beacon in the background as stars wheel overhead.
Northern Lights
I remember your silhouette on Dyes Inlet/Against the silver sheen of a moon like painted glass/Under stars out on a pier; a celestial sphere/We were weightless as the waves that disappeared
The two of them discussing good memories of the Ember Island beach house, anyone? The two of them walking out to the pier where Katara first hugged Zuko? (Banshee, this playlist is giving me ideas for a fic and I already have too many WIPs!!!)
Meteor Showers
Eyes grow heavy but steadily we pull through/Fires in heaven begin to fall for you/Sending sparks across the sky/Like the sparkles in your eyes, so blue
No, but this whole thing fits what I was looking for in the penultimate song on the playlist. Imagine that it's the end of the night and everyone else has either gone back to the house or fallen asleep in the sand, but Zuko and Katara (mostly Zuko) are struggling to stay awake because there's going to be a meteor shower. It's peaceful and it's quiet save for the crackle of the dying fire and they're leaning against one another... And then stars start streaking through the sky.
Without your love I'm nothing more/Than skin and bones and hate/I'm a man without a name/So all I have is all my love to give/To you, for life
I just really wanted a happy ending to this scenario, okay? 😭
Yeah. This is definitely about to turn into a fic. Dammit, Banshee! I've got too many ideas already! (ILY. IT'S FINE.)
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jjoutermaybanks · 4 years
Electric Love || JJ Maybank x Reader
part one part two part three
summary: you’re the newest member of the pogues, a girl living with one foot in the rich life and one foot in the risky life. you fit right in with the crew, especially the charismatic, annoyingly attractive JJ. how will a drunken night of deep conversation and a dreaded summer party change your friendship forever?
word count: 4k
warnings: reference to abuse, flirting and fluff
*not my gif, credit to owner*
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The Wreck was buzzing with activity.  Your shift was nearly over, but the number of diners had yet to start shrinking, and you had a feeling you wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.  Kiara, your best friend and coworker, hurried from table to table trying to keep up with the mid-afternoon rush.  Plates of steaming food were piled high on your tray as you wove around the tables, depositing drinks and appetizers with ease.  Although you’d only been working there for the month of June, you’d slid right in and picked up all the right skills to be a prized employee.  Kiara met your encouraging gaze across the room and smiled, throwing a thumbs up.  She was probably thinking about the plans you two had with the guys after work; in a matter of minutes, John B, Pope, and JJ would burst through the doors and raise hell in the small restaurant.  You couldn’t wait.
Despite the short amount of time you’d been in the Outer Banks, you loved every second of it.  You and your mom made the move pretty suddenly, and you were worried you’d spend the summer friendless and wandering around the island alone.  But within a week, you’d noticed a certain group of misfits always parading around causing chaos.  For a few days you shadowed them, fascinated by the adventures they went on.  And then one day, the loud-mouthed blonde one spotted you sitting alone at a beachside bench and demanded you join them on their latest expedition.  Later you learned his name was JJ, and you owed him everything because he introduced you to a life of exhilaration.
Now, weeks later and after many perilous antics, you were just another Pogue.  You gossiped with Sarah, joked with John B. and Pope, ranted with Kiara, and flirted with JJ.  He was just so damn charming, and his smile made you roll your eyes as much as blush.  It was all friendly banter of course, because of the no Pogue-on-Pogue macking rule.  However, Sarah and John B. sort of complicated that now, and even Pope and Kiara were crossing some lines.  No one had offered to change or eliminate the rule, so everything was sort of in limbo.  You knew not to push things with JJ though, since you wanted to preserve the friendship.  The last thing you wanted was to ruin things and have to spend the summer alone again.
Time was ticking, and in a few short minutes you’d technically be free to go.  But upon seeing Kiara’s overwhelmed expression as she approached, you knew it would be more than a few minutes.
“Dad wants us to stick around till the crowd lessens,” she explained with a pout.  “The only thing is it’ll take hours for this crowd to disappear.”  She gestured to the overly full dining room, and you groaned.
“Aren’t there people coming to take over our shifts?  We have plans.”  You had been anticipating the day for a week now; after work, a quick trip of delivering groceries would help you unwind before the party the Pogues were throwing on the beach.  It would be your first real Pogue party, and you couldn’t wait to meet more kids from The Cut and even some snobs from Kookville.  Despite not living in The Cut and having a bit more money than your friends, you didn’t consider yourself anything close to a Kook.  Your mom might have been trying to get in with the rich crowd, but you were more than satisfied with your band of misfits.
“Yeah, but you know we’re the only capable waitresses who work here,” Kiara joked, and you chuckled.  She was right; you two always got the most tips and the most tables turned in the shortest time.  You were the dream team of The Wreck, so if anyone could deal with this crowd it was you two.
The next ten minutes you both hustled to get as much done as possible; you were practically running to give people their bills so they’d be out the door.  And this speedy method actually worked; enough tables cleared that you could take a breather.
All of a sudden, a familiar chorus of voices sounded behind you.  Whirling around, you grinned as you spotted your best friends marching into the dining area, already chanting and laughing and annoying the customers.  This was their best tactic since it forced Kiara’s dad to let you two leave.  Once you left, the obnoxious teenage boys would be out of his hair.  It was a win-win.
“Y/N!” JJ called, blue eyes sparking with mischief as he swung his body around the tables to stand beside you.  His beachy blonde hair was pushed off his forehead and blowing in the warm breeze, his tanned skin shining with slight sweat.  “I almost forgot how good you look in that apron,” he commented, whistling approvingly as you smacked his arm and smiled.
“No hitting on me while I’m on duty,” you scolded him, suppressing a laugh as he mocked you for saying duty.  You practically had to shove him away in order to finish your shift, but his infectious energy caused a wide grin to stretch across your lips all the same.
“Some time today, Kie,” John B. whined, drumming his hands on the tabletop for effect.  “So much to do, so little time.”
Kiara snorted, pouring fresh lemonade into a few glasses.  “The party doesn’t start till sundown, and besides Pope doesn’t have that many groceries to deliver.”
Pope shrugged, admitting she was right.  “But still, wouldn’t you rather waste the day on the water than in here?”
Kiara frowned, glancing at the clock on the wall.  “You’re right,” she grumbled.  Her brown eyes peered around the corner for her dad, spotting him and pasting on the sweetest smile she could muster.  “Alright Dad, that’s it!  Me and Y/N are outta here!”
Before he could protest, you both tore off your aprons and threw them onto the counter, sprinting out of the restaurant as fast as you could.  It was only a short run to the docks where the trusty HMS Pogue was waiting for your arrival.  As you ran, you felt Pope, Kie, and John B. hot on your heels with JJ closer to your side.  You liked to brag that you were by far the fastest Pogue, and quite a few sprints had proved that point.  JJ still liked to challenge you though, and today was no different.  As he tried to keep up with you, you laughed and tilted your face to the sun, letting your long hair out of the messy bun you kept it in for work.  As the long waves of sun-bleached hair fell on your shoulders, blown back by the wind as you ran, JJ faltered his step and began to lag behind.
“Ha!” you yelled triumphantly, fist pumping.  “Slow-pokes!”  You were the first one to reach the dock, breathing hard but satisfied with the exhilarating run.  JJ was second, and he hunched over his knees, panting.
“Damn you, Y/L/N,” he wheezed, shooting you a toothy grin.  “Caught me off guard with that sexy hair flip.”
You laughed and pushed at his shoulder.  “In your dreams, Pogue.”  You glanced over and saw Sarah jogging over to join you, stopping first to kiss John B. of course.  You wrinkled your nose at their PDA, but also felt a pang of jealousy.  They were crazy in love, it was hard not to envy them.
JJ caught you staring and elbowed you.  “Could be us, you know,” he prompted, a suggestive smirk on his lips.  “You’re missing out big time.”
You were about to sock him on the chest when Pope forced himself between you two to get on the boat.
“Alright guys, we actually have a job to do now.  My dad’s probably waiting for us.”  You gave JJ a warning expression and mouthed I’ll get you later before climbing onto the boat.  John B. took the wheel with Sarah at his side, and Pope and Kiara sat next to each other by the front.  JJ whipped his shirt off and sprawled out on the back floor, arms flexed behind his head as he soaked up the hot sun.  You sat beside him, legs swinging as you felt the spray of water when the boat took off.  The lazy sun, the warm water...you were absolutely in love with the Outer Banks.
The group chattered endlessly for the whole ride, never ceasing even when Pope went to collect the groceries for the day.  JJ attempted to show off with a hacky sack, but ended up kicking it into the water.
“No no no no!” he wailed, arms waving wildly.  “John B., you gotta stop bro!  Man overboard!”  Slowly, the boat came to a halt in the water, and everyone laughed as JJ pretended to freak out.  “I can’t see her anymore!  Oh my god, I loved that sack!”
You scoffed, standing up and discarding your shirt.  You had spotted the hacky sack floating just a few meters back  “Relax, JJ, you’ll survive.”  You then took off your shorts, left only in a bathing suit, before stepping onto the side of the boat and swiftly diving into the water.  You broke through the surface and were immersed into refreshing water.  Coming up for air, you turned back to the boat and saw JJ leaning over the side of the boat, gaping at your bold action.
“Hey!  Now we have two men overboard!” he called, and you giggled as you kicked your legs to stay afloat.  Spotting the hacky sack, you dove back under and swam over to it, snatching it up and waving it in the air.
“She’s a hero, ladies and gentlemen!” Sarah announced with a grin.  You pretended to bow and accept the congratulations before swimming back to the boat, pausing before grabbing JJ’s extended hand.  He only needed to use one arm to pull you up effortlessly, landing you sitting off the side and smiling breathlessly before tossing him his beloved hacky sack.
“You’re welcome, you big baby,” you chuckled, gasping when he suddenly gave you a big hug.  Your dripping body pressed against his bare torso, and you smiled into his shoulder as he squeezed you tight.
“How can I ever repay you?” he said dramatically, leaning back to meet your eyes.  “I might just give you a kiss I love you so much right now.”  As his face neared yours you quickly pushed it away with your hand, giggling as he let out a whooshing breath of disappointment.
“Not today, slick.”  Swinging your legs over onto the floor, you flipped your hair and ran your hands through the damp strands already drying from the sun.  The rest of the groceries were delivered without a hitch, and soon enough it was evening and the sun was beginning to set.  After docking the boat, the group gathered in a circle to discuss the plan.
“Meet back here at 8,” John B. instructed.  “We’ll bring all the coolers and cups out onto the beach.  Then it’s party time.”  
JJ let out a whoop, and everyone else broke into excited grins.  You especially were beyond excited, and couldn’t wait to get ready with Kiara and Sarah.  The three of you had of course planned outfits in advance, getting advice from each other before deciding.  Everything was ready and waiting at Sarah’s, and as the group split up you three practically ran back to her house.
With music blasting in her room and clothes strewn about the floor, you began to get ready.  Makeup was always minimal since you never knew when you’d be swimming, so just some moisturizer and an eyelash curl was all you needed.  You loved the sun-kissed, beachy vibe your tanned skin and curled hair was giving off.  You looked like a fun, adventurous girl who lived a carefree life.  It was a welcome change from your usual appearance.
“Pope was totally checking me out, right?” Kiara wondered aloud, fiddling with a hair tie as she attempted a half-up hairstyle.  “I mean, I know I looked good, but did he notice?”
“Totally,” Sarah confirmed, plucking at a few stray hairs in her eyebrows.  “He’d be an idiot not to be into you, Kie.  And JJ was definitely going crazy over your little dive, Y/N.”  Sarah’s suggestive expression made you throw a pillow in her direction, laughing.
“No way,” you refuted.  “No Pogue-on-Pogue macking, remember?”
The two girls snorted.  “Uh, hello, Y/N,” Sarah said.  “Me and John B. do a lot more than macking, you know.”
Pretending to be grossed out, you feigned a shudder.  “Ew, absolutely not.  JJ’s my friend, I’d hate to ruin things by trying to be something more.”
Kiara frowned, finished with her hair and now leaning against the wall.  “That’s how I feel about Pope.  But I don’t want to be just friends anymore.”
Sarah stood up from her desk, fully dressed and primped for the party.  “I say go for it, Kie.  You only live once.”  She checked herself out in the mirror, nodding approvingly.  “Ladies, we outdid ourselves tonight.”
The three of you looked good, you had to admit.  Even in the dark people would be watching you all, checking out the hot Pogues who totally overshadowed the stuck-up Kook princesses.  You could just see JJ’s jaw dropped when you got to the beach, and resisted rolling your eyes even now.
It was a short walk back to the beach, and by the time you got there it was pitch black.  No one had really arrived yet other than the Pogues and a few stragglers from The Cut.  The Kooks were always fashionably late, and it was only a matter of time before the walking Hollister models arrived.
Pope, John B., and JJ were pouring drinks into red cups and passing them around, and you accepted a cup with a grin.  Getting drunk was fun, and you loved the way you felt when tipsy.  Like you were lighter than air, and the world had a bubbly, gold-tinted glow.  Downing the first cup too quickly, you choked a little at the end and rubbed at your chin, flushing in slight embarrassment.  JJ raised his eyebrows and handed you another full cup, catching your eye and smiling.
Soon, the party was in full swing.  Kooks and Cut kids alike swarmed the sand, downing alcohol and dancing around half-drunk.  Sarah mingled with a few Kooks, dragging John B. with her despite his less than thrilled expression.  Pope and Kiara were of course together, debating some meaningless topic while trying to keep the stupid grins off their faces.  JJ was manning the drinks, hat twisted backwards like he always did to keep his hair off his face.  You were a few drinks in, already feeling the effects of the alcohol.  You’d always been a light-weight, and after one more drink you’d be fully drunk.
It didn’t take long to reach this point, and then you were stumbling across the sand towards JJ, calling his name in a slurred voice as you sloshed your half-filled cup.
“JJ!  JJ!  Heyyy.”  You grabbed his arm when you reached him, stumbling a little as you lost your balance.  He reached out to steady you, and you giggled ridiculously.  “Can I have more?” you slurred, still swaying on your feet.  “I wanna taste the clouds.”
JJ smiled, taking your cup from you and setting it down.  “I don’t think so, princess.  One more drink and you’d be on another planet.”
“Ooh!  Which one?  Mars?  I always liked Jupiter.”  Attempting to grab your cup off the sand, you felt yourself falling and scrambled to stay up.  Luckily JJ’s strong arms grabbed you before you face-planted, and you laughed into his chest.  “Sorry ‘bout that.  I’m an...unbalanced drunk.”
He grinned, nodding at your explanation.  “Makes sense.  How are you liking your first beach party, anyway?”
“It’s so fun!” you said too loudly.  “Everyone is so nice, even the snobs that Sarah introduced me to.  If they loosened their buttons a little I think they’d be tolerable.”  JJ laughed at your drunken retelling, taking a swig of beer.  He looked a bit drunk himself, but way less than you.  JJ knew how to handle his alcohol, whereas you were a stuttering, stumbling mess.
A thought crossed your mind, and you tapped him repeatedly on the chest.  “JJ, JJ, JJ,” you repeated, until he grabbed your hand and exclaimed, “What?!”
“You know what would make this even better?” you asked, meeting his shining blue eyes.  “A swim.”
Immediately he snorted at your proposition, crossing his arms.  “Right now?  It’s pitch-black out and the water’s probably cold.”
You shrugged your shoulders, unaffected by his protest.  “So what?  The surf looks so calm and serene, I just want to float, you know?”  Without waiting for his answer, you whipped your shirt off and unbuttoned your shirts.
“Whoa whoa whoa,” JJ said, putting his hands up.  “What is it with you and random stripping?  Not that I’m complaining, but--”
Pulling your shorts off and standing only in your bathing suit, you put your hands on your hips and pretended to pout.  The sight made JJ’s eyes flash, and he licked his lips. 
“Look, I’m swimming.  Join me if you want.”  Before the last word left your lips JJ had practically torn off his shirt and kicked off his boots.  His shorts hung low on his hips, and in the moonlight his defined abs shone like chiseled marble.  Biting your lip, you turned quickly and skipped down the shore.
Dark black waves lapped gently at the sand, and when you dipped a toe in you felt the cold temperature and flinched.  But a little cold wouldn’t stop you, and as JJ came up behind you you began wading into the water.
“Holy shit!” JJ exclaimed, the sound of splashing indicating he had jumped upon contact with the frigid water.  “You really want to cross hypothermia off your bucket list?”
“Just for a few minutes,” you swore, heading deeper and deeper until the water reached your shoulders.  It was definitely cold, and froze the blood in your veins until your heart thumped in your chest.  But it was also weirdly exhilarating, and you let out a crazed laugh before dunking your head fully under the water.
“You’re absolutely crazy!” JJ cried, shivering visibly as he tried to keep up with you.  Since he was taller less of him was submerged, so you splashed water at his exposed chest.  “Hey!” he protested, but there was a grin on his face.  You leaned back to float, spreading your arms out as you gazed at the star-filled night sky.
“Isn’t this so beautiful?” you murmured, treading water softly to stay afloat.  JJ followed your gaze to the sky, expression unconvinced before glancing back at you.
“You’re so drunk, anything would be beautiful.”  As he said this, his eyes glazed over slightly as they traced your face.  Not noticing, you sighed blissfully.
A few minutes of silence passed, before JJ spoke.  “Alright, Y/N, truth time.  I hardly know anything about you and we’re damn near best friends.”
You frowned.  “You know plenty about me, what are you talking about?”
He rolled his eyes.  “I know stupid things, like you prefer sunrises over sunsets, you hate every kind of seafood except shrimp, and your favorite color is orange.  I want to know the deep stuff.”  He wiggled his eyebrows for emphasis.
You furrowed your brows.  “When did I tell you my favorite color?”
“You didn’t, or at least not specifically.  One morning you dragged us out to the beach at like, 5 am in the morning just so we could see the sunrise.  When the sun had just broken over the water, you pointed to the clouds and said that that was your favorite color in the whole world, that muted, pale orange.”
If you weren’t so drunk JJ’s words would’ve touched your heart.  They were so personal, and no one had ever paid attention to you like that before.  But because the alcohol made your brain fuzzy, you just laughed and nodded.  “That was a good day.”
A gentle splash hit your face, and JJ said, “Come on, this is a safe space.  Open up to your best friend JJ.”
“Fine,” you countered, wondering where to start.  You knew the only reason you were opening up was because of how drunk you were.  But you also knew it would be nice to actually tell someone about yourself, after keeping it bottled up for so long.  “Well, you know I live with my mom.  I don’t have a dad.”  You paused, but JJ was silent.  “Well, I have a dad, obviously, child-making process and all that.  But he left when I was nine.”  You said the words simply, matter-of-factly.  Truthfully, you hadn’t thought about your dad in a long time.  “Which actually kind of sucks.  That he left when I was nine, I mean.  When you’re really young and your dad leaves, it’s fine because you can’t remember him.  But I knew my dad.  He was the guy that made really good waffles on Sundays and picked me up from school sometimes.  So when he left...well, I couldn’t just act like he never existed.”
JJ’s only reaction was to blink slowly, gaze trained on your face.  His normal light-hearted smirk was softened slightly into a more serious expression.  
His comforting gaze made you feel like you could say anything right now, so you continued.  “Anyway, my mom never really got over it.  I think she wishes she could’ve gone after him, chased after the love of her life, you know?  But because she had me to deal with, she couldn’t.  I feel like she hates me a little bit.”
"No way, she can’t hate you,” JJ responded firmly.
“How do you know?”  It was more of a rhetorical question, but JJ answered anyway.
“Because it’s impossible for anyone to hate you.”  You were lightly stunned at his honest reply, and faltered a bit in the water.  But he said nothing more to ease the sudden tension, making your mouth dry up.
Uncomfortable with the silence, you joked, “So how’s that for opening up, huh best friend?”
This brought a big smile to his lips, and he looked at you closely before saying, “Wonderful job.  I feel closer to you than ever.”
Smiling, you still weren’t thinking straight you were so drunk.  Stupidly, you said, “Hey, I guess we have more in common than I thought; we both have daddy issues!”
You knew it was the wrong thing to say when his smile immediately dropped.  JJ’s dad was a sore subject that he hardly ever brought up.  You knew the basics that Kiara had filled you in on; that his dad hit him, oftentimes a lot more than just a simple punch.  You knew whenever you saw JJ with a busted lip or black eye that it was his old man’s doing.  This joke was insensitive and way too overbearing, and you regretted it as soon as you said it.
But JJ didn’t make you feel bad for it, instead plastered on a smile and nodded.  “Got that right, Y/L/N.”  You swam in the water for a few more minutes, until you announced even you were getting a little chilly, and you made your way back to shore.
Teeth chattering, you hugged yourself tightly as you rejoined the group.  Thankfully there were a few blankets that JJ and you gladly wrapped around yourselves, slowly warming up after the frigid swim.
“Having fun, Y/N?” John B. asked as he walked over to you.  You nodded, accepting the drink he offered you even though you knew you didn’t need it.  Anything to dull the awkwardness that just happened with JJ.  Taking a huge sip of the alcohol, you felt it burn down your throat.  
“This girl is crazy,” JJ announced.  “Thinks swimming at this hour is fun.”
John B. grinned, giving you a high-five.  “You make JJ seem like a stick in the mud, Y/N!  Way to go.”
You smiled, and felt JJ’s eyes on you as he scoffed in mock offense.  You met his gaze, and he was watching you with a challenging expression.  But there was also something else there, something you usually pushed him away for.  Tonight, though, with too much alcohol in your system and your guard completely down, you wouldn’t be opposed to a little Pogue-on-Pogue macking for once.
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March 27th, 2021
Day 4: Beach Hopping in South Maui
This morning, we woke up exhausted and sore from the crazy, busy first two days of the trip. Because today was originally planned to be a chill, lazy day for recuperation, we took the morning slow and easy, waking up a little later and hanging around the hotel room. For breakfast, we just finished our dinner leftovers from yesterday evening instead of trying to gather up energy to go find a new place to eat. 
After looking through our schedule and doing some planning, we realized that there was still so much to see and do and that so many of the things we wanted to see and do required us to make the most of whatever good weather we came across here on Maui. Because the forecast for today was mostly sunny, we decided that it would be a better idea to take advantage of the sunny weather and go out and do stuff rather than just sit around and waste away a good opportunity to explore.
We ultimately decided that the best thing to do was spend the entire day exploring the Kihei, Wailea, and Makena areas of South Maui. The drive to Kihei, our first stop, took a little less than an hour in normal traffic. Because it was around 1:00pm by the time we arrived in Kihei, we decided that grabbing lunch at Kihei Caffe would be the best first thing to do since it was nearing closing time for the restaurant. Because we had just finished our leftovers, Cynthia and I weren’t particularly hungry by the time we got there. So instead of ordering a lot of dishes like we normally do, we just ordered the restaurant’s well-reviewed Loco Moco, a native Hawaiian dish that consists of a burger patty topped with gravy served on rice with a fried egg on top, and a mixed fruit smoothie. The Loco Moco was just enough for us to share and it was pretty good. Nothing crazy amazing but it hit just right for our not-yet-hungry stomachs.
Because we had found a convenient parking spot next to the restaurant that we didn’t want to give up, we decided to leave our car there and walk along the beach and park located across the street from Kihei Caffe. We strolled through Kalama Park and along the beach area right behind it until we hit Cove Beach Park. Because there didn’t seem like there were too many other places to walk to in the heat, we turned around and returned to the car to drive further down to the Wailea area, located about ten minutes further south. 
In Wailea, our first stop was at Pa’ako Beach, also known as Secret Cove Beach. The beach was located behind what looked like a typical, low-key neighborhood. After parking along the neighborhood streets, we walked through a gap in the stone wall and climbed down some rocks to get to the beach. Although it was nicknamed “Secret Cove Beach,” this beach was clearly no secret beach, as there were already a few parties lounging on the beach and enjoying the ocean views before we got there. But wow, the beach and cove were beautiful and so picturesque! A small stretch of sand lined the short coast. There were large volcanic rocks abutting the shoreline that crafted waterways for the oncoming waves and rushing water to sneak through. And on either end of the sandy beach were bunches of palm trees standing tall in the wind that together with everything else completed the stunningly picturesque scene and provided the icing on the beachy cake that made this little area look like the perfect example of tropical paradise. 
For the first time this trip, we actually took it easy. We laid our beach towels down and just hung out there, calmly taking in the beautiful sights and sounds. Every now and then, I would get up and take some photos or soak my feet in the cool water. After a little less than an hour there, we started to notice patches of dark gray clouds sneaking into the previously clear blue skies. Once we felt a couple of raindrops on our skin, we decided to pack up and head back toward Wailea to avoid the possible incoming rain. 
Before even beginning our trip back to Wailea, the skies quickly started to clear up again and the sun reappeared in the now blue sky. With this weather change, we changed our mind and decided to stop by the neighboring Makena Beach, also known as “Big Beach.” This beach was completely different from Secret Cove Beach because it was way bigger, the waves here were much crazier, and there were a lot more people there. Again, we laid down our beach towels and got comfortable in the sun. As Cynthia sunbathed, I watched the surfers and boogie boarders ride and flip over the waves. Because the waves at Makena Beach were pretty big at times, it made for the perfect place for people to catch the waves. And it was fun watching these people attempt crazy water stunts out there! 
Once the sun was bearing down on us and it got a bit too warm, we returned to the car and drove to The Shops at Wailea, a fancy outdoor mall with lots of fancy stores and boutiques. Because sunset was right around the corner and Secret Cove Beach seemed like an excellent place for sunset photography, we decided to chillax at the shopping center until it was time to head back over. While Cynthia explored the clothing boutiques and shopped, I walked around the mall and window-shopped in some cool stores. 
Eventually, we made it back to Secret Cove Beach with an hour to spare before sunset to stake our claim on a good spot to see the sunset. When we arrived this second time, there were a few more parties than before and the beach was definitely more crowded, filled with people waiting for the promising sunset. Because there was no good “one spot” I could find for all of the views I wanted to capture on camera, I left Cynthia and the beach towels in one area and set up my tripod in another area, hoping to provide myself with two options where I could best photograph the setting sun. I spent most of my time away from Cynthia once I realized that this “away” spot was the best spot I could find. And I stationed myself there and prepared for the sunset as time ticked down. Eventually, the orange sun started to descend in the sky, slowly making its way down toward the horizon past the scattering of clouds in the distance. The sight was beautiful. So warm, so peaceful. I tried my best to capture as many good shots of the sunset as possible but many of the shots were often interrupted with passersby and kids running in and out of the frame. Ugh. So annoying. 
By the time the sun had completely disappeared, leaving a little glow in the sky, I was done with my photography for the evening, and it was time to pack up and head back north toward our resort. But before heading back, we made the good decision to grab dinner in the South Maui area instead of having to rush to find a dinner spot in West Maui before everything closed. After a quick search, we committed to Coconut’s Fish Cafe in Kihei, one of the restaurants that I had starred on my Google Maps prior to the trip. 
Our restaurant of choice did not disappoint! After a brief wait in line to order, we ordered Coconut’s Fish Cafe’s coconut shrimp, clam chowder, and grilled mahi-mahi with Cajun seasoning served on brown rice with a side of salad. The whole meal was oh-so-delicious! SO YUMMY! And for such a good, affordable price! I can’t believe we had such delicious food in a restaurant that wasn’t even that fancy! 
With stomachs happily filled with good food, we drove back to the Royal Lahaina for the evening. After quickly dropping off our stuff in our room, we went downstairs to check out the pool areas behind the resort before making our way to Kaheliki Beach, located in the resort’s backyard. For half an hour or so, Cynthia and I strolled along the beach under the moonlit night, taking a few moments to enjoy each other’s company while listening to the calm ocean sounds. At one point, we even took a seat in the soft, cool sand and lay back to enjoy the evening clouds cruising by overhead. 
How nice it was just to sit and chill and take it all in. To be safe and socially distanced in Hawaii and to enjoy a little R&R during a pandemic. So very thankful for the opportunity. And so thankful for a nice, relaxing day in Maui. Until tomorrow! 
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. The town of Kihei has a chill, quotidian, everyday-life-type vibe compared to the west side. 
2. Wailea is the nice resort area of South Maui. Resorts. Golf courses. Nice shopping. Beautiful beaches. It has it all. 
3. Makena Beach is a great place for adrenaline-rushing water activities! With the waves as big as they are, it’s no wonder that the beach is full of boogie boarders and surfers!
4. Hawaiian Language Lesson! “Mahalo” means “Thank you” in Hawaiian. And “Aloha” can be used for “Hello”, “Love”, and/or “Goodbye”. 
5. ABC Stores are the 7/11 gift shops/markets/convenience stores of Hawaii. They not only sell your typical convenience store goods but also souvenirs, shirts, alcohol, beach gear, and much more! 
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endlessdoom · 4 years
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10 Maps-set
By Roger Ritenour
ZDoom version.
1998 original release.
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MAP01: The Ruins
Ah, the classic Earth, a map-set that would revolutionize with its sophisticated and realistic environments. The first map is a testament to the kind of ambition the author brought to this creation. A medium sized map with a large extension of enemies and a somewhat unexpected difficulty, for an introductory map. With a design that tries to replicate a more natural and realistic look in terms of natural environments, The Ruins also takes us to what seems to be the reminiscences of an ancient civilization with a Greco-Roman style. One of the few maps of its kind, even to this day, only that gives it a certain charm that is difficult to replicate. If it weren't for its somewhat unfair difficulty (which you would expect from a classic) this would be a great map in every sense, but in spite of that, I can easily see why it is so iconic.
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MAP02: The Tomb
A sensation of exploration and adventure floods this WAD that almost seems to imitate an Indiana Jones adventure. The Tomb is a medium to large map set in the interior of a catacomb in a pyramid. With a somewhat abstract design, full of mazes, traps and demons, this map manages to capture perfectly well the essence of exploration and adventure within the confines of Doom's world. Unfortunately, a somewhat incomprehensible layout and switch-hunt make it a bit boring after a few moments, becoming a tedious task where the action comes second.
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MAP03: Mines of Moria
You don't expect an exact replica of the Mines of Moria, but I can understand the charm and atmosphere that the author was seeking to recreate. It is a rather labyrinthine map, dark and with very little ammunition. A bit dangerous if we do not know how to handle the encounters against heavy enemies. The layout of the map has a progress so lost, but due to its nature of crossed roads, two things can happen: Either we find the necessary keys for the exit by accident (they are only two keys) or we spend a long time walking around.
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MAP04: The Chasm
A huge ravine and a mountain/rocky map await us. A classic style of trying to recreate natural landscapes with the Doom engine during the 90s. What we can expect is an extremely simplistic and even somewhat boring landscape to observe, but the charm is always in its pure essence. With a less complicated design than the previous one, this is a map of less exploration and a little more tight combat.
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MAP05: Strategic Defense Command
The introduction through the crack with the elevator makes this map a visually attractive adventure, taking into account the date. A somewhat complicated map due to the use of a multitude of enemies in tight rooms, but with a layout that combines good ambience with an adventure style, this is an entertaining map, although perhaps more difficult than it should be.
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MAP06: Observation Station
Now we travel through a key capture while facing huge hordes of enemies. Once again, like the previous map, this one makes use of large groups of enemies in rooms with almost no maneuverability, especially an area after getting the red key, where we face a heavy horde of enemies with an Archivile, which is more than protected behind the horde of enemies. After that we even have a Cyberdemon at the end, which is not a major problem, but feels like a nuisance at this point.
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MAP07: The Emerald Tower
A very short level that focuses on slaughtering a large group of Pinkies and then a small squad of Mancubus. Nothing special in itself, so it feels a bit of a lackluster in a way compared to the rest. At least it works as a good resting point. Kinda.
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MAP08: Ammo Pit
A strange madness. This level seems to match the labyrinthine style of Mines of Moria and The Tomb, while adding the difficulty of previous maps to it. A bit insane in terms of item placement and monster placement and a somewhat simplistic level design. It's a slightly boring map compared to the others, perhaps its most remarkable point is the strange ''Ammo Pit'' near the beginning of the map, which I couldn't find a way to circumnavigate or complete, or even use. The map is solid when it comes to the 1999 visuals, of course, it is simply that particular area that I do not understand what its purpose is other than to kill us.
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MAP09: Islands
Two floating islands connected through portals take us on a somewhat hot but more open and less dark adventure. While the visual theme itself is quite appealing, the execution is somewhat bland. The totally flat land and the trees that stop our movement make the combat a little more boring but at the same time more relaxing, since at least we don't have to worry so much about being dragged to the pits of hell. The connection of the keys is a little lost but simple enough not to take too much time. In itself, it's a slightly fast map (or long if we don't find the blue key) with a more special style but a bit poorly executed, but what can we expect? It would be a little unfair to say such a thing in the full sense of the word.
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MAP10: The Hill
We got to the last map, and oh hell, Roger definitely let go of all his anger on this map. A bit complicated as far as his gameplay is concerned, at least now we have a little more ammunition but the amount of enemies and the positioning they have make this map a gameplay nightmare. I hope you like dodging Revenants missiles because that's what we will do 50% of the map. After that we have to go to different towers to get the keys while surviving different traps with hitscanners up to the eyeballs. A complicated map no doubt, but at least it offers a more entertaining combat thanks to the use of open field.
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» Earth (1998) Roger Ritenour
I think we all have a special period that we appreciate and love among all the others. Maybe it is because of a magical charm that we feel is impossible to replicate in other eras, or maybe it is because there is a select group that we enjoyed during that time; in one way or another we all have our favorite mapping eras, but when a clear point arrives in which we can all agree it is that the 90s were a wonderfully enigmatic time. The birth of many artists who left their mark on Doom history plates, as well as of mapping styles and philosophies that would change history forever, giving way to the evolution (or mutation) of different WADs that would revolutionize the world. It's 1998, and one of those WADs has just been born. Earth, a WAD from 1998, It is an exemplary work that left a clear mark on the world of Doom, probably marking itself as a milestone in certain aspects. Considered by many as one of the best WADs in history (after all, it's on the list of the 100 WADs of all time), Earth is an exemplary case of what the 90s were like; a stage of evolution where certain raw models were born to give birth to something interesting over time. First things first; the visuals. Earth stands out for this in total and absolute grace. This is the best factor and there is no doubt about it. Taking into account that we are in a stage where the visual effects, the texture work and the geometry of the game had not been fully exploited yet and most of the editors at that time did not offer enough capabilities to create them, as well as the source-ports were not fully capable of surpassing the vanilla limits. Earth stood out for taking that to the other side and bringing with it a unique, distinctive look that can be appreciated to this day. Imagine a beach, the sound of the waves crashing against the wet rocks in the background. The clear, dreamlike sky that emanates a galactic atmosphere. Imagine an adventure through caves lost in civilizations of millennia ago, where nothing stays but the remains of ancient relics forgotten by time. This is Earth, a collection of 10 maps made with the goal of delivering realistic adventures that will leave behind the traditional Doom style and go deeper into a natural look that evokes environmental sensations. Some maps will lead you beachy, floating island, while others go into the depths of rocky mines that intertwine between tech-bases and hellish grounds. This is the peak of 1998 visuals, the absolute best there was. Despite looking raw as fuck, I still think dearly that it manages to succeed in delivering that feeling of exploration and adventure. But not all that glitters is gold, and this is where we encounter the rocks of the road. Earth, despite being revolutionary in its visuals, fails to adapt to gameplay. We all agree that the 90s were not... uh, precisely the best time for gameplay, but many WADs had already managed to find a precise balance between both factors. On the other hand, Earth seems to sacrifice its gameplay for visuals. It feels like a rookie, almost as if Roger has run out of time to make balanced and interesting encounters. Most demon encounters focus on bullet-sponges, unexpected traps, and sadistic positioning. This makes Earth an experience that is best enjoyed in low difficulties like HMP or lower, but UV? It may be a little harder than it needs to be. Earth is a classic in every way and one that even if it lags a bit behind in gameplay, even for its time, I think it is necessary to play it in its entirety in order to learn the appreciation of the evolution of WADs. It was one of the first to set the pace regarding visuals and therefore has its reputation as a totally solidified classic. It may not be the best representation of Earth in the world, but there is no home like home, and our home is Doom. A Doomed Earth.
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This home in Manhattan Beach, California has a beachy vibe, but I really like the blues and turquoises, for any home. The kitchen island is a beautiful blue/gray, and I love the turquoise mixer and pastel candies on the window, too. 
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Open shelving with color-coordinated glassware, but even the frosted glass matches.
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Even the inside of the cabinet is stylin.’
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Love everything about the dining room- those wicker chairs are gorgeous. Also love the chandelier and shell wreaths.
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Stairs to the 2nd fl. bedrooms.
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Pale blue master- isn’t this lovely? The sitting are is so pretty, too.
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This tub!
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Between the chair and armoire, I don’t which I like more, in the guest room.
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Sweet little pastel family room.
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I really like when they put an adult wallpaper in a child’s room, b/c it grows with them. This looks adorable.
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A bro’s bathroom. Love the porthole mirrors.
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Vintage nautical bedroom. Beautiful.
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Cool playroom. How many kids are lucky enough to have a playroom, let alone this nice?
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Even the laundry room has matching machines.
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Beautiful home.
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dylanobrienisbatman · 5 years
The 100 Aesthetic/Preferences Tag
Tagged by: @blodreina-noumou my babe <3 This was super fun! Thanks!
This is a tag game about AESTHETICS, not content, plot, characterization, etc. Just keep that in mind.
Rank the seasons from favorite to least favorite: 2>3>4>1>5 6
2 - we got grounder aesthetics, we got ark aesthetics, we got moutain men aesthetics, and it was all melded together so well, the world felt cohesive and awesome! Plus the murphy through the desert situation? peak t100.
3- C’s terrible look in the beginning aside, this season had some of the best outfits, the coolest sets (polis storyline? lame. polis as a set? awesome). Also, you cant deny, lexa knew what was up when it came to aesthetics.
4 -the slow descent from the lush green to the yellowing radiation soaked death trap was so well done, plus i loved the aesthetics of the lab and the island. 
1 - Murphy’s spiked jacket, bellamy’s pilot look (i will fight you all he looked great in the pilot), raven just... in general, the ark + the grounder, all the grounder looks, ANYA, just over all this season had a lot of great looks and aesthetic moments, but it didn’t feel as cohesive as the later seasons
5 - honestly it had a lot of great Moments™ but the over all aesthetic was very dull. besides eden we spent the season in a grey bunker or a tan desert, or in a metal ship, very little warmth or colour, it was lacking that sort of ‘untamed forest of the irradiated world’ vibe that i loved in s1-s4
6 - i didnt watch, but clarke’s dresses looked tacky and cheap, i hated the overly made up hairstyles + makeup that emori, echo, and raven had (and also kind of octavia?), the anamoly looked relaly cool from what i saw but in general its like they decided that ‘civilisation’ meant they had to make everyone feel ooc and it was weird.
Rank Clarke’s hair each season from best to worst: 1>2>4>3>6>5
1 - soft waves, half up (function + fashion) she seemed young and innocent. A+
2 - a continuation of that soft look from s1, but a little more wild. it wasn’t up anymore, she let it loose, which felt symobolic to her character arc. very nice.
4  - again, i liked her hair soft, long, and just natural. she looked like a young girl with too much weight on her shoulders.
3 - the dreads were... ugly and bad. but later in the season, her long hair done up slightly in like braids and stuff, very nice.
6 - I hate the bob, but in s6 it felt a little less.. choppy and weird?
5 - i legitimtely hated her hair all season.
Rank Bellamy’s hair/beard each season from best to worst: 2 > 1 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 6
i loved the beard, but i also loved the clean shaven s1 look a whole lot. in s2 and s3 he looked older and more mature, and a little wild, which was awesome. i think he looked his best in s3 but this is about hair/beard specifically.
The real debate: Bellamy in the blue shirt or the tan?
Clarke’s blue dress or pink dress?
I thought they both looked cheap and bad, but the blue was less bad.
Favorite Raven season: Raven has always looked awesome, but i really enjoyed her s3 situation. 
Raven’s ark vest or red bomber jacket?
Raven’s ponytail or her s6 look?
- Ponytail, hands down. that beachy, loosely curled and shaken out shiny situation looked so overdone for what this show is, it was cringy.
Favorite Octavia season: S4 she had a lot of excellent looks.
Octavia’s hair in s2 (the braids) or s4 (the ponytail)?
- I loved the ponytail!
Blodreina or Skairipa?
Skairipa for sure
Favorite Murphy season: s2 in the desert was excellent, s1 murphy with that spiked jacket and general greasy boy look was awesome, but s5 murphy, cleaned up and with his hair cut? perfection.
Murphy with long hair or short hair?
Short hair absolutely!
Favorite Monty season: I liked his short hair in s5, he finally got a chance to look grown up.
Favorite overall episode: I loved the episode in s5 where Murphy, Raven, Emori, and Echo went on their little mission. the outfits were awesome, the snowy scenery was dope, the lighting was so good, all in all loved that. Also the ep in s1 where Raven blew up the bridge, when they were all sick? the whole aesthetic of the forest was amazing, and i love a well done plague/illness which they crushed, especially the way we got to see how Raven was seeing things,the world sort of spinning and blurry, etc. plus that bridge was always a dope setting, so old and dilapidated, covered in overgrown plant life? i always loved the signs that mother nature had totally overtaken mankind’s creations. 
Favorite scene of all time: Echo saving them in s4. The whole look she had on (the CAPE?!?! COME ON!), the bloody horse, the snow, the yellow colour, the fighting, the splattering of blood across the white ground... excellence.
Biggest wish for s7: ... it needs to look less like what a child imagines a fairy tale castle would look like. stop with the overdone makeup, the dresses for no real reason (or if youre gonna do dresses, make them actually... idk... nice? like you nailed it with Emori, why did clarke look like you bought her dresses at forever 21?).
Tagging: @nightbleeder @teeandsnowflakes @thelittlefanpire @the-most-beautiful-broom @raven-reyes-of-sunshine and anyone else who wants to!!
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kingofnxwyxrk · 4 years
𝓶𝓮𝓶𝓮 𝓭𝓪𝔂 : questions for SOPHIE
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mentioned: @havencfear​​ @wundcrlust​​ @walkingmxuth​​
possible triggers: death, cheating, drowning.
04: Are you insecure?
❝ oh, no way ! i don’t think i’m insecure, at like, all ... i mean, i doubt myself ??? occasionally ??? but i’m pretty confident in everything i do and in how i see myself, even if i’m super flawed ... ❞
06: How do you want to die?
❝ woah ! uh ... i can tell you how i don’t want to die ... i definitely don’t want to drown. but hm ... i want to die surrounded by family and loved ones. a part of me wants to be old, like this formerly cool grandma, surrounded by my kids and grandkids and hopefully with my spouse still ... but that’s a very very long ways away so !! no reason to think about it too much, right ??? ❞
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
❝ uh, yes !! i wanna go back to the 70s. peak abba, ya know ??? though, i bet my mother would kill me if i went without her ... oh ! if i can’t go that far back, i’d love to see my mom in her prime; get some juicy secrets, see if all her stories are really true ... ❞ 
28: Have you ever been cheated on?
❝ sadly, i feel like so many of my relationships are far too short - lived for anyone to cheat ... thought i have almost been the other woman. not knowingly ! not on purpose !!! but i’ve been in situation or two where i get into a dude, and he’s into me, but then i find out he’s not single, and i just about lost my mind ... don’t cheat on your significant others, and especially don’t drag me into it, please and thank you. ❞ 
50 60: Do you wanna get married?
❝ yes, absolutely. maybe not right now, but ... wait, no, if i met the right person right now, i’d definitely be planning my wedding in no time. nothing big, really, but i want it on the beach for sure !! cept i may need to find my father first so he can walk me down the aisle ... ❞ 
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
❝ les !! i mean, spot is the last person i texted, but he hardly counts, and les is the guy i last saw in person ... ❞
the tower: favorite colors to wear?
❝ white and blues !! i wear a lot of beachy things, and there’s like light and bright colors that scream summer to me.  ❞
justice: favorite color of rose?
❝ white and light pink !!! they are so delicate, and beautiful, and pure, and i just love them ... there’s also just something so ... youthful about them ??? i don’t know. but white and light pink roses for sure. ❞
the high priestess: what is your dream date?
❝ okay, so, it’s a day at the beach. however !! the road trip there counts. it’s probably a whole weekend, so i’m not sure it counts really as a date, but that doesn’t matter. clearly, i made the personalized playlist, made just for the trip. we are gonna stay in a cute little bungalow, probably, and have picnics on the beach. and ... i don’t know. it’s cute, and we’re covered in the sand and splashing in the water the entire time ... ❞
the star: have you ever seen a psychic?
❝ yes, yes i have. it was a while ago, and it was just for fun. i don’t remember exactly what my fortune was, but i remember being told i had good energy and vaguely something about finding love ... but nothing too negative, so it was a fairly pleasant experience, in my opinion !! ❞
the devil: do you enjoy thunderstorms?
❝ not really ... i like rain, and dancing in it, but thunderstorms is just a little too much. it always ruins the fun, and then i swear there’s always some leak in the villa donna ... they just aren’t a good time. ❞
the fool: do you have any nicknames?
❝ people assume sophie is a nickname, for like sophia, but it’s not !! my nicknames are mainly soph ... the occasional pet name, too, but ... that’s it, sadly ... i always love when people get creative though !!! ❞
the hanged man: favorite movie soundtrack? 
❝ 1997′s spice world. and no, i will not be taking criticism. thank you. ❞
temperance: can you describe a strange dream you’ve had?
❝ oh, one time i had a dream that i was getting married on this beautiful greek island, and i invited all my possible dads and everyone was singing abba. oh ! and my mom was meryl streep. so that was a real joyride of a dream ...  ❞
judgement: do you enjoy school?
❝ not really ... i enjoyed the social aspects of it all ! and the idea of the opportunities it gave me, but when it came down to it, i ended up not going to college full time. i was needed at the villa donna, and i even ended up giving up on the night classes i was taking for business so ... maybe school just isn’t for me. ❞
the magician: have you ever written a poem or song about somebody else?
❝ hm ... i’m no stranger to serenading people, but i haven’t exactly written anything ... the closest i’ve done is make up silly songs to annoy spot or while mindlessly doing something ... anything i’ve tried to come up with on the guitar is pretty amateur too, so i doubt you’ll see me as the next taylor swift. ❞
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