#blue lock isagi x yandere reader
yestrday · 5 months
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: ̗̀➛ NOT THE EXCEPTION . yan! isagi yoichi / gn! reader
you were the fool for thinking that he'd be the only sane one in a team full of batshít crazy athletes. now he has you cornered, and the look in his eyes tells you that you should have never underestimated a wólf in sheép's clothing.
+ happy happy belated birthday to the love of my life bbg (who shan't be named) AND happy new year to everyone!!
( HOW DO I WRITE KISSING SCENES????, forced kíssing, dúbcon, n/sfw mentions, mánipulation, hárem mentions [bc it's not yester without a hárem] )
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You don't know why you thought he was the exception.
Maybe it's because, in a team full of egoists, Isagi seemed to be the only one to treat you like his equal. Shidou drapes himself all over you and leaves you icky with his séxual comments, Rin cooly glares at you and barely acknowledges your existence, you could nearly faint at the mere glare of Kunigami, and Bachira likes to play rough with your body as he clings and begs for your attention.
That's not even the complete cast. Even people like Nagi, Reo, and Chigiri came with their own set of problems. But not Isagi. You had thought it would never be Isagi. Sure, he had a tongue and attitude on the field, parading around his victory with a smug smirk and spitting poíson at opponents and teammates alike. Yet that side of his seemed to completely disappear whenever he stepped out of the field, his prédatory gaze softening into a fond look whenever you bounded up to him to congratulate him on a well-earned victory. He never tried your boundaries or let his touch linger like the others did.
He was a gentleman through and through, and thinking that was your first mistake.
Your second mistake was being alone with him in your living room. He's still wearing that soft expression and kind smile, but his hands are gripping your wrists too tightly.
"[Your Name]." He says your name in a hushed whisper, bringing up your trembling wrist to his lips so he can press a kiss on a new bruíse. You watch with wide eyes as those plush lips touch your skin and permeate an icy feeling of doom through the veins. His gaze meets yours.
"Don't you think I did well today?"
Though your gut is telling you that something isn't right, you're still a fool smitten with the gentle image Isagi had portrayed himself to be. You find yourself slowly nodding, entranced by those blue eyes that never look away from you.
"Why do you think so?" He presses another kiss on your wrist, before loosening the bruising grip so he can trail kisses up your arm.
"... Your metavision is still as keen as ever," you whispered. The television screen is reflected in his eyes, news of Japan's newest victory flashing on the screen. You can't look away. "You expertly led the others to victory; you instigated all the right chemical reactions for the perfect shot." You lick your dry lips. "... You were amazing."
He huffs a laugh into your shoulder, massaging your bruised wrist like he wasn't the one who left that mark. "You're not echoing Ego's words, are you? I want to hear your own thoughts, not that slimy bastard's."
"M... Maybe," you admit, tense with his grip on your shoulder tightening. "I don't know much about soccer, but I meant every word. You were amazing, Isagi, you really were."
His grip softens, you're still tense, and he hums contentedly. "Right. I was amazing. I devoured every single bastard on that field and left them gasping." Your hair tickles your ear as he pushes them back. "So, don't you think it's a bit unfair?"
"... What is?"
"That I have to share my trophy with the others." His hand feels cold on your neck. "Can't I have one thing to myself? [Your Name], look at me."
You follow. He smiles that gentle smile again. He thumbs your lower lip like a lover.
"Kiss me."
You read romances all the time. They had always described it as hot, passionate, fiery. But maybe you took fiction too seriously. Real life is always different, and the ice in your veins is proof of that.
You draw closer, breath hitched, and mustering all the courage and swallowing down the unease in your heart, you press your lips on his.
There is no fire like the ones described in the books. There is a heavy pit in your stomach. Is this what they call butterflies? You tremble under the scrutinizing gaze of Isagi, eyes still open even with your lips on his. Soon, he closes his eyes too and you feel his lips smirk against yours.
Returning the kiss, he pulls you in closer and takes your everything in deeply. You can't pull away, you don't pull away. In this very moment, he's devouring everything you can offer— for now, physically; soon, mind and spirit. You wince when he bites down on your lip, not even trying to be gentle about it. You flinch backward from the pain, but his hand on the small of your back allows you no escape.
"Kiss me back, baby," he whispers between kisses. "You're my trophy for the night."
You kiss with less passion than him, too nervous about making him happy. You match the softness of his lips with yours, lapping at his tongue like how he does. He laughs when he pulls away, finding amusement in the blushy and nervous look on you.
"Gosh, you're so cute," he sighs, grinning at you. It's no longer friendly, those lips. A bit swollen from your kitten bites, the way he's smirking at you feels too... smug. "Too cute. Those bastards won't have any chance now that I've devoured you."
You gasp when his hand tightens on your hip, and you shoot him a nervous look. "I– Isagi, what are you...?"
"C'mon, [Your Name], how could you possibly not have seen it?" He chuckles. "Bargin' into the locker room every time we're half naked, in those cute shorts, and you think that not one man in that room would think about taking you on the fuckin' bench? Think, cutie. But you've always been wary of them, good thing. They think they can devour you by intimidating and belittling you? Those fuckers don't know shit."
He catches your bottom lip between his teeth and laughs at their stupidity, vibrations buzzing your lip. "First, you gotta sweeten the trap with honey, you know?"
You are reflected in those captivating blue eyes, fluorescent lights illuminating your paling features. Taking you in again, he devours your lips once again, caring only for the taste of victory on his lips and your sweet sounds on his tongue.
Another victory snatched.
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milaisreading · 2 months
🌱🩷: So here is one of the first stories I promised to write for my birthday... week? Idk, these are more of a treat for myself 😋 hope u like it!
Warnings: Reader uses a mix of she/her and he/him, since she is crossdressing. Requests are open! It's a yandere story, so be warned. If u don't like yandere stories, please skip this one
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Hm? What's up with those two?" Hiori's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the scene unfolding in front of him. Yukimiya, who was sitting right next to him cleaned his glasses and put them on again, inspecting the two Bastard players in equal shock.
"Did I go completely insane?"
"No, you didn't. Or, all 4 of us went insane along with you." Isagi gulped, his grip around his chopsticks tightening.
"Since when is (Y/n) so friendly with that German guy?" Kurona gulped as the four watched (Y/n) and Gesner laugh over God knows what. They were both speaking in English and were a little bit away from them, so they couldn't quite understand what was so funny.
'Why are you so comfortable with him?! I am literally here!' Yukimiya thought as he fixed his glasses, trying to distract himself. Hiori had a smile and empty look in his eyes as he watched Gesner ruffle (Y/n)'s hair.
'Don't touch him with your dirty hands. Get away. Get away.'Kurona felt a unfamiliar rage take over him, but tried to keep himself calm. He can't lose his cool now.
'Why him? Please get away from him!' Isagi screamed on the inside.
As the 4 kept having their inner turmoil, (Y/n) was obliviously talking with Gesner.
"Thanks for those German lessons, they really helped me when communicating with the rest when we didn't have those translators."
"Nothing to thank me for. So, same thing tonight?" Gesner raised an eyebrow as she nodded her head.
"Sure. Now that NEL is finally over we have a lot more time to study." (Y/n) agreed as Gesner hummed.
"So, will you be picking Bastard as your team or Re Al? Just curious since you are invested in learning the language."
"I still didn't decide. But, knowing basics in a language is a good thing regardless." She answered as Gesner nodded in understanding.
The next day...
Now, Kunigami wasn't someone who felt jealousy often, after the whole Wild card thing he doubted he could feel anything. He was just tired, but surprisingly enough (Y/n) was not turned off by his new attitude. Kunigami was surprised, but a part of him felt happy that someone wanted to be around him, despite his more moody attitude. He, liked it. Along the way, he ended up developing feelings for the other player, and would always be nearby to help her with things or pull her away when Kaiser or Ness were annoying her. Of course, Kunigami never expected (Y/n) to fall for him, but he thought as long as she was his friend, he would be happy. But, today he was proven wrong with the way he viewed things.
'Why is that bastard so casually talking to him?!' Kunigami clenched his fists as he watched Gesner pinch (Y/n)'s cheek while saying something to her. Although he couldn't understand what it was the German was saying, the blush (Y/n) had on her face was enough to piss him off and set him into action. Kunigami quickly walked over to them and grabbed Gesner's wrist, pulling his hand away from (Y/n)'s face.
"Huh? Kunigami?" The girl blinked, but the boy spared her no attention as he kept on glaring at the confused German.
"Piss off."
'Scary!' She shivered and tried to separate the two while speaking.
"He wasn't hurting me, Kunigami. He just gave me back the pillow I forgot last night." Just as she said that, she immediately regretted it, as the look Kunigami gave her was full of anger, confusion, and sadness.
'Why was he sad?' (Y/n) thought as Kunigami cleared his throat.
"Can you let go, man?" Gesner said agitated as he tried to pull his hand away.
"What do you mean by last night?"
"I spent the night with Gesner in the monitor room and forgot it there."
'You... why him?!' Kunigami gulped, looking at (Y/n) in horror as he let go of Gesner's hand.
'Did... did I say something wrong?' She thought as she watched the whole ordeal.
Later that day...
Gagamaru was someone who could be perceived as different than the rest, not weird, just different. He was more of a guy who enjoyed nature, fighting with bears, and eating everything with his hands, even if they left messes afterwards. Gagamaru was aware he received weird looks, but one of the people he could count on to not perceive him weirdly was (Y/n). He always looked at her as a reliable captain, a talented player, and a great friend. Whenever he had issues or wanted someone to talk to, he knew (Y/n) would be there. And she was, and Gagamaru was always greatful for that. Along the way, Gagamaru ended up catching weird feelings, nervousness, happiness, anxiety whenever he was near her. It took him a while to understand he fell in love, to the point that he tried to keep her attention on him all the time.
'I wonder where he is...' Gagamaru sighed as he looked around the hallway. He really needed to talk to her, but the girl was nowhere to be found. Not in her room, not in the dining hall, not even in the monitor room!
Just as he was about to give up, he heard voices from down the hallway.
'(Y/n)...' The goalkeeper excitedly looked in her direction, only for the smile to drop when he saw Gesner next to her. They were way too close for his liking.
'Since when are they on talking terms?' The boy thought, weirded out by this.
"Hm? Gagamaru? Why aren't you asleep? It's pretty late." (Y/n) stopped conversing with Gesner and looked at Gagamaru in worry as they reached him. The goalkeeper stopped for a moment, then finally spoke up as he eyed Gesner weirdly.
"I... I couldn't sleep. So I took a walk. Why... why aren't you asleep?"
'And why are you with him so late?' Gagamaru wanted to add in, but stopped himself.
"I was telling Gesner what we can visit in Tokyo. Since we will have a few days off, he wanted to see some places before going to Germany." Gagamaru's eyes widened for a second, a unfamiliar pain hitting him when he looked between the two. (Y/n) having her usual smile while Gesner looked bored and confused due to him not having the translators.
"It's.... It's nothing." Gagamaru bit back his tongue as (Y/n) tried to question him again, but he completely blocked her out.
'Why him? We are your team! Not him!'
Gagamaru waisted no time to run to Isagi's room after (Y/n) and Gesner left. If there was one person who knew the midfielder well, it was Isagi. They needed to stop whatever was going on. But, to Gagamaru's surprise when he entered the room, he already saw Isagi and the other three deep in their own thoughts while Kunigami looked stressed.
"Isagi! We have an issue!"
The boy jumped up in his spot, then turned to look at the panicked goalkeeper.
"What happened?"
"Gesner... Him and (Y/n) plan on going together to Tokyo... Just the two of them."
Isagi quickly turned to look at Gagamaru, the speed made Gagamaru worry that he broke his neck for a moment.
"You... you are joking, right? (Y/n) wouldn't... Gesner and him-"
"Hiori, please don't say it put loud like that. God abandoned us today." Yukimiya sobbed and fell on his knees as Kurona looked at a pale Kunigami.
"What do we do? What do we do?"
Kunigami kept quiet as the boy kept on tugging on his sleeve, but he couldn't answer anything. The only answer he saw fit was bash Gesner's head into the wall for corrupting their captain, but that wouldn't be appropriate. (Y/n) would hate him of he did that.
"We need to call in the rest. It's an emergency meeting."
The players looked over at Isagi, who looked both annoyed and panicked.
Now that NEL was over, the other players were free to roam around without having to answer to the coaches. The BM players were more than greatful for that, even if the room was crowded for now. They had to think of a way to keep Gesenr away permanently. They seriously needed to do something about this development.
"Why are we here? I wanted to sleep." Otoya yawned, looking as annoyed as Rin did.
"Yeah, and why are we cramped up in this room?"
"Why are there clothes on the floor?" Barou looked at the discarded pants near one of the beds as Hiori facepalmed.
"That's not important now, Barou-"
"If the maid is so annoyed with it, he should clean it up. But for real, why did you call us here?" Chigiri questioned, ignoring Barou's annoyed yell.
"Calm down you both." Kunigami commented, looking for once worried.
"Huh? Kunigami, what happened to you? You are not moody anymore?" Bachira raised an eyebrow as Reo looked at the former hero in confusion as well.
"Yeah. Must be pretty serious if even you are invested in this. And why isn't (Y/n) here?"
"That's the thing. This is about him-"
"Damn, your beds are so much softer than ours. Can I sleep here instead?" Kurona held himself back as he got interrupted by Nagi, and he was about to say something but Isagi quickly stepped in.
"Please, this is serious. (Y/n)-"
"Couldn't it have waited after my nighttime routine? And you could have at least invited (Y/n) over to make the trip over here worth it." Aryu said, looking in annoyance at the 6 Bastard players while combing his hair.
"Can you let us finish speaking? This is about (Y/n)!" Gagamaru yelled, finally fed up with everyone's yelling and interrupting. The Blue lock team stopped dead in their tracks and looked at the 6.
"What do you mean about that? What happened? Is he sick?" Niko was the first one to speak up, followed by Tokimitsu who looked composed and calm for once.
"Is there something we need to know? Just tell us."
"I swear I will skin you all alive if you let him get hurt-"
"Calm down, king. This one isn't even our fault. Can you let us finish?" Yukimiya glared at the red-eyed boy as Karasu chimed in.
"Let's all calm down and let them finish. This isn't helping anyone." Although the crow boy said it calmly, they all could see he wasn't calm, at all.
"Thank you, as we said (Y/n) is the one we called you all over for." Hiori started, but stopped as he looked at Isagi for some support.
"He... well, Gagamaru saw him earlier and it looks like him and a German player are having a.... a date." Isagi cringed at the word and so did the others, who then looked back at the rest of the team. The reactions were a mix of everything. Otoya and Karasu looked stunned at each other and then back at Isagi, their expressions clearly giving away that they didn't believe them. Others like Bachira and Niko shrieked at the news and immediately jumped on Isagi, shaking the boy to repeat what he said, which caused Yukimiya and Kurona to step in and pull them away from him.
"You... you guys have to be joking. There is no way (Y/n) would date that guy... He isn't his type. Right, Reo?" Nagi said nervously as he quickly sat up on the bed, looking from Kunigami to Reo.
"That's right, I know him. He likes soft spoken people more. I am sure you misunderstood-"
"He told me that himself. You think I would make up such a horror scenario because I have nothing better to do?" Gagamaru interjected, causing Reo to shut his mouth, eyes widening in fear.
"This can't be... He wouldn't leave me like that...." The heir murmured as he slowly sat down on the bed. Chigiri and Aryu decided to approach this more rationally, there was no way they lost to that blonde guy.
"There must be something else behind it. Why would he pick some guy he just met when he has us?" Chigiri tried to stay calm as he nervously smiled at Hiori.
"You guys must be joking-" Aryu started but Kunigami interrupted him.
"We are not. And, I do find it believable after what I found out."
"Which is? What did you find out?" Tokimitsu spoke up as an eerie calmness took over the room.
"Him and Gesner spent the night together in the monitoring room. (Y/n) told me so himself." Kunigami finally said, looking as disgusted as he did when her told Isagi and his friends earlier. Yukimiya looked at everyone, as expected, none of them looked well, faces pale and looking at them like they were ghosts. He bit his lips and quickly sprung into action along with Kunigami as they heard Barou and Rin scream.
"That nobody, lukewarm player! I will kill him for trying to take him away from me!"
"Not if I do that first. I will make his death as painful as possible."
Yukimiya and Kunigami quickly ran over to them to hold them back from leaving as Hiori yelled at them, looking at Karasu's calm demeanor suspiciously.
"Wait! We need to watch our next actions. If (Y/n) finds out we even had this meeting, we are done for!"
"Are you stupid?! I am not letting some no-name player take him from me!" Rin glared back at Hiori.
"This is all your fault, Isagi! You should have watched over him!" Barou yelled at the blue-eyed boy, who tried to keep his cool after the whole room went into a panic mode.
"I will break that Gesner guy's bones." Karasu declared as he cracked his knuckles, earning a nod from Otoya.
"I will join you there. Leave some for me."
"Hey! I am in this picture as well. I want to see him suffer as well!" Bachira said in a happy demeanor, so happy that it was creepy.
"I want blood, a lot of it. There is no way I will let him go unpunished for trying to take (Y/n) away." Chigiri cleared his throat.
"Is murder legal, Reo? Please tell me it is." Nagi said as he tugged on the boy's sleeve.
"I will bail you out of jail regardless if it is or isn't."
"I just want (Y/n). Where is he?" Niko asked as he held back a few sobs while Aryu glanced back at Gagamaru.
"Where is his room? I know we can talk him out of this."
"So you don't want that Gesner guy to pay?" Tokimitsu wondered as Aryu raised an eyebrow.
"I never said that."
Isagi looked at the whole chaos in front of him as an idea popped into his head. He knew exactly what they can do! Gesner was just one, while the rest of them were a team. Sure, they might not get along, but the do agree on one thing. (Y/n) was meant for the Blue Lock team, and the Blue Lock team only. And the common enemy will make it a lot easier for all of them to get along.
"I have an idea! For that though, we all have to work together. If we want (Y/n) to just focus on us, that is."
The whole room stopped and looked over at Isagi, who had that same expression he would wear when he finally figured out where he could score the next goal.
"Go on." Rin demanded as the rest kept quiet.
2 days later...
(Y/n) was standing near the Shibuya station, waiting for Gesner for the past 30 minutes. The girl was a little worried, and she would have rather picked him up from the facility than let him come here alone, but her parents were insisting on her coming home because of some family meeting.
'It was absolutely worthless, anyway. Where is he even? Did he get lost?' She thought in a worried manner as she dialed his number again, only for it to go to voice-mail immediately.
"How annoying..." She muttered while fixing up her mask, deciding to scroll through her phone while observing some of the people that were passing by.
'The girls are so lucky they can wear those cute dresses... Meanwhile, I am stuck with a boring shirt and pants.' (Y/n) pouted and looked down at her clothes.
"(Y/n)!" The girl's eyes widened in surprise as she heard three familiar voices yells her name while she got tackled to the ground. The passerbys looked at the group in surprise and whispered as they slowly started recognizing the players. But, Bachira, Kurona and Niko paid them no mind as they looked down at the girl.
"Guys, what are you doing here? And, can you get off of me?" (Y/n) asked calmly as the trio agreed and got off her and then helped her up.
"We were roaming around the place and saw you. Why are you here alone?" Niko explained in an innocent manner, trying not to give away that all three of them knew the answers already.
"Yeah, it's kind of weird to be standing alone here of all places." Bachira giggled.
"You are the one to talk." Kurona said in a more defensive manner as he stood in front of (Y/n), to which the girl chuckled a little.
"It's ok, and I was just waiting for Gesner to arrive. He is pretty late and won't answer any calls." She said in a worried tone, but neither of the boys paid it any mind.
'You don't need him.'
'We are all you need.'
'So stop thinking of him, please.' The trio thought as Bachira cleared his throat.
"Well, if he is leaving you stranded like this, Isagi, Chigiri, Otoya, Yikimiya, and Aryu are outside waiting for us. Join us instead."
"I can't just leave him with no warning, Bachira. That's rude." (Y/n) scolded the boy a little.
"And where is the rest? They didn't want to come?"
"No, they did. They are just looking around some malls and will join us as well." Niko quickly added in as Kurona nodded along. But, before (Y/n) could say anything her phone went off. A message! She quickly looked at the sender, relieved it was Gesner who sent it to her. The trio watched her expression slowly drop, and they felt guilty for assisting in making her upset, but that slowly faded as they remembered they could lose her otherwise.
'Sorry,(Y/n). This was necessary...' Kurona gulped.
"Everything ok?" Niko asked obliviously as (Y/n) looked up at him.
"Gesner said he won't be able to come. Noa-san called them in for a last minute meeting..."
"That's sad, but you can now join us instead. What do you say?" Bachira said, not even bothering to hide his excitement as (Y/n) sighed and put her phone away.
"I guess. You won't mind if I joined you out of the blue?"
"Absolutely not!" Niko smiledand grabbed one of ther arms while Bachira grabbed the other.
"Come on! We have so many fun activities planned!"
The two started pulling her towards the station's exit while Kurona was behind and pushing her.
"Hey! No need to do all that! I will follow you three." (Y/n) said I an amused manner, used to their demeanor.
'That's right. Just laugh around us.' Bachira thought as he slowly tightened his grip around her hand.
'Just pay attention to us.' Niko thought, glancing at the girl.
'We will keep you safe from outsiders. Like every teammate would.' Kurona mused to himself as they finally exited the station and saw their group of friends eagerly waiting for them.
"Yoo-hoo! We found (Y/n) on our way here!" Bachira yelled as the group smiled excitedly at the captain.
"We didn't expectvyou here. How was meeting up with your family again?" Isagi wondered.
"It was the usual. Nothing notable." (Y/n) shrugged as the three boys finally let go of her.
"Now that we have (Y/n) here, we should go and eat!" Otoya exclaimed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"Shouldn't we wait for the others?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as Yukimiya and Chigiri shook their heads.
"They are taking their time, and I am hungry as well."
"Yeah. The slow pokes will catch up to us, anyway."
"Let's go then." Aryu exclaimed as they finally started walking towards a local restaurant. The initial sadness (Y/n) was feeling slowly faded away, enjoying the company of her friends and teammates now.
'That's right. We are all you need. I am all you need.' Aryu thought as je watched (Y/n) laugh at something Yukimiya said.
'This is how it should be. Just him and us... and no outsiders.' Chigiri hummed.
'I wonder when they will arrive. Hopefully soon.' Isagi thought as he remembered the rest of his team that was missing.
'I wanted to bash his head into the wall in, but noo Karasu had to part us like this.' Otoya thought, still salty that he couldn't take part in the other group.
"This is quite a mess. It's a good thing barely anyone is here today." Tokimitsu thought as he looked at all the blood in the shower room. Karasu shrugged his shoulders as he pointed at Barou and Rin.
"Blame them. They went mayhem on Gesner."
"You guys really did the most on him. I can barely recognize his face." Hiori giggled, earning eyerolls from Rin and Barou.
"Of course I will when he tried to steal what's mine." Barou rolled his eyes as Rin sneered at Gesner's body.
"Ours, maid Barou, ours. We said we would share him." Nagi yawned as him and Reo cleaned their hands.
"Reo, for how long will the cameras be defect again?" Kunigami wondered as Gagamaru leaned against one of the walls, staring as Gesner's bloody form with a blank expression.
"You deserved this." The goalkeeper whispered, growing more and more irritated.
"We have still an hour left till the maintenance is done, they will reactivated then. Let's quickly change and leave while nobody is around." The heir smirked as Rin started walking towards the exit of the shower rooms.
'Finally. I have nothing to fear now. He won't leave me for a no name player.' Rin thought, finally letting out a sigh of relief.
"I really wish there was a cleaner way..." Barou groaned as he followed after the younger Itoshi.
"This was as clean as it could get. Now lets hurry up! I want to see (Y/n) again. I didn't see him yesterday or today." Hiori hummed with a smile.
"It was either this or nothing. Intimidating him wouldn't have worked." Kunigami shrugged.
"What's done is done. We just need to make sure (Y/n) doesn't find him like that. I don't  want him to be traumatized by some pest." Reo commented as Gagamaru nodded.
"I am sure someone will find him before he does, and if not, we will keep him away from the shower room."
"You better." Nagi side eyed as Karasu yawned.
"Do you all think they started eating without us?"
"Probably. (Y/n) loves food, so I am sure he is eating at least." Barou nodded his head at Tokimitsu's statement and spoke up again.
"Let's just hurry up now! I miss (Y/n)."
The rest nodded their heads and quickly changed their clothes and packed the dirty one away to get rid of it. After all, they can't have their captain see blood of a no name guy.
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tragedyofdevotion · 5 months
Imagine a royal au with Blue lock...
You are the princess of a country. The only daughter of the royal family and the treasure of your parents and your older brother.
Your older brother is Kunigami who is really overprotective of you. Royal balls? he is the only one you are allowed to dance with. Tea parties? you are not allowed to attend if he is not present. You sometime gets overwhelmed with his overprotectiveness but when you woke up in the middle of the night, hungry, and your servants do not allow you to eat anything because it is unladylike to have midnight snack, he is the one to go to. He will sneak into the kitchen of the royal palace skillfully and make you the sweetest hot chocolate.
Your fiance, Mikage Reo, is the Crown Prince of the Kingdom to the east of your country. Even though you will have to marry him in a year or two, you don't even know what he looks like. You have been opposing this arranged marriage as long as you can remember. Reo isn't satisfied at all with you, too. Up until this point in his life, he has gotten everything in life. So, he did not understand why he can't chose his partner in life for himself. But that's until he saw your painting given to him by his parents. It would be funny to say it but he fell in love at the first sight seeing your smiling face in the picture. Ever since that day, he slept hugging your portrait. He has heard that you are against this marriage but as he said he has gotten everything he want in life and yeah he will get you too.
Your knight is Yoichi Isagi who has been by your side since you were 10 and he was 15. It has been 10 years since then and your first impression of thinking he won't hurt a fly hasn't change. Sweet & kind, sociable & amenable. You are worried he will be able to function well as a knight with that personality. Well, actually you don't have to worry though. He can perform well, really well. Anyone who dare to even think of harming you is disposed of cleanly before you had ever a chance of harming you, of course without your knowledge. It will not do well to make his princess afraid for some pests after all. During your teens, you once heard the noble girls gossiping about you and laughing at you behind your back. You cried to sleep that day. And a week later, the girls were expelled from the social circle one way or the other because some rumors mixed with truth that spread among every single nobles and even the commoner residents in the capital.
Bachira Meguru is the fickle and eccentric royal painter. He is the one who drew the painting Reo has of you. He is also the one who helps Isagi in the act of protecting you when Isagi wants to destroy, socially, physically or sometimes both, for those who brings you sorrow. Only he knows of Isagi's worship for you and observe it from a safe place. But don't mistake he is normal either. He has a whole storage full of your paintings. Some of them, he did get permission from you to draw, but others are your candid posts which he recorded in his mind. However, a few of the paintings are made entirely from his imagination, and they featured you in less than proper postures and expressions. But don't worry these collections are for his eyes only. He won't show them to anyone, not even to Isagi.
Chigiri is a spy from the noble fraction that want dirt from the royal family. He crossdressed as a maid and infiltrated into the castle. Now he is your maid and you absolutely love him thinking of him as your one and only girl friend. Unlike other maids he treat you frankly, and unlike other noble ladies, he isn't watching your every move to get something to gossip about, or so you think, not knowing he is the spy. When he first got the mission, there were many things he was unsatisfied about but now he doesn't mind it very much because he get to help you get dressed. Isagi thinks he is sus and searching for evidence to prove that he is the filthy rat that he is.
Itoshi brothers are your childhood friends. And as childhood friends go, there is a love triangle among you three, which obviously goes like this, Rin → you → Sae.
Sae is the reason you are against the arranged marriage. You have someone you gave your heart to. How can you have eyes for anyone else, let alone marry them. Sadly, though, Sae took the heart you gave and stabbed into a million times and cut it into a thousand pieces using his cruel words and attitude. Isagi and Kunigami wants to torture him until he beg to be killed but since Sae is the genius mage who is responsible for projecting the magic circle that protects the whole country from outside attacks, he can't easily be killed. Moreover, you will likely die from heartbreak if you heard so much as Sae breaking a bone. Really, they can't figure out just why you love this bastard. And of course, Sae knows of your little crush. And he can't help but abuse you with words until tears flow from your beautiful eyes. But you, without learning, run up to him the next time you see him. Sae thinks that if he is as sadistic as people say you must be quite the masochist for liking someone like him.
As a fellow victim of Sae's cruel words, Rin always stay by your side and pat your back without word whenever you cries from his brother 's cold attitude. Don't worry. He is here. He will always be here, by your side. So, please..... Please he beg of you... Spare a glance at him. Notice that he is here. These are only his thoughts. He will not say them even if he were at death's door. You love him, you really do but only as a friend, as a brother. Not as a man, never as a man. And he tries so, so hard at combat training, magic training, scholar, and politics. So, he will one day surpass your fiance, your friend, your brother, your knight, and his brother...
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lacedupforyou · 1 year
Can I request yandere ex bf Kaiser x reader who's dating yandere isagi
𝒲𝑜𝓃'𝓉 𝐿𝑒𝓉 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝑅𝓊𝓃 Yandere Isagi & Yandere Kaiser
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You had known both boys in childhood, Supporting their careers in soccer and their passion. You had originally lived in japan and knew Isagi first but you had to move away and say your goodbyes promising to come back for him, of course he was going to wait for you. He was going to wait as long as he needed to.
when you first met kaiser, he seemed to think highly of himself but you respected his courage and passion. He admired your patience and kindness, Keeping you close at all times and making sure you came to every game he had. He could be seen walking around with you gripping your hand tightly as you could only smile and go along with it. Love could only blossom from then, But it wasn't perfect. he's a perfectionist.
He's extremely controlling always going on about what you wear, who you talk too, your love languages. He was so much to deal with and it was exhausting. But when you had came home one night to see him kissing and sucking lip with some girl you were devastated. You didn't take any explanation to his little stunt for your attention, he almost grabbed you and knocked you out right then and there, But he wasn't in the best headspace at the time. You rushed out the door home.
You stayed in bed for a few days hearing kaiser at your door a few times but you made sure to be dead silent. He wasn't crazy enough to break in or anything..Right?
You needed to take your mind off of what was going on around you. But while scrolling on your phone you notice something called blue lock going against the Japan U-20! Sae Itoshi and his brother would be playing..! And..Isagi!? You had to see it in person! You packed your things for a vist to take your mind off of your surroundings and see your best friend again!
While in the stands you saw isagi and he had definitely matured...During the match you re-met with isagi's mom and she was ecstatic to see you again and that isagi had a girl in his life. When halftime had come you called out to isagi with everything you had. When he noticed you his eyes lit up he smiled a huge smile of an egoist and signaled for you to come down. You rushed from the stands to a hallway. He was already there waiting for you before he even got any water. You rushed at each other hugging tightly as he lifted you off the ground. It seems his teammates noticed and snickered a little but he didn't care. Having you in his arms gave him the strength to crush the U-20 team.
Meanwhile, kaiser was fuming. He stalked you enough to know where you were at all times. To shine your light on some nobody instead of him? Ridiculous. He was coming for you and taking you back with him. No matter what it took. But Isagi had plans to make you his right after the game.
This was a dangerous game, And poor you seemed to be caught up in their twisted Ideals. But I guess it's up to who you choose..Right?
Wrong. That doesn't matter much to them anymore. They're never letting you leave again.
| Part 2? Request it! | Thank you to all the lovely words I've received you guys are too kind! |
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mochikofi · 11 months
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: yandere behavior.
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐬: 𝐛𝐥𝐥𝐤 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧: 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐛𝐥𝐥𝐤 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐛𝐞.
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𝐏𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 - he's the type to kidnap or kill someone just because they laid their eyes on you. He doesn't care if it's a girl or a boy, he believes that he is the only one who can look at you and touch you. If he catches you talking to somebody else, he will quickly pull you away and go back to your house and lock you. He just wants you to depend on him and only him, hell he will even create a problem for you just to solve it in the end.
"𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐬𝐞, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞!"
𝐘𝐎𝐈𝐂𝐇𝐈, chigiri, kunigami, 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐔, reo, 𝐑𝐈𝐍, karasu, kira, 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐀, 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐔, aiku.
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𝐂𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 - he's the type of yandere who will always go to your house, yearning for attention and support. And he's the type to show hints that he's obsessed with you and he will always get angry when you still don't get it. You just think it's a innocent act. And when both of you are going out and he sees a man staring at you, he will rush to your side and hold your waist while glaring at them. After all, he claimed you first so he has rights to be clingy and protective around you.
"𝐈'𝐦 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐜𝐚𝐧'𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐞𝐞?"
𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐒, rin, 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐑𝐀, yukimiya, niko, 𝐍𝐀𝐆𝐈, 𝐇𝐈𝐎𝐑𝐈, kuon, 𝐓𝐎𝐊𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐓𝐒𝐔.
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𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐩𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐞/𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐟 𝐜𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐲 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 - He's the type to act nice to you and your family just so he can get their trust. And when he finally gets their trust he will ask if you could live with him, and of course they said yes, after all he's the perfect man for you. He knows every movement you make because he installed cameras around the house. And after you're comfortable with him, he will tell you lies to make you hate your family and friends. He will make you leave them behind so you can be with him. He will give you everything and will do anything you ask for him, after all it is his duty as your 'perfect' boyfriend.
"𝐒𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐟 𝐢'𝐦 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐞? 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐝𝐨𝐞𝐬𝐧'𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐮𝐬, 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭?"
𝐑𝐄𝐎, 𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈, chigiri, kunigami, 𝐒𝐀𝐄, gagamaru, karasu, 𝐀𝐑𝐘𝐔, hiori, 𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑.
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𝐒𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐭𝐲𝐩𝐞 - he will be the reason why you're suffering from hatred, grief, and loneliness. He always spread rumours about you so you can only go to him. He will make you think that he's the only person who is on your side and who will love you. He finds it amusing how easily he can break you.. he finds it exciting and it gives him pleasure. He will comfort you and say nice things like 'don't listen to them' but he knows damn well that he's the cause of your sadness and anger. But, he's good at hiding it so it might take you a while to escape him.
"𝐍𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐬 𝐢 𝐝𝐨, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭."
𝐊𝐀𝐈𝐒𝐄𝐑, 𝐈𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐈, barou, 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐃𝐎𝐔, yukimiya, raichi, 𝐄𝐈𝐓𝐀, kuon, kira , 𝐄𝐆𝐎.
anime masterlist - navigation.
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lmk if the chracters dobt fit in the hc ^^
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lylian333 · 3 months
Kaiser x reader (Part 2)
Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
word count :2529
warning:bullying ,harassing ,maybe r*p* ,cursing, fingering, smut, nsfw (18+) ,this is my first time writing smut(the reader is gender neutral but will be pregnant in the future of the story)
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You try to get away from him.
He keeps his grip on your arm, he is stronger then you and is easily able to keep you there. He doesn't seem satisfied with having just insulted you earlier, he looks to be up to something worse this time. He seems smug and is enjoying your company in the secluded part of the hallway.
Out of blue ,a figure was standing between you and kaiser. You look up to see who it was and it turns out to be Isagi, your childhood friend and the only person who truly cares deeply about you .You feel a sense of relief knowing that Isagi is by your side .
A sudden thought strikes your mind as you remember that Isagi and Kaiser were enemies, they would always cause huge trouble whenever they saw each other. You on the other hand seem to be caught in between their chaos, you were afraid that a huge problem would arise rather than you were more afraid that Isagi will end up getting injured because of you .
Isagi remove kaiser hand from your arm.
Kaiser : "May i ask who the FUCK are you?"
Isagi : "That's none of your business"
Isagi grabs your arm and leads you out of the corner .Kaiser was furious and stun that he stood there, watching us leave .
You hear the bell ring signalling the end of recess .You make your way to your next class...after what had happened before you just wish the day could quickly end. You sit down and keep your head down, you don't want to cause any trouble or draw attention to yourself. The class is silent and everyone seems focused on their work...they don't seem to be bothering anyone. You wish you could blend in like they did...if only it were that easy.
Suddenly kaiser come in and turn's out, we go to the same class and he sits beside me .
You try not to acknowledge his presence but you hear him sit next to you and you can feel him staring at you. You're on edge waiting for him to either say something or to do something. He continues to keep his eyes on you but he doesn't say anything to you. It seems like he's waiting for you to say something first....
The teacher is present and now giving the lecture now, everyone has settled down and is now paying attention to the teacher's lesson.
Still you can feel Kaiser's presence and eyes on you, he doesn't bother hiding his stares. It feels like he is waiting for you to acknowledge him...he wants you to speak. The teacher hasn't seemed to notice his attention towards you.
Well the lesson continues and you're paying attention but in the corner of your eye you constantly see Kaiser's gaze on you, it's unsettling. It seems like he's waiting for you to give in and say one word, just one word....he was trying so hard to get you to speak....for whatever reason
You whisper : "Please stop looking at me."
He smiles as he hears you whisper.
He doesn't immediately take his eyes off you. He keeps staring and is clearly waiting for you to say more. His smile grows slightly as he stares intently right at you.
The teacher continues to lecture and everyone else seems too busy listening to pay attention. Only you and Kaiser are interacting in this way, your whispers and him staring at you. No one else is noticing...
You whisper again please stop.
His smile grows even bigger now, you feel like he enjoying seeing you squirm. Even by saying "please stop" he can see that he's got to you and he likes it. His gaze remains as he continues to watch you.
"Hmm~...? What's the matter~...?"
He whispers back at you. By now the lecture has been going on for a good bit, the teacher is continuing to speak as everyone else in the class is paying attention. Meanwhile you and Kaiser are having a small interaction of your own...your voices are just low enough that no one else hears you two. He continues to whisper to you, it seems like he enjoys the fact that you're the only other student he can have this sort of interaction with.
Suddenly he put his hand on your thigh. Your breath hitches and you freeze when you feel his hand on your thigh. Everyone around you is busy paying attention to the lecture including the teacher but you've already noticed his grip on your thigh. His hand is now resting on your leg with the palm of his hand facing up, his grip is slightly firm.You whisper
"Please don't do it-!"
He chuckles but his grip remains as he's clearly enjoying your reaction. He's still whispering to you while his hand is on your thigh.
"You know...you have nice legs..." His hand moves up and down slightly and he leans his body closer to you. You try to move away from him.
His grip tightens slightly. You try and move away but he's stronger then you. He keeps his hand on your thigh and keeps leaning his body closer to you. He speaks in a low whispering voice and speaks very slowly so that it's only for you to hear.
"Stay...still ~"
He continues to move his hand up and down slowly but now his hand moves further up. You feel his hand start to move up your thigh and inching closer to your hips, his grip remains firm and tight, he's not willing to let go of you just yet.
You grab his hand trying to stop it from getting any further up.He doesn't let you take his hand away and only tightens his grip on you. He won't let go of you so easily, he likes the fact that he has you . He moves his hand even further up your thigh inching closer to your hips and the space between your legs...even closer now.
You cover your month with your hands before you can make any noise.But he still keeps his grip on your hand and keeps the other hand on your thigh...he feels your breathing quicken and your heart race with the pressure of his touch. Now you feel his fingers starting to move up in the space between your legs. He's holding your hand still and starts massaging the area slowly with his fingers...the sensation is unbearable.
This time you try to push him away but he didn't move a single inch.
The feeling of his fingers moving up and down the space between your legs is too much, no matter how much you try to push him away he's so much stronger then you. His grip on your leg is tight and firm and his hand on your hand holds you in place.
His fingers continue to move slowly in the space between your legs...
You feel something building inside of you...it's a sensation you've never felt before and you've never had this feeling of pleasure before.
But then you feel something strange, like something was poking in the area between your legs...it felt uncomfortable and your breathing starts to quicken even more. You start to blush uncontrollably, you wonder what he's doing....then you notice what's happening.
He knows you're starting to feel the sensation and he smirks at the look on your face. It's undeniable that he's having an effect on you, he's got your heart beating faster and your breathing is speeding up. His hand is still moving in between your legs and his grip on your hand continues to tighten. The pressure is getting the best of you and you can't help but have that feeling again.
His hand isn't moving on your leg anymore instead moving further up against his dick. Before any of this could happened.
You excuse yourself from the class and make your way to the bathroom. You desperately need some space to collect your thoughts. Your body feels hot and you can feel your breathing still coming in short puffs. You don't know what the sensation was that was going through your body but it was something, you've never felt this way before.
As the bathroom door closes behind you everything goes quiet and you're left to be in your own presence. You stare at your reflection in the mirror, your face is red from embarrassment and your body is still shaking. You can't believe that Kaiser was able to make you feel that way....it's like he knows exactly how to make you feel like that. You never felt that sort of pleasure before...you feel so confused after what just happened....
You're left confused and your head is spinning. Your body still shakes with the adrenaline pumping through your body. You feel so many different things...a feeling that you're not used to. It's a mixture of fear, shame, excitement, and even shame. Your head is left in a haze and you stare at your reflection in the mirror. Your breath is still coming in short puffs and you try your best to calm yourself but you can't stop thinking of what just happened. You take a few deep breaths and splash your face with water before you head back to class.
When you walk back to the classroom, you see Kaiser waiting for you as if he knew you would come back. He's leaning up against the wall, not doing anything but waiting for you to come back. When he sees you walking towards him he speaks.
"Well well well....I knew you would come back..."
You try to look for anyone for help well telling him
"Stop i don't want to do this anymore-!
His grin becomes wider when he sees the look on your face, he can see that you're uncomfortable and scared. He's enjoying seeing you struggle like this, he's enjoying watching you squirm.
"I don't think you get a choice on this matter..."
His tone was very stern and he moves his body closer to you, this time grabbing your arm a bit tighter. You can see that he has no intentions of backing away.
You try to get away from him again
"You're not going anywhere....~" His grip on your arm is firm and his hold is strong. He won't let you get away from him just yet, it seems like this is going to go on for longer.
He pulls you closer, so that you're almost pressed against him. He's practically in your face now but he still refuses to let go of your arm. He's still squeezing tight on your arm, his grip is so strong there is no way you can get out without him wanting too...he's in control here...
His grip on your arm tighter and tighter, it hurts your arm now but he won't let go. His grip is so firm that it isn't letting you go. His body is pressed right against you, the space between you both is small but you can feel his warmth and you can sense the tension between you two.
Then you ask him
"what do you want from me...."
"What do I want~?" He chuckles as he feels you shivering and your voice breaking from being scared as well. He leans forward so that he's even closer to you, so your faces are even closer and you can feel the heat of his breath blowing on your face.
"I want to have some fun~..."
He continues to grip on you tightly as he pulls you out of the classroom and into an empty room. There's no one else in the room except for just the two of you. The door is closed now, you're alone with him now in a private room and he's not letting go of you just yet. He pulls you further into the room until he shuts the door behind you both. You can see his smirk grow even larger as the door closes behind you two.
At this point your on the verge of crying .
He smiles as he looks at your face and sees you starting to cry. He watches you sob...he has the control in this situation, you're in his hands and there's nothing you can do to stop him.
"Oh~? Are you getting scared~...?" He chuckles and moves his body even closer to you, pressing his body right up against yours. His grip is still tight and firm on your arm, he's not letting you go anytime soon. You slowly nod your head.
He smiles when you nod your head...the fact that you're scared only makes him happy. He likes the power he has over you...
"You're just all alone with big scary Kaiser...and there's no one to help you~..."
He chuckles as he whispers the last part, this is what he wanted...he wanted to make you helpless and afraid of him.
He stares at you when you ask to go back to class...his grip on your arm is still there and his body is still pressed up against you. He doesn't want you to go back to class just yet...
"I don't think that you're going to be going back to class just yet~....you're staying here with me..."
He moves his face even closer to your own as he whispers the last part. He's going to make you stay here with him, he's not letting you go that easily.
"You do know what's going to happen next~... don't you~?"
He leans in closer and his breath is practically touching your face...he stares right into your eyes as he whispers the last part. There is no where to run, no one is going to come in here and save you. You're in the hands of a bully and he's making sure to remind you of that fact.
He started to tear off all your clothes as well as his belt, taking his pants off along with his boxers .He had one hand on your waist and the other holding onto your leg apart .At that point you serious don't know how to feel about the situation. When he reaches for your underwear .He stop and look at you with his mischievous eyes .
"B-but the other-"
"Why should we care about them dear~"
He slides your panties aside he then shoves his dick into your ass. You then let out a revolting sound. He didn’t even need to see your face to know how blushed you must have been at the moment. He continues slamming his dick faster and faster.
"K-kaiser I'm-"
He shut you up by kissing you everything was so filthy and such a rush . You tried your best to keep quiet. And yet, the way he reached deep inside you, stretching your pussy. His cock was too much for you to bear.
Suddenly, you had that weird feeling again and you came well moaning loudly but you could say the same for kaiser since he also cum he .
The bed dips beside him as he pulls out from your spent cunt .
(guys i try my best on writing the smut part i got really nervous)But still i hope you guys like it :)
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If it's okay can I please ask for a yandere sae where he gets his darling pregnant if you're uncomfortable with this or you don't do these types of requests that's okay
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My Prized Possession
⚠️ Warnings ⚠️: Toxic relationship, suggestive, yandere Sae. This is my first time(and maybe my last) doing male yandere so I got some help from a friend, she deserves some of the credit,its kinda short, first time doing male yandere!!!!!!.
Female readers.
It was something you promise yourself. You were going to focus on your studies and get yourself settle first. But here you are in the bathroom stall holding a pregnancy test.Your eyes became watery as you look at the two blue lines on the small tool. You can't be pregnant.
"What is he gonna say about this?''. And by he you mean your boyfriend.The one and only Sae itoshi,who wouldnt fall for him. He was in top of his classes, wealthy and had a great career ahead of him in soccer, your parents loved him!.
Probably more then they loved you. You see your parents were never supportive of you overall they thought of you as a failure compared to your brother who was studying to become a lawyer.
But they treated Sae like a son when you brought him home to visit. And told you that you'd better treat him good and that you should be thankful that a guy like him ever look in your direction.
Your friends are envious of your relationship with the sport star from His cool, calm and mature personality to his fame and intelligence.
He had everyone fooled, even you.
Despite the front he puts up Infront of your friends and family, when he's with you.Your relationship with Sae wasn't the same as it was when it started. It's not something people can notice, but he has become more and more possessive and aggressive.
It's started with little things like, he wouldn't allow you out a certain time , he would constantly ask you who you were talking to on the phone, and if it were one of your male friends he'd get angry and demand you stop talking to him. Your parents would side with him on everything and they agreed that Sae should have a say in who you talk to, hang out with and befriend,what you wore. Cutting off all your male friends, you had a curfew as well.
He would come home and he'd aspect you to be waiting for him and that you have already prepared a meal. You'd have to greet him . He'd search your phone to make sure you haven't spoken to anyone he doesn't approve of. If you went out earlier that day, he'd know about what you bought, how much you spent and who you want out with,what you ate.
There are other nights were he would come home in devilish mood, usually when he's like this ,allowing him to use you is the best way to avoid any forms of ''conflict".
But it was that night about a month ago, when you shared a moment.
God you were so scared that tight , he came home more devilish then usually. You're not sure what came over him that night,
well he was always possessive and manipulative with you, but tonight was just different .
You hear the front door unlocked and his footsteps.
" Where's my darling?” his voice achos through out the hall.
You could already feel the unsettling feeling coming
"She better not be hiding~".
You bite back the erge to crawl under your blanket and hide,on the king size bed you shared with Sae .
But you know how he gets .So you made you way downstairs.
He was already at the bottom of the stairs waiting for you .
"There you are princess, I thought you were asleep, I was calling you ".
He says .
You bite your lip nervously.
"I was waiting for you to get home like you told me to".
"Mm, and you're wearing the night gown I brought you , it fits? " He ask .
" It's a little small ".
" Hm? I was sure I brought you the right size, but come down here I haven't seen you all day".
'He did this on purpose'.
You came downstairs and you were greeted by a scent of colon when you were pulled into his embrace.
"You look beautiful as always". He commented. Causing you to blush .
"And you smell really nice too". He continues to complement you as he kiss your cheek and made his way down to the crook of your neck where he takes in your secent .
His sudden actions made you frustred."It must be the new body wash and perfume you brought me". You began to stumble over you words when you felt him bite the sensitive part of your neck, giving it a little nibble before he gives the now sore spot a kiss.
"Sae , w-what are you doing?". You let out a breathly gasp when you felt your lovers hand slowly making its way down your back and to your butt , giving it a squeeze .
"I haven't seen you all day, I missed you and I haven't touched you in a while so just relax for me a little bit darling''.
"B-but I didn't take any-".
"It's fine I put some in your food before I left". He says as he picks you up.
Keeping your lips locked together as you wrapped your legs around his torso . Making his way up the stairs and to your shared bedroom.
Per usual he gently places you on the bed,lips never leaving yours....
Tears rush down your face as you remember the events that took place that night.As the pieces were coming together in your head.
Now Sae on the other hand was grinning from ear to ear knowing that his plan had worked. He stood outside the restroom you were in as he patiently waits for you to text him "we needs to talk".
Now you see it was Sae dream to claim you in everyway,shape and form. And he was will to do anything to make sure that happened. Even if it means lying about putting plan B in your food or making you think it was all your fault this happened.
You already said no to him to marriage, claiming that you weren't ready and that you wanted to focus on school, and that marriage would be a lot of money and it's time consuming at the moment.
Even though he would constantly tell you, you don't have to worry about any of that , he'll gladly cover all of it.
He also tried to get you to dropped out of college, but you denied that idea as well. Despite him telling you he'll take good care of you.
Sigh, it seemed like nothing was going his way. He honestly didn't want to go this route, but ,You were being difficult.
So getting you pregnant was the only way to have full control over you. He knew you wouldn't be able to go to school, nor would your parents allow you to get rid of your child. It's not like they wanted you to go to the college you're currently attending anyway.They're practically are obsessed with him.
All his plans were falling in place.
Annnnddddd that's all , I really tried on this and with a little push from a friend I got the motivation to post it. Plz remember it's my first time writing male yandere and I hope this reaches ur expectations.
Request are open and if you dont see ur request on my "What's in my ask box" it's probably cause I didn't get to it yet or you didn't read my rules.
Soo that's all , comments, constructive criticism, reblogs are all appreciated .
But that's all , byeeeeee.
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lissrissye · 5 months
𝔗𝔥𝔢𝔶’𝔯𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔭𝔞𝔦 𝔱𝔬 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔄𝔶𝔞𝔫𝔬… 🔪💗
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ synopsis : it’s valentine’s Day… you gathered all your courage, and with that, you decided that you will confess to them, and ask them to be your valentine!!~ however… there was someone else with him … if he can’t be yours, then nobody should… they can’t have him.
ੈ✩‧₊˚ content warning : mentions of blood, slaughter, corpses, extreme violence, gore, jealously, etc. please click off if you feel uncomfortable !
ੈ✩‧₊˚ including : hyoma chigiri, seishiro nagi, yoichi isagi, and meguru bachira !
ੈ✩‧₊˚ genre : horror !
ੈ✩‧₊˚ notes : be aware, I don’t watch Bluelock, I just know some of it because of my friends. so i apologize if their personalities are off, I’m googling them— also, again, the context below may be very triggering, so PLEASE click off if you feel uncomfortable. if my post it to much, please tel me and i will refrain from writing violence.
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ちぎり ⚽️ ʜʏᴏᴍᴀ ᴄʜɪɢɪʀɪ ⚽️ ひょうま
You had a bouquet of roses with an envelope in between the cherry red flowers, and a box of chocolate. It was Valentine’s Day, the day for love … the day for couples … the day for confessions. Just thinking about Chigiri makes your mind run wild. Anything could happen!~
You sprinted down the halls, peeking the corner just to see another girl blushing while handing Chigiri some flowers. Your heart sunk… Chigiri was yours, and yours only! … Nobody else can have him … you had his favorite flowers, not her … the worst part? Chigiri looked interested … she can’t have him ! Never, never, never, never, never …
You waited for the girl to then the corner, asking as if you were just walking by. Purposely, you bump into her, making her fall backwards. In order ego give her a false sense of trust, you help her up with a kind smile. But really? You wanted to twist her arm right then and there … though, not in front of Chigiri, then he’d think you’re a monster … you were only watching over him, it’s not even anything bad ! Now, is it ?…
The girl thanked you with gentle and sweet eyes … she was too delicate. Was that why Chigiri liked her? You hate it, but it’s good to know. The bell soon rang, and so it meant dismissal time. However, you quickly caught up to the girl, telling her that she had a bit of period blood on her skirt. This was completely false. You walked her to the bathroom. A few other students in there just left as they were fixing their hair or makeup. You closed the door, leading her to one of the stalls and grabbing a piece of tissue, handing it to her. When she was looking for any blood on her skirt… you pressed her against the stall door, banging he head on the door repeatedly until she blacked out and bled before stuffing her head in the toilet. You quickly fled the scene … Chigiri was yours, you would never let anyone take him away from you … he was the one that made you see colors in this cruel world, you wouldn’t leave him …
Your plan succeeded. The student was eliminated, you weren’t questioned, and police closed the case without suspecting you as the murderer ….
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凪清 ⚽️ ꜱᴇɪꜱʜɪʀᴏ ɴᴀɢɪ ⚽️ 史郎
You’ve been obsessing over Seishiro for a very long time now. Ever since he helped you up, he brightened your entire world … he may only be one man, though, he was the only reason why your heart started beating again. You couldn’t see it, but you obsession just increased more and more. You dedicated your room to him and write about him in your journal everyday.
It was Valentine’s Day … you bought Seishiro a small bottle of cologne, a box of chocolate, and a teddy bear. Everything was perfect !! Except for one thing … Seishiro had a lover. Of course, you saw the two holding hands with Seishiro gifting his girlfriend a box of chocolate, a bouquet of roses, and matching shirts … that should’ve been you! You scowled, dropping the items and pulling on your hair. You were like a volcano about to explode … you had to get rid of her … now. And you knew exactly how.
It was the end of class, meaning it was lunch time. Seishiro’s girlfriend was still packing her things while Seishiro waited at a cafeteria table. You left the class with everyone else, but once the halls were clear and everyone was in the cafeteria, you took another door inside the classroom. You pulled out a small dagger and hid it behind your back. —“Hey, h/n! Do you need help with that?” You asked softly, and h/n nodded in response. You didn’t want to just catch her off guard since she’d scream. She was thanking you until …
You stabbed her in the back, with no remorse. With a crazed look your face, you slashed her neck, leaving a huge, bleeding cut. You then quickly shoved her corpse in a locked as well as her backpack and things, shutting it quietly before dropping the knife, making sure you don’t leave you fingerprints on it as you used your sleeve. She was finally eliminated, it gave you satisfaction and satisfaction only … you finally had a chance ! All you had to do now was comfort Seishiro who was obviously completely devastated after the situation was announced on the speakers. You reassured him and stayed by his side, the two of you growing closer to eachother.
Your mission was accomplished. The police didn’t suspect you as the killer, and suspected the last student that left the class as the murderer instead …
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伊佐 ⚽️ ʏᴏɪᴄʜɪ ɪꜱᴀɢɪ ⚽️ 木洋
You woke up almost immediately before your alarm even went off. You double-checked your calendar … it was indeed the day for love, Valentine’s Day! Nothing and nobody else mattered, just Isagi … you pictured the two of you guys holding hands together under a cherry blossom tree, daydreaming for a few moments before quickly getting ready for school.
You grabbed the items you planned to give to Isagi … a stuffed animal, his favorite animal, a book of his favorite author, and a box of chocolates. Basic, though you knew he was going to love it ! It was just that he was quite pipular, so of course, many other female students surrounded him, wanting to be his Valentine …. Of course. You observed the group of ladies surrounding Isagi, writing each of their names on a piece of paper…
After writing all the female’s names, you proceeded wrote a small letter for each student. It was a letter to threaten and scare them off … luckily, Isagi didn’t choose anyone for his valentines yet. You slid all the letters into the girl’s lockers, and one in your own so you wouldn’t be suspected as someone behind all this. This was during lunch time when the halls were empty… after all, if anyone went in you and Isagi’s way, you will not hesitate to resort to violence …
When lunch finally ended and everyone went to the locker to grab their books, every female that had surrounded Isagi from earlier had gasped as your letter fell on them as soon as they opened their locker. You made it seemed as if you got the same letter and acted surprised. Everyone looked around …
After school hwieved, you went to Isagi to ask if he could be your valentine shyly, staring at the ground while shifting you weight from one side to another. He … accepted ! You couldn’t be happier. Anyone who overheard didn’t suspect a thing either since they saw you get a letter as well, so they just thought you were brave…
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めぐる ⚽️ ᴍᴇɢᴜʀᴜ ʙᴀᴄʜɪʀᴀ ⚽️ バチラ
You arrived at school first before anyone else. Why? Because today was Valentine’s Day, and you had promised yourself to ask Bachira to be your valentine today … you couldn’t let anyone steal him, now could you ? As soon as the other students, you immediately xmained the crowd insanely, looking for the one you obsessed oh so much over … he was the purpose of your life, you were convinced the two of you were just meant to be, that the two of you were soulmates.
Finally! You spotted Bachira, then you see the school’s cheerleader flirting with him, shaking her damn rear in his face. What angered you the most? Bachira, being the eccentric guy he is, flirted back with the cheerleader … oh how you just wanted to push her to the ground and punch her face … you were going to do something with her, and it wasn’t going to be good.
You had chemistry with that same cheerleader. Before class, you poured some gasoline in the cheerleader’s beaker. You knew the potions you guys would use today would create an explosion, so you put gas in hopes it would catch that bratty cheerleader on fire. You weren’t going to have mercy to her or anyone who would get in your way of having Bachita.
Once it was chemistry, the teacher instructed everyone to pour the clear liquid on the desk inside the beaker, so that’s what everyone did. You heard a scream of distress and held back a sinister smirk while turning your head to the cheerleader who was on fire, a student quickly putting in the flames with the emergency extinguisher. Everyone’s faces froze in horror.
As for the investigation, the police failed to catch the murderer, you. You had smashed the cameras so there was no evidence. All fingers were then pointed on the teacher, as he was the only one in the classroom as day …
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ten-shi-fandoms · 1 year
Could you please do blue lock characters with a darling that has the personality of cardia from code realize
Yandere Blue lock with Darling who's like Cardia from Code Realize pt 1:
Cw: Yanderes, stalking (Bachira), manipulative behavior, Cardia!Reader, mentions of violence (Rin,Bachira), kidnapping (Rin but its not like normal kidnapping), derealization (Rin), Characters are aged up, Gender netural Reader
Authors Note: Sorry if you didn't want these to be Yandere headcanons (never done yandere stuff before-)! If you want just normal headcanons I can make those too! Also I didn't know what Code Realize was before this request so if the personality is off please forgive me ^^
Characters: Isagi Yorichi, Bachira Meguru, Rin Itoshi
Bachira Meguru 👾⚽:
When Bachira first met you he knew he wanted you all to himself.
You were sweet, innocent, unaware of most social norms not to mention your selfless.
You were to good for this world and he knew he wanted to keep you safe.
And the thing is you did nothing.
All you did is come to one of his football(soccer) games and congratulated him after he won.
It was out of good will and that good will is how you found yourself being watched almost everyday.
When you caught him he'd pretend he was there out of coincidence which you believed.
He wanted to take you. He wanted to keep you all to himself but he knew you would get lonely so he reframed from doing so.
The more you guys met the more in love he became until he eventually asked you out.
When you agreed things with a bit down hill for you.
It started off small.
He would pick you up early from places, then stay with you until the sun was coming up again.
But soon things got worst.
You noticed you begun to see Bachira everywhere.
Anywhere you went Bachira was there, everywhere you looked he was there.
Being the innocent person you are, you just thought these were more coincidences but that wasn't the case.
It got to the point where you were with Bachira 24/7, even for the most mondaine of things.
Going to the store? Bachira is there holding your hand. Going for a walk? He's following you in his car. Etc, etc.
He never wanted you out of his sights. He'd dress you in all of his clothes, cover you in his bite marks, stay near you just for everyone to know who you belonged to.
And don't let someone think they can steal his darling.
He'd leave them to a near death state, and he makes sure you see them.
Your innocent eyes locked onto the scared ones of a admirer. Your instinct to help kicking in until you realize that person is no longer with us.
During these points in time Bachira makes sure you know he's there for you. When you feel useless because you couldn't save that person he'll cradle you in his arms and whisper sweet nothings to you.
You won't leave him.
After all being comfortable is always the best.
Isagi Yoichi ⚽🥇:
Unlike Bachira, Isagi's approach to you is alot sweeter.
He let's you know him. He shows you his vulnerable side. He makes sure you know him. That you get attached to him.
He knows that you want to help people, and if helping him makes you stay near him he'll do anything.
Isagi is good at manipulating on the football(soccer) field, so what about manipulating a innocent, selfless individual such as yourself?
You won't notice it.
No one will because it's so subtle.
But its there and the lasting effects are those of millions.
Isagi is good at being patient and this makes his manipulative behavior so much worse for the long run.
He isn't aiming for short term, he's aiming for long term effects.
He'll start by getting you to open up to him and using your vulnerabilities against you.
You feel worthless? Don't worry talk to him, he'll make you feel better. Couldn't help someone? Thats okay, Isagi is there to kiss your worries away, even if you aren't together.
These little things make you go back to him.
He becomes your life line and makes you dependent on him.
The way you listen to anything and everything he says. You hang onto every word, and that leads you down a bad path.
He loves you and makes sure you fall in love with him.
Gifts of your favorite things, makes you your favorite snacks, always plays your favorite music.
Soon you begun to fall for him, and you landed right were he wanted you.
He begun to pull away from.
It was small but you would notice.
He would suddenly have plans when you wanted to hang out, he was busy when you needed his comfort.
It took everything out of him not to run and hold his arms open for you but this is necessary.
Once he pulls back it's like you get withdrawls.
No one holds you like he does.
No one understands like he does.
No one cares like he does.
No one loves you like he does.
He makes you so attached to him that it hurts you to be away from it.
And as soon as you come running to him about how your sorry about hurting him in anyway (which you didn't) he'll hold you in his arms cradling you until your calm while telling you he forgives you.
Your innocence, your sweetness, your selflessness, he loves all that about you so he doesn't have to do much to make you beg for him to forgive you.
He hurts you in all the right places that you feel liks your suffocating with insecurity when he's not near.
He's your only hope and you are his beloved with who he would burn the world for.
I mean don't partners protect each other.
Rin Itoshi ⚽😑:
Out of everyone here Rin would be the worst to have fall in love with you here.
When he fell in love with you, you immediately became his whole world.
And he would love to keep that world all to himself.
You didn't notice it start but soon you noticed things in your life started going wrong.
The place your parents was suddenly bought out and they were forced out.
Someone spread rumors about you and you lost all your friends.
Your social media's had been hacked and you were being threatened.
Your house was broken into and alot of things were stolen.
You were alone, scared and lonely but thats when Rin begun to intrude on your loneliness.
He came in the form of a quiet football(soccer) player who asked to sit with you since every other table was full while at a local café.
You didn't think twice before saying yes and it didn't take long before you started talking with him.
Even though he didn't talk much, he was a pretty decent listener and hung onto the words you said even though it looked he wasn't most of the time.
Soon this became a normal occurrence.
You two would meet up local café's, you would chat, he would listen (or what you thought was something close to it), and occasionally through in his own quiet conversation.
It made you forget your problems and you clung to him and his cold yet kind demeanor.
But little did you know the man you were speaking to was the one who messed up everything.
From the moment Rin had saw you and saw your innocent nature he went to find out everything he could about you.
He found your name, address, parents, school, place of work you name it.
He started causing havoc in your life just to get you to a point of despair that most would not survive and came to "fix" it with his presence.
When you were with Rin it made you feel like you were no longer a observer in your own life.
Like you weren't watching someone else do everything things. You felt loved and cared for.
Then it happened.
He asked you out and you accepted.
You two started dating quickly and as you became more vulnerable telling him your struggles with self worth along with others he gave you a option that made everything worst.
Be asked you to leave the country and live with him.
You said no at first, not content with leaving your life behind just like that and he hit you.
It was hard but enough to shut you up, he went on a quiet but intense rant about everything he has done for you, buying your favorite flowers, getting you anything you wanted, being there when you needed him and so on and how all he was asking was one thing and you couldn't give him that.
He had asked you to leave which you did conflicted with what happened as you thought you were wrong and that he was right.
For a while he went no contact.
No calls, no good morning/good night text, no meeting at cafés, no anything. He left you all alone again and you went back to your almost observer like state.
During this time things in your life got worst as well.
Your house was vandalised, death threats appeared at your house, your parents went bankrupt and were becoming frantic, you got mistreated every where you went, you were at rock bottom.
Thats when he stepped back into your life.
He was just as quiet as he was when he first came but he didn't need to anything for you to be clinging to his stability.
He was powerful.
Not only because he was famous, had a famous brother or money.
But because he had a place that was safe and free of harm.
He was the safest place you had.
So you agreed to follow him and come live with him.
You guys left the following weak, he got a apartment in Europe for the two of you and suddenly you got news your family's house was set on fire and that your family didn't survive.
You were devastated and Rin knew that.
So he made up a lie that they were coming for you next and you believed it.
He had evidence that made it seem like you were the next target.
So he has all the windows installed with bulletproof glass, had them frosted, bolted and covered. The door was installed with over five locks that only Rin could open and the whole apartment had a security system even in the bathroom.
Sharp knifes and other weapons were placed in a safe that only Rin has a key to.
And finally he made sure you knew the outside wasn't safe for you anymore.
That only the apartment you two shared was safe because he could watch you, he could keep you safe.
He relished in knowing everytime he would back home you were there waiting for him.
You were happy to see him not anyone else.
Not strangers.
Not work or school mates.
Not friends.
Not loved ones.
Just him.
Just Rin and you.
Just Rin and his darling, a darling that didn't know they were in a cage and would never know.
Didn't they say no witnesses?
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nogenderbee · 9 months
Hi! If you still take request, can you please write yandere alphabet with bachira and isagi? The letters are A, H, and N
Hello! They still were when you ordered so yes, of course! I hope you like it!
Help, I feel like this turned out cringey...
Isagi, Bachira A, H, N yandere alphabet
TW: unhealthy obsession, abuse, manipulation, threats, all the yandere stuff in short
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⊱ Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Isagi would never hit you. He may raise his hand or so to scare you a bit and yell at you but he'd never actually hurt you physically.
Mentally tho... he totally would. Threats may even be on daily basis with him if you like going against him or pissing him off for whatever reason.
Mental abuse isn't as often either tho... it usually happens when you've been avoiding him for more than a week or have been way too close with male friend of yours even tho he told you to abandon ant contact with them. Those are usually the causes of him being a bit more aggressive.
"You need to stay right here. I swear if you won't, I'll make sure your family won't wake up tomorrow, is that clear?"
⊱ Hide = How easy is it to hide from them?
It's kinda east to hide from Isagi, really. All you need to do is fine big crowd and move through as many people as possible untill he eventually lists sigh of you. But that might not necessarily work if you're tall or have flashy look... so just be aware that this might be harder like that.
In dark alleys or less crowded places tho, he won't hesitate to run after you. So let's just pray that you're faster than him and will actually have chances of escaping and hiding from him again.
"Y/N don't run! I have your favorite sweets! We can have a date you always dreamed of!!"
⊱ Non stop = How clingy they'll be when you're in relationship? How possessive are they? And how much free space do they give you?
Isagi is really more clingy than possessive. Of course, he wants you by his side basically all the time and it has to do with both, clinginess and possessiveness, but first option to is more likely with him.
He'll always hold you hand when you're walking together and huh you normally or from behind whenever you're just standing or sitting next to each other. He likes to show everyone that you're his in that way.
As for freedom... you don't really get much of it. He likes to have you by his side ALL THE TIME! So there's no way for you to have some space... you can get privacy by him being next to you but not staring at your phone or whatever you're doing. He wants to be close but won't intervee this much.
"C'mon, I need to show everyone that you're taken by me so no one dares to make a move on you!"
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⊱ Abuse = Could they ever hurt you physically or mentally? What would be the reason?
Bachira tried to be nice and funny towards you but manipulation was on his side the moment he started feeling more intense love for you. So it was just the matter of time when this manipulation turns into abuse.
Surprisingly tho, he doesn't do physical abuse other than throwing mean comment when you're doing something he doesn't approve of. But if he has enough, he'll just slap you to let you know you really messed up. He doesn't do it in front of big crowd tho, in front of small group of people that don't even know you... sure he may. And abuse of this kind is usually caused by emotions and he'll either regret it later or think that it was the only right option.
"Don't look at me like that. If you wouldn't go there, it would never happen. Now you know to take my words seriously."
⊱ Hide = How easy is it to hide from them?
It's actually kinda hard to hide from Bachira. It's as if he has some kind of 6th sense for that! But in reality he's just acting so natural that it's hard to detect him.
If you're hiding in the crowd, you won't see hint of him being behind or in front of you. You can only realize he saw you when he catches your wrist with small "gotch you!", and that smile of his only tells you in what kind of problems you just got yourself into...
If you're hiding in silent corners, dark alleys, he'll have a bit bigger problem... like said preciously, it's crowd that usually helps him out. But in situations like these, he mostly doesn't care and will follow you quickly while calling after you. He won't run unless you do or will turn out that your walking speed is a bit faster than his.
"Y/N~ no need to run from me. C'mon, we can have so much together!"
⊱ Non stop = How clingy they'll be when you're in relationship? How possessive are they? And how much free space do they give you?
Bachira will be clingy but not extremely... he just expects that you'll hold hands everywhere in public and cuddle or kiss anytime he asks, he it in private or in public.
He is more of a possessive type tho... he gets easily jealous and won't really hesitate to make it known when someone makes him feel this way. But in the end, it's still you who'll get the lecture of how you should "only keep your eyes on him".
So in short, he gives you freedom but at the same time he controls that freedoms, if that makes sense... you can do whatever you want but you can't do anything against his will, that comes with mostly being lovey dovey or even simply interacting with others.
"How are you doing today? Have you met or talked with anyone? I hope not... you have me right here after all!"
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yestrday · 3 months
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: ̗̀➛ LOVE BITES. yan! isagi yoichi / gn! reader / yan! kurona ranze
you don't know what to do but spit fire and hate at two kidnapping psychos who can't even keep their lips off each other. they could at least have the decency to not do it in front of you :/
+ waaaah idk this writing feels lazy but i love love loooove poly yanderes and i wanted to try exploring it...
( once again. how do kissing scenes work. slight bl00d. poly relationship. implied other poly relationships who are also out to getcha )
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ever since their blue lock days, kurona had always been isagi’s partner-in-crime. of all the partners yoichi could have chosen, he who had came later in his life was the one who won isagi’s trust and hand. and now he and isagi conquered together– in every match, in every television appearance, and now most importantly, you.
“kurona,” isagi murmurs, his delicate yet calloused fingers running up and down your bare hips. called by his silent command, kurona leans in closer, and his lean body presses itself on your shivering back. there is a silent intimacy in the air, simply indescribable by words. alone in the shadows of their shared living space, with only the occasional sliver of moonlight whenever the curtains flutter, the three of you press your heated bodies together.
isagi casts his gaze upon him, benevolent and possessive. it’s a cross between the kind off-field isagi and the cruel maestro of the court, and kurona finds himself shuddering under his gaze. “kurona,” he calls again. “talk to [your name] for me, please?” he sends him a pleading look, obviously disappointed that none of his attempts to consoling you is working. “i think they’re still scared of me.”
“mmm, is that true, [your name]?” he nuzzles into your nape and hugs your waist. your breath hitches when you feel his fingers dig into your skin– not harsh and blood-drawing as you expected, but well, who can blame you for your paranoia? “why’re you scared of isagi? of me? hmm?” your nape is soft against his nose, and he lets out a content sight. “we’re taking good care of you, aren’t we?”
you can’t help but whimper when he finally places all his body weight on you, treating you like a mere plushie as you’re now squished between isagi and kurona. “that’s right,” isagi hums, idly playing with your hair. “whatever you want, you can ask. we’re pros now, [your name]. we can buy you anything you want.”
you bite your lip, sending a teary glare up at isagi. he smiles so kindly, just like the kind boy you once cheered on blue lock tv. you can feel kurona’s gentle touch on your stomach too, and keenly aware of how capable he is of hurting you with just one clench. “i want to go back home.”
kurona and isagi share a quiet laugh. “everything except for that, that is.” the blue-haired boy even has the gall to send you an apologetic smile. “sorry.”
“we need you here with us,” kurona whispers, as sweet as he can be. his teeth graze against your nape once again but before he pulls away he takes a nip at your skin again, with more warning than the last. “you’re our prize, our trophy, our love. all of us love each other, yeah? you love us, and we love you too. how could you handle being away from us?” he has the gall to say all of this like it’s fact, imposing their feelings on you even when your face contorts into disgust with every delusion he spouts.
“i don’t think i would wanna live without you and isagi,” kurona whispers into your skin, as if sharing a secret. isagi’s one arm slings itself around kurona, now having the two of you huddled in his arms. “i think i’d die. yeah, i’d die.” sometimes, you think that kurona might just as much of a prisoner as you are. isagi likes to play nice all the time but both of them know how cruel and manipulative he could be, and how tightly he has kurona wound around his finger. but you watch as isagi smiles endearingly at the boy, pressing a kiss on his lips. then when he pulls away, kurona lets out a low whine, isgai’s breath hitches, and he dives in again for yet another albeit messier kiss. you cringe and look away.
chuckling, isagi gently holds the back of your hair— slightly squeezing the strands as warning— and guides your vision back to them. isagi is watching you from the side of his eye, smirking as he continues with that messy and drooly kiss. kurona struggles to even open his eyes, too pleasure-struck as he leans into the kiss. “watch, [y. name]. you could learn a lesson or two,” he chuckles. “kurona’s always so good for you and me. you should see what you’re missing.”
 “i’m not missing out anything,” you sneer, though you’re only speaking to air as isagi redirects his energy into making out with kurona. “you two are sick. keeping me here and subjugating me to your every whims. you’re perverted psychos, that’s what you fucking are.” 
kurona’s eyes slant slight, looking somewhat like a kicked puppy as you spout venom at the both of them. isagi just looks more amused than anything and he finally releases kurona from his hold. the sharp-toothed holds both of your hands in his as he looks up at you pleadingly as he presses your cold palm against his cheek. “[y. name], you’re here because we want to protect you. everyone out there wants a piece of you… kaiser and ness… nagi and that millionaire. isagi just wants the best for you.” he presses a soft kiss to your palm. “for the both of us.” 
you want to refute this, that the only reason why they locked you away is so their other equally psycho competitors won’t find you and take you for themselves. but kurona’s eyes and gentle acts have a way of prodding at your heartstrings and you feel like you were falling for this stupidly effective manipulation tactic of his. so instead you sigh and look away from him, gritting your teeth with hardened eyes.
“now, now, don’t be too stubborn,” isagi laughs, pressing a kiss to your temple and nuzzling into the crook of your neck. “you’re going to be with us for a lo~ng time. might as well learn how to love it.”
you bite your lip to silence yourself and watch as kurona smiles gently at you, nestling himself right beside isagi’s head. “love you so much, both of us,” he murmurs into your skin. his sharp teeth graze the soft flesh, making you stiffen and your fingers dig into isagi’s thigh in alarm. “you’ll accept our love, won’t you?”
“of course they will, kurona,” isagi affirms, not even waiting for your response. “don’t feel too guilty.”
a silence between them happens, sharing some sort of secret message you’re not privy to. soon, kurona’s lips twitch into a smile—
and his teeth dig into your neck, blood seeping from the broken skin as you scream at the pain. warmth shoots through your neck, something trickles downwards and under your shirts, and you stare wide-eyed at the ceiling as you hear nothing but your own shallow breaths. kurona hums beside you, licking the marks in apology, and one fearful glance at him has you flinching at how he licks the blood from his lips with that ever-gentle expression.
“looks s’ pretty on you, kurona,” isagi says appreciatively, pressing down on his lower lip with his thumb and kurona opens his mouth so he can get a full view of the mess within his mouth. “must taste really good, huh? especially with the way you’re blushing.” 
he’s right, your mind manages to comprehend. his eyes are lidded as his tongue swipes at his teeth to get every drop and the blush on his pale face tells you just how much he’s enjoying this. the man’s a sick pervert. how could i fucking forget?
“don’t be so angry, [y. name].” isagi swipes a trickle of blood from your skin and presses it against kurona’s lips, who too eagerly sucks on his finger to get more of the taste. “it’s the least you could do for hurting kurona’s feelings. our feelings.” 
you don’t quite have the energy to even bite back. in defeat, you slump against isagi and close your eyes to the sound of kurona’s hungry slurps and isagi’s encouraging moans.
sick fucks.
maybe you should let yourself get kidnapped by reo. better the collar than getting bitten. probably.
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milaisreading · 1 year
Soo I got into Blue Lock a month ago and I really like the manga as well as how the story is going! It's so intense and all the characters have an amazing designs and skills! So I kind of wrote a book based on it!
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finnzhal · 7 months
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All of my works about BLUE LOCK are all in here !
Rules are in MASTERLINKS ! for requesting
The ones with no reader's gender specified are gender neutral
I'll be adding more charas in the future
Aiki Himizu
Alexis Ness
Aoshi Tokimitsu
Meguru Bachira
Hyoma Chigiri
Ikki Nikko
Shoei Baro
Zantetsu Tsurugi
Reo Mikage
Seishiro Nagi
Ryusei Shidou
Yo Hiori
Eita Otoya
Jyubei Aryu
Ranze Kurona
Kenyu Yukimiya
rin Itoshi
Sae Itoshi
Tabitso Karasu
Gin Gagamaru
Rensuke Kunigami
Yoichi Isagi
Ranze Kurona
Nijiro Nanase
Oliver Aiku
Shuto Sendo
Michael Kaiser
Adam Blake
Anri Teieri
Jinpachi Ego
Noel Noa
Chris Prince
Don Lorenzo
©Finnzhal. Do not steal other people's works.
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itoshi-s · 2 years
Little sister!reader has exciting news in just a few weeks she would have new brothers, step-brothers yoichi says, but brothers all the same. its always just been reader and yoichi after all but now the family is growing and reader cant stop thinking abt them but yoichi was sad, wasnt he enough maybe a lesson in respect will make reader more greatful for being his only brother - 💔
oh no..................... yandere yoichi-nii??? ARE U KIDDIN ???? (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) nonnie i see u rly want to make rin suffer even more .. expanding the brotherly rivarly onto isagi to akjhfalks
but this is such a good au! omgoshhhhh yoichi-nii was always so sweet of u . there was always just the two of you, together always, glued by the hip. is it really just the new found curiosity that makes your mind so occupied with them ?? or do they really have something he doesn't? either way, he knows several ways to make you learn your lesson and to bring your full attention back to him.
it will be just like the good old times again, when yoichi was all that u could ever think about </3
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vandal-flower · 1 year
Look What You Made Me Do
Blue Lock Boys with Yandere x Vandal's Big Brain Ideas
Characters: Yoichi Isagi, Hyoma Chigiri, Reo Mikage.
Warnings: Fem! Reader, Toxic Behavior, Blood and War mentioned, Death, Forced Marriage, Being sold off, Victims of Circumstances.
Theme: Forced Marriage and Royalty.
Notes: These thoughts happen weekly.
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Yandere Knight in Shining Armour AU
WC: 804 words.
You remember. You remember walking around in the royal garden by yourself. The flowers blooming, fountain water running, and book in hand to read to your heart's content.
It was an escape. An escape from all your duties as a princess. Study, practice, wave, smile, and read every letter of marriage proposals sent to you.
You had little, if not no time for yourself. When you wanted to have fun, your parents gave you another task to fulfill, as if they wanted you to die of overworking yourself.
"You're a princess, this is your duty. Think about the future of the kingdom, you don't want it to go into shambles, do you?"
Those words would echo in your head every time you wanted to go against your kingdom's protocols. "Think about the future of the kingdom."
It breaks your heart about the thought of the people around you suffering immensely because of your selfish reasons. Your want for freedom could ruin the need for peace.
But you want to be free, even for a small moment like this. All alone, with one of your favourite books in hand. A book about fairytales. Princesses stuck in a tower with no doors or stairs, True Love's Kiss, Fairies, Dragons, Witches, and last and not least, A Knight in Shining Armor.
He always saves the day with his mighty sword and shining shield, slaying anything in his path, so he could have his 'Happily Ever After' with the princess.
But when you think about it logically, he's quite a warlord. Slaying anyone that stands in the ways of his goals, maidens hugging his body and lastly, luck on his side.
You wonder if some 'luck' could help you find some happiness in your situation, your life. You highly doubt, since it's just a fairytale. It's just a fantasy.
"Your highness, the king is asking for your presence.", a maid alerts you, snapping you out of your daydreaming.
"Alright, I'm coming.", you say, walking out of the garden, walking right back into castle, your cage.
You walk into the throne room to see your father talking to a young man your age.Dark blue hair with deep blue eyes and smile on his face. If they're talking about your future marriage with him, you want out of it.
"Ah, there you are (Name). Let me introduce you to your personal knight from now on, Yoichi Isagi.", your father told you, with his face having a stoic impression.
"Don't ask why I gave you one, just thank me.", he ended, cutting you off of what you were about to say.
"I'll escort you to your chambers your highness.", your personal knight turns to you, his eyes glimmering with purpose. Something you would wish you had. He walks first, you follow quietly. His metal armor is the only noise audible within the silence.
That's what it was supposed to be. Silent.
You would talk to him once or twice at first, he is your personal knight after all, he can't talk to you as if you aren't superior to him. But you couldn't help yourself. You told him everything, your fairytales and your fantasies as he promised he won't tell a soul.
He was kind, caring, had a strong sense of justice and was undeniably handsome.
He was a Knight in Shining Armor.
He was your Knight in Shining Armor.
Soon, you both became affectionate to each other, giving each other hugs, making funny remarks about each other and soon, kisses between you two. When he would go out for a mission, you gave him a good luck kiss on his cheek. He was flustered, but loved it nonetheless.
But he went on a mission ordered by your father himself. A war broke out. You didn't want to let him go, what if he was heavily injured, what if he died? But the decision has already been made and he was gone.
You didn't understand the tragedies that took place in fairytales until now. The love if your life gone and most likely to be never seen again.
But a Knight in Shining Armor can still be warlord.
Months after the war has started, your kingdom won and formed a treaty with the other kingdoms. Peace at last.
Your personal knight, Yoichi Isagi came back safely, but not the same. His eyes were crazed and he was covered in the blood of his enemies. Your father was proud of his achievement of ending the war, and asked for what he wanted.
"I want your daughter, her highness (Name) as my wife."
Your father agreed.
Yoichi took you by your waist, your dress covered in blood.
"Now princess, I can have my Happily Ever After, all while having you.", he told you with crazed eyes and a smirk.
His Happily Ever After.
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Yandere Arranged Marriage AU
WC: 774 words.
"So, what do you say?"
You look around to see your surroundings. It's a blurry image all around. Did you wake up from a nap? You're not sure. Your body hurts all around. You feel your hands being tied together. You close your eyes. You open them, the blurry image is now long gone and you can now see clearly. You are sitting on the floor, head bowed down to someone.
You can only see their feet.
"Is she even listening?", a man's voice says to someone, filled with annoyance. It's probably about you.
How did you even get here?
"My lord, she just woke up, I'll tell her the details later, but I agree to the contract.", a woman's voice spoke, it sounds like your mother.
What does she mean by contract?
"Good, take her to my chambers, make sure she isn't broken or anything.", the man says to your mother.
"Of course my lord, guards take her to his imperial majesty's chambers immediately.", your mother says, her voice sounds so terrible, but has some underlying sweetness to it.
You are picked up from where you were sitting, and put on someone's shoulder.
All you could see for a small moment was vibrant pink hair before passing out once more.
You woke up again, but this time laying down on a bed too expensive for your own good. Your hands were no longer tied up, but left marks in the process. You look around you to see a magnificent room you have never seen before.
But that was the least of your worries. Your mother mentioned a contract with some other man you don't know. Did she sell you off?
You didn't have the best relationship with her, but that didn't mean she would just sell her child off to some stranger. You remember the titles 'lord' and 'imperial majesty', so has to be someone in the royal family. It was clear she had a few reasons to why she would just sell you off. Status, money, power and so forth.
You have to get out.
You try to get off the bed, but fall flat on your face. That's fine, you can tend to yourself later once you leave this place. You lift yourself up swiftly from the floor and steadily walk to the doors, taking step by step, hoping not to fall once more.
The doors are opened before you. You see that reddish, vibrant pink hair. This time it put you on fear. He was dressed in royal garments, compared to you, you are simply wearing rags. His face so beautiful, but so condescending towards you.
What has he done to you? No.
What will he do to you?
"Why in Heaven's name do you dare to leave my room, are you that desperate to get yourself killed?", he asks you, raising his eyebrow towards you.
"I, um-"
"Speak louder will you, I can't here a damn thing that you are saying, you are in the presence of your imperial majesty and this is how you act."
You don't have any words to say and simply look down on the floor. You can feel his eyes glaring right at you. He sighs and walks passed you, taking your hand in his while doing so. You let him take you to his bed, fearing if you dare go against him, it'll cost your life.
The both of you sit down, you continue to look down on the floor, a poor attempt to not look at him. He looks at you and smiles to himself, and then proceeds to speak.
"You really are something princess, trying to leave my chambers, trying to leave the entire imperial palace. That's bold I'll give you that. But not enough to let you escape my grasp so easily now. After all, your mother and I had a contract."
You look up to him in shock, eyes widened at his words. Sure you realized it enough, but coming from someone who made such contract, it hurts.
"But why, how, when, what was her reason?", you ask him, tears starting to form already.
He chuckles lowly at your question, almost mocking you.
"It's not what was her reason. It's what was my reason."
He continues,"I had my eyes on you for a long time, and your mother wanted a way out the poor life so I helped her. By having you as my future wife and she could live in luxury. Seems fair enough. So just thank me, will you?"
In defeat, you bow your head.
You are his imperial majesty's apple of his eye.
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Yandere Vampire AU
WC: 755 words.
"You look beautiful.", your mother says, gently rubbing your shoulder covered in lace.
"Thank you mother.", you say, looking in the mirror as you see yourself.
The Perfect bride.
You should be happy, you think. This is the happiest moment of your life, any woman's life for that matter. Yet, here you are, plastering a smile on your face only used for family photos.
You should be grateful, you think. Your quiet demeanor, but thinking brain has caught the eyes of a man who was looking for a smart woman. Most preferred brain-dead women.
You are lucky, they all think. Your getting married to smart, handsome, royal prince, who's family is worth an amout you couldn't count on your fingers and toes combined.
"It's time.", a maid alerts you and your mother. You stand up from your chair and walk towards the door, only for your mother to hug you from behind.
"Be safe.", she says in a worried voice, as thought of losing her first born daughter terrifies her.
"I will.", you reassure her, hugging her back before escaping her desperate grasp.
You walk to the door, waiting for it to open, bouquet in hand, veil covering your face, quietly shifting in place, preparing yourself to see the wedding aisle with people known and unknown to you.
The door opens with a loud creak, a wedding aisle covered in flower petals of various colors and people on both sides, standing at your entrance with music in the background.
You look forward, walking at a steady pace, trampling the flower petals as you walk. You pity them, really. You finally make way to the altar, your bridesmaids stand by you, as if they could bring any comfort to your situation.
You grip you bouquet tightly as the groom lifts your veil to see your face as if he would be disappointed to who his bride may be. Your eyes met his, then you had a clear view of his face.
Reo Mikage the Prince.
He smiled, not a one filled with teeth, but filled with sincere love and loyalty. It was like he has forgotten all the mistakes and cruel deeds he has made in the past. Seeing you made him happy.
"You look beautiful my love.", he says, continuing to smile at you. You smile back in response, hearing a few giggles behind you.
The priest grunts before starting to speak."Now we may begin the wedding.", he says, looking at the both of you, quietly asking if you are both prepared.
You both repeat the wedding vows meant for the two and end with the infamous.
"I do."
You can see the tear-filled eyes of the people in the room,some already had tears spilling from their eyes not even bothering to wipe them away.
"Now, you may kiss the bride.", the priest ends, smiling in satisfaction that there were no disturbances in the ceremony.
Reo, in almost an instant, takes you by your hips and pulls you into a deep kiss. To keep up the act, you place your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Claps and shouts are being made around you as you are happily married to the prince.
As time passed quickly almost in a matter of minutes, you were in bed with your newly wedded husband at the darkest hour. What should be a romantic moment has you in fear.
"So, what will happen to me, will you turn me into your kind, or are you going to go against the agreement?", you ask avoiding his piercing gaze. He smiles and chuckles to your question.
"I was thinking about that, but decided to put it on hold. After all, you are afraid of me.", he answers, smiling at you as you continue looking away from him.
He then pulls you close by your arm, catching you by surprise. He lifts your head up by your chin, forcing you to look directly at him in the eye.
"I love you my dearest, I really do, having you is one of the best things to happen to me. So, how about you forget about all that stuff, and I show how much I love you in more ways than one, yeah?"
He says this with his wide cocky smile, and eyes peering down at you and takes your hand to kiss it gently.
"You promise not to make me a stupid wife on a pedestal."
"I promise my beloved."
You could almost feel his fangs sink in.
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Yeah, so, um...
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pandas-pandemonium · 4 months
Caught up with Blue Lock, and re-reading @yestrday 's musings about the yandere Blue Lock boys has inspired this lil scenario with Yandere!Nagi
The Opportunist
Content: Yandere! Nagi x GN!Reader, subtle manipulation (towards Reader), implied sexual harassment (not involving Nagi), implied yandere harem; all characters have been aged up to 18 and above
How long have you been like this? An hour? Maybe even two? You lost track a while ago since Nagi snatched your phone away and completely encased your smaller body within his much larger physique. It was suffocating, and the man hadn't moved for the past hour or so since you agreed to be his cuddle buddy as part of a deal you struck with him.
You give him an hour of your undiverted time and attention and he won't alert the rest to your location. You were desperate when you agreed, having been worn down by the mass onslaught of hungry, egotistical men who demanded every bit of your attention and physical being. There was not a single day that you weren't being hounded or dragged around by someone.
Bachira clung onto you like glue, Isagi would constantly invade your personal space, one time even showing up unannounced at your house. Even more self-centred types like Kaiser would pop up randomly at the most inappropriate times. You still couldn't believe Ness broke the lock on the bath stall just for Kaiser to force his way in. Those ten minutes in the shower were absolute hell. He didn't try anything but with how his hands "accidentally" brushed against your body, he might as well have.
And so, you were now in this predicament. On the one day, a once in a blue moon moment when no one seemed to be hovering around you, your peace was snatched away when you escaped into what you thought was an empty classroom only to fall in the trap of Nagi Seishiro.
Nagi's grip was tight. And you had no idea how he found it comfortable to be squished against the classroom table. Then again, he was using you as a pillow so maybe that was helping him. Not you, however. The blunt edge of the table was beginning to dig into your ribs and your arms were going numb.
"Nagi..." you whispered out, your hands digging into his arms, trying to pry them off you but he only tightened his hold.
"Don't go..." You craned your neck to check on him. He was just speaking in his sleep. Damn it, how strong was this guy? All he did was play football and game, so how were his arms so freaking strong?
"Nagi!" you squirmed again, trying your hardest to push yourself off of him. As you did, you felt him stir.
"Hm? Has it been an hour already?" he asked, his voice still husky from sleep.
"More than that, you dumbass! Let me go! I held up the end of my deal, so leave already!" you yelled out as you managed to pull his arms off you. The moment you felt yourself launch forward from the force needed to push yourself off him, you felt yourself crashing back down as he pulled you into his chest once more.
"You stayed," he whispered, his voice soft against your ear. You blinked.
"Even though you claim to hate me, you stayed." You were starting to feel uneasy, as his arms began to creep around you again, bringing you back into that stronghold you were in earlier.
"I- I had no choice! Your grip is too damn strong!" you tried to refute, once again trying to pry his arms off you to no avail.
"That's a relief. It's such a hassle trying to get you to stay with me when all those bastards keep swarming you like pests..." You felt his nose nuzzle into your neck as he pressed his lips against your shoulder. "Reo keeps suggesting we keep you on a leash, but isn't that a pain in itself? I mean, I'd rather have you like this."
What was he going on about?
"Nagi!" you tried once more to get off him, but he only continued to press his face deeper into your skin.
You froze, and turned your head to face him. His grey eyes were staring deep into your soul.
"Call me Seishiro. Isn't that what romantic partners do?"
"Wha- we're not-"
"We should be. That way less people will try to take you from me. Why do they bother anyway? Chasing you down hallways, barging into your house... are they stupid? Those idiots keep putting so much effort to have you when it's so much easier when you fall straight into my arms like this with little to no trouble at all."
You began to feel his hands move upwards towards your face as he turned you to face him. Now that you were, he grabbed hold of your face and pressed his own forehead against yours, his eyes tinged with a hint of mania.
"You agree, right? Aren't you sick of those bastards coming after you every day? It's why you're here with me, isn't it?"
You couldn't deny that. It was true, you were sick of it. And his words made sense to you. After all, out of the rest, Nagi was one of the aces of the academy and relatively low maintenance.
Slowly, you reached up to grasp his hand in yours, and as you did, he smiled.
"Then that's settled. You better not run from me anymore, okay?"
And as you nodded, you ignored the unsettling pit in your stomach that told you were making a mistake.
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