#blueberry eggos
celestialsun123 · 1 month
did anyone else use to eat frozen, plain Eggo waffles?
No? Just me? Okay then
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masoncarr2244 · 9 months
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imfinereallyy · 2 months
El being wholesome with Steve. El being wholesome with Steve. The weird sibling duo we didn’t know we needed. I need more of it. I might do it….no I’ve done enough of them…
Okay, okay. But just picture this:
The kids trying to embarrass Steve all the time with photos and stories to Eddie, but El ruins it every.single.time. because she is so unbelievably wholesome when it comes to Steve.
Here is everyone pulling out scoops photos (which Eddie actually loves thank you very much) and sharing stories about his failed dates. Dustin tells Eddie specifically about the time he was teaching Lucas basketball and Lucas threw the ball too hard at the backboard and hit Steve in the face.
So they are all poking fun at Steve in his and Robin’s apartment (because in every universe these platonic soulmates live together) and there is just El who randomly chimes in:
“Steve took me to this thing called a ren faire once. It was very fun. We both looked really pretty.��
Eddie absolutely melts at the story and gushes over the photos she has.
And everyone gets quiet every time, because no one wants to criticize El, but one time Max gently goes, “You know that’s like….nice right? We’re making fun of him.”
Everyone one expects her to being embarrassed or confused but instead she simple says.
“I know. I don’t like it. Steve’s nice.”
And she embarrasses everyone, except Robin and Eddie who are the only ones Steve never gets upset with when they make fun of him. They all mumble out apologies, and Steve turns to Dustin and goes:
“This is why she gets a special section in the freezer. All different flavors of eggos.”
El’s eyes get wide. “Even the blueberry ones?”
Steve gives her hair a tousle, “Especially the blueberry ones.”
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15ktherapy · 11 months
I just had two waffles but I’m gonna go eat two more. actually
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skunkox · 4 months
Freelancer Headcanons Cause I Should Be Asleep
Traded Yugioh cards during lunch breaks.
Was obsessed with Drake Bell
Used to cry a lot more before studying at D.A.M.N. Knowing that Gavin and Caelum can pop in at any given moment keeps them from completely breaking down when they're at home.
"Go ninja. Go ninja. Go." is chanted while cleaning.
Lots of patterned tops or embroidered jeans.
Jealous of Huxley's ass'.
Blueberry Eggo waffles
Peanut Butter flavored ice cream
Started feeling guilty whenever they were enjoying themselves with the crew.
"You don't need to" and "You don't have to" are phrases that would send them spiraling. Honestly believing they weren't needed and unwanted.
Has crocheted the crew winter pieces. Huxley, a sweater. Damien, a pair of gloves. Lasko, a hat. Gavin, a scarf. Caelum definitely has a blanket made for when he sleeps over.
Sends pictured of Damien to Huxley when the two of them hang out because Damien won't take most pics willingly.
Still second guesses themselves when they make the first move with Gavin.
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captain-mj · 1 year
does selkie!soap know that ghost is a changeling? if not can we have him figure it out?
Yes! I absolutely fucking can! Continuation from this post
Soap looked at his husband, watching him carefully. Ghost had eaten twelve pancakes. Not eggos. Eggos would be reasonable. Twelve, full sized pancakes. 
To be fair, Ghost had been the one cooking them, so it wasn’t that noticeable to anyone else. They all had large appetites. Big men, big muscles, bit metabolisms. 
But Soap was watching Ghost make more for himself and he was clearly trying to make it seem like he hadn’t eaten that much. It was odd. 
His husband. What a funny phrase to be able to use now. Anyway. His husband was odd. 
He poured more syrup on his pancakes, he made chocolate chip for Soap, blueberry for Gaz, strawberry for Price and from the looks of it, plain for himself. Ghost ate in the kitchen, probably to keep them from seeing his face. It wasn’t unusual, but Soap couldn’t help but wonder how often Ghost was using it to hide his odd eating habits. 
The next was simpler. Ghost’s gloves had torn. His hands looked normal but very pale. 
“Guess you don’t get out in the sunlight much, huh LT?”
“Not really.” Ghost rubbed his hands together gently. 
Soap tossed him again and turned away, only to hear it thunk against the floor. He looked backed to see Ghost just staring at it. 
“I’ll stick to knives.”
“There’s a lot of people. I’d feel better if you have a gun.”
“Do you have one with a grip?”
“What? No.” Soap stared at him for a minute and Ghost relented. He picked the gun up and followed him. 
It wasn’t until later that he finally got to put the gun down and Soap saw them. Everywhere the metal had touched his hands were burns. Severe ones. In parts, especially where he’d have it pressed hard to his palm, the skin had started to bubble and crack. 
Ghost noticed him staring and dropped the gun. “Ironic. A sniper who can’t actually touch it. S’why I wear the gloves...” 
“Ah...” Soap thought of the steel and therefore the iron in the gun. His whole not human theory was starting to make much more sense. 
It was such an odd topic to bring up, but they were on it and Soap was determined to use it. 
“Yeah, personally I grew up Roman Catholic. Got the baptism and everything.” According to his dad, who had laughed about it, his mom had begged him not to, worried it would kill Soap or make him human. According to his mom, his dad had jumped at the idea that baptism might make him human. It did neither of course. “What about you, LT?”
“My mom was Protestant, but I never was baptized. She stopped taking us before I was old enough to do it.”
Ghost paused, glancing around. No one was really focusing on them so he shrugged. Soap had noticed that although the bond effected him in the usual ways, the world revolving more around Ghost, him always being aware of Ghost, feeling Ghost’s presence around him at all times, yada, yada, it had also affected Ghost, which was interesting. It made him a little more open with Soap. Just Soap. If that sent a thrill through him, no one needed to know. 
“My mom took me and Tommy every Sunday. My dad occasionally tagged along. One day, one of the patrons caught me stealing an extra piece of the communion bread. This lady made it fresh and it was fucking great. They told my dad and he hit me with a bible so hard it knocked me to the ground. Right in front of everyone. My mom stopped taking us to church after that.” Ghost told it all to him quietly. “I had liked going, even though I didn’t believe in it. Always felt insincere, but it made my mom happy.” 
“Oh.” Soap stared. “How old were you?”
“I think I was seven.” Ghost hummed and looked away. “Never got baptized. Probably good thing. They always heated the holy water up.” 
Soap prepared himself for the joke of “boiling the hell out of it” but after a moment he realized Ghost was sincere. 
The holy water burned him. 
Soap suddenly had a vague idea of what he was. 
Soap had a heavy suspicion at this point. He had a feeling he knew exactly what Ghost was, so he decided to do a little experiment to see. 
Before he left that morning, he turned his shirt inside out and then slipped his hoodie over it. The only exception being creatures that had to notice. 
Ghost stared at him for a moment before he simply turned away and ignored him. Soap tried to get his attention and Ghost just wrinkled his nose and turned away from him. 
Gaz gave them an odd look and Soap just smiled awkwardly before stepping away. He fixed his clothing and tried once again to strike up a conversation. 
Immediately, Ghost actually talked to him. It was his usual rather quiet amount but it was definitely there.
“Why did you ignore me?”
“What are you talking about MacTavish?”
“Right now. You ignored me.”
“You weren’t talking to me a minute ago. You need to go to the medics?” Ghost seemed genuinely concerned. 
“Nah, probably just dehydrated. I’ll go grab a drink.” He smiled at him and stepped away. 
Gaz looked at him. “I think Ghost is going a tad crazy.”
“Nah, think he’s fucking with me.” Soap covered for him. 
Gaz didn’t look like he believed him but he dropped it. 
“Johnny, why are we on a secluded beach in the middle of the fucking night?” Ghost had followed him though. In his civvies, the soft hoodie and sweatpants clinging to all the right places. His mom didn’t warn him how bad marriage would feel at first. Or more, how bad one sided marriage would feel. He wanted to attack Ghost. Throw himself at him and claim his husband in every way he could. 
“Simon. I need to talk to you about something.” Ghost turned towards him. Soap vaguely put the face he remembered from Los Almas over the ski mask. He was glad Ghost went with this instead of the plastic mask and balaclava. That day, the kohl makeup had run all the way down Ghost’s face, covering his cheeks and his nose. His hair was shaggy and curled oddly, sticking up all over the place. It had been shoved down as if to cover his ears and it felt in his eyes. Despite clearly being cut into a buzzcut recently, it looked like it hadn’t worked too well. Soap had wondered at the time if it had been unfinished and he had to rush it. 
Now that he knew he was a changeling, it made more sense. Their hair tended to grow unnaturally fast and choppy. 
“What do need to talk about Johnny?” Ghost seemed worried. He glanced at the coat around Soap’s shoulders. 
“I... I know you’re not human.” Soap decided to start there. 
There was a beat of silence. 
Then Ghost laughed. There was a slightly bitter edge to it. “Oh, fuck off, Soap. You know, out of everyone, I never expected that shit from you.” He started to turn away from him.
“I’m not either.” Soap thought he was playing coy. It made sense, Soap would never admit it so easily and this Ghost. King of not saying shit about himself. 
“MacTavish,” Ghost looked at him, “you may be experiencing psychosis. Sometimes men on the battlefield...” Soap stared at him, hearing him like he was muffled through more than just his mask. 
Did Ghost... not know? 
There was no way Ghost didn’t. He hid away all his oddities. Been so careful. There was no way he didn’t at least expect it.
“Have you ever heard of a selkie?” Soap interrupted. 
“The seals that turn into humans. Yeah, I guess.”
“I need you to understand I’m not... I’m...” Soap sighed. “Just. I need you to trust me for a just a minute, okay?”
Ghost stared at him for a long while before nodding slightly. “Okay.” 
Soap slowly slipped his coat off and then started to undress. He kept his eyes downcast, but he could feel Ghost’s eyes on him. Scanning over him with growing alarm. 
Soap wrapped his coat around him before he shucked off his underwear. 
“Johnny.” Ghost said softly and there was something there that Soap needed a lot more time to unpack.
“Trust me.” Soap said softly. “Just... could you turn around for a minute?”
“You’re willing to undress in front of me but not do... whatever you’re about to do?” Ghost sounded... amused. It made butterflies in his stomach. 
“It’s unpleasant.” Soap said softly. Ghost finally turned around him. 
His coat fused with his skin and the transformation was... unpleasant to look at it. His fur laced with him and he sorta fell to the ground, luckily able to muffle himself so it didn’t startle Ghost. 
There he was. A harbor seal. He barked and Ghost turned around slowly, staring at him. 
Ghost continued to stare. And continued. And stared. 
Soap slowly rolled over to his expose his stomach. He couldn’t exactly talk, but his dogtags, which he had clearly been wearing, were around his neck now. 
Ghost slowly moved closer, touching the chain and reading the name. He didn’t move, staying crouched over him. 
Soap could see the ring of gold around his pupils again. 
“Oh.” Ghost said softly. 
The transformation back was much easier and faster. His snout seemed to wrinkle before splitting and he poked his head out, shaking his head. It looked like he had just had the coat over his face, but Ghost knew better. 
“Take your mask off.” Soap muttered against him, the coat splitting down his chest to go back to a more coat like shape. His bare chest was out but he was smart enough to cover his lower half. 
Ghost stared at him even longer and Soap knew for a fact he hadn’t blinked the entire time. He reached up and pulled Ghost’s mask off for him. 
There was Simon. 
Oh God he’s incredibly hot. 
Simon hadn’t put the make up on so Soap was treated to his freckles. They were... He sat up and grabbed Simon’s face who didn’t seem that surprised by it honestly. 
They sparkled. They weren’t like a human’s at all. One, they were mostly shaped like stars instead of just dots and fleck. Two, they were a stunning gold color that reflected the moonlight. 
Soap reached up and ran his hands through Ghost’s hair. It was just like before, spiky and uneven despite clearly being freshly trimmed. His ears were pointed like an elf, too severe to look normal.
“When the body modifications came out, I just blamed it on that...”
“Do you... know?” Soap spoke gently to him but he couldn’t keep his hands to himself. His husband was right here.
“No. I don’t... know. I didn’t even know there were other things like me. Thought I was just... wrong.”
“I think you may be a changeling.” Soap admitted. “I may have... tested it. A couple of times, trying to see if I could figure it out.”
Ghost glared at him and he went to take his mask back, but Soap stopped him. “Johnny... Please.”
“Simon.” Soap said softly, pulling him a little closer and Ghost finally slid to his knees instead of crouching. “I’m not going to hurt you.” 
Simon looked at him and suddenly stiffened. “When I took your coat.” 
“It’s okay. You didn’t... You didn’t purposely do anything.” Soap reassured.
“But I did do something.” 
Soap sighed. “This isn’t... the conversation I wanted to have tonight... What do you know about selkies?”
“Take their coat and you can control them. That’s it.”
“Pretty accurate. It’s a little more than just control though. When someone holds my coat, there’s an instinct under my skin. A desperation to please is the best way I can put it. It’s a survival tactic to keep from being punished according to my mom. You do what you can to keep your master happy so they don’t strike out at you.” 
“Have you...” Simon was touching him now. Holding his face and putting his arm around him. “Been...”
“Twice. Once when I was 12 for two months and once when I was 17 until I turned 19. The first one was by a kid my age and it wasn’t... nothing happened. People usually get concerned.” Johnny smiled at him. 
“And the other one?”
Johnny shook his head. “Another day. Please.”
“Another day.” Simon promised. “But what did I do?”
“You gave it back. The way you did it... You pick it back in my hands. You didn’t let me grab it.”
“Is that bad?” 
“We’re married. Kinda. It’s not legally binding, of course. It can be ignored. Even broken.” Soap mumbled the last parts. It hurt. He’d like to blame it on his coat. That it was making him a little crazy. But he knew it wasn’t just that. The idea of being rejected by Ghost was... He cared a lot for Ghost and it had nothing to do with being not quite human. 
Ghost was staring again. “Since the hospital. That was weeks ago.” 
“Yeah. I suppose it was. Look, I can tell you how to break it.” Soap felt Ghost’s mouth on his and the arm pulled him closer, right against his broad chest. 
“I haven’t been a very good husband to you.” Ghost joked, but there was a layer of stress underneath it. 
Soap shrugged. “I haven’t been a very good bride.” He leaned in closer. 
“Would you... like to be?”
“If you’d have me.”
Ghost huffed. “I’d be an idiot not to.” 
“Good. Although, you are going to have to court me. My mom is not very impressed with you right now.” Soap got up.
“You talked about me to your mom?” Ghost was scrambling to get up and follow him.
“Of course. Had to tell her some Brit married me. She was worried.” He flashed him a smile and tossed him his mask. 
“How the fuck do I court you?” Ghost tugged it on and followed him. He gathered up Soap’s clothes, watching him twirl around barefoot on the beach. 
“Figure it out.”
“Can I have your mom’s number?”
“Why the fuck do you need that??”
“To ask her how! Also I want your mom to like me.” 
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usbkinitopet · 2 months
i must know....how does kinito and maybe the others feel about waffles? for me i really enjoy eggo cinnamon brown sugar thick and fluffy!! super good yes yes- dont ask why im so specific :)
"None of us, besides Jones, can really eat but.. if I were to choose how I feel about waffles.. especially for a specific type of waffle.. I think I'd prefer them plain with some syrup!.. not too much or else, it may make me sick!.. oh!.. and maybe some blueberries on top!.. what about you, Sam?"
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"I like burnt waffles.. with lots of sugar"
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".. Burnt?.. but.. wouldn't they be.. too hard to eat?.. I.. don't think having a lot of sugar is also healthy either!.." "Burnt.. sugar.." "Ah.. I think Sam had a brain toot.. well then.. I think what he meant to say was; he much prefers cinnamon waffles as well.. though.. now that I think about it.. that does sound tasty!.. I might try those, if I could!.."
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"I just.. hope that, Sam doesn't actually want his waffles, burnt for real.. that'd worry me.. it'd be too hard to bite into and it probably wouldn't taste much like waffles anymore, past that point.."
(Poor Sam, he has low brain cells.. much like the two mods!, silly sea anemone!!) - Mod Soni
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munson-blurbs · 1 year
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trapped under ice chapter 5 drops monday, may 8 at 5pm EDT!
single dad!eddie x fem!reader enemies-to-lovers slowburn
scruffy!eddie edit credit to @eddiemunsons-missingnipple
@littlepotatobeansworld @kelsiegrin @lma1986 @munsonology @stuckontheceiling @avobabe87 @eddapwinchester @peachysink @definitelynotecho @browneyes8288 @jeremyspoke-inclasstoday
@breezybeesposts @wednesdaymunson @feltonswifesworld87 @take-everything-you-can @bebe07011 @krahk @81rain @dylanmunson @oscarisaacwhore @eddiesguitarskills @everheart12 @etherealglimmer @hollster88 @wh0re4life @siriuslysmoking
@bibieddiesgf @theactualf0ck @winchester-angel @starlitlakes @avalon-wolf @hazydespair @josephquinncore @daydreaminglisa @sidthedollface2 @eddiebaemunson @mandyjo8719 @daydreaming-mood @aol19 @corkadymu @starcourtnights @eggo-segual @rockstarmunsons @metalhead-succubus @boinkybarness @oohworldofpisces @costellation-hunter @toobsessedsstuff@meadow20 @theweasleyskettle @lost-in-the-stars03 @elizabethmidnight2017 @aysheashea @fckyeahlames @chaoticgood-munson @rachofficial @poofyloofy @girlintherubyslippers @shotgunhallelujah @thirddeadlysin @sinczir @vintagehellfire @ieatmunson @behind-thebrowneyes @southblizzard @ilovetaquitosmmmm @blueberry--lemon @chrissymjstan @eddiesguitarskills @corrodedcoffincumslut @foreveranexpatsposts @scarletwitchwhore @bexreadstoomuch @micheledawn1975 @moldy-khunt @simars3
@chamomileh0ney @dream-a-little-nightmare @emma77645 @kurdtbean @sheneedsrocknroll92 @tlclick73 @luceneraium @lolly-in-a-strange-land @dylanmunson @bakugouswh0r3
@strangerthingsstories5255 @imaginexred @haylaansmi @adaydreamaway08 @itsalltaken @harmfulb1tch @mimischaos
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willalove75 · 9 months
The Estate | Lady Dimitrescu x Fem!oc Chapter 3
Summary: Your second day at work arrives and you meet a few more of your coworkers.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI
Tags: Slow burn, flirty
I'll add more tags as needed!
Notes: Chapter 3!
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Once you're showered and dressed you open the door to Emma's room to wake her up. To your surprise, the toddler was already up and out of bed and rummaging through her toy bin.
"Good morning Emma. What are you looking for?"
"Mommy! I want my baby doll. She has to eat breakfast!"
"Oh she does, does she?"
"Yes, she's hungry."
"Alright, let mommy help you so you don't make even more of a mess."
You walk over to her and grab the doll out from the bottom of the bin and hand it to Emma.
"You must be hungry baby! Lets get breakfast!" Emma says.
The little girl saunters out of the bedroom with her doll in her arms and you can't help but giggle.
Once you get into the kitchen you help Emma into her booster seat and you sit the doll on the table next to her.
"Mommy, can baby and I have waffles?"
"Of course, love."
You pop two Eggo waffles into the toaster and make yourself breakfast. Just as you're finishing up the waffles are ready and you put them onto a plate along with a handful of blueberries. Once they're a cooled off enough so Emma won't burn herself, you cut the waffles up into smaller bite-sized pieces and pour a little bit of syrup over them. You grab your coffee and breakfast along with Emma's and set her plate down in front of her.
After every couple of bites Emma brings her fork to her baby doll's lips and "feeds" her breakfast.
"Is it yummy baby?" Emma asks the doll.
You watch your daughter as she chews on her waffle pieces and fruit while she continues to feed the doll with a smile on your face. Sure, she's getting syrup and blueberry mush everywhere and is making a mess - many of the pieces she "fed" her doll ended up on the floor - but you don't care. All you care about is her happiness and right now, she's the happiest kid on the planet.
When you finish eating you pick up the forgotten pieces of food off of the floor and give it a quick wipe with a paper towel. After cleaning it up you take a wet cloth to Emma's face and wipe her clean.
"Mommy! Don't forget to clean baby!" Emma says.
"Of course not!" You say as you wipe the sticky syrup remnants off of the dolls face. "Alright, how about we get dressed?"
"Me and baby?"
"Yes, you and your baby." You say as you put her down onto the floor.
With an excited squeal Emma runs into her bedroom with the doll in her arms and begins to pick out an outfit for her. As she's occupied you pull out an outfit for Emma and lay it out.
When she finally picks out an outfit, you dress the doll and finish getting Emma and yourself ready for the day.
"Come on Em, we gotta go, mommy can't be late for work!" You call out to her.
"Coming mommy!" Emma says.
She runs out of the room with her doll in her arms and meets you by the door. You unlock it and Emma climbs down the stairs on her butt while you follow her.
"Hi Margie!" Emma says.
"Good morning Emma!" Margie says as she leans down and gives Emma a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Good morning Katie."
"Morning Marge!"
"Ready for your second day?"
"As ready as I'll ever be I guess." You say with a smile.
"I'm sure you'll do great."
"Thank you."
You head out the door with Emma and off to your in-laws house once more.
After you drop off Emma you make your way to work.
As you walk inside you see Cassandra behind the bar again. "Good morning." You say with a smile.
Cassandra either blatantly ignores you or doesn't hear you, but you think it's the former as opposed to the latter.
After you put your things down, you get yourself settled at your desk and turn on your computer. The first thing you do is check your emails for anything you may have gotten after you left and then you go over your to-do list.
Once you outline what it is you want to get done for the day you dive right in. The first item on this mornings list is to work on the next marketing campaign. The campaign is to advertise the new Sunday brunches that are starting in the beginning of the summer. It's only mid-April but you want to start running them by mid-May the latest.
The newly familiar sound of heels clicking across the floor echoes through the hall. When you look up you see Alcina walking past your office. She glances over at you and flashes a smile as she takes off her sunglasses, resting them on top of her head.
She stops at your door and you turn to face her. Her outfit is impeccable, just as put together as it was yesterday. A pair of flowy, high-waisted, printed pants with a sash tied neatly around her waist. A black V-neck popover blouse tucked in. To accessorize the look she has a pair of black heels, her black purse hanging in the crook of her elbow, a black blazer with a leather lapel and her signature gold jewelry. Just like yesterday her makeup is also immaculate. Her winged eyeliner is damn near perfect, eyebrows filled in with such precision you wouldn't think they were even touched at first glance, and her lips are painted with a deep crimson.
"Good morning Kathleen." Alcina says.
"Good morning."
"Bela should be here within the hour, her class should be ending soon. Then she can go over the social media accounts with you."
"Sounds good."
"And you received the invitation for the all-hands weekly staff meeting for this morning, yes?"
"Uh," your eyes widen and you turn towards the monitor that has your email up. "I don't think I did." You say as you check the calendar in your email. There's no unaccepted or pending meetings and no email invitations. "I don't see it."
"If you received it, it would be there." She says with a sigh. "My apologies, I will send you the invitation once I get settled."
"Oh sure, no rush. What time is the meeting?"
"It's at 10 o'clock."
You scribble it down into your notebook.
"I will be there. Email invite or not." You say, nodding to the computer screen.
And with that, Alcina turns on her heels and heads into her office. The scent of her perfume lingers well after she's gone. As hard as you try to ignore it, it's nearly impossible not to focus on the smell as it envelopes you.
Just as 9:30 rolls around a blur of blond hair zooms past your office and down the hall. A couple of minutes later you hear the clicking of heels once more followed by a small knock on your already-open office door.
You turn to see Alcina with a young blond woman. The same one you saw for only a moment yesterday with Cassandra.
"Kathleen, I would like to introduce you to my eldest daughter, Bela."
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." You say as you shake her hand. "Bay-la," trying to pronounce it correctly. "not Bella?"
"Yup, exactly." She says with a smile. "It's nice to meet you too."
"Bela will go over the social media accounts and-" a phone ringing down the hall pulls Alcina's attention away. "I'm sorry, I must get that."
"No worries mom, I got it."
"Thank you draga." She says, before placing a light kiss on top of her head and disappearing down the hall.
"Alright, lets get to it."
For the next half-hour Bela goes through all of the social media accounts. She shows you what she's been doing, the photos she's been taking, how she's been taking them and where the best places she's found to take pictures are. The two of you walk around the estate and she shows you her favorite photo locations and where to grab things from if you need props or other things for the pictures.
"If you need a specific bottle and mom doesn't give it to you just ask Cass or any one of the bartenders. They can grab you one. Just let them know its for the socials so they don't bring you out one with a ripped label or something."
"Alright, sounds good."
"So, how are you liking it so far?"
"It's been good, I still have a lot to learn about the estate itself but it's nice to be working again."
"How long were you out of work for?"
"About two years."
You know the next question out of her mouth is going to be "why?" and you brace yourself. Just as she goes to speak her phone rings. Literally saved by the bell.
"Oh damn it's 10 already? The meeting starts in a couple minutes. I gotta grab a few things so I'll see you in there."
"See you soon."
A wave of relief washes over you and you head back into your office and grab your notebook. You follow a few other people into the conference room as you all file in.
Everything in the estate had a rustic look to it and the conference room was no exception. It was a big room with a large, rectangle table in the middle and windows overlooking the vineyard lining the far wall. Opposite the windows sat a window wall, the only barrier between the conference room and the rest of the office. The conference room door was a barn door and when it was open, the grilles lined up perfectly with the ones on the window wall - so satisfying. The other two walls were adorned with reclaimed wood that matched the beams trailing on the ceiling from one end of the room to the other. The wall closest to the door had a massive television screen mounted to it, presumably for presentations and zoom conferences.
You politely smiled at a few people you hadn't met yet and went to find a seat. Alcina, to your surprise, didn't sit at the head of the table but right in the middle of it. Part of you hoped you'd be able to find a seat near one of the ends but of course the only seat that was left open was the one directly in front of your new boss.
The rest of the staff got comfortable in their seats as they all waited for Alcina to finish doing whatever it was she was doing on her laptop. As much as you tried to avoid looking at her, she was right in your line of sight.
She really was beautiful. You did your best to look at anything else but your eyes always wandered back to her. Her perfectly curled hair tucked behind one of her ears, putting her pearl earring on display. The way her reading glasses were perched on her nose somehow made her look both cute and incredibly sexy. Like a hot librarian.
The minute you realize your thought you feel a warm flush across your cheeks and you push it out of your head. She's your boss, you can't be thinking about her that way! As you're chastising yourself in your head her eyes flick up and meet yours. You feel the heat in your face grow and you look away but not before catching her flashing you a small smile.
"I apologize for keeping you all waiting." She announces to the group who falls silent. "There isn't much on the agenda today so this should be quick. Before we begin, I would like to introduce our newest team member, Kathleen." She says, gesturing across the table to you. "She has taken over John's position in marketing and will be with us full time. I would like to not overwhelm our newest staff member so if there are any questions related to her department please continue to send them my way until she is acclimated." Alcina says. You notice her eyes flash to the man sitting at the head of the table on your right and she continues. "Now, there are no major updates, sales are steadily increasing as the weather improves and once the advertisements for our Sunday brunches have been launched I have no doubts that sales will continue to rise."
She talks more about how the business is doing in general, updates on shipments due and what orders need to be placed. She mentions new menu items and what seasonal food and drink options are going to be swapped out soon. Once she's finished with her list she goes around the room to each staff member and asks if they have anything for the meeting. A few of the people say they don't have anything, the man at the head of the table says he has nothing for this meeting, whatever that's supposed to imply. Some of the different departments talk about what's been going on, what they need from others and overall departmental updates. As she goes around the table the man next to you speaks and you feel your heart beginning to beat faster. "What am I supposed to say? Would it look bad if I didn't say anything at my first meeting?" You think. When it comes your turn, Alcina skips over you and goes straight to the man to your left. A breath you didn't realize you were holding is released and you feel your heartbeat beginning to even out.
After about an hour the meeting started it comes to a close and Alcina dismisses everyone. Before you get up you catch her eye.
"I hope it's alright I skipped over you today." She says.
"Yeah, that was totally fine. I was starting to get nervous about what I was going to say anyway since it's only my second day."
"I presumed as much." Was it that obvious that you were starting to panic or is she just that good at reading people? "I don't expect you to have to participate in filling in the team of the happenings in marketing until after next weeks meeting. It should take at the very least that long to get acclimated to everything."
"Thank you." You say with a smile.
Well that was a relief you didn't know you were craving. You were safe this week and next week. The following week is when you'll have to discuss anything new in marketing but you're confident that you'll have everything down pat by then.
As you and Alcina gather your things and stand, the man seated at the head of the table walks up to you.
"Hello there, Chris Redfield, CFO." He says, holding out his hand. "It's wonderful to meet you, Kathleen, was it?" You shake his hand.
"Yeah. It's nice to meet you too."
It's not so surprising to find out he's the CFO. The moment he opened his mouth he sounded like a salesman. Like the kind of guy who can get you to buy a cheap piece of shit car and make you feel like you're driving away in a Rolls Royce.
"And where were we lucky enough to snag you from?" He asks.
Alcina's eyes dart over to Chris and they narrow at him.
"Oh, I've had a bit of a gap in my resume the past couple of years." You say, a little embarrassed.
"And now why is that-"
"Christopher." Alcina snaps and both you and Chris look in her direction. Her slate eyes piercing into him. "Wasn't there something you needed to speak with me about? That you didn't mention in the all-hands meeting?"
"As a matter of fact there was. How about we go chat in your office?" He turns to you. "It was wonderful meeting you Kate." He says before sauntering out of the room.
You're able to give Alcina a small smile as a "thank you" before she exits the conference room behind him. It does look as though she gave you the smallest of nods in return.
A few minutes after you got back to your desk you see Alcina briskly walk past and you look over at the clock. The tasting room opens in a few minutes so you figure she's going to do her routine walkthrough before opening. A few minutes later she heads back to her office and you hear the door close.
You dive into your work, getting everything ready for the brunch advertisements. Bouncing between that and a few other things, like A/B testing and running analytics, the day passes rather quickly and it's already time for lunch.
Once you finish up your tasks you pull out your lunch and begin to eat while scrolling mindlessly on your phone.
"What are you eating?!" An excited voice says.
Looking up you see Daniela standing in your doorway.
"Hey Daniela, nothing, just lunch. How was school?"
"It was so boring. What did you bring for lunch?!"
"Just a salad, nothing fancy."
"Oh come on, salads are more boring than school!"
"I won't disagree with you there, kid."
"I thought mom told you to leave her alone." Bela says as she walks up to Daniela.
"I'm not bothering her! She's having lunch!" She says defensively.
"What?! I'm not doing anything wrong!"
You sit there awkwardly as the girls begin to bicker. They get louder and louder until Alcina walks up.
"What on earth are you two doing?!" She hisses.
"Daniela was bothering Kathleen aga-"
"I was not!"
"That is enough."
"But mom she was having lunch! I wasn't distracting her from important stuff!" Daniela whines.
"You're such a whiney baby." Bela says.
"Enough, the both of you. Bela, go back to work. You," she looks at Daniela and points to her office. "my office. Now."
Daniela's shoulders drop and she looks at you like a sad puppy.
"See you later Katie."
"Bye Daniela." You say with a smile. That seemed to cheer Daniela up a bit as she walks away.
Alcina turns to you and you're not sure if the ever so faint flush is from embarrassment or from holding in her anger and not screaming at her two daughters.
"Once again, I apologize for their behavior." She says.
"It's okay, really." You say with a smile.
"I will see to it that she stops barging in on you."
"Honestly, I don't mind. Especially if I'm just having lunch. She seems like a good kid. She's just, excitable."
Alcina laughs through her nose and shakes her head.
"The understatement of the century."
The rest of your day flies by after that and before you know it you're packing up and getting ready to go home. You decide to stop by Alcina's office again before you head out.
It was only after you knocked on the door was when you heard two voices behind it. "Oh shit." You think to yourself. The door opens and Chris is standing in front of you.
"Would ya look at that, the new girl! Kim, right?"
"It's Katie, actually." You say.
"Oh that's right, my apologies Kate."
You adjust the strap of your bag on your left shoulder and Chris looks at your hand.
"No ring, so you're not married?"
"Christopher." Alcina hisses. He steps aside and you see the glare she's shooting him. If she were to look at you like that you would probably cry without her ever having to speak a single word.
"Yeah you're right Alci, none of my business." He says with a charming smile. She must be used to his antics because the glare she's sending his way only intensifies when he calls her "Alci."
"I am so sorry for interrupting, I didn't know anyone was in here with you. I'll go-"
"You weren't interrupting at all, Kathleen. Chris was just leaving." She says, shooting Chris a look.
"I should probably get goin' myself. The bachelor pad ain't gonna clean itself." Alcina scrunches her nose for a moment as if she smelled bad fish. "Night boss, Kate."
Chris disappears down the hall and Alcina looks to you.
"I apologize for his behavior, he can be quite insufferable at times." She says, rubbing small circles on her temples. "It also feels as if I've been apologizing quite often since your arrival."
"Honestly, it's really okay."
"If at any point you are uncomfortable, with anything, even if it has to do with my daughters, please don't hesitate to speak with me."
"I won't, I promise."
"Good. I presume you're leaving for the day?"
"Yeah, just wanted to see if you needed anything before I left."
Alcina smiles at you and shakes her head.
"No, there is nothing I need from you. Have a wonderful night, Kathleen."
"You too."
The two of you exchange smiles and you head out for the day.
Alcina leans her elbows on her desk and closes her eyes and continues to rub her temples.
"You good there boss?"
She opens her eyes and slowly looks up at Chris.
"Aside from the impending migraine you've bestowed upon me, I am fine."
"All I'm saying is that that property might not be the best invest-"
"I am through with speaking about this. My decision has been made and it is final. When the property is ready to be listed I will be buying it."
"You don't even need it, you just want it so Winters can't get it-"
"Christopher, I understand you are my CFO and that you have good intentions but I purchased the land we are sitting on, I built this winery, this vineyard, this entire estate without supervision. I don't need it now."
"What do you plan on doing with another 30 acres of property anyway? Property that's a mile away no less?"
"I haven't decided."
Knowing he's fighting a losing battle, Chris sighs and shakes his head.
"Goodnight boss."
"Goodnight Christopher."
Alcina continues to work in her office as the tasting room slowly empties. When it closes at 7, Alcina is still at her desk.
"Alright mom, registers are all cashed out and everything is closed down." Cassandra says as she walks into her mothers office.
"Wonderful, thank you draga."
"I'm starving, can we get Chick-fil-a?" Daniela says, collapsing onto the couch in her mothers office.
"Oh, that sounds good. I can go for a milkshake right now. Mom, want anything?"
"From that greasy place? No thank you."
"Do you not like that we go there because they don't like gay people?" Daniela asks.
Alcina scoffs.
"No, I do not care what a business such as that thinks of my lifestyle. I refuse to eat there because it is disgusting." She says, not looking up from her work.
"Are you coming home anytime soon?" Cassandra asks.
"I'll be done soon, draga."
"So you'll be home by midnight. Sounds about right. Come on Dani, lets go eat."
"Cassandra, watch that tone of yours." Her eyes shift to her middle child.
"Why am I the only one you get mad at?"
"That's not true Cass, she got mad at me yesterday and today!"
"What did you do?"
"She was interrupting Kathleen during work, again." Alcina says, eyeing her youngest.
"Katie! The pretty one." Daniela says.
"Oh, the new girl."
"Daniela will you stop saying that?" Alcina says.
"Why? You don't think she's pretty?" Daniela asks.
"No, that's not why I said that-"
"So you do think she's pretty!"
"Daniela Dimitrescu that is enough. You cannot comment on peoples appearances in the workplace. It is unprofessional." Alcina says.
"But you do think she's pretty?"
"Enough. Go eat your greasy fast-food and go home so I can finish what I'm doing and maybe I will be home at a reasonable hour."
"You missed that by about two hours there, mom." Cassandra says.
"Goodbye girls."
"Bye mamă." Daniela says wrapping her arms around her mothers neck and kissing her on the cheek.
"See ya."
"Get home safe, I will be there soon." She says as the girls walk out of her office.
"Why are you so obsessed with how pretty the new girl is?" Cassandra asks.
"Have you not seen her?! She's so pretty!" Daniela says as her voice fades away.
Alcina sighs and gets back to work. Thoughts of you cross her mind. Of course you're pretty - you're beautiful if Alcina was being honest with herself. But you also fascinated her, piqued her curiosity.
She wanted to know why you had such a long gap in your resume. Alcina tells herself its for purely professional reasons but she is also curious outside of a professional manner. It also struck her as odd the way you reacted when Chris said you weren't married. It brought her back to yesterday when she noticed what could be a wedding band on your right ring finger and when you were giving her your emergency contact information. You went to say, what was it? Jack? Jake? Something like that, but stopped yourself. A sadness filled your eyes but was gone in an instant. A sadness Alcina was all too familiar with. But if it was because you were divorced or widowed, she didn't know. She's seen that look for both reasons.
Alcina remembers the blush that dusted your cheeks when you made eye contact before the meeting started. She could have sworn that you were blushing before she looked at you but she wasn't sure. She cursed herself for thinking how pretty you looked as the flush deepened.
Just then Alcina's phone dinged, a text message came through. It was from Alex, the woman that Alcina had been casually seeing.
8 tonight?
Was all the text read. Alcina looked at her watch and saw that it was 7:15. She replied:
The usual place?
Meet you there.
She knew she should have said no and continued working but between the stress of the week and the extra grief from Chris today, Alcina needed to relieve some of her tension. That's really at that this relationship was. A way for both women to relieve tension without having to sleep with random people.
She drives to the hotel and heads up to the room Alex texted her. As soon as she walks in the rest of her night becomes a blur of limbs tangling, touches, tongues, scratches, whimpers, moans and orgasms - multiple orgasms.
By 9:30 Alcina is pulling into the driveway of her home.
"Reasonable hour my ass." Cassandra says as Alcina walks in.
"Cassandra, you know better than to use that language in my house." Alcina says as she puts her purse and keys away.
"Were you at the office all night?" Daniela asks.
"No, but I was there late. I went out afterwards for a bit."
"The jazz club." She lied.
"On a Thursday night?" Cassandra questioned.
"It's late, you girls should be getting ready for bed, not watching television."
Cassandra groans and Alcina begins to walk up the stairs.
"Turn it off, girls."
The tv is shut off and Cassandra and Daniela head upstairs to get ready for bed.
After finishing up her nightly routine Alcina climbs into bed. For the first time in what felt like weeks she's actually satisfied and drifts off into a deep sleep.
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Pancake | Mat Barzal
Your first date with Mat Barzal
warnings? none
wc: 739
“Pancakes or Waffles?” 
“Depends,” you respond. 
“Depends? What do you mean it depends?” He asks, laughing that signature high laugh of his. 
“It depends!” you insist, matching his wide grin. 
“Okay tell me,” he says, still smiling but trying to settle into a serious expression. 
“If they’re homemade I pick pancakes,” you say and he nods in response. “My mom made the best pancakes when I was a kid.” 
“If they’re store bought, it has to be blueberry eggo waffles.” 
“What about regular or chocolate chip?” he asks and you shake your head. 
“Nope. Has to be blueberry.” 
“Alright alright,” he says absentmindedly, pulling your hands into his over the table and playing with your fingers. 
“If it’s restaurant food, pancakes all day.” 
“So you like pancakes better over all?” he asks and you shake your head. 
“Nope, it still depends.” 
Mat grins widely, unable to contain his sheer joy in your presence. He thought you were absolutely ridiculous, and yet he wanted to hear every single word that left your mouth. Wanted to write it all down and read it over and over, keep it to himself so that no one finds the true 7th wonder of the world. 
“So, we’re at a restaurant. I should get pancakes,” he states, still grinning. 
“But what kind? Blueberry, strawberry, buttermilk, chocolate, sprinkles?” 
“Depends,” you say and Mat rolls his eyes but doesn’t mean a second of it. He wants to know your answer. 
“Blueberry and strawberry are too healthy but that’s your choice, buttermilk is too plain, and sprinkles are too sweet.” 
“Chocolate is the perfect middle,” you say matter of factly. 
It was ridiculous. He loved every second of it. He wondered if he would ever stop grinning. 
“And what do you get? Or is that a loaded question?” 
“Only if you have an hour,” you joke. 
Mat felt like he was walking on air the entire night. He always felt like that around you, your energy and joy never ceasing to flow into him. To have the honor of taking you on a date? Mat was over the moon. 
“Desert?” the waitress asks and you and Mat cast glances over at each other. 
“Just give us a moment,” Mat says, knowing you were a fiend for sweets. 
“Is desert just as complicated?” he asks when the waitress walks away. 
“Well?” he asks, egging you on. 
“Milkshake and french fries.” 
“No way,” he says and you grin like you’re the expert of all gourmet food. 
“Just trust me,” you say.
How could he not? He had trusted you the minute you opened your mouth to say hi to him. He has an overwhelming feeling of security around you. 
The waitress comes back with one milkshake, two straws, and a plate of fries. She grins at the two of you like she knows something you don’t before backing away with the reminder that if you needed anything to let her know. 
“Okay take a fry,” you instruct Mat. “Now dip it into the shake and enjoy.” 
Mat looks at you skeptically but does it anyway. You watch as his face contorts from one of confusion to pure happiness and you smile alongside him. 
“Okay you’re ordering for me from now on,” he says around a mouthful of fries. 
“I told you to trust me.” 
Mat pays for dinner and leads you out of the diner into the busy new york city streets. His hand slips into yours and it feels like a bolt of electricity has shocked him from end to end. He has the strong urge to never let go again. 
The walk back to your apartment is calming besides the rapid beating of your heart. Surprisingly the two of you are quiet, but it’s not uncomfortable, it’s everything you needed and more. By the time you get to your apartment, you realize you didn’t want to end the night. 
“So,” Mat starts “I really hope we can do this again.” 
“I’m insisting on it,” you respond and Mat grins looking at the ground to hide his blush. 
You start to turn and walk into your apartment but Mat grabs your wrist. You turn back towards him and he hesitates, his eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips. He dips down to meet you, his lips like honey on yours, sweet and perfect. 
“I’ll see you later,” he whispers before letting you go, leaving you speechless. 
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givehimthemedicine · 2 years
🧇 Eggos as a symbol of M*leven: an analysis
El Loves Eggos is a running thing throughout the show and I want to look at where that actually came from.
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does she, Michael?
because here's what it looks like when El tastes an Eggo for the first time. here's the moment of origin!!! drumroll!!!:
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Eggos are first established as a Mike thing. he's absolutely wolfing them down at the breakfast table, to the point where Nancy and Karen are both giving him weird looks. they don't know he's doing that because he's eager to go check on the feral child camping in his basement, and might both just mistake this as a sudden unexplained enthusiasm for Eggos.
I really wanted to see whether the whole family was eating Eggos or just Mike, but the scene is shot so that you can't see what's on Ted's or Karen's plates. Nancy might also have an Eggo, which she's eating with a fork and knife to let us know she's repressed and also in a doomed relationship.
then Mike hurries downstairs to give one to El and we get this non-reaction that launched a thousand toaster levers.
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what part of this reaction should warrant Eggos becoming her whole thing? because if she didn't "!!!!" over her first one, why would she with subsequent ones offscreen?
Mike has no inkling at this point that she likes Eggos, because.. she doesn't. At least she's given no indication that she does.
I don't know if El has ever especially liked the taste of Eggos. I think what she likes about them is Mike. also as far as she knows, they're are a major pillar of a regular people diet. to her, they're a connection to Mike and by extension to the normalcy, safety, and love that she craves.
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Next, El shoplifts the Eggos. out of a whole store of options. doesn't that prove she thinks they're delicious? not necessarily. I think it's just because she latched onto the only familiar thing she saw.
she clearly didn't come in here looking for them specifically, she's just hungry and she can tell this building is where food comes from, but she gets in there and is a bit lost because none of this stuff is recognizable as food to her. between Mike and Benny and the lab, she's probably never seen prepackaged foods and doesn't know what to pick, not to mention she literally doesn't have any preferences anyway. she's wandering rather aimlessly until she sees the picture of Eggos by chance and thinks "hey!! those are the yellow circles I ate before!"
side note: notice just to the left of the Eggos she takes, is an alternate blueberry flavor. El has no reason to choose the default yellow out of familiarity because she's never seen what package they come in at all. she didn't even know they were called Eggos, or that they are a frozen product, she just spotted a picture that looked familiar. the actual Eggos pictured on the boxes don't even really look different. did she just choose the kind with the word "home" on the box? :(
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she eats her stolen Eggos in the woods, probably not understanding why they're not very good, because she doesn't know they need to be toasted. she's not having a good time. these are the first Eggos she's acquired on her own without Mike providing them, but as she sits there eating them, and missing Mike and all that he represents, she hears him calling her in the distance, reinforcing the Mike-Eggo link.
also wait, I see 4 boxes open, at 8 apiece, is this at a minimum her TWENTY FIFTH dry frozen Eggo she's eating right now?? my poor baby's gonna have tummy trouble in the upside down
remember right before this, Mike and Dustin saw the grocery store with the shattered door and the cops out front and realized it must be El's work? most likely after Mike got El home, he would have asked her what had happened there, and maybe she could have been in a rare mood to actually answer a direct question. Mike, not knowing her real reasons, could only have been like "whoa, you must really love Eggos!" and El, not yet knowing how to evaluate her own likes and dislikes, might have thought, "huh, yeah, I must."
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that's what must have happened because the next thing on the Eggo timeline is Mike telling Nancy that El REALLY likes them, despite El never having given any other indication. nobody's even mentioned Eggos for a few episodes as far as I can remember.
Then, when she asks for them, thinking she loves them now, he calls them "not real food". hmm
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this is the first (only?) time El mentions Eggos by name. Mike never told her what they were called - she found out for herself at the grocery store. interestingly, much of this scene is of Mike struggling to put a name on romantic attraction or even distinguish it from platonic or familial relationships.
you know how he just gave her the Eggo without explaining what it was or asking if she wanted it first, and without any frame of reference she kinda just assumed she liked it?
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I don't see any reason why El would already know what a kiss is or what it means. she lacks the life experience to process whether she's really into this or just thinks she is because... well, Mike seems into it, and he's easily the least abusive interpersonal relationship she's had so far, and he represents normalcy and safety and home, and she's always wanted to be loved and this feels like something to do with that, so... smile??
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now believing her to be the world's biggest fan, Mike comforts a distressed El with visions of a future with unlimited Eggos. we know Mike likes feeling needed, in fact he equates it with love itself, so I can see him absolutely eating up the idea of being El's Eggo-provider.
in the same sentence, he re-offers the Snow Ball thing he was talking about earlier when he kissed her. this links Eggos with M*leven, and the idea of him loving her.
then she takes out the demogorgon and disappears to the upside down.
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Hopper, too, must discover her apparent love of Eggos when he responds to the shoplift call and the store manager tells him that's all the bald kid stole. so that's what he leaves for her in the woods.
but to El, Eggos are a Mike thing. she doesn't know anyone else knows that she likes them. so she finds this mysterious box with Eggos in the woods - the woods, where Mike found her originally. the woods, where she sat eating Eggos and heard Mike calling to her, and practically the last thing he ever did was promise her Eggos... what can she think but that Mike left them? that after all this time out here cold and scared and alone, that Mike is still looking for her? that there's still hope for her to have a home and be loved?
she stakes out the box and discovers the Eggo-provider to be Hopper, not Mike. that's disappointing, but she reveals herself anyway because she's been Bear Gryllsing out here for I think at least a few weeks in that Nancy dress and she's pretty over it.
Hopper buys her Eggos as a regular treat when they live in the cabin, not knowing she likes them mainly because they're a reminder of the proto-relationship she's desperate to get back to.
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they're Hopper's go-to bribe when she isn't speaking to him. it's a strong motivator because she's been stuck in this cabin for like a year dying a slow death of isolation and FOMO. even if she's mad at the new provider, she can't bear to miss out on the Eggos because of what they represent.
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it's also what Hopper takes away as punishment, along with the TV, for her sneaking out. these are both indirect ways of taking away Mike (she uses the TV for static to go see him in the void) who she's already upset about having missed out on, because she saw him with Max and thinks she's taken him away, too.
also Hopper's being a dick and threatening to send her back to the lab and stuff, so thinking she has no one left in the world who loves her, she runs away to find her mom and start the life that should've been hers in the first place.
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Hopper checks in eventually to apologize and remind her that Eggos aren't real food. she isn't home to hear it.
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here she is stealing something to eat from the convenience store with Kali's gang. she takes an apple but then spots the Eggos and decides she'd rather have that than fruit, so again, she was not seeking them out. she would've made a beeline for the freezer section if she was.
this time, she gets sidetracked and doesn't actually leave the store with them. they don't seem quite as important as before.
El spends most of season 2 forcibly and unhappily separated from Mike, which yields probably the Eggo-heaviest season as she clings to them as a connection to their relationship.
she then spends most of 3 separated from Mike as well, except this time by her own choice, happily, and wouldn't you know it, the season is a pretty dry spell for Eggo references. she's having the time of her life hanging out with Max and learning about herself, and doesn't miss the relationship.
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she uses this freezer's hum to go void-watching, and oh, what's this? a row of Aunt Jemima brand frozen waffles encroaching on the Eggo display? she's branching out. there's more to life than stupid Eggos.
the party uses and eats and loots anything they wanted from this store, and this is her best ever opportunity to steal some sweet sweet yellow circles. in fact, she's sitting in front of the exact freezer where she grabbed all her little arms could carry in season 1. the coast is totally clear, and there are even more in stock now.
she doesn't even touch one box.
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season 4 starts off with this Mike toaster shot paralleling the one in season 1 for what other reason than to Eggo-bait us?
Mike's outwardly eager to get on with his spring break trip and go see El, but the fact we're prominently shown him toasting two pop tarts instead of Eggos hints at a different goal he may or may not be aware of. I don't mean this to be a byler post, but I know that's what yall are going to say and it could sure work for that, but at a minimum it hints that Mike's true priorities are drifting from his relationship with El. Mike is also allowed to realize there's more to life than stupid Eggos.
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oo look who's learning about other breakfast foods on her own and isn't so concerned with Mike's approval
after the rink-o-mania incident, things are weird between El and Mike and he makes her Eggos as a peace offering. it should be a cute sentimental gesture but also kinda feels a little damning that El Likes Eggos is still basically the only thing he knows about her after how long they've known each other.
the presence of Eggos in the house means that Joyce is keeping them in stock for El, who's been back on her bullshit since ten seconds before she left Hawkins. although to what degree I don't know, it depends how aware she is that she's lying to herself. either she's going through 2 packs a day keeping this relationship alive with lies and desperation, or there's been one box in the freezer awhile growing ice crystals. not sure.
either way, right now she's pissed off and doesn't want them. she never really liked Eggos, but now she's gone too long without getting what they represented, and doesn't even want that anymore.
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also what kind of sociopath pours syrup on someone else's Eggos an undetermined amount of time in advance and lets it get all soggy. you gotta do that yourself so it's fresh and you control your own destiny/syrup distribution. are they sitting in a giant puddle of syrup?? boy, how do you mess up EGGOS. this on its own is a dumpable offense.
Mike's idea of El is still "haha Eggo go in, superhero come out" and he looks at them like he just doesn't understand why it's not working. so he tries again like smoothing out a wrinkly dollar bill and trying it in the vending machine again. he brings her the soggy symbolic Eggos she already didn't want when they were fresh.
she doesn't look at them. it's over.
I really believe their relationship doesn't survive this scene.
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if this scene went on longer it would've been Mike picking up an Eggo and gently smushing it against her mouth with concern while she stares at him like
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also notice Mike isn't having Eggos for breakfast. he and Will are having eggs and toast (real food). he only made Eggos (not real food) for her. he's trying to give El something he doesn't really even want himself.
also what do you wanna bet Will got that syrup out for himself and Mike to put on their eggs and then Mike didn't take any and put it on El's Eggos instead.
Anyway, post fight-or-possible-breakup, El ends up at this diner with Owens. she has to have discovered a second kind of food that she likes by this point in her life, but she peers at a menu on the wall for a moment and recognizes something familiar, a lot like at the grocery store, and orders "waffles, please." she is, after all, in a pretty scary situation here - arrested, dragged off in handcuffs, federally kidnapped in the middle of the desert, and put sorta back in custody of her lifelong abusers. she kinda broke up with Mike, but it's still her habit to look for the comfort of familiarity.
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on the surface it's worth a chuckle because El Loves Eggos and waffles are the closest thing to Eggos you can order at a restaurant. but also it's the first time she's ever gone off-brand, isn't it?
waffles are the real food that Eggos are a junk imitation of. she wants real love, and symbolically, this is her letting go of her notion of Mike being her only option for that.
five seconds later she chooses to immediately embark on her self-discovery journey which she's been clearly warned may result in her never seeing her friends again.
she doesn't stay for the waffles at all. showing that not only has she left Mike behind, but romance, period, is not her priority at this time.
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later at Surfer Boy we see what it looks like, by the way, when El really does like the taste of something. here's the !!! reaction I've been attributing to Eggos that never actually happened.
Mike is there to scowl and insist that pineapple on pizza is both insane and blasphemous. El knows how to like what she likes now, and she (on a good-natured level of course) couldn't give less of a shit whether he approves. in fact she tries to force feed it to him. the growth.
ps, she was about to codify their breakup before they got pizzablocked.
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Mike then lies and says he loves her at emotional gunpoint, killing Max and causing the apocalypse and stuff so the vibes get weird again.
El doesn't talk to him at all after that. and Mike makes no effort to stay near her on the approach to Hopper's cabin, which he should realize is an emotional moment for her.
our final Eggo reference is this old box in the destroyed cabin, looking like a relic of the past. Nancy finds some cleaning supplies and everybody starts sweeping and picking up trash.
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i'm livid that it happens just out of frame but we end the season on El STUFFING THE EGGO BOX IN HER TRASH BAG oHOHOHO CHEF KISS
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~ Fin ~ 🧇🦴
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sunflowerharrington · 4 months
apple juice and apologies
written for the @strangerthingswritersguild daily prompt “I’m so glad I found you” (10/3/2024)
pairing: jim & el hopper (not romantically, obviously)
wc: 696 haha nice
no warnings
El wakes up to a faint knock on her door. She sleepily rubs at her eyes and pokes her bed head up out of the sheets, looking around to make sure she isn’t dreaming. Her dad pops his head around the door.
“Hey kid, can I uh… Can I come in?”
She nods, she wants to stop herself from nodding but does it anyway. She doesn’t want to have to face what’s about to come her way in a few moments. El had one hell of a night with almost no sleep after the explosive argument, and after dad told her straight up how he felt about things with Mike, she danced around her own issues with Hopper, afraid he might yell at her even more.
She takes a deep breath, sitting up in the bed. When she looks up she notices that he’s carrying a tray in his hands and puts it on the bedside table. It has all her favorites; apple juice and eggos drizzled with chocolate sauce and topped with blueberries and some kind of powder. Sugar, maybe. Oh, it’s the one they use for baking cookies sometimes!
Her heart swells for a couple of seconds until she remembers what she’s supposed to be doing. El gathers her courage and looks up at him again. He sits down on the edge of the bed.
Hop— dad looks as devastated as El does; deep bags under his eyes, hints that he’d been crying, and the top of his forehead isn’t shining the way it usually does. He’s not wearing his work uniform today, even though he should be. Dad’s still in yesterday’s clothes.
El reaches out to hold his hand. “We need to have a talk, and no shouting this time.”
He looks at her, eyes full of hurt and regret for the things he said. “Come on, kid, just—”
“Dad,” she says. “I know our things didn’t go the way we wanted them to but we have to talk it out. Joyce tells me that’s what I should do with you. If we don't, I'm scared we will not talk ever again.”
“It’s a hard conversation to have, dad. I know. I know you want to set these.. Is the word boundaries? …between me and Mike and you, but you could have said it without shouting at me. I know I shouted at you too and I’m sorry.”
Dad sighs. “I know you’re getting older and you're changing, and that’s what’s scaring me. That at some point you won’t need me anymore and you’ll be able to make decisions all on your own. I just don’t want you to grow up, but I know that’s not how life works…”
“I will always need you, dad,” she replies, making room in the bed for him to sit next to her. As soon as he sits down, she wraps her arms around him and cuddles into his side. Even though they had that fight last night, he’s still her dad and she’s still his daughter. “I will always thank you for taking care of me and making me feel like a person.”
She looks up at him, wiping away a tear rolling down his cheek.
“I’m so glad I found you, kid. You deserve someone who’s going to take care of you and look after you every step of the way.”
“Someone like Steve?”
Dad laughs, warming her heart. “Sure, kid.”
El smiles, snuggling closer to him, until she remembers the waffles and juice. She rests the tray on her lap and hands him the fork. “We can share?”
“Thank you, I’m starving,” he says, breaking off a piece of the waffle for himself and a piece off for El. He hands the fork back to her.
As they tuck in with big smiles, dad puts the music on from the little box on the bedside table. Static erupts from the box and dad curses under his breath, until a song comes on. He sits back down on the bed.
“Hey, kid?”
“Yes, dad?”
“I’m a better dad than Steve, right?”
El laughs. “Yes, but you can’t tell him I said that.”
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nachosforfree · 4 months
why the fuck do people want soggy eggos
Clearly you've never had a soggy blueberry eggo at 3 am
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This is so crazy-  A Pop-Tarts Gingerbread Lodge at 1 Kellogg’s Square has been listed for sale on Zillow. The only problem? It’s probably meant for one of Santa’s little helpers. It’s 35 square feet and is  “just north of the Wild Berry Woods in the foothills of the Applefritterlachians.”
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To celebrate their limited-edition gingerbread Pop-Tarts flavor, the company has featured the home on Zillow. The home is made up of four bedrooms and two bathrooms.
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The living room features a handspun Eggo Frosted Maple Flavor area rug, an  Frosted Cherry sofa, a Frosted Chocolate Fudge coffee table and Frosted Raspberry wallpaper with a framed Frosted Gingerbread Pop-Tarts Chocolate Chip archway.
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The kitchen features built-in Frosted Grape cabinets, Frosted Chocolate Fudge pantry and Frosted Raspberry cabinets. The countertops are Frosted Cookies and Crème with Chocolate Fudge Bites stools.
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The game room features a Frosted Chocolate Fudge TV stand, tiny billiards table and Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon sofa.
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The bd. features a vintage unfrosted headboard, Frosted Chocolate Fudge reading nook, restored Apple Fritter wallpaper, Frosted Cherry king-sized bed, Frosted Brown Sugar Cinnamon recliner, & Frosted Raspberry night stands. 
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The bathroom features a reclaimed Frosted Blueberry tub, a Frosted Cookies & Crème mirror, Frosted Strawberry tile, and Eggo Frosted Maple Flavor wallpaper.
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It “is fit for a full-on party that is anything but cookie-cutter,” the listing jokes. “This pastoral palace has to be seen – and tasted – to be believed.”
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reallyromealone · 2 years
"don't worry you two! We will make sure they are safe and have fun!"
(Name) and Eddie were currently babysitting or "watching over" El, Max and Will for the weekend as Hop and Joyce went to go see Jonathan at university for the weekend.
"So I was thinking tonight we would order a pizza and maybe go pick out a movie" (name) said as he let the pups situate themselves, the three all very attached to the sweet Omega as all their parents were either alphas or betas so the presence of an Omega was always nice, especially when it was (name).
The three tweens always loved (name), the man being their protector since they were little and took on that role for any of their friends.
"Do you need help with anything?" Max asked the pregnant omega, the young Omega practically idolized (name) who chuckled sweetly "don't worry hun, you three just relax alright?"
That didn't stop the alphas and Omega from helping the Omega any chance they got and absolutely refusing to let (name) lift the cots or set them up and make (name) sit down and not move a muscle.
After the area was set up the three began figuring out what to order for dinner when the phone rang "can someone grab that for me" (name) said as he struggled to sit up, far to round and the couch to comfortable to get up and Will jumped to grab the wireless phone and bring it to (name).
"Munson residence, whose speaking?"
"Hey angel, you order food yet?" Eddie's voice warm like honey rang in (name)s ears and the Omega smiled a bit "not yet, why?"
"The gremlins wanna come over for dinner along with Robbie and Stevie"
"Alrighty, they staying for the movie?"
"Probably, how goes it on your end? YOU THREE BETTER NOT BE DRINKING ANYMORE COFFEE!" Eddie suddenly yelled out, voice muffled as he most definitely scolded Mikey Dustin and Lukas who made a hobby of stealing sips of Eddie's coffee to piss him off.
"All's good, pups are set up for the weekend and helped me set up their sleeping areas, might go grab ice cream for dessert"
"I know what I want for dessert" Eddie said lowly into the phone and (name) just rolled his eyes, not even bothering to give the horny alpha what be wants "well we better go, tell the ducklings to behave or else"
"Love you baby"
"Love you too"
When he hung up he noticed the pups staring at him giddily "were getting ice cream for dessert?"
"And toppings, I have cravings"
When the four left (name) noticed how they basically flanked him "you want eggos for breakfast Ellie?" (Name) asked the young girl who eyed the frozen waffles with great interest "can I?"
"We can grab you some syrup too"
In the end the kids each picked one thing as a treat along with the ice cream, chocolate and blueberry syrup and ice cream.
(Name) also got a pregnancy craving snack.
When the entire pack arrived (name) was positively preening at the sight of them all and the rest of the kids swarmed him to check on him and tell him about their campaign and such.
It was wild to (name) that they were almost teen-teens and not his little pups anymore.
"(Name)? What's wrong?" Mike asked worried as (name)s eyes watered "you guys are growing up!"
The pups hugged (name), the Omega playing with Wills hair and kissed the crown of Lukas' head, they were already developing their own unique pharamones and the milky scent that came with pups was fading.
He wasn't ready for this.
Eventually (name) calmed down and the pizza came and per usual (name)s eyes were to big for his stomach and slowly pushed his slices to Eddie who kissed his cheek lovingly.
"So what movie you get?" Robin asked as she took a bite, everyone glancing at the metal head who looked proud of himself "the lost boys!"
No one safe for Steve and Will had many complaints as they gathered to the livingroom and made (name) sit his butt down and was handed a bowl of ice cream as Eddie sat beside him and the group all watched the film, entranced by it.
By time the movie hit the mid section (name) was already passed out in his mates arms, snuggling into his chest while Eddie rubbed his belly lovingly "I'm gonna take (name) to bed, be right back" Eddie said softly as he grunted slightly but managed to lift his mate.
Tucking (name) into bed he looked at the man who gave Eddie everything.
A chance.
Unconditional love.
And soon a pup.
Eddie was always in awe at him, the Omega not afraid to indulge in his Omegan habits and still put him in his place when needed not to mention be a good friend and and support for the pups.
He didn't know how he managed to seduce Dustin's brother back in high school but he definitely wasn't complaining.
"I will be back soon baby, sleep well" and with a gentle kiss Eddie left his very pregnant omega to sleep and make sure the pack didn't destroy the apartment.
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mikuhats · 5 months
*if you only have 1 sibling this doesnt count
*you can choose the mitski one if it's been longer than 5 years but NOT if it's been shorter than 5 years.
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