#bmf please
suyikitosmelons · 6 months
— suyikitosmelons! (@suyithoughts on tiktok)
(_ _ ) . . z Z
; im suyi. an adult... who is currently in college... (archi major) used to be law student. this is a new acc, I barely use it (😿)
I really like cats. and freminet. (he's like my son omf) I lovw him sm I will protect him forever anw I was born gendrless and I have severe ptsd ! I hate noncon with my life it's part of my trauma it sucks and it's fucking illegal so dni if u like noncon (🙀)
but anywayz *pets fremi* I'm recovering slowly from what happened . love u all, stay safe
— panalangin ko sa habang buhay...
; I'm an opm , jpop , kpop enthusiast!! (stan icwms, wxs, nwjns) I literally have most their albums and sh (🙀)
I'm a huge pasilyo fan too omfg I can't express how much I love that song gre
— also add my bf's acc grr @feverwritings he's barely active on tumblr though xx
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that-cu-fan · 5 months
me when hes 45 and dances around in his underwear at the snap of his fingers
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heretherebedork · 11 months
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He was already the tiredest gay in their university, imagine how tired he is in his thirties? This poor man. He needs coffee and a boyfriend, stat.
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Seriously. Max deserves the entire world for still being beside Kawi during all of this and still fully supporting him and his choices and trying to help him be the best he can be. He is the truest, best friend anyone could ask for and he deserves to be tired.
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Max x a goddamn break and a nap 2023
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cup1d54rr0w · 25 days
okay so remember that one teen titans episode where the whole episode they chase after red x (i think) to get back a single briefcase but at the end of the episode they DONT SHOW WHAT IT IS.did the writers ever say what it was? or are there any like fan theories? (i know it’s probably “up to the viewer” to decide but that ain’t no answer to me
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phsmloves · 10 months
i need someone to talk with about the lookism fanfic ideas i have in mind👉👈
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klausbens · 1 year
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thebroccolination · 4 months
[ Kawi x Pisaeng ] "Let Me Let You Go" ONE OK ROCK
[ making-of notes in reblog ]
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bunnakit · 6 months
tell me three shows that are underrated and that more people should watch and why!
BAKE ME PLEASE. like, listen, i know it doesn't have the most amazing plot, i know it seems like some plot elements are rushed (imo i think the show wants you to fill in gaps from context clues they're giving you abt everyone's past) but there's only so much we can expect them to accomplish in 6 episodes. that being said, it's so soft and warm and the main couple fall together so easily and ugh. i'm in love with it.
be my favorite. i dont see a lot of talk about it on my dash, maybe the hype has just died down, but it really deserves a chance. i KNOW kawi is insufferable in the beginning, that's literally the point tho and the way he grows as a person is such a beautiful journey, and seeing pisaeng get to become his most authentic self UGHGHGHGH.
manner of death/triage. i know they're heavier shows, triage especially, but god i adore them. the plot in each is excellent and engaging and both stories always have you wondering what's going to happen next.
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ohnoitsdevoo · 8 months
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whats up you dudes
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idontkarol · 10 months
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anyway look at these cuties!!!
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pipojisuvg · 2 months
Kinda weird ale POTRZEBUJE osoby z którą mogłabym pisać na chillu o głodówkach itd. Chyba oczywiste że jakbym gadała o tym z moimi znajomymi zapewne chcieliby gdzieś go zgłosić. Będziemy się wspierać i pomagać!!:3 Opis moj jest na moim profilu!!!! Pls ktoś ja nie mam przyjaciół :c
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dropthedemiurge · 10 months
Be My Favorite Finale Timeline [EP.10-12] How Pisaeng and Kawi change until they become equal
I honestly have no idea why I spent so much time on this, but the discussion with @rocketturtle4 got me thinking and, well, I like to consume my media scientifically, so I made a graph of my interpretation of the final jump xD
Somehow, I believe there wasn't really any 'different' alternate timeline this time because the changes to Kawi and Pisaeng's lives were minimal, so it can be a slightly different AU but to simplify, I'll assume it's one timeline because it makes a lot of sense. What's fascinating to me is not following their where-being (or when-being) but the changes in the characters mindsets.
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[please open it to study, i couldn't make it more vertical, unfortunately]
I was talking about possible reasons why Kawi suddenly seemed to switch into such wise and calm demeanor during their repeated date, and I've heard of behavior patterns of Child, Parent, Adult modes.
Disclaimer: we studied it in uni very briefly cuz i'm actually STEM major but that description of mindsets opened my eyes and explained a lot to me so i'm using it, you can interpret it's probably with your own life experience; also terminology is probably not official, i'm describing it with my words and not scientific articles
So let me tell you my thoughts!
Phase [1]
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Kawi and Pisaeng aren't on the equal footing even if they started to date. Kawi is into his "child mode": he's anxious and even if he's brave at times without alcohol, he's getting more anxious about being with Pisaeng due to all pressuring flirting (and Max's comments). His fears and hesitation are valid but he is protesting and running away a lot, sometimes being unnecessarily harsh and self-centered.
Pisaeng in his "parent mode" has to coax him, reassure him and sometimes manipulate to get them where he wants them, adding more not-subtle hints and more pressure onto Kawi.
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Phase [2]
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The date doesn't go well because they are not communicating and the power/control imbalance is too strong. It's not enough to get them to break up, of course, but it's not perfect life.
But wait – then why had the series immediately jumped to such a sweet intimate scene without any communication? Did we miss something? Why Kawi seemed to be hesitantly ready to challenge himself now when he just flatly refused to go on a scary ride with Pisaeng? First night shouldn't work when two people are on very different levels of comfort and confidence, so many viewers were worried and put off by this, me included. [especially if you consider Kawi was so heavily ace-coded throughout the show, it felt really wrong to force him to go through this in his alleged state of mind]
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[now I completely recontextualized these Kawi's brave little nods, anxious blinking and heavy breathing, thanks to time-travelling hooray]
But! In EP.12 we get an explanation – Kawi actually lived the day twice (vaguely conscious of that) and experienced something very unusual that flipped his mindset – Pisaeng in distress. Kawi saw very upset and sad, scared and not confident Pisaeng in "child mode" and... immediately switched to his "parent mode" instead. (as someone who experienced this, I can tell that this switch can happen really fast and work really effective and it's not unbelievable).
Kawi is now the one reassuring Pisaeng – as someone who lived longer, as someone who already time-traveled and learned a lesson or two from time wizard and his own countless mistakes. Knowing that he and Pisaeng lived many happy years and they both don't want to change anything, left only one thought: well, then let's just be brave for each other, hold hands and face the future together, no matter what it is. I'll be strong for you when you aren't, and vice versa.
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Phase [3]
Finally communicating with Pisaeng and seeing his vulnerable side, being able to provide comfort for him and gaining much-needed control, Kawi is reaching his ultimate bravery and peace in "adult mode".
It is leading him to overcome his last fears (even if taking "high adrenaline rides for adults" doesn't make him feel great anyway like he predicted, it makes Pisaeng happy so he'll do it, and they met each other in the middle instead, therefore the metaphor is complete). Kawi lives many years very content and zen-like, speaking wisdom because he's satisfied with his not-grand-not-miserable life. He also knows a bit about his future and getting extremely sick (he probably prepared that "i know what you have done!" teasing long beforehand xD) and just patiently lives his happy life, enjoying every moment in the present.
Original!Pisaeng, however, is still in his "parent mode", but since Kawi is meeting him now with more strength and confidence, they are able to move forward from disaster dates and live for years in good relationship, making many sweet domestic memories.
But it's time for Pisaeng's self-journey!
Phase [4]
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Years in the future, Pisaeng is seeing Kawi's potential for stardom and celebrity fame, and he is thinking their queer relationship is bad for Kawi's life, that he's holding him back. Being "parent" all this time, he still feels responsible for Kawi. He doesn't believe that Kawi actually experienced fame in another life and doesn't want it anymore. Pisaeng thinks he doesn't improve Kawi's life. Not being able to pinpoint his fears or get answers that would satisfy him out of nonchalant enlightened Kawi, Pisaeng is slipping more into "child mode".
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And when Kawi gets extremely sick, Pisaeng is hit with distressing realization that Kawi legally has no family and he's powerless to help him or do anything. All the more reasons that Kawi shouldn't have been staying in relationship with Pisaeng. Maybe they should've broken up in the past (which he actually suggest when going back). Eventually, Pisaeng is unsure, scared and in need of advice, like a child.
Phase [5]
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It's only when he's experienced travelling to the past [Phase [2]], he actually believes Kawi. And Kawi insists that he would never change anything even if he knew he could die. He claims Pisaeng is the right person for him, and there's no room for any but what if? – Kawi has experienced many versions of his life, and he knows what he's talking about. Parenting reassurance of Kawi finally gives Pisaeng the peace of mind and his confidence back. [also something something hand offering-hand rejection-hand reaching-hand holding leitmotiv throughout phase 2 and phase 5]
At the happier and more peaceful version of their date, Kawi and Pisaeng already are two equal "adults" stuck in a weird little dot of a time-loop — but it is the exact moment that would define their whole life together.
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Now they have similar timey-wimey experiences, mutual understanding and the same level of love, communication and bravery to face the future. That's where they definitely end up during the Time-Travelling point of Pearmai's wedding, after Pisaeng returns to the future and meets Kawi as equal.
With their lovely found family, many happy memories, bright future, both Kawi and Pisaeng are being confident and content with their lives.
Time Wizard Uncle's job is done here, for sure.
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that-cu-fan · 3 months
let me all remind you how fucking woke and inclusive captain underpants is
2, one of the main characters is a poc (george)
3, george and harold canon have adhd (mental illness awareness !!)
4, not every character is a blonde, skinny, white person. in fact, most of the characters end up looking plus sized. really only older george and harold, seen WAY later in the books, are skinny. as a plus size person myself, that feels so nice
5, in the og books, theres no real love interest (to my knowladge). this means dav wasnt focused on making captain or krupp a lover; hes focused on the story and plot which can be kinda rare as people try to force love onto characters (yes i know he has edith in the movie but shhh shes my wife its okay)
some of them might be long shots and i will argue with these points until the DAY I DIE.
i dont care WHAT you say these make sense in my brain and make me super happy
thank you for coming to my underpant rant
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ohmanareyoucereal69 · 29 days
Mutuals, bmf?? 😳
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sleepyrabbits · 7 months
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f1inl3ey · 2 years
Omg. You know the scene in heartbreak high where quinni is overstimulated and runs into the bathroom searching for Darren and they help quinni calm down?? Yeah that but may I introduce
Vance getting overstimulated at a party and going to search for Bruce, he eventually finds him and pulls him aside and lets him know that he is far from okay. Bruce walks with Vance to the bathroom (which is still quite loud but it’s better than being in the centre of it all) and has him sit down on the closed toilet and take deep breaths. Bruce knows Vance doesn’t cope well with touch, especially when he’s panicking and overstimulated, so he doesn’t touch him. Just sits on the floor near him to let him know that he’s right there if he needs anything.
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