#bobby nash hurt comfort
shmaptainwrites · 1 year
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PAIRINGS —  Bobby Nash x GN!Reader
SUMMARY — complicating their situationship
WARNINGS — sickness (COVID), fever, swearing, mentions of sex
NOTE —This one’s been in the drafts for a while so I’m very happy it’s getting the chance to see the light of day also sorry it took me a few days to post I hated the ending so I rewrote it lmao
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For most people the global pandemic meant working from home and staying away from everyone and everything, trying not to get sick. But as a frontline worker and a first responder, that was never really an option for you. For you and the rest of the 118 it meant rapid tests every morning, face coverings at all times, and setting an example for everyone else. 
To top off the complicated situation, over the time of your increased closed quarters at work you had developed somewhat of a situationship with your boss. The rest of your colleagues were unaware (thankfully) and you hoped through everything that would be the one part of your life that remained casual and uncomplicated. And it was until one fateful morning in May 2020. 
“Here’s your test,” you passed a box over to Bobby while he walked up to the kitchen counter, a cup of coffee in hand. 
“And here’s your tea.” 
“Honestly, I’m not even convinced these work,” you noted while pouring the buffer fluid into the small tube. “I have never seen a positive COVID test, how are we supposed to know if these are the real deal?” 
“Hopefully we’ll never have to see a positive one,” Bobby said.
You drank your tea and coffee and prepared something for breakfast while waiting for the time to be up so you could make sure you weren’t sick before you went in for work. 
“Uh, Bobby…” 
You looked down at your test while Bobby came and glanced over your shoulder. You looked back at each other with wide eyes. 
“You can’t go to work,” he pointed to you when the realization dawned on him. “Wait, I can’t go to work. What are we going to tell them?” 
“It’s fine we’ll just call separately, I’ll tell them I got sick you say that you went out to get groceries and got exposed, no big deal.” 
“And you can’t go out so I guess you’ll just isolate here?” 
“Oh God, this is going to end badly, I can feel it,” you pinched the bridge of your nose and shook your head. “One step at a time. I’m gonna go call the team.” 
“At least we know the test works,” Bobby called as you walked to his bedroom and you rolled your eyes. 
You both tried your best to deal with the team, Bobby having a bit of a harder time than you considering you called in first to tell everyone you were sick. 
“I think I managed to convince everyone to stay away for a bit,” you said while putting on a mask, Bobby motioned for you to take the package with you and you nodded, thinking it was probably for the best considering he wasn’t sick…yet. 
“Hopefully it’ll be a quick bug, right? Then things can go back to normal.” 
“Yeah,” you agreed. “And are you sure you’re okay with me staying here? I don’t really wanna be a burden and take over your room or anything.” 
“No it’s fine,” he insisted. “You’re already here and I have to be isolated anyways. Plus, it’s always nicer to have someone around when you’re sick right?” 
You just gave him a small smile with your eyes before retreating into his bedroom and closing the door behind you. 
As soon as it was shut, you could hear Bobby begin to clean up, washing the dishes and disinfecting everything with bleach and Lysol to avoid getting sick. You couldn’t blame him, it was an odd situation, maybe even a little awkward, you’d only ever come over after work and most days you left right after breakfast. 
It had started as a casual companionship that just spiralled into something where everything was unsaid. 
You looked at yourself in the mirror, only then realizing the clothes you had were not the best for being sick in bed. 
“Hey Bobby,” you called from your room. “Can I borrow a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt or something?”
“Yeah, that should be okay, take whatever you’ll need and when you’re better we’ll just do a load of laundry.” 
“Thank you,” you sighed. “And Bobby?” 
“I’m sorry…that you got caught up in all this and have to deal with me now…I just-,” 
“Don’t mention it, like I said, no big deal.” 
“Right,” you nodded to yourself. “No big deal.” 
Two Days Later…
“Uh Bobby!” you called, your voice sounding congested and followed by a loud bronchial cough. “We’ve got a problem.” 
“What’s the problem?” he asked. 
“Buck wants to bring me food.” 
“I’m not at my house, what the hell am I supposed to tell him?” you groaned and flopped back onto the bed. 
“Just call and explain that he shouldn’t risk it and you’ve already made something for lunch and dinner.” 
That part wasn’t a lie, with all the spare time in his hands Bobby was cooking up a storm and you had the finest meals every day, but ate them in an awkward silence across from each other, a door between you. 
“Alright, but if I can’t stop him then we’re going to have to deal with the consequences.” 
Bobby didn’t respond so you picked up your phone and called Buck’s cell waiting for him to pick up. 
“Hey, how’s Miss Rona?” he chuckled when he picked up on the other line. 
“Not funny, Buckley,” you grumbled. “Look, even you can hear it, I sound terrible. I don't want you to risk it, Buck, don’t bring me food.” 
“Come on, I’ll be safe! I’ll drop it off at your door and then we can talk on the phone while you eat so you aren’t alone.” 
“No Buck,” you sighed. “I already made food for lunch and dinner, just stay as far away from my apartment as you can ok?” 
“Ok, if you insist, but don’t come crying to me for McDonalds when you get sick of chicken noodle soup.” he chuckled. 
“I won’t don’t worry,” you coughed. “Jesus, I gotta take some more Buckley’s, and please send my regards to whichever family member of yours made such a gag worthy cough syrup,” 
“Not related, but it tastes awful and it works.” 
“I hate how much I love that slogan,” you laughed a little, but it only sent you back into a coughing fit. “Alright, really I gotta go, tell everyone I say hi and that I’m not dead yet, okay?” 
“Will do. You take care of yourself.” 
“Thanks Buck, bye,” you hung up the phone and did exactly what you said you would. Poured yourself some cough syrup and gagged as soon as it went down your throat. 
“You okay in there?” Bobby knocked on the door. 
“Yeah, just the cough syrup,” you moaned a little and rubbed your head. 
“You sure everything’s okay?” he pressed. 
“I just…” you hesitated. “I feel like shit.” 
“On a scale of 1-10 how shitty?” he asked. 
You were silent for a moment before shrugging your shoulders and saying seven. 
“I don’t think there’s much you can do, I have a whole army of medication here, I just have to be careful and rest.” 
“Yeah,” he agreed, but his tone made him seem unconvinced. 
You tried to lay down and get some rest and what felt like minutes later you discovered had actually been closer to sixteen hours and it was the next day and you felt ten times worse than the day before. 
You looked down at the sheets that were soaked with sweat and when you tried to move your whole body ached like you had just run a 40K with zero training. 
You tried to speak, but your throat was dry so you reached for the water first, chugging it before knocking on the wall, hoping Bobby was awake. 
“Everything alright in there?” you could hear him get up and ask. 
“I-I think I have a fever,” you said wearily. “Can…C-Could you come check?” 
“Yeah of course, just let me grab a thermometer and a mask.” 
Bobby was back a few moments later and opened the door to quite the sight. 
“Bet you can’t even believe you slept with me huh,” you tried to tease to lighten the situation, but you could see Bobby had become so zeroed in on your state that it was no use. 
He quickly felt the back of your forehead with his hand before confirming his suspicions with the thermometer. 
“Wow, you’re burning up,” his hand cradled your cheek for a moment, feeling the heat radiate off your sticky and sweaty skin. “Let me go get you some Tylenol okay, and maybe an ice pack too. I’m not leaving you here by yourself.” 
“But what about-,” 
“I need to make sure you don’t take a turn for the worse. I don’t want to have to take you to the hospital,” 
You nodded and quieted yourself, watching as he went to grab you some more medication and that ice pack. 
The cold touch felt amazing against your skin, but it wasn’t long before you were shivering from the fever and wanted to huddle underneath the blankets. 
“Y-You know, I haven’t b-been sick since before I w-was in the department,” you told Bobby. “S-Still sucks a-as bad as I remember.” 
“I can imagine,” he brushed some hair out of your eyes. “If you can, you should try and get some sleep, it might make things a little better.” 
You wanted to listen to his advice, but as much as you tried you could not fall asleep. Your fever continued to get worse, but not bad enough to merit taking you to the ER. 
All the while, Bobby only left your side to bring you more food or something to drink. You wished he would stay far away from you, it was better he didn’t get what you had, but he seemed adamant on staying. 
It was things like this that made it hard for you to separate what you had from a real relationship, which it wasn’t. 
It was just an arrangement where you would meet from time to time and sleep together. 
Sometimes you just wished you could be out with it, ask him out on a real date and go out for dinner because if you were being honest, a couple weeks into whatever it was you were doing, you had already realized you wanted more, but as usual you were too shy to speak up about it. 
“Bobby, c-c-,” you were cut off by another coughing fit, at least you were wearing a mask, it was the least you could do to assure he didn’t get sick. “Sorry, can you pass me one of the cough drops?” 
“Of course, but maybe you should eat a bit more first,” he suggested. “Let me help you sit up.” 
He wrapped an arm around your back and placed you into a seated position before grabbing the bowl of soup for you. 
“Bobby, I think I’m still well enough to feed myself,” you chuckled. 
“It’s not everyday you get pampered, just eat the soup,” he encouraged and you didn’t have the energy to give in. 
You ate about half the bowl before you got full (in your defence it was a pretty big bowl) and Bobby passed you the cough drop to help continue to soothe your throat as the soup had done. 
“Hey, since I’ve already been with you in here, why don’t you come out to the living room and watch some TV with me. It’ll be a nice break from sleeping, trust me.”
“Sure, why not,” you pushed yourself up from the bed and with a little help from Bobby, walked to the living room and took a seat on the couch. 
You both agreed on some random TV show you both hadn’t seen, but by episode three you were knocked out cold. 
Bobby left you like that for a while, thinking it would be best to let you get as much rest as you could, but when you started to toss and turn and mumble things under your breath he had a feeling your fever was coming back and getting even worse. 
“Hey, I think we should get you back in the bedroom where the Tylenol is,” he gently shook you awake, but the fever was making you a little delirious. 
“Will you stay with me?” you mumbled. “Please?” 
“Sure if that’s what you want,” he nodded, helping you up and letting you lean on him while you walked back to the room. 
“Bobby,” you said groggily as you sat down on the bed. “Why aren’t we dating?” 
Bobby certainly wasn’t expecting that kind of question to come from you, but you had a fever, you were barely controlling the temperature of your body, how could you control what you said. 
“Well, I think when whatever this is started we didn’t really think about it…did we.”
You sighed and shook your head. 
“I just think we’d make a good couple,” you said shyly. “Cause I like you, like really like you, and when you do stuff like give me soup and sit with me when I feel like seven shits out of ten shits, it’s just hard.” 
While listening to you, Bobby had opened up the Tylenol and placed two in his hand which he was now handing to you with a glass of water. 
“I know,” he responded. “We can talk about it more when you’re better, how’s that?” 
You agreed and took the medication after which he helped you lay down on the bed. He glanced at you for a moment before lowering his mask and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. 
“If it makes it any better, I was already yours from the start.” 
He placed his mask back over his mouth and nose before sitting next to you, his back against the headrest. 
You reached for his hand and he took it, holding it thinking if he squeezed too tight he might break you. 
He really hoped you would get better soon. 
Bobby didn’t want to bring up what you had said when you were feverish, fearful that you had said it while hazy from the sickness. He didn’t want to put any pressure on you to have a discussion while you were still recovering, so he thought unless you brought it up he’d wait for you to test negative. 
In the meantime over the next few days as you slowly came out of the slump of fevers and your cough died down, you fell into an easy rhythm of things together. It was simple things, like FaceTiming while eating meals or chatting across from the door, but it felt safe and familiar, like you’d been doing it forever. 
“Time for your test,” Bobby said, coming into the room with a mask and handing you the rapid test. It was just over a week and a half of being sick and even then you’d have to wait at least another week minimum to go back to work. Bobby had been planning on doing the same either way since he was constantly exposed to you. “I already took mine in the kitchen, I'm still negative.”
“Thank goodness. I'm kind of surprised though, we’ve been cautious but not like lock me in the room cautious,” you said. “How did you not get sick?”
“Just the Nash immune system,” he shrugged. “Let me know what the verdict is.”
You nodded your head and took off your mask once he left and began the process of testing yourself. 
On cue, you sneezed when swabbing your nose and Bobby chuckled like he always did.
“Is there like a button or something in my nose that just makes me sneeze every single time I put this up there?” you asked and Bobby laughed. “Hey don’t laugh! One time I sneezed before I could pull it out and I think I poked my brain.”
That just made him laugh harder and you couldn’t help but smile as you swirled the buffer fluid and placed three drops on the rapid test. 
After the agonizing fifteen minutes Bobby waited anxiously for the answer, but when you stepped out of the room without a mask and the test in your hands that spoke for you. 
“It’s negative,” you almost sounded disbelieving. “I-Wow it’s actually negative.”
“Maybe you should take one more just to confirm,” Bobby suggested and you agreed, only to have the second test confirm your suspicions. 
“This is great!” you grinned. “We can get this place cleaned up, relax and rest for one more week and then we’re back at it.”
You and Bobby high-fived and started by cleaning up the room you were staying in. A load of laundry hopefully got rid of any lingering sickness from your clothes and the sheets, a wipe down and vacuum took care of the other surfaces. 
Once the sheets were out of the wash, you and Bobby began to put them back on the bed. He couldn’t stop thinking about how he was going to bring up the conversation he’d promised he’d have with you, but every time there was an opening it didn’t feel right to say anything. 
Instead he decided it would be best to take the next week in isolation in stride and say something when the time felt right, not when you were trapped under the same roof. 
When the day came when you were supposed to head back out to work you could both say with a certainty that you were done with being cooped up in the house and were ready to get down to business. 
Chimney was more than happy to give up his responsibilities as acting fire Captain and as Hen so articulately put it, balance had been restored in the universe. 
“You know it was really weird not having you around,” Buck told you when you sat for lunch together, distances slightly due to the restrictions. 
“Awe so you missed me,” you made a cute squishing motion with your hands and Buck rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah sure, I missed you the same way I miss Maddie for five minutes then she starts hovering and babying me and then I don’t miss her so much anymore.”
“Buck, be nice,” Bobby gave him a warning look. 
“What come on, it's the truth, you’re like my sibling, it’s a compliment,” he insisted. 
“I know it was but the words by themselves really didn’t sound like it,” you chuckled. “Don’t worry Bobby, if he knows what’s good for him he’ll stay on my good side.”
“And who’s on your bad side?” Chimney asked, coming to join you with his food. 
“Currently just Eddie because he used the last of my sweetened condensed milk.” 
“You didn’t label the milk, how was I supposed to know it wasn’t for grabs?”
“Eddie, you know I use it in my coffee when I need an extra kick in the morning, don’t make excuses,” you playfully rolled your eyes. “Anyways, Buck’s always on thin ice, you and Hen are safe,” you noted. 
“What about Bobby?” Hen asked. 
“Hmm,” you sent Bobby a knowing look and he tried to hide the smile that came across his face, after he spent two weeks taking care of you he was on a side the others didn’t even know existed. “Yeah, he’s a few steps above you and Chim,” you said truthfully. “No offence, but you guys don’t make me desserts every week.”
“Fair enough,” Hen agreed. 
After you all finished eating you and Bobby cleared up the dishes so Eddie and Hen could wash them and he quietly asked if you could meet him in his office to talk. 
You nodded your head, unaware of what was to come of it, but when the door closed behind you and you saw Bobby sitting at the edge of his desk with his arms crossed you knew something was up. 
“Is it really just because of the desserts?” he asked. 
“I’m sorry what?”
“Why I’m a few steps above Hen and Chim,” he clarified. 
“I mean yeah,” you nodded slowly. “Bobby, what are you trying to get at?”
He sighed and rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. 
“When you were sick,” he started. “Like very feverish, to the point I was almost going to bring you to the hospital, you said something to me. I promised we’d talk about it when you were better, it's just I could never seem to find a good time.” 
“What did I say?” you asked, unable to remember this conversation. 
“Something along the lines of why aren’t we dating. Actually dating, not just sleeping with each other every week.”
“I-I said that?” you frowned and he nodded, but he shifted slightly again, closing himself off to you and you tried to amend what you had said to make sure it didn’t sound like you hadn’t meant it. “I mean I just… I can’t remember.”
He nodded, “I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“No, um…what would you have said?” you asked. “If I asked you that now.”
He stayed silent before he eventually shrugged his shoulders, “Honestly, I don’t know,” he admitted. “I just think that if things go on they’re going to get more complicated. I think we should know where we stand.”
“And where do you stand, Bobby?” you asked, coming closer. “Am I on your good side? Or your bad side?”
You reached out your hand to take his and after running his thumb across your knuckles and giving your hand a light squeeze he said,
“You’ve always been on my good side,” he smiled. “And I know I’m a bit rusty, but I’d like to take you out on a date. If that’s something you’re up for.”
“Yeah, I think I’d be up for that,” you agreed and closed the gap between you even more, resting a hand on Bobby’s cheek. “I don’t think I ever thanked you for taking care of me.”
“It’s okay, good practice in case you ever get sick again,” he chuckled. 
“I’m glad to know you’d be willing to take care of me again,” you smiled, you leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. “I hope that helps a little with the thank you.”
“Maybe just one more,” he said before meeting your lips again just as the door opened and Buck said, 
“Hey Cap, I was just- WOAH,” he exclaimed. “You two?! I-How? Why?! What?!”
You and Bobby quickly pushed yourselves apart as Buck stared at you wide eyed while he was joined by his coworkers. 
Bobby’s face was very red and you couldn’t look up from your feet. 
“What happened?” Eddie asked once he ran into the room. 
“They were kissing,” Buck said, like he couldn’t understand how that would ever be a possibility. You supposed in Buck’s eyes you were both perpetually single forever. 
“What?” Hen asked with a chuckle. “When did this happen?” 
“Um a couple months back,” Bobby said. “Do we really need to talk about this?”
“Yes, we really do,” Chimney nodded. 
“You guys,” you looked up and saw they wouldn’t let go so you looked at Bobby to tell him you’d take the hit. “Look, this started a little while after everything got shut down. We both live alone and  it was hard not being able to see people so since we were in the same bubble we just…started to casually see each other,” you settled on. 
“And it’s still casual?” Buck asked. 
You pressed your lips in a thin line and Bobby shook his head. 
“No, I think I’d say it’s getting serious.”
“It’s about damn time,” Hen grinned. “I have been rooting for you two ever since you got stuck in that elevator together.”
“Really?” you chuckled. 
“Yeah, and plus now Chimney owes me five bucks.”
“Deals a deal,” Chimney groaned and placed the bill in his friend’s hand. 
“So when you got sick?” Eddie asked. 
“I was at Bobby’s, that’s why we both couldn’t come in and why you couldn't drop food off for me,” you explained. 
“Hey, why don’t we leave these two lovebirds alone,” Hen suggested. “I think you interrupted something, Buck.”
She dragged the team out of Bobby’s office and closed the door only for you and Bobby to look at each other and laugh. 
“At least we don’t have to sneak around anymore.”
“Yeah, but sneaking around was kind of fun,” you admitted. “But I’m glad they know. It just makes it more real.”
You held his hand and he gave it a squeeze. 
“I should thank your fever,” he said. “I don’t think I would have ever had the courage to bring this up if it wasn’t for that.”
“Who would have thought, a small positive in a global pandemic,” you chuckled and leaned into his side. And as odd as it was to say, you were both thankful for the isolation.
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evanbuckleyrecs · 26 days
So I just read this fic and it absolutely BLEW my mind and I can't not share it. I have to tell everyone: GO READ THIS
ashes, ashes, ashes
Written by pinkpeachtea
10,172 words
Rated T
Buck/Eddie, Buck & Christopher, Buck & Bobby, Buck/Tommy mentioned, Eddie/Marisol mentioned
Additional Tags:
Angst, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt Evan "Buck" Buckley, Pre-Relationship Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, POV Evan "Buck" Buckley, Evan "Buck" Buckley Acting as Christopher Diaz's Parental Figure, Christopher Diaz is a National Treasure, Angst with a Happy Ending, Ambiguous/Open Ending(for now) - Freeform, (I might make this into a fic), Speculation for 9-1-1 (TV) Season 7, Speculation for Episode: s07e09 Ashes Ashes, Fire, Evan "Buck" Buckley's Apartment burns down, unfortunately he is still in there, and so is chris, Author Is Sleep Deprived, Not Beta Read
"You said you're not afraid of anything," Chris repeated Buck's own words back to him, still staring at him in favor of ignoring the lasagna, "but everyone's afraid of something."
"I am afraid of you not liking my lasagna. Does that count?" Buck asked with a smile, watching fondly as Chris groaned in his newly adapted I-am-a-teenager-and-I-find-everything-annoying tone, before grabbing his fork and taking a bite. "And?"
Chris mumbled with his mouth full. "'S good."
"I guess then I am still not afraid of anything."
Or, someone from Bobby's past sets fire to Buck's apartment. Chris is with him when it happens.
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kumquatqueenb · 1 month
I have a fic idea,
what if instead of in season 5 when Chimney was tortured and Hen had to watch; Buck was tortured and someone had to watch. all while the others are breaking down trying to find him. Buddie ofc could/would happen but what do you think?
Ok so first of all, let me just say, I immensely enjoyed the Hen&Chim arc in season 5. Anything featuring their bestie-ism and unwavering support of each other is something that I would sell my soul for.
Second of all, ok, I am running with you on this fic idea, potentially in a different direction than what you originally intended, but I am running ok?!
So to set the scene, we’ve got Buck who somehow got kidnapped, I haven’t figured out why or how yet, but it happened. The rest of the 118 finds out, don’t know how either, but they did, and now they are consequently freaking out. Bobby is stressed but trying to keep his cool so he can keep the rest of the team functional so they can do whatever is necessary to get Buck back. Hen and Chim have a full crime board set up trying to put the pieces together. Eddie is going back and forth between helping Hen and Chim with the crime board and just generally spiraling over potentially losing the love of his life.
Things are not pretty, but there is still hope! Something that Bobby has been fervently reminding them of.
“118! Heads held high, we are going to get through this! We will find him!” Bobby calls to his coworkers gathered around in Buck’s trashed loft.
“Yes Cap.” Hen and Chim parrot dutifully.
Eddie is staring somewhere middle distance and not at all paying attention.
“Hen, Chim, make sure Eddie is breathing please.” Bobby sighed, running a hand through his hair to try and deal with his restless energy, “And nobody start panicking, I’m going to call Athena and she’ll know what to do.”
“Did anyone turn on the TV?” Eddie asked, voice so blank that it tore Bobby’s attention from where he was scrolling through his phone to get to his wife’s contact.
Bobby turned and found that the TV was showing a staticky screen, which was weird because Bobby could’ve sworn it had been off when they’d entered the apartment.
“Uh, that was off before, right?” Chim asked, panic creeping into his voice as he glanced around the apartment nervously, “Eddie, Buck hasn’t mentioned his place being potentially haunted lately, right?”
“Obviously not. Ghosts aren’t real.” Eddie said, gaze still fixed unwaveringly on the TV.
“Look, it’s fine. It’s just some static.” Bobby said in his calmest voice, “I’m sure we just… missed it, when we came in.”
“Right. A group of first responders who are all trained to take in an entire scene in seconds all just… missed it.” Hen said, eyebrows raised to show her skepticism.
She was right, of course she was, Hen was rarely ever wrong, but for the sake of keeping everyone calm and rational he really didn’t need her poking holes in his explanations. In fairness though, Hen being overly critical and suspicious was her own way of panicking in these types of situations. Sometimes he just forgot that because she rarely ever panicked.
“Either way, it’s fine.” He said, taking a deep breath as he turned his back on the TV to face them, “It’s just some static, it isn’t going to hurt us.”
It was right as he finished his sentence that they all gasped and rushed past him to huddle around the TV screen. He whipped around to see what had startled them so much and found that the static had been replaced. Now, displayed across Buck’s flat screen was Buck himself.
He was tied to a chair that was bolted down to the floor and he was gagged with what looked like some cloth and duct tape. He had also clearly been beaten and there was blood and bruises all over him.
“Jesus, kid.” Bobby muttered as he darted forward to get closer to the screen like the others. “What did they do to you?”
“I’m going to rip whoever did this to shreds.” Eddie muttered darkly, and the others just nodded along.
“Bobby, it’s time to call Athena.” Hen said, not daring to take her eyes off the screen, “Buck doesn’t look great, we need to get him to a hospital.”
Bobby didn’t bother arguing with her, instead unlocking his phone which was still in his hand and tapping the call button on Athena’s contact. The phone rang once in his ear before Bobby was hearing Athena’s ringtone.
That made no sense though, because Athena wasn’t here so why would her phone be?
Hen straightened, shooting Bobby a puzzled look having also recognized the ringtone as her friend’s. “Bobby, what-”
Hen cut herself off as there was a sudden movement on the screen. There was a gloved finger being ticked back and forth in front of the camera in a ‘no no no’ motion. Then the camera was swinging sickeningly fast and the screen showed a new person sitting in an identical chair tied up and gagged.
It was Athena. She looked decidedly better than Buck did with no visible injuries and enough wherewithal to glare at the camera with enough fire to melt the world. The gloved hand came back into view, holding Athena’s phone this time with the screen lit up showing an incoming call from Bobby. The hand waited a minute, probably to give them enough time to see what he was holding before it pulled away and then the phone was smashing against the wall by Athena’s head.
To her credit, she didn’t even flinch, her fiery gaze unwavering on whoever was behind the camera. Then suddenly the image froze and then the screen turned black once more.
It was dead silent in Buck’s apartment before Chimney asked, “Uh, Bobby? Is it time to panic now?”
“Yes.” Bobby breathed out before he could think better of it, panic clawing its way up his own throat as his breaths turned shallow and ragged.
He couldn’t do this, not again. He couldn’t lose his wife and his kid again, he wouldn’t survive it this time.
“Ok, woah! No one panic!” Hen called, snapping her fingers in front of all their faces as forcefully as she could.
“Bobby, calling your wife obviously isn’t going to work.” Hen pointed out, “So now it’s time to call mine.”
Cue Karen coming in and kicking ass with her investigative skills and her ability to create investigative computer programs. Then we get Bobby&Eddie double teaming saving the people they love while Hen&Chim provide back up. Maddie comes in about halfway through when Chim panics and tells her what’s going on and she gets dispatch to help Karen&Co with her investigation. Buck is super injured by the time they got to him, Athena is ok but incredibly pissed because she wasn’t rly the target. The kidnapper knew the 118 and knew that Athena would be able to find them cause she’s awesome so they just kidnapped her too as a precaution. Unfortunately they underestimated the rest of the 118. But anyway, happy tearful reunions for all and plenty of buddie, Bathena, Henren, and even a bit of Madney content.
Anyway, tysm for this ask, this was fun to write :)
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fromxxthexxashes · 4 months
Falling Slowly; Sing Your Melody (I’ll Sing It Loud) (55301 words) by Princessfbi Chapters: 12/12 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Maddie Buckley/Howie "Chimney" Han, Athena Grant/Bobby Nash, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson/Karen Wilson, Evan "Buck" Buckley & Everyone Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Bobby Nash, Maddie Buckley, Howie "Chimney" Han, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Karen Wilson, Tommy Kinard, Lena Bosko, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Paul Strickland (9-1-1 Lone Star), Marjan Marwani, Josh Russo Additional Tags: Developing Relationship, Getting Together, Anxious Evan "Buck" Buckley, Protective Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), alternative universe, Alternate Universe - Bodyguard, alternative universe - musicians, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Buckley Siblings Feelings, protective fire fam, Found Family, Worried Maddie Buckley, Eventual Smut, Eddie Diaz Takes Care of Evan "Buck" Buckley, Soft Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Home Invasion, Anxiety Disorder, Musician Evan "Buck" Buckley, Bodyguard Eddie Diaz, Fluff and Angst, Team as a Band, Self-Esteem Issues, The Buckley Parents Can Eat Rocks, Evan "Buck" Buckley-centric, Bobby Nash Acting as Evan "Buck" Buckley's Parental Figure, Touring, Bisexual Evan "Buck" Buckley, Sharing a Bed, Alternate Universe - Rock Band, Evan "Buck" Buckley Needs A Hug, Protective Bobby Nash Series: Part 1 of Tortured Musician Buck!AU Summary:
Buck didn’t like him at first.
Eddie Diaz was all hard lines and strict rules with a bone structure that could cut through glass and scared away his fans. Which... if you asked Bobby, was the point but still!
He also yelled at Buck which was fine. It’s not like it hurt his feelings.
It didn’t.
It didn’t, Maddie!
It also definitely didn’t turn Buck on either. Nope.
Stop it, Maddie!
  After a traumatizing home invasion, Bobby Nash decides to hire a bodyguard for his lead singer.
Musician!Buck Bodyguard!Eddie
Notes: A classic bodyguard and protectee romance. It’s something you can sink your teeth into. It also has Eddie being super gentle and caring and I always adore that. Plus, it has the whole firefam (or bandfam in this specific instance) being so supportive and loving. It is pretty Buck centric, so if you love Buck you’ll enjoy this. Eddie Diaz is my number one right now, but I still really enjoyed it. I really like and read a lot of canon divergence, but I like AU’s like this one to give me a much needed switch up every once in a while. 
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hoodie-buck · 1 year
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bthb: ambush
happy birthday pt. 2 for @swiftiediaz who demanded asked me to finish this vampire fic for her. and bc i can’t tell my wife no….here ya’ll go!! ❤️
rated: t | words: 6.5k | read on ao3
“What happened? Are you hurt?”
It took a few more moments, but Buck finally shook his head, eyes turning that glowing red as he looked down to his hands, almost as if he were seeing the gory site for the first time.
“S’not—not mine.”
Athena gave a shake of her head, slowly approaching Buck.
“That’s ok. Can I take a look at it?”
The blood smelled familiar, the scent often lingering around Buck.
“Buck, who’s blood is this?”
She could feel Buck’s hands tremble in her own, Buck seeming panicked, pained. His tongue jutted out like he was going to lick at his lips, but then remembered and thought better of it.
“It’s-it’s Eddies….Eddie’s blood.”
Vampire!Buck and human Eddie get ambushed on their first date
tagging squad below, just lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
tags: @buddiextarlos @swiftiediaz @mansikkaomenabanaani @confetti-cupcake @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @howardmisteraprilhan @loveyourownsmiilee @justsmilestuffhappens @swiftiebuckleys @honestlydarkprincess @zainclaw @eddiescowboy @djdangerlove @bifirefighters @mr-and-mr-diaz @blaidddrwg1982 @buddierights @crazyfangirlallert @monsterrae1 @wh0re-behavi0r @panicatthediaz @princessbb @jacksadventuresinwriting @eddiediazisascorpio @stanningsky @screaminghowls @buckaroo118 @angelwiththeblue-box @spotsandsocks @elvensorceress @alyxmastershipper
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daniwib · 2 months
What if when the 118 first met Lola Peterson, things went differently? Would that change anything all those years later?
Or: just another excuse to whump Buck, because I can.
Pairing: Buck & Bobby, pre-relationship Buddie
Chapters / Length: 1 / 2,900 words.
Ratings / Warnings: Mature, none. S7ep03 spoilers
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passthe5sauceplease · 6 months
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this is the start of my bad things happen bingo! hope you all enjoy:)
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lemurarchive · 1 year
Fic #2 911
Title: A Family To Cling To
Author: soft_satan
Chapters: 1/1
Words: 1,620 (reference - The Hunger Games has 99,750)
“What happened?” Bobby demands, feeling Athena’s hand settle on his shoulder. “Where are my men?” “There was a sniper. Diaz was shot.” All the air leaves Bobby’s lungs. ... Athena and Bobby put their problems aside to take care of Buck coda for 4x13
My notes: I love parental Bobby. I love parental Bobby and adopted-son Buck SO MUCH. This fic does such a nice job of comfort and the current relationship between the two along with their pasts. The line about Bobby not knowing if Eddie is alive based on Buck's reaction while he's cleaning him up is easily my favorite as it's so skillfully written and just heartbreaking.
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hello, i'm here, i'm living in the wall - by chasethewindtouchthesky
14k | season 6 spec | couch!fic, car crash!fic| ao3 link!
Summary: “I’m in Abby’s house!” Buck whispers urgently to the phone and the busyness on the other side of the line stops. “And she’s here!”
Eddie doesn’t answer right away. Buck gets it, it’s fucking crazy. His brain hasn’t shut off since he woke up. Eddie deserves some time.
Out of all the things that Eddie could’ve said, that was the least likely in his head. He brings the phone away from his ear to make sure he called the right person because that is not how Eddie would react. Eddie hates Abby – Buck knows he hates Abby no matter how poorly he tries to hide it. Eddie’s never been particularly good at his hiding his disdain for Buck’s girlfriends, and now when Buck needs him to ratchet it up to eleven?
Nowhere to be found. Eddie has put Buck on a raft and pushed him out to sea.
“What do you mean, ‘and?’” Buck hisses in the phone. “That’s not enough life changing information for you?”
“Buck, why would it be life changing to be sleeping at the house you own with your wife?”
Or, Buck thinks too hard about couches, his past relationships, and the stupid alarm that just won’t shut up.
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diazpatcher · 1 year
Hello guys, I wrote something about coma Buck :)
An office job, a goddamn office job, if Buck had known that coming to LA would have him stuck in an office job, typing in numbers all day, he would've jumped off that cliff. Which is not to say that his life is not fullfilling he has fun with his friend, well office friends. Which can you call it friends if you only talk when the sueprvisor is not there? It was wird, at first, of course it was weird. Buck went from being a navy seal to office worker. So yeah his restlessness and constant headaches had a reason hisblury vision probably were a result of his headaches. Although, he couldn't quiet remember how he got here. "Coming through! Make a hole." Buck jumped up, but when he turned, there was no one there. He definetly needed some more, sleep. "Evan, oh Evan we told you this would happen. We warned you." His mothers was in front, no behind him. Her hands held tightly to her chest. Before he could answer he was falling. The floor had crumbled into pieces and all that was holding him was a red rope, tethered to something, someone? There was something in the air, a bright flash and pain like he has never felt before shot through him, blood dripping from his mouth and leg. He was standing somewhere in L.A. blood covering the ground around a body, no not a body- A giant wave was rushing towards him, a child, a little boy with red glasses and curled hair- He was drowning. "Buck, I know you'll wake up, you just need some time, like last time." His hands were covered in blood now, he was in an engine rushing down the streets of L.A his white shirt was drenched in blood. The man was back again, it was his blood covering Bucks hands and clothes, his face was wet with something, tears? No. No there was an unmistakable taste of iron in his mouth. Blood. The engine disapeared, instead Buck found himself clawing at mud, his hands burnign up from the cold, a name he doesn't remember falling form his lips. Something was seriously wrong with him, why was he hallucinating so vividly, someone had to help him, but he couldn't understand who was real and who was part of his hallucinations. Someone was holding him tightly, pulling him away from the mud and the echo of his screams. He needed to get out, get away, get back to his reality. His body went slack, darkness engulfing him, completely and somethign about it was so welcoming. With nothing left to hold on to, Buck gave in. "We need a crash cart!" Maddie jumped away as Eddie tried to keep compressions going until the nurses arrived with the crash-cart. The doctors pushed Eddie away Maddie grabbing his arm with her trembling hands. This was just the first night and his heart had given up twice already. V-fib twice, twice she had to watch as her brother, her first baby, was shocked. The lightning had burned him, his chest now covered in Lichtenberg-figures. "He is stable." The cart was wheeled out of the room and with it Maddie and Eddie. Standin in the hallway was worse than sitting vigil at Bucks bedside. "Eddie?" Bobby was next to them now, the drinks in his hand long forgotten, "Did he crash again?" Maddie turned away her eyes glued to the white door. The doctor walked out,right into Maddies arms. "He is stable again but hsi heart still needs time to recover, now all we can do is wait." Maddie simply nodded, walking back inside, her jacket still on the chair, her bag on the floor. "I gotta go, Chim is uhm is gonna go to work and Jee is with him. Call me if anything, changes." Maddie pressed a soft kiss to his temple before slowly walking out. Bobby settled into Maddies abandoned chair on his left side, cross in his hands. Eddie sat on his right side, begging God to not take him from them yet. Not yet.
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911ficrecs · 2 years
a leaf falls on loneliness by iimpossible_things - 11,163 words, not rated
Summary: Buck doesn’t think that if he were to say, “I’m in a bad place”, that anyone would turn him away. Really, he doesn’t. The 118 has too many good, kind people for that.
But every time he wants to open his mouth, to say something, to reach out to Eddie or Bobby or Hen or Chim, he hears Eddie yelling, “you’re exhausting.”
—you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting, you’re exhausting—
So each day he does his job and he laughs and he jokes and he pretends he’s the care-free goofball he’s always been. And each day he packs away his bruises and his worries, takes them home to his empty loft with its quiet rooms, and licks his wounds in silence.
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cryscabbage · 8 months
"It was the middle of the night, though maybe it was closer to morning now? He’d been sitting there for a long time.
The floor of his loft was cold, even more so near his giant window. The city below him was rushing around as usual, LA just never stopped. For hours he just sat there, pressed against the glass, staring down at life continuing on without him.
He spared a thought to that for just a moment, he could allow himself this. If he were to just disappear without a trace, nothing but his physical belongings remaining, would anyone grieve? Of course they would, to an extent. They’d mourn the Buck they used to love, the Buck that didn’t destroy everything, their imaginary Buck. Some may even cry over the man they wished he was. But would anyone truly miss him?
I like treating post-lawsuit Buck like my own personal punching bag so here's another fic of him being emotionally ripped to shreds. Yay!
Heed the tags, I don't think there's anything terribly triggering in this but everyone is different so look after yourself."
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evanbuckleyrecs · 11 months
🔒 locked for non ao3 users but got permission from the author
Title; Presumed Dead
Written by: inkinmyheartandonthepage
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Catagories: m/m
Relationships: Buck/Eddie
Tags: Athena Grant and Bobby Nash are Evan Buckley's and Maddie Buckley's Parents, Hurt Evan Buckley, Evan Buckley Needs A Hug, Confused Evan Buckley, Irritated Evan Buckley, Pre-relationship Evan Buckley/Eddie Diaz, Evan Buckley Whump, Evan Buckley Loves Eddie Diaz, Evan Buckley Deserves Better, Worried Fire Fam, Worried Eddie Diaz, Protective Eddie Diaz, Comforting Eddie Diaz, Emotional Eddie Diaz, Eddie Diaz Loves Evan Buckley, Eddie Diaz Needs A Hug, Relieved Eddie Diaz, Firehouse 118 Crew as Family, Worried Firehouse 118 Crew, Firehouse 118 Family Feels, Protective Firehouse 118 Crew, Protective Athena Grant, Athena Grant Acting as Evan Buckley's Parental Figure, Worried Athena Grant, Minor Athena Grant/Bobby Nash, BAMF Athena Grant, Worried Bobby Nash, Bobby Nash Acting as Evan Buckley's Parental Figure, Protective Bobby Nash, Worried Howie 'Chimney' Han, Worried Henrietta 'Hen' Wilson, Presumed Dead, only the bad guy dies, Evan Buckley's Jeep is Stolen, Theft, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Family Feels, Evan 'Buck' Buckley Lives, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, One Shot, The Universe Does Scream, Buddie
Words: 4,439
The fresh air was supposed to have been good for Buck. A small hike that he had done a million times. A nice hike that gave him a workout and at the same time allowed him to sift through his thoughts and feelings and to focus on what he really wanted.
Instead, he’s stuck in the middle of nowhere at a rest stop watching some asshole drive away in his jeep.
The 118 crew arrive a fender bender only to find it's Buck's jeep on fire and the body inside dead and burning.
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bigfootsmom · 1 year
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sticks and twine
general • 6.5k • emotional hurt/comfort
TW minor character death/parental death
“Hey,” Eddie’s voice is gentle, wrapping around Buck like he’s something fragile to hold. “How are you holding up?”
Like sticks and twine. His bones feel too loosely knit together, head precariously perched on top of his spine. One strong gust of wind and he thinks he might scatter apart.
“Okay,” Buck settles on, shrugging one shoulder.
Or, the one where Buck struggles with how he’s supposed to feel in the aftermath of his father’s death.
Read on ao3
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fromxxthexxashes · 5 months
Fairytales are Fickle Things (11248 words) by TalkNerdyToMe6 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: 9-1-1 (TV) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Evan "Buck" Buckley & Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Characters: Evan "Buck" Buckley, Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Bobby Nash, Henrietta "Hen" Wilson, Howie "Chimney" Han, Christopher Diaz (9-1-1 TV) Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, Idiots in Love, First Kiss, Getting Together, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Whump, They can’t just be normal, surprise wedding, Married Evan "Buck" Buckley/Eddie Diaz, No they haven’t gone on a date, Hurt Eddie Diaz (9-1-1 TV), Christopher Diaz is a National Treasure, Christopher Diaz Has Two Dads, Banter is a love language, No beta we die like Chris’ tolerance for his Dad’s shenanigans, Not really speculation, but set post season 6, Spoilers Summary:
“The roof didn’t collapse because of what I said,” Eddie adds, a little petulantly.
They’ll have to agree to disagree on that one. Because from where Buck’s standing- leaning- trapped- this has cosmic retribution written all over it. The 118 were called to the subway station for a passenger complaining of chest pains. Buck can count on one hand the number of times he’s ever even set foot in LA’s little-known underground railway system. And before the doors to the compartment with their would-be patient could even open, the ceiling gave an almighty rumble and rained down right on top of them.
“Still think you should’ve let me kiss you when we had the chance,” he grumbles.
Buck can be petulant too, thank you very much.
“Did you say kiss? Did he say kiss?!” Chimney’s voice projects from the radio on his shoulder that is not, in fact, broken.
“I definitely heard the word kiss,” Hen confirms.
 Buck and Eddie fight the universe to get their fairytale beginning
Notes: This is one of my all time favorites. I read it and instantly  downloaded it. I love it so so so so much. Everything about it is amazing. It’s angsty, whump-y, and so romantic. Do yourself a favor: read it, read it again, and then save it so you can read it again later. I could say so much more, but I don’t want to give too much away. Just *chef’s kiss*.
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hoodie-buck · 1 year
omg pls #31 “anyone ever told you you’ve got the prettiest eyes in the world” 💙 If it sparks 💙
sorry love, i got a little carried away with this one 🙈
caught up in a blue haze
rated: g | words: 4.3k | read on ao3
When Eddie looked up to meet the patient, he nearly dropped his clipboard, two pools of ocean blues looking up to him through tear-stained lashes.
The man was cradling his right arm close to him, Eddie spying the awkward and jagged look of it, noting that it was no doubt broken.
What Eddie had expected to see was a douchey frat guy already high on painkillers, though what he saw instead was someone who looked hurt, scared. There was a brokenness laced within his baby blues.
“I—I’m sorry.”
The guy didn’t introduce himself, didn’t ask how long it was going to take, when he could get pills, or even how bad it looked. Eddie had an urge to wrap the guy in his arms and never let go.
Stepping a little closer, Eddie looked the guy over carefully.
“Hey it’s ok, I’m here to help you.”
Nurse Eddie meets a hurt and fragile Buck
tagging squad below, just lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
@buddiextarlos @swiftiediaz @mansikkaomenabanaani @confetti-cupcake @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @swiftiebuckleyhan @loveyourownsmiilee @justsmilestuffhappens @swiftiebuckleys @honestlydarkprincess @corgiqueen14 @zainclaw @constructiononsunset @djdangerlove @bifirefighters @mr-and-mr-diaz @blaidddrwg1982 @buddierights @crazyfangirlallert @monsterrae1 @dickley-buddie @panicatthediaz @princessbb @jacksadventuresinwriting @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @eddiediazisascorpio @daughterofbuddie @gayhoediaz @screaminghowls @buckaroo118 @angelwiththeblue-box @spotsandsocks @elvensorceress @gayedmundodiaz
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