#hurt comfort trope
rookthebird · 1 year
abused fictional characters in an environment where people treat each other with gentle kindness and respect be like
"no one's really that good. can the other shoe just drop already?"
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passthe5sauceplease · 10 months
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this is the start of my bad things happen bingo! hope you all enjoy:)
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pinemai · 2 years
After the River
- A Suspicious River (2000) oneshot.
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Millie's POV of the ending, with emphasis on hurt/comfort. AO3.
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misscrazyfangirl321 · 2 years
When the unflappable character sees someone they care about in danger and the mask slips, it's great.
But when the unflappable character sees someone they care about in danger, and the mask DOESN'T slip.
Because they understand they need to be calm and unflappable now more than ever; if it protects them, it will certainly protect the person they care about. So their voice doesn't waver, their hands don't shake. They don't panic. From the outside looking in, they're as calm as could be. They handle it.
But after it's over-when the person they care about is safe, and the unflappable character is alone-they completely shatter. Gasping breaths, sobs, barely holding it together because someone they love almost DIED, and it was far, far too close for comfort.
(Optional: Character that they care about finds them in this state and comforts them.)
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spinzolliii · 6 months
There’s something about a whumpee just sitting down. Not fainting, necessarily. Maybe they’re just about to faint, and they quietly just kneel on the ground at a time and place that doesn’t make sense. They don’t even have the capacity or willingness to articulate why they need to abruptly stop and sit. Maybe they’re catatonic while the others look at them.
Maybe a caretaker can see the dull, vacant look in their eyes and immediately senses that something is seriously wrong. Maybe the fainting comes just a few moments later.
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captainkirkk · 8 months
I'm a big fan of hurt/comfort tropes where the hurt is ongoing and escalating. Characters trying to cope with their situation and insisting that it's fine, they're fine, even as things get worse and worse and worse - especially if no one around them knows what they're going through.
Characters hiding their illness, even as they grow sicker and sicker. Characters trying to cope as their homelife becomes increasingly abusive or neglectful. Characters ignoring their injuries, only for them to become infected. Characters being stalked/ tormented by a villain and pretending that everything is fine, even as the villain continues escalating. Characters left homeless as winter approaches and their money dwindles.
I could go on. There's something very satisfying about seeing a character frantically trying to pretend like everything is okay until eventually they can't hide it anymore and get caught (and helped) by the people around them.
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whumpprentice · 1 year
you know what trope drives me absolutely feral? Repetition. Just :
"Hey, hey, it's okay"
"Shh, you're safe, you're safe, it's alright "
"Look at me. Hey, look at me"
"Stay with me. Come on, just stay with me"
"It's over. It's over now."
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry"
"I'm here. I'm right here"
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sickfictropes · 14 days
when the hurt meets the comfort
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scealaiscoite · 2 months
.☽༊˚ prompts for helping bathe an injured loved one
¹⁾ sitting on the edge of the bathtub and letting them lay their head against your thigh as the fatigue starts taking hold
²⁾ “i know, i know it hurts but hold on for just a little longer and we’re done, yeah? think you can do that for me, pet?”
³⁾ helping them lean up so you can wash their back, and pretending not to notice them shaking in your arms
⁴⁾ “you needn’t be so gentle, y’know. if today wasn’t enough to break me, i doubt an ill-applied handful of shampoo will.”
⁵⁾ using your soapstuffs because the familiar scent will, hopefully, help calm them
⁶⁾ “i can’t believe it took a night like that for you to let me help you with something.”
⁷⁾ having never seen them in a state of undress before and so, trying admirably hard to avoid looking directly at them in such a vulnerable state
⁸⁾ “so mr/mrs surly and serious likes having their hair washed for them, hm? don’t worry, i’ll keep your secret.”
⁹⁾ climbing into the bath/shower with them, more for the physical comfort than practicality
¹⁰⁾ “i wish the first time you saw me like this could’ve been under better circumstances.”
¹¹⁾ stripping down to the same level of undress as them in an effort to try and make them feel more comfortable
¹²⁾ “can we- can we just stay here, like this, for a minute? please?”
¹³⁾ using as gentle a touch as possible to clean them off and feeling your heart break each time they still suppress a pained whimper
¹⁴⁾ “it’s just me now. you don’t have to be brave anymore.”
¹⁵⁾ trying to towel them dry but ending up just cradling them to your chest with the towel pressed aimlessly between you
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jordanstrophe · 6 months
There's two kinds of caretakers.
The one tending whumpees bedside as they're unconscious in the hospital.
The one hunting down the whumper that put them there.
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mockerycrow · 1 year
Frozen Fingertips [1/2] (Ghost x GN!Reader)
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ghost masterlist - crow’s mega masterlist - part two
Summary: You and Simon are in an extremely cold and snow covered area of Russia and manage to get separated from everyone else when a blizzard comes out of nowhere. Ghost helps keep you alive.
[WARNINGS: Light descriptions of developing hypothermia and frostbite, angst, hurt/comfort, ghost is actually worried.]
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THE EXTREMELY COLD air bit at the little skin that’s exposed on your face and invades your lungs, nearly feeling like it’s sending frost to bite at the most inner corners of your esophagus. Dressed in snow boots, a snow suit as well as a snow jacket with a bullet proof vest, a thick scarf, two layers of gloves—a pair of thin gloves and then your snow gloves—as well as a beanie with your hood up. You tried to tie your scarf in such a way where it covers the lower portion of your face, but movement has made the fabric crumble down. The conditions of the snowy forest you’re trudging through are harsh; the snow is several feet deep, nearly up to your mid-thigh, causing you to have to quite literally pull your leg through dense snow, and of course you forgot your sunglasses for this trip. The bright sun is shining onto the snow surrounding you, successfully blinding you, causing you to squint until you give yourself a headache.
You have no idea what temperature it is, but all you know is that the fact that you’re moving through the snow is the only thing getting you through this. Your nose burns from the cold and so do your cheekbones, and any other skin that is exposed. You hold your rifle tighter to your chest in an attempt to maintain warmth, and despite all of your protective clothing, you don’t feel warm at all. You’re traveling with Ghost, while Soap, Price, and Gaz are infiltrating a nearby safehouse, owned by Makarov. You and Ghost are making your way to the exfil point after providing overwatch—the weather was beginning to pick up, blocking your line of sight. You shudder as some snow lands on the tip of your nose and melt, but nearly immediately freeze due to the temperature.
You keep dragging your feet through the snow, one foot after the other, trying to think warm thoughts to keep you going. Your radio crackles to life and Ghost’s muffled voice comes through; he’s only in front of you, but the snow can act as a sound muffler. “Doin’ alright?” His voice is like a wave of warmth washing over you, and you close your eyes for a moment as you walk. You open them and mumble, “Freezing my ass off, sir.” Ghost lets out a huff that almost sounds like a chuckle. “Keep moving, sergeant. You’ll keep your strength and warmth up.” You don’t bother to respond as you continue to trudge on. The wind begins to pick up as well as the falling snow slowly turns into a mini blizzard. “This is Price to Ghost and [Name], how copy?”
You don’t bother to respond as you’re focused on keeping yourself upright—when did you begin to feel so tired? “Loud and clear, Price. The weather’s pickin’ up.”
When did you begin to feel so.. warm? ..What?
You blink and suddenly you find yourself collapsed into the snow. You don’t question it, because you’re quite comfortable. The coldness of the snow feels good against your suddenly warm skin. You’re violently shivering, but you don’t mind. You’re warm. A pair of hands grab your coat, flipping you over so you’re no longer face down into the snow. You whine and weakly try to push whoever is touching you because their gloved hands are on your face, brushing snow off of your skin. “Stop,” You slur, your voice wobbling. Your hearing tappers out for a moment, and apparently so does your vision because the next thing you know—you find yourself in a cabin.
The first thing you feel is warmth—and then extreme coldness, and then numbness, and it’s a repeating cycle, causing you constantly shiver where you’re laying. Your limbs feel so heavy and you just want to stay laying down, but you’re hit with the thought of Ghost. Did he bring you here? Or did something happen, causing someone to take you? Your thoughts are in disarray, that much is clear. You can’t even form a coherent thought. You blink slowly as to focus your gaze, and you see a tall and bulky figure bent down by a fireplace, which you’re laying near. Huh. You’re somehow stuffed inside your sleeping bag. The figure’s back is turned to you, so whatever they’re doing, you’re unable to see. “C’mon,” The rough voice hisses. Oh, it’s Ghost.. Duh. You let out a choked noise as a weird pain of blistering pain radiates through your skull, and you’re vaguely aware of the feeling of your blood quickly rushing back into your fingertips, the humming sensation in your fingers nearing painful. They were lightly tingling before.
You blink again; time has passed. There’s a fire going now, a steady one, but it’s clearly not enough. Not with the way Ghost’s intense eyes are staring into yours, him saying something about you staying awake, something about how he knows you want to sleep—which he’s right about—but you can’t, and that you shouldn’t. You nearly wanna reach over and smack him about that, and you would have if you could move without the sluggish and heavy weighted feelings in your limbs. Who is he, to tell you, what you can and cannot do?? “I’m tired, Ghost.. Lemme sleep.” You croak out—your voice is trembling and you don’t understand why, but your body doesn’t give you enough energy to properly question it and you lay your head back down, trying to turn it away.
“Need you to keep those eyes open, [Name],” Ghost’s voice is suddenly.. very, very, very close to your ears. Your eyes flutter back open—you don’t even remember closing them—and you’re face to face to his mask. His brown eyes burrow into yours, nearing unreadable, but one thought pops up when your head allows it; he’s worried. Ghost is worried. “M’here,” You mutter, feeling yourself shake in your sleeping bag. “I’m here.” You watch as Ghost gets up from his position, which was looming over you, to add more fuel to the fireplace. The fire cracks and sparks alive once again, and you never noticed it died down. Must’ve been a while, of you being in and out. Your head is finally allowing you think more clearly. “How..” You lick your dry and cold lips before continuing. “How long has it been?”
Ghost looks over at you, pausing for a moment before poking at the burning wood with a fireplace poker. “You don’t know?” He questions, his voice tense. Bad sign. You not remembering how much time has passed is a very bad sign. You shake your head, tugging your sleeping bag closer to your body in a sluggish manner. Ghost’s quiet as he moves back over to you, grabbing his own sleeping bag which is tightly rolled up and attached to his backpack. Ghost begins to unravel the fabric and unzip it, in an attempt to make a blanket. “Well, a big blizzard started up as we were headin’ to the RV. Found you face down in the snow a bit behind me, and knew you..” He trails off as pulls the zippers down, hesitating in his movements. “..knew you needed to rest, needed help.”
You press your lips together because it’s so clear Ghost is avoiding what he wanted to say; what you both know what he meant. A harsh shiver rolls out through your body, harsh enough to make your vision spin, causing Ghost to huff. He drapes his unzipped sleeping bag over your body, tucking the extra fabric under your body. You groan quietly and you shut your eyes for a moment. Ghost is shifting stuff around and you his gloves fingers push your hat up ever so slightly and then you feel.. skin pressing against your forehead?? Your eyes open sleepily to the sight of Ghost’s mask pushed to above his nose, exposing his scarred lips and cheeks. You open your mouth to say something but a quiet whimper leaves you as your vision swims again—not giving you a moment to think about his kiss against your forehead. “Cold.” He mutters as he grabs the edge of his mask and pulls it back over the rest of his face, down to his neck. You watch as Ghost takes off his scarf and wraps it around your neck instead, and then he lays down next to you and wraps an arm around you, pulling you closer. You try to question why he’s doing this, but Ghost is already three steps ahead of you. “You’re not of any help if you’re dead, love.” His voice is steady, but it’s on edge—like he’s scared.
You shut your eyes and you lean into his everlasting warmth, and you decide to not point out how his gloved fingers are stroking the exposed skin of your face in a soothing manner.
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rookthebird · 1 year
i love it when fictional characters start out as hard-bitten badasses who can slaughter any enemy and sleep with a knife under their pillow and assess any room in terms of how many exits it has in case they need to flee and think that kindness is for other people...
and then their character arc is them learning to
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versasfanficwastedump · 4 months
i don’t know what i’m talking about but i think my favorite type of injured!character is the cornered animal, and there’s two types
there’s the stray cornered animal, who watches warily, just out of arms reach. a sudden movement and they’ll flee. soft voices, kind smiles, gently coaxing them to come out, it’s okay, i won’t hurt you, i only want to help. they want to let you help them, but it hurts and they’re scared. gentle persistence will have them slowly creep toward you, carefully extending their injured limb or hesitantly laying back for you to examine them.
then there’s the abused cornered animal. they know better than to let someone get so close when they’re so weak. they’ll patch themselves up, thank you very much, and growl when you get too close. they have no desire to trust you, because they’re in pain and believe you’ll only hurt them further. they don’t want help. in fact, get too close and they’ll bite and scratch and kick until you back away again. the only thing you can do is watch from the sidelines until they can’t reach that one cut on their back to stitch it up, or their hands are shaking too much to wrap their ankle properly.
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prompt-heaven · 11 months
some reactions to a love confession
"What? Are you serious? Right now of all places, you really think it's the time to just blurt something like that out? You fucking-, urghh...."
"Wait, what?"
"Cut the bullshit, what do you really want? Because you should damn well know by now that kind of talk doesn't work on me."
"Excuse me?" *fucking clutching my pearls*
"Oh, no..."
"No, please don't. Please don't do this."
"Please stop saying that."
"Just don't."
slap them.
"I hate you."
"I hate you." (affectionately)
"No you don't. I know you may think you do, but you don't, not really."
"Oh, okay.... uh.... look, I care about you too, so much, but just not like that. I'm really sorry."
"Alright. Tell me again when you finally mean it."
"Tell me again when we make it out of here alive."
"Ah, sure you do."
"I thought I was always just a friend in your eyes..."
"Since when?"
"I had no idea... why did you never tell me before?"
"I'm sorry, I can't... I want to, but I can't..."
just kiss them instead of finding the words.
kiss them as soon as they confess and thereby shut up whatever else they wanted to say.
"Took you long enough."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I love you more."
"I know."
start tearing up.
start full on crying.
start crying happy tears.
start crying angry/confused/frustrated tears.
"Shut up."
"Shut up." (affectionately)
"Seriously?" (hello early seasons of grey's anatomy with all of the seriously's ♡)
"Say it again."
"Oh my god, it all makes so much sense now!"
start giggling uncontrollably.
start laughing uncontrollably.
goes nonverbal.
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spacer-case · 6 months
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visiting sphinx
(no one asked but my headcanon for marco deflecting vulnerable conversations comes from what he said after izou saved him in wano...my guy ran out of steam and basically lay there musing and waiting to just die but when he gets called out for it hes like "heheh i was waiting for u to save me~"?!?!? hello?!?!? sir???????)
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spinzolliii · 2 months
People forget that recovering from an injury takes so much energy. It’s not just pain, but a constant exhaustion as your body dedicates all of its resources to repairing itself. This can last weeks or months.
The same is true in the aftermath of a severe illness. You’re not necessarily “well” after the infection passes. Your body has to recover from the damage done by the infection. It leaves a person weak and lethargic well after they’ve “recovered” from their illness.
So, imagine a Whumpee being forced to work again immediately after an illness or injury.
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