#body shaming is UNCOOL
xqllin · 2 months
what i think are the wbk boys' charm points !
first years edition pt1 | sakura, nirei, sugishita
tags ~ fem!reader, mostly fluff, mentions of body shaming (sugishita), random af
notes ~ don't mind me just daydreaming about wbk as usual, i tried including one for physical appearances and one for their characteristics..
first years edition pt2 | suo, kiryu, taiga
sakura's eyes / honesty
the first thing you notice about sakura is the sharp contrast of his hair, then when you approach the boy, his eyes are what catches your attention
on one side there's a bleak gray that reminds you of the barren field of the moon ; on the other is an eye as golden as the sunset - which you believe is absolutely captivating
sakura's shy with his advances, often needing a little push from either one of his friends, but one thing for certain is that the things he says are genuine and rarely sugarcoated
he's outright but still chooses his words carefully, and it gives you so much more comfort than the words of reassurance anyone could give
because you know he means it and that he wouldn't fake any reaction
sakura averts his eyes, gaze not staying on your figure for more than three seconds because he's never seen anyone as pretty as you
you were thanking him for saving you the other day from some creeps, to which he recalls happened quite recently but he hadn't gotten a good look at you until now
and god he doesn't know what to do with himself
everytime he looks back towards you (because it's impolite to not look at somebody talking to you), your eyes were already fixed on him and he prays that his appearance wasn't weirding you out
if it wasn't already obvious by the warmth that envelopes your cheeks when you realise how much you've been staring deep into his eyes
"those guys were.. bothering you right? you shouldn't let them walk all over you like that."
he mutters with a pout, he knows his face is unbelievably red right now, and he thinks it's so uncool to act like this in front of such a cute girl and he knows you know it too
but he still decides to send you off with some words of advice (he doesn't want you to get hurt the next time)
you smile with eyes filled with gratitude for him, you swear you can see steam coming out of his ears from how hot he feels, and give him a playful reply
"right, I'll send them one of those flying kicks you did!"
he then says you shouldn't do that without practice with a rather concerned face, which earns him another minute of your laughter
nirei's smile / support
when the corners of nirei's lips curl upwards, practically every facial feature of his light up, and naturally your lips end up mirroring his in any situation
he's a beam of sunshine that's for sure, the guiding light that you just need sometimes
nirei is the first to celebrate your achievements and the last person you'd shoo away during your moments of self deprecation
he's so eager to help too, pulling out his trusty notebook to offer you support in any topic, you wouldn't be surprised if he had your grocery list for the following week prepared for you
you have been struggling with a school project for a while now, you were constantly doing research, which resulted in you sleeping awfully late some days
luckily you have nirei around to remind you to 'take breaks!' and 'make sure you eat your fill!'
at one point, you both started facetiming each other while you continue your assignment (nirei's suggestion)
sure having nirei's company during these tough nights was certainly helping your productivity, but you didn't want him to suffer along with you and continuously assured him that he didn't have to do this, especially with how hard he's working to protect the town as well
he assured you back that he didn't mind at all and he was doing this on his own accord anyways
he's too shy to admit that he's missed hearing you and seeing your face after you've been busy holed up in your house completing your project for the past week
whenever you were having a tough time and nirei noticed, he'd give you a wide grin followed with some encouraging words to help you get through it
"nirei. nirei?", you call out with a soft voice, the camera showing the top of his head hasn't moved in the past half hour
you say his name once more and you see his body flinch slightly, head jerking up to face you, prying his bleary eyes open as best as he can
he mumbled a quick apology as he yawns.. and he apologizes for that as well
"it's okay, you should go rest aki. i'm finished."
you find it adorable how he immediately perks up, congratulating and praising you for your hard work, the proudest smile hung on his face
you would return the energy if it wasn't near depleted by then, so you settle for a soft chuckle, thanking him for all the support he's given
you pout when he denies your credit and sigh
"well if you're not gonna accept that, i'll just have to use my actions to repay you huh?"
"i'll make up for all the dates we've missed out on tenfold!", you hum, teasing his flustered face before wishing him a good night's sleep
sugishita's height / loyalty
not everybody is a whopping 6ft tall, but your boyfriend is, turning heads everywhere he goes
either curious of the way he towers over everyone or concerned about the prominent grouch he embodies
everybody knows the only person in sugishita's eyes is everyone's beloved top dog - umemiya, but one could argue you were a close second
you've seen how he reacted when anybody refers to umemiya without honorifics, he wouldn't hesitate to defend your name either
it was a lovely day, the weather was perfect and you had cleared your schedule for the day
you even spent the entire morning putting together a flattering outfit to go out in, of course you had to drag your grumbling boyfriend up from his nap for a date! (he quickly shut up after laying his eyes on you)
you both do a little window shopping, mainly just you leading in the front, squealing at whatever catches your eye
and sugishita follows closely behind, like a guard dog, ready to jump at any threat during your lovely outing
you tell him to lay off the scary expression, which he merely huffs in response (he tries to keep his face as neutral as possible after that and ends up looking even scarier through an onlooker's eyes from how hard he's focusing)
you've scurried off to a food stall to get you both a snack on the go when sugishita overhears some rather unpleasant remarks targeted towards you
his eyebrow twitches in annoyance, and mentally panics when he notices you stiffen up, the conversation you were having with the stall owner dying down
they weren't standing too far off, in fact you stood even closer than sugishita was, you feel like curling up and disappearing, like the nights where you'd curl into yourself, arms wrapping around your own waist in a pathetic way to comfort yourself
you quickly pay for the food and urge sugishita to leave the scene, your pace quickening from how desperate you wanted to escape this situation
but before you could react, sugishita was already heading towards the group of people, his back straightened to assert intimidation
"got a problem?"
he cocks his head to the side, with the meanest glare aimed at those people, you scramble to his side trying to pull him away but his stubborn head just wouldn't budge
the people were visibly flustered, their presence shrunk down to that of a mouse, while they hurried away with their tails between their legs
you sigh, "it's alright sugi.. let's just get going yeah?"
he obliges, but now with a hand around your waist, you look up at him in shock and his brows were still furrowed, eyes trained at the road ahead
you realise he's straining his arm to cover your waist, in case you felt insecure about people seeing
he knows you've figured out his intentions, but he doesn't let it show, you just smile and walk a bit more closer to him, happily indulging in the snack you had purchased
you reach the treat up to sugishita's face so that he could have a taste as well, giggling when he comments that it's too sweet
.. definitely not as sweet as your boyfriend though
before posting ~ happy girlfriends day girlfrienddss ‼️ tomorrow is actually my bday and I've finally decided to post this :3 this sucks and im embarrassed but when have i cared about that so it's getting posted 💪
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zykamiliah · 1 year
So we know SQQ uses The Wives/The Women as a stand-in to talk around his attraction to Binghe, but another thing SQQ does is use the Original Shen Qingqiu as a way to talk around his own personality, (negative) emotions, and even self-esteem, either by contrasting himself against him, or by finding similarities. It makes a lot of sense, since he's inhabiting the body of the original, the person he needs to, to a certain point, imitate to survive.
From the very beginning, SQQ finds similarities between o!SQQ and him, and says he doesn't get why someone with reputation, good cultivation and the biggest sect backing him up would be so envious of other people's potential to the point of scheming against them. The Original Shen Qingqiu was not satisfied with the things he has and instead of idling his life away, like Shen Yuan in his previous life, he's digging his own grave.
When rummaging through the carriage interior, SQQ finds a lot of stuff that was frankly unnecessary to take on such a short trip, like "five or six different tea sets". And noting this, SQQ thinks,
No matter that in his past life he could have counted as a wealthy second-gen, he still hadn’t been this pointlessly indulgent in his pursuit of first-world affluenza, okay? (Chapter 1: Scum)
He's saying, "unlike him, i wasn't needlessly indulgent".
Another example is when he compares his own competency to that of O!SQQ. He does this a few times in the first volume.
The original Shen Qingqiu’s skill at facing down demons should have made this quest as easy as killing a chicken with a knife. Shamefully, the knife had failed to even hit the chicken. In seconds, Shen Qingqiu discovered something that made his mood even worse. (Chapter 2: Mission)
In other words, "unlike the original goods, I am so uncool right now". But the best thing about this part is that... it puts SQQ in a bad mood. I want to call attention to the fact that he feels shame for failing, for being being weak when he should be strong. Shame doesn't come out of nowhere.
Rereading this volume and noticing this few hints of his character and emotions really challenge the notion that SQQ/SY is just an easygoing person. There's a lot of mental gymnastics being performed so he doesn't have to confront his own emotions. If the unreliable narrator tells me he's easygoing, should I believe him? I am questioning everything he says until it's confirmed by his actions.
Now, going back to how he uses o!SQQ to talk about his own competency, and most important, how he feels about being competent, strong, etc.
Surrounded by the cheers of the sect’s disciples, Shen Qingqiu attained a complete victory in the first match.
At this moment, Shen Qingqiu realized why the original flavor had clung to being a poser like it was his lifeline—it was unbelievably satisfying. (Chapter 2: Mission)
Why is it so hard to say "being cool feels so so good"? Being admired, strong and capable is something he comes to enjoy, and I wonder about Shen Yuan, and what was his life like. Why does he have to use o!SQQ to open a sentence about why being "a poser" feels good. He won't say he himself is a bit of a poser, or that it feels good to be cool.
The original flavor pushed Luo Binghe onto the battlefield because he was shameless! He didn’t care about the sect’s reputation! He hated Luo Binghe to the bone, enough to want to vicariously torture him via the hands of demons!
The current Shen Qingqiu didn’t share any of those three motives! (Chapter 2: Mission)
SQQ is not shameless, in fact there's a lot of shame in him. He cares about the sect's reputation, even if he's been in PIDW for, what, a few months? And most of that time he spent it in a cave cultivating. I wonder why he latched himself to the sect so quickly? As if a part of him always wanted a place to belong to, be part of, play an important role, a place he could contribute to.
“Do you think that the burden of peak lord will be too heavy, Qingqiu?” asked Yue Qingyuan.
The original Shen Qingqiu would most likely have suspected that Yue Qingyuan was trying to undermine his authority or something of that sort. However, the current Shen Qingqiu knew that Yue Qingyuan was genuinely worried about him overworking himself and damaging his health(...) (Chapter 3: Favor Points)
He's saying: "unlike him, i don't misunderstand people", which is... clearly not the truth, but he doesn't know that. SQQ thinks he has a pretty good grasp about people's intentions and that he's good judge of character.
All that said, the quote that actually made me connect the dots about how SQQ invokes the original to talk around his own emotions is this one, when they're facing MBJ:
“Unusually inferior talent,” [Mobei-Jun] said. “Foundation and techniques inflexible. Leave.”
Shen Qingqiu said nothing.
He wasn’t some unmatched genius in the Human Realm, but his talent was still at least one in a thousand. And Cang Qiong Mountain’s foundation and techniques weren’t inflexible, they were orthodox! Mobei-Jun still described them as he would a pile of garbage. If the original Shen Qingqiu had heard this, he would have coughed up three liters of blood and run away crying to make a voodoo doll. (Chapter 4: Conference)
But wait, that first sentence kind of sounds familiar, doesn't it?
From early on, he’d known that even if he idled the rest of his life away, he’d never want for food. Perhaps due to this carefree upbringing, devoid of either competition or pressure, he came to believe that ranking in the top ten of a competition was good enough, so long as it had more than ten people. (Chapter 1: Scum)
He's saying "as long as I score among the best I don't have to be a top ranker". Like, if he's comparing himself to others, he won't feel bad because he's not at the bottom. He's average, and average is good, right? Like a "at least I passed the test, I don't need a top score" type of thinking. It feels like something he'd tell himself to feel better about his own performance.
The middle child, saying that as long as he has an average rank everything is fine? Hahaha. Yeah ok, Shen Yuan. (wtf are you hidinnnng)
But I want to draw your attention to this sentence
If the original Shen Qingqiu had heard this, he would have coughed up three liters of blood and run away crying to make a voodoo doll.
because it's so fascinating how SQQ is mentally incapable of admitting to himself that his pride has been hurt by MBJ's words. He feels insulted, and he channels that emotion by projecting his feelings on and picturing what the original would feel in that situation.
Oh, but zy, isn't this just SQQ's humorous running commentary on everything that happens to him? Maybe he's not really upset about what Mobei-Jun said about him having "unusually inferior talent".
Nope. He's really, really pissed off
Just as the sword array was about to come down like sheets of rain, Shen Qingqiu snarled within his heart.
I’ve done my best, but he still thinks I’m low-level trash, so what can I do?!
How loathsome! If I have to die, couldn’t it at least be in a better-looking way? After being stabbed with hundreds of black swords, I’m going to be a sieve! Who could bear to look?!
He SNARLED in his heart. MBJ didn't call him low-level trash, he did that himself. It pisses him off that he's going to die in such an uncool way that will leave him looking like an ugly bloody pulp.
Is this really a guy that doesn't care about his reputation or how he looks to others, that calls himself an "easygoing person"????
This is a guy that has had to repress every emotion related to his own pride and self-esteem. And this is something he was doing in his previous life. Again, what the fuck was going on with the Shen family?!
I don't think this is the way a man that is satisfied with his lot in life would think.
Shen Qingqiu was a man of few needs; he would have been satisfied just idling away to a ripe old age. In that way, it wouldn’t be that different from how his previous life had been going.
youre LIYING. I'm not going to trust anything you said about yourself EVER AGAIN. you were so satisfied to "idle your life away" you died from eating expired yogurt! you were clearly repressed and depressed and unhappy and pretending to be okay!
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luke-shywalker · 7 days
ren’s scar
The scar is the least of all the changes that have brought Kylo Ren farther away from who he used to be. But the fact that it’s right there on his face kind of bothers him—or delights him—he’s not sure which.
Snoke says the helmet is ridiculous. If he says it is, then it must be. But it’s kind of shame. Kylo Ren thinks the helmet was cool. But…maybe a scar is cooler?
Ben wonders what his mother would think if she saw the ugly red streak bisecting his face. She used to scold him for scraping up his knees.
Oh, wait—Ben is dead.
The one thing that isn’t cool about the scar is that the scavenger girl gave it to him. A random nobody without any training in the Force, seemingly empowered by the narrative, if there was such a thing. Yes, that is the one uncool thing about the scar: it was given to him by a weakling, which means he is weaker than a weakling.
Kylo Ren imagines gripping his face in his fingers and ripping it open, his skin splitting at the suture. He hates himself. And he hates the girl. And he hates Ben Solo.
And he hates the scar. But…hating it is kind of what he likes about it, if that makes any sense. He feels rage when he looks at it, and Ren’s inner workings are such that rage is some kind of euphoric torture for him.
Ben’s lower lip trembles as he traces the line on his face. He has just had an intrusive thought—a memory—Han Solo’s fingers—no.
Kylo Ren yells at nothing and slams his fists into the glass.
It is shatterproof. Disappointing. He screams again and throws his body against the wall.
He imagines the scar extending down his neck, down the rest of him, splitting him in two. It burns.
Why won’t Ben Solo die?
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silviakundera · 2 months
Snowfall watch comments ep 11-12
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Ep 11
Vamp Daddy is feeling violated and would like some clothes now, thx. "You keep staring at me. Even if you don't feel embarrassed, I do feel a sense of shame."
Sorry, the villain is erotically, psychotically obssesed with you, so no
Loser Li: "Aren't you a big shot? Aren't you a socialite? You think you're above me just because of your wealth and power?"
Vamp Daddy:
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Literal army observing the toxic gay happenings: ... um I think that was supposed to be your inside voice
Mu Lihua is obviously making excuses to herself to use the magic yang ring, which is killing her
BACKSTORY: in which it was all the fault of Vamp Daddy'd grandma for deciding to burn alive both his dad's chicken killing concubine and also her son. Sorry grandma, burning a small child alive while he screams for his big brother is uncool and I'm not surprised she went berserk and killed y'all. 🤷
If that kid grew up to be our mildly evil doctor bestie, I think u 2 should hug it out and say bygones are bygones. Yes he gave you some vampirism but also, you survived 100 years to experience some great fashion choices and meet an incredibly weird blind girl who is very into you. It's not all bad.
Loser Li is literally crying here, just barely hanging into any dignity by a thread, while Vamp Daddy calls him out as looking heartbroken. 🌈
MORE BACKSTORY: Loser Li ran into Vamp Daddy when a teen and naively thought this rich dude could magically fix his sister w his rich people powers. Except some people shot up the joint and Vamp Daddy ran away and his sis died. No magic fix for his sister. No one else to blame, so he hates himself and the (handsome) stranger that he'd unrealistically pinned his hopes on.
Loser Li has all that pent up rage bewing inside, yet still takes time out of his busy gangster schedule to sit on bed beside Vamp Daddy and removing his muzzle, "If you want to escape, that's fine. We can both die together if it comes to that."
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More flirting, angst, bars
"You did well."
oh... kay
Loser Li's boss wants to just dispose of Vamp Daddy if the scans don't show anything else exciting. I do not think Loser Li is gonna accept this.
Any more than I can accept more screentime for nepo baby. At least it smoked out doctor bestie!
Jin nepo baby is kinda being used as a plausible deniability There Is A Hetro Explanation For This on Loser Li's character. Except not really, because his behavior and words are also internally consistent with her being a childhood playmate when a sevant kid, who now he wants to draw the line with for multiple reasons (the best one being, he's a murderer & active criminal). Also, bisexuality exists.
Ep 12
We're bringing the gf and doctor bestie along for the ride! Thanks Loser Li, I missed them.
I can barely recognize my fav loser in brown leather.
The trio reunited!
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Doctor Bestie is so annoyed that Vamp Daddy keeps being defeated by Loser Li, when he could simply solve this all by killing him
Is Doctor Bestie gonna clock the Mu heir?
Vamp Daddy offers Loser Li both money and 🌈 friendship 🌈 and he's soooooooo shook
Mu Lihua having more seizures because she can't let go of her mood ring. smh.
Midly Evil Doctor Bestie: some people evade all responsibilities and some people bear them all, to feel alive. He's the latter.
Me: and you're the 1st kind, right? right????
Really love his chill. I want to know what's behind it. 🕵
Vamp Daddy alone in a room with Loser Li and very deliberately seducing him while pretending not to: "I will perish together with you." It's the guy I care about, not the girl. People can want & feel multiple things at a time. I didn't know you then but I do now - we know each other.
seriously - the way the actor for Li Yingliang does this swallow at him saying they know each other well now and then Vamp Daddy nods in assent. The body language and his face.👌👌👌
Fuck, Vamp Daddy knows he hooked him
Vamp Daddy and Sus Doctor play Mahjong with the villians and I'm fairly certain they're just fucking with them.
Loser Li looks annoyed to be losing yet again in life but tbh what result do you expect when gambling with someone 100+ years old
The allusions to his brother !!! Is the doctor his brother???? If so DOES HE SUSPECT?? ?????
Vamp Daddy trying to hard sell Loser Li until the last moment. Run away w me and join my polycule. I have riches and also, I'm me 👁👄👁
I think our fav villainous bisexual is just scared to take what he wants.
He is convinced there's no way back after you sell your soul to the local warlord and is scared to contemplate the alternative; if he walks away now, that means he could have found a way to walk away before - which means he's partially culpable for the wrong he's done.
They're staring at each other thru the window now. It's very romantic.
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wistfulweaverwoman · 6 months
I have been marinating on something for the last day.
For roughly ten years I have been sharing my analysis of different aspects of THG books, but I started writing in depth character analysis before I ever joined the fandom. By nature of analysis they are subjective to comprehension, education, and personal experiences, however, I do my absolute best to keep them as unbiased as possible.
I understand that what I offer may not be what you've interpreted, and that's fine. We can discuss where we're each coming from, and agree to disagree if we don't come to an understanding. There are some things that I've shifted on over the years as I learn more about classic literature and symbolism, and even people pointing out text in a way that I never noticed. My mind continually seems to be blown by these books.
What's completely uncool is to not only tell me that my analysis is wrong, but that Susanne Collins wouldn't want me to interpret what I did, they way I did.
Motherfucking what now?? The two of you bffs? You discuss this over brunch??
So what's my beef? It stems from the kerfuffle from a few days ago where there was a bit of arguing over Katniss and whether she felt sexually aroused when Gale kissed her in 2. I did't know this was hotly debated issue till after. The person was complaining about Gale and so I offered some insight by linking my Gale analysis, (which I've already decided needs to be rewritten because there's things I'd like to add or provide further clarification on).
My analysis is metaphorical, specifically comparing THG to Dante's Comedies and how the series is Katniss's own journey through the seven hells to paradise through spiritual transformation.
They said they agreed with everything except Gale having sexual feelings for Katniss (weird take, but okay). I went on to explain that Gale represents the most base of men, and that that he's meant to provide contrast to the feelings she has for Peeta, which elevate above sexual desire to a more spiritual level. Specifically, the cave kiss, when Katniss first realizes that she does not want to lose the boy with the bread, mirrors the kiss in 2 with Gale, in which she realizes Peeta will never come back or she’ll never return and she’ll go to the Capitol to die, and he’ll die hating her… all while Gale is actively kissing her neck. And because nothing matters anymore she kisses him back:
“Gale’s touch and taste and heat remind me that at least my body’s still alive, and for the moment it’s a welcome feeling. I empty my mind and let the sensations run through my flesh, happy to lose myself.”
They then tell me that Katniss only feels arousal 2-3 times in the book (whereas I believe it's more, but they're feelings that aren't worth mentioning because those feelings aren't important, but there's hints in the narrative of her desire for Peeta, often in bed) and that what she felt while Gale was touching her wasn't arousal. I say let's agree to disagree, and then they @ me TWO more times to continue to tell me I'm wrong and the bit about SC. So they're blocked, which I have never done before, beside porn bots.
PSA for the folks that don't know this because they haven't experienced these yet:
There's a difference between sexual arousal from physical stimulation, being sexually attracted to a person, and being with someone you're in love with.
You can, in fact, be aroused by someone you're not at all attracted to, it's a physical response to stimuli. Even rape victims have felt sexual arousal, which is totally normal, though generally leaves them with a sense of shame and horror. So yes, Katniss was aroused, but not actually attracted to Gale. Again, this provides contrast to what she feels with Peeta!
"I kissed Peeta about a thousand times during those Games and after. But there was only one kiss that made me feel something stir deep inside. Only one that made me want more. But my head wound started bleeding and he made me lie down. This time, there is nothing but us to interrupt us. And after a few attempts, Peeta gives up on talking. The sensation inside me grows warmer and spreads out from my chest, down through my body, out along my arms and legs, to the tips of my being."
When she's referring to how she feels with Gale it's described physically and she uses the word "flesh". What she feels with Peeta is far far more than sexual arousal. She's not saying she's horny. Katniss feels this in her soul: "to the tips of my being".
You don't have to agree with me, but if you're going to come at me with half baked theories at least back it up with textual evidence, and not like throw some bullshit at me. Stop projecting your own shit on these characters and then calling it #cannon!!
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lemonadehtwooh · 9 months
FGO For Funsies! AU Redesigns for Jekyll/Hyde
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What everything says +Commentary under cut! Warning for Long because Double Content
FGO For Funsies AU: Doctor Henry Jekyll, Assassins Class
He/Him, Pansexual
Neutral Good
NP: Class Change, "Double Sided Coin"
Henry Jekyll's consciousness died the moment he drank the Elixir, leaving behind two newborn consciousness in one body. The one born from purity took the name of the original, and believed himself to truly be the antagonist from the original novella. With this, he believes the consciousness born from corruption was a scientific error and suppressed the other, innocently wanting to protect the people around him from the corruption's destructive urges.
However, overtime, he was proven false. Accepting this, he and the other conscious share the body fairly, which has shown to improve the mental state of both beings. They now act similarly to brothers. That is to say, Jekyll gets guilt tripped for candy and has to remind the other to behave himself
Henry holds the original's love for humanity, medicine, and science. Adding on, he is shy and naturally anxious, often worrying about the people around him. Unfortunately, he is a pushover and his intellect has caused him to become an over-thinker. He has a love for reading and writing, enjoying quiet and peaceful atmospheres. Unlike Hyde, he's reserved and tends to easily become flustered
He and Doctor Lanyon tend to bicker over the smallest things, often ending in side-eyeing and passive aggressive remarks. Mr. Utterson leads the two friends into repairing relations. Hyde thinks all of this is funny
FGO For Funsies AU: Mister Edward Hyde, Beserker Class
He/Him, Pansexual
Neutral Evil
He begged Da Vinci to make with him an outfit that triggers on during battle so that so he doesn't have to "wear those uncool and baggy clothes Henry has)
He wanted something "matching but cooler than what Henry-Boy wears"
Henry Jekyll's consciousness died the moment he drank the Elixir, leaving behind two newborn consciousness in one body. The one born from corruption took the name of the persona "Edward Hyde", unsure of his own existence in relation to the original novella. He fought against the consciousness born from purity, who ignored and suppressed Hyde. The purity believed Hyde to be a scientific error, to the point of Hyde believing it too
This was proven false overtime, and Hyde was proven to be his own existence separate from the purity. Now, he and the other conscious share the body fairly, which has shown to improve the mental state of both beings. The two act like brothers, which is to say that Hyde pesters the other for stuff, such as candy and gossip
Hyde holds the original Henry's curiosity, talkativeness, and sense of art. However, Hyde as well gained the original Henry's bottled emotions, and Hyde resents the original Henry for forcing Hyde's existence. Hyde tends to show his frustration with the likeliness of a bratty teenager
Although Hyde has a liking to violence and inflicting pain, he has learned to redirect it into passion for mundane hobbies. He holds a love for cooking and shares an online cooking show with Prince Alexander-Paris. Henry worries that Hyde will burn down a kitchen
With their clothing colors in general, I took some inspiration from "The Glass Scientists", especially for Jekyll! For Hyde, I also took colors from For Funsies! Utterson and Lanyon, which you can especially see in Hyde's shoes.
As well with Hyde's outfit, I thought it would be too impractical for him to wear Jekyll's clothes while fighting because the clothes are super baggy due to the height difference and would hinder movement a little. There was a headcanon I had that Jekyll/Hyde would bring clothes with them on missions for Hyde to change into if they had time, however that would require Hyde to strip down and I can say that he would have no shame and probably would attempt to fight while naked (also if their Master, Maple, had to work with Romeo and his Servants, I can see Utterson yelling at Hyde to at least change clothes in a secluded area, which would cause Hyde to be Extra Annoying about it, much to everyone's dismay). Lmao I can practically see Utterson being like "GOOD HEAVENS, HYDE. MUST YOU BE SO SHAMELESS AS TO SHOW PUBLIC INDECENCY?!" and Hyde is like "Lmao I'm in my stripper era" (cue Utterson screeching for Hyde to put clothes on)
So, now I'm mixing that headcanon with this current one, and it happens before Hyde goes to Da Vinci like "Please please please please please, I wanna look cool and match my brother. It would be so awesome"
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scribblestatic · 9 months
Chubby Boy vs Gremlin Bomb Part 2
(blanket warning for possible fat shaming...ah
and injury description time)
"Bakugou?! Tell me what's happening!!" Tenya yells into the com after hearing explosions down below.
Did he encounter Midoriya-kun? Or was he fighting with Hagakure-san?
["Shut up and keep guarding! I'm really pissed off right now!"]
"Since when did I ask about your feelings?! Hey!"
But there's no response. There's not even any background noises. Tenya realizes then that Bakugou hung up on him, shutting off their com connection.
He huffs, irritated, but it's not as though he never expected this to happen. Bakugou's attack would make sense to try and target the person you think is weaker. But he knows that's not exactly the reason he left. So, despite being a temporary acting villain, he can't help but hope Midoriya-kun lasts it out.
Well, with that out of the way, he has to focus on Hagakure-san making her way there. Because of her invisibility, it would be incredibly difficult to tell where she is. Still, there's boxes and such in the room, so he'll move those things out of the way.
The cleaner the room, the easier it will be for him to find her...
--- ---
Izuku is, compared to some other people, not the fastest person in the world. He can run fairly quickly back and forth, but side to side movements tend to be more difficult for him. If he thinks about it in game mechanics, he runs, to an extent, on tank controls.
To make up for reduced bodily mobility, he reduces the amount he has to move in the first place. He uses the shield as Kacchan continues his assault, blocking increasingly heavy blows. The room begins to smell like burnt dirt and caramel, the walls trembling at times from how many explosions he does.
Aren't they supposed to be protecting a bomb? Wouldn't these explosions potentially set it off?
But, of course, Bakugou's thoughts aren't quite on the assignment. He's made one of his own:
To bury him under the building and ensure he wouldn't get up again.
"You!! And!! This!! Fuckin'!! Shield!!"
Kacchan suddenly jumps up, running off the walls and flying over his head in the tall hallway. If he tried to turn around, he wouldn't be fast enough.
With a quick glance, instead of turning, he crouches and rolls forward, using the shield to protect his arms against the debris on the ground. It's apparently a good decision as another explosion goes off just behind him.
After rolling, he turns, shield out front again as he peeks around it.
Kacchan growls, running forward to keep attacking.
But if he keeps this up, the building's structure could be in danger...
So, Izuku turns back around, quickly attaching his shield to his back.
And although he knows he's slower, he starts running back toward the stairs. The best thing he can do right now is make sure that no theoretical person would get blown up because of all the tremors.
"Yeah, this is the you I know best! The one that should be running the fuck away!"
The insults never stop hurting, but right now, he doesn't feel the need to defend himself. Instead, he needs to give Hagakure-chan the best chance of either capturing Iida or capturing the bomb.
Maybe his actions look cowardly, but the goal isn't necessarily to look the best. The goal is to win.
--- ---
Tooru is having so much fun!
Given, the whole thing with, errh...Bakugou? Yeah. The thing with Bakugou seems really uncool, but Midori-kun said he wanted to take care of it. In the meantime, she's being extra stealthy!
Speaking of which, Midori-kun is super cool, too! She still wonders how on earth she hadn't ever thought that her quirk was to reflect things rather than invisibility when the things she put in her mouth didn't show to the outside world. Anything inside her body wasn't visible to others.
While it does mean she's definitely brushing her teeth right after everything's done -- the tape and a few other things she decided to put in her mouth do not taste good -- she's also ecstatic.
Midori-kun's also super smart. Just as he suspected, she finds Ii-kun in a large room in the middle of the fourth floor. Hiding just outside the room, she peers around, looking for anything to hide behind. There's a bunch of pillars, but all the boxes and such have been placed against a wall. She can't use those...unless...
She steps a bit away from the entrance to the room, then spits out the haul in her mouth:
Capture tape, her ear com, and a few concrete rocks from the walls Baku-kun exploded. She's so glad she cleaned her ears, otherwise the ear com in her mouth would be torture.
Briefly, she puts it in, and she keeps her voice low as it sparks to life. Seems the thing's spitproof. Perfect.
"4 mid," she murmurs. "Over."
The other side of the com is filled with explosions and expletives.
["Roger! BC! DNC! Over!"]
"Yuh. Over."
His com doesn't turn off, but she silences it so it won't make sounds in her mouth. Then, she puffs her cheeks out as she starts filling them, hoping the few concrete stones she'd picked up would be enough.
They'd planned a few codes, including verbal and visual cues. BC'd stood for "Bakugou Captured" (which, WHOA, good job, Midori-kun!!) and DNC stood for "Divert and Capture," so she had free range on her target. Whether she chooses the bomb or Ii-kun, they'll win.
She feels herself get pumped, knowing it's up to her. Though...judging from the explosions she can still hear downstairs, despite being captured, Ba-kun's cheating. Knowing this, she'll have to be quick.
Tooru carefully sneaks into the pillar-lined room, very used to hiding to snoop on others. Even though Ii-kun seems to be hyping himself up to be a villain -- which is utterly hilarious and she so wants to laugh, mind you -- she keeps quiet.
"Bakugou is naturally rotten, but that fits with this exercise... So, perhaps I should try to emulate the behavior of a villain. Yes... This is just another step to becoming a spectacular hero in the future! I must get into the mindset of a villain!"
Ii-kun turns around, his visible eye wide and villainous.
"I am now...quite evil!"
But she resists, keeping herself together. If anyone could see her face, they would see how forcefully stoic she is. She's proud of herself. Go Tooru-chan!
There are several pillars from up to down -- down being the entrance -- and left to right. Fewer L-R pillars (maybe six?...yes, six) than U-D ones (nine). She makes it all the way to the third pillar from the door close to the fourth and fifth ones near the bomb. The boxes Ii-kun moved around are close to the ninth pillar.
Ii-kun, in his determination to find her, paces around the bomb as he looks around in a way he believes looks menacing.
It should be easy to take him out of the game...but what if he notices her? He already suspects that she's at least nearby, or is prepared in case she gets close. So, it's likely best to try distracting him.
She slinks behind one of the pillars, silently pulling a rock out of her mouth. It tastes pretty bad, but she can deal with it. She's also pretty confident in her ability to throw, so if she tosses the rock toward the boxes, he'll likely think she's over there!
So, she rears her arm back and prepares to throw it--
Ah. But. Can't he just pick up the bomb and move it to another room? And since he has such a speedy quirk, he'll outrun her for sure.
But by the time she thinks of that, the rock has already left her hand, sailing in the air.
It's at a higher angle, so it won't hit the ground just yet.
She abruptly opens her mouth and lets the remaining rocks fall into her hands. Just as the rock she initially threw hits the ground and Ii-kun's head swivels quickly over, she runs full-tilt at him. She tosses her remaining rocks at his mask, toward the eye holes in his mask.
Now, Tooru can admit she doesn't have exceptionally many talents. But if there's two things she's good at, it's sneaking, and throwing. She was a pitcher on her middle school softball team, after all!
He cries out, his left eye closing after being hit. Tooru quickly spits out the capture tape and pulls it open. She only has a few seconds to act quickly and wrap it around him!
But Ii-kun recovers quickly and he tries to look around. Thankfully, her gloves are still invisible, but he catches sight of the tape heading toward his leg.
His foot lifts, prepared to kick.
Aah...I'm in such a bad position right now! Tooru thinks warily, prepared for a very, very fast foot to the face.
However, Ii-kun hesitates.
He can't get into the villain mindset enough to kick her like that. While he's used to sparring with his family, he's not sure how much punishment she can take. She's still a stranger to him, but one who clearly isn't villainous and is aspiring for heroics, just like he is. Moreover, if he kicks her away at his usual speed, couldn't he very well snap her neck if he hits the wrong spot? She's invisible, so he can't tell where to aim.
Feeling the weight of his fellow classmate's life over his head, his leg stills.
That's enough.
He holds mostly steady as an invisible body collides with his leg. In mere moments, before he can move away, the capture tape wraps around his calf.
"Hah! Gotcha--"
Suddenly, a loud, almost deafening explosion.
The building shakes so severely that he almost loses balance. Tooru cries out in shock as she wraps her arms tighter around Iida's leg.
The floor starts to give out under him.
With his left eye stinging, he calls out.
"Hagakure-san! Jump up!"
"Ehh?! O-Okay!!"
He feels her weight leave his leg, arms and hands trying to find purchase around his chest armor. Immediately calculating what proportions he remembers her having, he grabs her around the waist and flees from the spot, no longer thinking of the papier mache bomb.
It falls through the floor, crumpling under the weight of more building as it, piece by piece, lost support. Due to the construction of the rest of the building, the part Tenya fled to didn't collapse, the rest of the floor holding up.
For a moment, they just stand there, shocked by the collapsed hole in the floor. Some sort of weight-bearing wall had been utterly destroyed, causing some of the floors upwards to fall apart. Tenya holds Tooru as they process what they're seeing, and they both snap to attention at the same time.
"Hagakure-san, hold on!"
"Second floor!"
Immediately, still holding onto Tooru, Tenya jets from the room and heads toward the stairs. As she'd yelled, he heads directly for the second floor as quickly as he can, finding stairs and pathways that aren't destroyed.
--- ---
Izuku can't manage to get him to the first floor.
Try as he might, taking twists and turns to head toward those stairs, it's as if Kacchan reads his mind. Being unable to move as quickly, he has to try reducing as much damage as possible, both to himself and the building.
He manages to stay on his feet for the most part, only relying on rolls when necessary and using his shield to block Kacchan's persistent assault.
If it keeps up like this... Izuku thinks, glancing toward a crumbling wall.
He doesn't know a whole lot about construction work, but he does know what support walls are. One wrong explosion could take out a whole section of the building. He's been drawing Kacchan toward an exit of some kind, but it's slow-going.
But then, the explosions stop.
"You... You're goddamn annoying, you know that?"
Izuku peers from behind the shield, watching as Kacchan moves his shoulders, rolling them.
"You plod your weak ass to hero school, and this is the best you've got? You think you can just absorb a bunch of punches and that's that? Villains'll give up cause they get annoyed at you?"
Kacchan glares strongly at him, a grin spreading on his face.
"What do you take heroes for, asshole?"
"...I take them as protectors, Kacchan. That's what they've always been. And, if I can't fight, then... I'll protect. That's all I can do."
The two stand, staring off quietly.
"HAH." Kacchan eventually replies. "That's some beautiful bullshit, Deku."
He then raises his right arm.
"Well, since you always wanna shield someone..."
The hairs on the back of Izuku's neck stand on end immediately.
But he slides back a latch on his grenade-shaped gauntlet, sticking his pointer finger of his left hand into the pin hidden under it.
"Then try shielding from this!! If you don't get hit, you won't die!"
He pulls the pin.
And Izuku's vision lights up with bright white and yellow before he ducks, hiding his whole body behind the shield.
Even then, he still gets blown back, the force of the explosion lifting him off his feet. For a few seconds, he's airborne, his ears ringing as the wall behind him succumbs to the force, bursting outward. Through his gloves, his hands burn from the heat blown onto the shield, though not hot enough to get him to let go.
Then, he hits his back hard, gasping as he lands.
The change in lighting shows that, clearly, there's no more wall behind him. But there's also substantially less wall beside him than there should be. The support walls--
A loud creak sounds from above.
As quickly as possible, he rolls himself up and hides underneath the shield, steadying himself.
Then, with raucous cracking, piles of concrete from above break off from the other floors, breaking and sloughing off the steel beams. The pieces start falling around him, denting and cracking the ground below him. A very large slab lands on his shield, almost winding him from its sudden weight.
More pieces keep falling, and he can just barely hear the sound of someone's voice over the com, but he can't--
The floor under him gives way, unable to take both the burst damage and sudden onslaught of collapsing ceiling.
Izuku falls through the floor.
As he lands, a sharp, tearing, terrible pain rips through his left thigh and he screams. But he still holds his shield up as more weight piles on top of it.
As the dust settles, Katsuki coughs, his right shoulder smarting with the blowback from his grenade. Shit, those smartasses really managed to do it, but the pushback was pretty serious. He'd have to do better with his strength training.
Katsuki waves his left arm around, getting through the smoke as he grinned, waiting to see how terrified Deku would look. He purposefully aimed higher than necessary just so the quirkless bastard wouldn't take too bad of a hit.
He knows how sturdy the lardass is, the explosion wouldn't kill him. Plus, he stress-tested the fuck out of that dumbass shield.
He stomps forward confidently, seeing the light from outside shine into the building.
"What's the matter, Deku?! Too shocked to speak? Or did you manage to crawl away into some rat hole and--"
Instead of All Might telling him not to use the grenade in his ear com, it sounds out over the building, echoing from megaphones in the upper corners of the walls.
Katsuki stops, frowning.
"What the hell? Why are we--"
["Young Bakugou! Are you alright??"]
It's in his ear com this time, making him stiffen up. His aching right shoulder hurts more with the movement, irritating him.
"Yeah, I'm fuckin' fine! I told you I wouldn't kill him, didn't I?!"
But All Might doesn't respond immediately. It's quiet for a moment, so Katsuki continues forward to find out where Deku was hiding.
A few moments later, the No. 1 hero's voice returns.
["Young Bakugou, I cannot reach Young Midoriya! Confirm his status!"]
"Hah?? What the hell, I said I didn't hit him! He's right..."
But Katsuki trails off.
Because, had he not been carefully watching his feet, he would've stumbled into a gaping hole in the floor.
But he'd aimed upwards. Why was the floor damaged?
He gazes up, more dust and smoke settling as he starts to see the full extent of his explosion. As he does, his eyes widen, and a cold sweat starts budding at his hairline.
Katsuki knew enough support construction that he could roughly guess the parts needed to make his gauntlets. Of course, he gave the nerds the liberty to do what they otherwise wanted in order to improve the blast radius and speed. Since it's new to him, he figured he'd test the thing out at least once.
...Perhaps he'd underestimated the amount of force the thing could produce.
No... No, he for sure did.
He can see the ceiling of the fourth floor. And the floors weren't small, instead larger than usual, giving more ceiling space. So, he really shouldn't be seeing the ceiling of the fourth floor.
Except its floor collapsed.
His gaze returned the the hole in front of him, and that...
["Young Bakugou! I said to confirm Young Midoriya's status!"]
His eyes widened painfully, suddenly feeling very, very cold.
That invisible girl and robot kid showed up, kicking up a dust cloud as they stopped in front of the hole. Katsuki doesn't look at them, staring down at the rubble piled on the first floor as numbness starts curling up from his fingers and toes.
"Oh my God--Midoriya-kun!!" she screams, and he hears her run off somewhere.
"All Might-sensei! We need emergency assistance now! Midoriya-kun is... He's somewhere under the rubble! I don't see him!" Robot Boy says to his com. He's quiet for a moment before he says, "Yes sir!" and dashes away.
All the while, he stands there, frozen.
Did he just...?
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 10 months
What are your thoughts on Michael's anger outburst during the dinner? I think it's an interesting fact about him. Shame it can't be explored further in the movie.
To me, I think he deeply believes that if he manages to impress Oliver with his math skills, he won't be a loner and find a mate on him. Like he doesn't know how to proper socialize like "normal people" so in his mind if he manages to do something remotely impressive, people will like him. And that somehows indicates a subconscious frustration, maybe he always had a difficulty making friends?
And thinking about what Emerald Fennell said, that people might take pity on Michael until they get to know him.
I haven't seen the movie yet but in the dinner scene it looks like he had been staring at Oliver from some time before he presents himself to him.
Sorry for the long text, but I thought this was an interesting fact of his personality to talk about 🥺
I'm so excited for people to see the film in its entirety. Michael may only have four scenes, but pieced together they flesh out his character quite nicely. I'll post my take below the cut!
Michael views Oliver as an outcast, much like himself. He is secure enough in himself to be a loner, but he sees Oliver as inferior to him, someone that needs to be looked out for. Mostly because Oliver seems ill at ease with being "uncool", but also because he's studying a subject which Michael views as not as worthy as his own (Michael studies maths, Oliver studies literature) - we see this depicted when Michael loudly interrupts Oliver's studies in the library and chucks a Crunchie into the middle of his coursework.
His outburst over being asked a sum is indicative of his hyper fixation for all things numerical - he gets it into his head that he wants to prove that he's a maths genius, so is frustrated when Oliver won't give him an opportunity to prove this. His sadness when he responds is likely a reaction to how anti climactic the situation was, and the lack of a challenge posed to him by the multiplication sum that Oliver does ask - Michael is not a person who gives a shit what others think of him.
He hates the trendy, popular, rich kids - it's never explicitly stated, but it's more than likely that Michael is attending Oxford on a scholarship and comes from a working class background. Oxford students are notorious for being rich and snobby - unless you're MENSA levels of intelligent and can earn yourself an incredibly rare unconditional offer, mummy and daddy will have to buy you a place. The latter makes up the student body, so if you're not rich too you will struggle to fit in.
When Oliver ditches Michael at the pub, Michael doesn't leave because he's upset at being ditched, it is in disgust of the fact that Oliver has conformed and is hanging out with "vapid cunts". That's why he calls Oliver a bootlicker in the final scene. In his eyes, Oliver is a disappointment.
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youturningintodust · 3 months
Far too many people:
“AFAB people are inherently built for having submissive, receptive sex with a vagina and AMAB people are inherently built for having dominant, active sex with a penis. And it’s okay that I think this and even dare to bring my entitlement into LGBT communities, because I identify as some form of LGBT so I can do no wrong!
“Also anyone who doesn’t live this way is weird and icky and it’s okay for me to make up political reasons to hate them or associate them with the Regressive Bad Dinosaurs of the world who are so Mean and Uncool and Unqueer and Not With It. Queer is a compliment after all, a subculture and not an inherent inborn thing you can be — so I only use it for people who let me sexually get off to their original bodies, in the exact ways I want!
“No it’s not weird at all that my desires line up fully with religion and/or chaser porn and I’m going to manipulate and shame, and even literally gaslight you to shut up about it. I’m definitely not abusive or creepy at all for that. Because it never happened! Or if it did, it wasn’t that bad, and you deserve it!
“You just need to UNLEARN all that silliness you call your “inherently wired state” for us, honey. So you can be sexually liberated and enlightened! There you go…mmph, that’s hot right… That’s what’s good for Me / My libido / My cultural bias/expectations uh, I mean, you, yeah, good for you!
“Me?? Bioessentialist??? For coercing you to fill ancient roles for people of your AGAB?? Uhhhh no I think it’s YOU sweetie! because the sex you have or body that you want, line up wayyyy too well with the gender or the sexual role or social role you also feel naturally a part of. And that’s Bad Somehow! Why? Oh, Cause, Uh, [reads cue card] Stereotypes. Definitely Not because it ruins my kinks, oh nooooo it’s just uh. Problematic and Not Queer Enough and Morally Wrong Too.
“Now shut up and give me what I want you worthless homo/genderfreak, teehee uwu 🥰😇 The More-Normal-Than-Thou are talking. Obey 💋👌”
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nevvus · 2 years
General stuff —
My name is Oliver but I also go by Ollie and Aspen. A lot of people refer to me with parental titles and I don’t mind that either.
This is a more lighthearted blog intended for art and writing but I’m sure I’ll send stuff that’s not that. I had another one but I didn’t wanna give that out to people I know irl. If you do know me irl, we don’t talk about this.
This blog is pro choice, supports gay and trans rights, and thinks racism, body shaming, and harassment are very uncool and anyone who does that sucks.
Writing stuff —
I write for :
Bungo Stray Dogs (anime only)
Demon Slayer (anime and manga)
Genshin Impact
Obey me (before lesson 30)
My Hero Academia (anime and manga)
The Promised Neverland (anime only)
Kamisama Kiss (season 1 anime only)
Fruits Basket (anime only)
The Arcana (main 6 minus Lucio)
(And maybe more, I’ll probably add some in the future. This mostly refers to how much I know)
Extra :
I’ll write x-readers, ships, one-shots, short fanfic stuffs, and stuff like that.
Anything can be romantic, platonic, familial, but I won’t write romantic content with kids or characters who act like or are implied to be kids (if they’re thousands of years old but are still mentally a kid, they’re a kid.)
I’ll write for Male reader, Female reader, Gender neutral reader, non-binary/trans reader, parent reader, (/p) child reader, chubby reader, and basically any kinda reader. If you don’t specify it’ll default to gender neutral reader with no description specifications
If you ask for headcanons they’ll be bulleted, if you ask for anything else it will probably be written like a story unless I’m tired
I’m fine with writing angst, fluff, crack, comfort, and basically anything except full out smut.
I won’t write for things like harassment, assault, homophobia, racism, etc, unless it’s comfort for those topics, but even then it’s kinda iffy so just be cautious
I have a love/hate relationship, I love to write but writers block often hits me like a train so beware of that lol
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visioningandsearching · 23 hours
It's so uncool when a human body shame the other human.
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softantigone · 1 year
I find people who break hearts
extremely unattractive
so if you're playing
I want you out of my life
I'm really not looking for casual
sex or no strings attached
I'm tired of hearing "don't you want to have fun"
listen, love is super fun too
and I don't have the time to
convince you to give it a try
I'm sick of being laughed at
for being an old school romantic
and sick of pushing boys away
because they're not ready
or not sure or think they're
missing out if they commit
the fuck are you missing out on?
just tell me? more hot bodies?
more lovers? Listen.
I really don't care anymore.
I'm not here to shame anybody.
You can hook up with
anyone you want
as long as you're making
things clear from the start.
And I'm sorry if you think
I'm being uncool but
here's a shootout to all
the uncool people out there:
You don't have to pretend
to not like someone
out of fear of being
turned into a joke.
You are allowed to own
what you feel so don't
let anyone belittle
your emotions.
And if they want to
play games and not
catch feelings
tell them you're totally
fine with that. Say,
"You do that, but
stay the fuck away from me.
I don't want anybody
who wants me but
doesn't want to be with me.
I'm a beautiful
person inside out and
if out is all you want to see,
you're not the one for me.
Bye, bye, bye."
Tumblr media
0 notes
chilwcll · 2 years
what's with the uncut dick hatred 😭😭 how clean it is matters way more, as does std status. body shaming is uncool 😭
i agree 🫣 but also it does look prettier circumcised i’m sorry 🫣 but in the end it doesn’t matter, i agree
0 notes
anlian-aishang · 4 years
As person who writes for levi, what do you think about the difference between mappa's levi and wit's levi?
HIIIIIIIIIIIIII BB **HUG** I LOVE YOUUUUU 💞Thanks so much for asking!! 
Okay okay my thoughts are kinda complicated on this and I’m still figuring out how I feel myself but allow me to share (aka ramble my inner thoughts):
So, like, I love Levi in any way shape or form! Like, seriously, just give me those bangs and those eyes and I am there for it lol.
I have been in love with WIT Levi since I was 14, so my love for him will never die! (No matter the studio!) 
Also, with his MAPPA debut last week and all the studio art I’ve seen, I think he remains looking fantastic!
I will say, I was honestly afraid of the studio switch when I saw Levi in the S4 trailer. However, he also had his moments with WIT (god forbid we forget).
// // //
I see a lot of people saying like “Finally! The Levi we deserve! How did we even put up with WIT Levi?” 
While I’m totally happy for ‘em that they get the version of Levi they’ve been waiting for, this is not how I feel at all. I still love Levi just as much as I ever did and always will, regardless of season, studio, etc.
Really, even season 1 Levi still makes my heart go beep-boop!!
// // //
Throughout my whole life, I realized that - compared to the tastes of my peers - I have always liked guys on the thinner side. While girls in my class talked about six-packs and ass, I was silently raising my hand: “okay anyone else like collarbones around here?” ><
From what I’ve heard, body shaming is happening from both sides. I’ve heard that he was being fat-shamed on tiktok. I’ve seen Levi called skinny trash on here. Neither is okay.
I know I’m a total softie - but it honestly makes me feel kinda bummed? Expressing your appreciation is no problem! Degrading others’ isn’t.
Thicc Levi is great. Thin Levi is great. There is never any need to body shame!
So yeah! In conclusion, I love Levi the way I always have and always will! I will never shame any Levi <3 HE IS A BEAUTIFUL SPECIMEN AND I ALWAYS APPRECIATE. 
Thanks for the ask, Bellbee!! All of my love 💞
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darthlenaplant · 5 years
New FO character gets revealed
Fandom: *ships him IMMEDIATELY with Hux*
Special flavor of bullshit: *Hux is insinuated to be the weak crying sub yet AGAIN*
Me: "Wow. Three minutes in and this bullshit is going Warp 9 here..."
Also me: "And literally no one gets the idea that he could be KYLO's boyfriend? I mean, he apparently got promoted before Hux?! Do I have to do every good thing myself here?"
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fuwaprince · 7 years
fat shaming is ugly pass it on
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