#boku no hero academia soulmate au
comfy-writer · 4 months
Talk to Me Please! Soulmate AU
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Warning: Sad! Angst! Harm to the reader! xreader! xEijiro Kirishima! Scars on the reader!
Info: Y/N means your name, and h/c means your hair color. L/N means your last name and e/c means your eye color as well!
A/N This is my third post so far! Thanks for the likes on the Pirate Bakugou story! I love fantasy so I shall be writing more mha fantasy! This is something I threw together in about an hour, so if it's bad I am sorry about that. Here is a sad story for Kirishimaxsoulmate reader!
Feeling the pain of your soulmate sucks. You feel their physical pain, so when your soulmate was hurt you became hurt as well. Feeling all these wounds and scars does take a toll on one’s body. Each time you feel pain, your soulmate does as well. Eijiro Kirishima was always worried about his soulmate. Ever since he was 10 he was terrified and wanted to help her. Distress her pain somehow. But he never knew her so each night he cried crying out for her.
~~~10 years old~~~
Eijiro smiles while he talks to his friend. His crimson red eyes look at his friend. He quickly feels a stabbing pain on his side making his eyes go wide in surprise. A yelp escaping Eijiro. “I-I have to go give me a second!” Kirishima smiles weakly running off to the bathroom and abandoning his birthday party.
The black haired boy shuts the door to a stall and lifts up his shirt, a gnarly cut strides across his side covering his rib-cage. His black hair slowly falls as he looks down examining the cut. ‘What!” He screams before he calms his body down.
Eijiro takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, his head is now leaned against the cold stall door. Eijiro’s red eyes pile with warm tears and he looks down at the scar. “My soulmate. Is she okay?!” He asks himself clenching his teeth in pain. He feels terrible, jolting sensation run through his body.
Eijiro takes a deep breath slicing the air with his breaths, each time his chest goes up and down. His hand runs on his skin, that was sliced a moment ago before being healed and he sputters out another breath in the air. “The wound is healed? Maybe my soulmate turned ten before me.” He breathlessly replaces to himself in the air of the bathroom stall silence.
Eijiro glances at the cut striding across his skin and tears prick his red crimson eyes again. He stands there crying. His first double digits birthday and he is worried about his soulmate. Scared to death for her wellbeing.
~~~~~16 years old~~~~~
Eijiro looks at the many cuts on his arm. He is scared for his soulmate again. Open soars across his body as he tries to cover it up. Changing his hero costume to have a shirt, so he wasn’t worried about what the others thought. Eijiro’s body patterns with them and he always cries, bringing a smile to his warm friendly face when his eyes hide something different, something deeper inside. Pushing the feelings away and in his chest. Like a vault that couldn’t escape.
“Ugh, again?” He talks to himself pulling a shirt up and over his head. Eijiro gels up his hair before running out his door of the UA dorm room. Eijiro feels a terrible nagging feeling in the back of his head. He tries to cope with it as the slight breeze of the make belive wind wooshing against UA fills his mind.
He continues to run down the hall as he sees his friend Bakugou, talking to a girl. She has beautiful h/c hair that has locks on it. Her e/c orbs looking at the blond’s red ones. Her beautiful s/c skin glimmering in the slight sun that peaks over in the shadows of the UA dorm hall. The living space is occupied by Deku, Occhako, Todoroki, Momo, Mina, Hagurke, and Oijiro. Crowding the 16-year-old girl who smiles in response to the questions she is getting asked.
“Hey, leave L/N alone. She just got here. She’s a new student” Aizawa says in his yellow sleeping bag. Completely zipped up like a slug crawling over to the UA students who give Y/N warm smiles like crazy. 
“Who is she?” Bakugou asks crossing his arms as Eijiro walks up to the group. A small smile spreads across his face and a toothy grin plasters on it. “I am Y/N L/N! I got transferred here.” You smile at everyone. Many students give you a wave or others like Mina, and Hagurke crowds you and ask you questions about boys, or if you do your makeup.
You nod your head once in a while and shake your head a lot more than you pleased yourself. Beneath the grasp of it all. Eijiro stands there breathlessly for a moment wearing his long sleeve black shirt. His eyes move downward and the reds of his hair move with them as he tilts it. Your hoodie is a little rolled up as wounds, on your spread across, scarring,  bruises. Many are bruises that are purple piling up on one another while others are open sores and cuts that are pink and some blood peaks through the skin. “So L/N! What’s your quirk?!” Midoriya asks you eyeing your eyes with a serious intention. 
Midoriya holds a notebook in his hand and he gets ready to jot down information on you. His pen ready at the marks. You glance at the red haired boy and see him looking at the blisters, soars, and bruises on you rolled up sleeve. You avert the red haired boy’s gaze and you shake Midoriya away, your hoodie quickly pulled down once you grasped the thought of it again.
“I loved talking to you Midoriya but I have to go. I gotta go bye guys” You say smiling as you look at Aizawa who is unzipped in his sleeping bag and wearing his all-black outfit paired with his hair now being tied back in a bun. Most of the fan girls think your new teacher was a hottie. But you just don’t understand, most are minors while he is a fully grown adult!
“Your room is down the hallway.” Aizawa says with a grumpy voice. You follow along him and you can feel Eijiro’s gaze still on you even when you turn your back to him leaving him alone. Many images cross your mind on what he was going to say or do once he sees you.
Aizawa walks you to your dorm room but he knew. He knew what Eijiro saw, getting you worked up so of course he gruffly mumbles, “Don’t worry Kirishima won’t tell a soul.” You let out a nod followed by a sigh escaping past your lips. The sound filling your heart so you can breath once more.
“Do you think-” You start off before Aizawa opens up your dorm room. Pulling you inside and shutting the door. “Kirishima won’t tell anyone L/N, I promise. He has the same wounds on his body that you do.” Aizawa says to you. Your eyes widen in a second and Aizawa’s footsteps leave, your mind filling with thoughts.
You ramble under your breath as you feel your nervousness take over you. “What if Kirishima gets pissed off about me giving him scarrs over the years? Or-or him being mad that I just walked away?! What if he gets mad and asks me questions!? I don’t want to relive my stupid trauma I escaped from just for it to follow me at UA!” You scream grabbing a pillow from the door and yelling your heart out into it.
~~~~3 months later~~~~
So you have been avoiding Kirishima since the first time you saw him coming into UA. He sees you at times and his eyes fill with sadness and regret as he quickly tries to follow you and talk to you, his soulmate. He tries but you run off. You haven’t heard him talk at all and each time you glance at him you run off avoiding the man like crazy. But, you're scared he is going to judge you, your scars. You are scared he is going to judge you as a whole and the terrible history you come from.
Your h/c locks fall in front of your face as you open the door to your dorm room. Your tired eyes feel like they could close as you yawn a little. You close the door and your feet carry you to your bed. There your eyes go wide, Eijiro Kirishima stands in front of you and he crosses his arms as his red hair is no longer up and gelled. Just normal and it looks very soft making you think about it for a moment or two.
Kirishima’s eyes look like they are going to be on the edge of tears with the way you are looking at him. “I-I.” He starts off with his lip quivering and his “manly” voice falters. He closes his eyes before he starts up again still closing his eyes tight, the warm tears roll down his face and to the ground.“
I-I…..Y/N we need to talk.” Kirishima says softly his tears still coming. You look at him and shake your head as you reach for the door. Your hand grasps the handle and Kirishima grabs your wrist quickly reacting his red eyes pleading with yours for you to understand. “This isn’t a
request. Please. I am your soulmate. You avoid me.” Kirishima says as he pulls you away from the door, and you fight against him.
You try to keep your calm and you look at him still seeing him cry, “Y/N listen. You are my soulmate. I feel your pain, I know what is happening to you so tell me please. I will listen.” Kirishima eyes you. “Y/N, I am begging you. I know that someone hurt you, so let me help.” He pleads with you.
You take a sigh and a world renowned sigh escapes past your lips. “You can’t help Kirishima. So leave.” You beckon him trying to get him to remove his hold on your wrist. 
“Please.” He begs once more, his tears pool in his eyes and he cries. 
“Fine! You want to know!? My dad! My dad hurt me! I was only 5 when he did, he hurt me with his own hands, and used bear bottles just to make it peirce through my skin! Happy!? I try so hard to not let anyone else see. It looks like I hurt myself but I don’t! My father was sick enough to hurt me and I have to live wih the scarring! The physical pain still there! The mental! That has been hurt for so long!” You scream at him. 
Kirishima looks at you with a sympathetic gaze and you feel, water dripping down your cheeks. More make their way down. A sob escapes you and you cry as you try to shake his hand off your wrist.
Kirishima doesn’t let you go and his other hand wraps you in a hug. You feel his hand on your wrist die off and his hand holds the back of your head, running his fingers through. The other holds your abdominal area where he holds you against you. You stuff your face in his chest and your sobs fill the room. More tears peak their way down and every once in a while he’ll say things along the lines of, “ Your okay, I promise.” to “Calm down. Everything’s okay.” While that wasn’t happening he rubbed his fingers against your head running his fingers through.
You continue to cry and feel like a child in front of your own soulmate. “Thank you Kirishima.” You sniffle moving your head away from his chest and looking into his eyes. “No problem, Y/N.” Kirishima smiles softly the spikes of his spiky teeth show a little.
There you are, looking at each other. With your soulmate beside you. Tears still spill like a stream but you feel safe. More safer than you did when just living at UA, away from your father. You feel safe knowing that your soulmate doesn’t blame you for the scars he has also but he is just willing to listen, comfort, and console you. While he went and dealt with that pain too, he still keeps smiling for you, Y/N L/N.
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bnhaficsforthesoul · 2 months
Dabi and Shigaraki Soulmate AU
Your soulmate's name is tattooed on your skin
you live in a world where everyone over the age of 16 has a name written on their body somewhere, belonging to their soulmate
always an exciting day, and you were ecstatic as you searched your body in the mirror to find the words as they popped up
soon, along your collar bone, the name you were looking for finally appeared
Touya Todoroki
you had heard of the todoroki family, Endeavor was the number 2 hero after all, and you knew he had children. Possibly this soulmate was one of them?
however you found very little information on his children's identities, but you were hopeful that you would find something eventually
however, you do eventually find a few articles from a few years ago that tell you the worst news you could imagine - touya todoroki had died in a fire
it's been years now, you're in your early 20s, and have mostly accepted the fact that you'd never get your soulmate. you hoped to find someone one day you could still love like one, but most people aren't super into dating someone with a visible reminder that they don't belong together
over these years, you've made your way into being a small villain as well. no one serious, it happened mostly out of necessity, but you're a villain nonetheless
which helps lead you to an almost dorky looking little group of villains, rightfully called the league of villains to keep up with the dorky appearance
none of them really seem all that serious, kind of just seem like a bunch of people who have no where else to go, which you can't judge them for
toga, a cute younger girl who had quickly turned friendly with everyone there, was fascinated with the idea of soulmates. you didn't blame her, she had only recently gotten her name, but this led her to asking everyone if they had met theirs yet, what their names are, anything about them.
most people didn't want to talk about it, and the ones who did didn't have anything interesting to say. your leader insisted that soulmates were a waste of time, and the emo looking dude by him agreed
you felt bad that toga wasn't getting the conversations she was looking for though, and you decided you'd show her yours.
"Touya todoroki? isn't that that pro heros last name? Do you think your soulmate is a hero?"
you shook your head, smiling sadly as you told her "no, he's been dead for years. never even met the dude"
she frowned, feeling sad for you, and changing the convo made you miss the wide eyed stare directed at you from across the room
dabi, who had caught your name earlier but blew it off as a coincidence since you only said your first name, was actually stunned
when he was younger, he dreamed of a happy life with his soulmate, but after waking up from the coma he barely ever spared a thought about them
now, here you were, right in front of him and clearly sad about the idea that you didn't have a soulmate
and for the most part, he was so fucking grateful that you had no way of knowing who he was. hearing his name made the smallest part of him want to get to know you, but he has more important things to do. plus, realistically, he doesn't know you. he doesn't owe you anything
so he never said anything. never even gave a hint of who he was. you two did get close over time, always relying on one another for help and support
it wasn't until probably a year later when in a fight dabi gets badly wounded, he's unconscious, and you're panicking, where things begin to unravel
he clearly has a huge gash in his torso, and your main focus is stopping the bleeding, so you cut open his clothes as you need to and begin fixing him up as best as you can
in the middle of doing this, you see what looks like a tattoo along his ribs. and you think nothing of it, till you realize it's his soulmate mark. he's never mentioned anything about his soulmate, and you couldn't help your twinge of jealousy at the idea of someone out there being his soulmate.
even if you couldn't have your real soulmate, you've come to really care about dabi since you've met him. you don't know if you love him, but you at least have a little secret crush
so, you take a peek, and you get dizzy when you see what it says.
that's your name. your full name. exact.
you're stunned, speechless, can't even process how you feel right now.
and as dabi starts to wake up, and he asks what you're doing, you can't help but weakly say "Touya?"
he mentally curses, immediately realizing you saw his mark. but he can't do anything about it now, and he's kind of stuck laying here with you as you keep him from dying
"...yeah, that's me"
you're confused, you ask him why he never told you, you're rambling out questions and he can't even keep up with it.
'listen, when we met, I heard toga read that name off your chest. I see it almost every day. I've known this whole time, but before, and even now, I have plans I have to carry out. back then I didn't tell you because I couldn't be bothered to care with you, but now I didn't want to tell you because I wouldn't know what to do. I can't promise love, or even being alive, and it seemed easier for you just thinking he, or I, was dead."
you stared at him, processing everything
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have looked without your permission... but, I want you to know that I won't force anything on you. If you want a relationship, I'm more than happy. I'm happy with whatever you give me, even if nothing changes. I just ask that you don't push me away."
he nodded, and told you he promised to keep you around as much as possible, and that was that
he still didn't know what he wanted to do with you, but you grew more attached every day until you could say with certainty that soulmate or not, you were in love with him.
nothing would come of this for a long time though, maybe a few nights of make out sessions with too much sexual tension, but no real talk of feelings or relationships.
you grew kind of comfortable with it like this, even if sometimes you wanted a more stereotypical relationship with all the dumb sappy stuff, you had thought you didn't even have a soulmate for so long that just being near him was a blessing
dabi decided he didn't want to think of you as a soulmate. he didn't want to think he had any sort of obligation to love you or treat you a certain way. if anything was going to come of this, it would be of his own will. not the universes.
which is why it took so long, dabi could always admit you were attractive, and over time you were a great friend and someone he could truly care about, but he didn't know If he LOVED you, he didn't know if he could feel that serious for you
so it took some time, and took some real thinking for him decipher his weird complex feelings towards you, until eventually he decided that yes, he could love you.
but he wanted to wait until he did love you to do anything. and also, your existence didn't change the fact that he had plans and goals he needed to see through
so now, he's just done his big reveal, now the whole world knows who he is, and even though he didn't kill his brother like planned, he still deems it a somewhat success
he's elated to at least have come this far, he could do the rest next time, but right now all he can focus on is how happy you are for him. both for him and that he came out okay somehow. he had told you about his past in little bits, so you didn't need to 'comfort' him in any way, even though it hurt you to think about how awful his life has been
but he has his head on your lap as he stares up at your face, focused as you help him fix the staples for the new scars that have formed from this fight, and he felt so truly comfortable right now.
he has no stress, he had no anxiety about the future, it was just you and him right now.
'I love you, you know'
he spoke so casually, as if you hadn't been waiting your entire life to hear him say those words
in your head you were screaming, crying, everything. but all you could say was
'I love you too'
You and your soulmate can communicate in your dreams
ever since you were little, every single dream you had consisted of you and a little boy, together in a white room
some of your furthest memories of these dreams were quiet as the two of you kind of just stared at each other, saying nothing
but you recall as one day, you finally said hi. you told him your name, and asked his.
he seemed shy, and nervously scratched at his neck as he answered you, telling you his name was 'Tenko Shimura'
there's blurry memories of you talking to him more and more, learning more about this kid, until he disappeared for a couple weeks
to you, these are just dreams, so you don't think too much of it until he eventually does come back but very different than you remember
the shy expression on his face turned into one of shell shock almost, and his hair had turned completely white
you tried asking what happened, but for a good few weeks (even though he only popped up maybe 5 times at most), he didn't even look at you.
eventually, he did speak, but all he really said was that he got his quirk, and he did something bad
for years after that, you rarely ever saw him. as you grew older you assumed it was because you were growing out of your 'imaginary friend' phase, but every night your dreams always consisted of that empty white room.
eventually you reach high school, and your mental health takes a tank. you can barely sleep, you can barely do anything. so you end up on a night owl schedule, sleeping all day on weekends, up all night every night, and barely sleeping on school days.
and for the first time in probably years, you saw tenko again.
both of you seemed actively surprised at seeing one another, and you can't help but notice how much he's grown as well
he's obviously older, probably the same age as you, his hair has gotten a little longer, his skin doesn't seem to have improved any which makes you a little sad that he hasn't seen a doctor yet, and he looks unhealthily lanky
he's clearly eyeing you too, he kind of forgot that he ever had a partner of sorts in this weird dream world having not seen you in so long
'why are you here?'
'I don't know, because I'm asleep right now i guess'
'do you always sleep during the day? I'm guessing your in Japan too, right?'
'I sleep whenever I want, but usually I'm up all night. and yes, im in japan'
this made you realize something, so you asked 'are you a real person?'
this very well could be just a part of your dream. but it makes sense that he very much is another living person. so you want to test it
'hey, I wanna try something. would you be willing to try and go to sleep at the same time?'
he made a weird face at you, clearly confused, 'why would I do that?'
'because this is cool! if you really are a real person, and not just some dream boy, then it'd be fun to have someone to talk to. and if we sleep at the same time, we have all night together'
'why should I care'
'do you have anything better to do in here?'
he was silent, you were right. your dream world wasn't kind enough to give you anything to do, and even tho it didn't necessarily feel like you were in there for hours, it still was a good while to be sitting in an empty white room doing nothing
'fine. what time'
figuring that the only respective time was at night, you had to shift your whole schedule around again, but this led to more frequent meetings with each other
it wasn't every night, there were some nights where he couldn't be bothered to go to bed, or you were too busy to do so, but you saw each other a lot more consistently now
most of the time, you were leading these conversations, asking him questions about his life and stuff, and he answered fairly vaguely unless it was something he actually cared to talk about
which you found was video games. that's all he really did, especially League of Legends
so you made an effort to play some of these games, that way you could understand what he was talking about or talk about the lore with him
for a couple years, you two were best dream friends, even though you never met irl. you always considered asking if you could meet, but he seemed nervous when you asked if you could actually play a game together at some point so you dropped it
as much as he had grown to love these dream times, he was scared to meet you in person. in dreams, there was still a layer of protection between you and him. in real life, you actually get to meet the true and real him.
plus, as he got older, AFO had more and more expectations for him, and soon the League of Villains was formed
this caused him to be busy a lot more, which meant he slept less, which caused his time in the dream world to dwindle again
you understood, you're 20 years old and have your own things to do, but you do miss him when he isn't there
the highlight of your day is seeing him, honestly
however, a few months later, you're scrolling on your phone and you see some news about villains, nothing new really, but a picture included peaks your interest
it's kind of blurry, but the man in the picture of one of the members of this group or villains looks very similar to tenko
and within the next few weeks, as the league becomes more active, more pictures come out and eventually you're positive - that's your dream boy
you honestly don't really care he's a villain all that much, you aren't particularly fond of most heroes, and you can't help but want to go to him
so, you find a way, and with stains message sparking more people to want to join the league it makes it a lot easier for you to do so
as you make your way into this weird little bar, you don't see him at first, you see a few other members who mostly don't really care that you're there. which is fine to you, you're not here for them
you're ready to ask one of them where Tenko is, however, until he turns the corner and makes his way into the room
luckily for him, he notices you before you can yell out his name in excitement, and he loudly says your name in confusion
you run over to him, smiling huge seeing him. you open your mouth, ready to speak, but before you can he tells you to come with him, so you do
he leads you deeper into the base, into what you suspect is his room. it's kind of gross, with dirty clothes and trash everywhere, but you ignore it for now
'why are you here'
it kind of hurts your feelings that he isn't as excited to see you as you are him, but he never has been the most excitable person, so you try to keep that in mind
'I found out a while ago that you were here, and I was really hoping that it wasn't some doppelganger or that it wasn't just a coincidence that this dream person happened to look like a real person.'
'you shouldn't be here. you're not a villain'
'you don't know that. you never told me you were a villain'
he basically went :/ at you, he didn't know what to think really
on one hand, yes, he was excited to see you. but he didn't know what to do with you here. you didn't seem like a villain, maybe your quirk could be useful somehow, but did you even want to actually join the league?
plus, now there is no safety net between you two. and he's terrified. you're the only 'friend' he's ever had, even if it was in his head his whole life, and he doesn't want you to hate him or leave like everyone else
'if you stay here, you have to help. you answer to me. you work for my cause.'
'I can do that'
'also, my name... it's Tomura Shigaraki now. so don't use,, that other name'
you decided not to ask why, and just accepted the situation now.
so from day 1, you were his biggest supporter and friend. whatever your morals were before, you didn't really care now. you were happy here, with this weird little family, and especially with Tomura
every day while not working you were spending time with him, he finally let you play games with him, you were both happy
he started to learn just how much he truly cared about you, you're the only person he truly feels safe with. he feels like himself, you give him the chance to feel happiness instead of just be consumed with hatred every day
'hey, y/n, do you ever wonder why we dream of each other?'
you had gone to sleep a few hours ago, but woke up when you felt weight on your bed, and opened your eyes to see Tomura sitting there staring blankly at the wall
'yeah, I haven't really heard of it before, and I haven't asked anyone since I was little. but they all told me it's just dreams, nothing special'
he said nothing, but he turned to look at you now.
'but, I feel like it has to mean something. something important. it led me to the most important person in my life.'
he couldn't help but smile as you said that, and he nodded, 'I agree. I used to not care about it that much. but I'm glad I got to meet you, in my dreams and especially in real life.'
he was being especially open about his feelings for once, which you loved, but it was also confusing
'tomura, are you okay?'
he was quiet again, this time clearly thinking. you let him, fiddling with your fingers as you waited. you were nervous for some reason
'I don't know. I don't know what this feeling is. Just, you make me happy. nothing else makes me happy. you feel... safe, and warm. everyone else is so meaningless, but I don't know if I could keep going without you. I don't want you going on missions because you might not come back. I want to kill anyone who takes you away from me.'
he was rambling, clearly speaking his thoughts as they came, and your heart was melting the entire time. you didn't want to assume, but you were hopeful
'tomura, do you love me?'
that clicked in his brain. he couldn't word these feelings correctly in his head, but love sounded right. as far as he knew what love was supposed to be, he figured that yes, he did love you
so he nodded again.
'tomura.. I love you too'
he didn't know what to do now. he just sat there for a while, thinking about what this meant.
'can I hug you?'
'you know I can't touch you'
'it's okay, I trust you.'
as you hugged, you eventually felt the palm of his hand against your back, knowing he was being especially careful not to touch you.
'I'm going to let go now, if you want to move your hand.'
'not yet. I like this'
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todorokis-girl · 4 months
I Never Knew You Were Alive - Soulmate AU (IV) NSFW
Chapter IV: What are we doing?
No actual dabi in this one
Chapter I: So it starts Chapter II: A late arrival Chapter III: belive of be doomed Chapter IV: What are we doing? Chapter V: Last minute encounter Chapter VI: Deciding to fall in love with you
Next Chapter
This one is smut...there's really nothing else to say.... There's a lot of self indulgence here. I am so sorry.
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The following months were fraught with tension, especially whenever her missions hinted at any involvement with the League of Villains. The delicate and precarious relationship with Touya weighed heavily on her mind, and she was acutely aware of the potential danger it posed not just to herself but to civilians and fellow heroes. Despite her best efforts to avoid him, it was impossible to escape his shadow entirely.
Surprisingly, they bumped into each other a few times after their initial encounter. These meetings were fleeting, marked by brief, silent exchanges of glances rather than words or violence. The first time she saw him again was during one of her nightly walks. The city was shrouded in darkness, and the air was crisp and cold. She was passing through a dimly lit alley when she felt his presence and spotted him from the corner of her eye. Her heart raced as their eyes met. He stood at the far end of the alley; his silhouette framed by the faint glow of a distant streetlamp.
The second encounter was during a mission. She was part of a covert operation to gather intelligence on a rumored League hideout. The abandoned warehouse was eerily quiet, the air thick with anticipation. As she moved through the shadows, she sensed him before she saw him. He was watching her from a distance, his intense gaze burning into her. She froze, her heart pounding in her chest. But just like the previous encounter, he made no move to harm her. He simply watched, his eyes filled with a mixture of intensity and something she couldn't quite decipher.
With each silent encounter, the tension between them grew, a palpable force that was impossible to ignore. The air seemed to crackle with electricity whenever he was near, and she found herself both drawn to and terrified of him. The sexual tension was undeniable, a magnetic pull that she didn't know how to handle. She was even more confused, as along with this sensation, the threat he had made to her loomed over her every thought. 
Touya’s physical presence was overwhelming. His tall, lean frame exuded a raw, almost dangerous charisma. His pale skin contrasted starkly with his dark, tousled hair, which framed his angular face. His eyes, a vivid shade of turquoise, were piercing and intense, holding a depth of emotion that belied his villainous persona. The scars that marred his skin only added to his allure, a testament to the pain and suffering he had endured. There was a rugged handsomeness to him, a dark allure that was impossible to resist. His voice, low and husky, sent shivers down her spine whenever she heard it. She had no idea if to attribute these thoughts to the fact that they were fated for each other, or simple raw attraction. 
The way he moved was almost predatory, graceful and confident, like a panther stalking its prey. She couldn't help but be captivated by him, despite the danger he represented. Every glance, every fleeting moment they shared was charged with an intensity that left her breathless. The memory of his touch lingered on her skin, a reminder of the night he had threatened her.
This was definitely not something she could talk to Keigo about. It felt shameful to admit her attraction to a villain, but it was also understandable. Touya was her soulmate, her one true match. He was supposed to be the one person who could satisfy her and make her feel something real. The bond between soulmates was supposed to be unbreakable, a connection that transcended all else. But the reality of their situation was far more complicated.
She often found herself lost in thought, replaying their encounters in her mind. The memory of his touch, the intensity of his gaze, the way his presence made her heart race – it was all-consuming. She was caught in a web of conflicting emotions, torn between her duty as a hero and her undeniable attraction to him.
Late at night, she would lie awake, her mind racing with thoughts of him. She could still feel the heat of his hand around her neck, the way his breath had brushed against her skin. It was intoxicating, and she hated herself for wanting more. The thought of him consumed her, filling her dreams and waking moments alike. She yearned for him, despite knowing how dangerous that desire was.
He wasn’t just her soulmate, he was the enemy, the one threatening her students. What would Keigo think? Aizawa? Hell… what would hero society think if they found out? 
Yet, she couldn't deny the truth. Touya was her soulmate, and no matter how twisted their relationship, that bond remained. She could feel it in her very soul, a connection that refused to be severed. It was both a blessing and a curse, a source of both strength and torment. She was trapped in a dance with darkness, unable to escape the pull of the man who was supposed to be her other half.
As she navigated her missions and daily life, the tension never fully dissipated. It lingered, a constant reminder of the battle raging within her. She was determined to find a way to reach him, to make him see the truth of their bond. But each encounter left her more confused, more conflicted, and more desperate for answers. The path ahead was uncertain, and the stakes were higher than ever. But she couldn't give up. Not on him, and not on herself.
The last time before the cataclysmic event, she hadn’t gone out looking for him, but they found each other. She was returning from one of her rare midnight patrols, enjoying a can of iced coffee. The city was quiet at this hour, the usual hustle and bustle replaced by an eerie stillness. The streetlights cast long, dim shadows on the empty sidewalks, and the occasional car passed by, its headlights slicing through the darkness.
Tomorrow was Saturday, and she didn’t have to work, but she had a weekly meeting with her best friend and needed to grade some assignments. She sighed, knowing she needed a lot more than a can of iced coffee to keep her going. Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice the looming presence that had been tracking her.
She stopped in her tracks and slowly turned to look at the alleyway, carefully adjusting her vision to peer into the dark. The alley was narrow, lined with overflowing dumpsters and scattered debris, the smell of mold lingering in the air. After a couple of seconds, she could start making out his shape. His silhouette was unmistakable, even in the dim light. Then she saw his eyes, two burning points of blue in the darkness. They held each other's gaze, and she felt a lump form in her throat, a mix of fear and pent-up desire.
When she was about to step away, he finally approached her, stopping at the very edge of the alley, right at the line where he would be stepping out into the light. The faint glow from the streetlamp illuminated his features partially, highlighting the intensity in his eyes and the harsh lines of his face. His presence was imposing, and she could feel the heat radiating from his body even from a distance.
She took a sharp breath and braced herself, hoping today wouldn’t be the day she fought him, not in her current state. Her heart pounded in her chest, a rapid drumbeat of anxiety and anticipation.
“I’m not ready to talk, I don’t want to fight, I don’t trust you; I’m tired of the tension,” he said, his voice low and intense. His gaze held her captive, his eyes burning with unresolved emotions. Confused, she scrunched her eyebrows, wondering what she was meant to do. Her heart raced in her chest, the confusion still present.
“Let’s get rid of it,” he added, his words a dark, compelling command. Setting backwars into the alley, almost pulling her to follow him. 
And with that, she was convinced. She couldn’t deny the magnetic pull between them, the way his presence stirred something deep within her.
The narrow alleyway provided a cloak of secrecy, shielding them from prying eyes and the hustle of the city beyond. The faint glow of distant streetlights cast eerie shadows against the worn brick walls, adding to the clandestine atmosphere of their rendezvous. The air hung heavy with anticipation, thick with the scent of urban decay and the heady aroma of their shared desire.
The world around them disappeared as their bodies collided with a desperate need that had been building for months, probably years. The alley was a confined space, filled with the mingled scents of the city and their shared passion. The rough texture of the brick wall pressed against her back contrasted sharply with the heat of his body. His touch was both rough and tender, a confusing mix that left her craving more.
He roughtly pulled her sweater to rest above her breast and desperately pulled her bra downward to expose her breast, the sounds she made echoed in the confined space. At that moment, she couldn’t think even if she wanted to. Her mind was a haze of sensation and emotion, a whirlwind of heat and urgency. She could feel every scar, every line of his muscular form, and it drove her wild with a longing she couldn’t control.
Witth heavy breast and a hint of desperating, he lowered his pants to his waist and after urging her to be quick, grabbed her ass, and lifted her up to rest against the wall, held up by his arms; her legs around me. Her shorts and underware carefully dangling from her ankle. 
There was something taboo in this clandestine encounter, knowing they were not supposed to be together. She was his enemy; she was his soulmate.
His hand cupped her breast, his fingers tweaking her nipple. A gasp escaped her lips, a shiver running down her spine. It was as if electricity crackled in the air, the atmosphere crackling with tension and anticipation. Sweat dripped down their bodies, mingling between them, a testament to their overwhelming connection.
Heat pulsed through her veins, fueling the ravenous beast within. He whispered obscenities in her ear, probing her with his tongue, and she shivered at the filthy words.
"Fuck me, dammit," she cried out, her hips grinding against him. "Take me."
He echoed the sentiment, his voice raw and primal as he grabbed her and smashed her against the cold, unforgiving wall. The impact sent a jolt of pleasure through her limbs, echoing the primal core of their need.
His length throbbed between them, and with a violent thrust, he entered her. Their bodies moved in a syncopated rhythm, both in harmony and discord, a clash of need and fury.
"God, Touya," she moaned, her voice bouncing off the cold walls of the alley. Her head rolled backwards, hitting the surface with a dull thud. His name on her lips was a mix of love, fear, and lust, an intoxication that tasted sweeter than any drug could.
The pain of his grip on her hip, the primal frenzy of his thrusts as he invaded her: all of it fed that insatiable hunger within her. Her legs wrapped tighter around his waist as she took him deeper, each thrust forcing her closer to the edge.
"You like that?" Touya asked, his voice a low growl, savage and raw. The question sent a chill down her spine, and she couldn't help but nod eagerly. She wanted to give herself to him completely; she was beyond the point of shame or fear.
Her heart raced as he took her, his movements becoming stronger, urgent and intensifying with each passing moment. Her body shuddered around him, her walls clenching around his length as she met his rhythm.
Touya pulled on her hair, forcing her to arch her back, giving him better access to her heaving chest. He bent down to take a hard nipple into his mouth, sucking on it with a greed that made her cry out in pure bliss.
His other hand moved between their bodies, his thumb finding her swollen nub. Pressure and friction, a divine combination she couldn't resist. She bucked her hips, pressing herself harder against him, urging him on as her pleasure mounted.
"Don't stop," she panted. The sound of their bodies moving together reverberated through the alley, mingling with the distant sounds of the city.
Touya continued his sensual assault, driving her to the brink of madness. The tension built inside her, her core ached with anticipation. His moans on her ear were becoming maddening, aiding in the sensitivity and pleasure. 
Her body, wet and warm, clung to him. He groaned his satisfaction, his length fully sheathed inside her as he established a hard, insistent rhythm. She could hardly breathe, her ability to form words vanished as her senses heightened to a fever pitch.
The slap of their bodies echoed in the narrow confines of the alley, a reminder of their forbidden union. Her back remained glued to the icy bricks, while his hands roamed her body mercilessly. The mix of hot and cold on her skin sending her farther down her path. She was used to conflicting temperatures on her skin, but this time it made every inch of her body more aware. 
He cupped her breasts in his calloused palms, pinching her sensitive nipples with a cruel force that made her gasp. He growled, letting go of one nipple only to grip the other more fiercely. Her breathes quickened, each one panting out in rhythm with her growing need, she could feel herself getting closer, a white hot sensation running though up her spine skin. 
"God, Touya, I'm so fucking close," she cried, her voice hoarse. Her body trembled as her lips parted wider, gasping for air, her eyelids fluttering as the orgasm approached. Every thrust making her moans louder.
“Careful, someone might hear the little hero” He grinned, his lips curling up into a wicked smile, hearing her pleas drove him wild. Gripping her hips tight, he buried his thrusts deep inside her, relishing the sensation as his length pounded against her sensitive spot. Pleasure consumed her body as her walls closed around him, wet and greedy, demanding every inch he could give her. He felt her cum on his cock, and he saw her. Her eyes rolled back with one last moan, no, scream; twitching and she desperately looked for something to grab onto. 
He had no intentoon oh helping her lower her moans, it wasn’t exactly his problem whow saw. With a mischeavious lick of his lips he grabbed her hips again, knowing she hadn’t finished her orgasm and continued to thrust into her. 
He was close to his own orgasm, and he was gonna use her to finish even if she couldn’t take it anymore. He made sure to watch her, sounds wilder and louder as he speed up closing on his own high. 
With one deep groan, he attached his teeth to her shoulder, near the baase of her neck, bitting as hard as he could, finishing himself off deep inside her. 
"This. Is. Fucking. Insane," she managed to pant as she carefully attempted to catch her breath, she looked into his eyes studying him carefulluy "What are we even doing?" She didn’t understand what she was doing, and to be quite frank, she was yet to figure out how she felt about it… emotionally. 
"Savoring. Each. Other." He ground out in response, between his own harsh breaths. His tongue traced the shell of her ear before he nipped at her earlobe. She gasped, her body responding to his touch like he was a drug she couldn't get enough of.
"You liked that, didn't you?" he whispered, his voice thick with desire. She moaned, her legs involuntarily shuttering around him. He pressed himself against her, his hardness throbbing against her core, a reminder of the intimacy they shared and the larger connection that lay between them.
He took in the bite he had left on her, red and angry, and licked it. It was gonna leave a mar, and it was going to bruise; and he wasn’t going to let her forget any of this. 
She gruided her hands under his shirt. Her hands trailed between his toned abs and up to his broad shoulders, feeling the muscles underneath ripple. She took the moment, and the opportunity to study his scars, and soutures and how the alternating textures felt on her skin, allowig herself the oportunity to familiarize herself with the warmth of his body, almost memorizing his temperature; who knew when she’d have the oportunity to do this again (more like who knew, if she would allow herself to do this again). It was a moment of intimacy unlike any other, a fleeting connection between two souls bound by fate, one that she increasingly though would never stick. 
But even as she reveled in the sensation, permitting herself the moment of intimacy, a part of her couldn't shake the nagging doubt that lingered at the back of her mind. She knew what this was, and the moment he decided he got his fill, she had to run. 
She didn’t look up at him, but he studied her carefully, he was just as confused as she was. He had never felt the desire for anyone that he had felt for her, and he needed to know why. Now that he knew, it terrefied him, this wasn’t about love or even wanting to have anything with his soulmate; he just couldn’t stand the tension any longer.
As she leaned back against the brick wall, using it for support, Touya couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt wash over him. He had allowed himself to be drawn into this moment of vulnerability, to let down his guard and succumb to the allure of her touch. And now, as they stood there in the darkness, he couldn't help but wonder what it all meant.
She swallowed, her breath finally staying, as she quickly pulled on her clothes back on properly. She was moving quicker than she though she could and felt her eyes begging to water, finally, after a moment of calm the current reality swallowing her whole. 
“Thank you; for…” She used her hands to sort of half haeartedly signal to the encouter; and he looked at her uninterested. 
“Leave” he finalized adjusting his own clothes and began to walk away, she didn’t know how to feel or why; and as much as she expected and knew this would be the reaction, it still hurt her.
He himself was confused, but he knew, even if he wanted to belive her, even if he trusted her, even if he begged for it; they could never really be together. He didn’t know if she understood their circumstances, but one day it’s click. He was sure of it. 
tags: @staygoldsquatchling02
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mtchee · 3 months
Silence is Silver, Your Voice is Gold - [Tenya Iida] SOULMATE SERIES | GN
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Your spitfire attitude is a stark contrast to your sister Ochaco, but that doesn't stop you two from having each other's backs. Through your gruff exterior, Ochaco knows you're well meaning and understanding--even when you tend to snap back. That's why it baffles her when you become dead silent after you're scolded by class 1A's class president, Iida, for an outburst in class. When usually you'd scoff at him, you'd reeled back and sat in your seat. But now... you won't talk at all.
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cw: not edited, second-person-pov, Ochaco is your twin, fighter not a lover to lover AND a fighter, i love writing character/reader siblings its so fun, [name] is actually rather anxious, tsundere but not the annoying kind, Iida is an understanding sweetheart, protective Ochaco!, onesided (but not really) admiration
| masterlist | boku no hero academia collection |
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Ochaco was worried about you.
Between the two of you, you've always been more of the fighter. Her sweet nature contrasts starkly to your own spitfire attitude. Although you were rough, you always took care of her, and in turn, she's always had your back.
Through thick and thin since your very birth, you stuck to each other like glue. Eventually, her more outgoing nature prompted you to give her a nudge, to let her bloom on her own.
While she nervously went out of her way to chat with a few others on your first day at U.A, you stuck to the back and kept quiet.
You made quick friends with Kirishima and Jirou, sometimes rough housing with the former and taking the time to chill with the latter. You never went out of your way to really talk to anyone else, though you had decent enough manners to reply if someone did want to talk.
You weren't a jerk without reason.
You didn't really talk to Ochaco's friend group, but you would nod a curt greeting to them in passing.
The class learnt you were a bit snappy, though not quite to Bakugo's extent. Ochaco sweatdropped when you first got into a verbal battle with him, and it just went on and on and on...
Aizawa had to separate you in the end.
Lately though, you've been more quiet.
Scarily so.
Sure, she knew you weren't the talkative type, but you were never one to hold your tongue either. So when Bakugo barked at you one day during training and you shrugged him off, she panicked.
Then you guys moved into the dorms, and the only time she seemed to hear you speak was when you two were alone.
The last time she witnessed your fire was three weeks ago, when Bakugo had provoked in the middle of Japanese Literature, where you'd unintentionally interrupted the class to bite back at him before Iida scolded you in front of everyone.
Ochaco doesn't really remember what he said, but Iida had never been the harsh type. Stern, yes, but never mean. And you weren't someone who would take it to heart anyway, usually dismissing anyone who'd tell you off.
But, maybe he did strike a nerve...?
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"Move it, hardass," Bakugo shoulders past you purposefully, throwing you a challenging sneer meant to rile you up. He narrows his eyes and huffs boredly when you only scoff and glare at him in return.
Ochaco shares a worried look with Kirishima at your lack of reaction and, unbeknownst to you, even the agressor himself glances back wearily at your odd demeanour.
While you take your usual lunch seat next to Jirou, your sister also decides to sit with you this time. While Bakugo and Sero where still filling out their trays, Kirishima and Denki sat across from you.
They seemed nervous while you poked at your food.
You deadpan at them, "What?"
"N-Nothing!" Denki gives you a not at all convincing smile, immediately stuffing his face with his pork tonkatsu.
"Mm, well... It's just," Jirou sweatdrops, "you've been kinda quiet lately."
"Yeah," Kiri gives you a reassuring smile, "we were just wondering if everything's okay!"
You look at your sister who shrugs sheepishly, and you roll your eyes.
"Yeah, 'm fine."
"I mean, you say that but..." You spy Bakugo growling at a panicked Sero for his meal choice while Ochaco thinks about how to continue, "how do I say this... you're not, uh, you're not as fiery anymore."
Jirou nods along.
"Yeah, I never hear you talk in class anymore."
"And you've like, stopped fighting with Bakugo," Denki looks at you worriedly, "and you always fight with Bakugo!"
Ochaco furrows her brows at that, you seem oddly taken aback.
"You noticed?" You don't give them a chance to respond, continuing while scratching the back of your neck laxly, "'m kinda stressed, I guess."
"Why? Exams aren't for ages." Denki shoves a bunch of noodles in his mouth.
Jirou squints at him, "Exams are in two weeks."
"See? Aaaages!"
"Stressed?" Kirishima tilts his head, and you glance off at another table to the side.
"I met my soulmate."
You scowl and slam your fist down on your tray to at their obnoxious chorus.
"KEEP IT DOWN," You close your eyes with a sharp intake of air, counting slowly before releasing your breath, "... you're too noisy."
"Are you kidding!?" Denki ignores you completely, leering over the table at you excitedly, "Mx. Stronghold over here found their soulmate! That's amazing!"
He laughs giddily.
"Dude, for real?" Kirishima beams, "that's totally awesome! Where'd you meet?"
"Yeah, and you're only telling us this now?" Jirou nudges you good naturedly.
"S..Soulmate?" Ochaco echoes, eyes wide, "So, you're soul words--"
"He doesn't know it's me."
A cold silence instantly sets them all on edge, you're admittance piercing them in their chests.
Denki blinks, "W-What?"
A silver lunch tray slams onto the table between you and your sister, and she shrieks, flinching away from the harsh impact as Bakugo scowls at her.
"Beat it, floaty. Go back to your own table."
"Oi," Your warning tone makes him huff, and he taps his foot impatiently, waiting for her to move.
"A-Ah.. it's okay, [name]," Ochaco smiles nervously, quickly picking back up her own tray and waving to the others, "I'll talk to you later, okay?"
"'Kay." You wave her bye, and Sero takes a seat beside Kiri.
Elbow boy quirks up a brow at the stiffness of the others.
"So... what was that about?"
"Nothin'," You shrug, getting back to your meal.
"Like hell it was." Bakugo narrows his eyes, but ultimately decides he doesn't care enough to push for more and starts shoveling in his rice and curry.
You glare at the others threateningly, and the dutifully keep their mouths shut and eat, though the tension from your prior topic lingers.
As Ochaco makes her way back to her normal table, she can't help but dwell on your words.
She thinks back on your unusual change in behaviour, where now you sit still in class as though trying to slink by unnoticed, when before your presence was proud and fiery.
Very rarely are you two apart for long, so everyone you've met, she's met. She ponders on all your interactions in the last three weeks. She doesn't remember you outwardly reacting to anyone strangely.
You'd gossiped about soulmates before, and how you'd probably feel once you meet them. She's known how nervous yet excited you've been--to meet someone that the universe deems to be your other half. To have someone meant for you.
But, you didn't seem all that happy.
Actually, now that she thinks about it, you looked rather... sad. Not disappointed, but more so disheartened.
And you haven't really had any outbursts since--
As she sets her tray down beside Tsu, she gasps when looking at Iida, a lightbulb going off in her head.
"It's you!"
Iida responds with a polite hum, and Shouto blinks with Midoriya and Tsu looking back at her in confusion.
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"So, you know how you and Bakugo got into a bit of a spit a couple weeks ago?"
You growl irratedly, failing to throw your nosy sister off your trail on the way back to the dormitory.
"And how Iida kinda stood in to settle you down?" She keeps going, ignorant of your flaring temper, "well, I know you've been kinda quiet since then which I thought was really odd. To be honest, I started to miss how snippy you get--"
"Ochaco, drop it." You huff.
"--but I thought, 'there's no way that actually upset you,' so I started thinking some more; and then you told us about your soulmate! Well, not really, but you said that you met your soulmate, and you know, you've never really talked to Iida before without me or Deku or someone there, so you never needed to anyway--"
"--and I remember! You didn't snap back at him!"
Your shoulders tense and your stomach churns uncomfortably.
She's getting way too close.
"And ever since then you've been so silent! We never hear you talk in class anymore, and you haven't been bothered to sit with us for lunch. So that's when it all clicked!"
She turns to you with a beaming smile, bouncing in front of you with her arms held out wide.
"Iida is your soulmate!"
"I said drop it." Your gaze is sharp and defensive, tone gruff and dripping with danger.
Ochaco falters, "But... [name], isn't that great?"
You scoff, "Yeah, whatever."
"Hey..." She frowns when you shove past her, "why're you... [name], you've been so excited to find your soulmate. And you're not too shy to talk to him. What's the problem?"
She has to double her steps to keep up with your hurried pace.
She winces, "Do... you not like Iida?"
Her heart tugs at the exhaustion in your voice. You stop in your wake, features carefully slated except for the singular shine of hurt in your eyes. You don't look her way.
"Just drop it."
"[name]," Ochaco plants herself in front of you sternly, "you can't be like this. It's hurting you, and it's not fair on your soulmate. Iida is my friend! He's a great guy, and our class president! Trust me, you've got nothing to worry--"
"Damnit, I know!" You hiss as her probing reignites the spark of your temper.
"I know, Ochaco! It's why I can't let him know I'm his soulmate!"
Your words stunt her, and she reels back.
Her frustrated frown creases into one of worry, puppy eyes glistening as she stares at you in disbelief.
"I-I can't--" You scunch your nose, closing your eyes and breathing in sharply, "--Ochaco, you know why. It's obvious."
Your shoulders sag from their defensive position and you roll you head to ease the stress caused crook in your neck.
Of course it's obvious. He's nice Iida. Handsome Iida. Intelligent Iida. Way out of your league Iida, who wouldn't spare a rascal like you a single look because all you do is spit fire and scowl.
"We're not a good match, sis. He... He wouldn't want me. It's obvious from my soul words."
You tentively inch up the blazer sleeve on your right arm, small golden words inked neatly onto the skin of your outer forearm: 'Cease this behaviour! You are much too astute to be acting in such an irresponsible and disruptive manner!'
"Oh, [name]..." Ochaco's eyes flutter, and when she looks back up at you, her heart breaks at the sight of your ever so subtly trembling lips and glossy eyes.
You crunch your nose at her distastefully when she coos at your reluctant sniffle.
"Hmph," You glare at the ground to keep your fruitless tears at bay, "we're just too different. S-So he won't know that it's me, and he'll find someone better."
She frowns at that, "You can't decide that."
"Well, I did."
You frown daringly right back at her.
But your sister's always had your back, for better and for worse. Even when you don't want her to.
Especially when you don't want her to.
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You growl angrily at the incessant knocking on your door.
For the past two weeks since you stupidly confided in your sister she's been hounding you about your soulmate business. Your soulmate business.
Meaning, not her business.
So each morning you'd avoid her and every afternoon, if you didn't plan on training, you'd lock yourself in your dorm where she's been following to bug you.
Sometimes you'd throw yourself into your homework and studies and blast music obnoxiously to drown her out, but the sound of her knocking is just so annoying.
"Goddamnit," You've just about had enough of her, eyes ablaze, you almost snap your pen and ruin your paper.
"For the last damn time, Ochac-- oh, shit." After violently flinging your door open, you pale at the sight of not your sister.
Iida, from where he stands in your doorway, looks about just as shocked as you--though not with the same horrored expression that you harbour.
With a quiet gasp, the spectacle eyed male feels the skin on his chest tingle pleasantly, and you spy a subtle golden glow through the material of his blue collared cotton shirt.
Oh, shit.
Although your features are hardened, you swallow anxiously as you await his further reaction.
Iida's eyes daren't stray from your form, lips parted ever so slightly in shock from the truth of Ochaco's earlier information. He lets out a controlled, gentle breath.
"It is you."
You step back abrasively when his face brightens with an awed smile and a light pink blush across his cheeks.
All in a sudden moment you feel giddy and flushed and nervous before you quickly crush that hope with skeptical eyes and a defensive stance. Your heart thrums in your chest, and you can't help but berate yourself for the mere notion of him getting you afluster.
"Oh my," Iida sounds breathless and dazed, and his glimmering eyes have you frozen in place as he steps toward you, "you are my soulmate, indeed."
"Ochaco told you," You're quick to deduce, and you notice him swallow thickly at your evident displeasure.
His focus narrows in on your body language: how you shuffle back ever so slightly, chest stuttering with each deep breath, your thumb pressing into your closed knuckles by your side--you're on the defense.
"...You're not happy?"
"I'm not hopeful."
Your dismissing muttering peaks his interest, and he raises a pointy brow.
"Pardon?" He decides to keep pushing when you avert your gaze to the side, "what do you mean by that, exactly?"
"I'm-- we're not.." A flash of insecurity passes your features, but he's quick to catch it, "--this just isn't a good... match."
Something in his gaze hardens, and his chest expands with a sharp intake of air before he speaks, "I beg to differ."
When you glance up, you see a red blush tinting his ears and underlining where his glasses sit.
"I'd be quite dismayed if my soulmate were someone other than you."
"Eh?" Comes your eloquent response. You deadpan with disbelief.
"Ochaco put you up to this," You growl at him threateningly, "I don't need your pity!"
"I bare no form of pity," He frowns, "I'm telling the truth."
At his insistence you huff, crossing your arms over your chest with a 'whatever'.
"Shove off, I'm too irresponsible and brash for you."
He looks taken aback (and almost hurt) before his frustration becomes palpable, and he steps past the threshold of your doorway after a moment of hesitance.
"Pardon the intrusion; but that is utter nonsense and what I'm saying is true," He speaks with a firmness that demands your attention, and you send him a disgruntled look which he ignores, "from what I recall, while my words may have first been, unpleasant, by no means does that dictate how I perceive you."
"Oh yeah?"
He feels the urge to reprimand you at your challenging sneer. You grin victoriously when you pick up on his irritance with your behaviour, as though proving your point.
Instead though, he rolls back his broad shoulders with a quiet sigh.
"While occasionally explosive, and impossibly headstrong--you have a good heart."
"Hell are you on about?" He hushes you quickly, as one would a noisy child, and you frown.
"Let me finish. I mean it, [name]. I know how you are, we've consistently been around each other. I've seen how you treat Uraraka, how you look out for her while letting her pull her own weight. I've watched you converse with Kirishima and Jirou, and pull Bakugo down a few pegs."
You bite back a smug smile when he puffs out a bemused chuckle at that.
"We may not have spoken directly until as of recent, but even though, we already know one another very well," He clears his throat gently and holds out a hand, "now, it's just a matter of knowing each other on a deeper level. I-If you accept, that is.."
You scoff at his stumble, after having the gall to shush you and barge in like that. Still, you eye his hand--his implicit invitation--temptingly. You've always adored the prospect of soulmates, and it seems that despite your aggresive reservations, yours is more than accepting of you as you are.
Looking him up and down, you snort quietly at his obvious nerves. Iida's posture is staight, wide shoulders held high and stiff with one hand outstretched robotically while the other sweats, tucked behind his back.
Your eyes soften, and you plaster on a downturned smile.
You clap his tense hand with your own, only able to look at him briefly before sickeningly sweet fluttering in your chest becomes way too apparent.
"Sure. Yeah, soulmates or whatever," You bite the inside of your cheek as you turn your back to him, feeling a humiliating heat crawl up your cheeks, "just so you know, you're stuck with me now. No take backs--and you can't regret it!"
Unbeknownst to you, a wide smile crosses Iida's squared features, and he heaves out a massive sigh of relief. He positively beams while gazing at your turned back, chuckling softly with a sheepish blush as he observes your stewing bashfulness.
"Believe me, I would never."
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frickingnerd · 10 months
dearly despised soulmate
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pairing: katsuki bakugou x gn!reader
summary: you never wanted a soulmate, trying your hardest to keep it a secret that you're katsuki's soulmate. but he eventually finds out that you're the one he's been looking for all this time…
tags: soulmate au (soulmates first words are written on your body), reader doesn't want a soulmate (but bakugou does), injured katsuki & reader, fighting a villain together, angst with an open ending, soulmate reveal, emotional!bakugou, protective!reader
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you didn't want a soulmate. 
especially not katsuki bakugou! 
while everyone had always looked forward to meeting their soulmate, you had always dreaded the moment you'd meet yours. his first words were engraved on your skin and while most people had something like a simple "hello" or a compliment they'd receive from their soulmate like "woah, you're beautiful!" the first words your soulmate would say to you weren't nearly as pretty: 
"get out of my way, loser!"
you never looked forward to meeting the one who'd say those words to you and had sworn to yourself that if you knew who your soulmate was, you'd stay as far away as possible from him! 
though on the day you met katsuki bakugou, you realized that would be hard to pull off, since your soulmate was your classmate. and not just that, since living together in the dorms, you two crossed paths quite often. 
despite that, you tried your best to ignore katsuki. you refused to talk to him, no matter the situation. even when he asked you something, you'd turn away or let someone else do the talking for you. 
and for quite a while, it worked. katsuki tried to get you to talk to him time and time again, but never quite realized why you were ignoring him. he even got as far as making the connection that he called you a loser the first time he spoke to you, but never realized that there might be more to it. 
he never even considered that you were his soulmate. because his soulmate was someone sweet and caring, someone he looked forward to meeting one day. at least, that's what the words engraved on his skin made him believe:
"let me protect you this time!"
katsuki was always the strongest, always the one to save and protect the people around him. but the thought of someone doing the same for him… he should hate it, but he longed to have someone who would stand up for him and have his back. 
the day katsuki found out you were his soulmate was the day he almost lost you too. 
class 1A was split into groups, sent out to help ambush a group of villains. katsuki rushed in like always, but this time things went horribly wrong, as he ran right into one of their traps and got himself injured. 
you had rushed after him, knowing he'd do something reckless like that. but with katsuki injured and the two of you split up from the group, you were the only one who could protect the two of you, while you had to wait for backup that might never come…
and that's when you turned to katsuki and said those words he's been longing to hear all this time: 
"let me protect you this time!"
you flashed him a smile, trying to assure the injured boy that you had what it takes to defeat those villains. and you really did defeat them! though not without getting severly injured yourself. 
as you dealt the final blow, the last adrenalin in your body wore off and you finally collapsed in pain. with the last of your strength, you desperately crawled towards katsuki, who had his hand reached out towards you. 
"s-see…? i… protected you…"
your voice was shaky. speaking was exhausting and you barely had the strength to do so. it broke katsuki's heart to see you like this. 
"dumbass…" he huffed, trying to hold back tears from seeing you like this. "you never had anything to prove to me…" 
he inched closer, reaching out his hand towards you. he could almost touch your hand. almost.
"i thought that… i'm a loser…"
you mumbled out, with a faint hint of a smile on your lips. katsuki wasn't sure if you were trying to tease him or if his words had really hurt you that much. 
"you're not a loser… you're my soulmate! you're the most amazing person out there…"
katsuki continued to crawl towards you, before he finally collapsed. he was too weak to move. he had almost reached you, but he couldn't hold you yet. oh how he longed to hold you right now…
"you should've… told me that sooner…"
you slowly reached out your hand towards him and bakugou did the same. just a few inches. a few centimeters. your hand almost reached each other. but almost wasn't enough. 
"i think that… it's too late now…"
katsuki's eyes widened at your words. he raised his head with what little strength he had left. 
"what do you mean?"
but he got no answer. 
"h-hey… what do you mean by that?"
still, no answer. 
"damn it, dumbass! answer me!"
tears began rolling down his cheeks. despite begging you to answer, he knew you wouldn't. 
"please…" katsuki sobbed quietly. "i just found you… i can't lose you already!" 
but no matter what he said, his words didn't reach you. you were right. he should've told you sooner. if only he had known sooner...
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izufeels · 2 years
⌕ [ green ink ] — i.midoriya !
‘so you’re my soulmate?’
yn stares intensely at the green ink that freshly dawns her forearm. she always knew that it would happen some time — or, she hoped it would happen— but she never could have anticipated this warm feeling.
a new message didn’t come through until the next day, around lunchtime. yn sees the green and pulls her sleeve down slightly. mina furrows her brows and yn smiles. “i’m just cold, i don’t know.”
yn excuses herself to the bathroom. she locks the stall and sits down quickly, pulling her sleeve up.
‘are you 18 yet?’
the message is scribbled over and nothing has happened since she sat down.
‘that sounded extremely creepy, i am so so sorry’
yn smiles. they have messy handwriting, she notes, like they always write quick. her smiles turns into a frown quickly. she’s not 18 yet. she can’t write anything back.
she doesn’t look at her arm for the rest of the day.
the next message comes that night while she’s studying.
‘i’m gonna assume you’re not then? i turned 18 a couple days ago, i was just scared to write something’
‘i’ll just tell you about myself then :) i’m izuku mido-’
yn eyes go wide and she tears them away from her arm. she stares at her desk for a second, trying to process reason with herself about what she just saw.
izuku midoriya? as in, third year izuku midoriya?
she was fucked. she was so utterly fucked. so astronomically fucked. she lets her head drop down to her desk and lets out a deep breath.
she brings her forearm into view and reads the rest of the message.
‘-riya. i’m a third year at UA! my quirk is pretty cool. it basically just makes me super strong i guess? it’s kind of hard to explain. i’ll have to show you one day :)’
after a lot thinking (and a lot of staring at the green pen on her arm), yn finally decides to pick up her phone. she takes a picture of her arm and goes to izuku’s contact.
yn: [ attatchment: one image ] 3:04pm
yn: [ surprise?? wtf lol ] 3:04pm
izu-kun: [ oh ] 3:07pm
yn cringes at the two letters. what did that mean? was he disappointed? angry? irritated? did he secretly hate yn and was too nice to say it?
izu-kun: [ can you open your door? ] 3:08pm
yn lets a breath out and stands up to open the door. izuku is standing there, a dopey grin on his face.
“i’m glad it was you,” he says immediately.
yn stares at him for a moment before taking a step forward and hugging him tightly.
izuku stills for a millisecond before he wraps his arms around her and squeezes. “i’m glad it’s you,” he repeats, much quieter this time as he’s closer to yn’s ear.
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
The Little Pink Bird
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Word Count: 6787
Paring: Rody soul x gn! Reader
Warnings: Talk of blood, canon typical violence
Summary: When Quirks first appeared so did Soulmates, being able to find your soulmate with the help of a tattoo that appears when they receive their quirk. Y/n spent their life with a little pink bird on their shoulder. What happens when they meet said little pink bird in another country?
A/n: Hello, welcome. First off I love Rody and he deserves so much more love than he gets. Second I’m addicted to soulmate au’s, probably because I’m a hopeless romantic but anyway I thought this Idea was cute so I went with it. Anyway enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate.
    Back before Quirks appeared everyone went about daily life wondering what it would be like if they could meet their perfect match. Always hoping that the one that they settled down with was their one true partner. Unfortunately for those who lived before quirks it was impossible to know for sure. But that all changed when quirks started appearing.
    As quirks became more prominent and widespread, people also began to notice that mysterious tattoo’s would appear on a random part of their body. At first it was thought to just be a side effect of quirks, but after people began reporting that when they met someone who’s quirk reassembled the tattoo, they would feel like they found their missing piece. The idea that these marks changed the way people looked for their partner, searching out the one who matched their tattoo.
   Over time it was figured out that the marks appeared when one’s soulmate got their quirk. And so not only were kids excited to finally figure out their own quirks but to decipher their soulmate’s quirk and try to find them as soon as possible. It was easier for some, then it was for others. For example someone who’s soulmate had a mutant type quirk would have a picture that looked like the mutation, or if the quirk was fire they’d have a flame. Of course this left people with quirkless soulmates at a disadvantage because they would have to wait for their soulmate to find them instead of searching for the matching quirk. Now that you understand how soulmates work in this lovely world, it’s time to actually get into our story.
   I, like most children, was extremely excited to get my quirk and find out what my soulmate's powers were. When I was five I became the first out of the two of us to get a quirk. My quirk allowed me to manipulate plants and use them in a variety of different ways. I can use them to heal, as well as use them for a few defensive attacks. The only drawback of my quirk is that I have to have access to plants for it to work. So I tend to carry different plant seeds, it doesn't matter what the plant is, I can make it heal or strong enough to attack.
  Anyways, after developing my quirk, I waited impatiently for my soulmate to get theirs so I could finally find them. Sure I was young but many parents will go to the quirk registry to find their child’s soulmate and in hopes of introducing them young so they don’t have to wait long to find them. So when the little pink and purple bird appeared on my shoulder, my parents raced to see if they could find out who my soulmate was. Unfortunately for everyone involved, the person whose quirk was symbolized by a little pink bird, most likely did not live in Japan and if they did they weren’t registered. So, my hope for finding my soulmate early was crushed and I was destined to find them when the world decided it was the right time.
   I suppose having to wait to find my soulmate was a blessing in disguise because while many people my age were spending time planning their life around what both them and their soulmate wanted to do, I was free to plan what I wanted to do. Sure my soulmate was a factor in my choices but for the most part I was free to follow my dreams. So when the time came for the U.A. entrance exams I participated.  With my versatile quirk I managed to score a place in Class A.
   Being part of the top hero class at the top hero school was sure to give me amazing opportunities. When work studies came around many different Prohero’s sent offers. As much as I wanted to pick a hero who’s quirk and fighting style matched my own, I decided that having a chance to learn from the No.1 Pro didn’t happen often. So I accepted the offer to do my work study at Endeavor’s agency along with three of my other classmates. And only time would tell how smart of a choice that was on my part.
  After only a few weeks of our work studies, Endeavor was called for a mission that was crucial for the greater good of society. Being his trainees, Bakugo, Deku, Shoto and I were dragged along for the mission as well. We were sent to stop an organization known as Humarise from executing their plan to destroy quirks. When we first arrived at the Humarise base in the country of Otheon, the trigger bomb was nowhere to be found. After relaying this information to headquarters, we were informed that none of the bases had the bombs we were sent to disarm. In Spite of the failed mission we were instructed to stay in the country and wait for further information, as we couldn’t just give up and let these maniacs kill millions of people for no reason.
   While waiting for information, us rookies were sent out to run errands. I was trailing behind Bakugo as he complained to Shoto and Deku about being an errand boy. While zoning out from their conversation I noticed a commotion happening in a store as we walked by. “Hey guys.” I said, trying to get their attention.
   “WHAT DO YOU WANT?” Bakugo shouted as he wiped around to look at me. Being used to the blonde's explosive attitude; I just pointed to the door of the store where a villain busted out flying past us holding a case of what we could only assume to be stolen jewels. 
   Registering what was happening my three companions launched into action. I followed them knowing that chases weren’t my strong suit, deciding to hang back slightly and help if anyone got hurt. I watched as Shoto and Deku raced down an alley after one of the guys, deciding they had that covered, I helped Bakugo take care of the thief he was chasing.
   After dealing with the thief, we meet back up with Shoto learning that Deku had gone after a third culprit who apparently was waiting in the alley. We all made our way back to the hotel where we were staying. 
   “Idiots! We're right in the middle of an important mission. You should leave the petty criminals for the local authorities to take care of!” The three of us were now being yelled at by a very furious Endeavor.
   “I thought heroes were supposed to assist those in trouble.” Shoto argued back at his father. 
   Bakugo, who was leaning against the wall nearby, decided to also talk back to the flaming man. “You're the one who's supposed to be teaching us. Maybe you shoulda explained how to ignore crimes.” He said with a smirk. I had to fight back a laugh at that, he had a valid argument.
   I just watched as Endeavor’s anger started to bubble over. “That's not what I said! And Deku? Where'd he run off to?” He asked, realizing the fourth member of his trainees was nowhere to be seen.
   Sighing, I joined the conversation. “According to Shoto, He's following someone who was
working with the jewel thieves. I’ve been trying to call but he's not picking up his phone right now.” I explained waving my phone.
   Hearing that Endeavor’s flames shot up once again. “You slackers! I shouldn't have brought you with me even if you are doing your work studies!” He exclaimed, before he could continue ranting about how we should have stayed in Japan, Shoto’s phone started ringing.
   “It's him.” He informed us as he answered the phone. “ Midoriya, hey. Do you have the suspect?” He asked, pausing to let Deku speak. “What?” The question confused all of us. It sounded like Deku was panicking from the noise barely reaching me from Shoto’s phone. “Calm down! Tell me everything that happened. Start from the beginning.” He told the panicking boy.
   There was a moment of silence while we waited for Deku to explain what happened to Shoto. The silence was broken as Clair, one of the heroes we were teamed up with, opened a door to an office nearby. “Endeavor. Emergency.” We all turned, waiting for her to elaborate. “It’s about Deku.” Hearing the boy’s name we all moved to find out what was going on.
   Upon reaching the conference room we all watched as the news anchor on the tv spoke next to a picture of Deku. “Once again, according to recent police reports, the suspect, who is thought to have killed twelve people, is at large and considered by authorities to be highly dangerous. He's a Japanese hero. Uh, called Deku. Real name, Izuku Midoriya. The entire nation is on the lookout. There are also reports that he has an accomplice…” The anchor went on to further explain as we all stood shocked and looked at Shoto as he raised his phone to his ear.
  “Midoriya. What did you really do out there?” Shoto asked, hoping for a clear answer as to what the hell we just saw on the news. “The news. They're saying you're wanted as a suspect for mass murder.” Shoto went on to explain after Deku presumably responded confused to the first question. There was a pause as Deku responded. “We'll look into it on our end. You stay off the grid for now. They'll track you with GPS. Once you turn off your phone, don't forget to take out the battery.” Shoto told Deku before hanging up the phone.
  We all looked at each other stunned, “What the hell is going on? Deku would never kill anyone.” I was amazed by the strange turn of events. Bakugo, Shoto and I all looked at each other trying to figure out how to help our friend.
  “You three stay here, I’m going to speak with the police.” Endeavor said, looking at us pointedly. There was a grumble for Bakugo but we all nodded understanding that clearly something major was happening and we needed to stay put.
  While we waited for Endeavor to return with any news on why Deku is a suspect, I decided it was a great time to lay down on one of the couches in the office. While I tried to recharge some energy, Shoto was busy doing something on his laptop and Bakugo had stormed off to do who knows what. After around thirty minutes of sitting around Clair came in to talk to Shoto.
  “Shoto! I just got this report back from a detective friend of mine.” She started, and I was then reminded of the car accident that happened while we were chasing the jewel thieves earlier in the day. “It appears the car you saw was attacked by a Quirk. The strange thing is, the driver was a member of Humarise.” Clair explained, catching my attention.
  “Wait, Humarise?” I asked, getting up from the couch to join the conversation.
   Shoto looked at me equally surprised by the turn of events. “Well, did he survive the accident?” Shoto asked, hoping we would have a lead of some kind.
    Clair sighed before responding. “He's comatose, in critical condition. Police are standing watch outside his room in the ICU.” She explained.
    “So we can't interrogate him yet.” Shoto reasoned.
    “And there's one other thing, too. It looks like the stolen jewelry was left scattered nearby the scene.” Clair added on to the discoveries that came to light.
    I couldn’t hide my confusion as I tried to figure out what happened. “Huh? But why?” I asked, but before anyone could answer Shoto’s phone chimed.
    “It's a message from Midoriya.” He explained as Clair and I leaned closer to see what the message said.
    “What does it say?” Clair asked, unable to make out the message from where she was standing.
    “Keep eating lunch with strawberries and make sure you eat the dinner in the fridge, too." Shoto read off the message in a confused tone. “Why is he telling me what to eat? This is odd.” He looked over at me.
   Taking another look at the message I realized what it was. “This must be some kind of code. See the first letters of each line spell out K-L-A-Y-D.” I explained.
   Shoto looked at me before looking at the message again. “Clever.”
   Clair gasped. “What does this mean? Did he flee to the neighboring country of Klayd?” She asked, looking at the two of us.
    “If not yet, he must be heading there.” Shoto answered, putting his phone in his pocket.
     I nodded following him out of the room, turning back to inform Clair. “Which means, We’re going to. Please tell Endeavor.” I said as I followed Shoto out. Clair just offered a nod in agreement. 
     As the two of us began to leave, we ran into Bakugo. “Bakugo, come with me.” Shoto informed him while grabbing his arm and pulling him along.
     “Get your hands off me!” Bakugo snapped. As we exited the building he spoke again. “It's about Deku, huh?” He asked.
     Noticing the cops trying to hide that they’re watching us. “We’ll explain later, but first we should lose the cops.” I explained earning a nod from Shoto and Bakugo. After finally losing the police, we made our way to the train station getting tickets to Klayd. Once on the train Shoto explained to Bakugo what we had found out and where we were going. With all of us on board with the plan we decided to rest on the train while we had the chance.
    Time skip to meeting up with Deku and Rody at the train station.
    The train had stopped close to the border to pick up new passengers. While waiting for the train to continue moving the three of us noticed what looked to be fighting on a cliff side. We were going to ignore it until Shoto spoke up. “It’s Midoriya. We need to go.” Looking back at the chaos I also noticed the black tindalls attaching to the helicopter where the majority of the attacks were coming from. Recognising them the three of us grabbed our gear and headed to aid in the fight.
    While Bakugo and Shoto focused on attacking the villains, I moved to check on the young man who I assumed to have been traveling with Deku. After helping him off of Shoto’s ice, I led him to cover behind a rock so we weren’t in the crossfire of the fight. “Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?” I asked as I quickly looked him over for any noticeable injuries.
    “Uh, no I’m good.” He responded while scratching the back of his head.
    I nodded in response before turning to make sure my friends were doing ok fighting. After watching the Helicopter crash, Deku ran over. “Rody, are you all right?” He asked the guy sitting across from me. 
    Registering he was spoken to, he turned to the green haired hero. “Yeah, but I'm not sure how. Where is it?“ The brunette asked, looking around frantically. 
    As if on queue Shoto approached holding a beat up briefcase. “Midoriya. I grabbed this.” He announced, earring a sigh of relief from the boy.
    “Thanks, Todoroki. But how did you find us?” Deku asked as he looked around at the three of us.
    “All thanks to their flashy attacks. Shoto spotted you from the train.” I explained.
    Shoto nodded, before looking at the new member of our group. “Is he the one you were talking about on the phone?” He asked.
   Deku nodded. “Yeah, that's right. He's been pegged as a criminal, like me. His name is Rody Soul.” He introduced his new companion.
   “Hey, thanks for the assist.” Rody said, looking at Shoto. After he finished his sentence my attention was drawn to the familiar pink bird that jumped from his hair onto his shoulder. Seeing the bird I was immediately reminded of the matching mark on my Shoulder. Of course my moment of surprise caused me to zone out from the conversation currently happening around me.
   I tuned back in, when I heard Shoto mention something about useful intelligence, followed by Midoya gasping and grabbing the case. “What’s the matter Deku?” I asked, looking at him confused.
   “A compartment.” He stated, looking at the bottom of the case. After we all saw what he was talking about, he moved to open it to see what was inside. The only thing that came out was what looked like a puzzle. “What is this? How does it work?” He asked as he began turning the pieces.
  This went on for a few minutes of Deku trying to solve the puzzle while Shoto and Bakugo offer not so useful tips. I on the other hand kept glancing at Rody, curious if my assumption about the little pink bird was correct. While watching the brunette I noticed him getting impatient as the young heroes failed to solve the puzzle. “Hey Rody, are you sure you’re okay?” I asked, noticing his impatience. 
  “Uh yeah.” He answered before looking back at Deku. “Deku, can I see that for a second?” He asked, reaching for the puzzle.
   Deku looked confused but nodded. “You know how to solve it?” Shoto asked as Rody sat on the ground.
   “I did a puzzle like this before when I was a kid.” He explained as he began working on it. “Let's see. Like this. And this. Aw, yeah. I think I got it.” He announced as the puzzle popped open revealing an sd card and an odd purple and black piece of what I assumed to be plastic.
   After it became clear that none of us knew what the unidentified object was we turned our attention to the sd card. “We need to figure out what's stored on this card.” Shoto said holding it up.
   I quickly pulled out my phone checking for anywhere nearby where we could see what it was. “Okay, there's a town at the foot of the mountain. We can investigate there.” I announced, earring a nod of agreement from the group. We all gathered our things and began the trek to the town.
   As we were walking I noticed Deku, wince as he accidently Bumped his shoulder into a wall. “Hey are you okay Deku? Do you need me to take a look at your shoulder?” I was concerned.
   Deku being well Deku tried to brush it off as nothing but turns out our newest companion is a snitch. “Actually Deku was shot with an arrow.” Rody announced earning a look of betrayal from the hero.
  “You were shot? And didn’t think it was a good idea to tell someone? Especially the one person around who can heal you.” I said, looking at him like he was stupid. “As soon as we get somewhere to look at that card you’re letting me take care of it.” He just nodded slowly, and before he could argue I moved to walk ahead of the group.
  Skip to looking at the contents of the card
  We had found the small town and asked to use a computer at a hotel there. Once inside Deku plugged the card into the computer loading it up. The screen was quickly covered in various folders. “So many folders. Where do we even start?” He questioned aloud. 
  Bakugo pushed Deku out of the way and began looking through the folders. “Hey Deku, while Bakugo deals with that, come sit down and let me take care of that wound.” I said motioning to the chair I was standing next to.
  I watched as he sighed before moving to sit down, taking off his shirt so I could have access to the injury. “But Y/n we’re inside, are you sure you can heal it without any plants around?” He asked.
  “Did you hit your head? You know I carry seeds around for when you idiots get hurt now sit still.” I said while pulling a few seeds from my pocket holding them close to Deku’s shoulder while activating my quirk. The seeds quickly began to grow wrapping around his shoulder before they began glowing a light bluish green color. After only a few minutes the wound was completely healed with no sign it had ever been there. With Deku taken care of I turned my attention back to the computer, missing the look of realization that flashed across Rody’s face.
  “I found it. It’s this video file.” Bakugo announced opening a file. 
  The screen changed to show a man with an eye patch who then began talking. “Hello. My name is Alan Kay. Along with several other scientists, I was kidnapped by Humarise.” He explained earning shocked gasps from the five of us. He went on to explain how Humarise forced the scientists to build the trigger bombs and how the first attack was just a trap to lewer out the heroes. He spoke of how the plan was to then detonate the rest after having all of the top heroes gathered and in turn decimate the hero population.
   After explaining the villain’s plan, he included that the unknown item that was in the case was a key to disarm the bombs from within the Humarise base. Shortly after the video ended, the other occupants of the hotel ran out screaming. Our attention was quickly drawn to the Tv where a news anchor was reporting that in less than two hours the trigger bombs were going to explode. A map of all the locations showed up on the screen.
   Seeing the map Rody immediately reacted. “No, it can't be. That circle's in Otheon! My house is inside of it!” Hearing the distress in his voice, my body moved on its own to try and calm him by placing a hand on his shoulder.
    Also realizing what that meant Deku responded. “Oh, no.” The five of us were now on the verge of panicking.
    “We should send this to HQ and have them order the hero teams to retreat before it's too late.” Shoto said moving to the computer, planning to send the file.
    Before he could finish, Bakugo cut in. “We can't do that.” His statement pulled Shoto’s and Deku’s attention to him.
  “The heroes are out there looking for the Trigger Bombs. Even if they're the actual targets of the terrorist attack. Even if they know this is a trap. As long as there are people who need help, the pros will never leave them and run away. That's what makes them heroes. Humarise counted on this when they came up with their plan.” Deku stated.
  We all paused and nodded in agreement. There was no way the heroes would run and leave innocent people to die just because they were the targets all along. “Then we use that disarming key. It's up to us to stop those bombs.” Shoto said, we all turned to look at him surprised. 
  “But how do we do that?” I asked. “We don’t even know where their main hideout is.” I agreed that we needed to stop the bombs, but that's easier said than done.
  Bakugo moved quickly before he started opening files on the computer. “On it! The answer has to be in here somewhere. You're an idiot if you make a key without telling people where the lock is! We look for the place that wasn't part of their announcement. This is where their base is!” He announced as he layered the map of the announced bomb locations with the map of the Humarise bases in the computer. Marked clearly was the one base that didn’t have a bomb over it.
  “Kacchan, Can you find where the bomb controls are?” Deku asked as Bakugo started clicking through more folders.
  “Let me work, ya damn nerd!” He shouted as he looked for the controls, eventually pulling up the base’s floor plan.
   Deku looked over the image. “The furthest area underground.” He said, trying to think of how to get there.
   As if voicing everyone’s thoughts, Shoto spoke up. “So we know where it is, but it's
more than 400 kilometers away from where we are.” Hearing that the small amount of hope that we could actually pull this off started to crumble.
  “We can make it.” Rody announced drawing our attention to the other computer in the room. “I think I know how to get us there.” He said while pointing at a map of what looked to be an airport nearby.
   Having no other ideas on how to reach the base, we made our way to the airport and acquired a plane. Once on board the plane, we quickly changed into our hero gear preparing for what would potentially be a very dangerous fight. 
    As the base came into view, Bakugo, Shoto, Deku and I began to get ready to jump from the plane. “That's it! The base! Going in for a landing. Brace yourselves.” Rody informed as he flew the plane closer.
   Thinking for a moment I spoke up. “No, Rody you should turn back, it’s not going to be easy.” I explained hoping he would understand.
   “Extras like you should stay out of the way.” Bakugo exclaimed as Shoto opened the door for us to jump. Shoto made a comment of agreement. After Deku allowed me to hold on to his back, as I’m the only one who can’t move through the air with my quirk, we jumped from the plane. As we got closer to the ground, members of Humarise began firing on us. “I don't have time for you idiots!” Bakugo shouted as he began returning fire.
    Once on the ground, we used our quirks to break through the lines of resistance. Making our way into the base. “Bakugo, we'll leave these guys to you!” I shouted as I trapped a few people in vines from the rock formation.
    After leaving Bakugo to deal with the group out front the rest of us moved into the hideout and began the trek to the controls.  We were making great time using Shoto’s ice to glide down the halls, that was until lasers fired and broke up the ice block sending us tumbling to the floor. After disarming the laser with his flames, Shoto ordered us to continue on while he held off the approaching members of Humarise.
    Nodding Deku and I began racing down the halls as fast as we could manage. We faced a few opponents as we made our way through, easily taking them down with either Deku’s Air force or me throwing seeds that sprouted into entangling vines trapping the attackers. Eventually we reached a large room that appeared to be some kind of library with a golden statue of a baby in the center. “This is the deepest room in the base which means the trigger bomb control system should be on the other side of those doors.” Deku explained.
   I responded with a simple nod before we moved towards the door. Before we could get close a laser fired at Deku’s feet causing both of us to jump back in surprise. “How dare you? This is not a place where someone so diseased should set foot.” We watched as a blue man wearing robes approached looking pissed that we dared enter the room. “You have entered a holy stronghold that will bring about the salvation of humanity.” He continued to speak.
   “You think this is what the world needs? The Quirk Doomsday Theory hasn't been scientifically verified!” I shouted as metal barriers began to rise around the room.
    Deku looked around in confusion before joining in my questioning of the man. “You're basing your crimes on nothing but a rumor! How can you accept something so uncertain and use it to justify doing such terrible things?” He yelled as Flect descended the staircase to be level with the two of us.
    “Pure humans are being threatened by the sickness of Quirks. Of that there is no doubt. As time passes these powers will mix, evolve, and run rampant, driving humanity to destruction.” Flect preached as he looked at us in disgust.
    Deku immediately went on the offensive. “You don't know that for certain! Whether you have a Quirk or not doesn't matter. We're all alive. We're all human beings!” He yelled trying to convince the villain across from us.
    Flect just sighed. “The gravely afflicted are beyond our help. I suppose I shall have to force you to atone.” He said as if it was fact and like he had any chance at beating the two of us.
   “I'll stop your Trigger bomb if it's the last thing I do!” Deku announced as he launched his first attack on the man. I watched in amazement as Deku was sent flying backwards smashing through the metal wall behind him, and Flect was left with no sign the atack hit except for the robe was wearing being blown off.
   As I helped Deku out of the shelves, Flect approached. In hopes of stopping him I flung more seeds that I had used my quirk on hoping to trap him in his place, only for the seeds to be flung elsewhere leaving the vines to just cover the floor. “That's right. I was born with this cursed plague myself. A disease that can't be cured. I automatically reflect all I come in contact with.” Flect explained seeing the bewildered looks on our faces.
   Deku looked around for a moment before moving to attack from multiple angles. “So even though you have an ability of your own, you still think they're somehow evil?” He asked blasting bolts of air.
   “You would question me? Quirks are a tragedy. Because of this ailment, I was never once held by my parents, never knew a caring touch.” Flect limentied as Deku’s attacks were sent back at him. “Even my closest friends, and those I gave my heart to left me, their feelings repelled. I watched them all leave me, one by one. Since I reflect everything, I couldn't even choose death for myself. A Quirk that cannot be controlled leads to a life of suffering. But I can save others from this misery. These meta powers will trample no more hearts.”
   I tried my hardest to think of a plan. The only plan I could think of was taking the key and running while Deku tried to distract Flect. I moved quickly trying to get close enough to Deku to tell him of my plan only for the lasers around the room to fire directly at Flect. He used his reflection to his advantage causing the lasers to reflect and scatter a few of them hitting Deku.
  I would like to say I was lucky enough to avoid them but unfortunately I was not fast enough. One laser hit me in the thigh and another hit me right in the chest, just narrowly avoiding my heart and instead rupturing a lung. As I collapsed to the ground I used the little strength I had before blacking out to sprout a healing seed near my chest to hopefully heal the hole in my lung before I bleed out or drown in my own blood. The last thing I remember before completely blacking out was the sound of Deku’s screams as more lasers pierced his body.
   To my surprise I awoke only a few minutes later. Realizing I was awake and could still move I quickly looked around the room. The first thing I noticed was the unconscious form of Flect laying in the middle of the room. The second thing I noticed was the large amount of blood leading to the doors to the control room. Standing up I rushed to find Deku and offer help in whatever way I could. 
   As I got closer I could hear what I could only assume to be pained laughter from two people. Reaching the room I saw Deku sitting on his knees laughing with Rody laying across his lap. I rushed forward as best as my still injured leg could carry me meeting the two. “Oh my god, What happened to you? And Rody, why are you here, I thought you turned back?” I asked, taking in the large wounds on both boys who stopped laughing when they realized I was there. 
   “Uh long story, tell you about it later?” Rody said with a slight shrug, wincing at the movement.
   I shook my head, looking to Deku for answers hoping he would tell me what I missed while unconscious. Unfortunately Deku just shrugged, choosing to also postpone answering. “Fine you’re lucky you’re my soulmate or I would make you tell me before helping with that wound.” I started ignoring Deku’s look of shock, instead choosing to grab the few seeds I had left to at least close the boys’ bleeding wounds. Rody was also left speechless as I finished healing the wound as much as I could given my own fading strength. “It’s not perfect but now you won’t bleed to death while we wait to be rescued.” I said, smiling at the boy.
   It took him a second to register what was said but after I pulled the plants away from the two Rody sat up. “Wait, ouch, How did you know that we’re soulmates? You don’t know what my quirk is.” He said shocked, the little pink bird from before sitting on his shoulder also looking stunned.
   I smiled looking at the little bird. “It’s hard to forget such an adorable bird that’s been on my shoulder since I was little.” I explained reaching out to the bird. Accepting the explanation the small bird leaned into hand.
   Rody still had a slightly confused look on his face but I could see the joy in his eyes. “Yeah, that makes sense, also that is Pino.” He said introducing the bird. I chuckled as Pino began chirping happily. “Her actions show how I’m really feeling.” He explained to me as I let Pino sit in my hand.
   “Well then I’m glad to know you’re happy.” I said, smiling at him. “But you should really lay back down, I couldn’t fully heal your wounds, it’s just enough to keep you alive while we wait for Heroes to come rescue us.” I explained nudging him lay back. “You to Deku, I can’t heal anymore until I get healed so you should conserve your energy.” After telling them both to relax I also leaned back on to the floor. While I may have sealed our wounds enough to not die, they were nowhere near fully closed so we all need to take it easy until we could be saved. 
   To the hospital.
   After laying in the Humarise base for what felt like hours, some pros finally showed up and brought us to a hospital in Otheon. While we were there they flew out Recovery Girl to help speed up the healing process so we could return to Japan. Recovery Girl had first healed me and asked me to assist in healing the others so it would go by quicker. I agreed and joined her in checking on the boys.
  While she was focused on healing Bakugo, I turned my attention to my soulmate. “Hey Rody, want a little more help with those injuries?” I asked moving to sit next to his bed. He just nodded and watched as I placed a few seeds on the bed next to him before activating my quirk. The seeds sprouted and vines laid across him before glowing softly.
  While I was focused on healing him, I failed to notice the door behind me opening, until two small children ran into the room.  Turning to the sound of excited children, I was greeted by a young boy and a young girl who looked very similar to Rody. “Roro, Lala, I’m so happy you guys are here.” Rody exclaimed, sitting up. Deciding his healing could wait for now, I turned off my quirk to allow the children to climb up on his bed. “How have you guys been?” He asked them.
  I just watched and listened as he spoke with them not wanting to interrupt the happy reunion. “Oh I almost forgot. Roro, Lala, this is Y/n they helped save my life and they’re my soulmate.” Rody introduced me looking at me with a bright smile. “Y/n, this is my little brother Roro, and my sister Lala.” I quickly greeted them. Soon I was subject to the children’s never ending questions, and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way.
  To the Airport
   As much as I’d like to say that I was able to stay for a while and enjoy getting to know my new found soulmate and his family, I sadly can not. Once we were all cleared by the hospital to fly home, we were all at the airport ready to depart. As we approached the escalator to head towards our flight I heard a familiar chirp from behind me.
   Before I could even turn around I heard Deku confirm my suspicion. “Rody” He called out, as I turned and looked at the limping burnett. He just chuckled in response before getting closer. “Didn't think you'd be out so soon! Heh.” Deku observed.
   I nodded in agreement. “Ah, they said I was good to head back home.” Rody answered the indirect question. Pino chirped in agreement before flying over to rest on my shoulder.
   “I’m glad to hear it, though I wish I could have healed your leg a bit more.” I said, patting the small bird.
   Rody just shrugged. “It’s all good, I’m grateful for what you did. Although, if I had died stopping those bombs, I would've become a total legend.” He went on to explain.
   Deku and I gave him a slightly concerned look before Deku spoke up again. “That's a morbid thing to say!” We all just laughed in response. “So, hey. Come up with any big plans for the future?” Deku asked. 
   I looked at Rody, curious to hear what he may be planning. “Just going back to my normal life for now. Though, I suppose, with all I've been through, who knows what's in store for me?” He answered, glancing in my direction. Pino Chirped in agreement , confirming Rody was being truthful about his unsureness.
   As Deku was about to keep the conversation going, the overhead announcements informed the airport that our flight back to Japan was now boarding. After exchanging glances with me, Deku spoke up. “Right, I’m gonna run to catch our flight. Y/n I know you will need a moment but try to be quick.” His tone was understanding, he knew the chances of me and Rody being in the same place again soon were slim. After bidding farewell to Rody, Deku started for our flight.
   It took a second for the reality of the citation to set in and when it did I turned to Rody, trying to hold back my tears. “I know I should be running to catch my flight but I can’t until I tell you this. I promise that no matter what happens in the future I will come back. Once I’m officially a pro hero. I’ll come back and we can actually explore what it means to be soulmates.” I explained. “But until then here is my phone number, please feel free to call or text whenever you get the chance. I don’t want the distance between us to affect what we have.” I finished handing him a piece of paper with my number on it.
   Making eye contact with Rody it was clear he was trying to hide his true feelings but staying true to her nature, Pino was on his shoulder, tears filling her eyes. “Yeah of course, just promise to come visit between now and your pro hero debut. Okay?” He said with a bright smile.
   I nodded before pulling him into a quick hug. “I promise. Now I need to run. Tell Roro and Lala I'll miss them and please stay outta trouble.” I heard the announcements calling for boarding again. “See you later, Rody.” With that I turned and ran off toward my flight's terminal. Finally once on the plane I did my best to wipe away my tears before anyone noticed.
   “Don’t worry you’ll see him again soon.” Deku said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I just nodded, already looking forward to the first chance I could get to return to Otheon.
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sillylilreader · 2 months
a fateful hue (Shoto Todoroki x Reader) (Soulmate Au)
sorry I haven’t posted in a bit :/ haven’t felt well tbh
Summary: In a world of soulmates, where you experience color upon finding your soulmate, you discover yourself entangled with a certain dual toned employee after a rather amicable breakup.
Warnings: angst, fast paced, alcohol, breakup, not a happy ending,
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It was a lousy morning, for a lousy day, for an even lousier night. You’d lost your job, your boyfriend, and even your wits all in one day. 
Your job had been threatening you with termination for months now, saying you’d taken too many days off, been late too many times. Today was the last straw, as you showed up at 7:31, instead of 7:30. It was silly, really, that this was the nail in the coffin for them. Surely, someone else had fucked up worse that day. But alas, you had received the boss’ rage in the end, as she kicked you out with your box of little decorations and doodads. 
As for your boyfriend, you knew it was over long ago. You’d known each other for ages, stayed together for the familiarity. But as soon as you shared your first kiss, your first touch, you knew it wasn’t gonna work. You both pulled away with the oh so familiar look of disappointment. As soon as he called you, voice filled with a suppressed excitement, you knew he’d found his soulmate. You let him go, with not so much as an ‘oh no’, and just like that he was packed up and gone when you returned home.
‘The least he could’ve done was clean up…’ you thought to yourself, a slight anger bubbling in your tummy, as you returned to a trashed apartment. 
The apartment wasn’t trashed per say, but there was a slew of trash left in his wake. Anything he didn’t need was left behind. The familiar emptiness of the home left you hollow, feeling little like a home and more like just a room.
You were never one to dwell on the little things, moving through life at a brisk pace. But as you neared your thirties, getting steadily closer by the day, you found yourself becoming more and more desperate to find your soulmate in life. Your now ex boyfriend and you had thought you were being revolutionary by settling for each other, but as made apparent by his absence, neither of you were that happy with the other.
Maybe you should have fought harder.. You wondered. But, deep down, you knew he wouldn’t have stayed for you. It’s not that you thought you weren’t worth it. But you knew if you were in his shoes, you would have done the same.
As the sun went down, you decided a good bit of alcohol would do you some good. Anything to warm the ache in your heart, as you found yourself drowning in your own sorrow. You put on your warmest coat, trekking outside into the monochrome glow of the lowering star. 
Shadows crossed your path and blended into the pavement, making eerie shapes as you walked on by. 
You soon found yourself in the nearby liquor store, scanning the bottles on the rack, looking for something familiar. You were so involved in your search, that you barely registered the dual toned head of hair behind you. 
“Miss..?” they mumbled out, in a voice soft and monotone, causing you to jump in place and nearly knock over the display stand.
You whipped around, almost bumping into the stranger. “Sorry?” you stuttered, embarrassment flushing your cheeks.
The dual toned eyes met yours, two shades of gray, matching the white and gray hair. “Are you looking for something… specific?” It was then you noticed the familiar employee uniform.
You also couldn’t help but notice the beauty of the man. He wasn’t just handsome, he was gorgeous. His bone structure was perfect, and beneath his uniform, he was seemingly fit.
Your brain stumbled over the words, struggling for maybe a minute too long. 
“Um... not really…” you paused momentarily, desperate to continue a conversation with any living being. “…do you have anything for a, um, breakup..?” You tried to maintain composure, even tried for a laugh, but as the words left your mouth, you’d finally realized the weight of your situation. Your lips trembled and your eyes watered, the burden of your body becoming heavier.
The employee reached a hand out in your direction, as if to help you with the weight, but he seemed to think better of it, retracting his hand at the last moment. A frown graced his features, an expression you thought shouldn’t look so perfectly poised on anyone. 
“Um... we have some… stronger options, this way,” he gestured to your left, offering to lead you down the aisle. You sniffled, gratefully accepting the help, following him down the lane. 
Your footsteps fell, quietly in sync with each other. It was a short walk, very short, but as you wiped away your forming tears, you thought you caught him sneaking glances at you. 
If it wasn’t for your shitty circumstances, you’d be flattered by such a pretty guy checking you out. 
I mean, come on, he looked your age, he had a calming air to him, and he even seemed to be a gentleman.
 ‘No, he’s just doing his job…’ you thought, disappointed in yourself. Getting yourself interested in someone so soon after your break up? Bad luck, you don’t want to treat someone as a rebound. 
As you reached the section of stronger alcohol, a brand known for its near toxicity, you turned to thank the boy, but he had already wandered off to continue helping customers. 
You found yourself a bit disappointed at his absence.
Afterwards, you quickly picked out your poison of choice, and made your way to the checkout, surprised to find him waiting for you there.
You waved, softly as if you were scared to disturb him, as you placed your product on the counter. 
“Thank you. For showing me, I mean… I know it must be tiring to deal with unaware people all day..?” You ended your sentence, as if it was a question. Embarrassment crept up your back as you floundered to save your mistake.
He scanned the product, a slight beep filling your ears. It would annoy you, if it weren’t for the boy in front of you.
He simply quirked an eyebrow, the ghost of a smile on his face. “No worries… Happens all the time,” he muttered absentmindedly. 
Once he had bagged the item, he turned to you. “It’s on me..” he spoke carefully, as if he might surprise you again.
You read his nametag carefully as he spoke, barely registering his words.
“Oh! Really? Well, thank you… Todoroki.. It was nice meeting you..!” you smiled, as wide as you could given the circumstances. You were sure he could see the sadness in your eyes, but it didn’t matter to you.
“Yeah, you too…” he waved, carefully, as you left, his gaze following you out the door.
It wasn’t long before you found yourself wandering back to the liquor store. You were intoxicated, not blackout, but close. You weren’t sure why your feet led you this way, but you were sure you had to get there. 
It had been weeks since you’d last seen him, or even been to the liquor store, but after a night on the bar, your feet drug you ever closer to his place of employment. 
Was this creep behavior? Yeah. Were you following through anyway? Also yeah!
As you were met with the familiar buzz of the neon sign, illuminating the sky around you, you found yourself questioning your motives. What did you hope to get out of this? Another small greeting? Todoroki didn’t seem like the social type, and surely wouldn’t appreciate a random stalker.
Sober you would be stopped dead in your tracks by this realization. But drunk you? They saw this as an opportunity! Maybe he would think you’re special, showing interest in him.
As you took your next step forward, into the shop, a hand grabbed you from behind, covering your mouth, and pulling you into the back alley roughly.
You squirmed and kicked against the strong hand, to no avail. You tried to scream, but nothing escaped you. 
As you began to run out of air, and the lights dimmed around you, you heard a door swing open and a quick set of footsteps. A loud crack went off, and you were dropped to the hard ground. 
As you regained complete consciousness, you were met with dual toned eyes, watching you wearily. 
“Are you alright?” a worried voice reached your ears, as his gaze raked your figure, looking for any injuries.
You quickly collected yourself at the sound of his voice, Todoroki’s voice, no less.
“Mmyeah..” your speech slurred, much to your embarrassment. Your brain was foggy, and you still hadn’t processed the attack. 
Your eyes quickly found the body of your assailant. He was a big dude, with dark hair and, apparently, darker motives. As you searched again for your savior, you caught Todoroki glaring down at him with the utmost look of hatred.
As if sensing your gaze, he perked up, meeting your eyes. “Let me help you up..?” he held a hand out in your direction. You gently waved his hand away, getting up yourself. You almost swore you caught a look of disappointment, faintly visible on his features.
It was then you realized just how beautiful he was, perfect bone structure and sharp eyes. His long lashes fanned across his cheeks so gracefully, you almost thought it was mascara, or falsies.
In your drunken staring stupor, you came to the conclusion that the moment had become awkward. Your cheeks flushed, as you tore your gaze away, hands coming to cover your darkened cheeks. 
His bicolored eyebrows knit together, as Todoroki watched you closely. “Can I walk you home?” he muttered, fidgeting with his phone. “At least let me take care of the 110 call..?”
You nodded faintly, grateful for the help.
As the two of you padded home together, you found yourself admiring him more, and more. You didn’t know much about him, but surely he was a kind soul if he helped you out. Anybody else would have turned the other way. And it was surely helping that he was so good looking.
You hiccuped, covering your mouth, flustered. Todoroki met your gaze, a confused look on his face as his eyes fell on your hand, hovering over your lips. Quickly, a dark hue dusted his cheeks and bled into his ears, as if he had an embarrassing thought. 
“Whatcha thinkin ‘bout..?” Your speech was slurred, bringing heat to your cheeks. “Anything interestin?”
“Nothing, nothing,” he mumbled, a surprising bit of humor laced into his tone. Was he laughing at you? 
You frowned, small enough that nobody would care, but big enough to notice. 
Soon enough you found yourself placed in front of your apartment, both of you lingering together.
“Come inside..?” you muttered, barely loud enough to be heard.
His cheeks lit up, dusted with a heavy blush, eyebrows knitting together. “Sorry.. I.. I dont..-” 
Your eyes widened at the implication you made. “No! Not what I meant, ‘m sorry,” your words came out jumbled together, further embarrassing you. 
You sighed, dissatisfied at his lack of a proper answer, and slid down the door to your apartment, head in hands. You felt his careful stare on the top of your scalp, care and uncertainty filling his mind. 
“I guess.. I could come in for tea..?” Todoroki winced as he said it, ever so slightly, a ghost of an expression, really. What was he thinking? You were some stranger he barely knew. He was aware of some connection to you, but was it worth the risk? 
Apparently, it was.
As your face lit up, he knew he made the right choice. Your cheeks flushed, and your features displayed a look of excitement as you raised your head to meet his look. You nodded excitedly, rising from the ground, and clumsily unlocking your front door.
At your reaction, he flushed, a deep gray dusting the tips of his ears. Todoroki averted his gaze, eyeing the lights that adorned the apartment building, illuminating each doorway. 
As you lead him through your front door, he couldn’t help but notice the state of the place. The place was cluttered beyond belief, with little memories hidden everywhere, hard to let go of. His attention fell on a specific doodad, a small cat figure, each side a different color. The left half a pale tabby, the right a dark, patchy hue. 
He tenderly picked up the cat, inspecting it. Holding the dual toned feline, he caught your attention. 
“You like it..?” he nodded in response, a slight look of intrigue in his eyes. “You can have it,” you slurred, plopping down on a loveseat.
“I can’t accept this,” he shook his head. “It’s yours.”
You gingerly patted the space beside you, as you reassured him, he could keep the figure. Todoroki sighed, squeezing into the love seat with you, careful not to touch you. You felt a little hurt at the implications of his fear. You absentmindedly twiddled your fingers, humming to yourself. 
You two tried your best to make small talk, chatting amongst yourselves. You found his quiet nature endearing, but couldn’t help but want him to open up to you.
Wouldn’t that be special? It’s always nice getting someone to trust you. 
“So about the tea?” he gestured towards your kitchen, catching your attention. You instantly rose from your seat, so quickly in fact, you found yourself falling forward.
Todoroki reacted in the blink of an eye, extending an arm to catch you by the wrist. 
As soon as his skin came in contact with yours, your sight erupted into beautiful colors. Every hue of the rainbow made its way into your vision. Todorokie must have noticed it too, as his grip immediately loosened, causing you to drop to the floor.
As you rubbed your head, feeling the pain from the impact, you took in your surroundings. Todoroki stood over you with his hands to his chest, looking terrified. “I need to go…” he mumbled, under his breath. 
You instantly sobered up, hurt clear across your features, and not from the fall.”Huh..? But, surely you see it too?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I need to leave,” And just like that, he sped for the door. “Goodbye..” he muttered, letting the door slam shut behind him.
You let your head fall back to the floor, ignoring the dull throbbing pain it brought. The real pain resided in your mind, your heart. Of course your soulmate would flake out on you.
You drowsily picked yourself up, the cold, hard floor trying to pull you in as your skin peeled off it. You made your way to the bedroom, haphazardly taking off your clothes and throwing them onto the carpet. The bed welcomed you in, dragging you into its warmth. You found yourself drifting off rather easily, thoughts and disappointment consuming you.
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Red String - Katsuki Bakugou x fem!reader
Summary = When you turn 16, a red string wraps around your finger and leads you to your soulmate. What happens when it is the person who has bullied you and your brother, Izuku, for years?
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Soulmates were amazing, knowing that this person was made for you, made to be with you for life. In theory, it was like a dream come true. In practice, maybe not so much.
Well, maybe if it was someone else rather than Katsuki Bakugou it would have been easier.
Me and Katsuki grew up together. Me and Izuku are twins which meant being around Katsuki. We were all close for a while until he got his quirk. I got my quirk around the same time but Izuku did not. He was quirkless. Katsuki did not like that. I did not like how Katsuki had turned sour towards Izuku. This lead to many arguments and burns from Katsuki whenever I stood up to him.
Then, suddenly, Izuku had a quirk. It was weird. He had always been small but ever since he helped Katsuki when that villain attack happened, he began training like crazy. He joined me on runs, lifting weights like I've never seen.
We went to the entrance exams together and he, impossibly, had a quirk. I confronted him and he told me about All For One. It was hard to understand at first but it made him happy so I did not question it too much. He will finally be the hero he has always been destined to be.
Now, when the quirks began to come a thing, so did soulmates. When you turn 16, suddenly a red string appears on your little finger. The end of the string connects you to your soulmate. It was an incredible phenomenon, much like the quirks. This meant divorce was almost 0% and the population was better off.
I felt ... strange about the soulmate situation. I was excited at the prospect of having someone who was made for you but it was scary thinking it could be anyone. It could be a murder, a creep - it could be absolutely any one and I had no control over it.
Second year at UA came around quicker than I could ever imagine. Time seemed to move faster and before I knew it, it was April and Katsuki's birthday was fast approaching.
Throughout the years, Katsuki has grown and even became my friend. It was hard. He was mean and confused about Izuku's sudden quirk but when he found out about One For All, he changed. He apologised to Izuku for everything and then apologised to me. It was hard for me to forgive him but I did it.
Now, his sixteenth birthday was a few days away and I was scrambling around the mall to find something. He is impossible to buy for. What do you get someone who has everything he wants?
I decided to go by myself to get him a gift, needing all the time to really think about it. When I asked him what he wanted he told me to 'not bother'. But, I wanted to. When we were children I used to make him a card every year and wanted to make up for all the missed years.
After four hours, I managed to find him something.
When I walked through the dorm, I ran into him and quickly hide the bag behind my back.
His eyes narrowed suspiciously. "What's that?"
I repressed my smile the best I could (not at all). "Nothinggg." I sang.
He slowly began to approach me and I backed up.
He snarled, "It better not have been expensive."
It was a bit out of my budget but he didn't need to know what. I rolled my eyes, "Just appreciate the present, grumpy."
I bopped his nose before running off into my room, successful in hiding it.
At dinner, everyone was asking him how he felt about finding out his soulmate. He blew up, so no one asked again.
It was weird, to think Katsuki could be soulmates with anyone. It could be a random stranger off the street, it could be someone in our class. Every time I thought about it, my chest felt very tight. I didn't want to think too much about it.
His birthday came and I had everyone help cook a big breakfast.
Katsuki came down, after Izuku got him out of bed and looked sheepishly at the effort we made.
I took the plate of waffles and brought them over to him. He was sat, waiting.
He looked over to me as I approached and the face he made almost made me drop the plate. His mouth was partly open, his eyes slightly wide and he looked at my hands holding the waffles. I admit, it was a lot of waffles but the reaction was something I was not expecting.
I smiled as I put the plate in front of him, his eyes did not leave the plate until I put it in front of him and then his eyes went up to my face. "Happy birthday Kat!" I cheered, clapping my hands together.
He did not look away from my face but his face spread into a small smile, "You did all of this?"
I shrugged, "Everyone helped."
He looked around at the class surrounding the tables, all tucking in. "Thank you." He said it quietly but I heard.
He spent the rest of his birthday with Kirishima and his family (they went to a concert I believe). At the end of the day, we all gathered in the boys living room. The TV was on but no one was watching it.
I sat on the floor, chatting until I heard Kaminari talk to Katsuki.
"So?" He asked excitedly. "Do you know your soulmate?"
Katsuki was silent for a while. Luckily my back was to him or he would realise I was listening. "Nah, it goes too far to follow it."
The breath I didn't know I was holding released. I didn't know how I felt. I was relived it wasn't someone I knew but to know he had someone and could go find them whenever he wanted filled me with a strange sense of dread.
Tsu must have read my face as she asked me if I was okay. I snapped out of it and nodded, maybe a bit too enthusiastically to be believable. "Yeah, I just think I'm gonna go to bed."
I got up, said goodnight to everyone and began to walk. When I got to elevator to go up to the girls floor, the sound of someone walking towards me made me look up.
Katsuki was dressed in an all black tracksuit and walked towards me with his hands in his pockets.
"Hey," I greeted.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked, looking down at me.
I nodded, a small smile on my face. "I'm okay, just tired." As the elevator dinged I suddenly remembered. "Oh! I didn't give you your present!"
I grabbed his arm and dragged him into the elevator. He opened his mouth to protest, "Come to my room and I'll give it to you." He was quiet then so I pressed to button to go up.
I asked him about the concert and he spoke animatedly about the rap artist I have only heard coming from his bedroom but he seemed to have a good time.
"Okay," I said, opening the door. "Sit and don't move."
"Yes ma'am." He said mockingly but my stomach whirled anyway.
I retrieved the box from my bedside table and sat beside him. He looked down curiously.
I was suddenly nervous, what if it was too much or he didn't like it? Too late.
I gave him the box. He took it and then opened it, looking down with wide eyes.
"I saw it and knew I had to get you one."
He let out a breath before pulling it out of the box. It was a silver dog tag. When I saw it in the mall, I thought it was something he would actually wear. I got it engraved. Katsuki Bakugou and underneath Dynamight.
He read it and looked at it for a while before turning to me, clutching it. "Thank you."
I smiled, "You like it?"
He scoffed, "Its perfect."
He pulled it over his head where the tag rested against his chest. I reached over, touched the tag and hummed. "It suits you like I thought it would." I let it go back down and when I looked up, his eyes had not left my face.
I swallowed nervously.
"Must be weird now you know where your soulmate is right?"
His mouth parted, still looking at me. "Yeah..."
I was the first one to break eye contact and then he cleared his throat. "I better go..."
He stood up, making his way to my door. I followed him and leant against the door as he hesitated outside.
He turned and wrapped his arms around my head. My chest, for what felt like the hundredth time that day, clenched. I wrapped my arms around his waist. I can't remember the last time I hugged Katsuki. He was hard with the muscles that were hiding under his hoodie but he smelt of caramel. My head rest on his chest.
We stayed like that for a minute before he let go. "Thank you, for everything." He said before quickly leaving.
After that day, I could not stop thinking about him.
No matter how many times I told myself it was futile and stupid, I couldn't help the crush that was fast forming. Katsuki did not help either. He would hold open the door for me, offer to partner up with me in training and help me when it came to my turn to cook dinner.
He has another soulmate for Christ's sake but that did not stop my heart. I knew it could never happen, my birthday was three months away and soon I would also know who my soulmate is but I felt myself fall deeper and deeper.
One night, all of our class were having a movie night and I sat beside Katsuki. My mouth was already dry being so close to him and he did not help by putting his arm around me. He said it was to be more comfortable so I accepted it. Halfway through the movie, I rested my head against his shoulder before realising what I was doing. I quickly lifted my head up and whispered a 'sorry'. Luckily the room was so dark or else the whole class would see how red my face.
"I like it." Katsuki whispered and I blushed even harder. It was a sentence I never thought would come out of his mouth and it made me feel all sorts of things I shouldn't.
Bravely, I rested my head back down and his arm come down and his fingers began to draw circle's on my bare arm almost unconsciously.
I went back to my room that night with my heart racing out of my chest and my thoughts racing even more.
Mine and Izuku's birthday was fast approaching. We decided to spent it with mom, with Katsuki and Uraraka coming round later in the evening for dinner.
Uraraka's birthday was before ours and she found out Izuku was her soulmate. She told him almost immediately and they've been together ever since. Everyone knew they would be but the confirmation is always nice.
I woke up at home on my sixteenth birthday and immediately looked down.
On my right hand pinky was a thin string wrapped around it. I followed it and it went out of the window, going further than I could see. I looked out longingly, wondering who was at the end.
I went to touch the string but it fell through my fingers, I knew I could not touch it but the feeling was weird.
Physically, I felt the same. I could almost forget about the string if it did not appear every time I lifted up my hand.
I kept staring at it, even at my birthday breakfast.
"Oh, leave it Y/N, you'll know who they are soon enough." Mum scolded.
The rest of the day was spent at the mall and visiting family until it was time for dinner.
Mr Aizawa was bringing Katsuki and Uaraka and the door rang at six o'clock exactly.
Mum got the door and I stood anxiously behind her. I didn't know why I was so anxious but it made me shift on my feet a lot.
"Hello sweethearts, come in! Come in!"
Izuku ran to greet Uraraka and I looked up at Katsuki, smiling until I noticed something on his hand.
I looked down and the world seemed to stop.
Around his pinky on his right hand was a piece of thin red string. But, only soulmates can see each others string, I thought until it stuck. Oh my god.
I followed the string with my eyes and it went all the way to wrap around my own pinky.
I looked in between the string for a while before looking up at Katsuki, my mouth open.
He looked at me with his eyebrows furrowed. "Y/N..."
I was suddenly full of anger. I did not say a word but turned around and stomped up to my room.
Why didn't he tell me? After all this time, he decided to hide it. Did he not want me as a soulmate?
Angry tears welled in my eyes, he clearly did not want me that's why he hid it for so long.
"Y/N, wait, please." I heard Katsuki follow me but I reached my room quick. I slammed the door, fully crying now.
He knocked on my door lightly. "Please, let me explain."
My hands shook as I rested my head against the door. "There's nothing to explain." I growled out.
I get why he wouldn't want me. I'm needy, I'm angry and I'm not the prettiest. Someone like Katsuki should have a model for his soulmate.
He knocked again, louder. "Please, Y/N. I don't want to ruin your birthday."
Too late, I thought.
I sighed, wiped my eyes (not that it would make any difference) and opened the door.
Katsuki stood slumped and look at me with caution. I stepped aside, and let him in.
I closed the door behind him and turned with my arms crossed my chest. "If you don't want me.." I took a big breath, "We'll just have to find a way to make it work."
The thought was horrible. My whole life I was told your soulmate was suppose to complete you, the other side of a coin and the thought of losing that fantasy terrified me.
"No, thats not what I want just," Katsuki sighed before rubbing a hand over his face and sitting on my bed. "I wanted to tell you, I did. It's just harder than I thought. I didn't know if you'd want me. I wasn't exactly nice to you for years and although we're friends now, a soulmate is completely different."
I was quiet and Katsuki continued.
"Y/N, I've," He sighed again, looking concerned. "I've always liked you, I was mean to you because I liked you too much and because you would stand up to me."
My voice seemed to have disappeared and I couldn't do anything but listen.
"Over the past year, I've liked you more and more and then on my birthday I was scared who my soulmate would be. I wanted it to be you and when I saw you, I saw the string and everything just made sense. You're so beautiful and so funny and so kind I just," He hung his head. "I don't deserve someone like you. That's why I didn't tell you."
I was quiet, taking in his words. It made sense but I couldn't help the nagging insecurity. It did not make sense to me how he could possibly like me and how he doesn't think he deserves me. Katsuki could have anyone he wanted, he got asked out all the time whenever we could go out but always denied them. I thought it was because he was too focused on hero work but maybe not...
I looked at him, his face was turned down as if he was too scared to look at me. I could see then, in the way he looked so small and vulnerable that he was telling the truth.
Katsuki never spoke about his feelings so if he has now, it must be genuine.
"Okay," He looked up, his eyes hopeful. "I believe you."
He smiled wider than I have ever seen.
I knew that this moment was when my life was going to change forever, but I didn't mind.
A/N = Hi! I know I haven't wrote anything in a very long time. I have just finished my first year of university so now I have more time to write! I am taking requests so feel free to send them in! <3
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kingyo-konbini · 2 years
[SUMMARY] what one person writes on their skin also appears on the skin of their soulmate. reader is forgetful and shinsou is bored. awkwardness ensues. [PRONOUNS] she/her [GENRE] fluff | soulmate au [POV] third person [WORD COUNT] 1083 [CONTENT] soulmate-identifying marks | pov switch between reader & shinsou | math
She was forgetful.
[Name] always had an issue with remembering things. She would put reminders on her phone, sticky notes on her walls, and big red words on her whiteboard and in her planner. And yet, somehow, she always seemed to miss them. The only thing she found that would work (and that wasn't even a guarantee) was writing the reminders on her wrist and hand and arm.
When she first started doing it she worried that it would bother her soulmate, the person who saw the scribbled notes appear on their own skin as though they had written it. But, after a while, she forgot about that, too.
He was bored.
Shinsou Hitoshi had a problem with staying awake during study hall. He was fine during the actual lessons, hoping to soak up as much hero stuff as he could, but when he was left to his own devices he became utterly bored and horribly tired. He would read and go over notes, but those activities quickly became just as boring as doing nothing. The only thing that would stave off his boredom was to look at the words that would sometimes cover one of his limbs. And on the days where there was nothing, he would absentmindedly draw small doodles on the empty space.
When he first started doing it, he worried that his soulmate would find the cartoon-ish cats to be too childish, or his drawing abilities to be less than sub-par. But, after a while, he grew bored with that, too.
It was Sunday. [Name] had two assignments due for English on Monday, neither of which she’d started, and a math assignment she was absolutely clueless about. She’d asked her friends, who were just as stumped as her, and Google didn’t even seem to have the answers, either. [Name] stared down at the math problems in front of her, mind split between figuring out the equations and working on the two English papers. Why had she thought spending Saturday with her friends, getting some extra practice in with their Quirks, would be a good idea?
In a moment of desperation, [Name] glanced at her wrist and the lack of anything drawn by her soulmate. It had been some time since she’d seen anything drawn by them, and she had to admit that she missed seeing the cute cat doodles. It was rare for her to think about her soulmate, writing notes or reminders on her skin without so much as a second thought towards the other person who could read them.
She bit her lip and picked up her pen, hesitantly drawing the first equation into her skin. Underneath it she wrote “help?” and then capped her pen, set it down on the desk, and waited.
Shinsou had never tried to communicate with his soulmate through the drawings. He knew people who had, people who had written down their location or phone number and met their soulmates that way. If Shinsou wasn’t being honest, he’d say that it was too much work and he wasn’t interested in the whole “soulmate” thing, anyways. If Shinsou was being honest, though, he’d say that he was worried about what he’d find. What if his soulmate thought he was ugly? What if they hated him and his Quirk? What if they were scared of him? They seemed like such a ditzy, cute person, always writing reminders on their skin, no matter how simple. How could he compare to that? To them, he was just the person who would draw a cat sometimes, and even that was rare.
And besides, they had never tried to contact him, either.
Which was why it was such a surprise when Shinsou saw the equation suddenly appear and the word 'help?' written beneath it. He’d been drying off from his shower, just having gotten back from training, when he noticed it. He stared at the numbers and letters and blinked. The equation looked familiar- they had just gone over it in class on Friday.
He could help his soulmate with a math problem.
Shinsou quickly finished drying off and got dressed, sitting at his desk and quickly picking up a pen. He wrote the word 'okay' beneath their request for help and waited a minute before getting to work.
The moment his response appeared beneath her cry for help, [Name] felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She waited with bated breaths as the process to solve the equation slowly appeared. [Name] copied it down, stroke for stroke, in her notebook. It took a second for her to realize she’d been holding her breath.
Within two minutes the answer was there, peering up at her from her wrist. The steps to getting it had been neatly recorded and transferred to the assignment sheet, and [Name] let out a long sigh of relief. 'thank you.' She wrote, adding a smiley face for good measure.
Content with that small bit of contact, [Name] turned back to her papers. She had just started attempting the next problem when the familiar sensation of lines appearing in her skin brought her back to look at her wrist. Written in the space where the palm meets the wrist were new words: 'do u need help w/ more?'
[Name] sucked in a breath, her heart racing against her ribs. Trembling more than she’d like to admit, [Name] wrote a short 'if it’s not too much trouble' beneath the question.
Shinsou couldn’t keep the stupid grin off his face. As soon as he realized it, though, he forced it away and replaced it with a neutral expression, though his eyes still glimmered. Talking to his soulmate made his heart beat quicker than usual; he told himself he wasn’t sure why, since he hadn’t given them much thought, but a voice in the back of his head whispered "you know why."
Hesitating for just a moment longer, Shinsou began to write down his phone number. Once the numbers were written, he grimaced. Had this really been a good idea? He thought back to the number of people who had done the same thing he had, though for different reasons. They all seemed happy enough, but was he ready to talk to his soulmate like they did?
Shaking his head, Shinsou assured himself that he wasn’t trying to connect with them. All he was doing was trying to help someone with their math homework. That was it.
Three minutes passed before his phone buzzed.
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bkdk-fan4ever · 3 months
BkDk | Soulmates AU | Quirkless!Midoriya Izuku| Hero Student!Bakugou Katsuki | Police Officer!Midoriya Izuku| Pro Hero!Bakugou Katsuki | First Meeting |
Waiting For You At Arm’s Length by tsukithewolf
There are many types of soulmarks that appear on people throughout the world: some are their soulmate's name on their body. Some are able to draw on each other's skin. Some have a tattoo to match their soulmate.
Izuku and Katsuki are born with an imaginary friend as their soulmark.
(A story of Katsuki and Izuku growing up with their older soulmate's self by their side, and how it affects them and their relationship with each other.)
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todorokis-girl · 5 months
I Never Knew You Were Alive - Soulmate AU (I)
Touya Todoroki x f!Reader
This has been on my mind for so so long, and it's been forever since I wrote anything, So I apologize if it's sub par
Chapter I: So it starts Chapter II: A late arrival Chapter III: belive of be doomed Chapter IV: What are we doing? Chapter V: Last minute encounter Chapter VI: Deciding to fall in love with you
Next chapter
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"You chose them over me!" Deep turquoise eye bore so deeply into mine, the pressure on my chest, in my heart, seemed to increase.
"I didn't chose anyone over you Touya", anger, misplaced anger, seeped out of my word "I didn't even know you were alive!" A sob escaped me, which made the current situation so much more real. it had been years.. years of pain, thinking he was dead. How dare he? How dare he imply I chose anything in this situation, I chose the option that would have kept me closer to him. When he was dead.
"We have marks with each others names, we feel what the other feels", he took exasperated steps towards me getting closer and more menacing as he got closer, the feeling of safety slowly washing off me, would he hurt me? would he kill me? "You're gonna look at me in the eye, and tell me, you didn't know I was alive?"
The question was one that burned inside me, ever since I found out he was alive, and it killed me knowing that he wasn't only alive, but with the villains, it drove me crazy and I could barely sleep. I wondered during the years why occasionally I would feel things that were simply not my own; but how was I to know? He was dead, it was a fact, he died in his fire!, so young, faking your own death that young wasn't realistic to think about. I didn't... other than sudden anger, sadness and occasional pleasure, the feelings didn't range far or even often.
"I didn't! I really didn't know, had I know ANY of this, I would hace been on your side no questions asked," I pulled my legs closer to me, the fight we had engaged in didn't fair well on my body. The burns from his fire were negligible, the burn from my own ice, though, if not treated soon could start causing decay "You think I wanted to sit by and let him do any of those things to Shouto? That it brought me pleasure in any way to say your mother hospitalized? Natsuo and Fujumi so neglected?" The tears finally started pouring out, this was emotionally too much, hopelessness and guilt was bubbling up and started to eat me inside "I don't care anymore, just, kill me if you have to"
The Todoroki's took me in, not because of me but because of him, for him. They swore he would have wanted me to be a part of their family, all the other soulmates of their kids were just as welcomed. Enji took it upon himself to look for all their kids soulmates, as soon as posible. We all knew how.... intense, Enji Tododroki could be, but we stayed for our soulmates. They weren't a perfect family, or even a good one; but I wanted Touya with me so badly, and his family was all that was left; his grave, his shrine, I needed him and I couldn't have him. Now what? It seems I never had anything of his at all.
"I'm not going to kill you" he said while slowly crouching down ro my eye level, the fire in his hand slowly being put out; the look in his eyes wasn't the thing giving his emotions away but the bond we had, I understood the resignation and the conflict happening in his heart "but, we are in a bit of a bad situation right now, doll" I swallowed thickly and rested the back of my head in what was left of the concrete wall behind me.
"I'm not leaving the kids to be killed" I said after a moment of silence, having had to steel my mind and build my resolve; making sure I understood what I was potentially giving up.
"I'm not going to leave the league" he replied after a deep breath, and I could hear the same resolve in his voice.
and, there in lies our problem.
I straightened up my head to look at him again, his hands reaching to the ice around me, I assumed to melt it "don't... it hurts"
He looked up at me and stopped, taking a quick Look over me. "You have to do something about the ice, or you'll be short an arm and maybe a leg"
The cold was starting to set, over my body, and as usual it started to build in my extremities, I could barely feel my nose and my fingers anymore.
I ignored him, the current situation not leaving my mind at all, my injuries could wait "What do we do?"
"What we've been doing", he hesitantly reached to touch my cheek, providing much needed warmth, his thumb lightly brushing my nose "I'm dead, sweetheart" He proceded to hold my hands for a while, and I wished the warmth building up in my body could stay forever.
he immediately stepped away from me the moment we could hear running, signaling that there were heros were here "Your helps here," he said something to himself and slowly he was swallowed by some black goo "Don't die on me, I gotta see you at the end of this, however that goes"
One years before
I casually walk into endeavors hero agency, waving at the receptionist at the entrance of the building, taking notice of how I was being watched by people outside the glass of the building, being the one member of the agency to not hold a fire quirk, I was special, but not really; it provided a little bit of hope to the heroes in training that wanted to be hired and didn't have a fiery quirk, even if me being here was nothing less of nepotism, but I owed Endeavor a lot and I couldn't refuse.
Once I made it to the elevator I made it all the way to my desk in autopilot, not taking much notice of the things going on around me.
"Blue Bird!" I looked up and spotted the blond hair before anything else.
"Hawks" I roll my eyes at him and placed my coffee on my desk, avoiding the recognizable load of paperwork. What was he doing here anyway? I knew about the whole forced partnership with Hawks and Endeavor, but he was rarely at the agency.
The idea of him constantly calling me blue bird was getting old, my lack of a surviving soulmate didn't really made me deserving of the name. Enji Tododroki had done everything for me he possibly could, starting with proving me with a connection to my lost soulmate their family dynamic fucking sucked, ass, but I felt part of the family; and it was the one connection I could have with Touya, since he clearly wouldn't be around. Ever.
Fuyumi and Shouto had also had their soulmates brought into the fold, as soon as Enji could find them. We hadn't been able to find Natuo's yet, but he assured the process was ongoing, until they were found.
I was found shortly after Touya died, I never even got to see him alive. I hated the feeling, especially because sometimes I felt the delusion that maybe he was out there, but I didn't ever allow myself the thought, or it would kill me.
I look up at the winged hero carefully studying his stance, a mischievous bright smile on his face, as usual "Anything I can help with? Endeavor is out on patrol, I don't know when he'll back but I can tell you where he is if you'd like?" I went to sit down on my desk to look for the information I had just offered, before I could grab the chair to sit down I was stopped by a bright red feather in my line of sight.
"I didn't come looking for Endeavor, I can go to his secretary for that, or easily look for him myself" He walks closer to my desk looking it over carefully "I heard you were starting at UA soon, for a new 'alternative strategy' class?" I looked at him, with a confused look, what could he possibly want with me or UA, if he was scouting a student he could simply... call them? The sudden serious look he showed was making me uneasy.
"Yeah, I am. What about it?"
"You can't do that"
"Excuse me?" The finality of his statement, made the uneasiness grow even stronger, tension creeping up my shoulders, the situation. starting to make my soulmate mark itch.
It wasn't common the #2 Hero came over to you and said you couldn't take a job offer. UA seriously needed to teach alternative methods of taking down a villain that didn't just rely on their quirks. I as the person who suggested it in the first place, besides, Endeavor had said nothing of the sort. why would I listen to him?
"I don't think it's safe" He finally responded, after seeming to return from deep though
"Thank you so much for the concern Hawks, really, but I can handle myself" I finally looked away from him and proceeded to start on my paperwork. I just need to finish this and I can start the lesson plans " I already know it's not safe, for the kids, it's the whole reason why I took the job" The tension wasn't leaving, and the fact he stayed didn't help either, I could feel his eyes on my arm, where "Todoroki Touya" was permanently burned into my skin.
"I don't think it's safe" I continued to read over the documents, writing where I needed. The tension bubbling up every milisecond that he didn't drop the subject.
"Endeavor would've said something if he thought there would be an issue" I replied nonchalantly, feeling the pressure starting to bubble over.
Wasn't that this morning? hough to myself as I tried to remember when the specific event cited in the document happened.
"I still don't think it's safe" I sight and stare at him, not replying
"This whole thin is too dangerous, and the kids know enough to protect them" I could feel my brow tense my eyes not moving from his feature, the way he was looking me adding irritation
"The league is everywhere, and their plans aren't pretty, I can't protect you if you're in the fire already" I attempted to take a deep breath, to calm myself down, feeling heat in my cheek slowly creeping up my arm, forgetting to remind myself to cool myself down in these situations.
Bubble... bubble...
"you're my best friend, and besides my soulmate, I don't really have many people I love" he said, almost pleading.
Bubble... Bubble...
I felt a strong heat settle on my face, the tension that bubbling up turning into anger, as I slammed the fancy black pen on my desk, reminding me seconds before, to cool down "For fucks sake, Keigo, what the HELL is this really about" The sound of glass hitting the floor and scattering filling the sudden silence between us, I closed my eyes tightly, in exasperation. Control your quirk, idiot. Before I opened my eyes I could feel the freezing cold coming from my desk sight and looked over the icy surface of my desk At least I didn't melt it.
"I'm not trying to undermine you, I know you're a very capable hero"
Hawks and I had became very unlikely friends as soon as we started hero work. I had studied at UA, after getting in from Endeavor's recommendation, hawks and I became really good friends after taking the hero licensing exam, teaming up every once in a while, and being on a coffee outing when he though he had found his soulmate
"Hawks, honestly, you can tell me my death is assured, and I am still doing it. I didn't get my hero license to hide when it's dangerous" I placed my hand on my desk relaxing as much as I could to melt the ice without hurting the structure of my desk "besides, I need something to keep me alive, I'm 22 and I already have half of me ripped away, please, just, let me do this? I would want to see a group of kids hopeful for their futures"
His smile didn't return, which meant he wasn't done, or something was still on his mind; maybe he was debating on saying it or not "The league has a weird focus on Endeavor, and I'm worried about you birdie"
I narrowed my eyes, anger or frustration, I don't know what I was feeling, but what was he trying to imply here "I can take care of myself"
"The protection at UA is for the students, not the teachers, who protects you?"
"Drop it Keigo, enough" I wiped the condensation in my desk, finally resolving the problem I caused, I only had to give it a couple minutes to dry "I'm not refusing the job at UA" I looked over his arm, carefully, protectively hiding his soulmate name. I didn't know her name, but I know her quirk, Levitation, just because he was kind enough to tell me about it in one of our outings a couple years ago.
"I want to finish my paperwork, so I can finish my lesson plans for next week, feel like allowing me to work, bird brain?" I allowed myself He stood up away from my desk and sight in resignation, his smile slowly returning.
"I'll drop in every once in a while," he turns around to leave and offers me a thumbs up "I'm sure it'll get the kids excited, and I'll ge to check up on you"
I smile and wave him off. Setting on a serious look when I saw him stepping out of the office.
I took a bite at the end of my pen, the feeling of Keigo hiding something from me settling deep within my soul, after finally looking at the interaction. My best friend, the second best hero in the country, sneaky, cunning, careful planner as he is, hiding something from me, and being worried that the league of villains could try something against me... that doesn't give me a bad feeling.... not at all.
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decarbry · 2 years
I came here from the bird app to follow you and I WAS ALREADY DOING IT. One question, were erasermic together before Aizawa became a Nomu? And are we getting some heavy angst OwO? I love your style btw. Sorry if this is already answered and I haven't seen it u.u.
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yeah they're married 😎
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tradetobest · 2 years
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early day soulmates, apart but still connected
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newtthetranswriter · 3 months
bnha (anyone, pref someone from the Bakusquad) x reader soulmate au, with the reader who tries to ignore the bond without outright rejecting it because they're scared due to past trauma
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Word Count: 1519
Paring: Kirishima x reader
Warnings: none that I know of
A/n: Hello, thank you for the request. I absolutely love writing soulmate aus so thank you for giving me the chance to writ another. I went with Kirishima because I haven't really done much for him. I hope I was able to accomplish what you were hoping for. Any ways, enjoy and as always remember to hydrate or diedrate
   The string had been there as long as I could remember. Looking at it reminded me that somewhere there was someone who was perfect for me. That somewhere in this hellish world my soulmate is waiting for me. And while I would love to embrace the fact that I have a soulmate waiting for me, I can’t. After watching two people fall in love thinking they were soulmates, only to meet their real soulmates ten years later, I was afraid.
    Sure the red string was not a soul bond that could have misinterpretations like the tattoos or first words some people are stuck with, but I couldn’t help but worry. It does a number on a person to be abandoned because their parents found their real soulmates and didn’t want to bring the memory of their mistake into their new lives. So I decided it would be best if I never found my soulmate. I would never go out of my way to find the person tied to me by fate.
    Well that was the plan anyways. Never search for the person and if they get close enough to see that we are connected, turn the other way. I wasn’t rejecting the bond but I was not going to acknowledge it. Having seen the pain it caused my parents to reject their bonds before they gave in told me that the only option was to ignore it like it didn’t exist. But again that was the plan before I got into the U.A.’s hero course.
    The first day of school showed me just how hard it was going to be to ignore the bond. After all, the red string led directly to the red haired hero in training that sat only a few seats away. Even knowing that he could see where the string led and his numerous attempts on the first day to talk to me, I did my best to avoid him. Whenever the boy with the sharp toothed smile would approach, I would go the other way or start a conversation with someone else in the class.
   After a few weeks of successfully avoiding Kirishima, it seemed he understood that I didn’t want to acknowledge the bond. And so I let my guard down. I began to relax when he was around, I wouldn’t immediately leave the area when he walked in. Hell, I even started having conversations with him. But even with my guard down, I refused to say anything about our bond.
   It wasn’t until we had the summer training camp that someone started to ask me questions about my soulmate bond. We were sitting around one of the tables having just finished making dinner when Mina decided to start asking questions.
   “So Y/n, you’ve never told us about your soul bond.” The pink girl said, not being subtle about where she wanted to take the conversation. “We’ve all talked about ours, so what’s yours? Have you met them yet?” She interrogated me.
   I involuntarily looked at the string on my finger, sure only me and my soulmate could see it but at this moment it felt like it was a flashing sign that all could see. “The red string, and no I haven’t found them yet.” I answered, fully aware of the lie and the pair of red eyes burning into the side of my head.
   There was a course of giggles from the girls around me before Mina spoke again. “Wait, isn't Kirishima’s bond also the red string? Could he be your soulmate?” Of course she would know, they had known each other before they came to U.A. 
   Taking a quick glance at the red head, I shook my head. “No, it’s probably just a coincidence.” I said hoping she would drop the subject. Luckily it seemed she accepted that answer, turning the conversation towards Jiro. Being thankful for not having to lie more I sighed, but I couldn’t brush off the wave of sadness that washed over me.
    Soulmates were brought up once again once we moved into the dorms at U.A. It was a few days before classes and it was now apparently Kaminari’s turn to talk about the class’s bonds. “Is it true that you and Kirishima really have the same bond but aren’t soulmates?” The electric boy asked as we sat in the common area. 
    I have no idea how we got to this topic from what pokemon we think each of our classmates would be, but I knew there was likely no chance of changing the subject. But before I could respond with the same thing I had told Mina, another voice cut me off. “I highly doubt that’s likely. The red string is one of the rarest bonds, so one of you is lying about your bond or you are soulmates and refuse to say it.” Bakugo said, shooting a glare in my direction from where he sat on one of the many couches.
   “Or we really do have the same bond and we aren’t soulmates and this is just a crazy rare instance.” I said, hoping he would drop it. 
   “Yeah right, keep telling yourself that. But the longer you ignore it, the more it’s going to hurt you.” He said with a scoff.
   The way he said that told me all I needed to know, Kirishima had told him that we were soulmates, and that I was ignoring it. “Why would you care, Bakugo? It’s not like you accepted your soulmate right away.” I said, having heard about how long it took for Bakugo to accept that he and Deku were soulmates. “Don’t tell me how to deal with my soulmate problems when it took you years to deal with yours.” Before anyone could say anything else, I stormed out of the room, bumping into Kirishima on the way.
   “What just happened?” I could hear the redhead ask as the doors to the elevator closed behind me.
   Knowing that I would probably have to face the aftermath of my outburst, I sat in my dorm waiting for whoever knocked on the door. And just as I expected while watching the door, the red string slowly pulled tight, indicating my soulmate was closer now. Opening the door, I was greeted by Kirishima giving me a sad smile. “We should probably talk about everything.” He said.
  “You’re probably right, I suppose I can’t avoid this forever.” I motioned for him to enter the room. Sitting on the bed, I watched as he sat at my desk. The room filled with an awkward silence as we thought of what needed to be said. After what felt like hours, I spoke first. “I’m sorry.”
   Hearing the words, Kirishima looked at me stunned. “For what? You haven’t done anything wrong, if anything it’s my fault for telling Bakugo instead of trying to have a conversation with you.” He said, trying to take the blame for himself.
   I shook my head. “I’m not talking about the Bakugo thing, I meant what I said there. I mean I’m sorry you are stuck with me as a soulmate. I’m sorry you have to deal with someone so scared of being hurt, that they would ignore their connection to try and protect themself.” I said, fighting back tears towards the end.
   The silence that followed was heavy as Kirishima processed what I had said. “I do not hold any of that against you. I may not know the details on why you avoided me, but I know you probably had a good reason. You never outright rejected me, instead you just ignored the bond. At some points it hurt that you didn’t acknowledge that I was here, but knowing that you didn’t reject the bond gave me hope that someday you would come around.” He explained. “I’m not asking for you to accept me right now and I’m not expecting for us to rush into anything. I would just ask that you allow me to be there for you and help you through whatever is holding you back.” He finished, moving to sit next to me on my bed.
   Knowing he was being honest with me caused the tears I was holding back to fall. “Thank you, and again I’m sorry I caused you any kind of pain. I can’t promise that I will ever be ready to be  anything more than friends but I’d be okay with getting closer.” I told him, looking in his direction with a sad smile.
   “That’s all I ask.” He responded, placing a hand on my cheek wiping away a tear that fell. “We will go at whatever pace you are comfortable. And if you wish to just be friends for the rest of our lives, who would I be to deny my soulmate’s wishes.” His sad smile shifted to his normal bright and happy one. At that moment I knew that no matter what happened, Kirishima would be there for me. His smile washed away my fears and slowly began to crack the walls I had put up around my heart.
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