#bond girl kim my beloved
live-from-flaturn · 1 year
Bond Girl Kim
Listen, I am sick and fucking tired of seeing all these hyper-competent Kim fics. I love them, and I will read every single one, but personally? We need some flavor. We need a little spice in our Kim characterization. So here’s my submission for the approval of The Midnight Society: Bond Girl Kim.
Kim works as a model and is absolutely fucking useless in the grand scheme of things. 
He’s the only member of his family who chose not to follow tradition and become a super-spy. 
Chay’s older brother joined the Secret Intelligence Initiative (or whatever their spy business is called) when he was a teenager and now Chay works in R&D.
Yes, that means Chay is Q.
And Tankhun is M.
Kinn is 007 and Porsche is 008. They are a badass team and have one of the highest success rates (also the most HR complaints for being seen in compromising positions).
Kim! In! Tiny! 1960′s! Men’s! Swimwear! Tiny pink striped shorts, that’s all I’m sayin’. 
This man is swooning, fainting, and passing out EVERYWHERE. If there’s a flat surface he can safely collapse onto, there he fuckin’ goes.
Zero braincells. Zero sense of self-preservation. He has been kidnapped by 18 separate terrorist organizations and he’s not about to stop falling for their “I lost my kitten” trap.
Chay is mostly annoyed with how often his bf gets tied up by other people.
I just think we should tie Kim to more train tracks and let him cry until his mascara runs. That’s all.
@just-slightly-chaotic, @eggwars and @fuckyeah-itme have been enabling me so far, but I have lots of ideas and would love to talk more about this. :D
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sweetcloverheart · 8 months
You know, thinking about it some more, by "Derision"'s own premise - Marinette should have absolutely hated (or at least distrusted) Adrien day one regardless of the Umbrella apology, because him being friends with Chloe would have been the major issue/deal breaker. The moment she hears he's Chloe's childhood friend, she would have been doing utmost to avoid him at every turn despite him being so nice to her (After all, Kim was nice to her too, and look what happened there) because all the apparent deepseated trauma Chloe's prank left her.
Also, by extension, the class would have distrusted him too (and Kim maybe)? This is a dude that's apparently besties with the girl who's been harassing them for years and made their beloved favorite classmate go through a super traumatizing event the year before. A good majority of Adrien's first few months at Francois Dupount should have been the miraclass all avoiding him and playing interference whenever he tried to interact with Marinette, with the only minor exceptions being Nino (Who is the goodest of boys and also wasn't in the same class as Mari and Co when it happened but really should know regardless considering Chloe videotaped it and put it online?), Alya (Who just transferred in and likely wouldn't know what's happening either), and Chloe+Sabrina (The former of whom is more than happy that the losers are keeping away from her precious Adrichou! More of him for her then!). (And maybe also Kim? He probably sees it as Adrien going through what he did after the prank and deciding to buddy up/help him out since "nobody here knows how to take a joke")
Meanwhile, Adrien would feel so confused and isolated because his class all just hates him for some reason and he has no clue what he might of did to make them all mad at him? And it just makes school feel like home except 100 times worst because at least he (thinks he) knows why his dad often ignores and avoids him. And speaking of, he can't go to him about the problem because he'll just use the class's actions as an excuse to lock him back up in the manor for homeschool because it just "proves" he was completely right about Adrien not being safe at public school, and Chloe's no good either because her "help" (i.e Calling daddy or the principal to take away a class privilege or get a trip/activity cancelled those mean losers made her precious Adrien sad - so fix it or else!) ends up just worsening the divide, so he's basically on his own except for Plagg (who sadly can't really intervene in a way that would actually solve the issue). It also ends up funneling into making his crush on Ladybug 220% more codependent because it's literally one of the very few relationships he has where he isn't being treated like a leaper, idol, or a nuisance...except it turns out she also hates Adrien - but that's fine, because Chat Noir hates Adrien too! Dude's just the worst, don't you think my lady? So everything fine because they can hate Adrien together and bond through that (self hatred and poor coping mechanisms go brrr~)!
Basically the first 2 and a half seasons should have played out like an "Enemies!AU" where Marinette and most of the Miraclass is convinced Adrien is Chloe's new vice chief bully and act accordingly as Adrien desperately tries (and fails) to make friends and figure out why everyone dislikes him so much, while the Ladynoir side has the two bonding over how much they hate that lame blonde modeling twink from the magazines.
...Ah crap, now I want to make an AU.
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― pairing : Seungmin x fem! reader ― content warnings : angst, fluff, smut, royals au, Seungmin is a Prince, reader is his most trusted knight, medieval settings, unprotected sex (wrap it up y’all), fantasy au ― word count : 5.480
― notes : this fic looks familiar?it is! I’m reposting ALL my works on this brand new blog and therefore please, bear with me! as always, askbox is always open and feedbacks are always welcome 💌
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Chris // Changbin // Jisung // Hyunjin // Seungmin // Minho // Felix part one | part two // Jeongin
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Kim Seungmin, a name you knew far too well.
Kim Seungmin, the soon to be King; but also, Kim Seungmin, your beloved bestfriend.
You and him knew each other since you were little, both your parents deciding that the two of you should grow up together in order to develop a strong bond based on friendship and loyalty which would definitely come in hand as soon as you’d be proclaimed his personal bodyguard- since your family had always served the Royal family like that. Truth to be told, your parents expected to give birth to a boy, but nonetheless, the King decided that even if you were a girl, you would have been trained for the same purpose.
Days turned into years, and the two of you gradually grew up, overcoming together even the most embarrassing stages of your adolescence, and completely becoming inseparable. People at the King’s court did not fail to express their disagreement with the fact that the personal guard of the only heir to the throne was a woman, but anytime it happened, both the King and Seungmin stood up for you.
«She comes from a well-respected family,» the King would answer, «I have good faith in her.»
«You have no idea of what she can do!» Seungmin would answer instead.
Eventually you proved your capabilities and your talent, deciding to spend most of your free time training yourself, and so, in your twenties, you proved yourself enough in battle to being assured both the title of Seungmin’s personal bodyguard, but also the Royal army’s Commander.
The rumours of a woman being not enough qualified for the job disappeared, and people respected you, the only complain being about your too-stoic behaviour.
What they did not know, is that Seungmin was the only one to see both sides of the coin. Seungmin’s behaviour – and therefore yours, immediately changed as soon as you were alone, and you’d spend your time laughing together until your stomachs hurt, sharing blankets, cuddles, and everything a couple of friends that had known each other for their own life would do. When you were alone, you and Seungmin would often lose yourselves in your own little world, where the two of youwere the only inhabitants.
Growing up, however, you could not help but notice that your feelings for Seungmin were slowly changing, constantly transforming until they finally took the shape of a crush, which sadly, quickly developed into love.
Spending your whole day with him didn’t help you suppress your feelings at all, and so you gradually grew attached to Changbin, your attractive and witty second in command, and finding yourself seeking for comfort in his wise words of advice. «You should never, ever, tell him.» Changbin had told you one night, while pouring you a glass of wine while you were discussing important matters in his private chambers; and of course, with “important matters”, you clearly meant “Seungmin”.
«Doll, don’t get me wrong,» Changbin quickly added, dropping any time of formality when the two of you were alone; his brows furrowed as you kept staring at your glass with a dejected expression. «I honestly wish for your love to become true but, we’re soldiers.» Your eyes met his over the table, and you quickly understood what he was about to say. «Unless we suddenly adopt the Vikings mindset – which would be extremely cool by the way, our hands are soaked with blood. Seungmin’s - the King’s or the Queen’s, are not, they’ll never be. At least, not directly.» Changbin’s words did not surprise you, since you have been thinking about the same things for a while, but you had to admit that hearing them out loud from someone which wasn’t the voice of reason in your head, actually hurt.
«We’re like the Sun and the Moon,» you sighed, finally sipping from your cup of wine. «How could I bring together two worlds when they’re so different?»
Changbin’s eyes locked with yours, a drunken smile on his face. «An eclipse.»
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«Why are you so unfocused today?» you questioned, as you effortlessly planted both Seungmin’s hands on the floor rather roughly, your body hovering above his.
Training together was a daily habit, over the years you both memorized the other’s technique so that it was actually a challenge to win against each other, but today Seungmin was definitely not himself. He let you disarm him during the first ten minutes, and even let you pin him on the floor without a fight. «What’s wrong?»
Seungmin sighed, the cloud of thoughts that enveloped his mind dissipating at your softer tone. He rolled the two of you around, so that he’d be the one to pin you on the floor. «Battle strategy, I won.»
You narrowed your eyes, «Seungmin,» you warned, and his hand hovered above your cheek, the ghostly touch sending shivers on your skin. Something was definitely wrong; it wasn’t unusual for the two of you to cuddle or hug, but if was definitely unusual for Seungmin to run his fingertips along your cheekbone as if he was almost scared to touch you, as if such a simple act was actually forbidden. Seungmin’s gaze bore into yours with an intensity you’ve never felt, your heart picked up pace as his face imperceptibly drew closer, and you instinctively tensed up.  
«My father wants me to get married, soon.» he mumbled with a strained voice, looking as if he was totally opposed to the idea for a moment.
«Oh.» was all you managed to answer. Seungmin arched his brows, definitely not used to his bestfriend being so quiet about important matters like this, especially regarding him. «What do you think about it?»
Despite the feeling of Seungmin’s body pressed flush against yours, your heart sank in your stomach, and you repeatedly tapped his side as soon as you managed to sneak one of your hands out of his strong hold, «Come on, buddy, training’s over.»
Seungmin’s confused expression only deepened, but he let you move him off you, so that you could stand up and gather your things as quickly as you could; you felt his eyes bore into your shoulders, since he probably was still waiting for an answer.
«You knew that it would have happened, sooner or later.» you answered, more to yourself than to him, hoping not to burst in tears since it would have been rather inconvenient to explain why you were crying.
With quick steps, you walked out of the training room, leaving a confused – and hurt, Seungmin calling for your name.
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A month had passed rather quickly, and you hated to admit that Seungmin’s fiancée was unquestionably beautiful, charming and adorable. The worst thing was that you could not bring yourself to hate her, since she had only been kind and respectful to you; even if you didn’t know it, yet, the two of you were more alike than you could originally have thought.
In fact, both you and the Princess would have given anything to be born with a different social status.
«I admire you so much,» she confessed with a tiny voice after she had approached you – standing on the side of the room, during a ball. «You’re a warrior! You must be so strong and elegant, too!» her eyes became as wide as child’s which was talking about her favourite tale. «I’d love to be in your place, even for a day.» you couldn’t help but sigh at her words, as she gently linked her arms with yours.
«Me too, Princess.» you admitted, your eyes scanning the room and immediately glancing at Seungmin, busy laughing with his friends; you and the Princess kept talking for most of the night, and she never failed to notice you and Seungmin stealing glances to each other.
The Princess started scheming an intricate plan that same night, her pretty doe eyes narrowed and a smug smile adorning her lips as she held your still linked arms closer to her frame in the same moment she saw her soon to be husband looking at his personal guard with the same adoration you’d look at your lover.
Contrarily to what you expected, you and the Princess became friends. She was easily entertained, and loved to hear the stories you have experienced on the battlefield; you also became friends with her lady in waiting, following her Princess like a shadow and you had to admit, sometimes you brought yourself to wonder about the bond the two of them shared.
Despite the fact that you were technically befriending your enemy on the unforgiving battlefield of love, you knew that you could never win and so, you gradually started to find happiness in the fact that for the first time in your life, you had a friend that wasn’t a boy.
Seungmin, however, started giving you mixed signals. He was happy that you and the princess got along, but he also felt extremely dejected; the realization that he’d have to get married, made him realize that the only woman he wanted to give his heart to, the only woman he wanted to be faithful to, was you.
There were days where Seungmin would run away from his meetings in order to spend time with you next to the river, pretend to be a fortune teller and reading your hand.
«A majestic Prince will swipe you off from your feet, one day.» he’d say, refraining from the instinct of intertwining his fingertips with yours and never let go.
«Seungmin,» you laughed, «I’m not qualified enough.» you mocked the words you’ve been hearing for years but this time, they held every bit of truth. As you were about to retreat your hand from Seungmin’s, he tightened his hold, falling silent as he silently held your hand and wordlessly stared into the water, his jaw clenched and looking somehow as if your words managed to hurt him.
Other times, Seungmin would treat you as your relationship was strictly business related; talking to you only when it was strictly needed or coldly dismissing you as soon as the both of you reached his personal’s chambers room. You silently went along with him, loving and cherishing every moment of kindness he showed you, but also hoping for your feelings to definitely dissipate into thin air before the engagement was officially announced.
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Another month had passed, and for your Kingdom, things dramatically changed; the King sadly announced you that you would lead the army in order to suppress a riot, which had quickly turned into a guerrilla, and consequently, couldn’t be solved peacefully anymore. The nearest Kingdom was attacking; declaring war to yours and taking advantage of these riots to furtherly increase the number of their soldiers.
«No.» Seungmin interrupted you; as you were about agree on the mission. Both yours and Changbin’s head turned to him at the speed of light, and your gaze locked with Seungmin’s intense one. «It’s too dangerous for her.» he spoke, his eyes never faltering from yours with such a desperation that almost made it difficult for you to breathe.
With a hammering heart, you furrowed your brows, confused by Seungmin’s strange attitude; you knew the possibilities to come back alive were almost inexistent but they have always been, and still, Seungmin never objected, not once. At least, not during an official meeting.
Changbin’s knee softly bumped against yours under the table, and you snapped out of your thoughts, noticing how everyone was staring at you.
«It’s my job, your Majesty.» you tried to keep a composed voice despite the whirlwind of emotions running into your soul, referring to Seungmin by using  his title, like every other time you were in public. Seungmin’s eyes widened in surprise and his brows furrowed; he wanted so desperately to convince you not to go, but the words died in his throat.
«The meeting is dismissed.» the King nodded at you and Changbin, «You’ll leave tomorrow in the morning.» he dismissed the both of you, but asked Seungmin to remain.
«The hell was that?» Changbin whispered at you, tightly gripping your elbow as soon as you were outside the council room.
«No idea.» you mumbled back, watching Changbin sneakily placing his ear against the heavy wooden door in order to hear what they were saying.
«They’re yelling!» he mouthed, aggressively pointing towards the door. The guards standing at the sides curiously glanced at him, but then decided to remain silent, knowing better not to get on Changbin’s bad side. «I can’t understand anything, for fuck’s sake.» he furrowed his brows, bending his knees as to try a better angle.
«Maybe near the keyhole…» he whispered, and you shook your head before grabbing his ear and starting to walk away, ignoring his pained whines.
Seungmin asked to meet you in his private chambers few hours later, and you gladly accepted, always preferring to stay away from the busy preparations of war; Changbin would have done everything superbly anyways. Seungmin didn’t tell you what he and his father talked about, and you did not ask, knowing that he would have eventually told you as soon as he was ready.
The two of you laid together on his big mattress as you did every time you’d be about to leave, Seungmin holding you impossibly close to his strong chest at the point where your breathing synchronized, and probably did your hearts, too.
«Promise you’ll come back,» Seungmin’s quiet mumble broke the peaceful silence of the room.
«I always do.» you mumbled back immediately, unaware that you’d cut Seungmin’s sentence halfway.
«To me. Come back to me, please.» Seungmin’s arms tightened around you, and you widened your eyes, confused; your heart picked up pace, and you shuffled, removing from his tight hold in order to sit on the bed and face him instead.
«Seungmin,» your heart was hammering in your chest at the point you felt it was getting hard to breathe, but you proceeded; you knew better than anyone that, despite your promises, your return was never granted, and with an imminent war coming up, you would rather face the enemy with a furious broken heart instead of a heavy heart full of unconfessed feelings. «I… Love you.» you mumbled, suddenly unable to look at him in the eyes.
«I love you, too.» you felt the bed shuffle, and Seungmin sat in front of you, mirroring your pose and reaching out to hold one of your hands; with a breathless chuckle, you shook your head, a lump forming in your throat.
«Not like that, Minnie.» you tenderly looked at him, calling him by the nickname you used when you were still kids. «I love you in the way I’m not supposed to, like a woman loves a man.» you finally managed to lock your gaze with Seungmin, which was looking at you like he had seen a ghost; his eyes were wide and his lips were slightly parted. Seungmin remained silent, and your heart sank deeper by each passing seconds, until you closed your eyes, sighing loudly.
«It’s okay, your Majesty.» you politely smiled at him, your walls building up by themselves, «I knew that, already.» you reached out to affectionately ruffle his hair, before climbing down the bed and taking your leave.
That night, Seungmin’s and the Princess’ engagement was publically confirmed.
Needless to say, being his bodyguard, you had to be there too, a fake smile plastered on your face as you congratulated them, Seungmin’s eyes looking anywhere but you.
That night, you broke down crying in Changbin’s arms, which remained silent, patiently caressing your hair and wiping your wet cheeks as you cried yourself to sleep.
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The following morning, you and Changbin sat on your horses, leading the army as the Royal Family and the villagers were ready to wish you good luck, accompanying you all the way through the city’s gates.
No matter how many times Seungmin tried to make eye contact with you; you kept your gaze strictly in front of yourself, your eyes swollen and your heart heavy.
«That was hot.» Changbin told you once you were far enough from the Capital. «Cool, but also hot.» you scoffed, sad smile on your face.
«It wasn’t. I’ve been an idiot.» you sighed, shaking your head at the thought of what happened the day before.
«I don’t think so,» he shrugged. «You didn’t look at him, but I did. And let me say that-»
«Changbin,» you turned towards him, and he immediately shut up at the sight of your teary eyes, mimicking to close his mouth with a lock and throwing away the key. «I’d rather talk about our upcoming duties.»
For the following three weeks and two days, Seungmin did not show up in your thoughts, not even once; the situation on the battlefield was alarming, and to say that the problem had been underestimated was a euphemism.
The enemy’s soldiers outnumbered yours, and you had spent your days restlessly fighting and protecting the small watch out defensive forts you managed to occupy. Both you and Changbin had been changing up strategies day by day, and the both of you grew stressed easily, also noticing that the soldier’s morale definitely weakened due to the unbalanced situation.
«If we get back alive, I’ll start a riot myself.» Changbin said, putting all his effort into keeping a calm surface when he probably wanted to set fire to the whole Castle out of spite. «That bastard of a King sent us out here on our funeral.» he spoke, his hands balled in fists and his knuckles almost white; you chuckled, humourlessly, agreeing with him.
It was indeed a suicide mission, and you allowed yourself thinking about Seungmin’s strong arms holding you close, one last time, before gathering your things and getting ready to join your soldiers on the battlefield. You were glad you and Changbin were on the same page: today’s battle would have been decisive for the decision regarding your retreat.
Swinging your sword, you managed to neutralize yet another one of your opponents, helping one of the soldiers that had been surrounded by enemies. Deep in your heart, you knew you would never win today’s battle; the soldiers were too tired, and the enemy clearly outnumbered you. As much as you hated declaring loss, the options were simple: retreat and have a small chance to get back home, or die on the battlefield. Your sword effortlessly sank in the stomach on another man, and you kicked him to the floor with a strained groan.
«Fall back!» you shouted at the top of your lungs, glad that the soldiers near you immediately repeated your command, and so you all quickly retreated. Hastily, you glanced around one last time, and Changbin appeared next to you with a worried shout, which did not reach your ears, as it should have.
Everything started to get blurry, and you gradually got dizzy; your grip around the sword’s handle loosened, and you glanced down to see a short blade perfectly lodged into your abdomen. Pain and darkness surrounded your senses and you collapsed, aware that Changbin was ready to catch you once again.
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Seungmin essentially spent the majority of his days staring outside of the window, waiting to see you coming back with a triumphant smile on your face as you leaded the army back home, as you always did every time. Once again, he shifted his position on his chair, before he heard one of the guards outside his door announcing that his fiancée was about to enter the room.
«Seungmin, we have to talk.» she told him, an unusual distressed tone in her voice, and he shifted his gaze on her. «I know you don’t have feelings for me.» she reached out, placing her hand above his on the chair’s handles.
Seungmin scoffed, an exasperated sigh leaving his lips as he threw his head back on the chair. «And?»
«And I don’t love you, either.» she finished with a polite smile as his head shot back and their gaze locked. «I’m in a relationship with my lady in waiting.» she carefully whispered her confession. «I’ve been cheating on you even before meeting you!» she smiled widely, and he faintly returned her smile. «I came here to tell you I want to help you, as soon as she comes back. We don’t love each other, but we’re still friends.»
«Thank you.» Seungmin said, placing his hand on top of hers, gratitude evident in his eyes. Seungmin couldn’t wait for you to come back home to confess his love for you, and so, he and his fiancée spent the entire morning creating a plan that could allow their Kingdoms to maintain the newfound peace, but also allow them to realize their love without suffering any further. She was about to answer, when a guard entered the room, informing you that the army was now crossing the castle gates, and Seungmin ran.
Seungmin rushed through the castle’s corridors like a mad man, and as soon as he was almost at the Castle’s gates, he was met with Changbin, riding on top of his horse and staring ahead with a dark look on his face. Seungmin’s eyes shifted on your white horse, pain squeezing his heart in a tight grip, as he did not catch any sight of you. You were not riding your horse, you were not walking among the few remaining soldier, and you were nowhere to be seen.
Suddenly, a small, wooden carriage that both yours and Changbin’s horse were pulling along caught his attention; an arm was dangling from the wooden surface, and Seungmin petrified.
Even if that person’s identity was hidden thanks to a blanket placed over their shape, Seungmin would recognize that armour anywhere, since he gave it to you as a present.
«Move.» Changbin’s tone was rough. It did not show empathy, nor respect. Seungmin could feel the pent up rage that was boiling in the boy’s blood.
«Is she-»
«I said move,» Changbin repeated, as if he was talking to a captured enemy soldier and not to the future King, the dark circles under his eyes now more evident as he finally returned Seungmin’s gaze. «Or she might as well be dead.»
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You woke up feeling as if a whole army had been using your body as a carpet to walk on; you couldn’t entirely remember what happened on the battlefield, but there was a white bandage covering up you abdomen, and the pain you were feeling was almost unbearable.
«You’re lucky you’re alive.» Changbin said as soon as he heard the news that you woke up. «That blade was poisoned.» he said, squeezing your hand as he sat on the small, wooden chair next to the bed.
«Well, that was an adventure.» you muttered, still feeling weak and already hating the feeling of the bandage around your abdomen.
«Adventure? I was so worried for you, I almost got fired!» Changbin whined, and you giggled.
«I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to almost die.» you sighed, and your friend simply leaned in to quickly kiss your forehead.
The second visit you received was Seungmin’s. Cowardly, you pretended to be asleep for half of the time he had been there, until he sighed, and hesitantly reached out to hold your hand.
«I can’t wait for you to wake up,» his voice gently said, as his thumb caressed your knuckles. Even if your first instinct was to intertwine your fingers with his as you always did, you prevented yourself from doing so, settling for enjoying the feeling of Seungmin’s warm hands holding yours. «So that I can confess to you properly, hoping to be still on time for you to say yes.» your heart picked up pace at his words, but you still kept your eyes closed.
«Truth was, you caught me completely off guard that time, and I had been talking with my father about annulling the engagement, because I love you. The marriage… It won’t be cancelled, but me and the Princess found a way to make everyone happy, guess how?» he chuckled, «The Princess has-no, I want to see your expression as I tell you but, long story short, we both love someone else.» you had to bite the inside of your cheeks not to smile. «And now, you can’t stop pretending to be asleep.»
Your eyes shot open with a groan, «I was good at acting!»
«You’ve always been terrible at it.» Seungmin smiled at you, tightening his hold around your hand.
«Tell me about the Princess.» you eyed him curiously, as your fingers finally interlocked together.
«Oh! She has a girlfriend.» he said, smiling at your eyes widening while an incredulous smile spread on your face. «Her lady in waiting.»
«No way!» you exclaimed, excited and happy with the news. «Now help me up, and tell me everything.» With gentle hands, Seungmin helped you in a sitting position, and told you that he and the Princess both decided to get married, but live their own sentimental life behind closed doors.
«I guess me and her maid will sink our sorrows in the wine that will be served at the wedding, then.» you sighed, and Seungmin held your hand a little bit tighter.
«Is that a yes?» he asked, hopeful eyes searching for yours.
«Yes, Seungmin.» you smiled, with a nod. «A thousand times yes.» Seungmin leaned in, kissing your lips with a soft peck, before smiling widely and mumbling a sweet «I love you.»
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One long year passed since that day; your wound totally recovered, and in exchange, you got yet another scar adorning your body. Seungmin saw you naked a countless times by now, and yet, he’d still take his time to kiss every scar on your skin, his gentle and soft lip making you shiver in reflex.
The guerrilla had been won thanks to the Princess’ Reign landing you their military forces, and you and Changbin came back from the battlefield with wide smile on your faces. Needless to say, as soon as you told Changbin about Seungmin’s plan, he couldn’t stop talking about it.
«What did I tell you back then?» Changbin smiled, hugging you close and spinning you around few times. «You needed an Eclipse!»
«Changbin!» you laughed, «It makes no sense, and you were drunk back then!»
«Tipsy. And still a genius.» you were glad to have Changbin as your friend, since sometimes you felt like he was happier than you were about it. Truth was, deep inside you knew that you risked your life on a daily basis, and the thought of not coming back to Seungmin made your heart sink in your stomach.
Seungmin and the Princess got married approximatively seven month after you came back injured, and you couldn’t help but giggle as the Princess’ lady in waiting gently elbowed you as they swore each other fidelity. Seungmin managed to glance at you as he spoke his vows, and you rolled your eyes at him, tilting your head and hiding a smile from unwanted eyes.
Seungmin and the Princess both insisted to re-arrange the dispositions of the rooms, so that yours and her lady in waiting’s would be at each side of their shared chambers; meaning that they both could sneak out to meet their lover without anybody knowing. Therefore, that’s how you spent your time. During the day, you would be occupying your position as Seungmin’s personal bodyguard, ignoring Changbin’s knowing gazes as you were trying to maintain a stoic posture, while at night, you were Seungmin’s lover.
Seungmin was both a gentle, passionate Prince as much as he was a gentle and passionate lover; whatever he did, he always made sure not to hurt you, and he always put your pleasure before his. At first, his hand would be draped over your mouth to muffle your too loud moans, but eventually, the King found out about your secret relationship as one day, a loud cough interrupted your make out session behind one of the Castle’s columns in the hallways. Seungmin had you pinned against the wall, one legs between yours, and you couldn’t be more embarrassed about it. Of course, the Princess had been called up immediately, and they both decided to confess.
The King’s face paled for a minute, before dismissing you all with a wave of his hand. «I want an heir. I don’t care how, but at least make me become a grandfather before you make me die of heart attack.» since then, he never said anything else about the situation, but indeed, he had been paying a little more attention to the four of you, finding a new source of entertainment among the court.
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Your nightgown danced around your legs as you walked over to Seungmin’s desk chair, his eyes travelling on your body since the nightgown’s fabric did not hide almost anything. With attentive hands, you grabbed Seungmin’s crown, admiring the precious stones adorning it, before placing it on top of your head and turning around to meet Seungmin’s gaze, still looking at you while leaning against the doorframe which connected your rooms.
«Does it suit me?» you asked, smiling at how Seungmin was looking at you. Seungmin was indeed taken aback, utterly dumb at the sight – at the sheer insolence of it, at the impossible beauty. His crown suited you perfectly, he thought. With slow steps, Seungmin moved closer to you, and you furrowed your eyebrows at his lack of answer. Seungmin’s careful fingers adjusted the crown on top of your head, and as you met your gaze, you felt almost devoured by the sheer lust and love you saw in them.
«Don’t ever let anyone but me see you like this.» Seungmin mumbled, as he admired once again the girl he has loved for his whole life wearing his crown and looking definitely too insolent, too beautiful – and entirely his.
Standing on your tiptoes, your hands sneaked around Seungmin’s neck as you hastily captured his lips in a passionate kiss, and he quickly held your waist, turning you around so that you would partially sit on his desk. Seungmin’s hands travelled along your legs, lifting your nightgown as they reached higher, and quickly scooped you up in his arms, causing you to squeal in surprise against his collarbone, which you were busy marking up. Seungmin effortlessly walked to your room with you in his arms, blindly closing the door behind the two of you. 
Seungmin laid you on the bed as your open-mouthed kisses set the pace for the rhythm of taking off each other closes, and that night, Seungmin let you ride him while wearing his crown on top of your head. Seungmin was sitting on the bed, balancing his weight with his left hand stretched out behind him, as his right one occasionally gripped your thigh, strained moans accompanied by nails sinking into your skin, or either to cup your jaw to connect your lips as the feeling of you moving so perfectly on top of him and leaving scratches along his back and his chest made him feel on cloud nine.
Needless to say, you felt the same; Seungmin’s hooded eyes would follow every move, looking at you like you were some sort of goddess, while his hands caressed your body, fondling your breasts or gripping your hair just to roughly connect your lips. Seungmin’s gaze went downwards, and you followed it; your wetness was spreading all over Seungmin’s hipbones, and you could not help but let out a moan at the sight of his length continuously disappearing inside of you at the pace you set.  
«So perfect,» Seungmin mumbled against your neck, voicing a strained moan as your orgasm unexpectedly washed over you as now both his hands were playing with your breasts. You sank down on his length, your head falling in the crook of his neck as you hugged him tightly, his crown falling on the mattress. The continuous feeling of you clenching around Seungmin triggered his orgasm as well, and he came with a low moan.
«Let’s use your crown every night from now on.» you panted, reaching out to toy with the jewel as both of you were still recovering from your post orgasm state. Seungmin chuckled over the sweaty skin of your neck, and you shivered.
«Give me ten minutes,» he mumbled, lifting his head to bite your earlobe. «And we can use it again.» your answer came under the form of a breathy, needy whine, as his hands roughly pulled your body against his.
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all works © lettersfromaphrodite
Do not modify, repost, translate or plagiarize my stories. I only publish my works on tumblr & AO3.
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kalena-henden · 11 months
These are all the shows I’ve watched in 2023 so far...
Alchemy of Souls: Light and Shadow - Fantastic finish to the story! Top 3 Kdrama.
Unlock My Boss - Chae Jong Hyeop shines as an aspiring actor who winds up taking the roll of a lifetime as the new CEO of a tech company when the soul of the previous CEO gets stuck inside his phone. Wild concept but fun found family, corporate intrigue, and a sweet little romance that brews between the young new CEO and his assistant.
The Forbidden Marriage - Top 5 Kdrama. If you want romance, comedy, angst, and alot of love, this is your show. I had so much fun and was rewatching while it was airing.
King2Hearts - An unlikely romance sparks between a South Korean prince and a top North Korean (female) soldier leads to potential reconciliation between their two countries that is threatened by a crazy arms dealer whose cover is a magician. This a James Bond inspired, enemies to lovers, family dynasty, international war games drama. The unhinged villain has his own lair and minions but the only one who can match his off kilter mind games is the wily prince, who is equal parts smart, asshole, and lovable. The North Korean soldier is one of the only one’s who can go toe-to-toe with the prince to eventually bring out the best in him as they fall in love that is literally ride or die. There’s also a secondary romance with the princess and a royal guard. I loved parts of this and liked the rest.
Poong the Joseon Psychiatrist (S1 & S2) - I’m a big Kim Min Jae fan. He shines as a medical doctor who experiences trauma that drives him to suicide. He is saved by a passing noble woman and a short while later he saves her from suicide due to her own trauma. Both of them end up working at a rural clinic with another exiled doctor to treat the locals physical needs but also begin a new practice to treat people’s mental health needs as they try to recover from their own traumas. I loved S1 but S2 brought on some annoying new antagonistic love interests. It is a happy ending though.
Lighter & Princess - A poor computer programing genius clashes with an ambitious rich girl in his college classes but sparks fly when they vie for control of the school’s entrepreneurial programming club leading to unlikely but hard won romance. This was excellent. 
Love to Hate You - A brash entertainment lawyer gets entangled with a romance actor who keeps his distance from women due to a trauma. A bit over the top, lots of role reversals but also fun. I liked it but didn’t love it. 
A Very Secret Service (Au Service De La France) - This a dry, witty French comedy about espionage and spies in the 1960s. Quirky and enjoyable with good character development. 
Taxi Driver (S1 & S2) - Lee Je Hoon leads this team of vigilantes who try to root out the evils of society for individuals in crisis that they were never able to do for themselves. The cases are mostly based on real life events. Violent, emotional, satisfying. I love this found family. 
Crash Course in Romance - A beloved, handsome math academy professor falls for the single mother of one of his students leading to an uproar amongst the parents. There’s a cute love triangle with the daughter and her classmates (I’m Team Geonhu) and a unsatisfying serial killer plotline. 
Gaus Electronics - This is an over the top, quirky, office comedy. It’s so crazy, especially at the beginning, that it’s almost too much but it’s smart and fun with an unlikely enemies to lovers romance that is quite sweet.
The Heavenly Idol - A high priest from another realm in the middle of a battle with the devil unexpectedly switches places with a failed idol grasping for his last chance at success. Kim Min Kyu is a great fish out of water but the story is a bit all over the place. I like his sweet healing romance with the band’s new manager though.
The King: Eternal Monarch - Parallel worlds, time travel, doppelgängers. Lee Min Ho, Kim Go Eun, Woo Do Hwan. There were some great concepts and good execution but it lacked the follow through to make it truly satisfying. 
Dr. Romantic (S1, S2, & S3) - Top 10 Kdrama. A small town hospital where a visionary maverick doctor, Master Kim, mentors 30-something year old doctors with his unorthodox methods while they fall in love with each other. It has a huge found Doldam Family with the hospital workers of all ages and their complex relationships with each other. I love this show!
Our Blooming Youth - Park Hyung Shik leads this Joeson-era mystery romance. It’s okay but it’s too slow and doesn’t develop the characters enough. It should have been 16 episodes, not 20. 
Call It Love - Introverted adults in their 30s try to overcome childhood trauma inflicted by their parents as they unwittingly fall in love while working together. This one is slower, complex and compelling. It’s one of my favorite dramas of 2023.
Please Don’t Date Him - I watched this solely for Lee Junyoung as a young firefigher who falls in love with a woman who works with A.I. in home appliances and stumbles upon a government spy program. It’s a light comedy if you’re looking for fluff. 
Find Me in Your Memory - An actress who’s lost her memory and an anchorman who can never forget fall in love. I mainly watched this because of the actors cameo as these character in Sh**ting Stars. It was okay.
Healer - I know this is a fan fave but I liked it, didn’t love it. 
Bora! Deborah (True to Love) - So much potential but a bit of a let down. I like both Yoo In Na and Yoon Hyun Min.
When the Weather is Fine - I was here for the small town romance with the local bookstore owner and the fun found family of their all ages book club. However, the last third of the story wallowed in the revealed family trauma too much and lost sight of everything else. 
Tale of the Nine-Tailed 1938 - When this was on point, it was compelling, funny and so much darn fun! There was bromance, romance, adventure, healing, friendship, and battles both personal and national. It had some slow times but overall Lee Dong Wook was clearing having the time of his life and Kim Bum stole the show as Lee Rang came into his own. 
Thirty But Seventeen - 10/10. Top 5 Kdrama. A teenage violinist gets into an accident and wakes up from her coma 13 year later to find the world vastly different. This was so much darn fun, great found family, cute romance, angst, and healing. Even when it was sad, I was so happy watching it. Shin Hye Sun, Yang Se Jong, and Ahn Hyo Seop are fantastic!
Something in the Rain -  I wanted so much to like noona romance with Son Ye Jin and Jung Hae In but man did it drag. Her mother is especially heinous. I completed it which was difficult.
See You in My 19th Life - I weirdly dislike-watched this in one weekend cause I wanted to see what all the fuss was about. It was okay. There were some interesting things about it with the relationships and past lives stuff but not for me.
King the Land - Lee Junho acted his heart out in this fluffy romcom and Im Yoona was a worthy partner in crime. I came to have a good time and they gave it to me. 
Heartbeat - Ok Taecyeon did a good job of carrying this unsteady vampire show that had some good moments but didn’t deliver on its premise. 
Legend of the Blue Sea - I really do like Lee Min Ho. He has a casual charisma that is undeniable. Jun Ji Hyun was an excellent literal fish out of water. While I liked the intertwining of the past and present lives, the story never quite hit the mark for me. Liked it, didn’t love it.
Never Have I Ever (S4) - This show never let me down. A satisfying finale season!
Meteor Garden (2018) - I needed more Dylan Wang after Love Between Fairy and Devil. This was an unexpected crazy fun ride. It was so outrageous at times. It inspired me to one day watch all the adaptations of Boys Over Flowers, as I’ve already seen 3 now. 
Hidden Love - A slow burn, age gap romance between a college girl and her older brother’s longtime friend. I really liked this but I wasn’t in love with it like everyone seems to be.
Nadiya’s Time to Eat - A fave Great British Bake Off winner’s cooking show. Inspiring.
Nadiya Bakes - And her baking show too.
Shadow and Bone (S2) - I think it improved on some things from the first season but they really crammed the second two books into one and some of Six of Crows too. Still a bit too fast-paced but I enjoyed it.
The Night Agent - An FBI agent gets an emergency call that starts a race to find a government mole and protect the informant. I binged this almost straight through. A good watch.
Queen Charlotte - This Bridgerton spinoff sheds light on royal power dynamics, mental illness, and social and racial divides.
LuLaRich - This is a compelling documentary on the rise and fall of Lularoe’s multi-level-marketing scheme. A must watch.
Sweet Magnolias (S3) - This is a comfort drama. I’m just here checking in to see how the little town is doing.
Star Trek: Picard (S3) - Showrunner Terry Matalas brings some of his 12 Monkeys (the tv series) magic to the final reuniting of the Next Generation cast while setting up a compelling potential Legacy spinoff.
My Lovely Liar - I enjoyed the romance between Hwang Minhyun and Kim So Hyun but the show itself is okay.
Destined With You - Magic, Curses, Past Lives, Symbolism, Spells, Fated Love. I thought it was going to be the next great fantasy romance but it chucked the fantasy halfway through and left a million unanswered questions at the end. At least we got a decent romance, even if the story lost its way. A big disappointment for me but I would recommend to see Rowoon acting his heart out in a cute romance.
The Uncanny Counter 2 - I was back to see the demon hunters fight for their humanity and loved ones again.
Celebrity - A solid takedown of influencer culture with mystery, intrigue, and a tiny bit of romance.
It’s Okay Not To Be Okay - I’ve been hearing about how good this drama is forever and it lived up to expectations. Great characters and development. I was surprised at how funny it was and enjoyed the romance too. Highly recommend.
True Beauty - This has been on my list for a long time and I needed more Cha Eun Woo while waiting for new episodes of A Good Day To Be A Dog. A great high school romcom with angst about a girl bullied for her acne getting a second chance at a new school who turns into a ‘goddess’ when she learns to do her own makeup. Love the romance, bromance and friendships! I love the second male lead as a character but never got second lead syndrome because I loved the main romance. I enjoyed the whole way through. 
Beckham - A docuseries about soccer (football to the rest of the world) star David Beckham that made you feel like you had front row seat to his past triumphs and struggles through the reflective lens of the present.
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dangermousie · 1 year
I have been feeling in the mood for rewatching something very melo and old-school and of all possible dramas, the one that comes to mind is delightfully melo 2004 kdrama Say You Love Me with very young Kim Rae Won. 15 eps of deliciousness. The plot is take Dangerous Liasons but make it wholesome ie the best thing ever.
Kim Rae Won and Yoon So Yi are a pure and unworldly couple brought up by Buddhist monks who consider holding hands the height of sexual ecstasy. Alas, they end up in the Big City of Sin and things are about to go pear-shaped as they meet Yina, who the drama tries to claim is more complex than what she really is - a batshit secondary girl so beloved by old kdramas and yours truly. She becomes KRW's boss but does not like seeing all that pure and happy love so she asks her hot friend with benefits to seduce the girl while she decides to work on Kim Rae Won. Honestly, I watched this over a decade ago, so all I remember is monks, KRW's cheeks, happy ending with bicycles and the below scene where Lady Cougar finally gets her claws into Buddhist Virgin. (@aysekira is now groaning because I shared it with her earlier.)
So, our pure as the driven (or more aptly never driven) snow KRW brings his drunk boss to her house.
He: OK, I brought my supposedly drunk boss home, can I go now to dream of butterflies and puppies? She: I have Kim Rae Won in my house! In other words, not so fast, buster! I know the lighting is arthouse but this drama ain't!
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He: OK, I really need to go home, my equally virginal gf is coming back in the morning! Maybe she will let me get to the second base, I must be ready.
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She: I can talk or take my top off. It's a kdrama, so I'll talk.
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Does she mean she is into bdsm? Well, at least she is being honest, even if he doesn't seem to be happy with it.
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At this point, even almost a monk dude is realizing something is way off and trying to steer it into safer channels.
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Seriously, adorable! I want to pinch his cheeks! So does she, even if it's a different set of cheeks.
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God, I miss the craziness of old school secondary girls. They were so unhinged and glorious! Also, clearly there was no sexual harassment and hostile environment claims in old timey kdrama Korea because she's not just any cougar, she's his boss! (If you ask me what job monk educated dude of monkishess could possibly, I will frankly admit that I do not remember, and cannot honestly imagine.)
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We have all so been there with truly awkward convos with insane people.
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OK, I laughed. She literally pounces on him from behind like a demented bear. Btw, the fact that they are wearing about 17 layers of clothing makes it even more surreal. Between them they are exposing about three inches of skin total and that includes the noses.
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Meanwhile, in case we don't get the irony, his Pure Girlfriend is gazing lovingly at his necklace and thinking 'I love my boyfriend because he'd never give up the jewel he promised to Jesus Buddha to anyone but me. Certainly not the sleazy boss lady who must have more STDs than James Bond'
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Meanwhile, at the Den of Sin, Buddhist Virgin tries to extricate himself. However, he is surprisingly non-efficient for a man who's a foot taller and a good 100lb heavier. Even if his Buddhist principles prohibit punching her in the kisser, surely he can shove her or something. Or just fall backward on top of her and smoosh her.
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And then she goes for the kill. I note that despite his clenching his fist in emotional agony, soon he's macking on her quite thoroughly with his mouth. That is what happens when you get abstinence only education and never enjoy yourself despite healthy libido. Your poor hormones probably go "quick quick before his beliefs suppress us again, this is our only chance!"
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Birds and bees indeed! (Also, I see where your hands are, buster. They are around Ms. Cougar!)
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(I half expected it to be a rose and for it to wilt or at least a petal to fall off, iykyk)
In the morning after, she is enjoying her beauty sleep and he's understandably freaking out. (Sinfully, he is now down to mere two layers of clothing and secondary girl, to show her sluttiness, is down to merely one!)
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OK, I like to make fun but I do genuinely feel bad for the kid especially since I am much much older than I was when I first watch this drama and I just want to cut crusts off his sandwiches, tell him to avoid strange women and carry mace or something.
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He bolts from her touch and she is genuinely surprised. I am not sure why as he's a devout dude with a serious girlfriend; if she wanted a more pleasant end to her night, she should have dragged in a character played by Jang Ki Yong, who's sort of made a niche for a younger hunk rejoicing in casually being banged by older ladies. (If you want to feel really old, Jang Ki Yong was 11 when this drama came out. You are welcome.)
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If you think this face means realized this was a dumb choice and unlikely to lead to anything good, you are not familiar with old time kdramas. I genuinely do not get her obsession because sure KRW is cute as hell but the sex couldn't have been much good and he generally treats her as a leper.
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His gf comes home but he doesn't meet her because he is too dirty and unworthy to see her!
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And then they talked it out and worked it out.
Ha!!!! This is a 15 ep drama, we are only getting started baby!
So yeah, watch me rewatch this insanity.
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pandorasword · 2 years
Chaeri as the 8th and youngest member of BTS.
「 Chaeri's Masterlist on my blog 」
꧁ Chaeri's Team
⋆ 007 Oppa | Bodyguard
We know that the number of bodyguards assigned to BTS over the years has increased at the same rhythm as their success, reaching an estimated number of almost 200 hired by the company. At the beginning of their career, however, there were very few people assigned to provide security for the band members. To this day, almost all of them still have a contract with Big Hit.
Among them, someone who has always been noticed by fans is the one who became Chaeri's personal bodyguard over time. His identity was never revealed to protect his privacy, which is why he always wore a mask to cover half his face. However, this didn't stop him from being widely known for his special bond with the youngest of the BTS, to whom he seemed to devote all his attention during work hours (and often further). Indeed, the two seemed to have developed a genuine friendship rather than a straight professional link as time went on.
Chaeri even asked him to stop being always in uniform and to wear what he liked whenever they didn't have to be at some formal event. She started referring to him as 007 Oppa as a joke, when one day they ended up watching the famous James Bond movies together, which is why the Armys refer to him by the same nickname.
Being an indispensable part of her life and a close friend, Chaeri has never been too hesitant to post him on her social media as well.
They had many years to get to know and to care about each other, so much so that they considered themselves family, at least until Chaeri fired him shortly before the year 2019 began. It seems it was actually him who told the company's wrong people about her affair with Jungkook, destroying her relationship and the trust she placed in him after spending almost every day with him for five years. When she saw him after finding out what he had done, in a burst of anger was about to throw hands at him, but Namjoon stopped her in time.
They have not seen each other since then
Bonus* Posts uploaded by Chaeri when he was still her bodyguard + How he took care of her
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⋆ Jung Dae-Hyun | Bodyguard
◌ Her new bodyguard; ◌ She trusts him but has decided not to create any emotional attachment, recovering from her previous experience; ◌ Extremely professional and mature in his work; ◌ An absolute gentleman.
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⋆ Kim Sena | Manager
◌ Her personal manager; ◌ She is 40 years old but looks the same age as Chaeri; ◌ She is always seen dressed in a white jacket, it's her trademark; ◌ Her life mission is to ensure that Chaeri is respected in the same way as the male members of the group; ◌ She looks like she could kill you and indeed she would, except if you are her beloved Chaeri; ◌ She doesn't let anyone mess with her, just like her protected; ◌ They radiate the same energy.
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⋆ Lee Ha-Neul | Vocal Coach
◌ Softness personified; ◌ Since Chaeri's debut, she has been her vocal coach and has helped her to improve so much in her singing skills; ◌ She is a mama bear; ◌ Whenever they are in the studio, before they start on their work, she asks her how her day went and if she feels like chatting for a few minutes; ◌ Her daughter is Chaeri's biggest young supporter.
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⋆ Choi Mi-Hi | Stylist
◌ Her trusted assistant, they spend most of their time poking and joking with each other; ◌ This woman fully understands Chaeri's need to dress maturely, and hell, she creates drool-worthy outfits for her; ◌ She loves to see her rebellious behaviour against the other members and laughs about it under her breath, she is so proud of her little girl.
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⋆ Park Hayoon | Nutritionist
◌ If Chaeri claims not to be afraid of anyone, well there is one exception: HER; ◌ This woman is her nightmare; ◌ Chaeri has lost count of how many times she has been scolded for not following the diet on which she spent so much time and dedication in shaping; ◌ No personal attachment, she sees the bare minimum.
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Credits to the owners of the pics/gif
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jiminsproof · 11 months
For the ask! 💜
1 (with Ateez), 11 (with BTS), and 18 (with your top 3 groups)
Hi Kayla, happy to have you in my inbox!! Thank you sm for sending sweetheart 🫂💗 Hope that you have been well 💗
1. Top 3 songs: Ateez
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Listen I have no idea how to approach this, so I'll write down top 3 songs rn and top 3 songs that I always end up going back to. I am having a mental breakdown. 56 dead 7 injured. Ateez discography my beloved
top 3 rn: outlaw, wonderland, precious (bonus: this world I LOVE YOU THIS WORLD I'M SO SORRY, also I'm pretty sure Outlaw or This World may be the most listened to song this year if I keep this up.....)
top 3 in general: guerrilla (i am a guerrilla enjoyer first, human second), good lil boy (kim hongjoong genius), take me home (THE SAX. THE YEARNING)...... honorable mentions: inception!!!!!!!, the leaders, halazia, sunrise (JUST KEEP IT UP!!!).... ok I need to stop
11. Best dynamic between members? - Bangtan
GOD NOOO I LOVE EACH AND EVERY DYNAMIC!?!?!?! But my favourites from the beginning have been Sope & Jikook, their bonds are so precious 😭😭💗 SHOUTOUT TO NAMGI AND VMIN THOUGH LITERALLY I WANT WHAT THEY HAVE
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18. I became a fan because... (my top 3 groups)
Bangtan - first because I was shocked by how amazing Dionysus is and it prompted me to check out more of their songs (SHOUTOUT TO JUNG HOSEOK THE MASTERMIND), and so it happened they had perfect lyrics and messages for the time I was currently in (I was in therapy at the time). Cypher 4 was something that really helped me to get into the right mindset at the time. And then because I fell in love with the bonds between the members and how hilarious they are!!
Ateez - I REMEMBER SEEING THEIR PERFORMANCE OF DEJA VU. I literally could not believe how amazing they were on stage and most of all how EXPRESSIVE. Then I absolutely fell in love with Fever pt. 1, still one of my favourite kpop albums ever. Thanxx especially was exactly what I needed at the time!! THEN THEN I started watching content with them and I was struck by how much I could learn about the industry and how they openly talked about conflicts, difficulties and their individual dreams. It was very refreshing to see a young group being so open (about certain things and to an extent, of course) and also so firm with their boundaries - with "fans" (GO SANNIE TELL THEM!!! sorry) and people who copy them or downplay their work. They rarely keep quiet when they're pissed and I seriously respect them for it. OK ATEEZ ESSAY OVER
Gidle - best lyrics in kpop (why are you booing me I'm right????? READ LYRICS TO HWAA DON'T THROW TOMATOES @ME). As I'm an avid reader of all poetry, my jaw literally fell to the floor when I read lyrics to Lion and Oh My God. I started to stan them after listening to I Trust, which is an absolute masterpiece of an album. I have the greatest respect for them for being a self-produced group, and when I discovered them I felt that I was searching for a girl group like them ever since I started exploring kpop.
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send me one of the numbers from this list and a group. 💗
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scattered-stardust · 2 years
top 5 big and/or tankhun scenes?
I'm just gonna do both, I've also not watched kinnporsche in a while, so it's possible that I forget some, but let's get into it.
HItting Vegas with a tray (100/10 scene, -1 should have hit harder)
Him talking to Kim by the pond. (brotherly bonding, or something like it)
Forcing his bodyguards into watching a horror movie.
Suggesting that they should just kill Tawan. (older brother willing to do anything for his younger siblings supremacy)
When he kicks Kinn after Kinn says he loves Porsche (supportive big brother supremacy)
I just need more of their sibling interactions.
Big: (my beloved)
don't hurt me for this, but when he gets shot and tells Porsche to take care of Kinn. It's the devotion alright? It just him taking a bullet for a man he despises because the man he loves, loves that man. I'm fine about that scene, I AM
Debating over if he should just kill Tawan right here and now. (ep9)
When he and Ken are giving Porsche a tour of the compound and they're doing their mean girl routine. (ep2) Ken and Big doing their mean girl routine is just always so fun to watch.
When he laughs at Porsche dressed up as a mermaid. (He's smiling!!!!!!!!)
When he's talking to Kim in episode 3. I have a lot of thoughts about that interaction and I'll be dissecting every little thing about it at some point. (probably just for myself)
I think these are my top 5 for each of them.
(Still sad that they don't have an actual scene together)
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cyarskaren52 · 1 year
Vanderpump Rules’ Ariana Madix spills NSFW details about ex Tom Sandoval and Raquel Leviss’ steamy affair in new video
Katie Francis
Published: 11:21 ET, May 16 2023
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ARIANA Madix has shared some shocking facts about her ex partner's affair.
The Bravo star revealed some unbelievable discoveries in a teaser for the Vanderpump Rulesfinale.
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5Ariana Madix went into detail about the sordid events of Tom Sandoval's affair in a clip from the Vanderpump Rules season finaleCredit: Getty
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5The star revealed that the affair supposedly started right after she left a girls' trip to be with her beloved dog, Charlotte, for her final momentsCredit: Bravo
A video shared by the @bestofbravo account on Instagram showed Ariana opening up to her friends about the affair between Tom Sandoval and Raquel Leviss.
Her co-stars sat around her, as one prompted: "Tell me everything."
The 37-year-old revealed: "So I went with Tom to TomTom [his bar] because he had that party thing. I found a screen recording of them on Facetime."
As her reality TV pals made noises of shock, Ariana expanded: "It was literally from the night before. He was at Schwartz's. 
"That's when I called Raquel, and I started making her f**king tell me like what the f**k, when did this start?"
Ariana continued: "She said, 'Right after the girls' trip,' I'm like, 'You mean right after Charlotte died.'"
A throwback showed a distraught clip of Ariana finding out that her dog was about to die while away with her girlfriends seven months earlier.
Expanding further into Raquel's explanation, Ariana said: "So she said they kissed. Well later that night when we were out here I pressed Tom; he said they actually f**ked in her car that night.
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"And he didn't have a key to get in, so he had to ring the doorbell and I had to let him in."
In the same clip, Ariana explained how Tom, 39, reacted to his affair coming out.
She said: "My emotions were obviously all over the place, and he was angry at me.
"Angry! At me!" she emphasized in disbelief.
Tom's conduct with Ariana after she found out about his cheating was also previously blasted by fans.
Recently, Vanderpump Rules followers became furious after Tom "blamed" Ariana for his affair in an interview.
After Tom stated that he felt the relationship was "not fair," critics quickly aired their thoughts on Twitter.
One person said: "Dig a deeper grave, bro. Keeeeep digging. It’s so entertaining watching him embarrass himself blindly…"
"It’s so sad that Sandoval thinks he can hurt Ariana even more. So selfish," wrote another.
In March, TMZ reported that Tom and Ariana broke up amid allegations that he was unfaithful and had an affair with her Vanderpump Rules co-star Raquel Leviss.
That same month, sources told Page Six that Tom and Raquel had their affair for months before the cheating scandal broke.
Soon after at Coachella, Ariana was spotted making out with a man revealed to be fitness coach Daniel Wai, and it seems the romance didn't end in the desert.
TMZ obtained photos of the duo kissing curbside at LAX, suggesting that the bond between them may be growing.
This month, Yahoo reported that Ariana even visited Daniel in New York to celebrate his birthday.
On May 2, both lovebirds posted photos from the New York Yankees game they attended together. One day after, Daniel posted a photo of himself and Ariana holding hands at a romantic dinner.
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5Even more shockingly, Tom admitted that he and Raquel Leviss had sex in a car outside the home he shares with Ariana, before ringing the doorbell so she could let him inCredit: Bravo
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5Ariana reportedly split from Tom soon after the revelations, but explained how Tom was 'angry' with her despite his misdoingsCredit: Getty
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5Since the 'emotional' events, Ariana has been spotted kissing fitness coach Daniel Wai, and even visited him in New York this monthCredit: Instagram
Sent from my iPhone
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taetaesangel · 2 years
SOMEHOW I MISSED THIS ??? I feel so honored omg 🥹 thank u nana ily !!!!
Tag game and tagged by sweetest ever @bitchlessdino
rules: write down your top 10 biases and answer the following questions.
No order to mine! Limiting to two per group or it’d just be like two groups LMAO
1. Taehyung (BTS)
2. Jimin (BTS)
3. Seokmin (Seventeen)
4. Minghao (Seventeen)
5. Haseul (LOONA)
6. Kim Lip (LOONA)
7. Juyeon (The Boyz)
8. Seonghwa (Ateez)
9. Mina (Twice)
10. Chaeyoung (Twice)
1. between 1&4 who would you rather kiss?
MY GOD starting off strong 😵‍💫 okay okay, while tae is my ultimate bias and the loml I *do * think about hao’s lips way too often …. so minghao ✨
2. Between 2&7 who would be your best friend?
oof gotta be jimin, i don’t think i could stay friends with juyeon (like i don’t think we’d click in a platonic way if that makes sense??) … jimin and i would easily bond over chisme and our sense of humor, for sure
3. Between 5&10 who has the better voice?
ahghhh chae is my girl and is a real ace but haseul for sure has the best voice, have you heard that woman sing?? she could make twinkle twinkle sound like a masterpiece
4. Between 1&8 who is the funniest?
lol neither are drop dead hilarious on their own but there would never be a dull moment with tae 😭 like he’d pull a face and have me dying
5. Between 6&9 who would you date?
BITCHSGFGG okay lippie is THAT girl but something abt mina has always charmed me, from my earliest days into kpop…i’d be a nervous wreck but taking her on a date would be my greatest accomplishment 😭
6. Between 9&10 who would you do a collaboration with?
A MICHAENG SUBUNIT WOULD EAT, CAN’T WE HAVE THAT INSTEAD <//////3 i guess in an alternate universe where i pursued music i’d love to work with chaeng, she’s so creative and fun and i think working on smth in the studio would be so fun with her !!
7. Between 4&8 who is the better dancer?
not these sexy lanky b^tches 😭 this is so hard wait, bc obviously hao has this incredible background in bboy and shines in performance team, BUT HWA can absolutely hold his own and is an incredible performer in ateez …. omg ok after careful consideration i think i’d vote for seonghwa (i’m surprised too!) bc his talent plus his stage presence and expressions make him so captivating every time he’s on stage
8. Between 3&5 who would you most likely marry?
BOTHBOTHBOTHBOTH PLEASE GOD 😭 seokmin or haseul ……… phewwww 😥 they’re both perfect marriage material, that’s wild …. ok for a) the superficial reason that i’m straight and b) the fact that he’s my ideal type, i have to go for seokmin (as if you have to try hard to convince me LOL) but haseul my beloved, call me anytime !!
9. Between 1&7 who would you nurse when they are sick?
my heart <333 ok i feel like tae would be so annoying LOL he’d be so needy but also frustrating to work with, like doing what he wants and juyeon… *dreamy sigh* he’d be so pliant and sweet, wanting to get well and listen to my directions and stare into my eyes …. OKAY NEXT-
10. Between 2&3 who has the better smile?
IMPOSSIBLE …. jimin or seokmin???? sweet angel lovely baby or bright eyesmile sunshine boy ??? just purely based on serotonin levels, it has to go to jimin because his happiness is mine … but they’re such different smiles that this question is so silly to me idk onto the last !!
11. Between 6&8 who would you vacation with?
OH B a vacation with kim lip would be so fun, we’d have a blast 😭😭 she’s such a dork and loves to have fun visiting places but also she’d be down to chill and have downtime, yeah i’m picking her for sure hehe
this was my first ask thing!! thank u again nana for the tag <3 makes me feel like i actually have friends on this app lol (sob)
ok i can only tag writers i love bc idk anyone else so guys! if u see this feel free to ignore bc you’re busy on here but ily and hope you’re well!!
@ssentimentals @husbandhoshi @sluttyminghao
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b-oovies · 3 years
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todos os doramas estão em ordem alfabética.
observação: se algum link não estiver funcionando, por favor, avise na ask, que iremos mudar o link.
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3 Will Be Free
A Good Day to Be a Dog
A Love So Beautiful
A Shop for Killers
A Shoulder to Cry On
Adult Trainee
All Of Us Are Dead
All That We Loved
Amor e Casamento
At a Distance, Spring is Green
Bad Girlfriend
Being a Hero
Big Mouth
Bitch X Rich
Bora! Deborah!
Boss-dol Mart
Boys Over Flowers
Cherry Blossoms After Winter
Cheer Up
Cherry Magic!
Cupid's Last Wish
Cutie Pie
Daily Dose of Sunshine
Dear X Who Doesn't Love Me
Death's Game
Delivery Man
Descendants of the Sun
Destined With You
Dr. Romantic - 1º temporada
Duty After School
Extraordinary Attorney Woo
Family: The Unbreakable Bond
Finland Papa
Handsome Stewardess
Happy Merry Ending
Hit The Spot
Hometown Cha-Cha-Cha
Individual Circumstances
Intensivão do Amor
I Told Sunset About You
It's Okay to Not Be Okay
Juvenile Justice
Kieta Hatsukoi
King The Land
La Casa de Papel: Coreia
Lies Hidden in My Garden
Light On Me
Little Women
Love All Play
Love in Contract
Love To Hate You
Love Tractor
Manner Of Death
Marry My Husband
Mask Girl
May I Help You?
My 20th Twenty
My Lovely Liar
My Only 12%
My Secret Romance
Nevertheless (Apesar de Tudo, Amor)
Night Has Come
Not Others
O Indomável
Oh My Ghost
Our Beloved Summer
Our Dining Table
Pandora: Beneath the Paradise
Perfect Marriage Revenge
Persona: Sulli
Pretendente Surpresa
Reborn Rich
Revenge of Others
Round 6
Save Me
School 2017
Sell Your Haunted House
Semantic Error
Singles Inferno 3
So I Married An Anti-fan
Soundtrack #1
Strangers Again
Strangers from Hell
Strong Girl Nam-soon
Strong Woman Do Bong-soon
Summer Strike
Suspicious Partner
Sweet Home
Tale of the Nine Tailed
Taxi Driver
Tell Me That You Love Me
The Deal
The Director Who Buys Me Dinner
The End of The World With You
The First Responders
The Glory
The Good Bad Mother
The Heavenly Idol
The K2
The Kidnapping Day
The Killing Vote
The King of Pigs
The Love You Give Me
The Novelist
The Worst Evil
Today's Webtoon
Tokyo Love Story
To My Star 2
True Beauty
Twinkling Watermelon
Vice Versa
W - Two Worlds
Week Hero Class
Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim
Yumi’s Cells
Yumi’s Cells 2
Youth of May
241 notes · View notes
If you had to choose one performer for every Cats role using only those you've seen live + 1998 recording, who would they be?
AGH OK (also i slipped in some 2019 actors bc i love them)
Admetus/George: Dominic Fortunato
Alonzo: Bluey Robinson
Asparagus: Tony Timberlake
Bombalurina: Rosemarie Ford
Bustopher Jones: James Barron
Cassandra: Mette Towley
Coricopat: Jaih Betote
Demeter: Lauren Louis, no question about it
Electra: Caitlin Bond
Etcetera: Jo Bingham
Exotica: Femi Taylor 😭😭😭 beloved
Grizabella: Elaine Paige
Gus: Ian Mckellan
Jellylorum: Susan Jane Tanner
Jemima: Brianna Kim
Jennyanydots: Susie McKenna
Mr. Mistoffelees/Quaxo: Paul Giarratano!!!!!!
Mungojerrie: Drew Varley
Munkustrap: Michael Gruber
Old Deuteronomy: Ken Page
Plato/Macavity: Aiden Pressel
Pouncival: Karl Morgan... the babiest pounci....
Rumpleteazer: Rose Iannacone my GIRL
Rum Tum Tugger: Zach Bravo
Skimbleshanks: Chris Salvaggio
Tantomile: Melody Rose
Tumblebrutus: Kade Hughes (I'm you said ones I've seen in person but KADE IS JUST MY FAVORITE OKAY)
Victoria: Hyla Mayrose Perillo (hers and aiden's platoria is just superior 😤)
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justcourttee · 4 years
Ohhhhh what if lila told everyone mari was a sex worker due to her spending individual time with all her boyfriends brothers. Abd she says this very loudky as Damian comes to pick her up one day after implying it for weeks
Sorry, it took so long to respond, was trying to figure out how I wanted to spin it! I hope you like it!
Family Bonding
Lila knew she had her this time.
This was the third man to pick her up this week and while their exchanges were all innocent, side hugs or temple kisses only, it could easily be spun to look like something much worse. As she settled on the back of the man’s motorbike, Lila yanked Alya’s arm toward her.
“Woah, girl, what’s up?”
“Alya, look!”
She forced Alya’s eyes toward the motorbike as it drove off, the girl furrowing her eyebrows at the sight of Marinette on the back.
“It’s just Marinette’s ride, what’s wrong?”
Lila’s face feigned worry as she looked to both sides before leaning in as close as she could to the reporter.
“I’m concerned about Marinette. That’s the third man she’s left with this week. I don’t know if her parent’s business is failing, but that line of work is just so dangerous for pretty young girls like her.”
“Girl, what are you implying?”
Lila’s face fell for a moment. She was hoping that Alya wouldn’t be so dense, but alas, it seems she’d have to put a little more work into this one.
“Alya, I think Marinette is offering sex to those men in exchange for money.”
She was taken aback by the boisterous laughter that escaped Alya’s lips.
“No way, that’s not Marinette. You’re worried for nothing girl.”
As she walked away, Lila’s face contorted into an ugly scowl. This was the way to take down Marinette Dupain-Cheng, but she couldn’t do it without Alya aboard. It was going to be tough work, but she was going to prove it. Marinette Dupain-Cheng was a sex worker and it would be her downfall.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For the next few weeks, Lila made sure she had Alya in a position to watch Marinette leave. Sure enough, the same three men rotated picking her up. For all Lila knew they could’ve been her cousins from out of town, but if so, Marinette made one fatal mistake. She didn’t tell Alya.
Slowly but surely, Alya became more open to the idea as Lila pointed out their nice car and their nice clothes. She showed Alya the small terms of endearment that each man gave her everytime they came to pick her up and how willingly Marinette was to run off with them before anyone could question who they were.
Poor, dumb, Marinette. She had played right into Lila’s story. All it took was a few well-placed tears and a couple of suggestions and down came Alya’s righteous protection of her best friend.
“Lila what do we do? She can’t keep doing it! People get killed in that line of work!”
Lila fought the urge to smile as she nodded through her crocodile tears. It was almost easier than she expected.
“We have to stage an intervention, tomorrow. When she rushes out to meet whoever it is tomorrow, we have to stop her. Gather as many people as you can.”
“Wouldn’t that be bad? I don’t want anyone’s opinion of her to fall, I mean why can’t you and I do it?”
Lila shook her head viciously as she gripped both of the girl’s shoulders.
“She needs to see that we all care for her. If it’s just you and me, she won’t take us seriously.”
Alya nodded as if Lila’s logic was flawless, and in a sense, it was. As the reporter walked off in a daze, Lila allowed a small smile to breakthrough.
Tomorrow was the day that Marinette Dupain-Cheng would be defeated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
As Lila entered the courtyard, Alya waved her over to a formidable size group. She was impressed. Alya had managed to gather the girls, Nathaniel, Nino, and even Kim. It wasn’t exactly a legion, but they would serve their purpose.
“Okay girl, it was your idea. How should we approach her?”
Lila frowned as the entire group turned their gazes to her. This wasn’t her plan. If she attacked, Marinette would surely retaliate. No. It had to be her ‘friends’.
“Alya, I think you have the best chance of getting through to her. You are her best friend after all.”
The rest of the group muttered agreements much to Alya’s dismay.
“Okay, but how do I even- Oh no, she’s coming, quick Lila, how do we stop her?”
Lila turned to see the girl practically skipping down the steps, her eyes locked on a mysterious man leaning against a bike in the entrance. She hadn’t seen this one since the first day she had noticed the men, but it made no matter, he played his role just as well as the others.
“Alya, grab her hand and lead her over here. Just tell her you had to ask her a question.”
Alya nodded, taking off in the direction to where her friend was, a determined look across her face. It was all falling together perfectly. Lila watched as she dragged Marinette over to the group. As soon as she was in distance, they circled her without Lila even telling them to.
God did she love a mob mentality.
“Marinette, why didn’t you ask us for help? If you were struggling with money we could’ve helped you.”
The poor girl looked confused as a chorus of ‘whys’ and ‘we love yous’ rang through the crowd. It was so satisfying to watch.
“Alya, I have no idea what you’re talking about, but I need to go. He’s waiting on me.”
Marinette tried to break through the crowd, catching the man’s attention as he stood briskly as if on high alert. Lila watched as her spineless classmates let her go. She knew she had to act quickly. This was her only chance.
Rushing forward she grabbed Marinette’s hand forcing the girl to turn and face her.
“Marinette! We know you’re a sex worker! We just want to help you!”
The courtyard went silent as the girl’s face ashened. All eyes were on them as Lila forced a tear to roll. Marinette struggled to break her grasp, tears of her own forming.
“That’s not what I am Lila. Let go.” Her voice was shaking as she pulled, trying her best to run, but Lila’s grip was too strong.
Everyone stared between the two of them, waiting to see who would break first, but neither spoke, simply locking their eyes in a silent argument. Lila couldn’t understand. She expected more of a fight, not this shell of a woman. Had she really broken her already? Was that fear in her eyes? Pathetic.
The sound of footsteps echoed across the courtyard as the man marched toward the group.
“Quick, he’s coming to hurt Marinette! Stop him!”
Kim and Nino stepped in between the two girls and the oncoming force, but it was useless. With one sweep of his leg, both boys were on their backs, groaning in pain.
Slowly, recognition dawned on Lila as she watched this man cut through all of the people that stood in between him and the girls. Marinette wasn’t scared of her, she was scared for her. Lila couldn't let go quick enough as she backstepped, trying to avoid the man’s strong pull.
“You.” His voice sent a chill to her core. Lila wanted to run but she was frozen in place.
In a second, he was looming over her, his glasses reflecting back to her the fear on her face.
“You are the harlot that has been bullying my beloved.”
Lila couldn’t utter a response. She tried to open her mouth, tried to defend herself, but it was useless.
“Let me get one thing straight. She is not some corner working whore. She is my girlfriend. The men you see her with are my family. Unfortunately, my time has been stolen by helping build a company from the ground up, but mark my words. If I hear her utter even a simple inconvenience brought onto her by you, I will make your life miserable for the rest of your sorry existence.”
Nobody moved forward to help her. Nobody came to her defense besides Marinette whose efforts to pull him away appeared to be futile. The only thing Lila could do was nod.
Fortunately, that seemed to satisfy him. He turned into Marinette’s arms as she walked him briskly out of the building, neither looking back as the girl fell to her knees, her legs no longer finding the strength to stand.
Marinette placed a small kiss on his cheek, trying to calm him down as they exited.
“I’m sorry mon coeur, I didn’t know family bonding was going to cause such a commotion. I mean sex worker, I don’t even want to know how she managed to convince them of that.”
Damian grumbled a response as he handed her a helmet before helping her onto the bike.
“All that matters is that she should never bother you again beloved.”
Marinette let out a harsh laugh as she glanced into the courtyard where the girl was still frozen, collapsed onto the ground.
Who knew Family Bonding would be Lila Rossi’s downfall?
Permanent Tag List:
@damianette-is-life @ash-amg @rebecarojas07 
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lovelylusts · 3 years
Arctic Monkeys
Only Love - A series of Alex and Bella one-shots. On hold.
Suck It and See - Alex and Elle were 18 when they began exploring each other’s bodies.
Stop the World - In which your first sleepover with your boyfriend of 7 months leads to your first time. Requested.
Caught in the Middle - You and Yoongi invite Hoseok over to have a threesome. Requested.
Corruption - Scenario. Requested.
Daechwita - Soo-Jung and Yoongi would spend every night together on the outskirts of the village, until one night Yoongi said he wouldn’t be able to make it - the same night that King Yoonjin was murdered.
Entertainment - You and your beloved boyfriend indulge in some adult entertainment together, but quickly get carried away.
Friends with Benefits - Big Hit Entertainment was looking for a new makeup artist, and Lee Hyun Jae was simply a shy girl from Daegu with an impressive online portfolio.
Game On! - Park Yu-Jin, a YouTube vlogger and gamer, is invited to do a collab with two popular gamers: Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook, also known as V and JJK respectively. Jeon Jungkook is known to sleep around behind the scenes, but what happens when he finds himself falling for Yu-Jin? Cancelled.
I Need You Like Cake On My Birthday - Hoseok gives you an amazing birthday present. Requested.
Kinktober 2020 - One bullet drabble for every day of October!
Love & War - All is fair in love and war, and Min Yoongi, your older brother’s best friend, happens to use one as an excuse for the other. Requested.
Prepare for Trouble, Make it Double - You and Taehyung had fucked up. Badly. Requested.
Surround You - You lose your virginity to Yoongi. Requested.
You’re a Metalhead and Fans Bully You For It - Scenario. Requested.
My Digital Escape
Don’t Panic! - It’s amazing how one summer can change everything. Cancelled.
Panic! At the Disco
Sex - The real reason Ryan left Panic! At the Disco.
Tomorrow x Together
Cloud Nine - A group of friends form on nsfw twitter, and hijinks ensue. But when Jisu starts to catch feelings for Soobin after filming with him, she has to grapple with her feelings while assuring her close bond with him doesn’t die.
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pl-panda · 4 years
To Marry a Vigilante: Part 7
MASTERLIST || First || Previous || Next
At least their purchases were found undamaged. That was a little upside to the disaster of the supervillain attack. Marinette suspected Tikki might’ve had something to do with this, but didn’t comment. Police kept the rope dart as evidence, but they promised to return it as soon as it was possible. Marinette gave Gordon her number (after the commissioner was vouched for by Damian) and number to her mother. It was a possibility that she would’ve been called to court to testify. She was a prime witness and while her involvement declared only self-defense, Gordon told her in all honesty that the lawyer might try to put some blame on her. It was a sad reality, but Damian reassured both his beloved and the commissioner that they would be prepared. Waynes kept a contingent of lawyers not without reason. 
The teens were picked up by Alfred before the press figured out who the mysterious hero of the day was. Marinette really didn’t need more lights on her. It was enough that she agreed to make her relationship with Damian Wayne public at the gala. Objectively, she knew it was a better option than for the press to learn from students of Gotham Academy. Inside, she was dreading the event anyway. 
When they arrived at the manor, Sabine, Tom, and Bruce were waiting for them. The girls launched themselves at the woman and she pulled them into a hug. Damian followed slowly, not revealing any emotions. 
“I received a call from Jim,” Bruce began once they were behind the closed doors, “something about Firefly and brave teens stopping the attack.” He looked at all three of them with a judging glare. It wasn’t that he was disappointed, but it made the teens feel under deep scrutiny.
“It was all me!” Marinette confessed immediately. “He stopped us from escaping and we were with a bunch of kids. I just acted and I might have kinda accidentally… defeated him.” She spoke very fast. 
“Don’t worry, Sweetie. We’re not angry or anything.” Sabine quickly reassured her while sending a glare at Bruce.
“Well… Yes.” The billionaire nodded slowly. “But you could’ve been more careful.”
“Ridiculous!” Chloé stared at the Wayne patriarch. “Utterly ridiculous! Of course, Dupain-Cheng could’ve just run away and left those poor lost kids to die, but she stayed.”
“I didn’t mean…” The man tried to speak, but the blonde ignored him. 
“But no! Mr. Batman thinks that suddenly protecting others without the suit is somehow wrong. I didn’t see you on the scene at all. There was Red Hood, but he arrived there only after Mari already took out that flying pyromaniac.”
“I just…”
“So don’t go off on us preaching safety when you have your kids running on the rooftops every night.” 
“But…” Bruce had no idea what just happened. He only wanted to congratulate them…
“I did get all the fabrics I will need, but we didn’t get to eat.” Mari decided to change the subject and spare her father-in-law further humiliation at Chloé’s hands.
“The lunch will be ready in five minutes. You can take it in the dining room.” Alfred spoke from behind Bruce, startling the poor billionaire. It was apparently not his day. 
When the group moved there and took their seats, joined by Cass, who was the only other permanent resident of the Manor, Marinette decided on the next subject. 
“And how did the Class trip go?” She asked her mother with a bright smile. The woman sent her a tired look in response. 
“They are monsters. I sympathize with their parents if that’s how they act every day…” 
“They can’t be that bad, love.” Tom tried to defend the kids, but several stares from around the room would kill him if it was possible. “I meant can. My English is bad. I meant can.” He raised his hands in surrender.
“That Lila girl is indeed a talented manipulator when she is not going overboard. If I didn’t know her, I might’ve actually fallen for her lies. And she even doesn’t resort to lies anymore.” 
“What?!” Marinette was glad that she only got the lunch served and didn’t yet eat anything. “No way!” 
“Yes. It looks like she established herself as an internet star to the point where she is somewhat famous.” 
“Tt. She is still a harlot.” Damian muttered loud enough for everyone to hear. 
“The modeling for the Gabriel brand and Ladyblog. Outside of Paris, it would make her into a star of some internet super-hero show in addition to a front-page model!” Marinette was suddenly enlightened. “I can’t believe her lies actually worked!” She collapsed in her chair, resigned. “Guess lying did work for her in the end…” Her face took a look of a beaten puppy.
“Say a word, Angel, and we can make you into three times the star she might be,” Damian spoke and Chloé nodded in agreement. 
“It’s not that!” The bluenette tried to protest. “I just… Her lies hurt people. I told her that it wouldn’t work in the long run, and she proved me wrong ten times over…” 
“Lila… bad.” Cass frowned. “Hurt Nettie.”
“Cass…” The girl tried to say something, but her cousin continued.
“I will… hurt Lila.” She stated confidently. 
“No!” Marinette protested. “I’ve got enough trouble stopping Damian and my mom!” 
“She is bad,” Cass stated confidently. 
“Cassandra.” Bruce glared at his daughter, but before he could explain things to her, Sabine intervened. 
“Sweetie, I appreciate you wanting to help Mari, but we must also respect her wishes. Even if I already have a place chosen… Never mind.” She smiled brightly before anyone questioned her. 
The whole table exploded into laugher while Damian and Cass smiled wider than usual. It was just such… a familial scene. Like they weren’t a bunch of superheroes, but a happy family. Even if the talk was about murder. 
In a dark, damp room two people stood opposite one another. The male figure had a dark purple suit with the signature butterfly brooch pinned to the top of the shirt. His chest was protected by two black flaps that looked a bit like the moth wings. In his black gloves, he held a cane topped with a purple orb. The face was covered by a simple domino mask that did nothing to hide the mane of blonde hair on top of his head. 
On the opposite was a woman in a dark-blue dress that hugged her figure very tightly. The clothing ended barely above her bust, continuing with a sparkly net that was almost translucent. From under the cut starting just below the belt, her legs were also visible and covered in the same sparkly net. The blue/purple of her skin clashed slightly with the dress, but the sparkles of the fancy net managed to offset it to the point it was barely noticeable. Her deep-blue hair was pinned back into a rather messy bun with two long strands framing her face.
“Are you sure?” The young man asked. 
“Don’t worry,” she dismissed. “My grandma reassured me that this is perfectly safe. Besides, it’s too late to stop now.” She grinned and pointed her folded fan at the ground. When she unfolded it, several candles lit with pink flames, bathing the room in an eerie light. The light reached to three bodies laid in circles drawn with their blood. The two figures in the center were also in a runic circle. 
“The bond will not interfere with my Princess?”
“Whatever that vile American did to her must have hurt her badly. You do want to save her and lift the curse, right?” She grinned when there was a new fire in his eyes. “And I told you about my demands.”
“I’m still not convinced.” He glared at her. “And I told your grandfather that his demands are ridiculous.” 
“They are my demands.” She corrected him in an amused voice. “If you don’t want my help…” 
“Fine. I will do it.” He suddenly closed the distance between them until they were face to face. “But don’t even try to trick me. I’ll know and I will end you. Nothing will stop me from getting what I want.” 
In response, she gave him a quick peck on the lips. Immediately, the boy recoiled. She just licked her lips. “Whatever you want, beloved.”
“Ugh. Let’s just get done with this.” 
The candles went out one by one when the female chanted in Latin. When the twelfth and last one died out, the room was once more dark. Then, the runes lit and red light enveloped both of them. She reached to the center and grabbed a small goblet. After taking a sip, she handed it to the boy. 
He hesitated for a moment, but then also took a sip. They were both enveloped in deep scarlet light until it died out and both of them fell unconscious on the ground.
Marinette and Chloé had to go with the class for the next trip, which was to the Botanic Garden. Damian and surprisingly Cass also joined them. And this was how the class almost signed their death warrant and handed it to Sabine. 
As soon as the guide started speaking about various plants they had there, Alya and Lila started gossiping in the back. 
“...told you she was a…”
“...I can’t believe he would…”
“...and that black-haired…”
“If it was up to…”
“I bet she just…”
“Maybe it’s a thing here?” 
Finally, Sabine had enough. She asked the guide for a five minutes break to rein in the misbehaving group. Caline tried to protest, but she was silenced when the older woman looked her in the eyes with fires of fury. 
“Listen up, because I’m not going to be repeating myself.” She started. “Cassandra is my niece, who lives in Gotham. By a lucky turn of events, she turned out to know Damian and agreed to accompany me and Marinette today.” She glared at every student in the group. Sabine noted that Alix stood alone in the back, separate from Max and Kim. “She is a precious little bean and if any of you dare to say anything bad about her again without even trying to talk to her first, I will personally see to it that your trip will be very-” She made sure to put emphasis on the word “-unpleasant. And if you even think about hounding her, I will see you suspended.”
“Now… Sabine, I think you’re…” Madame Bustier tried to defuse the situation.
“Caline. It is, and always will be for you, Madame Cheng. I’m on this trip to make sure they behave. If you’re not going to help me, try not to make my job harder than it already is.” She huffed and looked back at the class. “Am I understood?”
Several barely audible “Yes” could’ve been heard if someone tried hard enough. 
“Good for now.” Sabine looked at their guide. “I’m sorry I had to interrupt.” 
“No worries Mrs. Cheng.” The woman chuckled. “Anyone who tries to badmouth Cassandra or anyone from her family deserves your wrath.” 
“Good. We can continue.” And so the group moved on. 
Lila decided to change the subject of her lies and now kept talking about how good friends she was with Damian Wayne, or rather her Damiboo. It was clear that their guide wanted to add something, but Marinette’s boyfriend made a gesture to stop him. The grin on his face made it clear he had different plans.
After they finished the trip, the class was placed in the bus with Sabine while Damian and the girls were left free to wander around. Some tried to protest, but one murderous glare from Madame Cheng shut them up hard. 
“Why Marinette and Chloé are allowed to wander around with some boy, while we are confined to the Hotel!?” Kim protested. 
“Yeah! Lila can’t even meet her boyfriend!”
“It’s simple.” Sabine cut them off. “Marinette and Chloé are staying with Damian’s family, which is their host family for this trip. You will be meeting your host families after the new year.” She couldn’t stop herself from rubbing some more salt into Lila’s wound. She might be an adult, but it doesn’t stop her from being petty sometimes. Especially when someone decides to speak badly about her favorite (and hopefully only) niece. “If your… Damiboo was missing you so much, you could’ve asked him to invite you. Cassandra said he is attending Gotham Academy. I’m sure he would love to have you stay with him at Wayne Penthouse.” 
“Oh! He did want me so badly with them, but we agreed that it would be better for me to get to know some of his friends.” Lila answered quickly and Damian had to stiffen a groan. How could someone be so dense? 
“Suuure.” Sabine grinned. “Then please don’t complain about the situation of your own making.” It was clear that the discussion was over. Damian, Marinette, Chloé, and Cass were left to their own device. 
“Chlo, I love you like the best friend you are,” Mari started when they were alone, “but Damian’s got a date planned. So bye!” She said before running off with her husband, leaving the flabbergasted blonde and the noirette alone.
“Ice cream?” Cass pleaded.
“Fine. I guess I can hang out with you then.” 
“Ice Cream!” The other girl almost jumped in the air. 
The couple walked through the gardens in silence, holding hands and enjoying the cool air around them. The temperature was warmer than outside, but still rather frosty. Marinette, feeling bolder, dragged Damian’s hand down slightly and pulled him closer to her. She cuddled into his shoulder and smiled. After dealing with the class, it was nice to have some peace, only the two of them. 
“So…” She started with a grin. “Wayne penthouse?”
“Tt. For your information, it’s where Drake and Brown live.”
“But Damiboo! You wound me! And I thought we could stay there together.” Marinette did her best Lila impression. 
He tried to scowl, but the end result was an unholy mix between scowling and grinning. 
They wandered around, laughing at occasional jokes and generally enjoying the time. At some point, Marinette dragged him to a hot-dog cart to enjoy what she called a ‘taste of America’. He couldn’t help but smile at some of her antics. They stopped for some coffee to rest their legs. He allowed her to talk most of the time, listening to all the details of her new outfit for Jagged Stone. 
“...so I decided to replace half of the usual silver studs with golden ones. Or rather gold-colored. He doesn’t actually like the wealth display that much and is all for replacing it with cheaper ones. When his producer one time tried to force me to make him everything with the actual gold, Jagged signed it and immediately donated it to The Gotham Orphanage.”
“I remember.” Damian’s memory flashed him an article about it. “And don’t be modest. It held your signature too.” 
“Well… He wanted to throw it to Fang first. It was so much not his style.” She smiled. “Bob almost had a stroke when he learned that he still had to pay for it full price. I think it was actually the first commission I accepted that was not priced like clothes for friends. I did deduce the cost of materials that he provided though.” 
“Habibti. You’re amazing.” 
She blushed at the compliment. “I’m not! I’m just a normal girl.” 
“An amazing normal girl.” 
“How can you be so smooth and so socially awkward at the same time?!” She squeaked.
“Because people are fools. You are perfection incarnated.”
“Stop it!” She giggled. “I’m not! I’m clumsy and awkward.”
“It doesn’t stop you from being perfect.” He countered. Before she could protest, he lifted a cookie and put it in her mouth. She bit it and munched it in silence. When she swallowed, he continued feeding her. In retaliation, she picked some whipped cream and gave it to him. They ended up feeding one another and laughing.
It was slowly getting dark, so they started walking toward where Alfred would pick them up. They still had some time, so Mari dragged Damian into the music store. There was a whole stand for Jagged Stone discs. 
Marinette, feeling devious, pulled out a marker and signed two before handing it to Damian. He thought for a short moment before making a small heart next to her name and putting down his autograph too. They hid the discs behind others and moved on. In the end, Marinette bought some ballet music for Cass that Damian told her she didn’t have yet. The bluenette liked her cousin and wanted to get her something for ditching her with Chloé
When they exited the store, Alfred was waiting there, ready to take them to the Manor. The two sat in the back of the limousine in silence, cuddled together. By the time they arrived at their destination, Marinette had dozed off. Not having the heart to wake her, Damian did his best to gently lift her and carry her to her room. Somewhere along the way, she clutched to him tightly and didn’t let go even when he placed her on the four-poster bed. He sighed. He didn’t know if he would survive the teasing he would receive after someone finds them. Scratch that. Sabine would kill him before that. 
Still, he would have to wake her up. With one more look to make sure the doors were closed, he lied next to her and stared up. He could at least stay awake, right?
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aliensunflower-fics · 5 years
Attitude - [Bustier Salt]
[ I had a teacher like Bustier back in highschool, I was depressed and being bullied at the time among other horrible things so I REALLY dont like Bustier’s character for reminding me of that. So I based this fic somewhat on an actual event that happened with that teacher it was therapeutic! Hope you enjoy! ]
Marinette sighed, a mix of amusement and annoyance gracing her features as class was interrupted for the third time that day, this time it was Kim and Alix the competitive pair loudly declaring war on one another this time over who could procure the better mark on Bustier’s upcoming test. It was certainly the least destructive challenge the two had ever entered but Marinette could already see the many ways they could and probably would take it to far. She’d bet that Max would end up in a tug a war as both challengers would want him as a study mate and Marinette guessed that Kim would likely ignore sleep to cram while Alix would try to study and skate at the same time. Bustier called for the class to be quiet plastering on a cheery smile as she reminded everyone that it was almost time for lunch and that they could all talk then. Marinette fidgeted in her seat eager to bolt out of class and join up with Kagami for lunch at the bakery.
The two girls had grown close ever since Lila had ‘took over’ as the supposed class queen  though it was more like everyone humored her In truth the girls threat had never actually come true. Marinette enjoyed a healthy relationship with all her classmates Alya and her were still friends and if anything Marinette felt she should thank Lila for helping her learn her own value. In the short while where Lila had been queen Alya and the others drew away not intentionally or maliciously they were just so busy listening to such grand tales they sorta forgot about Marinette. And in that time Marinette had bonded closely with Kagami the fencer giving her the push she needed to be more assertive and confident in herself! And when she was she noticed that suddenly Adrien wasn’t so amazing. He was a good friend but she didn't need the crush anymore she didn't need the validation she was happy and confident as she was. 
And not long after that Lila’s new-ness wore off and everyone caught on to the fact that Lila could sometimes stretch the truth or be a bit over sensitive. In the end, Marinette still sat at the back and she still had to deal with Lila on the daily but she still had her friends and if things kept going as they were with Kagami well… Hopefully she’d have more than just a friend soon! The only real problem lately had come from the most unlikely source. Mme Bustier. Marinette wasn’t sure if the teacher had just fallen for Lila’s lies hook line and sinker or if maybe just maybe she’d ALWAYS been like this? It was a thought Marinette didnt like to entertain but it was hard to ignore the permanent fake smiles that never quite reached the eyes or how ever since Marinette became more assertive and confident how the teachers once compliments became criticism.
The sound of the bell caught Marinette by surprise and she moved to gather her things. Kim and Alix raced out of class first trying to beat each other. Adrien dodged Lila’s clutches sticking close to Nino, Alya looked back to Marinette giving her a thumbs up and a ‘go get her!’ Before chasing after Nino. Soon the class was empty save for Marinette and Mme Bustier. Hauling her backpack over her shoulders Marinette headed to the door only giving a curt nod and smile to her teacher on the way out trying not to notice the ever present fake smile and the cold look in her eyes that just didn't match, right as Marinette reached the door however-
“Marinette? Could you stay here please? And close the door would you, we need to talk.” Bustier’s voice as usual held a cheery tone but Marinette could easily hear the underlay of aggression. 
Closing the door Marinette moved back to her teachers desk hoping that this wouldn't take too long. For Mme Bustier’s part she looked to be in no rush carefully taking her time to sort papers humming slightly her ever present smile plastered on as if desperately trying to look the part of the friendly teacher, instead of actually being it. Shuffling from foot to foot Marinette resisted the urge to tell Bustier they could talk another time after all Kagami was waiting for her! Surely Mme Bustier would understand? Finally Bustier slid a packet of papers in her desk drawer before she turned in her chair to address Marinette her smile growing wider more forced crinkling the side of her face before she spoke.
“So Marinette… I was thinking that you should spend your lunch in here!” She blinked once, then twice. But Bustier just kept smiling no hint of joking on her features.
“E-Excuse me?? But why?” The words were careful but Marinette could not stop the very clear confusion and annoyance from slipping into her voice.
“Mmm~” Bustier hummed pleasantly. “Well you see Marinette, I was not a fan of your attitude today in class.” It was stated as if it were gospel, a fact easy to understand. But Marinette understood little.
“I'm Sorry?!” The words came out quiet but strained shock, annoyance but mostly confusion evident. To her credit Mme Bustier didn't even blink.
“Your a good student Marinette, but your attitude is a problem. How can you expect to lead your classmates if you keep up this behaviour? So you will be staying here at lunch.” It was said so sweetly so kindly with such gentle tone yet still Marinette felt like she'd been slapped.
Had she done something? That was Marinette’s first thought. Doubt and panic creeping into her body twisting her stomach making her feel sick and sweaty. But she could think of nothing. All class she’d sat quietly taking notes when they were needed doodling if they werent. Answering questions when called. She’d been a model student! Even when the rest of the class became disruptive she’d sat quietly waiting for Mme Bustier to do her job- Unless. Was that it? Did Bustier expect, no demand that Marinette take responsibility for her classmates? Was this her teachers sick version of forcing Marinette to be an example of a perfect student a base for which others were expected to follow!? A cold feeling washed down Marinette’s back and her eyes hardened at the teacher still sitting still smiling. Did Bustier expect her to smile and apologize and sit quietly going hungry? Because if so she had another thing coming. Tightening her grip on the strap of her bag Marinette marched passed Bustier’s desk toward the door. In shock Bustier stood her voice raising.
“Marinette! Where do you think your going!” Even in her panicked state shocked by Marinette’s defiance she tried to force her voice to be calm and gentle she tried to smile but her widened eyes betrayed panic.
“I'm going to lunch.” Marinette spoke flatly not betraying the cold icy rage in her heart.
“Now Marinette. Your just proving my point. You clearly have an attitude problem. Stay here for lunch and let's talk about it.” Bustier was trying to regain control. Trying to keep her voice even and calm. Trying to make her command seem friendly.
“No. I don’t think I will.” She took another step, Bustier moved quickly taking a step from behind her desk now. Still smiling that horrible fake smile still trying to be friendly.
“Marinette. If you keep up this attitude I’ll have no choice but to take you to the Principle and call your parents! You WILL stay here for lunch.” The smile was so forced so ugly her little cold eyes piercing into Marinette.
But all Marinette wanted to do was laugh. Bustier was so sure of herself so sure of her power and position so sure that she was the most beloved and friendly teacher that all her students would accept even the most unfair punishment because if Mme Bustier said it then clearly it was true! And maybe… Just maybe. If Marinette lacked the confidence she now had, if she was still the Marinette from before Kagami, the Marinette who craved validation from a crush who genuinely believed LILA could take away her friends. Maybe if she was that Marinette things would have gone the way Bustier wanted. But for Marinette’s part. All she did was laugh, a cold dark laugh a laugh that still didn't break the fake smile on Bustier’s face but the shock was clear in her eyes. When Marinette was done laughing she took a breath before speaking her voice coming out cold.
“Fine. Take me to the principal's office. Phone my parents. I'd be delighted to hear what you’d tell them when they ask why you were trying to force their daughter to go without food.” Bustier’s eyes widened considerably her smile twitched but didn't drop.
“This attitude of yours is getting out of control Mari-“
“What attitude?! Mme Bustier? The one where I sat quietly in class taking notes? Or the one where I calmly answered questions when asked? Or maybe the one where when the class got disruptive I didn't do your job for you?” Anger filled Bustier’s eyes and her smile twisted into an ugly look.
“Don’t you think your going a bit far. Marinette.” Bustier’s voice was sickly sweet barely hiding the venom behind it.
“No. I don’t think I am. In fact id go so far as to say that the only one here with an attitude problem is you. Mme Bustier.”
“How Dare You!-“
“No! Mme Bustier! How dareYOU! I am not your perfect shining example, or your substitute teacher! I am a student! And the only thing wrong ive done today is let you waste my lunch!”
Bustier’s smile was gone replaced with an open mouthed look of surprise before being twisted into a sneer. She could not believe this! Her model student was daring to talk back to her? To make a scene? This was not what she was supposed to be this way! She was supposed to set the example to stop her classmates when they got out of hand! To acknowledge Bustier as a caring teacher who only had the best in mind but here she was fighting her!? Would she truly need to drag her to office? No that couldn't be this was just a mistake! Marinette was just acting out a little then she'd settle down and spend the rest of the lunch sitting quietly reflecting on how she could have done better how this attitude of hers was ruining everything! But then why was she trying to leave again?!
“W-Where do you think your going?! Get back here! This attitude of yours has gone far enough Marinette you are spending your lunch here!” The pretense was gone the sweetness lacking shock evident the desperation seeping in.
“No… I’m not. But you know what. If you really think I’m acting out. That I have an attitude problem? Then do it. Take me to the principal call my parents I’ll love watching you bury yourself.”
Cold fear washed over Caline, this was not her Marinette! Her Marinette had been quiet and resourceful she never made a fuss or upset anyone! Why was she suddenly acting out? She wasn’t being treated unfairly! She was being treated with extra responsibilities like all mature children should! Yet Marinette was acting like she was the victim and it was ridiculous if only the old Marinette would come back! Then everything would be easy like it use to be! Finally finding words she moved to speak she just needed Marinette to realize that all this tantrum would do is lead to an Akuma! Maybe, just maybe someone was being a bad influence on her star pupil! It could be that Kagami girl always so aggressive! That was it! She just needed Marinette to stop hanging around such… Unreasonable people. Surely the moment she would she’d go back to how she was and make peace with her role as the model student and Lila. Sure it was stressful to be an example but it was also an honor!
Meanwhile Marinette was having very different thoughts. As she eyed up Mme.Bustier she could see the teacher she once respected thinking her way through Marinette’s words. And if Marinette could guess her teacher was most likely trying to ignore the fact that Marinette had threatened her. But that WAS just like her, to avoid the real issues, the real problems, and instead soften everything until you let it go feeling ridiculous and guilty for something that wasn’t your fault. That’s what she’d done to Marinette during the Chloe and Lila incidents. And Kwami be damned if Marinette let her do it again! Kagami cared for her, stood up for her, was always there for her! And Marinette could hear her now in the back of her head urging her forward demanding she defend herself that she lay the line in the sand. Mme.Bustier would never stop not unless Marinette was firm. So when the redheaded teacher finally gathered her wits and opened her mouth to poor out yet more sewage about her responsibility to her class Marinette was going to remind her of HER responsibility!
“Don’t.” It was a sharp command. “Don’t you dare tell me who I am, or what I must do.” Marinette had no idea how much pent up anger she had at her once favorite teacher until that moment. 
She needed to remain cool so she took a deep breath and centered herself thinking of how Kagami’s armd felt the last time she’d picked her up twirled her and called her ‘her dazzling sun’. She could do this.
“If you were to take me to Mr.Damocles about my attitude problem. What do you think I would tell him.” Bustier looked confused and angry and flustered.
“I would hope you would apologize!” Oh Kwami was she serious?
“I would tell him to review the footage of today's class. And do you know what he’d see?” Bustier paled somewhat trying to stammer out a response.
“He would see Alya at the start of class. Arguing with Chloe and you doing nothing to stop it but look over at me waiting for ME to play peacekeeper.”
“W-well it comes better from a fellow student and shining example then it does-“ Marinette wasn’t even listening.
“By the time you do stop them 10 minutes of class have been wasted. And me? Well I was reviewing notes waiting like a good student for my TEACHER to do her job.”
“Well I-“
“Later, Mr.Damocles would see you letting Lila interrupt class repeatedly to lie-“
“Now we don't know that-“ Marinette grit her teeth but proceeded.
“To LIE, about something relevant to what your teaching. And you let her, she gets zero discipline for repeatedly disturbing the lesson or making up lies. And where am I in all this? Reading ahead. Waiting for my teacher to do her job.”
Caline looked rightly embarrassed her face going from red to purple to white. Marinette didn’t care she wasn’t yet done.
“And then finally he would see Kim and Alix fight. Shoving each other, yelling, and what do YOU the teacher do? Again you look to me.” Marinette sighed.
“Face it, you expect me to do your job FOR you! But I am a student and like every other student here I deserve to go to school and be taught by a teacher who does her job! Instead of putting her responsibilities on a student while also expecting that student to neglect her own feelings so that bullies and liars get an easy pass.”
“That is enough! Marinette this attitude problem is worse than I feared! You will apologize!” Marinette sighed heavily.
“No.” Caline looked slapped. “Because I haven’t done anything wrong. The only thing this conversation has made clear to me is that if anyone has an attitude problem. Its you.”
Before Bustier could think of a response. Marinette was gone. Her confident strides taking her out of the classroom with no room to protest. Finally Caline took a breath it was shaky like her legs. She stumbled back slightly and sank into her chair, the normal happy smile she plastered on her face to show her students that positivity meant everything even when your upset was noticeably missing. Marinette harsh words kept replaying in her head. She couldn't be at fault… Could she? She didn’t have an attitude problem, no Marinette did she had to! Why else would she talk back?! Yet the words kept haunting her and a smile even her perfectly practiced ones seemed impossible to muster. And things remained that way even when lunch ended and her students returned all accept for Marinette who unknown to Caline Bustier was at home wrapped in the supportive embrace of Kagami as she finally told her parents everything that had been going on at school. As it turns out Marinette’s parents also thought Bustier was the one with the ‘attitude problem’.
[ There ya go! Hope ya’ll liked it! Thank you everyone who has followed and sent nice asks or left comments you have no idea how happy it makes me!!! ]
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