#i have so many wips and aus
live-from-flaturn · 1 year
Bond Girl Kim
Listen, I am sick and fucking tired of seeing all these hyper-competent Kim fics. I love them, and I will read every single one, but personally? We need some flavor. We need a little spice in our Kim characterization. So here’s my submission for the approval of The Midnight Society: Bond Girl Kim.
Kim works as a model and is absolutely fucking useless in the grand scheme of things. 
He’s the only member of his family who chose not to follow tradition and become a super-spy. 
Chay’s older brother joined the Secret Intelligence Initiative (or whatever their spy business is called) when he was a teenager and now Chay works in R&D.
Yes, that means Chay is Q.
And Tankhun is M.
Kinn is 007 and Porsche is 008. They are a badass team and have one of the highest success rates (also the most HR complaints for being seen in compromising positions).
Kim! In! Tiny! 1960′s! Men’s! Swimwear! Tiny pink striped shorts, that’s all I’m sayin’. 
This man is swooning, fainting, and passing out EVERYWHERE. If there’s a flat surface he can safely collapse onto, there he fuckin’ goes.
Zero braincells. Zero sense of self-preservation. He has been kidnapped by 18 separate terrorist organizations and he’s not about to stop falling for their “I lost my kitten” trap.
Chay is mostly annoyed with how often his bf gets tied up by other people.
I just think we should tie Kim to more train tracks and let him cry until his mascara runs. That’s all.
@just-slightly-chaotic, @eggwars and @fuckyeah-itme have been enabling me so far, but I have lots of ideas and would love to talk more about this. :D
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spookymoonybeasty · 3 months
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Even as a worm, Wes is still the only one to see that Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom are one.
P1, P3
Bonus doodle of Wes:
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periwinkla · 3 months
Pokeattorney AU x 15th anniversary skit because I take great personal enjoyment in making fun of Edgeworth
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...just as much as Phoenix does. The video in question :
_ pokeattorney AU tag
Btw just for the record whenever I mention the unnecessary feelings bit keep in mind that I didn't bat an eye when I first saw it, but in restrospect it's hilarious and now I just really like to make fun of him for it. Unconfortable Miles hides and/or says things in the most convoluted way possible adding in further embarassment upon himself. And I like to make fun of him for it <3
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lomlompurim · 9 months
What if instead of waking up in the mushroom body, sqq woke up in a doll.
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Something something while lbh was away in the abyss, sqq without noticing offended a misterious (demonic-succubi-esque???) cultivator with a weird thing for making dolls. She had dolls all over her secret workshop that she very kindly let him into when she heard about the famous Xiu Ya sword being in the city.
What she wanted of him? Who knows, sqq couldn't bring himself to care. She probably wanted his money or try to steal his hair, the hair of those dolls seemed very much like real hair, although he had to admit the level of details on these dolls were amazing.
(she wanted to trick him into buying one of her cursed dolls and steal his life energy little by little, but got wifebeamed by widow sqq during their conversation about how talented she was to be able to make so many dolls, and without really understanding he rejected her with little to no emotion on his face)
So she cursed him, and since sqq didn't feel anything bad at the moment he thought it just didn't work and left, not sparing the curse a single thought after their encounter.
The rest of the story goes as usual, excep that after he self detonates his soul doesn't go into the mushroom body, instead it got directly into the shape of a doll in the workshop of this woman.
His first thought is thinking someone snitched the mushroom body bc wtf wasn't he supposed to wake up under the dirt??? Why this place smells slightly familiar? Like paint and humidity and floral perfumes?? and why everything looks fucking giganourmus?!?! A teapot should NOT look that big from his position....Oh no, did the mushroom body turned out as small as a squirrel? WhAT is happening?!
And then he looks at his arms and legs, and he has joints. White paper skin with joints in his wrists, elbows, torso, waist, knees, feet. And he panics, a lot.
The woman who cursed him starts monologuing about how she trapped him now, and you are mine, I made this doll specially for you master shen, this is my revenge for your insolence to leave me yada yada- Sqq stoped listening a while ago.
Somehow he manages to escape from this woman and now he is roaming around as the size of some apples. Everything is huge. Everything is dangerous, even the grasshopers! And this body is fragile! He can't feel heat nor cold, neither hunger or other things, but he is useless with no spiritual veins inside, and if someone is not looking carefully, they might crush him. And the way back to cq is gonna be a hell of a trip! But he needs airplane to fix this. He can't stay as a doll forever! He needs a mushroom body and then fly into the sunset far from this mess! Adiós! Goodbye! So his new plan is to infiltrate into cang qiong, look for that rat and disappear. Sneaking into some disciple's pouch must be enough to break in.
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Something something it only had passed a few months since lbh stole sqq's body and everything is still very fresh. CQ mountain is a hot mess. Sqh frankly needs to lay down and take a nap. Lqg keeps figthing with Lbh practially every day and coming back beaten bloody, he has his king pestering him and a lot of paperwork to do, Lbh is a pain in the ass, Yqy is really close to snap and start a war with HHP, and he knows nothing about his bro. So yeah. Such a great time to be alive.
The mushroom bodies should had been ready, right? He must be alright...Yeah. He has enough already to keep him busy. Cucumber bro is gonna come out and stumble across at any moment. No one would bat an eye if he takes a nap, right? He deserves it. He is overworked enough for another lifetime, his head hurts, his bones hurt everywhere, a short nap should be fine...
Until he feels something small tugging his robes and a cold tiny finger poking his eyelids. But he doesn't want to. He is very comfortable on the floor of his office. Whatever bird decided to pick a fight with his face can keep trying.
That voice. That fucking annoying voice was of just one person and one person only. He opened his eyes, looking for the source of the unmistakable voice of his No1 hater, but he came across with a pretty porcelain doll. With a very ugly sneer in it's face.
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"Fucking finally! Why are you sleeping on the floor in your ofice?! I was looking around your bedroom like an idiot! Do you know how close I was to falling from your window?!"
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its-wabby-stuff · 6 months
Mikey Goes To Oz
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<Time spent: 49 hours 17 minutes>
When Mikey takes some time away from a loud family squabble he accidentally ends up getting “flushed” down the sewers. This winds up sending him to the colorful land of Oz where he meets a good witch, a wicked witch, a brainless scarecrow, a heartless Tinman, a cowardess lion, and a powerful wizard, all disguised behind very familiar faces.
A canon adjacent spin off set before the season one finale but after they discover Splinter is Lou Jitsu
I wanted to fit each of the boys into their “you’ve had this all along” category. Leo isn’t brainless, in fact he’s pretty clever with a street smart, people reading ability on par with Donnie’s intelligence. Donnie isn’t heartless, he just has a tough time expressing his feelings. They are complex and unalgorithic but he can get just as excited or sad or angry as anyone, as much as he may deny it. Raph isn’t a coward, but being brave sometimes means admitting you’re scared and that you maybe don’t have all the answers. You dont have to be strong all the time and you don’t have to do it by yourself.
In the movie Dorothy’s journey home is also a representation of her running away. The important thing was to remember there were people who cared about her. Mikey is experiencing a similar phenomenon, wanting the escape the bad vibes in the lair. His “you’ve had it all along” is interesting because it is an object, since the Ruby kneepads could’ve taken him home the whole time. And sometimes getting home means going on a journey only to realize you never left.
I put April as Glinda because Glinda appears as a defender of the weak, and I see April in a similar light. Always willing to help and beat someone up if it is so required. Splinter as The Wizard of Oz represents Splinters own willingness to hide behind different personas, his running from the past and the pulling back of the curtain for Mikey in timeline. The Wizard grows through the movie, albeit quickly, and ends up leaving Oz to go home leaving his legacy with the scarecrow, the Tinman, and the lion. In this case the passing of the baton to his sons.
Meanwhile Draxum as the wicked witch felt much more how Mikey sees Draxum at this time in the show, mostly just an antagonistic force who wants something from them. Fun fact: I imagine throughout this dream, Draxum is uninterested in being the wicked witch but is pressed into it via plot. Hence his disinterest in being “melted.”
Additional characters not pictured: Big Mama as the Wicked Witch of the East (those were her Ruby kneepads!!) and Todd as the Mayor of Munchkin Land. If you can think of more, feel free to leave them in the comments or tags.
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youchangedmedestiel · 1 month
Friend: What are you doing right now?
Me: I have a lot of projects.
Friend: Oh so cool, what are those? New job, new business, new home, new relationship?
Me: Ok, I have a lot of SPN/Destiel projects.
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nomsfaultau · 1 year
got an idea for a fic that I can’t pursue:
Basically, The Blood God is offered his usual blood sacrifice. Screaming, crying, chanting, the whole nine yards. But his cult messed up, because Tommy isn’t actually an orphan. Like on paper he is, but Technoblade can sense it’s not true and is like ‘Bruh stupid worshipers can’t do anything right.’ So he leaves Tommy alone bc he can’t have his followers getting lazy and subpar with their sacrifices obviously. But then also he’s saddled with this mortal kid he doesn’t know what to do with and he feels kinda bad since it’s not Tommy’s fault the cult messed up. So he awkwardly tries to take care of Tommy while still trying to live up to scary blood god expectations and it’s a lot of extra work on his plate. General beauty and the beast type shenanigans of Tommy going from cowering from the big scary god to demanding (and getting) a piggyback ride mid big important ceremony.
Anyway, eventually they figure out why there was a mixup when Philza (normal human man, v angy) fights his way past all the cultist in pure mama bear mode ready to kill the blood god for taking his adopted kid. Only to find Technoblade half way through overacting a bedtime story.
Cue custody battle because ‘hey! That’s MY sacrifice!’ ‘THATS MY SON YOU YELLOW BELLIED FALSE GOD SON OF A-‘
I think some of the cultists end up converting to Phil since he’s somehow way scarier than the nine feet tall blood eyed boar god.
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raphaerolo · 6 months
Art Wip Game
@artisticallyill you asked about the Battle Cody & Obi so here it is
This one is definitely a bad name. While technically accurate, it's not the defining thing about this. Battle Cody & Obi is the name of my drawing that is my Codywan FMAB AU. Truly the title says nothing, and idk what i was thinking when i named the drawing but it's my fmab au
Here's it is so far:
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In this au, the jedi are the state alchemists, Obi-Wan is a general and a state alchemist and a highly revered one but I don't know what his alchemy specialization is yet. Cody is his right hand who watches his back and has several big guns and people are scared of him.
I imagine this drawing to be them fighting Maul, who would absolutely just set a bunch of things on fire, not even with alchemy but with straight up matches cuz he's petty like that and Cody and Obi-Wan are trapped by the fire and waiting to see where he strikes next.
When I was ideating this, I realized that their dynamic is already pretty similar to Mustang and Hawkeye, especially with the "we can't date cuz you're my superior officer/subordinate" and the "i will flirt with others as a tactical move but it's fake and the real adoration only comes out with you"
Find wip game post here
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spectrecowboy · 18 days
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this is fanart for @secondstar-acorn 's absolutely lovely university of westchesterverse !!! I can't get it out of my head (and yall should very much go check it out)
I just know this guy enjoys a holiday model train display....
(also hi hello, I commented on your fic as aaaaavengers <3)
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aeroplaneblues · 6 months
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I really wanted to see if i draw kaveh and aventurine differently haha, idk you be the judge
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allastoredeer · 4 months
What do you think about the AU where Alastor meets the Devil while he’s still alive? there’s plenty of potential with that 😏
I have a couple of fics saved with that AU!
But otherwise, I haven’t given the AU a lot of thought. It would be fun to explore a dynamic between Lucifer and Alastor if they were to have know each other pre-Alastor death, even more so if Lucifer forgot about Alastor and Alastor very much remembered him.
Lmao it’d bring a whole new context to Alastor’s instant saltiness towards Lucifer. The guy got wham, bam, thank you ma’am-ed and then Lucifer never called him back. The bitterness is so real.
Especially when he realizes Lucifer doesn’t even remember him (or recognize him 👀 due to his deer/demon characteristics). Alastor probably wouldn’t say anything about it, though, he’d just keep needling and insulting Lucifer like a scorned ex-lover, and Lucifer has no idea why but he’s gonna needle and insult him back, even if there’s…something strangely familiar about Alastor…something he can’t quite put his finger on…
FUCK - I literally haven’t considered this AU AT ALL, and now I’m developing a whole fic idea. Anon what have you done 😩
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bbutterflies · 5 months
and what about an adrino soulmates au where everywhere your soulmate touches you a mark appears. adrien has spent his whole entire life dodging fans because they all desperately want to prove they're his soulmate. he's spent his whole life hearing how important his soulmate is from his parents. before emilie died she talked about how magical it was to find her soulmate, and she loves all her marks and tells adrien stories about every single one. he is constantly avoiding random strangers so they don't touch him but he is desperate for touch from the people he loves - who don't give it to him. he hears almost daily from his father that his soulmate is important for the brand and the family and adrien is forced into handshakes and hugs from gabriel's associate's daughters, only to be met with bitter disappointment when nothing happens.
and then it turns out his soulmate is a boy.
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originalartblog · 1 year
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Happy first anniversary to my Dazai Goosamu AU! It has been one year since I made the edits that officially kickstarted this madness!!
I finally finished this tiny needle-felted guy and took him outside for a small photoshoot as celebration! 🦢
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scatterbrainedbot · 10 months
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here have a wip of a rat sons comic that i keep tearing up about while writing
(feat. tortoise papa splinter and his rat baby leonardo)
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xhanisai · 4 months
loving the variety of answers I've been getting on that poll so here are some examples of how I've been rendering Marinette's/Ladybug's hair over the past year or so~
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which is your favourite~?
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wr-n · 4 months
Okay. Hear. Me. Out.
The Beast from Over the Garden Wall. He is a being that feeds on lost souls that find their way into purgatory (through a coma or another way). He is a being created of souls and wood and dark magic as ancient as time itself.
He turns the lost souls into Edelwood trees, excreting a black smelly oil. He uses the oil to keep his lantern lit. What people think is his 'soul'.
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Nightmare is the child of a tree, he comes to people in their bad dreams when they are unconscious.
He feeds on negativity and is incentivized to keep them asleep in a never ending nightmare. HE becomes purgatory. HE feeds on the lost souls. HE feeds the lantern/apple that keeps himself going.
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