#bonus points to whoever can figure out who the stranger is
chasingrabbits-art · 1 year
DannyMay2023 day 26: art/fic switch
Title: Now what do we have over here?
I don't actually share many of my fanfics... So this is a bit strange for me. I hope you enjoy!
Wes is a bit dejected after another fail at exposing Phantom to the world. But friendly internet stranger might be able to help
Another day, another disappointment.
Wes was sure he had gotten video of Danny transforming from Fenton into Phantom this time! Everything seemed fine while taping! Even through the playbacks, there was only a small hum and minimal graininess.
The major problem was exporting it. Any kind of modern tech always seems to shut down at this step.
Only the most archaic forms of videotaping can stand a chance against the weird distorting qualities of Amity Park’s atmosphere. So AVC to computer adapter it was! But it seemed even ol’ reliable would fail him too.
“Damnit!” He didn't understand what could've gone wrong. “How come this stupid old junk record everything fine but can't transfer to digital to save its life?!”
Working backwards everything was fine. Tape, intact. Camcorder, unscathed. AVC and adapter, plugged. It had to be something with the desktop. The tape played back fine. Everything on the grainy little screen played back fine, but on the computer…
Through the chromatic aberration and distortion, the tape was still legible. It's only when Fenton's transformation rings should appear, the video starts severely deteriorating. The grainy quality of the picture breaks into full undistinguishable noise. The light hum grows and becomes an oppressive static.
Wes angrily shoves the camcorder, still doing his best to be careful with the technology. Even through his rage he knows the worth of analog media in this town. Wes huffs out a breath and collapses on his desk. If he was more hopeful, he'd try recording the camcorder’s screen with his phone again, but he just wants to wallow for a moment.
A ping rings out from the desktop notifications, getting Wes’ attention. Clicking on it took him to his favorite conspiracy theory reddit. Some poor guy’s getting dragged. Breathing in, Wes sits up and pulls his keyboard closer. He musters as much of his optimism and attempts to string together a half-assed peptalk. Hopefully it'll help whoever's on the other end, keep them going a little longer in their search for the truth.
Incredibly, they respond almost immediately. A simple thank you and asking if they have any experience sleuthing. Wes sighs, he could write a whole essay on how to fail at sleuthing.
He smiles at the sympathetic response from the stranger, but something piques his interest and he quickly direct messages the user.
—new conversation started—
Did you just say you make your own tech?
And it's pretty impressive if I do say so myself
You interested?
Kind of…
Do you know anything about analog media?
LOL sorry no
Why are you messin with those fossils?
Sadly it's the only thing that works in these…extenuating circumstances.
Anything else stops working when I try capturing what's happening in my town.
Old camcorders and cameras are the most reliable here.
Well thats weird.
Are you sure there isn't anything else that could work recording video?
Not with the weird radiation in my town.
The only things that seem to work are from these scientists.
And they're even bigger nutjobs than me.
Maybe I could help with that.
Do you have any of their tech?
Now that really, really got Wes’ attention. That's two really’s.
Maybe he should continue talking with this guy…
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nikkywrites · 2 years
Name Meaning Tag
Rules: Search and post the meaning of your OCs’ names (if you made their name up or they go by a nickname, post an explanation of how it came to you)! Bonus if you can find something for their last name too
Thanks for the tag @pluttskutt I’ll answer this for TDWAD’s cast as that one is characters I actually named and is decently sized (why do all my wips have no more than three characters?). I'd also like to point out that when naming them I did not look up meanings at all so this is a learning point for all of us. Let's see how accurate they are.
Also I need to settle on last names, so just first names.
Arabic: Simplified spelling of 'Leila' that means "night" or "dark beauty" or "one who was born at night".
Hebrew: Sometimes considered a pet form of Delilah, which means "one who has weakened or impoverished another".
Sanskrit: Derived from 'Lila/Leela'. Means "play, amorous, sport"
First of all, she was born at night. Fun fact. Don't ask why I know that but it's fun that it fits with her name. The Hebrew meaning is... kind of scary in that it does sort of fit in a way I will not elaborate on. So it’s decently accurate, though she’s not very playful.
Greek: Shortened English version of 'Nicholas' meaning "victory of the people."
Gaelic: English form of the name 'Cailen' meaning "child, young creature, cub, whelp."
I need to figure out his character more, but he's not super young and I don't think he's gonna be super victorious either. Sorry, buddy.
Arabic: "Blossoms, flowers."
English: "Guardian, guard, watchman."
Irish: Anglicization of 'Mac an Bhairds' or reduced form of 'McWard' meaning either "son of the bard" or "son of the poet”.
I got Ward's name thinking of protection wards and am a little surprised it doesn't mean 'protect' but 'guard' works too. And maybe the flower meaning will be sort of relevant? I don't have his backstory 100% figured out. It's also a semi decently popular last name.
Chinese: "Summer, great, grand" or "glow of the sunrise".
Greek: Variant of Xenia that means "guest, stranger" or "welcoming, hospitable".
Her name is actually pretty accurate. She is grand in her family and she fits in more with guest/stranger than she does welcoming.
Greek: Diminutive of Eleanor meaning "sympathy, compassion" or "shining one, bright one." Also possibly connected to the Greek word Hellas, which is the Greek name for Greece.
Latin: "One who heals."
French: "Little cinders, light."
Spanish: "She, her" or "young girl, feminine."
Hebrew: "Goddess."
German: Norman version of Alia meaning "all, other, fairy maiden."
So everybody want their claim on the name Ella, apparently. But surprisingly, they're all decently accurate. I’ll admit to not being 100% settled on her name but given how well it fits, I might stick to it.
Hebrew: "Beloved"
British/Welsh: "Son of David"
Davis is apparently more commonly used as a surname so it fits in the regards that he's strange. Sadly, I have to report that his father's name is not David and he’s a bit of a black sheep, so he’s not all that beloved. Poor Davis. Maybe he should do his work.
Tagging: @dragon-with-a-pen @notwritinganyflufftoday @dontcrywrite and whoever else would like to do this!
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readbyred · 3 years
Wilbur Cross x Reader
Warnings: cursing, suggestive comments, bad spelling
Everything happened quickly.
And nothing.
You anticipated something much grander from what appeared to be your death. But this day was more than disappointing from the start so why would your passing be any different?
You woke up, went to see a movie at Cineplex and got trapped in a local mall with a bloodthirsty cult. And now you apparently were dead. You exploded to be exact. But death didn't look like what you expected.
Everything was dark and damp. Wherever you were there wasn't any ‘up’ or ‘down’, ‘far’ or ‘close’. But you had to be somewhere, you still had your senses, slowly coming back after the explosion.
Even if you were dead you didn't feel like it, you couldn't know for sure though. Trying to check, you slowly lifted up your head (or maybe just looked up) and tried to move around. There was no indication of you moving but somehow you knew you were. Not that there was anywhere to move towards, everything was dark, the air felt thick and solid as if it was made of jelly. Not a very pretty comparison but the place was far from nice so it’s a fitting one.
You didn't know how long you were walking but you decided to stop paying attention to details. Your body distorted on the edges, it seemed to blend with the air around you and bend in weird places but every time you focused on it, it stopped. It was hard to tell why you saw it at all given the darkness of the place but that you stopped questioning either. And so, you walked.
Finally, after some time every time, the space around you started gaining shapes. It looked a bit like one of those stroke-simulation photos but instead of frustration it brought you a sense of security.
It wasn't long until you came across a strange light.
It was green and the closer you went the less it looked like a light and the more it gained a… Sort of human form. It had arms with slick fur and big, glowing eyes. It's features were also sort of animalistic but without doubt everything else was human. When it had sensed you it ran, or rather swam away.
Figuring that you were dead either way so there wasn't much else you had to do, you followed the thing further (or deeper) into the strange darkness.
From amongst the shapes stood out one, green and huge. It looked like it could occupy most of the endless space around.
It's gigantic eyes glowed, shining a light at a man and a woman. They were surrounded by the creatures.
Unnoticed, hidden in the thick darkness you crept closer to them. Both seemed slightly distorted but it was nothing compared to the fact that the woman had a bullet hole in her head. She seemed fine, however, other than the fact that she was yelling at her companion, clearly aggravated.
The sound travelled poorly in this place and so you decided to get closer, curious as to what was happening. Was this some sort of purgatory? Or hell? But what would you get into hell for?
Since the mystery woman appeared to be even more dead than you, then this had to be some sort of an afterlife situation.
“I didn't ‘fuck it up’! If Beck Barnes and her consolation prize boyfriend didn't ruin my plan I-” the blonde woman yelled at the taller man. She was facing you but didn't seem to notice a thing.
That's why you decided to creep even closer, crouching behind the man in denim. But when you took another step his head snapped towards you.
He was around your age but looked sick, way more dead than the woman with blood dripping down her temple. His head tilted as he looked down on you with a wicked grin.
“Well well well” he started, with a raspy voice that was familiar “another new face already?”
Even if you wanted to turn back you couldn't, feeling paw-like hands grabbing you and holding in place. You didn't know where those green things came from, you could swear they sat by the woman’s side seconds ago. But now they were making high pitched noises at you and staring with their huge eyes, possibly awaiting a stranger’s command.
“Let's see what we have here” he crouched down, inches from your face, presumably in an attempt to taunt you further. The man seemed to enjoy creeping you out, however, his expression and tone changed drastically a few seconds later as his green eyes took in the details of your face. Much more serious he let out a surprised “(Y/n)?”
“Uhm, who is that, Wiley?” the woman spoke up looking down at you, but not because you were crouched down.
“Leave us alone for a moment, will you, Linda” the man, Wiley, raised his voice rapidly getting back up. The name seemed to be familiar to you, but you never knew anyone with it.
“But-” she whined.
“Out” Wiley barked out, making the woman groan, clearly not intimidating her one bit.
The green creatures however vanished, leaving you alone. It was your chance to run but you didn't want to. Whoever Wiley was, he knew you and he didn't exactly give you bad vibes.
Even the glowing green eyes and his dishevelled state weren't exactly a red flag considering everyone you came across so far was either a fantasy creature or dead.
“Out? This place is fucking endless if you haven't noticed! What am I supposed to do? Stand by Wiggly’s right or left tentacle?!”
“Go find out.” his tone suggested that the conversation was over. With more whining the blonde stomped off, towards the green, glowing thing’s head.
“Did they get to or did you just miss me so much?” he turned to you, gaining back his composure, looking you up and down “Either way! Can't say I'm disappointed…”
“Um, I don't think we know each other” you admitted, now up on your feet.
“Come on! (Y/n)” but his face fell “...fuck”
“What’s wrong?” you asked as if it wasn't you who just got killed and locked in an endless pit of nothingness.
“If it isn't you I swear…” he grumbled furrowing his brows but asked, a bit less intensely “Don’t you remember me? Come on I know you do”
His entire being seemed so inherently evil but he wasn't scaring you so far. In fact you were just growing interested in whatever he had to say the more you two spoke.
“How do you know my name?” unable to affirm his last claim you decided to question him for a change.
“(Y/n) (L/n), raised and born in Hatchetfield, studied in the local community college, from 2001 to 2005 worked as an elementary school teacher” he recited “now the question is - do you know me?”
You frowned searching for any distant memory you could have. You never knew any Wiley but that could be a dead end. And besides how would he know all that about you in the first place?
If his information stopped so far back as 2005 then this could be someone you knew then...
It took you a few seconds to put pieces back together, they told you he was dead after all.
“Bingo. Knew you wouldn't forget me, (little lady/pretty mister/sweetheart)” he smirked.
That sparked even more questions but you decided not to ask them all at once. It still bothered you what was your long-dead boyfriend doing in some sort of a purgatory void.
“What is this place? Are we dead?” you finally let out as your past lover grinned enthusiastically.
“Well, (Y/n) we are in the Black and White! A place between all timelines PEIP managed to accidentally open up” he explained proudly, leaning on your shoulder and gesturing towards the space in front of you, for better effect “but I’m not dead! Never been better. Now you on the other hand…”
He made a sound running his finger across his throat but he didn't seem very concerned.
“To be honest you look more dead than me” you rolled your eyes. It was common for you to scold him for not taking enough care of himself, back when you were together. He responded with a sigh.
“Do I, now? Do I? Come on!” he opened his arms and pointed towards himself “Don't tell me you don't like what you see”
Well, he wasn't wrong. He was a mess in every possible definition of the word and you seriously had to ask him about his horrendous outfit but he was the love of your life and you couldn't be happier to be finally reunited.
You still had some questions but not wanting to ruin the moment you just smiled at him rolling your eyes.
“You wish, Cross” still smiling, you walked by him, much less scared to meet others. You looked back, asking him if you two can join the blonde, now talking to the enormous creature.
“Hey, wait up” he caught up with you and trying to be smooth he put his arm around your waist and let it slide down, putting it on your butt “aren't you a naughty one”
And here was, using his old tricks and lines. It didn't matter though, because both of you knew they worked just fine.
BONUS (crack):
Sitting and chatting was nice, and not like there was much more to do in the Black and White. The eldritch god your boyfriend worked under seemed off but not too bad either.
“How come I ended up here though? I never joined any of the cultists” you questioned petting a sniggle laying in your lap.
“Well” started Wiggly before Wilbur could even open is mouth “I-existed-befowe-eawth-did. I-nevew-knew-14-yeaws-could-be-long. But-UwUncle-Wiley-came-hewe-and-stawted-talking-about-his-fwendy-wend-non-stop-and-i-found-out-how-long-it-can-be-OwO! So-i-bwought-his-cUwUsh-home!”
Wilbur did not want to speak on the matter.
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coolkat122 · 3 years
You Again: Vampire Gaara x Reader
Fandom: Naruto
Character: Gaara, Naruto, Sakura, Sai
Setting: Vampire AU
Inspired by: no
Requested no
"No please no!" I heard someone scream out before a sound of flesh being torn followed after shortly, I would most likely be too late to be of any help but I figure if I at least see who it is,  I could have some justice done for them. 
So instead of running in the opposite direction from the horrifying sounds I just heard like a normal person, I went toward it, as quietly as I possibly could as not to be noticed and end up meeting the same fate. I kept close to the wall slowly inching my way to peak around the corner.
And what I saw was a tall redhead with very pale skin d-drinking the blood from the guy that was screaming earlier, what's with this guy? Is he one of those people that believe they are 'vampires'? I don't know but what he is doing is just messed up. 
He drops the body and there's a big chunk of the man's neck missing and there was a woman a few feet on the ground with similar wounds as the male... so he wasn't this creeps only victim, this poor unfortunate (soul) woman was too. As the body hit the ground I heard the red-haired male tsk. 
"It's not enough.....I need more" When those words left his lips I felt scared so unbelievably frightened that if I am noticed I will be next since apparently his thirst as still not been quenched. 
I was thinking about leaving while I still can and before I'm noticed and just when I was putting those thoughts into action my phone started ringing, realizing that my hiding place was blown I quickly took off as fast as I could. 
I was pretty confident that I would make some damn good distance since I was one of the top track stars on my old high school team but I made the unfortunate mistake of not watching where I was going, I was looking back trying to see how fast he would catch up to me. 
I fell back onto my butt again without looking I begged whoever I bumped into asking for them to help me but when I looked up I saw that it was the man in the alley.
My eyes widened as I saw him, his eyes widened for a quick sec before glaring down at me with immense hate, no, nonononononono how? HOW DID HE CATCH UP TO ME!? No he has to be a twin right? 
"You" He roughly grabbed me by my shirt pulling me up to his level with his voice dripping with venom with each word he says and none of it made a lick of sense. "How are you still alive? You should be dead! IT'S BEEN CENTURIES!" 
"Let me go! SOMEBODY! PLEASE SAVE ME!" I screamed begging for somebody to save me to which he took some serious pleasure in.
"My have you changed, you've never begged to be saved before even when I drained the very life from you"..... just what is he talking about? A very sinister smirk grew onto his face. "This is actually not so bad... you being alive still, it just means I get to kill you all over again and as a bonus, I get to hear what I longed to from the first time I took your life" 
He opened his mouth and I saw a pair of very sharp looking fangs and I started to consider something I hadn't before... that this guy just might be a real-life vampire...  
When that thought sunk in I started to freak out even more and becoming sick to the stomach with fear, that this was it no one came and no one will my life was going to be taken and it was going to be by a vampire's hands or well mouth. 
I closed my eyes to brace for the pain but instead he hissed out in pain rather than it being me like one would expect as a matter of fact I felt no pain whatsoever and when I heard a strange voice from another male I pieced together why someone had come to my rescue.
A blond spiky haired male with blue eyes and weird markings on his cheeks had stood a couple of feet away holding some odd looking throwing stars, his smile was goofy looking and he was positioned like he was ready for a fight as he stared down at the red-haired male that was glaring at him.
"No worries lady I will save you!" At his words, I felt almost all of my fear fade but I was still concern about what if he fails I mean this dude was a VAMPIRE! He had to be much stronger and faster than this guy who I assume to be a normal human male. 
"You hunters always ruin everything!" He hissed dropping me to the ground but not before making it known that he would be back for me shortly as he walked over to the blond. 
The two fought as I sat on the ground watching as each one threw an attack landing some serious blows and it was starting to look bad the redhead was just too much for him like I had thought he would be.
"IT'S OVER!" The redhead screamed as he raised his sharp claw-like hands as if he were about to slice his throat open, I wanted to help and save him as he had done for me but I just sat there with the thought in my head, 'what could I even do to make a difference?' 
Thankfully I didn't have to be the hero someone unseen shot something and it hit the red-head right in his neck causing him to drop blondie, holding his neck while glaring at the direction that whatever he was shot with came from.
"Honestly you're such an idiot" The blond's eyes widen with joy that his friend showed up in time to help. 
"Sakura!" He shouted happily at the pink haired girl walked out from her hiding place along with an even paler male than the ginger only his hair was black.... he was smiling like blondie only wheres the blonds was goofy and uplifting, his was well....disturbing like he was trying to make it appear natural but was failing horribly.
The vampire looked at the two new people and growled before cutting to look at me like he was debating if he had time to kill me before fleeing I'm guessing the answer was no because he quickly jumped high into the night sky vanishing. 
"Hey, are you okay?" I looked to the blond, I don't know when he walked over to me but he was now standing a few inches away from me as he awaited my answer. 
"Yes. I-I'm fine" He helped me stand while the pink haired chick came over to examine me as she hummed. 
"No bites" She stood straighter and then looked me and the eyes for her question. "Did he make you drink his blood?" I shook my head as she sighed with relief. 
"Do you know him? On my way here just before saving you, it sounded like he knew you?" I shook my head, explaining that I had never seen him before until tonight.
"That's odd he sure acted like he had seen you before..." As I was about to say more the pale dude from before came over telling them about the two in the alley. 
They appeared to be saddened that they couldn't save them in time. "Th-that's a shame..." The pair's eyes were downcasted like they were ashamed to have to gotten here sooner.
"Okay Sai and I will take care of the bodies while you escort her home" She pointed to me while blondie appeared confused as was I, why would I need an escort? Not that I don't want one after what just happened but why would she feel the need to give me one?
"What? Why?" The blond asked what I was wondering as well. 
"I saw how he looked at her before leaving he was pretty dead set on wanting to kill her I don't think it would be safe for her to go home alone" He seemed to have understood now that she explained it and offered a thumbs up as he smiled.
"Oh okay leave it to me then" He turned to face me still with that goofy smile as he told me to lead the way, now normally I wouldn't go show some stranger the way to my home but since he just saved my life and there's a vampire out to get me I think now's a perfect time for an exception. 
We talked for a bit on the way there almost like old friends which is weird on how happy we were chatting as if neither of us was almost killed by a vampire though since he's a hunter I'm assuming he's used to it but for me to be so calm after that is certainly something to question.
But he just had something about him that seemed to make everything better like an air to him that could sooth anyone, by the time we arrived at my place we bid our farewells and I quickly went inside as my fear returned now that he was no longer around and a thought occurred to me just as he left my sights...
What if that vampire returns?....
Not connected to twisted teeth
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dekinswritings · 4 years
Genshin Impact - Princess of the night
The duties of the Outrider division of the Knights of Favonius were as varied as they were plentiful and patrolling Mondstadt at night beyond its city walls was one of them. And her favorite too, nothing beat the soothing feeling of the cool night breeze, or the heart-throbbing feeling of saving a stranger from a monster. Surely, it was the adrenaline of combat, and not how beautiful her golden hair looked against the light of the moon.
Amber/Lumine. 2k. Ch1/3?
The duties of the Outrider division of the Knights of Favonius were as varied as they were plentiful, but Amber bore every single one of them as its sole remaining member. When she came of age, Acting Grand Master Jean had been kind enough to re-establish the branch for her. Amber knew that, under the grand scheme of things, the Outrider division was only part of the Ordo Favonius, but that only motivated her even more to work hard and return it to its former glory. One day, her grandpa would come back to Mondstadt, and see how the division he had once started still kept on serving all of those in the region, be it its citizens or any travelers who happened to be around.
Had it been a few months ago, Amber had truly felt that might never happen, that she would not ever see him again. But after what just had happened? Dvalin, the ever guardian of Mondstadt, had turned on them; she had met a mysterious traveler and his floating companion in what had been a routinely scouting mission; and had found out that Venti, that drunk of a bard that never seemed to have a fill for liquor, was Lord Barbatos? Anything could happen next, and Amber felt as invigorated as ever to keep up her duties for the Outriders.
It was now a little over a week after the whole Dvalin ordeal had finished. Aether had said goodbye, and left for Liyue to continue on his journey. Amber would have loved to have gone with him (perhaps Liyue held a clue or two about the whereabouts of his grandpa), but she still had her duties to fulfill as an Outrider.
Patrolling Mondstadt at night beyond its city walls was one of those many duties. One always had to be on the lookout for Hilirchurl encampments; if they were too close to the city or too large, they would have to be dealt with. Abyss Mages were also a threat, as they were both dangerous and intelligent, the latter trait something that Hillichurls lacked (Amber swears there have been multiple times where a Hillichurls had slept or played with a butterfly while the rest of its encampment was being dealt with, so they either are not smart, or they simply never cared). Or Reckless Pallad needed saving. Again.
All of these were important reasons to go out patrolling, but really the one that Amber cared most about (not to say she did not care for the safety of Mondstadt and its citizens) was the fact that, as a night patrol, there was no real rush to her task. After a day of sprinting and gliding everywhere, where time was of the essence, nothing beat a walk on Starfell Lake or Starsnatch Cliff with the cool, accompanied by the night breeze and the light of the moon. Lamp grass, her favorite flower, also shone only during nighttime, which was an added bonus.
Of course, she was still on duty, so despite enjoying her night strolls, Amber always kept an eye out for danger and her bow ready to be drawn. Tonight was no different, as she walked up one of the many cliffs of Stormbearer Point. She always made a point of walking up to the highest points of them, as they served as great vantage points for the surrounding area (including the reflected moonlight on the ocean horizon!). Once she made it to the end of the cliffside, Amber held her bangs from blowing into her face from the strong breeze and peered to her surroundings.
A fireplace on one of the openings just beneath the cliffside but got her attention. Normally, people camping out in Mondstadt was not uncommon, but it took a strong body and the will of an adventurer to do it in such a far away place and with such rough terrain such as Stormbearer Point. Amber could barely make out the silhouette of a sleeping figure near the fire, but something else glowed near it... 
Amber knew that only one thing glowed and made a perfect sphere. Whoever was sleeping out there was slowly being crept up by an Abyss Mage! Taking note of how the wind blew her hair, Amber took out her Baron Bunny, looked down and closed one eye, taking aim. As she threw the Baron down, she pulled down her goggles, took a few steps back, jumped off the cliff with a leap, and opened her glider. As she slowly fell down, Amber thanked the Archons that the Abyss Mage had been the icy kind. If the glow of its shield had been orange, her only option would have been to pick up the sleeping person and run for it.
Baron Bunny was the first one to land, immediately catching the Abyss Mage’s attention. The Abyss Mage pulled out its Leyline branch wand, and with a twirl and a swing, summoned forth icicles which Baron Bunny took like a champ. After the fourth one, Baron had enough and lit itself into an explosion, taking the Abyss Mage aback and damaging its shield. Now that she had glided down to a safe altitude, Amber put away her glider and lept down with a rain of arrows. The arrows simply bounced off of the Mage’s shield, but in its confusion, Amber took the chance to focus her vision at its highest intensity and with a Fiery Rain, both destroyed the weakened shield and the Abyss Mage alongside with it once its protection were no more.
Amber let out a sigh of relief, thankful that her attack had hit just the right spots to wipe the Abyss Mage in a single volley. The crackling of the fire left by her attack helped Amber’s heart soothe down from the rush of adrenaline her body had just been pumped with, but it quickly skyrocketed again when she heard movement behind her. In a swift motion, Amber lept away, turned around and drew an arrow, only to find a blonde girl in an intricate white getup, with her hands held up in a resigning manner.
“Um, hello?” she quizzically called out with a clear look of confusion on her face.
“Don’t you know it’s dangerous out here? There are monsters everywhere, so away from the city!” Amber put down her bow.
“And also cute girls with fire Visions and trigger-happy bow and arrows.”
The sudden compliment caught Amber off guard. “D-Don’t…!” Amber cleared her throat, she could not be tripping on her words when she had to perform her duties as an Outrider. “Don’t you know I just saved you? You had an Abyss Mage creeping up on you as you slept!”
The stranger looked even more confused until she glanced at the patch of grass behind Amber on fire. “That explains that, then,” she said as she pointed at the blazes. “By the way, your boot is going to catch on fire.”
“Huh?” Amber looked behind her, and in the jump she had instinctively made just now, her foot had landed inside the fire. In the heat of the moment, she barely noticed the heat (the fire resistance provided by her Vision had not helped either), but now fully aware of it, Amber quickly jumped away from the fire and patted her boot down, making sure it had not been set ablaze.
“A-Anyways…!” There she went, tripping on her words again. “It’s dangerous out here! You should come with me to Mondstadt.”
“And… you are…?”
“Oh!” How could she forget, again?! She had completely forgotten to introduce herself in front of Aether about a month ago, and now she was doing it once more. “I am Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius!” Amber straightened her back and did the Favonius salute, fist to her chest.
“Nice to meet you, Amber, Outrider for the Knights of Favonius,” The stranger repeated, putting her hand on her chest too.
“May the Anemo God protect you, stranger.” Well, Amber was planning to do the protection, but it was part of the Knight’s code to say that line.
“Please, call me…” The girl paused for a moment, before nodding to herself. “Ying.”
“Alright… Ying.” Amber was not too convinced with her name, but Ying looked suspicious right from her getup. “You’re not of Mondstadt, are you, Ying? Explain yourself.”
“So inquisitive… is that how things work in this region?” Ying wondered out loud, but before Amber had the chance to answer, she continued. “I’m just a traveler, out to see the worlds. I had heard of a Dragon being sighted in Mondstadt, so I arrived not too long ago to witness it.”
Dvalin? Certainly it had to be Dvalin, very few dragons lived in the modern day. Perhaps news of the Dvalin attacks on Mondstadt had spread across Teyvat, but not of its stop. “Where do you hail from, Ying?”
“Very far away. Further away from what you can see on the horizon.” Ying turned to face the ocean, and the way the moon illuminated her golden hair made her look ethereal, like she came from another world.
“Sounds like a very long trip to come here to Mondstadt.”
“Hmm. Yeah, I guess it took a while. I’ve been traveling for so long that the journeys don’t matter too much, only what’s in the end.” For a moment, Amber could see a hint of sadness in Ying’s eyes.
Now it felt so much harder to tell her that Dvalin had kept to itself in Stormterror’s Lair for weeks now, and that Dvalin only made itself present on rare occasions.
“And what are you doing out here, Miss Outrider for the Knights of Favonius?”
“Amber is just fine. I was simply on a nightly patrol, keeping an eye out for danger and monsters, and saving people from said dangers, like I just did with you! Now, come. We should get you into the city, it’s not safe out here.”
“I think you cleared out all the monsters around her already, Amber. And besides, the Fatui are in the city, no? I… don’t like them.” Ying sighed and sat down near the fireplace. “I’m safer out here than I’ll be in there with them.”
“Well...” Amber knew very well how much more dangerous the Fatui were when compared to some lowly hillichurls or a few Abyss Mages, and the way Ying spoke made Amber feel like she had some reasons to dislike them, just like Collei. “I won’t force you to come, if you really feel that way.”
“Thanks.” Ying offered Amber a smile, one that the Outrider could not take her eyes off of. “And besides, if I ever need to be rescued, the Outrider for the Knights of Favonius will come to the rescue, right?”
Never had Amber felt embarrassed by her own title, but these past few months had been a lot of first times for her. “J-Just be careful out here, okay? I need to get back to my patrols.”
“Right, I’ll keep an eye out, Amber. May the Anemo God protect you too.”
With a salute, Amber bid farewell to the stranger she had just met, and made haste to get back to her patrol route. With her short skirmish with the Abyss Mage long over, why had the adrenaline rush not gone away? If Amber did not know any better, she would say her heart was about to fly out of her chest.
“Did I really call myself Ying... Cute girls will be the end of me…” Ying said to herself as she rubbed the temples of her head. Standing up, she walked up to the burnt grass left by Amber and picked up the Leyline branch the Abyss Mage had left in its demise.
“I wanted to travel alone here, but someone just had to insist they had to come along…” Ying shook her head and pocketed the Leyline branch.
“Aether has made some very cute friends, hasn’t he?”
Now, Lumine just had to get Amber to rescue her again, but how will she do it next time?
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twopoppies · 5 years
hey i love you fic recs and was wondering if youve got anything on desperate harry? it doesnt have to be bottom harry, more needy or submissive harry like anything with overstimulation, orgasm denial, harry gagging for it because when isnt he (and bonus points for tears). ive become absolutely feral for this trope and ive read my way through the entire bottom harry tag already so im up for anything u can give me :))
Oh, anon. I love this trope, too. Hopefully I have some you haven’t read yet. 
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Allegro/Adagio by coffinofachimera (E, 9K) everything I’ve read from this author has been so beautifully written, and this is no exception. Yes, it’s filthy, but they give such depth to the characters’ reasons for the way they “play”. And this is one of the rare fics that really take us through the build up to the scene, straight through to aftercare. I really loved this one.
Hike Up Your Skirt (And Show Your World To Me) by Anonymous (E, 18K) make sure you read the tags on this one because it’s not your conventional fic and Louis is definitely super manipulative. But if you like the idea of secretary Harry in lingerie, CEO Louis, copious amounts of dirty talk, some power imbalance, and exhibitionism… this could be for you.
gathered on wings by Brooklyn_Babylon / @twopoppies (E, 33K) This one is mine, so here’s the summary:
What Harry Styles wanted was to be taken seriously as an artist.What he needed was a new sugar daddy to pave the way.Louis Tomlinson is an artist who isn’t what Harry is looking for.Somehow he still manages to turn Harry’s world upside down.
Whoever, However by Brooklyn_Babylon / @twopoppies (E, 9K) this one is mine. again. Here’s the summary:
Louis could feel his heart rate pick up as he positioned the camera and Harry slowly stood up. They both knew what came next –– it had been clearly outlined in the advert Harry answered. The studio Louis worked for was filming a new series of camboy videos. Louis’ job was to make it look like amateur porn –– sweaty, sensual, dirty –– but well lit and edited. He was an artist, thank you very much.
Or: Louis has a much better day at work than he’d expected.
But When We Kiss by @indiaalphawhiskey (E, 8K) At last this author has graced us with another fic and it’s a filthy, fantastic Sugar Baby Harry fic. Hallelujah! But seriously, their writing is so good, the dynamics are so hot, and Harry is just the perfect kind of desperate in this one. Go read it! 
redder than the devil by mercutionotromeo (E, 5K) This has a little of everything you’ve asked for and this author always delivers some super hot smut. 
like poison coursing through me by orphan_account (E, 4K) Kink exploration, dirty talk, Louis pushing Harry, and Harry loving it. 
Only Write By The Moon by glasscushion (E, 5K) This is basically pure smut, but this author has such a beautiful way with words…even smut sounds poetic. 
I’d do Niall by alongthewatchtower (E, 8K) I know this fic isn’t for everyone and I also know it’s pure filth. But I love everything about it. Dirty talk, Harry in panties, desperate Harry, Niall trying it and not knocking it, Dom Louis vibes…all the good stuff. LOL! This author also has a handful of others that I’m a big fan of.
Lay So Still by yougotmetieddown (E, 3K) Basically just Harry desperate to be used and Louis giving him what he wants. Whew. Stupid hot.
Sonic Sounds by glasscushion (E, 6K) So, so smutty and such a sexy exploration of kink discovery.
honey is it time to spin by alongthewatchtower (NR, 4K) I mean…pure filth. Strangers to lovers, age difference, messy subby Harry. Filth. 
that boy’s got my heart in a silver cage by orphan_account (E, 4K) Flustered, overwhelmed subby Harry just starting to figure out that what he wants most is to please Louis.
skip a beat and move with my body by crybaby (E, 6K) I don’t even know how to sum this up. It’s a whole lot of Harry being used, talked about like he’s not there, doing his best to please, and having a threesome with Louis and Zayn. It’s a lot. 
turn you on, make you radiate by ballsdeepinjesus (E, 15K) This can fic takes place over the course of a decade, so their sex life is always hot, although not always desperate. But I love this author always. 
You’ll Breathe Me In (You Won’t Release) by LoadedGunn (E, 95K) Also known as The Driving Instructor fic. This has some of the best pacing I’ve read in a fic, some really well written BDSM smut, and characters I just really enjoy. I know it’s not for everyone. Read the tags.
Promise Not To Stop When I Say When by becka, mediaville (E, 49K) Ok, so let me start by saying that you should read the tags. This fic has some pairings that may not be your thing at all. HOWEVER, it’s end game larry and if you can handle the other stuff, it’s pretty damn hot. 
love to make him moan by say_thanks (E, 8K) I love this one. There’s so much passion and such good smut. It’s a PWP but so much more than that. You can really feel the love they have for each other. 
When The Wolves Come Out by @rosemarianthyme (E, 2K) I think what I love most about this little fic is the idea of ABO role play. I’m always up for kink discovery fic (further explored in the prequel) and I love reading a different take on ABO.
It’s My Pleasure To Introduce You by LoadedGunn (E, 8K) I mean…Harry and Louis meet at a sex shop. Harry’s desperate from the get go. I love this fic. And the love the very kinky sequel as well.  
Take Our Bodies Higher by louislittlehiccups (E, 21K) Louis finally find someone who shares his kinks. It happens to be phone sex operator Harry. So much dirty talk. So much desperation. So, so good. 
Good Enough to Eat by objectlesson (E, 7K) All of this author’s fics have some version of overwhelmed and desperate Harry. This one is probably my favorite though. 
we’ve people to see (let’s put them on hold) by orphan_account (E, 7K) I mean, meet a hot boy in the metro, take him home and he’s your sexual soulmate? Sure…happens to us all. But goddamn it this one is hot af, even if it’s completely unbelievable. LOL! 
do you know me by heart by HappyPrincess / @pattern-pals (E, 7K) Harry is definitely desperate, but man is it angsty. These are complex characters with complex emotions and behaviors. There’s a second part being written, but the author says not to expect any fluff! The writing here is visceral and raw and real. Such a good read. 
leave you drowning until you reach for my hand by orphan_account (E, 17K) This fic made me so uncomfortable in the best of ways and the psychological exploration in it is so well done. But it’s also really, really sexy. 
No Sweeter Innocence Than Our Gentle Sin by Teumessian (E, 14K) Louis and Harry want a threesome. With Zayn. And it’s really fucking hot, in part because Harry is so desperate for it. 
use somebody by istajmaal (E, 5K) There’s so much I love about this fic from the way Louis treats Harry vs the way he treats Nick, to the way we get to see Harry and Louis’ relationship (both sexual and otherwise) through Nick’s eyes. 
ain’t had none like you in a while (E, 12K) Also known as the time travel daddy fic and man, it covers a lot of ground. Two for one desperate Harrys! It’s not easy writing a fic that is mostly smut and involves more than two people but still keeps it interesting and actually makes you feel for the characters. But this one definitely does, as far as I’m concerned (yes, I like some feelings with my porn). 
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plus-size-reader · 5 years
Unlike Any Other
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Geralt of Rivia x Plus size!reader
Word Count: 1706 words
Summary:  Reader is a Cintran sell sword, hired by the queen. (Loosely based on Episode.4)
You did your best not to ask questions because asking questions wasn’t part of your job.
Your job was to stay quiet, hold your sword, and kill whatever the queen wanted dead. That was the whole description and you lived by that, nothing more than a sword to the crown.
...No exceptions.
At least not until today.
They told stories of the witcher all of Cintra but in a lot of ways, you weren’t sure that you believed them. You had met many men who thought themselves good fighters but once you went up against them, they always fell first.
You wouldn’t believe the claims of the witcher until you saw them for yourself, with your own two eyes.
“Cheer up sell-sword, it’s a party” one of the passing lords grumbled, bumping your shoulder with his own as he moved by you. You were wearing full plate armor, with a helmet and everything...luckily.
Or else they would have seen the absolute disdain on your face.
You despised all of them but you couldn’t exactly make a scene during the ball. It was bad enough as it was, without you having to spill blood all over the marble flooring. So, you swallowed your annoyance and kept your eyes on the scene in front of you which was quickly interrupted by quite the commotion.
As best you could tell, the Witcher had arrived.
You had no idea why they would get so excited over a simple man but as best you could tell, he may not have been a man at all. You didn’t know what he was, but it didn’t really matter.
you had no doubt that you would eventually have the opportunity to see it for yourself...all you had to do was wait.
Clearly, the ball didn’t stay dull and boring for that long. The Urcheon of Erlenwald, or so he called himself had caused quite a storm when he arrived in the court. It was an unwelcome intrusion for so many, but not for you.
You had no problem with a bit of excitement.
Perhaps the queen would order you to kill this stranger, or maybe she would welcome him. Either way, your sword was going to get some kind of use-you could just tell. After doing this for so long, you were pretty good at it.
You could practically feel a fight swelling in the air. It was almost as if the whole room was holding its breath, and you, for one, couldn’t wait for the exhale.
It all happened rather quickly, like a bubble just waiting to burst.
The queen stood behind you, clearly just itching to stab whoever he was in the face but she would be given no such service. Tonight, she was only the queen so if anyone was going to kill anyone else, it would be you.
“Stand back lioness, I’ll take care of this” you assured, reaching behind you to grasp the sword attached to your back. She had ordered the man be killed, and so he would be. It was as simple as that.
Or so you thought.
You swung your sword gracefully, sure that it would hit its target with complete certainty but were met with only the clean clashing of metal against your own.
You were rightfully shocked for a few seconds before realizing what had happened. The witcher, Geralt of Rivia, had interrupted your sword stroke in the middle-keeping you for carrying out the execution you had been ordered.
He had some kind of problem with this creature being killed, which didn’t make any sense to you. As far as the stories had you believe, the witcher killed monsters like this one, so why was this any different?
Without missing a beat, you moved quickly, doing your best to counter his defense. It worked at first but the witcher moved just as fast.
You had never seen a man as swift with a sword as you were.
“He’s been cursed” he repeated, through gritted teeth as if that mattered. He didn’t seem to understand what you were, though there wasn’t much of a difference between the two of you.
However, none of that meant anything at the moment.
Your armor was far too bulky for the kind of combat the witcher required so you yanked off your helmet, tossing it away without a thought.
It was, by far, the first time that anyone in this kingdom had seen your face but you didn’t care about that at the moment. All you could think about was beating the witcher and killing that thing to boot.
However, the rest of the kingdom wasn’t as dismissive as you were about the reveal.
They just  assumed that you were a man, as they were, and that was the whole point. In fact, only the queen knew that you were a woman. She was the only one who believed in you, your gender aside.
She had seen your abilities in action, and trusted no one more when it came to protecting her and her family.
You knew that most of the common people wouldn’t feel the same if they knew that you were a woman. They wouldn’t trust your skill and power as much if they knew the truth.
“You fight well, but I still won’t let you kill him” Geralt grumbled, acting as if that was all he had to worry about. You thought it was ridiculous but something about the way he said it stopped you in your tracks.
There was a reason he didn’t want this creature dead.
You almost asked him why he cared so much but in a split second, without a single thought, you nodded. The queen would have your head for this, but it didn’t matter anymore.
You knew, deep down, that you couldn’t beat the man in front of you and you weren’t even sure that you wanted to.
So, rather than waste your energy fighting the witcher, you turned away from him, leaning against his back to fight off the queens guards, who would now want to kill the both of you.
This had been, quite possibly, the longest day of your entire life.
From fighting a witcher, to nearly killing a cursed man, to watching him become cured right before your eyes. You wouldn't believe all the things that you’d been forced to deal with in a matter of hours.
However, you knew one thing for sure.
Wherever the witcher was going, whatever he was planning to do, you would be going with him.
You huffed, he was being so terribly difficult about all of this.
“You cost me my paying position witcher, so I’ll be going with you so that I can make more coin” you shrugged, upset that he was being this way. He could have gotten you killed with the stunt that he pulled.
Now it was Geralt’s turn to huff. You talked so much, much more than he would have assumed based on how reserved you had been when you first met.
“Fine, get your things...we need to get moving” he grumbled, waving you off like a pest that he could just usher away at his earliest convenience. However, you didn’t have a care in the world for how he treated you.
All you cared about was the fact that he had given you what you wanted. You were going to finally get out of Cintra, after all this time.
You hurriedly made your way to your chamber, changing out of your armor into something more unsuspecting and feminine. Under the protection of the queen, you were free to masquerade as a man but on the road, you would be much more dangerous hidden under a meek, disceving gown.
If you ran into trouble, people were more likely to see you as a damsel in distress, giving you the chance to slit their throat or stab them clean through.
You thought that it was a clever strategy, though Geralt clearly didn’t get that air as soon as he saw you.
“What are you wearing?” he grumbled, in that gravely, unwavering tone that you already knew so well. You shrugged, glancing down at the wine red fabric that dressed your plump frame.
It wasn’t the nicest gown in the world but it was the only one that you owned. Besides, you had always thought that it showed off your curves quite nicely, if you had cared about that kind of thing.
“A dress? Aren’t you familiar Witcher?” you teased, doing a slight little spin. You were laughing at him, he knew it but he didn’t say anything. INstead, he just watched you...almost as if he was trying to figure you out.
He had never, in all his lifetimes, seen a woman like you.
After you had finished with your little charade, you waltzed right over to where Roach was tied up to a nearby tree. The beautiful horse whinnied, nuzzling into your touch when you reached out for him.
“He yours?” you wondered, turning back to Geralt, only to find an almost strangled look on his face. Not only had you just touched Roach and you still had your hand but the horse had also accepted your presence pretty well.
It didn’t make any sense.
One thing was for sure, you were a woman unlike any other.
*Bonus: *
Geralt had agreed to let you ride alongside him on Roach, but had drawn the line at letting you hold the lead. Roach may not have hated you, but that didn’t mean that you got to hold the reigns.
That would be going too far.
You thought that you would be riding in silence but after a bit of time, Geralt decided to break the silence.
“It’s a nice dress” he grumbled finally, so quiet that you almost didn’t catch it. It might not have been the best compliment you had ever received but coming from Geralt, it was quite a step.
You just smiled, leaning forward ever so slightly to press a kiss to his cheek, before turning your attention to the words. If you didn’t know better, you would have thought that the witcher had a soft spot for you.
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lonely-writer · 3 years
Buck x OC
Buck is buying a gift for Jee-Yun. It's the first thing he is gonna give his niece and he is nervous, he needs something special and unique, but also very Buck, so Jee-Yun can remember him for forever. He doesn't want Chim to hear about it and we know how the fam can't keep a secret, so he decides to go to Twitter and ask. It becomes viral or not, up to you, but one of the answers he gets catches his attention so he answers and the other person answers him back and suddenly they are having conversations about everything and anything, even after he buys the gift for Jee-Yun and meet her for the first time.
Any way, at some point he and the person chatting in internet decide to meet in person. And what a surprise, he/she/they is someone he met when he was going around, and they have story, but the spark is still there
Hi I love you, thank you so much for this request!
Pairing: Evan “Buck” Buckley x OC
Characters: Evan “Buck” Buckley, Original Female Character, Howie “Chimney” Han, Maddie Buckley, Jee-Yun
Tags: Fluff, awkward reunions, mentions of sex, Buck being an uncle, alternate universe from S.o.S, a lil bit of angst bc Buck can’t figure out a good gift, one count ‘em one swear word
Buck is at his wits end, he’s been struggling to find the perfect gift for his newborn niece but everything he’s looked at has been so cliche so far from teddy bears and blankets to personalized rattles she’ll eventually outgrow. He needs something else- something unique that is the best gift possible- something that she’ll cherish for years to come- and preferably something that Maddie and Chimney won’t throw out.
He’s out of ideas and he’s running out of time so it’s time for drastic measures. Twitter. It’s a last ditch effort really, sending out a tweet begging asking for suggestions on what to get his newborn niece, some of the answers he gets are absurd such as the newspaper on the day that he’ll meet her- what kind of gift is that? Another suggestion is a bath bundle which sounds good at first but then again it’s not very personal to Jee-Yun which is who the gift he’s buying is for, there are more simple things such as blankets and baby clothes but at some point she’ll grow out of those.
Buck feels as though there’s no point in asking anyone, he’ll have to get his favorite niece some crappy gift that won’t be anywhere near perfect and everyone will make fun of him and- 
RaeOfSunshine28: How about a memory book?
That’s actually....the best suggestion he’s heard all day. He likes the tweet and sends a reply to the stranger who has brought him salvation.
FireH0seBuckley: That sounds like a really cool idea, thx! 
He doesn’t think about it for the rest of the day until he’s off work and trying to find a memory book, it’s been awfully difficult for him not to gloat around the station that he’s got the best gift ever planned for Jee-Yun, Where in the world would he ever find that? He’s been searching for awhile when another idea pops into his head.
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
Heyyyy! So thx again for the gift idea...any idea where to get one? :P
Message from RaeOfSunshine28:
Np, Maybe try a craft store? It’ll probably be w/ the scrapbooking stuff. You could try doing it yourself tho.
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
Mehhhh seems like too much work LOL
Message from RaeOfSunshine28:
.-. Bro don’t be lazy it’s ur niece
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
:P You’re no fun
Message from RaeOfSunshine28: 
Tell me something I don’t know.
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
Oxygen supply can influence the color of a fire.
Message from RaeOfSunshine28:
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
You said to tell you something you don’t know, now you tell me something about you!
Message from RaeOfSunshine28:
Since when did we start playing 20 questions?
Message from FireH0seBuckley:
Since now!
Buck smiles down at his phone as he and whoever he’s messaging begin to message back and fourth, it’s nice to have someone new to talk to when everyone is busy. This goes on for about a month or so, they message each other frequently and end up texting throughout their days, he feels like it’s become more than a friendship but he doesn’t want to jump to any conclusions. Buck’s been heartbroken enough in the past- but he’s come to the realization that he wants to me this person in....well, person. So he suggests meeting at a local coffee place to finally see each other face to face, it surprises and elates him when they agree.
He’s nervous as he waits at the coffee shop, this is the first time that he’s actually been the one asking someone out, Abby was the one who called him- so was Ali, and Taylor bought him a drink at a bar so making the first move wasn’t in his wheelhouse. The only time he’d usually make the first move was when he was having sex.
The bell to the cafe’s door chimed catching Buck’s attention- speaking of sex- the woman that walked in was someone he recognized, he never caught her name but he certainly remembered the long black hair and stunning green eyes. She doesn’t notice him, at least not right away, instead opening her phone to send a message to someone...at the same time Buck’s phone vibrates in his pocket. 
Realization comes crashing into him as he frantically pulls out his phone- there’s no way- there’s no possible way-
Message from RaeOfSunshine28: 
Hey I’m here, not certain if you are yet. Want me to get you anything? :)
Holy shit it is. The twitter user he’s been talking to was someone that he’d had a one night stand with. He realizes that he must have been staring at her because her gaze is suddenly on him, eyeing him suspiciously as though she’s trying to place it. When she finally comes to the realization of where she knows him from her eyes become wide with embarrassment, mouth turning into an ‘Oh.’ shape. He gives her a small smile and a wave as she walks over to him.
“Fancy meeting you here stranger, didn’t think I’d be seeing you again since you ghosted me.” She greets all too casually for someone who- nope not thinking like that.
“Did I really ghost you?” Buck asks confidently a genuine smile working it’s way on to his face.
“Well I would say that waking up to an empty bed with no way to contact you would be a good way of ghosting me.” She hums lightly in response.
“Oh but RaeOfSunshine twenty-eight I would say that I have kept in great contact with you.” Her bemused expression suddenly drops into one of shock as he speaks.
“You’re kidding. You’re fire hose Buckley?”She asks sounding incredulous.
“The one and only. So, it’s nice to meet you Rae.” He officially greets extending his hand.
“It’s Raven actually, my friends call me Rae though and since we’ve been past that I suppose you can call me Rae. It’s nice to meet you as well Buckley.” She says a smile beginning to form.
“Buck, actually. Buckley is my last name and Evan is my first name everyone just calls me Buck.”
So it’s a rough start to their relationship but it certainly feels like a good start none the less.
“So why is your twitter handle fire hose?” 
“Really? You don’t remember?”
“Maybe I’m just asking for a refresher.”
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letstalksymphogear · 5 years
Who you could show Symphogear to!
Symphogear is a pretty niche show. Sometimes it’s hard to contemplate who could possibly enjoy it when there’s so many things going on, and so little for people to latch onto at times. Symphogear is the kind of series you stumble on accident into and enjoy with all your heart. This is why you, personally, need to set up the obstacles for people to just trip more frequently into the series!
We here at Let’s Talk Symphogear, have compiled a list of people you can probably get away with showing this show to. This is after years of analysis, studying the themes of the show as well as the psychology of the average person, and how their brain bits like things good.
Your friends! Doesn’t matter if they like anime or not. The touching tale of one girl’s growth to be friends with everyone by aggressively punching the shit out of them will thaw even the most frigid of asphalt hearts.
Your dog! Dogs are a perfectly unwitting audience. Bonus points that you can probably put on cute little Symphogear shirts on them, and they’ll never complain.
Strangers in the street! What’s your local homeless person up to? Probably a whole lotta nothing. Invite them into your nice, warm apartment and show them the ways of Symphogear. Surely, they’ll understand!
Random online people! Let’s face it. People online are pretty bored. They’re all always looking for the next thrill. Spam Symphogear torrents wherever you can! Who’s going to arrest you? Will the MIAA come out of nowhere and go “You’re under arrest for pirated anime crimes.”? As if!
God! Transmit the entirety of Symphogear through the power of prayer, and in time, the entirety of creation will reshape itself so that the holy pantheon of saints and angels is completely restructured around the cast of Symphogear! If the Vatican wakes up tomorrow and claims a person named Hibiki whispered into his ear, then you’ve done your job!
Satan! Sometimes plans with God simply don’t pan out. You probably should have known better that The Big Person In Charge probably isn’t fond of anime. But Satan might! Go to your local Church of Satan and bring all 4 blue-rays with you so that you can watch them collectively with the church, and then sacrifice them in Dark Rituals Beyond Your Comprehension so that the entire dominion of demons buried in the depths of Hell can warm up (figuratively, they’re already doing so literally) to the beautiful concepts of friendship and teamwork. If Hibiki pops out when the Rapture comes, you know you did your job right!
ALIEN LIFE! Extraterrestrials are desperate to learn the nature of the human condition. Make an amateur rocket, slap some burned copies of Symphogear on there, maybe your favorite album or two, and then just yeet that motherfucker out to the stars! When those aliens take a good look and say [unintelligible alien language] to each other about seeing all 6 Symphogear bonding in fun situations, they’ll truly understand what we stand for! If the Noise suddenly become real, you did your job!
Everyone. Everyone needs to know. Do you understand? It is your job for every single sapient entity on the face of this Universe to comprehend and understand Symphogear. They need to watch the Shows. They need to hear the Albums. Everyone has to understand what’s going on. There’s so much on the line right now. The word needs to be spread. It needs to keep going until the very laws of physics warp into making Symphogear real. This is your job, and your duty. Do not neglect it.
Thanks for joining us for this segment on figuring out who you can show Symphogear to! Remember that spreading the word as much as possible helps get the message across, and exposes more people in knowing the inherent goodness of Symphogear! For that reason and that reason alone, always make sure to share this advice to whoever moves! Animal, vegetable, or mineral!
Until next time, Symphofans!
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saiilorstars · 5 years
Dhalloweek Day 2: The Ghosts of Auradon Prep
*** This is part of DearDescendants’ Writing Week. ***
Day 2 Prompt: Ghost
Rating: General audience; minor cursing
{The following OC is of my creation, everything else is part of the Descendants/Disney world.}
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Elle chewed on the pink eraser of her pencil. The history essay on Avalor’s 1960 silver rush was exceptionally boring. But this wasn’t a homework assignment she could skip since it was given to her by her mother’s appointed tutor. She had to turn this in by tomorrow. 
“Man, that looks incredibly hard,” she heard a stranger’s voice say.
When Elle looked up, the pencil eraser in her mouth dropped to the table. A see-through boy had just casually walked by her table -- sorry, floated by the table. Elle blinked then rubbed her eyes just to make sure she wasn’t seeing anything. But there was the boy again, just floating like nothing.
“Wait a minute!” Elle jumped out of her seat, quickly collected her books and ran up to the see-through boy. “Are you a ghost!?”
The boy grinned and nodded his head, his shaggy ginger hair falling over his eyes for a second. “Yeah! Hey Elle!” 
It was then that Elle realized the boy was another Auradon student -- Merida’s son Mehcad -- and fellow friend. “What the hell happened to you!? You didn’t die, did you!?”
Mehcad laughed. “No! It’s actually pretty funny!”
Elle didn’t think it would be.
~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~ 0 ~
Mal and Evie were both looking through their respective spellbooks when Elle flung their dorm room open. “Why is Mehcad a frikin ghost!?”
Mal pursed her lips and looked at Evie, who sat on her bed. The blue-haired girl sat up with a finger in the air. “Yeah, that would be my bad.”
Elle raised an eyebrow. “What!?”
“Uh, guys? We’ve got a problem.” Carlos’ head poked his head through the bedroom’s wall. 
Elle yelped.
Then Jay’s head poked through the wall right next to Carlos. “Yeah, we can’t eat anything!”
Elle screamed. “Please tell me that Ben isn’t a ghost!?”
“Nah,” Mal snorted. “He had the good sense to say ‘no’ when we asked.”
Elle let her bookbag fall to the floor. She was about to say something but instead let herself think for a moment. After a minute or so, she brought a hand to her cheek. “Okay, so, just out of curiosity, what was supposed to happen here? Like, what was the intended goal here?”
“Well,” Evie swung her legs to one side of her bed, “I was just practicing from grimoire and I found this spell that was supposed to make the guys invisible.”
“Wh-wh-why would that ever be a good idea?” Elle looked at Mal, highly suspicious this was more of Mal’s idea than Evie. It just made sense.
“Because the guys are idiots and were into the idea,” Mal answered then gestured at the nodding Carlos and Jay behind Elle.
“Yeah, we thought it’d be cool to mess with people,” Jay smirked.
“And how that work out for you, genius?” Elle shook her head.
“Pretty well, except that I can’t eat anything!” Jay put his hands over his stomach for emphasis.
“And how did Mehcad get roped into this?”
“Oh, he was the first one to agree,” Carlos laughed. “Now we’re the three ghost musketeers!” He put a fist in the air, prompting Jay to do the same.
“And now I see why Ben wasn’t into this,” Elle turned to Mal and Evie. 
“Because he’s kinda lame?” Jay offered.
“Or because he’s the smartest one out of you idiots.”
Jay scrunched his face. “No, I think it was the first one.”
“Relax,” Mal got up from her bed and walked up to Elle. “We’ve got this.”
“I really don’t think you do,” Elle shook her head.
“I’m working on it!” promised Evie who then raised her grimoire from her bed. “I just have to find the right counterspell!”
“Before or after the Halloween party tonight?” 
“Halloween party?” Evie panicked at the reminder. How could she forget the Halloween party that Audrey was hosting tonight!? “Oh my God, we gotta figure it out now!”
“Good luck with that,” Elle decided to leave before she was sucked into whatever more nonsense her friends would conjure up. She left the room and went in search of her boyfriend just to make sure he wasn’t a ghost like the others.
She felt a monumental relief upon seeing Ben at his desk -- very much not see through -- working like he usually was. 
“Oh thank God!” she laughed.
Ben looked up from his pile of papers with an expression akin to confusion. “You know sometimes you do just say ‘hello’, right?”
Elle rolled her eyes. “I’m just glad you’re not a ghost right now.”
“Oh, that,” Ben laughed. “Yeah, Evie asked -- so nicely -- but I had to say ‘no’.”
“I’m really glad you did,” Elle sat on the edge of his desk. “Because now Auradon Prep has 3 ghosts running amok.” And as if listening to her, they heard Chad’s distinct scream from a distance. “I think Jay found Chad.”
~ 0 ~ 0~0~0~
“Okay, I’ve searched all day through this--” Evie waved her grimoire not so gently, “--and I think I got the spell to fix this mess. We just have to find the guys.”
Mal hopped off her bed. “Great. Just follow the screams of people we’ll be sure to find them.”
Evie rolled her eyes and led the way out of the dorm. They did manage to find the boys at the center of attention from a huge crowd of students, right where they often had lunch.
“Is this the entire school?” Evie looked at Mal in concern. 
“Yup,” Mal nodded her head. “Scuse me!” she started exclaiming as she pushed her way through while dragging Evie behind her. “Scuse me! Official business here!”
“There you are!” they heard Elle’s call as soon as they got the middle of the crowd. There stood Elle and Ben, both looking a bit irritated.
Jay, Carlos and Mehcad were all cracking jokes with the students enthralled with their ghostly situation.
“Uh, what’s going on?” Evie continued looking around, but no one was paying them any attention.
“They all love the ghosts,” Elle gestured to the crowd near Jay who were cracking up at whatever Jay said.
“Hey guys, can we make them normal again?” Ben asked, not looking too pleased with the situation. “I feel like this might get a little crazy if we let it keep going.”
“Yeah,” Evie agreed. She still had to practice her magic, that’s for sure. She opened her grimoire to the bookmarked page and began to read off the spell. However this spell seemed a little more complicated than what they would usually find in Mal's spellbook. It wasn't even in English, for starters. But just like Mal's spellbook, there was a crack of magic smoke after the spell was read.
And once the smoke cleared up, there was an interesting fact about the students.
Everyone had turned into ghosts.
"Cooooool," Jay, Carlos and Mehcad collectively said in awe once they realized they were now surrounded by more ghosts.
"Thanks Evie!" Jay called to the panicked blue-haired girl.
"That's not what I meant to do!"
"But I gotta admit it's a little cool," Mal turned her see-through palms over with a smirk.
"And it's about to get a little crazy," Ben concluded. He wasn't that surprised. 
"I make a dashing ghost, don't I?" they heard Chad's voice somewhere amongst the crowd.
"What we do now?" Elle looked at herself then the others. They were all see-through messes. 
"How about a scare-a-thon?" Carlos' suggestion led to several confused stares. 
"A what-a-thon?" Audrey was the one to respond first. 
"You know, a scare-a-thon? A scaring contest."
"Ooooh, I like that idea," Mal pointed at Carlos, growing more excited by the minute.
"Who would we even scare?" Lonnie called. "We're all ghosts now."
"The adults!" Jay exclaimed. "We could go through all of Auradon prep and scare the crap out of the professors and bonus if you get Fairy Godmother!"
"Won't we just get into trouble?" Jane looked fearful at the prospect.
"We're already in trouble," Evie sighed as she looked down at the ground where her fallen grimoire was. She could no longer hold it since she was a ghost. "Might as well have some fun before we go down."
"We could go in teams of two and whoever wins…" Mal quickly ransacked her mind for a proper prize, "...one free spell from either my spellbook or Evie's grimoire!"
"Mal, using the spells is what got us into this problem in the first place," Ben reminded but Mal waved him off.
"Oh, loosen up your majesty. It's Halloween fest, remember? You're the one who said Auradon prep prides on its week-long Halloween fest."
"I mean... she's kinda right," Elle shrugged. "We can be a team." She grabbed Ben's hand and smirked. "And we'll win."
"No you won't," Jay laughed. "We will." He made a gesture between himself and Carlos.
"Dream on. We'll be winning this," Mal interlocked arms with Evie. "And when we win," she exchanged glances with Evie, "We get to decide what goes up for the Haunted House tomorrow."
"What?" frowned Audrey. She was in charge of planning most of the Halloween events this week. 
"Well we don't need free spells since they're our spells," Evie reminded. "Only fair we get another prize."
"Oh it's so on!" Lonnie exclaimed and reached for Mehcad's arm. "We're winning this thing!"
"No, we are," Audrey grabbed Jane and pulled her to her side. She was not letting anyone near her Halloween plans. 
"I don't need a team," Chad declared, not that many people were listening to him. "I can do this solo and still win."
"Okay!" Mal clapped her hands together to get them back on track. "We get until midnight or until Fairy Godmother figures out a way to return us back to normal. Whoever scares the most adults wins. Ready?"
"Yeah!" the crowd cheered, but Jay's voice seemed to go just a bit over theirs.
Each team scattered from the spot to go search for their victims. Sure it was a death sentence, but it was going to be fun while it lasted.
But one question would remain until midnight: who would win?
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moss-sauce · 5 years
i finally finished the bit abt aura lmao
“Wait. Why are we here again?”
A defeated, exasperated sigh. “Same reason I told you a few hours ago: we’re looking for the Dreamer here.”
“Where are they?”
“According to our local genius,” sarcasm laced Hawk’s tone as he side-glared at Blitz, “in ‘the Beast’s Den’.”
“‘The Beast’?” Hum sounded on the verge of nervous.
“Indeed,” Blitz interjects loudly before Hawk can snap at her further. “The Dreamer there is Herrah the Beast. Hence the name.” He narrows his eyes and glares back at Hawk as he explains, subtly, so Hum doesn’t notice.
“Oh,” Hum murmurs. “Wait. Didn’t you say something about the Distant Village? Why are we back in Deepnest, then?”
“The only way to the Village is through Deepnest, unfortunately.” Blitz shudders dramatically as he speaks. Hawk rolls his eyes. 
“Why don’t we get back on our way, instead of chattering?” Hawk phrases the question more like a statement. Blitz sighs to himself, though kneels down and offers a ride for Hum, who takes up his offer gleefully. May as well keep her in a good mood, since someone’s a lost cause already, he thinks.
“Blitz? Didn’t we meet you in Deepnest? What were you doing here? Were you looking for Herrah, too?” Hum’s voice pipes up from above him.
“You did, in fact,” he confirms lightly. “I wasn’t looking for anything in particular, however. Just a bout of bad luck left me stuck.”
“What do you mean?”
“Honestly, I got so horribly lost that I resigned to staying here.” Hawk snorts loudly, despite himself. Blitz elects to ignore him. “This place is awfully...unsettling and eerie when you’re alone. Fortunately, you two have each other on your adventure. I hope you never have to go through things on your own, let alone traversing Deepnest.”
“We won’t!” Hum chirps. “Plus we have you, now!” Hawk mutters a low “joyous” to himself. “Hawk!” She snaps.
“What?” he snaps back.
“Straighten yourself up!” The sibling bickering, while some would find it irritating and draining, is overly amusing to the rogue warrior. Especially when the vessel half the size of her brother tries to speak sternly to him.
“Forgive me. I forgot it was very easy to hurt Blitz’s feelings,” Hawk spits without looking up from the map in his hands. Hum’s fingers dig into the hood covering Blitz’s head as she holds in her own remark. Blitz can’t help but chuckle. Hawk either doesn’t hear, or doesn’t care.
They wander in comfortable (though, between Hawk and Blitz, tense and irritable) silence. Hum starts to nod off on Blitz’s back.
“Hey,” Hawk grabs his attention. “Do you see that?” His hand points further down the path. Blitz narrows his eyes and peers forward.
The fungal-like plants that had managed to take root in the murky underground’s rough terrain let off a dim pink glow, though not enough to reliably light the paths ahead. Still, in a small patch of them, the silhouette of a figure could be made out.
“I do,” he responds slowly. “I can go ahead and confront them.”
“You will not,” Hawk snarls before the sentence is even out completely.
“Oh? You suddenly care for my well-being?” Blitz snarks light-heatedly.
Hawk positively glares daggers at him. “No. I care for her well-being,” he snaps quietly, nodding to a still-dozing Hum.
“Hm. Fair, I suppose.”
“I’ll go. Stay alert, but don’t get close enough for her to get hurt.”
“Be brave, O fierce vessel!”
Carefully, Hawk treads down the unfamiliar path, his spear-like nail out and ready. The ambient bustling of other unknown creatures skittering endlessly elsewhere cover his feather-light footsteps well enough. 
“Halt!” A voice, coming from the figure, booms out. A razor-sharp dagger whizzes just past Hawk’s head, searing by close enough for Blitz to feel the reflexive need to lean out of the way.
“Uh?” Hawk squawks.
“Wait!” Blitz yells back. He knew that voice.
“What?” Hawk yells back as he backpedals.
“Who?” The figure calls back.
“You!” Blitz hollers.
“Me?” Hawk asks incredulously.
“No! Them!”
A Belfly screeches as it reveals its glowing orange belly, and darts towards him.
“MOVE!” Hawk demands at him.
“Ror! No!” The stranger snaps. The Belfly, miraculously, halts in its tracks and cocks its head to the side.
“Aura?” Blitz pipes up hopefully.
“Blitz?” The shadow calls back. Their arms lower from their defensive position where they were ready to pitch more daggers if needed.
“Huh?” Hum grumbles groggily from her perch.
“Aura!” Blitz calls again. “Thought it’d be a good while before we met again, eh?”
“Indeed!” The figure, Aura, begins to stroll towards them. Hawk stays on guard (not because he was ready to protect Blitz, that imbecile) as they near. Blitz keeps one arm wrapped around Hum’s legs to hold her steady, extending the other for a friendly handshake. Aura extends an arm as well, clapping her palm firmly into Blitz’s.
“Two questions, if you don’t mind. Even if you do,” Hawk interrupts. They both swivel to him. “Firstly: you know him? Like...friends? Not gonna harm us?”
“Gods, no! I’d never harm a friend!” Aura ensures. “Especially an old friend with what appears to be precious cargo in tow,” she nods up at Hum, who’s struggling to stay awake.
“Fine. Secondly: you know...that?” Hawk points his spear to the Belfly, which had taken to dangling precariously from the ceiling of the tunnel, still peering curiously at them. “Also. That’s not his cargo. She’s with me,” he corrects.
“Yes!” Aura nods, her eyes squinting as she smiles widely. “That would be Ror. Ror, come!” she barks as she extends another (another?) set of hands towards the creature. To their surprise, the Belfly flits down and lands primly in her palm, ruffling itself a few times before settling. Its caretaker reaches up to gently scritch under its chin, which Ror leans into comfortably. “Ror here assists me with a few things down here. Very good at his job. Good company.”
By now, Hum has perked up at the prospect of not one, but two new friends. “He’s nice?” she asks hopefully.
“Oh, yes,” Aura lifts Ror higher into the air and tilts her hand upside-down, letting him dangle once again. For his part, Ror holds on steadily. “Ror here does quite a bit for me. He helps distract some of those rather unfriendly critters you come across down here so I and whoever else can get by, and he retrieves things for me, like my throwing daggers. In return, I keep him safe and happy.”
“He fetches?” Both Hawk and Hum ask, one voice filled with awe and another filled with disgust.
Wordlessly, Aura rights Ror on her palm once more and holds him in the direction of the first and only dagger that had been thrown their way. Immediately Ror darts through the air, swooping down to snatch up the dagger before returning to Aura and carefully depositing it in a waiting, empty hand, before happily returning to perch on the hand.
“Woah!” Hum blurts out. “That’s cool!”
“Rather talented, this little guy is,” Aura comments. She reaches so Ror is within range of Hum. “Go ahead, scritch his chin. He loves it.” 
With the least amount of hesitation Hum has ever done anything with, she reaches a tiny, inky black hand to carefully nudge under the Belfly’s mask. Ror leans into it eagerly, chirping in a pleasant manner.
“Listen, your…’pet’ is cute and all,” Hawk interjects, “but we really need to be on our way. Plus, you’re giving her ideas that she absolutely does not need.”
“Will you just be nice, Hawkers? Please?” Hum asks as exasperatedly as she can. “She’s being nice to us.”
Hawk throws a half-hearted glare toward his sibling, before slumping his shoulders in defeat.
“So! What brings you and your little party here, Blitz?” Aura steps in. She purposely avoids addressing a broody Hawk to their side. Ror is still soaking up the attention Hum is so willingly giving him.
“On our way to find ourselves a Dreamer, I reckon,” Blitz drawls.
“What for, pray tell?”
“I haven’t probed too much into it. It’s more their idea, their thing,” he nods towards the siblings.
“Ah, I see.” Aura pauses. “Presumably you’re looking for Herrah, then? In the Distant Village?”
“Yeah!” Hum pipes.
“I’m somewhat familiar with the Village’s layout. Would be better than wandering aimlessly, much less in a place like Deepnest.” She rolls her eyes exaggeratedly. “If you’ll have my company, I could help get you three there.”
“Of course!” Blitz assures.
“‘Of course!’” Hawk parrots. “Let’s add more to our supposed ‘duo’ on their adventure! Why not! Let’s find some Mantises and ask them if they’d like to come with us too! Why not Quirrel? And some Nailsmiths? What about a Moss Creeper? Hum likes them!” He’s started stomping his way down the tunnel, slowly growing less vibrant but just as irate.
“Hawk’s just grumpy in general,” Hum assures Aura. “He doesn’t not not like you. He’s like a grumpy old man.”
“Now, not all old men are grumpy,” Blitz smirks. “Elderbug back in Dirtmouth is very patient and kind to travelers.”
“You’re right!” Hum pips. 
“He will warm up to you at some point, if you plan on sticking around long enough,” Blitz leans towards the firefly and whispers. “He hated my guts when we first encountered one another. I mean, he probably still does, but he’s less vocal about it.” Both him and Aura chuckle. “Plus, you’re already on great terms with his little sister. That’s an added bonus to your tally.”
“I’ll have to...think about it, I guess,” Aura answers hesitantly. “There’s not exactly that many travelers still trying to get through these creepy tunnels anymore, so I wouldn’t be awfully missed.”
“We’ll leave you to it. However, I must say: Hum here,” he shrugs his shoulders to get Hum’s attention, “makes excellent flower crowns. Top-notch quality. Sure to rival even any of the jewelry the royalty wore in its prime.”
“Oh?” Aura exaggerates her interest. “You’ve caught my attention, then. I shall have to stay long enough to get my hands on one,” she smiles. Hum beams back at the two of them. “Come, now, lest your brother lose his way while on his grumpy-old-man rant.”
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wilhelmjfink · 6 years
The Great Divide - Chapter 1
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Summary: As bitter as she was, all Riley Herrington ever wanted to do was help. She’d always figured it stemmed from some innate desire to prevent people from feeling the same way toward the world that she did. And, as Daryl had told her a hundred times, people are not to be trusted and one day she’d run into the wrong person and learn pretty quickly that her confidence in strangers would get her into a lot of trouble. They both knew he was right. He was just trying to teach her before it was too late for her to learn.
Warnings: swearing and violence. don’t be a little bitch.
A/N: omfgg it’s here!!!!! i know that literally nobody is excited about this BUT I AM AND THATS ALL THAT MATTERS SO THANKS FOR COMING EVERYONE!! this is my very first series and features my very first OC and thank you to @crossbowking for always being my #1 fan and editor and hypegirl and inspo and i love you!!! BONUS POINTS TO WHOEVER CAN FIGURE OUT WHAT VIDEO GAME IT’S BASED OFF OF AND WHAT SONG IT’S TITLED AFTER (hint it’s literally in this first chapter)
i don’t own anything except Riley so don’t sue me. also we’ve already established how bad i am at like past and present tense and all that jazz?? i was in honors college shame on me (I dropped out)
enjoy xoxo
Next Chapter
“Never should’a went after that woman.”
Daryl used the heel of his boot to jam the shovel further into the dirt before hoisting loose a pile up and over his shoulder. Digging graves always seemed to put him in a poor mood. Understandably.
So Riley observed him quietly, standing knee deep in her own trench, pondering a response to his blunt statement.
Eventually, she muddled out the only excuse she could ever muster up: “I was just trying to help...”
This time, though, Daryl wouldn’t accept it and tossed his shovel down carelessly onto the ground at his feet before tearing off his gloves and wiping the sweat from his forehead. The heat made him cranky too, she thought. Not a great combination of things.
“That’s all yer ever tryin’ to do, Ri! Don’t ya get it? People ain’t to be trusted. People will kill you. Hell, they’ll do worse things than kill ya, and make ya wish you was dead anyway!”
She flinched visibly at his outburst, taking the brunt of it knowing it was well deserved. But, still... her intentions has been good. Wasn’t there something to be said for that?
Daryl continued. “I know yer smart girl, but god damn if ya don’t act right stupid sometimes.”
Narrowing her eyes, she jabbed her own shovel into the soft ground beside her and leaned onto it. “I’m not stupid, Daryl.”
“Didn’t say ya were stupid, just said ya act like it sometimes.”
She huffed, rolling her eyes away from him and, once again, found herself reflecting on his words. He was absolutely right — that hadn’t been the first time that she’d tried to help someone only to be burned by them in the end, and it definitely wasn’t the first time that Daryl had managed to swoop in at the right time and save her ass. He always had a way of doing that. He continually, purposefully it seemed, made a point to warn her about something before appearing out of thin air to save her from that exact scenario, if only to say “I told you so.”
But nobody had been there for her back when it all began and she was hungry and lost and tired and injured. Nobody trusted her, not that she’d found many others — and the few she did run across mot only neglected to help her, they often left her in worse condition than she’d been before they’d crossed paths. It was not until she’d found Maggie and her family, all of which were more than willing to help her, and all of which were undoubtedly the reason that she was still alive.
Not to mention, all of them the reason that she’d met Daryl in the first place.
Finally, picking her next words carefully, she sighed. “Look, I.... I know. But I just.... I really want to believe that there are still good people left in the world. That’s what kept me alive, after all this started.”
It was blunt, and it was true. And then it was Daryl’s turn to soften, knowing that if he did what came instinctively and became even angrier with her it would end in a shouting match that he couldn’t stand, especially when it all initiated because he knew he’d hurt her feelings. “I know ya do, Ri. There are good people out there still — you’re one of ‘em. But ya can’t find em because bein’ good is dangerous. It’s what gets ya killed, Riley. And I ain’t gonna let you get killed by some crazy lady you offered to help ‘cause she said asked nicely n’ said ‘please’ or somethin’.”
Riley, despite herself couldn’t help but smile. He couldn’t stay mad at her — there would never be an apology, but always some off handed comment or joke. Though, the same went for her, so she couldn’t boast. Regardless, he had a valid point... as he usually did. Daryl was smart, much smarter than she would ever be.
He was a survivor, and she needed to heed his advice, because sooner or later it would be the end of her.
“Yeah, yeah. You wanna hear me say it? Okay, here it is: you are right, Daryl Dixon.” And you always are.”
Riley Herrington had a mental list that she always double and triple checked before she left for a run: first her machete at her side, and then her backpack that held a canteen full of water along with a few stale protein bars, a standard first aid kit with bandages, bands for tourniquets, alcohol and sutures and more, some extra ammunition for her .22 that she always kept holstered at her side, but most importantly, the Polaroid of her and Daryl Dixon that she’d forced him to take back when they’d taken shelter in a derelict prison. He despised it and it was so blurry it was nearly impossible to see it was him, but she knew it was, and that’s what mattered to her.
Once she was sure it was all in line she securely strapped the black bag to her back and sighed, peering over the walls at the sun that was slowing making its way over the horizon. If you’d asked her five years ago if she thought she’d be ever be an early morning person, she would’ve laughed. But now, it was the only way to safely and efficiently get anything done — it seemed to be the most quiet and still part of day anymore. She’d been up for over an hour at this point, and stood patiently awaiting her friends to wake up and join her outside of the mess hall. Tara could sleep through a tornado, but Aaron always lingered around his home until the last possible minute, cherishing every moment with Eric that he had. And Riley didn’t blame him — she was lucky that Daryl never slept either, so they had all night to enjoy each others company until the sun began to rise and they had to get ready for whatever the day held for them.
Footsteps approaching alerted her to Tara, who was making her way toward her with her own bag shouldered and rifle slung across her back, yawning dramatically and rubbing the sleep from her eyes
“Mornin’, sunshine.” Riley laughed, earning her an eye roll from her friend. “You ready?”
“As ready as I’ll ever be,” she replied flatly. “Aaron?”
“I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”
A comfortable silence settled over the two girls as they waited, Riley dropping the tailgate of the truck and hopping up on it, sitting patiently while her legs dangled off the side.
It should be an easy run — it was just slightly farther out past the town they usually travelled to. The salvageable buildings had all been picked over; all of the others were inaccessible or too dangerous to navigate through. Nobody ever knew what new terrain brought, however, and there was always an air of anxiety when branching out further and further from the safe zone.
Riley turned her head toward the sound of voices drawing closer, spotting Daryl and Aaron as they both made their way toward the front gate.
She hopped down from the truck and slammed it back shut before making her way over to the passenger side door, meeting the two men as they approached.
“Sorry,” Aaron instantly apologized and Riley held up her hand to stop him.
“I don’t wanna hear it,” she joked. “Let’s get going. You ready?”
“Yes ma’am,” he smiled in response. For as sweet as he was, Aaron was a very good guy to have on her side out on a run: he knew the area better than most and was efficient in navigating it, smart and charismatic which more often than not helped them deter themselves from getting in trouble with strangers. Riley, in the other hand, had a difficult time biting her tongue.
As Aaron rounded the truck to the driver’s side, Riley stepped up closer to Daryl, who already had worry etched into his features in the form of wrinkles on his forehead and a furrowed brow, a permanent frown on his face as he took a long drag of the cigarette he held in between his fingers.
“It takes less effort to smile, you know,” she teased him wholeheartedly the way only she could. It was ironic, considering he always mocked her for her constant resting bitch face.
But he only snorted in derision. “It don’t take me much effort to worry about ya either, Ri.”
“Don’t worry.” She pressed her body up against his and locked her fingers into the belt loops of his jeans, resting her chin on his chest to look up at him while his bright blue eyes gazed back down into her own full of nothing but worry. No matter how many runs she went on, how many times he left to go hunting, there was no way not to lose sleep over it anymore. All you could do was wait until whomever you waited for returned and hope that they came back unscathed. “I’ll be in good hands.”
“Yeah,” He exhaled a breath of smoke to the side, avoiding blowing it into her face. “I don’t want ya in anybody’s hands but mine.”
Riley laughed and pushed up on her tiptoes, planting a reassuring kiss on his lips. “You don’t need to worry about that, Dixon.”
“Jus’ be careful, alright?”
“Of course.”
“‘N come back to me.”
“Always.” She smiled at him as the truck engine roared to life behind her, giving him one more quick kiss before turning on her heels and hoisting herself up into the bed of the truck from the wheel well and settling down against the rear windows.
Tara jumped in the side and stuck her hand out of the window, balled into a fist and waiting for Daryl to match it, and smiling when he did so. “We’ll bring her back!”
“Y’all better come back, too,” he yelled back at them as they pulled up to the front gates, slipping through it and taking off down the dirt road behind it.
The wind whipped past Riley’s face, the briskness a pleasant relief to her summer slightly-too-sun-kissed skin and tossing her pigtail braids around. She leaned her head back against the glass pane, striving to hear the faint Breaking Benjamin song as it played quietly on the radio inside the truck.
“Are we almost there?”
“About ten more minutes,” Aaron briefly checked the map that lay across his lap. “Or ten more miles. One of the two.”
Riley heard Tara laugh and she groaned, feeling the effects of the long drive with numb limbs and feet, stretching her legs out in front of her.
The giant sports arena they’d been searching for slowly grew into sight and she knew they were getting close.
Slinging her backpack on over her shoulders, she peered around the truck, observing her surroundings as the trees and dirt roads began to turn into pavement and houses and buildings.
The truck slowed to a stop in front of a parking garage that’s steel doors were dropped and locked, graffiti littering the outsides. Next door was the Hampton Inn — the first stop of their journey today.
They were all pleased to see it relatively untouched, though sealed shut behind a hefty chain. They’d been prepared, and Aaron already had the bolt cutters in his hands.
“Do we wanna split up?” Tara asked, thumbs hooked around her backpack straps as she rocked back and forth on he heel of her red converse. She looked like an inpatient student waiting for the school bus; Riley smiled to herself.
“The hotel has — “ Aaron grunted as he squeezed the handles of the tool together and with a loud clank the chain slid through the door handles and onto the ground as his feet. “...five stories. It’s not very big, so we’ll cover a lot of ground that way.”
“I’ll get topside,” Riley volunteered as she upholstered her pistol and unclipped the mag light from her belt, holding both up poised and ready to fire while she cautiously made her way through the lobby. The long wooden registration desk stretched across the hallway and she jumped up and over, shuffling through the shelves underneath in search of keys. Of course, they were all cards now — she just hoped they still worked without electricity.
She distributed them to her friends accordingly, assuming the numbers written in sharpie on the plastic was the associated room. “Alright, that’s all of them,” she said. “Be safe.”
“You too,” they spoke in unison as they split up and separated.
The hotel was eerily untouched: cups of coffee and open books littered the end tables and ‘do not disturb’ signs still hung on door handles; Riley made a mental note to be extra careful when entering those rooms.
The first room to her left was clean, left in preparation for its next guest that would never arrive. White sheets, white comforters, white pillows, white paint. If it weren’t for the abstract colored paintings on each wall, it would look like an asylum; with its haunting glow that came from shut curtains, the lone strip of sunlight that peered in full of dust that danced around. It gave her just enough light to see into the bathroom, where she snagged the small bottles of soap and shampoo and moved on.
The next room had occupants when it was abandoned: an open suitcase that she hit with the door in the middle of the walkway, clothes and belts and shoes hanging out of it. The chair at the corner desk was tipped over and it was just as dark as the last. She could smell the decay and hear the flies but she couldn’t see around the corner to the beds, so she knocked on the wall harshly and waited for a response before she proceeded forward.
When silence answered her, she tucked her nose into her elbow and gagged — she would never get used to that smell — and eyed the rotted corpse on the bed.
Its wallet was out, drivers license up, almost as if he wanted whomever found him to identify him right away. David A. Keisel, 48, resident of Linesville, Pennsylvania.
Blood splattered the oak headboard and white wall above it, and a Barretta Storm was tucked between its occupants dark, skeletal legs.
“Nice,” she said to herself, nearing the corpse cautiously. “Sorry about this, Davey...” she carefully reached for the pistol that was still in it’s grasp, wincing at the noise his decayed fingers made upon its release.
She checked the gun then, a full magazine with an empty chamber. Thanks, Dave. It had become a common occurrence for her to take items off of dead bodies and she’d always justified it knowing that they would want someone else to use it for their own safety... right? She could probably find more ammo for it if she rifled through his suitcase...
“Help! Help me!”
Riley jumped out of her skin and had the Baretta ready to fire at the disembodied yelling. But it wasn’t close to her — in fact, it seemed to be coming from outside somewhere.
She darted out the door and made for the first emergency exit her eyes could find: a new stairwell to the right of her with a big alarm overtop, undoubtedly to go off if they door ever opened incase of a crisis. She could almost hear the alarms again, blaring amidst the panicked screaming and crying...
Five flights of stairs, guiding by the red glow of the emergency light, and she hit first floor and pushed open another door and found herself outside again, squinting in the sunlight as she tried to adjust from the darkness of the hotel.
A man with dark hair stood on the property line, staring into the woods as if he was waiting for somebody or something to emerge. Riley made her way up to him, weapon aimed, and snuck up behind him slowly and stealthily.
“Don’t move.”
The man whipped around to see her, panic written all over his face, hands automatically flying up in surrender. He didn’t look like a threat — hell, he looked pretty worse for wear actually, and Riley briefly wondered what he’d endured. Dark eyes, shaggy dark hair, dirt caked onto his skin. “Any weapons?”
The man shook his head frantically. “No, no. Please.... you have to help my wife! One of those guys got her! Please! You have—“
“Hey!” Riley snapped, twitching the gun in her hands reinforce her sternness. He eyed it nervously. “Slow down. What guys?”
“One of those guys!” He pointed to some trees and Riley strained to follow his line of sight before she spotted a body crumpled on the ground about a hundred feet away from them. “I didn’t mean to kill him, I.... I didn’t mean.... he had Laura! They took her!”
Riley hesitated and remained silent, hoping that her friends would join her and help her out, but to no prevail. If they’d started in the basement, it was likely they didn’t even hear him screaming for help in the first place.
“Please, please go help her!”
When he turned back around Riley shrugged her backpack off, back tracking and tossing it by in hotel door she’d exited through. She didn’t want this guy threatening to rob her, even if he did look weak and pathetic. People were not to be trusted anymore; she had learned that very quickly. Or she at least should have.
“Are you going to -- ”
“Shut the fuck up, and move.” Riley demanded, shoving the gun into his back once for emphasis. “Try anything funny and I’ll blow yours and Laura’s fucking heads off, got it?”
He nodded shakily and pressed on into he woods, Riley following at his heels.
“You gotta name?” She asked, barrel still pointed at his back.
“Warner,” he responded nervously.
“What’s your story, Warner?”
“Don’t have much of one,” he shrugged. “We’ve been on the go, camp to camp to camp, group to group ever since this shit started — how long has it been? Three years? Four now?”
It sounded oddly inconspicuous but at the same time, it was more common than not. “Beats me,” Riley said flatly. Truthfully, she tried not to think about it anymore. “I find it’s easier not to count the days.”
The dead body lying at the base of a tree was unlike anything she’d ever seen before: in addition to his layer of tattoos all over his face, he had red paint on his face painting some weird tribal-esque marks. Well, she hoped it was just paint...
Head shaven, he wore armor that looked like it had come straight from a video game, with small spikes protruding from his shoulder pads and a big red unfamiliar symbol painted on the front of his chest guard. Everything else was black leather or Kevlar it seemed, and even his boots had spikes on the toes.
“What the fuck?” Riley couldn’t help but stop and gawk at it, crouching down beside it to get a closer look. It reminded her of a cosplayer or some sort of reinactor — but which war had soldiers that dressed like that? “Is this what you mean by ‘those guys’? What the hell is he?”
When Warner didn’t respond, she stood up and turned around in search of him. And by the time she’d spotted him, it was too late to stop him from bringing down the rock he held in his fist, smashing it against her face. There was a sickening crunch, searing pain, and then nothing.
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@crossbowking @jodiereedus22 @apossiblegentleman @mtngirlforever@sourwolf-sterek32 @winchester-angel @qrangr @cole-winchester @the-bottom-of-the-abyss @twdeadfanfic @crazyaboutnorman@deliciousassafrasssandwich @bunnymother93 @96ssi @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @ima-mther-fckn-starboy @thatsoragan @lonewolf471
cover image source: background daryl i am the girl on the right lmao
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thoughtsofdarc · 7 years
My Latest Mission... Part 22
Reader (Y/N), Bucky Warnings: Language. Being a Hydra asset. Anger. Angst, death. Words: 2233
A/N: “Keep calm and don’t work on anything for the next 3 or 4 days” the doctor says.  “Okay, I will” I tell him, goes home and write 3 new chapters for 2 different stories. 
I’m such an idiot!
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12 - Part 13 - Part 14 - Part 15 - Part 16 - Part 17 - Part 18 - (Part 18 Bonus) - Part 19 - Part 20
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"Stop screaming!" I say loudly at the woman in front of me, but she doesn't react. Crying, sobbing and screams leave her over and over again, and I can't blame her... I basically just told her that I killed her little boy.
 "LILLY!" I yell, which make her jump. She looks at me, hatred in her eyes, burning like a wildfire.
"YOU KILLED HIM! YOU'RE A MONSTER!!" She screams, as she throws herself at me, trying to get in some punches.
I let her hit my chest a couple of times getting her closer to me, before I quickly wrap my arms around her, locking her arms to  her side.
I try to tell her to calm down, but she keeps resisting and fighting to get loose.
"Calm down!! I didn't kill him!" I say a little louder, and I feel her freeze in my arms. I don't dare to let her loose just yet, so I keep talking as I hold her close, that way my lips are close to her ear and I don't have to be afraid that others will hear us from outside of the room.
 The more I explain, the more she relax and when I finally tell her that Nathaniel told me to give her his new name, so she can find him once she gets out, she relaxes completely and I let her go.
 "Are you really going to help me?" She asks "you really didn't kill him??" looking at me with big red puffy eyes, fear still painted in them. I understand her... It's a bit much to just trust a stranger, who has basically threatened your life and your sons too, more than once.
 "I really didn't... I send him away, which might be just as bad, but I did so with all the help I could give him on such short notice. I promise I did all that I could, and now it's up to God to make sure he'll get through this alive..." sincerity and sadness shines in my eyes. I feel bad about sending a kid out into the forest all alone, but I had to do it... I couldn't let anybody kill him.
 "But the blood?" she asks, still not convinced she should trust what I am saying.
 "The blood is from a poor rabbit that was in the wrong place at the wrong time... I promise you, the blood is not from your son" I sit down and lean forward, putting my elbows on my knees.
I'm so damn tired, and I feel like crap.
 "Why?" she asks, standing a few feet from me, looking like I just showed her the door to the underworld.
 "Because I couldn't let them hurt a little boy... Because you don't belong here, and neither do I... and because I need your help to get out of here" I answer truthfully.
 I lean back on the chair, brush my hands through my hair and sigh deeply.
 "I made a pinky promise to your son... I promised him that I would do everything that I could to help him, and after that I would get back here and help you. I could have disappeared out there... I could have run away. But I didn't, because I promised him to help you. And now I need your help to help me take down HYDRA once and for all" My tired eyes search hers, hoping that she will understand.
 I give her a tired smile and shake my head, almost certain that she is going to ask me to go to hell...
"I don't believe a Pinky Promise would help you to trust me, would it?" I ask as I hold up my little finger to the confused woman.
 "I didn't think so..." I mumble to myself chuckling humorless.
 But as I am ready to lower my hand again, her finger wraps around mine and I look up in shock into her eyes.
 "I chose to trust you for Nathaniel's sake... He better be alive when we get out of here, or I will kill you myself, super soldier or not!" she says breathlessly.
  Being in an actual cell underneath the Stark Tower isn't as pleasant as the guarded room they kept me in when I first got here.
Apparently, walking into this place completely unknown, with a bag full of weapons and a folder with every single detail of everyone on the team, gets you better treatment than spending months and months getting to know everyone, proving yourself over and over again to be one of the good guys and getting wrongly accused of something you haven't done does.
 I'm locked up and heavily guarded. I've been so since the mission where Lilly got killed and Sergeant Bishop kept insisting that I did it.
I have no one to prove that I'm innocent, as Aiden was carrying the hurt agent towards the Jet, and both Lilly and Jones are dead. There's only me and Bishop, and that is his word against mine.
 Unfortunately there's a lot of evidence pointing at me, being the one who did all of this and I've been wrecking my brain, trying to figure it all out.
 The agent I got out from the factory, Jones and Lilly was all shot with friendly bullets... S.H.I.E.L.D bullets.
As far as the agent goes it makes sense, as I found Jones standing over him, and whoever shot him had to have been up close to do so. Jones could very easily have been the shooter.
Steve later told me, that they had all parted ways inside of the factory, to cover more ground and that someone had snuck up behind him and struck him over his head with something heavy. Tony said, that the only reason Steve was still alive, was because of the serum running through his blood, anyone else would have died right then and there... again, Jones could have followed him and done it.
 Unfortunately, the Agent can't testify that I actually helped him to safety, or that Jones was the one who shot him as he died that day, along several others. The gunshot wounds had been too severe, and even if I had tried to stop the bleeding, it hadn't been enough.
 There was just something that didn't fit... Even if Jones was the one who shot the agent, he couldn't be the one who shot Lilly, and he certainly wouldn't have shot himself.
The two agents that had detained me after Lilly's death, both swore that they were in the other end of the courtyard fighting HYDRA agents. Bishop was standing next to Lilly and Jones. Aiden was in the forest with the agent. Clint was somewhere on the roof, and Steve was unconscious inside of the factory and so was one other agent.
 Something doesn't add up, and my stomach hurts by the thought. Terrible thoughts are forming in my head, and I can't do anything to prove right from wrong from where I am right now.
 "They want me to hack his system, and his suit. They want me to kill fucking Iron Man by causing his suit to crash!" Lilly whispers loudly, desperation in her voice "I can't do that Y/N, I just can't!"
 I look at her and nod as my mind is slowly going through our options.
I heard Rumlow and Pierce talk about taking down Iron Man, before he becomes a thread to the cause of HYDRA, and I even heard them talk about getting their hands on one of the suits, to try and make similar ones for the HYDRA soldiers. That would be a disaster.  
 "You need to crash him" I say calmly ready to explain, but Lilly looks mortified at me and more or less scream "What?? Have you lost your mind?"
 I look over to the door, expecting the guards to barge in, but the door stays closed. After making sure that they won't come in, I look back to Lilly and put my hand on her shoulder
"Calm down. Let me explain..." She slumps down on the chair in front of the large screens, where a video of Iron Man flying over NYC plays on repeat.
"You can hack his system, right? And get into his suits that way?" pointing to the flying iron suit on the screen, I raise one eyebrow and cock my head to the side in a questioning way.
 "Yes?" she answers, a question in the word.
 "Right, if you can get into the system of his suit, you can make that voice he talks to give him a message, right? And if you can give him a message, you can tell him that you need to crash him in order to let him live. You can take control over the suit and make it look like it's crashing, but in reality you are actually flying him to safety, landing him nicely on the ground on his two feet.... "
As I talk, her eyes widen and she swallows thickly. Insecurity is painted in her face, and I know my plan is farfetched, but I pray that she is willing to try... I don't want anyone else to die.
"Please tell me you can do that" I plead her.
 She looks over to the screen again, following the guy called Tony Stark on the screen. Wrinkles form in her forehead as she thinks.
I am ready to give up on the plan, but she slowly starts to nod and turn her head to look at me again
"Yes... yes, I think I can, and I think it might actually work"
 I close my eyes and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. The feeling of a heavy burden suddenly lifted from my shoulders.
The brainwashed-super-killing-machine has certainly left my body, since I can worry this much about a man I don't even know.
 "Thank you!" I mumble.
 Three loud knocks on the big steel door tell me they need me outside of the room.
I watch as Lilly visibly slumps over a little bit, unknowingly making herself smaller to the world. She does that every time I have to leave her cell, it's an unconscious way she tries to protect herself.
I've gotten to know her pretty well over time, and every fiber in my body wants to protect her and make all the bad go away, so when I see my friend cover like this it hurts my heart.
 "I'll be back as quickly as I can. I promise" I tell her, knowing full well it doesn't do anything to calm her.
Lilly just nods and turn to look at the screens again, not wanting to meet my eyes.
I want to apologize for having to leav. But we both now that it's not for me to decide if I stay or go, if we wants to keep up the illusion that I'm still under HYDRA's control.
 I turn towards the door and take a step when suddenly she stops me
"Wait! I almost forgot..." She stands up and walks over to me, taking my hand and placing hers over my open palm "...It's 'Nathaniel' with a capital 'N'. Remember that"
 Our eyes meet, and for once there's a slight glimmer of hope shining in hers. I nod, words not needed to be said as I turn around again and walk out the door.
 Once alone, I look down the palm of my hand, and study the little USB stick. Such a little thing with so much power...
  The door opens suddenly and I sit up from the steel bed I have been laying on, staring into the ceiling.
When I see who it is, I feel a rush in my stomach.
 "Hi..." My eyes meet Bucky's blue ones and I can see his eyebrows are slightly furrowed.
"Hi... How are you doing in here?" He asks as he leans himself up against the wall, opposite from my bed.
 "Well, you know... can't complain. I have this bed, hard as a rock. So I don't have to worry about oversleeping, because I practically don't sleep. I have this fabulous water faucet that has two settings, 'cold' and 'fucking cold'. So I don't have problems deciding what I want to drink today, or what temperature I want to wash my face in. Also, this amaaaazing toilet in the middle of the room that won't stop running water in the bowl, it gives me that quiet sound of running water All. The. Time. So it's practically like having my own private water fountain right next to me, 24 hours a day... Also, the smell is fantastic" I say sarcastic but with a grin on my face.
"It is an upgrade from HYDRA though, so I don't complain" I add, a little less humoristic.
 "Doll..." Bucky starts, but his voice trails off without him saying anymore.
 "Bucky... I didn't kill them. I might not have liked Jones, but he sure wasn't worth killing and Lilly was my only friend for a very long time. I didn't shoot them..." My pleading eyes meet his, begging him to believe me and to my surprise the look that I see in his eyes tells me that he does.
"I know..." he says "And I think I know who did it too..."
Part 23
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I’ll love you forever <3
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ughkeery · 7 years
two strangers learn to fall in love again | steve harrington
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request: hey! i was wondering if i could request a college AU where you meet steve and become super close? bonus points if the reader is like half asleep and bumps into him the first time they see each other! the rest is up to however you wanna make it :)
word count: 3.6k
warning(s): none tbh
a/n: this was extremely fun to write so thank you to whoever requested this??? there’s not much else i can say since i don’t wanna spoil anything so... hope y’all enjoy!
You’re not sure what’s worse about the guy living underneath you: his horrible taste in music, or the fact that he plays it loud enough for the entire building to hear.
“Does the guy in Room 202 listen to anything other than Journey lately?” You ask, half-venting and half-expecting an actual response from your roommate, Lisa. The two of you are on your respective twin beds, pretending to study for finals until midnight strikes because that’s when the two of you vowed you’d call it a night and go to bed.
“Who?” Lisa mutters, although her eyes are still glued to the textbook in her lap.
“Room 202.” The term rolls off your tongue with such disdain that Lisa looks up at you in surprise.
You’ve never actually met him, but you’ve passed by his dorm here and there on your way to a few parties. Each time he was blaring the exact same contrived, top-forty-hits type garbage that you’ve recently come to know more and love less.
You didn’t mind it so much at the beginning of the year - back when Room 202 only rocked out on the weekends and you weren’t in the dorms very much to begin with. But now that it’s been happening nearly every night for the past month, he’s on your very last nerve.
“How do you know it’s not a girl?” Lisa wonders, amused by your exasperation.
“Because, what kind of self-respecting woman would hang Van Halen posters on the outside of her door?”
“Yeah, thank God he moved on from his hard rock phase.” Lisa closes her textbook and tosses it aside. It’s only 10:30, but you’re too distracted and angered by the sound of Steve Perry’s voice to call her out on it.
You fall into your pillow with an overly dramatic sigh, watching your breath ruffle the pages of your Biology notebook resting on the bed beside you. 
“My mother was right. I should’ve never signed up to live in a co-ed dorm.”
Lisa rolls her eyes. “Have you talked to the RA about it?”
“Four times,” you mutter.
“Have you talked to him about it?”
“What do you mean?”
She shrugs. “I just figure that if it pisses you off so much, you would have no problem knocking on his door and telling him to keep it down.”
Your fingers, which have been absently flipping through the pages of your Biology notes, come to a stop as you ponder over Lisa’s suggestion. She knows how much you dislike confrontation, but you would be doing the entire dorm a service by being the one to finally make Room 202 shut up once and for all. Perhaps it would be worth it.
“Winter break is in a week,” You say, justifying your nervousness more to yourself than Lisa. “What’s the point?”
“Winter break is only a month long. Once we come back in January, you’ll be back at square one.”
“True. And who knows what kind of shitty music will come out by then?” 
You sigh, slouching further into your bed as Room 202 makes the audible switch from Journey to Phil Collins. Better, but not great, you think.
“Still, I don’t think it’s the best idea,” you continue. “No reason to make any enemies around here, even if it’s with the jerk in Room 202.”
“Whatever. He can get away with it if he wants to,” Lisa says with another shrug. “I hear he’s pretty hot.”
You press your lips together, not from lack of agreement, but because you know that if you get too wrapped up in this conversation you’ll spend even less time studying for your Biology final than you already have. Although you’ve never met the guy, Lisa likes to insist that his rumored good looks make up for his terrible music taste.
You think it’ll take a little more than that. You want to get an actual apology out of him, you decide.
“Fine,” you say after a few moments of silence between the two of you. “I’ll go first thing in the morning.”
As it turns out, morning rolls around more quickly than you initially expected. By the time you’ve reached the peak hours of moonlight, you’re so elbow-deep in stacks of graded quizzes and highlighted notes that you fail to realize just how late it is - that is, until Lisa rolls over in bed with a sour look on her face.
“Go to sleep, Y/N,” she whines, squinting at the yellow light illuminating from the tiny lamp on your desk. “It’s two in the morning.”
“You realize that if I don’t get at least a B on my Biology exam, I’ll fail the course, right?”
“You realize that if you keep me up all night, I’ll kill you, right?”
You roll your eyes, knowing that if you weren’t so overworked and tired you would probably laugh at Lisa’s comeback. Despite how long you’ve spent repeatedly going over the material for your final, there are still some things you’re still completely clueless about. You can’t afford to stop - especially not when your exam is only in six hours.
Leaning back in your chair, you cast a sideways glance at the laundry basket next to your bed, which is currently filled way too far over the edge with socks and sweaters that are threatening to tumble out. With all the studying you’ve been doing this week, getting your laundry done hasn’t even crossed your mind. 
Other than the kitchen - which is all the way downstairs - the laundry room would be a nice change of scenery for you to study. It would also ensure that you actually have a clean outfit to wear tomorrow.
“I’ll be back in an hour or so,” you announce, pushing your chair out from your desk, “and hopefully I’ll have all the organelles of the cell memorized by then.”
You can’t hear Lisa’s response muffled into her pillow, but judging by her tone, she’s on the brink of sleep and probably doesn’t even care. You quietly sort out the sweaters you get the most wear out of to wash, grab your Biology supplies, and exit your dorm.
Perhaps it’s the wave of pure exhaustion hitting you, but as you wander down the dimly-lit hallway towards the laundry room, you can’t help but think that you’re in an entirely different place. The dorms - quiet and nearly pitch-black - are almost like a different reality at night. The only other times you’ve been outside your own dorm room this late have been on your way back from parties across campus, full of alcohol and subdued laughter caused by your group of friends.
Get it together, Y/N, you inwardly tell yourself, rounding the corner at the end of the hallway. 
Although, you don’t get very far beyond that. Just around the corner is someone else walking in the opposite direction. The minute you two run into each other, you lose your balance and fall flat on your ass.
“Ouch,” you exclaim, unwilling to speak above a whisper so that you don’t awaken any of the sleeping co-eds in the rooms on either side of you. If you were feeling up to it, you would not only speak at full volume, but you would probably also smack the guy that you’ve just run into because damn, that really hurt.
“Holy shit, are you okay?” the guy asks.
“Yeah, I’m -”
Okay, you finish in your head, although for some reason the word fails to leave your lips as you look up at the boy. You don’t use this word lightly, but he is, without a doubt, the most attractive person you’ve ever met. He’s clearly in his pajamas - sweatpants and a t-shirt displaying your school’s mascot - but that only makes him all the more dreamy. You can’t help but feel insecure in your own exhaustive state as he looks right at you, eyes bright and smile contagious. 
The cute stranger gives you a smirk that is somehow polite and incredibly endearing. Still bent down in front of you, he holds his hand out, inches from your own. “C’mere, let me help you up.”
Meekly, you slip your hand into his and let him pull you up, rising to your feet with a sigh of relief. Somehow, you managed to keep a steady grip on your Biology supplies and bag of laundry throughout your fall. You clutch them even closer, a defense mechanism under this guy’s impeccably charming gaze.
“I’m Steve Harrington,” he introduces, “and I promise that knocking over pretty girls at two in the morning isn’t one of my main hobbies.”
You tell him your name, and he repeats it back to you amiably, rolling it around in his mouth like it’s familiar to him. The sound of your name being recited from his lips makes you blush like a little girl on the playground interacting with her crush. Thankfully, it’s too dark in the hallway for Steve to notice the hint of pink in your cheeks.
“So, Y/N,” he says, leaning his shoulder against the wall. “What’s a girl like you doing out of your room so late? They have rules around here, you know.”
You grin. Why did I have to meet this guy when I look like an actual zombie?
“My roommate threatened to murder me in cold blood if I didn’t take my studying elsewhere,” you reply, gesturing to the Biology textbook cradled in one of your arms. “How about you?”
“My buddy Scott lives on this floor. He was letting me borrow his Algebra notes,” he explains.
“Ah,” you say coolly, pressing your lips together. “So… what are your main hobbies, Steve Harrington?”
He laughs and runs a hand through his hair. You watch him do so, afraid that he will mess up his perfectly-styled ‘do, but his hair somehow retreats back to its original state afterwards. If it were socially acceptable, you would probably ask him what kind of hairspray he uses.
“Well, right now, failing school seems to be something I’m good at - although, it’s not a hobby I particularly enjoy.” He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Hence why I needed to borrow Scott’s notes.”
“Scott Miller?” you clarify. Steve nods. “Yeah, he’s in my English lecture. I think he’s the only person in there who’s read every single book. He’s really smart.”
“Scary smart,” Steve agrees, another smile grazing the corners of his lips. “You seem pretty smart yourself.”
“I do?” You blink, unable to keep your eyes from widening.
“Yeah, I mean - a girl willing to sacrifice a good night’s sleep for the sake of school? That takes some willpower. You must be some kind of badass.”
If it were possible, you would blush even harder. You mimic Steve’s stance, leaning against the wall, unable to tear your eyes away from his friendly gaze. 
“Not really,” you respond sheepishly. “I wouldn’t be doing it if I weren’t so afraid of how my parents would react if I were to fail Biology.”
“But you won’t fail,” he insists, taking a step closer to you. “Lots of other people would, but Y/N Y/L/N? She’s not a quitter.”
Steve smirks again, and under the hazy light attached to the high ceiling above you, you’re able to make out the dark freckles adorning his face. You aren’t sure why he’s being so nice to you, or why on earth he has to be so damn cute, but you definitely know one thing for sure: you don’t want this conversation to end.
You take your bottom lip between your teeth, unsure of how to respond to Steve in a way that doesn’t make how much you’re taken by his words so obvious.
“Anyways,” Steve says after a few moments of silence, although to you it felt like hours of staring into each other’s eyes. Your heart sinks as he continues.
“I, uh, won’t keep you. Looks like you have a big night ahead of you.” He eyes the items in your hands, smiling softly. “Laundry, Y/N? Really?”
“What can I say? I like to multitask.” You laugh softly.
Steve sets his hand on your arm, big enough for his fingers to wrap around it. But he doesn’t do that - he just gives it a small squeeze, which makes your heart want to burst.
“See you around?” he asks quietly, letting go of your arm as effortlessly as he had held onto it seconds ago. 
You swallow the nerves in your throat, nodding, wanting to ask him to buy you an ice cream or take you to a party or just keep talking so you can hear his voice, impossibly comforting for someone you barely know. But for some reason, you can’t muster up the courage to do any of those things until Steve has disappeared down the other end of the hallway.
Your laundry doesn’t get done, and neither does your studying. As calming as Steve Harrington’s words were, the minute you came to terms with the fact that you were alone once again in the dark, dreary hallway, you grew more tired than ever. Passing Biology was important, but in order to do that, you needed a decent amount of sleep for your exam.
However, stuck in a haze over your conversation with Steve, you realize not long after you come back to your dorm that you’ll be unable to focus on anything else - including sleep. In fact, you’ve just managed to force your eyes close and drift off before your alarm clock goes off at seven, signaling the fact that you only have one hour until your exam is set to begin.
“Ugh!” you exclaim, pushing your head underneath your pillow.
Lisa, who has clearly experienced the pleasure of a full-night’s sleep, leans over and turns off the alarm. “Morning, sleepyhead,” she greets, hopping out of bed. “Have fun doing all that laundry last night?”
“Five more minutes,” you whine to nobody in particular, squeezing your eyes shut even tighter. You hear Lisa exit the room - presumably to take a shower - and you can feel yourself drift off again. However, that lasts all of ten seconds when another noise - one that is even more annoying than the sound of your alarm clock - fills your ears.
Van Halen.
Room 202.
“Son of a bitch,” you say with a groan, rubbing your hands over your face until you’ve forced yourself awake. It’s probably the lack of sleep, but Room 202 seems to be playing his music more loudly than he ever has before. The sound of an obnoxiously high-pitched guitar solo echoing throughout your room makes you want to cry, scream, or both.
Instead, you angrily kick the pile of blankets off your freezing legs, change into the only clean clothes you have left, and march downstairs. You probably look like an absolute wreck right now, but if you don’t get as much sleep as you can by the time you need to show up for your exam, who knows what else will happen to your already deteriorating mental health.
You manage to follow the sound all the way to Room 202’s front door. Without hesitation, you begin pounding on the door, eagerly hoping to put a stop to all of this once and for all. 
“Hey!” you scream.
But Room 202 doesn’t seem to hear you. The sound of a screeching guitar continues, as unpleasant as ever. You bang your fist even harder, aiming right for Eddie Van Halen’s face on the poster attached to the door.
“Hey!” you scream even louder. “Open up!”
The volume on the song decreases, but not by much. You can see footsteps moving underneath the crack in the door.
“Give me a sec!”
You sigh, placing your hands on your hips impatiently. The song is eventually cut off, and the door swings open just enough for Room 202 to fit through.
But when the guy opens the door, it’s not the rugged, mullet-sporting douchebag you pictured living in Room 202 all this time.
It’s none other than Steve Harrington.
“Hey there, Y/N,” he greets, blinking the sleep and confusion from his eyes.
“Um,” you squeak, unable to form any words through your bewilderment.
“As pleasantly surprised - and somewhat creeped out - as I am that you found out where I live, can I ask what the hell you’re doing here so early?”
Steve seems unphased by your astonishment, or maybe he’s just as tired as you are and doesn’t notice. Still, it has to be fairly obvious that you’re freaking out right now.
“Um,” you say again, trying to look over Steve’s shoulder. “I was… looking for your roommate?”
Maybe the other guy that lives here is the one that plays such awful music each night, you try to reason with yourself. However, that theory is quickly shot down.
“Well, you’re not gonna have any luck.” He chuckles and steps aside, revealing just one bed next to a desk even more cluttered than yours. The layout of his dorm is identical to yours, except that where the other twin bed would be is a fully decked-out turntable with what looks like dozens of records haphazardly thrown on the shelf underneath. Laying face-up on the bed is a worn copy of Van Halen’s latest album.
This can’t be happening. You haven’t had any sleep. You’re delirious. This isn’t real. 
There’s no way the Steve Harrington you met last night is the same person you’ve been badmouthing since the beginning of the year.
“I live in a single dorm,” he explains, watching your eyes glaze over his room with an amused smile. “Y/N, if you wanted to come see me, you don’t have to act all coy about it.”
“That’s… not why I’m here.” Steve’s face falls slightly. You realize that you’re standing an awkward distance away from him, but for some reason you can’t will your legs to move even an inch. “I, um…”
You look up at him finally, making eye contact for the first time since the two of you met less than five hours ago. You can tell he’s confused - brows and lips pushed together in an endearing pout - and you can’t really blame him. He probably thinks you’re some kind of stalker; that you followed him back to his room earlier this morning just so you could come over a few hours later.
“Y/N, are you okay?” he says, putting your racing mind to a halt. He cracks the door open a little more, glancing over his shoulder. “Like I said, I’m happy to see you and all, but I need to get ready for -”
“What are you doing tonight?” you blurt out, surprising yourself more than him.
Steve rubs the back of his neck, eyebrows raised in curiosity. “Uh… nothing, I think. Why?”
“We should go record shopping.” You glance at the stack of records in his room again. The majority of them are names you wish you didn’t recognize. “There’s this place right off campus that my friend Holly works at. They have great music. We should go. Do you wanna go?”
Steve laughs. “Well, you see,” he starts, following your gaze over to his pile of records, “I would love to hangout, but I already have lots of music. Maybe we can do something -”
“More,” you say, forcing a smile onto your lips. “You need more.”
Steve chuckles at your assertiveness, although if he knew why you were asking him to hangout in this way, he probably wouldn’t find it too amusing. “Well... alright then. Record shopping with Y/N. Sounds like a blast. Wanna meet me back here at six?”
“Better make it eight.” Steve looks at you questioningly. “I have lots of sleep to catch up on.”
“Holy shit, Y/N. Holy shit.”
Later, when it’s nearly midnight and the two of you have just gotten back from sharing a milkshake at the local diner, you’re laying barefoot on Steve Harrington’s bed. He lays right beside you, shoulder pressed against yours, staring up at the ceiling in wide-eyed bewilderment. 
The album you’re playing right now was one of the many albums you insisted that he purchase, much to his chagrin. However, now that you’re an hour deep into listening, you can tell that Steve has changed his mind.
“I always skip Bowie when he comes on the radio, but this? I didn’t know he made stuff like this.”
He inches his head onto the edge of his pillow - the one you claimed the minute you came in. You tilt your head towards him, laughing at his expression.
“Told you,” you say. “He’s incredible.”
The two of you fall back into your usual silence, listening to the sound of David Bowie’s soothing voice idle on Steve’s turntable. After flying through your Biology exam and taking a much-needed nap, you had awoken incredulous to the idea that you had somehow asked somebody like Steve Harrington on a date earlier that day. 
That is, if angrily pounding on somebody’s door and close-to demanding them to buy music with you counts as a date.
“This is fun,” Steve says, clasping his hands together and resting them on his stomach.
You smile in surprise. “It is?”
“Yeah. I mean, I’ve never done this sort of thing with a girl.”
“What do you mean?” you ask, propping your head against your hand.
“Like… We’ve been laying here for almost an hour now, and the two of us have barely said anything. But it’s like we don’t have to because I feel like I already know so much about you, you know?”
You do. The minute you met Steve, his attractiveness and charm immediately stood out to you. But now that you’ve spent hours with the boy, cracking jokes in a record shop and playfully arguing over which milkshake flavor is the best, you feel like you know him better than anyone you’ve met since the beginning of the year.
“Yeah,” you whisper, toying with a loose thread on Steve’s comforter.
“How come we’ve never run into each other before?”
You shrug, unsure if his question is rhetorical or not. “I don’t know. I wish we had.”
Steve rolls onto his side, dark brown eyes burning holes into yours the same way they typically do. “Me too,” he says quietly.
Slowly but surely, Steve slips his hand into yours. You don’t say anything, just lean your head into the warmth of his shoulder as you wrap your fingers around his, wishing that you had confronted the obnoxious guy from Room 202 a long time ago.
491 notes · View notes
delicioussshame · 6 years
So late, rl obliges, but have a second fic for AoKuro Week that’s a direct sequel to the artists AU.
Who hands out their contact info on a piece of paper anymore? When did Aomine-kun even write it?
Those are the questions stopping Tetsuya from actually putting the words of that damned song on paper. He just can’t seem to focus. His mind keeps wandering back to Aomine-kun.
Who gave him his phone number. That Tetsuya really needs to call. Or at least write to him. He can’t let that good an opportunity slip by.
It’s just… hard to do. What if it turns out they have nothing in common? Or that he’s the subject of a bet between all those stupidly attractive people? Kagami-kun wouldn’t do that to him, but maybe he doesn’t know.
Later. He’ll call later.
After he’s written those pesky lyrics.
“So, how did it go?”
“I’m not talking to you anymore.”
Kagami-kun winces. “That bad?”
“No, but-“
He visibly lightens up. Tetsuya curses himself for his inability to stay mad at his overgrown puppy. “So it worked out! I’ll have to tell Momoi.”
It’s his turn to wince. “Please don’t. Anyway, nothing happened. The reason I’m not talking to you is because you threw me at the mercy of a bunch of attractive and loquacious people to make a spectacle of myself, and you didn’t even bother to tell me beforehand.”
“But you wouldn’t have come if I did!”
“That’s my point!” So. much. exasperation.
Now Kagami-kun is pouting. Tetsuya needs better friends. “You need more friends.”
…Damn him. “I suppose you’re right about that. Maybe they wouldn’t trick me into meeting strangers.”
“See! I’m right. Plus, you might get a boyfriend out of it.”
Tetsuya really, really needs new friends. “All he did was give me his phone number, it’s not-“
“Ha! I knew it! I’m definitely going to have to call Momoi!”
“Really, please don’t. Let me deal with this. The last thing I need is more people getting involved.”
Kagami-kun grimaces. “You don’t understand. She’ll be on my case if she finds out I left her out of the loop.”
“It’s not her business.”
Kagami-kun shrugs. “With Aomine and Momoi, it’s always each other’s business. You have to deal with it or it won’t work out between you two.”
Fine… Everyone has to make sacrifices. “I’ll keep you updated then, but please, not just yet.” There is nothing between them at the moment. At least give him a chance before it all goes to hell.
Kagami-kun really has no business looking this annoyed. “Fine. I’m giving you a week.”
“A week. Do something about Aomine before then, or I’m enlisting Momoi’s help and that’s final.”
Urgh. “Fine.”
Tetsuya crosses his arms. “I’m still not talking to you.”
“I can see that.”
So. He has to do something about Aomine or risk involvement by a stranger and his ex-best friend.
He just has no idea why he’d call.
He still needs to finish that song.
Let’s work on that instead.
No. He has to stop postponing or he’ll never get in touch Aomine-kun and he’ll spend the rest of his life regretting missing his chance at what might be the love of his life.
…He’s an artist. He’s allowed to be dramatic.
In the end, he just writes. I have a show next weekend. Do you want to come?
He doesn’t even have to wait long. Sure. When/where is it?
Tetsuya sends him the details. It’s not much, just a few songs at a hole-in-the-wall. He knows he doesn’t play in the same field as Aomine-kun or even Kagami-kun. There’s no point in pretending otherwise.
Maybe, someday.
Tetsuya has heard some people aren’t nervous before their public presentations.
Tetsuya hates those people.
Not only he’s singing to a relatively unfamiliar crowd that isn’t here to see him, he’s trying out the new song.
There’s also the fact that Aomine-kun is there, of course. That isn’t helping. He would hate to make a fool of himself for his almost-first impression.
Enough. Time to perform.
Also time not to look at that corner of the bar where Aomine-kun is sitting, ostensibly alone but already getting accosted by patrons.
He can’t let it bother him. Focus.
He gets off the stage with decent applause. He didn’t crash and burn. At this point, this is all he could have asked for.
If he had dared to ask for another thing, it would have been for that buxom brunette sitting on the barstool adjacent to Aomine-kun to stop leaning toward him, presenting him with what must be a wonderful view of her cleavage.
Aomine-kun visibly turns her away and tunes out whatever she’s answering the moment he spots Tetsuya approaching, so maybe he didn’t even need the extra help.
He’s so lucky.
Aomine-kun slides a beer toward him. “Good work out there.”
Tetsuya loves low lighting. “Thank you.”
“I’ve never really done that, you know, the low-key entertainment thing? I grew up in the biz, so we either rented a theater or we were invited to perform. It must be hard.”
Tetsuya shrugs. “You must have done some type of self-promotion too, when you eloped.”
Aomine-kun has a nice laugh.
That throat seems endless when he throws his head back.
“Eloped! I didn’t elope. Just imagining myself like that with Satsuki is too much. To go back to your questions, we took some time off to adjust. We cut off a lot of people, so we had to reconnect, and we changed genre on top of it. Satsuki took care of all of that. It’s more of her thing. I just showed and acted like she told me to.”
“I can’t imagine you obediently listen to Momoi-san.”
“Normally you’d be right, but I didn’t have much choice at the time. It was that or starve, and I need to eat a lot.”
Tetsuya allows his eyes to travel all over Aomine-kun's tall, strong body. "I can see that."
"Are you calling me fat?"
Tetsuya splutters. As is there was an ounce of fat everywhere on that body. "Of course not!"
He grins. "Thought so. All that training has to be worth something. I can't have you thinking I'm not fit."
Tetsuya isn't sure if he wants to change the subject or stay on that topic forever. "I would never. I'm not blind."
“Obviously not. You wouldn’t be interested in me if you were. It’s not like you know much more about me.”
What? Tetsuya blinks, caught off guard by Aomine-kun’s matter-of-fact’s tone.  Surely he knows how attractive he is. Body image issues are dime a dozen in the dance world, but this isn’t about that? He thinks? “Well, you’re right in that I don’t, but neither do you. Why are you here if this is all you think of me?” He’s not even his physical equal. Aomine-kun could do much, much better on this side.
“I just thought your voice was pretty.”
Tetsuya  can’t help himself. He snorts. “That’s not much better.”
“Yes, well, it’s the truth. I’m honest enough to admit I don’t have much of a social circle outside of other dancers, which are universally, without even one exception, a terrible idea. Before the date would be over I’d have gotten three different messages about my outfit, my choice of venue and my lackluster conversation skills. I’m just gonna pass on that.”
“Is this the moment where I admit Kagami-kun has threatened to involve your… Momoi-san if I didn’t get in touch with you fast enough?”
“Fuck! See! This is what I meant! You can’t even date quietly when surrounded by this bunch of nosy assholes.”
Tetsuya doesn’t reply. He wouldn’t enjoy that kind of intrusion into his private life either, but it still seems sort of… nice, to have so many care about your well-being.
“Anyway. You’re just different from the people I hang out with. You look… nice and polite. I’m not used to that. Maybe it would be a good change of pace. But seriously, what about you? Why pick me instead of Kagami? You guys are already friends.”
What’s with these people and their obsession with his relationship with Kagami-kun? They saw them together once! How much did he talk about Tetsuya? “I love Kagami-kun from the bottom of my heart, but I would never date him. I will wish the best of luck to the lucky lady. “
So maybe he overdid it. Whoever will get Kagami-kun’s heart will indeed be lucky. Once he’s earned, Kagami-kun never lets go.
But enough about the man who keeps cockblocking him in absentia. Now, to get back at the subject at hand, how do you explain I think it was love at first sight and it was so obvious that Kagami-kun decided to set us up without sounding like a creepy stalker? “Since we’re talking about Kagami-kun, he wouldn’t have arranged for us to meet if you were terrible, so I know you must be a somewhat decent human being. And, as you implied, a blind man could see that you’re a talented dancer. That takes skill, but also work ethics and passion. Just having seen you on the stage tells me a lot about you already.” He takes a moment to clear his thoughts while taking a sip of his beer. “Aren’t we meeting to get to know each other anyway?”
“Well, okay. And how’s that working out for you? Figured me out already?”
“Of course not. You don’t know a person after only one date, after all. I’ll need more time. How about next weekend?” All that while keeping his most nonchalant tone. He’s a singer. He can control his voice. Aomine-kun can’t hear the beating of his heart. He doesn’t have to hear the tremors in his voice instead.
He gets the most heart-stopping smile in return. “Sure. I’ll take you somewhere as long as you don’t talk to Kagami about it.”
“Dai-chan smiled! He smiled! Those two were made for each other, I knew it!!”
“I wasn’t arguing with you. I’m the one who got them to meet, remember?”
“And you did such a fine job too, Kagamin! I’m so proud! Now I’ll have nephews that can both sing and dance!”
“…You do realise that’s not how it works, right?”
“They can teach their adopted kids! And if they don’t, I will.”
“…Since we can agree they don’t need rescuing from each other, maybe we should go and leave them alone.”
“Yeah, we’re going before they spot us.”
“We’re going. Now.”
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nekojitachan · 7 years
You ever get something stuck in your head and you’re just like ‘WRITE NOW’?
Well, instead of finishing RP10, I did a thing.
Uhm, black magic, revenge, bad things happening to OCs (not graphic) and past bad things happening to other characters, but again, nothing graphic.
I call this ‘a boy and his demon meet cute’
“-pass it around, Scott, don’t hog it!”
“I’m not! I barely got any off of it that time, you asshole! Stop complaining.”
“Both of you shut up before someone hears us.”
“Gawd, you’re such an old man, Ren. Live a little for once!”
“Yeah, come on, help me with this! It’ll be fun!”
Andrew had another swig of the cheap bourbon that Emilio had managed to get his hands on while the rest of the morons fussed over the book Gaby had brought along, even holding up their lighters to help illuminate the dark overhang on the roof of the hellhole currently serving as their home – McDougal Rehabilitation Center (or McD’s, as even the staff called it). A ‘lovely’ place with shitty plumbing and a/c and worse heating, but oh what a bonus that its make-shift security system always went on the fritz after a thunderstorm. Of course that didn’t do its poor wayward inhabitants much good when there was still the nasty outer parameter (Andrew suspected someone of having trust issues, imagine that), but on stormy nights when Jones was running their ward, the lazy bastard didn’t give much of a shit what they did as long as they were back in their beds by morning without any noticeable body harm or destruction of property.
So up to the roof they went, a chance to breathe some fresh (humid as fuck) air, to smoke and drink. Andrew wasn’t very sociable (at all), but he knew how to bypass the lock on the door and that way he got to keep an eye on the worst of the troublemakers (keep them in front of him, he told himself) while gaining access to said smoke and drink.
Though sometimes he wondered if it was worth it, having to listen to such inanity while he kept ‘watch’, supposedly for any staff showing up, as far as his fellow inmates were concerned.
“No, no, it’s supposed to work!” Gaby insisted, her voice the squeaky half-laugh which indicated she’d had a little too much of Tim’s pot. “I mixed a few things together, stuff I’ve seen and-“
“You’re just gonna make it rain again or something,” Cyn teased. “Or turn Ren into a frog!”
“It’ll be an improvement,” Emilio muttered, only to giggle (Gaby wasn’t the only one affected by the pot) when Ren shoved him a good foot over.
“Lemme concentrate,” Gaby complained as she sprinkled something on the roof (it looked as if she’d grabbed a couple of bottles of glitter from the art room), her brow furrowed and bleached blonde hair twisted into a bun to keep it falling onto the rough surface of the roof. “Uhm, we need some blood. Anyone have a – well, something sharp?”
McD didn’t allow them any weapons (no fun, this place), but they all learned to improvise. Bottle of bourbon held in his hand, Andrew pushed away from the wall near the door to watch Cyn hand Gaby what looked to be a piece of glass wrapped on one end so it could be held, which Gaby used to cut the tip of her left index finger – cut a little too deep, from the way she started swearing.
Meanwhile, Tim, always an asshole, took to laughing as he waved his hand around the glittery symbols. “Oooh, bowels of hell, hear our pleas and send us a servant to do our bidding!” He laughed some more, that time Emilio and Ren joining in as well.
“Not funny,” Cyn told them while Gaby complained about them ruining her spell.
“I don’t know, it worked a little.”
Andrew spun around to face the far end of the roof, where the strange voice had come from – sardonic and without a noticeable accent. There was something dark within the shadows, a human-like shape and two brilliant blue spheres that might be eyes around the same height as Andrew’s, perhaps a little higher. “But it’s not for rain and it’s definitely not for good luck.”
As the stranger spoke, Scott and Tim went charging toward him (it sounded like a ‘him’, like someone around their own age, though Andrew hadn’t heard that voice before), only to disappear into the shadows. There was the sound of something tearing followed by screams, screams which steadily became fainter and then there was the terrible noise of something meaty impacting the ground below.
Andrew threw the bottle off to the side as a distraction, but he only made two steps before there were more screams behind him; he turned to see that the glittery circle had become brilliant, multicolored flames and everyone around it – Gaby, Cyn, Ren and Emilio – were quickly consumed by it. Torn between shock and rage, he turned back to the shadow figure to find it standing in front of him, and gasped despite himself.
The figure was about his height but thinner, slighter, and was covered with scarred, burnt flesh, with remnants of charred clothes and singed dark hair. Between him being able to walk around in such a condition and those eyes, those balefire blue eyes, Andrew realized that it wasn’t human, wasn’t mortal. Yet he still struggled to get free, to lash out, to refuse to go down quietly, which only prompted an amused chuckle as he was grasped by the neck by a too-hot hand and lifted up into the air.
Long, narrow fingers choked off his air as the creature grinned, ruined lips pulling back to reveal sharp white teeth. “I know you. Oh yes I do, I know you. You were there that night, you sold us out.”
What was it talking about?
“I am going to enjoy this,” the creature continued as its fingers dug further into Andrew’s throat. “I am-“ It paused for a moment. “Huh.”
“Nah… nah….” Andrew choked out as he clawed at the arm holding him up, as he tried to kick at the body in front of him – seventeen years of twisted bastards and Drake and everything, only to go out like this? Not happening.
The creature let him go as if repulsed by him, yet didn’t back away. “’Nah’ what?” it asked in a curious tone, its head cocked to the side in an awful parody of a living person.
Coughing for about a minute while he looked around for a weapon (he just had to throw the bottle so far away, didn’t he?), Andrew shook his head. “Not… not him, whoever. Go the fuck away, freak.”
That prompted a laugh from the creature which sent a chill down Andrew’s back reminiscent of trickles of icy water. “You’re actually speaking the truth, aren’t you?” It leaned down, and gone were the thick lumpy scars from the burns, replaced by smooth skin tanned from sun exposure and dusted by freckles, the hair regrown and bright red. The creature was now a kid a little younger than Andrew with sharp, too attractive features and a wicked scythe of a smile and still those balefire eyes. “Nothing?”
“Only a desire to kill you,” Andrew confessed.
That smile grew even sharper. “Much too late, my snarly doppelganger. Let me tell you a little story – oh, we’ll skip along a good bit, no point in boring you, but the heart of it was that me and my mother were trying to avoid some very, very bad people.” The creature’s eyes flared even brighter for a moment and there was a crack of lightning in the sky as if for dramatic effect. “We met with a contact to get papers we needed to keep running, but apparently, he had a side business going on selling drugs and one of his regulars caught sight of us. A regular who had a son. A son who looks just like you.”
Andrew stared at the creature as those words sunk in, as he attempted to make sense of them. “This is all an insane delusion, something was in the alcohol.”
“Oh no, you’re not that lucky,” the creature told him. “Your little friend dotted a line she should have zagged and zigged a symbol she should have dotted, and she had some nice rich blood there, yes? Add on to it some idiot making an offer he shouldn’t, and here I am. I had wondered what allowed me to slip free, but now I know.” As it talked, Andrew heard voices down below, voices raised first in anger and then in alarm.
It reached out to flick him on the forehead to regain his attention, and for some reason, he couldn’t move to punch it. “Blood of my traitor, how nice. It looks like I finally get revenge.”
“I didn’t do anything,” Andrew gritted out as he fought to move, angered by the injustice of it all even though he should be used to Fate fucking him over by then.
“You’re the exact same blood as the son of the woman who sold out my mother, who led to me being condemned to hell,” the creature told him, eyes flaring so bright that Andrew had to close his eyes. “Their guilt is your guilt.”
Despite himself, a weak chuckle escaped Andrew; didn’t it figure that he found out that he had a brother (a twin, possibly, from what the damn creature insinuated), found out something about his mother, and it was when some fucking demon from hell arrived to kill him? “Just get it over with, you bastard.”
“I will.” The creature was quiet for a second, and then Andrew felt something slam into his chest, felt a sharp pain and then the world spun around him and-
He opened his eyes to find them standing in a park somewhere. He glanced around at the empty swing sets and then the creature standing next to him, now dressed in baggy jeans and an overlarge plain light blue sweatshirt. “This is hell?”
The creature snorted as he began to walk away, and for some damn reason Andrew was compelled to follow, to not let him get too far away. “You have very low standards.”
That wasn’t cryptic, was it? Andrew waited until they reached the street before speaking again, which annoyed the hell (irony much) out of him. “I’m alive?”
“So it seems?” The creature stopped to look at him. “Complaints? Not that I normally give a damn about requests, but I can always make an exception for you,” he said with a feral grin as he held up a suddenly clawed right hand.
Andrew gave him the finger in return. “Why?”
“Ah, a question that makes sense.” The creature nodded in what seemed to be approval. “Because it appears that you’re my anchor here now that I’m free, and I’ve many things to do - people to kill, a criminal empire or two to tear down.” It flapped its right hand about in the air a couple of times. “The usual.” It cocked its head to the side as it stared at Andrew. “Did you want to stay back there?”
Andrew considered all of that. “Not particularly. Are my mother and brother part of those ‘people to kill’?”
The creature’s smile didn’t waver. “Your mother, yes. That’s non-negotiable.”
That was taken into consideration with the knowledge that she’d betrayed whatever the creature had been before along with gave up Andrew and dragged his brother into a situation like the creature had described. “Because she betrayed you.”
The smile slipped away to be replaced by something utterly inhuman despite the fact that the creature still wore its ‘pretty’ face. “Because she betrayed my mother and me. She also cost Theo his life, all for a damn fix.”
All right. “What do I call you?” Somehow, Andrew didn’t think ‘creature’ would go down well with other people.
He felt some sort of satisfaction upon seeing the confusion and uncertainty at the question. “Uhm… Neil,” the demon (was it?) told him. “And you? Other than Minyard?”
Andrew nodded once as he tried not to be affected upon hearing what he assumed was his ‘real’ last name. “Andrew.” Oh yes, he was looking forward to finding the woman who’d given birth to him, too.
‘Neil’ nodded in return. “Okay, so if you’re not going to freak out on me,” he waited for Andrew’s response and smiled, the expression almost genuine at Andrew’s narrowed look, “then let’s get started.”
I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.... *whimpers*
Ok, back to Raven’s Partner.
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