#bonus songs that have played i was thinking over my obsessions: when i was in love - violet & stay
floweruna · 8 months
tagged by @jikyu <3
last song: one more night by pentagon
last movie: ginger snaps
currently reading: i went to the library just yesterday so i have not started anything new yet.
currently watching: the third part of Lupin. technically worst of evil too, but i am quite behind.
current obsession: this one recipe for gilgeori toast, walking on the crunchy leaves outside and my lil dreamvader plush.
tagging @moonsua, @pumpkunspiced, @haramie & @moonprismmp3
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1hot-mess-express1 · 2 months
The Girl at the Rock show
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Choso X Punk!Reader
Summary: Choso is dragged to a house show by Yuji, but he can't seem to be upset about it for long
WC: 680
CW: none? Mention of alcohol like once? Choso being cute and flustered and big bro and and and
A/N: I wrote this V quickly, not proofread. I'm just obsessed with tiny awkward Choso and his big goth mommy, sue me
Choso doesn't know why he let Yuji convince him to come to a house party. He's not antisocial, per se, but he's an observer, content to be in the presence of others while remaining on the outskirts of whatever antics his brother and his friends have gotten into. However, it is incredibly hard to peacefully observe the actions of others when you're stuck in a sea of sweaty bodies all shouting over one another.
Choso grimaces as he gets pushed around in the sea of people, the occasional drink spilling onto him as he tries his best not to lose his brother in the swarm of people surrounding him. Yuji must have noticed his uncertain pace because he quickly whips his head around, offering Chosos a comforting smile before grabbing his hand and helping to lead him through the crowd.
They stop just before the basement door, and Choso can hear the powerful thrumming of music through the door. Yuji grins at him before opening the door, "This is why I really brought you here, big bro."
When they start making their way down the basement steps, Choso immediately covers his ears at the loud music playing before he looks up to realize that it's a band playing, not just something out of a speaker.
They push their way through the crowd to be in front of the makeshift stage as Yuji waves up at you, offering one of his signature smiles. You wave back at him before crouching down on the stage to talk to him, "Yuji! I'm so glad you could make it," you take a moment to glance over at Choso, and he feels himself heat up under your inquisitive stare, "Who's the cutie you brought with you?", you say to Yuji through a cheeky grin.
"That's my brother, Choso, the one I told you about? He's never been to a concert, and I'm broke, so I brought him here." Yuji laughs at your expression of mock hurt.
"Are you saying you would have taken him to someone else if you had money?" you offer him a dramatic pout, to which he's quick to deny your accusation.
"Wha-No, that's not what I said at all, y/n..." He grumbles slightly at your teasing before shooing you away. You go back to tuning up before playing the next set. "What do you think, Cho?"
Choso doesn't respond too busy staring at you to pay attention to his surroundings. You might be the most beautiful woman he's ever seen. Everything about you screams powerful, from the way you hold yourself to the clothes you wear to that unshakable gaze of yours. Yujis laughs to himself, realizing what's going on in his brother's head.
Just when Choso thinks his little crush couldn't get any worse, you take your place on center stage and come alive, playing for him. He knows this room is packed with people chanting along to your singing, but the way you pin him down with your gaze makes him know you are singing for him, and he can't help the little blush that creeps across his face.
Choso was an observer, but it seems tonight he'll have to live with being the observed.
Bonus "Cho, what is this?" Yuji asks, shuffling through Choso's newly acquired stack of CDs. Choso quickly moves to snatch them away from Yuji, a heavy blush painted on his face. "Ohhh... I get it...Someone has a Cruuuuussshhh." "Shut up, I do not! I-I just thought...maybe I should know the songs they play, that's all." Choso is now beaten red as he tries desperately to deny his little brother's allegations. "Oh really? So if I asked y/n to go on a date with me, you wouldn't mind?" Yuji asks, pulling out his phone and dialing your number to make his threat seem as real as possible. As soon as you answer, Choso tackles Yuji to the floor, trying desperately to hang up the phone as you sit on the other end, incredibly confused as to what it is you're hearing.
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buckxbucky Band/Punk AU
Bucky was so hungover it wasn't funny, the first day of the festival was all a blur of amazing fucking music and clashing bodies and alcohol, a lot of alcohol. His head felt like it was being jack-hammered from the inside and his brain was about to liquefy out of his ear-holes. "Curt, man, I love you, but I really wanna go back to the hotel, I feel like I'm gonna hurl and if I do it's gonna be all over you," he slurred, holding a hand up to try and shield his squinted eyes from the sun that seemed too bright at that moment. Curt's grip on the front of his tank top didn't budge as he pulled a half-blind Bucky through the mingling wall of bodies towards the stage, one of the bands just finishing up their set. Fuck, why did everything have to be so loud? "Too bad, Bucky. Not my fault you turned into a fish on the first night of the damn festival. I wanna watch this next band and I'm not gonna let you make me miss 'em." Bucky could only grumble as he was dragged along until they made it to the barriers, right up in front of the stage and as close as they could get to the music and the bands lined up to play. The current band was just finishing up, shouting their thanks and appreciation out to the crowd. The sound of the cheers and feedback from the speakers turned Bucky's stomach and made his head throb even harder, but he had promised Curt he'd go with him every day of the festival, especially when he saw how excited Curt was to see a certain band. He'd managed to weasel out of him that he'd developed a crush on the drummer, a guy called Ken Lemmons. Who was Bucky to deny his best friend from seeing the latest object of his obsession and affection? Bucky squinted up at the stage "What did you say these guys were called again?" "The B-17's" Curt repeated for what was probably the millionth time since they'd made it into the city. As if on queue, the giant screens at the back and sides of the stage changed to the band's name, B-17's lighting up in giant white graphics as music started blasting through the speakers. Bucky couldn't help the smile that Curt's enthusiastic whooping caused, but his smile faded slightly when he looked up onto the stage as the band started filtering out, five guys running out onto it to get to their positions. He felt his jaw go slack at the sight of the guy who grabbed the mic, piercing blue eyes that Bucky was actually close enough to see scanning out at the hundreds of people in the crowd, a blinding perfect smile splitting his face as a hand came up to brush unruly dark blond hair out of his face. The guy looked like a fucking angel. Tattoos peaked out slightly from the sleeves of a blue overshirt. Bucky couldn't hear a damn word that was being said as the guy started speaking to the crowd, grin never wavering. "See something you like there, Bucky?" Curt teased knowingly from beside him. He didn't have to look at his friend to see the playful smirk that was on his best friend's face. When the guy started singing though, a deep and absolutely perfect voice projecting from the giant speakers on either side of the stage, all Bucky could think was Ohhhhh fuck...
This is gonna go into my slowly growing WIP folder now, so get ready for me to absolutely brainrot over this now in between writing and contunuing Game of Survival (it will be continued, so don't stress, it's my first baby, it's not being abandoned 😂😂)
BONUS the song that Buck would end up writing and performing on stage for Bucky in the future:
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mrsnancywheeler · 3 months
Ok I’m back with the songs 🫡
I can’t remember if anyone else has mentioned this, but finnick/sweet girl are very much giving this is me trying by miss blondie herself
I've been having a hard time adjusting. I had the shiniest wheels, now they're rusting” “And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad. I have a lot of regrets about that”
This reminded me a lot about their recent argument at the end of chapter 6, where sweet girl called him a liar and accused him of purposely playing mind games with her :(
“And it's hard to be at a party when I feel like an open wound. It's hard to be anywhere these days when all I want is you. You're a flashback in a film reel on the one screen in my town”
THIS MIGHT JUST BE FINNICKS ENTIRE INNER MONOLOGUE AFTER THEY BROKE UP #IDK !! OR !! HIS THOUGHTS DURING READER’S GAMES! How he has to keep up appearances and his playboy persona to make sure his sweet girl gets sponsors, but he’s actually feeling so much grief and stress. 
Another song they remind me of is  Wasteland, Baby! But specifically:
“I’m in love, I'm in love with you. And I love too, that love soon might end. Be known in its aching”
Just reminded me about how they’re meant to go through tragedy :(( 
we can't be friends (wait for your love) by Ariana Grande’s SCREAMS young!reader going through the breakup with Finnick :((
“We can't be friends, but I'd like to just pretend. You cling to your papers and pens, wait until you like me again. Wait for your love”
Just her initial reaction to the breakup and how she still loves him :((
“I don't like how you paint me, yet I'm still here hanging”
“Me and my truth, we sit in silence. Baby girl, it's just me and you. ‘Cause I don't wanna argue, but I don't wanna bite my tongue, yeah, I think I'd rather die. You got me misunderstood, but at least I look this good” This reminds me of when Finnick was saying all those things he didn’t mean about his sweet girl, and although she’s hurt by it she still loves him (and deep down she knows he doesn’t mean it!)
And Comfort Crowd by Conan Gray is so them coded like PLEASE mainly about how reader keeps rejecting any comfort because she doesn’t feel like she deserves it + how she was afraid to voice that she wants said comfort during her hijacking
“Wellin' up in tears as I lay upon your belly. Telling you, ‘I’m fine I don't really need nobody,’ But you say through a sigh that I said that lie already”
Need I say more. 
“And even if I cry all over your body. You don't really mind. Say you like your shirt soggy.”
This could go for both Finnick and Reader! About how they both feel guilty for receiving comfort from the other person (Finnick bc he wants to give comfort too, and Reader bc she feels like she doesn't deserve it)
I hope this isn’t too long hehe but these were my #thoughts. I’m a yapper at heart <3 lmk what you think!!
BUT SIDENOTE I SAW HADESTOWN FOR THE FIRST TIME LAST NIGHT W JORDAN FISHER AND !! His performance was fr giving me finnick vibes bc he was really giving that obsessed yearner vibe IDK HOW TO EXPLAIN IT LOL but it was so good!!
buckle up folks because I love a lot to say 🫡❤️
this is me trying is so them, like very heavily
they're both really at their core such sunshiney people who've been so broken down and used by the world that they've really been dulled. and reader is always quick to bite back, especially when she's scared or frustrated or doesn't want to reveal her emotions, she doesn't have a complete grasp on reality yet, she's scared of being left behind, scared that finnick will die, scared of being alone and frustrated that he broke his promise to her so she lashes out.
110% to both of those, like he's so broken up, aching for her, in pain, blaming himself for everything, but he has to be what's expected of him. some drinks, laughing, flirting, smiling, when all he wants to do his curl up in bed crying as he holds into some remant of hers that he held onto all this time.
in the context of the most recent chapter "I just wanted you to know that this is me trying" is so very much both of them for different reasons
finnick says the things he does and does what he does because he wants to help her get better, to be delicate with her, keep her safe, keep her protected from the dangers of the time and her mental state. he's trying his hardest even if he doesn't always handle it in ways that bode well.
reader is trying to be herself again, she just wants to be treated normally regardless of how that affects her. once she's her she'll be less paranoid, more trusting, she's trying so hard to replicate that so she can get there and feels like he's not letting her. that her attempts are being shut down.
they are the tragic lovers, so in love, so obsessed, and constantly fated for hurt after hurt. all I'm saying is to watch moulin rouge and think of them because it's so finnick and his sweet girl in another life.
LITERALLY THOUGH if she could've she would've followed him around like a lost puppy dog, it would have fed into the narrative about her, but she's so desperately in love that she would have waited so patiently. in a way she did, but if he'd told her he was breaking up with her for other girls she was so young and so already achingly in love with him that she would have kept trailing around waiting for him to come baxk
(side note, finnick is really the love sick puppy, but reader reminds me of a stray cat who picks someone to love, always waits to be fed by them. given a little bit of attention and now will be attached for the long run. I thought googles description was really funny because it's just so her "With time and patience, a stray cat may trust you and want pets consistently. If you have grown close to a stray cat, it may feel upset or distressed if you suddenly leave it." so yeah she's a stray cat who finally got some love before being suddenly stranded again)
ANYWAYS yes, the way he talks about her and paints the portrait of their relationship is so hurtful. she totally cries about it consistently because to her he's perfect, and although she largely wants to believe what he said when they broke up and trust he still loves her, a part of her can't help but feel so stupid for letting herself be lead on by someone who's been said to be a playboy anyway. it makes her so insecure, so much more guarded, but she doesn't hate him, no she could never. she's in love with him. no matter what he says or does she's long placed her roots and won't tear them up.
that's literally the most them interaction to have never ever interacted, some of her tears have welled up, she's choking on pushed down sobs, and insisting that she's okay even though Finnick can read her like a book. he's softly scolding her for lying while she continues to try and insist until she's completely broken down into sobs.
reader could have the roughest day ever and still insist that she's fine, comfort finnick, love on him, hold him, and he spends the time hating that he's enjoying the loving when she's so obviously lying, masking everything. it's such a paradox. meanwhile she feels terrible for aching comfort because of things she does, she wants to suffer, but the lure of giving into finnick's arms is too much sometimes. especially knowing that he loves her so much and so well. she just has to let herself take what she needs even if she hates herself or it later.
ofc this isn't too long pookie, I love hearing y'all's thoughts no matter how long, yap to me endlessly pookie, I'm a yapper too. ❤️
YAY EXCITING I would love to see Jordan Fisher as Orpheus, he's so talented. I'd die, and yes it's just so Finnick 😭💕
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lazypanartist · 2 years
Bullied! Reader x Giacomo Headcanons
I saw one of these, couldn't stop myself! Might also be drawing Gia in the school uniform but you can't prove anything
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Warnings: spoilers, mentions of bullying, probably OoC, no beta, not necessarily canon compliant
Notes: set ~1.5 years before the main story, I've been feeling Very Bad™ the last few days, so it's kinda disjointed I think
It's not uncommon for bullying to happen at the academy
It's ALSO not uncommon for the teachers to ignore it
You yourself had seen it happen..
Popular people like Eri beaten down as someone new came by
Ortega getting bullied for his family's wealth, how "easy" he must have it
You, though?
You were in the majority
People being bullied for their interests..
Or for being "weird"
Mela for her attitude
Atticus for his obsession with ninjas, as well as his craftsmanship
And Giacomo for his interest in music
Books slapped out of hands, items swiped off desks
Name calling and harassment followed you wherever you went
But you weren't the only one
You were approached with the idea of Operation Star by Eri one day, after a bad bout of bullying
Of course, you were all too eager to accept
It wouldn't have done you any good to turn it down
And besides, who doesn't want to get back at their bullies?
So, you were in
Modified school uniform? Check
Fancy shades? Check
A cool pose? Check
A catchy sign-off? Check
All set!
You met Giacomo at the execution of Operation Star: the pushback against the bullies of the Academy
He just laughed when he saw you with Eri, offering you a grin and a hand
He pulled you onto his Starmobile before turning his attention back to the plan
Glancing towards you every once in a while as the cowards fled the area
The operation didn't take too long, and the newly minted Team Star rolled out into the night
It didn't take any convincing for you to join Segin Squad
Giacomo welcomed you with open arms
While Eri sat laughing at how obvious he was being
He asked you to help him run the squad
Help train newbies
Recruit other people you'd seen get bullied
And go on supply runs into Cascarrafa out of uniform
Whenever the squad bosses had to meet up on their own, he trusted that you'd keep the base running in his stead
All in all, a great relationship built on trust even before a confession
He shared his love for music with you, having you rate new tunes before he showed them to anyone else
Wasn't hard, with you by his side almost all the time
In turn, he'd listen to your interests, lending an ear and some praise
Honestly s2g Mela and Ortega already thought you were dating at this point
Atticus is the biggest shipper lmao
Giacomo definitely confessed first
He'd been hiding a new song from you for a few days, saying he wanted to perfect it instead of letting you listen to the WIP
Not too incredibly surprising, but he was putting a lot of effort into making sure you couldn't hear it
The grunts outside his tent alerted him every time you came over, instead of parting to let you pass
He snapped his laptop shut every time you came near him
AND he wouldn't let you scroll through his playlists!!
At all!!!
After about two weeks of this, he had another of the grunts find you and direct you to his tent
He almost sheepishly handed you his headphones, making sure they were settled on your head before he pressed play
The intro started similarly to the Team Star theme, then dropped
(IDK the specifics of music or it's making, so. Bare with me please)
He made sure to include similar structure and rhythms to ones you had pointed out in his other work
At the end of it, instead of an encore, his voice sounded from the headphones
"Y/n, I've been meaning to tell you for a while, but.. I like you. As more than a friend or right-hand man. Would you be willing to be my partner?"
You took off the headphones, smiling at him
And that was all the answer he needed
Mela and Ortega had to give Eri and Atticus money.. both had bet on you two already being together
Atticus called it puppy love, while Eri just laughed and said you would've told her if you had been dating
Which is how the bet came to it's conclusion
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stratossphere · 1 year
I need a rockstar boyfriend fic of Ville please, im begging
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on stage | v.v
you’re in the crowd of one of ville’s concerts, and you just can’t help yourself.
warnings: mentions reader being drunk, fluff in general, a tiny glance of suggestive content
word count: 3.4k
a/n: saw this pic on pinterest, and it made me think of this ask. hope you enjoy :)
taglist: @asskickedbygirl (lmk if you want to be added!)
— —
"I love you Ville! You're so fucking hot!" The girl next to you screamed again just as the song the band was playing faded out into quiet, clearly trying to get a rise out of your boyfriend who was about ten feet away on stage. You and Bam both shared yet another look, breaking out in snorting laughter despite the fact that you could barely hear each other over the noise around you.
"You should start screaming like that! Throw your bra at him or something!" Bam called in your ear, motioning to where Ville was lighting his cigarette and laughing at something Mige was saying. That was a genius idea, and you started laughing once again as he introduced it to you. It was fun to fuck with Ville even when he was on stage on the rare occasion that you were actually in the audience.
"Ladies and gentlemen. Hope your panties are getting wet by now." Ville crooned into the microphone over the sound of your scheming plan, his eyes glancing only momentarily to yours to make sure that you and Bam were still there before he was looking out over the crowd that then erupted in cheers at his crude words. He could've asked everyone around you to squat and spread and they probably would've done it. Bam included.
Once he looked away, you quickly fumbled your bra off, slipping it out of the side of the tank top you were wearing and holding it victoriously up to Bam. The best part was, Ville had been very intently watching you get dressed that morning, so you knew he was going to know exactly whose it was. Score.
So, you then yanked your arm back as far as you could get it, summoned all of the strength you had inside of you, and then chucked your bra forward. And, to your pleasant surprise, you managed to nail your boyfriend almost directly in the face with it in a moment of impeccable aim. You would've paid to have a picture of the look on his face at that moment.
Ville's voice halted to a stop at being hit with a bra, and then he started laughing that hyena laugh that you loved so much as he held the bra up to the crowd.
"You dirty bastards! Have some decency!" He guffawed, a smirk on his face as he spoke to the still-screaming crowd. Then, you watched with a smirk on your face as he studied the bra a little closer, his smile fading slightly before recognition flashed in his eyes and his gaze immediately snapped down to you. He held up the bra accusingly.
"This better not be yours." He was staring directly at you as he spoke into the microphone. All eyes immediately turned in yours and Bam’s direction due to the fact, and all they could see was the both of you laughing your asses off before you let out the loudest cheer you could possibly muster.
"I love you Ville Valo!" You screamed, jumping up and down and grinning like an idiot while you whooped because he was chuckling with an exasperated look on his face. He held up your bra higher to give everyone else in the crowd a better look.
"That is my beautiful girlfriend. Who is screaming and throwing items of clothing at me." Ville announced, pointing down to you and shaking his head with a good-natured grin on his face. Usually you didn't really like to draw attention to yourself when you attended Ville's concerts, because usually Ville's die-hard, hopelessly in love fans weren't a huge fan of his real-life girlfriend, but you were admittedly a little drunk. You could never understand why they saw you as competition instead of someone who was just as obsessed with him as they were. You couldn't help the fact that you just happened to be able to fuck him whenever you wanted to as an added bonus. “And I bought this fucking bra.”
You cheered again at his introduction, flipping him off with the hand that wasn't holding a beer at the same time just for the fun of it. And Bam only added in on the fun.
"Put it on! Put it on! Put it on!" He started to chant as loudly as he could, jabbing a finger at the bra still hanging off of Ville's index finger. You laughed again before joining in, chanting just as loud as your friend before the people in your immediate vicinity slowly joined in with the both of you. You probably wouldn't have been encouraging this if you hadn't been drinking, but oh well. It's not like Ville was sober, either.
Ville clearly heard all of you, and he shook his head while laughing as he inspected your bra. You definitely knew he knew how to take off a bra, but clearly he had no idea how to put one on. Talents only fell in certain places, you supposed.
"Alright, fucker. Get up here and put it on me." He motioned for you to come up, and as much fun as that sounded, you weren't sure how you were going to make it over the barrier considering how much alcohol was in your system. You gave him a helpless look, then watched as he impatiently motioned for Bam to help you before you were being offered a hand and then hoisted up so that you were standing on the barrier. Ville took over from there, reaching out his hand and then shouting for you to jump before you were standing on the stage next to him on shaky feet in front of thousands of people.
"You're such an asshole. I'm gonna look so drunk in pictures." You complained once you were close enough for him to hear you, beaming despite when he handed you back your own bra. Everybody in the crowd was basically screeching by this point, and you silently wondered if you being within five feet of the man you shared a bed with every night was really that big of a deal.
"Good thing you look hot when you're drunk." He reassured, gently taking the beer that you still had in your hand and taking a long swig as he turned around, both so that you could put your bra on him and so that he was facing the microphone before beginning to talk again. "You are all witnessing crossdressing live! Clap, applaud, and all of that sort!"
You were laughing your ass off as you helped him get your bra on before beginning to attempt clipping it shut despite the fact that you were super drunk and Ville wouldn't stop moving around as he shouted into his microphone. Finally, when you got the last clip done, you stepped around him, turning him towards the audience and eliciting a whole new round of cheering as you presented Ville Valo himself in your lacy red and black bra to the thousands of people in the audience. You could just make out Bam laughing so hard he was almost crying.
Ville was still drinking your beer, and he threw his arms in the air and let out a cheer that almost spilled it right on you as a result. The bra obviously didn't fit, and the band was really tight around him, which made you a little worried that he was going to snap the band of your favorite bra if he kept lifting his arms over his head like that.
"Now! Once for good luck before we continue to the next song!" Ville spoke into the microphone once more before he was turning to you, grabbing your face in both of his hands, and then kissing you passionately. There was enough force behind his lips to where you had to wrap an arm tightly around his waist to save yourself from falling backwards, kissing him back just as passionately with one hand cupping his sweaty cheek.
He kissed you until he seemed satisfied with the amount of spit you had transferred and gotten all over both of your mouths, anything you tried to say to each other drowned out by the hysterical noise from the crowd before he finally let his tight grip on you go lax.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the Missus!" He called into the microphone before giving you one last kiss on your cheek and then motioning for Bam to come back up to the barrier so that he could transfer you back down. His lips dipped to your ear as he followed you towards the edge of the stage. "You behave yourself down there, woman."
"Yeah, yeah. You keep your tits in that bra." You retorted, pressing a quick last-minute kiss to his lips despite his unimpressed look at your words before you allowed him to help you back down onto the barrier before you essentially jumped down on Bam.
"You two are so gross." Bam said as soon as you were close enough to hear him over the noise around you as Ville started into the next song, wrinkling his nose at you and Ville’s (very) public display of affection. You just cheered again in his face, flipping him off.
Being the lead singer's girlfriend was really fun.
Ville wore your bra for the entire rest of the concert. Not once did he even touch it, and you were actually kind of shocked the clasp had never snapped with how long it had been strained around him.
When the concert was finally over and you were given the okay to go backstage and find the band considering you and Bam were both staying on the tour bus with them for the night, Bam immediately dipped in favor of going up to where the band was starting the after-concert partying on the bus. Ville had been held behind for an interview, and you knew he was still going to be in the backstage dressing room, so that's exactly where you headed.
However, when you knocked on the door just in case, you got no response. You frowned slightly, wanting mostly to just sit down for a few minutes considering you’d been drinking heavily for the past four hours or so and you were a little tired, instead deciding to just come in anyway.
Ville was nowhere to be seen in the small dressing room, but you could hear a shower running in the back, and you sighed in relief at knowing that he was in fact still there. And in the shower, on top of that. He'd been sweaty even when you’d been up on stage with him, and there had been another hour to the concert after that where he'd been cooking in the heat while running all over the stage. You loved him to death, but his post-concert smell in summer wasn't exactly your favorite.
"Your bra is on the couch!" Ville called from the bathroom where the door was half-open, the sound of a bottle clicking open coming soon after he spoke. You made a face as you came into the bathroom.
"Ugh. I'm not wearing that after you sweated all over it." You chuckled as soon as you saw him, because he was obviously taller than the shower curtain, and you could see his pretty green eyes over the top of the shower rod. "Hi, handsome."
"Do you see how fucking short this stupid shower is?" He complained immediately, pulling the shower curtain back just far enough for you to see the fact that he had to dip his head down considerably in order for the water to hit his hair. You peeled the curtain back a little further with a coy grin on your face, and that same look immediately spread to his features. "Perfect height for you, actually."
"We cannot take forever." Despite your warning, you were already peeling off your slightly-sweaty clothing (still sans-bra), leaving a pile on top of your shoes before stepping into the shower after him where he had the curtain peeled back for you. "I'm surprised you showered."
"Why thank you." He scoffed, his tone raised as if he was offended by your words despite the fact that he had a habit of not doing so when you weren't with him on tour. "I like to be presentable when my beautiful woman is around, if you don't mind."
You just laughed and then reached up to cup his cheek just as he dipped down, kissing him sloppily as one of his arms circled around your hips. He then pulled back from the kiss, an amused look on his face.
"How many beers did you drink, spitfire?" He teased, clearly referring to the way you were kissing him. You ran a finger over the deep red lines left on his ribs from wearing a too-tight bra, smiling up at him and shrugging.
"Six." It might've been seven. One of the perks of knowing the band was that you got to keep a personal case of beer on the other side of the barrier. He kissed you again, lips trailing from your cheek down to your jaw and then finally to your throat.
"Good girl. I'm proud." He then broke away, leaving you with a pout on your lips and wanting more. "Stop distracting me. I'm trying to shower."
Well it was a good thing he invited you in with him, then. You couldn't have physically been rolling your eyes harder.
By the time you both got out of the shower, Ville's thick eyeliner and eyeshadow had run and smeared all around his eyes, and he looked exactly like a goth going through a breakup. So, you set to work on making him look like an acceptable member of society.
"You should throw your clothes at me on stage more often. Next time wear that thong with like, an inch of fabric on it." Ville suggested as you crouched beside him on the couch to clean up his eyes, holding his chin between your fingers so that he didn't move around. You rolled your eyes.
"You gonna wear that, too?" You asked dryly, letting out a heavy sigh at the fact that he always had to choose the eye makeup that stuck to his skin the hardest. He would've been completely fine with just leaving it like that until it eventually just faded on its own, but he had to look clean at some point in his life.
"Oh yeah. That will really make all the ladies want me." He shot back, a satisfied smirk on his face at his own words. For what felt like the millionth time, you rolled your eyes.
"You are so funny, you know that?" If looks could kill. At your sarcastic tone, all he did was just smile and nod.
"Yes, so I've been told." He squeezed his arm a little tighter where it was wrapped comfortably around your drawn-up knees, leaning further towards you despite the fact that you were still trying to clean off his face. "Give me a kiss."
"Promise you’ll wear a thong, but only when we get back home, and then I'll give you a kiss." You had that same satisfied smirk on your face as you played his game better than he could, leaning away from him and pausing your efforts on his eyes. He immediately frowned.
"Why do you have to be like that?" In the face of his obvious pouting you just laughed, one hand on his shoulder to steady yourself as you essentially laughed at your own words. When you finally got ahold of yourself enough to give him a look that told him you were indeed serious, he let out a deep huff. "Fine. Whatever."
"Good boy." That was just for a little cherry on top as you gave him his requested kiss, only to get a stubborn peck in response before he leaned away so that you couldn't kiss him any more than that. You tried not to laugh again. "Come on! Don't be like that. I want a kiss."
"Well I don't want one any more." Once again, he huffed, and you really would've believed his whole attitude had you not known him better than that. You moved your hand from where you were still holding his head in place and carded your fingers through his damp hair.
"I love you. Don't be a grouch." A futile request, considering that was about 90% of his personality, but it never hurt to try. He was looking away from you out of clear protest, but his gaze was forced to find yours once again when you slid into his lap. "I was kidding." Kind of.
"Good. I was crossing my fingers when I said yes." See? What a fucking grouch. You gave him a look while his lips just twitched into the beginnings of a grin again, his arms wrapping tightly around you as he leaned forward to press his chest into yours. "Keep making that face. You look hot."
"Oh my god. Shut up." You were starting to brew the idea of cleaning all the smeared black makeup off of his face except for a tiny little dick shape to leave on his skin for the rest of the night if he kept it up. He did shut up then, instead giving you the kiss you had requested whilst simultaneously basically bear-hugging you.
You inhaled his scent as you kissed him, hands sliding under the collar of the shirt that he had put on after getting out of the shower. You were only with him for a few more days before you had to fly back home for work (while, of course, Bam got to stay), and you were soaking up every single minute you got with him as a way to make up for it.
Finally, after you were both getting to the point of ragged breathing with your hand down Ville's shirt and his hand up yours, you suddenly remembered your rule not to take forever, and you regrettably broke the kiss.
"We should go up before they come down here to get you." You mumbled partially against his lips, hating yourself for having to say it as he massaged your hip bones under the waistband of your jeans. He sighed but non-verbally agreed, letting you get up off of him before he got up after you.
"You drive me insane, you know that?" He muttered as he caught you with his hand on your hip, pulling you back towards him with a love-drunk look on his face. You smiled, leaning your chest into his.
"If you keep calling me 'the Missus' when you talk about me to thousands of people, they're going to start thinking I’m your wife." You pointed out, only smiling more at the way he was biting his lip as he looked down at you.
"Good. You will be someday." He said without a hint of hesitation, pressing kisses to your cheek and moving over to quickly kiss your lips before he broke away to grab his pack of cigarettes from where he'd left it on the vanity table that was on the far side of the room. "As soon as you stop asking me to wear thongs."
"Ugh. You are so lame." You complained as you grabbed your bra off the couch, trying to ignore the fact that you could feel that it was still soaked with sweat. And, of course, there was no way to do laundry on tour. "Live a little."
"Yep. There goes ‘Y/n Valo’. Never to be heard of again." Ville replied airily, his voice coming out muffled as he lit the cigarette he had just stuck between his lips. You were trying to act annoyed, but you could only laugh.
"Fine! I'll wait until after we're married." Work smarter, not harder. He just shot you a dirty look as he joined you by the door, taking your hand in his and lacing your fingers together as he opened the door with his free hand. You’d cleaned up most of the makeup off of his face, but you’d left him enough to keep the dark and brooding look going, so his glare looked even darker as he looked down at you.
"You are so goddamn lucky that you're beautiful."
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Shawn Mendes and Niall Horan Timeline
Year 2018
Jan 25 2018 Shawn talks about The Collab on The Voice: We’re really good friends and I mean, we hang out all the time. And we’re always like, ‘we should write a song’ and then we’re planning on writing a song, and we just end up hanging out. Always. (He said something similar back in Nov before the AMAs.)
Mar 2018
Fans, uh:
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Mar 25 Shawn talks The Collab on The Weekend Countdown: My favorite thing about Niall is his sense of humor. He has this hilarious, Irish sense of humor that really cracks me up… How soon until there’s a collab? I have no idea. He’s always on tour when I’m writing, and he’s always writing when I’m on tour. So, one day. Hopefully.
MAY 2018
May 13 Shawn talks about performing at the O2: I mean performing the O2 was obviously just a complete dream of mine –and lucky enough to be able to do 2 nights there. A lot of people who I really love came and saw the show. Niall Horan, who’s a good friend of mine, came and watched me, and that was you know, a very special moment to me.
May 17 Shawn asks the audience at his Apple Music show to send Niall well wishes: Everybody watching online, if you could just tweet at Niall ‘feel better’ that would be really sweet.
Apple does, Niall replies:
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May 24 Shawn talking about his most liked IG pic: This next photo is one of my favorite photos. Not because I’m sitting with Niall, because in the background, my A&R from Island Records, Ziggy, is there and he just looks so blow away by something and I have no idea… Also, the girl in between is making a hilarious face. That’s an awesome photo. I think this is like my most liked photo on Instagram, actually.
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Shawn and Niall do an interview together for BBC – FINALLY.
Transcribed in full here. Highlights include (via DailyNiall):
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Bonus: we know, Nick
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JUNE 2018
Jun 4 Niall does an interview with Fitzy & Wippa:
Sarah: Hey Niall, over the weekend… I was watching this thing on Instagram, and it was you and Shawn Mendes. Are you two just a little bit into each other? It was coming across as that you’re kind of obsessed.
Niall: Definitely not. They kept asking us questions that would make us answer it like that. Kind of like with [unintelligible], everyone thinks they’ve got a thing going on. Nah, we’re good mates. Just sat us down and interviewed us.
Sarah: I did hear you say that he plays you demos of his music before he takes it public. Was that true, or was that a lie?
Niall: No, that’s true, yeah. What’s wrong with that?
Sarah: Nothing! I just thought it’s amazing. We’re such big Shawn Mendes fans here. It was nice to see.
Interviewer: And are you brutally honest with him? If there’s a song you don’t like, or you think he could change? Do you tell him, or are you always like ‘mate, dude, this is amazing’?
Niall: Well, he’s on a bit of a roll at the minute. There’s nothing really…
Interviewer: He’s a very talented man. Have you ever thought of doing a song with Shawn? Have you guys actually put lyrics together, or music together?
Niall: No, we haven’t. We get asked about it a lot, to be fair… It’s kind of like –when we’re in the same place at the same time. Like, the other day we were in LA and a group – me and him and a group of our mates, we went to watch a U2 gig. We didn’t like – when we’re together, when we’re in the same city we don’t like sit in the studio together. Which we probably should get around to, but for the most part we just hang out together, to be honest.
Jun 7 Niall talks about Shawn during soundcheck:
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and during #AskLateLateShawn: “if you had to create a boy band, who would you pick to be in it with you?” James and Shawn pick Jimi Hendrix, Harry Styles, Niall, and Elvis.
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Aug 20 At the VMAs Shawn is asked: What do you think about Niall Horan and Hailee?
Shawn: Niall and Hailee? They’re two of my favorite people in the whole world. Niall is one of my greatest friends. Hailee is one of the first people – you know, when she first started out, I was one of the first people she worked with in music. And I love them both. I thought this was common knowledge? I guess it was common knowledge for me, I’m close friends with them both.
Nov 12 Shawn’s voice can be heard in the background of Niall’s InstaStory
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Dec 4 Shawn talks about Niall during an interview with ET Canada.
Interviewer: You recently posted a photo with Niall Horan. And everytime you guys post a photo, fans are like ‘oh they must we working together.’
Shawn: We’re not. Not yet. We will though. You know what, we started really seriously talking about it that night. 100 percent going to happen. Niall and I talk about this pretty much every time we see each other. The truth is that we’re just really, really good friends and we always really enjoy just hanging out. And sometimes you don’t get a lot of time to hang out, so that’s what we want to do, but we’ll get in.
Dec 7 Niall tweets Shawn about his Grammy nom
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Dec 8 Shawn talks with B96 about his Grammy nominations. When told to choose between charcoal, a karaoke machine, and a Bentley for Camilla, Niall (“we chose Niall for you…”) and Taylor, Shawn says: Niall’s getting the charcoal – 100 percent, immediately… Niall definitely gets the charcoal. That’s what’s most important here.
Int: I love it, that was so easy.
Shawn: Oh yeah, no, two bags of charcoal.
Int: Why was that so easy for you to say?
Shawn: It’s what he deserves! No I’m kidding. I really am kidding. I love Niall. He actually tweeted out the nicest thing he’s ever said to me ever about the Grammys, he’s just like really proud of me and tweeted it out. Yeah, he’s a good friend of mine, that’s why I’m bugging him.
Dec 14
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carma-tjol · 6 months
Miscellaneous OPM Characters as Lady Gaga Songs
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please read this oh my god I spent so much time... there's some meta scattered in there I promise.
Bloody Mary
Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say)
Telephone - because I watched an Instagram edit that used it and now I have it permanently associated with her. Fubuki has a fun and glamourous aesthetic and I feel like the song reflects that too Bloody Mary - because of the "I wont crucify the things you do" line. it reminds me of all the people she knows that are like. highly problematic but she's irremovably tied into their lives and ultimately accepts them. Eh Eh (Nothing Else I Can Say) - there are relationships she's had that fell tragically because of, while among other things, her own personal flaws and ego. It's tragic, but she really wasn't equipped to handle everything thrown at her at the time. there really is "nothing else [she] can say" anymore. Imagining her with this song puts a lighthearted twist on the woe of it.
So Happy I Could Die
Summerboy - I like to imagine it as Psykos having the summerboy's POV. Feeling disposable and like she got played by Fubuki, she is left to sort of sourly reminisce on what could've been. So Happy I Could Die - for that INTENSE SAPPHIC ANGST. Also I like the concept of like. attempting to use sexuality to cope with severe internal turmoil. I love this song sooo much. Teeth - vibes I guess MANiCURE - "SHE WANNA BE MAN CURED!" so basically more sapphic stuff but campier and less gut wrenching this time lol.
(... god I initially struggled finding stuff for him HARD but ended up with 4 things. what.)
I Like It Rough
Paparazzi (bonus)
Replay - Lady Gaga is talking about trauma and PTSD taking over and effecting every part of her life, which I feel like is relevant. "Every single day, yeah I dig a grave Then I sit inside it wondering if I'll behave" I Like It Rough - I've always interpreted this song as only ever experiencing harshness from people, not knowing how process kindness, and struggling to decipher sincerity. Which I feel like, removed from all the sex stuff, fits Genos pretty well thematically. Shallow - I don't really mean this in a ship way here (to be honest, one sided genos pining is my ideal! But that's not relevant here) but I can think of this song with Genos and Saitama's relationship and how at its core, One Punch Man revolves around them. They represent the central themes of companionship and how humanity is based on relationships with others. They try to "fill that void" with each other and Genos looks at Saitama worried, when will it be enough? (When will HE be enough?) Also I enjoy listening to songs where there is some form of disappearance or death and imagining the MA arc. I did that a tonnn with Sweet Talking Woman by ELO a while back, something about mixing the love song about chasing someone with the tragedy of the MA arc and how Genos became unattainable really clicked for me. (Fun fact, I had 182 listens for that song on my Spotify wrapped... pretty much all thinking of Genos) I'm supposed to be talking about Lady Gaga though oops. "Crash through the surface, where they cant hurt us We're far from the shallow now." They've experienced the same alienation, whether inflicted or self imposed and were able to drag each other out of it. Perhaps there's comfort in the similarity. Paparazzi (bonus lol) - If you enjoy leaning into Genos's weird obsession, this is the song for you! He's a little neurotic...
Flashy Flash and Sonic
I'm giving them the same song
Speechless "In your tight jeans With your long hair and your cigarette stained lies Could we fix you if you broke? And is your punch line just a joke?" I connect it by thinking about how much weight their relationship held in their lives. Each of their dreams had the other in it. And I think that losing that was a bit worldshattering. "Would you give it all up If I promise, boy, to you?" Eyyyy we were left on a bit of a cliffhanger right? Flash was trying to ask sonic something but got cut off by the other ninjas. "We could-" we could what, Flash? we. could. what. (Team up again? Please I'm literally on my hands and knees begging, yet I know it's never that easy with OPM)
Amai Mask
Beautiful, Dirty Rich
The Fame
Beautiful, Dirty Rich - It's about fame! Living the high life! He's like a major celebrity and a diva so I think it works. Just ignore the bit where it says "but we've got no money" because he definitely has money. The Fame - similar thought process
Applause - She "lives for the applause!" The fame itself is empty without her fans.
Do-S (aka BONUS! other songs I like but had zero use for)
Love Game
Money Honey
Bad Romance
Poker Face
Government Hooker
not sexual enough for Do-S but I really like Americano too.
okay I'm done with these now I'm literally going insane
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enam3l · 2 years
mona i cannot get rockstar eddie and reader dancing to seals kiss from a rose outta my head man its bad
how did you read my mind! the awards show was actually based on the 1996 grammys where seal did win best song for kiss from a rose as well as bunch of other stuff!! and i kept thinking about it whilst writing the fic and never managed to include it... until now. here is a bonus just for you!
96' awards show bonus: kiss from a rose (rockstar eddie x reader) ficlet / fluff
a bonus scene for this fic
you can see all rockstar eddie x reader stories and lore at #enam3ls rockstar eddie or the masterlist! and check out my new series love, lola
There was one huge reason you were insisting on going to tonight's award show - Seal. You couldn't deny it and you didn't have to admit it thankfully because Eddie knew. He'd seen the way your eyes welled up every time 'Kiss From a Rose' came on, how you would hum or sing along under your breath and that was before you were pregnant. Since hitting the four month mark in your pregnancy, the obsession only intensified. It was played multiple times a day and Eddie didn't complain, how could he deny you of something that makes you go all cute and mushy? Plus, he'd heard it in the 'Batman Forever' movie and it was badass. After a month of hearing it endlessly and seeing your reaction, Eddie caved - he had to know what was special. 
'Sweetheart...' Eddie's voice rang through the hall as he approached you in the kitchen, where you stood in his tshirt and some underwear swaying to the song. 
He leant against the door frame taking in the picture, you half dressed, hair messy and making breakfast whilst dancing - it was a perfect sight. You hummed in response to the nickname, attention still mostly focused of the dulcet tones of Seal's voice. 
'I gotta know... what is it about this song?'
Eddie instantly feels bad as he watches you freeze up, drop the spatula you were wielding and sees the pretty blush creep over your face. You look at the floor awkwardly, not wanting to be sucked in by his inquisitive brown eyes. 
'S'embarrassing...' you mumble. 
He sidles over, tucking a finger under your chin to look at him, his other hand finding yours to offer comfort. 
'Come on, y/n, let me in on the secret!'
You can never refuse his cute pouty face whenever he feels left out. You sigh. 
'She likes it...' 
'Who?' Eddie's brow quirks up, he knows you like it - that's literally why it asks. 
You look down at the bump between you. 
'The baby...' you whisper. 
Eddie ohs in response as your intertwined hands reach to rest on top of it. The grin on his face is adorable, she's doing it for our baby, he thinks. 
'Why is that embarrassing, babe? S'cute!' Immediately he realises he's said the wrong thing as your face scrunches up and suddenly tears burst out. Shit, shit, shit, Eddie panics internally. There's no predicting with the hormones, just sometimes what he says is completely wrong and he feels awful every single time. 
'Baby! What is it, what did I say?' He begs, quick to start wiping away your tears. 
'She'd only move for you,' you whimper, the floodgates have opened and you try to speak between choking on sobs.
'When the doctors said soon she'd start moving at four months and she did but - but only when you were there... every time you were around, talking or touching my belly she'd respond a-and she'd never ever do it with me. But then I played the song one day and she did and you weren't there. So I kept doing it and she did it ev-every time. We dance together. She jumps around in there Eds... it's the only time she moves just for me.'
Eddie feels fucking awful. Whilst this is one of the most adorable stories he's heard, it breaks his heart knowing you'd been feeling like that and hadn't said. He can't help his own eyes prick with sympathy tears. The pair of you are sobbing messes in the middle of the kitchen. 
'Y/N... I'm so sorry! I didn't realise! I'm so sorry sweetheart, you should've told me,' Eddie presses a kiss to your salty cheeks, pleased than you let him. 
'Didn't want to upset you either, Eds. Like, I love how responsive she is to you but I was jealous and then finally I got to have this little thing with her. I was feeling selfish and wanted to keep it to myself,' you sniff, tears drying out finally. 
'That's okay, she's your little girl. You can have it to yourselves. I don't mind!'
Sometimes it's sickening how kind and understanding Eddie is. You really married the perfect man. 
'Do... do you want to see?' you ask shyly. 
'Of course, I mean... are you sure? I don't want to ruin your special thing.' 
You nod and replay the song. Both your hands pressed to your stomach and Eddie follows your movements as you sway. He gasps as he feels the baby begin to wiggle and bop around inside. Her little limbs pushing at the surface. He can't believe it, it's truly like she is dancing inside there. The song is replayed several times on repeat in the kitchen that morning. 
So Eddie was excited himself that all three of you would now get to hear Seal singing your baby's song live. It wasn't lost on him how your dress was rose red. You knew Seal would be there because of all his nominations but you weren't certain he'd be performing. Therefore, once you'd sat in your seats and finally read the evening's programme you couldn't help the squeal you let out at seeing his name under the list of performers. Eddie nervously chuckled at your excitement, squeezing your hand, slightly terrified at what your response will be to hearing the song live. 
When Seal accepts his award, you're on your feet clapping. You see Eddie's raised eyebrow and smirk.
'He deserves it!' you scowl. 
Eddie can't help but notice the twinkle in your eye as you gaze at the man on stage. He nudges Gareth. 
'Please tell me this guy is married or gay?' he pleads. 
Gareth looks over at your beaming face and snorts. 
'I hope so for your sake, man.'
Finally the moment was here, Seal was about to perform. Your tummy was full of butterflies, you felt silly for the nerves, but somehow this felt so significant. Eddie is there holding your hand. As the band kicks in, the first notes from 'Kiss For A Rose' begin to flutter through the auditorium and your grip tightens. The way your face lights up as if you were a kid on Christmas makes Eddie's heart swell. Unable to resist your cuteness, he leans over and places a chaste kiss on your bare shoulder. It doesn't take long for your baby to realise her song is on, she begins to bop and instantly both yours and Eddie's eyes fix to movement under your dress. Suddenly, Eddie has an idea. He has to make the most of this moment, it's too special. Who cares if everyone sees, you're worth everything and more? 
Eddie stands, tugging you up. Your eyes widen, confused at what he's up to but the naughty grin on his face tells you everything you need to know - he's up to something. You're unable to protest, Eddie easily dragging you out of the row and into the empty aisle. He pulls you to his chest... as close as he can with the bump in the way. 
You giggle, blush matching your scarlet dress. 'Eddie Munson, what the hell are you up to?' you whisper. 
'Dancing, all three of us! We have to... think our little dancing bean,' and you can't say no to those pleading chocolate eyes. 
Or the bouncing presence in your stomach. You nod. Eddie is quick to take your hands, clutching one and wrapping the other round his neck then putting his on your hip. Together you dance. The audience whose gaze linger at the two of you and the confused staff just blur. It's only you, Eddie, Seal and your happy bouncing little girl. Both of you look down at her, bopping around more than ever. Eddie can even feel her from your stomach being pressed to his. It's perfect. 
'She's going crazy in there, hey sweetheart?' Eddie gasps. 
'She's never been like this before! I think she knows she's getting her own little live show.' 
Neither of you can suppress the laughter at her flailing movements. 
'Jesus, babe. I don't know how you do this. Can feel her right against my stomach! She's kicking the shit out of me?'
You roll your eyes. 
'I know. Why do you think I'm constantly peeing? I swear, I'd only go through this for you, Eddie Munson.' 
Overwhelmed with love, the way he has been since the moment you told him you were pregnant, Eddie crushes a kiss to your lips. 
'And I'll never be able to thank you enough for giving me my little wiggling princess.' 
You let your head rest on Eddie's shoulder. Dancing together until the song fades away. Smiles plastered on your face at the precious moment. Both of you wondering what it'll be like to finally see your baby girl. 
Eddie supposes if there's any man he has to share his girls with, Seal is worthy. He is grateful to the singer for making his wife and his baby so happy throughout the pregnancy. Also, Eddie's pretty sure he's now got the perfect middle name for your little girl - Rose. 
my taglist angels: @whoahoney @lukewearingbeanies @esme-viridian @elysian-chaos @munsonology @mseddiemunson @kreepja
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calethelettuce · 10 months
The Sides As ABBA Songs, Because ABBA Slays
I'm on an ABBA kick guys, bear with me- I thought this would be a cool thing to do, plus you get reasons why :3 If you disagree, lmk!
Honey, Honey
- Look, it’s as cheesy as ABBA can get. It’s totally up Roman’s alley
- Probably daydreams about Thomas’ crushes to this song specifically
- Knows almost all of the Mamma Mia! lore (Context: A lot of ABBA music was used in Mamma Mia!, a concert-style musical made specifically with ABBA in mind)
- Puts him in the mood to write some kind of romance novel
- Bro is probably obsessed with ABBA an unhealthy amount, to the point C!Thomas starts having dreams about the group members
The Name Of The Game
- I was originally going to put S.O.S for Lo-gay, but I feel like this one fits better
- Totally jams out to some of ABBA’s chiller songs while reading or while working
- ‘And you make me feel, and you make me show, what I’m trying to conceal’ sounds like somebody is having some funny lil issues hiding something HMMMM???? MAYBE SOME EMOTIONS?????
- Likes to research the members, just to familiarize himself with the artists to better understand
- Probably analyzes every little lyric, but likes this song just a tad more than the others because.. well, he relates in a way.
Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!
- The purp man, listening to something OTHER THAN ROCK????!?? Holy shit it’s a miracle
- The most emo song made by ABBA by far
- ‘Won’t somebody help me chase the shadows away?’ C’MON NOW
- Really likes the instrumentals, that’s for sure
- Listens to it kinda often, although it’s kinda just shoved in his 12 hour playlist
- For some reason it calms him down a little when he’s really anxious
- Probably makes up scenarios in his head based on the lyrics
- Not a huge ABBA fan, but tolerates their music a good amount
- Would totally go to a concert tho
Slipping Through My Fingers
- ‘Sometimes I wish that I could freeze the picture, And save it from the funny tricks of time’ I CHOKED AND DIED :(
- Pat probably listens to this song sparingly, because he might relate just a lil too much
- He does like it, it’s just he’s a very emotional guy
- Honestly, he probably listens to ABBA just because it’s ABBA
- Jams to Dancing Queen tho
- Come on now. The phrase ‘Nothing promised, no regrets’? Literally Janus in a nutshell.
- Not really his taste, but sometimes puts it on as a boost of some sort (Probably in the morning)
- I mean, this song is just a bop
- DEFINITELY plays the Just Dance version with Remus or one of the other sides
- I lied he likes playing all the ABBA songs on JD okay he just does
- Probably quotes the french in this song (Only Roman gets it, and 85% of the time he just doesn’t remember what it means)
Does Your Mother Know?
- Do I need to explain? 
- This song is just- yes
- Would definitely tease someone interested in him exactly like this song does
- He’s just so silly
- Probably headbangs to ABBA’s more “explicit” songs
- This one though, he likes because of its funny lil’ indications
- Likes Mamma Mia! like Roman, but only because of the dirty jokes and the “funny” content
- Is pissed it’s not on Just Dance
- Most likely changes the lyrics sometimes to whatever weird things pop into his head that works
- Blasts ABBA music in the background when smashing things with his morningstar (need I explain? we all know he smashes things outta nowhere)
Money, Money, Money
- You know this dude is about to spend all his money on starbucks
- It’s just- his aesthetic
- Would definitely marry a wealthy man/woman just for the money
- Hardcore ABBA fan, shut up you cannot change my freaking mind
- Knows all the words
- (Begrudgingly) Geeks out with Roman about it every once in a while
- Causes C!Thomas to lose sleep over this fact (Sleep literally just disappears)
- His personal playlist is half ABBA
- Scored Megastar on Just Dance on every ABBA song (Janus and Remus r jealous of his talent)
- The song reminds me of the therapist friend, so ofc the boi himself deserves it
- Prefers to listen to cartoon soundtracks, though will make an exception every once and a while
- He’s such a sweetheart omg
- If C!Thomas and Emile met in some multiverse I feel like this song describes how a later interaction would go
- I forget that Sleep and Emile aren’t sides lolol
- Also really enjoys Super Trouper for some reason even he can’t explain, he just likes it lol
- Nico where u at bby gurl :0
- It’s one of those correlations you can’t explain in a simple way
- ‘Sometimes, when I’m lonely, I sit and think about him’ LIKE AWH ik the song is actually about a breakup BUT SHHHH LET ME BE DELUSIONAL
- Probably enjoys ABBA a moderate amount, he doesn’t really have a cohesive opinion
- Is tired of Roman’s bs tho lol
- There is a breakup mentioned in SaSi somewhere, so this song does kinda make sense in a way
- Vibes with Patton to Dancing Queen 100%
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disastergenius · 2 months
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Celebrating 15 years of Team Starkid with my (current) ranking of all of their shows and brief thoughts on them.
VHS Christmas Carol
I don't know how this became my favorite. The music is top tier, I've liked every version of it.
I was initially nervous to watch it because I wasn't sold on the original format, but it grew on me.
Also it's the second best adaptation of A Christmas Carol (the best is still the Muppet Christmas Carol)
2. A Very Potter Musical
My first ever Starkid show.
I watched it with my sister on our very old computer. I was in maybe 6th grade and had become quite obsessed with musicals and Harry Potter, so it perfectly combined my interests.
I truly was not totally sold on it just because 6th grade me was not prepared for all the cursing and the dirty jokes (6th grade me was a very different person) but Granger Danger fully hooked me
I still hold that Granger Danger is the best Starkid song, i do not care that it gets (over)played all the time. I also love that they keep having to come up with new ways to perform it (my favorite/the best being the LeakyCon one with Meredith directing the rest of the cast who only half-remember it)
Definitely ranks high just because it was the first and nostalgically I love it so much
3. Trail to Oregon
It's so fun as a concept and one of the few shows I like that really uses audience participation and makes it work.
Joey credited as "Everyone Else" and every shot with Clark in the background
I like the smaller cast, it's such a feat to run a show like that with 6 cast members
4. A Very Potter Sequel
it's ranked 4th but it probably actually ties with Trail to Oregon
I watched it after AVPM (so my second starkid show) and it did not disappoint
I do think it is stronger than AVMP for most of it
I quote Draco a lot
5. Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier
Definitely my favorite parody they've done. There's a great video that breaks down why it works so well: they've nailed the style.
Around the same time I first watched Twisted was also around my Wicked phase so that helped a lot.
Dylan Saunders knocks out it out of the park as Ja'far, he puts so much depth into the role. It works as an actor and for the part and helps a lot of the humor since Ja'far is the straight man of the show.
The entire soundtrack slaps including the bonus demos
6. Nerdy Prudes Must Die
The songs are great
The production value on their shows has gone up exponentially, and they make good use of it. The effects are so so good
I've never been more uncomfortable as when the words "dirty girl soup" were first said
7. Black Friday
probably tied with NPMD but
I think plot-wise it is better than NPMD, and overall so are the songs. I think maybe the live version that's on youtube is what makes it slightly below NPMD because everyone was sick so it sounds very different between the live and recorded.
the garland and lights becoming wiggly is peak set design
I think it has some of the most memorable songs
the return of Dylan Saunders and his lovely ballads
Take Me Back is a top tier love song for Starkid
8. Starship
Probably the 3rd Starkid show I saw
Joey Richter absolutely sells the performance (he's not carrying it because the whole cast is great) and is fantastic as the lead
puppets! so many puppets!
9. Holy Musical B@tman
my previous exposure to Batman at this point had been the 60s Adam West TV show so really this is like the spiritual successor of that, so honestly i was totally unfazed by the number of puns, I just assumed that was how Batman media was
Jeff Blim as Sweet Tooth is great, but I also love Joey Richter's in the Apocalyptour
"you got my hopes up so high, then mugged and shot them in an alleyway!" i quote an unreasonable amount
10. The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
tbh I did not super like the show when I first watched it but it grew on me overtime. I think i really started to enjoy it when I went back to watch it after they announced Black Friday was going to be a sequel
11. A Very Potter Senior Year
it's so long guys
I think Joey Richter is the best part of it, Sidekick was fantastic
i do love that they got basically everyone they could to come back and do it
most of the callbacks work really well and make it fun
12. Ani: A Parody
fully gonna admit I haven't seen the full show itself, but I do really like the music
it is truly in the Star Wars spirit
13. Firebringer
I really wish I liked this show more, I think it's a fun concept and overall was fun
the opening number is really good musically
i think the humor and the unnecessary cursing didn't really work for me
14. Me and My Dick
I just think overall this show isn't to my taste but it's quite fun
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freakshowtwopointoh · 4 months
Road to Hell - All I've Ever Known Part 5
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It was the road to hell
It was hard times
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By the time I made it back to my bedroom, my head was still spinning. It all made sense, and yet didn’t at the same time. But I had gotten my answers, right? Vought wants to control the narrative - of course they wouldn’t want it public knowledge that their superhero serum causes spontaneous heart attacks. If they control Maggie, they can use her device without her research going public. And this way, she becomes good PR for GodU as an added bonus. They didn’t even need to lift her up, just pretend like they discovered her instead of her existing on her own merits. It should have made me feel better - knowing that she wasn’t being artificially boosted in the rankings or whatever. It should have made it easy for me to stop obsessing over Maggie and focus back on my own life.
If I was honest with myself (and I’m usually not), the way she reacted when I brought up Sam changed my mind more than anything she told me in that warehouse. The crack in her facade, a glimmer of truth behind the lies. She’s clearly powerful, and intelligent... Maybe I should be more worried about her being a legitimate rival than a nepotism plant.
But shoulds didn’t matter when she met my eyes across a room - my heart would begin thumping erratically in my chest, and my mouth would go dry. 
We fell into a strange routine, now that we had something of an understanding. She was always awake before me, sitting in the kitchen and sipping coffee when I would come downstairs to go running. We rarely said anything to each other in the mornings, but it was easy. I could feel Maggie let her guard down around me slowly - like the air in the room was getting marginally lighter. We ended up spending most evenings on the porch - she would lay on the couch and read or just scroll on her phone while I smoked. Sometimes we’d talk, but we usually didn’t. 
I started looking forward to it, in spite of myself. Even knowing I had studying or work to do, I didn’t want to give up these few moments of peace that I had managed to carve out in my life. She started bringing songs to share with me. I remember the first time: she seemed kind of nervous that evening, picking at her nails.
“What’s up, mouse?” I asked her, flicking my eyes to her briefly before looking back out into the night. It was getting harder and harder not to stare at her - she was absolutely beautiful in the twilight. She still hesitated, chewing her lip for a moment. I almost gave up on getting an answer from her - it was useless trying to pry information out of Maggie, especially like this. But she surprised me.
“I want to play you this song. I think you’ll like it?” She said it like a question, which made me chuckle. 
“Go for it. I’m always down for new music,” I said lightly, trying to ignore the way my heart swooped and twisted at the thought of her thinking of me.
And she was right, I did like the song. And each song she showed me in the following weeks. It was hard to keep her at arms length when she kept seeing right through every wall I put up.
One Saturday morning, I came downstairs to see Maggie looking more tired than normal, staring off into the distance as she stirred her coffee. Without really knowing why, I came up next to her. “Come with me,” I said gruffly, walking towards the door without waiting.
“Where?” She asked, her voice rough with sleep as she stood up.
“Just come.” I said. We walked in silence towards the gym, as I tried to deny the real reason I was doing this. I led Maggie towards the back, into the training room I usually frequent. It isn’t outfitted for powers, but there’s some sandbags and stuff. “Punch something. It might help you sleep.” I said. “S’What I do, anyways.” Then I began my workout, shifting into my smaller form and falling into a rhythm. I put in my headphones but I didn’t listen to any music, listening to Maggie’s rhythm as she began striking the sandbag. Whatever training Park had put her through had worked - she had force behind each strike and an even rhythm. I wondered what it would be like to spar with her - face her in the ring, mind running a mile a minute to out-maneuver her, sweat leaving a soft sheen on her skin, finally pinning her down...
Focus, Li! I thought to myself, starting my workout playlist and putting all my frustration into the sandbag in front of me. I let myself fall into the familiar beat of the music, accented by fists meeting leather. It was easy for me to clear my mind when I trained - sometimes, it was the only thing that could keep me from losing my mind entirely. 
It was raining lightly when we left the gym, an oppressive layer of clouds above our heads foreshadowing a worse storm coming soon. I was hurrying through the rain, trying to keep my hair from being entirely ruined. Having two heads of hair means two sets of curls to keep from frizzing out.
“Wait!” Maggie said, sticking her arm out to stop me, almost clotheslining me. “Careful.” She pointed at the ground, a massive earthworm slithering across my path.
“Did you just stop me... from stepping on a worm?” I asked her, not sure what to make of this. As with most things Maggie does, if I’m honest. But I stepped around the worm anyways, rolling my eyes. 
“When it rains, the worms flee to the pavement. Scientists think it's because the vibrations feel like moles.” She explained, continuing to hop across the sidewalk as if that explained literally anything at all. I hurried to keep up with her, shaking my head in amusement. 
Once inside, I turned to her. “By the way, if you ever need to, uh, train with someone,.” I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. “No pressure, of course.” I was cringing at myself as I spoke. 
“I’ll probably take you up on that.” She said, surprising me once more. She smiled at me with that crooked grin that made my heart go erratic. I headed up to my bedroom, trying to suppress a smile. I thought back to the time I saw her training earlier this semester. Watching her figure out how her powers work and utilizing them to gain the upper hand reminded me of my own experimentation with shifting mid fight. Yes, it was Brink who first suggested it, but once I was able to analyze the situation on my own and ascertain the right time to shift, it felt like a whole new world opened up. When we’re able to actually understand our powers and the role they play within the entire encounter, the better we’re able to actually use them.
One of the downsides to growing up in a... volatile home is that you become aware of all sounds and what they mean in your spaces. So I had instinctively removed my headphones when I heard the telltale signs of people gathering in the kitchen. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the usual happy sounds of dinner being made. I heard raised voices - Luke, and Maggie? I knew I shouldn’t listen but I found myself straining to hear in spite of myself. 
“God damn it, Maggie, let it go! This isn’t healthy for either of us.” Luke sounded angrier than I’d ever heard him.
“Isn’t healthy? Luke, what if... I just mean,” She didn’t sound angry - she sounded desperate. “He wouldn’t h-”
“Just stop! We just didn’t know him as well as we thought we did. You have to let this go before it eats you alive.”
“This? He’s our brother - our baby brother. If there’s even a tiny chance...” Maggie took a long deep breath, and I could almost hear her jaw tighten as she tried to keep her emotions in check.
“Stop it! You silly little girl! Maggie, grow up, and face reality: he’s gone. Forever.” I heard him storm off, and I sat back in my desk chair, in shock. Luke was always so cheerful, kind, and careful with others' feelings. But the way he was yelling at his own sister, the way he was dismissing her concerns about their brother - someone I know he loved dearly... it was a side of Luke I had never seen before, and I didn’t like it. My heart was pounding in my chest and the memories of my childhood were tainting everything around me. Laying in bed at night, hearing my parents yell about my problems (read: my powers), fighting with each other about how to deal with me. I was frozen, just like back then, unable to do anything but listen and try to understand. Because maybe if I understood what was going on, it wouldn’t scare me so much. It never worked. 
I still went out that evening to meet Maggie on the porch. Like most nights, we didn’t say much. I didn’t comment on the joint she had brought out with her, and she didn’t comment on the tremble in my hands, and neither of us wanted to go back inside. I knew I shouldn’t mention what I overheard, but I had to say something. 
“Listen to this.” I said finally, pulling up Into the Ocean by Blue October and playing it from my phone. It felt strangely vulnerable, playing this song that had been a comfort to me when I felt so alone. It makes me sound like an emo teen, but to be fair, I was one when I found this song. And it made me feel understood for the first time since getting my powers. I hadn’t ever been the one to bring in a song, but since I couldn’t find my own words, I thought someone else’s might help. 
And from the look in Maggie’s eyes, they did.
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edits by @barbieprincesshilton
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1986eddiem · 2 years
NSFW Alphabet - Eddie Munson
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Credit to whoever created the NSFW alphabet! Not sure who to credit, but here's my take on it! Warnings: Smut, and lots of it. Mentions of kinks, oral, sex, and drug use. Fem!reader. Rated: m (18+ only! Minors DNI)  Both participants in this are over the age of 18!  Listen while you read (these don't exactly pertain to the writing but here’s some good songs to keep you company): "Have You Ever Seen the Rain - Creedence Clearwater Revival", "I Melt with You - Modern English" Credit to the gif owner!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex): honestly, eddie is into some pretty tame stuff in my opinion. i mean, you're both still young and exploring what you like and dislike, so a lot of the time you spend with eddie while you're having sex is exploring these things, so i think eddie is still learning appropriate aftercare. he'll run you a hot bath, give you cuddles until the sun came up, and remind you to go pee every single time. he'd offer to go buy you ice cream, or take a nice long drive just to bask in the after sex feeling. anything you needed, he was there for you.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s): eddie was a little insecure when it came to his body, hell he’s never really had someone appreciate him this much before, but once he started dating you and you became obsessed with his hands, they kinda became his favorite body part on himself too. i mean, he loved playing guitar and you can't play guitar without your hands, plus, he loved how his hands looked gripping your thighs and fingering you until you were a whining mess. when it came to you, he was a thigh man through and through. he pretty much wanted your thighs wrapped around him in any way. in bed cuddling, draped over his lap while he practiced playing guitar, wrapped around his head while he went down on you.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically): honestly, you and eddie were pretty damn good at practicing safe sex. you guys weren't ready to have kids, so he'd wrap it up. better safe than sorry. but, the first time you let him cum inside you though, oh boy, eddie couldn't contain himself. he practically lasted 30 seconds. but don't worry, he made up for it with his head between your legs afterwards.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs): this boy loves fingering you while he has his rings on. on my god, seeing his fingers slowly pump in and out of you, his rings glistening with the reminders of you, it drove him crazy. afterwards, he’s give you his smallest ring to wear, just as a reminder of him and the things he would do to you.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?): i don't think eddie is this big sex god, but he's not a virgin either. he's been around here and there, but he's never experienced a serious relationship until you. most girls only wanted a quick fuck, but eddie wanted to get to know you. really discover what worked for you both. he was to attentive to learn your needs, the ins and outs of your body, what exactly got you off, it was almost like he was learning sex all over again.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying): missionary!!!!! this man is a big SOFTY OK and just wants to hold you closes. he wants to feel your legs wrapped around him, he wanted to hold your face and press soft kisses all over. plus, this position gave him some room to rub your clit too, which is always a bonus. don't get me wrong though, he also loved bending you over.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.): eddie is the biggest goofball ever. i mean, look at him. when it comes to sex, why would he be so serious? when it came to making you feel good and safe, yeah that's when he was serious. but if you guys were making out and accidentally banged your heads together or fumbled, you were in a fit of giggles soon after. after all, sex to eddie didn't have to be all that serious, it was just supposed to make you feel good and that was his priority!!!! so a little laughs here and there never hurt.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.): i don't think eddie grooms very much but he definitely would if you wanted him to. he’s kinda indifferent about it, i mean cmon it was the 80s lol.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect): where eddie is goofy, he is also the sweetest guy ever. i mean, missionary is his favorite position, he just wants to spoil you. the first time you guys had sex, he spread out rose petals and candles all across his room, and even made his bed. so yeah, he's the biggest romantic ever when it came to you and only you. he'd never tell his friends that though.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon): before you, eddie used to jerk off all the time. what else was he going to do? but when you finally came into the picture, he didn’t have time to even think about jerking off. he spent all his time with you honestly. touching you, loving you, fucking you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks): FACE SITTING!!!!!!!!! on my god this boy could get off on you sitting on his face alone. the feeling of your thighs wrapped around his head, the feeling of you totally in control nearly has him weak at the knees. hell, he’s probably ask you to sit on his face in the back of his van everyday after school if he could. oh, and high sex obviously.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do): his bed. the trailer. it's where you guys had the most privacy and he could really take his time with you. plus, he wanted you to feel safe in a place that was familiar to you, so his bedroom was a no brainer. maybe even the couch when you had the trailer to yourselves.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going): seeing you in just his Hellfire t-shirt oh man. as soon as he sees you in that t-shirt, bare underneath, it takes everything in him not to tear that shirt right off and go to town. his favorite thing was when you would wear that t-shirt and he’d just lift it up and shove his head between your legs.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs): anything that could inflict serious pain to you, or any intense degrading. eddie was a softy and never wanted to hurt you. sure, he'd probably try anything once, maybe twice, but he couldnt get behind hurting you or making you feel bad in any way. he wouldn’t really want to call you any mean names either.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.): A GIVER THROUGH AND THROUGH AND I WILL DIE ON THIS HILL. this boy loves pleasuring you ok and will spend hours between your legs, just giving you orgasm after orgasm. he'd eat you out in his bed, on the couch, in his van, before and after Hellfire, any time and anywhere. don't get me wrong, he loves a good blow job, but nah, eddie is the biggest giver ever and he’d only except a blowjob if he knew he could immediately return the favor. his friends may have called him crazy for eating pussy, but he didn't care.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.): i definitely think eddie can be rough when he wants to be, but he's definitely a sensual guy at heart. really, he'll do anything if he knows it'll get you off and make you satisfied. you're in the mood for rough? he's bending you over the side of his bed and giving it to you just how you want. you want soft and sensual, he's got you wrapped in his arms, taking all the time in the world with you.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.): eddie doesn't like quickies. he wants ever moment to be able to take his time with you. he didn't want to have sex if he knew he wouldn't be able to get you off in the process. his definition of a quickie was sex 30 minutes before Hellfire, but 25 of those minutes were spent going down on you.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.): again, i think eddie is down to try whatever you want, but i also don't think he'd want to try anything too crazy. again, he'd try anything once, even twice if you enjoyed it, but he liked to keep things pretty tame.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?): eddie can go a couple rounds, for sure, but really he’ll go for however long he needs to to make sure you’re satisfied. plus, he’s got fingers and a mouth and that boy is definitely not afraid to use them. T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?): eddie had never used toys before dating you, and honestly, never even considered the idea of buying them. but at the beginning of your relationship, eddie wanted to try everything and anything to make you feel good, so he bought you this really plain vibrator to use during sex. sure, you tried it a few times, but eddie's favorite way to get you off was with what god gave him, his fingers and mouth.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease): eddie was a huge tease, oh my god, he'd have you practically begging to be fucked right before he had to leave for Hellfire. you'd hate him for it every time, but as soon as he got back, he'd make it up to you by giving you the best sex of your life.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.): eddie was a little shy at first, honestly. he wasn’t sure if you’d want him to make noise. but once he got comfortable and realized no one could hear you in the trailer, he sure wasn’t shy about letting you know how good you were making him feel. oh, and he obviously encouraged you to do the same.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character): one night, you were on your period and having the worst cramps ever. eddie had read somewhere that period sex, orgasms, helped with cramps. well, like i said, he’s willing to try anything at least once, and he wanted his girl to feel comfortable and taken care of, so he suggested it. you were a little hesitant at first, but once eddie’s fingers dipped into your waistband, all of your worries faded away. so yeah, he’s not scared of a little blood. it’s pretty metal honestly, and you’re still just as beautiful and sexy to him.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes): eddie is perfect in all the right places ok. he’s soft and smooth and warm and welcoming, and he’s sure packing down there. but, you two were a match made in heaven so he was just the right size.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?): eddie definitely has a high sex drive, but he’s also super respectful about it and would never pressure you. that being said though, he’s down whenever and wherever. if you’re in the mood, lord knows he’s dropping everything to cater to your every need. but he also loves just movie nights and cuddling in the trailer.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards): i feel like eddie is a talker. he gets this huge boost of adrenaline after sex and just wants to talk to you for hours but anything and everything. even as you were slowly dozing off in his bed, he couldn't stop talking about you. he also loved talking about sex, what you liked, what you want to do next time, how he can improve. because like i said, your pleasure becomes before anything to eddie. once he knew you were taken care of, satisfied and comfortable, he'd fall asleep holding you.
thank you so much for taking the time to read! just remember, these are only my opinions so please be kind 🤍
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remma-demma · 6 months
I think I’ve always known this instinctually since playing shadowbringers but going back and reading the lyrics to To the Edge and Shadowbringers really punches you in the gut with “THIS IS A BIBLICAL ALLEGORY” but like, in a fun supernatural esq way. Not even mentioning all of the allusions in Pandaemonium and it’s songs (hell, the name itself)
They literally name drop Paradise Lost in shadowbringers 😔
If you want to hear some examples they’re in the cut below.
From Shadowbringers (in general)
-obsession with sin
-angels being corrupted by light
- Ascians straying from God’s Light ™ (Hydaelyn)
- I guess this makes Hydaelyn God ™, Elidibus Lucifer (bright one), Zodiark Satan and….. the wol Jesus???? I fucking guess?????
- Ascians being Upsetti Spaghetti that Hydaelyn (god) chose humanity over them. (Although there were extenuating circumstances understandably, we Stan Hydaelyn in this household.)
Shadowbringers (Song)
- Here proud angels bathe in their wages of blood (rejoinings)
- This entire part (demons being agents of free will (authors of their own fates), defiance, literally name dropping paradise lost)
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- HOOOOOOME (isn’t the whole point of demons that they want to recreate their life before they fell but like. In a way that says fuck god tho)
- We fall (pretty clear allusion)
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To the Edge
- Like broken angels, wingless, cast from heavens gate (obvious) (also: no longer shall man have wings to carry him. Henceforth he shall walk)
- We only fly when falling, falling far from grace (also obvious)
- Scions and Sinners
- This (isn’t casting stones a biblical thing? Also lambs being gods children and being led to the slaughter because they have no free will and AT THE MERCY OF THOSE WHO PLY THE SWORD. SUNDERING, BABY!!)
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- On hands and knees we pray to gods we’ve never seen (not necessarily a biblical thing except for praying but I would like to point out this is probably about zodiark because they had no idea if it would actually work.)
Bonus: Pandaemonium
(Warning here’s where a lot of the references are things I probably won’t get but I’ll try my best. Also obviously there’s a shit ton of Greek mythology references but I’ll ignore those for now.
- Name, obvious. All Demons, Lucifer’s palace in Paradise Lost / hell’s capitol.
- You go there with Elidibus :3
- Prison for Bad Things (hell)
- some of the arenas are called *blank* purgatory
- When the castle gets teleported to the source in the third tier it’s literally called The Dæmons Nest. Okay. (Also the theme for the gate is called “Where Dæmons Abide”)
- Just. Every lyric from Hic Svnt Leones. Really let’s you know You’re in Hell Now! Enjoy being tortured for eternity! Bye bye now!
- Same goes for Scream. “Fractured will” “With each bite does your sanity die” “say a prayer as the light leaves your eyes. Scream all you like your gods can’t hear you”
- More hell vibes from White Stone Black
- One Amongst the Weary/The Tireless One, false prophets, manipulating the masses, etc etc.
- Fleeting moment… BWAHHHHH. If To the Edge was fighting Lucifer, king of Demons, this is fighting Lucifer, God’s favorite little meow meow. (Hmm.. they both wear white robes…) Something something balance because he’s been both the Most Pure ™ and the Most Corrupted ™. ALSO sorry if I’m mistaken but wasn’t Lucifer described as like the hottest most prettiest most attractive person ever. I mean, look at him. He’s so gender it’s crazy.
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Unrelated to biblical stuff but I can’t help but want to make lyrics for that song that are happier than those of To the Edge :( Something about Hope and Balance and “I will never die” (sure buddy keep telling yourself that)
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evilelena · 2 months
I'm so weird, I fill out three-year-old Cobra Kai surveys on tumblr.
Karate Kid/Cobra Kai survey
It’s the year 2021 and you’re obsessed with The Karate Kid. How are you feeling?
Well, it's now the year 2024 and...fine? I was never really "obsessed" with the Miyagi universe until October 2022 when I started going through all the episodes for my so-called "fan fixion". it's not really fanfic; intentionally bad recaps with fictionalized elements are just something my sister and I used to do ages ago for the lulz. We actually did them for Beverly Hills, 90210 and The Shield. The Cobra Kai ones are done by me; but my sister remains my one consistent reader. She's also the one who challenged me to incorporate the phrases "practice dumby" (yes, spelled that way), "Why is this happening to me?!", and "Ouch, ouch, oh, ouch!" (a line from one of my old childhood stories) into all of my recaps -- or whatever you want to call them. (In case anybody ever looks at those and thinks wtf?.) Despite not being "obsessed" until a year and a half ago, I still really liked CK and re-watched many episodes even before October 2022!
Did you grow up with TKK or are you new to the series?
Kind of both? I was born...uh, long enough ago that I was alive when TKK was released, although I don't remember its release because I was a very young child. I did see parts of all three first movies here and there over the years growing up -- and I watched that masterpiece The Next Karate Kid in the late 90's or early 00's while going on a Walton Goggins movie binge -- but I never appreciated them until my ex-on-good-terms recommended Cobra Kai. (I'm pretty new to the "fandom" but have been watching CK since May 2018.)
We gotta do the basics. Favorite character:
Johnny, for sure. Second favorite is Terry Silver.
Favorite ship:
Johnny and Daniel when they're bickering and squabbling like an old married couple.
Underrated character:
Stiven. Too bad he left, or he and Hawk could've become pals. I like how Stiven bravely tried to start a fight with Tory during the LaRusso house brawl, and she punched him away like she was batting away a pesky fly.
Underrated ship (don’t say therapy, lol):
Johnny and Ali? I (gasp) prefer them to Johnny and Carmen.
Wax On, Wax Off or Sweep the Leg?
Sweep the leg!
Which of Daniel’s dumb little outfits is your favorite?
Any where he incorporates the color blue. Bonus points if it includes his special blue-and-white karate headband.
Character from the films you most want to return, who’s not Terry Silver:
Charlie -- that minion of Ned, or whatever the main bully's name was in TNKK. (Charlie, played by Walton Goggins, was Ned's Rickenberger.)
Scene that lives in your head rent-free:
Oh, there are so many. Way too many to name in a three-year-old survey.
Will Anthony LaRusso ever be relevant?
Technically, he was one of the most relevant characters in 5x10. Without him, Kenny Payne might still be Terry Silver's prize pupil. (And Silver might not have been arrested. Stupid Anthony!)
You live in The Valley and are forced to join the karate gang war. Which dojo do you join?
Eagle Fang, but I'm not leaping from one building to another. (Sensei Lawrence is more than welcome to call me pathetic, though.)
What’s your training montage song?
"Gonna Fly Now"?
It’s the crossover event of the century! Which TV show are you combining with Cobra Kai for an hour-long Saturday night special?
Beverly Hills, 9010. Mel Silver can be Terry's cousin.
Nobody, because this is three years old.
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mikkouille · 2 months
Dear mutual @mashmouths taggie me for the game of 'Post the ten first songs on your 'On repeat' playlist on Spotify' or SMTH like that.
As I do not have a Spotify, idk what all that means, but I decided to eyeball it from what the randomiser of my phone seems to give ten times a day, from me local files.
It is a hard work of statistic 100% accurate nothing could go wrong (lie, girlie behind me in the train loudly licking chips crumbs off her fingers and chewing. noise unbearable. thought jumbled over it. the statistics have been messed up). Basically, just clicking 'next song' til I get one that makes me go oh yeh she plays all the time'. What's on my Bandcamp isn't on my local files so unfortsh we lose a whole lot of potential songs there. It's life.
1. Boris Farewell, honestly she's so good portable. I can vibe on my better audio equipment, I can vibe in the metro, in a crowd, she'll always be an enjoyable one no matter the sounds around me.
2. doechii Stressed, well damn so true. I must be stressed too.
4. Moses Sumney Gargarin, it's hilarious how I'll hear this song ten billion times a week from shuffle, go 'oh what's that song it's nice- oh right of course' somehow there's a spell on it that makes me forget the name. but not that I like it.
5. Britney Spears Outrageous, it's not even my fave of its album yet my phone is OBSESSED with her. Outrageous. When I move my body OUTRAGEOUS when I'm at a party OUTRAGEOUS in my sexy jeans
6. THORNAPPLE As Above So Below, had a phase in my life where I looped that song for hours and then days nothing else, my shuffle never recovered I think.
7. vvv Oh dirty Leeds, I swear it's been months since I Voluntarily of my own clicked the song, she's part of the landscape of my shuffle.
8. ShinEE The Feeling, if I hit shuffle I am sure to hear it at a point or another. It's like the home screen at this point.
9. shygirl BAWDY, it's criminal how you will never witness the gay AMV that happen in my head when this song plays (10 times a day).
10. FLO Losing you, often in immediate succession with the previous one. Keep them on their toes....
for some reason my phone constantly plays christi interlude, but not any other song from the album... hey there sweetieeee I was just taking a look at your cHArt and OoOøh myYyi GOODNESS (goodness) You Are. experiencing THE most powerful transit right now. we have the FUOUL MOÖN. Today! At 24 degreeeeees of CAPricorn. we have PLUTO. the MAIN! planet of transfhow delightful ☺️ you were born on a Nyew Myoon :] that gives you such an OPTImistic EnErgy. you believe Anything can Happen. the woooorld is you Oyster :] the Symbol! of the New Moon... is the SEED star seed (star seed) SCA(???neverunderstoodthatword) thru the galactic Center to Evolve Humanity.
btw last time it played it, it immediately played Rina's Take me as I am and honestly the transition was so seamless to me. granted the child screaming in the BG of the train I was in did help blending stuff together but.
didn't put any song of The Kpopman's group BC it'd have been passé. cliché. frenchwordé. you can assume that yes, it throws some at me at regular intervals. Respect my privacy. (I think if I had to identify one that I'm fed the most it'd have to be Venom, every shuffle she'll be here)
Also I got songs from the game tho and aside from. the. mh. miss answers. which I respectfully skip whenever out cuz it's for in private. I have to ask my phone; what's with amdapor. carrying the dungeon ost pack...
The total here is somewhat cohesive but also doesn't feel complete, alas it's all one can do with 10 songs...
Tagging; ppl who don't have a Spotify only.
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