#bonus: the twins looking at each other like ''is she drunk enough for us to yell for dad??? SHOULD we get dad???''
chaoticspacefam · 3 years
[At a big, fancy Sith gala]
D’leah (Sith Empress), a little drunk: (to Ni’kasi and Saarai) Now, I want you girls to know I don’t mind if you drink here, it’s my Empire, I’m not going to tattle to your mother.
Ni’kasi (Sith Inquisitor), frowning: You are our mother...??
D’leah, clearing her throat: Ah. Well, yes. That would be difficult to tattle to...myself. Anyway, I just want to make sure you drink responsibly.
Saarai (Sith Heiress), nodding sagely: You mean not to excess.
D’leah, deadpan: No. I mean use a coaster, Saarai. We have nice, fancy furniture here, kids.
Source: The Most Popular Girls In School, idk the episode I’ve never watched it I’ve just seen the quote around a lot and it came up again and now I feel the need to make one about my dumb space tomato family bc this absolutely would have happened XD
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potter-imagines · 4 years
Smoking 🍃 w/ Your Boyfriend Fred Weasley...
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader  Prompt: Thought this was an interesting idea since I think we can all agree the Weasley Twins were def dealers lol
 (I’m still on vacation I just had this one in my drafts so I finished it up)
Warning: mature, sexual, weed, smoking, swearing, probs more.  If mentions of drugs makes you uncomfortable or you just don’t like it, don’t read this please! as implied by the title, this is literally all about what smoking with Fred Weasley would include 
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-      Okay lets face it
-       Everyone and their owls know Fred and George Weasley were the best, most trusted, ‘flower’ dealers in Hogwarts 🍃🍃
-       You knew this before you started dating Fred
-       It just came as a bonus after getting together
-       Fred and George are almost always a little high
-       They sell carts, wax, edibles and flower
-       Like they’ve got it all, and the best quality
-      Their edibles are only for the brave; half the time you get an out of this world high, and other times, your skin is bright pink for a week from their trick
-       Lee Jordan also helps them with sales, the three of them are by far the biggest stoners in your year- probably in the whole castle
-       Seeing as most Slytherins’ did lines in the bathroom and in their dorms, Fred and George hardly sold to Slytherins
-       Most of the money the twins make goes towards saving for their dream joke shop
-       But Fred loves to buy you gifts when he has the chance
-       Like flowers, a bracelet, butterbeer, candies, books, etc.
-       He adores spoiling you
-       Fred never makes you pay if you wanna pick up from him
-       But he usually prefers you smoke with him or him and George
-       “You’re just so adorable when you’re high, sweetheart, I don’t wanna miss a thing. Plus, I’m scared you’ll tweak like a minx if you’re alone.”
-       Munchies galore
-       You guys will smoke late at night in their dorm with Lee
-       George is the designated snack man and will sneak into the kitchen before your smoke session
-       Lee shoves towels under the door and closes the vents
-       You would probably be the one enchanting the room so the smell doesn’t get out, but Fred really couldn’t care if anyone smelled it
-       You’ll usually smoke out the window, then trudge over to Fred’s bed and plop onto of him
-       “Jeeze, I think someone took one too many hits.”
-       Fred, George, and Lee will mess around, laughing loudly as they pass a blunt amongst the group
-       If it’s your first few times smoking, you’d probably just sit in Fred’s lap on the ground, staring off at the floor
-       Fred loves to tease you when you’re high
-       “Earth to Y/n- come back to us please.”
-       “Lovie, you’re eyes, they’re bloodshot as hell!”
-       Lots of kisses
-       You guys don’t make out too much after smoking as it’s nearly impossible for the both of you
-       Dry mouth is a bitch
-       Fred is vvv handsy when high
-       Like he needs to be touching your skin somehow
-       Whether he places you on his lap with his arms around you
-       Or laying together in his bed
-       Or holding hands on your walk back to the castle after smoking in the forest
-       Likes to pinch your butt when you’re walking up the stairs
-       He doesn’t really like when you’re high in public
-       He can tell when you’re nervous and start getting fidgety, so he’ll ask you to go on a walk with him to calm you down
“Angel, let’s go to the lake, yeah? Think you could use some fresh air, love.”
-       Fred will help you if you’re using a bong
-       “Here, love, just breathe it in until I tell you to stop and I’ll lift the top.”
-       Whoever coughs first is labeled as a ‘little bitch’ according to George
-       Fred scolds Lee and George when they try to make fun of you for coughing
-       Like will murder them with his eyes and slap ts out of George’s arm
-       “Leave her alone… you know she doesn’t smoke as much as us… it’s completely normal, darling.” “Merlin’s sake, Fred. We’re just teasing her, mate. I think you could use the hit next him, maybe it’ll calm your hormones.”
-       George and you will have heated life debates
-       “No, George! Dinosaurs were here before people!” “That is not true, Y/n. Humans ruled the earth before those vicious stompers came roaming about. The dinosaurs- or should I say dinomurders- they killed all of humanity! They stomped on them, trapped the kids in those jeeps trying to eat them and ruined the kid’s fun and made destroyed the theme park-“ “George… that’s Jurassic Parks. It’s a fucking movie, you git.”
-       Fred likes to wrap his Gryffindor tie around your head and putting his sweaters over you “Aw, you look so cute, darling. I love seeing you in my clothes but my favorite thing is seeing you with nothing on at all.” “Fred! You can’t say that in front of George and Lee-“ “Oh believe me, Y/n. We sleep only feet away from you two- we’ve heard a lot worse. A lot worse.”
-       You guys will just lay around laughing for most of the night
-       You favorite times were when Fred and George would start talking about their childhood and sharing hilarious stories
-       George likes to mess with Fred when he’s high
-       For example
-       He’ll throw his arm around you and lazily lean into your side
-       Fred would watch closely from only a few feet away
-       George would then whisper into your ear, causing giggles to erupt from your chest
-       Which makes Fred jerk in annoyance
-       The weed didn’t help control his jealous- it magnified it if anything
-       Typically, he wouldn’t care since he knew George and you were extremely close friends
-       But Fred always got a little more… horny and possessive when the weed hit his bloodstream
-       Fred would pout until you noticed him and would comfort him
-       “Freddie, what’s wrong, bubba? You look so sad, aww.”
-       His jealously would diminish the second you moved away from George to his side
-       He loves when you hold his hand
-       Your favorite thing to do when high is play with his red, vibrant hair or when he would stroke and pet yours
-       Fred likes to attempt a braid in your hair
-       But he just ends up twisting two strands of hair in a coil then wrapped your black hair tie at the end
-       The gleeful, proud look on his face afterwards melted your heart so much you couldn’t tell him he failed miserably at a braid
-       You guys will place bets on who will slump first
-       It’s usually you or George
-       Fred and Lee will stay up until morning talking about life, school, quidditch, life goals, and anything else
-       Nights that you did get high with Fred in his dorm, he’d always insist that you sleep in his bed
-       He didn’t like taking the risk of you walking alone to your dorm room and risk getting caught
-       The last thing he wanted was you in trouble when he could’ve prevented it
-       You guys like to sneak into the kitchen after hours and make edibles together
-      Preferably marshmallow bar edibles or cookies
-       You liked to bring things with you for your smoke sessions with the twins
-       Like coloring books
-       A blanket, since Fred only sleeps with two which just seems criminal
-       A water bottle !!! this is a must
-       And some vanilla cherry Chapstick, Fred’s favorite
-       Fred’s favorite spot to smoke in along the Black Lake at night
-       Coming here with Fred will usually end with the both of you swimming in the lake
-       Whether it’s because he pushed you, you pushed him, or it was decided in the moment mutually that midnight was the perfect time for a swim
-      You liked smoking out by the lake as it was relaxing and fun with Fred
-       But you much preferred his dorm- it was the safest option by far
-       Fred loves getting high alone with you
-       Typically in his room as your roommates didn’t want people constantly in and out of the room as where Fred, George, and Lee were used to it
-       They made a handful of sales from their dorm room
-       Like a sinful amount 
-       It was by far the easiest way
-       Fred would light some candles before you arrived
-       A variety of sweets and snacks were sprawled against his bed
-        And warm fuzzy socks laid out for you 
-       He’d pack the bowl, then open the window
-       A blanket was thrown across the ledge so you could sit more comfortably
-       “What a gentleman!”
-       After smoking, Fred would carry you back to his bed
-       Most nights, you guys would just cuddle and whisper to each other
-       Fred never misses an opportunity to kiss you
-       On your lips
-       Forehead
-       Cheek
-       Nose
-       Neck (which will usually lead to something else with this boy)
-       Anywhere
-       Continuously giggling all night
-       Fred and you share your high thoughts
-       “But, just hear me out here. Is there another word for synonym?”
-       “Babe, who do you think came up with the alphabet? And how the fuck did they put the alphabet shit in alphabetical order.” “Darling, I am way too baked to even remember what fucking goes in an alphabet.”
-       High sex
-       Fred makes you feel so comfortable
-      Compliments you profusely 
-       Lot of laughing
-       He lovesssss going down on you when you’re both baked
-       Cause you make the cutest little noises, euphoria taking over your sense
-       He can stay down there for hours just basking in your sweet moans
-       Favorite is missionary so he can see every reaction gracing your face
-       Is only brave enough to try new sex adventures when he’s either high or drunk
-       Discovers that you both very much so enjoy his hand wrapped around your neck as he thrusts into you
-       And when you get on top
-       His touchy side comes out the most in these moments
-       Sloppy sex
-       But still vvvv fulfilling and pleasurable
-       He’ll whisper in your ear as his pace quickens
-       “You look so beautiful, sweetheart. So pure but so dirty just for me.”  
-       “Merlin, you’re bloody breathtaking with my fingers in your mouth, angel.”
-       “Freddie, you feel so good.”
-       You both finish within a matter of minutes, never lasting long when in this state
-       “…That was the best sex I’ve ever had, ever.” “Fred, lovie, you say that every time we have sex.”
“Cause it just keeps getting better and better!”
-       Cuddling for the rest of the night
-       Always making sure you’re dressed before George or Lee turn in for the night
-       Fred would fall asleep first when it was just the two of you
-       He talks in his sleep, nearly every hour he’d mutter something
-       In an odd way, you found it comforting
-       Especially when it’s your name he’s mumbling
-       Falling asleep in Fred’s arms
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omgbubbletea · 3 years
Dating George Weasley Would Include
Let’s get one thing straight, it doesn't matter what house you're in
Sure, it would be a bonus if you were in Gryffindor because that would mean he wouldn't have to sneak into your common room to be with you 
Blood status also doesn't matter to him
If he loves you, he loves all of you
The reason you and George are together is all thanks to Fred 
He had grown sick and tired of George constantly talking about you 
How pretty you were 
How nice you smelled 
How he felt butterflies every time you smiled at him 
The boy must have been in-love or something
On the other hand, Fred had found out you had feelings for George by constantly bugging you on the subject till you cracked and told him
Being the oblivious pair George and you were, neither of you had realised the others feelings 
This is when Fred decided to take matters into his own hands 
His plan consisted of locking both you and George in a janitors closet until you both confessed your feelings 
He had told you guys to meet him in this particular closet for an emergency meeting
With the two of you being so ignorant, you walked into this closet, wondering where Fred was and why he had chosen such a weird place to meet 
As soon as you guys crossed the line, that’s when Fred had locked the door 
“Fred! what are you doing? Let us out!” (you and George started to yell)
“If you guys want out, then there’s something you should get off your chest first”
You both knew instantly what he was talking about 
Fred’s plan was almost fool-proof except for the fact that both you and George had your wands and could just alohomora your way out 
Oh, wait...
Fred had known you too well and knew you both always left your wands in the dorm during free time before dinner 
“Fred this isn't funny”(George was starting to get on edge)
“Do you hear me laughing?”
The closet was small(but who said you found it a problem(; )
A couple of minutes passed 
“Look (y/n)...”(George began to say slowly)
“I- I like you”
“I like you a lot, more than a friend probably should”(was that his heart pounding in his chest George could hear?)
At that moment your head shot up to meet his gaze 
Did he just confess his feeling to you?
Did he feel the same?
Hope began to form in your heart 
“George...”(he was ready for his heart to be broken)
“I’ve felt that way since I first met you”(a smile began to break on your face)
When I tell you that that boys smile lit up the room 
Nothing more was shared at that moment except for a hungry kiss 
He had been craving your lips for awhile now 
Of-course the moment only lasted so long before Fred swung the door open
“Ew, gross guys!”
The two of you just grinned 
If you are not in Gryffindor, then your days usually consisted of sneaking into the others common room
It’s a usual thing
Cuddling on the couch 
Playing board games 
Your friends(and others in your house) are used to seeing George around 
Surprisingly, you guys have never been caught(thanks to the marauders' map)
He’s always waiting outside of the common room so you guys can walk to breakfast together
You guys always sit next to each other in the great hall
If you are in a different house, he will walk you to your common room at the end of the day and give you a kiss goodnight(which usually gets a bit heated)
Pet names
Darling and gorgeous are his most used
You can’t help but get butterflies every-time those words roll of his tongue
“Well hello gorgeous” 
Small forms of PDA
Hand holding 
Arm around your shoulder 
Arm around your waist 
Temple kisses 
Cheek kisses 
Knuckle kisses 
He LOVES it when you play with his hair and just melts into your touch 
I have a theory that the twins give the BEST hugs
Bear hugs that engulf you
Hugs from behind where he pulls you closer to him
(and he’s always so warm...like what?)
You love wearing his jumpers
Yes, they are always baggy on you
You love the smell of them though(strawberries, vanilla and a bit of a smoky hint)because it’s just like having George there
He gives you one of his jumpers to keep so you would stop stealing all his other ones
It’s your favourite item of clothing and you always wear it to bed
Your first “I love you” came out of nowhere
The two of you were in the common room studying for an upcoming test
You should have been in your bed by now but of-course this test was more important than your exhaustion
With papers strewn across the table and your hand cramping from writing, you continued with your work, although George had stopped
Suddenly, you had become aware of him gazing at you
“Can I help you?”
“It’s nothing, you’re just...so beautiful”
You couldn’t help the blush that bloomed on your cheeks
“I love you”
The phrase was just audible
You had looked up in shock unsure if you had heard right
George was yet to comprehend what he had said when it all hit him
“Oh (y/n), I’m sorry! It just sort of slipt out- I didn’t mean to say it- I mean I want to say it because I love you but not that-”
You just chuckled at his constant rambling
“George, calm down, I love you too”
“I don’t want to make you se- wait, what did you just say?”
“I love you too”(you said it gently)
“Really..?”(he didn't sound too convinced)
In gesture, you gave him a sweet kiss, melting into the moment
It seemed to calm his mind
Spending summer and Christmas at the burrow
Molly loves you 
She knits one of her famous sweaters for you for Christmas  
If you are muggle-born(or even half-blood), Arthur loves when you tell stories about muggle life 
When Ron was younger, he had a BIG crush on you 
Now when he thinks about it, he just gets embarrassed
Ginny looks up to you(and thinks you're a bad bish)
You and Ginny love to have sleepovers together and gossip about all the people in Hogwarts
You also get filled in on all her latest “love life” with Harry  
Fred is one of your best and closest friends 
He is happy that George found someone to make him happy 
You’re Fred’s wing-women(although he doesn't agree because you haven’t done the best of jobs)
You guys love to tease George together 
Although it’s mainly just Fred teasing you and George 
“Can you guys get a room?!”
It was in those moments that Fred may have regretted locking you guys in that closet 
As much as he loves you, he does get a bit tired of hearing George talk about you all-day(nothing changed since he confessed his feelings for you)  
Lee is also a close friend to you 
It was only inevitable for you guys to bond with the twins being best friends with him
Many times have the two of you tried to get back at Fred and George with a prank 
Sadly, the twins somehow always manage to know what you guys are planning 
Let’s just say they prank you guys twice as hard for trying to outdo the masters 
The twins are always playing “light” pranks on you 
From dying your hair bright pink
To slipping a small amount of love potion into your drink 
It’s always a risk being around the two of them 
They love to get you involved in their pranks 
This usually means standing guard though):
You remember this one time in potions when you were first learning about amortentia
There was a fresh batch of it at the front of the class and everyone around the room was trying to get a whiff 
“Do I even have to ask what it smells like to you darling?” 
You closed your eyes and gave a sharp inhale 
“Vanilla, candy apples and amber” (you had said it so innocently)
George’s face was painted in horror 
He was in disbelief because he KNEW he didn’t smell of amber or vanilla 
“CEDRIC?!” (the twins spoke rather loudly in unison)
“But- I- wha-”(George began to stutter on)
At that point, you couldn’t hold in your laughter any longer 
“I’m only joking!”
When I tell you how quick that boy calmed down 
“Oh thank Merlin”
That was revenge for staining your teeth blue for a whole week!
In all honesty, the pained look on George’s face when he realised you may not love him pained your heart 
On the other hand, Fred thought it was hilarious 
(If) you play quidditch for Gryffindor, then you are a chaser, otherwise, you are whatever position you got placed into 
If you are not in Gryffindor, then you are always watching the quidditch game and supporting the twins(unless it’s your house playing)
He loves to find you in the crowd 
You’re his #1 fan 
Steamy kisses after the game
If they win the game then it’s going to be a lot more than kissing(;
He has ended up in the hospital wing a couple of times because of the game
It has never been too serious but you still can’t help but worry for him 
“You know, even with a black eye and bloody face, I’m still the better-looking twin”
Fred just cracked up 
“He must still be a bit loopy from all that pain killer”
If you don’t play quidditch, then George has defiantly tried to teach you
It didn’t go too well
You ended up falling off the broom at only 1 meter off the ground
Face-planted into the grass
Ended with you having a dislocated jaw
George felt guilty for the rest of the month and wouldn't stop apologising
Meanwhile, Fred had fallen on his ass from laughing too hard
Trips to Hogsmeade
Raiding Honeydukes
Dates at the Three Broomsticks
Drinking enough butterbeer to get tipsy 
Lots of puns and dad jokes 
You were once learning how to produce a Patronus in DA when someone had just spelled a deer
You looked over at George to see him struggling a bit with the spell
And that’s when the awful pun left his mouth
“Oh deer, I just can’t seem to produce a Patronus” 
You tried to hold in your laugh 
“Shove off Weasley”
He takes you to the Yule Ball
It’s a magical night 
Full of dancing 
Screaming the lyrics to the songs playing 
Drinking fire whisky that Fred had smuggled in
Drunk snogging to the point where Snape found you guys and took 5 points off each of you 
Dancing around the common room 
Sneaking into the kitchens to steal food 
Tickle fights(I feel like George is very ticklish)
Swimming in the Black Lake on a dare 
Snowball fights in the winter 
He never fails to make you laugh
He is more of the shy, reserved twin 
Sometimes you just have to remind him that he is loved and noticed 
He will compare himself to Fred and it will never be positive 
You will reassure him and hold him for however long he needs
If what he needs is a good vent then you are ready to listen no matter what you are doing 
He is more important 
He is also more of the jealous twin 
Don’t get me wrong, he won't go all psycho boyfriend when he sees another guy talking to you 
He respects you and knows you would never leave him for someone else 
But if there is flirting going on or the guy is trying to make a move 
Let’s just say his temper won't last long 
“Hello darling”
Que passionate kiss between George and you 
“Sorry mate, she’s already taken”
You had never seen a guys face go paler 
Or seen George go so smug 
He always knows what to do when you're sad
He will listen to your every last word if you have to vent 
Or he will hold you in his arms for hours while whispering sweet nothings into your ear if all you want to do is cry it out 
By the end of it, you can't help but feel just a little bit better because of him 
He loves to hear about your day and you can’t deny that he is the best listener
He low key has separation anxiety  
He LOVES to spoon
Definitely the big spoon
Although he can’t help but love to be the little spoon sometimes 
“Hey um...Do you mind if we?...”
“You wanna be the little spoon?”
“Yes please...”
He’s smiling on the inside 
He may be a little shy in public but he’s a freak in the sheets if you know what I mean(;
He’s usually top but it drives him crazy if you switch rolls 
I feel like he’s a hair puller?
Will always make sure you’re comfortable with everything 
Super gentle at times 
But also can be rough... 
Would never do anything that would hurt you 
Lots of cuddling after 
He loves to give you flowers just to see you get all flustered
One time he stole flowers from the school grounds
Little did he know, Mcgonagall had seen the whole thing
“Mr Weasley, are those flowers from Professor Sprout’s greenhouse?”
The look on his face was a dead give away
“Funny story actually Professor...”
Let’s just say it wasn’t the funniest of stories
Braiding his longer hair 
Showers together 
Piggyback rides to class
Studying in the library with Fred(but he usually just gets bored and leaves)
He reads to you 
Basically he is perfect in every way and will love you till the end 
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bokutosbestie2 · 3 years
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Ah thanks to those who are reading this story! Love you all ☻
Y/N Pov:
After getting dropped off by Atsumu, I check my phone to only see 20 miss calls from Semi.
Yikes, he probably thought I died or something...
I decide to call him back.
" Hello. "
" Y/N WHAT HAPPEN TO YOU! I WAS TRYING TO FIND YOU ALL OVER THE PARTY! " he shouted through the phone.
" Wow what a nice friend realizing I was gone after 5 hours at the party! " I say with sarcasm.
" YEA! You right... " I laughed.
" OH ALSO?! How did you get home your car is still at the Venue?! " Semi asks confused.
" WELL!  A guy name Atsumu helped me out when I was completely out! "
" Yea?! The one with the twin! "
Why is he so surprised?
" No, we just met last night! How do you know him ?" I asked curiously.
" We used to play volleyball together in high school same with his brother Osamu! Also, Osamu catered for the party! "
" Hmm, interesting... Well, I met Osamu at his restaurant."
" Osamu is the calmer twin but he still pretty crazy, on the other hand, Atsumu is a big flirt with the girls watch out!" Semi laughs on the phone.
" Yea not interested. "
" Haha, that's a loss for him! Anyways you need a break from volleyball players. " Semi laughs.
" Yea I do! Alright SEMI SEMI I'm gonna get going now I have to finish a couple of things from work. Also, I need to cure this hangover before tomorrow. "
" Ok then ILL LET YOU GO! BYE! "
" Bye Semi! "
We both end the call.
Now I need to find a way to get my car before noon because I have tons of work to do.
I can't ask Semi to take me there because he staying at a friend's house, I can probably ask Kenma to help me. I haven't seen him in a while so maybe we can catch up a little also.
I shoot a text to Kenma.
Texting on phone:
Y/n: “ Hey are you free right now? “
5 minutes later
Kenma: " yea why? "
Y/n: " Do you think you can come over right now?!
Kenma: " I don't see why not. "
Y/n: " PERFECT! "
I put my phone down on the counter and change into different clothes because I was still in Atsumu shirt.
I guess I'll be keeping the shirt until we meet again, or if we ever.
30 minutes later
I hear my doorbell ring, and it was Kenma.
" KENMAAA COME IN! " I say happily."
" Hey what's up its been a while! " he says as he went in for a hug.
" Nothing really.. "
" Bs I heard you and Kageyma broke up.. "
" FROM WHO?! " I say confused.
" Hinata... "
" Yea, he didn't really tell him but Hinata suspected when he texts him " how are things going with y/n, " and let's say he didn't take it well. " Kenma said in a conflicted tone.
" WHY did he not take it WELL! He the one who broke up with me?!" I say angrily.
" Did he ever tell you why he broke up with you? " Kenma asked.
" No, he just said I dOn'T LOvE yOu aNyMoRE "
I’m so annoyed right now why is he acting like the victim.
" That's it? " Kenma was surprised.
" YEA! "
" Oh wow, I really didn't think that the reason like... Strange."
" Who cares, I don't like him either. "
Obviously, I was still hurting but it's fine I don't need him.. Screw him.
" If you say so! "
Kenma Pov:
Yea no she still likes him...
Y/N Pov:
" Enough about him... DO you want to help me get my car?! "
" Wheres your car? " Kenma asks confused
" UH well, It's at a Venue.. "
" Did you go to a party or something? "
" Yea Semi had a party yesterday and let's say I got a little too wasted... BUT don't worry someone helped me out... "
" Uh, who helped you out? "
" I don't know if you know him but he is also a Volleyball player, his name is Atsumu the last name is Miya? "
" Wait a minute the one with the twin? "
" Are guys friends?! " Kenma asks
" No, I literally just met him last night. "
" Atsumu is a nice guy he just a big flirt. "
" Well, it's because he is always out with a new girl every week. "
" Yea no thanks... " I say weirded out.
" Ok, so are we going to get your car?! " Kenma asks in a bored tone.
" Ok, let us go! "
I got into Kenma's car, luckily the venue is only 20 minutes away.
" AHH MY Precious car!! " I shouted.
" SHEEZ be louder next time will ya. "
" Kenma stop being grumpy... " I say as I try to keep in my laugh.
" Yea whatever go get your car now! "
" Already kicking me out... "
" Yes! "
" AH YOUR SO COLD! " I laugh
" Ok well thank you Kenma! We actually need to hang out ok?! "
" Fine... We will one of these days. " he smiles.
I get out of the car, wave to Kenma then I get in my car.
Finally, I can go home now and start working on projects.
After the 20 minute drive, I get in my house and start working on the three projects.
Meanwhile At this time:
Atsumu pov:
I'm sitting on the couch, my phone started buzzing uncontrollably.
What the heck.
I flip my phone over only to see texts from my friends. I open up the group chat and see something unexpected. A PHOTO OF ME AND Y/N IN THE CAR ON “ THE PEOPLES “ TWITTER PAGE.
The big 4 :
Sakusa: Oh so is she another new girl?
Bokuto: Already Atsumu?!
Hinata:  Isn't that Kageyama's ex!
So that's who broke her... What a small world.
Sakusa: Sure that's what you say about every girl..
Bokuto: Can we get a Rip
Hinata: Rip.. Also Yes
Sakusa: Rip
Sakusa: Damn already making moves on a girl who broke up with her boyfriend.
Bokuto: Wow..
Sakusa: Ok then if she, not a random hook up who is she, and does she know she on " the people's " Twitter account label as mystery girl?!
Oh my, we just met and she isn't going to like this.
Me: NO SHE DOESNT KNOW...But she was some random girl at the party Osamu was catering. I decided to help her out because she was alone and drunk so I took her to Osamu's house, so she can sober up. The next morning I took her home because she left her car at the Venue... I DIDNT THINK THE Paparazzi WOULD CARE SO MUCH?!
Hinata: Wow Atsumu that was nice of you.
Bokuto: ^^^
Sakusa: Well you're going to have to tell her or do something about it because we all know how crazy your fangirls get.
Me: Fine fine let me tell her right now.
After texting the group chat, I was about to text y/n only to remember... I don't have her number, but I think Osamu has her number.
I texted Osamu, now I have to wait for him to respond.
Now back to y/n :
Finally, I'm almost done with this projects...
Then all of sudden I get a text from Tendou.
I looked at my phone and I can't believe what I see... He sends me a screenshot of Me and Atsumu in the car... It was trending on Twitter. The title was " Star setter mystery girl? "
Texting On phone:
Tendou: I didn't know you guys were going out?
Y/n: OH MY GOSH? Please tell me this is a joke?!
Tendou: No I don't think so...
I explained to Tendou what happened last night.
Tendou: this Has to be the most miss interpreted picture ever. LMAO!!
Tendou: Has he talked to you about it?!
Tendou: Well this is going to be fun to watch...
Y/n: NO it's NOT..
I stressfully put my phone down on the counter...
What I'm I going to do?! HOW DID I GET INTO TO THIS MESS?
I hear another notification go off on my phone... It was an unknown number.
Text message:
Hey can we talk?
Y/n: Who is this?
Atsumu: Its Atsumu
oh, yea I forgot I gave him my number.
Atsumu: WELL HEAR ME OUT! This will die down tomorrow, me and the team are leaving for Osaka in the morning so you don't even have to see me again.
Y/n: Sheez that's a harsh way to put it.
Atsumu: I mean if you want to see me you can~
Oh my, I can hear his flirtatious tone from here.
Y/n: NO!
Atsumu: AW you're SO MEAN!
Atsumu: ALSO I DIDNT KNOW Kageyama was your boyfriend...
Y/n: Who told you that?
Atsumu: Hinata! We play on the same team..
Y/n: Atsumu Shut up! Everyone knows you're a big flirt.. now I'm going to seem like I'm one of your little playthings.
Atsumu: I have an Idea.. What if we pretend we're dating?
Y/n: HUH?
Atsumu: It will fix both our reputation.. I won't be seen as the guy who hooks up with every chick and people at work can stop questioning you. There's a BONUS we can make Kageyama jealous... You can win him back.
Y/n: IF we do this... together in private we don't have to act as a couple right.. I just MET YOU...
Atsumu: Yea don't worry your not even my type, this should be easy because I won't be near you.
Y/n: DEAL!
Atsumu: PERFECT! Just let me know if anything happens tomorrow! Ill fill you in too!
Y/n: Fine.
I place my phone down on the nearby table.
Atsumu pov:
Why couldn't have it been with much cuter girl? Now no girl is going to talk to me.. Stupid paparazzi.
Chapter 5
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A Party Worth Remembering (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
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Prompt: Hey!! Are requests open? Because I would love to request a Wanda x reader with some fluff and pining over each at a tony stark party. Bonus if you incorporate some very drunk actions. You write wanda so well btw!
Words: 2195
Warnings: Alcohol and slight language?
(Currently taking requests)
(F/D) stands for favorite drink
Tony Stark was a pain in your ass. You loved him like a brother – you were always in his lab, helping him and Bruce with the occasional project – but right now, you hated him like he was the Devil incarnate. You didn’t want to be here, dressed up for a party you had no interest in being a part of. Being an Avenger wasn’t an automatic reason to show up, but here you were.
You were standing at the bar with Maria Hill and Natasha, (F/D) in hand as you looked upon the crowd. They seemed equally as bored and you were certain that they’d rather be doing something other than this. He threw so many parties that they’d lost their appeal.
Your eyes found Wanda and Pietro standing across the room chatting with some government official. They didn’t look too pleased with whatever he was talking about and you were concerned. It wasn’t your place to worry about Wanda the way you did, but you couldn’t help it. Your crush on her had only grown since you’d gotten to know her and now you were like a fifth grader with puppy love. She was too perfect for this world and all you wanted to do was protect her. Her powers made her strong, and her personality made her stronger, but you couldn’t help wanting to keep her safe.
Wanda felt your gaze on her and couldn’t stop a smile from breaching her lips. The man before her was rambling about Sokovia and it hurt her to think about her home, yet he just wouldn’t shut the hell up! But, she was far too polite to tell him off. She was a strange girl in a strange place.
She glanced over at you and your eyes met. She smiled shyly at you and waved, cutting off the official. You returned the gesture with an awkward smile of your own. She was so damn pretty.
Blushing, Wanda’s attention fell back on the man in front of her. She’d accidentally caught a glimpse of your thoughts. But she knew there was a difference between thinking you were pretty and wanting to be with you. She desperately wanted to know if you liked her in that way, but she refused to snoop through your thoughts. It was an invasion of privacy and that bothered her.
Natasha rolled her eyes at your antics and signaled the bartender for another drink. “You two are so obvious. When are you going to just ask her out?”
You flushed bright red, ears glowing as you muttered out, “Never. She doesn’t like me like that.”
“Oh please,” Maria laughed, nudging you. “We’ve all seen how she looks at you. You’re crazy if you think she doesn’t have feelings for you too.”
Your blush deepened and you hurriedly downed your drink before asking for another. Natasha and Maria had been pushing you for weeks to ask her out, but you were terrified of ruining a good thing. You didn’t want to lose the bond you’d formed with her. She wasn’t very outgoing – her powers made her frightened to get close to the others – but you’d never once been scared of her. You trusted her implicitly.
“I swear, I’m going to ask her out for you if you don’t do it soon,” Natasha threatened.
Your eyes widened. You wouldn’t put it past her to actually do that.
Walking away from the bar, drink in hand, you wandered over to the twins who were progressively getting more and more uncomfortable and frustrated. Your hand fell to Wanda’s arm comfortingly and you gave a fake smile to the man still running his mouth.
“Excuse me, Sir, I hate to cut in but do you mind if I borrow my teammates for a moment?” you asked, cutting off the rest of his sentence.
He seemed a little put off by the interruption, but what could he do? Deny an Avenger? That would look so bad on him and he couldn’t handle that. The press would have a field day.
“Of course,” he replied through gritted teeth, watching enviously as you walked away with two very powerful people.
When you were far enough away, a breath of relief broke from Wanda’s lips and she squeezed your arm gratefully. “Thank you for that, (Y/N). I don’t know how much longer I could have stood talking to that smarmy man.”
You chuckled, offering Wanda the untouched drink in your hand. “I’m just glad I could get you away from him. I would have blasted him into outer space if I’d been you.”
“Oh, I thought about it,” Pietro admitted with a shrug. He used his power and stole the offered drink, downing it in one go, smiling cheekily at you when you just stared at him.
Deciding you’d had enough Pietro in your life for a moment, you walked Wanda over to the bar, her hand still gripping your arm as you did so. It made butterflies fill your stomach, as clichéd as thought was, but you didn’t mind. Being in the company of this beautiful woman was all you wanted.
Wanda tucked a piece of hair behind her ear as you ordered her a drink and smiled. She liked being able to touch you. Maybe it was the selfish part of her that liked staking her claim in public, even though she had no right to, but you didn’t seem to care so she continued hanging onto you.
The bartender passed you the drink and you gave it to Wanda, grinning as she sipped it from a small, black straw. She was too damn cute.
A little further down the bar, Natasha and Maria watched you curiously. They’d already devised a plan to get you to admit your feelings, but they were hoping it wasn’t needed. Maybe you’d get the courage to do it now. They hoped.
Wanda leaned into you as you stared out at the ocean of people filling the room. There was a comfortable silence hanging over you and you appreciated that. It was nice feeling comfortable enough with someone that you didn’t have to talk. Wanda’s free hand fell atop yours and her fingers flexed like she wanted to hold your hand but couldn’t bring herself to do it.
Your heart was pounding in your chest, but you were going to do it. You were going to tell Wanda how you felt. The worst thing that could happen was that she didn’t feel the same, but you’d never know until you tried. Turning to look at her, you opened your mouth, trying to form the words that would hopefully change things for the better but before you could say anything, the billionaire whose insane, extravagant party this was saddled up beside you and cut you off.
Wanda deflated. She was so certain you were about to say something important – something that would change your relationship forever – but of course Tony freaking Stark had to ruin it.
Natasha nearly face palmed in her corner of the bar and sighed. It was time for their plan to be enacted. You were a terribly honest drunk, so if they supplied you with enough liquor, you were bound to admit your feelings, company be damned. You’d announce it in front of everyone if given half the chance and that’s what they were hoping for.
Tony whisked Wanda away from you and you had to bite back a pout. You were so irritated with him in that moment. You’d been so close to spilling out your heart. Why did he have to come over now?
Natasha strolled over to you and called out for the bartender.
You sighed.
A few drinks later, you were feeling great. The world was a fuzzy and your stomach was really warm, but you felt amazing. Most of the guests had left already, but a few stragglers were scattered about the room, chatting quietly amongst themselves.
Wanda was on the couch, her drink still in hand as she talked with Clint and Thor. Pietro was beside her, his face flushed with alcohol. He’d drank quite a bit too throughout the night, so he was feeling the warmth in his stomach too.
You were all smiles as you walked over to the couch. You glanced around. There were no open seats but you wanted to join them. You pouted, but then a brilliant idea popped into your head. You stopped in front of Wanda and grinned. She smiled back, a brow arched inquisitively. You grabbed her drink and set it on the table in front of her before plopping down in her lap. She squeaked in surprise, but her arms encircled your waist anyways.
Pietro snickered. He could see how flustered his sister was and it amused him greatly.
You wrapped an arm around Wanda’s neck and pressed a sloppy kiss to her hot cheek, a wild grin upturning your lips and eyes glassy. Her eyes widened. She’d never expected you to be such an affectionate drunk. You were cuddly and sweet and she’d never thought your first kiss on any part of her body would be while you were way past tipsy.
Leaning in, you whispered in her ear, “I really like you.”
Chuckling, her hold on your waist tightened. “I like you too.”
“No,” you whined, your bottom lip jutted out pathetically as you stared at the woman embracing you. “I mean I like you.”
Everyone around you froze. Wanda’s arms went slack and she stared at you, green eyes so light and soft that you just wanted to lean in and kiss her, but you didn’t. You had some self control. Besides, you had no idea if your feelings were returned. She still hadn’t said anything.
When the silence grew awkward, your face flushed with embarrassment and you stood up from her lap, suddenly very very sober. You bowed your head. “I’m sorry. Uh, I think I should go get some sleep.”
Rushing from the room, you fought back tears. You’d definitely just humiliated yourself in front of your team – but more importantly, Wanda didn’t feel the same and that really sucked. You weren’t sure you’d be able to face them again for a while. Maybe Nat would let you hide in her room for a few days. Or maybe you should go visit your parents. You didn’t know.
Back where the party was, Natasha was glaring at Wanda. She knew the witch had feelings for you, so why the hell hadn’t she said anything? Why did she let you leave? Wanda peered over at Natasha, confusion and disbelief etched across her features. Did that really just happen? And had she really just let you walk away, hurt and possibly crying?
“Go after her,” Natasha mouthed, gesturing at the door.
Nodding, Wanda stood up and fled after you. You were already in your room, but that didn’t matter. She was going to talk to you one way or another. You meant too much to her.
The elevator to your floor wasn’t fast enough and Wanda impatiently tapped her foot. She needed to see you now, dammit. Before it was too late.
When it opened up, Wanda hurried to your room and knocked.
“Go away,” you croaked, your face buried in a pillow as tears trickled down your cheeks.
“Please open the door,” Wanda called out softly, startling you. You sat upright abruptly, your head snapping over to the door. You didn’t know if you should open it. You’d already embarrassed yourself once tonight. Why willingly do it again?
“Please,” Wanda begged, her palm pressed to the door.
You swallowed hard but got out of bed. Opening the door slowly, you studied the nervous woman before you.
“Did you mean it?” she wondered, eyeing you. She was blushing, but her eyes were so bright. They said so much and a little hope bloomed in your chest.
You nodded cautiously.
“I like you too,” Wanda whispered, an anxious look on her pretty face. She reached out for you, her hand finding yours. She squeezed it.
“You do?” you yelped, lacing your fingers together. It was the first time you’d ever been able to hold her hand like this and you were going to take advantage of it.
She shook her head and smiled. “Yeah…”
You tugged her close and cupped her cheek, staring deeply into her eyes. They sparkled with emotions you’d never seen in them before and it warmed you in ways alcohol never could. You leaned in for a kiss, but she pulled back. You must have had a hurt look on your face because she leaned forward and kissed your cheek, soothing the pain in your chest.
“You’re drunk,” she explained, “I won’t kiss you and have you regret it tomorrow. If you still want one tomorrow, I’ll happily give you a kiss.”
A huge smile broke across your cheeks and you nodded. “Okay. But be prepared for the best kiss of your life,” you smugly joked, pecking her forehead.
“I’ll hold you to that.” She sauntered off, an extra sway in her hips that you’d never seen before. It was tantalizing and hot and honestly, you couldn’t wait for tomorrow.
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Never forgotten
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Summary: One night was enough to turn her world upside down. Now she must cope with the aftermath of letting him in.
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings: angst (a hint), light smut, unprotected sex, slow sex, pregnant reader, possessive Dean, daddy!Dean, fluff
<< Part 1
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Pushing against his chest you try to free yourself from his tight embrace.
“Let go of me, Winchester!”
“Nope. You are mine. This is my baby. Go, have a warm shower and I’ll make you some food. Do you like a burger? Or rather a sandwich?”
“I still hate you!” You mutter.
“You don’t hate me. Last time I checked you moaned my name, telling me you love me.”
“That was in the heat of the moment! I was … uh … aroused! Nothing more!”
“I know exactly when you lie, Baby. Don’t hide it, I know you want me.”
“You are so fucking full of yourself. I’m not one of your bar shanks. You can’t impress me with your charm or your cocky grin. I know the other side of Dean Winchester! The selfish asshole!”
“Hey, I’m sorry. Please let me make it up to you.”
“How? You fucked and left me within a few hours. When I called you for the first time since we know each other you refused to answer. Every time you or Sam called me during the last eight years, I answered my phone. Hell, I even canceled a date to help you out!”
“You canceled a date for me?”
“Yes, as you managed to get your ass arrested. The guy never called me again!”
“Good. So, you are all mine.”
“Are you drunk or simply stupid? I’m not yours!”
“Oh, you are mine, Sweetheart. The little girl in your belly tells me so.”
“My baby doesn’t change the fact I hate you!”
“I don’t think so, Y/N.”
“Try me, asshole!”
Angrily staring down at you Dean towers over you. “You are mine. The baby is mine. You will stay here and be my girl!”
“I’m not yours, Dean Winchester.”
“Hmm…but you will be mine. Let me help you raise our child. I’m sorry. I know I messed up epically but give me the chance to change your mind.”
“How shall this work? You used me one night and in the morning, I was long forgotten. You even cut all ties.”
“Please let me make it up to you. I always…I like you, okay. I mean I never said a thing. You are so stubborn and independent. I had the feeling you could never like someone so…”
“So, what, Dean? Cocky?”
“You know…I’m not good at showing emotions. I always mess up things with women I like. But now I have the chance to prove I’m worth it. I want to raise my baby with you.”
“Dean. You can’t change your mind in a few weeks.”
“I won’t. The thought of you having my baby makes me the happiest man alive.”
Looking at you full of adoration he gently strokes your baby bump. The little girl starts kicking again and he smiles. Even a single tear is running down his cheek.
“You really want this? With me?”
“I want this, you, the baby. Please.”
“Okay. Make me an awesome burger and I’ll give it a thought.”
“Are you blackmailing me?”
“I need to check your qualities out, Winchester.” You tease.
“I think you already checked one out.” He whispers in your ear and you start to shiver.
“Dean. I’m hungry.”
“Me too. Do you know how long I was looking for you since that night? I didn’t touch anyone else.”
“Seriously? I shall believe Dean Winchester didn’t touch a chick for almost seven months?”
“You can ask Sam or Castiel. I was busy looking for you. I couldn’t forget about the night with you.”
“Are you trying to seduce me, Dean?”
“Does it work?”
“No, I’m still hungry.”
“Okay. Let me make you some food and then you can have a shower. I will bring you some towels and stuff.”
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“How’s the burger?”
“Not that bad.”
“Not that bad? You ate two!”
“I’m pregnant. I’m always hungry.” You mutter pouting at the tall hunter.
“Do you want more? I can make you something else. Wait I’ll look into the fridge.” Opening the fridge Dean curses. “Uh, I could make you some eggs or pancakes. Sam forgot to buy the groceries. Shit.”
“I’m full, Dean. I’m pregnant not an elephant!”
“I know. An elephant ain’t so sexy.” Dean rasps and you shake your head.
“I want that shower now.”
“Good. Wait. I’ll show you where the showers are and help you.”
“Help me?”
“Wash your body. Scrub your back. Must be difficult with the baby bump.”
“You only want to see me naked.”
“No, no…okay. This would be a bonus. Please let me do this for you.”
“Fine. But no funny business, Dean. I warn you. I may be pregnant, but I still can punch your nose or balls.”
“God, I love you.” Dean blurs out and your eyes widen.
Shrugging he leads you toward the showers. Immediately opening your blouse he hums when his eyes land on your swollen breasts.
“My eyes are up here, Dean.” You chuckle.
“I know but look at those…the baby is one lucky girl.”
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Gently cleaning you Dean presses your body against his. You know he will cross the line but right now you don’t care. His hands are tender, and the warm water relaxes your body. You never felt so relaxed since you’re pregnant.
“Do you already have a name for her?” Dean asks.
“I don’t know. Do you have an idea?”
“You are asking me?”
“Hmm…you’re the father. Maybe you got an idea.”
“Let us talk about a name tomorrow. I got a few ideas but I don’t know if you like them.”
Feeling your body relax against his he starts kissing down your neck. A soft moan leaves your lips and Dean smiles against your skin. Roaming your body with his rough hands he finally cups your breasts.
Groaning he starts kneading your swollen twin mounds. His cock is hardening against your lower back and the wetness between your thighs gets worse.
“I’ve got you, Baby. Do you want me? I can stop.”
“No, don’t stop. But not so rough…I’m pregnant.”
“I know. I’ll be gentle. Promised.”
“Not in here. I could slip and fall.”
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“Carefully stroking your baby bump Dean spoons you. Holding you as close as possible he starts moving slow and even. Brushing his cock over the sweet spot inside of you he doesn’t stop stroking your swollen belly.
Every stroke of his thick shaft let you moan louder. Not rushing things Dean slowly pushes you toward the edge. When he starts pumping harder into you he snakes one hand between your legs to rub your clit.
“Are you close, Baby? I know you are close. I can feel your walls tighten around me. Come for me. Need to feel you come.”
Tiny whimpers leave your lips when he hits the right spot again. Digging your fingertips into the arm holding you tight you clamp down onto his cock.
Peppering soft kisses to your neck he starts thrusting faster into you. Dick twitching violently, he groans into your neck. His cum is floating your channel and you fall back against his chest.
“Was that okay?”
“Yeah. Perfect.”
“So, did I pass another test?”
“Well you are a good cook, you can scrub my back anytime and the sex ain’t that bad.”
“Good. I can’t let you go.”
“I thought you forgot about me the moment you left the motel room.” You whisper.
“No, I never forgot about you, Y/N. You were never forgotten…”
>> Part 3
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Divider by @firefly-graphics​
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Killer Queen: Chapter 8 - Scandal
Summary: Life is easy when things go your way. I know this from experience. I also know that that can disappear in an instant and that you have to be able to rely on your friends. Luckily my name is Arabella Ruth White and I’m the fifth marauder. But I want to show you the girl behind the mask. It takes a lot of work to be this fabulous, darling.
A/N: If I got any information about Diwali incorrect, please let me know so I can change it. I'm not Hindu and all of my research was done online and I dread to think how reliable that actually is. Also, happy late Diwali since it wasn't that long ago. That's a lie but let me have this, please.
Drunk Ruth is the funniest thing I've written in a while also more writers need to try writing drunk narrators for their stories because some wack shit comes out of that. Bonus points if alcohol is not featured in the scene at all. Double bonus points if you're writing in the third person. Extra double bonus points if the narrator almost reveals important events that haven't happened yet (could be used as a plot device). The drunkenness was definitely not inspired by the amount of Echo Falls I had last night.
Me?? Including my feminist shit in my stories?? More likely than you think. Please don't start arguing over abortion in the comments though, please. Thank you kindly. I just felt the need to yeet in my opinions about it after all the shit that happened in the USA. 
Sorry for not updating for about six months. It is a bit ridiculous, I know, but oh well. Half-term ended up being a lot busier than anticipated and I had a lot of writer's block and procrastination when I finally got around to writing this. And I did my research and Diwali actually fell on Sirius's birthday in 1975. You would not believe how happy I was about that. If you caught the Brooklyn Nine-Nine reference I love you. The title for this chapter came from Queen's 1989 album, The Miracle. 
Word Count: 3.2k+ (hopefully that makes up for the delay)
Inspiration: You Can’t Make Me Love You by -FromEden- on Wattpad, All The Young Dudes by MsKingBean89 on AO3, The Boy Who Killed God by @sirius-black-killed-god 
Warning(s): talk of pregnancy and abortion, underage drinking (although it’s in the UK so it’s fine lmao), swearing
Tag List: @bhmay @briarrose26 @bijoukitty
Ask to be on my tag list! Let me know if it’s for a specific fandom(s). The full list is in my bio. Also let me know if you’re on my tag list already but you only want to be on it for a specific fandom(s) I won’t be offended if you ask as long as you’re polite about it tehe.
Never before had Diwali fell on and around Sirius's birthday. James had joked about it many a time in the past but the look on his face when he discovered the date of the next new moon in Astronomy was one of surprise and amusement. This meant Sirius's usual birthday celebrations - a.k.a. a ridiculous party - would have to be slightly altered. Not that the birthday boy minded an awful lot. He was rather fond of the traditions involved and his face lit up like the diyas themselves. The day before had been spent creating Rangoli patterns on the floor of their room, Kingsley thankfully not minding as it was part of James's culture. Also, as it had been a Hogsmede weekend, we spent the majority of the day following James around so he could buy new things for the Hindu new year. And also to get Sirius's birthday presents when he was too distracted by the games in Zonko's. 
James's parents had sent a huge box fall of diyas, all varying in colour and size, that had required four owls to carry. Along with it was a lovely heartfelt letter to all of us, reminding to stay safe and revise and all that, but to also have fun with whatever we were getting up to. James definitely teared up at one point but he remained in denial. Silly billy.
Now, after knowing James for a good four years, my knowledge of Hinduism was rather extensive, if I do say so myself. So according to James, Diwali lasts for five days with different festivities on each day. This year, it had started on Halloween so as soon as we returned from our epic prank, we quickly set up with the help of a spell or two and then let James do his thing. The same pattern repeated until now, which was the fourth day of the celebrations and James's favourite day, in his not-so-humble opinion.
Last night had been spent by setting off as many fireworks as we could possibly do, using the fact that it was Diwali to our advantage. They couldn't exactly tell us off for celebrating a festival, right? 
Today was the first day of the Hindu New Year so, of course, we had stayed up last night to welcome it properly. This meant we were all a little tired, especially since we woke up a little earlier too.
The night to come appeared to be rather busy so, while Peter went to get some breakfast for us all, we set up the new diyas, cleared the ones that had burned out last night and fixed the slightly smudged rangoli patterns. Once James had declared everything good enough for tonight - which, as you can imagine, took quite some time - we headed down for our first lesson of the day.
Fucking Herbology.
Sirius did, on many occasions throughout that lesson claim that since it was his birthday, he legally didn't have to be there because he was "Sirius McFucking Black and no man can tell me what to do from this day forward".
Unfortunately for him, Professor Sprout was no man and in fact a very angry woman who "will still give you detention Mr Black if you continue with that language in my classroom".
Suddenly, a petite, barn owl flew in the classroom with a letter in its beak. This could only mean one thing: an escape route. I rapidly tapped on the arms of the boys, not once taking my eyes off of the owl, "Teacher owl, teacher owl, teacher owl, teacher owl."
They all snapped their heads up to look at said owl, who was now perched on Sprout's desk. The teacher took the note - the owl took its leave - and she read it carefully, squinting. A look of both gratitude and distaste made its way onto her face. Definitely for one of us, then. The boys seemed to think the same as I was met with excitement and intrigued looks when I turned to them.
"White!" Sprout's voice boomed throughout the greenhouse, holding up the letter. Groans of disappointment rippled throughout the class and people started going back to their work. She handed me the letter and I opened it without haste.
Dear Miss White,
Please go to my office right away. This is a matter of urgency. You are not in trouble but this does, however, concern your family.
Professor Dumbledore.
P.S. I have been rather fond of chocolate frogs lately.
Now, unsurprisingly, I had received enough of these notes in the past to know that the whole chocolate frog thing was just a hint for the password. Not very subtle but oh well. The matter at hand was obviously what the fuck this was about. I wasn't in trouble for starters which was, quite frankly, weird. A million possibilities ran through my mind as to what this could be about. It involved my family and was serious. Did someone die? Merlin forbid it but at the current state of the wizarding world, I couldn't help but consider it. It was certainly a possibility, as much as I wished it wasn't.
"What does it say then?" James asked in an extremely disheartened tone.
"I need to go and see ye olde Dumbledore. Doesn't say why," I started packing up my stuff to leave.
"Someone's in trouble!" Sirius said in a sing-song voice that made me want to punch him in the face.
"No, it clearly says I'm not in trouble, you dickhead!" I yelled as I smugly strolled out of the greenhouse.
"Wanker!" I ran out as quickly as I could after that, leaving Sirius to get into trouble with Sprout. That was my birthday present for him. I practically sprinted to Dumbledore's office, every cell in my body bursting with curiosity. Once I arrived, I pretty much fell into his office from pure exhaustion. Exercise and I were not on good terms. I picked myself up from my mostly ungraceful entrance to see two people already sitting opposite the headteacher. 
"Ah, Arabella, glad to see you received my note. Take a seat," Dumbledore greeted me and gestured to the chair closest to me. I cautiously took it and only then did I get to finally see who I had the pleasure of having this meeting with. None other than the Head Girl and Boy. Or otherwise known as my cousin and her boyfriend. Melanie and Filip. The golden students of Hogwarts. Everybody idolised them and for good reason. Seemingly perfect, they were the Athena and Apollo of our school. Smart but not bookworms. Kind but not pushovers. Beautiful but not vain. So it was no surprise to anyone when the titles they held were bestowed upon them. I, for one, did not believe in soulmates but Melanie and Filip came pretty damn close. Melanie was the daughter of my mother's twin sister. Two years older than me although I think I had corrupted her more than she had me. The type of cousin that you only saw once in a blue moon but when you did, all hell broke loose and you had the time of your lives. I knew very little of Filip but his reputation of being an all-around nice guy preceded him for miles. Their presence was some form of comfort to me because I couldn't possibly be in trouble if they were here too.
"May I ask what this is about?" I looked around the room for it had fallen silent. Melanie uncharacteristically refused to look at anything other than her lap. Filip was gazing off into the distance as if he was a model. Dumbledore was just being Dumbledore so no changes there, not that I expected any.
"Melanie, would you like to explain?" the headmaster asked to which the girl in question frantically shook her head.
"I can't," her voice, no louder than a whisper, broke halfway through. My heart instantly dropped, this couldn't possibly be good. She was usually so strong, so independent. I didn't recall ever seeing her cry so this must be a big deal. Filip grasped her hand and squeezed it tightly.
"Filip?" Dumbledore tried a different strategy. 
Clearly struggling with his words, he ended up just murmuring, "Melanie's pregnant."
And so it seemed that even the finest china you had ever seen could be chipped. Misfortune would always be lurking somewhere in the shadows, ready to strike at any given moment. Nobody was ever safe from it, not even the few angels who walked among us. Out of all of my friends, Melanie would be one of the last I would suspect of being pregnant. This list of friends included my male friends so that was saying something. 
But at the same time, who was I to judge her? It wasn't as if I was a virgin either. That ship sailed a long time ago. She was allowed to do whatever (and whoever, if you know what I mean) she wanted. Providing she wanted this to happen. Not the baby but the cause of it. Some people can be absolute twats sometimes but if the father was indeed Filip, surely that wasn't the case.
Regardless of how it occurred, they now had to work out what they were going to do about it. Would they be expelled? Arrested? They were both 17 and therefore adults in the wizarding world. They would be fine, right?
"Ari?" Melanie spoke up, audibly calmer than before and much more like the Melanie I knew and loved, "Say something please."
Only then did I realise that my rather extensive thought track meant that I had not yet said anything. "Sorry, I just- what are you planning to do about it?" That was my top priority for I needed to know how to support her. I couldn't care less about her decision but I did care about her.
"Wait, you're not mad?" relief visibly flooded every cell in her body like a waterfall. I hated that she had been expecting anger and disgust when I would never be like that towards her, even if I wanted to.
"Darling, of course, I'm not mad! These things happen, OK? I just need to know what you want to do about it."
She bit her lip and exchanged a quick glance with Filip, who had been gradually relaxing since I had first spoken, "We're not sure just yet if I'm honest. I was wondering what you had to say on the matter?"
"I will support you no matter what," I answered truthfully, "You want to have the baby? You have the baby! I will be that aunt who corrupts it as much as possible and you know it. But if you're not ready then just abort it! No one will hate you if you do, it's just a fetus the size of a grain of rice for crying out loud! It's entirely up to you, my dear."
"Well said," Melanie smiled slightly. Dumbledore cleared his throat and we all turned to him.
"Just as Arabella kindly put it, you do indeed have the choice. The baby won't be due until August and, seeing as you will no longer be at Hogwarts by then and will both be 18, you hold the right to keep it."
A long, rather awkward silence ensued, which was understandable given the situation. Melanie's glazed eyes told me she was deep in thought but a small, impatient part of me just wanted to break her from her trance, shake her up and down and yell at her to make a decision. I told myself to shut the fuck up because this was a huge decision to make and could potentially affect the rest of her life. Regardless of her choice, this would become something that would certainly loom over everything for a while at least. Besides, it was easy for me to tell her to hurry up because I wasn't going to be the one to raise the damn child. Or children. Twins were common in our family. Luke and Rhea for example. And my mum and Melanie's mum too.
"I'm going to keep it," Melanie whispered. I almost missed it due to the voices inside my head. I still didn't believe it.
"Really?" I asked, sounding a lot more incredulous than I intended.
"Yeah, I, sorry, we," she squeezed Filip's hand back, "We always knew we would have kids after Hogwarts, so why not get a head start?"
I had to admit she made a valid point and, if the look on Filip's face was anything to go by, this baby would grow up having two loving parents. Though, I couldn't ignore my instincts screaming at me to stop her, to tell her that this was a bad idea, to tell her that this wasn't going to go according to plan because nothing ever does. Even while I watched Dumbledore promise to hide the pregnancy. Even while I watched their faces of glee at the realisation that they were going to be parents. Even while I said my goodbyes and left the office. Even then I stayed silent. Because who was I to try and control my cousin's body?
The second lessons ended for the day, Minnie collected James so she could take him to the Mandir in Edinburgh, as worship and seeing family was an important part of Diwali. He wouldn't be back until after dinner so we spent the time 'studying' to get Remus off of our backs and then set up for the party later on. Without Sirius looking of course. Although I must say getting him to bugger off for a while was easier than expected and may or may not have involved an extreme game of fetch. Let's just say that Snivellus wasn't all that pleased to find me lobbing his beloved textbook down the stairs.
All of the stairs.
Personally, I found it hilarious but Lily had a slight difference of opinion. Even when I tried to defend myself and call it my other birthday present to Sirius.
Regardless, it got one of my crackhead friends out of my hair for a while. We managed to hang banners from the ceiling, enchant a disco ball to whizz around like a not-as-dangerous bludger and cast a spell that meant glitter would just hover in the air to give the common room a glitzy feel to it.
Perfect for Sirius's sixteenth birthday. Although that concept alone was a little hard to comprehend. The fact that he had the mental age of a six-year-old was seriously convincing me that his birth certificate was wrong. That would explain a lot except he was still a fucking tall bastard. Although seen as I was only five feet one, everyone was tall compared to me. Apart from Alice, the fucking midget. She may or may not be only half an inch shorter than me but that half an inch made all the difference ('That half an inch made all the difference': title of Marlene's sex tape). 
Moving on, the party itself started at around 9 so as to give everyone enough time to get ready. In that time, I managed to throw on a silver glittery jumpsuit with flowy legs and matching heels, do my hair and makeup and put on my accessories; all of which take longer than you first expect. An animated look was painted onto Sirius's face when we gave him permission to open his eyes and see what we had definitely put effort into creating for him. 'Permission' seems like a strong word until you learn that we had to hex his eyes shut to prevent premature peeking. We know him too well.
We had David Bowie records blasting from my poor record player all night, and while I tried to sneak in a couple of Queen ones every now and then, James just reprimanded me, saying that "it should be up to the birthday boy" and that "I would get my turn in a few weeks anyway". To which I did what I do best and sulked next to the drinks table by myself, thinking of ways to piss James off that I would almost certainly forget by the time I was sober. I was coming up with ways to fuck up the wanker's beloved broom while having a few gulps of what I believed was firewhiskey, when Remus approached me, tension oozing from every part of him. He grabbed the rest of my drink, downed it all in one go without a trace of a grimace, before turning to me and huffing deeply.
"What's up, buttercup?" Okay, so I might not have been entirely sober enough to deal with can-and-will-kill-you-if-you-do-so-much-as-breathe Remus but I'd be damned if I didn't give it a good go. Besides he wouldn't dare murder me. He loves me but he's bloody terrified at the same time, the same goes for pretty much everyone now I think about it. 
Okay back to the issue at hand. Remus just gave me one of those looks that pierces your soul so sharply that you have to look down to make sure you haven't just been stabbed. Once I got past that armour of I-know-your-entire-life-story-and-I-would-sell-it-for-half-a-pizza-and-a-milkshake, I found a look of such hopelessness that I found myself unwillingly sobering up slightly, "Darling, what's going on?" I leaned in, knowing full well that he was going to be as quiet as possible with his reply. God, I know too much about these crackheads.
Of course, I was right with this assumption as he mumbled, "I got into a fight with Idania," he looked at me with a sorrow that I wasn't used to seeing in any of my friends, let alone at a party.
But I could only see red because I don't care you the fuck you are if you hurt any of my friends then you better fucking pray for your life. Jaw visibly clenched, voice dangerously quiet, "Where is she?" My temper was inches away from bubbling over when he didn't respond, "Where the fuck is she, Remus?"
I made to move, tunnel vision without even knowing what happened, but he grabbed my arm first, an iron grip from years of stopping me from launching punches at certain people, "No, Ruth. I wouldn't let you even if I knew where she was." He stared at me in a way that was scarily reminiscent of McGonagall and I knew I couldn't just leave him like that.
"What happened then?" I was trying my hardest to calm down and decided that my best shot was to drink some more.
"She saw some of my scars and asked where I got them from and I wouldn't say and it just escalated from there. What was I supposed to say? There's nothing you can say in that situation that won't worry her," he sighed and gulped another drink down.
I furrowed my brows, concentrating on thinking of a solution, though nothing came to mind. He had a point after all, what do you say when that happens? It all comes down to violence in one way or another and you can never not stress someone out with a cause of pain. "She'll come round if she's worth keeping."
A tiny flicker of hope danced in his eyes, minuscule but still there, "I hope to Merlin you're right."
"Honey, same," I pushed a cup of something into his hand and grabbed one for myself," But for now, we can get pissed off our asses and worry about this tomorrow. Sound good?"
"Oh fuck yes."
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thereislifeafterhq · 4 years
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Quinn Fabray is 27 years young with a birthday on June 1st. She hails from Lima, Ohio but now lives in Upper East Side, New York. She is an Actress and looks a bit like Dianna Agron.
Full Name:
Lucy Quinn Fabray
3 Positive Traits:
+ hardworking  + benevolent + adaptive
3 Negative Traits:
- manipulative - dramatic - sarcastic
triggers: abuse, dubious consent, pregnancy  alcoholism, cheating, eating disorder
Lucy Quinn Fabray just wanted to be the perfect daughter. Except no one bothered to tell her perfection was overrated and that she’d never be happy trying to obtain such. So, for a long time, she strived for it anyway. By the time she started high school, she’d gotten a nose job, lost a lot of weight, and started going by Quinn instead of Lucy. However, it never particularly won her Russell’s favor. It was the appearance he wanted but really, appearances change so quickly. And it’s not like it ever stopped his wine drunk abusings. The almost nightly fights with her mother, when he bothered to be home at all. Always claiming he was going away on business.
When Noah Puckerman talked a rather drunk Quinn into having sex with him, Quinn didn’t entirely view it as the end of the world. Sure, it hadn’t been a great time and she had been saving herself for marriage and had definitely cheated on her boyfriend, but it wasn’t a problem. At least not right away. The missed period and the positive pregnancy test, however, made it a problem. She was sixteen, a sophomore in high school, the head cheerleader, and was about to lose everything she thought she loved. Except, even as she was kicked out, all but disowned by her parents, lost her spot as a cheerleader, and also her boyfriend, Quinn gained even more. She gained friendship in a way she wouldn’t have otherwise, a newfound appreciation for the idea of found family. And by the end of it, she had a daughter, someone who would love that daughter and raise her as her own, and her own mother back. As well as learned just how bad a man her father truly was.
The rest of Quinn’s high school career was a drama filled and chaotic as sophmore year had been, if not even worse. There was a lot of scheming and heartbreak. Cheating and lying and just plain being a bitch. Pink hair, a nose piercing, and a really bad tramp stamp of Ryan Seacrest. An attempt to sabotage Shelby, for Beth. And a car crash that landed her in a wheelchair for not nearly as long as it should have. However, through it all, Quinn had her friends, her makeshift family. The very people that would see her through just about anything.
In college, Quinn learned a lot, but also did a lot of stupid shit. Lying to boyfriends, seducing married men, it was the same kind of chaos she’d seemingly found herself in from the moment she started going by Quinn. Of all her chaos and stupidity, fucking her best friend wasn’t actually one of those things. It was rather eye opening and while she’d claimed it to be a one (two) time thing, it sparked something in her she wouldn’t understand until much later. It did, however, push her somewhat haphazardly into more and more relationships with men that would almost all end horribly.
Dating Puck, after Finn’s death, was, unbeknownst to Quinn, a last ditch effort to conform to a sexuality she had no place trying to be in the first place. He was in the military and often deployed, leaving Quinn home alone with her thoughts. Thoughts that she eventually bothered to go to a therapist about. Something she, admittedly, probably should have done long before then. No matter how late it came, therapy really helped Quinn work through trauma she didn’t know she had. An eating disorder that flared up more often than she realized, especially when trying to land specific roles. The emotional abuse suffered at the hands of her father. The uncertainty and chaos that surrounded her and why. She also explored her sexuality, what each failed attempt at relationships with men actually meant for her. The ways she’d sabotaged everything just to feel something. How the only time anything had ever felt remotely right was the night she’d spent with Santana. This, added to Quinn’s distaste for long distance, is ultimately what ended her relationship with Puck. Her honesty, along with his own, an admission of having cheated on her while deployed, meant their relationship ended well and without the chaos of prior relationships. 
In therapy, Quinn also learned how to forgive and started to make amends. When she was 19 her mother broke the news to her of her father’s other family and Quinn had been angry. Angry at her father, angry at the woman and her other children, even angry at her own mother. In a lot of ways, it was unnecessary and irrational. A response born out of chaos. A chaos Quinn was starting to get under control. So, she decided to make amends. Four years after their initial meeting, Quinn reached out again. First to Flora, the woman her father had lied to more than he had lied to anyone else. She was simply looking to apologize, to make amends for the way she’d acted. It wasn’t Flora’s fault, nor was it her children’s. In connecting with Flora, Quinn gained a second mother, whether she’d been expecting it or not. It was a welcome change and while she didn’t know what to expect upon reaching out to her half siblings, she knew one thing: it couldn’t hurt to try. Because she wasn’t looking for a relationship, she was just looking to say sorry. Everything else was pure bonus. While she managed to strike up a relationship with the youngest of Flora’s children, she seemed to strike out with the twins. Not that she could blame them, of course.
Around the age of 24, long after she’d learned, and committed to heart, that her father was not a man to be trusted, Russell Fabray walked back into her life. He grovelled and begged for her to forgive him, saying he would do anything. So, after talking it over with her mother, Quinn showed just how much of her father’s daughter she really was. She took every bit of pain and anger she’d been saving and laid it all out. Hitting every possible wound she could find, and exploiting that pain. Then, she lied straight through her teeth, told him if he paid off her student loans and financially supported her, no matter how much she asked for, she’d keep him around. Well, it wasn’t lying, per se. She did keep him around, but only for as long as his money was worth something to her. Within a years time she’d managed to not only financially support herself, but also her mother and Flora, sending the women a large portion of the money he’d given her. And like that, she was done with him, threatening legal action if he ever thought to come near her again.
Due to her father’s money, Quinn was able to set herself up in the Upper East Side and got to choose what films and jobs she took on as an actress. This led to doing a lot of indie and smaller films she found herself passionate about. Eventually, she’d land the role of Tess Larson on Conviction. It was her first proper break in the business and seemed to be the real start to her life, not just as an actress, but as a person. 
Quinn had never meant to fall for the lead on the show, Elizabeth Sutton, a British woman who lived in Vancouver and was a number of years Quinn’s senior. Then again, she never imagined Elizabeth would fall for her right back. The pair had made quick friends, sharing a love of dad jokes and rainy days, among numerous other things. And soon enough, what had started out as friendship had blossomed into something more. They decided to keep their relationship private, only telling a few people, because neither woman was ready to come out of the closet, much less take their relationship into the public eye for all to see. Elizabeth was coming off a bad break up and Quinn just wasn’t ready for the added pressure of the press to her first properly healthy relationship.
The older Quinn became, the more her body started showing signs of the trauma she’d endured in senior year. The car accident had done lasting damage, something Quinn had known. The slight limp when she walked, no matter how much she tried to correct it. However, the chronic pain was something that, while it didn’t appear out of nowhere, definitely got worse. It had been minor, more related to weather or having slept in the wrong position, but by the time she graduated college, Quinn found herself in pain, daily. Some days were nothing, a couple tylenol and she was on her way. Other days were harder. The pain was bad enough that even with painkillers she still hurt. And then, the worst days would come, the days where she couldn’t even breathe without hurting. Where she stayed curled in on herself, unable to move for fear of possibly blacking out because of the pain. So, she went to doctor after doctor until someone bothered to realize the damage that had been done to her body in the accident was still heavily present and likely exacerbated by her lifestyle. She was told to cut back on when and how she exercised. She was prescribed strong painkillers and muscle relaxers. The only problem? Quinn knew addiction ran in her family and didn’t want to rely on painkillers for everyday use. So, she went to more and more doctors until they found her something topical that worked for everyday use and when combined with the medications actually helped her function on her worst days. 
Quinn knows it’s only ever a temporary fix, that in time it might get worse. That she might lose her ability to walk again, either due to damage or to pain and that even if she retains it, the pain will never go away. It’s a frustrating fact of life and one that very few people in her life actually know about, but learning to live with. Learning to make the most of her life, no matter what it throws at her.
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todaysbiggesthits · 4 years
The Exam
Best Music Moment of 2019
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BC: Three straight hours of this
in my Chapman Ryder Cup match with Code  -The Robert M. Chennault Playlist in my Ryder Cup match with Laser  -Vampire Weekend's "M79" with Parks and Rec theme interlude in Pawnee Peytonville with my babe  -Late night music game with JD and Chaps this Fall  -My kids competing for best air guitar solo to Daft Punk's "Digital Love"  -The Stones soundtracking Raceday morning with Counterfeit Kenny and the Kennel Boys 
Codem: -Picking up the keys after closing on #our house and listening to Arden's dreams for the pad while listening to the songs that brought us together in the first place. -Perched in the balcony of Park West watching Chromatics live and in person. -The Chapman format playlist that Brendon and I put together.  It was just one song on repeat.  Xtal - Aphex Twin -Plugging in my klipsch's for the first time in the new house to listen to elliott smith on the day of his death. the sound of his discography wafting throughout the whole house was a true delight.
Bronco: My 6-year-old discovering Green Day.  My 9-year-old discovering Metallica.  Both discoveries have awakened something in them that is hilarious and awesome to behold.  And seeing Tool was pretty flaming awesome.
JD: March: Realizing I’d never heard this Stones song, nodding along to the opening riff, and exploding into my biggest laugh of the year at the first line.
June: The Joni Mitchell performance in the Rolling Thunder Review documentary on Netflix. June: Catching the Thom Yorke Anima short film at the IMAX theater on the Upper West Side. July: Code and I getting a perfect 99 score on the greatest rendition of “Emotional Rescue” karaoke you’ll ever see. October: Playing the music game WAY too deep into the night with BC and Chap (look for the next day’s hangover on my worst moments list).
Chap: Patrick Stickles singing "I'm sorry dad no I'm not making this up" to his dad in the audience.
Nasty: Listening to music at BOB. Nothing but jams that whole weekend. Driving in with Laser - GOOGLE MUSIC JAMS. Trip to the casino - JAMS. Hanging out on the deck - JAMS. Driving to the course with Blazer Black - Fuck Buttons - Sweet Love for Planet Earth aka JAMS. In the cart with Code - JAMS. Driving Chappy and Sfreddo to the rental car - JAMS (but quietly).
Larse: Greta Thunberg speech dubbed to metal
Best Shows Seent in 2019
Nasty: The Killers @ Summerfest. Hot Fuss will always be an all-time favorite album and Mr. Brightside is the best pop song of our lifetime, IMO. Also, my wife loves them which is about the only band in middle of the venn diagram. 
Larse: The Lonely Island at Summerfest
BC: Dead & Company
JD: 1. The Rapture at Music Hall of Williamsburg 2. Viagra Boys at Bowery Ballroom 3. The Strokes and Parkay Boys at the All Points East fest in London with drunk lads screaming along to the guitar parts 4. B Boys at Union Pool 5. Titus Andronicus at Bowery Ballroom 6. Avey Tare at Market Hotel 7. Tame Impala at MSG 8. Weeping Icon at Elsewhere 9. Priests at Elsewhere
Code: interpol - chicago theater illuminati hotties - hideout it looks sad - subT downstairs robyn - riviera steve malkmus - art institute eleventh dream day - hideout colleen green - sleeping village swearin' - lincoln hall surf curse - subT shura - the bottle
Chap: TA was the only show I saw. It was great!
Bronco: All of them.  They were each great in their own way.  Aside from Tool I was able to interact with the band members at each of the shows.  One I didn't have a ticket for and scored one at the door.  One was in the tiniest venue I've seen a show at.  One had a surprisingly entertaining opening act.  And Tool surprised me with how much I enjoyed an arena show despite being so far away I couldn't see the facial features of the band members.  And there was SOOOOOOO much weed being smoked in the Garden that night.  And I was with a few good buddies.  And I was able to sell my fourth ticket for twice what I paid, simulatenously covering me and my fourth friend who had to bail because his life sucks because his wife sucks. 
Confession of 2019
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Nasty: I consume more music at my cushy, suburban OrangeTheory workout classes than in my own free time. S/O to Coach Vanessa for having some Girl Talk on her playlists. 
Codem: i had more fun listening to stuff that i already knew about than stuff that was coming out.
BC: I saw a Yacht Rock cover band and didn't hate it -I succumbed to social pressure and saw DMB -I didn't realize until the last minute that my favorite album was released in 2018 (Wild Nothing). Removing it greatly reduced my loyalty to my list.
Bronco: I'm losing my edge.  I enjoyed way more lady singer bands this year than in any other year.
Chap:  Couldn't get my shit together on the tracks list so just posted a random playlist
Larse: Not really a confession but more of a TIL (today I learned), but Raphael Saadiq was an original member of Tony! Toni! Tone!
Biggest Disappointment of 2019
Bin: The National @ Summerfest. From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel "the frontman was completely detached, even confessing at one point that he was excited to get back home to his family. The result was an incredibly depressing show — which, given the band's dour songs, is really saying something." ... Huge Bummer.
BC: Didn't see nearly enough shows with nearly enough of yous 
Chap: Sturgill Simpson... unlistenable!
Bronco: Baroness.
Laser: Modest Mouse opening for The Black Keys
Code: i was really messed up by dave berman's passing. i had tickets to see him play at the end of august. it was going to be my first catching him live and in concert. i had waited for this moment since i picked up american water back in 2003.  two weeks before he was supposed to come through town, he up and died.  also, much less of a bummer, the chromatics show in miami that Arden and i were going to attend got canceled two days before the show.
Most Overrated of 2019
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Nasty: Kanye's shoes
Chap: LEGACY! LEGACY! – Jamila Woods seems to have been highly regarded? Not my thing
BC: FKA Twigs
Bronco: Baroness.
JD: Big Thief
Code: cancel culture
Larse: Mayor Pete
Make it Stop 2019
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Chap: In my house, the Nutcracker Suite. It's great, until the 300th time that day.
Nasty: Cage the Elephant (but children, instead of elephant, and in real life, not the band)
BC: Lizzo 
Code: lizzo
JD: Memes
Larse: Trump
Bronco: News
Biggest TBH Regret of 2019
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Chap: Can't seem to get to more than one show per year; Jessica Pratt in a church by my old place
JD: Missin’ dat Pratt yet Nick!
BC: Should've listened to the Kanye album.  Should've spent more time with the Deerhunter record.
Rotty: Skipping CHVRCHES at Summerfest
Code: another year with no fog party
Nasty: Not going to Indy 500. lol jk.
Bronco: I didn't buy tickets to a few shows I would've liked to have seen.  One of them I went to the venue and didn't get in.  That bummed me out, but I crossed the street and had a few beers by myself for good measure, so it wasn't a total loss.
Detective Murtaugh of 2019
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JD: Everything.
Bronco: Shows that don't start until 10pm. That Girl Band show nearly wrecked me.
Chap: How much I loved Bruce Springsteen's adult contemporary western-themed old-man album.
BC: The ten seconds I lasted with 1000 GECS
Nasty: For the life of me - I cannot figure out how to operate the "play next" queue on these apps. 
Laser: Lizzo at Summerfest - lot of younglings running around; people were racist towards Lizzo's security guards, she vowed not to come back to MKE, one of the most segregated cities in America :(
Resolution for 2019 Status
Laser: — How It Went: Who can even remember this shit...I'm sure it was that I'd do better at keeping track or listen to more shit people suggest and I'm sure I failed.
BC: Listen to one new album a week; reboot the Classic Album Review Club How It Went:  Noooot toooo gooooood
Code: catch ovlov, pictureplane, washer, chromatics, EMA and colleen green live this year. How It Went: i saw chromatics and colleen green. last i checked .400 gets you into cooperstown.
JD: Greater consciousness of how I’m using my attention - an ineffectual and meaningless protest of the ways the world is burning down in pursuit of it. How It Went: Not bad! I especially nailed the “ineffectual and meaningless” part.
Chap: Learn Piano; Guilt Joe Dons into finally inviting me to a concert. How It Went: Learned some piano but got to busy for it... Couldn't guilt JD to invite me anywhere but I DID invite him to a show! The same one I went to! With him!
Bronco: Read more 'classic’ books. I didn’t read many of them, even in school (especially in school? Never could read a book I was told to read). But I’m leaning in the sci-fi direction of 'classics’. I just read Dune this summer, and wrapped up Fahrenheit 451 the other day. I’m feeling an unexplained need to beef up my nerd credentials and this seems the way to accomplish it. How It Went: Nope.  Fell back in to zombie-apocalypse genre series that I've been reading for a while. But I am currently reading arch-nerd Neal Stephenson's "Fall; or, Dodge in Hell". It's almost 900 pages, I feel like I've been reading for months now, and because I'm a stupidly slow reader, I read only before going to bed, and can only make it 10 minutes before falling asleep and hitting myself in the face with my phone, I'm only 25% of the way through. But man is it painting a creepy yet eerily plausible scene of the near future. Guy just knows how to write.
Nasty: Hope last year I was smart enough to leave this blank. (editor’s note: [removes shoes, pets cat, puts on slippers, retires to favorite easy chair, sips martini, slowly pulls reading glasses out of cardigan pocket, dusts them off, loads todaysbiggesthits.tumblr.com, scrolls to ‘Resolution for 2019’] “Nasty: I’m sticking with it - get to NY for a show with JD.”)
Resolution for 2020
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BC: See Phish in 2020
Codem: i'm making it easier this year. catch ovlov, washer, EMA and colleen green live this year. bonus points: see dom's much anticipated return to the stage.
Bronco: Build a vinyl collection. I know I dumped on Brendon for suggesting he press copies of Carpet Affair, but my kid's getting way into music and listening to it on his own (via Alexa in my bedroom which is super fucking annoying), so we're getting him his own record player and I think it's going to be a cool activity to go record store diving for whatever classics we can scrounge up.
JD: Get to more shows. Take more aimless strolls spinning tunes.
Bin: Send an email about music on the TBH! thread. 
Larse: None
Chap: Eh I'm cool
Most Anticipated of 2020
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Code: my man dom said that he is coming back to the world this year. i have to believe that he'll keep his word. i'm thinking 2020 is going to be the year for chromatics' Tommy.
Chap: TWOD, Perfume Genius, Jason Isbell
BC: Huey Lewis and the News, Tame Impala, Run the Jewels
Bronco: Kvelertak and Mastodon, maybe some surprise extra Tool material?
JD: Working Men’s Club
Nasty: Spotify getting Jay-Z's catalog back. 
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hecallsmehischild · 5 years
IZ Fanfic - Hey Spacejerk - Bonus
Surprise! So these fragments are not part of the story. However it took me a few tries to get the last chapter the way I wanted, and I wanted to put those efforts somewhere. While they didn’t fit exactly right, I really liked certain aspects of them. So consider them bonus snippets. No, there will not be more about them. They are just failed attempts at the final chapter of Hey Spacejerk.
Attempt #1: Child vampire stakeout
The hall light flickered as Dib kicked at the ratty brown carpet runner. Someone had drunk staple-gunned it in place so it sported several trip-hazard folds sticking up to catch unsuspecting shufflers. Though the competing stereos and crying babies might cover up an approach on floorboards that cracked like gunshots, it wasn’t good to take those kind of chances. A painful encounter with a Jersey devil had taught him that paranormal creatures living in plain sight often knew when they were being hunted and took detailed inventory of their home-base’s typical sensory input. They rarely missed subtle changes like, say, an unfamiliar set of footsteps. With that in mind, Zim had been sent up the side of the crumbly apartment building to watch for the target’s departure and signal an all-clear.
He lifted his hand up to his nose, his finger hovering just over the bridge of his glasses. Pushing his glasses up would send a cricket chirp to Zim, an unobtrusive check-in that wouldn’t compromise his position. A tap to the right glasses arm would open two way communication. A tap to the left glasses arm would send audio without receiving any. The new setup had drastically reduced their blunders in the last few months.
If Zim didn’t chirp the all-clear signal in ninety seconds, Dib decided, he’d chirp to see if things were still okay.
Of course things were fine. He scolded himself, jamming his hands in the pockets of his signature floor-length black trenchcoat. Zim would have alerted him if he’d run into anything he couldn’t handle. There had been that one situation with the fae… but they weren’t inspecting a mushroom ring this time. Zim would be fine.
There. Two quick chirps through the receiver in his glasses frame. All clear. Dib strode down the hall, giving a wide berth to the radiator that smelled like something had died underneath and took the stairs two at a time. Questionable-looking brown smears covered long stretches of the wall and the air was thick with the smell of marijuana. Up. Up. Up to the seventh floor and down the hall, passing doors with numbers crooked, upside down, or just missing.
Apartment 704 had the same tired red paint that every other door had, but none of the peeling paint or mold spots. Strips were missing, but the surface had been sanded smooth, and there wasn’t a sign of mud or stains. The door was already ajar. Cautious, Dib tapped the bridge of his glasses once, double checking with Zim.
Two fast chirps back and Dib entered, shutting the door behind him. Under his feet was a worn but clean little rainbow doormat. The walls, though beige, fairly gleamed. The threadbare carpeting was flush with the floor. Dib ran a gloved hand along the counter and pulled it back dust-free.
“Doubtful I could find any germs, even with microgoggles,” Zim marveled, poking his head into the fridge and freezer. “Nothing here. Empty refrigerator. Cleaning supplies in the cupboard, but no food.”
Dib glanced at a small bookshelf crammed with raggedy paperbacks. He pulled one out at random. “The Selection. Kiera Cass.” He stuck his tongue out. “Cover tells me it’s a princessy love triangle.” He slid it back in its place.
Zim grabbed it back off the shelf, inspecting it. “Love triangle. Terminology to describe a recurring concept in various mediums of storytelling where creature number one cannot decide whether to mate with creature number two or creature number three. Sometimes creature number two and creature three want to mate with each other, and creature number one is furious. But how can you tell just by looking at the picture on front?”
Dib shrugged. “Eh, publishers tend to put very similar visual cues on books that emphasize a particular ‘recurring concept’ in their storytelling.”
Zim inspected the book, thumbing through a few pages. “Note to PAK, begin database of published book covers for cross referencing.”
“I’d count that as less important than figuring out that you shouldn’t go shouting your name at the fae when they ask.”
“It was one time! I was not warned! When are you going to stop mocking me?”
“The day you stop reacting.” Dib pulled a couple more books to check for hidden compartments but his enthusiasm was fading. A couple anime and cartoon posters hung on the wall, their edges carefully repaired with tape. A twin mattress with overlarge mickey mouse bedding was crammed into the corner. No TV, no electronics, and according to Zim, no food.
Dib lifted the mattress. Underneath was a ziplock bag with a few dollars and coins in it, but nothing else. “Zim, you got visual confirmation of her leaving? ‘Cause right now we’re not getting more than circumstantial evidence.”
“She took the fire escape down.” Zim pointed at the window he had likely used for his own entrance. Dib approached, scratching a nail along a pane. A thick layer of jet black paint curled away under his nail. Blackout curtains hung on a bent rail overhead.
“I was expecting a hidden store of blood somewhere,” Dib admitted. “But it doesn’t look like she has the cash to get a hidden cold storage system, and you already checked the freezer.”
“Those are children’s cartoons, are they not?” Zim pointed at the cheerful bedspread. “Perhaps your informants overestimated her age.”
“That’s possible, but who knows how long she’s been whatever age she is, too.” Dib sighed. “This is a mess. No way to determine if she’s a threat or not from this.”
Zim cleared his throat. “Perhaps, Agent Mothman, we should consider waiting here and speaking to her when she returns. Perhaps she has something to say for herself.”
Dib slowly slid the book he was holding back in its place, keeping his eyes on the shelf. Stilted formality was a cue Zim had locked onto from their lessons about saying-what-you-mean-without-actually-saying-it. If she was anywhere, she was probably at the window, and he wasn’t going to spook her by glancing over. “You have a point, Agent Spiderlegs.”
Reason dropped: They’re way too competent, so it’s been a long time and that makes it harder to do exposition right. Also for what purpose are they here? Is it to protect this child vampire? Is it to recruit her? See if she’s a threat or not? Exactly what is their standing in the Eyeball by now? It kicked up more questions than I was willing to answer in a final chapter but MAN did I love playing with setting clues for a bit.
Attempt #2: PAK replacement trials
“Would you stop twitching already?” Dib squinted along the headlamp’s beam into the mess of Zim’s PAK. “Okay, so there’s a blueish glassy cylinder in here that’s filled with tiny bead-like things. Glass is cracked.”
A long string of Irken curses followed this observation.
“Right. I take it that’s not easy to get ahold of. Start figuring out how to explain to me what this does and I’ll see if we can’t find a substitute you can use to patch it up.”
“That is pure Meekrob valgrathstal! You cannot just substitute and patch like you’re repairing a ship’s hull! This is a component of my existence!” Zim screeched.
“Well we don’t have a lot of other options, Zim!” Dib flipped the PAK shut, rubbing his eyes. “That’s enough for now. I don’t think we can probe farther in until we have some materials to repair you.”
Morose, Zim twisted around to face his workspace. Reaching into the top drawer, he pulled out the makeup kit Dib had pieced together for him and began applying a white paste to his face. It was a temporary solution that served a double purpose as water repellent and a base over which Zim would apply a nosepiece, prosthetic ears, and tan foundation.
Dib plopped down on his bed and sighed. It was going to be rocky for a while on their new pay level, but Agent Darkbooty had thrown in a deposit on a mediocre apartment near Zim’s old base, as well as some used furniture. Hopefully in a few months they could scrape together enough funds to start experimenting with earthly substances that had a shot at operating as replacement PAK components.
The damage from the Tallests’ attack on Zim plus his internal battle for control had cost Zim dearly. Attempting to activate any sort of hologram triggered an agonizing shock, and until Dib could reach the deeper circuitry to remove the pain/pleasure conditioning hardware, they would have to rely on low-tech special effects to mask Zim’s appearance. And Zim could no longer initiate repairs on his own PAK, as the amount of time he could separate from it had been cut in half. In addition, he now he required something akin to sleep in order to function properly. For about five hours per day, Zim had to shut down all PAK functions except life support and lie comatose. It was up to Dib to “restart” Zim, and Mars have mercy if he was even thirty seconds late.
He wished Zim would cut him some slack when he slipped up. On the other hand, Zim was swallowing huge amounts of humble pie while learning, so maybe Dib just had to let the browbeating sessions go.
Reason dropped: was too much of a downer. Slipping too much into exposition. I wanted to reward the protagonists more than this.
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a-shepherd-blog · 5 years
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Hi all! I’m Rey and I’m here with my fave Andrea!
The TL;DR version is:  U.S. marshal who is just a little too trigger happy. Used to work for the NYPD as a detective and then climbed through the ranks. Comes from a mafia family but has gone straight - can’t deny her inherent nature either. Andy’s an old west gunslinger who’s been born into a different era. Above all she’s about putting bad guys behind bars and protecting good people; she’s a hunter.
I’m always looking for plots and connections! Also you can read her super extra bio below. Feel free to hit me up here or on discord at the_revati#8487. 
Give it a like and I’ll slide into your DMs!
&&. word has it ( andrea shepherd ) was just spotted around the city. ( she ) is/are a ( thirty-two ) year old affiliated with ( nypd ). it’s been said that ( she ) resembles ( stella maeve ). ( she ) has been said to be ( tenacious & resourceful ) but also quite ( judgmental & self-destructive ). ( she ) is currently serving as ( a u.s. marshal ). 
(bio below)
tw: death, murder, self- mutilation  
Her father was a Voloshyn and that meant he was a part of the Ukrainian mafia that existed in a certain corner of the world. His family? They didn’t live in this corner. Though born in Odessa, Ukraine, Andrea was raised by her mother Alice Shepherd in New York. Alice had grown up in the Hudson Valley and she’d spent most of her life in New York working as an art curator. When motherhood struck, she decided that keeping her children far, far, far away from Odessa was the best choice for them. Mikhail was her first born, but her daughter Andrea was born two minutes later. When they were older, Alice would tell them they came into this world holding hands.
New York was a decent enough place to grow up. Like any city, it had its dark underbelly. Alice did her best to keep both Mikhail and Andrea away from it, but the two grew up a part of the city as much as anyone else. It’s where Andrea picked her first fight, had her first kiss, got drunk for the first time. And Mikhail? He was her best friend.
For the most part, Andrea and Mikhail didn’t see their father. The holidays were the exception and dinners were always silent when Alexi Voloshyn sat at the head of the table.  There was a shock in this pattern when the twins turned 11. Summer break rolled around and, all of a sudden, Mikhail was whisked off with Alexi to spend the summer in Odessa. Ever summer after that was the same. Mikhail would leave in the dead of night and Andrea would get left behind. It became increasingly obvious before long that Alexi was grooming Mikhail to step into his shoes. The young girl grew increasingly bitter about this tradition with the passing of each halcyon season. Mikhail would return just in time for school to start with nothing but a “It was fine” as a reply to Andrea’s “Well? How was it?”  
It’s not that Andrea wanted her own hand in the criminal underworld of Europe - she was too young to understand that - she just wanted to be taken as seriously as her brother. She began to act out as a cry for attention - but all attempts went ignored. A stray comment from Alexi about marrying her off one Christmas dinner set off the final fuse. Andrea was 15 and at peak teenage rebellion. Without blinking, she grabbed the carving knife from the ham in front of her, and cut off her own ring finger. She tried not to cry when she did it and felt immensely betrayed by the three tears that managed to leak out during the act. The entire thing was very much a ‘fuck you’ to the path that had been laid out for her. It was very much supposed to be a ‘fuck you’ to her father. He wanted her to get married? Fuck that. Ring finger? Gone. Now she could never get married.
Instead of reacting with anger or fury, her father simply looked at this act of defiance and laughed. In her 15 years it was probably the first time Andrea heard such a sound. It was a warm, accepting laugh. As the family doctor stitched and patched her up, Alexi finally conceded that Andrea could join them in Odessa next summer. The young woman learned that acts of self-destruction as loyalty held a certain sort of esteem in her father’s eyes.
Sure enough, Andrea went to the Port of Odessa the next summer. It’s where she learned how to fire a gun, worked as a hired hand on a ship, saw her first dead body. She’d been brought along but it was Mikhail that Alexi continuously sent into the fray. It was Mikhail that went on the ride alongs and once again it was Andrea that was left behind. You’d think a father would be more precious with the life of his son but, again, acts of self-destruction as loyalty held a certain sort of esteem in Alexi’s eyes. One cold night, a deal went south and shots were fired. Andrea heard about it from one of her father’s friends the next morning. She heard that while Mikhail’s body had been found, Alexi’s was conveniently missing. Whispers floated that her father had managed to flee the scene. Any sadness Andrea had for her brother was swept away with the resounding notion that her father was a fucking coward.
Andrea returned home to Alice alone. That was Andrea’s tipping point. At her mother’s insistence she applied to colleges in New York and wound up settling on pursuing a political science degree at Columbia. There was an intense irony with the fact that Andrea was quickly falling into a path carved out for law enforcement, but the second she noticed it, she leaned into it. It was another ‘fuck you’ to the memory of her father. More than that, she had a knack for it in a way that she a knack for nothing else.
Andrea joined the NYPD fresh out of college when she returned home and quickly climbed the ladder to the rank of deputy sheriff. In the police department, she finally found the family she’d been searching for.
She continued on up, leaving for the state department and then eventually the federal sector. She spent some time as a firearms instructor in Glynco, Georgia at the U.S. Marshal’s training center before she became a full-blown Marshal herself.
During her time with the Marshal’s service, Andrea was assigned to several different field offices across the U.S. She gained a reputation for being trigger happy and was thus stationed in increasingly remote stations. (It seemed she was still, in many ways, her father’s daughter.) Alice passed during Andrea’s time in the Fairbanks office and due to poor weather conditions it was a week before Andrea got the news. Alice had left Andrea the house in New York. 
Her life continued in other ways. During the day she would do her job, and at the night she would come back to the husband she’d met during her time on the NYPD. For a while, life was right. When Andrea caught whiff that Alexi Voloshyn was making the journey from the Port of Odessa to the Port of New Orleans, Andrea caught the first flight she could to Louisiana.
CUT TO: two weeks later. Andrea. Run out of New Orleans by the Ukrainian mob for publicly killing Alexi Voloshyn.
Andrea has been lying relatively low in in New York ever since the incident a year ago at the insistence of her U.S. Marshal Chief. Criminals infest the city and Andrea has done her best to stay above it. Andrea has a rigid view of most things. While others see the world in shades of grey, she sees it in shades of black and white. The thing about killing her father though, was that all the debts that Alexi had (the coward he was) were suddenly transferred to his only living family member upon his passing. 
Now, Andrea lives alone in Prospect Park with the occasional roommate that comes and goes. She keeps most of the estate boarded up and only really uses the parts she needs. She still conducts her business from the police department.  She’s been trying handle her father’s debts. Above all else - hunting is in her bones. She plans on cleaning up this city.
grew up in New York, went to college here, but then was stationed all across the country - has been back permanently for about a year or so
an old-west gunslinger born into a different era
trigger happy
deep seeded anger towards the criminal underworld of this city. All about putting bad people behind bars and protecting good people.
holds a mother-fucking grudge like no other.
methodology: shoot it before it shoots me.
honestly, “back in the day” she’d be pretty close becoming an outlaw herself. She walks a dangerous line but shhhh we don’t talk about that
is no-nonsense
If you missed it in her bio, she’s missing her ring finger. She cut it off herself cause she didn’t want to get married. Ever. She always wears a glove on her left hand.
forgets to eat. Survives on a diet of scotch and gummy bears.
has two facial expressions: scowling or smiling slyly
is angry. Always. Keeps it bottled up. Always.
crime never sleeps and neither does she.
likes crossword puzzles
plays the saxophone and the piano. A fan of jazz music.  
“I think she had fun, once” - the gas-station lady
also has a goldfish that she keeps forgetting to feed it’s a wonder it’s still alive.
“Call me Andy.”
Is all about the vigilante life, actually.
I’m down to get creative with any of these! Also, I love angst???
Debts! - Did Alexi owe your gang member a debt? Congrats! Andy now owes YOU. Have fun with that. 
Housemate - There is too much room in her parents estate in Prospect Park for her live there alone. Andy’s put up a “for rent” sign with the intention of renting out one of the rooms to another citizen. (CLOSED - Marcelo Rodriguez )  
Former friends, exes, frenemies - Maybe she lost touch with them, maybe she didn’t. If your character grew up in New York, there’s the chance they knew each other. Maybe they had sleepovers, maybe they were childhood enemies, maybe they dated. Bonus points if they lead lifestyles she disapproves of now! (open)
Hate-sex - they hate it but they gotta get it on. (open)
Drinking buddies - dear god, Andy consumes so much whiskey. (open)
Siblings - Andy and Mikhail were Alice and Alexi’s oldest, but that doesn’t mean they couldn’t have had other younger siblings. Also open to having Alexi have had other affairs. (open)
The Hunted - they’ve crossed paths in the past and she’s got a vendetta against them (open)
Ex-husband - He joined the criminal underworld. She left him. Simple as that. (open) *** would give my kidney for this one
Co-worker - Other police department friends. (open)
And literally anything else!
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💍 + Elipper *
[under the cut bc it’s looonngg.]
where they get married 
gf probs??? outside. there’s a a chuppah, and elise+her side of the wedding party are wearing yellow and flower crowns (except elise is wearing white i guess?) the chuppah has daisies and the crowns are made of daisies. 
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. )
it’s summer, daytime, maybe early june. like when they first met or something else rly sappy.  
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. ) 
they definitely try very hard to combine their two traditions. i’ve always loved the idea of the pines family being jewish and with pacifica and elise being puerto rican and wanting to reconnect with their own heritage i think it’d make perfect sense for them to try and combine their two traditions. like there’s a chuppah, but the flowers on it are daisies and ampola flowers. elise carries a fan, but she and dipper also circle each other. they sign a ketubah, with their twin sister’s signing as witnesses. dipper’s parents walk him to the chuppah, but paz walks elise since their parents are in jail. they break a glass and cheer “mazel tov”. there’s the bedeken. the Seven Blessings are read, and soft music is played as in puerto rican tradition. not only do i love cultures in general, but i love blending them, and i think elise and dipper would try very hard to incorporate their heritage into their wedding. obviously i’m neither of these things, but i’ve done some minor research and i’m hoping these are accurate. (google don’t fail me now.) 
what their wedding cake looks likes 
it’s pineapple flavored, as puerto rican custom decides. and white with blue and yellow seashells. i was originally gonna ind a cake thing and try to make it but honestly i’m too tired of these things i just want them out of my drafts!
….who smashes cake into whose face 
elise in dipper’s first, then he goes to feed her a piece all nice like and smashes it into her nose to keep from ruining her hair or makeup too much. boy knows that shit takes WORK.
who proposed to who firsts
lowkey wanna say elise at least brought it up first. dipper def got the ring and officially proposed first.
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither )
dipper is walked to the chuppah ahead of elise by his parents, then elise follows being guided by pacifica.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
elise’s is white with yellow accents and it’s just long and flowy and soft looking with minimal beading/embroidery.
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have
light yellow and probably light blue? like sky blue and sunflower yellow. idk about decor okay i’m cLUELESS ABOUT WEDDING DECOR.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean?)
daffodils (meaning new beginnings) and forget-me-nots (meaning, well, forget me not), wrapped in baby’s breath (meaning everlasting love) (sunflowers mean false riches and yellow roses mean infidelity so those were NOS) there’s also ampola, as tradition states, and elise also carries an ampola fan.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
they def had they’re own vows but dipper’s ended with “i promise to be your earth and your sky forever.” and elise’s was like “i promise to be your sun and your flame, forever and ever
if anyone’s late to the wedding
it’s gideon bc he didn’t wanna come xD no fr it’s probably no one. everyone they invite is very excited to see them get married so they wouldn’t try to be disrespectful like that.
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other
elise has paz and robbie, dipper has wendy and mabel. robbie and wendy get paired up but they havent been together in half of forever so they dont care. tbh robbie’s probs married to tambry w a baby on the way by now lets face it. and elise only picked him bc she knew he’d be easier to pair w wendy. also sorry dip u have no friends outside the galaxy square. (psst, actually none of them do bc fuck it i’m no good w npcs.)
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing
paz’s bridesmaid dress is soft and flowy and bright yellow with a daisy flower crown. robbie/mabel/wendy are wearing black tuxes with ties that match the bridesmaid dress. everyone is wearing a daisy flower crown. except dipper.
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? )
pacifica talks about how she’s watched their love blossom since they were twelve, mabel tells embarrassing stories about some of the adventures they went on together. the mic is then opened to the floor and gideon and stan rush it to tell embarrassing stories next. stan’s turns tearful when he talks about dipper finally becoming a man. it’s a very emotional day.
who catches the bouquet( s )
candy. who promptly looks at her date with “oh shit” eyes.
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? )
most of them are sweet, pictures of them smiling and laughing together. there’s photos of the cake smashing, dipper gives her a piggyback ride in her dress and heels in one. some of them are silly. capturing goofy faces they make at each other to get them to laugh. it’s like taking pictures of the essence of their relationship. they put them in an actual album that mabel helps with.
what sort of food they have at the reception
they probably try to continue to combine their traditions by using some of purto rico’s local dishes and some traditional jewish dishes. (look i’m doing some minor research here okay. if i keep googling this stuff my family’s gonna think i’m secretly engaged or something.)
who cries first during the ceremony
it’s definitely a close tie but it’s dipper, cause he sees her first. then elise. then mabel. then paz. then stan is bawling in his seat but like. in a manly way. also soos is crying.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. )
mabel and elise set off ffirecrackers and almost get arrested. thank god for sheriff blubbs and deputy durland. toby determined crashed and got shitfaced and tore up the dancefloor. paz and elise danced together instead of a father/daughter dance, which they’d done for pacifica’s wedding the day before. they had a joint celebration dinner the night before that. robbie and tambry like, barely left each other’s sides but it’s fine bc dipper barely left elise’s. they had one of those photobooths and the main four spent like hours getting amazing pictures. those ALSO go in the album.
what their rings are like
simple gold bands. elise’s wedding ring is probably the ring dipper gifted her during the ceremony. her engagement ring is a gold band with a white diamond center surrounded by yellow accent diamonds.
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. )
they definitely had something sun and sky-themed. idk what tho. also they passed out capias for puerto rican tradition.
where they go for their honeymoon
they go camping out in some really nice woods and like, mountain-y area. elise fucking loves it.
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. )
its gf so lots of things happen but tbh the most memorable is people drunkenly asking the twins (even w their VERY different hair) why they’re not dancing w so-and-so and still getting them confused. also if anyone is running out for ice in full formal wear its robbie bc ngl that shits hILARIOUS to my currently sleep-addled brain.
who officiates the ceremony
i want it to be mayor tyler for some reason
what song their first dance is to
‘close to you’ by the carpenters bC IM A SUCKER FOR IT. also the soft sound is too perfect for elipper im cry. if not that it’d be a soft live rendition of “i can’t help (falling in love with you)” bc that’s literally on the elipper playlist.
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
as it’s a chuppah it’s dipper and then elise. (ngl i love all this tradition stuff i feel like my wedding is gonna be some boring christian traditional thing and that makes me wanna cry bruh.)
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ofaphrvdite · 5 years
♫  five times my muse swears it’s not a date, and the one time it maybe is. / alexstasia
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it’s just coffee. don’t worry about it. the words leave her lips sharper than intended in her haste to get away. already fifteen fucking minutes late to her lecture, and her excuse now stained her louis vuitton coat otherwise she might have stayed longer to chew the moron out. her supposed white knight doesn’t linger long, on his way before she’s even finished speaking, muttering something about posh bitches. a frustrated groan leaves her lips as she fumbles for her phone to call a cab and then suddenly a white handkerchief is being waved in her face, the owner of which is flashing the kindest smile she’s ever seen and offering to replace the vanilla latte that is splashed at her feet. sure, she can give a cute guy five minutes in the name of free coffee. comparative politics can wait.
university is harder than she’s willing to admit to herself, much less her family. the first to fly the nest and she’d overestimated how lonely that distance would be in her attempt to gain some much needed independence from an infamously co-dependent family. though the twins are coming up to visit for a weekend soon, and she skypes with karina every other night, it doesn’t feel the same. not without her mama leaving a lemon tea on her bedside in the morning, or vasiliy offering to stay up all night to help with her literature essay. it’s why she’s sitting in the campus quad, smacking the life out of her innocent laptop as if that might revive the dropped skype call somehow. most steer clear of the frantic student, too busy with their own meltdowns or too well-acquainted with the icy blonde’s temper to come near. there’s only an hour before her stupid exam, and the timezones mean she won’t be able to call her papa tonight, missing her one window to catch up. and then he’s there again, swooping in with murmured comfort that he really doesn’t owe a stranger. he offers to try and fix her laptop, and when their shared lack of technology knowledge falls through, passes his own mac her way without pause. he sits nearby while she talks about anything and everything with her parents, and not once does she feel awkward with him watching her. goodbyes are said, and in the five minutes before she really has to leave she chats with him. ignores that he offers her a hand up, and the way her stomach somersaults. she could use a good friend right now.
anastasia really is a fantastic liar, but even she can’t pretend her excuse for seeking him out after spotting him in the library isn’t a half-assed one. that she didn’t really give a shit about the psychology assignment they’d been given ( when the other options for her fourth paper were between something to do with human bones or buildings the choice was pretty clear. a bonus, really, if she learned why her siblings were the way they were. ), and really just wanted to be around someone warm who didn’t look down their nose at her. though her roommate had sneered at her that evening, how was your date, the eldest romanov had been firm in her stance that it had just been tutoring at most. studying. and really, her, on a date in a library? as if.
they’d swapped numbers after a few more encounters, you know, just for ease. in case she had any questions about parental cognition, or for late calls that varied from how do you get spaghetti sauce off the ceiling to what were those pastries your mum sent to you called again? it just so happens that they’re both going to lola lo’s this weekend, a happy coincidence ( she’d dropped the name at least eight times that week ) and so out of politeness they’d exchanged a few messages. great, maybe i’ll see you there? i’ll be the one in the corner with the luke warm vodka. she must have been there an hour already, because it’s student night and cocktails are two for one, and so by the time they arrive anastasia is suitably tipsy on watered down cheap drinks. had she been soberer she might not have beamed quite so wide watching him shoulder his way through the heaving bar, heading straight for her the moment he walks in. ever the gentleman he buys her next drink, and ever stubborn she buys the one after. their friends are each casting looks their way, a mixture of abandonment and amusement, and the pair don’t clock it once. far too absorbed in a conversation that had gone from exams to manic families at christmas time. he talks of france and she talks of russia, plans that will never happen are flirted with, of travelling to each where they both promise to show the other around. later she’s pulling him up to dance despite his protests, and when he’s walking her back to the dorms that night after the rest of the group depart for mcdonalds she convinces herself that she’d only clung to his arm because of unsteady feet. nevermind the fact that she’d been walking in stilettos since secondary school and was graceful as anything, drunk or not.
though they’d never agreed a time ( planning to meet up felt beyond the realms of friendship, wouldn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea ), it had become a tradition of theirs to sit together in the library on a thursday evening, after both their lectures had finished for the day. neither would talk much, he would occasionally buy them both a crappy hot chocolate from the ancient vending machine, and when closing came they’d split a cab despite living on opposite sides of town. it’s not planned, but she still feels irrationally disappointed when she turns up that thursday to some first years sitting at their table by the window, and he’s no where in sight. hours pass, her essay is finished, and still there’s no sign. and so at eight she leaves defeated, shoulders in a petulant slump. what could he possibly be doing that’s better than her? or rather who. jealousy curls bitterly in her stomach, made no better by the realisation that friends really ought not get jealous of acquaintances who don’t show up to plans that weren’t really plans at all. by the time she gets outside and is greeted by pouring rain she’s fuming, and the poor man picks the wrong moment to climb from the cab that’s just pulled up. to his credit he takes her complaints like a trooper, lets her rant about how rude it was for him to not even let her know. and then he grins, lifts up his coat for her to slot under and shelter from the rain despite her whining and asks if dinner might make up for it. she says it would be a start.
( later they would find out that his lectures had finished an hour before hers and he had lingered back, whilst she had been rushing from across the campus to get there before he left. )
she’s only known him a few months and already she can’t imagine a time where he won’t be the first person she thinks to call after good news, or to tell him about something she’d seen she thinks he might like on tv. graduation seems to be hurtling toward her, no doubt his masters will whisk him off somewhere far away, and they’d grow apart as all uni friends did. the thought makes her insides twist, the feeling completely different from the one she’d felt the first time she’d touched his hand. perhaps that had been the catalyst behind why she’d accepted this absolutely, without a doubt, definitely a date, date. at the time in her head it had been just dinner. but as saturday crept closer the eldest romanov did as she always did and began to overthink just about everything. even going as far as to ring dmitri who concurred it was most definitely a date and that she really should get her nails done, she’s not a caveman. but despite having gone on dozens of dates, she doesn’t eat all day and has a near meltdown over what to wear. because yes, it’s a jeans and nice top kind of thing, but just how nice a top are we talking? and were heels too far? would white only be a disaster waiting to happen at dinner?
somehow she manages to make it to the restaurant on time and he pulls her chair out for her with the drink she likes already waiting. ever the gentleman, and that shining white knight from the first day they’d met. only when she notes the three times he’s pulled at his shirt collar before they’ve even ordered does her stomach settle, content that they’re both as anxious as the other. by the time their main courses arrive she’s all but forgotten the initial nerves and conversation flows easy as she remembers he’s the same man she’d known for what felt like forever, who won’t judge her for the way she goes at her pasta dish like a woman who hadn’t seen food in days. as the desert plates are cleared away neither finds themselves wanting to call an end to the evening and so she goes along with his suggestion of grabbing a few drinks at the pub down the road. there’s some rugby match, might be fun. hours are spent there, despite the fact that she has no idea what they’re all yelling about on screen, content to share a chair with him ( because there’s just not enough room ) if it means staying with him for a while longer. there’s never been a warmer presence than alexandre, one that made her feel so important outside her family name, who enjoyed her company because of who she was and nothing else. not once did he speak over her, or explain something simple in the most patronising tone but yet he showed such patience with her when there was something she couldn’t understand. going home with him that night doesn’t feel like one of her one night stands, nor does it feel strange after so long of kidding themselves as just friends. they call it what it is, and continue to for years after.
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1.) what’s a song you depict with your childhood? - Free Bird, Lynrd Skynrd. My dad showed it to me when he found out I was learning electric guitar

2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet? - lovely lab/Doberman called Bella and a cat called Charlie

3.) have you ever been drunk? - many many times, amigos

4.) have you ever tried drugs? - I smoke weed pretty regularly (helps me sleep) and I tried Nos once at a friends house

5.) have you ever completely regretted what you’ve said? - so many times

6.) have you ever made someone cry? On occasion

7.) has someone ever made you cry? - only once, ever, since my dad left

8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it. - I’ve been in love so many times and each time has been different and varied and wonderful. I was thinking today that those first few months of being in love with someone are some of the best experiences life can offer

9.) which came first the chicken or the egg? - seriously? The fucking chicken

10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them? - I’m bisexual, but I don’t consider myself part of the community because apparently I’m ‘straight passing’ or ‘doing it for the attention’ and I’ve never been really accepted into that sphere (me being a Christian probably has something to do with that too) But I’ll always support them because nobody else fucking does in this world.
11.) how many siblings do you have? - two siblings, and a half sister who I never see

12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love? - I’ve been in love with a lot of people. A few people that never got to show love to, and a few who I couldn’t love the way they needed me to

13.) are you a good cook? - I have a select few meals I can cook really well. The rest? Nah

14.) what is your favorite tv show? - at the moment, Brooklyn nine nine, but I also love sense8. I’m more of an anime man tho

15.) what is the last movie you cried during? - spirit stallion of the cimmoran, when I was four

16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any) - nah, but the closest I’ve come was the first time I ever heard Crash Land by Twin Atlantic

17.) do you have a middle name? - two middle names, but I’m not about to share them here

18.) have you been out of your country? - yeah a few times. I LOVE ITALY

19.) are you a chocolate fan or not? - I can take or leave it?

20.) how many people have you kissed? - I have kissed a large number of people and I regret nothing. Kissing is great

21.) what is your favorite album? - that’s a very difficult question. Probably Wilder Mind by Mumford

22.) what is your dream car? - @luxury-pie a yellow 2010 Ferrari California

23.) what is your lucky/favorite number? - 8. Never known why, but 8 is my number

24.) what is your favorite flower? - I don’t really like specific flowers. Daisies are pretty tho

25.) books or movies, why? - books, because I don’t have the attention span for movies

26.) have you ever been on a blind date? - no, should I have?

27.) has one of your friends ever backstabbed you? - no, nothing serious or hurtful, but…

28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends? - I have. Brutally and awfully and I regret it so much

29.) what thing do you symbolize love with? - love is doing shit you couldn’t care less for gladly because you know it’ll make somebody else happy.

30.) do you have neat handwriting? - I have the fucking worst handwriting of anyone I know

31.) do you have a friend with benefits? - nah, although I have in the past and really enjoyed it. She’s great and we’re still really good friends and chat shit all the time

32.) do you want a friend with benefits? - not right now, I’m more than happy with my girlfriend

33.) if you could be anything in the world, what would you be? - happy and financially stable

34.) have you ever been blackout drunk? - I’ve lost memory while drunk, but never blacked out. This particular occasion I had a race down a line of Jaeger shots and woke up in bed with a friends hot sister. No memory of the night after the jaeger race tho

35.) have you ever met someone famous? - not mad famous no.

36.) how many concerts have you been to? - too many to count

37.) which concerts have you been to? - awesome ones

38.) do you have a hidden talent? - I have a great many talents but most people who know me know about them. For tumblrs benefit, I play nine instruments, write fiction relatively well, sing fairly well, and give really good head

39.) what do you do when you’re stressed? - panic. And smoke. And sometimes if I’m lucky, I smoke some weed

40.) do you think money can buy love? - money can’t buy shit that matters

41.) how old would you date? - maybe 25 rn? But I prefer a year either way

42.) have you ever done something illegal? - a fair chunk of illegal shit yeah. Particularly as a teenager

43.) what is your biggest fear? - becoming like my dad

44.) what is an unusual fear you have? - long ass tunnels

45.) can you drive? - not legally, no

46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures? - angels and shit. No fucking ghosts though

47.) do you believe in karma? - good comes around, but bad shit sometimes happens to good people

48.) what is one quality you need in your partner? - they should preferably like me

49.) do looks matter? - as an added bonus, certainly, but they’re nowhere near the most important thing

50.) does size matter? - no it fucking does not

51.) who is the last person you forgave? - truly forgave? Probably my dad. He’s the only person who’s ever wronged me enough to mean that it’s a conscious effort to forgive them.

52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor? - cookie dough.

53.) what languages can you speak besides english? - none

54.) ever been on a plane? - yeah, I’ve flown a few planes too

55.) ever been on a boat? - yeah, but I prefer planes

56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t? - I’ve moved house so many times, so I’ve left a lot of people behind

57.) are there any friendships you regret? - no, no matter how they ended. Friendship, no matter how lasting or fleeting, is always a precious gift

58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make? - few of you guys in tumblr

59.) have you ever stayed awake for 24 (+) hours? I haven’t slept in the last 50 hours and I seriously need to

60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am? - oh yeah, loads. I love night time

61.) have you ever seen a sunrise completely through? - yeah my girlfriend and I cycled two hours to the beach at three in the morning so we could watch the sunrise together at five

62.) are you scared of rollercoasters? - nah I enjoy them

63.) on a scale of 1-10 how stressed are you usually? - a solid 6.75

64.) do you have any plans this weekend? - working tbh. On the bar

65.) do you miss anyone right now? - I miss so many people. Right this second I miss @merryanustrench and @luxury-pie

66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now? - those guys. Or my dealer, tbh

67.) if you could have any superpower, what would it be? - insane jumping ability

68.) who is your favorite superhero? - someone from the incredibles

69.) are you dirty minded? - half of what I think is about sex

70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s? Close to Me by the Cure, Lithium by Nirvana, Mr Brightside by the Killers, and I Really Like You by Carly Rae (those are just ones I like off the top of my head)

71.) how many kids, if any, do you want? - I’d want a few, but always figured I’d adopt as well as having my own

72.) who is your biggest OTP? - Tom Natsworthy and Hester Shaw from Mortal Engines

73.) what is your favorite food? - chicken marengo

74.) do you want to be married one day? - always have, always will

75.) dogs or cats? - both are amazing, but cats

76.) do you drink enough water daily? - fuck no

77.) have you ever seen a shooting star? - my first one was last year

78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you? - nah can’t say I would, tbh

79.) how many best friends do you have? 2. One is my girlfriend, the other is called J and I love him to pieces

80.) when was the last time you cried? - only once since my dad left. Once in about six years

81.) have you ever laughed so hard you peed yourself? - nah never

82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed? - yeah I have, a family member

83.) if you could travel any where in the world, where would you go? Canada, a log cabin in the wolves surrounded by wolves

84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself? - not too great

85.) do you consider yourself a loyal person? - I used to. But I think I treasure the idea of loyalty, more than I do actual loyalty in practice.

86.) what is your favorite season and why? - spring. Spring brings the life back and helps me to light up my life when I’ve been depressed

87.) have you ever told anyone you loved them, and didn’t mean it? - yeah. Not proud of it, but I have

88.) do you know how to play any instruments? - like I said earlier, 9 instruments

89.) do like like falling asleep to music or not? - nah my brain analyses music too much. I like having anime playing so I can’t analyse what they’re saying, or I’ll play some mindless sports video game (NBA 2K) and that puts me to sleep

90.) what are you allergic to? - speaking in front of people

91.) have you ever wanted to be someone else for a day just so you could see what there life is like? - yeah all the time

92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be? - I feel like Jake Peralta is already my spirit animal

93.) if you could be best friends with any celebrity who would it be and why? - probably Keane Reaves, because we’d mess with people and be super nice

94.) are you outgoing? - mentally I’m quite outgoing, but a lifetime of having a speech impediment means I get anxiety when I have to speak to people

95.) have you ever wanted to kiss someone, but weren’t brave enough to? - oh yeah, certainly when I was younger

96.) are you a good flirt? - nah I’m a fucking terrible flirt, it either turns into low level bullying or overly sexual shit with the subtlety of a freight train

97.) have you ever been turned down, or have you ever turned anyone down? - yeah I’ve been turned down. I’ve only ever turned one person down but she was an honest to God stalker so I don’t count that

98.) which planet is your favorite? - fucking Neptune, man! So pretty 
99.) are you superstitious? - nah, nothing beyond what’s normal culture (saying bless you after a sneeze and that)
100.) are you a good listener? - yeah I’ve been told that
101.) are you a good kisser - my dude, I am a FANTASTIC kisser and I dare you to test that
102.) would you kiss any of your friends - I would kiss SO MANY of my friends. In fact I’d kiss most of them. Almost all. If you’re friends with me, there’s a good chance I’d kiss you. In fact, if you’re friends with me irl, there’s a good chance you already have
Thanks for putting up with this overshare! I love doing these. I tag @luxury-pie @bemyrobin and @merryanustrench to do however many of these they feel like doing
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fewrebels-a · 7 years
- name: orion decody. (geri insisted they drop the ugly name pattern going on in her family i.e. beatrice, geraldine, and start their own theme w stars / constellations !!!!!!) - likes / dislikes: likes used bookstores (hates borders, barnes & nobles, and bam! with a passion. she prefers her books to be broken in because the “dog ears” some pages have, the highlighting, the rips, they all give them character!!), coconut oil for just about everything, radiohead (she gets that from her parents, definitely), those fancy coffee drinks with the latte art, warm weather, school projects, writing in different colored gel pens, looking up at stars whilst laying out on the roof / dislikes group projects, sickly sweet scented candles, the hype surrounding the beatles, math, cheesy musicals, scary films. - first word: it was “daddy”, probably bc geri didn’t really care what she said first but was happy as hell regardless. castor probably rubbed it in her face to which he got a small elbow to the ribs. - appearance: she’s very into coordinating her outfit (something she doesn’t get from either parents tbh), she’s the type of girl in black skirts and sweaters with a collar and intricate and miniscule jewellry. she’s got this old messenger bag that was geri’s when she was in college and even though it’s tattered as hell, refuses to part with it. she has her “pinna” pierced on her left ear and three holes in each lobe. she’s never seen without some kind of reading material, whether it’s a magazine, book, or newspaper. she has her headphones habitually thrown around her neck in case she ever needs to pop them in and turn on some white noise if she ever wants to read in a crowded place. when she’s not at school she will dress down more in baggy shirts that she steals from geri’s closet. - which parent they look more like: her face is all geri but her mannerisms and the way she talks and carries herself is all castor. - which parent they like more: she doesn’t like one more than the other but i feel like she goes to them for different things? she’ll go to her mom should she need homework help or advice with dating or friends and stuff (even tho geri feels clueless bc friends??? what are those), and goes to her dad every time she finds a cool new documentary or magazine article about something they can bond over. - height once fully grown: she’s smol like g so about 5′4″ - job ambition: she wants to be a researcher! like at a museum, one of those people who records data and helps organize exhibits! she just cannot get enough of knowledge, so getting a job like this will help her get her fill of just that! she’ll also travel abroad with her job a bunch, which is amazing. she sends mom and dad postcards from every location she gets to visit! - faceclaim: ella purnell. - personality (added cos i’m extra!): orion was always the girl in school that you went to if you had any questions. because chances are she can give you an explanation just as good as a teacher would, with easier to understand vernacular and endless offers to help. however, she HATES group projects because she knows she’s smart as hell and is not about to lug around everyone else’s extra weight. she’s a cross between wanting to get to bed early so she’s well rested for the next day and working super hard on essays until 3 am and falling asleep with a half drunk mug of coffee in her grip. she’s got geri’s quick wit and castor’s way of looking at the world. she lets off this independent woman exterior at times but lowkey always knows she can lean back on her parents if need be. 
- name: hunter decody. - likes / dislikes: likes sublime, any type of riding (skateboard/bike, he owns both), late night adventures (basically doing hoodrat shit with his friends), science class (mostly bc he likes dissecting :/ ya nasty), any and all italian food, animals (he wants a zillion), memes, chinese food, rob zombie films, xbox, weed / dislikes literally any class but his science class, curfew, waking up before noon, the beach, assigned readings, spicy foods. - first word: it was “mama” because hunter is a TOTAL mama’s boy. - appearance: sooooo laid back. usually a band t-shirt, some jeans and a hoodie. he’s the type of teenage boy that literally looks like he just got up out of bed and started his day in his pjs. he’s super chill tho and finds it hella badass that he and his mom share a lot of the same bands. he’s tall and occasionally wears his glasses, and a beanie. - which parent they look more like: geri sees 100% castor in hunter and she loves it. - which parent they like more: like i said they go to their parents for different things. i can see him asking geri for help on his english homework (since that is his worst subject and going to castor for just about everything else (weed, girls, etc). - height once fully grown: 5′10- job ambition: hunter struggles throughout high school to pick a career path he’s so set on. on one hand, there’s geri who knew what she wanted to be since she was five, and castor who is rather laid back in his career. it takes him a gap year after graduation to help him realize that he wants to be vet. he’s always enjoyed working alongside animals, and the practice includes all of his favorite parts of sciences he took growing up so it’s pretty much a perfect fit. at first he was scared that putting school off for a year would make his parents upset but castor and geri were just glad that he figured out something he was happy with. - faceclaim: bradley steven perry. - personality (added cos i’m extra!): truly the coolest kid in ur grade. while orion is the top of the class, hunter could probably rank as the lowest as he simply does not care. he’s your average rebellious teen who gets into pot super young (like freshman year of hs) and thinks by smoking pot he’s rebelling and being badass meanwhile cas and geri are just like,,, anyways maybe don’t smoke out of the house??? we’re not trying to get a call from the police dept to pick ur ass up???? so that probably makes him respect his parents a lot more like damn yall were stoners? geri and cas like: were? hits blunt. anyway, he’s super chill and has a pretty solid group of friends he’s had in his life since he was born, pretty much. they are constantly out after school at a skate park or around town jumping off of shit with their skateboards or bikes when they should be doing homework smh. he’s super caring and protective over his friends and family and would do ANYTHING for them, especially orion. they’re polar opposites and half the time she feels like she’s talking to a wall when she lectures him about school / smoking but at the end of the day they’re bonded tighter than anyone. 
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{Headcanon} 📱💕
I’m, as I have said before, coming out of hiatus later today! I posted March’s prompt list a couple days ago in preparation and tonight I’ll be diving back into writing stories again--and I mentioned, I thought I should do something, even something small, to get back into the creative groove of writing and getting in touch with FL again. The week off was necessary and honestly good for me, I wrote for two months solid and a little vacation before diving into spring writing fever should hopefully have done some good.
So! I decided to do a fun little headcanon exercise--but not those bullet style posts. It’s still a headcanon, just formatted a little differently, and it’s one I’m actually pretty excited to do.
It’s something simple but fun, and I think it’ll be a nice treat for Monica to read. ♥
❝The Dreadful & Triquetra (Executive & Assorted Branch) Men Detail Monica’s Special Nickname in Their Phones.❞
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The Dreadful’s
Atamu - lily Atamu’s old school, so He doesn’t have any emoji’s beside Monica’s name in His phone, preferring to demonstrate His love and affection in person. Like the courting styles of yesteryear, He’s concise and to the point with His adoration of His little girl. His inspiration for her title? she calls Him Poppy, and in return, she’s His lily. Poppy and lily.
Cavon - angel 😘 Cav’s new school, unlike his Father, so he’s got an emoji beside Monica’s name--but the name itself changes, quite a lot, usually when Cavon’s drunk and in his feelings regarding His babygirl. So don’t expect this nickname to be the same in 48 hours, but you’ll always be able to tell which one’s Monica, because it’ll be his most viewed, contacted, and edited contact in his phone.
Savon - 🎀 beautiful belle 🎀 You can try to tell Savon his nickname for Monica in his phone is redundant but he’s not going to listen to you--or he’ll sneer at you for daring to presume His lifemate isn’t deserving of being called beautiful twice in a row. Savon changes Monica’s nickname almost as much as Cavon, and he also rotates out her picture at least once or twice a day, as he’s constantly begging her for selfies and he has a terrible time trying to decide which one to use. After all, how could one possibly expect him to choose between perfection? It can’t be done!
Luvon - lifemate Luvon isn’t as old school as his Father but he’s definitely an old soul, and with that comes the way he regards the future mother of his pups. Luvon reveres Monica, adores her, and regards her with the highest honor a Shifter can their mate--and that is exactly why her title has been ‘lifemate’ in his phone from the first moment he saw her.
(Although Cavon rumored over Valentine’s Day that Lu added the 💘 emoji by her name, but without a screencap no one can prove that.)
Tod - Minnie Mouse 💗 There’s a backstory to this, which is that Tod is the Mickey to her Minnie--not too hard to figure out, right? It may seem simple to others, but to Tod it’s everything. The contact photo he uses for her is the selfie they took wearing matching Mickey/Minnie shirts complete with the ear hats, and it’s something Tod looks at every single day. Tod runs the risk of being the most obsessed, the most desperate of all the Dreadful men and with that comes the need to be involved in all Monica’s interests--so the fact that he shares a love of Disney with her, he keeps close to his heart. Just like his Minnie.
Zaos - little treasure ✨ Zaos isn’t known to treasure much; he’s selfish and vain and gets bored very easily, so it says quite a lot that he considers Monica His treasure. When you have access to hidden, unknown realms, things start to seem less special but if you ask, he’ll tell you (maybe, if he speaks to you at all) that in all the realms he’s seen, all the realms he’s been, he’s never encountered another even close to Monica. She is, and always will be, His greatest treasure.
Markus - little bunny fifi 🐰😍 Markus is a complicated man that a lot of people have trouble figuring out, which isn’t surprising considering he’s the “man who can be anyone”, but like the other Dreadful men, Monica’s name in his phone speaks to the adoration and love he feels for her. And anyone who sees his face when he gets a message or a call from her can tell you, his smile tells all you need to know. For a man who can be anyone, it’s important to be someone to her--her constant contact with him helps him know he is.
Lucca - Mother Dearest From the outside, looking in, this is a simple title with a simple message, but you haven’t spent enough time around Lucca if that’s what you think...but I don’t blame you. Kid’s like a void where conversation goes to die--unless you’re Monica, which is why this nickname is significant. It, like Tod’s, is everything to an orphan boy who never had a mother to love him and whom he could love in return. Monica is the center of this pup’s universe, the only one he feels anything for, and he clings to that feeling with desperate, grasping hands. The capitalization is important, as it shows his reverence and respect for her, and the title itself speaks to the same way he mutters the endearment against her mouth each night in bed.
Jax - 😚 Momma-Bae 💛💙 Jax is Lucca’s twin, and though the two look identical, most would argue that was where the similarities stop--but it isn’t. Monica is another common factor the twin’s share, because like for Lucca, Monica is the center of Jax’s world. He’s an angry, brash, desperate pup who never got the love he needed as a boy and that has made him ravenous for it now. Monica is everything to him, always will be, and he will never take for granted that he can call her Momma--and so he does, as often as he can get the title out...even in his sleep.
The Triquetra
The Triquetra are “new” (they’ve been here for the past year) and in an attempt to ease Monica into getting to know them, Fintan has been introducing Monica to them slowly, person by person--but that doesn’t mean they don’t know who she is. Quite the opposite, actually, and at a later date we’ll detail more Company members’ nicknames for Monica, but for now we’ll stick to the ones who have been making prominent appearances around the Family Empress.
Fintan Rivershire - Mrs. Rivershire Is it presumptuous of Fintan to already have Monica listed as his future wife in his phone? You can ask, but I already did and he said no, it isn’t. It’s no secret to anyone the Triquetra made the move to New Senzannini with full intent to be with Monica, so smitten were they with her, and at the top of that food chain is the President himself. From the moment Fintan laid eyes on her, he knew she would be his, and all you need to do is look in Fintan’s eyes to know he is a man who gets what he wants. Or, in this case, who.
Hayden Jernigan - petite little sweet 🍭💖 Fintan’s Vice President and the CFO of the Triquetra is a man every bit as ruthless as his business partner, with one known weakness--he has an incurable sweet tooth. It’s something that’s plagued him his entire life, he simply cannot get enough sweets to satisfy...and the moment he laid eyes on Monica, the moment he pressed a kiss to the back of her hand, he got a taste of her and his weakness doubled, tripled, crippled him. Now, even a spoonful of sugar can sour against his tongue if what he’s wanting is Monica, and there’s only one way to cure temptation--give in to it.
Narcisse Fiermin - mon petite lapin 🎀✨ Narcisse, to no one’s surprise, is a vain thing. He’s handsome, or beautiful, depending on the day, and he knows he is. As Hayden and Ashton’s cousin, the two often joke Narcisse’s mother knew he was going to be the center of the world before he was born, and thus, his name--but Narcisse doesn’t believe that, anymore. At least, not entirely; you see, the center of the universe actually has two seats, one for him, and one for Monica. Does he care that she hates the French? Not at all. In fact, the more she insults him...the more enamored with her he seems to become. No one has ever dared to speak to him the way she does, and one might think he gets off on it or something.
Daniel Maki - Miss Frenzy I know what you’re thinking; how plain, right? Wrong. Daniel Maki is another straight-shooter and, like Lucca, he’s not known for his emotional displays. In fact, one might even go so far as to say that Daniel is as tsundere as Monica is. He’s also incredibly disrespectful to pretty much anyone who hasn’t worked hard to earn his respect (good luck with that) and so the fact that Daniel is regarding Monica in such a formal way...could be the equivalent of him taking her by the chin, putting his lips right against hers, and telling her how much he loves her--and hey, whose to say he hasn’t, already?
Ashton Rayner - Miss Peach 🍑 Similar to Daniel but with an entirely playful, almost flirtatious spin, Ashton’s displaying his wild attention to detail with this nickname. Although it’s no secret that one of Monica’s titles is Princess Peach (and well-deserved, really) it’s another thing for one of the Triquetra to be calling her that, already. It shows not only the truth in that they’ve been here, observing her, admiring her, for a year, but also that Ashton already has his eyes on the prize. I’ll uh, let you take another look at the emoji he used and figure out for yourself which prize that is.
Henrik Ingolsson - Sugar Bunny-Baby 💋 Henrik is a Sugar Daddy wanna-be--not because he doesn’t have the money to be one, because he does (tenfold), but because he knows Monica doesn’t know him well enough to consider him a Daddy, yet. But that’s end goal for this luxurious billionaire, who lives a life of exotic flair and lavish spending. If he has his way, Monica will never want for anything in the world, as a woman of her standing (and there are no women of her standing, he’ll insist) should never be left unsatisfied in life. Give him a chance, Monica, and you’ll see he’ll make good on the nickname--and a whole lot more.
Jordi Basurto - Bomboncita 😖💘 Jordi’s Hispanic, so that’s bound to earn him some bonus points with Monica, right? Especially since his nickname for her comes not only in their native language, but also that he knows her and knows just how much she loves candy--which makes her his little candy. The emojis rather speak for themselves, too, since that’s the fact Jordi makes every single time Monica texts or calls him; he’s never had a girlfriend before and he’s totally unsure how to handle this, in any capacity. But hey, at least he got the nickname thing down, right? Baby steps, Jordi. Baby steps.
Adrian Jaroslav - Мой. If...you were wondering, that nickname is a lot simpler than it looks. It’s simply, “Mine.” So yeah. That should tell you all you need to know about Adrian and how he feels about Monica.
Aleksei Jaroslav - zaika moya Aleksei has a little more to say about Monica, with his title of “my bunny,” but the possession he feels is just as prominently on display as his twin’s...especially since the contact picture he has up of her is the two of them, with his hand curled around her throat and his painted lipstick smile smeared onto her cheek from the kiss clearly able to be seen.
Greyson Van Cann - myshka In keeping with the tiny, cute animals theme, Greyson shows a softer side than anyone has ever seen by putting Monica in his phone as His “little mouse”. It’s really no wonder this is how Greyson sees her; she’s so much smaller than he his, and Nighyingale has been heard around the Haus and Compound saying Greyson keeps remarking he’s “afraid he will step on her”. There’s no real fear of that, however, if you’ve seen the way he is with her. Like Luvon (whom he gets along extremely well with, by the way), Greyson is so overprotective of Monica it’s a wonder she’s ever out of his sight. Or maybe she never is, who can really say?
Sebastian Van Cann - Yedinstvennaya 🖤 You’re going to notice a trend with Monica’s Russians, too--a lot of them favor their native tongue when complimenting or describing Monica, and Sebastian is no exception. Her name in his phone translates to “my only one,” and speaks to Sebastian on a level most will never get to know him. Sebastian is a twin, but his soulmate is Monica--this, he knew from the moment he saw her. That will never change, and it’s honestly a good thing Monica doesn’t seem to mind--because one look in his eye when he’s looking at her and you’ll know he’s never letting her go.
Nighyingale Van Cann - 😚 moy malen'kiy golub' 😚💞 Unlike his twin and older brother, Nighyingale is fully in touch with his emotions and he’s not at all afraid to be--he wears his heart on his sleeve, and his heart is very clearly for Monica. They have matching names; Nighyingale was named after a songbird and so he has given Monica the nickname “my little dove” so that he feels even closer to her; that’s all he wants, day in and day out. The boy would tie himself to Monica if he thought he could get away with it, but for now, he settles for being her shadow, following her anywhere she might go with an eager, happy smile and a heart full of song for her and her alone.
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