#book questionaire
sneindeer · 6 months
murderbot.... honey.... darling....
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filmmakerdreamst · 2 years
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richardsletters · 2 months
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"Dear Joni,
Hi nice to meet you. It takes 2 to 3 weeks to recieve your mail. Enclosed is a questionaire for fun and a way for us to get to know each other better. Would you care to fill it out. Is that you pictured on your stationery? I like your philosophy on life. I have read alot of psychology books during the years Ive been inside. Have you read books by Carlos Castaneda? I can recieve items in an 8X10 envelope. No tapes or cd's allowed. Pictures cant be larger than 8X10 I can get ten per envelope. Books have to be through subscription. Right now Im reading a dictionary. Trying to catch up on vocabulary. What is Wisconsin like? (?) scenic views? Do you have alot of friends or just a few? Ive always been a loner myself. If anything you send gets returned to you just resend it. Want to wish you happy holidays. Which are some of your favorite movies? What would your ideal vacation spot be? I always wanted to go to Hawai but never made it. Do you have any pets? I used to have Beta fish, rabbits and a St Bernard named King when I was frowing up. whats your moto for life? Mine is to make every day count and live to its fullest. Do you prefer Joni or Joan? Heres something I wrote...There were years in Los Angeles when I felt frustrated. It was then I would take a vacation somewhere and everything looked better in the morning but then things tended to get boring again I liked being (?) and just being alone with my thoughts I would hang around at malls. at the beach I had a (?) for a drink now and then I (?) to like rainy afternoons when I would go play billards at a pool hall thtat was near a park I used to frequent. Hope you like it. Its just a simple verse of my days in L.A. I was thinking maybe you should send any material you have for me to read seperate form your letter. Thats all for now. Hope to hear from you soon.
Your Friend
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tildeathiwillwrite · 6 months
Tag Game: OC Questionaire
Thank you so much for the double tag! @willtheweaver here and @illarian-rambling here!!!
My questions:
What does the perfect day look like?
What time of day is your favorite?
If you were granted one wish, what would it be?
What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
What's the worst injury you've ever had?
Do you wish you looked different?
Gently tagging @fourwingedwriter @faytelumos @writingphoenix @phoenixradiant @agirlandherquill @late-to-the-fandom @cssnder @annakayy and open tag! I don't feel like making up new questions so just pick three out of the list above.
For the trio in The Hunter, the Myth and the Cure:
What does the perfect day look like?
Draven: Any day where I'm not being shot at, mauled, or chased is a good day for me! Octavian: Unfortunately, I have to agree with Cozenson. A day of silence is rare for us. Reese: It's raining, I don't have any obligations, my parents are out, and I have a warm drink and a good book.
What time of day is your favorite?
Draven: Sunrise. It usually means I've survived another day. Octavian: Celestials, you're morbid. I also prefer the early morning, but only because it's better for hunting. Reese: Night. I'm mostly left alone to do my own thing.
If you were granted one wish, what would it be?
Draven: That I wasn't fucking shot! Octavian: That the plague never happened. Perhaps then my people would still be around. Reese: *fidgets with her sleeves* that I could have had a normal childhood.
What's the best thing you've ever eaten?
Draven: Celestials, Octavian, do you remember when we went to that noble party in Zariya and they had that one berry pie that you said looked like blood? Because that was delicious. Octavian: I didn't only say it looked like blood, I said it appeared they used bloodberries, called that because the juice is the same color as blood. But you are correct, though I much prefer the berries fresh. Reese: Agreed on that. Also whoever the genius was that first combined coffee with chocolate, I want to give them a hug.
What's the worst injury you've ever had?
Draven: I've been scratched up many times in my line of work, but none of that compares to a classic gunshot wound. Fucked up my shoulder for weeks. Octavian: Almost drowning in a freezing lake is pretty high up there. Reese: *wordlessly points to the scars on her arms*
Do you wish you looked different?
Draven: Celestials, no. Well, sometimes I've wished I was better at disguising myself. I have the type of reputation that leads to people placing bounties on my head. Octavian: Should I? Reese: *shrugs*
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Hello there! May I request Azul, Cater, Rook and Leona with a s/o that wields glass magic?
Is this odd? I'm not sure.
:0 another request trey rlly likes!! Not odd at all, anon! very cool actually-
He's never seen you use your magic before, so when you first used your Hylaomancy infront of him, he's quite surprised! "You can manipulate glass? OMG that's so cool!" He hasn't seen many people with the power to manipulate glass before, so he's totally gonna give you a bit of a questionaire, like. "How does it work?" or "is it like... heard to learn?"
He's overall amazed by your power, just... be careful with it, you totally could hurt someone with it if you wanted to.
"Reader-saaan! Can you use your magic to make a cool little background for my selfies?" he asked as he hugged you from behind.
"I suppose I can..." you sigh, as he jumps in joy behind you like a little puppy, "You owe me some cuddles after!" You told him, he nodded excitedly, causing you to giggle a bit at his sweet reaction.
Ah, incroyable! Trés bon!
He finds your magic truely beautiful, whenever you go to use it, the reflective shards shine in the sunlight, leaving a beautiful rainbow reflection behind, he sometimes gets so destracted by your beauty, he doesn't even notice the things around him, there is only you he sees at the moment, The shining glass shards gracefully floating around you, forming a glass ring around you, as you gracefully used them to destroy your enemies or people you genuinely just cannot stand, your anger and rage are also so beautiful, because though you are angered, you remain perfectly calm on the outside, and your elegance is not disturbed by the anger that consumes your being.
The only reason he found out about your hyalomancy was when you got genuinely mad at him for not attending his classes and firing glass shards at him to wake him up, he was rather shocked at first, thinking: "What the hell was that? How did they do that?!" He was questioning your ability now, because like Cater, he hasn't seen many people that can easily manipulate glass, infact, professor Trein says that its a hard type of magic to learn, the only easy way to learn it is to be born into a family of hylaomancers, meaning that you are very likely the child of a bunch of hylaomancers.
"Oi, Herbivore! watch it with that glass! You could've cut me with that!" he growled
"Well, if cutting you would've woken you up, then that was my intention." you smuggly smile at him, leaving him to groan in response as you laugh, but even knowing you magic, it does not stop him from forcing you to be his personal pillow for revenge.
He's already brainstorming ideas to make a profit off of your magic, perhaps glass light shows? no... his mind comes up blank. But other than business, he finds your magic very interesting, He ends up asking you a bunch of questions about it like "How do you go about using it so easily without complications?" or "How does it work?" or "Could you teach me, perhaps?"
He ends up picking up a few books about "The art of Hylaomancy" so he can understand your magic a bit more, and with a little help from you, he ends up casting a small little glass figure of an octopus, his reaction was very cute, doing a little ":0" face, he was so happy on the inside, but he held himself together so you couldn't tease him, for the most part. He ended up putting his glass octopus up on a shelf to comemorate this day, when in reality its because he's really happy about it and thinks its the cutest thing, just like how he's the cutest thing!
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illarian-rambling · 5 months
Thanks for the tag @elsie-writes!
OC Questionaire
My questions:
How do you pay for things? Cash, check, card, something else?
What is something small that you couldn't live without?
Do you (or did you) ever wish you had a different name? What was it?
I'll answer for the core MG cast :)
1. How do you pay for things? Cash, check, card, something else?
Astra: "Cash. I ain't stationary for long enough to do much business with any bank. I get paid in cold, hard geepae, and I pay for things in cold, hard geepae. I also have a mighty appreciation for barterin'."
Mashal: "...I don't have any money. Hopefully, someday I'll get to save some up, but I'm usually pretending to be a non-sentient automaton when Astra and I get big jobs, so that means I don't get paid. She buys me things, though. She says she's happy to do it, but I still feel kind of bad."
Ivander: "Cash as well. In Unity, I can't do business with any banks."
2. What is something small that you couldn't live without?
Astra: "Gods a'mighty, I don't know what I'd do without my fancy rune pen! I saved up for months to buy it, and it never heats improperly. I ain't never had a better tool for etchin' in metal."
Mashal: "My sketchbook. It's one of the only things I own, aside from my clothes. Sketching gives me something to do at night when everyone else is sleeping."
Ivander: "My illusion pin is a must-have. Yes, yes, I'm very vain and all that, but it makes my day less miserable, so I'll take it."
3. Do you (or did you) ever wish you had a different name? What was it?
Astra: "Hell naw! Have you heard my name? Astra DuClaire is a fine title. Rolls off the tongue like honey and moonlight."
Mashal: "Kind of? People get my name wrong a lot - they like to add an R because that's more common. Darezsho is also kind of a mouthful. I've always liked the name Aden, but I feel like I knew an Aden once? I'm not sure."
Ivander: "I don't know. Ivander is a fine name, I guess. Very Skysheerian. People always see that and assume I'm an elf, though I only have a few drops of elvish blood. I don't know what any Cloud People names are, but I sort of wish I had one."
I'll tag @elizaellwrites @jakkon-and-rose-topic @riveriafalll @foyle-writes-things and YOU 🫵
Your questions:
What's the best book you've ever read?
What's one grudge you're never letting go?
How would you pack for a camping trip?
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amaiguri · 5 months
The WIP Questionaire
Thanks so so much from @verba-writing for the tag! I had such a fun time reading your answers too and I'm very excited for paranormal romance 😍
I feel like I wanna flag that a lot of my answers are very anime/gaming-sphere oriented and I hope I'm not totally alienating my mutuals by revealing just HOW MUCH I'm not a book person lololol But this is with what we're working:
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The Questions are:
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
The very first thing I made was the high premise: It was synthesized from the Overly Sarcastic Productions question "What if all the Kings Under the Mountain came back...?" and then I added the context "...in a Nuclear Crisis to discuss piece?" And in my head, it was this HBO-style modern fantasy Game of Thrones meets West Wing type deal. But then... I didn't want to write the modern piece. (The modern piece should be written by people in countries from all over Europe about what it means to be a hero in various cultures.)
So I set it in 1800s fantasy world instead!
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
The first arc would be Dance in the Game by Zaq
The second arc would be Lacrimosa by Kalafina
The Gods' Arc would be Paper Boquet by Mili
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
Is it to cliché to be like "my current self-insert protagonist is my favorite character I've ever made"? Her and my antagonist are just THE BEST and I love them.
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4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
Mmm, I think Untitled Yssaia Game's story would appeal to queer Game of Thrones fans who could FEEL the straightness in GoT, especially if they also like anime. I would hope I could get general anime fans as well as Arcane and Genshin Impact fans, but I feel like those are too mainstream and Yssaia is not. Realistically, I think I'm gonna get the Wadanohara people and the Ib people and, if I get really lucky, the To the Moon people.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
Marketing lol -- explaining what it is to people in a way that they realize they want it.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
Fuafua 🥺🥺🥺
Look at her! She is a six-legged, six-eyed slug cat called a Maret. Marets fill the same role as ocelots in Yssaia, except they're more semi-aquatic like otters and their skin has a stressball-like texture.
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7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
They walk or ride Rumateurs (which are alpaca-like beings with ossicones) or take ships or airships or trains. I don't like writing about travel that much though so it is a background element.
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
I am pre-editing the first arc for my alpha readers and the third arc has another 50k to 100k words to draft. We're at like 250k words total right now and it is so unwieldy 😭😭😭
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
Oh, I have a convenient graphic for this. Hang on...
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10. What are your hopes for your wip?
I was just diatribing about this earlier but the DREAM is to turn it into an RPGmaker adventure game and have it go viral and make a million bucks off it. I'd love to be the next Undertale but it'll never happen because I am not positioned to be the next Undertale, you know?
So yeah, that's what's what! Thanks again for the ask! This was so fun! I'm gonna pass this to @maiemorrae, @moonfeatherblue, @zebee-nyx, @winterandwords, @modernwritercraft, @words-after-midnight, @spideronthesun, @theprissythumbelina, @thepanplate, @thetruearchmagos, @maskedemerald, @moondust-bard, @pluttskutt and @emelkae 😍😍😍 I actually internalized Verba's WIP so well from this tag and I wanna make sure I'm updated on what all you cool people are working on! Open tag to any of my other moots too! 🥳
I will edit this to have a blank easily copy-and-pasteable question section when I get back to my computer. If I forget, @ me!
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the-ellia-west · 3 months
WIP Questionaire!
Tagged by the lovely @thisisntrocket <333 Thank you, love!
(Doing this for TCOT but I'd love to be tagged again for other WIPs)
What's the first part of the WIP that you created?
Uhh... Marril's Character Arc
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
I have no fucking idea, I love music but I am BAD at connecting it to stuff - Probably like... uh.... Fuck... You should see me in a Crown by Billie Eilish is the only thing I can think of even though it's NOWHERE near accurate
(If there's a song called I'm sorry, that's it)
What are your favourite characters that you made and why?
For TCOT, Definitely Marril, Shyre, Geon, and Viasaki
Marril - He's hot
Shyre - She's very sweet and fun to write
Geon - He's got a cool gimmick and His Blindness will be a fun thing to write in
Viasaki - He and Kila have the most fun shared arc in the whole series
What other pieces of media your fanbase would share?
I assume probably Hunger games, Wings of fire or something? Maybe Percy Jackson?
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
I would say editing, but that's a lie. Pacing and plot are my greatest weaknesses. I have had to cut and reshape SO MUCH shit because of how fast I progress the plot because I just want to get to the fun parts
Are there animals in your story? Talk about them.
Uhhh... Pets
Let em go into detail
Shyre has a baby owl-cat griffin named Minuak, Marril has a messenger raven named Quin and a War Horse named Plasma
Kasi is Slated to have an Axolotl Snake That I forgot the name of
Xhaazi is slated to have a bioluminecent wolf that I think is named Lenna or something
And Kahn (who I'm not telling anything about for spoilers sake) owns a whole colony of Sugar Dragons and Sprites
How do your characters travel/get around?
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
Viasaki's first POV chapter and the general intro into the Shade's whole deal
What themes/tropes will draw readers in?
Uh, my theme that There are Varying shades or morality, and Psychology is really fuckin interesting
What are your hopes for your WIP?
NP tagging @fantasy-things-and-such @aesthetic-writer18 @corinneglass @cosmolumine @sugar-phoenix
@darkandstormydolls @sunflowerrosy @phoenixradiant
Questions: (below the cut)
What's the first part of the WIP that you created?
If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
What are your favourite characters that you made and why?
What other pieces of media your fanbase would share?
What other pieces of media your fanbase would share?
What has been your biggest struggle with your WIP?
Are there animals in your story? Talk about them.
How do your characters travel/get around?
What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
What themes/tropes will draw readers in?
What are your hopes for your WIP?
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willtheweaver · 2 months
OC questionaire tag
Thanks for the tag @the-golden-comet
My questions are:
1. Would you rather live in the past or the future? How far back/forward?
2. Name three people you can trust your life with
3. Where would you like to go at the end of your journey?
Characters from A Feather in the Forest
1. Would you rather live in the past or the future? How dare you back/ forward?
Fen: A hundred years into the future. Maybe then enough time will have passed that I can openly declare myself. I’d also like to see what sorts of new technology that will be developed.
Playa: I’m guessing Fen told you he’d like to go a hundred years into the future, right? Thought so. I’d go in the opposite direction: a hundred years into the past. That was the Golden Age for the foxes, and I’d like to know what it was like.
2. Name three people you can trust your life with.
Fen: Only three? Alright, the three I trust the most are Playa, Rail, and Ivy.
Playa: My grandmother, my mother, and Fen.
3. Where would you like to go at the end of your journey?
Fen: I’ve always been curious as to what lies beyond the forest. Maybe some day I’ll be able to see the fabled salt sea for myself.
Playa: That’s a hard one. I’ve lived my whole life here in the forest. But I’m also curious as to what lies beyond. The legends and some of the old books hint at things…I’d like to see if what they say is true.
Tagging @glasshouses-and-stones @buffythevampirelover @cowboybrunch @duckingwriting @late-to-the-fandom
@davycoquette @rickie-the-storyteller @theverumproject @wyked-ao3 @melpomene-grey and open tag
Your questions are:
1. What is a guilty pleasure of yours?
2. You overhear someone bad-mouthing your best friend/ closest family member. How do you react?
3. Are you the kind of person who asks for directions if you get lost?
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duckingwriting · 3 months
OC Questionaire Tag
I was tagged by @theeccentricraven here
I'm no pressure tagging @kaylinalexanderbooks, @winterandwords, @mrbexwrites, @rachaellawrites, and leaving an open tag
Your questions are
What's a book that you'd recommend?
What's your favorite type of cuisine?
What's your favorite way to unwind after a hectic day?
I chose to do Kaeden "Anvil" Minnet, one of those random reoccurring OCs in some short stories
Have you ever gone against your morals? What got you to or would get you to make that decision? Yes. My baby brother died in an attack by the esson rebellion. He never should have been there. It was my fault he was in danger. But I lost my temper, I had been there when he took his first breath and held him as he took his last. I kept help from coming in to put out the fires. i just let them burn. I don't know how many innocents died because of me. I never should have let that happen.
Did you have any speech disorders as a child? No. I have some health issues that would lead to my throat being too burnt to talk at times.
Do you carry the popular opinion or unpopular opinion in your society? Or would you say you are on the fence or in the middle? I think esson should have as many rights as affs do. There is nothing wrong with being an esson or part esson. Their culture is as valid as ours. I know many disagree but I'm the Królrei, what are they going to do?
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look-i-love-u · 8 months
Wednesday Questionaire
I'm just one day late! Whoop!
Thank you for tagging me: @guinguin1984, @jrooc, @deathclassic, @iansw0rld, @suzy-queued, @francesroserecs, @creepkinginc, @energievie
I loved reading about your childhood adventures!
Name: Vey
Age: In my thirties
Location: On my couch. Still. It's like I never left.
And now, think about your childhood and tell me:
Did you have a nickname and is it still used? Yep. Still using it on tumblr till this day. :)
What did you want to be when you'd grow up? A teacher, a forensic scientist and many other things. Including the job I'm working as now.
Your favourite cartoon: Does Sailor Moon count as a cartoon?
Your favourite TV show: The Nanny and watching crime shows with my mum like Murder She Wrote, Twin Peaks, Remington Steele, CSI
Your favourite book: Pippi Langstrumpf and all the other books written by Astrid Lindgren. And later Abby Lynn - Verbannt ans Ende der Welt by Rainer M. Schröder
Your favourite toy: Barbie dolls and plushies and my gameboy
Your favourite thing to eat: My grandma's festive roast. Food always tasted better when she made it
Your favourite school subject: Art and German
How did you spend your summers? Outside. Playing with neighbourhood kids, amusement parks, going swimming, reading
Did you listen to music? If yes, did you have a favourite band/artist? Yes. Rolf Zuckowski was/is my hero. Then I moved on to The Kelly Family and then entered my boyband/Christina Aguilera phases.
And lastly, tell me something you did as a kid that your parents still don't know about: There's probably something but I can't think of anything now. I was quite well behaved. I think. XD
Tagging: @bawlbrayker, @vintagelacerosette, @stocious, @ian-galagher, @gallawitchxx, @gallavichlover19, @skylerwinchester
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kimberlyborelli · 6 months
My Story:
As a child I experienced already a lot.
September 2014: I started to visit a different school. I struggled with learning, my chronical sickness and bullying.
Winter 2014: I started to visit the social worker & counsler at school because my problems turned out worse. But sadly these counseling sessions weren't helpful at all. I had to visit a psychiatrist for further treatment. It was tried to fix my problems but sadly it wasn't helpful. I developed suicidal thoughts because I was that frustrated. The psychiatrist decided to try some medications. The psychiatrist explained. The first two weeks it could show some side effects. But two weeks after I took the first pill: I developed a serious rare side effect. My parents asked the psychiatrist but she just said: It will pass by soon. But the issue didn't passed by...It got worse.
Autumn 2015: I had a mental breakdown on my way to school. I was sent to a hospital by the ambulance and received tranquelizers to be more compliant. In the hospital I was in a strong delirium. A psychiatrist was talking to me and said: I should be sent to a therapeutic facility.
At the facility (third floor, the secluded ward): The bathrooms were locked. Everytime when someone had to use the bathroom we had to ask for permission and wait til it's unlocked. But often there were times where the staff refused to unlock the door. No makeup was allowed. Also there were some patients who were treated better. I wasn't allowed to have hair ties in my room. In both floors where I was spent my time there was the rule of Silence Time (stay in your room and remain silent). Also books were controlled. I spent the first days in solitary confinement (I was allowed to leave my room and talk to others after the isolation. But it was monitored about topics. When you critized the staff you got punished.) Shaving wasn't allowed. Deodorants weren't allowed. Questions/Suggestions were ignored by the staff. Once I had a short anxiety episode some of the staff made fun of me. The only right ting what they did: To stop my medications. At the third floor I didn't received any therapy (They told my parents I'm attending a program). The only situation where I had something therapy-related I'd got a questionaire. I also was told being too fat for having an ED. Well, I was underweight. I was once allowed to attend a group activity at the third floor. It was about crafting. After I left the room, one of the staff teared my crafting work apart and threw it away.
First floor, ward with "less stricter" rules: After over one week where I tried to behave. I was shifted to the first floor. I shared my room with a girl (and we became friends). Also the staff noticed that and weren't happy about that. We both were in seperate classes in school. The classes were more like: Just do something school related and try to look busy. We both had seperate therapy programs. In the "silence time" we were in our room together. But we just talked and didn't cared about the rule. One hour before bedtime you have to be in your room and remain silent to get ready for bed. We both had different bedtimes. But mostly I went with her in our room and we still chatted together during she got ready for bed. During bedtime we weren't allowed to talk. But we still talked to each other and we got scolded and punished once. The bathroom got locked next time. I was shifted to another room and I was forced to sleep on the floor. She was shifted to a single room and was in solitary confinement. At the first floor I received some therapy. The group therapy was very strange. We received a behavior diagram and it was used for behavior modification.
The Ending: At the end my parents got me out finally. The staff tried to sent me to another facility. My therapist told me and my parents were too overwhelmed and want to send me away. And to my parents he told: I don't want to see my parents anymore.
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halfbakedspuds · 26 days
Thanks to @orion-lacroix for the tag! I was gonna get to it earlier but... life happened and I forgor.
Eto bleh. Anyways.
(Also I'm writing this while incredibly tired, so I'm sorry if my English isn't up to scratch)
Writeblr Questionaire
How long have you had your Writeblr/writing Tumblr?
I've had this Tumblr account since the beginning of lockdown (March/April 2020 by us) and I created it because of a PM Seymour video. I made like one post that has now been banished to the void, then forgot I even had a Tumblr account until about ¿June/July? last year when a friend of mine brought up the idea of using Tumblr to share her writing, and I decided to do the same.
What's one thing you'd like your mutuals to know about you?
Due to reasons that include but are not limited to me barely having time anymore, I have a tendency to sometimes take a while to reply to people on here.
Don't worry if it takes like a week for me to respond, I'm just like that sometimes.
What's your favourite thing about the Writeblr community?
The amount of people who are infinitely more skilled than me that I can learn and take inspiration from.
Which WIPs or Writing Projects have you been Noodling about recently?
I've had a few emotional scenes for the Tempest Prince brewing in my head (plus I have like an hour with nothing to do after every exam I write, so daydreaming it is)
I'm also somewhat noodling for a small game I'm working on as a side project, but that's less story-related and more technical shenanigans at this point.
Do you remember what inspired them/got you started?
Children of the Stars I don't remember exactly what inspired the story aspect, but I know what the setting evolved from. Basically, I was a huge Mass Effect fan in primary school. Actually, I was a fan of Scifi overall but Mass Effect was peak gaming for me back then. Then somewhere along the line I played Bulletstorm and Warhammer 40k: Space Marine, and this half daydream of an Alien Empire locked in an eternal war for survival began to evolve in the back of my head before turning into the first recognisable precursor to Children of the Stars somewhere in late 2021.
Echoes of Shadows was inspired by the game Tails Noir, Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, and a Call of Cthulhu campaign run by a friend of mine way back when.
The Tempest Prince was originally conceived of because my first playthrough of Bloodborne coincided with my first reading of the Percy Jackson books.
Is there anything you'd like to see more of on your dash?
Comics and short stories. Look, I don't have time to read a full length book until, like, November again, so a little episodic escape is a nice way to detox from the crap we need to deal with for these exams.
Name any characters you've created: side characters, protagonists, antagonists, characters who've never been written, the first original abomination you pulled from your rear... whatever you like!
Artemis is a Siberian ARX-11 mechanized shock-drop trooper who was deployed in a conflict so violent that future historians in-universe consider it less of a war than a outright cataclysm.
Quite literally, like the humble sea-turtle: she was born feet first into a hell she never asked for.
She's also one of the incredibly few Androids who not only survived the Fall of Earth, but after her inevitable 'death' by running out of fuel sources, she managed to remain intact for another six hundred years before a Union archaeology team found her and her enclave and managed to restore some of them to working order.
How much time- in your best estimation- do you spend thinking about them?
Outside the story of Children of Strife, this also makes her one of the oldest sentient beings in the known universe and technically the great great grandmother of almost all modern Androids and Biosynths.
It's also rumoured that she helped to raise a child orphaned during the fall of Earth who would grow up to be the military advisor of the first Empress, which technically makes her an important theological figure in the (now dying) Imperial cult.
Who's the most unhinged?
See, I'd say Adrian from Children of the Stars because he has a tendency to just do shit that makes you worry about his safety, but the thing with him is that he is fully aware of what he's actually capable of and is very cautious to not overstep those limits.
Lyanni, However...
One of Adrian's many nicknames for her is Miragran, which is Callistoan for "Big miracle", because that's what it must've taken for her to have not gotten herself killed yet.
Who comes the most naturally for you to write?
The fact that the answer is Adrian Castellan does not speak kindly about my mental health, does it...
Do you ever cringe at them?
How much control do you have over your characters? Do they ever write themselves, refuse to co-operate or do things you didn't expect? To what extent?
Not really.
Well, except for Adrian being a typical 27th century child who has no conception of sexism/racism/homophobia etc. beyond it being a footnote in a half-forgotten history textbook, which puts him in situations where it takes him a minute or two to realise that someone's being a prick to Lyanni.
I'd say I have relatively decent control over them. With the exception of the Haliday brothers in the Tempest Prince, 'cause they speak the same dialect of English as I do but I need to dial it back a bit because what's understandable for us has moments where it barely looks like English to foreigners.
And every so often I need to go back and un-Saffa their lines a bit because guess what? My dialect is annoyingly insistent on manifesting itself in these characters.
Are some less co-operative than others?
The old version of Adrian's character was really damn uncooperative. Like, he kept feeling like he was sitting on a story that he couldn't tell, and that was why he kept feeling like he was acting wrong no matter what I wrote him doing.
His current iteration tells that story in a way, and that element of tragedy playing into who he is has made him a lot more co-operative.
When someone asks the dreaded "What do you write about?" question, what do you usually say?
See, most people who know that I write are either close friends who already know what I write, or don't care enough to ask.
My grandmother, however, did ask the one time. That was also the day I realised that I know absolutely no scifi terminology in my home language.
Do you enjoy people asking questions about your characters and do you have a preferred way of receiving said questions?
Listen, if you wrote the question as a note, folded it into a paper airplane and threw it through my window, I'd firstly be very concerned about how in the nine hells you figured out where I live, then I'd be utterly ecstatic for the rest of the day because someone asked me a question.
I keep all my socials separate, though, so if you have any questions then asks, comments, and reblogs on Tumblr are pretty much the only way to go.
What makes you follow another Writeblr account? Do you follow them as you see them? Scope them out first to make sure you align with its content? Or do you follow based on WIPs or vibes?
Imma be honest there are like two people on here whom I followed simply because I know them IRL, and like three total writeblrs whom I followed first.
Everyone else followed me and I said "Ey, sha'p," before following back.
Do you interact with non-mutuals often?
I try to.
Do your mutuals' OCs occupy a space in your Noodle?
No pressure tag for @honeybewrites and @thatoneterrariaplayers-vault,
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modernwritercraft · 5 months
The WIP Questionaire
For flowers of love
Thanks for tagging me @amaiguri
1. What was the first part of your wip that you created?
A: as boring as this answer is, it was the very beginning of the book. At least currently, I mean, there's always a possibility I think of a better opening to the story as I'm working on it
2. If your story was a TV show, what would the theme song/intro be?
A: morally grey by April jai
3. Who are your favourite characters you've made? Why?
A: well, I've only made two so far. I'm still developing them, but I love them already
4. What other pieces of media do you think would share a fan base for your story?
A: I'd like to think fans of the Netflix show "You" would like my story too. I actually got the inspiration from the show. Other than that, I think dark romance fans and the "booktok" people will enjoy my story.
5. What has been your biggest struggle with your wip?
A: making sure it doesn't sound like a story some 4th grader wrote. That and figuring out where I'm going with my story, what the story I'm trying to tell is.
6. Are there any animals in your story? Talk about them!
A: it never crossed my mind until this question. I definitely want there to be a shop pet, whether it's a shop cat or dog!
7. How do your characters get around? (ex: trains, horses, cars, dragons, etc.)
A: Another aspect I haven't put much thought into yet. Most likely, the standard car, bike, or walking
8. What part of your wip are you working on rn?
A: I'm still working on the first chapter, I just keep finding myself revising over and over again. The writing just keeps getting better as I revise, but I know at some point I have to stick with what I have and move on. I want to make sure each chapter is no less than 1000 words
9. What aspects (tropes, maybe?) of your wip do you think will draw people in?
A: dark romance, secrets, opposites attract, dealing with the past, possibly spiritual "religion" (wicca, pagan etc), and flower language for those interested
10. What are your hopes for your wip?
A: Ultimately, I'd LOVE to get this one specifically published at some point
Tag: @agirlandherquill @adriankyte-writes @deception-united @gaymoongod98 @illarian-rambling @mikathewriter @mk-writes-stuff @wnq-writers
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vacantgodling · 4 months
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TWENTIES - DAWN (a poetry book)
hello hello -- i was teasing the idea of this earlier, but i figured i may as well just. do it. because why not.
firstly, this isn't a beta reader search: meaning i am specifically looking for mutuals or those who have been following my ramblings for awhile. i am looking for people who have some time on their hands, have a care for poetry in some aspects, and are interested in opening themselves up to being subjected to the inner workings of my brain.
i have prepared both an offiical questionaire to be completed after reading the poetry book in its entirety, and i will be providing a commentator's copy of the google doc that its in so that way you can leave comments on specific pieces. usage of the commentary features will be encouraged, but isn't required. completion of the survey after reading IS.
if you are interested in taking part (there is no hard deadline though i would ask if you don't think you can commit to finishing it that you please don't ask, i don't want to chase you down, i'll just revoke access), please feel free to send me a tumblr message or message me on discord and we'll go from there.
i don't have a specific number i'm looking for either; i'm just really looking for a bit of outside feedback. thanks!
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this work deals with discussions of racial identity, gender expression, transphobia, death, and the general nuances of navigating the decade of being twenty. i have been writing these poems and compiling them since 20 up until now, and while i'm not sure if i'm publishing it Yet, i definitely am interested in getting it out there by the time i'm 29-30. your feedback will be greatly appreciated, but i forewarn that i do not pull punches in these poems as they are all very personal to me.
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saydams · 1 year
a rant about neurological testing
so i told my psychiatrist that i was thinking of trying to get tested for autism (i'm sure i am autistic, did many many years of research to be sure, but was never formally diagnosed). and she said "oh i'd better put you on the wait list right now because it's super long, don't worry we'll have plenty of time to talk about it before you get the the front of the line".
fine ok. and i look up her company to see how they are on diagnosing adults and surprise they are very good for that, one of the few who does it a lot. so, great!
imagine my surprise when i am scheduled for an appointment with neurological testing within the month. i dont want to say no and not bea able to test later, so i guess i'm doing this? also weird: it's on zoom. and just one day?? i dont know maybe i'm confused about what this involves
anyway! my appointment was today. and apparently it was some sort of audition to see if i can move on to the next step. i had to explain to the tester (who wasnt even from the same org as my psych, he's from some other place...) why i was there and i wasnt sure what to say so i guessed as best i could. and he kept getting interrupted? like people kept coming in and talking to him? and he didnt mute himself or anything.
so i guess i passed the audition because he said he was going to have his office send me a link to an online evaluation and after he got the results from that he would see about having me come in for testing.
anyway! i got the link and sat down to do the assessment and it turns out it is 30 minutes of video games which i am SO BAD AT--i hit the wrong button a lot and double click when im supposed to single click so i will accidentally pick the same square twice or whatever and it hurts my hands and the games all beep and flash and its awful.
then it is time for questionaires and most of them are about "the child" and it warns me to take into account what is appropriate for the child at the child's age. and i assume they mean me but im not a kid so i guess they mean me WHEN i was a child but at what age? all the ages? so i guessed and i tried to average everything accross my ages and i had no one to ask and no way to write and clarify anything and then they asked all these drug questions but i dont do drugs and some of the questions were about what happened when i abused drugs and there was no option for not applicable so i just hit "no" but even though i think that was what i was supposed to do i still had a panic attack and the whole thing was the worst
and i have no idea if it will give anyone an accurate picture of anything and i am so stressed and upset now.
anyway. i am not going to do anything else today. since th test i have sat with some tea and read a book. i feel a bit better (so now i'm just mad, not panicky anymore). and i am going to make myself go for a walk this evening when it's not sunny. (it's too bright i can't handle it now)
i hope everyone else has a better day! if you also had a rough task today, i offer sympathetic internet hugs or a friendly cup of tea.
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