#born grown stone monkeys
quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
Wait isn't the Journey to the West full of allegories and stuff and all the Pilgrims meant to represent some aspect of human existence?? If I recall correctly, Wukong is meant to represent the human mind so... all this talk about him actually being a kid really makes sense actually
He is truly the Monkey of the Mind and Heart.
Its an eastern concept that the human Mind is essentially a wild monkey running around doing whatever, while the human Will is a tamed horse that will either flee or fight when pushed to extremes (Ao Lie only goes dragon mode to save his friends).
Tripitaka is human Compassion/empathy personified. It isn't fair to always denounce him for "foolishly" trusting others. It's what he is.
Sha Wujing is said in some ideas to be Thought; always quiet and unassuming until challenged.
And ofc Zhu Bajie is human Desires. Man just wants food, butts, and naptime.
The Six Eared Macaque in theory can also represent the flipped/darker aspects of the Mind, or maybe even the concept of Left/Right brain, or Identity itself . It is mainly through them that Wukong firmly establishes who he is to the universe.
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heavenlyv4mp · 13 hours
Sun Luzhen and Macaque Lore. Under cut
This takes place around the time of Wukong and Macaque being apart of the brotherhood but when Wukong is about to leave for his JTTW, a small monkey is born from Wukong's stone, his bio son, Sun Luzhen the Monkey Prince, due to Macaque being able to hear the Past, Present and Future, The celestial realm is looking down on him sending him whispers and visions of what is to come, Sun Luzhen is a Harbinger of Destruction, like how MK is the Harbinger of Chaos, Sun Luzhen's power if not kept under control could destroy everything, so the boy was taken from his home and chained in the Celestial Realm like a monster, he grows up like that. Without his father, without anyone, but Nazha and Erlang Shen who guard his cell of the Monkey Prince, when he is older Sun Luzhen's power have grown and harvested into rage and anger, either he is let out or saved from the chains of the celestial realm or he breaks himself out due to his power, that is to be decided.
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starsfic · 5 months
The Deer Prince
Prince Qi Xiaotian finds a beautiful scarlet deer on Flower Fruit Mountain while Prince Red of the Demon Bull Clan goes missing.
Once upon a time, there were two kingdoms.
One was the Demon Bull Kingdom, ruled by the Demon Bull King and his beautiful wife, Princess Iron Fan. DBK had inherited a small kingdom and turned it into a vast empire, sending more and more soldiers out to take more and more land and even more wealth. Often, he himself led the charge, swinging his mighty battle axe to cut his enemies down. She, with her own fierce strength and power over the wind, was left to defend their capital as well as their most prized possession- their son, Red Boy. They wished to rule over the world, as well as give their son everything he ever wanted.
The other was Mount Huaguo, also known as Flower Fruit Mountain, ruled by the legendary Monkey King Sun Wukong. Sun Wukong had started as nothing more than a simple monkey, born from stone. However, through learning and cultivating his magic, as well as some stealing, Sun Wukong had become immortal, powerful beyond anyone’s wildest expectations, and his desire for more was frightening. His fear of death was more frightening. Slowly, though, thanks to a pilgrimage he had to take with a band of loyal friends, his desire for more power faded. It came to an end when he discovered that, in his absence, the mountain had produced another little monkey. Sun Wukong took the little one in as his child, dubbing them Qi Xiaotian, and his worries about death faded.
In the beginning, Sun Wukong and the Demon Bull King were good friends, sworn brothers in arms, and even lovers for a short while. However, a distance grew between them. It did not help that, in all his conquests, the empire that DBK had built was starting to fall apart.
Years of war had left his army exhausted and his treasury running close to empty. Slowly, battles began to be lost, and DBK found himself pushed back more and more, pressure growing when the edges of his empire took advantage of the distance revolted. Princess Iron Fan found herself having to deal with riots as taxes on the people increased. In all of this, Red Boy grew into a young man proud of his heritage but frustrated by his parents’ refusal to let him help. His only method of aid was building robotic soldiers and servants for his parents, a staff, and an army that would never tire.
Eventually, DBK swallowed his pride. He took Red Son with him to Flower Fruit Mountain to ask Sun Wukong for help. Over the years, Qi Xiaotian had grown, turning into a lovely and powerful young man. Surely, DBK reasoned, a marriage between the two would be beneficial to their kingdoms, with the wealth of the mountain and Red Son’s knowledge. Sun Wukong had tried to reach out to repair their brotherhood, after all.
Much to their shock- DBK, Red Son, and even Qi Xiaotian watching the meeting in secret- Sun Wukong refused. Qi Xiaotian was the most precious thing to him, after all, and he did not want his son to live on the edge of poverty, much less in civil war. Stunned and angry, Red Son decided to find another way to fix his family’s fortune…
“So he said no, just like that?”
“Just like that! And I can get why, but it’s…” Qi Xiaotian sighed, staring up at the blue sky. “I don’t know.”
A head rested next to his. “What did you think of the prince?” Long Xiaojiao asked. She had been Qi Xiaotian’s best friend since they came out of the egg. She knew him best.
“He was…really handsome,” Xiaotian admitted, face growing warm at the memory. Prince Red had hair like fire, scarlet embers glowing in the warm sunlight. Like his father, he was a bull, smaller and shorter but still visibly strong. Xiaotian, watching from the window, had been immensely drawn to the sight of him. His first thought had honestly been I wonder if he could pick me up. He was willing to bet the answer was yes, since he was smaller than him. “He had big biceps.”
“Ah, yes, biceps,” Xiaojiao said, nodding. “You and your fascination with them.” Xiaotian flicked his tail against her head. She didn’t understand it, but he didn’t get her fascination with long legs, so they were equal. “So, did he say anything?”
“I think he brought some of his inventions to show what he could provide, but he didn’t get very far down the list.” It was enough to show that he was smart, way smarter than Xiaotian could say for himself. “He did have a nice voice.” And very nice horns-
"Um, your Highness?"
His thoughts about the horns stopped. "Yes?" Xiaotian sat up at the sight of the nervous-looking servant, one wearing a massive shiner. "What happened?!"
"Well, there's a strange animal acting strange, and some of us tried to catch it to see if it was alright." Made sense, his father protected all of Flower Fruit Mountain, including the animals. Any signs of disease were quickly caught and treated. "But it's lashing out, and your father and the generals are in a meeting. It's in your private grotto, and we were hoping you could-"
"I'm already on my way," Xiaotian scrambled to his feet, reaching a hand back to help Xiaojiao. "Show us this animal."
The servant wasted no time in leading them out of the garden and down the path, splitting away from the main path down a small side path. As they rushed down it, Xiaotian could hear cries and yells.
"What kind of deer is this?!"
"Run for your life!"
The servant shoved some bushes aside, revealing one of his private groves, and Xiaotian felt himself come to a stop at the scene.
First, there were several monkeys, all nursing cuts and bruises. One even had an arm twisted the wrong way. Not all of them wore servants' or guards' uniforms. Some wore simple clothes. Baskets of fruit had been scattered around in the chaos, peaches smashed beyond recognition.
And there was the deer.
It was unlike any buck Xiaotian had seen before. For one thing, its horns were strangely thick, to the point that it had to be hurting the poor thing despite its large size. Another thing was that its eyes were strangely intelligent, fiercely flashing as it kicked and bucked. And, the last thing, its fur was a deep scarlet red, not unlike the hair of the prince who had recently come to visit.
Xiaotian shook his head. He couldn't get distracted by thoughts of Prince Red, not now. Instead, he rushed forward, coming between the buck and a servant. "STAND DOWN!" he yelled to the guards, forcing them to lower their weapons.
The buck came to a stop.
Xiaotian blinked and slowly held up his hands, showing that he had no weapons. He and his father shared the staff that could move mountains, and it was currently with Sun Wukong in his meeting. "It's okay," he said to the deer, keepng his voice soft and pleasant. "It's okay. We don't want to hurt you. We just want to make sure you're okay." He raised a hand up, dropping his eyes to the scarlet coat.
Slowly, he felt the deer lean forward until the softness of its forehead pressed against his palm. Xiaotian allowed his other hand to move forward, gently running his hand over the coat, feeling a happy laugh escape him at the feeling. He had never been able to pet a deer, despite the lovely deer that frolicked on the mountain.
He pulled his hands away once he felt the deer relax. Xiaotian carefully raised his hands to his head and pulled off the scarlet ribbon that tied his hair back. "Xiaojiao," he called to his best friend. He hear the rasp of her jade sword settling back into its sheath. "Can you run to the stables and ask them to prepare a stable for my little friend here?"
"Uh, sure. Do you want me to get the vet too?"
"That'll be great!" Xiaotian was more focused on gently wrapping the ribbon around the buck's neck, making a leash out of his ribbon. He expected the deer to kick and bite, but it remained still, excluding a small, impatient stomp. Once it was done, he had a leashed deer who gently followed behind him.
He left his grove silent, his subjects gaping after him.
The stables had a small stall set up by the time Xiaotian arrived. The deer looked a little nervous as they stepped inside, and Xiaotian couldn't blame him. The stables were full of horses- at least three were stolen from Heaven when Sun Wukong served as the bimawen, while the other five were either gifts or horses that the Monkey King had wrangled himself. Second to the monkeys, these were Sun Wukong's favorite creatures, and he made sure they were well-kept. "Uh, here, my prince," the stable master said, leading Xiaotian to the stall at the end.
Sweet new hay had been set up, with a trough full of grass and a small thing of salt. Xiaotian settled into the hay and the deer followed, sweetly settling next to him and setting his head in his lap. "Wow!" Xiaojiao said from the doorway. "He's nothing like before. What did you do?"
“I don’t know,” Xiaotian admitted. He paused his pets, and the deer butted his hand, forcing him to start the gentle movements again. “I just told him to stop, and he did.” He turned his smile to the deer. “You’re just a scared little sweetie, aren’t you?” he cooed.
It might’ve been his imagination, but the deer seemed to roll its eyes.
Xiaotian loved his new pet.
As it turned out, the deer was not sweet. The stable master had made the mistake of trying to feed him, still amazed by its appearance, and the deer had bit him. Any stable boys were promptly kicked and bit until Xiaotian had arrived. At the very sound of his voice, the deer had calmed.
So, it was agreed. Xiaotian was the only one allowed to approach the deer. He didn’t mind. The buck was nice to him, even though he felt sassy to the point of brattiness sometimes. Still, he allowed him to brush out his fur, feed him, and take him out on walks. (He had tried to take some of his father’s horses out, but the deer had stomped its foot until the stable master took the reins. Xiaojiao had tried to join, but one attempted kick from the deer was enough.) Xiaotian had found a lovely meadow next to a waterfall, and there he grazed the deer.
Out there, alone with nothing but the deer and his thoughts, Xiaotian found himself talking to the deer. 
At first, it was nothing but notes on drawing his new pet. “You’re so energetic!” he said, scratching the deer’s head. “You’re giving me lots of practice for dynamic poses.” For the next few minutes, it felt like the deer was posing, allowing him to scrawl out the weird horns (the vet had no explanation for the horns) and the buck’s large chest.
Slowly, though, more thoughts came out. Some were just kingdom gossip that his father told him during dinner. Some were his own thoughts, mostly around his rejected engagement. “I wished I could’ve drawn him,” he admitted as the buck rested against him. “He was beautiful. Not like you-” The deer snorted with a vain little flick of his head. “Definitely not like you. You don’t have his eyes.”
Those amber eyes had seared into his skin, matching the warmth of the flames he so easily wielded. Xiaotian could imagine those amber eyes staring into his own, studying him with every inch. He sighed, shutting the book. “But, hey, at least I have you.”
It might’ve been his imagination again, but the buck looked sad.
That night, at dinner, his baba seemed… weird. Uneasy. He picked more at his food than ate it, and considering his appetite, Xiaotian had to ask. “Are you feeling alright?”
“Oh, well…” Sun Wukong looked around as if expecting to see someone eavesdropping. Most of the monkeys were in the dining hall, eating their food or talking with each other, the din rendering any attempts at eavesdropping moot. “Red Son is getting married.”
Xiaotian’s heart did a weird thing, a mix between a squeeze and an ache. “Really,” he said, trying to sound calm. “Who to?”
“Some noblewoman named Ivory Lady. The issue is that Red disappeared the day after I rejected his courtship of you,” Wukong stared at his bowl, his brows furrowed tight. “Apparently, he went on a quest for some way to reverse his family’s fortune. And then suddenly, he appeared out of nowhere with this random older woman?” Wukong picked up a slice of peach and bit into it almost savagely. “Maybe it’s just me…” He didn’t explain why he was concerned.
Xiaotian’s heart was busy doing that weird ache-squeeze.
He found himself not touching his dinner either, excusing himself as soon as he could. Xiaojiao was back home, visiting her great-uncle, so he found himself stumbling to the stable.
He shouldn’t have been surprised. DBK had been desperate to set Red up with a good match. And with things as poor as they were in the bull clan, Red would, of course, go looking for a match of his own. He just hadn’t expected it so soon, barely a month after his baba’s rejection.
The deer looked up with a mouth full of sweet cud as Xiaotian stumbled in, collapsing to his knees. The deer wasted no time snuggling up, looking up at him with those big dark eyes. It took a drop of water landing on the red fur to realize tears were rolling down his cheeks.
“I mean…of course, he would just try again with someone else…” Xiaotian sniffled, letting the tears roll down. “I wasn’t anyone special to him. We barely…barely knew each other…” Gods, he was crying over a guy he had only seen up close once. “I’m being ridiculous…”
The deer rose up, nuzzling his face. Xiaotian couldn’t help but laugh at the sweetness of the gesture.
“Yeah, I’m being stupid. Who cares if Red is getting married?” The deer’s eyes went wide. “I mean, I have plenty of opportunities- Where are you going?” The deer had stood up, looking around frantically. “Wait, hang on-” Before he could grab the collar, the deer had somehow managed to jump over the stall door. It wasn’t a full jump, leaving the deer struggling on its stomach on top of the door. In front of Xiaotian’s horrified gaze, the deer somehow managed to shimmy to the other side.
The moment he got his feet under him, the buck took off at a run.
Xiaotian scrambled past him, following the deer as fast as he could. Several screams and cries, like the first time he had been called to handle the deer, led him to the stone manor. The doors had been thrown open, and several monkeys were huddling around, clearly terrified. Xiaotian wished he could stop and comfort them, but he had to get his pet.
He finally caught up at the doors to the throne room, reaching in time to see the deer throw his head, throwing the doors open. Sun Wukong, talking with his marshals and generals, looked up, startled.
Xiaotian threw himself forward. It was the stupidest idea, but he had to try. He buried his fingers in the soft fur he had just been petting a few minutes ago and yanked down. The deer went stumbling head over heels, coming to a stop in front of Wukong.
"Sorry, baba!" Xiaotian said, desperately trying to keep the deer from moving. He hadn't bucked him off yet, which was a blessing. "He just started to freak out, I don't know what's wrong-"
"Huh?" Xiaotian looked up, realizing his father's eyes were glowing gold. On a guess, he looked down and allowed his gold vision to activate. (He honestly kept forgetting he had that.)
The next second he was scrambling off.
Instead of a deer, a bull demon was hunched on the floor. Those warm amber eyes, that scarlet fur...Prince Red stared up at him desperately. "...I've been keeping a prince in the stables," he managed out. There were several other issues, but that was the first he was focusing on.
Wukong's brows furrowed together. "Well, if he was in the stables, who's the Red getting married?" he asked. Red's face scrunched up in a furious look and if Xiaotian wasn't so embarrassed, he would be swooning.
“I have no idea.”
The wedding- sparsely but lovingly decorated- fell silent. Xiaotian's face burned, but he ignored it, focused on the couple mid-bow. The bride appeared to be an older but still beautiful woman, her features full of icy beauty. The groom was Red Son, prince of the Demon Bull King.
At least, he appeared to be.
"What is going on here?!" The Demon Bull King bellowed. He rose up, eyes narrowing on Xiaotian and his father. "Sun Wukong! You dare to interrupt! You already snubbed my son-"
"Yes, but I'm here on behalf of your son." It had taken a lot of work to figure out how to get Red here, but he trotted in, allowing Xiaotian to bury his fingers in his fur. "What appeared to be a simple but extraordinary deer caught the eye of my son. I looked upon him with my vision of truth." His voice rolled through the hall. "Do you want to know what I saw?"
Silence fell as everyone turned to stare at the frozen couple. The man pretending to be the prince was sweating while the bride just looked annoyed, especially when there was an awkward "Uh..."
'Red' squeaked as he went poof, revealing a scrawny man with big glasses and blue hair. The entire hall went silent. The woman, Ivory Lady or whatever, yanked her hands away with a disgusted noise. "I can see destiny refuses to let me walk this path," she sighed.
Red lunged forward, antlers clearly ready to gore, and she disappeared in a flash of cold blue. The man yelped, jumping off the stage just in time to avoid being gored. Two guards were immediately at his side, yanking him off his feet and away despite his protests.
The hall fell silent as people awkwardly, without much of a word, got up and shuffled out after the false groom. DBK didn't seem to care, rushing over to help Red get his antlers out of the wall. Princess Iron Fan trailed behind, looking surprisingly calm.
"How do we fix him?!" DBK demanded, hugging Red as best as he could. "I need my son back!"
"Well...uh, I don't know, we just found him like this...!"
As the argument continued to grow, Xiaotian slipped over to Red. The transformed prince nuzzled against his face. He sighed, scratching him in that spot he liked. “It's okay, Red,” No, it wasn't okay, but Xiaotian had to believe this could be fixed. “We’ll find a way. I promise.” He leaned forward and kissed Red right between his horns, sealing his promise.
Xiaotian blinked at the sudden smoke, feeling heat crawl up his face. Instead of a soft deer, he was face to face with muscle. He dared to look up, feeling the heat grow even hotter as his legs went weak.
Red blinked, and suddenly, his hands were around his waist, keeping him steady. Xiaotian stared at him, wide-eyed, and that heat was just growing worse as Red grinned before his feet left off the ground as the taller prince scooped him up fully in his arms as he spun, holding him tight.
He had never been so thankful for being picked up.
"Thank you," Red said, his voice low before he moved forward. The kiss was soft and pleasant, sending an electric shock up Xiaotian's spine. He pulled away, and Xiaotian wasted no time, grabbing Red's collar and hauling him close for another kiss.
At least, he tried.
"Okay, okay, make som room for Buddha!" His father shoved their faces apart, looking like he had just come to the realization that Xiaotian and Red had technically been alone for weeks. "Red has some explaining to do."
"What happened?" DBK was the first to ask, which was reasonable. "Where did you go?! Your mother and I were so worried!"
Red managed a cough. "I went to the neighboring kingdom," he said. "I heard that the king there was interested in servants that never tired." He gestured. "I was hoping that we could arrange a deal, since we've made a way to mass-produce the bull clones." Those must've been the never-tiring servants he had created. "She...I met her first. She was his advisor, but she wanted the bull clones to serve her. I refused, because I didn't trust her."
"And she turned you into a deer," Xiaotian said, slotting the pieces together. "She must've figured marrying at least someone who claimed to be you was the best way to get her soldiers."
Wukong sighed. "Well, glad we could get that solved. C'mon, Xiaotian-"
"Nope." Red started walking in the other direction, still holding him close. Xiaotian couldn't, wouldn't protest. "I made a promise to myself that I would keep him, so..."
"Wait, HANG ON-!"
Red broke into a run, leaving Wukong to scramble after him. Xiaotian didn't protest, snuggling close.
He would miss his deer. But he was happy to have his prince.
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sweetpeathecat · 2 years
LMK Season 4 Spoilers!!!!!
I’m trying to map the whole Monkie!MK situation.
•what we do know
-the stone egg(that SWK was born from) naturally regenerates in LMK
-MK is a stone monkey(like SWK)
-SWK got most of his power by training under the Patriarch. The power he learned under the Patriarch are Toaist/Doaist. Anyone can learn them, but it depends on one’s level of self cultivation. SWK was born with his laser eyes. He got his golden vision from being in the Furnace. He got his multiple forms of immortality from different situations. First (layer?) is from the training under the Patriarch. Next is from crossing his name(and as many monkey he could find) out of the book if the dead. Next 3 are from consuming the peaches, wine and pills of immortality. Last one is his body be refined in the Furnace to the it’s compared to diamonds or an iron hide.
-there is an unnamed Goddess with animal figurines. The Monkey figurine is emphasized.
- the monkey figurine is at the site of MK’s stone egg before it hatched
-SWK is at the site of MK’s stone egg(without the monkey figurine). Staring at it with an intense expression.
-MK’s stone egg is smaller than SWK’s stone egg. SWK was born as a full grown adult. MK is imputed to be born as a small child.
-MK being from the same(regenerated/gave birth again to another life) egg allows his to control and master all SWK’s abilities.
-MK’s birth was intentional. “Destiny had plans for you”. MK is an important pawn to someone else’s plans/game.
•what we don’t know
-why was MK born in the first place? What is his purpose/destiny/mission?
-how much is SWK involved in the situation? Did get a say in any of this?(LMK writer said that SWK doesn’t know about MK’s stone egg. He is just as in the dark as MK)
-is MK, SWK’s younger brother, son, clone or completely unrelated? (update: the writers said SWK isn’t MK’s dad on Twitter. They said that the English version of the show is more clear on this matter)
- who is the Goddess with all the animals figurines? Why and how is she involved in MK’s birth?
- who gave MK all of SWK’s abilities? Was he just born with them? Does the monkey figurine have anything to do with it?
Why was MK left at Pigsy’s in a human form covered in mud, when he is supposed to be born a stone monkey?
-Did SWK leave him there? Did the Goddess or was it someone else?
- why is MK’s monkey form only coming out now? Are the visions/suppressed memories triggering it? It it just being in the memory/history scroll 📜?
This was made when we only had the English Fan Subbs. Might have to update this now that the Original English version
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stellawolfearts · 2 years
I recently saw this tiktok with an audio that was like 'I could've patented him, I could've made sure he was ok' I'm pretty sure it was a about the grinch or something but that made me think of Wukong and MK.
Like, I bet he was so disappointed when he realized that there was another celestial monkey in the world and he didn't know.
Wukong knows that Pigsy and Tang raised him well, bit he can't help that little voice at the back of his head saying that he should've done more for this cub who was left alone in the world.
clutches heart
i think he was drawn to mk n the beginning bc mk's a stone monkey and his magic or his aura just...felt right. and then he starts getting attached to the kid and now he learned that this sweet kid he has grown to love as his own is just like him?
that thier actually connected? that he hasnt only failed Xiaotian as the monkie kid but from the moment he was born.
which of course. he didnt. he had no way of knowing mk was born he should have known. he had no way of finding mk he should have tried. he never knew the kid existed. he should have been there.
how could he have done anything?
he should have done something
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big-nerd-boi · 4 months
How old are all the monkeys like how long have they been around and how old do they present/mentally?
A very good question!
Heng is by far the oldest physically and mentally. Thanks to his ability to reverse his physical age, he is basically immortal without any peaches, wine, or religion. With how long he’s been around as well, he’s seen plenty of the good and bad of humans and demons.
He likes to see himself as mature, above petty conflicts and ire— and for the most part he is. He’s cool headed, and a gentle man to his family and most strangers.
But he’s still flawed, especially when anyone he cares about gets hurt.
Wukong is the second oldest! He even met Heng once on his quest for immortality, though the baboon was disguised as a normal human— and didn’t really talk to Wukong beyond pointing him towards the fabled mountain where Subodhi lived.
Mentally? Well, we’ve seen how impulsive, impolite, and murderous Wukong can be. But at the end of the journey, he has matured to the point he earned the title of a Buddha!
Unfortunately… he never did leave the jade palace after trying to get his crown removed by the emperor; breaking his promise to help Tang Sanzang back to the east.
Min-Yáng: the mother of four children and an empress, she has always been rather mature and levelheaded since she was born. She’s the third oldest monkey, born just around the 200 year mark of Wukong being trapped under the Mountain of Five Phases.
She’s a few centuries younger than her sworn brother Heng, but compared to those two; she’s never caused much trouble beyond accidentally raising the sun from dawn to high noon.
Luhan: the youngest of all the stone monkeys; he was born during the last 100 years of Wukong’s imprisonment. He’s still old, but compared to the other three he’s barely made an impact.
Mentally: he’s… impulsive. Just like Wukong in many ways but worse. He believes he’s a far better candidate for monkey king, willing to fight and take what’s his no matter the cost; even at the expense of hurting others.
He’s been through a lot, but that doesn’t excuse his actions— especially the cannibalism ( which I am keeping canon ).
Though once he’s brought back from death, he does begin the right path to actually becoming someone better… eventually.
Yue: second eldest daughter to Min-Yáng, she is 12 years old. She has been learning the ways of royalty since birth, and how to keep her supernatural strength under control. But she’s still a child.
A child who has grown up with war on the horizon from the celestial realm. Yet no one can answer her question of why does the Veiled Emperor want their land? Or even who that is?
Finding the legendary iron rod of the monkey king after sneaking out her own home, those questions are replaced with something far more vital: surviving. Surviving until she can come back home without leading that war right to her parents.
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splendentmoon · 7 months
Apologies about my previous ask
I came up with the idea of ShadowJadePeach having more children after coming to the conclusion that by the time the family is reunited in hidden prince au the kids would all be grown up with two of them already having potential mates, so it felt logical that they might want to have more kids to experience what they missed out on with their first four children.
So after deciding on using Brother and Sister from the Wukong origin sets I came up with character descriptions for them and made multiple versions of them depending on if their older siblings hatched from a stone, or were born normally (or part of a canon compliant AU like mothers love).
(I even added in a bonus version of them for if you were to use them in AUs where Nüwa isn’t part of the family)
I gave Brother and Sister names of Wukong’s children from the non-canon JTTW sequel Journey to the South (Luzhen and Yuebei Xing)
I gave descriptions of their personalities, sibling relationships, and their favorite stone fruit.
I then described their appearances and powers and how they would differ depending on the AU.
Again I apologize for causing any confusion and potential headaches, because of my ask.
Relax, the reason for my headaches is that I've had a lot of stress these days and I'm not feeling well at home right now.
And the reason for not understanding is that since my language is not English and I have a translator with me, sometimes I can't understand what they are saying.
From your idea about shadowjadepeach, I just need you to separate them.
An example:
Monkey siblings were born naturally:
-Macaque would have given birth to Bai He, Rumble and Savage, while Nüwa would have given birth to MK, Luzhen and Yuebei Xing. -their attitudes, etc.
I just need separate order and to be to the point or clear, nothing else.
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zomb-siren · 2 years
So basically l had this AU stuck in my head and l really wanted to but it out here no l will not make this into a thing it’s just an idea but uh yeah!
(It’s also called “white cub reborn)
Tumblr media
stuff: Okay first His name is Akimitsu (meaning light see what l did there🤭) He is a calm and kind (If people deserve it) He’s worshiped as the god of equality and his temple was build by Sun wukong who mourned his cub death.(even though people were worshiping him already)
Before his birth: Sun wukong never met Macaque in their childhood so they never got abandoned or killed (yet hehe 😉) After the Journey to the west ended Swk went back to FFM (He left some monkeys to take care for the Mountain when he was going to have that position in haven lmao) and after he saw his “little ones” (many were grown up) that’s when he saw the six-eared macaque and instantly falls in love with him and begins to talk to him so after a while macaque falls in love with swk and they marry
His rings: Fast forward* Since Akimitsu powers only came when he became 10 (He was born a monkey from the stone) his power became too powerful for his own good (like 1x than the fire of samedi it’s also called the true aura of sandiest) TOO powerful even for sun waking to trap the aura so they get help from Kuanyin who puts a ring around his neck and hands after all that kuanyin tells wukong and macaque the spell.
To be continued..
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Anatomy of a Stone Monkey
Unfortunately m not good at drawing at all so this’ll all be in text 😅
This is cannon for Speak no Evil, Do no Evil. Haven’t decided yet if it’ll be cannon for all my monkey madness fics yet
Long fluffy Mane
an adaptation to help hem look bigger when scared or angry. Making predators think twice when handling them as young. When grown this mane is useful for hiding Young within and resources. This mane also helps enhance their natural cuteness, encouraging Maternal Instincts of species similar in apperance
Guard Hairs
Particularly aggressive hair scattered randomly across the body of the Stone Monkey. They usually have a lot from birth and slowly grow them less and less as they grow… unless the child had a VERY stressful upbringing. Then they develop more as they grow and mature. Guard hairs are metal in nature, and thin enough to cut easily into flesh but not bone
Stone Body
While they heal rapidly… the stone monkeys are still well… Stone. They Scar very easily as the healing process isn’t the best regeneration wise, it’s just the fastest. They can’t regenerate whole limbs normally but well… two of the four Stone Monkeys in this fic gained immortality long before Ruiyuan’s time
They also sink in water~
Their claws are unbreakable when struck one way and breakable another. Much like Obsidian. They also grow in fast so you’ll find Stone Monkeys like to claw on things so their claws don’t grow too unruly~
I’m still working out how the vocalization’s should be atm. So far Chirping is instinctive and a parent can instinctively recognize the Chirps of their young. They can also purrrrr when comfortable and hiss when putting on a threat display
Much like a shark, their teeth can and will fall out to be replaced by a new one. Since they’re stone the teeth can grow dull rather quickly. The more mineral rich their diet the stronger the8r teeth become
To a stone monkey? Poisonous things are really tasty. They have a very strong gut, and if a poison or venom is a bit too much for them a power nap will be all they need to be back on their feet. Though unless they keep up that sort of diet they usually grow out of it with time. This comes from the fact that Stone Monkeys rarely are raised by another. Instead they are born alone and scavenge until they are adopted into a community.
Like Demons, they need Human Flesh to grow~
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quitealotofsodapop · 10 months
La imagen mental de un SMK adulto-recién-nacido jugando con ''sus congéneres'' mientras que los demás monos miran extrañaros no va salir de mi cabeza por un buen tiempo XDD (de hecho creo que es canon en LMK)
Mihou adolescente se sentirá algo extraño cuando este ''adulto'' actúe algo infantil (hasta que sepa que el nació físicamente adulto)
Por lo menos Wukong será el mas alto por un buen tiempo...
translated via google: referencing the post about Wukong being born grown.
"The mental image of a newborn-adult SMK playing with ''his fellows'' while the other monkeys stare at you won't leave my head for a long time XDD (in fact I think it's canon in LMK)
Teenage Mihou will feel something strange when this “adult” acts somewhat childish (until she knows that he was born physically adult)
At least Wukong will be the tallest for a long time..."
Monkeys might see it as a little weird, but it never hurts to have an extra child-minder on hand.
Macaque I think is around the same "age" as Wukong, but he did get raised by Chang'e for a long time when the lunar goddess realised that he was mentally a newborn. He probably thinks Wukong is weirdly immature, even as a born-adult Stone Monkey.
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skendong · 5 months
Hey Rishi Sunak, Send Me To Rwanda
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The Safety of Rwanda Act 2024. I scratch my head while reading.
Soon enacted by an ailing King, The muse hit me. I’m free versing.
I was born in England, My mother from Jamaica. After World War 2, She’s deemed a saviour. British streets paved With Wagadugu gold? As she arrived, they cried “Go back home!”
But she was strong, The wind rushed through. Whose hands and minerals Built Empires of the West? Mancunian accent, A grown man now – I’m the epitomy of English, Deterred but not a guest.
So, hey Rishi Sunak, You can send me to Rwanda, Home of my ancestors Kidnapped from Africa. I’ve been to Touba, And Jufureh, The Gambia, But wouldn’t mind chilling With a mountain gorilla, Or the golden monkeys Living in Virunga.
But when I looked it up It would cost five grand. The deportation scheme, Half a billion pounds. How many British Could that employ? Jobs for the people, Forget this ploy. Home Office workers Processing claims and
After horror stories Most migrants should remain – In this colourful nation Which I’m a part of. The Government is crooked, But some people I do love.
I’m scratching my head At this small tetchy brown man. First Asian Prime Minister Micro-managing this plan. He’s there by default Because disgraced Liz Truss, And because his parents Were given grace –
Just like my parents, It’s not about race, But he’s racing to the top, He has no face. Trying to leave a legacy, The troubling thing is: The world eyeing his policy We, the cost of living.
Through the grapevine, America might decree – Southern border migrants Sent to Haiti. Or Israel might designate Palestinian refugees, Bombed to smithereens But soon Lebanese.
Denmark plotted initially This Rwanda plan. They’re tied up by Europe, Apparently humane.
From the lord to the commons, From the commons to the lords, From the lords to the commons. Now the policy is here.
If I was ever the first Black Prime Minister My declaration would be –
On the cold cobbled stones Of Number 10, holding To the sky my assegai spear, Before the clicks and microphones Justice is laid bare:
“All who survived that perilous journey – You’re most welcome here.”
“All who survived that perilous journey – You’re most welcome here.”
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wintermahri0604 · 1 year
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Here is a old/recent lmk oc art
Shang and his daughter
Instead of taking on the role of being just her protecter he decided to be her father
Now feeling more in peace and less rage hes gotten along with the two monkeys who he calls his brothers again macaque and wukong
Liena is special as no matter what shell bring joy to everyone even in there darkest time shell make them happy
Shang has also let his hair grown to show that hes a changed man
During this time hes slowly patching up stuff with macaque and wukong as they are trying to do the same
In this au they treat each other like brothers
Also wanted to make my own style instead of drawing them as legos
Shang had found a next generation of new monkeys in stones, after remembering the events of his past he was going to make sure to protect them and wait till they were born/hatched so that he could teach them to be better, in he travels to find a good place to take care of these new monkeys he would end up meeting a mew friend that woukd bring him yo the west she who is the (lets skip the great great part) great grankid of the great tiger of the west
(Her story will be told in another post) as she brough him to a old temple that would eventually be fixed he would live there and even spot for a local tudi who hik and his new friend would be friends with
After some tragic and warming events(this will be told in future post)
Shang was left with one egg/rock left
This rock/egg would be lienda
Liendas design was made by another artist which im really thankful for there help in making her the artist is elirastudio on insta
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wangwill66 · 2 years
亞當·理查·山德勒是一位美國電影演員、電影製作人。在成為一名傑出的喜劇人和在美國喜劇節目《週六夜現場》之後,山德勒晉升為好萊塢的重要演員,並且演出了7部製作預算超過1億美元的大型電影。 維基百科
出生資訊: 1966 年 9 月 9 日(56歲),美國紐約紐約布鲁克林
身高: 1.77 公尺
配偶: 潔奇・山德勒 (結婚於 2003 年)
子女: 莎蒂·麥狄遜·山德勒, 珊妮・瑪德琳・山德勒
兄弟姊妹: 斯科特·山德勒, 伊莉莎白·山德勒, 薇樂莉·山德勒
父母: 史丹利·山德勒, 茱蒂·山德勒
年份標題角色職位附註演員監製編劇1989下水(英語:Going Overboard)Schecky Moskowitz1991搖晃小丑(英語:Shakes the Clown)Dink the Clown1993尖頭外星族Carmine Weiner1994搖滾總動員(英語:Airheads)Pip救命恩人Louie1995阿呆闖學府(英語:Billy Madison)Billy Madison1996高爾夫球也瘋狂Happy Gilmore冤家路窄Archie Moses1998婚禮歌手Robbie Hart下流勾當(英語:Dirty Work (1998 film))Satan客串;未掛名[1]呆呆向前衝(英語:The Waterboy)Robert "Bobby" Boucher, Jr.執行製片人1999冒牌老爸(英語:Big Daddy (1999 film))Sonny Koufax執行製片人哈拉猛男秀(英語:Deuce Bigalow: Male Gigolo)Robert Justin配音
兼執行製片人2000魔鬼接班人(英語:Little Nicky)Nicky執行製片人2001獸性大發Townie客串
兼執行製片人傻喬歷險記(英語:Joe Dirt)—執行製片人2002凸槌大亨(英語:Mr. Deeds)Mr. Longfellow Deeds執行製片人戀愛雞尾酒Barry Egan驚奇八夜(英語:Eight Crazy Nights)Davey Stone,Whitey Duvall,Eleanore Duvall配音驚奇八夜(英語:Eight Crazy Nights)Mambuza Bongo Guy客串;未掛名[3]
兼執行製片人變裝大師(英語:The Master of Disguise)—執行製片人2003抓狂管訓班(英語:Anger Management (film))Dave Buznik執行製片人波利死後(英語:Pauly Shore Is Dead)他自己配音
客串扭轉過去(英語:Dickie Roberts: Former Child Star)—2004我的失憶女友Henry Roth真情快譯通(英語:Spanglish (film))John Clasky2005鐵男總動員Paul Crewe執行製片人哈拉猛男秀2:歐亞種馬(英語:Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo)Mike Bigelow客串;未掛名[4]2006命運好好玩Michael Newman賴家宅男(英語:Grandma's Boy (2006 film))—執行製片人冷板凳少棒隊(英語:The Benchwarmers)—2007從心開始Charles "Charlie" Fineman當我們「假」在一起Charles "Chuck" Levine2008特勤沙龍Zohan Dvir / Scrappy Coco天方夜談Skeeter Bronson瘋狂野生秀(英語:Strange Wilderness)—執行製片人女郎我最兔—2009命運好好笑(英語:Funny People)George Simmons百貨戰警—近道抄出命(英語:The Shortcut)—執行製片人2010亞當等大人Leonard "Lenny" Feder2011愛情大臨演Dr. Daniel Leroy "Danny" Maccabee III全民情獸Donald the Capuchin Monkey配音龍鳳大雙胞(英語:Jack and Jill (2011 film))Jack Sadelstein / Jill Sadelstein脫星世家(英語:Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star)—2012我老爸卡好Donald "Donny" Berger尖叫旅社德古拉配音
兼執行製片人好景在望—執行製片人2013亞當等大人2(英語:Grown Ups 2)Leonard "Lenny" Feder2014當我們混在一起Jim Friedman雲端男女(英語:Men, Women & Children (film))Don Truby命運鞋奏曲(英語:The Cobbler (2014 film))Max Simkin喜劇人生他自己客串2015世界大對戰Sam Brenner我就是克里斯法利(英語:I Am Chris Farley)他自己紀錄片百貨戰警2—尖叫旅社2德古拉配音
兼執行製片人荒唐六蛟龍(英語:The Ridiculous 6)Tommy "White Knife" Stockburn2016假死新人生(英語:The Do-Over)Max Kessler2017魯蛇鳥經紀(英語:Sandy Wexler)Sandy Wexler邁耶維茨家的故事 (全新增訂版)Danny MeyerowitzPuppy!(英語:Hotel Transylvania (franchise)#Puppy!)德古拉配音
短片2018The Week Of(英語:The Week Of)Kenny Lustig尖叫旅社3:怪獸假期德古拉配音
兼執行製片人Adam Sandler 100% Fresh他自己獨角喜劇電影2019奪命鴛殃Nick Spitz原鑽Howard Ratner2020Goldman v SilvermanRod Goldman短片;未掛名小姐妳哪位?(英語:The Wrong Missy)萬聖節救星修比Hubie Dubois2022必勝球探Stanley Beren波希米亞太空人(英語:Spaceman (upcoming film))Jakub Prochãzka奪命鴛殃2(英語:Murder Mystery 2)Nick Spit
年份標題角色附註1987–88天才老爹Smitty4集1987–90Remote Control(英語:Remote Control (game show))The Stud Boy and the Trivia Delinquent主要演員
遊戲節目1990The Marshall ChroniclesUsher單集:"Brightman SATyricon"1990ABC課後特別��間(英語:ABC Afterschool Special)Drug Dealer單集:"Testing Dirty"1990–95週六夜現場Various87集1993賴瑞桑德斯秀(英語:The Larry Sanders Show)他自己Episode: "Hank's Wedding"2001主修未定(英語:Undeclared)他自己單集:"The Assistant"2003CouchCouch Testing Guy電視短片2005GetawayHenry Roth單集:"Found"2007–13約會規則執行製片人2007皇后區之王(英語:The King of Queens)Jeff "The Beast" Sussman未掛名;單集:"Mild Bunch"[5]2009芝麻街他自己2集2013小潔的保姆日記他自己單集:"Punched Dumped Love"2014神煩警察他自己單集:"Operation: Broken Feather"2016、2018凱文的退休生活(英語:Kevin Can Wait)Jimmy Lander未掛名;2集2017真實的勞勃(英語:Real Rob)Adam單集:"Authentic Self"2020家庭電影:公主新娘(英語:Home Movie: The Princess Bride)Grandfather單集:"As You Wish"德魯·巴里摩爾秀(英語:The Drew Barrymore Show)他自己單集:"Cameron Diaz, Lucy Liu, Adam Sandler"
《They're All Gonna Laugh At You!》(1993年)
《What The Hell Happened To Me?》(1996年)
《What's Your Name?》(1997年)
《Stan and Judy's Kid》(1999年)
《Shhh...Don't Tell》(2004)
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silvergolddraco28 · 5 months
LMK x Hazbin Hotel part 13 Stone Egg
Magic swirled and glowed, growing and folding as it landed into different colors creating something similar to a hologram of an island before focusing on the highest peak where a large egg-shaped stone with a swirl marking rested with an almost cartoonish quality. “Made this spell on the fly, so excuse the quality.” Wukong sheepishly stated directing the attention back to himself and away from Vaggie to give her time to adjust.
"Don't sweat it, monkey man! You always know how to dazzle!" Lucifer cheered and so did an array of squeaky ducks for the encouragement he summoned just for show. There seemed to be a new elevated buzz around the room, a new sense of camaraderie as murmurs grew in agreement in support of the celestial. 
Charlie on the other hand tuned it partly out while keeping her focus on Vaggie. Had she been less split between her girlfriend and the residents she would have been beaming at the bond which was occurring as of right now! She simply brought the stunned angel closer into her hold as she murmured sweet nothings, gently coaxing her to rest. She would take on those burdens, wiping her tears as she did so. Charlie had noted her partner still avoided her gaze though this worried and saddened her, she ultimately understood.
“This is my home, Flower Fruit Mountain, the egg-shaped stone is the very egg I was born from,” Wukong explained as the said egg began to glow with golden cracks forming along it before it exploded outward. Within the shell of the egg was a fully grown golden monkey but with an air of childish innocence and wonder as pale red sclera with bright golden eyes looked around in wonder before a massive beam of energy shot from the golden monkey’s eyes up into the sky and stopped just as swiftly as it happened with the younger monkey clumsily rubbing his eyes.
The group collectively admired the showcasing of the scene as well as the sight of an adorable, much younger celestial who appeared! Charlie did her best to hold back a squeal of excitement though her grip slightly tightened around Vaggie in excitement who in turn was not phased as she too stared upon the visuals. "He looks so adorable Vaggie!" Charlie whispered.
"All that from a fucking egg?! Talk about incredible!" Lucifer gapped. This monkey truly knew no bounds! To be born of stone? It made a lot more sense given his title of 'stone monkey.'
"Flower Fruit Mountain looks so peaceful," Charlie murmured with a warm smile. It had such a welcoming vibe she could practically feel its calming energy.
"Imagine all the bugs!" Nifty cackled from the floor, having zipped to a pillow when the magic began, kicking her legs in excitement.
“Peaceful and semi-sentient. It kept a lot of my growing power as a young one under wraps except for that single outburst.” Wukong stated while a much more typical white mountain monkey poked their head up over the side chirping at the young golden monkey that simply cocked their head to the side and repeated the chirp with a wagging tail much like a baby repeating words. “The monkeys that lived on the island took me in and as time went by i slowly became the protector of the group being bigger, more durable, and stronger than the mountain monkeys.” Wukong continued as the hologram began to show snippets of Wukong saving the smaller monkeys from different situations until Wukong stood on a cliff overlooking a waterfall. 
”I have to jump through the waterfall to become King?” the young golden monkey asked one of the elder-looking mountain monkeys. 
”Yes Shihou. This is how Kings have been decided. Many have tried but can't manage to pass the curtain of water.” the elder replied.
"Why couldn't they just pass through? Ain't it just water?" Angel half whispered to no one in particular, eyes comically transfixed on the new scene that played. Husk seemed to let out a huff of air in amusement at the sudden intrigue that wasn't solely focused on the monkey's looks.
"Listen why don't ya?" Husk grumbled.
"There are even more adorable monkeys, Vaggie!" Charlie whisper-squealed.
Lucifer sat a little straighter in his comfy chair, hands squeezing and unsqueezing his beloved duck creation that didn't have a squeaker. He stared at all the monkeys wondering which was the 'Miho' Wukong had mentioned to him earlier.
The young Shihou grinned. ”Then i will be the first!” Shihou declared before jumping full head off the cliff and right through the waterfall a golden shimmer entered the young one’s body before settling down as Shihou looked around the massive cave with a palace built from stone inside. The young monkey turned around holding out a hand causing golden magic to spread out and split the water fall down the center opening up like a curtain. ”Come on! There is a Home here where we can all be safe from the predators!”
It was awe-inspiring to watch the celestial, though young in age take charge and responsibility head-on! Watching how he cared for the other monkeys on the mountain and would dive head first into trouble to protect them! He already had the true makings of a leader!
Charlie's eyes shimmered with hope at the possibility of turning her hotel into something similar. A safe haven for all. A welcoming refuge with a goal to help those in need. She couldn't wait to learn under Wukong's guidance. Maybe even become a strong leader like he was. Someday.
More time passed with the cave and palace becoming less rundown and looking far more lived in complete with Shihou wearing a crown made up of woven twigs and palm leaves. 
”King! King! Stranger on the beach! Stranger on the beach!” a young monkey called hastily trotting up to Shihou who blinked. 
”Big silver monkey! Look like King!”
‘Oh?’ was the look that crossed Shiou’s face as he followed the little monkey.
Backs seemed to sit up a little straighter as the group became more in tune with the scene as well as the story. There seemed to be a curious gaze as to who this stranger may be. Charlie could see her dad in her peripheral vision as he bounced in his seat. She shook her head with a small smile, happy to see him equally enjoying his time so far at the hotel.
Lucifer was all too eager for the mystery monkey to reveal himself. He wondered if they had started as foes and then friends later on. Who knew? The wait was agonizing nonetheless.
The hologram shifted to the beach with Shihou pushing aside the tall grass and gazing out to where several smaller monkeys were surrounding a tall humanoid monkey with bright silver white fur, tanned skin, a flaming red scarlet mask, and six elf-like ears tipped with pink blue and purple.
"Oooh that one's got six ears!" Sir Pentious pointed. 
"Yeah, no shit." Angel sniped playfully with no real malice for once causing the snake to roll his eyes. 
"Oh my gosh… so pretty!" Charlie cooed at the sight of the brightly colored tipped ears as she shook Vaggie who in turn hummed in agreement nestling closer into her princess.
"Woah! Now that's a statement!" Lucifer marveled. "I've never even seen a monkey look like that." The king continued to gaze. "I might be tripping wildly here but he kind of looks like our resident monkey man!" Upon observation, there seemed to be a noticeable resemblance that resonated with both monkeys.
"And he's just as cute too.~" Angel purred.
“The silver monkey is Liuer Mihou otherwise known as The Six Eared Macaque. This was how he looked when he first appeared on the Island.” Wukong explained with a fond but somewhat sad smile on his face as he looked at the memory of the silver monkey.
Shihou’s eyes went wide as he rushed over to the unconscious silver monkey making a face at the thick metal shackles locked over the silver monkey’s wrists, neck, and ankles before he gently snapped the metal tossing the metal far from the beach. Shihou gently picked up the silver monkey with ease resting their head against their shoulder and being careful of the limp silver tail. ” Let's bring him to shelter and near a fire to warm and dry his fur.” Shihou stated to the little monkeys.
"Mihoo! THAT'S HIM!" Lucifer exclaimed as he pointed frantically towards the cinematics but also growing excitement as the group continued to watch the hologram slightly puzzled by the king but continued to watch.
"Wow… Even his name is so pretty!" Charlie marveled while the group in turn seemed to murmur in agreement. "Gosh, I wonder what happened to the poor guy..." Charlie's heart grew heavy, her brows furrowing in disdain at the broken chains and shackles attached to the poor simian. "No one should be treated like that!"
"You tell 'em sweet pea!" Lucifer huffed in agreement
“Poachers. Silver fur is rare on a normal monkey, and silver fur and multiple ears on a demon monkey? Any poacher would be willing to capture a being that rare to sell as an exotic pet after breaking them.” Wukong replied in a slightly monotone way suppressing his old anger and disgust at how some mortals would do such a thing.
"Mortals would do that...?" Charlie murmured, the naïve surprise clear as day seemed like such a slap in the face to her though it didn't phase her fellow sinners half as much. Sure mortals weren't always the best but capturing a poor defenseless monkey only to parade him like an object??? It was obscene.
"Oh toots it's bad up there. Maybe someday we'll take ya up if we ever get granted that but mortals are pretty shitty people. Luckily, they didn't eat the guy or something." Angel dust piped up and even he frowned in disdain. 
"Ugh, that's fucking sick." Lucifer physically grimaced at the thought. He sat back in his comfy chair with a resounding sigh. "There's a reason so many end up down here. No offense."
"None taken!" Nifty hummed
“This was long before such laws outlawed it, Charlie. Unfortunately prey type demons are more likely to be targeted as they were on the bottom of the demon hierarchy it also didn't help that myself and Mihou were only two out of four.” Wukong explained while the hologram continued showing Shihou tending to Mihou until Mihou finally woke up scared out of his mind and speaking in a language Shihou didn't understand. 
"Two out of four...EVEN MORE MONKEY MANS?? I LIKE IT! Where are they???? I wanna see them next!" Lucifer nodded before looking momentarily concerned. Who was to say the other two had even- "If...they're still- y'know. Alive?" Though he murmured this part quietly more so to himself than anything else. He surely hoped for a better outcome.
"My money's on them being dead." Angel yawned earning a hush shove to the shoulder from Husk. 
"What! If handsome over there hasn't heard anything then well-" Angel shrugged.
"I kinda agree with Spindly over there," Lucifer murmured. "Though I sure hope not."
"Aw don't say that Angel, for all we know they're alive and well!" Charlie interjected, eyes brimming with hope as she wiped away the last of her tears.
“I never met the other two,” Wukong stated with a shrug, answering Lucifer’s inquiry and partly ignoring the rest. “Growing up isolated, I didn't know how to speak the demon tongue Mihou is speaking, which led to some problems until Mihou began to learn to speak monkey and slowly taught me how to speak in the demon tongue,” Wukong stated. It was rather obvious Mihou became rather close with Shihou as the two learned from each other with Mihou making a rather large fuss over Shihou at least wearing a grass skirt while Mihou himself simply dressed in the pale lavender dress-like tunic he had washed ashore in.
“Things would have been simple had it continued like this…” Wukong trailed off. “But as we all know. Life can be cruel even to the most pure.”
Shihou was holding a small infant cub in his arms. They weren't breathing and their pale skin was slowly turning blue even as Shihou tried to get the little one to take in air. 
“The troupe was hit with a bad harvest after a nasty two-week-long storm. Many of the mothers had stillborn cubs or premature cubs that didn’t survive the night.” Wukong explained the memory with sadness.
"It's still unfair," Charlie murmured with a saddened shake of her head but she understood where the celestial was coming from. It was just so cruel. And unfortunately, the same system seemed to follow down here in hell. They were all the prey. Heaven was one fearsome predator.
"Poor things." Sir Pentious sobbed at the heartbreaking sight. The princess sniffled right alongside him. Vaggie in turn stroked Charlie's hand gently in comfort, also stricken by such events.
“This series of events made me question something fundamental. Was there a way to prevent death to lives that never got the chance to live?” Wukong stated. “Mihou had told stories of the mainland beyond the island. Of beings that never grew or and could never die.”
"Beings... That live forever?" Vaggie murmured, eye transfixed on Wukong's words.
"Ugh sounds like that Neverland bullshit they feed ya back in the mortal world," Angel grumbled. 
"Neverland?" Charlie asked, earning a peculiar look from the spider sinner. 
"Ya know toots! Neverland? Peter pan? Kid that never grows old?"
"That fucker owes me money." Lucifer snarled as if he recalled something but pushed it aside.
However, the princess only shook her head quite amazed at the notion of this while ignoring the randomness of her father’s statement. "You were going to Neverland, Mr. King?" Charlie turned to Wukong with widened eyes.
“Nope. I was going to the mainland to find immortality that I could teach to my troupe.” Wukong replied.
"Woah, were you successful?? Did it work?" Charlie continued to quiz with bright intrigue. She hoped it was able to aid his troupe of adorable monkeys!
"Hold on pumpkin, let our resident monkey man tell ya!" Lucifer soothed as he chuckled refocusing on the current things while trying to keep his daughter from overwhelming the poor monkey and going off a possibly another tangent. ‘I'm doing a pretty bad job of keeping the questions and comments from happening but it seems Wukong’s used to telling things in small chunks and explaining it.’ Lucifer absently noted.
“It took thirty years but i gained my first immortality even if it was one Heaven didn't register as a ‘legal method’,” Wukong started showing snippets of his first year on the mainland either running for his life from angry humans bruised and cut from stones being thrown at him or just being treated as a mockery as he tried to learn the way mortals spoke. It was easier after he began to learn the words of mortals and mimicked their way of covering his body though many called him a flat woman for his lack of ‘plumbing’.
The group watched the scenes, curious eyes gazing in awe, understanding how their resident monkey came to be who he was through his troubles. It would irk the princess to no end watching how hard Wukong tried to fit in only to be ridiculed by the mortals. 
"I'd give 'em a piece of my mind! How dare they mess with our resident monkey!" Lucifer yelled.
"Dads right, they're so  cruel." Charlie huffed.
"Thankfully they're all dead now at least." The reigning king hummed. Life was the cruelest mistress of all
Wukong shrugged. “Didn't understand half of the words until a couple of decades later.” Wukong absently stated. “Still i was able to learn how to use and harness my magic. Manipulating my fur to mimic objects, using my fur as capitalists to create clones of myself, learning how to transform into seventy-two different animals, and shapeshifting to become someone else when i needed to hide away and finally, i learned how to summon my nimbus cloud to fly great distances.” Wukong listed off.
"Whaaaaat! That's so cool! Ya think I could do that if I plucked a hair? Being connected and all?" Lucifer asked already reaching for his hair. "Imagine more clones of me!"
"Please no. Godsssss no- your majesty." Sir Pentious sat in abject horror at the thought.
"I call dibs on one of 'em!" Angel grinned.
"That's amazing Mr. King.." Charlie admired giggling a little at her dad's statement. She couldn't even begin to imagine such magic! There was only so much she could do with her spells.
"A nimbus cloud too?! Ya gotta show us sometime monkey man!" 
"Dad! He already has! Didn't you notice? It was right in front of you too!" Charlie laughed. 
Lucifer beamed at his daughter but still shook his head confused.
“I think your father might have a case of ADHD, Charlie.” Wukong broached the subject while stalling the hologram.
"Oh that so checks out." Sir Pentious hummed.
"ADH- What? What is that?- Some type of disease?" Lucifer grimaced. "I can assure you! I am perfectly well!... Most of the time." Lucifer began to laugh but it was way too forced and it didn't meet his eye. The last thing he needed was to have his beloved daughter of all people worry about him! It should be the other way around! He was fine. Perfectly fine! Why couldn't they see that?!? 
“Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder,” Wukong stated. “Simply means your mind works differently compared to the average person and has an effect on how you function. It also leads to difficulty healthily getting over grief and depression without outside intervention.” Wukong explained. 
Charlie's eyes seemed to widen as she regarded Wukong before turning to her father. "That makes… so much sense." She murmured as if Wukong had easily connected the dots she had been missing! "Dad… It's not a bad thing! Really!" The princess assured with a shake of her head.
"Ahh… I see." Lucifer murmured, taking in Wukong's words with a slow nod. "And this isn't supposed to be a bad thing? Sounds awful if you ask me." The king frowned though it did seem… to resound quite clearly to his situation. The grief and depression certainly checked out. "But who's really to say my methods of coping are unhealthy? If I even was depressed ya know? Which! I'm not. Cause again. Perfectly fine!" Lucifer bluffed, waving his hand absentmindedly. "It's not like I spend every waking moment busying myself with inventions and drowning in work JUST BECAUSE I CAN'T COPE! IT'S NOT LIKE I'M HAUNTED BY EVERY FUCKING ACTION I'VE-" The ring seemed to burn against his finger as he instinctively flinched, beginning to twist it. Whatever words he would've said next immediately died down.
Wukong moved from the chair during the rant and near breakdown, gently taking Lucifer’s gloved hands in his, his golden tail coming over and removing the ring before he slowly worked off the leather gloves revealing bright neon yellow cracks in charred black flesh with raised ridges in the shape of chains that looked to have burned the skin. “It helps to have family beside you to help you cope. Plus this nasty ring isn’t helping you either.”  
Lucifer didn't flinch as Wukong took charge, his eyes seeming to have glazed over. An unreadable far away expression compared to the overly confident ruler they were all used to seeing. 
"Oh, dad." Charlie sniffed, Vaggie gently removed her hold giving Charlie's hand one last squeeze before the princess rushed over, enveloping Lucifer in a tight hug. Everyone around her was hurting and she had failed to see it! She had to do better. She couldn't stand to see her loved ones hurting.
"It was all I had left of her," Lucifer murmured holding onto his sweet little girl. His eyes were still trained on the faded screams before shifting to Wukong in a panic. "I can't- I need that ring-"
“That ring has done nothing but let parasites burrow into your mind, Lucifer, especially when you slept. Do you know what the hidden commands that were tied to this ring were?” Wukong asked. Wukong stated taking the ring from his tail into his free hand and crushing it causing horrid screams to escape from it. “Nightmare shades.”
"What the fuck!" Angel shouted, shirking away and watching the screams get released. He huddled closer to Husk who honestly seemed just as stunned as the rest of the group.
"I'd be more surprised if there wasn't any." Lucifer let out a bitter laugh. He couldn't blame her but it was what he deserved after all. Charlie only tightened her hold against her father upon hearing this. 
"Why did you keep wearing that awful thing, Dad..? I wish I could've-" Charlie teared, as Lucifer alarmingly stroked her cheek. 
"No, no, no- pumpkin shh, shh." Lucifer soothed. This was exactly the kind of situation he had wanted to avoid. Guilt swam in his features looking more unsure than ever in his choices. "I'm so sorry sweet pea."
“Lucifer… that ring is no different from the crown on my head,” Wukong stated, tapping the worn and battle-dinged golden band around his forehead. “You are not a filthy dove. Nor are you this obedient dog to an absent Queen who has fallen out of love with you. No parent would leave a command that prevents the other from interacting with their child unless the child invites them.” Wukong pointed out. “You are the King, you hold the power, you are the one that this land reflects, not that Queen that only used you as a stepping stone when she got a taste for luxury and power.”
Charlie wordlessly clung to him tighter. Guilt ran through her core equally. She didn't like how Wukong talked about her mother. It wasn't how that had happened at all! She wanted to come to her mother's defense but… she couldn't even find the words. Her mother would never… And yet… the wedding ring her father never took off showed otherwise. She couldn't even picture the woman's face. All she had were murky memories, a broken ring, and an empty promise she was trying so hard to pursue. It felt like the rug had slipped from under her. Had she been too naïve to notice such obvious cracks in her family's foundations?
Wukong's words stung, bruising every part of Lucifer's core. But not even the demon could deny his affections had clouded his better judgment, always chalking it up to his angelic roots and his inability to understand a human’s mind. By simply keeping to his little world he had unknowingly allowed her greed to manipulate and play into his devotions despite the time that had passed. Gazing at Wukong his eyes widened in surprise at the crown he wore. A thick band of golden metal dented and worn with time and many battles but the thing that made his stomach almost rebel was the fact the thick metal band of a crown was embedded in Wukong’s head creating a noticeable dent the crown rested in. ‘Why had he never noticed…? His cursed ring… the once sweet love that slowly soured over time… the crown on Wukong’s head… Oh. Right. The 'disease which wasn't a disease’.’
A saddened smile crossed the fallen angel's lips. He had every reason to be angry and yet all he could feel was defeat. Perhaps a little bit of weird relief if he was being honest too. "What good's all this power when it comes with a lifetime of loneliness monkey?" The genuine question hung in the air as Lucifer had finally let his act of bravado fall. Replaced was the desperate king, the foolish king, who had been played like a fiddle. Instead here was the dealing of a joker, a clown with a king’s crown.
Wukong simply poked him in the forehead. “First, your daughter and her mate are just as immortal as you are. Second, I need to heal your arms and the only way I can do that is to hurt more than when you got them. Charlie, be prepared to hold down your Father. Storytime is paused for now. If you rather not see this please vacate otherwise you will also be treated to unorthodox methods to fix anything internal, that includes alcohol and drugs.” Wukong stated to the rest of the group dismissing his hologram. ‘Was going to end up playing nurse sooner or later.’ Wukong thought.
Lucifer let out a chuckle, with a small shake of his head. "You're the worst monkey man," Lucifer murmured though his tone was laced with that of affection. "But father be damned are you right."
"You'll always have us, Dad," Charlie assured him. "You've just gotten here, we have so much time to catch up on." The princess soothed, the grip around her father tightening as she sniffled. ‘Everyone was hurting. She needed to do better. She needed to do all she could to help and be there for them.’
"Oh, pumpkin..." Lucifer tried but failed to suppress his outlandish sniffs. "We do, don't we? And I'm so pumped to hear everything. Every little detail." Lucifer laughed, rocking his little girl gently. As much as the fallen angel would've preferred to remain like this, the two of them bubbled away from the hellish troubles that awaited them while momentarily oblivious to Wukong's warning for the pain as well as the golden monkey’s warning to the other occupants of the room to leave if they didn't want to get caught up in Wukong playing nurse. Unfortunately, the request pierced the momentary comfort.
"Oh please, handsome. Leave when the show's just gettin' good? We've been through far worse together anyway."  Angel yawned, far more intrigued to stay put and witness more of the alluring celestial.
"Wait what?" Lucifer blinked, beginning to slightly shuffle back in his seat, humorlessly going nowhere in his attempt.
Charlie frowned, seeming unsure of this...method of removal but she trusted the king's simian wholeheartedly. "The sooner we do it the quicker it's over Dad." She attempted to reason however Lucifer frantically shook his head. 
"Pumpkin, please!- Y-You guys! I'm fine! Fine! I've barely felt anything for centuries wearing it- what's a little ring gonna do?!" Lucifer attempted to reason however in the moment the burning sensation he had come to seek comfort in, increased tenfold. 
At the same time, a wave of dizziness crashes into Wukong as he grits his teeth. “Shit… I have to take down Shadow Sanctuary. It’s draining too much power.” Wukong stated while golden blood dripped from his nose as the wave finished. ‘I can’t do any more healing while I’m being drained. Crap… Too many large things in too little time between arriving here and partially telling my story. The Sanctuary is keeping everyone calm and more or less causing my aura to mimic Lucifer’s since he was part of the circuit when I cast the spells. At this rate, I'm going to be sleeping for a week just to regain my normal power levels. At least the clone won't be affected and can take care of the fawn while I recover.’ Wukong calculated he wasn't really in any position to be fooling around as it was.
Lucifer bit back a hiss as he felt a faded rush of nausea succumb to him, it felt so much worse than the morning sickness he had while pregnant with Charlie. "The fuck?!" The reigning king yelled.
"Dad..?" Charlie's eyes widened, she spun to Wukong for an explanation only to be met with the golden blood dripping from the celestial himself. "Mr. King?!" Charlie cried out, even more alarmed.
“Charlie, I came barreling into the ground after a spell went wrong that broke through a barrier that prevents crossing of different pantheons. I created a world tree in my panic, tried to gain back enough compatible magic to get my generating again, cast two different schools of barrier magic, had the ambient magic of the realm cut off, and reduced to burning through my internal stores through a fight, kept the most dangerous of flames from burning all of Hell’s residents while changing any that survived into children, showing the beginning of my story, and broken several abusive soul contracts.” Wukong stated listing off all he had done in the past several hours. It had only made sense… since his arrival, Wukong had been steadfast in his use of magic. It was only a matter of time before an eventual burnout. “Shadow Sanctuary is taking more energy as I have to actively convert heavenly energy into shadow energy to power it. It's also keeping everyone relatively calm and level-headed.” Wukong explained.
"It's true toots! I ain't ever felt so serene!" Angel hummed. "Though that could just be because handsome over there is a pleasure to look at that too.~" The spider sinner purred, earning a prompt, disgusted jab from the feline next to him.
"He's going to die isn't he?" Sir Pentious squeaked from his haven of pillows and egg minions.
"No one's going to die, Pentious." Vaggie half snapped instantly at Charlie's shaken side, though even she looked unsure in regards to her own words.
"I-If you and Dad are linked surely there's a way to transfer the energy to Dad? You've expelled so much already I-" Charlie paused with worry, her brows furrowed as she thought. Lucifer taking control of Shadow Sanctuary seemed good on paper but practically with the demon's turmoil how would this pan out? Let alone the fact this was new for everyone including Lucifer.
"I feel like shit." The fallen angel in question grumbled.
"Mr. King, can you take down the sanctuary? Is it safe to do so? Is there a way for us to help?" Charlie pressed.
"If it's keeping everyone else so far calm and in line once it's taken down I'll handle it," Vaggie assured.
“I can take it down. Lucifer and I might just pass out for a week or so from any backlash. The spell is currently covering most of the ringed star I saw from above.” Wukong stated. Lucifer groaned in protest but anything else the reigning king uttered was lost to another wave of nausea seeming to hit him. 
"That's...wow okay." The princess murmured, taking in the celestial's words. "Please don't exert yourself any more than you need, Mr. King." Charlie fretted. "Rest assured we'll take care of the aftermath."
"Nifty. A bucket. Now." Vaggie barked. Charlie nudged her mate gently. "Please." Vaggie corrected. The little cyclops eyed the king warily before scuttling away to retrieve one- just in case
Wukong simply reached into the air above him, grasping what looked like a cord made of twinned shadows. He snapped it like it was a violin string pulled too tight causing a rush of feelings to crash into the residents that had been previously held at bay. He wobbled vision tunneling before everything went black.
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LMK/MKR Sun Wukong x Reader Outline
The reader heard about SWK coming back from his journey and grew quiet while the others were celebratingThe Reader is playing with the monkeys at Flower Fruit Mountain
They are playing a game of tag and hide and seek with the monkeys
She recounts the time when she was washed up at the mountain, the first thing the monkeys did was play hide and seek with her
She met MK a few weeks after he was born out of the stone and the two became instant friends
She stops playing with the monkeys and grows sad at the memories of Wukong and her
Five-year-old reader yelling after Wukong when he jumped into the waterfall and cried when he survived
She remembers their first kiss when they were both around 13 years old
Took him months to even return the kiss back
How he left for 7-8 years to train under a Taoist to learn immortality
The two hugged and promised one another to wait for each other
The two dancing after he had managed to erase their names and the monkey's name from the book of death
She sits down on a rock and the other monkeys ask her what was wrong
She reassures them that she was fine, just a bit tired
They leave her alone with her own thoughts as she recounts her and MK's fight before he left for his JTTW
The reader was begging him to stay at the mountain a little longer before he left
MK, now a grown adult, pushes her away and says that if he could become a god, he would take the opportunity
He accuses the Reader of trying to hold him back
The Reader gets angry and says that he has been stuck under a mountain for 500 years
She accuses him of being selfish and how he’s not worthy of her love anymore
The two break up
The reader turns and just yells at him to just leave now
Wukong yells back how he will and won’t be coming back
The reader cries on the rock as she waits for Wukong to come back
Cut to 14 years later, with JTTW coming to an end, and SWK comes back home
SWK comes back to the island and is greeted by his monkey friends and brothers
MK introduces Tripitaka, Pigsy, and Sandy to his monkeys brother
The monkeys host a party inside their cavern for their king and his new friends
SWK notices that the reader is missing and asks one of his generals where she is
They get nervous and try to avoid the questions by giving him more wine
MK gets angry and throws the wine away as he demands to know where the reader is
Guards quickly give in and explains where she is
The reader heard about SWK coming back from his journey and grew quiet while the others were celebrating
A few monkeys notices she was quiet and ran off shortly before SWK came back to their island
The general asked her if she would attend the party but she refuses to go
So they decided to host the pary in hopes of distracting Wukong from noticing
MK gets angry at the reader and was about to throw a temper tantrum, Tripitaka stops him
Tripitaka gently grabs his shoulder and Pigsy tells him to calm down
Trip tells SWK that getting angry will not solve his problems and gives advice
SWK gets embarrassed and apologies to everyone before he leaves the party
The story cuts back to the reader, singing as she gathers water from the river and sings while SWK sneaks up behind her
The reader is washing their hair in the water as they sing Dear Love Across the Seven Seas
“Dear love, across the seven seas./ I hope you find it comforting that you are so far gone from me./ My hands are cold and bare from your lack of touch./ Dear love, across the seven seas./ I hope you can forgive me./ For when I am dead and gone./ Dear love, across the seven seas./ I wish I can see you one last time./ Before the sea swallows you and I whole.”
The reader then prays that SWK would forgive her once she leaves the island
SWK comes out of his hiding place and tackles the reader into the ground, yelling at her
MK comes out of his hiding spots and forcefully turns the reader to face him
The reader gets startled and falls to the ground with him on top of her
MK starts yelling at how he’ll never forgive himself if she ever leaves the island
The reader is shock and stays quiet as he rants/confesses his feelings for her
The reader is silent as she takes in the confession before she kisses MK to silence him and they apologize
She manages to sit up and pull Wukong into a tight hug,forgiving and confessing her love back to him
She pulls away and gives the two kiss one another
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winterpower98 · 2 years
Ok but how about an AU inspired by The Parent Trap? It's like the movie but, Wukong and Macaque separate BUT they both had twins, Apple and Cherry (Born from an stone egg) And Wukong took Apple and Macaque took Cherry (or vice versa) and the eclipse twins met while walking around the city and while they are exploring they didn't notice and collide with each other, they notice that they look identical.
They start talking and also trust each other, and then Apple told Cherry that he never got to know his mother/father and that his dad doesn't like to talk about it that much and Cherry told him something similar, and that she found something among some of her father's things, she found a photo torn in half, surprised Apple also had one and they put them together AND BOOM They realized it was their parents, TOGETHER.
Soon the same thing happens that happend in the movie, they decide to exchange places to go meet they other dad and get them back together, and thats is the only things I got lol (sorry for send you a lot of text)
Is this a bad moment to confess that I never watched Parent Trap?
This idea has both funny and angsty possibilities. Because if Macaque has Ri Shi, she'll remind him of Wukong, and the same thing will happen with the Monkey King and Yue Shi.
Add to them MK and Mei, with the Monkie Kid with Wukong and the Dragon Girl with Macaque, and you get even more fluff!
Just one grown immortal monkey and one teenager human taking care of one little black fluff ball who will scream to get attention and walk around with their little potato shaped bodies
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