#boss X reader
dr3c0mix · 4 months
Yoooo, what are you waiting for it's gangussy time 😡😡 😡😡😡😡
(This is a joke please please please take care of yourself first for the love of whoever is up there don't overwork yourself 🙏 )
Utmost Loyalty
Yan!Gang x GN Reader
no warnings that i know of, theyre just really really stupid
🐉 The grocery you usually go to was closed early for the day, poor you had to walk the 2 miles to the nearest store in order to buy the stuff you needed for the week.
🐉 Living alone was hard work. You worked an exhausting 9 to 5 job that barely provided for your tiny apartment and pet (and your endless merch of your favorite franchise)
🐉 You were already tired from working today, and now you have to walk an extra 2 miles to get groceries you may or may not be able to afford because you never went to said grocery store before??
🐉 The grocery was in a pretty sketchy part of the city, with the smell of car exhaust and cigarettes lingering everywhere that you had to cover your nose to evade the scent.
🐉 You quickly went in the store and breathed in deeply, thankfully the store didn't smell so bad.
🐉 Besides than you, there were only 2 other people, the store owner and someone in a black suit eating some instant noodles.
🐉 You went to work trying to find all the stuff you need on your list. Coffee, fruits and veggies, snacks, and maybe some chocolate as a treat for yourself~
🐉 You pay for your things, unfortunately unable to afford the chocolates, and leave the store.
🐉 aaaaand now its raining...
🐉 You rush to the nearest cover, trying to cover the paper bag full of your groceries before hearing labored breathing from the alley you passed.
🐉 You stop and look back to see a man hunched over, his back to the wall as he winced at a wound he had on his torso that stained his white buttoned up shirt. He looked to have come from a fight..
🐉 You gasp, almost dropping your groceries. His golden eyes dart over to you and glare at your meek form.
🐉 "What're you lookin at?" he growls.
🐉 "You're..bleeding- You're bleeding!!" You start to panic.
🐉 "Yeah no shit I'm bleeding! What the fuck do you want?!"
🐉 You scramble away from the man in the alley frightened and freaked out. Out of instinct, you return to the store and ask where the first aid items are.
🐉 Kagiri sighed, trying his best to hold on while waiting for his gang to arrive and help him out. He just had to be strong. He can get through this. He can do it! He doesn't need anyone!
🐉 "Sorry! I'm back!"
🐉 goddamnit..
🐉 He grumbles at your presence but then realizes you have two bags and not one like you had recently. You put down your groceries and take a few stuff out of the other bag. Band-Aids..gauze..sanitizer..what's going on??
🐉 "What are you doing?" He asks in a threatening voice.
🐉 You don't say anything, you focus on trying to patch up his wounds, asking him a few things once in a while like "can you lift your arm please?" or "unbutton your shirt a bit.."
🐉 And he let you..for some reason...
🐉 He went from growling to staring silently at you while you worked on bandaging his wounds, like a feral dog being pet for the first time.
🐉 Now he managed to get a good look at you. You were quite cute, and it looked like you just got off work from the attire you were wearing. Your hands were so soft compared to his calloused ones, and your eyes..one look from you and even the toughest mafia boss will melt from how comforting they are..
🐉 And before he knows it, you've finished and were apologizing profusely to him for butting in on his situation, he was gonna say something else but you ran off.
🐉 You finally arrive back at your apartment, your pet cat rubbing against you as you lock your door. You smile and pick her up about to ramble about the hectic day you had until you realize..
🐉 You picked up your cat..
🐉 Your hands were free prior..
🐉 Silence fills the room before you let out a pitiful sob. Scolding yourself for forgetting your groceries with that mysterious guy, all that money and fresh food wasted! Your cat tries to lick your face to calm you down.
🐉 You pace around the room trying to figure out what to do now until a knock on your door is heard.
🐉 You open the door but there was no one there, but you see two men hastily and quite loudly scramble their way down the stairs giggling like middle schoolers. Did two grown men really ding dong ditch you??
🐉 You sigh and go to close the door, but your cat meows and trots outside and you look down to see her paw at a bag full of groceries..what?!
🐉 All your groceries were there, plus some extra cans of food, wrapped onigiri..your chocolates? and it wasn't in a dull paper bag anymore, it was in a black tote bag with a gold insignia of a sea serpent.
🐉 You didn't dare question it, considering the looks of the man who helped you and the part of town you were in, he was likely part of some gang and wanted to thank you.
🐉 But it didn't stop there...
🐉 You felt like you were being watched every time you were outside..no, it wasn't a feeling, THEY WERE LITERALLY RIGHT OUT IN THE OPEN WATCHING YOU.
🐉 It didn't take a genius to spot them. You started noticing newcomers to the places you frequented. Like in a cafe that was fairly quiet and cozy, there were about 5 men dressed in blazers with some kind of flashy undershirt and gelled up hair at the very back of the establishment.
🐉 They didn't do a good job trying to hide the fact they were watching you with a newspaper.
🐉 It freaked you out, but you tried your best to ignore them.
🐉 But it was hard to do that when they started talking to you..
🐉 "Excuse me, you dropped your wallet.." you turn around and almost stumble over the tall intimidating man right behind you meekly handing you back your wallet.
🐉 You take it back with a shaky hand and waddle away trying not to look back.
🐉 If you did, you'd see the big burly man absolutely blushing and squealing as a few other men giddily walk up to him, showing a video of the encounter you just had from across the street.
🐉 There was also the time you caught them staring dreamily at you when they saw that you started using the tote bag with the serpect symbol as your office bag, it was a pretty nice bag and you didn't want it to just lie around your house..
🐉 And that one co-worker who's kind of a creep? Never messed with you again. You caught a glimpse of them shivering over the symbol on your bag.
🐉 Not to mention boxes of groceries that show up at your door all wrapped up in a red bow, they still haven't learned to be more silent when dropping those off..
🐉 After a bit you start to recognize some of them from their haircuts or the jewelry they always have on them. It made you more curious as to what their deal was.
🐉 So you decided to search up online with the insignia on the tote bag as your first clue.
🐉 You find out that its the symbol for a local gang that dealt with all kinds of stuff, robbery, misconduct, public damage..mostly public damage..
🐉 You manage to find a photo of all of them, you recognize the man in the center. It was the guy you saw in the alley way..
🐉 Connecting all the dots, you somehow got the protection of a gang because you patched up their wounded boss..great..
🐉 The next day you spot a few of the gang members again but instead of ignoring them, you give them a small wave before heading off the work. They were left stunned with a story to tell the others that'll make them squeal like little girls.
🐉 They started becoming less and less distant from you.
🐉 From watching you across the street to making small talk about the prices of fruits at the store.
🐉 One by one the gang gets a special moment with you, they were small mundane moments, but they treasured them like a core memory.
🐉 Word finally got to the boss that you've been very close with them lately, and he decides it's time to confront you.
🐉 As usual, a knock is heard at your door, and you see them clumsily run away, leaving a box of groceries behind..you should probably tell them you have a doorbell.
🐉 But it wasn't a box of groceries, it was full of heart shaped chocolates, sweet pink sweets and about 3 stuffed bears, topped up with a bouquet of flowers, as well as a note. You bring the box in and read small card.
🐉 Dear Mx. L/N, please go to this address tomorrow at 6pm. Don't be late. Please.
🐉 You can see words like 'We love you' and 'Have a nice evening' and 'we cant wait' messily scribbled out.
🐉 You arrive at the location at the designated time and look around.
🐉 The place they wrote in was a fancy looking restaurant that looked like the only thing you could afford was the water..
🐉 You're escorted to a table in a private room. You can hear the muffled noises of men giggling and talking before you enter and they all quiet down. It was quite intimidating to see them all in the same room, but the scariest part was seeing the boss; Kagiri, sitting in the center.
🐉 A little Siamese cat with big yellow eyes mewls at you and you pet it. It jumps up to you and purrs on your lap. Around his neck is a red collar with a gold nametag with the serpent symbol engraved on it, and on the back read 'Unagi'. You hear the men awe softly at the sight of the boss' cat getting along with their darling idol
🐉 Kagiri stands up and smiles at you warmly and by warmly I mean he looks terrifying
🐉 "It's nice to see you again. I never got to formally thank you for what you done to me." he lifts up his shirt a bit to reveal his healed wound which faded into a scar.
🐉 You nervously say you're welcome and shake his hand, you can't help but notice him shiver over your touch.
🐉 He invites you to sit down and eat and you spend the night having dinner and talking with the gang.
🐉 They try their best to impress you, sitting up straight, puffing out their chests, deepening their voices..
🐉 It almost seems like they were competing for your attention.
🐉 Once dinner was over, Kagiri speaks up "Now, about our meeting, we've been meaning to ask you something." he says gently.
🐉 The large man walks over to you and takes your hand and kneeling..what whats happening..
🐉 "Y/N L/N..will you be our new boss?" He asks passionately.
🐉 The gang cheers, pleading for you to say yes, it was like being confessed to by 7 grown men
🐉 "So? What will you say?" Kagiri asks, with eyes sparkling with hope and adoration.
🐉 The gang was kicked out of the establishment for making too loud and causing a disturbance..
🐉 Maybe you shouldn't have said yes..
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its done guys, this is probably the most fun ive had writing a fic!! also there may be bonus content about the individual gang members if you guys are up for that ;3
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jelliedink · 6 months
DILF!Boss Headcannons
Warnings: manipulative behaviour, huge age gap. If you squint, you'll see this is slightly suggestive, but nothing explicit happens here. Author's note: hi my loves! If you guys don't know @sweet-as-an-angel do yourself a favor and check them out. Their Yandere!DILF series has built a 3-store mansion in my head and is living there rent free, so I just HAD to create another manipulative hot older man to call mine. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Take care!
Dividers by @cafekitsune.
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Brain melting thinking about an older boss that realizes you find him attractive the moment you start working for him. He's sure he's got at least 20 years on you, but he can't help but feel flattered.
A boss that finds it delightful to toy with you a little bit: getting his face way too close to yours when he's reviewing your work, a hand gently rubbing your shoulders when giving you feedback. He tells himself that it's just "harmless fun", you're so cute trying to hide how flustered you are!
A boss that watches with curiosity how you grow on him more each day seeing how hard you work and how eager you are to learn everything he teaches you.
A boss who acts as a mentor professionally and insists you can confide in him with your life problems too. He's already lived everything you're going through now, and he just wants to see you thrive.
A boss that starts to invite you to a lot of work related events once summer break starts. His ex-wife is travelling with the kids and the house just feels so lonely without them.
A boss that, upon the discovery that you're single, is sure that the gods gifted you for him to turn into his perfect little doll.
A boss that likes to give you little gifts "for your hard work" every now and then, and they get increasingly more expensive.
A boss who's so subtle when blurring the lines between professional and personal relationships that the word "date" doesn't even cross your mind when he starts to invite you to non work related events.
"Have you seen this artist is coming to town with their new exposition?" "The weather is nice today, how about we visit the japanese garden to freshen up after spending the whole week inside the office?"
A boss who never corrects anyone who refers to you as a couple during your outings, and instead laughs it off, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and giving you a playful wink every time this happens. He even turns it into a internal joke, and soon you get used to hear him calling you his darling, his dear, his precious.
A boss that makes sure to have you yearning for him before making his move. Sometimes he kisses your hands when you're out together, always saying how lucky he is to have such a beautiful company, his lips gently running along your fingers. Other times he caresses your face when you go to him for advice. His hugs are tight, so his scent will linger on your clothes. He might even kiss the top of your head every now and then.
A boss who loves to see you getting used to having him always present in your life, getting flustered when he touches you in ways that are intimate just enough to keep you guessing.
A boss that thinks you're so beautiful and so hard working that he'll take how much time he needs to mould you into a perfect wife and a perfect mother for his children. He'll guarantee that your life will be so enmeshed with his that you'll never be able to leave him, even if you want to. This time he'll create a family so perfect that nothing will tear it apart.
A boss who knows he doesn't need to rush things because he's sure you'll be his in the end. You're so young, so malleable, and he's been playing this game for so much longer than you. He knows just what he needs to do to wrap you around his fingers.
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untoldstar · 1 year
yandere boss x fem reader headcanons
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yandere boss who only focuses on the employees work ethics not all that interested in personal details until you walked into his office
yandere boss who chose you as his new assistant! it was protocol to interview you but he knew he was going to give you the job the moment you walked in
yandere boss who starts gossip in the office because he greets you good morning with a smile and engages in pleasant conversations with you, only you
yandere boss who, for the first time, wants to learn more about an employee of his, he wants to know your habits outside of work, he takes note of anything you mention about your life, whether you’re going out or staying in after work, what you did on your weekends, have you mentioned any pets? partners? he’ll cling onto every word until he finds out everything about you and if that doesn’t work he has his own ways of gaining information
yandere boss who notices a certain employee take a liking to you, he better not distract you from him your work
yandere boss who assigns more work every time he sees you interacting with him, you’re practically drowning in work!
yandere boss who feels a twinge of guilt at your exhausted state but ultimately continues giving you more work to do
yandere boss who feels a suffocating emotion settle in his chest when he sees you slouched in a sofa chair, your lips were in an adorable pout and in your hands a cup of coffee the other employee gave you
yandere boss who sees red as your little work friend makes his way around you and massages your shoulders, how close had you two gotten already?!
yandere boss who puts two and two together when he notices the shy glances between you two in meetings and decides he’ll just fire him! why go through the hassle of keeping him around anyway?
yandere boss who tries to sneak his way into your life outside of work, inviting your for after work drinks, offering you a ride, conveniently bumping into you when your shopping or out with your friends
yandere boss who calls you late at night telling you it’s an emergency you must come to his house to settle it! there really was a small issue certainly not enough for him exaggerate it into an emergency and bring you over to his house this late at night
yandere boss who has a few buttons down on his dress shirt for your eyes to wander, sits close to you as you both work and lets his hands wander a little bit
yandere boss who can’t focus anymore from your presence and desperately wants to be unprofessional to get a taste of you just this once, he feels hot and he’s drowning in your scent, your right next to him he can just reach out to you and-
yandere boss who feels shame take over him when you finished the last of your work and turned to him with an accomplished smile
yandere boss who despite the shame that overtook him is still determined that you’re his even if he hasn’t revealed this to you yet
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buttonsfleas · 8 months
William Afton !game! Headcannons
Day 2
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He was your boss and teaching you how to repair an animatronic.
It was a hot, summer day and you were in the garage with William with nobody in the house.
He was shirtless and his springlock scars were exposed on his pale skin.
You were having trouble with touching up a wire for one of the eye's and he noticed and sighed.
"C'mere." He coldly said and stood behind you with his hands holding yours and guiding your fingers around the mechanics.
After a few moments, he showed you a button on the side of the character's jaw and he pressed it and stepped back with you in his arms as the animatronic turned on and he immediately got hard as your ass presses against his cock. (he was wearing no boxers)
He groaned slightly and buried his face into your neck but then stopped and looked back up at you
"I uh-uhm...sorry." He said nervously.
Not gonna lie, he always found you interesting and beautiful, even when he had his wife and children around and you were there.
You knew and he kept you there for a moment as he knew that you knew he became hard.
"Do you wanna just lean over the table for me?" He mumbled.
You nodded and leaned your stomach against the worktable and he leaned over you with his hands pinning yours on the table and he humped you.
He moaned and groaned and put to fingers into your mouth, now picking up the pace and bucking his hips.
After a couple while of humping and groaning, he unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants and cummed all over your back.
He groaned loudly and then put his cock back in his pants and then grabbed your phone and unlocked it (you don't know how he got your password) and then he added his number onto your phone.
"Tonight at your apartment. 8pm, sharp." He stated and you nodded.
After he said that, his wife came back from grocery shopping and you both quickly got back to work.
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shutit-haha · 6 months
Yet another Bakugou x Reader from PR
You were a busy little thing, always buzzing around his office with those tiny wings on your back. He had never seen a kind of bird like you. Well he had just in a nature documentary on tropical birds. You were a humming bird, oh and you definitely hummed, and buzzed, and sang, and shouted, and chirped. You made all the noises really, unfortunately for him. Truthfully you were a quiet little thing at first. Which as pleasant as it was- did weird him out a little bit. you would just sit there silently while working and he had no idea as to what animal you were. Just that you're pretty little wings always sparkled in the light.
Imagine his surprise when the first thing he learns about you comes from a nature documentary he puts on late one night. He couldn't seem to fall asleep and rather then to miss the plot in an action packed film or *cough* rom-com, he put on something educational. And would you believe it? There were your wings flashing at him in the dark. Heavy half-lidded eyes saw the twinkling star and squinted. It was like the universe was speaking to him that night. (Though he had no clue.) He was a sailor lost at sea and the glimmer of your wings were that of a lighthouse calling him home.
He treated you with much more respect now these days. I mean only one bird can fly backwards and it's a humming bird. And go figure your wings flapped in such a pretty figure eight. "I need your help with a presentation." He grunted at you when you placed his coffee down on his desk.
"No problem Sir," you smiled. Today you wore an emerald dress, red lipstick, black heels. He watched you walk away. His eyes started at the top of your head taking in your pretty hair, and then next your pretty wings, he took in your shape and then- oddly enough your shoes. He scowled, you'd look better with red bottoms. He'd have to buy you red bottoms to go with those pretty lips.
When you entered the room this time, you wore a jacket and now carried your morning drink. The amount of sugar in there was ungodly, however the documentary explained humming birds required LOTS of sugar. "We're doing a power point on some statistics. Need you to make it all nice and pretty for the people."
"¿Necesitas las matemáticas también?" Your head instantly shot up, nearly ramming into his. Round eyes the sizes of saucers stared at him with this kind of... fear? "I'm sorry, sometimes I forget I'm not at home. Would you like the math for this too?"
"Si es demasiado no te preocupes."
You're jaw dropped at his reply. His Spanish was most definitely Spaniard, it's what all those language apps use. He on the other hand was so curious as to why you're pronunciation was different from his. It was nothing crazy, more so slight. Like the S's or R's. Where were you from? How long ago did you see your family? Is this why you're quirk was so odd to him? Did it say on your resume that you were trilingual? Did he read your resume? Who reads those?
"Sir," you chirped. You were back at his office door again, knocking on the door frame as a sign of entering. He looked up from his filing work and grunted at you. "Forgive me but I have another question." You creeped into the room slowly, heels silent though he wasn't sure how. He noticed how you stood near the seat across from his desk, but never plopped your rear into the cushion. You went on and on, while he nodded or shook his head, but you never sat down. He watched you exit again, stopping you just before you could leave.
"Just sit down," he barked. "tired of watching you flutter around it's making me sick." No it wasn't. He just felt bad watching you go through that door every five minutes. And those damn wings kept catching in the sunlight coming in through his large windows. They shimmered and sparkled all the way until you left, in which case his office would return to normal again. You had a week to work on this presentation, a week until the gala. This was day one and already he was questioning.
Those round eyes blinked at him from where you stood in the doorway. You hugged your open laptop close to you, it was only a couple years old but still he looked at it with disdain. You needed something newer, something strong and powerful, something reliable you can trust. "I said sit down dammit!" In his head he was already brainstorming some computers.
"Yes sir," you scurried over to the leather seat.
Bakugou's phone rang not fifteen minutes later. "You can stay here." He stood up from his seat, hulking form momentarily blocking out the sun. His spine popped and his neck cracked, large arms reaching for the ceiling. From where you sat he looked like some deity born from sun. A droplet of liquid gold had fell from the very sun itself, and when it cooled it made him.
Out of the corner of his eye, he watched you watch him. "Stay," he repeated to you again, pointing this time. His office was secluded and had a door that locked. You had a desk that was out in the open and single bottom drawer that you need a key to open. He needed to get you an office.
"Will you be back?" You didn't like staying in other people's spaces when they weren't present.
"Villain attack," he shrugged. "Not sure how long it'll take."
"Right," you nodded absentmindedly to yourself. "Ok," more nodding. Were you stuck? He watched you, giving you a good once over before deciding this was just you. And he was off, rushing out of his office to go do what needed to be done.
"What cha lookin' at?" Kaminari tossed his arm over Bakugou's shoulders.
"None of your damn business," he growled out, pulling away.
"Aw hey come on man, doesn't look like anything secretive." Kirishima chimed from where he stood buck naked and drying his hair. The locker room reeked, however regardless of the smell here he was. He wanted to be at least half-decent when seeing you again. Didn't want smell to make you shrink away, or all the heat radiating off him to intimidate you. He was then dawned by an Awful thought. What if upon touching you he burned all those beautiful feathers.
"Looking for a computer dammit," he growled. His blonde spikes were weighed down by all that water in them and laid right over his eyes as a result. Though he swiped at them every so often gravity would just pull them right back down. He needed to add some type of heat resistance thingy to his list of things. Did they even sell what he wanted? Could he find someone to make it?
"Your computer's not that old." That was Kaminari again whom was currently charging his phone.
"'S not for me."
"OoOoOoh who's it for?"
"An employee stay out of my business dammit!"
Kirishima and Kaminari shared a look, "ok," they responded.
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vodika-vibes · 7 months
May I request the „I want you“ „then come and get me“ for delta squad’s Boss? Maybe while he’s doing some late night sparring with the reader? And perhaps smutty?🫣
Training Session
Summary: You've had a bad day, and decide to work out your frustrations on a punching bag, Boss, however, has different plans.
Pairing: Clone Commando Boss x F!Reader
Word Count: 2164
Warnings: Smut. Smut with plot.
Tagging: @trixie2023
A/N: So, Wookieepedia says that Boss is "Taciturn", which I took to mean quiet and intense. I really want to write a letter to the Star Wars people and ask for a detailed personality profiles of all the clones. Just. "Dear sir or madam, please write a complete personality profile for all 2 million clones. Yes. All of them. Thanks." Anyway! This isn't so much sparring, because I wasn't sure how to write that, but I hope this is okay?
Divider by Saradika
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Your fist slams into the bag over and over again. You’re long past the point of trying to improve your form, right now you’re just trying to exhaust yourself to the point where you can sleep without nightmares.
A tall order, you’re sure, but anything is better than laying in bed and watching the men you serve with die over and over again in your dreams. Your nightmare flashes to the front of your mind again, and you grit your teeth as you slam your bare fist into the bag even harder than before.
If you cared, you would have grabbed a glove from the box against the wall…or even grabbed some tape to protect your knuckles. But you don’t care. Can’t bring yourself to care.
At this point you’re probably going to break your fist…and you can’t help but wonder if that will help you feel a little better.
You go to slam your fist into the bag again, only for a strong arm to shoot past your head to tightly grip your wrist, holding you still. “You’re going to break your hand.”
Boss’ voice is low and stern, and while normally you would apologize for being in his way, and existing in his space, because the gym is his space, tonight you can’t seem to bring yourself to care.
You try to tug your wrist free, and fail spectacularly, “Do you always manhandle people, sir?” You ask through gritted teeth.
“I do when they’re acting recklessly.” He counters.
You hiss under your breath, and use your long, almost forgotten, self-defense lessons to try and twist out of his grip. 
All you manage, though, is turning your body so you’re face to chest with Boss. You glower up at him, and he arches an unimpressed brow, “Nice try.”
“Well, not everyone can have superior fighting abilities.” You snap as you uselessly try to try your wrist from his grip.
“You’re a Doctor, you don’t need superior fighting abilities,” He mocks your words with an inflection that you’ve never heard from him before.
“I should still know how to defend myself,” You snap, without thinking about it.
“Can you?” Boss asks.
“Can I what?”
“Defend yourself.”
Your face burns with anger and embarrassment, and you turn your head away from him, “I do just fine.” You retort, though there’s a hint of uncertainty in your voice.
His gaze is even, and you bristle under his gaze. Stupid judgemental genetically perfect man. With his stupid perfect hair, and his stupid perfect face and his stupid perfect voice-
“Punch my hand.” Boss’ comment interrupts your mental triade, and you blink up at him, genuinely startled, not even noticing that he released your wrist.
“Punch my hand.” He repeats, his gaze serious.
“I am not punching you!” You blurt, eyes wide.
His eyes narrow, “What are you going to do if clankers get by me or my brothers and make it to your medical tent?”
“I’ll…die. Probably.” You retort honestly.
He scowls, “Unacceptable. Punch my hand.”
“I want to see your form. Just do it.”
“I…you…that’s…” You throw your hands up, “Ugh! You’re such a…a guy sometimes!” You snap, “Fine! Fine. I’ll punch your hand.”
You do as you said you would, though it’s not anywhere close to being a proper punch. And Boss recognizes that. He closes his hand around your fist, “Try again. And do it properly this time. You can’t hurt me.”
“You know, when you say stuff like that it makes me want to hurt you,” You grouse.
“Good. Maybe you’ll take this seriously.”
“Oh, come on! Why do you even care?”
“You’re a medic. My medic. And you’re my responsibility. But I won’t always be there to protect you. So you have to learn to defend yourself.” Boss replies, his voice short and matter of fact.
“Okay, so, first of all. I’m not your medic-”
“Yes,” He interrupts, “You are.” Boss’ gaze is intense, and your words die on your tongue, “Try again.”
This time, when you slam your fist into the palm of his hand, it’s a proper punch, though it’s a little clumsy. In your defense, you’ve not taken a self defense class since you were a child.
“Better. Again,”
You sigh and punch his fist again, and again, and again.
And then, when you’re about to punch his fist again, “Why are you awake, anyway?”
You stumble in surprise, your fist glancing off the palm of his hand and hitting his chest, “I…sorry.”
“You’re fine.” Boss says quietly.
You hesitate, and shrug, “It’s dumb.”
“Tell me anyway.”
“I couldn’t sleep. I kept going over everything that happened today and what I did wrong, and…” You shrug, “Sometimes I think you all would be better off with a better doctor.” You punch his fist again.
“You saved half of my brothers today.” Boss points out, closing his hand around your fist to make you look at him. “They’d be dead if you weren’t here.”
“Or maybe more of them would be unhurt with a different doctor.” You point out.
“No. I don’t agree.” Boss says, opening his hand as you pull your fist back, “You know, I chose you, right?”
“Chose me?” You ask.
“Of all of the natborn medics in the GAR, I picked you.” Boss confirms, “Because of your skillset, because you refused to be cowed when one of my brothers yelled at you, because you were polite in spite of us being clones.”
“You’re still men.” You say with a sigh, “Everyone else is just dumb.”
His lips quirk up until a small, amused, smile. “Maybe.”
“Not maybe, definitely.” You shift your weight onto your heels, “I didn’t know that you picked me.”
“I did. And I keep picking you. Everytime we get the option for another doctor.”
“I just don’t get why.”
He folds his hands behind his back, “It’s easy.” You’re pretty sure he stands at attention when he’s trying to mask his emotions, and it works really well, “I want you.”
“Like…in what way?” You ask as your stomach flips nervously.
“In every way that matters. Romantically. Sexually. Platonically. All of them.” Whatever you were expecting him to say, it wasn’t that. “But I’ll go at your pace.” He continues, “And if you’re not interested at all, then that’s fine too.”
“You want me.” Your voice is low, thoughtfully.
“Yes.” He doesn’t even sound remotely embarrassed about it.
“Okay then,” You reply slowly, “Okay.” You flash a small, impish, smile, “Then come and get me.”
His hands fall to his sides, and he smiles, something slow and predatory, and you feel arousal shoot down to your very core. 
He advances on you, and you lightly hook your fingers around the collar of his shirt and you walk backwards until your back hits the wall. Boss cages you between his arms and his lips crash against yours, his kiss both hot and demanding. 
You moan into the kiss, and your hands slide down his chest to slip under the top of his blacks. His muscles jump under your touch, and you know, immediately, that you want more.
So you tug on the hem of his shirt, and pull away from his kiss just enough to speak, “Off.” You order, or plead. You’re not sure.
Boss groans, low and deep, in the back of his throat, “Yes, ma’am.” He replies, his voice a low rumble that you feel all the way down to your bones. He pulls away long enough to grab the collar of his shirt, and he pulls it off in one smooth motion.
Your hands are immediately on his chest, smoothing over hard planes, and lightly tracing the raised skin of the scars dotting his body. He melts into your touch, and his lips find purchase against your jaw, your throat, your neck, your shoulder-
Boss’ hands burn a trail down your sides, up your back, and then back down over your plush rear. And then, to your surprise, he sinks to his knees in front of you. He looks up at you as he slowly slides your leggings down your legs.
You set your hands on his shoulders for balance as you step out of the clingy material, and you shiver as he kisses your hip and then lazily trails his tongue down your outer thigh. And you can feel yourself getting more and more wet with every passing second. 
“Boss…” his name falls from your lips in a soft moan, more of a sigh than actual words. 
You feel him smile against your leg, and then he lifts one of your legs and sets it on his shoulder, and he turns his head to press a soothing kiss against your inner thigh. And then he turns his gaze to the junction of your thighs, and he releases a deep sigh of pleasure.
His hand slides up the back of your leg and you jolt when you feel his finger pressed against you through your underwear. “You’re so wet,” Boss murmurs as he leans in and presses a light, lingering kiss over the wet spot on your underwear, “Is all this for me?” 
You card your fingers through his hair, “Wasn’t that the point?” You ask, slightly breathlessly.
Boss’ gaze meets yours, a slightly amused smile lifting his lips, and then he turns his head slightly and kisses your inner thigh again. “Tell me, cyare.” He murmurs against your skin, as his gaze drifts back to your core, “Are you overly fond of these?” He asks as he gestures to the underwear shielding you from his gaze.
“Not especially,” You reply immediately.
“Good.” He grips the material in one hand, and before you realize what he’s planning, he’s managed to tear it off of your body.
Boss drops the shredded cloth to the side, and he presses a hot, open mouthed kiss to your thigh, before he moves and drags his tongue along your wet slit.
Your grip in his hair tightens as you moan, and he groans in return. “You taste amazing,” Boss breathes out as he pulls away for a moment to press a light kiss against your hip, and then he dives right back in, his lips finding the little bundle of nerves that has you seeing stars.
He slides a single finger to your opening, and you release a louder moan. His fingers are so much longer and thicker than your own, and so, when he curls his finger and gives a particularly hard suck on your clit, your legs nearly buckle. 
Boss chuckles and he pulls away for a moment to look up at you, “Sensitive, cyare?”
“It’s been awhile.” You admit, your voice slightly breathless. And when he eases a second finger to join the first one, your hips jerk towards him. 
He smirks at you, lazily fucking you with his fingers, “You’re so tight, cyare.” Boss says, his voice low, “I have to prep you for my cock.”
You shiver and moan softly.
He twists his hand slightly and flicks his thumb over your clit, pulling a louder moan from you, and then he carefully, very carefully, eases in a third finger to join the first two, and you clench down on his fingers.
He curls his fingers as he fucks you, and his thumb lazily circles your clit in time with his thrusts, and it’s almost too much. You can feel the coil in your abdomen tightening, and you know you just need a little more. “B-Boss, please.” You plead breathlessly.
“Shh. I have you, cyare.” He kisses your hip again, “Going to make you feel amazing,” Boss promises, “And then I’m going to ruin other men for you.” His fingers start moving even faster.
His name falls from your lips like a prayer, and he grins sharply.
“Cum for me, mesh’la.” He orders, his voice soft but unyielding.
And you’re helpless to do anything but obey as he plays your body like a fine tuned instrument. The coil snaps, and you fall apart on his fingers, with the sound of his voice, low and soothing, murmuring praises up to you.
When you come back to yourself, you’re sitting on your knees, and you’re still trembling slightly. Warm hands smooth down your back and sides, and you blink hazily at Boss, “Are you back with me now?” He asks, quietly.
You nod once.
“Use your words, cyare.” His voice is still so gentle, “Are you okay?”
“M’okay.” You mumble. 
“Good.” his fingers ghost against your jaw, and then he sets your leggings in your lap, “Put these back on.”
You stare at the pants, and then at him bewildered, “But…you didn’t-?”
He laughs and leans in to press a kiss to your forehead, “Don’t worry, cyare. I’m not anywhere close to being done with you.” He murmurs, “But I’m not fucking you in here. So get dressed.”
You grin up at him, delight running through you once again. “Yes sir.”
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delicioushottubpeanut · 8 months
Miguel O'hara x female ai reader
Summary: Your Miguel's new ai assistant after LYLA malfunctioned during a mission. However, after touching something in the lab, your holographic appearance changes into a physical one..
As Miguel's new ai assistant after LYLA failed, you've tried your best to be helpful to Miguel. But that's all changed. you're screwed. You were in the lab finishing off some work. Miguel wanted you to finish it off before he came back when suddenly you saw a notification on the screen.
It was your profile on everything about you. It contained files of personal information and your physical characteristics, but when clicking on one of the files, a warning popped up. Ignoring the warning on the screen and pressing, continue your head ached, and your vision became black.
You woke up on the floor. You had obviously fainted, but that wasn't possible.
"Shit.. what should I do?" You panic as you hear Miguel's footsteps coming back into the lab after the mission. You looked around and hid under his desk. You heard him sigh and grumble as he walked to his desk. With a tired expression on his face, he sat down and turned on the computer. Taking a sip from his mug, he quickly noticed something. There was a leg sticking out from under the desk..
A/N: so it's been a while... he's a sneak peak ig but idk if I'll make it a oneshot tbh
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skeleboiii84 · 2 years
Your pet name(s) 😘
What the skelebros would call you in general & during da spicy time 🌶🔥
Baby, nothing to special or anything (cuz he's lazy like that lolll) but he definitely uses this one the most.
Sweetheart, now this one he uses when you're having da special sweet moment I can see him using it like when your cuddling on the sofa and he just kinda lowly mumbles under a hum "I love you sweetheart", hehe
I'mma be honest here I don't really see sans to be the one calling pet names during sex, I feel like he'd just kinda like moan your name or somethin I dunno man.
Sunshine, you can not tell me this golden retriever cuteass man would not give you the cutest ass nicknames EVERRR.
Cutie pie
Sweetheart and or baby, he'd be really like safe during sex like constantly ask if your ok and stuffs🥺
(I'm not gonna lie I love the idea that blue is like sweet right? But can also be like really hot and dominating when he wants to be-)
Sugar, he definitely calls you this because man is just like "oh human you so sweet like sugar!!" Then dead ass looks you in the eyes and goes "sugarr~" and winks at chu (BOIII-)
Baby, like sans classic but cute😊
Pretty girl, (no I don't have to explain nothing to u-) jk jk (͡°͜ʖ͡°) he would definitely use this don't lie cuz man ain't innocent
(Y'all bet ur ass I have a few for him bc he's mah boo lolll)
Honey, obviously
Queen bee, did I mention that I love him-
Good girl/ Atta girl
Y/N he would like whimper it while laying his seed down in that warmth🤭
My good girl
Naughty bitch
He'd be an absolute dick in bed like degrading and rough but ik some of y'all into that soooo
Hun, I feel bosses Nick names would be dry but sweet
My Darling
My love
Daaaa spicy time🔥🔥
Filthy girl
Nasty human
Swap fell:
Precious, hehe he's sooo🤭
Smexy smexy🔥🌶
Pretty girl
I feel if he was getting rough with you he'd be like "oh yeah you like it when I shove my cock in that needy cunt? You're daddy's bitch yeah!" I meannnnnn here me outtt
(He has a mommy and a dominance kink, don't even to try to convince me otherwise y'all know he would)
Daddy's cum dumpster (loll)
Daddy's precious little slut
Heyooo, sorry I've been dead for awhile I've been busy with school 🥲🥲 and also ideas have been shitty for me lately so here's your skeleboi feeding for now lmao.
And obviously any suggestions you can ask away as my ask box is open!
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running-with-kn1ves · 2 years
Drabble #2
"Don't worry, we still have 15 more minutes."
"Y-yes but this is supposed to be a budgetary meeting!"
The man kissed your neck, avoiding your protests as he snaked his arms around you. He nipped at your ear and pressed his chest up against your back.
"Sir please--"
Hastily he undid two buttons on your shirt-- but only two. It was enough room for him to slither his hand inside your clothing. Your boss grabbed at anything he could, daring to go lower as you squeaked. He sucked tenderly at the flesh of your shoulder, grinding hard up against you.
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moodymisty · 2 years
If you could spend a whole day with any squadron who would it be and why?
[ 𝕸𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖞𝕸𝖎𝖘𝖙𝖞'𝖘 𝕸𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙| 𝕬𝖔3]
So, I'm gonna use this largely as an excuse to write cute headcanons for my boys, my men, the lights of my life
✨ Delta Squad ✨
Keep in mind not everything here is canon anymore, since some tidbits of the Republic Commando lore, particularly in the books, got written over by TCW show and Disney's canon/legends shitshow
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⊳ Delta squad gets up to mad chaos; Like they can put the 501st to shame with some of the banthashit these mad lads get up to.
As in you could be having a conversation with someone and casually mention a time that Sev rode a spider droid as if that's just a 'normal week with the boys', meanwhile everyone else is like w h a t.
And as such, they make the best clones to spend time around; Because no day is ever boring with Delta Squad on your heels.
⊳ Over the course of one day you'll probably end up making some sort of illegal explosive with Scorch, Sev teaches you the best way to kill a man larger than you with just a vibroknife; Boss attempts to get the previous two to stop teaching you these things, and then you'll drink some sort of hot drink be it tea or caf with Fixer and wonder just how they're some of the best GAR has to offer.
⊳ Being trained hands-on by multiple Mandalorians they more than likely know a decent bit of Mando'a, as well as Mandalorian culture in general, as it's a huge part of their 'unique' upbringing. As such it's hilariously quick even after a short while how much you pick up from them, or what they tell you.
And as for who teaches you all the swear words? Scorch doesn't because he thinks 'you're too cute to say those things', and Boss refuses because he's supposedly got a reputation to uphold.
But one day you end up yelling some sort of horrible Mando'a swear and it turns out Fixer is the one who 'taught' you, because he's constantly mumbling them under his breath and you picked up on them like a keen child. You use it non-stop all day now, and Scorch finds it hilarious.
⊳ Clone commandos are raised from birth in pods of four, making them extremely attached to each other and by extension, super untrusting of anyone outside of their 'pod brothers'. If you become part of that little circle, I don't think there's a droid or Sith or trooper in that galaxy that can stop these guys from being super protective.
If you pick a fight with one you get the rest, and the same goes for you, as well. If you're at a bar and someone doesn't take your 'no' for an answer? They're going to be staring down four extremely displeased commandos.
It's sweet, until the physical altercations start and you have to break them up before things get too crazy.
⊳ And just for a romantic crumb at the end here; If you're romantically involved with any of them, the others will absolutely bully the ever-living soul out of him. Nothing is sacred, and they'll always find a way to get in a jab.
"Did you hunt her down like all those droids Sev? Or did you actually speak some words for once?"
"Just don't blow up the first girl to give you the time of day, Scorch."
"And here I thought Fixer was too busy nagging us to spend time with someone else."
"Awww, Boss brought his cyare with? She's not going to reprimand us for breaking protocol like you do, right?"
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jelliedink · 6 months
Making love with your DILF!Boss
Warnings: huge age gap, manipulative behaviour, slut shaming, sex.
Author's note: I brought him back, loves. This was originally part of the first headcanon post, but I decided to divide it because it was getting way too big. Please, get yourself comfortable and feast on the depraved fantasies my brain creates about this fictional toxic man.
Divider by @cafekitsune
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First let me say that: this devil of a man is patient and he'll wait until you're crawling up the walls from desperation and desire. And then he'll wait a bit more.
DILF!Boss also considers himself an old-school man. He's not entirely opposed to fucking like a dog in heat but, in his head, this treatment is for other people. You are not a "cheap whore" or a random one night stand. He's preparing you to be his pretty perfect wife and new mommy of his children. You deserved to be treated with respect.
And he would tell you exactly so if you asked him to fuck your brains out. He would feel disgusted just by thinking about what kind humiliating of things your previous partners asked from you, his precious doll. But now you were with a man that knew how to treat you. A man that knew how to make you things you couldn't even imagine. A man that's been doing it since before you were born. A real man.
During sex, your DILF!Boss took care of you the whole time. He would take how long it needed to get you soaked and ready for him. Even then, lube was always easily accessible, just to be sure. He checked in with you in every step of the way and in between, making sure he was touching his precious little doll in all the right ways.
"Let me prepare you just a little more." "Do you like when I touch you like this?"
The nickname he used the most in those moments was "my little angel" because you did indeed feel heavenly. Your skin was so warm and soft, your moans, whispers and pleas so beautiful. And you have no idea how big his ego got when seeing you melt under his touch so easily.
Your DILF!Boss held you so close that at moments it felt like you were drowning in him. No matter the position, he'd always find a way to cage you in his arms, his body touching yours in all the places it could. You both were so entangled you could feel the movement of his lungs filling with air, his throat vibrating when he groaned or whispered sweet nothings in your ears, making you tickle. His scent was all you could feel, your sweat and his were the same, your bodies moving in such synchrony that you were not sure where you ended and he began anymore.
His thrusts were slow and deep, most of the times not pulling even half of his cock out before getting it all in and reaching places you didn't think was possible again. The way he rocked his hips into yours made it almost unbearable to keep your eyes open, and he had to ask you many times not to hide your face. He needed to see and praise you when he saw you loosing focus and part your lips to let out another delicious moan.
"Just like that, my buttercup, just let everything go while I take care of you."
Your DILF!Boss's thrusts were agonisingly slow. You felt the pleasure building and, the closer you got to your orgasm, more desperate you got to increase the speed and reach your peak. But he wouldn't let you: he locked your hips in place and kept his rhythm, the delay of your pleasure so overwhelming that it was almost painful. It made you want to sink your nails into his skin. You begged him until your voice was nothing but a whine, but to no avail, and often mixed tears from frustration and pleasure rolled down your cheeks.
All this time he would have one hand at the back of your head, his finger running through your hair in an effort to comfort you, his words gentle despite his laboured breath. "I know, my precious, I know. It will get better soon." "Calm down, my little minx, we've just started." "Breathe, my dear. In through your nose, out through your mouth. See how you can feel every inch of me in you when we go like this?"
It wasn't often that you came multiple times in one night: the first orgasm was so strong for being build for so long that it got you completely fucked up and you just wanted him to hold you in his arms and kiss you better after this pleasurable torture session.
He would often take longer, though. Your pleasure always came first, and after you calmed down a little he would ask if you could take just a little bit more of him. You almost always said yes. It didn't take him very long to finish seeing you so spent from his blissful touch, and he praised you the whole time for being so good to him.
After you're both done, your DILF!Boss would cup your face and kiss all of it, saying how much he loved you, how you were the best thing that happened to him, how he couldn't believe he was gifted with such a perfect angel like you. Then he would carry you to the bathroom; if not for taking a bath, at least to make sure you peed while he threw out the condom and got both of you water.
He couldn't hide his smile while watching how you curled up in his chest when you got back to bed, so tired you could hardly maintain a conversation. He'd still always try to ask how you were feeling, if he had hurt you or done anything that didn't feel good, although most of the time you passed out before he got the chance to finish this questionnaire. It didn't take him long to sleep after that. Feeling your now slow breath in his skin, he drifted off thinking how lucky he was that such a pretty little thing fell so deep into his trap.
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“You’re delirious.  You forgot my name today.” sick prompt with boss (preferably sick s/o but you do what u like)
Whooo! Boss!
Hell yeah.
I hope you like this :3
Boss was annoyed.
Not exactly at his datemate, but more at the idea of what was happening. 
You see, something happened and his datemate, Y/n, decided that it would be the best time to get sick!
And Boss...
He hated it when people were sick. He thought that it was gross, and hard to handle. He didn’t even like his siblings getting sick. 
Crank, his oldest sibling, liked to tease him and say that it was because he was the baby of the family and was a little bitch. Boss thought that it didn’t make sense, and also told him off for cursing at him like that. 
Crank just laughed at him! Ugh.
He thought that it was fine, Y/n told him it was fine, but then he found them passed out in the living room and when he woke them up, they called him Bones.
It was quite offensive... 
He huffed with annoyance and took them into their bedroom to set them into their bed. He then went to go and get something for them to eat, muttering under his breath in annoyance. What the hell were they doing? Telling him that they were fine yet passing out! Liar. 
He hated it whenever they lied to him. 
It made him feel... strange. 
He walks back into their bedroom once he made them their food, and pauses when he saw that they were awake. 
”Boss? What... What are you doing? Why am I here?“ they ask, looking around. Their cheeks were flushed and they looked way too pale... ugh, gross. 
”You’re sick; you need to rest“
”I’m not sick“ They whine, then cough into their blanket. He shutters at the sound. He hated it when people were sick! Damn it. Get better already.
“You’re delirious. You forgot my name today.“ He walks over, and sets the bowl of soup down. ”Now eat then go to sleep after takin’ the damn medicine I put on the tray. I don’t want you to be sick for too long“
”Is it because you care about me?“ they tease, making kissy sounds with their lips. 
Boss lets out a soft sound of annoyance and turns his head away, blushing lightly. ”Don’t be ridiculous, Y/n“ and with that, he turns away and hurries out of the room going to clean his hands. 
He would... check on them later. 
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“Do you want someone else to hear you?”
My boss had invited me out for a celebratory dinner due to the fact that I had recently sealed a deal with some very important buyers. I was ecstatic, to say the least, so I obliged. I mean, who doesn’t want a fancy all-expense paid dinner?
I arrived a few minutes early only to find he was already there, waiting for me. Before I could even greet the man, I noticed his gaze. Eyeing me carefully, as to not miss even the smallest detail. It must’ve clicked that I realized, as he greeted me as soon as our eyes met.
He invited me in, beckoning me close like a wolf taunting its prey. As soon as I was close enough, I was led to a booth, tucked away in a more secluded part of the restaurant. I was sandwiched snuggly between the wall and his body.
“You look nice.”
He spoke briefly, glancing at my form once again before directing his eyes elsewhere. I thanked him and we began to talk about the deal that brought us here. He leaned forward, interested in what I had to say, even placing his palm over my thigh. Friendly enough, right? Nope.
Everything was fine at first, we talked until the waiter came for our orders. He got “the usual” presumably coming here often. Then it was my turn to speak. I parted my lips to speak, only to utter out a whine. His hand gripped my thigh harshly.
The waiter was obviously taken aback, looking at me with uncertainty. I quickly finished my original intention of ordering, trying to pretend that nothing happened. This prompted the worker to hurry off as soon as it was written, probably uncomfortable and confused.
“It would be in your best interest to quiet down, princess. Do you want someone else to hear you?”
That was the last of my worries as deft fingers slid up my thigh, teasing the sensitive skin. I had worn a skirt to dinner, rookie mistake. I knew as soon as he had drug his eyes over my bare legs I was in for the worst.
My legs quivered and jerked with sensitivity, his fingers driving my senses crazy. Next thing I knew he had slid his hand over my heat, pressing chapped lips to my ear.
“Wet already?”
The words were smug, the man’s breath practically burning my skin as he spoke. I tried pressing my legs together in a futile attempt to still his moments which then caused the older to drag his palm down my thigh, gripping the back of my knee to pull my leg over his.
My legs were pinned open, helpless. His fingertips feather over the sensitive area as they made their way back up, causing me to squirm. This time the man opted for a different approach, hiding his hand underneath my panties.
I audibly gasped, sounding far too lewd for my liking which only fueled his movements. His fingers expertly slid between my drooling heat, getting them wet before pressing two into me. My trembling hands flocked to his arm, gripping his sleeve firmly as my knuckles turned white from the hold, I had on him.
His digits, long and thin stretched me out skillfully, twisting and turning in scissoring motions. I quietly expelled a moan from parted lips before pressing my face against his shoulder to try and keep my noises to a minimum.
He was loving this. I could hear it in the way he spoke, praising my “pretty noises” and how well I was taking his fingers. I was writhing, my chest rising and falling harshly as I struggled to keep myself composed as his finger curled in into the sensitive spot within me. I couldn’t hold on much longer, the coil of nerves within me tightening.  
Just then, he pulled his fingers out and removed any physical contact between us, even ripping his arm away from my grasp almost seeming like my touch had burned him. A whine bubbled up in my throat, threatening to escape, disappointed from the loss of touch.
The waiter brought our food almost instantly after.
We ate in smug and flustered silence. I shot him shy glances which he returned, not daring to break eye contact when our eyes met.
“We should have dessert at my place.”
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frickingnerd · 7 months
boss crushing on a colleague
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pairing: shizue kuranushi / boss x gn!reader
a/n: i wrote this during my replay of ai:tsf when i reached my peak simp phase for this woman <3
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workplace relationships weren't the best idea, though boss already was used to inappropriate relationships with colleagues
the two of you wouldn't even be the only people who started dating at ABIS, yet boss was hesitant to ask you out
she liked the relationship the two of you had, she really did! 
the playful banter, teasing each other and joking around over trivial things – it was great! 
things were going so well between the two of you, which was exactly why she was worried to change your relationship
she could deal with rejection, but she didn't want things to change between you two
and yet, she wanted more. more of you. more of this relationship you two already had
though for now, just joking around about your romantic feelings for each other was all that you two could do
perhaps one day, when you were drunk and wouldn't remember anything the next morning, she's confess to you…
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uwowrites · 1 year
Consider CONSIDER Charlie and Boss with reader who likes to draw
I am considering and YES!
Charlie is an arts kid themself. Since, it is shown that they would make little crafts dedicated to the show.
So, they KNOW how much time and effort goes into making art.
And while they are your biggest fan, they will also be an honest critic.
Wanna engage in conversation with Charlie while they are in a bad mood but don't know how to go about it? Simple. Just draw some characters from the Edward Razorhands movie and show it to them, asking for criticism.
Their mood will get better, cause 1) It's you, 2) It's Edward Razorhands and 3) You drew it.
If you are looking for anyone to draw as posing reference, look no further than Charlie. They will grumble if you ask them, so drawing them in secret will work. They are good reference for annoyed, frustrated, or sassy poses and facial expressions.
You tried asking them to draw in your sketchbook too. And, they were actually above average at drawing. They still prefer crafts though.
Okay, so I feel as though Boss would actually be good at drawing.
This mainly stems from the fact that he took drawing classes or painting classes while he was alive. And in an attempt to gain his parents, approval he tried everything.
This included mastering drawing too.
So, like Charlie, he is aware of how much effort and time it takes to master a skill. He is more open to complimenting your work though.
You helped him find another way to approach drawing. Since he gave up on it while he was a mortal. His parents didn't bother with it, no matter how hard he tried. So was there a point anymore?
One of his favorite times is when the office is quiet and it's just the two of you. He can hear the sounds of your pencil scraping against the paper and he admires how focused you are. To the point where you zone out your surroundings. He is a bit envious. After all, he would give anything to be able to silence the voices in his head. and focus on something.
Accidently an iconic poser. You can easily draw fighting stances from observing him.
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shutit-haha · 6 months
Icarus pt.2
"Excuse me sir," you knocked on his doorframe per usual. "Disculpame," you smiled at him bashfully. You did this odd thing with your knees in which they bent a little. Bakugou glanced up at you from where he sat reading an article on a slim tablet. His large hand seemed out of place from where it balanced the skinny thing. He grunted at you, quirking a single blonde brow.
"I'm sorry," you entered into his space. "I just wanted you to double check my calculations on this presentation before I started on the visuals." You had made it half way across his office space wings sparkling in the sunlight like always. Unfortunately for him today you opted for more casual wear, pants with a lovely top. You wore it well however he preferred the skirts and dresses.
You scuttled over leaning over the corner of his desk just a little so you could pass him your laptop. He sighed, placing his tablet down on his desk. Your head tilted slightly so you could read the upside down characters. It was a split screen, one tab containing a file on the temperatures his quirk could reach while the other was on the feathers of birds. He seemed to be trying to find a specific one as there were multiple types drawn out in front of him.
"You did all the math yourself?" Again with that brow of his eyeing you suspiciously. Your choice of shoes today were an interesting choice, some familiar brand he knew of but could not name. It gave him an odd feeling of displacement. His eyes scanned over your jewelry and again there was that feeling of displacement. This time, however it was your shirt.
"Yes sir." You gave him a nod, "took out some scratch paper and worked out the formulas."
"None of the extras out there can double check this for you?"
"No names come immediately to mind." You shook your head, eyes moving around his spacious office. It was large, with windows that lined the left wall and fell to the floor. The whole space was minimalist and very...neutral. It felt empty and in no way homey.
"Whole fuckin' office is filled with dumbasses." He muttered to himself, sighing and punching the bridge of his nose. Upon hearing himself his eyes widened, "you didn't hear that." His voice was low and husky as if exhausted, he handed you back your laptop. "HR 'll kill me if they hear about this."
"It's no stress sir really." You smile at him, pulling the laptop close to you. "Am I good to go on visuals?"
"Yea." He had already picked back up his tablet to continue his research. "Bring me the resumes of all the employees here. I want the up to date ones too." He glanced up at you before returning his attention back to his reading. "Gonna start hiring people with some more fuckin' brains."
You nodded, understanding that this meant some people were going to have to be fired. With a quick turn on your heels you were moving back across his office. "You know," you stopped halfway. "If you're to be reading like that you should probably invest in blue light glasses."
He grunted, giving you a curt nod despite not bothering to make eye contact. You pursed your lips, taking in a deep breath before finally exiting.
Your desk was stationed right outside his office. Where the door was always closed but never locked. Sometimes red riot would stop by, always waving with a bright smile. Deku would pass, mumbling words of affirmation to himself as a way to work up confidence. whenever Chargebolt joins Red Riot he always leaves some kind of treat at your desk. The first time it was lollipops, the next some pastel pens he stole from some other heroes office. He was however banned when the last time he visited he left a bottle of Hennessey on your desk. You liked your job, it was pleasant.
The phone rang to your right. You took a sip of your sugar water before answering. "Hello?" Some sort of dog-man was on the line, a police chief who just made a bust. "Yes of course," you weren't entirely sure how this related to Dynamite. "I'll let him know right now." The line drops and you're up on your feet again.
"I'm really sorry Sir."
He huffs when you knock on his doorframe for the second time today. Ruby eyes glare up at you, it's only been about a half hour since you've left. Again you were bending at the knees a smiling nervously.
"A police station called something about drugs-"
"Shit!" He jumped up to his feet nearly dropping his tablet before catching it. "How long ago was the call?" He pulled on his mask grabbing some war paint on his desk and smearing it on his eyelids.
"About a minute ago sir," you watched him stumble around. He was bulky, and looked like a bit of an idiot with the way he rushed. But for every fumble he followed it through with a smooth catch, he'd trip over his own feet only to twirl around and be stable. It was like watching a well trained dancer, all these purposeful falls, these near misses meant to keep you interested.
Bakugou nodded, yanking on his gauntlets and then storming out of his door. He was halfway down the hall when he stopped to glare at you over his muscular shoulder. "The hell are you doing, hah? Get back to work!"
You sneered quickly catching your face and fixing its expression. You pursed your lips, shut his door behind you and scurried off to your desk. There really wasn't anything for you to do. Just add a bunch of colors to a presentation, Bakugou was supposed to have done. With a sigh, you took another sip of your drink and opened the database on your monitor. Page by page, checking all resumes were up to date before printing them. Should Dynamite ever comeback the papers would be waiting for him on his desk. Along with a pair of blue light glasses you were currently picking out.
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