#boss ass felicity
joeey-dee · 2 months
Unpopular opinion but Felicity didn't deserve the career she had and didn't work for it, it was just handed to her by men she was involved with. She was severly underqualified and had no understanding of a company's hierachy and zero respect for anyone, including her superiors. It wasn't badass, it was cringe.
She was promoted from simple IT worker to EA of the CEO not for talent, not because of her experience, not because of her degree, not because of her professionalism (which she was entirely lacking) but simply because Oliver was an idiot who didn't realize the issue of "If I'm going to be Oliver Queen CEO, then I can't very well travel down 18 floors every time you and I need to discuss how we spend our nights." could've been easily taken care of by the CEO requesting she travel up the 18 floors to come see him at his office, where they could privately discuss how they spent their nights. You're the boss, have the employees come to you, not the other way around. No need to give her one hell of a promotion she didn't even appreciate.
It was absolutely no surpise Isabel and most of QC drew the conclussion she was sleeping with Oliver and got the job because of that. Her wardrobe changed from professional to too short, colorful and tight dresses, she openly disrespected her boss every chance she got, in front of other employees, his business partner (who was trying to take the company from him), and even clients. Why should anyone respect Oliver in is role as CEO if not even his EA showed him any respect and tried to demean and ridicule him any chance she got? And regularly pointed out that he'd dropped out of college? She was so ungrateful and acted as if the job was beneath her, not understanding just how important an EA for the CEO and their work is. People spend years to reach that position and it was handed to her for nothing while she was in her early twenties, overgoing more qualified personal in senior positions. It's no wonder QCs employees harbored animosity towards him. His choice was very unprofessional and the way Felicity behaved made Oliver look like a joke and not someone to be taken seriously and knew what he was doing.
Also, she was then responsible for Oliver losing the company. Showed zero loyalty towards him by taking the job his rival who took the company from him offered, then sleeping with said man to get back at a grieving Oliver and a rise out of him. (And can we just take a minute to dissect the fact she got mad at him for 'not caring about Sara, his Sara's death' but then expected him to get over it right this second and jump in a relationship with her, make it make sense! Do you want him to grieve the woman he'd loved for eight years or do you want him to pretend he doesn't care and get involved with you right away? Make up your mind woman!) Using Ray to get what she wants. Ray hands the company over to her even after the shitty and disrespectful way she treated him, used him really, while she had zero qualifications to run it. She got the company because she was sleeping with Ray. And Ray later on in Legends regrets that choice after she ran it to the ground.
Felicity never considers offering the company to Thea, after she and Oliver broke up. Oliver might not have wanted it but Thea may have and she'd been a great choice. Felicity uses the company's scientific discoveries for her own personal needs, does a really bad job with the board who obviously neither like nor respect her, she hasn't earned her position, she might have gone to MIT but she doesn't have a business degree, any understanding of how an international company like QC is being run and lacking the people skills to potentially make up for her lack of knowledge nor is she willing to listen to and learn from other people because she feels she knows best, she graduated from MIT! What do those people with their business majors and years upon years of experience in the field know compared to her IT knowledge from MIT?
Felicity literally slept herself into the position she was in and it was no wonder she wasn't respected by the company's board and employees. She'd done nothing to earn that position or their respect.
Let me know what you guys think and if I'm alone with this opinion on the matter. It just always bugged me how little respect was shown for the position of an EA and how unrealistic Felicity's rise in the company was. One degree isn't interchangable with another and it doesn't matter how prestigious the college you graduated from was if your degrees aren't in the field you now work in. You might be the most knowledgable about computers but that doesn't mean you know how to run an international billion dollar company and she obviously didn't.
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quill-pen · 1 year
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And now, one of my favorite characters: The Dowager Countess of Calloway, Grandmother of Gerald Shaw the Earl of Calloway, and Great-Grandmother of Addie, Ernie, Bess, and her siblings (and Lottie--though she refuses to acknowledge it) Lady Felicity Shaw. But her great-grandbabies just call her "Granny" or "Granny Fefe". Yes, Bess was named after her (Elizabeth Felicity), and I think Bess even looks like her a bit. This woman is where all that brilliant wit, sass, and sarcasm comes from. (It's in the genes!) Her grandson may officially be the head of the family, but Felicity is without a doubt the reigning matriarch of the Shaw family. Confident, proud, stubborn, and full of wisdom, Felicity carries herself with the poise and grace of a queen and refuses to let anyone think they can run roughshod over her just because she's an old woman. (By the way, she's not old, she's "well ripened".) Always dressed to the nines, Felicity does what she wants, says what she wants, goes where she wants, and sees who she wants whenever she sees fit. This is her world--everyone else is just living in it.
The woman, I'm pretty sure, has never actually smiled, and she looks--and is--incredibly intimidating. She scares off most people just with a look alone. However, despite her stony, cold appearance, Felicity has the softest of hearts for her grandchildren. (Except you, Gerald--bugger off!) She's taken a particular liking to little Millie. (Millie is absolutely a mini Granny Felicity--there is no denying it.) And she's a major mover and shaker in the process of getting Bess and Ebenezer together.
Oh, by the way, on the concept of Ebenezer? Um... Granny definitely likes him. Maybe a bit too much. Can you blame her though? He's gorgeous and, well, quite frankly, it's been years. And Felicity would never consider herself as having been "in love" with her late husband, though he was a decent gentleman and treated her well. Ebenezer is more than a little flattered, especially since Felicity calls him "young shaver".
Fun fact: Granny actually got to hold a baby Queen Victoria at some point in history. She considers this her claim to fame.
@rom-e-o, the Queen herself.
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marvelfilth · 1 year
Angel (18+)
Pairing: stripper!Tara Carpenter x f! lawyer!reader
Warnings: no ghostface AU, Tara is 21, R is 27, smut, lap dance, pole dance, alcohol consumption, tipsy driving (pls don't do that), fingering, a bit of degradation and praise
Summary: You need to unwind. Angel gives you more than you could have ever asked for.
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You've had a bad month. Scratch that, you've had the worst month of your career. You've lost one of your loyal clients to a rival and your boss chewed you out over it, and, to top it off, you've lost a case you've been working on for the past four months.
You blink back the exhaustion, leaning back on the railing of your office balcony. You've been nursing your whiskey for the past hour, hoping it'll chase away your gnawing thoughts, but to no avail, you're still deep in your head, rethinking every decision that led you to this.
You check your wrist watch, the platinum glistening in the city lights, and decide to finally head home. You finally relax once you're in your car, putting the key in the ignition and driving off, leaving the day behind. You take a familiar route, driving almost on autopilot and humming along to the song on the radio, fingers drumming on the wheel.
You're almost home when you change your mind and make a sharp turn on the next intersection, heading to a place you haven't been to in months.
Two men in the front greet you with identical nods, holding the door open for you, sensual music spilling into the bustling street. Your eyes zero in on the bar, not paying any attention to the stage and the dancers, happy to see a familiar face handling alcohol tonight.
"Tough day?" Amber asks with a sympathetic smile, placing a full glass in front of you.
"Tough month," you sigh, not in the mood for a conversation.
She offers one more smile before turning to another guest, sensing your desire to be left alone. Her eyes take on a new glint, lips slightly pursed in a cute pout as she talks to a clean shaved man. You scoff in your drink and shake your head, ignoring the glare she sends you.
Leaning back against the bar you settle to simply people watch for some time, maybe get a dance or two from a pretty woman.
"You should ask for Angel," Amber says, wiping the counter. You look at her in question, your glass stopping midway to your mouth. "She's new, but she's good. You could use some unwinding and she's the best at it, trust me."
You nod slowly and ask for a refill before leaving her a tip and walking off to a secluded booth in the back of the club, settling back on the couch and trying to find a new face in the sea of dancers you already know well. Out of the corner of your eye you see Felicity, a fiery redhead with no filter. She effortlessly glides on the dancefloor in her nine inch heels, red lingerie catching eyes of gaping men with pockets full of cash. She bends in a sensual move, her thong granting a perfect view of her round ass. You hum when money starts falling in waves, making the floor disappear. She deserves that and more.
She catches your eye, brow raising suggestively, to which you shake your head no.
"Waiting for someone?" A voice whispers right in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. Your head turns to be met with the eyes of a stranger inches away from your own, lips painted blood red and pulled into a smirk.
You swallow, feeling the swell of her breasts against your arm that's resting on the back of the couch, and shake your head tersely, not trusting your voice just yet. She bites her lower lip and pulls away to slowly walk around the couch, making sure to show off her assets.
Almost all of her body is bare, her lacy push up bra making her breasts look good enough to throw handfuls of cash at her feet. Your gaze is immediately drawn to the full globes, then lowers to a dark red triangle of fabric between her legs held by a thin string. She takes her sweet time in caging you against the leather cushions, draping herself over your lap, hands settling on your shoulders.
You take this opportunity to study her features: the slope of her small nose; the freckles dusted all over her upper cheeks; her dark and inviting eyes, eagerly drinking you up with the same vigor; her full lips, painted red and waiting to be claimed.
She takes your whiskey and sips, expertly masking the distaste behind an alluring smile, but you still catch the way her eyes momentarily squeeze in a fleeting grimace, making you bite back a chuckle.
"I'm Angel. What's your name?" She purrs, hips moving to the beat as she plays with the hair at the nape of your neck. You see some men glare at you with jealousy, their jaws grinding. Angel must be fairly popular to grant a reaction like that.
"Does it matter?" You husk, struggling to keep your hands to yourself.
"Mysterious, huh?" She chuckles, arching against your chest, her barely covered breasts almost spilling out right in your face, hips moving in circles against your crotch. "I like that."
You hum, settling back to watch her flexible body roll against your slowly relaxing one, her lower lip pulled between pearly white teeth.
"There you go," she whispers, sliding her palm down your chest, her other hand tangling in your hair, nails scratching your scalp. It feels so good you almost purr. "Tell me what got you so wound up."
You sigh and take another sip of your drink before answering. "Lost my top client."
She hums, her torso moving in a slow hypnotic circle, before leaning back into you to whisper right in your ear. "Their loss."
She pulls back to look you in the eye, the space between you almost crackling with tension.
"Hey Angel," one of the men that's been glaring at you calls out, waving a couple of twenty dollar bills in the air. "Come give me a dance."
She doesn't even look in his direction, but you silently reach for your wallet, taking out three hundred dollar bills and pushing them under the string of her thong. "Stay."
Her eyes widen and she bites her lip before nodding. She throws her head back, hands leaving your shoulder to slide up her waist to cup her breasts, pushing them together inches away from your face. Your heart hammers in your chest, and you have to grip your thighs to keep yourself from touching her. She rises on her knees and changes the position, her back now to your front, ass snugly against your crotch.
You finish your whiskey in one gulp, your breath hitching. Her wavy hair gets in your face and you breathe in the enticing scent of her perfume mixed with the essence of her. She turns her head, looking at you with half lidded eyes. "You like that?"
"I do," you reply, noting the slight blush rising on her cheeks.
"Want to move somewhere private?" She asks, her eager tone cracking the unbothered facade she's been putting on.
You nod and follow her to the other side of the club, Amber sending you thumbs up from behind the bar before going back to flirting with another drunk man, crisp bills filling her pockets.
You're led to a dark hallway that leads to private rooms, anticipation buzzing under your skin. She nods at the security guard, the man looking you up and down before he lets you through. She locks the door and you wander deeper into the room, taking a seat on the velvety couch.
Sensual music starts spilling from the speakers before she turns sharply, a devilish smirk on her lips. She saunters to the pole, hips swaying in tune with the music, eyes never leaving yours as she hooks her leg over the metal and twirls. She closes her eyes, losing herself in the dance, and grips the pole before bending, back arched, the swell of her ass right in front of your face.
You exhale, nearly biting down on your knuckles from the need to turn her around and fuck her right on the floor. "Angel," you breathe out. She faces you and drops to her knees, legs spread as her hips move up and down, arms over her head as she grips the pole. "Yes?"
You pat your lap and without a moment of hesitation she climbs on top of your thighs, taking off her bra. You bite back a moan when her breasts spill out, pinkish nipples begging for your mouth. She takes hold of your neck, her forehead pressed against yours as she rocks her hips on your lap, her breathing labored. She weaves languidly against your tense torso, her lips brushing against your cheek before she pulls away to settle her hands on your chest, nails scratching your white shirt.
"Fuck," you close your eyes, enjoy the press of lithe body, arousal coursing through your veins. She hums, her center flush against your thigh and you feel her wetness smear on the fabric of your slacks. Your fingers clench uselessly at your sides. "You're enjoying this," you state, searching her face for an answer.
"More than you can imagine," she whispers, grinding down on your thigh with intent. Her nipples brush against your chest and she moans quietly, repeating the motion. You unconsciously thrust up, your pelvis connecting with her heat just as she is rolling down, sending pleasure through her body. She grabs your shoulders and your eyes lock. You thrust again, intentionally this time, your palms planted firmly on the couch to add force. Her hips rock, her needy moans filling your ears.
You can't take your eyes off her.
Fuck that, you think, before planting your hands on her hips, directing her movements, and pulling her into a feverish kiss. Her lips are impossibly soft, and her tongue tastes like whiskey and some fruity cocktail she's probably had earlier. Your hands move from her hips to her breasts, squeezing.
"Yes," she moans, greedily pushing against you. "More, please."
You hesitate only for a moment before lowering your mouth to her nipple, sucking it in with hunger you didn't know you possessed. She bites on her knuckles, hiding a loud moan from the guards behind the door. Your fingers itch with the need to tear off her thong and plunge deep into her soaking pussy, claiming the most vulnerable part of the petite brunette.
"How does that feel?" Your teeth graze against the underside of her breast before you take the other nipple in your mouth, tongue sliding on the hardened nub.
"Like I'm about to come," she whimpers, messily humping on your thigh. "Need you inside," she pleads, taking hold of your hand.
You follow her lead, your fingers easily pushing her thong aside and dipping between her slick folds, strands of wetness clinging to your digits. She buckles against your hand in search of friction, and you teasingly circle her clit, pulling a delicious moan out of her lips. "Like that?" You tease, even though you're as affected as she is.
"Yes- fuck, just like that," she whimpers.
"What about the rules, Angel? You gonna tell your boss about this?"
She shakes her head. "No, I promise. Fuck the rules." She desperately clings to your wrist, pressing your palm against her heat.
It's all you need to finally thrust your fingers inside her cunt. She cries out, biting your shoulder to hide the sound, and starts moving her hips up and down, meeting your fingers halfway.
"Such a bad girl you are, Angel. Riding a stranger like a slut," you grunt, fastening your pace. Filthy sounds fill the room as your fingers keep disappearing in her pussy, bringing her closer to the edge. Suddenly, a misplaced spark of jealousy ignites something deep inside your chest. "Do you do this with everyone, Angel? Do you spread your legs for strangers every night?"
"No," she gasps, tilting your face up and bringing you in for a kiss. "Just you," she moans against your lips, "only you."
The fire inside your chest burns. "Good."
Her walls clench around you, mouth wide open as she moans loudly. You force her mouth shut, pressing your palm against her lips, her eyes widening before they roll to the back of her head. Your thumb slides on her clit in tight circles, fingers curling to touch her sweet spot. She bites down on your knuckles, desperately chasing her orgasm, arousal dripping down her thighs. You add a third finger, stretching her tight pussy, and spread them inside.
"Come for me, Angel," you rasp, pushing deep inside. She cries out, squeezing around your fingers as she comes. She curls into you, hiding her face in the slope of your neck. "Good girl," you praise, kissing her temple, your fingers buried inside her wet heat.
There's a loud knock and a gruff voice sounds from behind the door. "Everything alright, Angel?"
She sits up, eyes wide and alert, and looks at the clock near the door. Your private session ended ten minutes ago.
"I- I have to go," she scurries away, putting on her bra on her way to the door.
"Wait," you call out, catching her wrist before she could touch the handle. "Stay, please."
Her eyes flicker to your lips before she throws herself at you, hands around your waist, kissing you with fervor. You press her against the door, trailing kisses all over her neck, wishing you could leave marks for her to remember you by.
There's another knock and a threat to break down the door. Angel pulls away with one last peck before disappearing behind the door.
The rest of the week goes better after that night. You feel like the burden that's been sitting on your shoulders got smaller, granting you more hours of sleep and allowing you to look your boss in the eye without feeling inferior. You can't help but think back on the girl that so easily brought this change on you. Sometimes when you're caught up in paperwork in the late hours of night you catch yourself wishing you were back in that private room, looking at her instead of some boring corporate nonsense. Your fingers squeeze around the pen with need to touch her again, to unravel her, to savor her taste.
On a Friday night you decide to leave the office early and head to the club, but a phone call stops you in your tracks.
"Hey, hope I'm not interrupting."
You smile, always happy to hear from your friend. "You're not, I'm… heading home early."
"Great. Perfect, actually. I know it's a bit last minute, but I was wondering if you'd like to come over for dinner tonight? I'm making your favorite." Sam asks, and you can hear the sound of pans hitting the stove in the background.
"What's the catch, Carpenter?"
She groans, and you can almost see her slouch against the counter. "I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but Tara is studying to be a lawyer, and I thought maybe you could give her some pointers over dinner?"
You blink, surprised by the question. In two years of your friendship with Sam you've never met her younger sister. Even though they're living together, she's never home when you're over, working double shifts to afford tuition, adamantly refusing Sam's offers to help. She likes to complain about it from time to time, but you can see she's proud of the younger girl.
Angel will be there tomorrow, and you're actually excited to finally meet Tara. It doesn't take long for you to decide which way to go. You make a quick stop at a grocery store on your way there, buying Sam's favorite beer and a bottle of wine, thinking about offering her sister an internship. If she's even half as brilliant as Sam you want her on your team once she graduates.
When you finally knock on the door, expecting to see Sam on the other side, you feel wind get knocked out of you when the woman you've been thinking about since you left the club opens it.
"... Angel?"
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brxttydevil · 1 year
Anything for you TeddyBear
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Pairings: Sugar Daddy! Katsuki Bakugou x Sugar Baby! Reader
Summary: Bakugou is the CEO of a vast company that he can spoil his lover any way they want. He can fire anyone that messes with his lover.
Warnings: sexual harassment after that pure fluff
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You were walking down to the building that is owned by your sugar daddy. Some of the women in the place wanted to date him even you. But due to the settled contract, you two cannot date each other. Every contract gets broken one way or another.
When you walked inside you were met by Felicity, his secretary, she is always annoyed by everyone. She was busy on her phone when you got closer to her.
"What do you want?" She didn't bother looking up from her phone. She just turned around to face where your voice was coming from.
"I am here to see Katsuki."
"Let me see if he is asking for visitors." She finally got off her phone grabbed the telephone, and dialed his number. She waited for a few seconds until she got a hold of him. "Hello, Mr.Bakugou."
"What do you want?"
"Someone wanted to talk to you."
"Bring them up here."
"Okay." She motioned towards you to the elevator. "Go up the elevator and press the five on the thing. His office is at the end of the hallway."
"I know." You walked towards the elevator and pressed five.
When you made it up to the floor you walked out. Some of his workers stared at you. Others were too busy to even notice you. Before you were able to reach the door of his office, a man stopped in front of you.
"What a beauty like you doing up here?" He got closer to you. You stepped back a little.
"I am here to see Kat and if you excuse me." You were going to punch him but held yourself back.
He let you go but he slapped your ass when you passed him. When you turned back you saw him have a sly smirk on his face. Before you were able to say something you heard a familiar voice.
"Now what the hell were you doing?!" Katsuki put you behind him as he went closer to the man.
"Nothing boss." His voice quickly changed from his flirty tone to a scared child.
"Don't play fucking dumb with me. I know what the fuck you did to my baby." Katsuki was angrier than he usually is. "If you ever want to be able to have a job you better get out of my fucking building. I want you gone from any workplace. I wonder what your wife would think if she heard her husband is harrasing other women. You lucky I could get filed with an assault otherwise you would be in the hospital by now."
The man was really scared but immediately went to his desk and packed everything before Katsuki can do anything to him. Kat sighed before going back to you. "Are you okay?" You was still in shocked of what happened that you just nodded your head. He took you inside of his office and shut the door behind him.
He had you on his lap while he rubbed your back. He gave you a few kisses here and there. He wanted to comfort you any way he can. So he went on your favorite shop and let you buy anything to get your mind off what happened. He wasn't going to let the guy go scot free. He had something else planned.
You picked out a few outfits that you really loved and let him pay for all of the them. He didn’t care he loved spoiling his sugar baby. But something else you wanted. To actually be with him. You know he doesn’t got any other sugar babies other than you.
“You want to try those on for me when we get them?” He smirked and rubbed your inner thigh.
“Yes sir.” You already felt your wetness pooling on his pants.
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conetic · 3 months
It Can't Be
(A Young Royals Fic)
this fic is alternating povs, starting wille.
aged up characters
after season 2, post-speech (started writing before s3 aired)
originally posted and updated on archive of our own.
Ever since Prince Wilhelm graduated Hillerska; it was assumed by almost all of his then classmates he would go back to his duties as he was suddenly intended to pursue earlier in his years. The video, the ongoing battle with hiding, and everything in his heart told him to do anything but. So he cut ties. For himself…and Simon. 
Simon was…everything. To Wilhelm. And in his years of knowing him, he knew that he always would be. Nothing in the world would let him forget the incredibly golden, kind-hearted, generous human that is Simon Eriksson. 
It wasn’t easy, with the endless messages from Kristina and Ludvig, but he got his own place with the money he had at the time. He’s content. Still in Sweden, just in a normal neighborhood since no one would expect him to be in a place like that. Luckily, he hasn’t heard anything from either of them. 
He blames himself a lot for the events of Hillerska, dwelling on things he could’ve avoided. Things he could’ve saved Simon from. Maybe it wouldn’t have gotten so out of hand if his mother would’ve been one; instead of acting like his boss at a major company. The aftermath of everything still haunts him at night, keeping his anxiety high and his guard overwhelmingly more visible than he’d like. It’s much harder to make friends, especially since not only the video, but now the speech, had both gone viral. Everyone knew. Everyone knew, and Simon got out. Wille was happy for him, if anything. 
But he misses him.
Since Wille had cut ties, he had no real reason to not contact Simon. He always thought about it, but he didn’t want to reopen a wound that he knew he would inevitably let bleed. Instead, he ends up spending his days talking to his long-time friend Felice. Since Hillerska, she’s now a successful businesswoman. She says all the time that the reason she’s so successful is because she put Wille down as a reference; he always laughs about that. The truth is though, she works her ass off. Ever since he met her, she’s been the most loyal, most determined person he’s known when it came to how she wanted to grow up. She always knew. Sometimes Wille wishes he knew what he wanted to be earlier in life. But he knows it’s a waste to think about it all the time. 
His therapist, Boris, had been helping him with his anxiety, depression and had been talking to him regularly through text message since graduating. Wille found himself talking about August and his family’s views on what he did more than he’d like, and Boris can tell it still affects him greatly. He’s more guarded. More scared. He doesn’t like going out much anymore, and orders in when he doesn’t feel like cooking. Felice has offered to cook for him many times, but he won’t let her, since it reminds him too much of his time at the palace. He’s on some medication now, and sometimes he forgets to take it, and sometimes he doesn’t. Lately, though, he’s been doing good with it. The only thing is he has to eat before he takes his antidepressant and if he’s honest, it hasn’t been helping either way. 
It’s been 30 minutes since Wille’s woken up, and he’s been trying to cook himself breakfast. His apartment is cozy, it’s small, but that was intentional when he saw it. It makes him feel more normal. His kitchen is white with a dark blue tile backsplash and a medium length island with two chairs on either side of it. Across from the kitchen is a small living room with a beige couch along with a matching coffee table and a tv in front of it. It’s not much, Wille wishes he knew how to decorate better, but he thinks plants are all he can handle for right now. No one’s coming over anyways. He thinks. 
For his breakfast, he tries to make a simple piece of toast spread with butter, topped with an egg and cheese. When the egg is heating up on the stove, he wishes Simon would have written some of his household recipes down while he had the chance. Wille hadn’t cooked for himself much but at this rate, he even overcooks pasta. He always thought the spaghetti with pasta dish Simon always liked was… interesting, to say the least. Maybe if he cooked it right it wouldn’t taste so bad? Smoke is suddenly in the air and the egg is burnt. Of course. This would happen while drifting into Simon-Land. After one more long attempt he finally got his breakfast. Thankfully the only thing he had to recook was the egg itself. 
Wilhelm sits on his couch and turns on the news. The top story is apparently about how August had now become the crown prince. Who actually cares? He rolls his eyes as he takes a bite of his breakfast; now realizing he should’ve made himself a coffee.
His phone dings.
Let’s go out tonight.
But I’m tiredddd.
You’re always tired, Wilhelm.
Besides, there’s this new bar I wanna try.
What time?
9:30pm, I’ll pick you up.
See you thennn x
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The bar is nice, the glow of the multi-colored lights give it a nice ambiance and the music isn’t extremely loud like most bars. The bar counter is at the very back, and the wall behind it is filled with various different spirits; and Wille wants to try them all just to see if he could become normal overnight. He’s wearing a silk black long sleeve button up, with some black fitted pants and some shoes to go with it. After looking at the others, it seemed like he overdressed just a little bit. It was busy, and the ceiling was painted with some mural he couldn’t make out. Two angels reaching for one in the middle. He never understood art, but this one seems targeted in a way. Kristina and Simon; both reaching for him. Crown prince or Simon? His lie or his truth? He doesn’t want to know. 
Felice sits next to him on a bar stool, and Wille thinks watching the bartender working so fast is impressive. No way could he memorize all of the drinks.
He looks around as the silence breaks suddenly, “okay, yeah, I like this place,” Felice says. She looks stunning, he thinks. She’s wearing a burgundy dress with her hair in a low bun and minimal makeup. He assumes it’s because last time they went out she always had to re-apply her lipstick, so she got sick of it;
“but it’s so annoying!” She whines, Wille rubbing his hand slightly on her shoulder as an act of reassurance.
“it looks pretty though,” he spoke softly. “Do what you’re comfortable with, that’s all that matters.” His uplifting grin reflecting onto her.
Wille scans over the drinks menu as he responds, “I need to be here a while to actually have an opinion on it I think,” “mmm” Felice hums, mid-way sipping her already ordered drink. Eyes widened, “we’ve been here for 10 minutes, how do you already have a drink?” “I already have a drink because we’re sitting at the bar… right in front of a bartender… whose job is to make people drinks.” He laughs, scanning over the menu once again, his mind contemplating between something sweet or something bitter. After some thought he goes with a glass of cider as he calls over the bartender and quickly gets the glass soon later. He really is good at what he does. He takes a sip, he wants to start slow, he’s a lightweight after all. 
The music is some sort of EDM music, and Wille can’t make it out, like most things. He’s here for Felice. If it wasn’t for her, he’d probably be home watching Law & Order trying to see if he can figure out the result of the crime before the characters do; but alas, he’s here.
He needs to get out of his head, “How are things?” He says, taking a much bigger sip of his drink than anticipated; “Things are good, I just got promoted to chairman of the board, which I think is funny because there’s no such thing as chairwoman, so basically, I’m making history.” she laughs, she has a reddish looking drink with sugar on the rim, Wille assumes it’s some kind of cherry margarita. He’s proud of her, he really is. “Felice, that’s fucking amazing! You deserve that more than anyone,” “Wille, you didn’t even know my competition,” He smiles, “you still deserve that more than anyone.” He drinks; “your turn, how are things?” And he’s silent. What does he say? He’s been isolating. Sleeping too much? Too little? Can’t stop missing Simon? “Things are fine,” he settles on, “fine? Really?” she says sarcastically, “that’s all you have for me?” Her drink gets refilled.
Wille sighs, he should just tell her, “I just…” hesitating, “It’s Simon, I miss him,” “Oh, Wilhelm, he’ll come around,” And he knows he won’t. He really messed it up this time. Her hand falls onto his shoulder, comforting him. Honestly, there’s nothing he could do; and he doesn’t want to pressure Felice to ask Sara if he’s been okay, let alone happier. The urge is definitely there, but maybe at a later date. 
Suddenly, his drink is nearly gone, “He’s not coming around, Felice.” He says, more angrily than he expected. Maybe it’s the alcohol kicking in, or maybe he’s bitter. He can’t stand having no contact with Simon. Does he still live in Bjärstad? Is he on his own? Does he have a partner? Is he happy? He practically downs his 2nd drink of cider, not remembering that he ordered one in the first place, and Felice looks worried, “Wille, slow down,” she tries taking the drink from his hand but fails due to its emptiness. The bartender is cute. He thinks. His dark slightly curly hair just under his ears with a half bun and his tan golden skin. His arms strong and his memorization impeccable. Studying him, his laugh is like medicine, and his smile reflects on everyone else in the room. He looks like he irons his clothes, “Wille?” Felice snaps her fingers in front of him, “Get your shit together, here, drink some water,” a glass slides to him, he does what she says. Eventually, he drinks the whole glass, and now his plan of getting drunk until he can’t walk is wearing off. The bartender glances at him as he slides him his now third glass of cider. Wille runs his fingers through his hair as he gives him a half smile. His blonde hair is much longer than usual, he needs a haircut, but he can’t be bothered. Looking back at the bartender, he knows why he can’t stop looking. He looks like Simon. And he knows it can’t be him. Simon wouldn’t smile at him like that, not at a bar, he wouldn’t not acknowledge him… would he? He drinks half the cup and puts it down, “Felice, that’s not him, is it?” She looks confused, “Who are you looking at?” “The bartender,” and she glances slightly, it does look like him, she can see that but since they’re both intoxicated there’s no real confirmation.  Taking a sip of her drink, she calls over the bartender to order her third drink as well, “should I ask him?” And he panics, “Wille if you don’t decide I’m going to have to, you have 5 seconds,” and Wille can’t think for any of them. She stops the bartender for a second, “Hey, can I ask you something?” Wille looks away embarrassed, like the man is medusa and he’ll turn to stone if he looks him in the eye. The bartender stops suddenly, turning his attention to Felice, “Yeah, what’s going on? Is something wrong with your drink?” He even sounds like him, “Yeah, everything is perfect, the place is lovely; it’s just,” He raises his brow, “It’s just…?” “What’s your name?” And Felice feels stupid. How could neither of them tell if it’s Simon or not? If it is then there’s no way he’d want anything to do with Wilhelm if he blatantly forgets him. Forgetting him like he forgot to tell people it was him in the video, how he forgot to tell him about August, about how he forgot to do so many things. The bartender looks over at Wille, still hiding his face, “Simon,” and everything clicks.
thank you if you read this far! please vote on the poll below. <3
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I finished Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel last night, and I liked it a lot. I noticed a few things this playthrough that kind of bugged me that I don't remember from my first playthrough, but it was really fun for the most part.
The gravity and oxygen mechanics were a whole lot of fun and I still loved that part of the game, but I felt like half the time when I went into Fight for your life the enemies would all run really far away as soon as they killed me, so it was super inconsistent whether I could get back up. That was never really an issue in the first two games.
The story was really fun, felt more tightly written than the last couple, and Jack is still a very fun character. Felicity's whole quest was super good, and she's probably my favorite character in the series because I'm so so normal about robot girls.
Also the final boss was so fucking fun, what a good-ass fight.
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
I'd like to add on to all the telenovella drama, what if Lilith and the late Mrs. Schoenheit were close friends? Could you imagine her reaction to what Erik's done, especially if you throw in the papa crewel au?? She's not against him finding love again, in fact she's certain Mrs. Schoenheit would want her husband to find love again, but pursuing a woman who he knows has hurt both of their respective children and Lilith's darling grandchild? Now that won't fly, and she is making it known how disgusted she is, Lilith is going to drag that man through HELL for his decision.
I can see her stirring the pot a bit as well. After all, the Crewels and the Rosehearts are infamous in the Rose Kingdom, and with Lilith being a high class socialite whose child and now grandchild work at/attend NRC respectively, why wouldn't she know about what's happening? She has inside sources after all.
I just really wanna see grandma Lilith go off in this au, it's deserved.
Believe it not I've actually been thinking about this the past few days while my ask box was closed. Because Lilith knows of Vil, there's no way she doesn't. One day, maybe before the events of the au take place, Lilith visits and sees Vil and has some friendly conversation. "My look how big you've gotten! Your mother would be so proud."
"You knew my mother ma'am?"
"Oh I knew her for years and we worked together very often. She was so talented, witty, and it goes without saying beautiful. There a was a bright light that went out before her time... But let's not dwell on that, dear. How have you been?"
When Divus attended NRC, there was not a piece of school gossip or news she did not know about. Students would tell their moms,aunts,grandmas, etc what was going on and it would all circle back to Lilith. Now that Divus worked in the school and she has a grandchild there now? Bet your ass she's at it again. Then all of a sudden communication ceases. Not just for her, but for everyone she knows who has a son at NRC. Suddenly Lilith Crewel doesn't know, and she does not like that one bit. She's ringing Divus phone off the hook trying to get info of what's going on only to get the news his new boss has a ton of strict rules and regulations that is making it very difficult. And if this is the version where Crewel gets fired? Now she has dead silence from Yuu, and Lilith is livid.
At some point, something bad is going to happen involving Yuu and Lilith is going to go down to the Isles of Sages herself and rip someone's head off. Because as we've establish, Lilith takes everything over when something goes. She want's things done right, and thus she will do it herself. "Divus you take care of Yuu. I will take of this."
"Mother for once can you-"
"What did I just say?" He knows there's no talking her down at this point.
She's going to see Erik in Felicitys office with the trio, Riddle, Vil, and Yuu. Suddenly it all clicks.
"Well. It seems the rumors were true."
"Spare me any of your judgmental notions," Felicity replied. "I have no intrest."
"Oh I know you have no interest, and far be it for me to talk about marital affairs. But you," She pointed a finger at Erik, her red eyes burning a hole in him. "I expected better of you, Erik."
"What's that supposed to mean, Madame Crewel?" Though he had an idea. Remembering her friendship with Vils mother.
"You have turned a blind eye to not only your son, but to hundred of other peoples sons. Is your son just an ATM is that it? Is that why you won't intervene when he's suffering?"
"How dare-"
"I can dare all I want." She didn't allow him to finish. "If that's not the case then tell me. And don't give me some hearted 'because love' answer, because then you're just wasting my time. The fact of the matter is: You are a selfish selfish man, Erik Venue. And your wife would be so ashamed of you."
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greatrunner · 1 year
"You've given them the semblance of a choice. That's enough".
Count on Lan to be honest about the lack of honesty, lmao
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Alright so, I reached the end of the Wheel of Time last night, and it's honestly making me wonder why this series was eight episodes instead, I dunno, 13 or 22?
Looking back, if this was a mere miniseries, I could understand the truncated, "let's get to Point A to Point B" number of episodes. I mean, eight (as I remember) was the hardline definition of a miniseries if it wasn't six, five, four, three, or two.
The show spends a lot of time introducing new ideas, flashbacks, and whatnot. Some of it gets paid off alright, but the rest feels more like a "please renew us" ploy than anything beneficial to the story. I like the idea that this isn't just a basic generic fantasy world. That, at some point, the world reached a "Society If [Blank] Happened" type of reality, then I guess, did a whole walk backward into the Renaissance Fair. That's cool, I wanna see more of that idea explored in the story.
But, what was the point of that false dragon narrative outside of setting up the dynamics of the white tower (specifically, giving a lot of face time to the one Team Red character who's apparently supposed to represent Misandry (????), until Moraine threatens to snitch about her male side piece, which made me cackle)?
That's not a bad thing, but with the way the character got a whole intro, I would've assumed he would've got a lot more than "Mini-Boss demoted to Jobber".
They really dragged out the whole "Who is the Dragon Reborn" nonsense until the second to last episode, then revealed it with what feels like the intention to do a speedrun of a Souls Boss Battle, right down to the "Big Fight Separates the Group" bit.
I'm not really understanding the whole Nynaeve/Lan subplot. One character says, "She likes you", and there's almost zero interaction between these characters outside of homegirl's contempt and mistrust of him and Moraine. Maybe some fireside time with the other Warders. I viewed the latter as Nynaeave becoming a little less distrustful of people, but not a foundation for a romance.
I had half a suspicion they were gonna try to pair her off with Stephin (the white guy who lost his Channeler) before I even considered Lan was a potential love interest?
But now the last couple of episodes are like, "Welp, let's run with this" and on top of the doldrums that is Moraine's #1 Stan and Angry Ginger's drama (plus the guy who gutted his wife), I'm just not here for this nonsense. (Understandably, I know that moment was just friends slinging mud at each other, but they really went Felicity with the whole thing.)
Like, when the hell in the last six episodes before that comment was the audience supposed to pick on "Tsundre Nynaeve Has a Crush on Stoic Bodyguard and Edward Cullen Stalks Him Everywhere"?
(Makes no damn sense. It displeases me.)
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On the other end of things, I kinda like how Moraine's story arc ended (as far as season one goes). Like, I didn't want her to lose her connection to the one power, but it also kinda felt like a consequence of every choice she's made in the show (so far). And, ironic (I guess????). Rosamund Pike really sold the loss, and Danie Henney made it worse with the "Can you unmute me, please?" And she's all ;_;
Throughout the show, she's had great chemistry with the five Ronin Warriors she picked up. The show certainly squandered the dynamic between Moraine and Angry Ginger (I wanna call him Josh, but that's the actor's name). That whole "Last Stand" against the Dark One would've been way more compelling if, again, the show's first season chose length over expediency.
(The Dark One could be an interesting character since Ginger didn't kill him but released him. But I get the feeling he's just gonna be a pretentious version of HEROES's Sylar, who was already up-his-own-ass to begin with if you get me.)
The show tries to incorporate that into the story. Moraine's general lack of interest in anyone except that one woman who trusts her immediately after learning about the One Power. How that sends her up Shit Creek when she realizes the Dragon is that one dude she ignored. To some degree, it works, but it also just feels like them covering their asses.
Ultimately, the end of the season felt, not like the end of a story chapter, but very television-y. Moraine saying, "This wasn't the last battle. This was just the beginning", threw me into a Dragon Ball Z flashback. Specifically, the one where Gohan hits SS2 and Dale Kelly (the OG DBZ narrator) is selling the "tune in next time!" moment.
I'll probably wait until the second season's done airing to watch all of it. Overall, Wheel of Time is a decent show. Not at all like Game of Thrones outside of how the writing seems to be taking visual cues from explicitly not white cultures and framing them in questionably malicious ways in contrast to the Eurocentric White Tower girlies.
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noisyspirits · 2 years
:: 👫 :: { 𝙇𝙖𝙣𝙚﹢𝙅𝙤𝙮. } ::
Lane calls her Go-go Dancer (sometimes just “Gogo”), Lava Lamp, Flower Child, Woodstock, Tangerine Queen, Felicity Shagwell (retired after it made her uncomfortable). Sometimes he just calls her random 70s album titles and she knows he’s talking to her. 
Love that for them. Thanks, Sam!
Headcanon that the boss is some grouchy old music snob who only hired them because he liked their answers to his questions about ranking Radiohead albums and naming the top five most innovative local bands. They were both beloved regulars at the store before they got hired, and earned his respect with their purchases and ability to keep up or even say something insightful in conversations with him.
We can say Joy worked there first, if she would be too nervous to apply at her crush’s workplace. They could be the only people who work the “student shifts” (evenings/weekends). Lane and Joy’s class at Rainier brings in a lot of business, so perhaps they were hired when the boss decided to extend the shop’s hours to accommodate rich college kids’ class schedules.
They’re shit clerks. Joy will get distracted and forget to ring somebody up for one of their records at checkout, and Lane’s solution the problem is telling her to just ring up the next customer’s album twice and hope they don’t notice. Lane vapes on the job and flirts with every customer. Joy can’t be trusted with taking inventory or counting money. Neither of them are suited for time-sensitive tasks. They keep a line of willing customers waiting for half an hour because they don’t want to stop chatting with someone who already checked out. They usually can’t hear or don’t even notice when the phone is ringing, because they’re too engrossed in whatever prog song is playing.
During Lane’s depressive episodes, he spends the whole shift getting high, and he’ll ask Joy to do the customer service while he half-asses the non-verbal tasks. Joy gets called in on her days off to cover his shifts when he still can’t get out of bed by 5pm. During his manic episodes, his eyes linger on her body more than they should, he invites Tinder girls over to blow him in the shop’s bathroom (and sometimes forgets to close the door), and he gets so distracted by dancing with Joy that he forgets to lock up, and leaves the power running all night. But on a good day, he can lovingly arrange promotional displays and "If You Like ____, Try ____” lists, he’s quick to intercept customers creeping on Joy by engaging them in conversation, and he stays on top of responsibilities by insisting they work together instead of splitting up the tasks.
And you bet your ass they’re the best people to talk to about recommendations, whether it’s for local shows the store is selling tickets for, or for a field guide to a new genre they want to get into without picking only the most entry-level stuff. They’re surprisingly good salesmen, mostly because they’re so honest about what is and isn’t worth the money. People trust them, and there’s a big crowd who will come into the shop just to hang out on the tattered leather couch or make sure nobody covered up their band’s sticker on the wall. Turns out, two hot musicians that customers can build up a nearly-parasocial relationship with can bring in a lot of business. They’re too lovable and profitable to get fired.
But seriously, don’t forget to check your receipt.
Lane doesn’t think he’s arrogant enough to expect every girl on campus to throw themselves at him, but he is used to female friends being more... receptive to his advances. He’s confused by the way Joy shoots down his offers to go to the diner with him or come back to his room. They have so much chemistry. She seems to like him. He makes her laugh. She always leans in his direction and touches her pretty elf hair when he’s talking to her. He can make her cheeks red just by putting on a song she likes, making eye contact with her from across the store, and smiling. She agrees to plans with so much cheer, so he doesn’t know why she suddenly remembers she had another commitment as soon as she realizes they would be hanging on one-on-one, or at night. He can’t figure out why she shies away when he touches her. He isn’t used to girls like her, coy and inexperienced, unprepared to close their eyes and wait for him to kiss them after he gives them attention. He’s usually surrounded by girls like Zelda and Nikki, or Max and Sabrina, or Genie and Jill. Even Molly was always brutally honest about her sexuality. What’s he supposed to do with someone as confusing as Joy? Which signals should he take from her?
So he invites her to come out to the woods on a sunny afternoon to jam, but assures her that Robin’s gonna be there, too. He invites her to get late night Applebee’s after they close up, but doesn’t order cocktails or argue with her if she wants to split the bill. When he rolls out of bed and looks out the window to see her roller skating around campus, he rubs the sleep out of his eyes, grabs his skateboard, and catches up with her so they spend the morning together; maybe go to a thrift shop or antique store to look for vintage clothes and instruments. He tries to let it go and accept that the friendship is just platonic, but then she compliments his hair or eyes, gets schoolgirl bashful, and hides her cheeks as she looks away. It makes him self-conscious. If she’s attracted to him, why is she so adamantly opposed to doing anything with him?
He values his friendship with Joy. He’s just waiting for her to value it enough to take it to the next level. 
Lane can tell that Joy isn’t as naive as she puts on. 
Just based on the type of music she likes. The 70′s is the horniest decade for music. The 60′s had so much gritty subject matter. She knows too much about the blues for him to believe that she doesn’t really feel it on some level.
Lane’s theory is that she’s a recovering addict. He knows people who act superfluously positive when they’re trying to stay out of the hole, even if they have to force it. It’s also his only explanation for why she’s sober and doesn’t come to parties. 
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theodoraflowerday · 2 years
young royals s2e5 live reaction
I am feeling far more optimistic at this moment
bitch did you just keep that sweater? did wille never wonder where it went?
you traumatized the fish simon
"because I'm a complete idiot..... and because I wanted to" AYEEEEEEEE
I only like morally corrupt choices when they mean it's my otp doing it for their own sake
cheating? sad and wrong. simon cheating on marcus w wille? a+ 10/10 would watch would repeat
"but you're not in love w marcus"
I love sara so deeply she's so weird and fucked up but that's MY little weird and fucked up baby girl
okay now suck jan-olof's dick if you love him so much
mi amor usted aquí no es nadieeeeeee
lmao how hard for simon to stare directly at wille at all times
that's such a fuckin power couple though, right? simon as the choir soloist that everyone adores and then followed by his boyfriend, the crown prince of sweden
now this is when you go up to your boyfriend and tell him to pull rank on jan-olof
yeah that's fucked up lmao
bitch? who else is gonna pull rank on jan-olof but his literal boss wilhelm?
don't be like thaaaatttttttttt
oh murder me
"simon that's not my fault" oh that's SUCH a good one you should say that to him more often
"you haven't felt the consequences?" WHAT??? HE ALMOST GOT KIDNAPPED????? HES GOT THE ENTIRE ROYAL COURT UP HIS ASS?????? WDYM
it's not the same consequences as simon but to say wille got out of it unscathed is so fucking low
oh that was fucking low
oh that was so fucking low for literally any standards but especially for simon standards
I'm sitting here mouth agape I cannot believe he just told him "you're exactly like your mom"
oh lmao who is he texting
because in case you don't know, sara saw him
and she's sleeping w him anyway
oh my god was wille just taking deep breaths instead of having a panic attack? oh my god
jan-olof having more input than kristina or ludwig is kinda fucked up
and there we go
rosh baby you gotta be smart about this. all of you HAVE to be smart about this
she's telling him? kristina is actually telling him?
"or if you renounce the throne"
"we'd risk upsetting the entire system of government" AS YOU SHOULD!!!!!!! BURN THE MONARCHY TO THE GROUND WILLE
"nobody is getting rewarded" isn't he? isn't he getting rewarded?
"i won't force you. and I shouldn't have to either" ma'am did you or did you not let them make august next in line? isn't that a way of forcing him?
so it's either wille steps up and becomes king or the person who literally LEAKED A SEX TAPE OF HIM AND HIS BOYFRIEND (BOTH OF THEM UNDERAGE) gets to become king?? like how can wille live with this?
fuck kristina fuck this entire system
"who's most likely to get revenge" sara? sara who's fucking the guy who fucked over her brother? that sara?
is sara gonna run away with the horse
did he make boris tea? that's so cute wille
me: do you? boris: do you really?
he went to malin? I thought we agreed she was a traitor
is sara going to august bc she feels she can use him to betray felice because felice [checks notes] did not resist when her parents (who have all the input) sold rousseau to people sara didn't approve of?
do you think august is realizing sara cares more about the horse than him
but also that's just
god they're so cute. in a really fucked up way but they're so cute
he's really doing this in front of rosh and ayub?
wille you really gotta stop thinking about what you have to do to be with simon and start thinking about what you have to do to be okay, just like. in general.
also do you think simon is gonna be like "ooh okay so you can abdicate and be with me and then the man who Ruined My Life™ will go on to be the next king of sweden? great awesome let's do that" like baby that's.... you gotta drop the idiot ball sometimes I'm just sayin
"you have to do what feels right for you" maybe you can turn that one around and shove it up your brain honey?
"did he just say he'd give up the crown for you?" OH FUCK ME UP
it's like. I know this we as an audience all know this but rosh and ayub sure fuckin don't know that
and most importantly simon sure fucking does NOT know this
oh my god
I am not feeling sympathy for august
but if he just did what I think he did??????
oh. my god august is in love w sara
oh my god he's in so fucking deep he bought the horse and now he's like...... oh my god
oh my god august is in DEEP
"i sold her baby"
I'm gonna have to read this book aren't I lmao
can't you just FUCKING TALK
simon: ok but malin grew up w these ideas. wille: ok but she can be her own person tho. simon: ok but she's been forced tho. me: OKAY CANT YOU JUST GET IT OVER WITH AND FUCK ALREADY
simon: and we don't know what happens at the end of the book (wille marry me). sara: well she committed suicide :)
that was beautiful
te quiero mucho linda
nvm no seas así linda
oh my god sara better get her shit together about this
really? REALLY?
oh he really wanted to get out didn't he 😭
I get both perspectives and they both make me so sad I'm so sad
okay he's going to his room you better close the curtains now
okay bitches you better TALK NOW
I'm not even kidding I'm going to cry
god they're fucking beautiful (and they're beautiful when fucking ehehe)
oh my god this feels like home no one talk to me
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amescastaignede · 2 years
Self Paragraph | The Diffident.
Bounds of light brown locks framed Amélie’s face, curling further into her the baby pink silk bed sheets, the impending feeling of doom lingering in her lower gut; she was sure if she’d eaten enough, she’d have been physically sick; things had been different lately, she realised as another text bounced back, five hours late. They’d all been so blunt, so unlike him that she was wondering if there was more to the story. Something that he wasn’t telling her.
Yes. – the text read.
Mathis had been so busy that it seemed like he’d almost forgotten she walked the same earth as him, and if Amélie was being honest, it was shattering her confidence entirely. There was a time that he couldn’t even leave the house without wishing her a good day, offering to walk her to her car if she was on the way out.
But now? That seemed like a thing of the past. Something that would never be.
But none of it made sense, there were things she wanted to ask, so many questions that had gathered in her mind. Was it because he’d finally outgrew his little sister following him around? She’d always been in awe of him, and everything felt so natural. She’d never had to try with Mathis. Her lip began to shiver, the realisation that maybe he was done with her. She dropped silver lined hues to her the bracelet she wore, fingering it as her mind took her to happier times.
When she was important to him.
Picking up her phone she said one last voice note, tears in her voice.
‘’Can you come home please? I need you.’’
Present Day.
Amélie’s place of work, the London Advocate was abuzz, a new lead on other journalists never-ending take down of a moguls, celebrities and politicians. American gossip at best. And while she was happy for her colleagues, and jealousy was not a troupe she really inhibited, she knew that their route was a lot safer than the one she was about to embark on. Ringing her hands in and out of each other, she waited, different colleagues bumbled past offering their greetings to which she barely raised her head to give a nod. She’d have liked to put it down to the fact that she was shy, and it was her social anxiety that was having a solid impact on her way with people.
But this time it was different. Much.
Finally, as the office seemed to clear, the noise dying down to a dull roar, Amélie finally looked up to her boss, and her friend, Felicity who was completely enthralled in a conversation with a potential source. She was so animated when she spoke and had always been the same. At first Amélie had been taken aback, even scared of the woman’s somewhat outlandish ways. When the phone call finally came to an end, Felicity leant back in her chair, eyeing her with a narrowed gaze. Suddenly she felt the heat beneath it, realising before she’d even spoke, she knew there was something.
Felicity often teased her, playfully of course, on her shy nature; would even say that it was her way of making sure that Amélie knew how to laugh at herself. Serious is great for work, but you gotta’ laugh kid, she’d once said.
‘’I’ve been thinking---‘’ Amélie began, but a hand raised cutting her off. Awkwardness in the way she stood was a telling sign, with a look that could only be described as a deer in the headlights.
‘’You’ve been thinking? This outta’ be good. Brilliant. Please, do tell---’’ There was impatience dripping from Felicity’s voice, pulling those red framed glasses to sit on the edge of her nose, peering over at Amélie with disinterest. Now, don’t get Amélie wrong, Felicity was someone to be feared, especially when she held her job in those hands and a probationary one at that. But there was an unspoken respect between the two women, and a goal they both wished to achieve. Maybe even a friendship.
In that, sometimes she liked to think of them both as partners. She knew Felicity would put her out on her ass if she didn’t keep bringing in the valuable intel she had as of recent. Each day was something new, another pin to the board and a hope that one day she could bring him home. But if she couldn’t? She’d do everything within her power to make sure no other family had to suffer this kind of heartbreak; the kind that tore families apart.
She’d watched her parents crack at the seams. They’d once been happy, these days it seemed hard to remember. Her mother didn’t laugh anymore, and her father seemed to stay later and later at work each passing month. It hadn’t just destroyed them as parents, but as lovers.
‘’We’ve been collecting solid evidence; we’ve managed to bag two take downs in the last few months but…’’ Amelie was explaining when Felicity finished her sentence, they were often on the same wavelength, a lot of the time something she was grateful for.
‘’We’re slowing.’’ Felicity drawled.
‘’Exactly.’’ Amélie clicked her fingers a little too over enthusiastically, again coming off as awkward, to which she dropped her arm and took her gaze to the ground beneath her feet.
‘’Is that what you’ve been thinking about? You’re telling me stuff I already know’’ Felicity sighed, reaching up to rub at her temples. Even Amélie wanted to roll her eyes in that moment; she wasn’t someone who’d usually show such an expression but as she grew more and more comfortable with her boss, she realised there were sides of herself that she hadn’t even known she had the ability to possess.
‘’No, No, that’s not it.’’ She fiddled with the bracelet that Mathis had brought her, something she did when she was nervous. Which was often.
‘’Then get on with it, I haven’t got all day, I have a meeting with Pete---‘’
‘’I think I should go undercover.’’ She gulped.
There was silence. The kind that seemed to be sucked out of the room, even the office noise had dulled into the background, into nothing at all. She was holding her breath, unmoving on her spot with her eyes firmly planted to the floor beneath her shoes. She realised quickly that she wasn’t sure if Felicity was going to say anything at all, so Amélie began to speak.
‘’I was just thinking that with my background, my brother being there, I could get in easily. It wouldn’t be suspicious, plus I can pretend to be of use in keeping their name out of the papers; and then I’d have everything. I could take it down from the ins---‘’
‘’Are you crazy? You’ve lost your mind, Kid.’’ Felicity gasped, hand over her chest as she looked at Amélie with horror and shock. Horror at the implication of her being in such a place, but shock because for once Amélie was doing something so out of her character. So unexpected. She wasn’t sure if she should be proud or scold her like a child.
Amélie furrowed her brows, flapping her arms in the air. ‘’We can’t just sit here and wait for the information to fall into our laps, we need it. And we need it now.’’ She was exasperated, tired so much so that bags had formed under her eyes at this point. Coffee her best friend. She’d become dedicated to the cause, trying every way possible to make sure that she got them. That she brought them down to their knees. It was a mental image she played for herself at night when she couldn’t sleep.
One day, their entire organization would crumble. The French would be nothing but a bad memory. And she hoped it was by hers and Felicity’s hands.
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hibiscuswrites · 3 years
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Prompts/request: “Get Away From Me” with some “Kiss Me Again”
Warnings: None that I can think of
Word count: 455
A/N: Who else doesn’t play about their cereal? 
Reminder that you can add/remove and edit your url on my taglists here 
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"Stop. I'm mad at you." 
Rio chucked and ignored you entirely, hands still gripping at your waist while he held you from behind, watching as you prepared your cereal. 
"Oh, come on. It ain't that serious, mama. We'll be done before you know it, and then we can do around town and do whatever you want." 
You huffed and spoke under your breath even though you knew he could hear you. 
"We should've been doing that anyway." 
Rio sighed from behind you and hugged you, chin resting on you. 
"I know. It just came up out of nowhere. That's what happens when I give people too much wiggle room. They fuck shit up," 
He held you a little tighter as he brought his lips to your ear, voice husky and low just like how he knew you loved. 
"And then the boss has to come and clean up." 
You didn't acknowledge him verbally, but he didn't miss how your hands slightly stuttered in the process of grabbing your milk of choice, nor how the stream wasn't very steady while you poured. 
"So, I'll go in, scare them a little bit, take a look around the warehouse to make sure they didn't fuck anything else up, and then you can have the boss all to yourself." 
You huffed, knowing that he was using his power against you. You tried to act indifferent as you slipped your spoon into the bowl and grabbed it before turning around in his arms to face him. 
He grinned as he looked you over, watching lovingly as you took a bite. His thumb reached out to wipe away a drop of milk from your lower lip, bringing it up to his own mouth and licking it away, eyes on yours the whole time. 
"Hurry up and finish so you can get dressed." 
"Yeah, yeah." 
Rolling his eye at your bratty behavior, he leaned forward and pressed his lips against yours once, twice, and then three times before you pushed him away gently, trying to conceal the smile on your lips. 
"Get away from me." 
Your words only made Rio smile more and he shook his head, not giving your request any thought for even a second. 
"Kiss me again." 
You tried to ignore him, and he raised his brows. 
"Oh really? Alright then. Guess I'll have to just," 
He was going for your spoon then and you snatched it away as carefully as you could, giving him the kiss he was asking for, lest he go for your cereal again. He was satisfied with that and then pulled away from you entirely, landing a playful spank to your ass before walking away to get ready. 
"Hurry. We leave in thirty." 
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General taglist
@a-dorky-book-keeper  @jigsawlover10  @titty-teetee @my-rosegold-soul  @felicity-x0 @vibranium-soul @ateliefloresdaprimavera @preciousbarakat @elcococruz @glimmerglittergirl @hatterripper31 @lilac-tea-time @krysiewithak
Rio taglist
@belle82devart @existentialvacuum @hermionetriskatniss @thickemadame @aria725 @glimmerglittergirl @juul4jesus @tashawar @issa-lici-kuwonu @tcailin-00 @gemini0410 @sweet-babyangel @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @uhlxis @redcup90 @smoooore @asapkyndall @icyyy-diorr @woahitslucyylu @darklingveracruz @browngirldominion @hopefuloperaangelnerd @lillict @namjoonwatcheshentai @sesamepancakes @shaelivia @thelimited-unlimited​ @aybaisinlovewithrio @myeverythingisyourstruly @ilovethemsomuchh​ @pinky-kitty​
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breanime · 4 years
I’m honestly surprised I’m not requesting smut lmaooo but can I make a request for rio plssss?? I want 18 from fluff and 1&3 from the bonus section, but it be the reader punching beth cause I really don’t like her 😂
warning: pregnancy
*gif not mine*
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You were in no mood for Beth Boland’s shenanigans
And yet what were you currently dealing with?
Beth Boland’s shenanigans
You stood on the right side of Rio, Mick was on the left, as Beth delivered yet another monologue about how she was a mother and therefore the rules didn’t apply to her
Ruby and Annie were next to her, looking uncomfortable and nervous--the way they always did during drops
“I can’t just drop everything and run out to pick up product,” she was saying for what felt like the 10th time in the last month, “I have children! I have a family!”
You bit your lip, trying to keep yourself from telling her that you and Rio had a family too
Instinctively, you put a hand over your stomach
It was still early, and you hadn’t told Rio, but
your family was growing
“I can’t just run out in the middle of the day--I have PTO, and bake sales, and recitals and after school play dates and--”
“--Why don’t you stop making excuses and start paying me my money on time?” Rio interrupted, unamused
Beth huffed. “I’m not one of your gang-banging little homies, okay? I can’t run out in the middle of the school day to meet you--”
“--But you are,” Rio said, “you’re a drug dealer, you’re just a step away from banging, Elizabeth. Just like me.”
Her jaw dropped, offended
“I am nothing like you!” She spat. “I am a mother, and a wife, I have people who care about me! I do Girl Scout meetings and school events and trips to the zoo--I’m a part of society! If something happened to me, people would care. If something happened to you, no one would notice, except maybe the FBI, and even then, they’d be happy to see you six feet under--”
In a second, Beth was thrown onto her ass, screaming as she hit the ground
Annie and Ruby screamed too, and held onto each other, eyes wide
You stood above Beth, your fist aching
Mick whistled lowly behind you
“Oh my God! Beth!” Ruby gasped.
“Why did you punch her?!” Annie screamed, her eyebrows knitted as she glared/stared at you. 
“I dunno,” you shook your hand, “Why does anyone do anything?”
Rio stepped up to you, taking your hand in his and examining it
“You okay?” He asked you, his eyes soft
Beth scrambled up to her feet, hair wild and eyes wide. Her cheek was already reddening and swelling
“Her? What about me?!” She cried, putting her hand over her face. “You could have broken my nose!”
“But she didn’t,” Annie said timidly, “so let’s just go ahead and call this a win and just go home...”
“Not before you give us a down payment,” you said back, “for making us wait. Empty your wallets.”
Ruby and Annie moved quickly, emptying out their wallets, pockets, and purses, and handing the contents to you and Mick
“Sorry,” Annie murmured as she dropped a handful of sticky quarters int your hand
“This is so unprofessional,” Beth was still going on, glaring over at Rio now, “Are you really going to let this happen? I thought you were the big boss--”
You whipped your gun out and pointed it at Beth, and she immediately shut up
“Just give me the word,” you growled to Rio
“You’d shoot her?” Rio asked back, not at all concerned with this quick turn of events. “For me?”
“Hell yeah, I’d kill for you,” you looked over at him, and your heart flipped in your chest when you saw the way he was looking at you
Like you were the only other person in the room, in the world
He smiled, putting his hand on yours, lowering the gun
“It’s all good, babe, relax.”
“I won’t forget this,” Beth said once your gun was holstered, “He taught me how to use a gun--”
“--Yeah, he taught me too in, like, the 10th grade,” you drawled
“--and I will shoot you if I have to,” she finished
Normally, her threat would have either annoyed or enraged you
But the idea of her not only threatening Rio, but you, and the little life inside of you, had your blood going cold
So when you spoke, you didn’t think, you just opened your mouth and let the words spill out
 “I’m pregnant.”  
Beth stopped talking, Ruby and Annie both looked like their eyes were gonna pop out of their heads, and Mick actually gasped, his hand going to his throat (his invisible pearls?)
Rio was staring at you
“Mick,” he said, eyes still on you, “Get the money and set up a meet time. Sometime next week. In the a.m,” he turned back towards Beth for a moment, “Cancel your bake sale if you have to, just don’t be late, and have my money.”
He took your hand in his and led you out of the warehouse, opening the car door for you
He stood beside you as you got in, those dark eyes on yours
“You for real?”
You nodded.
His big hand went to your stomach, pressing down on it gently, a smiling growing on his face
“... thank you.”
He kissed you, and you smiled into the kiss
“I’ll be right back, baby,” he promised, turning and heading back into the warehouse
You saw him pull out his gold gun, and you knew he’d be sticking it under Beth’s chin in a matter of seconds
You grinned at the thought of it
Your child’s father was very protective of you both, 
and you loved it
Thanks for reading! Please let me know what you think! I might nap soon...or at the very least, eat something. 
Everything Taglist: @sweetybuzz25  @mrsjaxtellerfan  @rhabakoli  @encounterthepast @realduckvader   @justvnash @knowles-morgan  @ateliefloresdaprimavera @evanlys19  @nyxxnoxx @carlaangel86  @luminex3 @jigsawlover10  @gollyderek @otomefromtheheart  @lexxierave  @amethyst09 @falsehopesndreams  @a-dorky-book-keeper @witchygagirl @glimmerglittergirl @fvckthisbxtchup  @ben-c-group-therapy @felicity-x0 @amirra88 @yourfellowangel @vibranium-soul @xserenax-13  @woahitslucyylu​  @gemini0410 @ktiz90 @theoceanhathsolace @starrynite7114 @my-rosegold-soul @papa-geralt-of-cirilla​ @abbiesthings @peaches007​ @ifoundmyhappythought​ @tegggeeee​
Rio Taglist:  @gensneverland @jamielennkeeler @angels-pie @hermionetriskatniss  @christinawxxx  @whovianayesha @tashawar @existentialvacuum @beardburnsupersoldiers @feelingsandemotionsnotexplored @thickemadame @juul4jesus @ missjessie21 @uhlxis @smoooore @redcup90 @cassie12435 @bisexual-space-slut @texasbama @chaotic-rayofsunshine  @langiinspirations @browngirldominion @nivky0-0 @scuzmunkie @eclecticblkgirl
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 years
Name: Elliot “ Eli ” Jones
14- BW
18- SM
22- SwSh
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexaulity: Lesbian
Jazz ( mom)
Grayson ( dad)
Alexis ( twin brother)
Felicity ( aunt)
Soul ( uncle, deceased)
Naomi ( cousin)
Cheren ( nerd )
Bianca ( cute nerd)
Eva ( cute nerd 2 + gf)
Hugh ( battle rival)
Wayne ( good kid!)
N ( tofu stealer)
Sonia ( cute nerd 3)
Leon ( rivals!)
Raihan ( RIVALS!!)
Nessa ( R I V A L S !!!)
Piers( fellow musician!)
Ingo and Emmet ( her bosses!)
Elesa ( her bosses friends)
Friends and Family
Messing with Alexis
Eva <3 ( girlfriend)
Her pokemon
Battle Subway
The younger twin sister of Alexis Jones, formerly just a persistent protector of Alexis and her friends after seeing the death of Alexis’ pokemon at Wellspring Cave. Her dislike for Team Plasma turned into hatred then, seeing her brother cry at the bloodied bodies of his Patrat and Lillipup. She will never forget that. Throughout her journey, as Alexis’ is further pushed into the plots of Team Plasma, Elliot took it upon herself to find the answer to their problems: Reshiram. If she can get Reshiram, and Alexis can get Zekrom, Team Plasma’s plot would be over, and N can finally shut his mouth( though, she will admit, he was growing on her, but just a little!). She tried so hard to complete her mission- and yet she failed. N got the light stone, meaning Alexis had to get the dark stone, meaning he had to still feel the pressure of being this ‘hero’ everyone needs him to be. She failed to protect him in N’s tower, having Ghetsis ambush her with the cost of her leg. She couldn’t protect him when he did the same to Alexis’ arm. She couldn’t protect her brother. She failed. She failed him. She failed everyone.
She doesn’t know why the shadow triad brought her to the others. She knew Ghetsis would have told them to dispose of her, with her leg bleeding out. But no, they took her to the other gym leaders, possibly saving her life. Maybe they thought she was already dead and wanted to show her off. Or maybe they had some twisted sense of sympathy. She doesn’t care. But she is grateful. Though she wasn’t just going to stay in a hospital either. She needed to train. Train hard. She already failed them once, she can’t risk it again. It took a lot of back and forth ( a lot of back and forth) but her doctors( and literally everyone else she cares about) and she came to a compromise: she goes to Alola to train and recover. It’s a relaxed environment, great for healing, and the new environment would best fit to hone her skills. So she left Unova. She hopes to find N, who apparently ran off. She hopes to find him and kick his ass ( and give him a hug. But she won’t admit that just yet).
Her recovery was going great until she found out that Alexis ran away. She wanted to leave then and there but she physically couldn’t. She was so confused. So hurt. Was it her fault?
She didn’t have much time to answer. 2 years of recovery and she was one her way back to Unova. Many happy ( but awkward) reunions. No Alexis. She did find N, however. She may have seen red. She may have cried her eyes out. They may have eaten poor junk food together. They did talk. It hurted, but it was good. She did still punch him. She deserves that much. Together, with the help of a trio of endearing trainers like herself, they sought to but an end to Neo Team Plasma ( they can’t just stay in the ground, now can they?) and it ended with them in Giant Chasm. The air was cold, there were so many grunts, and- Alexis. Alexis was back. And he looked miserable. Sometime, after all settled down N took her to the castle, buried underneath Victory Road. He told her that he was ready to be on his own. That Reshiram did all they could for him. He said that if it was any different, it should have been her. It is her. She’s Reshiram’s Chosen. She takes it in stride ( and maybe tears).
Elliot tried to keep everything in line as the years went by, though it was hard to keep track of things. Some good things: she got herself a girlfriend in the endearing, lovable trainer( now Champion!) that is Eva, her starting to work at the Battle Subway, Bianca getting closer to being a full fledged professor, the cheery, but elusive Wayne getting adopted by Clay. Alexis working at the daycare, going out, even if it’s rare. Bad, er, complicated things: home feels weird. ALexis sometimes wouldn’t leave his room unless it’s for nesscoties. She thinks Cheren and him had a fight or something, he wouldn’t tell her. He wouldn’t tell her much of anything. She hates it. But she doesn’t want to push, either. She doesn’t know what to do, and it’s tearing her apart. She wants to help, so why can’t she help?
She needs a vacation. Galar seems nice. Alexis could come. Maybe the fresh air of Postwick would help them have an honest talk. Plus they would see their cousin, Naomi! There’s only one way to find out, hm?
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ncisladaily · 3 years
CBS’ NCIS: Los Angeles, by writing out not just Eric but also Nell in its Season 12 finale, made the question of Linda Hunt’s involvement in the CBS series more burning than ever.
After all, if Nell (played by Renee Felice Smith) was groomed all season long to take over for the MIA Operations Manager, who will lead the team in her sudden absence?
Or might the “new Hetty” be in fact the very best Hetty, as in Hunt herself?
TVLine spoke with showrunner R. Scott Gemmill about Hunt’s cameo in the season finale and what that means for Season 13, and more. (And as always, if you seek additional NCIS: LA scoop, email [email protected]. I’m sitting on tons!)
TVLINE | Hetty showing up…. Eric and Nell riding off into the sunset…. “Densi” picnicking on the beach…. Sam seeing his son take his fighter pilot exam…. Correct me if I’m wrong, but  was this the happiest damn NCIS: LA season finale we’ve ever had…? Well, it wasn’t what we were going to do, that’s for sure. We were going to use the finale that we had written for last season, which got bumped because of COVID, and then we realized everyone had such a tough, s–tty year, that we couldn’t in good conscience put the fans through any more trauma. So we decided to go in the exact opposite way and do a fun, feel-good episode that leaves everyone happy and hopeful for what is coming down the line.
TVLINE | What was the gist of the original, bumped finale? It involved Anna and Katya and that storyline, which we still want to play out. But it was a little darker than [what we went with]. If ever there was a season where you wanted to go out on a fun, happy note, this was the one where everyone needed that more than we needed to show off some cool episode. We needed to make everyone feel good.
TVLINE | I liked how at that one point Sam and Callen recounted everything that they’d gone through during this crazy year. You know, the fans have been really loyal for 12 years, and sometimes we do things that are exciting but are also a little bit traumatic, and we felt like we should have as much fun as we can and share that with the fans. It was like a little “love letter” to the audience, to show how much we appreciate them.
TVLINE | Amongst other things, you also apparently had an election in your world, because the president who gave Kessler the pardon is now a former POTUS. But it’s not Trump, because your guy was a former congressman, right? Yeah. Yeah. We always have to have a loophole!
[We then discussed the decision to write our Eric and Nell, reported here.]
TVLINE | What sort of reactions did you get from Barrett and Renée, when you told them your plan? You know, it goes back and forth with each season. There have been seasons where Barrett has gotten sort of bored — he really pulls toward Broadway — and I would always have to have the duality conversation, which is, as a friend, “I totally understand. You want to be doing something else, something cool. You should.” But as a father figure, I’m like, “Keep getting the paycheck because one day the show’ll be over, and then you can do whatever you want.”
Renée’s the same; a lot of the time when we haven’t seen her, it’s because we’ve written her out so that she can pursue [other projects]. She’s developing her own shows, and just wrote a book that’s out. A lot of the actors have other projects; Dani [Ruah] is directing a movie in Portugal right now. It’s such a gift to have a show go this long, but it’s also a big ask to have someone do the same thing for a long time, whether it’s actors or writers or one of the crew.
TVLINE | With Nell gone, what is the plan to fill Hetty’s position? Right now, we’re kicking around some ideas….
TVLINE | It seems like you may have to bring on someone new. As you know, Linda [Hunt] was away a lot more this season because of COVID and us trying to keep her safe. The couple of episodes that she was in, where she was supposed to be in the Middle East, we actually shot in her driveway. That was getting a little more difficult to do, and then finally, Linda had both her vaccines, she was feeling great, and she came back. And she was so happy to be back. She had been gone for so long and hadn’t really interacted with anyone, so she was just so thrilled to be back on set. The minute I saw her, she’s like, “Let’s talk about next season…,” so I think that as tough as last year was, for a lot of reasons, she, like the rest of us, is starting to see a little light at the end of the tunnel and feels good about coming back to work.
TVLINE | That’s good to hear, because Hetty’s line about still being up to her “ass in alligators” made me worry you were hedging your bets. Whenever [a cast member] goes away, we introduce some predicament that we’re forced to deal with. We always try and incorporate it. I think those are instances of opportunity rather than problems. Like when Dani was pregnant, or whatever it is that’s thrown at us, we try to incorporate that.  You normally wouldn’t ever write one of your No 1 through 6 actors  out for four or five episodes, because you couldn’t afford to, but when they have to for whatever reason, you try and jump at that because that’s something you don’t normally get to do, and you build that into the story. Like, “Where is this character?” Obviously, Hetty was away, but we want there to be a real reason, and we’ll probably revisit that next season.
TVLINE | So, we might get a good amount of Hetty in Season 13? That’s the plan, yeah.
TVLINE | In the meantime, what an MVP Gerald McRaney has been, as Kilbride! Oh, man…. I have been a huge fan of his forever. I mean, I grew up watching him and I was really happy when we had him on the show the first time, a few years ago. He’s such a pro and so cool, he raises everybody’s game.
TVLINE | And Kilbride’s such a pisser, grumbling about the millennials and their TikToks. He’s so great because he can do comedy, and he can do drama, and he likes to be out running around with guns, because he’s a big hunter in real life. We hope to see a lot more of him.
TVLINE | Was there anything you didn’t get to in Season 12? There were a lot of things, like Callen’s past as a child; we probably would have started to explore that a bit more. We didn’t get to where Hetty was; that was a big storyline that we were building towards with, what she was involved in. If we were having a normal season, we would have gone to where Hetty was.
TVLINE | When she and Nell hugged, I got teary-eyed, man. I felt like Renée was really crying in that scene. That’s what we wanted. We didn’t want to shortchange that return, so we had Hetty make an appearance with Nell, and then had a little fun with her and Kilbride.
TVLINE | Turning to the week prior, I kind of loved how Joelle is basically a Bond villain at this point, dressed all in black with one gloved hand and a prosthetic leg…. I talked to Elizabeth [Bogush] ahead of time and said, “I think we’re going to cut your leg off,” and she was like, “What??” [Laughs] You want to have some legitimate repercussions for some of this craziness, and that seemed like a good way to do it.
TVLINE | Renewal came later than usual this year. Are you preparing for next season to possibly be your last? We sort of always have that in the back of our mind, and this year wasn’t any different. Next season, I hope to get a heads-up if that is the case, just so that we can go out with an episode or a bunch of episodes that really tie up things and send our characters into the future in a way that makes everyone happy. But we’ll just have to wait and see. No one ever knows. If there is someone that knows, they’re not telling me!
TVLINE | You think it’ll be a full season? I think we’re scheduled to do 18 episodes. I would like to do [at least] 19, because that will get us to 300. I would really like to get 300, because that’s such a milestone.
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