#both a goof and a brilliant guy
theramblingsofadork · 11 months
Oh boy—
Tomorrow I think I’ll unleash a small snippet of the guilty pleasure that is my AU of Starline having actually had friends (and maybe something more) once.
I am going to die of cringe, but I made this blog specifically so I could talk about it, and I want my stupid platypus man to just be happy for a single moment gosh dangit!! So whatever. XD
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ddarker-dreams · 4 days
missing scarlet ribbons so bad… brain food for SR: confined space stand that lowkey locks SR reader in a really small alternate dimension space with the bucci gang. like… chest to chest on top like “aughh sorry!! its so cramped in here :((“ and the guys r j internally screaming over it
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RETURNING WITH SOME SCARLET RIBBONS !!!!!!!!!!!! i love them your honor <33333333
[Scarlet Ribbons index]
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Although Giorno recognizes this predicament's unique benefits, he still prioritizes your well-being. He will check you over, ensuring no harm has been inflicted. Once that’s settled, admittedly, a few mischievous thoughts flit through his mind… none that he’ll act on, however. He accommodates you to the best of his ability. Ever the opportunist, he’ll gratefully accept any physical contact your shuffling around results in. Should you find yourself bored while waiting out the Stand’s effects, he’ll humor (most) requests you make of Gold Experience. And no, he won’t agree to create an elephant, no matter how passionately you plead your case. You’ll have to settle for a duckling or something similarly small. Capybaras aren’t off the table. 
Your level-headed leader, Bruno, finds himself unusually flustered. He recoils a bit too fast from any contact and dedicates a lengthy chunk of time to clearing his throat. He steels his nerves by asking if you’re alright, feeling any adverse side effects, etc. Sticky Fingers is summoned to check for a way out of this pocket dimension, an idea that’s proven implausible. You’ll both have to wait it out. Bruno gives you as much space as he can, to the point his contortions are stressing you out from how uncomfortable they must be. He almost chokes when you offhandedly suggest sitting on his lap to ‘free up space.’ Poor man. 
Fugo’s irritated over the fight’s outcome. He feels useless, since your presence prevents him from utilizing Purple Haze, lest you fall victim to the Stand’s abilities. He critiques your strategies and lists what you should’ve done differently. Don’t take it personally — internally, he’s berating himself for being unable to do more. The self-loathing steadily fades away as he recognizes how close these accommodations have you. Fugo cuts himself off mid rant, sputtering incoherent gibberish. His heart starts beating so hard, he wonders if he might be going into cardiac arrest. Your knees are brushing against each other. Why aren’t you panicking? Why is he panicking? … And why does he feel some gratitude toward the Stand User responsibles for this? 
Narancia considers this a golden opportunity to prove how reliable (and cool!) he is. Will most likely quote an action hero for maximum effect. He reassures you that he’s ‘totally got this’ and suggests shooting the walls with Aerosmith to bust out. You have to talk him out of this brilliant plan, reminding him that ricochet is a thing. Sitting still and waiting for the Stand’s ability to run its course hits him the hardest. He wants to be proactive, primed to pummel the asshole that got you both in this situation. However, your presence greatly decreases the likelihood he’ll do anything rash. At a certain point, he finds the whole thing kinda cool, like a secret base only you two know about. 
Mista used to pray for days like these. He’s thanking all the saints (that he can remember) for this gracious opportunity. Still, he’s mindful of your boundaries, doing his best not to intrude on your space. He will be inhaling your perfume, though. In copious amounts. While escape should be a high priority, seeing as neither of you are dying, he’s rather chill about the entire ordeal. You’re his favorite person to goof around with. He jokes about offering himself up if you’re stuck here long enough for starvation to kick in. You don’t get why his mind always ends up in a Hannibal-Lecter-esque place, but it’s a nice (?) sentiment. The Stand’s ability ends far too fast for his liking. 
Abbacchio is secretly grateful it’s you he’s stuck with and not some other schmuck. He might give you a hard time, but your presence is tolerable, even if you have a proclivity for yapping. The fact that you’re nice on the eyes is an added bonus. Considering his height, it’s impossible for you to have absolutely zero contact. Abbacchio’s always been tough on himself — he wouldn’t blame you if you were repulsed by him. So for you not to shrink away when your hands touch… it warms his heart in a way he hadn’t thought possible. He’ll humor your musings, adding his own dry wit on the occasion until you’re both freed. 
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tervaneula · 1 year
Yuichi hadn’t expected to run into two of his best friends from Neo Edo at the Hidden City markets and he definitely didn’t expect the direction the conversation had eventually taken. 
"You're dating a ninja?!" Chizu laughs so hard her breath wheezes and Kitsune stifles a snort into her sleeve. Yuichi's cheeks flush crimson under his fur. 
"W-what's so funny about that? You're a ninja!" 
"Yes, but I'm not dating an idiot samurai," Chizu says. That makes Kitsune burst into laughter, right in Yuichi's face. 
"Oh my gosh, Chizu is right. What does that guy see in you? Is he as big of an idiot as you are? When are you gonna introduce us?!" 
Yuichi resists the urge to pull his ears over his eyes and pretend this conversation never happened when he catches a glimpse of a familiar shade of blue against green on the other side of the street. Leonardo is tall and it's not hard to spot him in a crowd, even among yokai. 
"Well uh, you're just about to meet him," he mutters, desperately wishing for the heat on his cheeks to cool down. It’s not too obvious say, to a stranger, but Leonardo most definitely isn’t one and he can't have the red-eared slider see right away how embarrassed his friends are able to make him. "And he's not an idiot!" 
Kitsune just laughs but her eyes are sparkling with curiosity. Chizu seems interested as well and Yuichi thanks his lucky stars that she's quick to calm down, he doesn't know what he would do if both of his friends were unable to behave in front of his new boyfriend. Luckily (or not) he doesn’t have time to fully spiral into a flustered panic when a voice calls out to him. 
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He turns towards the approaching turtle and can’t help but smile at the sight of him. The answering grin on the striped face is stupidly handsome and Yuichi forgets all about fighting down the blush on his face. He’s smitten, so what? If he wasn’t already flushed he certainly would be now and Leonardo deserves to see how much he likes him, actually. Something in him settles and the rabbit is certain that despite their teasing, his friends will love Leonardo. 
“Your friends seem nice,” Leonardo hums on their walk back to Yuichi’s house. The slider had offered to portal him home but instead, Yuichi had asked for a walk and invited him over for a cup of tea. He wasn’t quite ready for the day to end yet. 
“Glad you think so,” he smiles, “they really liked you. Not that it was a surprise.” 
Leonardo looks a little taken aback by that but he just chuckles and leans against the wall as Yuichi fishes for his keys. He looks a bit tired and the rabbit wonders if it’s the phantom pains again. Well, nothing a big cup of his auntie’s tea won’t help soothe, he smiles softly to himself as the door clicks open and he gives a little bow to the turtle. 
“Ladies first!” he jokes, and Leonardo laughs. He ruffles Yuichi’s hair on his way past him and the rabbit sticks his tongue out at him. He might be over forty but age will never stop him from being the impulsive little shit that he has always been. Leonardo, with surprising grace, pretends not to notice and slips on the guest slippers before quickly snatching Yuichi’s bag from his shoulder and disappearing into the kitchen to unload the groceries, humming a tune Yuichi can’t place. 
"You two seem like a good match." 
Yuichi turns to look at Chizu. She's looking at Leonardo and Kitsune squabbling over the last piece of mochi, a thoughtful expression on her face. 
"You heard me," she chuckles, shifting her amber eyes to Yuichi. There's a softness in them that takes the rabbit off guard. 
"He's a true leader. A brilliant strategist with charisma to match. I can tell. But there's also the burden that comes with it," she lowers her voice toward the end. "He's been through hell – don't look at me like that, he didn't say much but what he did say was enough for me to connect the dots – and this is where you come in. He needs to goof around and be stupid, things that were taken from him too early. He needs to be looked at with fresh eyes, to be loved for who he is now and not for the role he was born to fulfil – and who else is better suited for that than our very own silly rabbit?" 
Yuichi belatedly realises his jaw is hanging open and he closes his mouth with a click. Chizu has always been bright, brighter than anyone else in their little found family, maybe save for Karasu-Tengu, but despite the obvious parallels between the two he was not expecting her to jump right into analysing the mutant turtle to the core on their first meeting. As dense as he may be, it doesn’t slip past him how most of the things Chizu said were very true for her all those years back. 
"And how is he good for you, in turn?" the cat's eyes glimmer as her mouth twists into a smirk. "He can lend you some of those brain cells you so very desperately need." 
Yuichi groans and punches her on the shoulder. She doesn't even flinch, brushing it off with a grin. 
Yuichi closes the door behind him slowly, staring after his boyfriend. Chizu's words echo in his mind, I'm happy for you, and his chest feels odd. Full and tight and so, so warm. 
He takes a deep breath and feels the expected burst of butterflies settle into something new, calm and gentle. It’s a feeling he hasn’t felt before but somehow he knows what it means. 
He can’t wait to feel it more. 
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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So I made those as requested by abscess chemical on twitter and figured it may be fun to share them on tumblr as well. And you know what? Share a break down of my choices as well, because why not! I tried doing it seriously haha.
Zhou Zishu:
Intense - 6/10: He can be very intense, re the things or people he's invested in, but he also has a chill and detached quality to him, a way of being at peace with things that he won't blow things out of proportions.
Complex - 9/10: I think that he's a very nuanced, multi-faceted and deep character, but I guess I didn't go 10/10 just because there's also a very straightforward and easy to get part of him (esp. from WKX's perspective.
Fruity - 2/10: I think the guy's very gay but not the most bombastic about it LBR.
Angst-lord: although it's not as obvious in TYK, QY gives us some EXTREMELY tasty ZZS angst and a good look into how ZZS can process things through anxiety. It definitely got more lowkey post-QY canon, but...
Flavor container: IDK what that means really but I wanted to tick it
Soft and sweet: I actually didn't check it on the twitter version initially (but published an erratum). He is described as soft on the inside by too many people not to check it.
Braincell haver: self-explanatory, the guy's brilliant
Chew toy: literally!
Tragic backstory: if QY can count as a backstory, then everything that happened with Jiuxiao works.
Frequently violent: duh
Sidekick owner: WKX is ZZS's sidekick from everyone else's perspective (or vice-versa) and my opinion abt it won't change ever.
Pet stray animals: ZCL, for one, and for two we all know he pets cats and raccoons
Chronic insomniac: technically, in TYK, the nails do force the insomnia, but we know from QY that he had a lot of trouble sleeping at night.
Murderer: well
Just some guy 95%: clearly he's a natural-born NPC/side character
Too many thoughts 100%: he overthinks everything!!
Awful company 15%: I think that a goofy drunkard like him is fun but not the best company, especially when he goes all grumpy shifu/shixiong
Beloved by all 60%: most characters REALLY like him (and the others don't even know he exists) and often praise how sweet he is. Charming against his will and attempts at being invisible uwu
Trauma x1000 10%: again, I think that the Jiuxiao story left deep scars.
Helps others for fun 70%: pretty much the plot of TYK
Scary-smart 80%: I think he's really brilliant but then you have these moments where he's just clueless abt stupid stuff and clearly doesn't care/doesn't want to know or try so those 20% left are the deliberate goof I guess.
1000 weapons and tools 50/50: it's both!! every rock is both a tool and a weapon and he just keeps pulling random shit from his bosom--
At peace with life 48%: I think, for the most part, he is--at peace with both life and death, until he decides that keeping on living is just the best option in the end.
Break the rules 80%: I had no idea w this one but... in TYK he pretty much does whatever he wants, so---
Extra comments: The way the "evokes" ticks every boxes for me to various degrees of intensity... sigh It was difficult for the "want them to have" section since I think he has everything post-canon, but I tried seeing it from a mid!canon perspective.
Wen Kexing
Intense - 9/10: While WKX's feelings are generally cold, they seem equally intense to me, just like his eyes or his stare. He's intense about his love, about his revenge, about his plans.
Complex - 6/10: I've had interesting convos about how WKX is... nuanced, of course, but not as complex or deep as it may seem on the surface. That doesn't take anything from how interesting he is, but he is rather straightforward in what he is, ultimately.
Fruity - 8/10: I MEAN--
Enemy of the State: he's literally THE main Jianghu villain
Flavor Container: I still don't know what it means but it felt right once again
Braincell haver: the guy is EXTREMELY smart and outsmarted everyone in TYK so yeah
Tragic backstory: can hardly do worse than parents murdered in front of you, ate your dad to survive, took care of a child in the wildest, most dangerous part of jianghu, fought to reach the top while "serving" the previous master........ He scored it all!
Orphan: again, fully checks out
Frequently violent: yes
Has enemies: in SPADES
Sidekick owner: GX and ZZS are WKX's sidekicks 100%
Murderer: yes
The antagonist of life 70%: had to change from protag to antag because he IS the TYK antagonist (if TYK had been a traditional wuxia from ZCL's perspective...); of course it ends up being subverted but you know
Too many thoughts 75%: I think he's a big thinker as well
Awful company 85%: Let's be real guys
Hated by all 30%: I think he's too underestimated or not even really acknowledged enough to be hated, but I am pretty sure that more people dislike him than the opposite
Trauma x1000 60%: well.......... I think he has a bunch!
Sadistic for fun 15% : I doubt he's one to like helping and we know him to have those sadistic tendencies
Scary-smart 80%: same reasoning as for ZZS
1000 weapons or tools: mostly bare handed for everything save for the occasional whip or walnut shell but---
Enemy of god 35%: I have to be honest I don't really know what that means but I guess he's defied death a few times!!!
Break the rules 95%: WKX shits on the rules
Additional notes:
Mostly ticks everything in the "evokes" categories as well, but I unticked "symptoms of projection" because I don't feel like I project much of anything on WKX... maybe? (save for the ZZS lewding.. LOL) always hard to say, IG we always do a bit of that on every character, eh
and The Horny ofc because i'm kinda known for not really lewding my good WKX atp
I want a lot of things for him during canon, but again, all I can think of is how post-canon WKX really got it and then I gush and am simply happy for him.
That's it thank you for reading this mostly unnecessary breakdown!!!! Edit, following a comment asking for the sheet:
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hiruntt · 11 months
Aqua Marine - Part 1
The Foot Clan completed the Dark Armor and released The Shredder, now the Mad Dogs were looking for a way to stop him. Splinter and Leo went to Big Mama's hotel to try and get an artifact to help seal The Shredder.
Leo had a plan. An amazing plan, it had no way to fail, he'd get the collar and show his brothers his plans worked if they give him the time!
That's the thing.
Leo always came up with brilliant plans, sure, they sounded… Doubtful at first, but if Donnie thought 2 steps ahead, Leo thought 3! The problem was, they never let his plans come to an end, they thought they were dumb and doomed to fail.
—"No Leo, we can't rent a Toucan for your plan."
—"No Leo, we won't dance the Macarena for your plan."
—"Stop goofing around!"
—"You never take this seriously."
Leo was done with that. He'd show them!
—"What have you done, Blue?!"— Splinter yelled to his son.
—"This is my plan, trust me."— Leo said with his usual charm.
—"No. This isn't a plan, this is just a bunch of little problems made into one big problem and it's because of you!"— His father was angry, but not normal angry, angry angry.
—"Dad. You need to trust my plan, or it won't work."— Leo tried to convince him with a more serious tone.
—"It won't work anyways! You made me fight against 6 buff guys with pointy helmets and a giant Kraken AT THE SAME TIME. Did I mention without weapons?! What were you thinking?!"
—"Dad. I-"
—"No. I've had enough of you, I knew I should've brought Purple, he would’ve taken this seriously."
Leo opened his eyes wide, hurting.
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And before he could realize, Splinter had already taken his sword and teleported away, probably after Donnie. That wasn’t good, he needed Donnie to stay with Raph and Mikey, he needed him to keep tracking down the Shredder! Ugh, why couldn't his father trust his plan?!
But he had no time to keep beating himself up, when his father and his brother appeared through one of his characteristic blue portals.
—“Salutations Nardo, seems like you could use some of *my* intelligence for your plan? He asked completely *not* surprised about it.”— He checked some stuff on his wrist pad.
Leo made fun of him by repeating what he said in a dumb voice. —“He asked completely not surprised about it- Shut up Donnie. I need you to trust my plan since dad doesn’t.”
Donnie raised an eyebrow. —“Ok, what’s your plan then?”
Leo smiled a bit, finally! He could explain his plan. —“Ok so, I made dad fight against these 6 guys *purposefully* with pointy helmets while at the same time he has to deal with the giant Kraken which is the current Battle Nexus champion!”
—“Did I mention without weapons?”
—“Ok, the plan begins when I-”
—“No? What do you mean?”— Leo chuckled nervously.
—“You lost me at the 6 guys plus a Kraken. Leo, do you- Ugh-” He grabbed his forehead. —“Do you realize why we never listen to your plans now?”
Leo’s heart sank. He didn’t want to break, not now, he had to keep trying to use his plan! Y-Yeah… —“But, you haven’t even let me explain, that’s just the introduction.”
—“And the introduction sucks! Now if you excuse me, we have to put *my* new plan into motion.”
Splinter put his hand over Leo's shoulder. —"I'm sorry my son, I know you want to help us, but this is serious, and Purple is trying to fix this whole situation."
Leo grabbed his father's hand and pulled it away without making eye contact. —"Yeah, sure."
The slider felt like crying out of sadness and screaming out of frustration. Maybe both! But apparently he had no other option but to sit down and look at how Donnie's plan developed.
—“Nardo, I need your portals over here for the plan.”— But Leo honestly didn’t wanted to help. He let out a big sigh and got up from his seat to help.
Donnie’s plan consisted on sending his tech down the arena with Leo’s portals to defeat the Evil Six, and then he’d use his drill to defeat the giant Kraken, easy peasy.
Leo was in a bad mood, doing the bare minimum to help Donnie, which pissed him off a bit, starting a classic ‘Disaster Twins’ little fight.
But they had to get serious when Splinter was tired and injured, and he still hadn’t beat up the Kraken yet.
Donnie hesitated to push his wrist device to call the drill, it was in beta, it wasn’t 100% certain that it’d work, but he had to try.
He pushed the device and the drill came out of the ground.
It wasn’t enough power, the Kraken destroyed it easily and Leo panicked.
—”Donnie, please trust me, I *have* to get down there.” —The slider exclaimed with worry taking over his voice.
—”No! You put us into this situation in the first place and now I have to clean up your mess! Like I always do.” —He mumbled the last part, but it was enough for Leo to listen.
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That was it, he was going down.
But he was immobilized into the wall with web goo.
—”No, no, no turtlie-boo!” —The spider yokai showed herself from the shadows. —”Did you forget I was here? No one ignores Big Mama~”
But thanks to Leo getting captured, Donnie got time to go down and give the Kraken a big hit with his Tech-Bo turned into a giant hammer, resulting in being the new Battle Nexus’ champion.
—”What?! Two of you?! —Big Mama exclaimed. But it soon didn’t matter; the crowd was wild, yelling and cheering the new Battle Nexus champion and the fierce fight. —”Well. A deal’s a deal, you can have my wizzybang.” —She said, giving Leo the collar and going away.
Leo was quick to get free and go down to check on Splinter.
—”Dad! Dad, are you ok?!” —He asked and got a small thumbs up from his father. Leo sighed in relief and opened a portal to go back to deal with the Shredder only to find Mikey, Raph and April going insane trying to locate Shredder’s new location.
—”You’re back!” —Raph said relieved. —”What took you so long?”
Leo was about to talk, when he was interrupted by the soft shell. —”Well, Leo’s plan wasn’t exactly good, so I had to go fix it and in short, I’m the new Battle Nexus’ champion and I got the collar to seal the Shredder.”
—”GO DONNIE! GO DONNIE!” —They yelled in unison.
Ugh, Leo couldn’t believe this. Their family didn’t trust him at all, he couldn’t use his plans because they were always looked down and he didn’t even have the chance to explain himself! He was so pissed, it was impossible that they preferred Raph’s ‘no plan’ plan after his *brilliant and well thought* plans! It made no sense in his head!
Donnie’s plans were good, yeah, but he lacked the manipulation and face-man abilities to pull off something better. He only thought about statistics and logic, but people are more than that and no one understood how Leo saw that when no one else did.
—”All good Leo?” —Mikey slowly approached. He could see something was wrong.
—”Yeah fucking great.” —He took Splinter with him and walked back home.
Mikey just stood there. They’d have a Dr. Feelings family session after this.
After an hour, the fam was back in the lair and Leo just finished treating Splinter’s injuries in the med bay. When he got back to the living room, Raph was waiting for him with his arms crossed. Uh oh.
—”Leo. Why did you mess up the mission again?” —He questioned.
—”I didn’t!” —He got defensive immediately. —”I had a plan but mr. ‘I do everything perfectly’ ruined it!”
Raph was surprised. —”That wasn’t what Donnie told me. He told me you put pops in an impossible situation and he had to go there and help him.”
—”It was part of my plan! Why won’t you trust me? *Why do you never give me the chance?!*”—He was on the verge of tears.
Raph sighed. —”I want to. But it’s hard when your plans involve things so dumb and weird. They sound like you're trying to pull up a prank on us instead of helping us.”
Donnie, who was silently spectating the conversation alongside Raph said with a soft voice. —”We just want you to take it seriously. This wasn’t a game, papá could’ve gotten even more hurt than he did.”
The slider had the tears just there, in the corner of his eye, but he wouldn’t show that weakness to his older brothers. So he just sucked it up and walked away to his room.
—”Leo. I’m not done.” —Raph used his ‘big brother’ tone.
But he just kept walking.
—”I’m still talking to you! Leo! Come back here! UGH-!” —He hit the table close to him, startling Donnie.
Leo locked his room and threw himself to his bed, let out a big sigh and, after a few seconds of silence, screamed into his pillow. It was so frustrating. He had to bear this every time he had a plan. It’s always “Leo this”, “Leo that” and never “ok Leo, let’s try it.”
If they only gave him the chance. He could show them how easily he can outsmart anyone! All he asked was for a chance, and it was always taken away before it even started.
He was so done.
The next day arrived and Raph and Donnie were feeling pretty guilty about last night’s discussion with Leo. They were too harsh and Leo was right, they never actually gave him a chance to try one of his plans. They regretted that it had to come to this for them to realize, but they were ready to give Leo a chance.
—”Uh, Leo? Can we talk?” —Raph said knocking on the door.
—”We’re very very sorry Nardo! Two very’s!” —Donnie yelled through the door.
But no answer.
—”Leo?” —Raph softly pushed the door.
But Leo wasn’t there.
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bricommissions · 3 months
hi, i’m sen (she/her, 25) and i’d like to request a genshin impact matchup!
my romantic preference is that everyone’s hot, please help. i’m a shortstack musical theater kid stuck in the body of an accountant. i love going down research rabbit holes; i enjoy solving problems and hunting down the misplaced puzzle piece that throws everything else out of balance. but i burn out very easily when doing that, and am actively trying to learn balance. i burn out easily in general, honestly. social engagements require a lot of recharge time in bed after.
i err on the side of politeness in social settings, but my sense of humor is so sardonic it generally comes across as too blunt. still, i try to keep my friends’ spirits lifted with bits and goofs. i also fluster easily and am probably very teasable, lmao.
this is probably more information than you needed/wanted, so i’ll leave two more nuggets: i love spicy food and iced coffee, and my love language is acts of service. i was going to leave three nuggets but couldn't come up with a third, which may be a nugget in and of itself :D
thank you so, so much in advance! we've dm'd recently, so please let me know if there's anything you need from me during the process!
hi hi dear friend sen !! thank you for commissioning me for a paid match-up ♡ your contribution to my writing career & helping me pay my bills means the world to me. thank you so much from the bottom of my heart ♡
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right away, i could see connections that would blossom between the two of you !! so for the sake of immersion, let's dive into this hypothetical scenario of you living in the world of teyvat ...
you're a traveler who likes to go from nation to nation, but liyue is the destination you travel to the most. you're paying the beautiful nation a visit, & everyone is happy to see you again. you enjoy third round knockout & their delectable beverages. after settling into an inn on the harbor, you immediately head there & order an iced coffee & a small appetizer of the spicy variety - two of your favorites !!
however, for the first time, there is someone sitting at your usual table that you don't recognize. it appears your schedules have finally lined up. this is where you first meet zhongli.
right away, you two hit it off. the conversations never seem to end & he is very curious to learn more about your travels. at one point, some regulars sit beside the both of you & politely tune in. the talk extends into the night ... one key thing you notice is that when you chime in with a rather blunt joke, no one laughs ... except when zhongli suddenly barks out a laugh, clearly a fan of your humor. judging by the reactions of the other tavern-goers, a laugh like this is rare. their faces are quite shocked. it's obvious he's laughing with you & not at you. it gets you a little flustered, but not in a negative way.
the two of you talk into the late hours of the night; long after everyone has left & third round knockout has closed. when the people on the street become fewer & fewer, you both realize it's time to go.
"allow me to walk you back in exchange for your wonderful company tonight, sen," zhongli would insist. & he does walk you back to the inn !! ... for reasons tooootttaaaallllyyyy unrelated, you decide to stay in liyue for a while longer.
what follows is you spending more & more time with zhongli. you take walks amongst liyue's breathtaking nature & solve ancient puzzles out in the wild; not so much for the treasure, but for the intellectual challenge your brilliant minds can team up for. whenever you feel that infamous sensation of burnout, you'll both sit in comfortable silence & enjoy the views ... yes, views ... zhongli is a very hot guy, after all.
he certainly finds you attractive, too. he has a faint blush on his cheeks whenever you're around. hu tao, who you meet in passing due to them being co-workers, is quick to point this out to you when he isn't looking with a wink & a nudge.
zhongli never expected to feel such a way for a mortal, & yet his heart races every time he thinks of you. he adores your focused expression when you speak with him about your research, or the passion in your eyes when you speak about your musical theater days.
on that fateful day when he approaches you with a bouquet of qingxins behind his back & a tender murmur of "sen..." —
well, i'll leave the rest up to your imagination !!
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if you're the person that sent this & are unsatisfied with the results, feel free to shoot me an ask or dm !!
if you'd like to receive one of these yourself, PLEASE DM ME !! you can commission a match-up like this from any fandom for just $5 !!
( i did put a little more pizazz into this one because i was tipped, thank you sen ♡ )
if you liked my writing, please consider commissioning me !! i am in dire need of help with bills & buying myself a bed that doesn't kill my back & body. i offer writing commissions such as custom character x reader fics, oc x canon character fics, comfort character emails, ship fics, & more ♡
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breakerwhiskey · 10 months
Please visit breakerwhiskey.com for more information or to send a message to Whiskey's radio. Breaker Whiskey is an Atypical Artists production created by Lauren Shippen. If you'd like to support the show, please visit patreon.com/breakerwhiskey.
Transcript under the cut. For more episodes, click here.
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Harry was right. Santa Fe is gorgeous.
You know, being here, thinking about it being Harry’s favorite, thinking about the fact that she could be here, right now, with me, and she’s not…
(sighs) It wasn’t…it wasn’t all bad. That’s what I’ve been thinking about. Since I arrived, since going to the art museum, it’s like I see her around every corner, and I imagine what she’d look like going through the galleries, or pointing out the unique architecture, or insisting we find ingredients to make one of her favorite Santa Fe meals, whatever that might be.
It’s—it’s made me—I’ve been remembering the good times, I guess is how you’d put it. There was this one time, before everything happened actually, before that last job, way before—
Richie had this unbelievably shitty loft in Alphabet City. Barely any heat, exposed wires, groaning pipes, warped glass in the old windows, just the whole thing. He was the only one of us who lived on the East side—even me of the unpermanent address tended to stick West—but he was also the only one who owned his place. Well, and Pete. We were all pretty sure that Pete owned a whole fucking brownstone in Brooklyn, but we were never able to confirm it. He was pretty secretive about his personal life.
But, anyway, Richie would sometimes let me crash at his loft and he had us all over with some degree of regularity—the place was huge, so great for big parties. The crew wasn’t big of course, but he’d invite all his weird beatnik friends and Harry would bring her art friends and Don would bring the guys he grew up with who’d always have some kind of Italian fruitcake with them and Pete and I would stand in the corner friendless and drinking heavily.
And one night, we’d all been there for hours and the crowd had dwindled and it was really just us and Don was doing his truly awful Perry Como impression and Harry and I were on the couch just…in stitches. And I think both of us were pretty sauced by that point, because once Don took mercy on all of us and stopped, someone had the brilliant idea of doing a game of charades. Harry and I were on the same team and we just…I don’t know, it was fun. It was really fun. We kicked everyone’s asses, it was…we were so in sync, it was strange. But Harry didn’t make fun of me for my pedestrian choices of what to act out and she didn’t pick anything that she knew I wouldn’t get and it was like…
“Oh. This is what it could be like if we were nice to each other. I didn’t expect it to feel this wonderful”
Anyway, then we sobered up and everyone went home and I passed out on Richie’s couch and then I didn’t see Harry again until our next job nearly two months later. And it was like that night had never happened. She was just as cold and condescending as ever. And I was just as snide as I always was.
But for that one night…I don’t know, it felt good. It felt like how things were supposed to be.
With your mysterious job and all, I wonder if you had any friends in it. If you ever goofed around with them. Or if it was all serious, all the time.
It must have been, right? If it went as badly as you say, hurt people, it must have been serious right?
I mean, I dn't know why I’m even asking, I—
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I still don’t trust you, but not talking to you is worse.
[click, static]
.. - / ... - .. .-.. .-.. / -- .- - - . .-. ...
It still matters
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crehador · 10 months
so earlier today i sat down to watch one or two episodes of onmyoji for asnm reasons...
...i have since finished it lol FOR MINAMOTO NO HIROMASA/ABE NO SEIMEI REAL reasons
and i enjoyed it immensely!
i would say it's not the most revolutionary or even original story, the tropes were familiar and many plot beats were rather predictable, but i don't dislike that. familiar isn't always bad to me, it can make for a nice and soothing watch
animation wasn't always the most consistent, but personally i vibed with the art; opening and ending didn't grab me in the first episode, but i came around to both (especially came to like the opening)
the pacing was exceptional, like the first half of the series was more or less episodic, and i'm a fan of episodic stuff so i was on board right from the start
but the way the monster of the week type episodes folded so neatly into the larger arc that spanned the second half of the series? chef's kiss, absolutely brilliant. pretty much all the characters, mechanics, and themes introduced in the earlier episodes are relevant later on, which just makes for a really satisfying story overall
the big payoff (ep12) was imo completely worth it, i loved it both narratively and visually
AND OF COURSE THE HIROMASA/SEIMEI DYNAMIC HOLY SHIT i was completely caught off-guard by this because i have not read the original novels or manga, and i haven't seen the movie adaptations that came out in the early 2000s
so really i thought this would just be another generic abe no seimei anime, and i guess in some ways it is, but HIROMASA ELEVATES IT i love this kind of guy who's a bit of a goof and a bit too idealistic, but is just what the more cynical one needs
yasunori and atsumi were both really interesting characters to me as well, like two examples of fostering a deep inferiority complex throughout their lives, and how that can manifest in different ways depending on... various factors (trying to keep this relatively spoiler-free lol)
doman. man. i am weak for handsome sinister women voiced by sato rina what can i say lmao
and i am SO glad tsuyuko had a rather uplifting arc, weird girl rights! i do wish we'd had more time with both her and doman, but i guess understandable that there's only so much they can do in 13 episodes
the end end did feel the tiniest bit slapdash (like ep12 was such a huge crescendo that of course it would be a bit difficult for ep13 to stay As Good) but that didn't diminish my overall enjoyment
tl;dr it's not the most mind-blowing story but i found it very enjoyable and am suddenly into heian period rpf lmao send help
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flanklurker · 2 years
Starving for Skye content 😭🙏 Could I request a Skye x Fem!Reader where they wake up early on their day off together, and they decide to stay in bed for a bit and it's just super fluffy ?? Maybe Reader traces all of Skye's scars (Maybe Skye is telling Reader each how she got each scar?) and just admires her freckles 🧍‍♀️ I'm so inlove with her it's insane
My good friend, same I say, having had this sitting in my inbox for like 3 months(? Imsosorry) I hope you enjoy~
Skye x Fem!Reader: Lazy Day
The first thing your sleepy eyes lock onto are the way the sliver of warm light from the window picks up the dust particles hazing through the air. The light is brilliant when it hits them—little flecks of gold in an otherwise still-dark room.
The second thing you notice is your girlfriend, mouth slightly ajar and hair mussed over the pillow. Her chest rises and falls, all sheets and blankets having rolled to the side during all the tossing and turning she did to get comfortable last night.
The last mission was a bitch.
It wasn’t often you guys got scheduled on the same mission. Don’t get me wrong, your synergy was great—some of the best teamwork in the Protocol in fact. It was more that you were both so invaluable that Brim often needed you chaperoning the more… trigger happy members of your organisation.
God it was nice being able to wake up next to her. You’d saved yourself a lot of stiffness by taking yourselves off to Sage last night. For the first time in however long then, you had yourselves a morning off.
The smallest grumble from across the bed draws your attention, and you see Skye stir on the pillow next to you. Her eyes crinkle blearily as she tugs the blankets back around her.
You smile gently and brush a little bit of hair out of her eyes. Before you can retract your hand, she reaches up and grabs it, locking your fingers and murmuring something soft that ends in “…morninggg.”
“Hey sleepyhead. Missed morning run alarm huh?”
This draws angrier grunts as she rolls the blankets around, pushing her head closer to your chest to block out the light. “MmmMMmmmbb,” she mumbles.
Usually Skye’s ready to crack on with a run, so you decide to make the most of the moment to tug her in closer and run your hand through her hair. She leans into the touch and hums.
“Wanna stay in a bit?” she whispers.
“Of course,” you smile.
After a while, she makes another grumble and shifts over to press her back up against you. The loose night shirt tugs down and exposes her neck and shoulders, filled with scars and scrapes. Almost absent-mindedly, you start running your fingers across the various ridges, tracing currents down her skin.
She chuckles. “The perks of havin’ an aviary.”
“Where did you get these ones anyway? Didn’t think we’d been melee’d that many times on the field recently,” you chuckle.
“Oh these? Nah, they’re old news.” She tugs the shirt further back to reveal the marks that pepper her shoulders. Your little huffs of concern are met with an easy smile.
“They don’t hurt anymore ya goof, these are from my days as a hiking guide. Someone’s kid got himself somewhere he shouldn’t, and I might have gone a bit past OH&S requirements to get him out of a pretty tight cave. Granite’s a bitch.”
She moves your hand to a thick, textured indent on her left shoulder. “This one, I got from an overly ambitious bike outing. To be fair, it was a pretty sick jump, I can show you the video if I can dig it up.”
“You videoed that?” you ask, incredulously.
“My mate did,” she chuckles. “Funniest shit I ever seen.”
“What about this one on the back?” you ask, tracing a big gash through her upper back. You ask it jokingly, but you’re met with a surprisingly serious expression.
“Shit, Skye, is that off-limits? My bad- I didn’t mean to dredge up-“
“Nah fam, you’re right. Just a vicious encounter I’d prefer to forget.”
“Realm? Mirrors?”
“Worse. Australian wildlife.”
What the fuck could be deadlier than some universe’s Reyna? You gotta know. “What the fuck did that one Skye.”
“God, these things are so rare I couldn’t fucken believe I ran into one,” she starts up. “Dead of night, day three of the gnarliest fucken bush bash I’ve ever been on. I go off to find a place level enough to bury the team’s poo-“
“Skye that’s fucken nasty,” you cut in.
“Naw naw, listen though. We had head torches and shit right? Not much is gonna fuck you up if you make noise—snakes tend to stay the fuck away and kangas are more interested in beefing with each other anyway. But there was this weird rustling, right?”
“Mm.” You’re riveted.
“And there was just something about it. My heart dropped and I think I kinda knew what I was in for. God, even thinking of it now makes my blood run cold. As slowly as I could, no sudden moves, I looked up towards the branches. The torch cut across these eyes. Fuck. I can still remember exactly the way they lit up in the gumtrees. The low growl that seemed to come from everywhere. Bone white claws and tusks live with spittle.”
“Oh my god, Skye. What was it,” you say softly.
“Stuff of Australian legends, girlie. The tyrant of the bush. The hunter of the canopy.”
Here, she pauses, and takes a deep breath, looking at you dead on.
“The drop… bear.”
You look at her for a full ten seconds, coming to terms with the enormity of what she’s just said. She looks at you, trying to remain as impassive as she can but not quite as a small, rakish smile tugs at the corner of her mouth.
“Love of my life.”
“I can’t believe you just fucking tried to drop-bear me-“
“Successfully, drop-beared you,” she shoots back.
“-believe you successfully drop-beared me in the year of our lord 2-“
You’re cut off with a flurry of kisses, as the pair of you can barely supress grins and giggles. Skye peppers kisses all over your face as you squirm in mock-protest, until you both dissolve into a pile of pillows and blankets and laughs.
Yeah, that counts as a good day off.
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billconrad · 1 year
Marco Zirino
    I attended May Scott Marcy Elementary School in 1976 in San Diego. Was it really that long ago? Seems like only a few years. Education was challenging, plus I was an awkward kid. Fortunately, grade school was a stepping stone, and those lessons (inside and outside the classroom) helped me to become the man I am today.
    One of my classmates was a kid named Marco Zirino. We both were interested in electronics and became friends. He was brilliant, and I admit it. Marco knew ten times more about electronics. That is still a tough admission, given how much I was into electronics at the time.
    The nearby Junior High (middle school) was called Standly. In the sixth grade, our grade school class took a field trip to Standly (while they were in session). The idea was to introduce us to what middle school was like. Was it adequately supervised and organized? Of course not.
    About an hour into the tour, some kid had a problem with me and started a fight. Because the kid was tiny, his punches were utterly ineffective. We both ended up in the principal’s office. The principal knew all about that brat and had somebody escort me to the bus, where I sat awaiting my classmates to conclude their tour.
    At the time, the San Diego school district had a magnet program. They bussed kids all over the city to “integrate” (yes, they used that term) races and economic classes. I attended Alexander Graham Bell Junior High because they had computer classes (only one other school in our district had computers at that time).
    Bell was far away, and the bus ride was long. Plus, the local kids did not take kindly to the invaders. It was a harrowing experience for an awkward kid like me. However, I knew computers were my future and persisted. Was getting attacked also motivation? It was huge, but thinking super high level, I must give myself credit for leaping computers. Good job, Bill.
    Because I went to school across town, I lost touch with everybody from Marcy Elementary. Later, I attended Morse High School across town and went to college out of state.
    Since grade school, I ran into two classmates. One, Annie lives a block away, and our daughters became friends. We have had several terrific conversations discussing our childhoods.
    When I was about 30, I walked with my friend in Pacific Beach. We had come from a local bar, The Tiki where our other friend, Tim, was a bouncer. I spent every Friday evening at the Tiki doorway for about eight years. I rarely drank, but Tim was a fun guy to talk to, and watching all the Pacific Beach craziness was always entertaining.
    Suddenly, somebody yells, “Hey, Bill.” It was one of my classmates from Marcy Elementary, and he recognized me. It turns out that this kid (now a man) had the superpower of recognizing old classmates.
    His name was Danny Nicklas, but we called him Froggy. So, we launched into a twenty-minute discussion. Of course, we were guys and talked about the cute girls. Plus, I wanted to know all about attending Standly Junior High and the local University City High School.
    It turns out that my decision was far better than I imagined. Both schools had fights and did not stress academics. Fashion, goofing off, drugs, cars, and doing the minimum were all that mattered.
    The police arrested one of my University City High School classmates for making fake identifications. And Froggy was still friends with him. Wow, this blew me away.
    Our conversation turned to Marco, and I wanted to learn about his wonderful accomplishments. Froggy became sad and told me Marco took a deep dive into drugs. He could not remember if Marco graduated from University City High School. But he ran into him years later on the beach in Santa Monica.
    Marco dressed in dirty rags, slurred his words, and rested in the shade. Froggy suspected he was homeless and drug abuse had severely damaged his body.
    The news shocked me. I was sure Marco would have been a super-scientist, owner of a mega-corporation, or a revered professor at a massive university. Sadly, no.
    This encounter gave me a lot to think about. What would my life have become if I had attended Standly Junior High? Would Marco have dragged me into that dangerous crowd?
    My science, math and computer skills would have been lacking at the very least. I probably would not have had the grades or foundation to attend a good college. And my writing? It’s doubtful that I would have the minimum skill or interest to attempt anything.
    What if Marco had attended Bell Junior High with me? Would we be best friends today? Bell also had a big drug problem. Was his path set, and there was no avoiding it? Could I have saved him? Is the lesson that hard work pays off? Is the lesson that society should do more for stoners?
    The big questions. Is Marco happy being a beach bum? Did he use his superior mind to figure out the correct path in life? Would I be happy if I had followed in his footsteps?
    Of course, I do not have the answer to these epic questions, but I know one thing for sure. I miss what my friend used to be.
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  A picture of Marco
  You’re the best -Bill
    September 20, 2023
    Hey book lovers, I published four. Please check them out:
    Interviewing Immortality. A dramatic first-person psychological thriller that weaves a tale of intrigue, suspense, and self-confrontation.
    Pushed to the Edge of Survival. A drama, romance, and science fiction story about two unlikely people surviving a shipwreck and living with the consequences.
    Cable Ties. A slow-burn political thriller that reflects the realities of modern intelligence, law enforcement, department cooperation, and international politics.
    Saving Immortality. Continuing in the first-person psychological thriller genre, James Kimble searches for his former captor to answer his life’s questions.
    These books are available in soft-cover on Amazon and eBook format everywhere.
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warningsine · 1 year
How did you come up with the concept for this title sequence?
Peter Gould: I think we were talking about what kinds of credits were around in other shows. I have to attribute this mainly to Vince and Curtis. One day, while we were cutting an episode, I was sitting there, and you guys started playing with the layers and wondering what shots we had. It started off as a little bit of goofing around, almost. But then pretty soon, the test was the Statue of Liberty, wasn’t it, Vince?
Vince Gilligan: You’re right. The thought was for that to be it. And just have the Statue of Liberty every week. That shot of the inflatable Statue of LIberty is actually from an episode of “Breaking Bad,” it’s a little bit of stolen footage. I think the ultimate impetus behind the way this title sequence looks – specifically, how shitty this title sequence looks, on purpose, purposely shitty – is we look around at other TV shows and see what everyone else is doing. And right now, there’s a lot of wonderful title sequences on a lot of excellent TV shows. And they look very well-produced and beautiful and high-class. There’s obviously a lot of TLC going into a lot of credit sequences on big hit shows these days. Our understanding is that typically, these sequences are farmed out to post production companies who specialize in them, and who do a wonderful job. But because that is such a look now for TV, we figured what could we do different? These titles look so wonderful on all those shows, I know what we can do for sure is make ours look shitty. (laughs) I want to stress that our titles are purposely shitty, not unintentionally shitty, and it takes a lot of work intentionally shitty, and that work is done by the very talented Curtis Thurber, who is really more responsible for them more than anybody else. I think the idea is that Saul Goodman is a man who hires the lowest bidder when it comes to making television commercials and such. Even though our show isn’t centering on Saul Goodman as of yet – it’s centering on the guy who will eventually become him, Jimmy McGill – nonetheless, we’re riffing off of the later Saul of the “Breaking Bad” years, and the very lowball public access look of his advertising. And that was the thought. We also figured these titles are cheap enough to generate, and therefore, why not have a different set of titles every week? Have a different image every week for all 10 episodes.
Peter Gould: Just to add to that, one of the things that was interesting was, actually getting it shitty enough was a challenge. A lot of the process was, Curtis would do something, and then Vince and sometimes I would say, “What if we made it even shittier? What if we made it look like the keying on the titles wavered? How can we make this look worse?” We were both thinking of ’80s public access, and how could we make the color combination even more of an eyesore? It was a little analogous to picking out Saul Goodman’s suits on “Breaking Bad,” which was one of the most fun things on that show. Usually, the costume department is trying to keep things real, and not to have the costumes draw attention to themselves, specifically, and we would go down there, and our brilliant costume designer Jennifer would present us with progressively crazier combinations, and I personally would always pick the most lunatic thing that felt like it could possibly fit into the world. The titles here really go along with that. It’s fun for us to have a little stab at the beginning of each episode of who this guy is going to be. In episode 4, Genny Hutchinson’s episode, you see where he’s picking out shirts and ties, for a moment, he goes after a really crazy color combination with an orange shirt and a pink tie. I think, ultimately, underneath it all, that’s this guy’s taste, and it was fun have that poke out for 26 seconds at the beginning of each episode.
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dreamstormdragon · 2 years
SRMTHFG OC: Castor “Cas” Donati
So, I fell down the rabbit hole and found a lot of old characters of mine for this show, that I wanted to revamp. One of them, being a character who was actually my first OC, I ever made. Like, pre-dating all of them, he was from the first fict I ever wrote.
He was Chiro's friend growing up and they were close until that fateful day Chiro had awoken the Hyper Force. Now, they try to catch up with each other, not as often as they used to, but he tries to be there for him. Cas is a snarky young man, who loves goofing off, but fiercely loyal. He sticks by his friends, even if he can’t help out with certain things. When he found out about Chiro’s new ‘job’ he was happy for him.
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Though, at the end of the day he’s also still 14 years old himself and he’s not exactly known for his “brilliant” schemes. Cas’s family runs Donati’s Pizzeria, a restaurant his Dad started and Cas is part of the business as a delivery boy and sometimes, comes up with schemes of how to make more tips.
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And that’s when it hit him. It would be the PERFECT strategy to make more than enough tips!
Become the ONLY guy on Shuggazoom who delivered during city wide attacks. If your stuck in your house hiding cause of Formless? That counts, he will be there, even if he’s gotta use a trash can as a shield. 
“My policy is, rain, shine or the Skeleton King sending his armies to destroy us all, you will get your pizza!”
Chiro thinks it’s genuinely the dumbest thing he’s ever done, but somehow knock on wood, Cas is able to deliver. He makes bank on tips thanks to this... although, he’s had to deal with his bike being busted a few times. 
The Monkeys honestly don’t know what to make of this kid, until the boys start talking and suddenly it’s like there’s two Chiro’s. Video games, tokosatsu shows, manga, you name it, they both have their favorites.
Castor, while trying to be a good kid, also is that guy who realizes he forgot to study and starts praying for a monster to come and wreck the school.
And when it happens, usually they get a few days off...
Until one fateful... Horrible day.
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“What’s... Remote Learning? That sounds HORRIBLE.”
Because it was noted, that the students were missing a LOT of school actually and while, if you asked Cas that worked fine for him, because he’d study and work during those days... It was “recommended” they start using a remote learning system, created by one Mr. Hal Gibson... who then insisted on helping out with said remote school.
Cas is horrified and Chiro has to break the news to his friend.
“Yes... You are going to actually have to study before big tests.”
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"They won't actually do it! They can't!"
"Cas, the city wide translator, works for everyone."
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In the end, he’ll try hard, but if you ask Cas, life was a WHOLE lot simpler before.  He’s a hard worker though, but his ideas are... unconventional to say the least.
“Pizza! Get your fresh hot and ready Donati’s pizza! Are you stuck in your bunker, waiting for the latest monster attack to die down? Have no fear, I’ll be right there!” 
And somehow, during “Shadow over Shuggazoom” he was the only one who didn’t get effected, because he was sick that day and wore an eyemask and used earplugs to drown out the usual stuff.
He woke up the next day, with his roof missing, still sick and baffled that everything seemed to be calming down from yet another attack.
When he found out from Chiro what happened, he was genuinely kind of baffled.
As was everyone else.
“How do you SLEEP through that!?”
“I had a cold and a bad headache. So I slept with my mom’s eye mask and some ear plugs so I could actually sleep...”
So... yeah. That’s my boy, he’ll be appearing in some stories, namely shorts and making some smaller appearances but he’s a fun one. Been having a ball revamping my older OC’s as a fun challenge for myself.
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stareiiez · 2 years
Having a Kid with Lavernius Tucker ( HCS. )
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A/N : hihihihih!!! long time no see yah goofs! I’ve been gone for years but i was busy dealing with life and new jobs and what not. i’m just in time for RVB back to base-ics coming out!
why not make this place come alive with good ole having babies with tucker hcs.
Warnings: none, just rusty floof. 
Lavernius Tucker x Fem (AFAB ) Reader
                             creds to jomeimei12 for the art in header
----- this dude has done this before. he's a father. this dude birthed a whole ass alien out of his .  .  .  yeah.
--- when you go to him with a positive pregnancy test in hand, not going to lie, this boy BOOKS it.
---- its old habits so excuse him for not breaking out in a happy dance and screaming for joy towards the sky, he is physically pale. he's a terrible actor and clearly, he's not happy for a few hot minutes.
--- whether you're in a relationship or not, this lad can only handle one baby at a time, and right now his body has shut down and left him running out the door for an hour or so.
------ when he returns? immediate apologizes, 
---- perhaps gets on his hands and knees for his goddess and doesn't shut up til you manage to shut him up or forgive him till you lose your voice. 
---- frankly, tucker loves being a father, so when he calms down. he's the biggest supporter you're EVER going to get. 
------ immediate anxious dad mode regardless if he's more nervous than you for this shit. 
---- he knows the pains of brief morning sickness and weird cravings you get at three am and demands him to run out for salt and vinegar chips dipped in Nutella with pickles. 
--- this dude HATES the doctor though. when it comes to checkups and scans when the months come and go and your stomach gets bigger, he would suggest Donut be your plus one while he waits in the lobby of the hospital. 
----- is he flirting with the nurse at the front desk? maybe. but that's totally up for debate since he.s here for you and you only. Sure he still has those un-loyal tendencies. the straying eyes too far low, the once over and wink? he does that.
--- it stopped bothering you after a while, don't worry. 
------ the moment he heard an actual heartbeat at one of your appointments? he was on the monitor like glue. his eyes were bugged out of his skull and watching the blurry image of something that resembled ' Junior 's twin brother'.
---his words, not yours.
----- preparing for the baby boy or girl was a whirlwind of Tucker putting his sense of style into making sure his baby was dressed to the nines constantly. even the finest duckie footed pajamas he could find off the internet. 
- this was his way of making parenting fun, dressing his baby up to look like him, hell he would make the both of them match if you didn't get your infant ready for the day.
------ The baby's nursery was an homage to Blood Gulch. Poorly painted outlines of the Reds and Blue troopers were on the walls in pastel versions of their armor colors. Don't forget Carolina and Uncle Wash. They were included too.
----You best bet said troopers showed up to help Tucker properly hold a paintbrush and make sure he didn't have the nursery look like a disaster. 
------ Donut helped with every other little detail, to make the entire thing unisex. He even designed the crib and mobile to include the baby's extended family drifting through the air completed with cute little glow-in-the-dark stars.
------ As for the actual delivery of a said baby? Washington drove both you and Tucker to the hospital for that.
------Tucker was on the floor vomiting from the sight of catching the tail end of your water breaking and running around half awake screaming on the phone for Wash to get over here before the baby ' uses your coochie for a slip and slide in the living room.’
---- No baby bag, no nothing you guys were raw dogging this shit going 90 on the highway in the back of Wash's minivan and you screaming with every contraction. 
------- Bringing your brilliant baby to this very world was something Tucker managed to miss out on the moment all three of you were settled in the hospital room.
------ Tucker had taken one look between your legs the moment the birth process started and he fell flat on his face after giving a rather girlish scream.
--- he didn't wake up till two hours later, yet by then. you had a baby swaddled in blue held in loving arms
------ Junior had a new baby brother and you were outmatched with men in your household, unfortunately. 
----- With a new baby, it was far more different than raising an alien for Tucker's sake. It came with a lot of sleepless nights of crying and Tucker always taking the night shift for you to feed the new bundle of joy in the house.
------- For someone that was a grade a ' womanizer ', he was proud of the little things he did and got to experience as a father. he LOVED his kid with his entire heart. 
----- He was the father to carry pictures of his baby in the creases of his wallet, and his phone was full of videos of you and the baby he made with you. 
--------- He didn't mind babysitting when you had to run out for odds and ends, but usually, that involved calling the boys over and him mostly bragging about smart and awesomely cool his kid was to the rest of the gang.
------- He was the little wuss to cry when your baby begin to crawl around the house, and with crawling came the baby's first steps.
- that's when he bawled and threw himself all over you with snot dripping from his nose.
------- Tucker loved his baby, and even came up with the most badass name ever for his little lookalike. All brown curly hair, warm brown chocolate eyes yet your (s/c) he was a handsome young man. 
- Sebastian Tucker, the second best name he could come up with since Junior Junior Tucker was off the table. 
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twsthoodstar · 3 years
Kingdom Hearts MC ✨
• FINALLY I GOT ONE POST OUT!!! This was supposed to be in honor of Sora joining Smash but it’s suuuuuuuper late and I apologize for that 😅
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What if the MC was a gallant keyblade wielder? Soaring across unknown worlds, protecting them from darkness.
A soldier of light destined to defeat evil that has plagued the heavens, who is now in a world of villains.
As a Keyblade Knight 🌅
As the code of a Keyblade wielder states, it is almost forbidden to speak of other worlds and where you came from. However, that’s not to say you weren’t worried about where you ended up.
A world where the so-called Great Seven walked, powerful beings who you’ve encountered and defeated numerous times. You had to bite your tongue. holding back your shock. These were guys that have come close to decimating entire worlds all for the sake of their own benefit, so seeing an entirely new world, let alone a school, that followed their ideals was something so unexpected. But that couldn’t mean the people here were all bad, right?
The Mirror of Darkness felt skeptical, you were not sorted into a dorm but the Mirror sensed something in you: a brilliant light filled with much vigor and strength to conquer even the darkest of evils. You were basically a hero among villains, and let’s just say you weren’t too thrilled about being stuck in another world. The fact that your Keyblade wasn’t working meant you couldn’t escape. What exactly did fate have in store for you?
As Sora ⛅️
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An absolute sunshine child!! You’re basically another Kalim and everyone has to wear sunglasses around you because of your cheerfully upbeat aura. But you don’t mind one bit! After all, making people smile is what you do! 👍🏽 You were basically the antagonist in a school of villains.
Despite your circumstances, you’re actually excited to see this brand new world! Is wasn’t anything new to you, and a school for people with magic? That sounds perfect! While you’ve had a few ups and downs, you try to make the most out of your experience. However, more than once you’ve almost let it slip about your past experiences. Gateways? A king? What are you some kind of knight?
Your courage and drive to do the best you can makes you an admirable student that everyone respects, Deuce holds a great admiration for you because of how good your heart is. He often goes to you when he’s having problems in school, particularly if his bad-boy-mode goes off. You two often go back and forth talking about your ideals and what you two strive to be when you’ve grown stronger.
Ace has tried numerous times to get under your skin but it always backfires in the end. You’re just too kind! Stealing a large piece of your lunch? You two can share if he’s that hungry! Having trouble in class? You can have a study session together! Oh your being a goof? Nothing wrong with a little laugh! Although, more often then not everyone seems to find some sort of comfort around you. No one can really explain it, but you give off a warm familiarity as if they’ve met you somewhere before.
In fact, when you met Malleus he was immediately intrigued by you. While he was immensely surprised that you showed him no fear, you actually started friendly conversation! After you attacked him of course, but it took a bit more clearing up on your side after you apologized.But as both of you grew closer, he sensed the light in your heart, along with something else. Something he had never felt before, and it didn’t feel like magic.
As Riku 🌗
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You’re almost like a mysterious knight in shining armor: quiet and polite but strong just the same. Although it’s not like you were delinquent or anything. While you prefer to keep to yourself most of the time, your basically the mom of the group when your friends can’t keep to themselves.
Your strength doesn’t go unnoticed and it’s almost scary how stoic you are when you’re beating a couple of troublemakers into the dirt. But it wasn’t like you wanted to start a fight, if fact you just wanted to get to your next class. But those meatheads got what they asked for, unfortunately.
Jack and Sebek have a deep admiration towards you, who are always looking for ways to improve themselves. You often try giving them tips if they ever come to you but Sebek is far too prideful in asking directly and merely says he was “admiring your form as you could be a useful knight to WAKA-SAMA one day!!” You just smile and play along with it.
Ace can never get away with anything around you because you’re right there to smack him in the back of the head. You are probably the most mature out of everyone and you’re always keeping someone in line one way or another. Even Leona’s impressed when you hardly bat an eye at his threats. But you dealt with much worse.
This is when that mysterious side of you starts to come out as you’ve known to get real quiet at certain times. You’ve also gotten defensive around certain students; as I know to everyone you can feel the darkness and negativity seeping through someone’s heart.
Strangely enough, those from Diasomnia have taken quite an interest in you. You and Silver get along quite well, however there’s something he can’t pinpoint about you. You two are quite similar in personality, however he can sense something off about you. The way your eyes are always lurking about, or the way you have your Keyblade at the ready, like a knight ready for battle. Unknown to Silver, Lilia had realized this too. And he couldn’t help but feel the same: who are you?
As Kairi 🌟
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At first sight, many often see you as someone who needs protecting or wasn’t very capable of handling themselves in dangerous situations, so it’s nothing new seeing others but you and your safety first. While you were appreciative for that, you often felt annoyed. It’s not like you’re a damsel in distress, you were perfectly capable of handling yourself just fine!
You certainly proved it back at the Dwarf Mines when you shielded Ace, Deuce, & Grim from an upcoming attack. Before leaping through the air and landing the finishing blow upon the dark creature. After that they developed a new fear of you and your Keyblade. Who knew someone so kind could also be such a talented fighter! You just giggle at them as they looked at you completely in shock.
Being a Princess of Heart is something you’ve kept hidden, but it’s no secret you hold a much greater power than you let on. The power to heal others also made you a strong ally during Magift practice. Which you’re actually really good at!
Overall, you are a mysterious young soul: numerous times Grim has caught you writing multiple letters in the kitchen late at night. Whenever he asks you, you simply tell him their for your friends when you make it back to your world. Or they’re simply for the sake of good memories when you leave. While both could be true, there’s one particular person that has made your life very special.
You miss him. You miss everyone that has helped you along the way; your friends sometimes catch you spacing out from time to time but they always know you’re thinking about your old friends. But they’re the reason why you try your best to improve more. You’re skills as a new Keyblade Knight still need room for improvement, so what better than to spare with your classmates!
Silver is highly impressed with your bravery and strong will, it fits well with your kindness. But Sebek is still not over what happened during your practice. You had gotten the upper hand on him and before he even knew it you had him flat on the ground with his sword up in the air. You had to heal him with one your spells but he was still pretty grumpy afterwards. 😅
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sanzoumon · 3 years
Here we go again! Same things apply, warnings at the start of the prompts. Everything is bottom!Morty unless otherwise stated. Also some prompts are gen.
70, guys. 70! And here I thought I was out of ideas. Anyway you can tell the moments when I was super horny while coming up with ideas. Some of these prompts get detailed and long but as always feel free to play around with the ideas.
Also with some of these I had no idea where I was going with them so pfft.
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MPreg. Post-Promortyus. Those parasites reflected their own feelings. Morty asks Rick about it, what they did and said. Long story short, after some pressing, Rick admits everything that parasite said was true, he loves Morty and wants to have a baby with him. Morty finds the idea appealing, to be honest. He thinks about being pregnant with Rick’s baby and loves it.
Angst. As they get older Rick starts becoming forgetful and develops dementia. Morty is with him through it all and Rick can feel his own brilliant mind fading away, it scares him. They still have sex but as time goes on Rick gets less and less lucid. Eventually Rick dies in his sleep one night.
Non-con. Thriller. On the Citadel. There’s a serial rapist and killer loose on the Citadel. He targets Morty’s. The Morty’s disappear for 3 days and turn up dead on the forth. The police know the culprit is a Rick, given the DNA left behind, but DNA doesn’t vary much between dimensions so it doesn’t help much. They call in a specialist, a Rick who understands people and specializes in Profiling. The culprit redressed the bodies, showing them reverence, he loves these Morty’s. Things become complicated when Profiler Rick’s Morty gets abducted. ((Criminal Minds inspired))
Hebephilia. This Rick is a straight up Hebephile and has tried to reject that part of him his whole life. Morty happens to be right in his strike zone. He even left his own Beth when she was 13, fearing he might go after her. He thought these urges would mellow out in his old age but being around Morty is a challenge. And now Morty is confessing he’s in love with Rick and that he’s attracted to older people. After resisting his whole life Rick finally gives in and feels like a piece of shit for it.
Prison. Dub-con. Rick and Morty get arrested and everyone wants Morty’s ass to make him his bitch. Rick isn’t about to let that happen, fighting off anyone who tries to lay a hand on Morty. But every time Rick leaves him alone someone tries something. So Rick does the only thing he can, after beating Morty’s assailant to a pulp, he takes Morty in front of other prisoners to show who he belongs to. Morty is freaked out but damn Rick is giving him pleasure he never knew existed. Everyone backs off Morty but he wants Rick to fuck him again and again.
Omegaverse. Everyone knew that Alpha’s were supposed to care for their Omega in exchange for the Omega’s submission. Rick doesn’t do the whole caring thing but due to the proximity they have Morty recognizes Rick as his Alpha and he wants to be cared for. Eventually Morty breaks down. This triggers Rick’s Alpha nature and he gives Morty all the affection he’s been craving. Rick fucks him slowly, gently, in a comforting way, to help calm him. Tells him how good he is, etc. Finally he knots Morty and Morty feels like he’s whole again.
Angst. Rick and Morty are goofing around, just having a good time. They end up with their faces close together and Rick kisses Morty. Morty doesn’t react well. Will he come around?
Morty is desperate to be with Rick. He just wants Rick to stay with him and he’ll let Rick do anything to him. Abuse him. Fuck him. Anything.
Anything based on the song “Pretty When You Cry” by VAST.
Morty has a kink for seeing Rick cry.
Morty likes the feel of Rick’s wrinkly and saggy skin. Sometimes he just messes with it because it feels nice.
Age Problems. For all his sexual prowess, Rick is still an old man and sometimes it’s hard for him to get it up. And it’s really humiliating and frustrating because he is horny and his dick just isn’t reacting. Morty doesn’t mind that much, it happens. Besides, Rick is still damn good with his hands.
Electro Play. Rick hooks up Morty to all sorts of sex toys. They all send electric shocks to his dick and asshole. Rick also uses a wand to shock Morty on his thighs. He also won’t let Morty cum. Eventually he fucks Morty while still shocking his dick.
Rick sends Morty to school with a vibrator in his ass. Throughout the day he turns the device on to make Morty squirm. By the time lunch period comes, Morty can’t stand it anymore. He finds Rick waiting in a bathroom stall, dick hard and waiting for Morty, looking smug. Morty practically jumps on Rick’s lap and Rick takes the vibrator out. Morty rides him and moans so loud it’s a wonder the whole school doesn’t hear.
Public Sex. They have a very specific kink for fucking in portable toilets, like you see in construction sites or during fairs. It’s so unsanitary and smells disgusting and anyone could hear them but that’s what makes it hot.
Feminization Kink. Morty has a kink for beating treated like a woman. Not crossdressing tho. He likes it when Rick calls him a bitch, his wife, princess, his ‘pretty little girl’, calling his asshole a pussy or other such things, calling his dick a clit, talking about knocking him up. Things like that. Morty likes holding his legs open, begging Rick to fuck his pussy.
Morty is a straight up slutty little cock whore for Rick’s cock. Loves riding it. Loves being plowed by it. If Morty has it his way he’d just live life with Rick’s cock in his ass.
Exhibitionism. Degradation. Rick takes Morty to a special club where public sex happens on a stage. Surrounded by a bunch of Rick’s they all hoot and holler, calling him a slut, a whore, offering his Rick money so they can fuck him, etc. Morty never cums so hard in his life.
On the Citadel. A Rick books a private lapdance with a Morty at the Creepy Morty. Like most strip clubs there’s a “look, don’t touch” rule. But for a bit of extra cash many of them will let you do more than just look. And Rick is so desperate for the sexy little Morty gyrating on his lap.
Mind Break. Rick fucks Morty hard and rough for so long that Morty can’t live without being fucked by Rick anymore. He just wants Rick to take care of him, feed him, bathe him, then fuck him like a cheap whore. Being a living sex doll for Rick is the best thing that ever happened to him.
Miami Rick x Miami Morty. Sometimes Rick’s enemies put their hands on Morty. Morty almost pities them. Almost. Rick practically runs the underworld in Miami and everyone knows Morty belongs to him. Sometimes Rick needs to remind everyone that he’s an amoral old bastard who fucks his grandson so good that the kid begs for it.
Miami Rick x Miami Morty. Branding. Morty isn’t blind, he knows his grandfather is a criminal and knows people will target him to get to Rick. Morty also notices that Rick brands the shit that belongs to him and that no one touches it. Morty asks Rick to brand him so he’ll be safe, that people will know they’ll have to cross Rick Sanchez if they touch him. After getting the brand his ass hurts so much but he’s so turned on by the knowledge that Rick owns him now. He begs Rick to fuck him. And who is Rick to deny his cute grandson?
Set during Close Rickounters. They’re filthy, tired, and stranded. Rick is aggravated with Zeep, who keeps riling Rick up. Being in close proximity to each other for months makes it awkward sometimes. Like when Morty gets turned on seeing Rick in just his tank top, violently attempting to craft something like a mad man. He looks absolutely feral and Morty can’t help but moan at the thought of Rick fucking him like that. Rick notices, of course, and he’s in such a frenzied state that he doesn’t think twice about using Morty as an outlet for his frustration. He fucks him raw, with little prep, scratches, bites, pulls his hair, spanks him, slaps his face, taunts him, even spits on him, utterly degrading Morty and treating him like a sex toy. And Rick looks, smells, and feels so gross and dirty that it drives Morty insane. He can’t believe it’s happening, that Rick didn’t even care to ask Morty if he wanted this or not (Morty does want it tho). To just be taken and used as a stress outlet? It’s the best.
ABO Kink. They’re not from an ABO dimension but they both sure as hell find it hot. Basically they’re normal but know of ABO dimensions so Rick roleplays as an Alpha and Morty an Omega.
Rick x Morticia. Breast Play. Morti has surprisingly large breasts under her baggy t-shirt. Something happens to their clothes on an adventure and Rick gets an eye full of what Morti’s been hiding. She’s ashamed and embarrassed by them. Rick doesn’t see why, she’s beautiful. Morti stares at him and he realizes he said that out loud. Morti moves her arms from her chest and, very shyly, shows Rick everything. Rick realizes this is an invitation to touch and he takes it. He has her moaning like a whore in seconds. The next morning Morti comes down stairs wearing a v-neck top, showing off a little cleavage. The family is surprised because Morti was always so ashamed before. Morti just says she got a little confidence recently and gives Rick a knowing look. Rick decides he’s definitely going to fuck her boobs later today.
Rick x Morticia. Pregnancy Kink. Rick wants to get his 14 year old granddaughter pregnant. Wants to see her waddle around, have her breasts swell up, and wants to see her walk around knowing that’s his child in her belly. He wants to keep her knocked up all the time, keep her locked up at home, barefoot and pregnant, taking care of all their kids. Putting in another baby as soon as the current one pops out. He wants to make her his little breeding slave. He wouldn’t, of course, one kid is already too much for them but it’s still hot to think about.
Cheating. Cuckolding. Morty goes out of his way to fuck other guys just to make Rick jealous. Rick comes home to find some guy plowing him and Rick goes ballistic. He never hurts the other guys, just violently tosses them out. Then he holds Morty down and fucks him to remind him that he belongs to Rick. And that’s what Morty is really after. He wants Rick to be possessive, to fear losing him. NOTE: This isn’t a cuckolding kink, Rick isn’t into being cucked.
Rick x Morty + Summer. Morty wants Summer to watch Rick fuck him and to make humiliating / degrading comments about him during it. She’s getting paid for it but she’d be lying if she said her panties didn’t get soaked during it. Seeing her baby brother get plowed by a huge cock belonging to their grandfather was pretty hot, especially when Morty started moaning like a slut. She starts grinding into the chair she’s sitting on and cums from it. Morty doesn’t notice but Rick does, even tho he didn’t say anything.
Gun Play. It’s an Earth gun, pretty archaic by Rick’s standards. But Morty wants him to fuck him at gun point with a loaded standard 9mm. Even gives the gun a blowjob. Morty’s such a little freak.
Casual Possessiveness. When they go out, adventure or not, Rick puts his hand on the back of Morty’s neck. A hand on his waist. Hand on his shoulder, pressed against Rick’s side. Morty loves the feeling of protection and Rick loves protecting his little Morty.
Slow dancing. Rick and Morty are at a party, dancing and having a good time, then the music slows down and people couple up. Morty laughs it off and turns to leave, but Rick offers his hand to him instead - an offer to keep dancing. Rick ends up being a pretty good dancer and Morty finds himself mesmerized by Rick in this moment.
Hurt/Comfort. Spooning. Rick has a nightmare and wanders into Morty’s room. He lays down next to him, with his back facing Morty. Morty notices and hears faint crying coming from Rick. Morty pulls Rick into a hug, snuggling against his back. They stay like that for a little while until Rick calms down. Rick gets up to leave but Morty asks him to stay. This time Rick lays down facing Morty and they just sorta hold each other.
In Mortyberg. Most of the Morty’s there are Rickless but a few still have them. As C-137 Rick and Morty watch the few Rick’s left find their Morty’s, clinging desperatly to them, happy to be reunited - they see one pair kiss passionately. The couple gets odd stares. The Rick picks up his Morty and the kiss even deeper. C-137 Rick and Morty feel awkward about watching it and notice a few other Rick’s and Morty’s are giving them sneers. But Morty thinks they seem happy together, he’s a little jealous. He grabs Rick’s hand and just holds it, smiling up at him.
In this dimension, Rick has been around Morty’s whole life. They’re very close to each other. As a small child Morty always wanted his grandpa to pick him up and hold him. Morty’s 14 now and that really hasn’t changed.
Rick goes full on Grandpapa Wolf when Morty is in danger. He cries out “NO! MY BABY!” when Morty gets hurt.
On the Citadel. A story about Citadel cops who respond to Domestic Violence calls. Most times it’s Rick’s abusing Morty’s, sometimes Rick’s abusing Rick’s, Morty’s abusing Morty’s, and on rare occasions it’s Morty’s abusing Rick’s.
Mental Age Regression. Past Child Abuse. Rick suffers a blow to the head and passes out. When he wakes up he doesn’t remember anything from after he was 10 years old. It’s weird for all of them and Morty falls into the roll of primary caretaker. Rick gets into a bit of trouble when he accidentally breaks something of Morty’s. Morty yells at him and only stops when Rick is cowering on the floor, begging Morty not to hit him, then Rick starts mumbling “I’m sorry daddy please don’t hit me I didn’t mean it”. Morty gets down next to him and holds him, apologizing.
Past Non-con. Past Child Abuse. Still having Rick’s memories on hand, Morty decides to watch more. He sees all the pain Rick has gone through, his father raping and abusing him, his mother knowing and ignoring it, bullying in school, countless instances of Rick being sexually assaulted throughout his whole life. Even some up until right before he came to live with the Smith family. He sees a memory he can’t recall where Rick took Morty’s place when some aliens intended to rape him (Rick must have erased it from Morty’s memories). Morty comes too and sees Rick ripped the device away. Morty was crying and the tears wouldn’t stop. It’s Rick who comforts him, holding him, telling him it was all in the past and that it’s okay now.
Non-Con. Time Travel. Morty travels back in time to when Rick was his age. They bond pretty quickly, spending all day together. At the end of the day Morty realizes he has nowhere to go so Rick invites him to stay the night. In middle of the night, Morty finds Rick isn’t in bed and goes looking for him. What he finds is noises coming from behind a cracked door. He peeks inside and sees Rick and Rick’s father, Rick is crying and his father is plowing into him. Morty makes a noise and next thing he knows he’s dragged into the room too. Rick begs his dad to leave Morty alone. Instead, Rick’s dad tells Morty to sit there and see what Rick is really like, then decide if he wants a friend like him afterward. He shoves Rick on top of Morty and starts fucking him again, Rick is crying, apologizing. Rick starts to unravel, begging for more. Rick’s father leaves the room once he’s done. Morty cleans Rick up and takes him back to bed. Rick begs Morty not to leave so Morty stays in bed with him, just holding him, and Rick kisses him on the mouth before going to sleep. In the morning he gets woken up by his Rick. Morty wants to wake up young Rick but Rick stops him, shaking his head ‘no’. So they leave. Before Morty can ask Rick tells him that when he woke up that morning he cried like a bitch when he saw Morty was gone. He tells Morty everything about his father, that it never stopped until his father died. That even today that man still haunts his nightmares. This time Morty kisses Rick, letting Rick hold onto him like a lifeline. Rick apologizes that Morty has to see all that but it was always going to happen.
Spanking. On the Citadel. It’s not uncommon to see Rick’s punishing their Morty’s by spanking them in public. Guard Rick’s punishing Guard Morty’s. Teacher Rick’s punishing Student Morty’s. Rick’s just going about the Citadel, their Morty’s being little brats, stopping to bend them over and whip their behinds. Some Rick’s pay good money to spank Morty’s. Some Morty’s pay good money to get spanked by Rick’s.
Rick falls in love with Morty the very first moment he sees him, when Morty was a newborn. Throughout the years and their adventures, those feelings changed into something more romantic and sexual. It makes Rick feel sick. He doesn’t want to hurt his precious grandson but he keeps pushing the envelope with the boy to get more of his love and affection. He even asked Morty to kiss him! On the lips! He hates himself more when Morty kisses him on the lips.
Pet Names. Getting Caught. Rick has a lot of pet names for Morty: babe, baby, honey, sweetie, sweetheart, affection insults (bitch, lil shit, etc.). But Morty’s favorite is when Rick calls him “my love”. It rarely happens because it’s not one of those pet names you could mistake for familial at all. Sadly Rick uses it during dinner with the family one night without thinking about it. Everyone did a double take and then the interrogations started.
In a dimension where Rick isn’t a scientist, he’s a criminal. Thief, murderer, arsonist, a lot of bad shit. 4 years ago kidnapping got added to his list of crimes. He tracked down only daughter and abducted his 10 year old grandson, Morty, wounding his pre-teen granddaughter (who was babysitting) at the time. They haven’t been seen or heard from since... until today. A high speed chase, a shootout, Rick being shot, bleeding out, Morty crying, rushing to him, holding him, trying to stop the bleeding, kissing Rick, telling him he’ll love him forever, Rick dying. It was all televised on the news. Beth gets her son back but does she really? Just what exactly did Rick do to the boy in 4 years?
Vore. Microphilia. Morty gets shrunk down, clothes not included. Rick messes with him by putting him in his mouth. Then he tastes something weird in there and feels something strange. Morty is grinding against Rick’s tongue and came from it. Rick’s into it.
Paternal Instincts. Caretaking. Morty wets himself during an adventure. Once they get safely home he collapses and starts bawling like a baby, his pants still wet. At first Rick tells him to stop being a pussy but that makes Morty cry harder. It triggers something in Rick and suddenly his long buried paternal instincts gutpunch him. He scoops Morty up, holds him against his chest and says “now, now, grandpa’s here, baby” and tells Morty he’ll take care of him. He takes Morty to the bathroom, undresses him, and wipes him down with a warm washcloth. He then helps Morty into his pajamas and picks him up again, asking if he felt any better and if he wants to take a nap with grandpa. Morty feels like he can’t speak so he just nods yes to both.
Taking it Slow. Making Love. Rick is really DTF-y (Down To Fuck) pretty much all the time. When he and Morty start their relationship tho, Rick tells him he’s not ready to have sex yet. Morty thinks it’s just Rick having hang ups over the whole grandson thing but no, Rick doesn’t care about that. His age then? Morty starts thinking Rick just isn’t attracted to him so Rick finally tells him he’s plenty attracted. He just wants to take it slow, not because of Morty but for himself. Morty finds out that Rick was the same with Diane, even when she was DTF. Morty thinks it’s kinda sweet so he stops pestering Rick. They date, cuddle, make out, sometimes do hand stuff. After about 6 months of dating, Rick takes him to a fancy dinner then a hotel, telling Morty he’s ready. Then he makes sweet tender love to Morty and Morty finally gets what people mean when they say “good things come to those who wait”.
Necrophilia. Character Death. Angst. Morty dies because of Rick. Rick doesn’t take it well at all. He digs up Morty’s body in the dead of night, tries to go full Viktor Frankenstein and bring him back. But nothing works. He knows it’s just an empty shell, but he can’t stop himself from caressing his body, kissing his lips, undressing him, and thrusting into him. It’s cold, there’s not an ounce of warmth left in Morty’s tiny little body. He keeps the body longer than he should after that. It’s not long before he’s found out.
Past Non-Con. Public Restroom Sex. Healing Sex. After the Mr Jellybean incident, Morty is terrified of public restrooms. Rick makes it better by giving Morty a good time in a restroom, reassuring Morty that he can put a stop to this any time. Not that Morty wants to stop. Rick comforts and praises him the whole time.
Guard Rick x Morty. The Morty of a Guard Rick loves the way Rick looks in his uniform.
Pony Rick x Pony Morty. The good thing about Equestria was that they didn’t think twice about PDA. A stallion nuzzling his grandcolt wasn’t that odd. Behind closed doors he was nailing his grandcolt’s plot pretty much every night. Rick thinks he should be careful, at this rate Morty’s cutie mark will end up being a picture of Rick’s cock.
Primitivism. In a dimension where modern tech doesn’t exist, there’s various tribes that exist. Morty’s mother Beth leads their tribe after her father stepped down. When Morty’s 14th birthday arrives, the battle for his hand in marriage begins. Being the second child (with Summer being Beth’s heir) that means Morty will leave and marry into the tribe of the victor. It’s an open contest, anyone can enter. No one ever expected Rick to enter and dominate the competition. Beth has no choice but to declare him the winner. As per tradition they must now consummate their union. Morty is afraid, but Rick makes it good for him. Afterward Morty asks why Rick did it. Rick tells him it’s because Morty always belong to him, he just made it official.
Non-con. On the Citadel. There’s a serial rapist going around targeting Rickless Morty’s. Detective Rick is determined to catch the Rick responsible, his Morty was a victim of the rapist and killed himself over it. Problem is the culprit looks like a plain normal Rick. One Morty was different from the rest, most skittered away to avoid Rick’s and the Cop Morty’s has to tend to them. This Morty however clung to Rick like a lifeline. Rick’s gut told him this Morty knew more than he was letting on.
After the events of S5, Rick decides it’s time to make a change. He’s tired, old, he wants to settle down. To do that he needs to sober up. No more alcohol, no more drugs. It isn’t easy going cold turkey, it’s painful, he’s going through all sorts of widthdrawl. But sweet little Morty is there to help him through all of it, cleaning up his vomit, keeping his temperature down, keeping Rick away from anything that would help him get any sort of fix, soothing him, even feeding Rick when he’s too exhausted to feed himself. It hurts, but Morty is worth it.
In this dimension Rick isn’t the smartest man alive. He’s just a loving father and grandfather who moved in with his daughter to be closer to his grandchildren. Morty loves his grandpa so much and they spend so much time together. Ever since Morty was a child he liked to sit on grandpas lap and cuddle up to him. This hasn’t changed now that he’s a teenager. Behind closed doors the two are much closer than anyone would ever suspect.
Set during that whole ride scene during The Vindicators. Rick’s drunken video confession ends up being a love confession and marriage proposal to Morty. Morty evaluates his feelings for Rick on the ride back. When Rick asks him what happened, Morty just smiles and says “yes”. He knows Rick doesn’t remember but he’s the smartest man in the universe, he’ll figure it out... eventually. BONUS: Million Ants comments that he senses a great deal of love and affection all of a sudden.
Summer POV. She sees the way they act, how they look at each other. How devoted they are to one another. They’re hopelessly in love and neither wants to admit it for the obvious reasons. In this infinitely cruel multiverse she doesn’t understand their hangups and why they’d deny themselves this shred of happiness. She wants them both to be happy, she really does. The day it finally happens she’s happy enough to cry.
Beth finds out about Rick and Morty. Instead of lashing out over the wrongness of it she turns on Morty, accusing him of stealing her dad away, calling him a slut, asking what was so special about him. Rick is stunned. Summer and Jerry run to them, Summer instantly getting between Morty and their mother, holding him close while he sobs into her chest. Jerry tried to pacify Beth, leading her away. Of all things Rick never expected Beth to accuse her own child of being to blame here. He was the adult, she should be angry with him. He leaves Morty with Summer, he needs to have a serious discussion with Beth about everything. NOTE: Beth is infatuated with Rick and is jealous of Morty. Rick has no such feelings for Beth and is in love with Morty.
In this dimension, Morty’s parents and sister died when he was six. Jerry’s parents had already passed so Morty has no one left to be his guardian except Rick. So Rick moves into the Smith household so he won’t have the uproot Morty’s life. Their relationship dynamic turns out quite different from other Rick’s and Morty’s because of it. For example, Rick is haggling over a deal in space, he’s being mean and aggressive about it. Then Morty wanders in just when Rick is about to get violent. Rick here’s Morty say “grandpa?” in a sweet little voice, not understanding what’s going on. Rick’s attitude does a 180, going into doting grandpa mode, saying “hi, sweetie, grandpa and his friend are almost done talking so go wait in the car, sweetheart”. As soon as Morty’s gone he reverts back to being violent. Basically, Rick only shows his doting grandpa side in front of Morty, he doesn’t want Morty to see his hyper aggressive side.
Evil Rick x Evil Morty. Possessive Protectivness. Morty hates Rick, but there was one good thing about him. Come hell or highwater, Rick wouldn’t let others hurt Morty. It becomes easy for Morty to manipulate Rick into getting rid of problems this way. All Morty has to do is tell him someone tried to hurt him and Rick will kill them no questions asked.
Past Non-Con & Child Abuse. During the S5 finale, Morty asks Evil Morty just what the hell his Rick did to him to make him hate Rick’s so much. Evil Morty lashes out, tells Morty he won’t just tell him - no, if he loves Rick so much then he needs to experience the pain himself. EM jabs Morty with another memory device and Morty doesn’t just see the memories, he experiences them, feels them. All the rape, abuse, death, torture, the fear. He vomits when he comes back to reality. His Rick looks concerned, but Morty is shaking like a leaf staring at him. Morty can’t see his Rick without seeing Evil Rick. Evil Morty asks him if he understands now why he hates all Rick’s. What happens next?
Big Bad Wolf Rick x Little Red Riding Hood Morty. Dub-con. Morty’s mother tells him to go deliver some food to his Grandpa Rick’s workshop, but not to stray from the path because ‘Wolves’ (which is code for ‘those creepy pedos who hang out in the woods and need to bang kids to return to human’) will get him. Along the way a Wolf tries to lure him off the trail. Morty doesn’t fall for it. Eventually he reaches his Grandpa’s workshop. Something is off about his Grandpa’s voice. And ears. And teeth. And eyes. Also all that body hair. Yeah, Morty can see where this is going. The Wolf reveals that he’s actually Morty’s Grandpa Rick, throws him on the bed, telling Morty he’s going to ‘eat’ him. Okay Morty didn’t expect him to actually be his Grandpa so he’s nervous now. But wait, if Rick fucks him then he’ll go back to normal, right? He can do that for his beloved Grandpa, he has to.
Pet Names. Morty calls Rick by pet names too. What really gets Rick going is when Morty calls him “stud”.
Bottom!Rick. When Rick gets really emotional while drunk, he wants to bottom. He wants to be loved, filled, comforted, praised. He cries throughout the whole thing, but Morty knows it’s just because he’s feeling vulnerable. Morty likes to take care of Rick when he’s like this.
Bottom!Rick. It’s their first time and Morty is a nervous wreck. Rick takes the lead in a different way, riding Morty cowgirl style. To be honest, Morty is pretty small and Rick is pretty loose down there so it’s physically not as great as Rick would like but it feels nice and Morty sure as hell enjoyed it. Didn’t exactly last very long.
Orgasm Control Training. Morty can’t control his damn dick so Rick decides to train him to hold back his orgasms. Cock cages, chastity belts, cock rings, nothing seems effective so he trains Morty’s body to need prostate orgasms instead. Which is to say now Morty can’t cum without having his prostate stimulated and he can’t do that without Rick’s fingers or his dick. He knows. He’s tried toys and they can’t get the job done.
Prostate Orgasm. Rick’s robot arm has a vibrate function. He loves unraveling Morty by hitting his prostate with his fingers and turning on the vibration. He can tease Morty for hours this way, denying him release when he’s so close. He never lets Morty touch his dick anymore. If Morty wants to get off he needs to beg Rick to abuse his prostate.
Size Difference Kink. Stomach Buldge. Rick is like 6’4-6” tall while Morty is only like 5’2”. Their dicks have the same proportionate size difference. Rick’s is huge while Morty’s is smaller than average. When Rick fucks him you can actually see the buldge of Rick’s cock in Morty’s guts. Rick loves how tiny and hot Morty is, loves his tiny little dick, his tight ass, his little mouth. He hopes Morty doesn’t grow much more because he doesn’t wanna lose his cute little Morty.
Hand Holding. Rick’s taken up the habit of holding Morty’s hand like he’s a child everywhere they go.
Rick contemplated moving into a younger body to spend more years with Morty. When he brings this up Morty isn’t keen on the idea. Turns out Morty isn’t really attracted to Rick’s younger selves, he fell in love with Rick as an old man and that’s just how he likes him. Sure if it’ll help Rick stick around longer he gets it but does he have to go too much younger? Like Morty could be okay with a 50 or 60 year old Rick. Rick decides to stick with his current body for a while longer.
Yandere Rick. Non-con. Captivity. Traditional Wife Kink. Rick won’t allow anyone to even lay eyes on his precious Morty. He takes him off world, on an isolated planet, keeps him locked up in a cozy little home just for the two of them. Rick gave up on most of his adventures, only leaving for short periods of time. Morty is expected to keep the house clean, make dinner, do all the chores, and most importantly take care of his husbands sexual needs. Morty is terrified but, so long as he doesn’t fuck up any of his wifely duties, Rick is gentle with him. If he burns dinner, forgets his chores, anything — Rick punishes him, he sees it as Morty not wanting to be with him. It doesn’t make any sense to Morty and he knows this is going to be his life until Rick dies. What Morty truly hates is that he looks forward to Rick fucking him each night. In those moments he’s able to lay back and let Rick do all the work, Rick wants him to feel good during it after all. It’s also the only time Morty gets leeway on his chores because Rick gets cuddly after sex. When Morty gets sick he tells him he won’t have to do any work today too. Morty doesn’t want this at all but he finds these peaceful moments.
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sitp-recs · 3 years
4 & 19 :)
Thank you babes!
4. What was your favourite TV show as a kid?
Oh I’ve had so many! I watched A LOT of anime back in the day - on the now long gone channel called Locomotion - but my favourite show was TV CRUJ (@teacup-tai, remember this??)
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This show was a partnership between Disney and the Brazilian channel SBT, it only lasted a couple years but it was brilliant and so different from anything I’d seen before. The characters above presented the show and had their own plot (they played both the good guys and the villains) and during breaks they would exhibit multiple Disney shows (Goof Troop, Hercules, Pepper Ann, Recess and my favourite Doug!). The show also hosted an audition to choose the Brazilian voice actor for Ariel’s daughter in The Little Mermaid 2, I was absolutely heartbroken that I was too young to participate 😂💔
Anyhoo long story short, I’m very fond of this show as it covers some of the best years of my life (1997-2002). About twelve years later I met the executive producer responsible for bringing this show to Brazil (we both worked in the TV industry so our paths crossed) and he was so happy to know TV CRUJ played such a big role in my formative years. We had a great chat full of nostalgia, it was an emotional moment for the both of us. A couple years later I started working for a TV kids channel :)
19. pet snake or pet bird?
Why not a cut doggo 🥺 I don’t think I’d go for either, I’m afraid or snakes and not a big fan of birds in general lol but if I have to choose, a harmless lil bird it is!
Ask game!
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