#both bc this is so pretty and well done but also bc you are amazing to work with and generally I'm just glad to know you
lulunothulu · 1 day
There's not many Glen Powell stories could you do one for me plz:)
So Glen and Reader have been dating about a year. she's not in the entertainment industry she is just a RN he ask her to join him for the press tour for Twitters overseas. She goes with Glen to do some interviews and over hears a conversation where people think she is just with Glen for the money and everyone sees it. She's never asked Glen for money or help but he does occasionally do things for her out of love. She starts to pick up alot of extra shifts at the hospital and dip into her savings to afford all that stuff for the press tour to the point she's passes out one day after working 3 doubles in a row. Glen shows up and ask why she has been working so much and she comes clean about what she heard and how she dipped into her saving to afford the trip. He comforts her and makes her feel better and let's her know he knows she loves him for him and not his money and he asked her to come on the trip bc he wanted her there and he loves her and he loves to spoil her that's not gonna change.
I absolutely LOVE this one 😭 as a former ER worker I live for this.
“Just ordinary”
Glen Powell x Reader
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“So Glen,” the interviewer asks. “Who are you bringing to the London premiere?”
Glen smiles, looking behind the interviewer to where you stand with his publicist behind the stage.
“I’m bringing my girlfriend, Y/N,” he smiles, winking in your direction.
You make a mental note to check how much flights would cost but smile back at him.
“Ooo! What does she do? Is she an actress?”
“She’s actually an ER nurse,” he boasts. “I’m so lucky to have her in my life and to be able to feel so safe with her around me.”
“I bet,” they say. “Having someone there to nurse you to health even if you’re not sick must be so rewarding.”
“It is!” He beams. “I love that she takes care of me and makes sure I stay healthy. It also helps when I get injured on the job.”
“That’s so sweet,” they tell him. “Well, that’s all the time we have today. Make sure you catch Twisters in theaters near you!”
After the interview, Glen walks up to where you’re waiting and interlaces his fingers with yours before pulling you close to kiss you deeply.
“We’re almost done, I just have to do some mini interviews outside and then we can head home.”
You nod, and smile up at him. You knew the drill. After an interview inside, there would be fans all over the place, begging for pictures, as well as other interviewers waiting outside.
You follow him out the building and mentally prepare yourself for the screens and flashing lights of cameras. Next to you, Glen holds your hand tightly—not only making sure you’re next to him, but also safe. Glen hands you off to his mom who’s waiting behind him before walking up to some fans.
You smile at Cyndy. “I don’t know how you do it all the time. It’s so loud.”
She laughs. “Yeah I don’t know either. But to see how happy he gets when they all flock to him is the highlight of it all.”
You smile. You knew exactly what that feeling was like. Seeing Glen in his element and interacting with the people that got him to where he is now, felt amazing to watch.
You both follow him down the line of people, chatting to each other until you hear someone to the left say something that makes your blood turn cold.
“Yeah, I don’t see what he sees in her,” a teenage girl says to her friend. “She must be searching for money or something because there’s no way Glen would be with someone so ordinary like her. She’s not even that pretty.”
“Yeah, I agree. She seems like such a golddigger. Like where did she even come from?” Her friend responds.
You stop in your tracks at that, Cyndy’s brows furrow in their direction and she wraps an arm around your waist.
“Don’t listen to them. That’s just jealousy talking,” she whispers in your ear.
You only nod, scared if you spoke, you’d cry. Instead, you and Cyndy walk toward the car that’s meant to drive you all back to Glen’s house and wait for Glen there.
By the time he joins you all, you’re barely speaking and holding it together. On the car ride back to his place, you text your charge nurse, Kathy, and ask her to put you in the schedule for the whole week.
Kathy: are you sure? That’s a lot of hours and you’ll be exhausted by the end of it all.
You: trust me, I need the distraction and the money. I’ll be fine.
Kathy: alright, you’re set up for the whole week.
You sigh to yourself, earning a light nudge and smile from Glen.
“Are you okay?” He asks.
You smile up at him and lean onto his shoulder. “Yeah, just got a text that I’ll be working all week.”
“Oh no,” he says. “Can you find a replacement?
“Unfortunately no,” you tell him. “We’ve been so short staffed, they’d barely let me leave for lunch.”
“Hopefully all that overtime means you can come with me to London next week.”
You only smile and nod.
The thing about dating Glen that you never got used to was the way that he’d pay for everything you two did. You knew there was an imbalance when it came to money but never brought it up because he’d always been so happy to pay for everything. But after hearing what those two girls were saying…. Your pride, or something like it, felt like it was wrong to let it continue to happen.
You didn’t want to seem like a gold digger after all.
With this week of twelve hour shifts, you’d be able to afford the ticket, maybe some souvenirs?
Maybe I should text Kathy to set me up for sixteen hour shifts all week.
You text her when you get back to Glen’s place.
By the time Wednesday rolls around, you know asking for a week of work plus adding four more hours to your shifts was a mistake.
Glen tried to stay up and wait for you, but he’d be fast asleep in bed by the time you got out of the shower.
On top of not being able to really see him, you yourself were exhausted. Your body becoming so tired, even sitting down was hard because you’d fall asleep. So instead of sitting down during your shift, you’d stand.
At the end of your shift on Wednesday, you could barely keep your eyes open on the drive back home. And when you did get home, you didn’t even bother getting out of your scrubs before collapsing onto the couch and falling asleep.
“This is normal, mom,” you hear Glen say faintly. “She’s working herself to death and I’m just…I’m worried for her.”
The next morning, you rub your eyes when your alarm blares in your ear. Sitting up from the couch, you race to the shower, peeling off your scrubs from the night before, and quickly showering to wake yourself up.
When you step out of the bathroom, you find Glen standing there with a cup of coffee ready for you.
“Good morning, baby,” he says, kissing you.
“Did I wake you?” You ask, taking the cup and sipping.
“No, I’ve been waking up early to make sure you get everything you need for work,” he tells you.
“Thank you,” you smile. You look down at your watch and sigh. “I have to get going.”
“I packed you lunch and extra clothes so that you don’t have to shower when you get home. Maybe you’ll sleep in the bed tonight?” His eyes are hopeful and you can’t help but feel so bad.
He’s doing all of this for you and yet you’re trying to avoid him—to an extent.
“I’ll try to,” you tell him. “I’ve just been so tired to walk up the stairs.”
“Then I’ll set something up for us before you get home,” he tells you. He kisses you before adding, “I’ll see you later.”
You’re halfway into your shift when you get the trauma of the day, maybe even the year.
You’re running, trying to grab the necessary supplies you need for the CPR that’s on its way when you suddenly feel the world begin to spin out from under you.
One second you’re stuffing you pockets with extra flushes and vials for bloodwork, the next your vision is blurring and going black.
When you finally wake up, you’re at the hospital still but in a room. The beeping of the monitor next to you grounds you in reality enough look around the room. Glen sits in a chair on the other side of you, worry and fear painted all over his face.
“Glen?” You croak.
“Oh my god,” he says, turning you and grabbing your hand. “Are you feeling okay?”
“For the most part,” you mumble. “What happened?”
“Kathy told me you fainted from exhaustion,” he tells you. “You shouldn’t have been working so many hours so close together. You could’ve gotten seriously hurt. You’re lucky someone was there to break your fall.”
He sighs, running his hand through his hair before asking, “What were you thinking working so many hours for so long?”
“I don’t know,” you lie.
“Yes you do. Tell me,” he urges.
You sigh, rubbing your eyes before looking at him. “I can’t afford to go to London.”
“I’ll pay for your ticket,” he quickly says.
“Glen, I don’t want you to.” This was going to be hard. “I want to pay for myself.”
“I don’t mind doing it, baby.” He searches your face before adding, “There’s more, isn’t there?”
“Yes,” you answer. You squeeze your eyes shut before opening them and taking his hand in yours again. “I don’t want you to think I’m a gold digger.”
“Why would I think that?”
“Because you pay for everything!” You exclaim. “I don’t think it’s fair that you spend money on me and I can’t do the same for you.”
Glen smiles at you, kissing the inside of your wrist. “Y/N, there’s nothing that makes me happier than paying for everything. If I get to spoil you by taking you to London or paying for our dinners and rent, then that means I’m doing my job. I never want you to feel like you’re freeloading or being a gold digger around me.”
He tilts your head back to face him completely before continuing. “Baby don’t ever feel like that’s what you are because you’re not. I’m so grateful to do it for you. In fact, I love doing it.”
“Are you sure?” You ask.
“Very,” he tells you. “So you can stop with the extra shifts. I already talked to Kathy about giving the rest of the week off.”
Tears prick your eyes as you pull him in for a kiss.
“I love you so much.”
“And I love you more,” Glen says. “But don’t do that again. Please?”
You laugh. “I promise I won’t.”
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neos127 · 6 months
pairing. spider-man!jake x gn!reader genre. fluff + hcs notes. had to make this bc i’ve been a spider-man fan for like 2827282 years and i love jake sooooo ! wc. 1.4k
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• EVEN though he’s a wall crawling superhero who can stop a bus with his bare hands, spider-man jake is a complete nerd who can’t pull a girl. despite his charming good looks and gorgeous smile, he is avoided like the plague (like all spider-man movies which makes no sense bc they’re hot !!!)
• but somehow, he was able to get your attention. you, the person who was liked and envied by a lot of people in school. you were on track to a good college and had a stellar internship at oscorp. you were absolutely perfect in jake’s eyes- and he was in yours.
• jake never made the first move with you, too scared of rejection. he was surprised when you suddenly spoke to him one day, asking if he was okay after getting into an altercation with flash thompson. “you know my name?” he stuttered, blushing when you laughed at the question. “well of course, but i just wanted to make sure you knew your name. seemed like you hit your head pretty hard.”
• after that it seemed as if the two of you ran into each other everywhere. on the street, in the library and even this one cafe that jake often went to. this helped jake get to know you more and fall even more in love with you.
• jake was always flustered around you and you noticed it. his ears or cheeks were red when you directed your attention onto him and you picked up on his nervous habit of playing with his glasses. it was adorable and made you constantly question why none of the girls in your school wanted him.
• whenever the two of you would study at the library, jake had trouble keeping his eyes off you. you were so pretty when focused and it just made his heart flutter. when you became so tired to where your eyes started drooping, jake began to finish your homework for you. you scolded him for it, but he didn’t mind, wanting to help you out in any way he could.
• your first date with jake was a disaster when the boy forgot his own strength out of nerves and collapses the table you were about to eat dinner on. jake made an amazing home cooked meal for the both of you at his aunts place for your first date. he felt embarrassed about not being able to take you anywhere fancy but you brushed it off and gushed about how romantic he was. unfortunately jake had no idea how to act normal around you and caused the dinning table to break. you were in shock that the legs gave out simply by him leaning on it, but jake just assured you that it was a really old table.
• when the two of you became official, jake desperately wanted to tell you his secret, but he also doesn’t want to put you in danger. it was hard to keep making excuses, but he couldn’t get you involved in his dangerous lifestyle. you started to become suspicious and a bit insecure in the relationship. all you wanted was for jake to trust you, not understanding why he wouldn’t tell you what was going on with him.
• when you’ve had enough and tell the boy that you need a break, he nearly looses his shit. jake was hoping to stay in a relationship with you without having to mention his alter-ego, but he soon realized that was a stupid dream. later that night he ended up knocking on your window as spider-man which was honestly terrifying from your perspective. you thought that maybe you had done something illegal and he was going to take you in. as soon as you opened the window, you began to word vomit.
“i know i should’ve watched the movie in theaters instead of an illegal website but im saving my money for this new purse i want!”
• jake takes his mask off in the midst of your rambling, causing you to stop short. your jaw was on the floor for about a minute and the silence made jake was to take a dive out of your window. before you could speak, he began to explain everything, reassuring you that the lie had been tearing him apart inside. he had only wanted to protect you. you cut off his rambling with a kiss, telling the boy that you forgave him and that it was killing you to be away from him.
• you had a lot of questions about his powers, wanting to know what exactly he could do. it always made you giggle to see him stick to the ceiling so he would often do that when you were sad. seeing that cute smile on your face was enough to make his whole day.
• jake offered to take you swinging around the city one day but you denied him at first. you weren’t too big on heights and was terrified that he would drop you. “i’m the strongest man in the world how could i drop you?” he asked, making you roll your eyes and grudgingly agree. turns out— the experience was terrifying and jake accidentally released you from his hold mid air. he caught you shortly after, but the mini free fall you took made you demand that he take you to the ground. you didn’t talk to him for about an hour afterwards until he bought you your favorite ice cream.
• jake is the definition of golden retriever. it’s insane how bubbly and giddy this man is…does he ever get mad?? you often wonder. even with all the stress he’s under from being spider-man he’s just so happy. he claims it’s because you’re now in his life.
• one time jake crawled into your room, badly bruised and bloodied causing you to freak out. you immediately dropped your homework on your bed, racing over to the boy. he flashed you a weak smile as you set him up in your desk chair, trying to reassure you, but it was useless. as you fixed him up with whatever you could find in your first aid kit, you scolded him about not being more careful. he stayed silent and took it, knowing that you cared about him deeply and hated to see him in such a condition.
• randomly one night you asked why he still wore glasses even though his eyesight had been fixed after the spider bite. he claimed that it reminded him of how his life used to be, and he found comfort in the normalcy of it. you could never understand, but you emphasized and told him that the look was very attractive. jake couldn’t hide the blush that spread across his face.
• this boy’s metabolism is absolutely insane. if you cook dinner for the both of you, he has about four servings before he’s finally full. he’ll also eat all the snacks in your fridge, so it’s best to not get too attached to whatever’s in your fridge. it’s astounding to you how he still manages to keep his body the same, but you assume it’s because of his powers.
• he will go on the nerdiest rants ever and because you love jake so much, you listen. when it happens to be about physics or math, you kind of tune out, focusing on his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. sometimes if he starts to ramble, you’ll lean over and kiss him, making the boy’s face flush red.
• patching jake up after his patrol usually ends up with the two of you making out on the floor. it doesn’t go very far when jake starts wincing because of whatever pain he is in, but you love the feeling of his lips on yours whatever chance you get.
• he almost lost you to one of the villains he was fighting and it had to have been the scariest experience of his life. jake could never imagine life without you, and seeing you injured simply because you knew spider-man made his head hurt. you tried reassuring him that you were alright multiple times, but jake didn’t listen as he cried and held you in his arms. it was a close call, and he wouldn’t have it happen again.
• despite his busy schedule with school and spider-man duties, he tries his best to make time for you and spoils you rotten when he can. he’s such a sweetheart and lives for the smile on your face whenever you see him.
• spider-man jake is truly the best boyfriend you could ever ask for.
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soggyriceee · 1 year
strawberry | John Price
summary: price gets you to use your safe word
warnings: rough sex, choking, biting, spanking, overstimulation, public oral (male receiving), slapping(mentions of blood). just like really aggressive John until the end where we get soft core John, not edited bc of how much I wrote so, ignore and possible typos PLZ
Price was always pretty rough with you during sex. but never enough to make you cry like he did tonight. he was a whole new person, new man. and all it took was the teasing at dinner with his family to set him off.
it started off light. pulling your dress down in the car, showing off the top of your boobs. of course, you played dumb, apologizing and saying 'I didn't know'. at first he had fallen for it, saying he wouldn't mind if you kept it that way. but then, you got more bold and cocky. under the dinner table, your hand found its place on his pants, right where his dick rested so peacefully. his eyes that were once on the menu were now on your innocent ones. "is everything alright?" his mother asked. John smiled and nodded, a small chuckle leaving his lips. "yes she just looks so pretty tonight doesn't she? cant keep my eyes off her." he smiled, looking back down at you.
the rest of the dinner you got progressively more cocky. to the point his dick was now out, resting in your warm hand. his parents talked about John's passion for the military, how he'd been dedicated to it his whole life. all while your hand played with his tip, squeezing it ever so gently. his hand was quick to find your thigh, gripping it firmly. thankfully, the cloth was enough to cover his lower half and yours, but the thrill of it all was still very much there. when the waiter had came by, you smoothly let his girth go, using the table cloth to cover his hard on. you smirked at the tiny wet circle that appeared onto the cloth right where his tip was.
when his parents were deep into the menu, the waiter helping them with choosing what to eat, John leaned down to your ear and whispered, "keep this up I promise you'll regret it. don't test me lovie." he smiled down at you before turning back to his parents. you pressed your thighs together, smiling softly to yourself. this was exactly what you wanted from him.
his dick remained out for the rest of the dinner, your hand occasionally reaching down and giving it a firm grab, surprising him each time. by the time dinner was done, he had come close to finishing at least 3 times, always flicking your hand away. he was good at keeping his moans and groans suppressed (public sex was something you both had often), but when he'd cum that was a whole different situation.
"well it was lovely seeing you both tonight. we should do this more often." you smiled to his parents as John tried to put his throbbing dick back into his pants. "it was. thank you for inviting us out. hopefully next time we do meet you both will tell us your pregnant." his mom winked, standing from the table. you blushed and looked at John who's eyes were already staring at you. " who knows mom. you might get lucky real soon." he said, his eyes remaining on yours.
the car ride was silent. you were excited but also a bit nervous about what he had in store. of course, you had a feeling it would be nothing short of amazing. "I had fun with your parents." you said as he pulled to a red light. he shifted his whole body to you, tilting his head to the side. "really? seems you had too much fucking fun." he said, his deep voice suddenly turning into a threatening tone. you shifted in your seat, a proud smile still plastered across your face. "I did. you didnt?" you asked innocently, batting your eye lashes.
before he could respond the light turned green. he shifted back to his original position, driving off quickly. his driving got you both home within 10 minuets, and he was quick to get out the car, slamming the door behind him. he walked over to your side, opening the door and helping you out. it was dark outside, about 9:30 at night. the only light that lit the street was the porch lights on each house.
when he had helped you out fully, he quickly dragged you to the front of the car, shoving you down. you gasped at the pain of your knees and the cement, looking up at him. " John that fucking-" his hand came crashing across your face, gripping your chin so you'd look back up at him. "think I fucking care after that shit you pulled at dinner?" he growled, his grip on your chin growing firmer. you looked up at him, smiling innocently. " I was just having fun tho." you said softly, fingers playing with the ends of his pants.
he growled and let your face go, going to his pants buckle while keeping eye contact. "wanna play silly little games like that, okay. lets play." he gripped your hair at the top of your head, forcing your head back. you gasped at the sudden tug, biting your lip at the same time. "open." he said, gripping his dick with his other hand, jerking it off in front of you. "but captain were outside" you smirked, only teasing him more. "stop fucking playing with me. open your goddam mouth." he growled, tugging your hair. you whimpered at the pain, but ultimately opened your mouth. he wasted no time shoving his dick down your throat, your hands immediately going to his thighs to keep balance.
" s..shit. this what you wanted, hm? just needed my dick down your fucking throat." he growled, pulling his hips back before moving them back onto your face. you were unable to even say anything, but the way you nodded slowly as best you could, he smiled down at you. it was so thrilling, getting your face fucked outside in public. the way he looked down at you with such admiration, his dick repeatedly hitting the back of your throat, just to slide back out again.
he pulled your head back a bit more, your head resting on the front bumper of the car now. that same hand rested onto the car hood, his other on your shoulder. "g..gonna fuck that throat faster. bet you want that huh?" he groaned, his hips moving faster. his head fell back, grip on your shoulder tightening. to be honest, John had never gone this far with face fucking. he was pretty gentle when it came to head. sex, no, but when you gave him head it was never something that he forced upon you or was super rough with. he let you take your time, breaks whenever you needed. he was patient. but not tonight and it was definitely something you had to get used to.
your drool practically poured out your mouth, his dick slippery with your saliva. the mix of his pre cum and your saliva made it even easier for his throat to slide down your throat, and it was a feeling he wanted to keep on feeling. tears poured out your eyes the more rough he got with you, mascara running down your cheeks. and he loved it. "look do fucking gorgeous like this love. wanna fuck your face more." he moaned, watching his dick and a fuck ton of saliva come from your mouth as he pulled his dick out, sliding it back in to watch it all pool at the corners of your lips.
to be honest, it was a bit much. again, it was something neither of you had really experienced before. and as much as you tried to relax your throat, it was pretty hard because of how fast and rough he was getting. but when he whimpered out your name, head falling forward, mouth slightly agape, you couldnt give up. "gonna cum baby.. gonna cum down that tight fucking throat." he moaned, his had that was once on your shoulder cupping your cheek. you squeezed your eyes shut, whimpering around his dick. his body jerked forward, his body falling forward onto the hood of the car, his cum shooting down your throat.
he gasped, strained groans leaving him, his hips giving you small thrusts. "t-thats it baby.. fucking swallow.. all of it." he groaned, breathing heavily above you. you tried your best to swallow it all, only a bit seeping out of your lips. he slowly slid his dick out, strings of saliva, cum or even both connecting you both. shoving his soaked dick back in his pants, he looked down at you. your jaw hurt, lips too. you looked up at him, chest heaving up and down. "get the fuck up." he said, gripping your arm and pulling you up into his chest. he gdragged you to the front door, quickly opening the door and shoving you inside.
you had tripped, but ultimately kept your balance. his keys were thrown onto the mail table as he flicked the light on, making quick movements towards you. saliva was still smeared across your face, his cum too. but to say he cared would be a lie. his lips pressed firmly against yours, his tongue sliding in easily, his hand pressed to the back of your neck while his other gripped your ass. "couch. now" he said against your lips. you stumbled backwards, quickly making your way to the couch. despite your stumbling he walked towards you slowly, his head tilted to the side a small smirk plastered along his face. he loved the shy, kinda shocked version of you. he ate it up every time.
"wait." he said as you got to the couch. he walked in front of you, sitting down on the couch. he leaned back, man spreading before patting his lap. "lay." was all he said, eyes staring up at you. you hesitated but did as he asked, laying across his lap. he sighed, hand gripping your calf before moving his hand up your leg. "been so good for me so far. gonna keep being good?" he asked, gripping your thighs, your dress trailing up your body the farther his hand went. he loved your thighs. so much so he one night woke up and decided to fuck into them. pressed them together against your chest, ramming into them. it was hot how much he loved all the parts of your body you had always been insecure or less confident in. when his hands came to your ass, he smoothly slid your panties off and down your legs, tossing them beside him on the couch.
you nodded, throat still pretty sore to speak. but he wasn't going to have that. his hand came down on your ass harshly, your body jerking forward. but his actions after contradicted that, his hand rubbing on the red spot. " words princess. you know I dont like feeling ignored." he whispered, his other hand petting the top of your head soothingly. "y-yes" you croaked out, letting go of the breath you had no idea you were holding onto. " such a shame tho." he mumbled, his hand quickly coming back down harshly onto your ass. a pained whimper fell from you, your eyes squeezing shut, hands gripping the pillow right in front of your face. "you were acting like such a slut earlier. sluts get punished, dont they? especially my pretty little slut." he said, leaning down to your ear while his hand slapped another red spot onto your ass.
John had become a whole new person in the blink of an eye. first the face fucking, now the spanking. what was next? you weren't necessarily scared. but you were anxious. anxious about what he would do to you next. how far he'd take it. you were left in the dark. " teasing me in front of my parents. in public." slap. "bet you wanted me to cum under that table, didnt you?" another harsh slap. he watched how your ass jiggled after each hit, bitting his lip. he himself had no idea what came over him. at all. but he knew that he liked it. in fact, he loved it.
your ass was a bright red, stinging so badly the cold air didnt even help. in a way, it made it worse. tears once again didnt fail to brim your eyes, feeling more and more slaps hit your ass, the same spot each and every time. " P-price please" you cried out. but he was in a trance. he hated it, but deep down loved the way blood began to prickle up from the spot he was abusing. "so pretty.." he whispered, before leaning down, placing a small kiss onto the skin before gently biting the spot. you winced in pain, again digging your nails into the pillow.
he sighed, pulling you up by your waist, your knees digging into his thighs. "lay down baby.. gonna fuck that pretty little cunt." he whispered, holding your hips to help you lay down. once you were comfortable, back on the couch, he rose, pulling his pants off and down his body. his dick sprung out, pre cum leaking onto the floor in drops. you whimpered at the sight, your eyes shooting back up to his. " dont worry baby.. im gonna fuck you." he smirked, practically leaping over you. he leaned back down, lips meeting your slightly wet ones. your face, for the most part, was dry and crusty. but again, he didnt care. he'd been on the battle field with literal guts splattered everywhere. plus, it was his own cum on your face
his lips distracted you from his tip moving up your cunt, collecting all the slick you had. it was embarrassing, how much pain and embarrassment made you wet. you both had a wild side, but there were limits that you both hadn't yet reached, but tonight, he had decided it was time. and its not like you minded and your cunt was proof you didnt.
without warning, his dick pushed into you, a gasp coming from you that broke the kiss. his nose touched yours, his eyes looking down into your wide ones. " I know baby.. just relax. " he whispered, feeling you tighten around his dick. your hands found his shoulders, gripping them firmly as he bottomed out inside you. his forehead connected to yours, a deep sigh leaving him. he wasted little to no time in gripping your legs to wrap them around his waist, your bleeding ass cheek failing to not sting. he pulled out real slow before slamming back into you, going straight in for a faster pace.
your head pressed into the pillow, eyes squeezing shut. " fuck this cunt is so tight. so fucking... good." he groaned, his hands keeping his body up. he looked down, watching his dick slide in and out, the slick from your cunt forming strings. the sounds were sinful, the squelching of your wetness as his dick slammed into you. "j-john.. oh my god~" you whined, back arching up. he smirked down at you, one hand gripping your face. " keep those pretty eyes on me. wanna see your face while I fuck you senseless." he said, his voice deep and smooth like honey.
his tip was quick to hit your womb, the bulge in your stomach not going unnoticed. he moaned at the sight, biting his lip. " look at that. taking this dick so well. such a good slut for me, aren't you?" he cooed, watching it disappear and re appear over and over. you went cross eyes, mouth falling agape at how deep he was hitting into you. it was embarrassing, but you felt your first orgasm of the night hit you like a train. it was coming, and coming fast. he felt the way your cunt pulsed around him, and he chuckled, looking back up at you. "gonna cum already? better hold it. im not done with this little cunt." he said, his right hand going to your throat.
your gasped, hands gripping his wrists as his thrusts only got more and more rough. you couldnt hold back and he knew you couldnt. but he wanted that. he wanted you to cum, just so he could punish you for cumming. his eyes were saying it all, watching you with a small smirk on his lips, mocking you. the way he looked down at you, his thrusts hitting all the right spots in your cunt, you couldnt stop the knot in your stomach from coming loose. he smiled, looking down between you both to watch your cum pour out of you and coat his dick.
" tsk tsk.. being a bad girl again are we?" he chuckled, shaking his head. " I-i couldnt.. help it. im s..sorry" you whined, eyes pleading with his. but he didnt care. again, this is what he wanted. now he could punish you for it.
his hips didnt stop. in fact they sped up. he let go of your throat, that same hand finding your clit. " gonna cum again. and again. until I decide ive had enough of you. since that what you wanted to fucking bad, right?" he asked, watching his thumb play with your throbbing clit. you tried your hardest to pull away, but his other hand held your hips down. " stop fucking running. take what the fuck you deserve for being such a fucking cum slut." he growled, leaning farther over your body to hit deeper into your cunt.
your mouth fell agape once more, your hands digging into his shoulders. he moaned at the feeling, his head falling into your neck. his lips sucked onto your skin, leaving behind big, dark purple and red, bloody marks. his teeth sunk into your skin, feeling his orgasm approaching. " gonna cum in you. you want that, want me to fill you up with my cum? make you a mommy?" he moaned, his thumb still working on your clit. " y-yes.. fuck fill me with it John p..please" you moaned, hands finding the back of his head and running your fingers through his hair.
he moaned into your neck, giving you a few harsh thrust before small, cute little whimpers slipped past him. his cum shot deep into you, his teeth once again sinking into you. you cried out at the pain, the taste of blood dancing along his tongue. and when you though the was done, you felt his hips slamming back into you.
he leaned up off you, blood smeared on his bottom lip. his hair was a mess, bot from your fingers and his head moving against you as he laid into your neck. his hand gripped your calf, pulling it from his waist before holding it up in the air. " thought I was done with you? no baby.. gonna fuck this cunt till you cant even cum anymore." he said, watching you from below.
his thumb went right back to your clit, rubbing small circles that matched his pace. you were sure it was because you just had the strongest orgasm you've had in a bit, but you already felt tired and worn out. it could also be from all the blood Price had managed to draw from you. " c-cant take it." you cried, hands resting on his stomach in hopes to slow him down. but it only fueled him. seeing your poor attempts in stopping him, watching you run from him. " come on princess. take this dick like I know you can. making me so proud." he moaned, head falling back at the feeling of both your warmth and slick coating him.
the room sounded like pure filth, both you guys' moans, the sound of your slick, the skin slapping. it was hot, but also so much for you. it didnt take long for your second orgasm to follow your first one, this one more powerful than the last. " come on baby, cum for me. I know you want to." he smiled from above you, watching how his dick slid back into your cunt with ease and pull back out that much easier. your fingers gripped the ends of the couch cushions, your body jerking forward as another orgasm washed over your body. you chanted his name, legs shaking as you came down from it.
" p...please hold on." you cried out, feeling him continue to fuck into you. he shook his head, growling at you. " didnt I say im not stopping till this cunt cant cum anymore? now shut the fuck up and take it." he growled, his hand landing a slap across your face.
you had to admit, Price was beginning to scare you. it went from just being anxious to being a bit scared of him. he hadn't realized it tho, thinking the look on your expression was just from being so cock drunk. he loved it, watching your blood slide down your neck, pooling in your collar bone. his balls wet with your cum and slick. he felt too good to stop.
" gonna cum again. milking me so goddam good baby." he groaned, his head falling down. you though that this would be the end. that he'd be too tired to keep fucking you. and you were right, kinda.
he shot his last load into you, his body falling forward just a bit at the feeling. he chanted your name, telling you how good your pussy felt, how he wanted to stay in it forever. and when he slid out, you were shocked to immediately feel his fingers sliding in. your back arched, a cry slipping from you. " j-john please I cant" you cried, your legs arching. but he didnt stop. his fingers curled, hitting your g spot each time. his thumb found your clit again, rubbing it in small circles. " sounds so hot baby.. but I know you can. this is what happens to sluts. if you act like on im gonna treat you like one."
again, you began to spasm around his fingers, tears officially puling from your eyes as your stomach cramped up at yet another orgasm. to be honest, John hadn't realized how crazy he was going on you. he didnt know why you teasing him and jerking him off under the table was what set him off. maybe it was because he wanted to match your energy. but he had begun to take it to far when he again, slid his dick back inside your cunt. you were surprised he wasn't just as tired as you were or overstimulated. but he did just give himself a decent break.
" you look so fucked out baby.. are you tired?" he pouted, his hips moving slowly, giving you somewhat of a break. you nodded, wiping your watery eyes. finally, he was going to give you a break and maybe just stop all together. but no. all he did was lean back into your neck, leaving another hickey followed with a bite mark, ramming his hips back into yours. "John please" you cried, shaking your head, pressing your hands to his stomach and shoving him back.
his hand shoved yours off him, his other hand going to your neck. " I said take what I fucking give you, didnt I? stop fucking moving." at this point your pussy was sore, it hurt. you didnt even think you could cum anymore. and the grip on your throat was painful. tears fell from your eyes once you realized you had to use the now word he had promised neither of you would ever have to use. ever.
"s-strawberry.. please strawberry!" you sobbed, hands pressing onto his abdomen. at first he didnt think he heard you right. he slowed down, his face softening. "what?" he looked down at you, watching at the tears ran downpour face. he noticed, really noticed, the bite marks, the hickies covered with blood. he slid out immediately, sitting down and pulling your limp body onto his lap. " im so sorry.. im so so sorry." he whispered, pulling you into his arms.
but you couldnt stop crying. you didnt know if he was being genuine, if he found it hot. you were in the mindset that he was going to just flip you over and fuck you all over. but he didnt. he held you tight, whispering how sorry he was in your ear, how wrong he was for going so overboard. " i.. I broke a promise. and im so sorry my love. I should've listened to you." he said, pulling you off his chest. he wiped the tears from your eyes, his chest hurting as he looked at your red eyes. "please let me take care of you. for real." he said, taking your hand in his.
he stood, holding you in his arms and made his way to the bathroom. "im gonna set you on the toilet for a bit.." he said, sitting you gently. he started the bath before turning back to you, lifting your dress off you. when the bath was full, he helped you inside, watching you settle in. it was silent, kinda awkward. he didnt know what to say other than he was sorry. and he was. he'd never had to do this before, but he knew that he had to take care of you as best he could.
"look up for me princess." he said, cupping your chin softly. he grabbed the washcloth that hung on the rack, wetting it a bit before gently wiping your face. you eyes met his, giving you a small smile. " your so pretty." he mumbled, wiping your chin before dipping the washcloth back in the warm water. "thank you." you said softly, looking down. he continued to wipe your face before moving down to your neck. " this may hurt.. but I promise ill be as gentle as I can." he said before pressing the cloth to your neck.
you winced at the pain, squeezing your eyes shut. " im sorry my love.. just a bit more." he said softly, patting your skin softly. when it was done, he looked at the bloody cloth, sighing, shaking his head to himself. to say he was angry at himself or disappointed, that would be an understatement. he promised himself and you he'd never hurt you. " im so sorry my love.. I dont know what came over me." he said, head hanging low.
you reached over the tub and gripped his hand. " lets just watch movies and cuddle.. maybe even get some tea." you said, voice still hoarse from earlier. he didnt look at you at first, his eyes still stuck to the ground. but when you squeezed his hand again, he looked at you and nodded. " ill take care of you princess. dont you worry."
and he did. the rest of the night he was like your personal little maid. you needed to go pee? dont even think about using your legs, he'd carry you. you wanted the blanket? he'd tuck you in like a burrito. you got too hot? okay he'd take it off. he ordered your favorite food to the house since cooking was not his strong suit, ice cream on the side as well. he felt happy being able to take care of you like he told himself he would always do instead of hurting you.
when you were tired, you curled into his chest, snuggling into him. he looked down and smiled, his hand resting on top of your head. for the first time that night he had let himself cry. well not cry, but a few tears did drop. he was so grateful that you were as forgiving as you were. how even though he hurt you as bad as he did, you still felt safe in his arms, comfortable.
he kissed the top of your head, switched the tv off and laid back. " goodnight princess, I love you so much." he whispered before holding you in his arms, his grip on you never getting loose.
| this was pure fucking filth but like... I love this man so much I can help but right filthy filthy smut about him, also this was for @grqpegrqve |
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strwberri-milk · 6 months
incubus Lads boys where mc starts falling in love with them on accident 🔞🤭😫
HMM im seeing this as??? like. l&ds beginning a sexual relationship only to satisfy their incubus desires and mc falling in love w them thereby breaking their friends w benefits situation but also. its so sweet if both of them are in love and i kinda did that bc if i didnt itd be too angsty and i just like happiness ;-; - also pls mind the growing pains theres a reason why rafayels the only well levelled chara in my account <33 so uhh theres more mutual pining bc they both fell in love by accident :(
He was very clear about the relationship that the two of you would enter. You want companionship and he has a need that has to be fulfilled. It didn't matter that the reason why he asked you and you specifically was because he already knew that there could be nobody else. You are absolutely perfect for him in every way that matters - from the way you fit in his arms to the pretty way his name sounds on your lips.
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Zayne did his best to keep things professional. He was sure to meet you on your terms, even if it felt like he was starving for your touch. He already felt awful about needing you as badly and as frequently as he does and asking to have you when he needs you feels like a line he just refuses to cross.
You on the other hand found yourself wanting to do just that. You had no idea if it was because of his nature as an incubus or if it was the slow growing of your feelings for him that made you want to see him again and again no matter how little time has passed. You wanted more than anything to be as detached as he was, not wanting to make things difficult.
It didn't matter though. You lay there catching your breath, watching as he dresses again after another night. Your eyes lightly dance over the way his suit slips over his strong arms, face barely flush as though the two of you had done nothing more than catch up over a cup of coffee. He doesn't say much - he's never been one to talk too much in your presence regardless - but when he looks at you you feel your heart stop.
You don't even realise that you're reaching out to him until you feel his lips press against your fingertips. Your eyes are wide, unsure what the gesture itself meant. You didn't want to get your hopes up of course, but when he presses his lips against your forehead in a show of affection before leaving you allow yourself a moment of limerence.
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Xavier has a tendency to forget that he has other needs until he sees you've texted him or a photo of you that pops up on his phone as a reminder that besides the friendship you two have, there's another level to your agreements.
He found himself always being gentler with you than you might want him to be. It didn't matter how you'd ask him or if you tried to convince him that you can handle it - a part of him was terrified that he'd lose you if he misjudged your passions and worked you too hard.
You sigh breathlessly as he presses another kiss to your throat, feeling the weight of his body as he presses himself closer in the throes of pleasure. He feels amazing as always and the rush of energy he gets from your pleasure is already something addictive. He knows he can't be without you now that he's had you and he known that for quite a while.
He turns back around partway through getting dressed, thinking you were trying to tell him something. You've always been sluggish after have sex, playfully teasing him and blaming him for sapping too much of your energy. He watches carefully to see if you'll say anything else, softening even more when you reach out for him.
You know that you need him here with you right now, fully aware this whole time that you loved him more than you are ever allowed to. That didn't seem like something you could ever entertain but here in your pleasure addled fatigue all you could think about was the need to feel your arms around him as he held you to sleep.
The bed felt warmer in the morning and you're absolutely certain you weren't wearing these clothes last night. You're not sure if you're just imagining the smell of his cologne in your sheets but you bury yourself in them regardless, quickly falling back asleep with dreams of him.
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Rafayel was fun - that's how you saw it. The two of you practically fell into bed once you came to an agreement of terms and your relationship made it easy for you to trust him. He made you feel good and perhaps it was just in his nature but he was just always so romantic. He's an artist so perhaps that was just your imagination but his absolutely needy nature for your attention always spilled into bed.
You can barely breathe when he's got his lips on yours again, stealing your breath despite not needing it. You willingly give it to him as you always will, knowing that the way you held him was not just to ground yourself but borne out of a visceral need that eclipsed whatever kinds he has. He holds you just as tightly, reassuring words whispered into your ear.
You couldn't help but fall in love with him. You adored him more than you could ever fathom, staring up into the glass panes of his ceiling as you willed yourself to get up and get dressed. He was already up and about, well energised from your efforts and you tried your best to will back the fear of being nothing more than an agreement for him.
He sees your hesitation and you can hear him pause at the head of the bed, raising his brow as you turn to face him. You're not sure what he sees when he looks at you, unaware that he would be pleased to do nothing more than admire you until the day he died. The two of you don't notice how much time passes, scarcely moving a muscle until he reaches out and cups your cheek affectionately.
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molosseraptor · 1 month
what is the advantage of a clicker compared to just praising the dog or giving it a treat? bc as I understood even if you use a clicker you still have to give a reward every time you click, so why not just do it directly? adding a clicker seems like adding an extra step
It's correct that you have to give a reward every time you click, but the clicker itself isn't used as a way to reward behavior. It’s to mark correct behavior. You don't have to use a clicker if you don't want to, but you do have to mark behavior in some way if you want the dog to learn faster and with reduced confusion/frustration. Some people opt to mark with a specific word like "yes" or "good" or a distinct sound. Other people, like myself, use multiple marker systems that tell the dog not only that they're getting food or a toy but also where and how those items are being delivered.
There was a great recent podcast that gives some nice entry level information about multiple marker systems and how you can apply them by Shade Whitesel, one of the pioneers of using multiple marker systems, if you'd like to learn more about what that means and how it might apply to your own training.
As far as the clicker itself, there are several benefits over just using a generic marker word.
It has a clear, distinct sound that the dog doesn't hear any other time so it's obvious that they've done something correct and reinforcement is coming. Sometimes our words fade into the background, especially in busy environments.
It sounds the same no matter who is doing the clicking. That’s a nice way to maintain consistency in a multi-person household. Even if everyone uses the word "yes" our tone, pitch, and cadence are all a bit different. Dogs can and will cope with that, but consistency can speed up learning.
We also tend to have a bit better timing with our clicks than our words. Most people have faster reflexes than they do speech, so you're more likely to be able to mark the exact moment the dog does the correct action. I tend to use a clicker most when I'm shaping or working on skills that really require excellent and precise timing.
Last, the clicker ,and marking in general, helps with reducing reinforcement and getting food out of your hands and off your body.
The order of events should always be: behavior -> marker -> pause -> reward
The marker lets the dog know they were correct in the moment and buys you 3-5 seconds (longer if you have a robust marker system that the dog trusts) in which to get the reward from your bag/pocket or somewhere nearby and give it to the dog.
If you don't mark behaviors at all, by the time you get that reward and give it to your dog, they might be doing an entirely different behavior that you are now unintentionally reinforcing through lack of clarity. It slows the learning and confuses the dog. Most people don't need a million markers, but using something consistently is far better than using nothing when it comes to the efficacy of your training. Of course dogs can learn without markers. They’re amazing and so resilient in the face of our poor communication, but why make things harder for you both?
In my pet dog classes I teach four main food markers and add two others for my more advanced/sport students. For pet people, come to the food (yes/click), i'm bringing the food to you (good), tossed food (get it), and treat scatter (find it) markers are pretty much all you need to have some really good clarity and management tools for you and your dog. For my advanced students I add a "dish" marker (you're allowed to go eat off a specific plate or bowl) and "party" marker (the dog and I are going to get a reward from elsewhere like on a table/chair/crate/etc.). I don't do much toy work in my classes because that's all so individual based on the dog and your sport goals, but I have many toy markers for my own dogs and other food markers as well.
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southparkhcsocs · 6 months
kicking my feet and giggling
can you do something like the main 4 praising you whether it's nsfw or not or both
heavy on the nsfw but you can pick 🤭
It's been a while babes ❤️ remember when that's what this blog was lol
Under 18s dni! NSFW under the cut.
All characters are aged up to mid 20s thx
Stan Marsh
Stan wouldn't praise you as much as you'd like.
He doesn't say much generally.
But when he's drunk. Good God.
You are a goddess to him.
Everything you do is amazing, omg stunning!
"you're soo pretty, y/n. 'm so lucky to ha ve you. Look at you. You do so mu-ch for me. I loove youu."
Whether sober or drunk he'll praise you in the bedroom
He's a pretty dominant guy but he has to make sure you know how perfect you are for him.
But it's so much more when he's drunk.
He will stop mid thrust to complement and praise you.
Will end in crying lol
"So perfect." He mumbled into your neck before going to kiss your lips. He stopped his movements to just admire your beauty. "I love you so much. You're so good to me... I don't deserve you." His lip trembles.
You need to praise him back bc bro is insecure!!
Kyle Broflovski
Kyle will praise you a nice amount I think
If he thinks you've done something well, like getting a job, promotion etc he'll genuinely praise you
"That's amazing! I knew you could do it!"
If it's something he doesn't think warrants praise, like getting groceries, cleaning, basically everyday things he won't say anything but thanks. Not that he doesn't appreciate it, he just thinks it's not a big deal.
If everyday things are something you struggle with he'll try praising you but it will be half-hearted.
I don't imagine Kyle being much of a talker during sex
I also imagine him getting quite flustered when you ask him to praise you while he's two fingers deep inside you
"I - uuuhh." His brain fizzles out. System overload as he looks into your desperate eyes. "P-praise you? H-how?" He asked. You thrust your hips to remind him to keep fingering you which kicks starts his brain back to work. "oh, uummm g-good girl. S-so precious aren't you." He burrows his face into the crook of your neck. "You feel so good around my fingers."
He'll get so embarrassed if you praise him. He's not used to it!
Kenny McCormick
Kenny showers you with praises
No matter what you've done he thinks you're amazing, he understands how difficult things can be and wants to shower you in love, complements and praises
But he's so cool and collected it's sexy
"great job, babe."
But will almost always end it with something sexual
"you deserve a reward, huh?"
In bed, he'll praise you constantly
He'll get you to praise yourself.
"you're such a good girl, aren't you? Tell me how good you are for me, baby." His words reverberate against your neck as he's 6 inches deep. Fucking you so hard that you can barely get the words out. "Come on pretty girl. Tell me how much you deserve this."
You can praise him but he'll praise you right back. So much. He'll give you butterflies.
Eric Cartman
Cartman isn't much of a praiser
If you cook him his favourite meal he'll be like "Meh"
The only time he would praise you is when he's bringing you back from subspace
"such a good girl." "You did so well." "Look how pretty you are covered in my cum."
Bro would have you begging to be praised.
"what? You think you deserve praise?" He takes hold of your jaw, forcing you to look at him. "Babe, you're only good when you're on your knees sucking my cock. If you're not doing that, what is there to praise?" His hand slides to the back of your head, pushing you down to his crotch. "You need to work for it, slut."
Nooo his ego is too big don't praise him!!!! He doesn't deserve it!
Will melt at being called a good boy.
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Hi hope you’re doing well <3
Can I request obey me brothers x younger sister MC .
So mc is the 8th sibling amongst the other brothers. This idea has been stuck in my head for the longest and I haven’t seen any post abt it. :(
Just some general headcanons abt MCs interactions w the brothers and stuff. Thank you!
part two
(in my mind, reader is a decent amount younger than the brothers and Lilith were and isn’t MC, it’s mostly set after the fall before MC but some of it they are there for, finally that that were all closer with Lilith- I hope you enjoy)
Prefall, you were Liliths shadow
wherever she was, you would only be a few steps behind her
you were adored, but cast out due to lucifers insistence to protect you
when the fall happened, Diavolo and barbatos had noticed you, sobbing over her body with lucifer, begging her to wake up
you still remember the inconsolable grief you felt, the wounds still wide open
you also felt that after Satan was created, he filled where she had been, a new ‘sibling’
you also noticed how hard they found it to look at you, given you looked so similar to the older sister they believed they had failed
your relationship with lucifer is like a father and child. You aren’t particularly fond of it, especially as you age however you know he wants to protect you like he couldn’t Lilith. He also treats you like her and you have to remind him you’re two different people and you aren’t her When he comes to accept this things are much better between the two of you but he can’t help but act in a relative paternal way with you
mammon is like a cool uncle. Even if he’s your brother, he acts like one. He will shower you with gifts when he can. You are also one of his highest priorities (if not his highest). If you’re disappointed in him, he’s sure he’s done something wrong. He is one of the best for not treating you like Lilith and acknowledges you as your person. Regardless, you love him and you have a really good relationship with him
levi couldn’t look at you for a solid few hundred years after the fall. He only saw your sister. When he wanted to reconnect to you, he really struggled and ending up asking for help from asmo and mammon. After this point, things are a lot better and if you like anime and gaming HES your man. He truly regrets the years he ignored you
After he was first created, you despised Satan with a passion. Why? You felt like he replaced your sister (Idk why but I bc she was the fourth oldest) also his anger infuriated you, how dare he be angry when he hadn’t lost anything. Later on, when he settles down, he tries and fails many times to build up a relationship with you. After many, many attempts he finally succeeds in his mission and you have a pretty good relationship with him but it’s definitely not as strong as your bond with the others and he wants to work on that
asmodeus will literally dote on you nonstop. You want a spa-day? He’s on it. You like that perfume? Let him get it for you. You cant decide between the blue and green top? Hell get you both. At first he tried to make you like Lilith but eventually came to the realisation he was damaging your relationship he had a deep conversation with you and offered a heartfelt opportunity. You can absolutely rant to him. He values you and your emotions. If you aren’t happy, then asmo isn’t
beelzebub blames himself for the death of Lilith and with your looks being so similar to hers he only sees his failure in you. He’s too ashamed to talk to you about how he couldn’t save everyone. You try to connect with him and after a while he lets you in. He lets you help him. You have an amazing relationship with him
belphegor is generally angry after the fall and you find yourself becoming slightly afraid of him and his sheer hatred against humans so you try to avoid him. After he’s put in the attic you regret the distance formed as you cant be with him. Post/during MC Hes much kinder. You can nap together and talk for hours and he’s so much kinder.
BONUS: MC and you are really close. They are related to you but they are one of your closest friends. You cannot thank them enough for helping your family and just generally being them
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starsandhughes · 2 years
In Case You Didn’t Know
ft Jamie Drysdale
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a/n just a quick little blurb bc it’s all i’ve been thinking about lately and i wanted to start writing again
pairing: trevor zegras x reader
warnings: just kissing and pure fluff
summary: in which Trevor won’t let Jamie sing in the house, so y/n comes up with her own plan
“Trevor Zegras!” you yelled at your boyfriend as you shut the door this his place.
Trevor— who previously wore a shit eating grin, halted in his tracks to quickly mentally assess what he could’ve done wrong.
Nothing. He thought of nothing.
“Yes, my love?” Trevor asked warily.
“Jamie finally got the chorus down to the song he’s been working endlessly hard on, and you still won’t let him sing in the house?!”
Trevor’s tension left his body when he realized you weren’t angry angry at him, “He’s not a good singer, Y/N!”
Trevor walked up to you and placed his hands on your hips, pulling you in for a kiss. He thought your glare was precious, but only because it wasn’t from true rage. Now that glare? That glare was terrifying. You placed a hand on his chest to stop him from kissing you, and it was his turn to glare.
“I want to hear it!”
“He can play it all he wants, he’s just not a good singer!” Trevor laughed.
You rolled your eyes and yanked him back in by his shirt to kiss him quick. Trevor stumbled forward when you pulled away fast and left his grasp.
“Jamie!” you screamed for the other member of the house. Jamie came bouncing down the stairs, “Yes, dear?”
You and Trevor rolled your eyes playfully at the pet name. To Trevor, you were “my love.” To Jamie, you were “dear.” It started out as a joke when you and Trevor first got together, and it has evolved so much that you swatted at Trevor the first time he called you dear telling him it’s because “that’s Jamie’s nickname for me!”
“I wanna hear your song!”
Jamie smiled, “Really?!”
“Of course you big dork,” you laughed.
“No singing!” Trevor called out.
“Sit down and hush baby, just trust me on this,” you instructed.
Both Trevor and Jamie gave you inquisitive looks. You just said that Jamie wouldn’t be singing and asked if he was going to play the chorus, or start from the beginning of the song.
Jamie began strumming the opening verse to “In Case You Didn’t Know” by Brett Young. You smiled fondly at him, and at Trevor when you realized he was also softly smiling at his best friend finally feeling confident at player, then opened your mouth to sing.
“I can’t count the times, I almost said what’s on my mind, but I didn’t,” you sang quietly, semi adjusting your pitch to the key Jamie was playing in.
Trevor’s jaw dropped slightly and his eyes grew twice their size. Jamie stumbled in his picking to look at you, equally as wide eye.
“You can—“ Jamie stuttered out.
“Keep going!” you brushed off his comment.
Jamie told you he’s going to start over and began playing from the top. You finally found the right key to sing in to match well with Jamie’s playing at the chorus. “In case you didn’t know, baby I’m crazy ‘bout you. And I would be lyin’ if I said that I could live this life without you. Even though, I don’t tell you all the time. You had my heart a long, long time ago. In case you didn’t know.”
Trevor was looking at you so dumbstruck— you couldn’t help but laugh.
“You were great, Jamie!” you said while still laughing at Trevor.
“I was— I was great?! You were great! Did you know you could sing?!”
“I had an inkling of an idea,” you blushed.
“She had a… Trevor! Did you hear her?!”
Trevor used his arms to hold himself up as he inched his way across the couch cushions to get to your place on the ottoman, “That twang…”
“You’ve heard my southern accent come out before!”
“Yeah, but never like that! God you… Wow!”
“Oh yeah?” you smirked, heavily enjoying your boyfriend oogling over you.
“That pretty little mouth of yours does so many amazing things,” Trevor said breathlessly. He cupped your cheeks and slowly brought you into a slow kiss.
“Oh god, yuck!” Jamie groaned. “We were bonding! And then you became a pervert!”
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beanghostprincess · 7 months
Trans fem buggy anon back at it again with the brainrot
Crocodile going Full Mafia Boss Husband is so near and dear to me, but like. That makes Buggy the Mafia Boss Wife.
And I dunno smth about the clichés about that is so wild to me bc I feel like she'd fit that bill so well and yet so very NOT at the same time.
There is One Woman Crocodile Listens To, and it's his wife. He sometimes listens to Mihawk as well, but for different reasons. Mihawk ALSO listens to Buggy for the same reasons as Croc. It's not that Buggy is conventionally powerful, it's a mix of Happy Wife, Happy Life, and Buggy somehow slotting so well into the fold and running the backdrop with both efficiency, flair, and endearing fuck ups.
Buggy absolutely endears herself to many of Croc's business associates, charming them out the ass, and they think this mouthy little clown is a bit of a ditz and doesn't Get It, so they talk more freely around her. None of them catch that little glint in her eye as she listens attentively, making notes to ferry back to Crocodile and Mihawk both. Oh? You have big plans in the future? A loan, you say? Oh well golly, yes, I've been there before, teehee, tell me more, mister~
She has more dirt on the underbelly organizations than most can fathom, all locked up nice and neat in a code written lovingly in her fluffy heart shaped neon blue and green notebook.
She plays the role of eye candy well, and she likens it to playing on stage.
Behind the scenes, she's mouthy, bold, sharp, and useful, learning the tells and systems, realigning her general management with this new information, much to her husbands' surprise. Crocodile absolutely spoils her and Mihawk both rotten, but it's a mutual affair.
Buggy just having these wildly powerful men wrapped around her finger.
((And her fans/underlingsbare just gobbling it up bc THAT'S THEIR CAPTAIN, yeah captain Buggy is a QUEEN and she is SO GOOD AT THIS WOOOOO-))
The world government: she's a clown. Wait she was Roger's? Okay. Alright. A threat. We can mitigate this. A warlord - shit. Fuck the warlord system is going down. Oh God. Okay. Uhhh. We'll just drop a bounty. Yeah. That's good - Oh. Oh my God. Holy fuck did she just recruit MIHAWK and CROCODILE?? Okay. Emperor, then. It's fine. This is fine - THEY'RE MARRIED?!?!? WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?
The whole mafia concept with Cross Guild just fits so well. I mean, you've seen Crocodile already, he was literally made for that scenery. Crocodile and Mihawk may handle the money and men, but Buggy as a "trophy wife who looks dumb but actually knows what's going on all the time and keeps pulling the strings" is just amazing. Crocodile listens to two people only and he trusts them with his life. Buggy might seem like only a sexy bimbo clown but she actually could murder somebody violently on the spot and both Crocodile and Mihawk would stare at her with pride and then buy her all the things she wants. She's actually extremely strategic and intelligent and she's pretty much the one who makes all the plans since she knows the most about everybody they need to take advantage of.
And it's not even the dynamic which, I mean, it's pretty obviously a mafia dynamic but-- The whole aesthetic too? These three are just constantly giving "mafia boss x femme fatale wife x mysterious murderous husband". Crocodile sitting at his desk, Mihawk by his side and Buggy sitting on his lap? The image won't leave my head. It's just so, so good for them.
Not to mention that the Marines are all extremely frightened of this trio and Buggy's history and won't even dare to come close to them because they don't even know how the hell this relationship happened. And it's concerning and scary and they might end up dead if they approach them.
But yeah, this whole thing lives in my mind rent-free all the time and this is exactly how I imagine them. Cross Guild is just a mafia and Buggy always gets what she wants because she gets the job done and both Crocodile and Mihawk genuinely love her to death. Like literally. Don't touch her. You'll die.
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enidtendo64 · 1 year
I just finished Wednesday today and I'm full on the wenclair ship!!!! so I'm glad to have seen your art just as I'm done lmao. if you read wenclair fics do you have any recommendations?
OOOOH Okay nice nice!!!
I'm so sorry this is so late but I hope you still want some recs, bc I def got some for you! I tried to keep these pretty succinct and not too many bc a lot of these are pretty long reads but these are some of my fav Wenclair fics to read and reread! I made sure to put different types/genres of fics in here too so there's a diverse list of flavors on here! Most will be complete but I'll throw in some WIPs i've been keeping an eye on!
If We Make It Through December by overnights: If you love FLUFF and Enid interacting with the Addams Fam! A wenclair STAPLE tbh, fake dating, Enid being invited to the Addams Mansion, and CHRISTMAS fic all in one! The dynamics between the Addams and Enid are always sweet, and Wednesday and Enid just teeter on that close friendship to oh, maybe it's love??? thing and it's so sweet to see. It's just very lovely and wholesome! A great execution of that 'fake dating but oops you were in love all along haha' trope!
Magus et Lupus by wigglewyrms: Ok like I had to rep one of my pals in here but in my defense this is genuinely so good and one of my favorite wenclair fics before we even became friends! It's a fun fantasy Wenclair with dialogue that's just so fun and snappy and witty! You're gonna have fun reading their conversations and then you're gonna get caught up into the world and the story! The plot is very fun and the end is a very fun payoff! I think I might have overused the word fun a lot for this fic but like that's just what this fic is--It's entertaining, it's engaging, and it makes you feel like you're having fun reading wanting to know what's next or what's this person gonna say or etc. It's a fic you read and you feel good! 100% Recommend! I even drew art for it if you're interested (which I should honestly repost on here soon)
I'd recommend their other stuff too-- Stubborn, Single Minded, and Obsessive is great if you like the slasher horror genre with a dash of Addams Family Values Lore, and their most recent one that's a WIP, When The Moon Shines Red is a very fun fic focused on Enid's werewolfisms but dangerous, with a very sweet friendship to relationship evolution between Enid and Wednesday!
i know the end by thriftedstars: If you're an angst lover like I am, you're gonna LOOOOVE this! A sort of groundhog's day type of fic, it focuses on the day of the last episode of the first season--Enid, Wednesday, Tyler, Crackstone, all that entails in that night. It's a really fun read just to know what happens next and how Enid gets out of the situation but also to see the girls' relationship grow in this terrible situation. Lots of emotion! Listen sometimes you just need the hurt for the ending to be sweeter! Recommend wholeheartedly!
curtain call by hanjisgirlfriend: on the complete opposite side of the last fic, Curtain Call is an enemies to friends to lovers Wenclair that does an amazing job of capturing that kind of high school love story kind of vibe but like also a dash of youthful nostalgia. It gives me the same vibe of like, if I was listening to the Kids album by Mac Miller--They're kids and they're friends and they're growing up and they're growing up together. I HIGHLY recommend as well, like it genuinely makes my heart lighter thinking about how sweet this is.
raven in the den, wolf in the nest by Barbara_Lazuli: So you might be familiar with the author's name--Artist, Comic maker, Writer, literally what CAN'T she do!!! This fic is another fake dating fic but a different flavor from the first one! This one really dives into both Enid and Wednesday's relationships with their mothers, as well as the building feelings they already have for each other. Their bond in this fic is nothing short of sweet and heartwarming, and I genuinely think this is one of the best fics in the tag! Just got so much substance! Also all the Addams family media references and the Loona refs-- like Barb if you read this you're a champ for making Wednesday play Sonatine and also listen to Hula Hoop and just for making this in general????? Seriously how are you so talented bro
queen of the night by heyfools: Look, a flower shop AU hits okay? And this? THIS HITS. Wednesday is an owner of a flower shop, Enid needs a job, and we know where this is going. But man the way you get to know both characters a little more--their histories, traumas, likes and dislikes and their personalities beyond "appropriately polite cowoke" (well, polite for Enid, not so much Wednesday at first) it's soooooo good! You have a journey along with the characters and you really get invested in their relationship! A great read, especially if you wanna read something like in the afternoon light with a nice lemonade maybe, or like just a very relaxing fun read!
Forged in Blood by RiseAboveTheAshes_203: Okay so this one is a HEAVY HITTER! We're getting into the big bois! It's a 100k fic about Wednesday and Enid basically dealing with the consequences of Enid becoming a blood wolf-- and bro you are seated, belted, strapped into the ride every step because PHEWWWW what a RIDE! It has really interesting lore building upon werewolf society in the show and also witchery and magic from the Addams family. And all of that is great and amazing but the real star of this is just Wednesday and Enid being Wednesday and Enid--they are DEVOTED to each other! Even if they don't quite understand the full means of it yet, and if it gets them in trouble sometimes. It's amazing to see their relationship grow and them understand what they truly mean to one another and it's a captivating love story that also happens to have fun world building for the show and amazing moments that just leave you so tense to know what happens next! I was so tuned in when this was still a WIP I remember refreshing the tag every lunch time for a while for a chapter I was HOOKED, and I'm sure you will be too!
A Kidnapping By Any Other Name by Ravenmoon33: So bear with me this is gonna be a long one; Ok! So this is the other WIP I've put in here (aside from When The Moon Shines Red) and let me tell you--this fic changed my life fr. Some TLDR lore about it tho--the version I linked above there is a revised version! They have an old version they still have up on their account and honestly I also HIGHLY recommend that version too bc it had me in bed giggling kicking my feet like ROMANCE. ROMANCE WAS MADE in these ao3 walls!!! (The flower scene???? No spoilers if you know you know but OOOOOOOOGGHHHH I would not shut up about it for WEEKS Im so sorry to my friends and my poor gf) but I also highly recommend the new version as well! If you've read the first version and are keeping up with the new version, the new things are also so good and you can tell the author is so locked in and excited with what they've added and what they've changed, I honestly recommend both;
So onto what it's actually about-- Enid is "kidnapped" by Wednesday and is "forced" to stay at her best friend's mansion for the summer. And you know what happens? LORE. So much worldbuilding on Addams family lore like it's AMAZING!!! You read about new characters the family past and what it means for Wednesday and Enid, and if that's not enough, there's also the MYSTERY aspect too because Weds and Enid will have to deep dive into that lore to figure out a problem in the present and it's so much FUN to like try to figure out how things go together! I love that aspect of both the versions so much that it's only rivaled by my immense love of how everyone's relationships are written! Enid's relationships with the other members of the Addams fam, especially Morticia, is so healing and heartwarming, and we see Wednesday's different dynamics with her family and how Enid affects her and helps her grow and you see those relationships with her family members grow because of it! And of course, the obvious, Wednesday and Enid basically having a love story for the ages cause JESUS, this is ROMANCE. Wednesday BIG FUCKING ROMANTIC Addams!!! It's amazing omg I wanna say more but I also don't bc I don't wanna spoil but I absolutely cannot rec it enough, even if it stays unfinished it will still be genuinely one of the best wenclair fics for me.
Tumultuous Waters: Wednesday Season Two by KrackenoftheDeep: So we're here at the last one. I didn't really list these fics out in specific order but I did save this specific one for last bc I genuinely think this is my favorite Wednesday fic. This is like a full ass season 2! It's a telling of how season 2 could happen, continuing from season 1 and picking up the ball the first season threw with stuff about the Morning Song cult, a deeper dive of Crackstone and Goody, more worldbuilding about the outcasts and the school, and best of all-- THE Wednesday and Enid dynamic that to me would be so fucking ideal for season 2 if Timothy Burton wasn't a COWARRD!!! /j /maybe
The growth Enid and Wednesday have in this fic, along with the exploration of the other characters, more investigations not just by Wednesday but also the other nightshade members helping and getting involved as well! You really get to feel so many things for these characters, and all of that pays off in one of the most satisfying endings for me in a fic like the author really fucking knocked this out of the park I felt like giving a standing ovation!
I genuinely don't think the Wednesday writers could like, live up to this. At least for me, it's that good. This is everything I've ever wanted for a Wednesday s2 honestly and I honestly, HONESTLY could not recommend this enough.
And after you read this, you can follow along the author's sequel to this fic, The Infinite Black Sea: Wednesday Season 3. Again, also highly recommend! A new mystery afoot!!!
I'm so sorry I didn't expect this to get super long but sometimes you just gotta give tens where tens are deserved!!! There are so many more great wenclair fics out there that deserve a reading and loving, like I know the tag can look a little scary sometimes but seriously there's some great gems there underneath all the scary stuff lol
These are just some of my personal favs, and honestly thank you to all the authors here yall are doing God's work fr!!!
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scekrex · 7 months
Crack fic, I choose you!
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Adam and reader sitting in a park, enjoying the nice day, some other angels on the benches next to them starting up a conversation about kids, not really recognizing Adam without his mask and just some normal clothes instead of his robe, how they adore their kiddos, watching them run around and play and Adma just going "Well, if you're a parent with children, don't leave them around me... PAUSE!! *nervous loud laugh* STOP!! I meant like, I'm going to teach them bad words!". The two angels looking horrified at Adam before chuckling nervously, standing up, getting their kids and flying away, reader absolutely face-palming and wondering why the hell did he marry this dumbass before turning to Adam, smacking the back of his head and going "Absolute idiot. Wait. DID YOU TEACH OUR KID BAD WORDS??? SHE'S FOUR" and Adam just replying with "I DON'T KNOW WHAT, WAS WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO WITH HER???"
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Luv, luv, luv, luv, luv ya 🤌💞
Luv ya even more babes also where did the Adam pics go u used to send w ur asks???? anyway, here ya go, xoxo
Chaotically chaotic
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your little daughter was running around the park, she was a cheerful little girl, full of energy and an extrovert through and through. She made it seem so easy whenever she came up to you with another kid by her side, telling you and Adam about her newest friend.
Adam had decided to leave the house without his mask, a thing he had started doing more often since the two of you had adopted your adorable little daughter. When he had first put it on in front of her, she had started to cry and scream her lungs out and only stopped when Adam took it off again and assured her it was still him. She really didn't like that thing, she'd always trace her hands over Adam's stubbled chin and tell him that he's pretty and he doesn't need to cover his face.
And because that and the fact that the mask scared her, he decided to leave it at home today. That, and because there were other kids around too, other grown ups as well, he just thought it would be a more relaxed environment to let his daughter play in. So he not only ditched the mask but also his robe, instead he was wearing a black T-shirt with an red ‘A’ painted on the front of it, he had done it himself and it certainly did look that way but Adam had simply said it gave the rock vibe he wanted it to have so it didn't really matter.
A couple sat down next to you as they watched their children play with your daughter and had a light hearted conversation. “They grow up so fast, I remember that it was just yesterday when we taught them how to walk properly,” the woman said as she seemed to be reminiscing. “It’s truly amazing how quick they caught onto things,” her husband agreed with a proud nod.
Adam was eager to jump into that conversation, due to the fact that he wasn't dressed like usual and people barely saw him without his mask the couple didn't recognize him. Well, he sure as fuck didn't mind that. “Well, if you're a parent with kids, don't fucking leave them around me,” his words were met with silence and it was just then that he realized what he had said. “Pause, no wait, stop,” he was quick to add, panic was audible in his voice as a nervous laughter escaped him and he avoided looking at the couple, “By that I mean I'm gonna teach ‘em bad words n shit.”
The couple looked at each other, then they looked over to Adam and you, they both seemed absolutely and utterly horrified by what Adam had just said and while the brunette kept assuring them that he had really just been talking about slurs and cuss words, the couple got up with a nervous chuckle and called out for their kids. They were leaving.
You hid your face in your hands in embarrassment and sighed. Once the couple was gone you turned to Adam, “Absolute idiot,” you mumbled as you smacked the back of head lightly, that didn't shake the stupid grin from his lips that had appeared once the angelic couple had left the park. “Remind me why I married your stupid ass again?” you mumbled as you watched your daughter find someone else to play with. “Because my ass is fucking good when it comes to fucking you and,” he gripped your chin and tilted your head his way, “Because I'm irresistible and you love me with every single bit of your shitty little heart.” As if to prove a point he poked your chest playfully.
It was then that realization hit you, “Wait, you taught our daughter bad words?” you asked out of the blue and Adam's confident grin was replaced by a shy smile that gave you enough of an answer. “She’s four!” you exclaimed only to get a “I don't know what I'm supposed to do with her!” back.
You shook your head with a small grin on your lips, typical Adam. “Don’t fucking know, teach her how to play guitar or something.” Adam seemed to actually consider your advice, then gave you a nod in agreement. That wouldn't change anything about how he was going to continue to teach her bad words though, you didn't have to know, at least not now.
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greenscreen-dress · 1 year
Hhheeeeheheh I love these skins so much I CANNOT wait to see them in-video... But until then here's my ranking of them, long rambly full thoughts below.
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Also here's the tierlist!
Ultimate Slayage: no discussion these 2 are the best. Every single one of Sausage's skins are a smash hit & this one is no exception, it's just so well done. The eye make-up the little tied shirt thing the HUGE extravagant sunflower, contrasted by those big clomping boots... The GENDER of it all aough I love him.
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& Pix of course. Pix my guy just STUNNING. Idk about the other skins but this one is very likely made by Pix himself (bc of a thing he tweeted) & that makes it all the more impressive bc it's just?? So good??? The floor-length the off-the-shoulder sleeves leading into long gloves(?), the corset-y bits with golden buttons or lacing up the front, the BRIGHT BLUE bodice bits which (based off the colour) are definitely Ancient Capitollian Dodo feathers or inspired by them at least... It's just a masterpiece. The only comment I might have is maybe make sure you match your foundation right, Pix... But I've also decided he's in a full white lace/mesh bodysuit under the dress so. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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Surprised &/or Delighted: honestly this category fits all of them purely bc I don't think anyone expected these ^^. Oli & Jimmy are in here specifically because, while they're not my ultimate brain-frothing faves, these dresses are extremely good adaptations/elevations of their regular skins— Oli's especially looks so natural on him bc it's in exactly the same glitzy faux-medieval style as his bard outfit. The purple is a staple colour with him, fits the royalty theme, & somehow looks both elegant and like a Halloween costume with its bright shade & tinsel-like gold trims. It's silly and fantastic and VERY Oli Orionsound. Cannot wait for him to play the fainting damsel-in-distress at every occasion <3
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Jimmy's is plainer but just as faithful to his sheriff skin: off-the-shoulder sleeves appear to be a theme with these skins and they look amazing on everyone, Katherine is so epic if this was her Royal doing. Jimmy looks AMAZING in a long jean(?) skirt & the slit just elevates it even more... I am beginning to notice I have a Thing for long skirts and big boots ^^;. This is going to look stunning with the hat, and just plain adorable at Jimmy's current height.
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Fits the brief: ok so these skins are fantastic and I LOVE the colour on both of them, but there's not as much tying them to their Empires... fWhip's goblin skin is so intricate with that embroidered waistcoat & bright primary colours so it's a shame to lose that, though the plain red looks very elegant on him & the shape of the dress stands out from the other skins in a very fun way. It's definitely between the 2 categories and I will likely be swayed by the first bit of fanart I come across for it, but for now: yeah.
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Joey's is the opposite case, where it fits the brief and the simplicity of it not only looks good but makes some sense (semi-broke pirate usually wearing tattered sailor's garb). I just wish it had gone a bit further to match Joey's big personality. The slit and shape is lovely (as is the neckliiii— wait where does that neckline end? /pos), but what about some more gold, or prismarine accents? Fishnet gloves, or stockings striped like his shirt? It just feels like it could go much further, & maybe fanart will push it there for me. Also I'm removing points for no dress + epic pirate boots /j
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Expected more: oh this skin... Yeah I'm not blown away by it. The colours that are present are very nice but there just aren't enough of them, and the shape... The cutaways at the hip are very nice, but Girl. That is a tank top. & for some reason the skirt refuses to register as one in my brain despite the pretty gradient. With the vibes of Chromia I'm picturing Scott in something shorter and frillier, high-heeled boots, feathered hat and cape— real Barbie and the 3 Musketeers kind of vibe basically. I need to draw that. Definitely more colours though, that's the first step. Bi-coloured bodice, tie-dye skirt with petticoats, a flower crown, something!! Maybe there's custom items involved to accessorise, maybe this is a temporary self-made dress while waiting on a commission, idk but I'm going to need to see some out-of-this world fanart to salvage this skin as it is. :/ Sorry Scott, sashay away.
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And finally...
Joel: Joel. Joel Smallish "Massive" Beans that is a recycled MCC skin I am SURE of it. Joel this is so lazy and stupid and perfectly on-brand I love it I hate it this is peak Wish/Aliexpress cosplay. Keep it up you bastard (I still want to see / draw him in proper femme greek garb. But alas).
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Big long ramble, thankye for reading this whole thing & feel free to make your own lists / yell at me for interpreting these pixels wrong. No matter my minor gripes the fact we have these looks at all and go insane over them is so so SO fun ^^
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natsuphoria · 1 year
if i politely asked for kuro + koga with an s/o (they/them) whos physically affectionate would i get a smooch from jes
HONEY MY BABY EVER !! i smooch u on the cheek regardless but you'll get an extra one just for this + multiple smooches from kuro and koga :3 i decided to do hcs for this one – if you’d like a scenario instead feel free to req again <3
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kuro & koga w. a physically affectionate s/o
no mentions of reader's pronouns, gn reader
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kuro’s no stranger to physical affection – i like to think his little sister was constantly clinging onto him when they were younger – so it's not something that catches him completely off guard.
when you first do it, he'd be slightly surprised, and perhaps a little flustered at the proximity. ah, he's so close to the person he loves… 
wide eyes + red cheeks combo teehee. he thinks it’s adorable how enthusiastic you are about showering him in your affection. 
soon, though, he's looking down at you with the fondest smile. he loves you so, so much okay he's down so bad. he’ll probably pat you a little or even give you a forehead kiss :>
we all know this man is strong. he’d totally drop everything to catch you if you run at him.
wrapping his arms around your waist, lifting and spinning you with ease… you’re giddy; from him or the spin? who knows…
at the beginning of your relationship, he wouldn’t initiate hugs or physical affection that often, but once he realises how much you like it he’s much more inclined to do so! he’s the kind of guy to place a warm, gentle hand on your lower back to guide you… it’s so comforting and grounding.
i also think you two are always holding hands in some way, maybe even linking pinkies bc you’re cute like that.
he’d 100% let you clamber onto his lap and shower his face in kisses. just. holds onto your waist and chuckles quietly until you’re done. 
overall he’s pretty receptive to physical affection, to the point where he adopts your mannerisms himself <3
koga under the cut!
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now koga’s more of an enigma.
listen up now, he loves you, but he’s not gonna let that sully his tough guy image, ya got it? >:|
jokes aside, he’s likely to be eeeever so slightly put off by it at first, especially in the presence of his unit mates.
but he notices the way your face drops, the way you seem almost disappointed, and his heart squeezes. he never wants to upset you. you mean so much to him, and he never wants to be the cause of your tears.
you two talk about it and you agree to stick to a few rules. amazing. we stan communication in this household.
one, hand-holding is fine in public. he lets you cling onto his arm, play with his fingers, trace the lines on his palm… he also starts silently squeezing your hand three times, a secret code for i-love-you when he’s not able to say it out loud. 
two, quick pecks are also okay. the other members of undead have often seen koga pressing his lips to your forehead, pulling away to give you the most lovestruck look ever. (koga would deny this so hard but his cheeks are incredibly red. no one's believing him.)
three, he’s completely at your mercy in private.
as much as he pretends to be rough and tough, this boy will absolutely melt when faced with your affection. he’d be weirdly quiet… but it’s just because he doesn’t know how to react!
boundaries are great and all, but that’s not to say he’s never going to show affection in public! he’s not as direct as you are, but that doesn’t make his ministrations any less valuable – an arm casually slung around your shoulder, or a hand playfully ruffling your hair... these are common, simple ways he expresses his love physically.
he’s a good cuddler, i think. he starts off all stiff limbs and pink cheeks but when he gets comfortable it’s a 10/10 experience for you both.
he’ll absentmindedly drag his fingers across your skin… just lying there, thinking about you both… what a simp.
overall, pupiy : ‘i have no need for affection bark bark bark woof… well fine i guess it’s okay if it’s you. hmph.’ ← secretly loves it
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l-epingle · 2 months
oh hungarian gp you are keeping my drama-loving ass FED
first off: oscar maiden win!! lewis 200th podium!! disregarding the whole race that's such a fun result
this is really backing up my belief that it's way more difficult to be a fan of a TEAM rather than individual drivers bc this is technically a mclaren win in the best possible way and yet they look like such fucking idiots like why would i want to root for them
what the hell was up with their strategy?? like they have no bullshit excuses for what they did with the pit stops and the team orders i genuinely don't understand what mclaren was trying to achieve here besides looking like total clowns
coming from an oscar fan i don't think lando deserved the win! oscar had an amazing start and led the race for a good portion and i think that if mclaren had done their pitstops RIGHT and hadnt tried to undercut??? for no reason?? then oscar would've continued to win the race anyway
coming from a FORMULA 1 fan who loves the competitevness of the sport i totally understand why lando would feel like this win was robbed from him. literally not his fault that mclaren are being bozos and i think if i was in his position i wouldn't have given up my place
HOWEVER as i said before i don't think lando DESERVED to win here. no driver is winning races because they DESERVE to there's ton of factors and oftentimes ppl win for no particular reason. take george's recent win bc of the verstappen-norris crash, all the wins thanks to safety car luck, you could even say charles win in monaco is simply thanks to good qualifying and the way the track is designed. so many things happen during a race that are outside of a driver's control and saying someone deserves to win a race is stupid and ruins the point of the race. like if thats what you want then who even needs to race might as well hand out trophies after qualifying or award points just on fastest lap
BRING BACK TEAM RIVALRIES!! so much love to naomi but i do not agree w pretty much anything she was saying formula 1 isnt really a team sport. the driver's championship is won by ONE driver. yes the wcc is based on team pts but i guarantee that every single driver would be totally fine if their team was in last fucking place if it meant that they won the wdc. saying that you can win a championship wo being selfish is CRAZY (especially in front of nico lmaoooo) bc you HAVE to be putting yourself first every single race if you want to win. yes your teammate is your partner but they are also your RIVAL and you are both coworkers and competitors. like so many selfish moments will be looked back on with fondness as long as you win. everyone can joke about multi-21 now bc sebastian vettel is literally a 4-time world champion and he ended up winning that year. no one cares that he was a 'selfish driver' bc he delivered results and getting hung up on being a team player in a sport like this is stupid to me
one thing lando did that DID annoy me tho was his response to lewis's compliment during cooldown like what was that??? he literally just said you were fast and you had to clapback? like lewis wasn't trying to insult lando in any way why'd he have to respond like that...
also nico he just couldn't get through the day without constantly being bombared w flashbacks huh him giving advice to andrea stella regarding TEAM ORDERS is sooooo funny to me
anyway to wrap up this post (rant) here's my fav pic of the day
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brocedes reunion, messy ass team radios, return of mad max... this has been my favorite race so far and i hope the rest of the season continues in a similar manner
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amourtoken · 4 months
oh man it's time for me to ramble again
Mentor Nicky/Apprentice reader
Also, ik most tattoo shops have an open floor plan but let's just pretend Nicholas has the piercer luxury and gets his own private room/space I promise ur not throating him in a room with 500 other people staring.
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: possibly toxic dynamic, degradation, mentions of exhibitionism, raw sex (ya get it by now don't do this), toxic ass Nicholas (I'm sorry ik he's a sweetheart irl but I had to), oral (both receiving, Nicky eats it from the back js),
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♡ he was doing the shop owner a favor by apprenticing you. You're his daughter, and Nicholas wanted to keep his job. Under any other circumstance he most likely would've declined. At least you're easy to look at.
♡ he had you working constantly, running errands for him and cleaning his station between clients. If you're gonna take up his time you were gonna be useful.
♡ you were trying your best!! You thought Nicholas was such an amazing artist and constantly complimented his work every chance you got. Alas, he continued to be a hard ass.
♡ there was palpable tension between the two of you to LITERALLY anyone else. you were clueless, but it's not like he made a point to hide how he stared at you while you performed some mundane task he'd assigned you to. You weren't aware until a specific interaction occurred-
♡ you'd finished up with your main errands and had set everything up for his next client, so you went to innocently ask if there was anything else you could do to help him out. He responded with
"if you really wanna help me, you'd be on your fuckin' knees under this desk."
♡ wow!
♡ well. You're the one who asked the question, and you're never one to decline when he orders you around. You wanted to please him, you really didn't wanna lose this apprenticeship :(( (you had no idea about the deal between Nicholas and your father, mind you.)
♡ this interaction led to a new dynamic. If you were done with whatever bullshit quest he'd sent you on, you're at his side like a lost puppy. He'd taken to nicknaming you that anyway since you were glued to his side most days and just "looked so pretty on the floor"
♡ he's gross!! I hate him!!! (This is a lie I would die for him)
♡ any time Nicholas was at his desk drawing up concepts for a new client, you were sat underneath and settled between his legs. He claimed it helped him focus but in reality it did the opposite.
♡ You knew the drill by now, he was your mentor but you had such a childish crush on him too. This wasn't helping. You hoped he liked you back. Surely he did, right? It definitely felt like it when he slid a free hand under the desk to tangle it in your hair and press your face against his hard cock through his jeans. He's an asshole and he absolutely has a picture of you in this exact position.
♡ if he didn't have clients for a bit, he'd drop whatever drawing he was meant to be working on to enjoy some quality time with his apprentice. By this he means fucking your throat while you're sat all prettily on your knees for him. He loved seeing you as messy as possible too bc he's gross and evil (and I literally need him so bad-)
♡ he'd smear his pre cum all over your pretty lips before telling you to open so he can slap the length on your tongue. He'd bury both hands in your hair and force your head all the way down on his dick when he cums some days and pull out to paint your face others. Either situation is dependent on how his day has been. Makes you clean your mess up either way by sucking the excess off his cock or licking what's left off your face from his fingers when he gathers it up just to have you clean it off. He reprimands you for being such a messy slut for him.
"Not very professional walking around with my cum on your face."
♡ LOVES resting his cock on your face just to see how big it is compared to you. (Again, has a pic of this bc he's awful)
♡ Nicholas bitches at you whenever you wear anything but a skirt to the shop. He claims if you want clients to notice you you're gonna have to "give them something to notice" but really it's all for him and he stares daggers at anyone who lingers on you for too long.
♡ Sometimes fucking your pretty mouth just isn't what he's craving. In this case, he pulls you onto his lap. It's a lot harder to focus on drawing this way than it is when you're on your knees for him so this is typically reserved for times where he's either very stressed or not busy.
♡ he'll squeeze your hips to grind you down onto his achingly hard length, rolling your hips against it through his jeans.
"so fuckin' stressed...gonna let me take it out on that pretty lil' pussy finally?"
"Just the tip, I promise- just wanna feel you." (Lie, he'll rub the tip against your entrance once before deciding that's not enough and he'll fuck his entire length into you)
♡ literally anyone else would've already left this position and told him to fuck himself but you're enamored and just wanna make him proud so you'll do anything. Is it wrong? Sure. Do you think about that? No. If Nicholas says so, surely it's nothing bad.
♡ he knows if his boss ever found any of this out he'd probably fucking kill him but God your pussy is good enough to risk it for. Feels like you were made for him. Plus, if he tells you to keep what you're up to on the low, you will.
♡ realllllllyyyy pushed it one day by picking you up off his lap and setting you on his tattoo chair so he could "fuck you right". He hiked your skirt up just enough for easy access and had you nearly in tears on his cock. Had to hold his hand tightly over your mouth so you'd keep quiet and would reprimand you for being so loud. You were trying your best, but it's hard when he's hitting just the right angle inside you and making your legs shake :((
"Do you want everyone else to hear? Fucking slut."
"You're acting like you've never been fucked before, am I really that good?"
"Just shut the fuck up and take my cock- fuck"
♡ usually he's insanely self indulgent and doesn't care to do anything for you but after watching you cum on his cock while laid out on his chair? Something in his brain flipped. He needed to see it again, feel you grip him that tight again.
♡ easiest way to do this for him was immediately flipping you over, face down ass up and burying his face in your pussy from behind. You were basically useless at this point, brain melted and eyes nearly crossed from how good he felt. You had really expected any reciprocation from him so this shit was a treat.
"You taste so fuckin' sweet- I should've done this earlier"
Ill write more on this ASAP but I'm stopping here to gather myself bc I need this man so bad I could literally eat a shopping cart piece by piece-
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Random Domestic Headcanons with Ranpo
Random headcanons bc I needed/wanted some fluff with Ranpo ☺️ reader is gender neutral!
Living with Ranpo may seem stressful looking from the outside in, but it wasn’t surprisingly
…don’t be fooled though, it wasn’t always easy
It wasn’t a secret that Ranpo could be a massive man child, but you both had a set system in the apartment- a peaceful routine that worked well for the both of you, despite his…setbacks
It always amazed you that despite him being the smartest detective alive, he couldn’t do the simplest of things- for example, laundry
If you love your clothes- please I beg you do not let him wash your clothes
He did it once and you were left with an…interesting wardrobe for the entire week- as comical as it was, you would prefer your usual clothes over the mess that Ranpo made (and tried to fix- as comfortable as it was wearing his coat, you couldn’t wear it forever)
So now you’re the one in charge of washing and Ranpo is in charge of folding! Sometimes he would try to wash on his own but you snatch the detergent out of his hands before he could even pour anything
It still baffles your mind at how he managed to survive this long
He complains about doing housework, and sometimes you would have to entice him to get it done (whether it be the promise of extra snacks or a kiss)
But that’s not to say that Ranpo’s useless- far from it actually
Grocery shopping is a breeze thanks to him- anything you think you’re forgetting, he already knows. His memory is scarily accurate to where he’s already putting it in the basket before you could even think about it. Just remembered that you forgot something at the register? Don’t worry, Ranpo already has it on the counter ready to be scanned
He also puts in a lot of snacks in the cart- and I mean a lot- but you let him get away with it since you love him (although you do have to limit him sometimes since he can go a bit overboard)
Your snacks is his snacks pretty much- but he does share (some) of it with you, even if it’s already missing a bite out of it
Ranpo likes to help you cook! And his way of helping is to taste test everything along the way- which you don’t mind since it is one of the ways that you bond and he does give good feedback when his mouth isn’t full anymore
Eating together is a must! Whether he’s bragging about how dumb the officers acted today or the new mystery that Poe wrote for him, it was always shared over meals together. It was one of the main ways you guys spent quality time together
He would help wash the dishes afterwards
Nights after work would include watching a low-budget crime show and solving it before the show is over (even if Ranpo already knew who the culprit was as soon as the show began, it was still fun- same with a movie), playing his game together, giving a hand at Poe’s new novel, etc.- anything to keep you both entertained and that helps de-stress from the day, he’s down to do (as long as it doesn’t require a lot of work)
Regardless, Ranpo is fine just being surrounded by you after work. Even if he didn’t have to put in much effort at the agency, it still felt good to unwind with you- just having you by his side or in his arms was more than enough
You guys have matching toothbrushes!! It’s childish enough to be his idea, but it’s actually yours
He also lets you take a shower first or even better- bathing together. Its not even in a sexual manner- it’s a moment that both of you are vulnerable together and could actually relax. Taking turns washing each others backs and hair was a form of tranquility that couldn’t be replaced, especially on a rough day
Ranpo is fine being either the little spoon or the big spoon, but he’s mostly the big spoon. You guys switch it up depending on what’s wanted, but most of the time you end up tangled with one another anyway by the time morning comes
Before he leaves for the day (or after you drop him at the agency), he will not let you leave until he gets his kiss. He’ll whine if you forget and won’t let you leave until you remember why- he says that it helps him get through the day, and he’s not lying
He can be selfish at times, but Ranpo really does care for you. He makes sure to put your badge with your train card by the door so that you don’t forget, he saves an extra stick of his pocky for you since it’s your favorite, and he waits for you outside of your office to walk home together (even if Kunikida or Atsushi had to lead him there)
Most of all, he makes sure that you know how much you mean to him. Whether it’s through quality time or his words that he would whisper in the late hours of the night after pressing his lips against yours, he makes sure that you know- and that you don’t forget
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