#both online and offline
demonir · 8 days
dude now I'm just sitting here staring at a wall thinking abt how fucked up being lgbt is...
Don't get me wrong I'm happier knowing who I am and I shudder to think what would be of me if I had never found out, there's so many queer people out there that will welcome you with open arms and guide you through or just simply offer you a shoulder to cry on and that's wonderful I love that and we need more of that
But then there's the rest of the people, the assholes that want you dead just for existing, the ones that are less vocally hateful and might tolerate being in a room with you but should you need anything they'd rather let you starve than approach, the "I support you but" people that say are open minded and supportive but the moment you cross some invisible line of theirs you are no longer "one of the good ones" and must be dealt with.
We've all seen these people, they might be strangers, coworkers, acquaintances, friends, family and even our partners and their words and actions hurt like knives. But a lot of us have learned that we shouldn't waste our time with them if we can avoid it, turn around, block them, leave the room, move out of the house if you can, we can do these things
But what happens when the hatred is coming from inside the community itself? I cannot begin to tell you how soul breaking it is for me when I see discourse like "LGBT without the T!" or "Asexuality doesn't belong in the LGBT" or "If you're bi but in a straight relationship then you're a liar/traitor" or "If you don't pass as your gender then you're not truly trans" and these are just some off the top of my head, there are so many more and even if they don't personally affect me it still hurts me to see it so much.
You're not making the community nicer or safer by dictating how someone should exist, there are no "traitors" there are no "liars" there are no "pretenders" everyone is just trying to live their life while staying true to themselves but everyone around them is constantly telling them they are wrong for it, not gonna lie to you I'm sometimes afraid that I'll get someone telling me I'm not truly nonbinary because I'm not androgynous or use they/them and I'm easily perceived as a woman, I get afraid I'll be told that what I'm doing is just a phase by other queer people despite the fact that I've been trans since I was 14 and it took me all those years to be able to come to terms with the fact that yes I love dresses, yes I like makeup, yes I'm fine with she/her pronouns, yes I sometimes find it endearing to be called a girl, but no I am not a woman and I'll never be.
But guess what? being afab carries this weird notion that I am somehow harmless or at least less of an issue than lets see uhh oh yeah amab trans people! trans women get labeled predators, groomers and a danger to everyone around them so often and the punishment for not passing as their desired gender is far greater than anything I've ever personally received. People have let these notions about birth genders and sexualities carry on to their trans views in macabre and harmful ways. You want to be wary of men? sure, there's an extensive history of issues that make your fears rational and justified... but why are you pointing your finger at a trans woman? Because she has stubble or a beard? no long hair? doesn't like dresses? doesn't want hrt or surgeries of any kind? has a deep voice? because she has "male interests"? do you not realize how harmful that is?
That's not to say trans men don't get a similar treatment, but I don't see them being labeled as dangerous and violent even half as much as trans women do, it's this notion that being born with a penis somehow makes you vile or something???? unless you prove to us how innocent and righteous you are by looking exactly how I want you to, staying 5 meters away from me and never displaying any sort of sexual attraction towards anyone ever otherwise I am calling the police on you
That's bogus nonsense and I'm absolutely tired of it, stop carrying societies old and nasty views of gender and sexuality into this community that is about supporting and uplifting people no matter how they want to be, and while we're at it someone's presentation and physical appearance isn't indicative of their morality
I wish every trans woman on tumblr right now that feels afraid to speak up about the current situation or even just their life experiences as a trans person a very very happy rest of their lives, and I wish every trans woman who IS speaking up about stuff a very happy rest of their lives as well
Again just so we're clear, I'm nonbinary and afab she/he he/she whatever order so I should in theory not be the target to any uhh "mysterious" blog bans and stuff, however if my blog dies after this post know that I did not do it myself.
Stand up for trans women always and forever, we are all fighting together and there is no glory in hurting each other
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transwolvie · 10 months
"No one in an irl lgbt space cares what you call yourself"
Let's not be cutesy, that's not true. No one is necessarily going to tell you to your face that they think that (and honestly even then? No promises), they'll just talk about it when you're not around. This discourse exists irl too, it's just that in real life it's considered gossip.
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i BETTER sleep okay tonight bc im planning such a nice shopping day tmrw :3c
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jhara-ivez · 3 months
My birthday was in February but we did our party a tiny bit later this year.
And of course we went to the Tierpark (not zoo! The Berlin Zoo is a piece of shit). And we fed the penguins!!! They stood on my shoe!!
Here are some highlights:
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khlur · 1 year
see it's really on me for logging onto the american heavy diaspora heavy site. what leg will i stand on when i grumble about shitty NRI takes and perspectives. like this is the NRI site. i should go to facebook and whatsapp and twitter to use social media like other indians: always at risk of being doxxed by sanghis.
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science-lings · 2 years
hey just fyi, don’t respond to someone expressing how much they like a thing by telling them how much you hate that thing, you’re allowed to not like things but if someone is obviously passionate about something then it’s kinda rude to rant about how much you hate the thing that they love
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jasmancer · 2 years
I think I need to be meaner to white people
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seoemea · 1 month
Connected marketing, also sometimes referred to as interconnected or holistic marketing, is a strategy that aims to create a unified customer experience across all touchpoints. In simpler terms, it's about connecting with your audience in a consistent way, no matter how they interact with your brand.
Here are some key aspects of connected marketing:
Data-Driven Approach: It leverages customer data to understand their preferences and behavior across different channels. This allows for targeted messaging and personalized experiences.
Omnichannel Marketing: Connected marketing uses a variety of channels, both online and offline, to reach customers. This could include social media, email marketing, website content, physical stores, and even events.
Customer Journey Focus: It focuses on the entire customer journey, from initial awareness to purchase and beyond. This ensures a consistent brand message and experience at every touchpoint.
Technology Integration: Marketing technology (MarTech) tools play a crucial role in collecting data, managing campaigns, and automating tasks. This allows for a more efficient and effective marketing approach.
Benefits of Connected Marketing:
Improved Customer Experience: Customers appreciate a consistent and personalized experience across all channels. This builds trust and loyalty.
Increased Engagement: By using a variety of channels and tailoring messages to specific audiences, connected marketing can increase customer engagement.
Better ROI: Connecting with the right audience at the right time can lead to a higher return on investment (ROI) for marketing campaigns.
Data-Driven Decision Making: By collecting and analyzing customer data, marketers can make data-driven decisions that improve campaign performance.
Here's an analogy to illustrate connected marketing: Imagine you're planning a road trip. A disconnected approach would be picking random roads without a clear destination. Connected marketing is like having a map and route planned out, considering rest stops, gas stations, and points of interest along the way to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey for everyone in the car.
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homosexchad · 4 months
my town has had various issues with a specific group of teens harassing a business and vandalising shit in broad daylight while carrying knives, and i gotta say, it’s insane how fast some folks on the local FB group have jumped to “this is happening bc we can’t hit kids anymore and also teachers can’t hit kids anymore”
like. after i was adopted i was raised without corporeal punishment, and the worst punishment i got at school was lunch time detention.
did i receive these punishments and decide as a teenager that i was gonna tear down a sapling, threaten a shop owner with a knife, throw a smoke bomb into a shop, stalk gay couples down the street while screaming at them, and generally be a fucking dick? *no*
my significantly younger siblings have never seen violent punishments - and they are all lovely and kind and respectful of both people and public spaces.
people have been violent dicks for centuries, even when it was legal to just beat the shit out of them. idk why people see bad behaviour and decide that beating the shit out of them would help.
also?? none of these folks on FB are going “wow. outside of this group of teens, all the other young people in this town are wonderful. WOW. let’s maintain avoiding beating the shit out of people”
why is fucked up behaviour an immediate “and thus we should beat all children!”, but pleasant behaviour is never an immediate “and thus we should be kind to children”
like damn bro. y’all just want to beat ur kids. wtf.
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amiritefellas · 1 year
getting respect and compassion as a completely untreated mentally ill person is such a fucking uphill battle
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bluemoongoth · 1 year
i need ppl to actually engage with me or not engage at all honestly im tired of this weird limbo
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amerasdreams · 2 years
On the other hand, why should I spend time on stuff i dont care about. If there's a chance what I want will work-- it will be giving it more of a chance if I give more time to it. Not micro contract jobs where you're just a number and earn pennies and they take all $ away if you didn't do it exactly right.
Build my own jobs and life that I want.
Only thing, no safety net is scary. And the constant doubts I can do anything
But-- something better is worth the risk. Better to risk failure for something you like than plod away at something that not only doesn't fulfill your soul but crushes it.
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femmesandhoney · 4 months
"Online communities that are predominantly composed of younger female users have developed dialects that sound more intimate, warm, and amenable" (Jeong & Lee, 2018). It will always amaze me that when women get together, we find ways to express closeness and emotions that favor community-bonding, whereas men get together and do everything possible with their language to disparage, hurt, and push away even other men. Miserable existences.
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The one major thing about being the type of person who has been constantly pushed away from many different friend or community groups basically since birth!is that at some point when joining a new group you struggle with forming bonds with the people there because deep inside you know that they’re going to abandon you anyways (at best, due to life or at worst, due to you not being useful to them anymore, or being too much) so why bother.
It hurts. It actually hurts to feel the aches deep within me when my heart wants—from the bottom of itself—to form a bond, to make memories and show itself to the world; my mind, on the other hand, weary with age and trauma, doesn’t want to take chances anymore—ever the cynical entity. Almost all of the time, the jadedness of my mind wins.
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andoutofharm · 1 year
Racism in bandom and the entire music scene is an enormous problem, one that a lot of white people would like to ignore. Let me make it clear: we cannot ignore this. In the last few days I’ve seen some truly horrifying things said to and about people of color who are taking on the emotional labor and the pain and stress of confronting this racism. This cannot be excused or brushed under the rug.
If you’re a white person here on tumblr and you’ve seen some of these posts where people of color talk about the hardships and racism they’ve faced as nonwhite fans of bands and ignored it, you’re complicit in this. [edit: that is to say - if you’re ONLY reblogging posts about it but not taking the time to change your actions and learning then you’re complicit, not that by not reblogging them you’re complicit.] I’m not saying you have to reblog every post like this you see - blindly reblogging to “prove” you’re not racist does nothing. I’m saying that when you see these posts and hear about these experiences you need to THINK about how you engage with people of color AND with racist people in the spaces you’re in. You need to LISTEN to the non white people making these posts and believe their experiences and adjust your own behavior accordingly.
Back when MCR was actively touring there were lots of conversations about the racism directed at Ray Toro in fandom spaces, and now with FOB returning we’re going to see a lot of that racism return and be directed at Pete Wentz. This is important not to ignore, and it’s important to think about how you talk about these individuals and how this contrasts with how you talk about their white bandmates. Even more importantly though is how you engage with the non white people HERE, on tumblr, in bandom spaces, and at shows. It’s great you think Ray or Pete are attractive or appreciate their music and their talent, but how are you treating the people of color around you? Are you listening to them when they talk about their experiences and racism and try to adjust your behavior? Or do you pat yourself on the back for reblogging a call out post and move on with your day?
These conversations are going to continue throughout the next year as FOB begins their tour and this racism start to pop up more and more, and you need to be prepared to think critically about your own biases and where you need to change and be actively anti-racist in your spaces.
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moenmomentsthemoe-en · 4 months
hwy suffering can i just kiss a robot (fighting for my life
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