#bout to sleep now cause its 2 am.
mementomarx · 11 months
Wip update #Ilostcount
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Orange and red are sketched out and only colors left are pink and white left!
🟧 left to right
@friendshapedplant @moonverc3x @expy-ceri @devildykes @sorspi @poyobox @imelhtreblogsthings @blueberryfruitbat @avocadosfromfigaro @miniiieevee (both waddles belong to them) @startistdoodles
🟥 left to right
HUMONGOUS @mint-termsandconditions @xwildwhirlx @crimsxnsxul @friendshapedplant @moonverc3x
Pink and white are left and once they're all sketched out, I'll open the forms again!
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spencerreidsbookfairy · 4 months
you made me miserable
guys, this is short im sorry buuut i could make it up to you by writing the teams reaction to the songs?? fair deal? I think so
1 month.
It had been one month of no contact with Spencer. I've been declining his calls, hell i've even ignored him when i heard him knocking at my door thank god i wasn't at that level of popularity where paparazzi follows me everywhere. Hm. I wonder if his team has mocked me for that too. I can already imagine it, it's almost hilarious.
I've written three songs about him about them not because they won because i wanna humiliate them have the internet speculate who the songs are about (even though they'll never know its him) 
Some thoughts cross my mind as i begin to upload the tracks 
Am I being dramatic? I mean the internet has said worse, maybe i should sleep on it-
No no no y/n stop it your feelings are valid i think to myself. I impulsively upload the tracks to all websites 
Track 1 : snow angel
Track 2: lost cause 
Track 3: happier than ever.
The main parts of each song is the part i want him to hear, for example
Snow angel: I tried so hard
I came so far
I met a boy
He broke my heart
I blame him 'cause
It's easier
Track 2: lost cause 
I used to think you were shy
But maybe you just had nothing on your mind
Maybe you were thinkin' 'bout yourself all the time
I used to wish you were mine
But that was way before I realized
Someone like you would always be so easy to find
So easy (so easy)
He-hee, mm-mm-mm, mm
Gave me no flowers
Wish I didn't care
You'd been gone for hours
Could be anywhere
Ooh, ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
Track 3 : happier than ever 
You call me again, drunk in your Benz
Driving home under the influence
You scared me to death, but I'm wasting my breath
'Cause you only listen to your fucking friends
I don't relate to you
I don't relate to you, no
'Cause I'd never treat me this shitty
You made me hate this city
And I don't talk shit about you on the internet
Never told anyone anything bad
'Cause that shit's embarrassing, you were my everything
And all that you did was make me fucking sad
So don't waste the time I don't have
And don't try to make me feel bad
I could talk about every time that you showed up on time
But I'd have an empty line 'cause you never did
Never paid any mind to my mother or friends
So I shut 'em all out for you 'cause I was a kid
You ruined everything good
Always said you were misunderstood
Made all my moments your own
Just fucking leave me alone
Now…was spencer ever driving drunk in his car??? No was he just sitting in his car drinking while he called you complaining about how he fucked up and misses me?? Yess
And now we wait.
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hiemaldesirae · 2 months
hmmm another fae au. i am also still very sleepy (moreso cause i hiked 2 hours today) bit hopefully this is more comprehensive than the ladt sleep derived rdst writing i posted
Vox struggled against his bindings as he was bound to the sacrificial altar, defiance blazing in his eyes as he glared at his former servants. There was remorse there, regret in their expressions, but in the end they had agreed to Carmilla's plan to sacrifice him.
He'd known from the start, of course, that as an adopted ward of the Crown, that he was far less valuable than the actual royal children, the Crown Prince and Princess. What he hadn't expected was that the Royal Advisor, in her cold calmness and cruel facade, would order for him to be sacrificed in order to quell the war of the faeries.
Tch. As if it mattered. The fae would kill him, then all the rest of them, and he'd laugh at them from his position down below (what? Vox was under no impression he was making it to Heaven, after all) and out of this mess.
And yet he hadn't been prepared for the fae that stepped through the circle next to the altar, having been summoned by his former servants. As expected, it easily tears through flesh and bone, decapitating the servants as if they were nothing more than cotton dolls. Black, writhing masses of tentacles and shadow pull at the corpses, dragging them underground and staining the grass where they'd fallen a deep crimson red.
The shadowy mass around the fae twists and turns like the tail of a cloak waving in the wind. It strides towards Vox with a confident gait, and Vox- never having been one to suffer in silence- decides that if he's to go in such a way, he's at least not going to go down quietly.
He starts to gnaw at the makeshift gag in his mouth made of cloth, wriggling harder against the post and banging his legs on the ground. Faintly, he registers the fact that there are silvery and red mushrooms growing round him in a circle, and he lashes out at them, kicking the fungi balls here and there.
It's of no use, of course. The fae appears before him in a cloud of black smoke, their face obscured still by the shadows that swim at Vox's feet. "And who are you, now? Those are robes of the Royal Family, are they not?"
It points at the twilight-coloured robes Vox wears, spiralling dyes of blues, purples and pinks blending into what looks like an approximation of the sky. He used to love these ceremonial robes, making the most of the occasions he'd had the chance to use them, but now... well, wearing them to his deathbed had changed his outlook on them somewhat.
Vox glares at it through his bindings, still resolutely chewing at the cloth. The fae seems to realize he can't respond properly, and in the next second Vox finds the gag missing, coughing as he tries to regain his senses.
"They're... they are robes of the Royal Family," Vox admits begrudgingly, "They wanted to sacrifice me to your... er, people, as a way to distract you in a bid to win the war. Or to make a deal, or something, but I'm pretty sure that was a cover-up."
"So, then. You were their prince, and yet they still offered you up as a sacrifice?" The shadows around the fae amplified, as if its eyes widened from the absurdity of the statement before breaking out into a bout of laughter. "And they call us the cruel ones. Poor fools. I suppose it takes one to know one, hmm?"
Vox rolls his eyes.
Surprisingly, he finds himself willing to talk to the creature. Maybe it's because, despite the fact that he knows it'll likely kill him just as easily as it did his servants, at least it wasn't the one to sign his death contract. No, that had been his family, his siblings and even the servants who served him. "Well, that's definitely not how they're gonna present it."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, they'll probably make up some bullshit like I'd volunteered to sacrifice myself for the good of the people."
Vox wrinkles his nose as he pulls harder at the bindings keeping his arms wrapped around the post, wanting to smooth out the material of the robes he was wearing. To his surprise, a shadowy tentacle reaches forward and- instead of cutting off his arm or something, like he'd expected, it unties the ropes keeping Vox's arms tied up to the post.
"Ah, uh..." Vox looks to the tentacle.
Making sure not to land himself at the fae's mercy by insinuating some sort of fee owed, he bows to it (well, as best as he can while still half tied to a post) and says, "I'm glad for the assistance."
"Clever," the fae laughs. "But you know you aren't going anywhere."
"Obviously," Vox frowns. He'd known that from the beginning, been willing to go down kicking and spitting but never stupid enough to believe he'd leave alive. "Even if you don't butcher and kill me here I'll never be able to go back. And the neighbouring kingdoms are either too far to reach on foot or hostile nations. I'm not under any false assumptions that your tentacle helping untie me means I'm surviving past today."
"You're not very optimistic, are you, my dear?"
"Don't call me that," Vox frowns.
"Then give me a name," the fae says. Vox thinks he can hear a faint smile as they speak, "And we'll make a deal."
"You must think I'm stupid," Vox says in reply. "I'm not making a deal with a fae too cowardly to show their face. And who's to say you won't fuck me over in a deal?"
"How's this as my word?" The fae asks, the shadows surrounding them slowly receding into the forest around them. As the shadows uncloak the fae, Vox notices the fae's dark crimson red hair and long antlers, sharp snd strong enough to use as some sort of stake. Their eyes shine a deep red with flecks of green and gold, but perhaps most damning is the diadem of shadow and thorns twisting around their head.
Vox's eyes widen involuntarily as he stares up at the imposing faerie. "You- you're the-"
The Unseelie Fae King smiles down at him. "The King? I'm quite well aware, my dear. After all, that is what the crown atop my head is for. Now, about that deal of ours... here's my request."
Cold, clawed fingers scrape against Vox's chin as the King clumsily- yes, that was the word he'd use for it, not careless, but clumsy- tilted his face this way and that, surveying him. The Fae King brushes against a semi-hidden bruise on Vox's cheek- a last souvenir he'd gotten from the court when he'd tried to reason with Val, tell him that what they were doing was insane... only to be betrayed by the man he'd called brother.
"I'm in need of an assassin, of sorts. A... ah, the title hardly matters. I've a position at court to fill, and I'd like for it to go to someone able to keep my court in line." The King pauses in his talking as a small tentacle sprouts from the ground and sticks itself to Vox's cheek, making him suck in a pained breath before relaxing himself. "It would be quite beneficial if my assassin was able to... permanently rid me of nuisances, so to say."
"You need someone who can use blessed iron?" Vox realizes, remembering Carmilla and her unfashionably expensive blessed iron decked-clothes, the biggest offender of which being her fucking ballet flats- as if she needed those things to be equipped with iron. "That's why you want to make a deal with me? So I can kill for you?"
"It's better than the alternative, isn't it?" The King smiles. "So, what will it be?"
Vox reaches out for the King's hand and places his in the fae's, gripping firmly in an awkward handshake. "Deal. I'll give you my name and kill for you, and you'll provide me a home in your court?"
"Why, look at you! A master deal-maker in the making," the King chuckles, clearly finding some sort of humor in the statement. "But yes. I'll take your name and your service, in return for shelter and belonging. Will you take our deal, or will you die here?"
The answer is obvious.
"My name is Vox," he tells the King, and for all of two awful seconds, he feels drained and sapped, cold to the bone and missing something he can't even describe, before everything is normal once more. "Wait, you-"
"Shh," the King says, and Vox promptly shuts his mouth. "We can talk more once we return, yes? For now, you can know me as Al."
"Just... Al?" Vox squints, not sure if it's a trick.
"More answers will come once we return," Al says, although Vox can swear that the King's grin is a little too wide to be genuine. "Until then, I hope you'll find your way around court easier than you did here with the humans."
"I don't doubt that I will," Vox murmurs. "I really don't."
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shai-manahan · 2 years
also i have a few theories about our MC if you don't mind-
1. so... as i played through the nightmare scene for the 9th time in a row to fully relish the horror and trauma, i realized that our dear (but unfortunate) MC must have gone through something MUCH MUCH worse than merely watching their father get oofed off by their mother 🤔🤔🤔 because i once read somewhere that if someone experiences like a really bad traumatic experience their brain will instinctively suppress their memories and lock them away to protect the person from getting anymore affected and also to give them a sense of normality? dunno about that our brains can be really mysterious sometimes, which brings me to my second theory
2. OK OK OK i know this may sound crazy and also scientifically inaccurate, but i think MC has some sort of Dissociative disorder? i mean- how do you explain their sudden black out from their home to their journey all the way to Bale's territory and the bar? or maybe im just overthinking it and perhaps its somehow related to the hallucinations and the syringes that have been emphasized over multiples times in the demo
3. why do i feel our MC is being drugged with something 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 or maybe something happened before or after the incident with their father otherwise why would Alex act so sus, Vincent too, YALL TOO SUS
and so ends my theory spree as i have exhausted my remaining two brain cells to make SOME kind of sense and connection through this whole theory thing
which puts me to my next question, i wonder why our MC just offed 11 of their coworkers 🤔 corruption maybe? whatever the case Is, it still doesn't excuse bernard (or whatever his name is, he's a jerk) for acting like the lil piece of poop he is, to both us and finn cause oh boy imma bout to throw hands (you better sleep with one eye open you lil shit)
ALSO ALSO ALSO MORE WESLEY LORE YAY omg now i feel kinda conflicted rn like i still wanna sock that lil bastard for exposing us but i feel kinda pity for him too, also that wholesome moment between them was so cute if not for the current angsty situation, but i guess i'll them off with one good bish slap on the face for the whole expose before listening to their side of the story
and now finally, after going through your whole blog i realized that we have a hidden mental health stat- lol my mc is gonna be one helluva self sabotaging half depressed boi bu the end of this IF 😂
Oh that is long, but don't be sorry! I love seeing long messages like this 😌And I’m so glad you love the story to this extent 😭
First of all, so there'll be no misunderstandings, I want to make it clear that what the MC is going through isn't exactly a dissociative disorder, although there is some degree of disassociation happening. I can't explain further because it's a very huge spoiler, but not everything they've been experiencing can be solely attributed to the level of trauma and other related occurrences that DID patients often went through before being diagnosed. It's a little... different.
This does not mean, however, that the MC has no repressed memories 😔 If you look carefully, there are actually some more hints spread throughout the demo, although some of them are hidden behind certain routes. A lot are in Chapter 2, though. Anyway, the revelations relating to it won’t be the focus of Book 1, but there will be a lot more clues in the future.
And yeah, I'm afraid Alex and Vincent will continue to be sus all the way.
ah but I wouldn’t have done my job right if they’re not sus :)))
why do i feel our MC is being drugged with something 🤔
Well, I suppose that depends on the perspective but Alonzo does believe the MC has wronged them haha which is tbh actually valid.
which puts me to my next question, i wonder why our MC just offed 11 of their coworkers 🤔 corruption maybe?
To be fair, I don't think arresting them counts as offing lmao but yeah there's a heavy corruption occurring within the police force and everybody knows it; it's just that most of the people in Gaile cannot do anything to stop it. And don't worry about Bertrand, he already sleeps with one eye open lmaoooo although he does have kind of a huge role (spoiler: he will always be an asshole).
Wesley's reuinion scene, though... if you all think the flashback scene is already conflicting you, well, the reunion might uh.... actually nevermind, I'm not gonna spoil it.
and now finally, after going through your whole blog i realized that we have a hidden mental health stat- lol my mc is gonna be one helluva self sabotaging half depressed boi bu the end of this IF 😂
There are four types of mental health stats in the demo right now, but I'm arranging all the variables in a spreadsheet to see if I've missed anything. I kinda have a lot of them lmfao.
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nobodywritingao3 · 1 year
Helloooooo!!! How’re you doing today/tonight?
I’m about to pass out cause it’s late :D need to study for French tho…. And biology… tho I want to sleep…
I have to do french though, I have a test on Thursday…
Oh shoot I started babbling, sorry bout that-
How has your week been? Done anything fun?
I have a pretty chill week other than my test tomorrow and the one on Thursday, a lot of my classes are falling out cause half the teachers have gone to either Greece or Rome with year five-
I want to be year five qwq seems fun
I have to wake up at a same time tomorrow, so I’m going to stop this ask now, though if you’d like, I’d love to talk to you later? :] (if you don’t want to that’s fine, I understand that there’s life and other stuff)
Cookies? 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪
babble forever and ever its okay
unsolicited advice (soz im obligated as an elder) prioritize sleep over everything else. it affects everything. youll get to study less to retain more. also, school is important, but way less than you think it is. and sleep actually matters a great deal
hee hoo good luck for your test on thursday; as much as i like learning languages i dont miss french exams at all OTZ
weird week, i got sick but i took time off and am glad that i did
ah hah enjoy having a bunch of clueless subs until your teachers get back
travelling with your school is fun & i hope you get a chance
but also as a warning, if you do go everyone is going to be delirious on sleep deprivation and you will make strange memories
we can talk whenever you feel like it, take care :2
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has-brain-rot · 2 years
OKAY SO SO SO that was a WILD season and the showdown in the last 2 episodes? it was so dramatic and deserved. Really interesting to see the mages(?) get more screentime (though barely) because they are so funky. what are they doing why are they there. but anyways like last time I'lll put the rest below xD
BACK ABOUT THE MAGES. I don't remember their names but the head mage gives off "puppeteering-everything-from-the-background" vibes. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned out to be the real mastermind behind it all. Like if the magic was used to corrupt some minds and help build the empire. Although I don't know what that would do to the world building?
Shiro. WHERE DID SHIRO GO. Like they went HARD on Shiro this season. He's trying his best but life keeps attacking him. The mind battles he has are super cool and WOW this man can fight. but also Shiro do you ever sleep. does he sleep. does he believe in self care. I don't think he's ever heard of sleep before.
Pidge gives off some of the vibes of Haruhi from OHHC. They both have similar genders. Love how she gets time to shine at the tech planet!
Hunk being a master chef is cool, especially considering he's probably never seen any of those ingredients before. Still kinda disappointing that they made 3/4 of his personality food. I also think he'd be good at hugs lol
Keith my man are you okay?? I'm getting vibes of orphan club which like same xD. But also now that Shiro is gone Keith is probably going to have to take over? The red lion has shown to act independently so if Keith takes over the black lion then they could still form voltron? (the black lion has show to not care as mucha bout who's in it, at least compared to the red lion.
ALSO the red lion acting independently feels kind of like a parallel to hyper-vigilance. Keith doesn't feel safe often so his lion is always on guard and ready to protect, unlike a lot of people who generally don't have such a hyperactive "I must protect myself at all costs" mentality. It's the constantly engaged survival instincts you honour
Love how lance is just some guy. I am not invested in him and I feel like he would not be invested in me if we ever met xD. Love how he's just some guy while Shiro has gone through insurmountable psychological and physical trauma. he's just there.
THE MERMAID ADVENTURE WAS SUPER NEAT. LOVE HOW THE QUEEN DIDN'T TURN OUT TO BE BAD (maybe? it felt a little rushed when it got to that point). The suspense of figuring out what was causing the mind control was pretty neat. Also the giant worm beast was living it's life. technically wasn't decimating the mermaid population so.. (joking joking I just really liked its design)
Black lion trust battles are super cool. But I gotta say the black lion has like, reverse trust issues. please just stop trying to pick the genocidal dictator that keeps killing millions of people. please. Though it does make me wonder if part of the reason the black lion accepted Shiro so fast was because Shiro reminded the black lion of the previous paladin? With the arm and vibes and everything?
Coran is growing on me. he's just built like that and honestly good for him. He's like a space dad. Also emo Coran is great, might be a heavy stereotype but you know what we can ignore that and let him own it. Give him back that haircut. Also how he speaks sometimes makes me think that he's not from the same planet Allura is? Like maybe he's from a sister planet of a species that evolved extremely similar but not identical. Because he can't do everything Allura can. UNLESS Allura can do it because she's a princess whichhhh eh. It's cool for her but also tiring to see the whole "royal families are good and deserve their positions because they are inherently more special and valuable" sort of message.
ALLURA. QUEEN. SHE IS FLEXING HER POWER AND I SUPPORT HER ON THAT ENDEAVOUR. She was being mean to Keith but all things considering I can understand her hesitance considering everything. Stills sucks that Keith had to go through her projections. but also DAMN when she blends in to sneak onto the ship I loved seeing her fight. like her fighting style there was literally "what if I just slam everything together". I love that for her
also Keith being only half(?) human is really cool but WOW the team was not very understanding. Just let the guy be. He's trying his best but he also needs time to process and adapt. And I don't think he adapted too well if his first(ish) reaction to being part galra was to throw himself into enemy ships and nearly die AGAIN
red lion going feral is cool. Love how it has a stronger personality compared to the others, but it makes the other lions seem less powerful? not powerful perse but more so they get almost kidnapped a lot more and don't really do anything about it while the red lion will fight for its own freedom.
ANYWHO I should probably go watch the third season because I MUST know where Shiro went. is he okay <- judging by his character he is one of the MOST least okay characters.
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electaaaaa · 2 years
So I just potentially had the worst fuckibf day ever - a true story of my day told through morbid comedy and tears
TW puking and mentions of sexual harassment (I think idk if it counts)
So I stay up til 4:30 am studying for 2 different tests
sleep through choir, waking up 15 minutes before class starts.
Knock knock. Whose there? Emotional breakdown. Emotional breakdown who? Emotional breakdown completely unprompted and in the middle of my science test.
anyway so I’m sitting in my silly desk shaking sobbing laughing manically under my breath as one does. I get 2 pages of this 5 page science test done btw
and what’s next? Latin test babyyyyyy. Anyway so I puked twice freaking out about it. And then. Misread the schedule. And rolled up into class -20 minutes- late. My latin teacher told me I didn’t have enough time to take it and that I needed to take it from 6-7:30 tonight. Now funny story I teach a girl singing lessons from 5-6, and dinner is only open 5-7. So uh no real food for me today kinda just ramen and pretzels.
but oh no no that’s not all this dipshit whore motherfucker let’s call him O, decides that he is infact going to come and be creepy. As in the asking me out kind. This on its own isn’t that bad however mf out here doing this for MONTHS and every time I tell him to fuck off / leave / I’m not interested, however he is getting more and more overtly sexual about it. And everyone keeps saying “El your so lucky O is paying attention to you I wish O liked me ect ect” and I’m just here like ._.
here is an example of a real conversation that was had (this was after I had rejected this man 11 times, and done everything in power to make it clear I was not interested)
O - Hey you wanna come over to my house this weekend? You know cause boarders are allowed to spend the night off campus during long weekends.
Me - Hey dude no thanks can you stop asking tho? Like I just don’t want to be in any kind of relationship with anyone ever. Thanks. I don’t like men.
O - Come on Netflix and Chill?
Me - O. Seriously what the fuck
Then it’s sports practice time where I proceed to lose a bout 5-0 to a girl I can normally beat and then get clowned on by my team.
then I teach this girl singing lessons which honestly went well but I was kinda on the verge of passing out at this point
then I took the latin test. I don’t really remember what was on it
and here I am
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pearl484-blog · 2 years
Replay Lore Notes Compliation
Below is a compilation of all current lore notes found in comments in Replay or at the bottom of Replay related material.  ========================== Main Story: ========================== Chapter 1: Names and titles of magical creatures hold magic, and some magical creatures, such as Kwamis or akumas, will take offense to being referred to a magical by an incorrect name or title. For akumas, the most disrespectful of the wrong names is their former name before they were transformed. Because they have drastic physical and magical alterations when they transform, magically speaking, an akuma is an entirely seperate person from who they were before, albeit one who remembers their previous life.
The ability of a Butterfly to give someone a new identity is profoundly useful in allowing their akumas to pass barriers, both real and percieved, that would stop their host's previous identity and can soothe creatures who have lost their own sense of identity. Their extremely altered magical core also provides any akuma's hosts some measure of protection after their service, allowing them to hide from anything that can track a person's magic. --------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Miraculouses are no longer without a cost. Miraculouses now have both a physical and mental toll. For example, wielding a Miraculous will cause problems such as sleep deprivation to appear faster and strike harder. Since Miraculous are not considered "cursed" artifacts, the price is low, but it differs depending on the compatibility between the wielder and the Miraculous. It is also multiplied when wearing dormant Miraculouses and exponentially increased when fused.
Abusing fused Miraculous now has the consequences implied in Miracle Queen (IE. Chat's complaint that they could die or go crazy), and Marinette and Adrien cannot pull all-nighters like their peers, a fact implied by the Season 2 finale, Star Train, and several other canon episodes. Most teens could pull it off, albeit not at the frequency they do, but in canon, they could not. Unfortunately, this does mean the Hawkmoth could not wield all the Miraculous at once or he'd swiftly die from having his life force sucked out faster than he can say MWAHAHAHA, but it's a sacrifice that I am willing to make, especially since that move DID contridict Kwamibuster and Miracle Queen. --------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: (Warning: Body Horror) When someone begins to suffer from magical instability, there is nothing physically wrong with them. Their lungs still pull air in and out, their heart still beats, and everything, but there is a certain SOMETHING missing from their bodies that will cause their organs to have short bouts where they doesn't function as effeciently, which become longer and longer and more and more serious as the body slowly stops being able to perform vital functions, and the organs slowly start to fail due to this ineffciency. Eventually, the afflicted falls into a coma where there is nothing medically wrong, but they cannot wake up and most of their organs do not function as they should despite having no medical cause for doing so. ---------------------------------------------- Chapter 4:
Sentimonsters (Ninguardian, Archie, and Chronodragon): Ninguardian: Born out of a desire to get the Grimoire and complete the mission at any cost, Ninguardian is a living bundle of cloth that can take the shape of a ninja or settle down into a crumpled pile of fabric. It's mouth is a diagonal slit in it's "chest" that is only accessible in it's human form. It's lightweight form allows it swift, quiet, and nimble movements with an extreme amount of flexibility, but it is easily thrown or buffeted by elements around it. Because it is sired by it's Peacock, it has the ability to sense the Grimoire it is seeking within a limited range.
Archie: Born out of duty to Paris, love of Paris and its citizens, and a complete and utter hatred of akumas, Archie is a cat with unusual features, such as golden eyes, stripes on its chest, and hands for feet. It's small size allows for increased speed and agility while it's hands allow for excellent grip strength. Unfortunately, much like it's predecessor, Ninguardian, it's small size and light weight allow it to be easily thrown in battle. Because it is sired by it's Peacock for the express purpose of defeating a Butterfly, it possesses immunity to akumas.
Chronodragon: Born out of desperation to not lose to that freaking Bunnyx, Chronodragon is a large Eastern dragon adorned with several clocks across its body. It's large, serpentine body allows it to move quickily in water and deliver powerful flows of force to it's enemies, while it's teeth and excellent fine motor control make it a formidable foe on land. Unfortunately, it's large size and heavy weight make it unable to fly and while leaps are possible, they are difficult and often cause catastrophic damage to anyone it is near. Because it is sired by it's Peacock, Kukko, it retains Kukko's natural ability to hold time and use it to it's advantage and has been granted a large amount of time by Kukko to serve as a failsafe against Bunnyx.
Note: Although Kukko and Future!Adrien are different versions of each other, magically speaking, an akuma is different from its host. So yes, Chronodragon and Future!Adrien's akumas (Ninguardian and Archie) can exist at the same time since they are created by different Peacocks, but Ninguardian and Archie cannot co-exist as they both share the same Peacock.
This is a built in safety feature that prevents people from being punished for an reckless actions taken while being an akuma (while also stopping them from being too reckless with it as an akuma), and also prevents normal mages who do not have near limitless reserves from accidentally killing themselves by bleeding themselves dry creating a sentimonster.
Theoretically, if Adrien were to develop an entirely new 2nd akuma form, it could be magically different from Kukko and future!Adrien, depending on the level of difference. If Season 4!Adrien becomes Ephermal or Chat Blanc and got either of them hands on it, they could use it to create a new monster, but if Replay (Kukko's original form) becomes Replay 2.0 or Reset or an akuma that's too similiar, it wouldn't work. Likewise, if Season4!Adrien tried to fuse two Miraculous to get extra juice, it wouldn't alter his magic enough to do it. It probably won't be brought up in the main story again, but my Beta and I had a blast talking about it. ---------------------------------------------- Chapter 5: In order to balance out Marinette and Adrien, I have given the two of them innate abilities that are independent of the Miraculous, although they can be influenced by them over time. These are not concious abilities, and they are designed to more strongly reflect the yin/yang theme.
Marinette has the Jinx ability, which manifests itself as bad luck in the area around her when her emotions become too chaotic. Certain emotions may trigger this effect more than others. This is inspired by her chain of disasters in Origins and the disaster that was Animaestro. She also has bad luck with doors in the New York special whenever she is anxious near Adrien. On a rewatch of Season 1, she also trips more when anxious.
Her secondary ability is short range teleporting, although it typically only manifests while she is anxious. This is a reference towards her ability to move in animesque ways in the cartoon when anxious or nervous. I find it endlessly amusing, and so it shall be kept.
Adrien has the Balance ability, which allows him to stay balanced as long as he is not startled or tripped by another person. This is inspired by his ability to stack improbably high stacks of objects in improbable ways by THROWING THEM, as seen in Kuro Neko, and his ability to fence on a freakin' rail in Ephemeral. However, during a rewatch, Chat also demonstrates this ability by being able to accuartely wedge a car by throwing his staff so that it saves Alya in Origins. This was a skill developed at a young age. Because of this, when Adrien does not have magical reserves or cannot use magic, he becomes easily unbalanced and wobbly.
His secondary ability is a bit less dramatic and allows him to quickly understand others and learn languages with much greater ease than normal. Why? Judging from the Shanghai Special, his Mandarin is impressive enough to have a casual conversation with a native, despite not regularly interacting with a Mandarin community and being in France. He also mentions having a knack for languages in Robustus and that is all the excuse I need. Plus, I needed him to balance with Marinette. -------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6: In this series, Adrien and Felix are NOT senti-monsters, and are human. The Graham de Vanily and Agreste families' histories will likely be much different because I will not be using Season 5 to base the family off, and they have a different backstory here.
That being said, although Adrien has very strong magic, because his magic likes to present itself in subtle ways, it was assumed by both the Graham de Vanilys and the Agrestes that he has little to no natural magic. It was a source of lot of tension between the family because the Graham de Vanilys assumed it was due to Gabriel Agreste's "inferior" bloodline. The Agrestes were offended by this notion. For obvious reasons. ---------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7:  Rabbits see the timeline as one continous line, with a chain of cause and effects. This timeline is simply the timeline that is MOST likely, but not set in stone. If a timeline is changed due to an unforeseen event, the Rabbit will know and have a general awareness of when and where the anomly happened, and can look backward from any point in the timeline they’re on to see what caused it and what happened. 
Usually, these things are too minor to get involved with, but on occasion, Rabbits will notice an abberation so dangerous as to be a threat and hunt it down, especially when it threatens their existence. Rabbits are especially effective when fighting against time abberations, including other Rabbits. Woe betide to the Rabbit who gets too “uppity”, for any time abberations can be “reset” to the normal effects of time, completely unaware of their previous life without it.
================================= Side Stories ================================= Akuma Logic: Ignoring logic about a power structure because of an akuma is not mind control and will not erase your memories. It's more akin to a glamour in that it subtly encourages your brain to not think about how it doesn't make sense. ================================= Lessons From a Peacock Veteran: ================================= Chapter 1: Plagg loves attention, but he doesn't love admitting it. ---------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: The Adriens do not like to read articles about times they are mind controlled. It creeps them out. ---------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3:  By default, when an akuma creates a copy of a Lucky Charm, they get a sword. Senti-monsters are more flexible with their summoning of weapons (albeit more random), but may still pull out the Impractically Lethal Sword as well or the Impractically Lethal Gun. ----------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4:  Rejecting a Miraculous removes the protections its magic may have placed on you. An example being a Butterfly's immunity to akumas, while bonded with the Butterfly, a butterfly can safely hold/carry/and interact with an akuma without fearing being overwhelmed by its magic. After the Butterfly is renounced or rejected though, this safety precaution is removed. ================================== Not a Vampire, But Clearly a Monster Miraculous wielders have an aversion to eating the animals they were based on. The more integral their other self is to their identity or the more magical they are, the stronger this aversion will become. Eating it can make the wielder sick and/or weaken them.
In France, the only 5 Miraculous that should be regularly affected by this limitation are the Rabbit, Goat, Pig, Rooster, and Ox. Since these Miraculous are sometimes story breaking, infrequently used, and help me give these critters a better balance, I'm not shedding too many tears. This is based off Cu Chulainn's geas to not eat dogs, which caused him to get very sick before battle, along with stories of mythological creatures getting upset with improper sacrifices. ----------------------------------------------------------- Bring Back What Once was Mine Marianne is a WWII spy on the side of the French. Master Fu took up the mantle of the Jade Turtle shortly after leaving her and seeing how bad things had gotten. During this time, he didn't had the guts to come back to her and face the possibility that she was dead, fell in love with someone else, or had been the victim of war atrocities. Eventually, he worked the nerve back up to go back to Paris, but never managed to confirm or deny his fears and anxieties until he thought he was dying in Backwarder. ----------------------------------------------------------- The Worst Influence of Your Life Because Butterflies can operate without akumas, but akumas need a Butterfly to stay sane, most akumas will instinctively value their Butterfly's life over their own.
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TW/CW: Suicidal ideation (without intent currently).
TL/DR:  I am trying to find a doctor anywhere in the state of Pennsylvania that accepts UPMC for You (medicaid) and is willing to at least try solve to my medical mystery. Preferably a family doctor with connections to a rheumatologist and possibly neurology and/or pain management. One that will actually listen and not give up and actually care that I'm in acute pain. I feel like my own body is trying to kill me. I have for a month or more. 
I want every single blood test you can do on a person. Every possible imaging study you can do. A sleep study. Another Holter monitor. LITERRALLY EVERYTHING because I am so tired of 'try this, try this' I want to know for sure exactly what is causing this.
At this point I just need a single doctor to either tell me I'm dying (which is what it feels like is happening) or one to tell me what's actually wrong and causing all this and how we can actually treat it while dealing with the immediate pain.
I'm tired of going to ERs every week. I'm tired of doctor's who are more afraid of the DEA than they are of their patient's dying. Because I don't want to wake up with this pain tomorrow morning. I cannot live life like this. 
This pain and the fact that no one in the medical field (other than my PT) seems to care about it at all. This pain that my current PCP respond to "I want someone to actually figure out what's wrong with me." by saying "We don't know." as if it is not literally her job to figure that out. I went through the entire appointment saying "What about the pain I'm in right now?" And all that happened was she took me off Lyrica which had side effects I couldn't deal with and prescribed Savella instead and told me to come back in a week once I titrate up to the correct dosage. What about that week? I don't have enough meds from the ER to last until next Tuesday ma'am. I was there on Saturday and they are legally only allowed to prescribe 3 days work of narcotics. He did give me 10 days worth of flexeril for which I'm grateful, but that on its own isn't enough, and my PCP won't give me anything at all. I literally told her my previous family doc only checked my TSH level not T3 or T4 (thyroid hormones). Did she order the additional tests? Has she ordered any tests at all in fact? NO. And she keeps saying insomnia when I tell her I have to take the oxy and flexeril to be able to sleep through the night. THAT'S NOT INSOMNIA. THAT IS ME BEING IN SO MUCH PAIN THAT I CAN'T SLEEP. At my appointment today I told her that almost every morning when I wake up in excruciating pain, I wish I wouldn’t’ve woken up at all; that death feels like a better option and that that thought scared me as someone with a history of suicidal ideation and attempts, and she literally did not care an ounce.
My Rheumatologist keeps trying to give me prednisone which DOES NOT WORK! And says take 2 Aleve twice a day. If Aleve worked for my pain do you think I would have been to the emergency room FOUR times since March 16th? I wouldn't have requested to see you sooner if Aleve did anything.
Not one person has cared about my sudden onset fatigue spells that keep getting more frequent to the point I'm hesitant to drive very far unless absolutely necessary because one of these times I'm gonna actually pass out. That's probably what it'll take for the medical professionals to care. Me falling asleep while driving. I think this may be POTS, because I also get random bouts of 'benign' tachycardia at the most random times.
They just keep slapping labels on things instead of just actually checking or even asking me half the time. I'm about 80% sure I have EDS, but apparently the closest person that will even test let alone diagnose someone over the age of 18 is in Philadelphia and I'd need a referral from my Rheumatologist to see that person.
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Its 3:12 am and really I'm back to fucking tired. These days all I ever want to do is sleep. Seems in serious bouts of depression my dreams are a much more enjoyable place for me to be. At least only while I'm in active addiction, because when I am not self medicating and l the trauma catches up to me sleep is a never ending nightmare. Literally. I must remember. I chose this, AGAIN. I am 100% positive my LO will not like this at all, but I guess I am going to enjoy my outlet until I have to stop. Really I just want to be heard, I am also important after all. Life is hard. I miss my mamaw and even more all the guilt that I chose to get high instead of visiting her to say goodbye or attend her funeral. I'm sure this is something I will regret for the rest of my life. So inevitability I've been struggling with her death and not having someone to talk to when things get hard. I have my mental health problems (bipolar, anxiety, PTSD) but the situation I am in sometimes seems like I'm drowning and I'll never get out cause I just keep jumping into the fucking pool DAMN WELL knowing I don't know how to swim. I already feel a little better. There are so many things I miss, my kids, my family, coke, sugar, a home, stability, affection, feeling like I'm worth absolutely anything. This time is different. Last time I was done fighting trying to get out and this time it literally feels like life or death mostly. My life is definitely unmanageable and I am without a doubt absolutely miserable, so why do I always want to get high? So much so that I willingly and knowingly put myself in such an environment because all I care about at the time is getting high. I don't even recognize who I am anymore. I used to be so full of life, so confident. All I prayer for the vast majority of my life was to be a mom. Years actually I had spent in tears wondering why h first husband and I couldn't get pregnant. Now , I have three absolutely beautiful children who live in separate homes because I can't seem to get my shit together long enough to build a better life for them. And damn when the numbness wears off I FUCKING moss them. Recently I was told to choose because if I wanted to be with him, then I was not able to have them on my life as well. Gut wrenching guilt whenever I'm not numb so I consistently chase that.. Even though every single time I get clean and start over I am absolutely happy.. Or am I? Definitely medicated. Christmas was the first time I had all 3 of my babies together in 2 years and I wasn't able to be completely present because all I could think about was getting high. I really need to call them, but shame is fucking real. I pray that one day I'll be able to be a permanent part of their life, but I still undoubtedly do not want to bring them through any part of the HELL that I am going through. Hell every single day I have to worry about whether or not I will be able to stay where I am obviously unwanted. WHY? Ending now my attention is needed elsewhere.
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wodenscild · 2 years
Ahoy! This ask will be a compilation of little thing i wanted to talk about, and found in my notes!
The map was certainly interesting to look at! I love maps 😌 And damm there are a lot of countries in Australia, i knew there were a lot but this much..? I also heard there is a lot of different languages there! Wich is also cool :D
im on the bus and my old bullies is next to me. Hold up imma take some revenge- hehehehehe >:D Enjoy a pride sticker on ye back! He's probably gonna get called out for that- Karma. Really i might seem nice but I'm a little demon when it comes to revenge. >:)
Also i will slowly use a pirate accent cause pirates are heccin' cool, Like i hate oceans but sailing and traveling the world while terrorizing the shores seems pretty fun to me.
YOUR GONNA TALK 'BOUT GENDER?? I AM JEALOUS BUT ALSO great for you matey!! Am happy for ye! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ
I saw Nosouls art and I'm just dhgdhs- One qeustion tho... where is the butterfly i can't find it :( But like hands are so difficult to draw?? How much time does this person have??
[is 1 am and brain not working correct. Word complicated. Thank The Person That Made Autocorrect. Why am writing note right now? Dunno] <- found that in my notes also- wtf was i doing up at 1 am i can't even remember writing that-
:D also good morning! Even tho it isn't morning for ye- Hope ye had a nice sleep! I still have to hunt some nightmares-
Do you know how easy existing is without nightmares? Like i watched a bit if stranger things and i got absolutely TERRIFIED of demo-dogs. Now i just summon them in my dreams and boom! Little lap dog with flower head that will attack enemies!
Sometimes being a lucid dreamer isn't so nice- i have some dreams where i barely have control but the little control i have makes it feel way too real, like its scawy :-;
Yes i misspelled that. That was intensional. (Not) i will not change it. 😌 Hehehehe... I have a plan but i my yard time is up- i will be escorted back to the void now.
-Mystery anon 1
There are so many nations here!! It is incredibly interesting!! Where I live atm is sorta on the border of two lands. Which is quite interesting!! While they are regionally recognised, they don’t have any political significance. Australia is split into 6 states & 2 territories, each of which are divided into smaller electoral districts. Australia used to have many languages spoken! But cos colonialism most of them are extinct, moribund or endangered- the only two big Aboriginal languages I can call to mind are Tiwi & the Yolŋu Matha language family. I also know that Kriol is another language that has a relatively strong community in the Northern Territory & Western Australia too! As the name suggests, Kriol is well… a creole language! Akin to Tok Pisin, which is one of Papua Niugini’s National language (alongside Hiri Motu [another creole language], & English). Creoles start off as a pidgin language, which had expanded into all parts of life (Fun fact, Tok Pisin is literally Pidgin Talk, despite no longer being a pidgin KRFKSK)- pidgins are languages that develop when two groups are who don’t share a language need to communicate. This is possible cos the situation in which people need to talk is typically something like trade (in the case of Hiri Motu), or slave labour (in the case of Tok Pisin & Kriol). The pidgin typically has minimal morphology, & a mix in vocabulary from both languages. Typically pidgins don’t last, dying out with the ceasing of the situation where the language is used, or one group learning the other’s language- but every now & again, the pidgin sticks around. It grows. It expands outside that original context & becomes something that is functional. & before long, children are born speaking that pidgin, & with that, the pidgin grammaticalises & it becomes a creole!! It is an extremely interesting process :00
WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH THEY ARE NOW GAY <33 & THERE IS NOTHING THEY CAN DO ABOUT IT >:3 Also- I didn’t realise it was pirate talk ToT I thought you were just writing like how an Australian speaks & I got really excited DKFKSKSKDKSKDK
Also- after looking again at the art- I realise it wasn’t a butterfly, but two lil ghosts <33 I am just a blind fool lmaooooo but gods I have no idea- they are so talented but aren’t they? 🥺
Also FUCKING FLEX MATE- I love that & am just imaging that now :0 tho hhhhhh that loss of power- that can make nightmares a lot worse ://
I hope school is going well for you <33 I’ll see you later ^•^
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yepitspain · 2 years
well since my doctor refuse to do anything about my symptoms except ordering the same bloodworks that come back as fine each time(he literally told me he won't do anything else 😃), here's my main symptoms right now (which are what i talked to him about exactly)
Chronic Pain
1 to 3 on the Pain scale(of 10) at the very least each day
If i have work, i finish the day most of the time at 7 or 8 on the scale
This pain bc of work is mostly from the lower back to my feet
This pain includes the one in hips and lower back and is often so bad that it provokes an urgent need to go to the toilet where i will have diahrrea
The pain is often so bad that I need to do breathing work to try and calm myself and i have difficulty continuing to work.
This pain causes me a lot of stress before and during work.
I also have a lot of pain in my hand, wrist and fingers which is exercebated by work
I have chronic pain everywhere (each joints), but those talked about before are the most present.
My ankles (especially the left one) is really unstable.
Chronic Fatigue
Always tired. Worse because of my job
Sleeps most of the time i'm not working. If i'm not sleeping, I'm at least laying down or sitting.
Neurological Symptoms
Carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands and cubital tunnel syndrome in left hand
It has been around 2 years since the problems started
I'm unable to write or draw for more than a few minutes without feeling some numbness and tingling in my hand.
I'm right handed so it happens mostly in that hand, but my job makes me use my hand a lot so I often get similar symptoms in my left one
Happens a lot when I sleep
I also have weird numbness that travels from my feet to my head and causes a little bit of vertigo after a few hours on my feet. It's a weird feeling and is almost constant when it starts, but there are "shooting" of numbness from time to time that goes a bout of vertigo that is worse.
This one is hard for me to explain...
I haven't had my periods since the start of December, so around 7 or 8 months (this post is made in July) and it's impossible for me to be pregnant
In 2021, I had 6 periods in total.
I have a lot of acne and body hair.
I am overweight.
A lot of pain and it worsen when I talk or eat.
My jaw clicks and pops and it seems like everytime I open my mouth wider than needed to talk, it sublux. Aka it pops out of its socket and immediately goes back in.
My mouth opens in a sideway V. So it goes to the right then center itself again.
I can't open my mouth wide.
My jaw will sometimes lock and presumably, the only reason it doesn't stay that way is because my joints, including my jaw, are somewhat hypermobile?
This is all of my main symptoms right now. One thing I didn't mention is my stomach problems that causes me to often go to the toilet with diarrhea.
Some of the illnesses I've considered are fibromyalgia, FND and Multiple Sclerosis. The only one that is apparently dismissed is MS since I did a MRI last year and there wasn't any lesions... (an mri I had to beg my doctor for btw)
I really want to change family doctor(I've wanted for a while), but I don't think there are anyways to do so in Canada/Québec until he retires which will apparently be in 2 years. And then, I will have to wait for years to get a new one and the thought brings me so much anxiety and grief over the fact that I may never know what's wrong with me...
I want help to find ideas of what illness I could have and ways to manage the symptoms at home...
If you live in Canada/Québec, I would also love to get an idea of what to do with this doctor business.
If you can't help, please consider sharing this post 🙏
Thank you so much for reading all of this.
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lexis3npaii · 2 years
Late Night Talking
We've been doin' all this late night talkin' 'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin' Now you're in my life I can't get you off my mind
2k words
(fluff and angst a little but not really)
2:24 am
unknown: so when do you want to work on the project
you: ummm who is this?
unknown: lee minho? from creative writing?
unknown: sorry just kinda figured you saved my number when i wrote it down…
you: omg sorry :/ i totally forgot to do that
you: but dude the project just got assigned today and it’s not due until a month from now…
unknown: well technically it was assigned yesterday 
you: ya know that leads me to my next thought
you: why are you awake at 2 am???🤨
unknown: why are YOU awake at 2 am?
you: touche
unknown: i have a lot of things outside of that class so i just want to get this project done
unknown: so when do you want to work on it?
unknown: hello???
unknown: QUICKLY!!!!
you: holy cow calm down my guy. i was brushing my teef
you: and ur the one with a life outside of class
you: what days are you free🙄
unknown: lets meet at the library on friday at 3. does that work for you?
you: yes sir🤑
11:14 pm
lee minho from class: you left your sweater in the library
you: now why didn’t you tell me when i was walking out🤨
lee minho from class: i didnt notice until after you left
you: and you just remembered at 11:15 at night…
lee minho from class: i forgot about it. I stuffed it in my bag when i left cause i had to catch my bus
you: hmmm sure
lee minho from class: ?
you: i seen you eyeing it when we were writing
lee minho from class: if youre suggesting that i want to steal your sweater, youre wrong
you: yea sure i believe you
lee minho from class: i dont want your sweater y/n.
you: geez a name drop😟you must really not want it
you: what is it about my sweater that repulses you minho?
you: the little puffy sheep?
you: the yellow sleeves?
you: the cropped fit?
lee minho from class: im just gonna bring it to class on monday.
you: i- ok
3:58 am
you: do owls live in nests?
you: minho?
you: i know youre awake🙄
you: u dont sleep
you: minnie~
minho: ok first of all never call me minnie ever again
minho: second of all im not google
minho: third of all why are you awake and wondering?
you: ok mr points😒 you caught me😒 i was bored and i knew you’d be awake to entertain me😒
you: so…
minho: so what?
minho: how?
you: idk send pics
minho: HUH???
you: NO
you: i saw your lock and home screen. sorry for assuming😔
minho: oh yeah. i have 3 cats sooni, doongi, and dori
you: send pics dude. 
minho: here. 
minho: *insert pics of 3 cats*
you: awwwww so cute
minho: do you have any pets?
you: i used to have a hamster
minho: used to?
you: yea… he passed
you: rip cedric the entertainer😔🙏🏾
minho: interesting name
you: i was obsessed with madagascar when i was younger
minho: the island?
you: the movie?
minho: never seen it
you: 😧😧😧😧
you: we gotta watch it
minho: together?
you: i-
you: well not together
you: unless you want to
you: haha 
you: …
you: um well. my my my would you look at the time. gotta wake up early for class 
minho: goodnight y/n
12:47 am
minnie: i cant believe you know the loud menace 
you: who? jisung? 
you: its kinda hard not to know him
minnie: yea but thats really just a facade. hes actually pretty shy 
you: honestly i can tell
you: in class most days hes on 10 but every once in a while he might be at a 4 or 6
you: but whenever im with him we’re both at a solid 8
minnie: yea your personalities seem to match quite nicely
minnie: you’d probably get along with changbin and hyunjin. their both loud and annoying like jisung
you: geez minho, arent these people your FRIENDS
minnie: they’re leeches
minnie: chan, jeongin, and yongbok i like
minnie: seungmin is a whole other story
you: well id be happy to meet them. you live with 2 of them right?
minnie: hyunjin and yongbok
you: why don’t we work on the project at your place one day? 
minnie: trust me you dont want that
minnie: we’d never get anything done
minnie: also the loud one told me you have my contact saved under ‘minnie’ 👀
you: WHAT😧😧😧
minnie: haha
you: and hes back lol
you: yes i maybe might have you saved as minnie
you: but it just shows that ur moving up my friendship ladder
you: were bestie now😁❤️🥺❤️‍🔥
minnie: define ‘besties’🤨
you: jerk. 
you: well im gonna try to work on some hw before going to sleep
you: goodnight BESTIE😤🖤
minnie: goodnight y/n :)
10:19 pm
minnie: congratulations. youre the first girl to not be charmed by thee hwang hyunjin
you: awww thank you thank you *pagent girl wave* 
you: also ive known guys like hyunjin before. i know exactly how to crush their egos😈
you: besides i was too distracted by changbin’s chest😩🥵
you: ive been in need of a new pillow😴🥱🤤
minnie: gross y/n
minnie: im gonna send him this
you: shiiiiii ill send it myself
you: no shame in my game. hes hot
minnie: …🧍🏻‍♂️
minnie: moving on
minnie: you can just send your files for the project to me. ill put it all into one document and email it to the prof
you: aye aye captain
12:08 am
bestie minnie: wanna come by the dance studio tomorrow 
bestie minnie: or today i guess
you: will changbin be there?
bestie minnie: hyunjin, yongbok, and jisung will😒
you: sigh🙄 i guess
4:11 am
you: can you proofread my lit paper?
you: ive been writing since 12 and i can barely see straight
bestie minnie: send it. 
bestie minnie: im gonna facetime
5:33 am
bestie minnie: i know your probably sleeping but i just had the weirdest dream and you were in it
you: omg what was it about?
you: omg what was i wearing?
you: omg did i smell good?
bestie minnie: noooo y/n ur not supposed to be awake😩
you: well i am and im curious🤨
you: answer the questions boy🤨
bestie minnie: ok…
bestie minnie: it was really strange…
bestie minnie: have you been awake or did i wake you?
bestie minnie: alright alright. In my dream we were dating
bestie minnie: MS Y/N L/N DO NOT LEAVE ME ON READ😤
bestie minnie: i knew i shouldn’t have told u😩
you: SORRY 
you: i was imagining it
bestie minnie: i havent even explained the dream yet…
you: hold on now🤨
bestie minnie: what
you: u said u had a weird dream
you: what was so weird about us dating
you: 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨
bestie minnie: idk. ur my friend
you: lee minho did you just friendzone me😭
bestie minnie: NO
bestie minnie: YOU DIDNT ASK ME OUT
you: ugh thats even worse😩
you: my bestie thinks im undateable😩😩😩
you: 😭😭😭 gn min
bestie minnie: goodnight y/n🙄
3:01 am
you: waffles or pancakes? no further questions asked
bestie 4 da restie🖤: waffles
you: HA
you: changbin owes me 5 bucks😈
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ur with changbin at 3 in the morning?
you: no were texting
bestie 4 da restie🖤: oh
you: ???
bestie 4 da restie🖤: do you guys text often?
you: what are you getting at mr🤨?
bestie 4 da restie🖤: nothing. just curious. 
you: not as often as i text u if that is what u want to know minho. 
bestie 4 da restie🖤: i was just asking y/n. 
you: yea sure. i gotta go
bestie 4 da restie🖤: oh. well goodnight <3
2:50 am
bestie 4 da restie🖤: madagascar 2 isnt as good as the first one but i liked it
10:11 pm
bestie 4 da restie🖤: im sorry if what i said the other night upset you
bestie 4 da restie🖤: i just miss talking to you. you didnt  wait for me after class today, so i figured something was up
4:22 am
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ok this time i really hope youre not up but its been a few days and i really just miss u a lot so here goes
bestie 4 da restie🖤: i like u a lot y/n. i think i have since the first time we met up in the library and you came rushing through the door in that cute sheep sweater. i like talking to you. i like the sound of your laugh. i like that my friends like you. i like that youre always awake and willing to talk. i like that you remember my cats names. i like that your favorite movie is madagascar and that you forced me to watch it cause now its one of my favorites. i like that youre yourself no matter who youre around. and i like that you stuck around and did everything you could to befriend me cause i know im not the easiest person to talk to. im moody, blunt, and reserved which most people take as rudeness but you didnt and i really really like that about you. and i know you like changbin but i just had to say that
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ok im gonna turn off my phone before you can reply
you: WAIT
you: dont go
you: at least let me read it before you go ghost
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ok
you: wow
bestie 4 da restie🖤: ok turning off the device now
bestie 4 da restie🖤: wait what?
you: ok first of all i dont actually like changbin. i mean i do like him as friend and he is hot (sorry) but i genuinely really like you minho
you: second of all sorry ive been ignoring the past couple days. i wasnt upset about what you said. i was just a little annoyed but also it made me realize how much i liked you because i was happy that you sounded jealous but then i got scared cause i was afraid you didnt feel the same and i didnt want to ruin what we had
bestie 4 da restie🖤: WELL YOU ALWAYS SAY IM YOUR BESTIE i thought you didnt like me the way i did
you: ok valid but i call everyone bestie min
bestie 4 da restie🖤: i know but it just hurt a little more when it was directed towards me
you: omg can i facetime rn
bestie 4 da restie🖤: why?
you: cause i know ur pouting and i wanna see 👀
bestie 4 da restie🖤: …ok😒
2:22 am
min❤️: hated madagascar 3🤢
you: thats why i didnt wanna watch with you
min❤️: and you didnt warn me? worse girlfriend award
you: u shouldve taken me not wanting to see it as a sign. not knowing my tells, worse boyfriend award
min❤️: ok well now i wanna see the first one
you: and whats stopping you?🤨
min❤️: ur door
you: HUH???
min❤️: im outside
min❤️: just open the door🙄
you: when hes bossy😍🥵
min❤️: geez
you: sorry i was laughing so hard i fell off my chair. coming now <3
min❤️: remind me again why i like u?
you: would you like me to copy and paste your confession🥺
you: hehe love u 
min❤️: love u too
a/n: that other minho fic im writing seems to be putting up quite a fight. its always the middle for me, like i know how i want it to end but everything in between is a struggle. but i decided to write this in the meantime just for funsies. ive always been good at writing dialogue (probably because im a screenwriter lol) so this was fun for me. if i dont finish the other minho fic, i think ill write something with han or changbin🤔 ive been really into harry’s new album and this idea came to me. i hope you enjoy and as always feedback is greatly appreciated :)
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alustriel-the-star · 3 years
Destiny written by the rain: Itachi x Fem!Reader
First chapter here & chapter 3
Chapter 2
Summary: Some memories never fade, like his presence. She still could feel him,see him or she thought so. It is hard to forget the one who gave you so much, so much memories....
Warning: I gave name to the reader here. Why? Cause this one is for my dear friend @iridescent-queen . I can't shake the feeling, the sound of Itachi's voice saying her name. Saying it lovingly, passionately, silently whispering it in the night....
Song Nothing else matters ever dream
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Someone was bad mouthing Itachi in front of you. That would be their last mistake.. but you were stopped from action by Itachi himself. He would hug you and lean close to your ear to tell you something. The warmth, the sheer proximity of him, that hot tickling breath almost immediately calmed your boiling rage down. That sweet scent lilac, that seems to always follows him. That dark hair sometimes would have fresh scent of sea and sometime sharp smell of pine. That scent of freedom, he was your freedom.
"If you remember me Iris, then I don't care if everyone else forgets.”
"But Itachi...."
“I want you always to remember me. Will you remember that I loved you? That i existed next to you? That we always stood next to each other?"
"Why are you saying things like this to me?"
"Do you remeber how hard was for me to sit next to you, so close to you, afraid to kiss you? Dream of me, now only in dreams we can kiss. Its been a long time, since I've been me the real me. You only knew who am I, the one born with tragedy in my blood"
It was always like that, ​you would turn and he have slipped away. Only emptiness and silence behind you. The clutches of that moment would grip at your heart. For the one you loved is no longer part of this world.......
But you can't forget. Itachi was yours. An S rank criminal loved you more then anything on this world.
He used to come to you. He knew the Konoha like the back of his palm. He would use that to his adventage. Sometime he would send one of his crows to guide you to him. But lately he would just come like a ghost in the dead of night. The two lovers who had to hide their affections their feelings their visits.
But his visits became less and less frequent. More and more time would pass before he would come. And every time he would seem sicker, sadder, more tired. His black eyes lost their luster, but you could still see the love in them, the love he felt for you. The way he would say your name- "Iris...Iris would you read to me, that poetry of yours..."
He would lie down his tired head against your belly. One hand would hold your side. He felt safe with you. Safe enough to rest, to sleep, to eat, to love. To show his true face. And you would read to him. You would caress his hair while he would sleep. Your sweet scent calming down his tormented soul, calming down all storms inside of him.
Last time that he came, you will never forget. It was rainy day. Pouring, dark heavy rain. A dull thud you heard on the back against wooden veranda. You were cursing rain. It has to be one of the branches, fallen thanks to this storm.
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You went looking trough He was laying on cold veranda, water pouring down on him. His hair was all stuck over his pale face. His eyes were closed. His skin wet and cold , when you touched him he was shaking. In that moment, no matter how small in compare to him you were. Something gave you strength to pull inside the house, the one you love. You placed him near fire place . You dried his skin and massaged his body tirelessly till he became warm. You wrapped him into wool blanket. He was sick but nothing prepared you for this.
"Oh Itachi... dear god "
He had bouts of coughing. he would put his hand over his mouth, vomiting blood. The red color looked eerie in relation to his sickly white skin. He lay on his side trying to breathe. There was nothing that you could do to help him. You were just wondering. How many times has he coughed and suffered like this. All alone with no one to hold him, to help him. to hear him. All alone in one of their hideouts. In some dark dusty, cold and filthy room. Your beloved...
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"Iris I am sorry.. I am sorry that I put you through all this. I am sorry that you had to love someone like me. I never wanted you to see me like this. But I had to see you before all this ends. Why could you just not hate me like everyone else do?"
He took off his necklace giving it to you. Your sobs made him lift up to see your face. Those dark eyes bleeding from natural black to red of the ..... In the center around the pupils was small circle floated up, trough that circle floated comma like round shaped black jewels. The most powerful visual.....the Sharingan
You knew deep down in your heart . Even before he said it to you knew this is the last time you'll ever see him. Without words he took you down with him. Nestling you both against warm soft wool. He held you close. He would turn on side facing you, while he held you close, caressing your face. You could hear whistling in his lungs as he draw breath.
"You live in my warm life, and I shall die-die, sweetly die into yours."
Poetry- he remembered that was his favorite line.....
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colorseeingchick · 3 years
Period Pains (Iwa, Suna, Bokuto)
Periods still stuck. Nothing has changed since part one. But these boys continue to comfort me when I feel like my heart, head, and stomach are going to explode :D. I hope they comfort you too!
A/N: It’s been rough homies. It really do be your own body that tries to attack you -_-. 
Warnings: EMETOPHOBIA (in Suna’s there’s a semi detailed description of vomiting); swearing; foot massage in Bokuto’s (Ik that makes some people uncomfy); gym bros. 
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Iwaizumi Hajime
It was common knowledge that you and Iwaizumi were two halves of one insane power couple. 
No questions asked, you both were generally independent when it came to taking care of your own matters, and you were both were pretty independent. 
But there were exceptions- moments where you would both lean on each other, using the other as an anchor and a crutch to get back up and stay on your feet. 
Your period was one of those times when times you needed your beloved boyfriend to play that role. 
Today was one of those days. 
You and Iwaizumi head over to the gym at around 6 am to get your early morning workout in before you go through with the rest of your day.
You had told Iwaizumi the night before, and he asked if you still wanted to “go gym” the next morning. 
You said yes, hoping that a solid workout would help with some of the cramps. 
And once you had got there, you had your hopes up. 
The first half of your workout was going really well, and you hadn’t thought of your cramps at all. 
But then it hit you while you were walking over to get your water bottle. 
You didn’t know why, but the cramps hit you hard. Instantly you went to the bathroom to try and compose yourself, but that wasn’t really helping either. 
You didn’t wanna bother Iwaizumi mid workout, so you tried to carry on. 
Unfortunately, that didn’t work out too well. 
As you tried to keep going, the cramps in your stomach got worse and worse, until you were pressing your stomach with your hands, curled over yourself on your yoga mat. 
Taking deep breaths, you tried to relieve the only worsening cramps. 
It wasn’t until a warm, firm hand caressed your back did you look up from your curled up form. 
“1 to 10.” Iwaizumi asks you with a soft voice. 
“4.” You say as you curl into yourself once more. 
It was the pain ranking system that you’d both been using since early on in your relationship. You knew exactly what he meant, and you were honestly thankful that he understood you were in pain by just looking at you. 
“Lying to me doesn’t do any good, ya know.” His words are harsh, yet the concern in his voice kills any intimidation that was supposed to come across. 
“Sounds right.” Iwa’s one arm wraps around you, digging into your side, his thumb massaging circles into the spot right above your left hip, while the other hand rubbed softer circles onto your lower belly. 
You felt your muscles untense as his hands worked away at your cramping stomach with deep pressure only he had the strength to apply. 
“What’s wrong with her?'' 
Both of you look up to see some guy (he seemed like a newbie, neither of you had seen him before) talking to your boyfriend. 
“What.” Iwa’s voice is dry, in shock at the fact that this dude was in your business. 
“Did she injure herself working out or something?” He asks, as if you were incapable of speaking for yourself. “Not being careful in the gym can be really dangerous, especially if you’re not trained.” He speaks in your direction this time. 
Iwaizumi Hajime (27) ATHLETIC TRAINER, now looked like he was ready to commit murder. 
Some of the regulars had now turned to watch, most giving the guy dirty looks.
A couple of you and Iwa’s closer gym bros step towards you both, making some preparations for Iwaizumi to swing. 
But before anyone can really say anything, your voice cuts through. 
“That’s real rich coming from you. The only thing that’s gonna cause an injury is your horrendous deadlift form.” 
Your boyfriend goes from a state of shock into a fit of snickers, the guys on the side also amused. The guy in front of you goes completely red. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about you bi-” 
“I actually think she’s right. I was a bit worried, too.” One of Iwa’s (very buff) friends stepped forward, smiling at you two before putting a hand a on the newbie’s shoulder. “Let’s go check it out.”
As you sigh out, your boyfriend stares at you with pride and amusement both bright in his eyes. “All that pain and you’re still able to come up with snarky comments.” 
As his hand returns to soothing circular motions, you dig your face into his chest. 
The soft touches from Iwa were enough to ease your pains, and allowed you to embrace your moment of vulnerability with your sweet boyfriend. 
“Let’s dip and get food, okay? And you can just rest at home. You deserve a break.”
“Weren’t you saying something about how the grind doesn’t stop-”
“It stops when your health is on the line. Let’s go.”
Suna Rintarou
When it comes to you being on your period, Suna is by far the most hands off while simultaneously being the most attentive. 
Suna wasn’t necessarily the biggest on PDA. But when it was just you two? He had no problem being all up against you.
The only situation Suna does not know how to navigate is when he can’t read someone’s moods or behaviors. Luckily for him, you were overly clear with his emotions and needs when you were on your period, even if those moods and needs were all over the place. 
Early on, when you got together, he was a bit surprised to see how bad your period could get.
He’d walked in to your room one day to see you in a fetal position, rolling around on the floor.
He’d seen you go a full day of eating only junk food, upset and trying to satiate all your cravings. 
He’d also seen you go without sleep because of how bad your cramps were.
Essentially, he’d learned you’d go through really bad health habits, and he’d assigned himself the roll of trying to make sure you maintained some regularity while on your period. 
He was ready for anything, so ready that he made it look effortless. 
When Suna came back from practice one day, he couldn't find you anywhere in your shared home. Which isn’t a problem, but he doesn’t recall you saying you were going anywhere....
It’s not till he lazily stalks over to the hallway and hears a horrible retching sound that he realizes you are still home. 
Swinging the door open, he finds you perched over the toilet, vomiting in what looks to be a super painful manner. 
“Rin...ta...r-oh fuck” you can barely get his name out before you start throwing up again. 
Your boyfriend takes a step into the bathroom, but you toss an intense ‘no’ his way with your hand. 
“It smells disgusting… and… I don’t want to be smothered right now…” you sigh as you breathe between your bouts of vomiting. 
He takes a deep breath, recomposing himself. He knows your period can get pretty bad, but he hasn’t seen it get this bad in a while. He obliges, but he doesn’t move from the doorway. 
As you start your next fit, Suna’s face remains blank, but his heart twists. 
He slowly approaches you, kneeling beside you. 
“I said to not.. To smother me....” your protest is weakened by your body inhibiting your ability to speak. 
Suna keeps a bit of space between you two, but he gently grabs your hair, pulling strand by strand, until its completely out of your face 
(alternatively, if you have short hair), Suna keeps a bit of space between you two, but he lets his hand gently rest on your back, rubbing in soothing circles . 
Your hand goes up to push him away, but he grabs your fist with his larger hand, weaving his fingers with yours, rubbing his thumb into the back of your hand. 
“I won’t smother, don’t worry. But I’m gonna be here.” He’s soft in his tone, unfazed despite the relative unpleasantness of the situation. 
As you finally stop, you fall back, your hands covering your eyes. 
As you lean back, your body giving out, your head finds its way onto the plush chest of your green eyed boyfriend. He doesn’t touch you, but just acts as a makeshift couch for you to lean on. 
“Rintarou.” “
“I need your touch.” 
Your words are blunt but effortlessly received as your boyfriend instinctively wraps his arms around you, languidly stroking your thigh with one hand and holding your stomach with the other. He adjusts you so that you’re pressed up against him. 
“Better, babe?” he asks as he backs up into the wall, loosening up as you relax against him. 
“Mmm.” You croon, sinking down against him. “I should  brush my teeth, I’m sorry you came back to this.”
“It’s fine. Get cleaned up. Wanna watch movies? I got Chinese takeout.” 
“I don’t want Chinese,” you comment.
 “What do you want?” 
 He sighs. “I’ll be back in 20.”
 “I love you.” you smile at him as you tell him what he already knows. 
He presses his nose into your hair, letting your conditioner’s scent fill his nose. “Mmm… and I love you.” 
“How much?” You ask.
“How much do I what?” 
“How much do you love me?” 
“Enough to get you pizza at 10 pm in the pouring rain.” 
“It’s raining??”
“...Nevermind I don’t want pizza anymore.”
“Well I want pizza now so I’m going.” He pulls himself up and out of the bathroom despite the way you tried to cling to his leg to keep him from leaving. 
Bokuto Koutarou
Bokuto is honestly the ideal boyfriend, especially when you are on your period. 
Early in your relationship, when you got on your period, you didn’t tell Bo. But he ended up learning the hard way. 
He’d come back from practice a bit later than usual and didn’t text you. Usually he didn’t, especially if he knew he’d only be a little late. But when he walked through the doors, instead of finding his usually happy, bubbly girlfriend who usually showered him with love, he was greeted with you crying. 
“W-why didn’t-t you text me, Kou? Do you-u not care about me?” 
He had nooo idea what was going on, and he was very panicked and sad. 
He felt like the rug was pulled out from under him when you proceeded to snuggle into his chest 2 minutes later, cries completely stopped. His little owl eyes were wide open and very confused. 
2 days later, he asked about the situation again, scared to bring it up.
But you were really embarrassed as you explained how you were on your period and could get extreme mood swings. You apologized and promised that you’d never do something wild like that again.
But Bo wasn’t content with your answer. 
He went and asked Akaashi if he knew anything about what periods were like (he was shy to ask you). 
Akaashi found the lovely statistic of “period pain being of equal pain levels of a heart attack” and Bokuto lost his shit. “
I’ve never had a heart attack, but they kill people! And they go for the hospital for those! And she apologized for being a little emotional… that doesn’t seem right, right Kaashi?”
Akaashi agrees, of course. And sends Bokuto off with the advice of “she’s always there for you. All you have to do is be there for her.” 
When the next time you had your period rolled around, and you found yourself a little emotional, you did your best to control it. But Bokuto was having none of it. 
“Baby, you don’t have to hide it! You can be emotional!! I don’t mind. You always help me when I’m emotional! I can do the same for you. I’ll take the best care of you, I promise!” 
You would honestly call it a turning point in your relationship, cause this was when you learned to start really depending on Bo. And you realized just how dependable he could really be. 
When Bokuto comes back from practice today, he finds you splayed out on the couch, koala-hugging a pillow, whimpering a “welcome home” between grunts of pain. 
Bokuto stays quiet as he walks up to the couch, dipping down to place a kiss on your cheek before stripping his sweaty t-shirt off as he walks off to take a shower. 
Once he comes out, fresh and clean, he throws on a comfortable t-shirt and shorts before coming back to find you on the couch. 
He grabs your legs, pulls them up, sits down, and then places them in his lap. “Baby, do you want a massage? I can press your legs.” 
“You don’t have to, Kou, it’s okay.” 
“I want to!” He cheers back as he starts to knead at your calves, moving down to your feet and slowly pressing over your socks. 
You sigh and huff, slowly relaxing as the soothing feeling of the pressure applied to your feet counteracts the pain you felt in your lower abdomen. 
While Bokuto concentrates intensely on massaging your calves again, he perks up at the sound of a sniffle.
 Swinging his head, he sees you slowly dissolving into sobs. 
Panicked, he slides your legs onto the couch and comes by your face. 
“Baby, did I press too hard? Did I hurt you? Please tell me.”
“No, no, Kou, you’re fine. I’m just- I’m so lucky and blessed to have such a loving amazing boyfriend~” you get the words out as tears stream down your face, turning to look him in his big, gorgeous, gold eyes. “I don’t deserve you, my love.”
Now, for reasons unknown, Bokuto finds himself crying as well. 
“Why are you crying!” You cry and laugh out at the same time. 
“Because I have such a sweet girlfriend who always showers me in love! Don’t say I don’t deserve you. You’re perfect for me.” 
Cheesy as the exchange was, it was really soft for you. Because you knew Bokuto, and you knew he meant every word exactly as is from the bottom of his heart. 
Crying while your laughs got lighter, you pull him in and kiss him all over his face. 
He laughs too, and holds your face as he pulls away, swiping the tears from under your eyes. “Your turn!!” 
After smothering you with kisses, he picks you up and carries you to your shared bedroom, so he can love on you more, with enough space for both of you to lay next each other and peacefully drift off to sleep. 
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A/N: Gym guys who don’t mind their business seriously bother me. I hope you all enjoyed! Requests and commentary are greatly appreciated :D 
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DIABOLIK LOVERS DAYLIGHT Vol. 1 Sakamaki Ayato [Track 1]
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Original title: 穏やかな日々
Source: Diabolik Lovers Daylight Vol. 1 Sakamaki Ayato
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru
Translator’s note: I’m so excited to be able to deliver the latest installment of the DL Drama CD series to you guys! I honestly did not expect to be able to do it this early but I was able to get the CD for really cheap myself so here I am! I already listened to the CD once to write up a summary which honestly helped me out a lot. I still knew some of the lines and events when I got to translating it in detail, which sped up the process by a lot! uwu 
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 + Epilogue
Track 1: Peaceful Days
Ayato stands on top of Kaminashi tower.
“...What a nice view. Guess this old, worn-down tower isn’t too shabby to look down at the city. Hehe...”
He looks down.
“Hah. When lookin’ down at them from above, everythin’ really looks so tiny and insignificant. So pitiful, I’m almost brought to tears. Haah...All because of that stupid lil’ human, I’m thisーー ...Ugh... Pathetic. ...I need more...of her blood...Kuhーー!”
Ayato is sucking your blood in the living room.
“...Heh. Why you lookin’ at me like that? Are you that upset I attacked you in your sleep? You’ve only got yourself to blame for snoozin’ on the couch in a house full of a Vampires.”
You try and defend yourself.
“Like I give a damn! Whether you were tired or not, you’re basically beggin’ me to jump you. Prey that lets down its guard can’t complain ‘bout bein’ devoured like this. Just give up.”
He continues sucking your blood.
“Stop makin’ a fuss. ...Or do you want me to suck you even more, perhaps? From this throat? ...In that case, I’ll gladly grant your wish.”
“Hehehe...That’s a nice expression you’re making. Show me more. Mmh...”
“Hah...You’ve got that dreamy look in your eyes. ...Despite all those complaints, in the end you still enjoy it, huh?”
You tell him to stop.
“...Eh? You really think I’m satisfied with that much? Besides, you don’t have the right to defy me. Just behave and enjoy the ride.”
“ーー Hah! ...Not yet...I still haven’t had nearly enough.”
You insist that you’ll go crazy if he doesn’t stop soon.
“Hehehe...So what if you go crazy? If you think that’s gonna convince me to let you go, you’re way too naive. (1)”
You continue to protest. 
“I’m sure you know that very well, don’t you?”
“...Che! Geez, throwin’ in the towel already? What’s with that attitude when I’m out here givin’ you my full attention?”
*Rustle rustle*
“Heh. ...Too late to apologize now.”
You apologize again.
“Stop sayin’ sorry already! ...Actually, in that caseーー”
*Rustle rustle*
“Haah...Whatever. I’ve lost interest.”
You frown, asking why he is upset. 
“...Fuck off! I’m not upset! ...And stop pokin’ me! It tickles! Lay it off!”
“Don’t try and get cute with me! ...Anyway, haven’t you been droppin’ a lot of weight as of late? Are you eatin’ properly?”
You ask if he is worried about you.
“Haah...? I’m not worried or anythin’...! I just prefer my girls to have some meat on her bones, that’s all. Right now your tits are so pathetic, it kills my appetite.”
You chuckle.
“...Oi! You laughed just now, didn’t you? Dependin’ on your reasoning, you won’t get away with it! Tell me!”
You explain.
“...Aah!? You think I’m kind!?”
You tell him he stopped sucking your blood because he must have been worried about your health. 
“I just told you I’m not worried, didn’t I!? I only stopped because the mood got ruined! Don’t assume I wouldn’t suck you till the very limit! Stop gettin’ ahead of yourself! It’s totally different! Idiotー! Ms. Misunderstanding Chichinashi! (3) Don’t you ever dare say such stuff again!”
You play off his complaints. 
“What’s with that haphazard answer!? Are you mockin’ me!?”
You giggle again.
“ーー Geez! Get off your high horse already. Hmph! ...Ah, fuck, this pisses me off. Meanwhile I’m over here strugglin’ ‘cause I’ve been more thirsty than usual as of late...Haah...”
You offer to drink some juice. 
“Don’t be fuckin’ kiddin’ me! I wouldn’t be sufferin’ this much if some juice could do the trick! ...You’ve been pokin’ fun at me this whole time, haven’t you? Your blood is the only thing which can quench this thirst. Yet you’re bein’ all stingy with it...Ugh! Geez! Isn’t there some other way!? ...Something that’ll lift my mood at once! Take your responsibility and put some serious thought into that! Things turned out this way ‘cause of you after all! If you can’t think of anything, I’ll suck your blood!”
You immediately think of something.
“Oh? What is it? Tell me.”
You offer going on a walk together.
“Ah? A walk? Listen up…Were you even listenin’ to what I said!? I told you I wanted to do somethin’ to lift my mood, remember? So how exactly will a walk lift my mood? If anything, it’s gonna fuckin’ ruin it! Don’t be kiddin’ me! ...I don’t give a damn if you recently discovered this place or not, che…Anyway,  it’s a no.”
ーー Well then…Guess it’s time for your punishment?”
You try and reason with him one more time.
“Nah, I’m not waitin’ and I’m not goin’ either. Even sleepin’ would still be better than that!”
You pout.
“…The fuck you gettin’ all depressed for?  Ahー Geez! Fine!! I just gotta go, right!? Fine, fine, guess I’ve got no other choice then. I’m a total gentleman after all!”
You thank him, smiling.
“...Hmph. Look at you gettin’ all happy over small things like a lil’ kid. Ah, but...”
Ayato looks out of the window.
“Take a look. It’s pourin’ like crazy outside. Doesn’t seem like it’ll clear up any time soon either. Havin’ to go on a walk with our umbrellas seems like way too much of a chore.”
You ask if you can go on a walk some other time. 
“Fine. Next time then, okay? ...It’s a fuckin’ pain in the ass, but whatever.”
You seem happy.
“Don’t rejoice just yet. You’re draggin’ me outside, so you’ll at least make sure I’m entertained, right? If not, I won’t have any mercy. You better be prepared to get sucked dry by me if it’s boring. Hahaha...Suddenly I’m lookin’ forward to this.”
Translation notes
(1) 甘い or ‘amai’ usually means ‘sweet’, but it can also be used to call someone ‘weak’ or ‘naive’. 
(2) Ayato literally says something along the lines of ‘the parts which can stick out should do so’, which refers to curves (or the lack thereof) on girls. 
(3) In Japanese, he calls her 勘違いチチナシ女 or ‘kanchigai chicihinashi onna’ which literally means ‘misunderstanding titless woman’. 
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