#braceface 1
jcalexandrewrites · 19 days
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So, I decided to watch Lily Orchard’s latest video about “The Forgotten Gays of Western Animation.”
The video was 3/4ths legit discussion about three lesser-known LGBT characters from Western animation.
The other 4th was Lily propping up this conspiracy theory that these characters were “forgotten” by modern animation nerds as to artificially prop up the “importance” of shows like Korra and She Ra and Owl House and…sigh, just no.
The reason more people don’t know more about characters like Dion, Gene, and Zoit is because:
1) Braceface and 6Teen were Canadian shows that didn’t leave much of a cultural impact here in the States. And,
2) Lloyd in Space was a Saturday morning cartoon that only lasted one season.
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nessatwene-art · 2 months
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It’s the first day of school at Central High and the first day of third year for Lucas, already over it before he could amble into the building. It’s just another school year. Robyn stepped out of a car, waving her mom goodbye. She let out a soft sigh, gazing up at the high school. She just wanted to get through her first day at her new school without any trouble. 
The student body crammed their way into the gymnasium. Red, white and black confetti were scattered everywhere, and balloons arched a speaking podium in the middle of the gym. A huge red banner hung across the wall saying “Welcome Cardinals!” in big white letters. 
The pep rally was always the most annoying part of the first day, Lucas thought, sitting next to his friends on the crowded, rowdy bleachers. The marching band music, the obnoxious cheerleaders, too much pomp and circumstance. He plugged his ear buds, attempting to drown out the noise.
“Omg hi!! Hey!! How’s it going!” Clarissa waved at everyone she missed this past summer. 
Mark scrolled through his phone, passing post after post about different monster appearances around Union. Regular Monday news.
“Hi,” Robyn pointed at the open space next to Clarissa, “Is this seat taken?”
“No, go ahead!” Clarissa scooted over, “I’ve never seen you here before.”
“I’m new here.”
Clarissa gasped, starry eyed, “That’s so exciting!” Clarissa poked at Mark and Lucas, “Guys! A new student!”
Robyn gave them a nervous smile, they awkwardly waved back.
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“I’m Clarissa by the way.” Clarissa held out her hand.
“Robyn, I’m a junior,” She happily shook it. How friendly, She thought.
“The one with the glasses is Mark, and the brooding one is Lucas. They’re like my best buds.” Clarissa introduced the others. “Also juniors.”
“Clar, I’m not brooding,” Lucas yawned, “Just tired.”
“It's 7:45, dude, wake up,” Mark shoved Lucas’s shoulder. 
Mic feedback rippled through the gym and all chatter and music shushed. The principal stood against the podium, welcoming the students into a new school year with obvious cringe and outdated slang here and there. 
“Hey,” Clarissa whispered to Robyn, “If you want, we can give you a tour around campus during lunch.”
Robyn agreed, it beats feeling lost for a week. Plus she liked Clarissa’s hospitality.
Students fizzled out of the gym, cramming through the hallway. 
Clarissa offered to help Robyn locate her locker as they strolled along in front of the other two. It was sort of a special skill of Clarissa to seem like close friends to someone she met fifteen minutes ago.
Mark nudged Lucas, “Doing anything this year?”
“I don’t know…” Lucas scratched his head.
“Our team sucked last year.”
“Well you could always—”
“I’m not joining robotics, Mark,” Lucas rolled his eyes, stopping in front of his locker.
“Whoa!” Clarissa hollered just a couple lockers down, “You guys are neighbors!” She pointed at Robyn opening hers at the lower level. Robyn gave yet another awkward smile.
“What about competition? You haven’t done those in a while,” Mark leaned against the wall.
“My dad’s been on my case about fighting,” Lucas threw random supplies from his backpack into his locker, “Saying I should ‘focus on school extracurriculars and whatever,'” Lucas gave his best dad impression. “I don’t know what the issue is.”
A Skateboarder swept through the hallway, “Whoops!” swiping Lucas backpack right out of his hands, scattering books and papers across the floor.
“What the hell!” Lucas, annoyed, bent over to pick his stuff up.
“Oh gosh,” Robyn helped gather up the remaining.
The skateboarder slowly scooted back, eyeing Robyn.
“Never seen you before,” He smirked
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“Piss off, Blake,” Lucas spat.
“Take it easy,” Blake relaxed his hands in his jean pockets, “I’m just trying our new friend.”
“Well, I’m Robyn,” For better or for worse, she introduced herself one more time, “I’m new…you get the picture.”
“Right, right, and I guess you already made friends with Mucas, Crony, and braceface.”
“Hey!” Clarissa objected.
“Rude…” Mark added.
Lucas kicked Blake’s board, rolling it down the hallway.
“The hell?! That was a new board!”
“Then don’t knock over my stuff!” Lucas said, tightening his fist at Blake.
Not a second too soon the principal stood over the two with a skateboard around his arm, “Break it up!” He looked unpleasant. “If you lay a finger on each other it'll be straight to detention!”
“Sorry, Principal Finke,” Lucas and Blake said in unison as if they rehearsed it thousands of times.
“And there’s no skateboarding in the building! I’ll be confiscating this till further notice.”
“Aw come on!” Blake protested.
BRING!! The first bell rang. 
“Hurry off to homeroom, all of you. Luckily It’s meatball sub Monday so I’m in a good mood,” The principal walked off.
“Tch dork ass,” Blake insulted the principal. He turned back to Robyn, smirked and shrugged. “It was nice to meet you, Robbie,” then he sauntered away.
“Geeeezz,” Clarissa groaned.
“Yeah…uh sorry about that,” Lucas apologized. “He’s…”
“An asshole?” Robyn finished.
BRING!!  the bell rang again.
“Do you mind helping me find my homeroom, Clarissa?” Robyn asked.
“Sure!” They began walking together. “Robyn tour during lunch! Don’t forget!” Clarissa called out to the boys heading their separate ways.
“307…307…” Robyn mumbled, looking for her last class before lunch. 
She walked into a science classroom, already filled with other students, Blake among them, hanging out before the bell rings. She noticed Lucas sitting at a desk in the last row, head perched on his hand, buds in his ear, and gazing out the window. Robyn took the empty desk right in front of him, they may not be close but at least he’s a familiar face.
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“Um Luke, right?”
“Close,” He took his earbuds out, “Lucas.”
“Oh right, right,” She playfully knocked her forehead. 
Robyn wondered what to talk about, Lucas seemed much more reserved than his enthusiastic friend, Clarissa. “Are you into chemistry?” This is a chemistry class…
“Eh,” Lucas shrugged, “It's fine I guess.”
Lucas folded his arms and leaned back against his chair, “Picked up a thing or two from my dad. He really wanted me to take it though. it’s like his thing.”
“Uh huh,” Robyn nodded.
“So where’re you from?”
“I’m from Union, I've been in Central for most of my life.”
“Then where'd you go? Eastman? Rolling Green? Kilbourne?
The question stung her a bit. After all she wanted to leave that behind but she knew it was inevitable.
“Ravenwood?” Lucas leaned forward.
Robyn could feel the slight twinge of embarrassment. “Y-yeah.”
“Huh,” Lucas lingered for a second, “I could see it.”
The bell finally rang and students took their seats as their teacher rushed in through the door.
“Good morning everyone,” The teacher began scribbling her name on the whiteboard in front of the class. “I’m Elizabeth Vader, but you can call me Ms. Ellie,” She said in a bright smile. “Welcome to AP Chem!”
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Ms. Ellie passed out syllabuses then pulled out a bowl filled with small pieces of paper. “Please pick one piece of paper,” She explained while walking down the rows, “And whoever gets the same number as you is your lab partner for the semester.”
A few students groaned.
Ms. Ellie made it to the last row, Robyn and Lucas drew a lot.
“7,” Robyn’s paper read.
Lucas tapped her shoulder, holding out his paper, “7.”
“Guess we’re lab partners,” Lucas said.
“Lab partners and locker neighbors. What are the chances?” Robyn laughed.
Students talked amongst themselves for a bit, as Ms. Ellie prepared material at her front desk. Robyn overheard a couple of peers talking about the recent news, unnaturals, mysterious monsters that have appeared in Union for some time. One mentioned how he thought one of the unnaturals looked kind of cool, describing it the best he could. bright yellow eyes, huge talons, and two pairs of wings that allowed it to soar like a jet. 
“That sounds like a yellow core ave unnatural!” Robyn butted in, “not crazy rare or anything, but some aves can fly over 300 miles per hour, which is faster than the fastest bird on earth, and—” Robyn trailed off, “oh sorry…” She adjusted her glasses.
“No, no, it’s cool,” The student reassured her.
“Pffft ha!” Lucas cracked up, “Now I definitely see it.”
The bell rang and students filed out of the room heading towards the cafeteria. Robyn sat at her desk packing up while Lucas sat on the desktop texting Clarissa their ETA. 
“Oh Robyn!” Ms. Ellie walked up towards her, “Sorry for being a little nosy, but I overheard your little convo and saw you have credit from a summer program at the Union Institute.”
“Mm hm.”
“I think it’s very impressive! I don’t meet too many students who are very passionate about studying unnaturals.”
“Thanks Ms. Ellie,” Robyn blushed.
“Would you be interested in seeing the science department’s core collection?”
Robyn gasped, “I would love to!”
She followed Ms. Ellie to the department's storage room at the back of the class. Lucas jumped from the desktop, tailing behind them.
Ms. Ellie turned on the lights and opened a large cabinet next to a shelf of extra beakers and graduated cylinders. Inside were seven half gallon sized glass tubes with a metal base and a top locked with a hatch. Each held a colorful crystal orb. Half shined brilliantly while the others were dim. They all had labels taped around the thick glass with their designated nomenclature; Red cored beast, yellow cored aquatic, yellow cored flora, and so on.
“I’m sure it’s not as impressive as the Union Institute,” Ms. Ellie took one out, passing it to Robyn.
“There’s so much variety! Plus these stasis chambers look brand new!” Robyn gleefully examined. 
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Ms. Ellie noticed Lucas leaning against the door frame. “Would you like to see?” She handed him an unnatural stasis chamber before he could utter a word.
“How was the program, Robyn?” She asked.
“It was great!” Robyn hopped in excitement, “I learned so much. The labs were so cool and modern! Plus the food was pretty darn good.”
“How lovely!”
“Even better, I got to meet the lab’s director and he offered me an after school internship!”
“That’s wonderful, Robyn!”
“Wait, for real?” Lucas added, juggling the glowing red core given by Ms. Ellie with his bare hands. 
“Yeah! But…” Robyn’s excitement grew quiet. “I don’t know if my project idea will be approved if—”
“Lucas! My goodness!” Ms. Ellie interrupted.
“...What?” Lucas said, startled.
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“Don’t take active cores out of their stasis chambers!” She scolded him. “If it’s left out too long its form could regenerate!”
“It’s not like it’s gonna reform in a second,” he threw the core up, catching it like a ball.
Ms. Ellie winced. “Lucas, put it back please,” She threw her hands on her hips with a stern frown.
He groaned, putting the core back in its chamber and locking its hatch. He placed the chamber on the closest shelf stocked with extra chem equipment.
Ms. Ellie exhaled in relief. “Well,” she cleared her throat, “You two don't want to miss lunch right?” 
“Oh right, my tour!” Robyn remembered.
Ms. Ellie escorted them out of the classroom, shutting the door behind her.
The door creaked back open. A figure tiptoed through the classroom to the storage room, easily breaking in. They took the chamber sitting on the shelf placed by Lucas, unlocked  its hatch, and set the shining red core on the tiled floor. It began to simmer. The figure hurried out the room, leaving the door cracked open.
“There you guys are!” Clarissa stood outside the bustling cafeteria.  
“We had class on the third floor,” Lucas replied, walking beside Robyn, “Plus the new girl’s a teacher’s pet.”
“Hey,” Robyn objected, “For your information we were having a great conversation till he decided to mess with an unnatural core.”
“It wasn't that big of a deal,” Lucas brushed it off.
“Um? You weren’t handling it properly and—”
“Hey guys!” Mark jogged in out of breath. 
“And where were you?” Clarissa asked.
“Gym class.” 
“Well since we’re all here…Tour!” Clarissa led the way down the hallway. 
The three guided Robyn through Central High, filling her in on anecdotes and embarrassing gossip; like last year's nearly disastrous production of Singing in the Rain, the pranks pulled by the varsity football team on student council, and the time when a rival school kidnapped their mascot, Cornelius the Cardinal, and held him for “ransom”. 
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“That’s where we have anime club!” Clarissa pointed at a classroom, “you can join if you want!”
“Or Robotics. Thursdays and Fridays starting next week.” Mark added.
“Thanks, I’ll consider,” Robyn smiled, not wanting to turn them down yet.
“Did you do any clubs at your old school?” Mark asked.
“Academic olympiad and archery.” She pretended to draw and shoot a bow.
Mark, Clarissa, and Lucas awed.
“Of course your old school had an archery team,” Lucas remarked.
“Wait, where are you from anyway?” Mark raised another question as they headed up to the third floor.
Robyn hesitated at the top of the stairs. “Just another school in Union—”
“She went to Ravenwood,” Lucas killed the suspense.
Mark and Clarissa gasped.
Ravenwood Academy isn’t that different from Central High, right? The thought ran through her head. Her eyes pierced at Lucas when he passed her up the steps. He glanced back, shrugging a shoulder.
“Wait, I totally see it…” Clarissa wagged her finger when she connected the dots.
“Told ya, teacher’s pet—OW!” Clarissa nudged Lucas in his side.
“I mean, that’s a really good school,” Mark wondered, “Don’t mean to pry but how come you left?”
“Ah well.” 
The three raised their brows, eager for Robyn’s answer.
“I guess it just wasn’t for me. I mean, who wants to go to a school with a bunch of know-it-alls anyway,” Robyn laughed, “Plus I don’t have to wear a uniform anymore.”
The others giggled at her punches at Ravenwood.
“Then I’m glad I got to meet you, Robyn,” Clarissa said as they continued their tour down a third floor hallway. “I moved to Central when I was ten, so I understand what going to a new school is like.”
Robyn gave a sweet smile.
Lucas threw his gaze elsewhere—not sure what it was in him but he wasn’t satisfied with that answer. Though he’s only known Robyn for what? Four-ish hours? 
She didn’t feel ready to tell the truth yet. It weighed heavy on her heart but this is what she wanted.
They finally reach the science wing. Clarissa stepped in front of the rest, ready to end the tour. 
“And that’s our school!” She raised her arms in the air, “any questions?”
“Hmm…” Robyn pondered.
“Can we get some food, Clar? I’m staarrrvving,” Lucas’s stomach grumbled.
“Do we still have enough time for lunch?” Robyn asked.
“We can grab lunch during study hall, teachers don’t really take attendance for upperclassmen then,” Mark explained.
“First day usual?” Lucas posed.
“I’m up for it,” Mark agreed.
“What’s the first day usual?”
“Since middle school, we would go to Pelino’s Pizza and Deli after school and get a large box of the ultimate four cheeses with the works. Then go to the corner store on the same street and load up on a ton of snacks and drinks!” Clarissa eye’s eyes lit up talking about it.
“Not the fanciest, but it hits every time,” Lucas grinned.
His grin was whipped away as a shadow grew tall behind Clarissa. The others stood stunned by Its abrupt appearance, staring into its fiery red eyes as it slowly drew out its thick claws.
“And since we’re upperclassmen now, we can leave campus whe—”
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“CLARISSA!” Robyn gasped, jumping to grab her out of the way. They slide across the hallway, bumping into a wall of lockers.
SWOOSH! Its claws striked the ground.
“Holy crap!” Clarissa yelled while pinned to the floor. “What was that?”
The Unnatural stood up on its hind legs, its body was as thick as a black bear, and its fur was colored like cinnabar jasper. Two large fangs raised out from its bottom jaw and claws were as long as a sloth’s. Robyn felt a beat of sweat drip from her face. This encounter felt all too familiar but this time she knew what to do. Robyn rose on to one knee, her hands began to spark, materializing a glowing purple bow.
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“Whoa,” Clarissa was awestruck. 
She drew the string, conjuring an arrow just as brilliant as the bow. WOOSH! Robyn shot. It flew down the hallway towards the unnatural, hitting the wall just beside it.
“Gah?! I missed?!” Robyn cried.
However, she didn’t fail to get it’s attention. The unnatural turned towards the girls, stomping and lifting its claws. There was nowhere to run in time, they braced for impact. 
WAM! An azure beam shot the unnatural to the ground. 
The girls hurried up from the floor and Robyn looked around for where the shot came from. Lucas held a finger gun and blue steam wisped from the end of his index finger.
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“Oh my god!” Mark said, hiding behind Lucas, “Are you guys okay?”
Before they could answer, the unnatural stood up, escaping on all fours down the hallway.
“Damn it!” Lucas raced after it, “Mark, watch over them!” He yelled.
“Lucas, wait!” Robyn chased after them before Mark could stop her.
Robyn followed Lucas, staring carefully at the unnatural they’re pursuing. Then it clicked.
“Lucas!” Robyn caught up with him.
“Hey!” He was shocked to see her, “I thought you were staying back?”
“Lucas, look!” She pointed at the unnatural, “That’s what happens when you mess with a core!” She scolded him.
The stopped at the top of a stairway as the unnatural stood its ground at the bottom.
“That’s a red core unnatural! That’s the one you took out of its stasis chamber!”
“What the hell are you talking about?! You saw me put it back!”
“Maybe you didn’t put it back right. I told you it’s dangerous!” Robyn argued. She drew her bow again, shooting and missing again. “Come on!” She yelled in frustration.
Lucas ran down the steps, this time hitting the unnatural with an energy fist. They locked in combat as the commotion began to draw a crowd. Robyn followed down to the second floor and watched as Lucas effortlessly fought against the unnatural. Even when he was hit he could brush it off. A punch, a kick, a shot—his grin was wide and eyes focused, like he was having a blast. As for Robyn, she could barely hit it with her arrows.
“Excuse me! Sorry!” She ran through the crowd of students, drawing her bow one more time. It hit! “Yes!” Robyn cheered.
The unnatural takes its attention from Lucas to Robyn.
“Oh no!”
It chased after her. 
She ran into a deadend and the unnatural continued to charge after her.
Perfect, Lucas thought.
“Robyn!” Lucas sprint behind the unnatural, “When I say ‘now’ shoot an arrow at its chest!”
Robyn gulped and drew her bow, closing one eye to aim. Lucas formed a finger gun and the index started to glow.
The unnatural rushed closer and closer and closer, then jumped into the air.
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Robyn shot her arrow and Lucas shot a beam, both striking the unnatural right in the middle. It fell to the ground and its form dissipated into a thick red smoke, leaving nothing but a glowing red core on the ground.
Robyn slid against the wall, dropping to in relief. Lucas walked over and helped her up. She brushed the dust out of her skirt as more people stepped into the hallway. Chatter among them grew louder and some even cheered.
“Nice,” Lucas smiled.
She smiled back.
Clarissa and Mark ran down the stairs, embracing both. 
“Holy cow!” Clarissa exclaimed, “are you guys okay?”
“Yeah,” despite nearly being attacked and missing almost all her shots, Robyn beamed. “We’re great!”
The principal came rushing down the hallway, hands over his head utterly flabbergasted. “WHAT IN GOD’S NAME?!”
Garbage, books, and papers were thrown everywhere, a broken fountain spat out water, and some lockers were dented and covered in claw marks. 
“Oops,” Lucas mumbled.
The hallway was a mess!
“Who is responsible for this!!??” The Principal's face was hot red.
A few in the crowd point at the culprits.
Lucas’s jaw dropped “ARE YA’LL SERIOUS??!”
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The final bell rang, Lucas and Robyn sat in an empty classroom. Robyn’s face was planted on the desk while Lucas sat with his head perched on his shoulder bored.
“First time in detention?” Lucas asked.
“Noo,” Robyn sulked, lifting her head, “But it's my first time having two entire weeks of detention!” She planted her face back on the desk. “Thanks for asking.”
“Finke has a stick up his geriatric ass. He’s always looking for someone to punish,” Lucas tried to reassure her. 
She didn’t respond.
“Um, sorry about that”
“About what?”
“The unnatural…but I swore I put the core back.”
“It’s fine,” Robyn lifted her head back up, “I wonder how it could’ve gotten out…” She took a small journal from her backpack, scribbling thoughts onto a page.
“Hell of a first day, huh?” he sat back, resting the back of his head against his hands.
“Gee, you telling me,” she agreed, “I thought getting through my first day was going to be easy but now I’m sitting in after school detention with nine more waiting for me because an unnatural somehow attacked the school! Now I’m gonna be late to my internship which I don't even know is gonna happen because I haven’t gotten my project approved because nobody wants to join!” She vented out her frustrations.
“What's the project,” Lucas asked.
“It doesn’t matter. It’s not going to get approved anyway.”
“Lemme hear it.”
Robyn sighed, “I wanted to do case studies of unnaturals living and appearing around Central on a personal level—and help out if they're causing trouble, sorta like today. If you think you put it back then how did it appear in the school? Was it from a fracture?” She came to a sad pause. “I’m the only high schooler and none of the other interns wanted to join. Plus I can barely use my powers well. How am I going to help anyone, let alone myself?” Robyn sunk in her desk.
“Could I join?”
“Wait…what?” Robyn perked up.
“You have a cool power. Your bow.” Lucas complimented. “Didn’t expect you to be a poten.”
“I didn’t expect you either—”
“But,” Lucas continued, “Monsters aren’t sitting targets. Your technique is too hesitant, that’s why you missed so much.”
“Oh! Uhhhh.”
“And if you’re standing there to load up your shots, you’re easy prey.”
 “Hm…” Robyn thinks for a moment, wondering how much he was paying at attention to her during the fight. He seemed too focused; like he was in his own world.
“So I figured, your project is gonna be like this, you’re gonna need someone who knows their way around a fight.” Lucas shrugged, “Maybe help you to learn your abilities.” He tried to come off as nonchalant, but his interest was genuine.
Robyn wondered, “I don’t know if the director would allow it since you're not an intern and all.”
“C’mon,” Lucas insisted, “If I teach you, you teach me. I think we can work something out.”
Robyn beamed, remembering how his face looked when he was fighting the unnatural. That was his element.
“Okay,” She agreed, “Then let's go after school tomorrow! I can’t wait for you to see the lab and meet the director! It’s going to be so cool!”
They chatted through the rest of detention. One person was one step closer. Despite all that happened today, more was awaiting them.
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Ms. Ellie opened the door to the science department storage. Holding the core in her hand, she placed the core back in its chamber, locking it tightly. 
“Gosh, how troublesome.” She placed the chamber back in the cabinet with the others. “I’m just glad that nobody was hurt,” She sighed in relief. She closed the cabinet, locking it securely with a padlock. Ms. Ellie walked out of the room, shutting the door behind her. Unknown to her, another stasis chamber sat hidden behind the shelf of extra books and equipment, unlocked and empty.
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My submissions for best animated movie girl:
1. Nimona
2. Smile from Words Bubble Up Like Soda Pop
3. Moana, Moana
4. Kidagakash (Kida) from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.
5. Mulan from Disney's Mulan (1998)
6. Utena Tenjou in Adolescence of Utena
7. The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya's iteration of Ryouko Asakura
8. Megara, Hercules 1997
9. Coraline (Coraline)
10. Sharon (Braceface)
11. Helena from Mirrormask
12. Uta from Bubble (2022).
13. gwen stacy from spiderverse movies
14. Colette, Ratatouille (2007)
15. Seoirse from Song of the Sea
16. Rapunzel from Tangled
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sillylilyposting · 12 days
Properly funny Lorch says Braceface was filed under "adult animation" when the reason it was taken of ABC family was it wanted to remove kids programming
1 minute of Google fu to figure that one out (this also why they took off totally spies and other)
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Picked up on Disney later before it ended to no fanfare or cultural impact
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Here are our first round mean girl match ups!
Voting starts July 15
Names below
EDIT: Voting continuing August 1. (Thank you for your patience while I dealt with computer trouble)
Group A
Alakshmi Verma (Kaijudo) vs Alejandro Burromuerto (Total Drama Franchise)
Amity Blight (The Owl House) vs Andrea Davenport (The Ghost and Molly McGee)
Angelica Pickles (All Grown Up) vs Arcangelo Correli (Neo Yokio)
Ashley A (Recess) vs Bonnie Rockwaller (Kim Possible)
Boscha (The Owl House) vs Brandy Harrington, of the Florida Harringtons (Brandy and Mr. Whiskers)
Brandy Silver (Detentionaire) vs Brit Crust (My Life as a Teenage Robot)
Brittany Boviak (Llyod in Space) vs Brittany Wong (Star vs the Forces of Evil)
Callie (Cleopatra in Space) vs Charmcaster (Ben 10)
Group B
Chloe Bourgeois (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Cleo (Clone High)
Darcy (Winx Club) vs Diamond Tiara (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic)
Duchess Swan (Ever After High) vs Eliza (Craig of the Creek)
Elodie (OK K.O.) vs Fakir (Princess Tutu)
Faybelle Thorn (Ever After High) vs Heather (Total Drama franchise)
Icy (Winx Club) vs Julia (Total Drama franchise)
Kimmie McAdams (Detentionaire) vs Kimmy Mysner (Symbionic Titan)
Lacienega Boulevardez (The Proud Family) vs Lars Barriga (Steven Universe)
Group C
Mami Yagihara (Blue Flag) vs Mandy (Totally Spies)
Marcy Wu (Amphibia) vs Marion Hawthorne (Harriet the Spy the Animated Series)
Melissa O'Malley (The Life and Times of Juniper Lee) vs Mina (Droners)
Mindy (The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy) vs Miranda Killgallen (As Told By Ginger)
Motoko Minagawa (Fruits Basket) vs Muffy Crosswire (Arthur)
Nanami Kiryuu (Revolutionary Girl Utena) vs Nanette Manoir (Angela Anaconda)
Nina Harper (Braceface) vs Pacifica Northwest (Gravity Falls)
Paulina (Danny Phantom) vs Praxina (Lolirock)
Group D
Princess Morbucks (Powerpuff Girls) vs Quinn Morgendorfer (Daria)
Raquelle (Barbie Life in the Dream House) vs Rue (Princess Tutu)
Sasha Waybright (Amphibia) vs Sheena/Tigress (Carmen Sandiego)
Sierra McCool (The Replacements) vs Sissi Delmas (Code Lyoko)
Stephanie Knightleigh (Edgar and Ellen) vs Stormy (Winx Club)
Sunset Shimmer (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic) vs Tammy Larsen (Bob's Burgers)
Tiff Crust (My Life as a Teenage Robot) vs Tricia Holmes (6Teen)
Trixie Tang (Fairly Oddparents) vs Veronica Lodge (Archie/Archie's Weird Mysteries)
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passed-out-real · 2 years
Alicia Silverstone Filmography Part 1
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The Crush (1993)
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Cool and the Crazy (1994)
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Hideaway (1995)
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Clueless (1995)
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True Crime (1995)
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The Babysitter (1995)
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Batman & Robin (1997)
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Excess Baggage (1997)
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Blast from the Past (1999)
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Braceface (2001‑2003)
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cartoonfangirl1218 · 3 years
Top 5 Discovery Kids Shows
1. Truth or Scare
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This was my jam, I watched it over and over for the light scares. But I still cannot see covered bridges the same way.
2. Skunk Fu
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Cute show with the Chinese zodiac (I think?). I don’t really much about it to be honest but I think it was entertaining enough. I did ship Rabbit and Fox though.
3. Future is Wild
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Like above, I don’t really remember much of the actual plot besides 3 modern kids riding around the future with a future girl to save the earth that looks really prehistoric now. I only remember the baboon episode to be honest. I don’t know why it was my favorite.
4. Grossology
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This is actually a really good show to teach kids about your immune system, insects, biology, and other gross topics. Though of course, the thought of a fart monster is just queasy and makes for some terrifying villains.
5. Growing Up Creepie
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She is the coolest goth kid, the theme song rocks, and like above, teaches a lot about insects. Plus it’s cartoonish nature makes it a little less creepy if you’re one of those, like me, who aren’t a fan of spiders.
Hon mention: Braceface, Tutenstein, Jane and the Dragon, Flight 39 down, Timeblazers
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snarkysim · 7 years
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arachnidsgamer · 2 years
M!A: The Braceface Anon is back (yes, actually) and has Digivolved to….NERDFACE ANON, with several changes!
1. Reinstated Braces, and a deadline for the reinstated braces, the end of summer (last day of August).
2. A adjust to said braces so dear little Vriska (and the Mun) doesn’t have to deal with that annoying lisp.
3. Vriska’s glasses! Albeit squished down to rectangles to resemble John’s more and now with a added curse to expand any feeling of any attention seeking/whoring she may have inside of herself.
and finally, a coin flip, one result being the doublification of the original silicon in vriska’s ass that braceface anon had previously increased, and the other being a separated team up with the genie anon, doubling onto vriska’s wish for a fatter ass if she chooses it, either result resulting in a obviously Jean stretching increase.
((Thanks for the specified date and lack of lisp, though I might still make her lisp because I think it's cute as fuck LMAO))
The changes with a strange shifting in Vriska's mouth, her braces sliding and tightening on her teeth. It was slightly painfully but she noticed that they seemed to have much less of a presence in her mouth than they had before. She definitely felt like they wouldn't be causing her as much trouble as before but it'd be a while before she could get them off. Though she wasn't too pleased with her vision blurring slightly before her glasses thickened and squashed themselves down into rectangles, resembling another nerd she's familiar with. Though as they settled Vriska was filled with the sudden urge to have everyone look at her at all times, and the final change would help with that. She had just managed to change into her newly refitted jeans and was already about to see how much they could take. Luckily for her, it seemed like her previously added implants were swelling, not making her ass that much larger, but perkier and much more firm.
"Well... could 8e worse!"
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baekhvuns · 2 years
The album grew on me a bit, but it's a confusing one, usually I'm like this "omg I love this" "this is nice" "I don't care for it" e.g. ZFP3 I was obsessed with DV and Rocky, liked ES, AAY, NTL, didn't care for FLID. Here every song has elements I like and elements I'm not fond of? Like sometimes they did too much, sometimes not enough (my biggest issue are still the choruses). I more or less got used to the beat and tone changes after listening a few times and I know the album is very cohesive and interesting (the instrumentals are really great), but it just didn't hit me that much, not to the point of replying songs over and over again. And that's a bit sad, cause it's clearly their biggest comeback. So yeah I accepted the album, it might be their most ambitious and cohesive one which is always a nice concept, but I can't say it's my favourite, ZFP1 is still superior because I enjoyed every song instantly. Not sure how to even rank the tracks, maybe Cyberpunk>Guerrilla>The Ring=Sector 1>New World>WDIG. I'm only sure about number 1 and 2, because other songs confuse me too much fhusudhjsjahsjw it's like this: 📈📉📈📉📈
I know a few people who aren't 100% into it (or not into it at all), so I don't feel alone lmao. But I'm glad most people, even non-Atinys like it and good for the boys, they worked hard. Ah with distancing myself I meant in general, I've been less into kpop recently, even my fave groups, so maybe that's also why I'm not that crazy about this Ateez comeback 🤔
I know BB Hwa was a simp, but also a dumb dumb, so he needed to be put in his place! So true, his brother stole the show, but at first I was excited about the possibility of Hwa having a real dog 😭 No bestie that asshole I genuinely despise still, one of my friends sees him occasionally and 🔫 ETL was not possible because a. I don't do lovers b. He's gay c. He's a real little bitch who messed with 2 of my friends. Me too, I only remember there was a lot of smut in Duke, but like I said I read it once and I'm an old person, my memory is lacking 💀
Uhhhh and what about my villain Y/N story 🤧 I remember you mentioning another AU, fake dating? Or was it for another member? I could've sworn you said something about Hwa ETL fake dating and some wedding? 🤔
Omg no I don't think I've ever seen that Geronimo guy, but he looks cute! I didn't dress as Sam... not yet at least 👀 the new episodes felt off cause the art was a bit different and they had different voices. Some of my fave cartoons except Totally Spies were Pokemon, Moomins, The Smurfs, Hamtaro, W.I.T.C.H, The Flintstones, Pinky and the Brain, Braceface, Life with Louie, What's with Andy, The Kids from room 402, Franklin, Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats. Some were older, some I watched in my early teens
I want that penguin ahhhhh, that website has so many Seonghwa's... dragons, cats, bunnies, birds - seriously is there another idol who has so many fursonas?!
Kitty cathwa yes 💖💖💖💖 have you seen this
This guy is such an non-threat lol. What is this behaviour????? . Anddddd this one should be locked away 🚨🚨🚨🚨
Ah my friend won a fan call with Mingi, I'm so happy for her, she couldn't speak with him during ZFP2 and she won fan calls twice, but he's her ult so I'm happy it's finally happening! - DV 💖
hi hello!!!
The album grew on me a bit, but it's a confusing one, usually I'm like this "omg I love this" "this is nice" "I don't care for it" e.g. ZFP3 I was obsessed with DV and Rocky, liked ES, AAY, NTL, didn't care for FLID. Here every song has elements I like and elements I'm not fond of? Like sometimes they did too much, sometimes not enough (my biggest issue are still the choruses). I more or less got used to the beat and tone changes after listening a few times and I know the album is very cohesive and interesting (the instrumentals are really great), but it just didn't hit me that much, not to the point of replying songs over and over again. And that's a bit sad, cause it's clearly their biggest comeback. So yeah I accepted the album, it might be their most ambitious and cohesive one which is always a nice concept, but I can't say it's my favourite, ZFP1 is still superior because I enjoyed every song instantly. Not sure how to even rank the tracks, maybe Cyberpunk>Guerrilla>The Ring=Sector 1>New World>WDIG. I'm only sure about number 1 and 2, because other songs confuse me too much fhusudhjsjahsjw it's like this: 📈📉📈📉📈
AHHHHH MAKES SENSE I THINK ITS RLY NICE THAT U AT LEAST GAVE IT A LISTEN OR GAVE IT A TRY! some openly just 🔫🔫 even if it’s something not your style! jVDNSBS CYBERPUNK IS RLY SO GOOD love love the note change hdjd hopefully they perform it live 😭😭😭omg did u listen to blackpink’s ready for love?? it’s actually kinda slaps dbdb
I know a few people who aren't 100% into it (or not into it at all), so I don't feel alone lmao. But I'm glad most people, even non-Atinys like it and good for the boys, they worked hard. Ah with distancing myself I meant in general, I've been less into kpop recently, even my fave groups, so maybe that's also why I'm not that crazy about this Ateez comeback 🤔
yeah!! def a really big comeback with sHIT TON OF PCS IM READY TO ROB FBFBFB they really worked really hard 😭😭😭 someone tweeted about seonghwa having a tough time after 3 takes and was being supported by the dancers,, the choreo is definitely super difficult ABFMWBDKW AHHH tbh i also get it fbf after 2017 the kpop attraction i had just started to 📉📉📉📉
I know BB Hwa was a simp, but also a dumb dumb, so he needed to be put in his place! So true, his brother stole the show, but at first I was excited about the possibility of Hwa having a real dog 😭 No bestie that asshole I genuinely despise still, one of my friends sees him occasionally and 🔫 ETL was not possible because a. I don't do lovers b. He's gay c. He's a real little bitch who messed with 2 of my friends. Me too, I only remember there was a lot of smut in Duke, but like I said I read it once and I'm an old person, my memory is lacking 💀
A DUMB SIMP 😭😭😭 HE WAS ENDEARING DJDJDJ LMFAOOOO NAURRR 😭😭😭 i will make sure in the next fic of his i will include a doggo for him <3 name it hamin too <3 GOD DAMN I CAN SMELL THE RAGE FROM JUST THOSE SENTENCES NDNDNDND 😭😭😭 LETS JUST KEEP IT AT ENEMIES TO ENEMIES,,, LMFBFMWJDKE IS IT OLDNESS or is it bc u don’t drink enough water 🔫
Uhhhh and what about my villain Y/N story 🤧 I remember you mentioning another AU, fake dating? Or was it for another member? I could've sworn you said something about Hwa ETL fake dating and some wedding? 🤔
iMMA NEED U TO TELL ME WHICH ONE U WANT FIRST 🔫 i like being told to do a certain thing bc ✨ indecisive ✨ so i will follow that exactly dbdbd YES THE WEDDING ONES ABSOLUTELY YES I WILL WRITE IT <3 will have a uquiz soon where u can decide dbdb
Omg no I don't think I've ever seen that Geronimo guy, but he looks cute! I didn't dress as Sam... not yet at least 👀 the new episodes felt off cause the art was a bit different and they had different voices. Some of my fave cartoons except Totally Spies were Pokemon, Moomins, The Smurfs, Hamtaro, W.I.T.C.H, The Flintstones, Pinky and the Brain, Braceface, Life with Louie, What's with Andy, The Kids from room 402, Franklin, Heathcliff and the Catillac Cats. Some were older, some I watched in my early teens
HE REALLY IS CUTE the art is so nostalgic and cozy, as if it’s christmas and ur wrapped in a blanket and it’s rly >>>> YOU NEED TO DRESS UP AS HER OH MY GOD PLS WITH ALL THE GADGETS AND ALL DBDB oh???? different voices??? 🤨🤨🤨 well damn, time to binge the older ones bc damn dbdb I KNOW ALOT OF THOSE CARTOONS BUT DO U RMR “RECESS” AND MAGIC SCHOOL BUS
I want that penguin ahhhhh, that website has so many Seonghwa's... dragons, cats, bunnies, birds - seriously is there another idol who has so many fursonas?!
Kitty cathwa yes 💖💖💖💖 have you seen this
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This guy is such an non-threat lol. What is this behaviour????? .
he’s sO LAME 😭😭😭😭,,, that behaviour is that one scene in duke where the yn is talking to her mother and seonghwa’s standing behind her mother doing this 🔫🔫🔫
Anddddd this one should be locked away 🚨🚨🚨🚨
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Ah my friend won a fan call with Mingi, I'm so happy for her, she couldn't speak with him during ZFP2 and she won fan calls twice, but he's her ult so I'm happy it's finally happening! - DV 💖
OH MY GOD?????? THATS SO COOL OMG PLS WOWFBWMDHSJ SHES SO LUCKY!!!! bestie u better get a pola now 🔫
oH i rmr u mentioning u went to india for a wedding right? did u get to wear the outfits and the jewelry 😧😧😧 omg dID U GET EVERYTHING????
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 years
words cannot describe how much i love how you write stupid ass braceface bkg , like putting a headband on him and fucking him senseless??!1!1?1! 10/10 ‼️🤯
i am still so fucked up over it i want to make him my annoying nerd bf more than i want to breathe air. i want to knock him up bro like im so sorry but im not leaving that man alone
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katiebug586 · 4 years
A long, LONG while ago, I made a video on Youtube for ‘part 1′ of my Homestuck headcanon voices.
Long story short, I’ve decided to update my voice headcanons with new (Better? Maybe. More original.) headcanons, and also with the Alpha kids/Dancestors, because tbch, I will never get around to making part 2 of that video.
Some voices will stay the same, fyi.
So, let’s begin.
John - Buford (Jacob Two-Two)
Dave - Jericho (Phantom Investigators)
Rose - Ingrid (Fillmore!)
Jade - Melinda (Jacob Two-Two)
Jane - Veronica (Archie’s Weird Mysteries)
Roxy - Daemona Prune (Phantom Investigators)
Jake - Casey (Phantom Investigators)
Dirk - Mosley ‘Mo’ Moville (Moville Mysteries)
Aradia - Lapis Lazuli (Steven Universe
Tavros - Eizan (Shuriken School)
Sollux - Albert (Twipsy)
Karkat - Junior Commissioner Vallejo (Fillmore!)
Nepeta - Ami (Shuriken School)
Kanaya - Pearl (Steven Universe)
Terezi - Sandi Crocker (Being Ian)
Vriska - Gloria (Big City Greens)
Equius - Matthew Derringer (TMPGIS)
Gamzee - Naginata (Shuriken School)
Eridan - Templeton (Strange Hill High)
Feferi - Becky (Strange Hill High)
Rufioh - Mitchell (Strange Hill High)
Mituna - Jughead (Archie’s Weird Mysteries)
Porrim - Kita (Shuriken School)
Latula - Maria (Braceface)
Aranea - Twilight Sparkle (MLP:FIM)
Horrus - Nick (Twipsy)
Cronus - Daisuke (Shuriken School)
Meenah - Kira (Phantom Investigators)
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some-lists · 4 years
More Shows that Should Be Added to Disney Plus
I after I completed my last list, which consisted mainly Disney Channel shows, a few more shows popped into my head. I also remembered that Disney now owns Fox as well as ABC, so even more great shows popped into my head.
Some of these might not be on Disney Plus because of certain rights issues. I don’t know anything about those types of matters. I just think these are great shows that would make Disney Plus even better.
(Thankfully, some of these shows can be found on YouTube, thanks to some awesome people with VCRs. Of course, having them stream on Disney Plus with good quality would be even better!)
10. PB&J Otter
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PB&J Otter was a cartoon about three otter siblings named Peanut, Butter, and Jelly. They lived a cute little fishing town inhabited by other cute little animals. It was created by the same makers of Doug and Allegra’s Window (anybody remember that one?). This show ran on Disney Playhouse and Disney Junior for quite some time. I think it’s only natural to include it on Disney Plus as well.
9. Braceface
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Braceface initially aired on Fox Family, which later became ABC Family, and then aired on the Disney Channel. It’s about a teen girl whose braces somehow have an electric charge and constantly interfere with her life. It was executive produced and voiced by Alicia Silverstone. Other voice talents included Michael Cera and Kathy Griffin.
8. Second Noah
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Second Noah was a great family drama about a married couple who took in stray animals and orphan children. Imagine if The Fosters lived in a zoo. The cast included a young James Marsden as the oldest adopted son. He sings in every single episode. That alone is worth the watch. Even though this was a great show, I doubt we’ll ever see it again. It was filmed at Busch Gardens in Florida before The Animal Kingdom had opened. Disney probably doesn’t want to promote its competition on its own streaming service. But one can dream... of James Marsden’s perfect singing voice.
7. The Koala Brothers
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I am a grown adult but I will watch The Koala Brothers any day of the week. This claymation series takes place in the Australian outback, where two koala brothers fly their airplane to assist anyone in need of help. It features an adorable little community made up of a turtle postman, a storekeeper echidna, an ice cream truck driving emu, a forgetful cafe owner platypus, and more lovable creatures. It’s just a really adorable show that even adults can enjoy.
6. Brotherly Love
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Brotherly Love originally aired on The WB and its reruns was aired on The Disney Channel for several years. Just like two other popular shows, Smart Guy (which is currently on Disney Plus) and Sister Sister. It featured Joey Lawrence has the oldest and estranged brother, who returns to help his two younger brothers (Matthew, Andy) and their auto mechanic business survive. The three brothers were played by real brothers in real life. It was a wholesome family show, with a cute Lawrence brother for every age group to crush on.
5. Higher Ground
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This show. This show was amazing. It aired on the Fox Family channel for one year, then disappeared forever. But man, it was so good. It was set at a boarding school for at-risk teens in the mountains — like camping but with actual licensed counselors. It focused on a couple of counselors and their troubled teen students. It dealt with some very real issues, like sexual abuse, drug and alcohol abuse, narcissistic/emotional abuse, neglect, self-harm, eating disorders, homelessness, gang violence, and prostitution. It never used these issues for shock value or preachy, saccharine plot lines. It never judged the teens for their hard lives, but portrayed them honestly. Anyone who’s lived through a difficult childhood will find themselves relating to these teenagers. The cast included a pre-Anakin Hayden Christensen (he’s seriously really good in this!), a pre-Criminal Minds AJ Cook, and a pre-Once Upon a Time Meghan Ory. It might be a little heavy for Disney Plus, so a disclaimer would be needed, just like when it originally aired on Fox Family.
4. Young Hercules
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Following the success of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Xena: Warrior Princess, Young Hercules was developed for a younger audience. Much of the crew went on to work on The Lord of the Rings trilogy either during or shortly after this series. It debuted on Fox Kids in the late 90’s and starred a teenage Ryan Gosling as young Hercules. It was super cheesy, which makes it even better. Who doesn’t want to watch a spray tanned, bleached blond, eyelined Ryan Gosling slay imaginary beasts?
3. Bear in the Big Blue House
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Bear in the Big Blue House was a really great show for preschoolers. It ranks up there with Sesame Street and Blue’s Clues. It featured a big bear welcoming you into his big blue house. There you sing and play with his puppet friends and roommates. At the end of each episode, there’s a lovely goodbye song with the moon (yes, the moon sings). It’s a wonderful, entertaining show for little ones. Parents won’t mind watching it for the millionth time either. If Disney Plus is including Out of the Box, they should definitely include this one too.
2. Movie Surfers
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Movie Surfers is basically a behind-the-scenes preview of soon to be released Disney movies. It includes footage of the making process, cast interviews, and occasionally performances from the soundtrack. The original cast included Christina Milian, who then went by Tina. It’s still going on today as minis during commercial breaks. Some very classic movies have been featured, including Mulan, The Princess Diaries, and Finding Nemo. More recent films have also been featured, such as as the live action Beauty and the Beast, The Muppets, and Moana. This would be a great addition to Disney Plus as it would get viewers interested in other movies available on the streaming service.
1. Disney Channel in Concert
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This Disney Channel Special series started in 1997 and ran until 2001. It featured a live concert, behind the scenes footage, and interviews with the musical guest and family members. After their 1998 performance, *NSYNC’s debut album immediately skyrocketed to No. 1 on the Billboard charts. After their tremendous success, many other young acts were quick to follow, including Britney Spears, LeeAnn Rimes, Jessica Simpson, 98 Degrees, and the Backstreet Boys.
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kabunasims · 7 years
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Have some Awkward Archie Pics whilst i go to bed
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shesmyplusone · 3 years
Here be my Voyager Finale thoughts, beware:
I first saw this show as a ten year old, circa 2005. My Dad had returned from a work trip with three DVDs- Season 4 of Star Trek: TNG, Star Trek: First Contact (The TNG movie), and set of Borg themed episodes from TNG/VOY/DS9 (I think? I never watched them lol). I remember watching the First Contact movie clearly, just as I remember my Dad handing me the Borg themed DVD and telling me to watch VOY 3x26/4x01- Scorpion Part 1 & 2. He thought I would really like B’Elanna. (Clocked!)
I watched all of the VOY episodes, including Dark Frontier (Staring little Seven of Nine!!!), and of course, Voyager’s finale- Endgame. I had no context of the first three seasons at all, or even the non-Borg episodes, which no doubt colored my perception.
But I remember- so clearly, how much I loved it. I loved the time travel aspect, of Admiral Janeway deciding to go back and bring her crew home again. I remember being more or less introduced to Harry Kim via Captain Kim from the Endgame timeline, I remember loving Tom and B’Elanna and their grown up daughter, being scared of the Admiral, not really knowing who Neelix was (lol).
And that was all had of Season 7 for so long! I luckily got season 5 and 6 when I turned 12, and watched those episodes, and luckily, caught so many reruns on Spike TV. I didn’t get season 4/7 until later, and just got the first three seasons for Christmas last year.
I didn’t have a chance to watch the show all the way through until I was a sophomore in high school. My best friend had introduced me to the golden age of Youtube- that is to say, back when people could upload any tv shows they wanted onto youtube, if only in 15 minute chunks. (We watched the Canadian cartoon “Braceface” that way, fun fact!) And then, I got lucky enough to find a channel that had uploaded every episode of Voyager to YouTube.
So, I spent the second half of my sophomore year of high school watching the show. It was the first live action show I sat down and watched this way, going through each episode in order, one and night (I was so good back then. I miss that self-control!). So I watched it!
I remember getting to know all of the characters, to see them from the messy beginning of Starfleet and the Maquis, watching Kes and Neelix and the EMH grow up and into their characters. I remember loving the whole show- but finding myself preferring the later half, even then. I do remember being so surprised that C/7 only expressed romantic interest in the last bit of season 7, I remember even then, not liking the twist of their relationship at all.
Now, I am a decade older! I have finally rewatched the entire thing, and overall, my impression has changed, I think for the better!
I love the earlier seasons a lot more than I had before- there’s plenty to criticize, don’t get me wrong- but they have a charm to them. Watching the two crews get used to each other, watching them get used to their place in the DQ, watching the characters slowly come together- there’s something very satisfying about it now. I particularly love season 3, far more than I used to.
The second half of the show- it might be a mixture of nostalgia and honest improvement, but I still think it’s incredible. Season five remains my favorite, but I am shocked, really, at how close season seven came to challenging that. There are very few duds in the last season, and despite alot of what I hear from people online about the finale, I don’t think it’s a dud! I think it’s great!
The last few episodes really hit some of my favorite Voyager premises really well. Friendship One mixed a good old fashion Voyager episode in the caves with a good moral dilemma. Natural Law had Chakotay crash a shuttle. Renaissance Man let B’Elanna run around fix the ship and had the Doctor do something funky with his matrix, and really showed how much his relationship with Janeway had grown.
Then there was Endgame. I associate Voyager with two Star Trek tropes primarily- time travel and the Borg. Think of the show’s greatest hits- Year of Hell, Scoprion, Timeliness, Unimatrix Zero, Before and After, Shattered, Future’s End- lots of time travel and Borg! Endgame takes them both to an extreme- Kathryn deciding that getting the crew home at all wasn’t good enough, and instead, she had to get them home earlier. Despite what the Admiral told the Captain, she was already embracing being reckless again- who could call that plan anything but reckless! And the Borg might not have been at their most terrifying, but the discovery of a transwarp conduit is an overwhelming draw for the Voyager crew.
It was a good mix! I think that’s not the problem. If anything, I think the premise needed more time. I had forgotten the Admiral doesn’t even get there until the second part of the two-parter, and really, how much time was taken up by her talking with the Captain.
I would have give the episode more room to breathe- made it a threeparter. And I would have forced Kathryn to come to terms with her feelings for Chakotay, and force her and Chakotay and Seven to really have it out. (Ideally, there would have been no C/7 at all, but what can we do!) I think the episode plays it out in interesting ways- showing Kathryn at Chakotay’s grave, showing the admiral react more to Seven than Chakotay- but there’s the unspoken realization of the narrative that sending the ship home might break them up entirely.
The interesting scene where Seven tries to dump Chakotay shows the writers had considered it- but they didn’t go through. Instead, Chakotay doubled down, told her he didn’t want to end it. It of course, being a relationship that is four dates old, built on a premise that Seven didn’t share with Chakotay (the hologram program) and interestingly at odds with the EMH confessing his love to Seven just an episode before. (Why? why did that happen? Why wasn’t the peak of the EMH’s confessions just that he’d kissed Tom in B’Elanna’s form? I think that would have been funnier lol).
I know so much of C/7′s role here to simply not be J/C, but the entire premise of the episode is that Seven dies, Chakotay pulls away from Kathryn, dies young, and she sort of loses her mind and tries to time travel to fix it. It’s almost unspoken how much of the premise rests on J/C (romantically or platonically).
I think the end of the show would have been stronger if they’d started to play with J/C either post Shattered or post Workforce. It would have shown Kathryn finally coming to terms with the length of their journey, of finally letting her shields down and letting Kathryn peek out underneath the Captain Janeway armour.
But it wouldn’t have worked with the finale! So I, a J/C shipper and a Endgame fan, is stuck here, not being able to connect the two.
The other idea I had, was to make the show’s run tighter, and have this episode at the middle of season 7, and spend the rest of the season fighting battles with the Starfleet brass to let the Maquis keep their commissions and stay out of jail- to fight for the Doctor’s rights, for Seven’s right not be locked up in a lab somewhere, to let Neelix (he should have made it Earth! I’m still sad!) walk freely. I think the show spent so long in the beginning getting the crews to integrate- it would have been nice to see that come to head.
Instead there’s very little Starfleet/Maquis content in the finale at all. B’Elanna and Chakotay don’t even get to interact! (All of his scenes are with Seven. I’m not bitter (I am) but he has other relationships!)
I still love the finale overall. It would take a lot to make me mad at episode where B’Elanna finally gives birth and Harry gives a little speech about the importance of a journey (which i copied down in my journal as a child word for word. true Harry Kim Stan). They get home! Really, that’s what mattered.
And now, I get to watch Star Trek: Prodigy! A show I didn’t have as a sixteen year old, or even the six year old I would have been when the show was actually ending. I do get to see what comes next. Which is exciting, and takes a bit of the edge off.
So- The finale’s good, I love it. Could have been better, but that’s life. Paramount Plus just needs to slip me J/C and I can forgive everything. lol
Farewell, Katie’s great 2021 (-2022) voyager rewatch. you were fun. thanks for following along if anyone dared to!
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This was a arc, I had planned for a while. In the rough draft; the plan required rescuing John and going through a couple of towns and facing Damien in the basement.
The creator seems bent on destroying JoAnne. She sneaks into Issacs and Joanne’s wedding, wearing a giant dress and hat. She threatens JoAnne with her life. JoAnne starts to recognize the teenager she killed and took her name. As a consquence of being resurrected, she must walk the earth as a fifteen year-old (a couple years behind) with the mental age of her current age, (which is eighteen). This sucks for her because she isn’t allowed to drink alcohol, smoke or vote yet. Also she has braces. WHICH SUCKED BY THE WAY.
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