#bravo to the story
pinazee · 2 years
*slight spoilers for Puppet History S5 finale*
I got lost in the story and didnt remember the professor was a puppet until Ryan hugged shanes hand.
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coolguyoninternet · 22 days
Can't stop ranting about how good ORV truly is.
I've nevee felt more despair than reading to the last 20 pages of the novel and then going
" Wait. Hold on. Why isn't he back. Where is Dokja going. "
It's incredible
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
What is it about the MC that seems to just draw Unit Bravo to them like a moth to flame? Especially their RO. Unit Bravo for the longest time seems to have worked typically alone, lived I suppose to them “mundane” lives. But it seems everything changed after meeting the MC, their lives, their personalities, wants and needs seem to have shifted. It seems the MC has had a profound effect on them all, but what is it about them that brings about this change? Or is it multiple things?
I think it's a combination of things. Definitely the MC but also the fact that meeting the MC has changed how they've always been.
Before all they did was jump from place to place and complete missions. It's not until they were forced to stop and deal with Murphy and the MC that they, well, actually got to stop :D
Now they are settled in one place, which is a first in a very long time for many of them, and they are getting to explore life again.
So yeah, it's not just the MC but the circumstances around them that have given the vampires their first chance at being settled and getting to learn to enjoy things outside of just work!
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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starry-eyes-love · 4 months
Hollywood Story
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Pairing | Dieter Bravo X Curvy F!Reader (nicknamed ‘pretty little girlfriend’)
Summary | You wake up to find the Hollywood News article plastered all over the internet of Dieter kissing his co-star, Amy, while on set for the filming of his recent movie. At first, you find the article funny until you start reading the comments and see another article calling you a fat cow. Dieter puts these false rumors to rest once and for all with a funny live Instagram talk.
Note: For the text messages: bold with italic text is from Dieter, just italic text is from you, and bold and red colored text is from his agent, Kat.
A/N:  We all saw the photo that is making a lot of us feral with that kiss.  I wanted to have a funny little story that went with this.  For some reason, this screams Dieter at me in my mind.  
A huge thanks to my good friend from CAImages on Instagram for pulling this photo together at the last minute for me.  Enjoy :) 
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
Warnings | 18+, language
References to body image issues for F!reader (no descriptions except that she is curvy), reference to a cast made of Dieter’s crotch, mentions of previous phone sex (but no details given besides that), Dieter being Dieter.
Word Count: 3.4K
You guys are too nice saying I’m sexy.  Who knew that the belly was sexy, huh? But you know what, you all want to fuck me and the belly, but yet none of you can say one nice fucking thing to my pretty little girlfriend.  I’ve spent all morning reading everyone’s comments online, saying how she isn’t attractive because she has curves. Fuck. You know I love those curves; they feel so good. I love making love to the woman who has those sexy curves.  So, if I’m sexy with this belly, then she can be sexy with her curves too, you know.”
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When you pulled up the app to read your morning digital copy of the newspaper, the image popped up on your home screen.  The headline read, “Dieter ends long-term relationship with girlfriend for another woman.”  You usually never cared about those articles, especially when your longtime boyfriend of 5 years was working on a movie set.  You knew that Dieter was in the process of filming a romantic love comedy, and you knew there were kissing scenes.  But this headline piqued your interest, so you clicked on it to read further.
“Sources say that these two co-stars had connected during the filming of the latest romantic movie, titled “I Want You, which stars Dieter, as a lawyer who just moved to New York City and found love with the daughter of the man he is trying to put in jail. People have spotted these two co-stars snuggling up together and having private moments late into the night after filming has wrapped. Recently, reporters caught a private moment of these two as Dieter’s co-star walked him to his car after a long day of filming. Before leaving, reporters captured a long and tender kiss that co-star Amy had given Dieter before he left.  Hollywood wonders if this is it for Dieter and his long-time girlfriend. Sources closest to Dieter say that his current relationship with his girlfriend is over with and that he is moving on, citing the reason for the split was infidelity accusations, among other things.” 
You had to laugh at the tabloid article, considering that last night, you had some of the best phone sex with your boyfriend.  You were moaning his name as you fucked yourself with a dildo that he bought you before he left to go and film this movie.  It was a cast of his hardened cock, a present for his pretty little girlfriend who missed her man dearly on these long movie shooting times when he was away from home.
Pulling up your phone's message app, you sent your boyfriend a copy of the article and some accompanying sass.
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Dieter had been lying in bed, dozing on and off this morning.  He had a late call back last night and had to shoot some nighttime scenes.  So after his long day and some nice phone sex with his pretty little girlfriend, he had to go back to work and shoot for another 3 hours.  Yesterday was a 15-hour workday, and he was exhausted.  The studio gave him a day off, saying he could rest up as the following scenes didn’t involve him. 
When Dieter heard the ding of his message app, and then another one, he figured he needed to check to make sure it wasn’t the studio telling him that they had changed their mind and that he’d still have to come in today.  When he pulled up his messages, he saw two were from you.  He stretched and sat up in bed, grabbing his glasses off the nightstand and placing them on his face so he could read what you sent.
So apparently, according to the tabloids, you are cheating on me, and our relationship is over.  By the way, it was a lovely kiss. I'm somewhat jealous that those lips on you weren’t mine.
“What the?” Dieter mumbled to himself at your message.  He clicked the link to the article and saw the picture of the kiss, of a moment playing out during a scene.  It wasn’t unheard of for paparazzi to snap photos of scenes filmed outside, especially along the roadway like yesterday. He glanced down the page and saw the quick article about the photo. As he read through the article, he cursed under his breath at the fact that the tabloids would print something so false.  He quickly typed out a reply to you and then got up and headed to the bathroom to take a piss. He needed to call his new publicist and give him a piece of his mind. He was paying good money to ensure articles like this would not appear in Hollywood, and if they did, he’d know about it ahead of time. So why did this get through without his knowledge? It blew his mind and angered him immensely.
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You were slowly sipping your morning coffee, waiting to see what your boyfriend had to say. When you heard the ding of your message app, followed by a few more, you knew he had thoroughly read it.
How do people even come up with this shit?
I need to fire my publicist.
No, you don’t need to fire your new publicist.
Are the allegations true?
What?  NO! 
Absolutely not, baby!
I'm just checking because, you know, apparently, infidelity accusations have happened, and I’m not giving you everything you need or something.
Another article cites that I have more curves, and that’s why you did it because I’m not skinny.
That’s not true, and you fucking know it.
I love your curves, baby, and I love you.
It’s just assholes thinking that they know what’s going on but don’t.
Yeah, well, I guess.
You guess? What the fuck do you mean, you guess?
Baby, that was a scene from the movie I’m shooting, a scene.
Not. The. Real. Thing
Ok, if you say so.
What, what the hell- look, I’m not even relaxed like when I kiss you.
Plus, my tongue ain’t even down her fucking throat like it is with you, baby.
I know; it’s just a lot right now. And everyone keeps asking me if the rumors are true. 
Fuck. The longer that Dieter looked online, the more he saw that it was a fucking nightmare.  People accused him of kissing his co-star, Amy, on his off times. One article even claimed that someone saw him fucking her in the ally, which was not even true.  He had to make them stop, not because they were true.  None of them were.  It was just a photo from a movie shoot that he was doing and nothing else.  His co-star was not his type; she was not someone he found attractive in the way he found you attractive.  Sure, Amy was pretty, and she had a beautiful personality, but she was not someone he’d want to be balls deep in, fucking her against the wall like he loved to do with you.  
He was glancing at all the articles, and then he came across one in particular, one that referred to you as a “fat cow,” and that was when he had enough.  He immediately dialed his publicist and gave that son of a bitch a piece of his mind.
Five minutes later, Dieter swore at his publicist, telling him this should never have happened.
“Sam, I don’t give a fuck. I am paying you to stop this shit from happening. Really? Did you stop it? I don’t think you did because I’m looking at an article right now that is referring to my girlfriend as a fat cow.  You better hope she doesn’t read this. Yeah, or you’re fired.”
But as soon as he said it, he heard the ding of a message. His heart sank when he glanced at it, tuning out his publicist's apologizing momentarily and assuring him that everything was fine.  
I can’t come down next week for that event thing anymore. Some stuff, uh, some stuff came up.
Dieter quickly texted you back, hoping that the reason the plans had changed had nothing to do with what you had seen online. 
OK, that’s fine if you don’t want to. Can I ask why there was a sudden change of heart?
I just don’t think me being in a bikini, helping kids, is the best message you want to send people.
Fuck. You must have seen the article.
Baby, why wouldn’t it be the best image?
Come on, honey, talk to me. What’s bothering you?
Nothing is bothering me; it’s just I’m overweight, and I don’t think walking around with a one-piece swimsuit and asking people to help make donations for homeless children is proper.
Baby, how is it not proper? You love that kind of stuff.
It just isn’t okay.  Plus, no one wants to see a fat cow walk around in a bathing suit.  I mean, how can people even print that?  I know I’m a little overweight, but I’m not that much overweight, I think.
Fuck, you did read that article, and it broke his heart to know this.
Look, I just don’t want to do it, ok.
Plus, you could do so much better than me, anyway.
I mean, look at her; she’s beautiful and sexy. What am I?
I’m not attractive, that’s what.  Why did you even ask me out in the first place?
I know cause I was skinny.
Okay, maybe I'm not skinny, but I wasn’t fat.
Okay, yeah, I was fat, but.
One text after another kept coming in as you derailed your self-esteem because of two dumb photos of him kissing his co-star during the middle of a scene for shooting a movie.  
Sam was still talking on the phone, but Dieter was no longer paying attention. He was more concerned about what his pretty little girlfriend was thinking. Dieter was with you because you made him laugh, and you were the love of his life. He had to make this right for you.
“Sam, I’m going to stop you right there. I’ll make this simple for you. You’re fucking fired.”  Dieter then hung up the phone and immediately texted his agent, a woman that scared the living shit out of him because she never took any shit from anyone in the world. Dieter doesn’t remember what her real name is; he’s always called her Kat because she’d claw his eyes out more than once if she had the chance with all of the shit he used to pull before meeting you.
Kat, I fired Sam, he’s a fucking idiot anyways. Please tell me you can stop this fucking shitstorm online. 
For once, remember that I DID NOTHING to start this one.
Kat had gotten back to him almost immediately, helping in the best way that Kat knew how to, taking control of the situation.
Well, Dieter, that didn’t take you long, did it? Just for the record, I fired him this morning before you called him. You were right; he was an idiot. 
I’m already taking care of the shitstorm in the media; the director is fucking furious at the accusations that came forward and is setting the record straight.  I’ll also have the production company make an official statement.
What about the article that called her a fat cow, what about that?
Seriously? Did they- oh, for fucks sake, I’ll take care of it.  I know the editor. I’ll just call him up and threaten to beat the shit out of him for publishing something like that.
Really? You’re going to beat the shit out of someone that isn’t me? Wow, talk about going soft.
Oh, don’t start, Dieter. I can still kick your ass, too.  And I may do it yet today.
But don’t worry, I’ll take care of it, but you’ll have to do damage control on the backside.   
Me? How the hell am I supposed to do that?
It’s called doing damage control with your girlfriend, Dieter. 
I’m sorry for her. No woman or person deserves that horrible humiliation. Take care of her; she’s going to need some reassurance.
Dieter looked at Kat’s last message and couldn’t agree more.  But he didn’t know what he could do to help calm your nerves. As he sat there thinking, he devised an idea that he thought would work. It should take some heat off you and even the playing field.
Dieter pulled his phone out, clicked on the Instagram app, then hit the live button.
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You had been drowning in your mind at all the negative comments about your weight, about how people couldn’t believe someone like Dieter would ever be with you, etc. You had spent all morning immersing yourself in these articles and comments, working yourself up into a horrible frenzy of anxiousness and despair.  
You were curled up on the couch, attempting to watch your favorite TV program, missing Dieter, when you heard the ding at the live notification of your Instagram.  The only person you followed like that was Dieter, so you were surprised that he was going live, especially on a day like today.  You quickly pulled out your phone and hit the notification so you could watch and see what was happening.  Dieter already had over 5,000 people watching. So you knew you could hide and not say anything just to see what was happening.
“Hi, it’s me, Dieter…right. Listen. I’m sorry, I’m trying not to care, but it’s hard. It’s hard to see negative comments about the person I love, people calling her unattractive because she doesn’t have a flat stomach like my co-star does.  But you know what, I don’t have a flat stomach either.”
Dieter then stood up, removed his T-shirt and sweatpants, and sat in his boxers, his belly slightly hanging over them.
“So, do you guys want to have sex with me like this?”
After Dieter watched the notifications in the chat coming in of Yes in one way or another, he knew he had the audience right where he wanted them.
“Yeah, I know. Thanks, and wow. You guys are too nice saying I’m sexy.  Who knew that the belly was sexy, huh? But you know what, you all want to fuck me and the belly, but yet none of you can say one nice fucking thing to my pretty little girlfriend.  I’ve spent all morning reading everyone’s comments online, saying how she isn’t attractive because she has curves. Fuck. You know I love those curves; they feel so good. I love making love to the woman who has those sexy curves.  So, if I’m sexy with this belly, then she can be sexy with her curves too, you know.”
“I eat a KitKat every day, either from my mini bar or home. And then, in the morning, there’s always a new KitKat cause my girl knows I love them. And you know what, you don’t know me.  Nobody knows me, the real me, and that’s okay. But my girl, she does; she knows me for the real me, not the Hollywood me.  Like, after we have sex, I always ask her, ‘How do I know in the morning you’re not gonna sell the stuff I unloaded in you to the sperm bank?’ I think about stuff like that when I’m with her, and I tell her.”
“We also have conversations like what happens if your shit, like your literal shit, was alive. That scares me sometimes late at night, and I talk with my girlfriend about it. I go, ‘So, you know when I shit, I don’t watch myself shit. You should never watch yourself shit.  You should just wipe, flush, and then move on.’ We have conversations like that. And then when I have diarrhea and vomiting from food poisoning, I yell for her to hold my hair back because I don’t want the chance of getting vomit in my hair, even if it’s short.”
As you sat back, you watched your boyfriend talk crazy, like you do sometimes late at night. You knew that Dieter never said these things out loud except with you. You didn’t judge him, but the world isn’t always easy on everyone.
“Why do I say these crazy things? Well, if you’re going to judge the most beautiful woman in the world, and she IS the most beautiful woman to me, then you’ll see who I am without the mask of fame. She sees me for the real me and loves me for it. So, if you still love me and all of this crazy shit I do in life, then love her too, cause if you don’t, I won’t be making movies any longer.  I never want to read statements of me cheating on a woman that I’ve had to pinch myself every day in the balls to make sure that I’m not dreaming.  She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, and if you guys can’t realize that, then I’m done making movies.  So yeah, goodbye, I guess, until you all fix this issue and stop shaming women or men who don’t fit a perfect image. And stop writing false stories, or this will be the last story you all write of me because I sure as hell won't keep fucking going if all I read are lies about me anymore. I love you all, but seriously, goodbye until you straighten out.”
You then heard him fart on camera and then ended the live right after that. You sat there with tears at how he publicly defended you, even though you never asked him to.  You quickly called him up to thank him.
“You know you didn’t have to say anything, D.”
“I know, but I did. I also thought that I saw you online watching.”  Dieter’s voice echoed like he was in a cave or a large room.
“Where are you? Your voice is echoing.”
“Bathroom,” was all he said, and then you heard it, a fart that echoed.
“Dieter, what-”
“Look, I haven’t taken my morning shit yet, babe.  I’ve had to deal with all this bullshit first, and I can’t hold it anymore, so yeah.”
“It's okay, D, you know I love you. Look, I'll let you go and-”
“No, babe, talk to me. I have nothing else I'm doing while sitting here. You feel a little better?”
“Yeah, a little bit. I mean, you didn't have to say those things about quitting and potentially fuck up your career.”
“Baby, I didn't fuck up my career. And even if I did, I don't care. I love you, and your happiness is just as important to me, if not more, than my career. I care about you, and I’m pissed off that people would say those horrible things about you, the most beautiful woman in my life. My pretty little girlfriend, I love you.”
The two of you talked for an hour until the production company called. They told Dieter that they were postponing shooting more scenes for a few more days until they could figure out the logistics of keeping privacy for more intimate shoots in the future. 
That was fine because it allowed Dieter to fly home to you for a few days. All was peaceful until Dieter got a message from the production company a few days later stating that scenes would begin shooting again next week. As Dieter was packing back up to leave, he received a message from his agent, Kat.
Dieter, you jackass, that’s not what I meant by damage control. You know what, fine, do it your way.  But don’t cry when the little stunt you pulled online results in you getting fired or not being offered any more movie roles.  
Dieter knew that Kat was blowing steam because he had received three tentative movie offers for comedic roles since his online speech.  When he asked Kat what she thought, she was honest with him.
Dieter, you know you can just go fuck yourself, right?
And for what it’s worth, I’m happy you made your girlfriend feel better. You really are a great guy.
To HER, that is.  Now start making my job a little easier, not harder, or so help me, God, I’ll rip your head clean off.  And I'm not talking about the one on the top of your neck. Lord knows you don't need that head anymore cause you don’t ever think with it. I'm talking about the other one.
Dieter laughed hard and knew Kat’s threats were just that, threats.  She has saved his ass more times than he cared to admit.  Yes, this stunt he pulled could have been a huge problem, but he didn’t care.  He’s weathered those harsh storms of his career in the past.  That’s why he paid Kat the big bucks, to help him get out of those shit storms.  But this stunt was for you, to get the negative attention off you. And to make you laugh more, which is what he did in the end.  The only thing that mattered to Dieter was that his pretty little girlfriend was safe, warm, and happy.  Everything in Hollywood was always so fake, except for you and the love that Dieter had for you, that wasn't fake. Dieter loved you more than anything: real, soulmate-type, passionate love. And to him, that was the only story ever worth writing about. 
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flannelepicurean · 1 year
Mmm-hay, returning to this very crucial "Samurai Bravo" issue:
Jack is a little unnerved by sushi restaurants in Johnny's neck of the woods, especially when he finds out that they all serve raw salmon. He is both a little flattered and a little horrified by the whole experience of Johnny taking him to one, and the adventure ends with Jack insisting that Johnny come over so he can make him some real food.
Johnny proves to be incredibly adept with chopsticks. And he's really enthusiastic about how much he enjoys everything. And Jack feels...something? He smiles a lot.
Johnny really butchers his first, "Domo air-a-gatto," but he's sincere. And that first, crisp, "Hey. Kanpai, good buddy," makes Jack swoon a little, for reasons he does not fully understand yet.
Johnny helps with the dishes. He does a lot of dancing during the process. Mostly with his butt, but also his shoulders. Everything comes out sparkling.
At the end of the night, when they part ways, Johnny's like, "Okay, how do you feel about corndogs? 'Cause there's this place down at the beach that's got great curly fries, too..." And Jack's like, "Uh...you...want to keep doing...this?" And Johnny's like, "...Well, yeah. You just made me a crazy awesome dinner, and our first...uhhh...was a bust." [POSE] "This town's got a lot to prove," [POSE], "and I'm gonna show you a good time."
Jack has an absolute attack of the vapors, but maintains his composure. They agree to go to the beach together in the near future.
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its-to-the-death · 4 months
Glasses Swag Sequel Preliminary Round #10
Only one will make it into the bracket!
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chuckletons · 8 months
i'd assume not everyone knows but like. do not ask what van partible's thoughts on carl are. do not ask anything involving the retool. not on twitter, not on here through someone else. not only is it personal but i know too much about johnny bravo's production history and that sounds like the worst possible idea to me given what he Has said publicly
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sirtaliesin · 3 months
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The Batman Family - #17
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Destiny & Deliverance Chapter 4
Destiny & Deliverance Masterlist ||| Dieter Bravo X OFC
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Series Rating: Explicit (18+)
Series Summary: Natalia Cohen is experiencing major life changes, beginning with leaving an emotionally abusive husband. She is learning how to navigate life on her own while dealing with high functioning anxiety, depression, and mild PTSD. Everything is looking up for her. She is a highly respected consultant for a major LA firm, has her best friend, Lauren, by her side, and is on her path to healing. Everything changes when she meets a handsome and broken stranger on a work trip. He turns out to be a well-known actor, with a heart-breaking past. They quickly develop a connection that will forever alter their lives. 
Warnings: Themes dealing with mental health, emotional trauma, alcohol use, and discussions about suicide. There will be fluff, tears, spicy language, and smut. This will be a slow burn type of story. Read at your own risk.
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Chapter Quote: “This must be the ‘fucking scary’ side that I heard about.”
I awoke to my neighbor’s alarm going off, again. I didn’t want my Tuesday to start like this. I was annoyed, but it really wasn’t even that loud. A normal person would probably sleep through it. I laid there attempting to go back to sleep. It went off again twenty minutes later. Seriously, what is the point of hitting the snooze button? Just get up already and be done with it. 
I rolled over and grabbed my phone to do a quick email check. I had an email from Aubry saying she hoped my trip was going well. Nothing else. She was phishing for information. I hit reply and typed out, “It’s fantastic.” then hit send. She was going to love that. I was giving her nothing.
I sat there for a moment wondering if Dieter had social media. This is a slippery slope, I thought. Then I opened Instagram anyway and found him. It was a verified public account, so I’m not sure what I expected to find. There was a lot of promotional stuff for his movies and shows. Some pictures from his travels. Typical celebrity stuff most likely. The latest post was an advertisement for a talk show that was happening this morning. I went to the search bar and entered his name in. Tons of images came up. Pictures of him out with friends. Paparazzi images of him walking around LA. I actually felt kind of bad for the guy. He couldn’t even walk down the street without someone shoving a camera in his face. 
The alarm next door went off again ten minutes later. I huffed and threw my phone down on the bed. I decided to get up and start my day. My morning started the same as yesterday’s, minus the encounter with Dieter. Joe was waiting for me with coffee and a blueberry scone at 7AM. Megan met me outside the building when I arrived. She shared a funny story about her dog on the way up to the office. I felt like she was slowly warming up to me. 
I spent the entire day doing observations and meeting with different staff members to ask questions. My lunch break was quick. I scarfed down the chicken alfredo that Megan had ordered, then immediately got back to work. I was beginning to feel a little overwhelmed with the amount of information that was coming in. I was starting to worry that maybe I wouldn’t be able to get through everything before the end of the week and I still hadn’t come across any obvious red flags. I was concerned that I had missed something. That familiar feeling of anxiety was really starting to kick in by the end of the day. I, of course, did not let it show. I was also feeling pretty exhausted. I thought about taking it easy on the workload this evening at the hotel. Maybe even try to go to bed a little earlier.  
When 5 PM hit, I was ready to get out of there. I was peopled out for the day. Talking to people could be so mentally and physically exhausting for me since I tend to be more introverted. These were always my worst days. I would much rather be locked in a room reviewing data.  
I walked out to meet Joe. He greeted me with a smile and again asked if I needed to make any stops before the hotel. I declined and slumped down into the seat. He didn’t try for any chit chat today. I think he could tell I was worn out. He just let me be. We pulled up in front of the hotel and he opened the door to let me out. He told me to have a good evening and he would be here at his usual time in the morning. I nodded my thanks and gave him a small smile. 
I slowly walked into the hotel entrance debating on if I wanted to post up downstairs again while I had dinner or go back to my room and just eat junk food. I stopped in front of the restaurant and looked in. Not a soul in sight, except for Tim the bartender. He saw me, pulled out a wine glass, and started pouring whatever it was he gave me yesterday. I walked in and smiled thanking him as I took it to my back corner booth. He followed behind me. 
“Tough day?” he asked. 
“Not tough. Just long and I still have more to do.”
“Are we having a steady flow of wine and appetizers tonight?” he asked with a sympathetic look on his face.  
“Why not.” I said as I shrugged. He laughed and walked back to put in my order. 
I started pulling out all of my stuff and got to work reviewing more documents. It was an hour and a half later and a glass and a half of wine in when a voice asking to join me snapped me out of my intense focus. It was Dieter. I knew it as soon as I heard his voice. I looked up and he gave me that big, brilliant smile that made me want to melt. I smiled back, “Of course, have a seat!” 
“I hope I’m not distracting you from your work. I can go somewhere else if I need to.”
“No! Not at all. Actually, I think I could use a distraction right now. I need a break. I told myself I was going to take it easy tonight, yet here I am.” I gestured to my stuff spread out on the table and gave an exasperated laugh. 
“Well, if you insist on a distraction…” he chuckled as he sat down in the curved booth, rather closely on my right side. I could feel the heat from his body due to his proximity. It was a miracle that I could focus on anything else. 
“So, how’s it going? Have you uncovered the big secret yet?” he asked with what seemed like genuine interest. 
I sighed heavily, “No, not at all. I have suspicions, but nothing to back it up so far. I’m hopeful I’ll find something tomorrow when I really start digging into their data and tech stuff. I’m starting to get a little worried there may be nothing. Which, if that’s the case, it is what it is. The CEO doesn’t have any definitive proof of anything going on, he just suspects. I didn’t want details on the who or why yet. I don’t want any potential bias to affect what I am doing.”
“I am sure you’ll figure it out. You seem pretty intelligent.” he said as he gently bumped his shoulder against mine. I felt hot suddenly.
“Wha…what about you? Have you heard back about the audition or whatever it was you were anxious about?” I stuttered out. 
“I haven’t. I think I should probably hear something tomorrow. I know they’ve inquired about my filming schedule, so that could be a good sign.” 
“That’s awesome. Hopefully you’ll have something to celebrate tomorrow.”
Bartender Tim came over to take Dieter’s order. He ordered a beer and asked what I was having. 
“I am partaking in endless appetizers and wine tonight. Feel free to have some of whatever I get surprised with next.” Dieter knitted his eyebrows together and started laughing at me. He looked back at bartender Tim and said, “Yeah, bring extra of whatever you're bringing her. We can split it. I’m down for a little appetizer roulette.” Bartender Tim sniggered at us and walked off. 
“Bartender Tim and I have become BFFs already. He’s making sure I’m taken care of.” I said as I raised my wine glass as if to give a toast, then finished it off. 
“How much of that have you had?” Dieter asked. 
“Why? Do I sound drunk already? This is just my second glass. Trust me, I can tolerate more.” He chuckled. 
“I don’t know about drunk, but you’re definitely amusing yourself. How long were you down here yesterday? I saw you as I was leaving.”
“A while..and you didn’t say hi? I feel insulted.” I said jokingly and lightly pushed on his shoulder. For fuck’s sake, I was flirting. I should stop drinking. It’s going to get me in trouble. 
Bartender Tim came back with Dieter’s beer, cheese sticks and jalapeno poppers, more wine, and a glass of water for me. I didn’t even ask for the water. I think he was just doing me a solid before I got sloppy. 
Dieter continued our conversation, “I actually wanted to pop in and say hi, but I was running late. As usual. A fucking disaster as you say. There just isn’t enough time in the day sometimes.”
My phone buzzed. Lauren always had impeccable timing. I tried to ignore it, but it kept buzzing. I looked at him and said sorry as I picked up my phone.
LAUREN: What are you doing? 
LAUREN: I haven’t heard from you much. You need to take a break and call me.
LAUREN: I’m bored. 
LAUREN: What do you want to do for our girl’s day when you get back? Maybe a spa day? 
LAUREN: You DO need to learn how to relax occasionally. 
I rolled my eyes at her. She always did this when she was bored. Normally I found it to be hilarious, but I didn’t have time for that right now. I hit reply. 
ME: I can’t talk right now. 
LAUREN: Why? Are you being held hostage? 
LAUREN: If it’s because of work, then yes you can. Take a break already.
ME: I’m busy. 
LAUREN: Are you ok? These are weird responses for you. 
LAUREN: Waaaaaaaait. Are you with the hottie? 
LAUREN: You better tell me if you are. You know you can’t lie to me. 
Dieter was giving me the side eye. 
“I’m sorry. It’s my best friend. She is being needy and ridiculous right now.” He gave me a raised eyebrow and a smirk. “That’s fine. No biggie.” I started typing out a response. 
ME: Ok, yes. I am. We will talk later. 
LAUREN: Hell yes! Get it GUUURL!
ME: Stop it. Bye. 
I set my phone back down on the table. “Everything ok?” he asked. 
“Yeah, she’s just bored. She gives me hell for working too much. She tends to be a bundle of energy, so she starts about five different conversations before I can get the first response in.” He laughed at my description of her. 
“I can’t fuss about her too much. She’s been amazing the last few months. Helping me with things and all the drama I’ve been dealing with.” I said without thinking. Hopefully he didn’t ask me to elaborate.  
“Drama?” he asked. I gave him a contemplative look. Ok, I guess we are going there, I thought. Without thinking, I put my right hand up to my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.  
“I’ve been going through a divorce. He was an asshole and a cheater. I put up with it way longer than I should have. He really messed me up, but it’s done now. Hopefully I’ll never see him again.” I looked down at my glass of wine, expressionless and unblinking. Dieter reached over and grabbed my right hand away from my shoulder, breaking my thoughts. He sat it on the table and gave it a squeeze. I looked up at him and our eyes locked. I could feel my heart almost beating out of my chest. 
“No one deserves to be treated like that. Karma is a bitch. It’ll bite him back one day. He’ll never be happy and live a miserable existence.” 
He said it with conviction. At that moment, I felt like he was looking into my soul with his dark eyes. I could see the sadness hidden there again. It made me wonder if someone had hurt him in the past. He slowly let go of my hand.   
I let out a measured breath, “I certainly hope so. Who knows, maybe one day karma may come in the form of slashed tires and sugar in the gas tank of his fancy car,” I said casually. I was attempting humor to lighten the mood. He took the bait and started laughing at me. 
“This must be the ‘fucking scary’ side that I heard about,” he said through his laughs. 
“Welcome to the show, I’ll be here all week.”
Thankfully that did lighten the mood. We spent two and a half hours chatting, eating, and drinking. The conversation and laughter never stopped. His fun and boisterous side was more evident now than our previous encounters. He had a hilarious sense of humor and even a touch of dark humor that I could appreciate. The small touches continued. He would lean into me and lay his forehead on my shoulder when he laughed. I had seen pictures of him with his friends appearing to do the same thing, so I couldn’t tell if this is just the way he was with people or if he was being flirty. He was very hard to read. I did, however, feel very at ease with him. My anxiety was non-existent once we got past the initial awkwardness. He seemed to be more at ease as well. 
Around 10 PM we decided to call it a night since we both had an early start. I slowly stood up and started packing all my stuff that had been scooted to the other side of the table as he handed it over to me. I was still slightly tipsy.  
“So…” he started to say, then gave a long pause. I stopped what I was doing and looked down at him. “Is it possible that I might run into you down here tomorrow evening? I should be done kind of early.” He looked down at the nearly empty glass in front of him and started lightly tapping on the table with his index finger. He was clearly nervous to ask. He kept his head lowered but looked up at me through his lashes while he bit his lip. Was he trying to give me a heart attack? My mind momentarily wandered to me biting that lip. I shook my head. What the hell was my problem? I suddenly felt embarrassed, like he could read my thoughts. I finally pulled it together enough to respond.
“It’s a very good possibility. We do have to celebrate tomorrow after all.” 
He gave me a questioning look. 
“We’ll be celebrating you getting that role. I have a good feeling about it.”
He gave me a huge smile and said, “Please don’t jinx it” as he got up out of the booth. 
We walked over to the elevator and got on. 
“Which floor?” he asked as he hit the number “9”. I froze and looked at him, slightly confused. 
“Are you on the 9th floor?”
“Yeah, why?”
The doors slid shut and I started laughing hysterically. Immediately thinking of Lauren talking about all the destiny garbage. This was getting comical. 
“What’s so funny?” he said with a very confused look on his face. 
“Nothing. It’s just that we’re on the same floor.” He kind of laughed too. The door slid open, and we both stepped off of the elevator. We stopped, awkwardly standing in the middle of the hallway. I had a gut feeling, and I wasn’t sure if I could handle the answer, but I asked anyway. 
“Which room is yours?”
“The second to the end on the left side.” 
I absolutely lost it and doubled over in laughter. “You’re the snooze guy!” I said through my laughter. He stared at me wide eyed and confused. 
I finally got it together and had to wipe tears from my eyes. It was absolutely absurd at this point. 
“Just so you know, I’ve been internally cursing you every morning because I can hear your alarm every time it goes off.”
“You can hear that?” he said in disbelief. 
“Yes, I can. I’m pretty sure our beds share a wall.”
He looked slightly embarrassed for a minute, but then started laughing too. We began walking toward our doors, both still laughing and shaking our heads. We said our goodnights and keyed into our respective suites. Our eyes lingered on each other as we walked through the doors. 
I walked into my suite and shut the door in utter disbelief. There is no way this is actually happening. I threw my stuff down on the couch in the sitting area and dug my phone out of my bag to text Lauren.
ME: You’re never going to believe this. 
LAUREN: Well, hello to you too, jerk. I’ve been waiting to hear from you.
My phone started ringing. She wasted no time calling me. I answered, acutely aware that he was right next door. I was paranoid he could hear me. I stayed on the opposite end of the suite, pacing and talking in a hushed voice. 
“Well? What’s the big news? Did you finally get laid?” Lauren said sarcastically.  
“What?! No. Shut up. I am dying right now. His room literally shares a wall with mine. He’s next door. It’s his alarm that's been waking me up the last two mornings.” 
She was quiet for what seemed like forever. Then there was a burst of laughter. 
“You absolutely cannot make this stuff up,” she said through her maniacal guffaws. 
“So, are you going to tell me what you’ve been doing all this time? I need details.”
“Not many details to be had. We’ve been downstairs at the restaurant talking. We realized our rooms were next to each other after we called it a night. We both laughed about it.” 
“That’s all I get? Really?”
“You. Suck.”
“I’m sorry, I just don’t want to read into anything that’s not there. I know if I tell you, we’ll both be doing that. Honestly, I think he’s lonely and just wants someone to hang out with who isn’t fawning over who he is.”  
“Wait, so does he know that you know who he is?”
“No. I haven’t said anything.” 
“Don’t you think maybe you should?”
“Yeah, maybe. I don’t want him to think I was looking him up though.”
“Good point. Maybe it’ll come up naturally next time you see him. Assuming you do.” 
I was quiet. I wasn’t sure if I should tell her we had already discussed dinner tomorrow. 
“Why aren’t you saying anything?”
“Oh my gosh, fine. He’s going to be done early tomorrow, so we’re going to meet for dinner again.”
“Oh. Yeah. There is totally nothing to this,” she said sarcastically.
“That’s it. I’ve got to go. I’m tired. Bye. Goodnight.” 
“Let me know how tomorrow goes!” I heard her yelling as I hung up.  
I got ready for bed. After laying there in the dark for what seemed like forever, I reached for my phone and searched his name again. There were so many pictures and videos of him out with his friends. There were also a lot of him with people he worked with and at events. Nothing recent romantically linking him to any girls though. I skimmed comments on the pictures. On several, there were people arguing about his relationship status and preferences. Poor guy, no wonder he wasn’t dating anyone. The general public and paparazzi were all up in his business.  I heard the faint sound of a TV click on, next door. It seems Dieter was having trouble sleeping too. It was nearing midnight, and I was still wide awake. Knowing that he was just on the other side of the wall was kind of driving me crazy. I could feel the magnetic pull, drawing me to him. I decided I was going to get up and take some melatonin in hopes that would knock me out. About 30 minutes later, I finally drifted off into another restless sleep. 
A/N: Things really start heating up between our dear Dieter and Talia in the next chapter. I promise, it’s coming soon. 😉
Next Chapter
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daltony · 3 years
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Posted by Tony on IG stories
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delucadarling · 3 months
I refuse to start a new project while still in the trenches with my current WIP, but I am overtaken, plagued, attacked by thoughts of an AU where N/Bobby are in a toxic relationship that makes them both worse, eventually turning them into a Big Bad duo the detective and Unit Bravo has to deal with.
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sirowsky-stories · 11 months
Like Father, Like Son
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Sirowsky's 600 & 700 Followers Celebration
Submitted by @yourstrulylightstar283 Prompt #5: Why are you covered in sparkly pink dust? Character: Dieter Bravo
Rating: Teen Warnings: Dieter Bravo x Original Female Character Gabriela, plus his son Mateo. Pure fluff! (I haven't seen the movie, so this is a lose interpretation of the character. Also, this fic is not overtly Halloween themed.) Word Count: 650 Masterlist of the Celebration Sirowsky's Main Masterlist
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   He’s supposed to be watching his wife’s niece being celebrated, he knows that. It’s her Quinceañera. But when his beloved Gabriela is wearing a gorgeous summer dress, sitting in the bright sun with her tanned skin glistening from the heat and her dark curls falling protectively over her bare shoulders, he really can’t be blamed for having trouble looking at anything but her.
   He had never imagined that he could have this. That someone like her, who is well educated, who owns her own business, who has friends in all the highest places, this woman who could have anyone in the world, would have chosen him.    The life he’d led up until the point they’d met hadn’t been bad. Not at all. He’d chosen to live exactly as he’d wanted, refusing to apologize for the pleasures he’d enjoyed or the overall chaos that he’d seemed to thrive so effortlessly in.
   But in Gabi, he’d discovered so many new things, so many wonderful layers of life that he’d never thought existed outside of the silver screen. And suddenly, all the things that had always seemed so important had faded into the background, making room for all this instead.    Family and friendships that last and can be depended on. People he can trust completely.
   “Hey, Dee,” a voice whispers in his ear, and he recognizes it as his brother-in-law before he’s even turned around. “Mateo needs you.”
   “Is he okay?” Dieter asks, immediately concerned.
   “Yeah, just come with me.”
   The man leads him into the house where the younger kids are being prepared to take part in a surprise dance routine to delight the girl of the day, and where Dee’s three-year-old son is practicing his twirling skills.    He walks up to the boy and kneels in front of him, finding the kid smiling and giggling, so at least there really isn’t anything wrong.
   “What’s going on, mijo?” he asks, smiling along as Mateo’s joy infects him.
   But instead of answering, the boy puts his arms out in front of his chest, with his little fists closed and upturned, as if preparing to hand his father something.
   “What do you have there?” Dieter inquires with a playful tone, and the kid giggles even harder as he opens his hands and blows hard at them.
   A cloud of pink glitter hits his father in the face, over the shoulders and down his chest, and the boy collapses in a laughing fit.
   “Ay, mijo…” Dee smiles after blinking the worst of it out of his eyes. “Do I look pretty?” he asks then, and Mateo nods while still rolling on the floor, pleased with himself for this flawless execution of a glitter prank.
   He leans over the boy and shakes his clothes to share the sparkling goodness, earning even more laughter in return, before his mother-in-law calls for Mateo to come back to the group and get ready, because they’re about to give the birthday girl her surprise.
   “I love you, mijo,” Dieter says, hugging his son before he runs off to join the others.
   He throws his father a kiss as he falls into their ranks, and it feels as though his heart might crack open right there where he stands, as his love for this child overflows once more.    Returning outside so that he won’t miss the performance, he takes a seat next to Gabi, who chuckles warmly at the sight of her husband.
   “Why are you covered in sparkly pink dust?” she asks in a hushed voice, and he smiles.
   “Because our son is the sweetest little boy there is, my love.”
   She just hums at that, but when the children emerge from the house, succeeding in surprising the birthday girl who squeals in excitement, and Gabriela sees that her son is covered in the same stuff, she laughs and lovingly shakes her head.
   “Those are my boys, alright.”
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Thank you @yourstrulylightstar283 for helping me celebrate, and I hope that this is at least something like what you imagined. I tried not to go into specifics about the Quinceanera since I don't know what it entails, and chose to focus on Dieter instead :)
@pedrostories @harriedandharassed
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undefeatablesin · 4 months
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In other news, I finally acquired my Platinum trophy for LoP today and I feel deeply accomplished lmao ✨
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anak-sapi · 2 years
Missing the cinematic drama trio hour 😔😔😔😔
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And their goofy ahh dialogue
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pocket-merlin · 1 year
My friend and I were exploring the Americas wing at the MFA in Boston and saw an absolutely gorgeous oil painting:
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Portrait of Mr. Couchez by Claudio Bravo.
And there’s so much to say about the difference between a figure being “nude” or “naked” in artwork, and how the presence of strewn clothing emphasizes the vulnerability and eroticism of a naked figure, but my friend stopped dead in her tracks and pointed out this:
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And she was like, “His hat is ON TOP of his jeans. Do you think he took his hat off last?”
And I don’t know, the thought of this guy being fully nude with the visor still on, or imagining a version of this painting where he was only wearing the visor made me laugh so hard I had to sit down.
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alittlebitmanic · 8 months
💅🏻 regarding Pedro being cast as Reed (as confirmed by my hubs today as he sent me a link showing it had been finalized apparently/ the filming beginning soon) .
Would love to hear thoughts, personally I think its a little of an odd choice for Pedro but at the same time like we dont know. He may really wanna do it. I definitely dont know what to expect but Im sure he’ll kick ass, or give it all hes got. Reed with a beard kinda resembles Pedro a teeny bit.
But part of me is wondering why he chose to pursue the role or accept it/marvel is not a great studio to work for allegedly/they shit everything out and its quantity over quality with them/im not a marvel fan tho. Im genuinely curious how itll be and if he’s gonna be a good fit. But let’s see! Again, though, not a fan of Marvel films nor them as a studio, never pictured him accepting a superhero role (superHERO lead role, Max Lord was a fun villain, not the lead HERO i wouldnt want him to get tied down to marvel forever but maybe this’ll be one and done.)
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