#brb gonna WAIL.
apricusapollo · 10 months
I'm listening to Christmas songs and had a vision of the skywalker family celebrating new year together I'm gonna cry
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symbio-ratio · 7 months
I was seeing all these theories about how Lewis was Bravern somehow and I thought to myself "Y'all out here wildin' 😂 Where the hell did you get that from??"
Y'all. I don't think y'all are wildin' anymore 😭 This is some "Rose in Pink Diamond" shit and you'd think after being in the fandom when that reveal occurred that I'd be more ready for things like it. I'm not 😭😭 It makes too much sense now I'm gonna fucking cry. It makes sense why Bravern refused to fight in that episode despite the fact that we know he could've. Fighting to save Lewis would stop himself from coming into existence. And that's why Bravern looks like the action figure guy Lewis has everywhere 😭😭😭 He always wanted to grow up and be a hero like the guys in the show and pilot one of the bots AND NOW HE IS 😭😭😭 AND THE CONTROLS WITHIN BRAVEN LOOK LIKE THE CONTROLS IN LEWIS' BOT BECAUSE HE DIED IN THAT BOT IM
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h0estar · 1 year
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the-harrowing · 1 year
finally watched the terror. i have been irrevocably changed 👍
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tracle0 · 2 years
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I love one (1) boy
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I have absolutely no idea what to do with my feelings
I don’t even know what feelings I am having
I’m not sure what’s real
And I can’t rely on myself… for anything really
I don’t know what to do with any of this except to ask myself what would a mentally well person do and then do that but with lots of breaks for being gentle to myself
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itsachocolateslife · 1 year
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gardeninggraves · 2 years
my social anxiety is tolerable until i see a cool drag queen at sheetz and im too nervous to go up and talk to her...
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A linguistic analysis of tumblr hyperbole in the tags
This post expands my previous analysis of hyperbolic reactions to cluster tags by themes. There were too many themes, some of them overlapping, to create a cohesive graph. Instead, I present several overarching themes from a data set of 50 tags observed and documented in various corners of tumblr.
1. Feeling Normal™️
Tags within this cluster profess Normal feelings (read: extreme excitement, enthusiasm, obsession, derangement, etc.).
#mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #absolutely not rending my clothing #feeling very normal and not feral at all #i will simply never recover #gif sets sent to personally destroy me #i can't cope #the eyes #i'm a puddle #i am INCONSOLABLE #i am DISTRAUGHT #IM NOT OKKAAAAAAYYYYYY #FEELING TOTALLY ONE HUNDRED PERCENT NORMAL
2. Feralness
The following data points conjure animalistic behavior. There’s a non-zero amount of biting and chewing involved.
#chomping biting barking #biting my arms off #rattling my cage #[incoherent biting noises] #chewing glass #chewing through wood #*shaking the bars of my enclosure* HELLO!!!!!!!! #climbing the walls #biting gnawing chewing #im gonna rip off my front door and eat it
3. Noisy Emotional Outbursts
These tags encompass crying, screaming, yelling, and other loud reactions.
# shaking sobbing crying #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #*no thoughts only wailing* #i am SOBBING #IM CRYING LIKE A BITCH #*just fucking yelling* #S C R E A M #screeching into a pillow #brb sobbing for 5-7 business years
4. Throwing
All of these tags except the last one involve being thrown instead of throwing things. I, personally, am entertained by the range of places/situations people are throwing themselves into.
#i am going to THROW MYSELF into the SEA #hurl me into the sea #hurl me into the sun #trebuchet me into the sun #hurl me straight at europa #vent me out of an airlock #slam me against a wall #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #throwing myself into traffic you know? #just defenestrate me already #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass #i'm going to start tossing furniture
5. Bodily Harm
There’s a good deal of overlap with the previous theme. Nearly all of the tags involving throwing would result in varying degrees of bodily harm. Here are the tags outside of the Throwing subgroup.  
#im going to throw upppppp #tearing my hair out #banging my head against the wall #SCREAMIIIING BANGING MY HEAD ON THE WALL #biting my arms off #microwaving myself #crumple me up and microwave me
6. Absurdism
My personal favorite cluster. The imagery conjured and resulting comedic hyperbole is just [chef’s kiss].
#im gonna rip off my front door and eat it #crumple me up and microwave me #put me in a box and throw me down the stairs #defenestrate me #absolutely hurl me through plate glass
7. Keysmashes
These tags center less around meaning and more around style, so they form the last group. A handful of these could fall under Noisy Emotional Outbursts because they represent reaction noises. In my linguistic judgment, keysmashing increases the hyperbole – consider augh versus aughfhghghghhh – the latter reads as prolonged and more intense emotionally.
#aghdjakgsjadhjaka * #hrhrhrhgnnnghhhhh #aughfhghghghhh #mmmmrrrghuhhhhghhh #I'm so normal about it teehee #waughfhghghh #oughhhhghghhh
*one digression in a friend discord server was how people interpret keysmashes in their minds. Some hear the first couple letters and then some sputtering, others hear static. It’s a common joke that you need a minor in linguistics to understand conversations in this friend group. Such is the nature of things when the chaos linguist energy is strong.
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hanzbrew · 3 months
God Varric and Solas being further tied together by the narrative because of the red lyrium idol.
Imagine Varric confiding in his good friend about what happened to Bartrand, he's met with a strange apology from the humble apostate like he was involved somehow but refuses to say. But how could he possibly be? Imagine if Solas was the one who placed the idol in the deep roads.
I wonder if post trespasser the pieces all slot together for Varric. Yet he shows nothing for concern for Solas' safety. Brb gonna wail in a corner!!! :))))
Yikes the gameplay confrontation hits harder.
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Reader: *breaks down and wails about the village put her through*
Toga: *who's hungry because reader ate her food and now she has an excuse to eat the humans* I am gonna go out for a bit to do some hunting brb bitches
Dabi: *grabs reader and cuddles her and sleeps with himself wrapped around her*
Tomura: I want snugglies too
Yes, they felt like the worst assholes of the century when Reader started crying. Shigaraki was about to complain about how you got dirt everywhere but Dabi bopped him on the back of the head. Toga did indeed, wack some bitches that day.
At least the village doesn’t have to worry about starving to death, Toga sped up the process
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elkian · 9 months
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[ID: A long monochrome stick figure comic.
Panel 1: A baker with a small cake looks at a large cake on the table and thinks, "Aw man, that cake is way be-"
Panel 2: The baker of the more elaborate cake begins wailing, at top volume, "Oh my god this trash is so ugly, hahaha! I can't with this trash~ Did I actually make this garbage, lmao. I bet it tastes like dog turds." The quality of each sentence decreases over the course of the panel.
Panel 3: The second baker continues, bowing towards the sparkling, elaborate cake, saying "Come get your trash, everyone! The worst thing I have ever made!"
Panel 4: The second baker says "BRB, Throwing myself into the abyss! Peace!" and dabs and leaves. The first baker is still holding the small cake and is now on the verge of tears.
Panel 5: The first baker, still looking bereft, stands in the silent crowd. Everyone is desaturated.
Panel 6: A repeat of panel 5, with the crowd reacting to the second baker's outburst: "I... do not want to eat that.", "I don't think I like cake anymore.", and "I was gonna try a box mix, but maybe I shouldn't bother-"
Panel 7: The first baker, still desaturated, startles as someone asks, "Hey. You brought cake, too?"
Panel 8: The baker, visibly nervous and still desaturated, answers, "Oh, yeah. Do you like funfetti?" to which the speaker replies "Oh, nice."
Panel 9: The baker startles as someone yells "Did someone say funfetti" in all caps. Further dialogue pops up: "Omg funfetti my not so secret love," "Oh there's actually cake?", and "save me a slice!"
Panel 10: The baker, resaturated, now holding a plate with only one slice left, is chatting with one of the diners. Further chatter happens around them.
Diner 1: "Yo, I love the texture on the frosting!"
Baker: "Oh, that was an accident, actually-"
Diner 2: "Seriously? It came out so cool!"
Other chatter: "Have you tried using pudding mix in the frosting?", as well as small disagreement where one diner says "I've had better..." and another responds, "Give me your piece if you don't want it, then." Various guests mill around, eating cake.
Epilogue: The second baker returns to find the fancy cake untouched, and says, "Weird. I guess everyone hates cake now, lol."
End ID.]
Reference to Two Cakes comic.
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megashadowdragon · 1 year
"Rely on me for Anything" a Summer Barggy short comic
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reddit comments
User avatar level 1 Evening-Task6338 · 10 hr. ago Ritsuka: “What do you mean ‘knight service’, you’re already a knight?”
Barghest: Turns and leaves the room instead of explaining what she meant.
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User avatar level 2 Practical-Giraffe · 7 hr. ago This is truly a fate stay/knight moment
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User avatar level 3 Most-Historian-5313 · 4 hr. ago *Fae Stay/Knight
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User avatar level 2 Hp22h · 28 min. ago Batter Up! Clearly, she meant sparring with big sticks and thick armour.
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User avatar level 1 DEV10U5 OP · 11 hr. ago This can only end in one of two ways, and both involve getting eaten.
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User avatar level 2 GreenKing5498 · 11 hr. ago That woman cannot calm down
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User avatar level 3 R1xnAlta18 · 10 hr. ago Listen to me peasant I'm your director Let her cook
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User avatar level 4 Kirby0189 · 9 hr. ago Astolfo is very based Oh, so she cooks the people she eats rather than eating them raw?
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User avatar level 5 R1xnAlta18 · 9 hr. ago · edited 3 hr. ago Listen to me peasant I'm your director …..Cook this guy
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User avatar level 6 Undividedbyzero · 7 hr. ago Brb I'm bringing my good old Lecter secret spice mix
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User avatar level 5 Meltlikefinewine · 7 hr. ago I'm pretty sure she prefers it raw. Yeah, both ways.
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User avatar level 1 ThousandLightning · 11 hr. ago Barghest gonna eat Ritsuka. And I don't know if it's figuratively or literally.
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User avatar level 2 chanawong8 · 11 hr. ago it's probably both….
at the same time……
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User avatar level 3 Meltlikefinewine · 11 hr. ago · edited 10 hr. ago Ahh~
After she was done only the cracked pelvis remained. Don't worry. You will be revived by Asclepius, and you've got a long night ahead of you tomorrow.
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User avatar level 4 mythriz · 11 hr. ago
I love VR! happy meal
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User avatar level 4 Most-Historian-5313 · 4 hr. ago Does she gain Harem Protagonist EX from that?
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User avatar level 5 Meltlikefinewine · 3 hr. ago Her kids do.
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User avatar level 2 Informal-Recipe · 7 hr. ago "I am here for a good time, not a long one" Ritsuka
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User avatar level 1 Psychological_Fee722 · 11 hr. ago Barghest best maid
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User avatar level 1 Quirky_Ad_5420 · 11 hr. ago This will be totally worth it
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User avatar level 1 BredMaker4869 · 11 hr. ago Death by snu snu
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User avatar level 1 GreenKing5498 · 11 hr. ago Either my pelvis gets broken or I get eaten alive I’ll take that coin toss
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User avatar level 2 Undividedbyzero · 7 hr. ago It's a 0,5 chance
Which is still more than a Rate Up SSR, so…
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User avatar level 1 Meltlikefinewine · 11 hr. ago Perhaps you never knew you were born ready until this moment came.
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User avatar level 1 conner_lingus_ · 10 hr. ago A mix of moans and groans, followed by shrieks and wails of pain and anguish and that's just the sun snu, she hasn't even started eaten him yet
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User avatar level 1 Nokia_00 · 10 hr. ago Barghest the total package she will even do your taxes what a woman
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User avatar level 1 noobmister69 · 11 hr. ago Working out to make proud Sign me up
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User avatar level 1 Noximilien05 · 9 hr. ago Ritsuka : (Bite in a golden apple, and use the od of 1 command seal on himself) This is going to be an uphill battle.
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User avatar level 1 Haohaev · 9 hr. ago "MY BODY IS READY."
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User avatar level 1 chinesesoccerplayer · 9 hr. ago Morgan: And by night service, you meant knight service didn’t you Fairy Knight Gawain?
Barghest: Gah!!! Your majesty???
Morgan: In the flesh. Now as my knight, I command you to wait outside the door while I make love to my husband.
Barghest:…I’m sorry Your Majesty, but no.
Morgan: Hoh? It’s treason then. Draws her staff, screams while spinning in midair and attacks
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User avatar level 2 kyle_frei · 4 hr. ago While they're busy doing that, Melusine: Now's my only chance to abduct master.
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nochi-quinn · 2 years
legend of vox machina watch party episodes 4-6: he's just sleeping
I'm late bc I was watching anime and playing pokemon. y'know, like an adult.
I don't know how long the episode has had subtitles but I enjoy them
big gworl
"I DON'T LIKE IT" "I love it"
raven queen: the fuck you say to me
fran drescher raven queen
(this is hilarious to me specifically for reasons no one understands)
I was gonna say something about silhouettes
"if scanlan started wearing closed shirts - " "I would be so confused"
"I would say grog" "WHAT"
matt's gonna tell this story if it takes another eight years
"tentacles can also be your friend"
this is hilarious now that beholders are under creative commons
"where are your knees? are your ankles your new knees?!"
"sound more ankle-breaky"
"don't you hate it when you're in the middle of a fight and you're just dissociating"
"why is he punching him in the helmet?!"
mala: that baby has more sense than vax
I love that sam and travis are always in the back going "YOU WILL APPRECIATE THE CREW"
I think I'm behind on account of being late, this is the price I pay for watching anime and playing pokemon
"I watched this with my kids and they were both super grossed out - so success"
everybody just works around will now
bill frito can do anything
I believe travis could reach that pitch
"I invented walking away"
I am forever going to be trying to figure out what nonsense choir soundtracks are singing
"reliving - HA"
"it was raven feathers"
"laura can't lose her character so I'll lose mine" liam.
"have a guest on the show? main character dies. right, robbie?"
oh I hate that one on the end
"onlooker(?)" mala: official spelling
they're just gonna make that noise for the rest of the night
"he's so cute - sorry - "
"that jump scare at the end - why" "that's why"
I can't believe travis willingham is targeting me personally
that's actually. I also had not considered that critical role is technically post-apocalyptic
"it's my child!" "this one lives, that can't be right"
"you can't be a baby, you're a grown-ass woman"
give her a raise
"we thank you for your tears"
"can't even pick up sticks right"
"I wish we had the courage to do an overhead" have the animators not suffered enough
"it's probably okay. don't worry about it."
I think I say this every time but I love when they just go silent bc they are also watching the episode
"that's NOT how you romance someone"
"keyleth will remember that"
"thank you for using the body silhouette I sent you"
"marisha? self-doubt? no!"
critrolestats what level were they
I didn't know that until someone pointed it out on twitter
I'm crying AGAIN dammit marisha ray
the One Woman Wail
"you're a giant fire chicken lady man!"
"seems a little OP"
that pestle IS upside down, I'm pretty sure
"dad likes vax bc they have the same haircut"
robbie didn't know about the lesbians
this time delay is killing me
"so many youtube videos" "just fucked up your algorithm"
"is that a thermal detonator" after chetney's boat robbie only knows how to think in bombs
"I was singing about meeting a girl in line for the shitter"
"you wouldn't put the nursery in the volcano??"
oh I love lil sketchy keyleth
"is that a cloaca?"
"maybe these are IMPOSTERS" stares in speaker assum
"it's victor"
"I'll call bryan and michael and let them know" I have only called them bryke for so long
"the voice of korra was in the Lesbians Aren't Dead episode"
the red gay and the blue gay
"tell me I'm wrong!" "I can't!"
"I know a lot about anime gays you guys"
speaking of anime gays, robbie daymond
(akechi. the joke is akechi.)
none of us are over keyleth but liam o'brien is definitely not over keyleth
"kash pushing in on his girl - " "that's the worst part"
"pissjets" brb changing my twitter name
I'll error your joining watch party
"I'm sure it's fine"
"classic comedy duo"
I still enjoy grog's expressions so much here
"my ten-year-old son loved that joke"
this is me explaining the plot to my roommate
"scanlan is the only one that gets to go full anime" scanlan just is anime
"fucking DORK" robbie understands percy
"she does get hypothermia tho"
"a hoe never gets cold" "that is the episode title"
liam's running "I peed a little bit" is finally coming full-circle
"that's how you guys look at me all the time" at least matt does for sure
grog is barely smart enough to speak at all, he can't manage telepathy
the fire plane taught her how to cuss
I love robbie's genuine reactions
the whole back row airdrumming
"he's playing the instruments" "no he is NOT"
"that's MY HUSBAND"
one unit of sphynx
"a shit spell?" that's scanlan's thing
"you're giving me notes NOW?"
kaiju fight KAIJU FIGHT
"I don't like this dragon, he's a dickhead"
"I don't care about his backstory"
"he's fine, robbie" "he's gonna go live on a farm upstate? where he gets all the sphynx food he wants?"
"sphynxes live forever even if they look like they died"
that knee slide was v cool tho
honestly I had the same thought as mica
mica refuses to pronounce that name now (she's valid)
"not that long, right?" "you don't know"
marisha what is that face. are we getting an art book. I want an art book.
"you love inflicting pain" "I FUCKIN LOVE IT"
mala: Travis: i have killed and i will kill again
"it's got a lot of slap bass in it"
"he's a transformer"
you leave the shit behind in people's beds and move on
(I'm still mad at him for that)
craven edge just using grog as a meat puppet
"it all comes back to the last of us" correct
"I was such an innocent smol bean"
"I'm a purple g - I'M WEARING PURPLE"
someone draw art of alicia's hedgehog familiar
yaaaaaay troy bakerrrrr (said in the most deflating-balloon voice possible)
troy baker is a very good actor who is up his own ass as much as it is possible for a human being to be and still draw breath
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
i'm done. i finished it. or rather it finished me. 💀
I LOVE IT SO MUCH- sorry haikyuu, you've been officially replaced, demon slayer is my nr 1 now 😭❤️❤️
there was sososo much i loved but one thing: i had been spoilered about most deaths (except for one that you uh. might be able to deduct from the other ask i sent you.) and that sucked ofc but i didn't know any details so i was still surprised by some of the circumstances. and i didn't expect those circumstances to be so calm in some cases, i'm sure you know who i'm talking about, and that really. idk that really made my day somehow
i'm sorry i still need to cope rn, gotta go write fanfiction and make this my entire personality for the next few weeks 😭
JLERJEJRJEJ LETS GOOOO!!! It was truly incredible, wasn't it? :D
More spoilery talks beneath the cut for Demon Slayer Manga
NO FOR REALLL!!! I had been more or less spoiled for a few deaths- I knew about Obanai and Mitsuri (Don't even get me started on their ending, I will wail-) And that's true! Like- it's one thing to know the deaths, but to see the actual way they go + the freaking post death reunions with family and friends alongside the way characters like Kanao and Sanemi react to the loss of their loved ones-
I just- OW.
And absolutely! It's probably the whole "We're Hashria so we expect to die." Kinda energy like Gyomei told Koku when they fought- no fear, only acceptance and- in Shinobu's case- satisfying vengeance.
God, I just love the woman of Demon Slayer. I love the characters, period. I'm gonna go reread it now- brb!
jljelarejrjarjajkjr NAH SAME!!! That was me after Mugan Train just: "Oh ouch, ouchie- I'm gonna go write him and Tengen causing mayhem akerjkakerjarej"
KERKJEJLRJEJR HELP THAT'S A MOOD RJLJKERJEJRJE Oh god, I love you so much, Rey! 🤣 Write that fanfiction and THRIVE!
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professor-abeloved · 2 years
the kiss meme with "by the river" and "life or death" for lincwan <3
oh kristi you're lucky you're so effervescent <3 set during the river scene where u can get lincs collectible lmao
send me stuff from this kissing prompt list!
A violent spurt of coughs wrack Wan's frame as the air rushes back into their lungs. A manicured hand brushes away the pink strands of hair plastered to their forehead in an attempt not to resemble a drowned rat.
Words of worry reach their water-lagged ears, but the most pressing concern nags at Wan's mind.
"Please tell me no one kissed me," he deadpans.
After a glance at the others, Lincoln speaks up, effectively stopping Juan's heart in their chest. "You were underwater for a long time so you...needed CPR."
The nerve loss that follows is worse than the chill from the river.
AUUGHHHHHH. "You should've just let me drown," Wan wails, burying his head in his hands.
Lincoln rolls his eyes. "Don't be so dramatic. It wasn't that bad."
"Yeah, I dunno if Abel agrees," Wan shoots back.
A quizzical expression graces Abel's face. "Excuse me, what is happening?"
"Don't worry, professor. Just BRB... gonna drown myself again."
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