#But Dazai never saw it that way... Poor Akutagawa really
sskk-manifesto · 8 months
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Alright but what's this mission Akutagawa is talking about that Dazai abandoned, am I missing something? 🤔
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skkfujoshi · 4 months
Remember how I said that the tie in fic was jk-ing….I wasn’t jk-ing as much as I thought….So here’s a sample
A/N This is set two years before the start of BSD
Close and shake.
And voila!A perfect,painless,fast acting poison to drink when cornered.Kills you in mere seconds.
Best thing Mori’s ever taught him.
Chuuya beheld the small vile,the liquid inside it brown in colour.If he put it in his tea or coffee odds were no one would notice.
Kōyo probably knew.She saw him be mad at Mori hours before his father’s death.
She definitely knew.
Best he take this now before he’s made to bite down on the pavement on his knees.
He chuckled. 
Oh if only Dazai were still in the mafia.Shame really,had the bastard waited,he could’ve had his little double suicide…With Chuuya,granted,but semantics.
 “For the record,you’re my best friend too.”
Chuuya shook his head.
Liar,liar…Screw ‘Zai and his dumb romanticized little suicide schemes.Chuuya’s is much more effective and he’ll be doing it without him.
He nodded to himself,pleased and put a few drops in the black tea he poured himself earlier.
He took the cup in his hands and blew on it as he looked at his father’s scarf discarded on the nearby table.
Well…Chuuya’s scarf now.Before Mori,the old boss’s.A scarf of all things…Innocuous and rather lame,to be honest.Nice colour.Red.He’s always liked red.
Unbidden,a memory came to Chuuya.Early on in his time with Mori,Chuuya had no damn clue what snow was.Understandably so,one of many cons of lab life.
One of the other cons was that you really wanted/needed an open window all of the damn time.
Mori didn’t indulge him on the request during the winter.Obviously.This created spite on Chuuya’s end.So,left alone in their small apartment he opened all the damn windows and sat on the balcony out of spite.
He nearly died.He was probably just about to kick the bucket when Mori came back and warmed him up.He was mad at his father for it at first,convinced that he would’ve been fine even if he wasn’t moved.
Mori didn’t yell at him for being a brat that time.Instead,he closed the windows,bundled Chuuya up in some more blankets and carried him out back onto the balcony,giving him some hot chocolate later.
The scarf Mori wore then was purple.
Different scarf,different time.
A time when Chuuya didn’t question the angle of Mori’s kindnesses ,when he thought basic decency was something extraordinary and worthy of praise.
He knew better now.
No one wants a kid’s death on their hands,the loss of a potential future is just that inherently tragic.Even if you don’t particularly care,you just don’t wanna go through it.
Same reason Dazai stood awake for days at Rūyunosuke’s bedside when he trained the poor kid to exhaustion when Chuuya went on that weeks long mission in Kagoshima.
Chuuya stared at the bottom of the cup.God,that melted him.Melted him right through.
Fuck Dazai…Fuck him all the way to hell.
Did Chuuya really know better now?Was basic decency truly nothing more than a standard for him?
Did he truly not cling like a lifeline to every person who treated him as even slightly more than scum on their shoe?
He rubbed his forehead,frustrated.He really-
“Mr Nakahara!”
Chuuya turned with a sigh and put the teacup down.Mori used to say kids had their own,inherently contradictory internal clock and schedule.If mentoring Akutagawa made him consider that,Yumeno made him an outright believer.
“What is it,Q?”
Pouting ,the child sat himself on Chuuya’s lap and crossed his arms.
“When am I gonna be sent out?” “What?”
He looked at Chuyya as if he were an idiot.
“For a mission!That’s why you took me out,right?” “No…”
He scowled,jumping off 
“Then what’s the point?”he whined,stomping around the room in exasperation 
Chuuya thought on it for a moment.He wished he could say that he didn’t do it to spite Osamu,to spite whatever slimy little drops of Mori’s being hung around here still…But he was never particularly good at lying.
So he just shrugged.This displeased Yumeno a great deal.So much that he tossed a nearby microscope onto the ground.Chuuya merely rubbed his temples.That was gonna be expensive…
“A little tip,Q…Don’t break expensive…”
He was gonna say shit,but then he remembered he was talking to a kid.
“Don’t break expensive stuff.” “Well,what am I suppose to do!?You took away my doll!You had that weird lemon guy take out the razor blades,only for my curse to be basically useless and now you’re just expecting me to do nothing!”
Chuuya considered noting how odd it was that Kaiji was unaffected.But then he remembered the most important thing about Kaiji.He was beyond questioning.
“I’m not asking you to do nothing,Yumeno.You can do a lot.”
“Like?”he asked,brow raised “Well…Like…” “I’m waiting.”
“Whatever it is you kids do nowadays!The point is,you can do more than just work.Look at Rūyunosuke for example,he writes poetry,does-“
“Lame!So lame!And boring too!”
Chuuya’s eye twitched,but he took a deep breath and attempted to compose himself.
“Look,lame or not,it makes him…”
Happy didn’t describe Aku at all,so he changed tact.
“Content.” “And this has to do with me how?” “Do what makes you content!”
The boy pouted again,and stomped on the ground.
“Have you gone senile in your old age!?I can’t do that!” “Why!?” “Cause Dazai’s dead!I can’t play with a corpse!”
Chuuya blinked.Well,technically…You can.Chuuya got off the chair and got down to the boy’s level.
“Is that what you were planning before you found out?” “Duh.” “And what would you have done after that?”
Q’s expression turned quizical and confused.
“What ?” “What would you have done once you got your revenge on Dazai?”
He opened his mouth a few times but quickly his cheeks puffed out in thought,his gaze fixed to the floor all of a sudden.
A few moments passed in silence before Yumeno began again.
“Well…I could..I will…” “Mhh?” “I…”
Suddenly,he was upset again,stomping at the ground and groaning in annoyance.
“Take your time.”Chuuya assured  “I…I don’t know.”he said,surrendering and seating himself on the ground 
Chuuya sat down as well.He considered ruffling his hair but decided to just brush the tips of his fingers against the top of the boys head instead.
“Wanna know a secret?”
Morosely,the boy nodded.
“I felt the same .About my own older brother at that.”
Q’s eyes widened.
“But isn’t he still alive?” “He is.”
The look Yumeno gave him was somewhere between disgusted and shocked.
“Why?!” “Because I realized something.If I made killing him my sole purpose anything else would fail to fulfill me.And murder is a definitive action.”
“Definitive?” “You can’t take it back .” “Ah.”  
This upset the boy even more as he kicked at the ground,frustrated.
“Well then what do I do?!” “Same thing I did.Find something else.I won’t lie to you,it’ll be a pain in the butt.However…You’ll get better.In time.”
He raised his brow,unconvinced.
“What would I get out of it?”
Chuuya figured internal peace was not gonna be a huge selling point to an 11 year old,so instead he said:”When you manage to find that new thing,I’ll give you the doll back.”
“Just…Just like that?”
Chuuya nodded and extended his hand .
“What do you say?”
After a moment of hesitation,Yumeno shook his hand.
“You promise?” “I promise.” “…Thank you,boss.”
He smiled and lifted the boy to his feet,patting his shoulder.
“You’re welcome.Now,come on,go to bed,it’s getting late.”
The boy stuck his tongue out,annoyed and turned heel,stomping away.
Chuuya shook his head,sighing and standing up.Such a child…But that was no surprise,considering he was one.
Child and yet everyone thought that he was better off being locked in a cell like Dazai suggested.
Chuuya tossed the teacup a glance.
If he were to go through with it all…Chuuya was the only one who wanted him out.
If he were to die…No one wants a kid’s death on their hands…
Another memory came to him then.Shortly after Q was thrown in,Dazai was paranoid.He’d go on and on about Q escaping,reeking havoc and Mori ,in his wisdom,put a stop to it,with one sentence.
“Oh.He died.Last night.”
Chuuya stroked his jaw.Who’s to say he couldn’t pull the same thing?
He wrapped the scarf around his neck and walked out.
Boss Chuuya AU Masterpost
Next fic part —>
First overall AU info post
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pretty-oooodd · 1 year
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BSD men with a punk s/o!!
Featuring: Dazai, Chūya, Atsushi, Ranpo, Kunikida, Akutagawa, Sigma, Fyodor, Nikolai.
TW/CW: no tw, this is a fluff "domestic" one. Mention of tattoos, piercings. Let me know if you want me to add more (bc I'm not really practical with tws).
Enjoy <3!!
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DAZAI is the kind of guy that's always been interested in these kinds of subcultures, especially punk, but he didn't really had the reasons or will to get into it.
He likes the trash pants, the one full of patches, chains and tears.
But his absolute favorites are the skinny ones full of tears, with fishnets underneath them.
He's a big tease, so he would really have fun poking the holes in his s/o's clothes. Especially the ones on their tights.
You have tattoos? Cool, give him sharpies (Crayola ones) and he'll color your tats.
Piercing on your lips? He'll make sure to lick it when he kisses you.
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Ow come on, our buddy CHŪYA is a punk soul.
Argue with the wall.
He listens to punk music with his HEART.
And kinda likes the clothing, he just prefers his elegant attire.
So, if his s/o is punk he will love it. Absolutely admire you for your style and strong ideals, bc let's not forget what punk is abt!!
If you have tattoo sleeves, especially flowers, he STANS.
Nose piercings and studs lover here. He himself wants a nose piercing.
If you wear the same size clothes, he maybe steal something from your closet.
Would probably bring you to a concert.
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ATSUSHI is so soft and probably doesn't like studs but he would never offend you ^^
He wasn't really interested or educated on this community before meeting you.
He learned the lace code just for you!!
Doesn't really understand and like the music, but supports you and everything you like!
He LOVES your tattoos! He thinks they are so cool.
If you have piercings he will make sure to learn how to clean them and help you with it.
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RANPO thinks that your style is interesting but doesn't really mind it.
If you're a messy, chaotic person, you will get along.
If you have one of those wonderful haircuts like Mohawks or just bright hair color he will absolutely love it.
Likes playing with your hair and coloring your tattoos.
The patches in your pants and vests are his favorite parts.
Doesn't listen much music in general, so punk isn't really his problem anyway.
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I still haven't understood what's KUNIKIDA's "ideal woman".
Btw, he isn't a fan of punk or these cultures in general but likes you anyway.
Considers tattoos and piercings (everything abt this style) "unprofessional".
And he will tell you but there's nothing he can do abt it.
We stan a punk monarch.
Will always be the one to remember you to clean and treat your tats and piercings.
Kinda likes the dedication you put into styling your own clothes and hair.
And he likes the fact that the community expresses its ideals too.
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Bro doesn't care.
Lord give him two shits to give pls.
Jkjk, AKUTAGAWA kinda likes the "aggressive" style.
He's into the metal music probably idk.
Likes the studs and boots with platforms.
Likes to sew the patches on your vests and pants.
Piercings like nose bridge are his absolute favorites!!
You shaved your eyebrows for him, how sweet.
He's an introvert but the moshpit would be his natural habitat, just to let the rage out.
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Poor man, SIGMA got scared the first time he saw you.
He doesn't fully understand the "use" or "meaning" of this style but he's learning.
Not a fan of the music but loves you, so he will listen something if you ask him.
He likes your tattoos, as he thinks of them as a form of art that makes you unique.
Piercings aren't his thing tho. Really doesn't understand them but loves earrings.
You two probably have some matching sets of earrings.
He finds punks intimidating but in a good way.
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HOW PT. 2?????? WHAT?
I mean, I think FYODOR's kinda into metal and goth things but punk???
Punk really isn't his thing.
Doesn't like piercings, idk.
But tats are a form of art for him, just like painting.
He appreciates your dedication to the ideals even if he doesn't fully agree sometimes.
His favorite parts of your outfits are the boots!
He probably likes your hair too, bc they're particular.
Doesn't like the concerts so he won't come with you.
He probably looks cool af in a leather jacket with studs.
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NIKOLAI is a biiig tease.
He likes to play with your hair and piercings.
He's the prime example of man child: give him sharpies and he will color your tats gladly.
Probably wants to get a piercing just like his s/o!!
He dies your hair. You have no escape from this.
Skinny jeans fan!!
Nikolai isn't really into punk music but likes early 2000s emo culture (early Panic! At The Disco and Fall Out Boy).
My boy will torment you if you don't let him try your clothes on.
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chuuyasheaven · 2 years
Heya! I'm literally OBSESSED with your Dazai fanfic for valentines event its so good omg it got me rolling on the floor gasping for air, beating the shit outta my octogawa plushie 😭 ( he's fine dw)
since I'm thirsty af can I request prompt 9, 11 and 12 for this hot ass mf Akutagawa and its a jealous seggs and bondage too where he tied you up with rashoumon omg... Also happy late valentines day I'm sorry if I hadn't wish you valentines day on 14th I had go to my old school for reunion 😭😭
Anyways I wish you luck bbg 😼😼
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ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ/ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ: 9: “Beg for it, let me know that you deserve it.”, 11: “You're mine and I'm only yours, got it?” and 12: “Let me hear your sweet moans, baby.”
sᴜᴍᴍᴀʀʏ:Jealous Sex with Akutagawa! I guess he just wants to make sure you know who you belong to, right? <3
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: Jealous!Akutagawa, fem!Reader, Rashoumon being used as a rope to tie Reader up, rough sex, ada!Reader, bratty!Reader if you squint.. Lmk know if i fucked smth up!!! Accidentally added 10- (y'all are in the bedroom btw.)
ɴᴏᴛᴇs (ғʀᴏᴍ ᴍᴇ): I lowkey giggled when i read this..but i love this smut-trope alot! (if that's a thing) and it's okay, school sucks lol. Enjoy bbg! 🤭
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“Tell me, why did you hang with that disgrace of a tiger again?” he growled against your neck.
For a little context, you and Akutagawa were a couple.
But you were both from enemy organizations, which didn't stop you from dating though.
I mean, yeah, Akutagawa doesn't like any of them except for you and Dazai, but it really bothered him that you were friends with the Weretiger, one of his biggest enemies..
This time, he was just really annoyed.
When he walked to the café where you were supposed to be at, he saw how you smiled at Atsushi the way you smile at him, not to mention that you let him touch you.
He just waited for you to finish, gave Atsushi a quick death stare and walk off with you.
Now back to where we left off-
“He was just hugging me, Aku, it's not a big deal!”, you spoke up for yourself.
“I don't like the way you smile at him, it actually makes me want to kill him even more.”, Akutagawa responded,
“Aku, let's just leave this for some other time. It's getting kinda annoying, y'know?” you tried to change the subject.
Akutagawa looked at you with slight annoyance.
How could you say that? He was just worried about you and Atsushi, what if you left him for Atsushi like Dazai did? Poor Aku. Come on you couldn't blame him for being jealous!
But, he won't let you be.
Akutagawa wants to, no, he needs to convince you to stay by him.
That's when something inside him snapped.
“Rashoumon!”, interrupting the silence in the room, as black ropes held you in place.
Being not able to process what had just happened, you feel you chin lifted by his hand.
“You know how such things annoy me, right? If you still don't get it, let me demonstrate.” Akutagawa just said.
“Akutagawa, what do you mean by-”, you let out a slight 'eek!' when you felt Rashoumon ripping off your panties.
(idk if Rashoumon can do that but yeah and yes, you had a nightgown on)
As you wanted to ask him again, you heard him removing belt, but also felt yourself get wetter by the second.
Lining up at your cunt, he let's his free finger get a taste of your slick.
“You're already wet? What a whore, but since, you taste so fuckin' good, baby, I'll let that slide. I know for a fact that the Weretiger will never get such a good taste in his miserable life, don't you agree?” Akutagawa smirked slighty, as he started inserting his cock into you.
You muffled your moans at this euphoric feeling, which Akutagawa didn't like. The Rashoumon tangled up your hands.
“Come on, Let me hear your sweet moans, darling, let everyone know who you belong to..” he panted as he started thrusting his length into you.
That's when you started to moan shamelessly louder than expected, not like he didn't like it.
How could you even keep quiet if he was fucking you so good? Akutagawa's cock hit all the right places, he filled you up just right!
“I'm c-close, Aku! Please don't stop..!” you desperately moaned to him, you let out a whine as he slowed his pace down.
“Oh? Well, i might aswell stop right now, because i don't know if you deserve it..”, as you tried to move, you desperately failed.
Akutagawa, who saw this reaction let out a chuckle.
“You're such a slut. But if you have to cum that bad, beg for it, let me know that you deserve it.” he just demanded that from you because he was close to cumming, so hearing you beg for it, was gonna speed the process up.
“P-please, Akutagawa, i need you so bad..please let me cum! I swear, I'm only yours, i love you so much-”, you got interrupted by his erotic thrusting.
But now he was eager to cum, he needed to release into you.
“That's..damn r-right, you're mine and I'm only yours, got it? I hope you did by now.”, Akutagawa felt your cunt hugging his cock deeply, letting him lose a groan.
“Fuck! 'M so fuckin' c-close, Aku!” you told him, after the last thrusts your coil in your stomach snapped.
Bliss following, as Akutagawa shot his cum right after.
He released you from Rashoumon and collapsed on the bed, panting heavily.
You did the same. Akutagawa found himself hugging you and nuzzling into your neck.
“Did i make clear that you're only mine?”, you just whispered loud enough for him to hear,
“Yes, Aku, you did. I'm gonna set some boundaries just for you, but for now i want you to rest, m'kay?”, You felt his head moving, assuming he was nodding.
After all this, he drifted into sleep.
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Reading back at it i realized that I accidentally added the 10, but who cares? because it looks good lol. Hope you enjoyed it!!! :)
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sunnyx07 · 2 years
Hello I have a request for BSD about them having a dead s/o and they are like a ghost who can float and do stuff ghost can and stuff if that makes sense if you can good day/night <3
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Request?: Yes Summery: Characters having a dead S/O Characters: Dazai, Chuuya, Atsushi, Akutagawa Genre: Fluff, slightly angsty (mostly Dazai's and Chuuya's part, Mentions of death (Atsushi), be warned spoilers of Storm-bringer!)
A/N: Thank you so much for this request! I had lots of fun to write this request ^^ Hope you enjoy it and I'll see you next time! <3
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Dazai Osamu:
holy hell will this man make you help him with his pranks on poor kunikida-
like for real, this dude will grab u by the waist, look at you with the brightest puppy eyes and you can't help but to cave in.
He finds it so interesting you have the exact same traits as a real ghost, and for a ghost, you are the prettiest person he has ever seen.
He sometimes beg you to scare people by going through the wall and exit like you never existed (You also love to scare people its honestly very funny-
When you do it to him though, He'll dramatically scream like a little girl, making you embarrassed and him very amused (Cocky bastard-)
He does, however, when you two are alone in his apartment, Looking at you all admired as he hears all kinds of stories of people you meet.
If he told you about his past, He will slowly but surely give hints to let you know that he wants to know about Odasaku
You always smile gently while talking about Odasaku and what he told you to pass onto Dazai.
He will be very grateful to you if you ever did that.
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Chuuya Nakahara:
Just like Dazai, He will be very interested into seeing you suddenly float around the mafia headquarters and see your ghostly powers in action
You tried scaring him once, did not end to well Poor boy legit broke his favourite wine glass, You had to fly away if you didn't wanna be a ghost twice-
He gently strokes your hair, even if it goes straight through, he really doesn't care at this point
Your ghost kisses always makes him chuckle
He does however, wonder about his friends, if you could see them too. He's to stubborn to ask though, but at some point, you figure it out and leave little things behind for him to find, Giving it as a signal that they are always with him and supporting his every decision
He always smile softly seeing those messages, making a mental note to Thank you for your hard work
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Atsushi Nakajima:
This boy finds it so sad-
He loves you very much, but he just gets sad thinking you died cause of some stupid asshole or accident that caused your death.
He does however, always try to make you the happiest you've ever been when you were alive
You do help him out with missions, He doesn't get worried about you getting hurt since everything can go through you, so you always go first, Looking around the area if he's not in danger by any sort of threats.
At home you guys always talk about whatever you want to talk about, It sometimes leads to Atsushi Falling asleep while you gently tucks him in.
This boy has a whole lot of love in store for you
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Akutagawa Ryunosuke:
Honestly, would be slightly surprised you would date him, and more surprised you would stick to him even when your dead
Little cold in the beginning, doesn't trust you too much. but slowly he warms up to you, trusting you a little bit more in life
But he definitely hates you when you scare him
His ability would've killed you by now if you weren't a ghost-
Besides that, he would ask you to check on anything that isn't suppose to happen, and you happily obey
Besides his cold Façade, you saw his sadness about you being dead, but luckily for both of you guys, You always had each other
He loves you, in his own stubborn way.
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aroace-poly-show · 1 year
I just saw a BSD take that made me wanna explode /neg So the person was rambling about Dazai, Akutagawa and Atsushi, and Akutagawas relationship with the two and how seeing Atsushi together with Dazai probably hurts him alot-- which, yknow that's really valid it probably DOES hurt him a lot, but its a thing he kinda needs to wor through himself because whats hurting him the most is his obsession with Dazai that comes from the abuse he suffered and wanting Dazai to finally see he's good enough, like?? But then, then they ended it with, and I quote 'Atsushis finally happy, and I'm really glad he's happy!! He deserves to be! I just wish it wasn't Dazai who made him happy, cause that's not fair to Akutagawa' and idk it just felt so,, unneeded?? Why doesn't Atsushi deserve Dazai just because Akutagawa refuses to let himself heal from the past through other means?? Why is Atsushi the one who has to loose something for Akutagawa to be happy?? When he could be happy without Dazai EASILY he just doesn't really make the effort too- I will never understand this fandoms hatered for taking into account how much Atsushi deserves stuff as much as Akutagawa does. They both deserve a Dazai that will care about them, but not both of them are going to get it, so what are you to do then?? You go and find people who WILL care about you and you forget about Dazai (Or well that's what he shoulda done b4 Dazai came baralling back into his life and ruining it even more) Like,, This fandom has a really hard time accepting that both Atsushi and Akutagawa are traumatized, at least that's what I've noticed. Its always one or the other, for some reason they both cant be traumatized- And its usually Akutagawa too, and lie there's nothing wrong with having favorites, but I feel lie you shouldn't undermine another characters trauma just to justify your favorites trauma and wrong doings its just not the way to go about things But what do I know its 4 am and I'm tired gn
bro wtf
dazai being good to atsushi ABSOLUTELY hurts akutagawa that’s like, so very obvious ksdfdhgjg and akutagawa absolutely deserved to be treated well by dazai, but that’s not what happened, but its not like atsushi deserves to be treated badly as well like??? they both deserve to be happy,,, they both deserve dazai being good to them but akutagawa didn’t get that and there isn’t much he can do about that aside from just moving on. poor guy :(
i notice that atsushi gets like. a lot more annoyance with his trauma than other some other characters and i mean I GET IT. THAT ORPHANAGE SCENE CAN GET ANNOYING. IT GETS OLD REALLY FAST I KNOW. BUT LIKE. CUT HIM SOME SLACK DUDE 😭 it annoys me seeing people tell atsushi to just like get over it, like,,, it hasn't even been that long since he was kicked out?? that trauma is still really fresh. and he doesn’t have therapy here??? what do you expect??? he’s figuring it out himself cut him some slack,,,</3
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dcptcnx · 3 years
What about BSD Chuuya, Mori,Akutagawa , Poe and Lovecraft (seperately) x female reader who’s a badass and great with kids . Like she can ride a motorcycle, skateboard and do learn any sport easily. I got this idea by hearing “Shut up and Drive” by Rihanna fluff plz
a/n: hi im so so so sorry for never answering this. ever since the start of december, i've been doing mandatory overtime for my job and have found it hard to think of how to write for the requests in my inbox, and easier to write stuff that showed up in my head the moment it did. i hope you didn't give up T^T
Chuuya, Mori, Akutagawa, Poe, and Lovecraft w/ a "Badass" f!reader
Chuuya Nakahara
he adores you v much
can ride a motorbike? oh he's definitely racing you.
He's not much a person who adores kids, but his heart will soften when he sees you interact with them
"Damn, and if that were our kid..."
Even though you can effortlessly ride a motorcycle, he loves that you can skateboard too.
he's unfair when he tries to learn bc he uses his gravity manipulation and cheats on doing insane stunts.
he flaunts you everywhere though. you're his goddess bro.
he does get jealous when people say you dress better than he does, so he tries to one-up you in fashion sense <3
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Mori Ogai
He's a bit older so he's kinda old fashioned i believe
He does LOVE that you're great with kids. Elise likes you very much so he's grateful for that
as i mentioned previously, he's kind of old fashioned, so skateboarding and motorbike riding aren't really his thing
but the way you do those things, he does admire very much.
he also love how you present yourself in the PM.
Being a badass, you hold yourself with high standards, not letting anyone get under your skin.
He does like to pair you with Chuuya on missions because you can set him straight when he gets out of hand.
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Ryuunosuke Akutagawa
Poor boy always wants to impress dazai someone
sees you riding your motorbike along with chuuya? he's gonna use his rashoumon to fly faster than you
sees you skateboarding to kill time? he's gonna do tricks with rashoumon to prove he's better
ofc he's bad with kids, but he does know how to handle them thanks to his younger sister, Gin.
won't admit, but he loves seeing your softer side around kids you come across who may like your skateboard and such.
he blushes at the sight, and when you turn to look at him, he hides his face and begins to start his normal coughing, pretending that you didn't just catch him staring
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Edgar Allan Poe
sweet, sweet boy
karl is like his child, and when he sees you playing, and taking care of him, he's a blushing mess!
karl loves you, so so so much, and poe really enjoys that fact.
but when he sees you with actual kids? he's blushing so hard because you treat them like how you treat karl
he seems timid and shy so when he sees your motorbike, he gets nervous because it looks scary to him.
you are quick to reassure him that you're perfectly safe.
loves to watch you skateboard and is shy to ask about wanting to learn, but you don't pressure him to ask.
you do, however, pull him up to come skate with you, to "toughen him up"
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Howard Phillips Lovecraft
not gonna lie, he looks dead all the time
could be watching you from afar, but he may have no real interest in your antics, no matter how amazing you do it
and let's be real, he'd rather live in the water than look after kids so he's not gonna care either way
i dont mean to make him boring oml
but he wouldn't be lying when he says he does admire your perseverance on learning a new skateboard trick you saw on the internet
whether you notice him or not, he is watching you fall and fall, only to not give up and continue until you land that new trick 5 times in a row.
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tender-rosiey · 4 years
Okay so I know someone already requested something like this so you can ignore this if you want, but I was wondering if you could do ADA Dazai, Akutagawa, and Atsushi reacting to their s/o almost dying during a mission? Also I love your writing!
❥ Bsd Characters reaction to s/o almost dying
Includes: Dazai, Atsushi and Akutagawa
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ᴀ/ɴ: I hope you like this dear! And I am glad you like my writing 🥺💘; Warnings: mentions of death (obviously) and blood
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Dazai Osamu:
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{Season 2 Spoilers so beware ✨}
While Higuchi was talking with Dazai
You were left with Atsushi, Kirako and Naomi
You weren’t expecting at all to find the catastrophe called Q approaching you guys
Just as you were about to warn them about touching him, he took control over Atsushi
To which he started attacking you guys
While Dazai was with Higuchi and oblivious to what’s happening until the last moment
When he found out he ran back and hoped that none of you were hurt
But the sigh of you getting choked by Atsushi and on the verge of death as you were losing your breath was too much
“A-atsushi please l-let go..” you said weally as your face was losing its color
He touched Q’s doll as fast as he could and nullified his ability
He held you in his arms just as Atsushi let go and was staring at you with eyes swirling with hurts and worry
Why didn’t you use your ability? Did you not want to hurt Atsushi?
He almost lost you right before his eyes
And you would’ve suffered a lot until you got to...
He doesn’t even want to mention it, he can never bare the thought of you dying
Dazai was a man of a strong mind and emotional control
However you were his weak point
He caressed your cheek as he saw you trying to regain your breathing again
Millions of questions flooded his mind but as he saw Q leave with the train promising to get back at him for locking him up
Dazai growled lowly and dangerously
“Next time I see you I will rip your heart out and I will make you regret thinking about hurting Y/N, I promise.”
He then looked down at you, with his face void of mischief or hatred as if he had another face
“Love, are you alright now?”
He knew it was pointless to ask you but he was waiting for any kind of reaction
It was needed to get you all to a doctor to make sure nothing more than what he saw happened
He sighed in relief as he saw you stir and snuggle closer to his chest
He placed a soft kiss to your head while you opened your eye “Samu..?”
He put you to his back to give you a piggy ride back home
“Angel hold tight.”
You placed a firm grip holding onto him
“I am so sorry, I can’t believe I did this! I am no use! I am sorry Y/N-san!”
The poor boy rambled as he was scarred from what he did
Let alone to what he almost did to you
His favorite person in the ADA
His superior’s lover
As he was lost in thought
Dazai slapped Atsushi
“Stop pitting yourself. Pity yourself and life becomes an endless nightmare.”
The boy looked up with fear evident in his eyes
“It’s alright, you didn’t mean to. At least she is okay now.”
Dazai’s grip on you tightened
He never wanted to see you like that again
And he was going to make sure of that
Atsushi Nakajima:
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{This is before the Guild went ✨poof✨ btw}
Frantically searching everywhere he knew
Atsushi was worried
Where did you go?
Just an hour ago you were by his side smiling like the angel you are
Now he can’t find a trace of you
He came back to the agency empty handed and a gloomy face
The first thing he heard was Tanizaki calling to him
“Atsushi! They have Y/N and they want you in return of giving her back!”
His eyes flashed a dangerous yellow, was this about the bounty on him?
Why did you have to be included in this?
“Atsushi, think rationally.” His brunette superior warned.
(Yes as if Dazai wasn’t freaking out in the headcanon above)
When they met up with the gang that took you Atsushi was heart broken and his blood was boiling
They had beaten you up and tortured you for god knows how long
Your body looks so weak and bruised and he swore to make them pay
“Let. Her. Go.”
The man laughed loudly and retorted “What would a kid like you do?”
And he saw what a kid like him would do
Each one of them was wincing in pain as Atsushi was approaching you and gently picking you off the ground
“I am sorry I couldn’t stop this from happening...” he said with guilt lacing his words and evident on his face
Even with Yosano healing you
Atsushi was worried and a sad expression was settled on his face since he came back with you
Only difference being that now he was holding onto you for dear life
He was afraid that you would disappear from his arms any moment
“Atsushi baby, I am fine. Look!”
He looked up at you with sad eyes as he remembered how you were an hour ago
“I can’t stand seeing you hurt and I will try my best to never see you like that again.”
His hold on you tightened as he listened to your heart beat
He never wanted it to stop
He placed a soft weak kiss on your cheek as he was barely holding back his emotions from blowing up to the open
Akutagawa Ryuunosuke:
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He was known for how strong he was and he was fierce
And that was on his good days or qoute on qoute “good moods”
But what the man just did in front of Akutagawa was something far of getting him in a merciful mood
A spike slicing its way through your stomach
Blood coming out of your mouth as your eyes widen in pain
The sight shocked Akutagawa and even brought to him memories
Very unpleasant memories
His heart filling with unbelievable fury
He used his Rashumon to slice everything and anything in his way
And he made sure that man that hurt you go through hell and back before meeting his fate
After the blood splattering and body shredding that happened
He approached you silently and picked you up
As fast as he could he ran back to the Port Mafia
Hours of waiting for your recovery and consciousness
He was leaning on the wall as he was looking at you, worry buried deep in his iris
However it wasn’t evident to the normal eye
For Akutagawa was always the hard to read type unless he was disgusted or angry
‘What if you weren’t okay?’
‘What if you didn’t make it?’
‘Was he really that weak that he couldn’t protect you?’
‘Is he really going to be the reason you leave this world?’
His thoughts were cut off by the soft muttering of his name from your lips
He walked towards you and placed his finger on your neck
Normal heart beating, thank god
(And yes you can measure your heart beat like that, my coach told me that)
He slightly flicked your forehead
“Try not to die, idiot. I’m really not bothered to replace you.”
His voice betraying him as it was cracking at the end
You knew this was rather a bad experience that he doesn’t want to remember ever again
“You need to be more aware of your surroundings and take care of what happens around you, dumbass.”
“Do you really think I would be okay with you leaving me just like that?”
You held his hand and smiled and somehow that managed to calm him
“I am fine now; isn’t that what matters?”
He scoffed and kissed your hand
“As usual tell anyone about what I do for you and you will sleep outside.”
With your usual bratty attitude coming back his heart rests inside
He is glad you are okay
Really glad
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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dreamkidddream · 4 years
can i request a hc on being best friends with dazai, chūya, oda and akutagawa (platonic and separate) and also maybe being in the pm or ada? thank you! :)
My first BSD request! When I tell you I fell in LOVE with the anime, omg. I binge watched the entire show and the movie within a couple days and can’t wait till they release more! So in these hc’s, I focused on both how you guys became friends and what you guys would do as best friends. Also, Akutagawa’s part got kinda long and more focused on how you guys became friends, hope that’s okay. Reader is gender neutral and hope you enjoy! Also after posting this, I saw that these got realllyy long. Hope that’s okay too!
Possible TW: mention of suicide, but nothing too heavy, and it’s in Dazai’s part
SPOILERS FOR SEASON 2/DARK ERA ARC (I think it’s episode 13-16 if I’m not wrong, but if you haven’t watched it yet, skip Oda’s part)
Being Best Friends with Dazai, Chūya, Akutagawa and Oda HCs
Imagine just having a nonstop sugar rush
Actually, remember how he was after eating the mushrooms? That’s the kind of energy y’all radiate together
If you’re both in the ADA, you both goof off so much that you have to sit at separate desks alll the way on the other side of the room so that you can try to get your work done
The keyword being try
It doesn’t work
Poor Kunikida is going to pop a blood vessel at any second and everyone is so used to now that nothing even surprises them anymore
Oh, Kunikida is yelling at Dazai and (y/n) with smoke practically coming out of his ears? What else is new
Always going to the little cafe to slack off too
Messing with Atsushi also the highlight of both of your guys day
You guys have a mini competition going on which is: who can get/convince Atsushi to do their reports the most without getting caught?
You both get caught all the time (duh). Kunikida foams at the mouth for tricking poor Atsushi and the poor sap himself is ready to pass out 
If you guys are both in the PM, imagine goofing and slacking off but on a darker scale
“Hey (Y/N)! Wanna know how many bones are exactly in the human body? ”
“Hm, I’m slightly disgusted but intrigued..continue.”
Also, pranking Chūya any chance you can get
You and Dazai together = the bane of Chūya’s existence
Surprisingly, no matter in the ADA or PM you don’t join him on the suicide attempts and you try to deter him from doing it in your presence at least
“Dazai, do you mind not trying to drown yourself in the river while we’re working a case? Besides, you already tried it before and it’s a pretty stale method.”
Cue dramatic gasps and antics from him again
He did try to convince you to join when you first met him, but changed his mind overtime when he started to enjoy your company
He’s smart enough to know what you’re saying, and he understands. At first, he wanted to leave this world by any means, but since you came into his life as once of the closest people to him since Oda, he perhaps doesn’t want to leave you just yet
He doesn’t stop the attempts but he does slow down on them
You still have to pretty much save him all the time still though
“Oh (Y/N)! My hero of a best friend, what would I do without you?”
And he wasn’t lying. He feel like he would be lost again if it wasn’t for you to help him keep grounded. Sure, you guys may create chaos together, but he would always keep you safe no matter what. He would put his life before yours, because you deserved it
You’re his best friend after all, and he’s not ready to lose you by any means if he can help it
And he’ll always have your back 100%
Drinking buddies!
I mean seriously, you guys have left the bar or restaurants way past tipsy more than once
You guys definitely have impromptu fashion trips together (no matter how much he denies liking them)
“Hey! That was my last good vest! You’re buying me a new one, and I’m going with you to make sure you’re not being cheap with it either.”
Chūya if you just wanna spend some time together just say that lmao
If you’re in the PM, you guys are always working together. You might even be an executive working alongside him, but no matter what you guys are always on missions with one another
If you’re in the ADA: you guys bonded over Dazai. You were complaining about him while facing Chūya and he happened to agree and add on to the complaints
Boy was he holding onto some grudges
While you both understand that you have your own obligations and loyalties to worry about, it didn’t stop the friendship from growing
If you do have to fight him, he doesn’t go easy on you (he does have a job to do like you) but he doesn’t go out the way to try and kill you either
And you don’t let anyone try to kill him either
Low key turns into a competition
“You fight like an 86 year-old shortstuff!”
“Who are you calling shortstuff?! You weren’t saying that last time when I whooped your ass!”
Regardless, you definitely become like a diary to him, especially after you find out about Arahabiki (which he tells you about over time)
You make him feel human, and he’s forever grateful for that
Being best friends with Chūya can be difficult at times (if you’re on opposite sides) but regardless, you both look out for each other
No matter how annoying you are can be, Chūya cares for you. You’re one of the only people that he doesn’t have to worry about betraying him (what happened with The Sheep still gets to him from time to time)
He begrudgingly calls you his best friend, but never in front of you or other people because 1. If he did you would never shut up about it and 2. he doesn’t want to be seen as “weak” or “soft”
And 3. you don’t need to be put into anymore danger than you’re already in
But you already know that you’re his best friend, cause he’s yours and nothing is changing that
“You’ll be a dumbass if you think I’ll let anything happen to you. Besides, the only person who’s allowed to kick my best friend’s ass is me, and if anyone else tries to they’ll have to deal with me!”
“*GASP* you’re finally admitting that I’m your best friend?!”
Oh man, being his best friend is like a hard to unlock achievement
Congrats (Y/N) on even getting close to this man, let alone enough to build a bond
It’s easier on being friends with Akutagawa if you’re in the PM. Bonus points if you go on missions all the time
But I will say if you are in the ADA, the easiest way to bond with him is to show that you are a force to be wrecking with, and maybe if you hate Atsushi or something too lol
But: think of Pinky and the Brain, but with Aku threatening to kill you every day (spoiler alert: he never does)
The only way that I can see you guys building your friendship is if he sees you in action and how you constantly have his back
He hates it because he knows what he’s doing and he’s been doing it for a while. He’s not an incompetent child (Y/N)!
But as time passes, he slowly gets over it. Don’t get me wrong, he still claims that he hates you asking if he’s okay and telling to “watch out” and things of that nature. But he starts to realize that you know what you’re doing too, and that he also sees that you care about the other subordinates too
He still sees if a sign of weakness, but you came to the realization that he wasn’t purposely doing it to be an ass (but don’t get me wrong, he still has his moments) but that he truly didn’t understand. He never had someone show him that they care for him, and it made you heartbroken
So, you made it your own personal goal to become his friend. And he hated it
At first
It seemed like wherever he was, you were there like his shadow. Going to hunt someone down that didn’t pay his debt? You were there in the background. Walking with Gin to the dry cleaners? You were already there, holding their readied clothes. Going to try and kill the weretiger? You were waiting for him with the car ready to go.
Higuichi started to hate you, until you told her that you did not want him. You just saw that he needed a friend, and you even came to an agreement of sorts. Once you and Akutagawa become strictly friends, you could try and hook them up
You knew it wasn’t happening anytime soon but you didn’t want to crush her dream and you didn’t want a target on your head
You really had to pat yourself on the back, (Y/N). It took some time, but you finally did it! Akutagawa didn’t totally hate you anymore! 
You came to this conclusion after one of your missions went south. Not only did you not get the information that Mori needed, but you came back with a bullet wound. Granted you got reprimanded, and after you got out the meeting, he was waiting outside. For you 
“Maybe if you would stop acting so careless and focus on the mission, then you would have both succeeded and came back uninjured. It’s obvious that you need someone to watch over you like a child. Don’t embarrass me or I will end you myself.” 
Shocked wasn’t the word. He was going to accompany you on all your missions now? Oh wow, is he finally-
“Stop standing there with your mouth open like an idiot (Y/N). You’re bleeding all over the place. Come, so that someone can dress your wound. We have more work now that I have to go behind and clean up your mess. And you’ll be coming with me, so hurry up.”
You smiled. Even though this bullet wound was hurting like hell, you were happy. Happy that, even in his own Akutagawa way, that he was starting to accept you and your friendship.
It would take a while for you to become best friends, but the way your partnership is now, you were fine with that. As long as he knew that someone was standing in his corner no matter what, you were happy.
And he would support you too, in his own Akutagawa way
Okay, this man is loyal no matter what 
He has a good head on his shoulders, he’s understanding, doesn’t have a crazy temper like some people do, and he doesn’t kill anymore
Oda would be one of the best people to be best friends with
I personally believe that it doesn’t matter whether you’re in the ADA or the PM, he only cares about what type of person you are.
Curry buddies!
Also, just imagine telling each other book recommendations and just talking about books in general
You would even look at some of the writing he did have and just UGH
He just wanted to be a writer he deserved a happy ending
If you’re in the ADA, you guys met at the little curry spot he likes so much
You were on a case local to the area when you stopped to grab a bite to eat. You saw him eating the spiciest curry you ever smelt (seriously, you could smell it from where you were sitting!) without making a single face
When he saw you just gaping at him, he was...very confused. Until you finally asked how the hell he was eating that with no issues
“It’s not that bad, it’s pretty good really. If you want to try some I’ll pay for it.”
You took him up on the offer, cause it did look really good. And you have never made a bigger mistake than that
You had to drink so much milk afterwards
And the cook was damn near laughing in tears at you and Oda managed to crack a small smile at your exaggeration
“It’s not that bad.”
And that was the start of your wonderful friendship
He definitely is worried about the conflict of interest because of being in the PM himself and working directly with one of the most vicious executives to ever exist
Seriously, Dazai was still his friend but damn could he do some things that even he couldn’t stomach
And he couldn’t imagine what Mori would make him do if he found out he was being buddy buddy with the enemy
So he kept his distance at first until you saw the kids. His guard was up at first but when he saw how you interacted with them, it melted his heart (on the inside, he was still stone faced on the outside)
So you guys met up a couple of times each month in between jobs and missions
If you’re in the PM, you worked alongside him and related to his stance on not killing anymore. Granted, you both were working on the other side of justice, but if you guys could help it you wouldn’t create bodies if it didn’t have to be any
If you guys weren’t meeting at the curry spot, you were meeting about Bar Lupin
You supported him through and through, especially with his dream of becoming a writer. You even went out to the bookstore a couple of times to try and inspire him to write something for you to read
It didn’t matter if you were in the ADA or the PM, you encouraged him to follow his dream. And when he would look at you confused , and asked why you were doing this, you would always reply:
“I wouldn’t be a good best friend if I didn’t tell you to follow your dreams, now would I? You deserve it, Oda. You’re a good man, and that can’t be said about a lot of people, especially people in the Port Mafia.”
He really did care for you, and in his last final moments before Dazai got there, he thought about you, and how terrible he felt for leaving you behind.
He wanted you to know that he always appreciated you. You reassured him always, never doubting him, and there wouldn’t be enough thanks in the world for that
When you found out about his death, you were devastated. You didn’t want to believe it at first and you kept blaming yourself that maybe you could’ve convinced him more to leave the dangerous life behind and to pursue his dreams
Until you found a letter in your door, which was actually a short story written by him attached to a letter.
“Thank you for being the best friend a man could ask for. I will always appreciate you (Y/N), no amount of words can tell you how much I will. Thank you for letting me live out my dream, even if it was for a short time.”
It really confirmed it when Dazai arrived outside to tell you Oda’s fate, but he stopped once he saw you crying and clutching the letter in your hand
Much time has passed, and Oda’s death still haunts you. But, you continue to live for the both of your sakes. You even try to eat the spiciest curry at restaurants in his memory, but you can just see him shaking his head and cracking a small smile at your silliness
And you also remember his motto: limit to one curry meal per day (it’s silly, but it makes you feel better because it’s his silly motto and how serious he took it)
You even start to read more (and to specific, the series that he wanted to finish)
You see your life in brighter eyes now because of Oda. He was- actually still is- your best friend, and you will continue to live on in his memory
You just hate that you didn’t have the time to tell him how much you appreciated him being in your life, and how much of a positive influence he’s been as your best friend.
But that’s okay, because you think he already knows how much you do
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eyes-of-mischief · 2 years
weekly fic recs | 24
prompt: self-harm
fandoms: bnha, bsd, hq, mdzs, tgcf
I need to purge my urges (shame shame shame) by deesometimes
“Kid-“ Aizawa begins, his eyes are wide.
“It was an accident!” Izuku exclaims, louder than he intended.
better luck next time by nauticalwarrior
(explicit) (graphic depictions of violence, major character death)
As he falls, he lets himself think about it. He lets himself think that if he wakes up, if things go back again, it means that he does have a quirk. It means he really can take a swan dive off a roof and hope for better luck in his next life. It means that all along, he’s been useless and worthless because he hasn’t died yet.
He hits the ground.
And then he opens his eyes.
(vigilante!izuku AU where izuku has a quirk that rewinds time when he dies) (updates every other day most of the time!)
red threads by cassiopeia721
Izuku isn't blessed with a quirk, so it stands to reason that he wouldn't have a soulmate, either. Right?
Fate proves him wrong.
when you don't by nauticalwarrior
You must learn to endure pain, Atsushi's headmaster tells him, over and over again, even though the man is no longer here.
Atsushi begins to inflict pain on himself, even though his ability does not allow the wounds to linger. He knows he'll be caught--it's only a matter of time, when he works for the Armed Detective Agency, but he can't stop himself. He does it anyway.
The Mind Can Be A Cryptic Place by moogah
Akutagawa's eyes are grey, until they aren't. Nothing is wrong, until it is.
Dazai doesn't feel, until he does. ...
How Dazai meets Atsushi and some of what came before.
run rabbit run by norio
Rule #1: Don't hurt Akaashi. Rule #2: Don't taint Akaashi. Rule #3: Don't involve Akaashi. Rule #4: Don't damage Akaashi. Rule #5 (optional): Try not to destroy yourself.
picking my head up, getting nowhere by orphan_account
Oikawa only ever gives the bad and only ever takes the good, and he will never be able to forgive himself for it. (One-shot) Trigger warning for self-harm, depression and negativity—please read at your own risk. [Iwaoi]
won't you get up off, get up off the roof? by uaigneach
Despite what many may say, Miya Atsumu wasn’t an idiot.
He heard the things people said about him. He knew what people thought. He’d read every single letter that had been slipped into his locker – and make no mistake, none of them had been confession letters like Osamu liked to joke about.
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene
Tempo Rubato: Italian; Stolen Time; The musical practice of diverging from the unrelenting and gradual rhythm for a short period of time in a piece, allowing for solo freedom.
Lan Wangji starts high school in perfect step with the rhythm of his uncle's expectations and his duty to his family.
He doesn't quite stay that way.
how to heal by parsnipit
When it comes to something like this, there are a few important steps:
First, Xie Lian makes sure that his husband is busy. Something like that makes it sound so terrible, but it’s not—it’s really not! It’s just that Hua Cheng can be overprotective, and if he saw this he would react poorly. Xie Lian would rather spare him that.
Second, Xie Lian puts Ruoye away. The poor thing never wants to go. He has to tie it somewhere safe and placate it with gentle touches and soothing words. Even so, it still lashes its ends and strains after him until he leaves the room. It will cling too tightly when he returns.
Third, Xie Lian goes somewhere quiet and familiar. It can be the armory, or their private baths, or even the shrine near Puqi Village. It is never their bedroom. It is never their cottage.
Fourth, Xie Lian draws his sword.
Fifthly, finally, Xie Lian takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and carves his own skin open.
so that i might love you by parsnipit
“Okay, San Lang, let’s talk,” Xie Lian says, and is proud of how steady his voice stays. “Tell me about the cuts.” “You talked to E-ming, didn’t you,” Hua Cheng says bleakly. “It only confirmed what I already suspected.” Xie Lian closes his eyes. “Can you tell me that those injuries aren’t from who I think they are?” “Dianxia is so clever.” Hua Cheng looks at him, and there is a sudden exhaustion written in the lines around his eye. “I could tell you they aren’t, but...this San Lang is tired of lying to his god.” Despite his suspicions, to hear it admitted so plainly from Hua Cheng’s own mouth feels like a fist to his heart. Xie Lian takes a deep, deep, deep breath. Calmly. Calmly and clearly. He has already done his crying. He is not going to freak out right now. He is not going to yell. He is not going to yell. He is not— “What were you thinking, Hua Cheng?!”
When E-ming is stolen and its curse activated by enemies, Xie Lian fully expects the chorus of pained howls he hears outside of Paradise Manor. What he does not expect is the multitude of raw, gaping wounds that split open along his husband’s skin.
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haunting-ranpo · 3 years
Hi!!! I was just snooping around your blog because I saw it on my dash and I just wanted to say I love the design! I love the little pictures (golden swirly things) that you have on your pinned post and I thought it was so cool :3
I also saw that your requests are open, and I was hoping you could write how Akutagawa and Atsushi would handle with their s/o who is an aggressive flirt? they're kind of relentless like Dazai, always wanting to make them blush, but when it is reciprocated they kind of shut down?
if that's too hard I understand!
Stay hydrated, eat well, and I hope you're having a good day!
—Atsushi and Akutagawa with an s/o who is an aggressive flirt who gets shy at returned affection
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Character(s): Atsushi and Akutagawa
TW: None
Notes: Gender neutral reader || I'm so glad that it like the design/ theme for my blog! That's usually always the one thing I can mostly get right at least 60% of the time on my blogs lol so it's great to know that it turned out nice! 💜
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He doesn't even know how he handles you with how much of an affect your words have on him but he can't say that he hates it
If anything, he actually loves it despite how you constantly have his cheeks up in flames
It makes him feel loved even though it comes off as just teasing at the beginning which he wasn't able to bring himself to take seriously initially
He couldn't really believe that you would be genuinely flirting with him considering that he thinks of himself as, well, him but he can't stop the blush that would rise to his face, even more so when he realises that you're being genuine
He gets so flustered by everything you say that it's almost impossible to even consider that he would ever flirt back but, when he does, damn are you in for a surprise
It takes a lot of encouragement and teasing from Dazai to get him to build up the courage to flirt back without stuttering before getting the words out and has somewhat prepared mentally himself for what he believes would be the inevitable amped up teasing level but he finds himself taken aback when you don't
You freeze up, staring at him with wide eyes and can feel your cheeks heating up
Like, hello???
You were not prepared for him to flirt back, ever and had simply just, stopped functioning when he did
You might have just given him both a massive confidence boost and a heart attack at the same time
He isn't gonna lie, it's reassuring as hell that he isn't the only one of the two of you that reacts like that to flirting but you might have done something to him
He may be shy but, when he does yet those rare major confidence boots, you just know that he's going to flirt with you again
Something about seeing you so flustered at something that you do all of the time, especially with him neighbour one that does it, makes a sense of pride swell up in him but hope that no one else catches onto this *cough*Dazai*cough*
The poor boy doesn't know how to react and he'll get insecure
He wants to be the one making you blush :(
This man is struggling please help him
He has to try his hardest to hide his flushed cheeks but that isn't to say that he hates itHe has to try his hardest to hide his flushed cheeks but that isn't to say that he hates it
He just doesn't know how to react to it and he isn't used to the affection, especially after finding out that you genuinely mean what you say even if it's done in a way that sounds sappy and somewhat insincere at times because you do it so often
It does make him feel all warm and fuzzy inside though because, when you say things like that to him, no matter how sappy or pressing they are, he knows that you're being honest in the only way that you can though, I'm not gonna lie, it took him a while to realise
His lack of fluency with feelings just left him thoroughly confused, flustered and mildly disgruntled because you don't make sense but he comes to love it even if he would never admit it
He himself isn't likely to be the one to come across the fact that you can't handle people flirting back or flirting with you at all
Therefore, the way that he comes to realise isn't all that pleasant
Let's just say it ended with a few threats and maybe a few broken bones
He may enjoy your flustered expression but seeing other people get it from you is an absolute no
Ayone else who flirts with you better say their prayers because he isn't about to let anyone but him see your expression twisted in embarrassed surprise like that
Just the glare he gives them is a threat in itself and they should hope to back off as soon as they can though there's no promise that they'll get out of it unscathed
He has to say that he loves the sight of your flustered face though but only if he's the one that's prompting it
When he's in one of his better moods, he'll definitely try and fluster you himself which could either go humorously or leave you wide eyed
Either way, he's getting that flustered expression on your face but the outcome may come along with his cheeks flushed red too
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Do not repost, edit or claim. Only reblog 💜
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do you have any head canon about how the reunion between Dazai getting out of prison and Atsushi would be like?
I did a post that kinda answer to this question and what I really want to happen🥺💕
I read like three fanfics based of the hc of how they'll reunite...and it really touched my heart😔❤
Also the latest bsd WAN! ep destroyed me so we deserve the fluff😭💕
Dazai POV
Once Dazai gets released or someone breaks him free.
The first thing that comes in his mind is: "Atsushi-kun"
Yup you heard me
Since Dazai was already helping a stressed Atsushi when he was in PRISON
I think he wants to see him in personal and face to face and makes sure that he is truly okay and safe
Ango suffered because Dazai's heart beat was just screaming "Atsushi-kun Atsushi-kun Atsushi-kun"
Once everything is at peace again or maybe a little bit chaos and ADA proved their innocence
Dazai is just strolling around the city, hands in his pockets, and taking several deep breaths "We did it once again...Odasaku"
Yes I am bringing back the angst
Because Dazai wants to believe that he is truly a good person🥺
He decided to go to a specific special place to his heart
What place would that be i wonder?🤔
When he was standing infront of the special place
He saw a familiar long black belt and a shiny silver hair running towards him
Atsushi POV
Most of the people agree on this
That Atsushi is an open book
That he never hides his true feelings and inner thoughts and opinions
Or rather he is BAD at hiding it
Little baby
We must protect him😔💕
I meant he literally LEPT at Kunikida to hug him
I love that scene with my whole SOUL
*Ahem* moving on
Obviously since Atsushi is seeing so many Dazai hallucination
He heard rumors about Dazai's release
And he wants to BELIEVE that its true not a lie
He really missed him and really can't wait to see him
Since he is the first person that he believed in Atsushi and protected him
Let's not forget that he literally cooked for him his fav food
Boyfriend instincts I guess🤷🏽‍♀️
Once he dealt with the mustache dude
Yeah I don't know his name oops
And HOPEFULLY Akutagawa is safe
Poor bby🥺💔
Any who
Atsushi started to help the gang too clean up the mess and stuff
Until Ranpo called him up
He told him to go to specific place and will found smth
But our oblivious sweet cinnamon roll Atsushi didn't know why but obeyed
So have any idea what place am talking about?😏
Dazatsu POV
Yup u guessed it
The famous river bank
That they the two fist met
With of course underneath the sunset sky
When Dazai arrived at the river
He chuckled to himself "am not drowning now... especially not now" "unless I want a specific beautiful weretiger to pull me out...again"
He still can't believe that its been months or maybe a year and a half(?) ago he met Atsushi
The boy that he saved from starve
The boy he will protect with whole his life
The boy that believed in Dazai and saved him numerous times
The boy who gave Dazai a reason to keep on living
And the boy who is Dazai's true happiness
Dazai smiled fondly at the last one
"Huh...I guess saving is way more beautiful than I thought it would be..."
This man truly needs a hug
From who you say?
Dazai glanced at the side and saw a familiar boy running towards him
"Ah...those beautiful sunset eyes that I truly missed and never get tired of" and smiled softly
Atsushi was running towards him like his life depends on it
Dazai was about to greet him with his usual cheerful greeting
But before he knew
He was tackled on the floor with bear hug from the one and only weretiger
Dazai blinked from the fast action
Atsushi buried his face onto Dazai's chest and hugging him tightly like he would disappear, body trembling heavily
Dazai chuckled one hand rubbing Atsushi's back and the other patting his head
Through Atsushi's heavy breathing and hard cries Dazai heard a small:
"...welcome back"
Dazai looked down and saw the beautiful teary sunset eyes looking straight at him with a soft and warm look
Dazai wiped his tears and said in a whisper:
"I'm back, Atsushi-kun"
When pulled away Atsushi was still looking at him with so much love
Dazai decided to tease him
"My, my Atsushi-kun i never knew you had a way to greet people how bold of you"
Atsushi flushed and ducked his head
"S-sorry about that, is just that..." looked back at him
Dazai's tilted his head in curiosity
"...I really missed you, Dazai-san"
Dazai eye widened from that, each tims he sees Atsushi training, eating, laughing, fighting, and most importantly believing in Dazai and trusts him
He thinks that this is all just a dream
And Atsushi was just an angel
That he thinks he doesn't deserve
'He really grew up alot, huh?'
He pats Atsushi's head and pulled into another hug that Atsushi flushed from but returned the hug burying his face onto Dazai's shoulder
"Thank you for waiting for me..Atsushi-kun",'and thank you Odasaku for giving me a reason to keep on living'
He tighten the hug which resulted Atsushi with questionable look
Dazai chuckled and let go but cupped Atsushi's cheek and looked with a soft and warm expression
"I'm fine wanna go and grab some lunched? Perhaps some chazuke?"
Atsushi's eyes sparked at that"CHAZUKE!"
They got up and Atsushi decided to hold his hand and intertwine their fingers blushing and smiling at Dazai and Dazai smiled back and off they went through the horizon
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shozaii · 4 years
hello! I saw your hc for todoroki, the one with a cinnamon roll s/o that could actually kill you? it was great and when you said that you also write for bsd so.. can I request a dazai and chuuya version of that? thank you in advance!! >
(a/n): oooo thank you anon!! i hope you enjoy this too!!🥰 dazai and chuuya are my favorites 🥺💜
(check out the todoroki version here! 🤍)
cinnamon roll but could actually kill you s/o
(bsd version)
pairings : dazai x reader, chuuya x reader
(credits to the photographer/editor for these lovely photos❤️)
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oh mannnn he’s in LOVE with you. he adores your personalities, your features, EVERYTHING about you. the way you can turn from b a b y to badass. iconic.
i can see that dazai has that quality too,,,but when he sees anyone/ his s/o switching sides, he would literally fanboy over it.
when you two first met, it was like meeting a literal angel (according to him) and he was amazed by how patient you were with him/his friends at the agency. how you smiled endlessly, helping the others with work and stuff.
how you also didn’t hesitate to help him with his paperwork. you may or may not have even asked him for it. so he was pulled into wanting to learn more about you.
he gazes at you from a distance. perfect. so godlike. there was nothing wrong with you. every part of you was perfect.
one day he went missing. you were worried sick, of course. when kunikida decided to break it to you that he probably went out for another suicide attempt, you were freaking OUT
you even started crying because of the panicked state you were in. atsushi and tanizaki agreed to help you out, so off you were on this little(huge) quest to find dazai.
there he was, flowing in yet another river. when he was saved, you were the first one to run to him, squishing him into a big hug. your eyes were filled with tears repeatedly as you sobbed it all out.
he was speechless. no one in the agency hasn’t really done this before - he felt guilty. so much guilt that he hugged you back, still without saying a word. then he knew; his feelings towards you grew stronger.
he confessed them to you after a long day of work, and you were walking back to the dorms together, enjoying the sunset. it was unexpected, but heartwarming. the pride in his eyes when he let it out, his hands holding yours, it was magical.
the other side of you comes out when you two are on an investigation together. he has seen it many times, so here’s a scenario to when he first witnessed it.
the criminal was being a little too brash, not wanting to answer any of your questions. everyone was very annoyed already, but they didn’t want to do anything sudden; worried that things might get worse.
not for you. this wasn’t your kind of thing. so you grabbed them by their clothes with this look of death in your eyes. your colleagues did warn you.
dazai didn’t. he held them back.
“either speak up, or i wouldn’t hesitate to force it out of your mouth.”
did that just come out of y/n’s mouth? he stood there, wide-eyed. just hours ago you were jumping for joy, for you were finally on your way to solve the case that has been going on for months now. so how did this happen?
he probably even made up his mind to go on missions with you more often, just to see you in action😌
so now that you both are together, he swoons over how cool you look, fighting against the criminals. falls for you over and over again. compliments you after you were done. sometimes screams, “that’s my partner for you~!”
he’s a simp for you, no cap. if anyone asks him about you, simple. a chef’s kiss would prove it all.
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let’s be real here, these men would’ve never realized that you had this natural badassery in your bones.
chuuya on the other hand, is a tough guy himself. straight off the bat.
i headcanon him to be a person who wants to actually have communication between the members, so he will go easy on you when he first meets you🥰 it hit off pretty quickly. he has noticed how unusually sweet you are, and how easygoing you are around him.
especially when you’re with akutagawa. you seem to convince him very easily, so he’s just eyeing you from afar like :0
he expected you to fear him, since you were new around the mafia; but you weren’t. you built a great bond with him, went on missions with him. it’s like you’ve known him for years now.
that made him all soft inside. i guarantee you.
confessing his feelings to you was a very,,,interesting way. it could be those days where he wanted to have a drink with you. and after what seemed like his 10th glass, he was really tipsy. he slurred on his words, and was saying stuff about him being the executive of port mafia. it went on and on.
“you know....i really do have feelings for y/n. it’s just so hard to tell ‘em! argh! have you seen the way they smile? the way they call my name?” um, you probably know where this is headed.
cue you blushing SO hard.
the next morning he wakes up with this huge headache, and you had to tell him because he did ask what happened,right?
he screams into his pillow. poor baby is embarrassed. but still admits his feelings again, in the most proper way(definitely not without being SUPER red)
usually on most missions you were keeping your cool, helping him if he did need some. then there was this one day where you lost it.
it was probably with someone really annoying and boy did you want to stick something right up their butt💀 your face turned sour, your eyes read death and your knuckles cracked.
again, chuuya didn’t see that coming. the more your enemies came by, the more stronger your attacks got. your ability was pretty strong, so he didn’t see why not.
but to think that he has seen the graceful side of it once,,,and now this? woah. that just riled him up even more. he showed his support by teaming up with you. simple to say, chuuya was motivated to do more alongside with you, just to see you in action every. single. time.
we have simp no.2 right here. once the fight is done, though, expect a LOT of compliments coming your way. lots of teasing. lots of kissing.
he is infatuated by you, i stand corrected. this just made things a whole lot more interesting, in his opinion.
(a/n): these two boys make my heart go💕❤️💜🤍✨✨✨✨🥵ahhh i hope it was good!!
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charmspoint · 3 years
THANK YOU FOR SAYING THAT ABT THE BSD MANGA ILY THANK YOU I FEEL LIKE MY OPINION IS FINALLY VALIDATED WHICH IS: BSD has turned meh. I have become indifferent towards the plot due to the fact there are no real stakes - I feel like the OP characters like Dazai will always have a solution with a deus ex machina feel to it, making it impossible for me to care. With the recent chaos happening in the manga (I too gave up on the manga a year or so ago!), I was baffled to find out I could no longer enjoy it. My memory is poor, and I can't really pinpoint it at the moment, but BSD just... doesn't engage me as it used to. Keep in mind I was an obsessive fan of it and analyzed it to the tiniest details, but all of my great love for the series has long died, sadly. But! I am glad to hear you feel similarly about it because, yes, the potential was there, but it got terribly wasted.
Bruh don't I feel it, me and @autumn-foxfire have like monthly bitch sessions about the state of bsd at this point. I was also super invested in it in initial arcs (Up until the guild arc ended) and then slowly started petering off only to drop it the first time around the hunting dogs introduction. Then after some time i was like okay ill go give it a second shot, came to the vampire arc went 'wow this is really fuckin stupid' and dropped it again. Idk will I pick it up again, maybe I'll just stick to being an anime only, even tho I also have problems with some adaptation things but that's BESIDES THE POINT.
Please click under for The Point
The thing about Kafka is: He's really good at coming up with interesting concepts and ideas and REALLY BAD at executing them in any sort of satisfying way. Like, when I say I only like bsd until the end of the guild arc, I don't mean it was perfect. It could have handled it's female cast better, it would have been fun to see more mafia and agency team ups besides soukoku and shin soukoku, I still don't get why shin soukoku is supposed to be a replacement in training since Dazai and Chuuya still work together perfectly and even if they hate each other they hate each other less than Akutagawa and Atsushi AND have way more experience fighting together but that once again is besides the point. The point being those arcs of bsd were SATISFYING. We got introduced to two organizations, seen them butt heads and then have them forced to work together against a common enemy. It's very simple but it's effective and it's satisfying.
And then the rats struck.
While up until then bsd wasn't perfect it was fun and had lovable characters and an interesting plot and engaging dynamics. Rats arc wasn't horrible per say, the idea of the cannibalization was really fun (Though I think Kafka should have used it to get rid of Mori, nobody fuckin likes Mori) but this is where we slowly get introduced to what I think are two main failings of Kafka's writing: That he's unable to handle characters properly and that he likes writing smart things but doesn't know how to write smart things.
Kafka has a very, very bad habit of INTRODUCING TOO MANY FUCKING CHARCTERS. Every arc is a new massive group with like a bunch of members, one of who may actually end up being fleshed out before they are inventiblely replaced by another large group or maybe two why the fuck not. The mafia and the guild left lasting impressions on me and I can still name all the main members but fuck me if i know a single rat aside from Fyodor (AND ILL GET TO FYODOR). Kafka feels like someone who's idea of rising conflict is 'introduce a bigger enemy each time' and it's just so annoying. Chapters and arcs end up centering around these groups of new characters while old characters, who we loved the manga for, just fall into obscurity. He almost had me in the hunting dogs arc by giving Yosano a backstory. I was so excited! I was like!!! finally development for the agency!!! But that barely went anywhere did it. I've talked about this with Foxy but it really feels like Kafka is just BORED of the og characters and is trying to silently sideline them for his new shiny characters. When's the last time we saw Chuuya again, you know, the ex partner of one of the series protagonists? The next predicted mafia head? Is he important? Foxy tells me Dazai's been sidelined too, fUCKIN DAZAI, for a good while I was sure Kafka liked Dazai a lot better than Atsuhi for protagonist and now he's getting sidelined. I know bsd is still really popular in japan but at this point i think it would have been more merciful for Kafka to just end bsd and start a new manga with new characters instead of doing whatever weird metamorphosis this is turning out to be.
Introducing new characters isn't a bad thing of course, but bsd has become mcdonalds of new characters. They are cheap and disposable. I can't feel anything for them because I know nine times out of ten they'll barely make any impact and they'll disappear as soon as the new group slides in. When adding new characters you should do so while knowing what role those characters will play in your plot, what will they bring. If a character is just there to waffle around until they get shoved away they should probably be cut because they are wasting time and space. AND YOU SHOULDN'T SIDE LINE YOUR CORE CAST FOR UR SHINY NEW CHARACTERS YOU'LL GET BORED OF IN COUPLE OF ARCS ANYWAY, ARE YOU A TODDLER???
I still think that bsd could have been SO much better if instead of focusing on the next big evil group they just focused on shifting tension between the agency and the mafia. I mean they've had to team up for the guild and then they immediately got thrown into the cannibalization. It would have been interesting to see them pull against and pull towards those ties made during the guild arc when they are forcefully pitted against each other again (and decide that killing mori would be in everyone's best interest). Instead we got, idk I already forgot what the rats arc ended up being about, atsushi and aku team up again yadda yadda yadda, Chuuya gets done dirty and never recovers, Fyodor ruins Dazai
SO ABOUT FYODOR. As I said, Kafka strikes me as someone who REALLY likes to write geniuses and who wants people to think he's super smart but also has no idea how to show his work. At first this was okay. We had Dazai and Ranpo who were very good at pushing the plot along and sometimes you'd get explained how they got to that conclusion and sometimes you didn't but it usually wasn't a big deal. But then the writing became more and more and more of 'well he's smart so he figured it out so just trust me' without actually explaining anything and as you said, it ended up feeling boring, unengaging and very deus ex machina. You know what Kafka's writing reminds me off? That video about how Sherlock is so happy to stroke itself to how smart they look while never showing their work, you know the one. Kafka likes writing smart characters but doesn't actually know how to write smart characters so instead of giving us reasons and clues and explanations to how they come to some conclusion, how they predicted or planned or whatever, he just goes 'oh well they are super smart so they figured it out'. I don't think I need to explained why this is bad, annoying and unengaging writing. This is why i say Fyodor ruined Dazai for me, Dazai was fine as a genius but then they had to pit him against Fyodor who's another genius and things just got ridiculous. You know how in that sherlock video the guy points out the one scene that encapsulates every irritating thing about sherlocks writing. This had been it for me and BSD (thank you Foxy for helping me find the panels)
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THATS NOT HOW CODES WORK, THATS NOT HOW ANYTHING WORKS, THEY WOULD JUST BE COMING UP WITH TWO DIFFERENT SETS OF CODES HERE. Even if they were both smart enough to remember every conversation in detail, how on earth are they supposed to 'guess out' what the other means. How are they supposed to confirm or deny that's what a certain word means in a way that can be understood, how can they even guess what the word the other guessed is IF THEY ARE BOTH TALKING IN CODE. KAFKA'S ANSWER: THEY'RE MONSTERS, THEY ARE JUST THAT SMART, NO NEED TO EXPLAIN IT BECAUSE THEY ARE JUST THAT SMART AND THAT'S YOUR SOLUTION AND THAT'S BULLSHIT. This scene broke bsd in half for me and honestly made me dislike Dazai for a long time (I got better), but it honestly shows so well how Kafka wanted to make his characters so smart he actually made his manga really fuckin stupid, ruining very good and interesting concept he had started with.
In the end, Kafka writes how I wrote when I was 15. With no idea where the plot is headed, adding new characters and situations whenever it strikes his fancy whether they work for the story or not, ending up just flopping around plot holes and fizzled out character arcs and boring ass writing. And that's fine for a 15yr old writing fanfiction. It's not fine for a presumably grown ass published author of a relatively popular manga.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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masked-buffoon · 4 years
Chapter 8: The withering flower (Part 5)
Warnings: none
Author notes : Ogawa comes back to the Port Mafia... What kind of welcome do you think she’ll receive?
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The back alleys of Yokohama felt like home, I knew every single shortcut and dead-end, it was not hard to find my way back toward the headquarters. As the automatic sliding doors opened onto me, a wave of muttering erupted in the hall, among the henchmen on a break or guarding the entrance. Rumours of my death had apparently spread among the members of the underground organisation, and seeing me well-alive was not to everyone's taste. I headed toward Akutagawa's office, where he never spent time, but where I knew I could find Higuchi. The poor woman was often stuck doing paperwork, much like how I used to be with Dazai. She would be able to tell me if my name still belonged to the Port Mafia.
"Ogawa-san...?" Her face lit up as she saw me "You're alive...!"
"Blood and flesh." I hummed "So, am I still alive for the Mafia, too...?"
"Oh, you are." She answered my question "Senpai knew you would never lose your life if you were with 'that person'... But he fired you from the squadron."
"Fired me...?" I frowned "What does that mean?"
"You do not work under him anymore." She explained, running a hand through her messy blonde hair "But don't worry, Ogawa-san...! Nakahara-san successfully promoted you to lieutenant under his orders...! But I wonder... Why such an important position so early...?"
"Why... That's what I used to be, after all... He's only giving me my former position back." I told her.
"Your former — wait, how could you be demoted...?"
"I would gladly tell you that story around a cup of coffee, someday." I smiled "For now... Would you mind telling me where Akutagwa is, please?"
"Sure… He said he was in the training room…" She recalled.
"Thank you… Stay well, Higuchi." I glanced over my shoulder as I exited the office.
"So do you, Ogawa-san."
The elevator climbed toward one of the highest floors of the headquarters. The familiar corridor appeared in my field of view as the doors opened and I carefully walked onto the fancy carpet. Nothing had really changed, except that Dazai's office was still empty and remained untouched. I decided to stop by, taking a quick look inside. The atmosphere was still the same, quiet and comfortable, and nothing had been moved. It was exactly as he had left it... I let my fingers wander on the back of the couch, remembering how its leather would make the best bed when I was given sleep... Those days were gone, now... And they would never come back again, unless I decided to make a move toward him. However, if I were to drape myself into this simulacre of happiness, would I not be deceived by the same man again...? I had no way to know if he was being honest toward me... I had assured Odasaku that I would stay by Dazai's side, but as he had left me, could I not go back and forget about everything...? Somehow, I felt those memories would last forever in my mind, engraved even deeper than any physical scar. I could simply not ignore that I had felt happy around him, and it was human to desire tasting such happiness again, even if I could be disappointed afterwards. But if I did not try... No, I wanted to be happy again... I wanted to spend time by this person's side, because he was my reason to live, because I could not keep breathing without his presence near me. There was no point in seeing tomorrow if he could not see it with me...
I closed the door behind me and headed toward Nakahara-san's office. I had made a decision to follow Dazai… It was regrettable, but I would have to turn down the executive's offer for a job. I knocked and was immediately ordered to come in.
"I was expecting you, Ogawa-kun." He looked up at me.
His office was different from Dazai's. It was way more fancy, more sparkly and more... Customised. In the corner, I could not help noticing the wine cave, where he surely kept a few of his favourite expensive bottles. Well, at least, his paperwork seemed done and classified, and his desk was devoid of any trace of feet.
"Did you not believe I was dead...?" I questioned, sitting in front of him.
"How could I? If you met the bastard, he would not let you die so easily. Besides, I believed you would come back to me and got out of my way to get you this job. How do you like it?" He grinned, leaning onto the back of his chair proudly.
"I am really grateful." I nodded at him "Thank you for promoting me..."
"It was your previous rank..." He remembered "I thought it was pretty unfair. I'll prove to the Boss you need not be called disposable anymore."
"Unfortunately, we both know I'm not going to last much longer..." I murmured "Do you still want me to work under you, knowing such a fact...?"
"I do." He affirmed "You were the mackerel's lieutenant, he regularly entrusted you with difficult missions and I remember your strategies were excellent, although it is painful to admit he taught you well… You are fit for the job, even if you have to die soon, your place is there. Besides, we've already talked about it. I'm not that keen on being your superior."
"Even so…" I sighed "I am grateful… I struggled to get by your side, and yet… I cannot accept your offer… Not anymore…"
"Then, I'll have to give you this, I suppose." He handed me a document "You encountered the bandage wasting device, it is obvious that keeping you there is pointless."
"An official authorisation to leave the Port Mafia...?!" My eyes widened "How...? Why...?"
"You've been living solely to see him again..." Nakahara-san crossed his arms "If you were not so determined to meet him again, I am certain you would have died long ago, but you're still living, and you have this new kind of light in your eyes. You hope again, and I figured you would like to be by his side more than staying there until death gets you. Besides, it was easy. Since I'm an executive."
I smiled sincerely at him, extremely grateful he had thought about me to this extent.
"I am touched..." I said "How can I ever repay you for this kindness...?"
"Three things; you stay alive no matter what, you tell that bandage wasting device that I'll definitely kill him, and you call me Chūya. That's all I ask as a payment." He stated.
"Thank you, Chūya..." I smiled "I will not die so easily..."
"I hope so." He smirked, crossing his arm "Good luck out there. It won't be easy."
"Yes… Mmh… May I be so bold as to ask you for a last favour…?"
"What is it, Ogawa?"
"Could you… Could you keep an eye on Akutagawa, please…?
You are a good person, finally..."
"I-I'm not!! I'm a ruthless executive...!! Leave before I'm really pissed off...!!"
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fantastic-rambles · 4 years
Black Beast, Silver Blade [3]
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Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Characters: Akutagawa Gin, Ozaki Kouyou, Dazai Osamu, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, Nakahara Chuuya (briefly)
Warnings: Violence/homicide, mild gore, some angst, idk.
Word Count: 3.4k
"If you're his mentor, then isn't it your responsibility to look out for him?" Ozaki's voice was lightly venomous. Gin had never heard her speak in such a tone before, so instead of walking past the older woman's sitting room, she cautiously peered inside. A pot of tea had been set out on the table, but neither Ozaki nor the young man sitting across from her seemed to be touching their cups. Gin's heart skipped a beat as she recognized the heavily bandaged man swathed in black. If Dazai was here, was it somehow related to Ryuu?
"You know I have to stay with Chuuya-kun this time," Dazai retorted, leaning back on the couch. His eyes flicked to the doorway, widening fractionally as he noticed the girl watching them, and then he smiled as if he'd been expecting it all along. "Why don't we let Gin-chan decide, since she'd be the one in danger? Come in, come in."
He flapped his hand at her, but she hesitated on the threshold, looking toward her teacher. Ozaki was frowning slightly as she also turned her head to look at Gin, but she eventually nodded reluctantly, and Gin stepped lightly into the room, stopping when she stood at Ozaki's shoulder. She waited quietly, suppressing her presence as she had been taught, as she fixed her eyes on the youngest Executive of the Port Mafia.
He hadn't changed much since the last time she'd seen him, and she found herself wondering about his bandages once more. He didn't seem like someone who could be injured so badly, given that he'd apparently single-handedly taken down a small gang without lifting a finger, and yet, she never saw him without them.
"Yah, Gin-chan, you're as cute as always!" Dazai exclaimed cheerfully, though the steadiness of his gaze didn't falter. Even so, Gin could feel herself coloring, and she inclined her head slightly in silent thanks.
"Anyways, I was just talking with Kouyou-san about how I need someone to hold A-kun's leash for a little while," Dazai continued. "She thinks--and I agree--that you're not ready for a mission of this level yet, but there's also nobody else who could handle it without losing an arm, at the very least. We're planning a raid on one of our best suppliers because they've been skimming enough off the top that they think they have a chance at taking us on. To teach them the error of their ways and make sure that none of them slip through the cracks, I want to have a team go in from each side and trap them in a pincer attack. Based purely on strength, the vanguards would be Chuuya-kun and A-kun, but I'm worried about both of them losing control during the fight. I'm the only one who can stop Chuuya-kun if that happens, but your brother will probably listen to you, right?"
Gin frowned slightly beneath the mask that she'd taken to wearing. Ryuu had never been particularly inclined to obey anyone else, and these days, the only person whose words he seemed to hang onto were Dazai's. But before she could respond, Ozaki interrupted, jabbing in his direction accusingly.
"Tell her the truth, Dazai. It's not that you think she can control him, but that if he savages her, there's a chance he'll come to his senses. I thought that we all agreed to keep their relationship a secret so they can't be used against each other: if you do this, who knows what rumors will start? Unless you're hoping that Akutagawa-kun will kill Gin to remove that weakness."
"Aiya, aiya, you're too suspicious, Kouyou-san!" Dazai reprimanded the other executive. "Okay, yes, you're right: I think A-kun would recognize Gin-chan and hesitate to raise a hand against her, which means she can push him in the right direction during our raid. But I really don't want her to die! If A-kun actually killed her, or even if she died because of a situation that he got her involved in, he'd probably be of no more use to the Port Mafia!"
Although he spoke jokingly, Gin had to repress a shudder. It wasn't that she was afraid of Ryuu, or of death. But the way Dazai had said he would be "of no more use" so carelessly, as if her brother was simply a tool that would be discarded if it broke, was an icy blade in her heart. Both of them knew that Ryuu's mentor was just this sort of cold and logical man, but it still scared her to think what would happen if the only man her brother respected, the one who had given Ryuu a reason to live, abandoned him. And on top of that, if she was no longer there…
But if she wasn't there and Ryuu turned his fangs on his allies, he would either be killed by the Mafia or blacklisted if he somehow managed to survive.
"I'll do it," she said softly. She couldn't see Ozaki's expression from where she was standing, but she could read her mentor's feelings anyways in the way the older woman tensed. She was happy to know that Ozaki cared for her, but this was something that she couldn't back down from, and she was relieved when Ozaki didn't try to dissuade her. Instead, the executive addressed her next words to her counterpart.
"It has to be tonight?"
"Yup! I've already sent out the call to muster, so we're committed now!" Dazai stood up, brushing off his pants and clearly indicating that the meeting was over. As he passed Gin, he pulled a twist of paper from the pocket of his coat and offered it to her. Knowing that it was probably information regarding where she had to rendezvous, she accepted it silently.
"Tonight, then!" he reminded her brightly before he left. Afterwards, the room was filled with a tense silence, and Gin wondered if she should just leave. But then Ozaki sighed, taking another cup from the tray and filling it with tea before placing it beside her own.
"Sit down, Gin."
Quietly, she obeyed, taking a seat beside the older woman and turning her head to look at Ozaki. She was startled when her mentor suddenly reached out and placed a hand on her cheek, and she could feel the warmth even through the thin cloth.
"Poor child," Ozaki murmured, her expression soft and a little sad. "I wish that I could come with you, but I have a meeting with an important partner tonight. Which Dazai must have known."
Her eyes flashed with momentary irritation, and again, Gin felt a deep appreciation and sympathy for the woman who had been taking care of her. She herself would feel more confident if Ozaki were beside her tonight, but Dazai was always quite deliberate in his actions, despite how frivolous he seemed. If the situation really was as dangerous as he had suggested, then perhaps this was a test for Ryuu, to determine whether he would be able to expend his powers to the fullest without losing control: if Ozaki were there, even just as backup, he could afford to hold back.
But then Ozaki turned away to pick up the teacup, offering it to Gin with steady hands. Hesitantly, Gin unhooked her mask, smoothing it flat in her lap, before accepting the offering, the delicate porcelain rattling slightly on its saucer. She waited for the other woman to raise her own cup, then took a sip of the lukewarm tea. They drank in silence, and when Gin had finished, she reached out to place the cup back on the table and rose to her feet. After she had resettled her mask on her face, she bowed deeply to Ozaki.
"Thank you for your guidance."
"Come back." Ozaki's voice was low and fierce. "Whatever happens, stay alive: you and your brother. And come back to me. I'm not done with you yet."
"Thank you," Gin repeated softly, hoping that she would be able to obey the command. When her mentor said nothing else, she retreated, unfolding the paper that Dazai had given her and memorizing its contents before tearing it to pieces and disposing of it.
She had hoped that she would have the opportunity to speak to her brother before the raid, but he hadn't come home for dinner. So now she was elbowing her way through the foot soldiers--drawing more than one curious glance--and making her way to the front of the lines. One man tried to waylay her, but he immediately let go of her arm when she slashed her knife at him, leaving the faintest trail of blood across his throat. After that, she was given enough of a berth to let her slide through the crowd, preceded by a low murmur. Thus, when she finally emerged, both Dazai and Ryuu were waiting for her, and Ryuu's eyes widened with shock and recognition.
"You--" he took a step forward, but his movement was arrested by Dazai's arm across his chest.
"Akutagawa, this is Gin, one of Kouyou's subordinates. I've borrowed him to reinforce this side since I need to be with Chuuya-kun. Gin, I'm sure that you've heard of Akutagawa? I hope that the two of you can get along," Dazai introduced Gin blandly. Gin inclined her head slightly in silent greeting while Ryuu just continued to stare at her. Finally, he turned away.
"I don't need his support. He'll just get in the way," Ryuu retorted, sliding his hands into his pockets. Grinning, Dazai slapped him on the shoulder.
"Well, if he does, I'd rather you don't kill him. Kouyou would be upset with me." Apparently satisfied that Ryuu wasn't going to make a scene, Dazai sauntered away while Gin advanced until she was standing just behind her brother.
"What are you doing here?" he hissed. Glancing over her shoulder at the assembled men and women, Gin was satisfied that they were keeping enough of a respectful distance that the siblings could speak quietly together without being overheard.
"Dazai-san asked me to come. I agreed," she replied calmly. "He thought that it would be a good test of my progress without putting me in serious danger since you'd be here. And I think that he's concerned that I won't be able to kill actual people."
She lied smoothly, having rehearsed it in her head for hours as she'd waited for Ryuu. She hated having to lie to him, but she had quickly come to the conclusion that it was better than the alternative. The truth would only hurt him, knowing that the man who he respected so dearly doubted his ability, and her story was plausible enough. It might even be true: Dazai was someone who always saw several moves ahead and rarely did anything for simply one reason.
"It's fine if you can't."
"This is my choice."
Before Ryuu could continue to argue, his walkie-talkie squawked, and he turned to face the assembled forces, raising a hand.
"Five minutes."
As he turned back around, he caught sight of Gin's raised eyebrow and explained, "They'd get in my way."
Then his cloak warped, darting forward in dark blades to slice apart the heavy steel doors and send them crashing to the ground in pieces. Before the dust had settled, he sprang forward, and Gin followed at his heels. As the sound of gunfire echoed in her ears, she sprang off to the side, her eyes picking out features in the gritty haze: piles of shipping containers, a narrow walkway, frequent muzzle flashes. Then the crash of metal, screams, the bitter copper tang of blood.
Leaving Ryuu to his work, she ran silently along the wall of the warehouse, scanning her surroundings for a way up. He could handle the forces on the floor, but anyone on the walkway would be out of his reach, so she couldn't leave them be. If his men were five minutes behind him, there wouldn't be a need for her to be by his side until they caught up, so until then, she could act on her own to keep him safe.
When a flimsy aluminum ladder materialized in front of her, she quickly climbed up, peering over the top. But none of the men were looking at her, as they were focused on the carnage below them, so she crawled over the edge, staying low as she snuck up on the closest of them. Truthfully, though, she needn't have bothered: the man was screaming curses as his machine gun chattered away, and he only became aware of her presence in the moment that her left hand wrapped over his mouth and her right hand drew her knife across his throat. Instantly, she released him, and he fell to his knees, his hands reaching up to try to staunch the flow of his blood as she silently cursed herself for not cutting deeply enough to make a clean kill.
But he would die soon enough. Leaving him where he was, she ghosted up to the next shooter, her left hand gripping her right wrist tightly to try to stop its tremors. Something must have alerted her target, though, because he suddenly spun toward her, and she had a brief, terrifying moment of staring down the barrel of his gun before she ducked and rolled forward, slamming into his legs and knocking him into his companion, sending both of them sprawling to the ground. Gin, on the other hand, had risen to her knees and lunged forward, planting her weapon squarely in the man's throat and ripping it sideways, releasing a fountain of blood that drenched her and made her shudder. Her other assailant was struggling to untangle his own gun, giving her precious few seconds to reach up and slam the heel of her hand into his nose, driving the nasal bone into the brain.
And then a concussive force slammed against her left shoulder. Gasping, she retreated as a trail of bullets followed her, clinking against the metal with more than a few burning through her flesh. And then a louder roar echoed from behind her, making her flinch and drop to the ground as feet pounded by her.
"Are you alright, sir?" A hand landed on her injured shoulder, and she jerked away from the touch as the reinforcements rushed down the walkway to clean up the rest of the smugglers. Glancing over the edge, she saw the troops that Ryuu had held back surging up the warehouse in a black wave toward a figure of wild and concentrated violence. The other side of the warehouse was apparently in the process of being flattened, with dented and distorted shipping containers flying through the air. Waving off the man's concern, she stood on shaky legs, gripping the railing with her good hand and swinging over the edge, dropping onto a pile of containers, and rolling forward to decrease the impact. Her right leg cried out in pain as it was jolted, and she bit the inside of her cheek to avoid crying out herself as she looked down at it.
There didn't seem to be anything wrong with it, other than two holes that bled freely. There wasn't time to treat it properly, not if she was going to catch up to Ryuu, so she used her knife to cut off her left sleeve, wrapping it tightly around her leg to put pressure on the wounds and slow the bleeding. Then she stumbled forward, using the containers as an upper road that kept her out of the potential crossfire as she approached the maelstrom of cloth.
She paused just outside of his range, dropping down to solid ground with a wince. As she peered around the edge of the container, her heart ached to see Ryuu staggering, covered in blood, as Rashoumon whipped around him, devouring bodies with a ravenous hunger. The screams echoed in her ears even though she'd been half-deafened by the machine gun fire on the walkway, before they were abruptly silenced. But at least it was almost over: the rattling of gunfire was more sporadic now, some of their enemies throwing aside weapons and raising their arms in surrender.
And then she saw one pair of dark jaws flying towards a man kneeling on the ground. Without thinking, she ran forward, throwing herself between the two of them. With unexpected force, the beast slammed into her, its momentum driving her into the side of another storage container and making her cough and struggle to draw breath as the air was driven out of her lungs.
"Ryuu," she gasped. She didn't know if he heard her as sharp teeth pricked at her sides, and she castigated herself mentally: the man wasn't even one of theirs, but an enemy. What did it matter if he died? That was the point of this raid, after all. And yet, striking down someone who had lost the will to fight... how could she allow it?
Too soft, a voice whispered in her head. The iron jaws released her before floating back to Ryuu's side, leaving her to slide down the corrugated steel, still fighting to breathe. A sharp pain stabbed her side as she inhaled shallowly, fighting the urge to cough that would undoubtedly make it worse. Foolish, weak, still hiding behind your brother.
An ominous-looking ball flew toward her, but she just stared at it, unable to move. It crashed into the container, crumpling it inwards as easily as if it were a tin can, and she gazed at the enormous hole beside her with wide-eyed surprise.
"Alright, alright, good job everyone!"
A familiar voice rang out in the silence that was settling over the warehouse, and Gin couldn't help breathing a sigh of relief that made her wince. Glancing over, she saw Dazai standing nearby, his hand wrapped around a shorter man's wrist: Nakahara Chuuya, she guessed. Nakahara's skin was covered with dark marks that were retreating from their point of contact in a slow crawl that made her uneasy. Ryuu stood a short distance away from them, his coat no longer a mass of blades, but shining with a dampness that made it glisten ominously. But he remained in control of himself and his ability: a small blessing.
Gingerly, Gin rose to her own feet, using the remains of the container to support herself. The movement seemed to capture Dazai's attention, and he released Nakahara, who fell to the ground in a limp, boneless collapse that suggested he was unconscious. Before she realized it, the Executive was standing beside her, his hand under her elbow steadying her. Ryuu was only a few steps behind him.
"Akutagawa, take Gin to the medics, will you? And then you'll wait to get patched up too. I'll take care of the rest here."
"But Dazai-san--"
"That's an order, Akutagawa. Both of you did well."
Ryuu closed his mouth and bent over slightly to wrap his arm around her shoulders. Bands of soft, dark cloth curled around her torso so that she was barely standing, her weight almost entirely supported by her brother.
"Thank you, Ryuu," Gin whispered. But he just shook his head in response, guiding her away from Dazai and the carnage. Now that the fighting was over, he didn't seem to be in much better shape than she was: he was breathing heavily, and not all of the blood that drenched his cloak seemed to be the enemy's. But there was a fierce gleam in his eye as they walked towards the exit, his weakness concealed by a strong sense of pride that kept every step firm. For Gin, though, it was all that she could do to not lean against him, to reassure herself that he was really there. But Dazai had gone to so much trouble to keep their relationship a secret, to give Ryuu excuses for his behavior. She couldn't risk it all for a moment of self-indulgence: that could wait until they returned home together.
As they walked together, Gin wondered again about the purpose of this exercise. It hadn't seemed like Ryuu had lost control: was it intended as a test for her, after all? Or did her brother simply have a better grasp of his ability than his mentor expected?
And then she smiled slightly, her expression hidden by her mask. They were both badly injured, but they'd survived. That was all that mattered.
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