#bread vs seed
strawbeb · 10 months
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solar-sunnyside-up · 3 days
Hey, I’m sorry to dump this on ya but your blog gives me a lotta hope and I just wondered if you had anything to say to my current ails- I am but a very anxious teen and I am so scared. I see so many people talking of how the world “Will end in 2040” or how “damn the past was so much better because it was simpler” and I am lowkey starting to believe that. I’ve got a problem with romanticizing a past I wasn’t even a part of and I really don’t want to live in some awful dystopian future and I fear I’ve missed out on so much because of when I was born :( and how come no one can afford basic shit anymore? I don’t wanna have no money at all! I really would like to be happy in the future but with all the bullshit caused by social media and the lack of money it seems bleak. I’m sorry that this is such a negative ask but I am not doing so hot and was hoping you’d have an insight ? Don’t respond if you don’t wanna
Hey ya there sprout 🌱 it can be really tough out there!
Your feelings are valid, so valid in fact that those exact feelings are why Solarpunk as it currently exists is around! We've all been there!
Between the wages of the top 10% of ppl vs everyone else being greater then during the French revolution, the average citizen globally being worse off then when the great depression was happening, climate crisis after crisis, all while consuming endless bits of info both horrifying (ex Politics) and hopeful (ex Social Media activism) it's waaaay too much for anyone to bare alone! Much less constantly! That burden shouldn't be on any of us!! But since it is, I'm here to help at least lighten the load even if temporary.
The best thing to do when we feel like this is to stop. Find 5 minutes to be still. We are fight/flight/fawn creatures and we will only loop in our solutions without actual clear choices if we don't Chill Out. We're mammals our natural state is Chilling Out and Play.
Next, think about how cool the planet is and particularly how cool humans are?
How there's finger flutes on ceilings thousands of years old, smaller then average indicating that parents held their children up to draw on the ceilings.
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Think about the invention of looms and spinning fibers! What other creature could do that? Think about the kids that could build Snowmans without aching fingers because of lovingly knit mittens.
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We sing like whales do, like birds do, like wolves do, and we do it to share stories and ideas over food! It is the first things babies mimic! We have songs so old we no longer know their origin just that they came from love! We even have songs to herd cattle meaning music transcends just us but bleeds into our relationships with the planet!
That we have play behavior! Just like wolves and foxes and whales and octopus it is so built into our DNA to play its generally how we learn things! This ranges from agriculture (children tossing seeds around, blowing on dandelions!) To chores (parachute games > folding laundry, playing pretend > usually chores/job based) to hunting (tag! Hide and seek!)
Think about our interconnectiveness with the planet too, how we are guided by Honey guides to find abandoned hives to share in the spoils of bread and honey. How Sweetgrass needs us to flourish, how berries and nuts need us to spread across the land, how we fix other animals broken bones and beaks and help them return home when otherwise they wouldn't ever get home.
Now that you can remember we deserve to be here, that you deserve to be here. We can look at the current situation and bare it.
And we do that by doing small things. Jam out and listen to music while picking up litter on your block, go to a library and just hang out or research something you love, make seed Bombs and toss them I to abandoned lots, make silly cartoons. Whatever it is, it will be enough.
The weight of the world isn't ment for the individual no matter how much Capitalism and Elites will try and guilt you over their failures. That weight is ment for collective groups, but your job as a Person is to be happy where you can and to be kind so others can be happy. The last thing that I always keep in my heart is a quote from my fave author Ursula Le Guin:
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Hang in there, a brighter tomorrow is gunna happen. I promise 🌻
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Phylum Round 1
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Not Quite Palms vs Not Quite Moss
Cycadophyta (cycads) -- while cycads look like palms, true palm trees are in magnoliophyta. Cycads are gymnosperms, meaning they have seeds but do not have flowers or fruit, and are most often pollinated by beetles. Many can grow in very low water conditions, some out of sand or even rock. Bread palms, a type of cycad, have edible stems. Cones of the Modjadji cycad can weigh more than 40 kg (88 pounds).
Marchantiophyta (liverworts): There are approximately 9,000 known species of liverworts, non-vascular (and therefor relatively small) plants with a dominant gametophyte stage, which can either have leaves or flat thalluses. The name comes from an ancient belief that they could be used to treat liver problems. Liverworts have important roles in the ecosystem: preventing the erosion of streambanks, collecting and retaining water in tropical forests, and forming soil crusts in deserts and polar regions.
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halevren · 3 months
Never Stop Blowing Up Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 2
I'm so ready for this chat
The intro is so so cool I love it
oh Brennan you are rocking that leather jacket
The turbo tokens kind of look like pomegranate seeds. Man now I'm craving pomegranate
The decor....
"Wow so we're like a sandwich...." "Yeah! And we're the bread"
"I'm just being... Funny today..."
"Don't worry boss, we killed them."
Kingskin's so hit
I am eating watermelon rn so I won't be doing every single reaction
"You threw that punch like 6 feet away from me"
"You're not mad at me?" I resonate with you liv
The empresario is kinda hot... Even though he's got purple man fnaf vibes
I love Izzy she's so much in her element
"My pepper spray is black...."
"Did I love him?"
we're on a train building helicopter
it's so hot
shout out to Russel for immediately playing as Ms. Drips
He's thinking about Dang 😢😢
Kirk Blade is kinda...... 👀
oh no he's rolling the car
if Wendell's character doesn't make it..... Does that mean he dies in real life
I should listen to Blink-182 again. It's been a bit since I've listened to any of their songs because I'm super into like sigilkore and stuff rn
Wendell channeling his inner vin diesel
I feel so stupid I just unstood why his name is Vic Ethanol. I forgot Ethanol gas is a thing
he's cool, leave it
usha might be dead
usha my beloved I love you
doin a lil jig
That was so sick I love you rekha
Saint Jude is kinda...... 🫦
St. Francis.... Hm
"Don't tell me that again." "Don't tell me what to do"
I wanna shoot a car
"I'm going to leave this interaction"
I have a gun and I have a penis
Computer blizzard wizard
"What Brennan?" (Hostile)
"You doin okay?" "No." "Oh." "It just feels good to be touched." 😭😭😭
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istumpysk · 1 year
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Theon's bastard
People's Choice! I'm going to need a little more consensus on this one.
Under Consideration: These theories haven't garnered strong or extensive evidence, but they're worthy of discussion.
50/50: These theories are complete toss-ups.
Low Probability: While not impossible, these theories are unlikely based on the current evidence.
[Tier list overview]
Another theory involving Theon having a secret child?
You bet!
What's the theory?
Theon impregnated the daughter of the captain of the Myraham.
The Myraham is a trading cog from Oldtown captained by a large man.
At the beginning of A Clash of Kings, Theon Greyjoy hires the Myraham to transport him from Seagard to Lordsport to meet with his father, Balon Greyjoy.
The Myraham was a fat-bellied southron merchanter up from Oldtown, carrying wine and cloth and seed to trade for iron ore. Her captain was a fat-bellied southron merchanter as well, and the stony sea that foamed at the feet of the castle made his plump lips quiver, so he stayed well out, farther than Theon would have liked. An ironborn captain in a longship would have taken them along the cliffs and under the high bridge that spanned the gap between the gatehouse and the Great Keep, but this plump Oldtowner had neither the craft, the crew, nor the courage to attempt such a thing. - Theon I, ACOK
The journey took longer than Theon anticipated, giving him extra time for other activities.
A longship would have made the crossing in half the time as well. The Myraham was a wallowing tub, if truth be told, and he would not care to be aboard her in a storm. - Theon I, ACOK
What other activities, you might wonder? Taking the captain's daughter to bed.
Still, Theon could not be too unhappy. He was here, undrowned, and the voyage had offered certain other amusements. He put an arm around the captain's daughter. "Summon me when we make Lordsport," he told her father. "We'll be below, in my cabin." He led the girl away aft, while her father watched them go in sullen silence. - Theon I, ACOK
The cabin was the captain's, in truth, but it had been turned over to Theon's use when they sailed from Seagard. The captain's daughter had not been turned over to his use, but she had come to his bed willingly enough all the same. A cup of wine, a few whispers, and there she was. - Theon I, ACOK
We don't know much about the captain's daughter, but we do know she was an older maiden.
Late teens, perhaps? Early twenties? Not sure.
The girl was a shade plump for his taste, with skin as splotchy as oatmeal, but her breasts filled his hands nicely and she had been a maiden the first time he took her. That was surprising at her age, but Theon found it diverting. - Theon I, ACOK
The captain's daughter becomes enamored with Theon and wishes to accompany him ashore as his salt wife, but Theon isn't interested.
"I'd work in your castle, milord. I can clean fish and bake bread and churn butter. Father says my peppercrab stew is the best he's ever tasted. You could find me a place in your kitchens and I could make you peppercrab stew." "Once I might have carried you home as a prize, and kept you to wife whether you willed it or no. The ironmen of old did such things. A man had his rock wife, his true bride, ironborn like himself, but he had his salt wives too, women captured on raids." The girl's eyes grew wide, and not because he had bared her breasts. "I would be your salt wife, milord." "I fear those days are gone." - Theon I, ACOK
The girl begs Theon to take her with him, fearing her father will punish her once he departs.
~Foreshadowing alert~
Theon remains indifferent and suggests that her father should be grateful, as she's probably pregnant, and not everyone has the privilege of raising Reek's a king's bastard.
"My father," she told him. "Once you're gone, he'll punish me, milord. He'll call me names and hit me." Theon swept his cloak off its peg and over his shoulders. "Fathers are like that," he admitted as he pinned the folds with a silver clasp. "Tell him he should be pleased. As many times as I've fucked you, you're likely with child. It's not every man who has the honor of raising a king's bastard." She looked at him stupidly, so he left her there. - Theon I, ACOK
In the following Theon chapter, we learn that Balon is not allowing the Myraham or any other ships to depart the Iron Islands.
Theon quickened his stride as they neared the Myraham, rocking high and empty by the quay. Her captain had tried to sail a fortnight past, but Lord Balon would not permit it. None of the merchantmen that called at Lordsport had been allowed to depart again; his father wanted no word of the hosting to reach the mainland before he was ready to strike. "Milord," a plaintive voice called down from the forecastle of the merchanter. The captain's daughter leaned over the rail, gazing after him. Her father had forbidden her to come ashore, but whenever Theon came to Lordsport he spied her wandering forlornly about the deck. "Milord, a moment," she called after him. "As it please milord . . ." - Theon II, ACOK
Midway through the next book, A Storm of Swords, we learn that the Myraham was detained by Balon for more than six months. Amid the chaos of Balon's death and Euron's return, the captain fled.
Robb waited for Ser Raynald to close the tent flap. "The gods have heard our prayers, my lords. Lord Jason has brought us the captain of the Myraham, a merchanter out of Oldtown. Captain, tell them what you told me." "Aye, Your Grace." He licked his thick lips nervously. "My last port of call afore Seagard, that was Lordsport on Pyke. The ironmen kept me there more'n half a year, they did. King Balon's command. Only, well, the long and the short of it is, he's dead." - Catelyn V, ASOS
And that's the last we hear of the Myraham.
Are you sure?
In A Feast for Crows, after Samwell arrives in Oldtown, he notices a young mother with a baby just a bit older than Mance's boarding a ship.
At the Weeping Dock, he watched two acolytes help an old man into a boat for the short voyage to the Bloody Isle. A young mother climbed in after him, a babe not much older than Gilly's squalling in her arms. - Samwell V, AFFC
To clarify:
The ship is anchored in Oldtown.
The Myraham is a trading cog from Oldtown.
The girl boarding the ship is described as a young mother.
The Myraham's captain's daughter was an older maiden.
Samwell observes that the baby is slightly older than Mance's child, who was born towards the end of A Storm of Swords.
In Catelyn V, ASOS, we learn that the Myraham was detained at the Iron Islands for just over six months.
The timing aligns perfectly.
And that's it.
There's no counter-evidence to consider; it's just a matter of whether you find a single sentence in a Samwell chapter enough to be credible.
I suppose you could argue that it's completely inconsequential.
I find it a bit odd the author gives us a timeline for the Myraham and the age of the baby in Oldtown.
Clearly, Asha will rule the Iron Islands, Theon will die, and none of this matters. Nonetheless, I lean towards it being a clever little easter egg that George included for shits and giggles.
I welcome discussions. Feel free to reblog, respond, or challenge my perspective—I won't be offended by any of it.
Please note, if "no" is the eventual winner, or if it's competitive, a second poll will be conducted to determine the proper location.
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mega-aulover · 1 year
hi! I saw this sound on TikTok (though I think its pretty old already?) and I just wanted to share it because its giving me a Katniss and Prim vs. Peeta and his brothers vibe 😂 Katniss is just so caring and loving with Prim and we never got any insight on Peeta’s relationship with his brothers but being 3 teenage boys who wrestle as a hobby and with Peeta being the youngest, I can imagine them affectionately beating each other up over the dumbest things (as brothers often do 😂) Anyway, here’s the sound:
(Omg I hope the link works 😭)
Hi Anon, I could not open the link (could be b/c I don't have Twitter) but here is a little bit of sibling energy with a dash of Pining Katniss-rated T:
Katniss sat in the bleachers waiting for Prim to arrive from her after-school program. Her sister was invited to do a school beautification initiative. Katniss couldn’t care less about planting roses around the school. However, if her gentle sister wanted to make things look girly then Katniss was going to support Primrose.
There was a whistle blown and the wrestling team came out clad in sweats. Amongst them she spotted two blond bulky forms, one of them made her heart pound in her chest. Katniss wanted to shrink into herself as she raised the hood of her sweater.
Katniss questioned when HE had joined the wrestling team. Her mind quickly went over the timeline. This must have been recent.
The coach yelled at his brother Rye for a smart mouthed reply.
The wrestlers laughed and the coach told them to warm up. Katniss watched them stretch, run, and jump.
Her mouth ran dry when he removed his sweater and pants and was dressed scantily. The stretch uniform left nothing to the imagination. His blond arms were massive, bigger than his brothers. His shoulders were broad, and the two thin straps emphasized just how stocky he was. When he turned around and bent to pick up his shirt, Katniss felt her cheeks heating up. His butt made funny things happen to her in areas that were shameful. The reaction caused Katniss to snap her legs closed.
The whistle blew and Katniss caught herself staring at her boy with the bread. She quickly looked around to make sure no one caught her. She was not someone to ogle guys. Gale was after all good looking, but she never had any interest in awkwardly gawking at him.
But HIM.
Peeta Mellark, the boy with the bread. It was hard not watching him. Katniss sighed and looked away. There was something beyond his looks that drew her to him. There was a bond between them that spanned time and space.
Katniss tried to act like watching him wrestle. She watched his brother jump on him and try to lock him down, but Peeta was too fast and clever.
Rye was getting frustrated. His face was red, and his blond hair hung limply around his face. Peeta laughed and suddenly he was free. Peeta stood up, his smile radiant and sweet. Rye tackled him to the ground.
Katniss stood ready to march down and beat Rye Mellark to a pulp when she heard her sister’s gentle voice.
“Thank you for waiting for me.”
Katniss was divided between addressing her sister and what was going down below. Internally Katniss pushed down her want to go defend him and turned to her sister. “It’s no problem. Did you plant flowers?”
“Yes, we planted the seeds,” Prim rushed out.
Katniss smiled as she buttoned her sister’s coat. “That’s exciting, though isn’t it too early to plant flowers. It’s not even spring yet.”
Prim laughed brightly. “Oh Katniss, don’t you know that in order for a flower to bloom, it has to gestate for a long time in the ground. It is just like love. It must be fostered before it can bloom.”
“Now that’s just silly talk,” Katniss said, as she led her sister down the steps of the bleachers.
Prim laughed again, as her sister began making quaking noises as they made their way to the exit.
On the mats, Peeta flipped his brother off him. Then walked to the side to drink water. He tracked Katniss and her sister as they left the gym.
“Are you done showing off,” Rye grimaced.
“Come on Peet, I know you were showing off her,” Rye said in a hushed voice.
Peeta, coughed. “Not sure what you’re talking about.”
“Look Peet, I know you’re into the huntress. I get it she is something. But this is the last time I’ll let you win.”
Peeta cockily looked at his brother. “Let me win old man?”
Rye snorted. “Looser does the dishes tonight.”
“You’re on.”
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Happy STS! Are there any interesting coming-of-age ceremonies in your setting?
Thank you for the question! This is a day late but oh well.
There are many different coming-of-age ceremonies and traditions throughout the many cultures of Kobani. For the purposes of this post I will focus on one, the Kishite Naming Ceremony. This is by far the most complex ceremony that a Kishite is likely to go through. This is a ceremony that Ninma went through.
The Kishite Naming Ceremony: "Sumninissu" (Suma-Name, Nin- Diminutive "lil", Issu - Festival/Celebration) aka The Ceremony of the 3 Bowls
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Origins and Reasons:
Traditionally Kishite children are not called by or referred to with their proper names until they reach the age of four. This practice has been largely abandoned outside of noble bloodlines however.
The exact origins of this practice are not entirely clear. It is not found in Shabala or Ikopesh which suggests that the practice developed after the arrival of Tamel and his followers, Shabalic refugees, and the foundation of Kishetal. It is likely that the practice developed in the first century or two of Kishetal's history under the reign of Tamel. During this time the average infant/child mortality before the age of 4 in Kishetal was even higher than it is currently (56% vs. 42%).
For those that follow this practice children and infants are referred to as "kip" the Kishite word for seed or grain. This does not necessarily mean that a family does not have a name picked out for the child, only that it is not utilized. Children of this age are also never portrayed in art in literal terms. Rather infants and young children may instead be represented in artwork as loaves of grain or bundles of barley wrapped in swaddling clothes. In addition to this children are considered to be genderless before the age of 4, and are referred to and treated as such, thus why "kip" is a gender neutral term.
There are two primary lines of reason behind this practice:
It is believed that children are particularly vulnerable to the workings of evil spirits, which can be seen most clearly through disease. By calling a child by a proper name it is believed that attention is brought to that child, thus endangering them during the dangerous period of infancy. For this same reason, superstition dictates that beds/cribs of children under the age of four be kept in the proximity of bread, beer, or even unprocessed grain/sesame, as a way of confusing malicious spirits.
Kishites and Kishite religion are aware of the process of reincarnation. It is believed that the soul or "het" is reborn multiple times through multiple worlds, with the eventual goal of ascension, at which point the memories and experiences of all previous lives will be consolidated to a single being. It is believed that in order for a soul to be deemed worthy of moving on to the next world it must be named. If a soul is unable to continue to another world it will instead be reincarnated once more on Kobani. Though it may seem counterintuitive, Kishites don't actually want the souls of their infants to continue to the next world as they believe that if a soul does continue on to the next world with only the memories of an infant in this world, its ultimate form will be in some way stunted or incomplete.
The Ceremony (This particular example is the variant used by the Labisa royal family, aka Ninma's ceremony)
The Naming Ceremony starts the day before a child's fourth birthday at the first breaking of the sun and concludes at the rising of the sun on the day of the child's fourth birthday. The whole ceremony is divided into 7 parts each with their own symbolic significance.
The Child is roused, typically by their grandparents, or else their oldest surviving relative (not the parents). The child is dressed in expensive clothing and jewelry, their hair will be combed and perfumed, and their skin may be decorated with henna. This whole process may take hours depending on the level of complexity applied. In the case of Ninma this particular aspect was carried out by her eldest sister and a number of servants and took a total of 2 hours. Ninma's face and hands were colored and she was dressed in a white silk robe.
After being dressed the child is brought before their older siblings, if they have them (younger siblings are not included in the ceremony.) The older siblings are charged with serving their younger sibling their first taste of unwatered beer. Beer is typically served in small but intricate ceramic bowls, smaller than a person's palm. The child drinks the beer and upon finishing, is instructed to smash the bowl upon the ground. The consumption of beer represents a symbolic passing into the world of civilization and humanity. Each sibling must then personally welcome the child into the family with a cry of "Chifun amakani! Ti kip huparut shaga!" This translates to "See gods (gods see)! The seed is sprouted (the seed sprouted is!)". For Ninma with 34 siblings this was quite a lengthy process. The siblings will then have a simple meal, heavily featuring bread and dried fruits, no meat or seafood is consumed. The child in question sits in a place of honor. After this the child will be referred to as "hu" which means "stalk" as in grain.
The child is led by their siblings out from the room where they drank the beer to typically to a space outside (The Palatial olive grove for Ninma) or else made to resemble the outside. There they will be greeted by their mother or a substitute. In the case of Ninma, she was greeted by 4 of Hutbari's wives, one of which was her actual mother. This part of the ceremony is deeply tied with concepts of death. Their mother(s) will place a crown, typically of some agricultural product be that barley, wheat, poppy, or olive (Ninma), on the child's head and will pray over the child. The child's head will be anointed with oil, typically either olive or sesame. This symbolically washes away the "dirt" of innocence and is done in imitation of the anointing of bodies before the first stages of the funerary process , thus marking the child's soul as worthy of continuation in the cycle of reincarnation. The child is then instructed to lay down on a bed, typically of straw or flowers (Haasir flowers for Ninma). The shape of the bed is meant to imitate the funeral cairns where the dead are left to be broken down by nature and the elements. The child is bid to sleep on their pseudo-grave, they may be given some sort of potion or medicine in order to induce sleep (as was the case with Ninma). The mother(s) will keep vigil over the sleeping child. After four hours the child will be awakened and fed a bowl of water, they must then break this bowl.
The child will be lead by their mother(s) into the care of a priest or priestess and of the same relatives which started the ceremony. More prayers are spoken, the child is told about their family line, starting with its origin, its founder, and their subsequent descendants leading up to the child. This can be a long and tedious process. When this story is thus completed the child is given a cake or bread by the elder relative (not the priest). By eating this cake the child thus accepts the name of their line, "Asherdul" in Ninma's case. From then on the child will be referred to as "The child of the family line" (Ti kipabi Asherdul). The use of the masculine or feminine conjugation of the word child is also the first time that the child is referred to in gendered terms.
The child will be brought back to their mother (s) who will bath the child, refreshing their perfumes and oils. They will comb and add beads to the hair, either gold or silver depending on the gender of the child (gold for girls, silver for boys). The child will be given a number of olives, figs, or dates, depending on the number of individuals in their line which share their name (Which the mother is aware of but not the child). By eating this the child thus accepts the numerical aspect of their name, "Ba '' or Second, in the case of Ninma. From then on the child will be referred to as " (Number) child of the family line" (Ba kipabi Asherdul). The child will be dressed in new clothes and jewelry. This is where Ninma was given her favorite red robes.
Dressed in their new clothes the child will be brought before their relatives and family friends, with the exception of their father or the closest equivalent. The child will announce their name thus far to the crowd. The child will subsequently be given gifts, typically in the form of toys, pets (particularly birds) and clothing. The first gift however will come from the priest or priestess that oversaw the acceptance of their Line. The gift comes in the form of a bowl of broth, typically made from lamb or beef. The child drinks the broth and smashes the bowl. They are thus given their "title" (if they have one), Princess (Ninjali) in Ninma's case (Ba kipabi Ninjali Asherdul). What follows will be the main body of the celebration. Food and drinks are consumed, music is played, songs and dances are performed, and shows of sagecraft might be performed.
As the sun starts to rise, the child's father will finally make their appearance. The child will address their father, bow and announce their name thus far. The child will be given three gifts, the first being a piece of cooked flesh from some large or dangerous animal, a piece of lion meat in Ninma's case. The child must consume the entirety of the meat. They will then be given a tiny bowl of wine. Upon emptying the bowl, the child smashes it on the ground. By consuming the meat and wine the child thus accepts their final name. The final gift is typically a trinket, piece of clothing, or jewelry with the child's true name written or depicted somewhere on it. Ninma was given her golden circlet, which has her name written on the inner rim. To finish the ceremony, in time with the setting sun, the child will announce their full noble name to the guests (Ba Ninma Ninjali Asherdul). The child will then be led to their bed to sleep, though the actual party might continue for some time.
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sapphic-luthor · 2 months
Answering your in tag question last week: it is indeed hotter than ass out here. Any fun summer recipes? I’m discovering that my meager little cookbook really only has nice hearty recipes that while tasty make cooking even more of a chore than I find it to be when it’s so hot out here. Hope you’re at least staying cool! -SMA
Oh man I hope you’re staying cool, I recommend a great many ice creams above all. But secondary to that, I do have some food ideas that I’ve been making a lot of recently that I’ll stick below the read more here :-)
I love a big huge enormous salad in the summer (and all year round tbh) and I think the best salads are about 50/50 made up of base greens vs. fun stuff. My personal faves are to start with a romaine or romaine/iceberg base and then add:
italian seasoned chicken breast
cherry tomatoes
little mozzarella balls
cooked orzo
sun dried tomatoes
croutons or crispy onions (ideally both)
thinly sliced red onion
dressing (personal fav is a vinaigrette made of lemon juice, balsamic, olive oil, salt & pepper, oregano, and chili flakes)
soy sauce/ginger/white pepper marinated chicken
red cabbage
thinly sliced carrots
red bell pepper
sesame seeds
fresh coriander
wonton strips (which you can airfry out of wonton wrappers in like 3 seconds)
dressing (best is a combo of sesame oil, garlic, soy sauce, rice wine vinegar, honey, and ginger)
Now if you’re not mad for salads, also nice in the summer is
A crumbled sausage + broccoli pasta (i like orecchiette); it doesn’t need to have a real sauce per sé, you can just season however you like and then throw a bit of pasta water, and parmesan in at the end and it’s lovely
Caprese with nice fresh mozzarella (best gotten from the cheese counter if possible). If you ever see san marzano tomatoes buy them immediately and make them into caprese
Veg-based sandwiches, I have a special love for a vegan one that’s got homemade cucumber sriracha hummus, tomatoes and baby spinach. It doesnt sound like much but if you get the hummus right it’s very cool + has a little kick and it’s lovely with nice bread!
Homemade greek gyros— I use this recipe every time and the marinade is actually life changing. Like sometimes I lie in bed and dream about this chicken and I am not even kidding
A pork + pineapple rice bowl, which basically consists of rice topped with; minced pork cooked with soy sauce and sesame oil, long strips of carrot and courgette cooked in a pan with salt + pepper til soft, pickled shallot or red onion (just left in a water/vinegar/sugar bath for 30min or so), and pieces of pineapple right out of the tin. There’s also a light soy/rice wine vinegar/honey sauce that can be thrown over the top— i think the friend i learned the recipe from got it from one of those meal delivery services so it’s likely online (or i can track it down from her for you if you’re interested!)
Hopefully some of those are of some interest to you!! I’ll live vicariously through you and your heat but I hope you stay comfortable and safe friend
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ajgrey9647 · 6 months
For the heart ask gane
Yellow Heart: is your character religious? If so to what extent?
Exclamation Heart: What show/movie/game/book universe would your character thrive in?
Gift Heart: What would be the greatest gift your character could receive?
Red (alternate personality of Coinless Jason Scott) –
Yellow Heart: During his days in the palace, Red never gave much thought to a deity; his master was the all-powerful, mighty being that he served unflinchingly. He was a mere pet, an attack dog and later a plaything to warm his master’s bed. After coming to the Prime Universe and discovering the truth about his creation and his true identity, Red would be considered spiritual. He believes in a higher power of some sort because he managed to survive something so horrific to come out the other side. Red has his freedom and humanity back. With his love of nature, wildlife, and plants, he believes there is a Creation power. Also he is learning to practice mindfulness in order too manage his agoraphobia, anxiety, and PTSD. He prefers a simple lifestyle; he uses a very low-tech old flip phone vs the newest model, listens to the radio vs watching tv, reads novels, makes his own bread, etc.
Exclamation Heart: Red would do well in any slasher/horror flick considering the life he came from in the palace with Drakkon. He was trained to be deadly and is a skilled, tenacious fighter, very strong and agile especially when he’s having a psychotic episode or in a rage. That side of himself is well hidden in the Prime Universe but still exists just beneath his sweet, gentle exterior.
Gift Heart: Wild Red loved getting special treats and toys from his master. They might be anything from a tennis ball, braided rope, new blanket, or one of his expensive chocolates. His greatest joy and desire was protecting and pleasing Drakkon. Prime Red loves thoughtful, handmade gifts. Seeds, flower cuttings, paints, a good book, a new recipe, reusable tote bags for groceries… he likes the simple things in life. Out of everything, Drakkon giving his freedom and the truth about his past as Coinless Jason was the best gift.
Drakkon (sometimes goes by David) –
Yellow Heart: Drakkon is not religious. He was failed so many times in life, unwanted, left to be abused and mistreated in several foster homes and then with his adoptive parents. He was abused physically, emotionally, and sexually. Even medically, subject to taking various psychiatric medications in an attempt to ‘fix’ him. At so many points, things might have been different but the systems meant to help kids like him is broken. Drakkon believes a person creates their own destiny and one can only rely on themselves in the end. In the Prime Universe, Drakkon hasn’t really considered what he believes though he knows he’s lucky beyond measure that Red is still in his life when he could have beat his ass, killed him, and ran for the hills after what he’d done to him.
Exclamation Heart:  Drakkon would also fare well in a slasher/horror flick. He’s crazy as all fuck, crafting elaborate theatrical punishments (fuckery), usually carried out on a grand scale. He’s crafty, shrewd, and willing to do ANYTHING to come out on top. Prime Universe Drakkon isn’t any different.
Gift Heart: Having Red decide to stay with him, after much tension, fighting, and swearing, is the greatest gift he’s received. Of course, they had to negotiate the terms of their new relationship (partners vs a master/pet dynamic). Drakkon is learning to be human again and how to trust, build relationships, open up emotionally and be vulnerable. Back in the Coinless World, he had everything he ever wanted: treasures, exotic furs and art, expensive chocolates, and silks… and it NEVER fixed what was broken inside. Enough was never enough, not for long anyway.
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basedkikuenjoyer · 1 year
Siege the Day
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That was the frolicking beach, what the hell. The lifeblood of Momoiro Island. Not cool WG, not cool. Like...I’m going to need to see something really good to justify dragging this level of gore and despair into the series. Sunshine in human form Makino is a nice start. We’ve talked a lot about getting back to Luffy’s roots and it’s nice to have this reminder as we go into the rest. Setting the stakes by showing how far this Mother Flame’s impact reaches.
Which is a theme we talk about. The world is rocking in Luffy’s (and Sabo’s) wake, he’s not just some kid from Fooshia Village anymore. Now that we’re back he seems like he gets there are high stakes even if he doesn’t get all of them. You’re not just trying to get yourself and your crew out of this jam...if it goes awry there may never be a Kamabakka beach frolic again! This is all well and good, but I’m a little too delicate for such an unwarranted tragedy.
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First, one little detour. Great job Doberman on delivering the recap in organic fashion. But there’s that concept of an unreliable narrator again. By end of chapter we’ll have to wonder about the possibility of bad intel. I’d also highlight there are two levels to this briefing on the WG side. It’s split between York at swordpoint pleading with the Elders and the more earnest, human exchange between Kizaru and Sentomaru below. Do I even need to comment on how steeped the latter is in our thematic bread and butter? It’s such a forlorn conversation between old friends. 
I guess from my little pet theory there’s a solid potential parallel set up here. Saturn is leading the operation while trying to obscure his involvement, content to enjoy his little sausage party. I love that everyone is having breakfast. It’s such a fun motif. Hope it runs through the rest of the chapter, but so far this isn’t enough to help me cope with such tragic circumstances...
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Huh, beach? Fuck that...hello Straw Hats! If you were gonna give me one panel here to push things the direction I want to see...it’d be hard to top this. The layers, the intrigue, the sheer befuddlement of our shonen fanboy brethren! Everything’s sorted out and they’ve taken York hostage to both seed bad intel & deter overwhelming force. It’s beautiful. When I saw “Momo panel” in the spoilers I was rattled because what if that was a group shot and Kiku was included before we did this? I’d be clueless.
That said, Robin & Stussy not being in the shot temper me. They can also do what I’ll say here, but for Robin take a look at Sanji’s heart eyes and where he’s headed. She could just be with Jinbei and obscured. Stussy could theoretically be below with Sentomaru or even with the evacuees. Robin? She should be here, but I want to roll her into something confirmed here. It was not Vegapunk who parsed this one out. That tells me the turning point wasn’t Robin arriving in the basement. Multiple people, including Kaku, being out of sight for now feels like less of an impediment than a sole exclusion. Hypothetically, imagine the difference if we showed just Kin’emon and a few retainers around Momo vs. the whole gang sans Kiku.
We’re all clear where I’m going with this, right? An unreliable narrator, seeding details we skipped over during the night, and coming in like this. Looks to me like we cut in right as the Straw Hats finished going over the plan. Executing the first step. They wanted York to say what she did. Look at this scene though; the angle and the dialogue. It works perfectly for someone we can’t see giving everyone the rundown. Almost like the shot is from their perspective. Theoretically that could also justify the change in tone.
All told, nice present for the 5yr anniversary of “The Crane Returns a Favor.”
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thenightling · 11 days
A recipe for Nightmares
A recipe for Nightmares. :-P
In 2018 Burger King released a Halloween burger called the Nightmare King. What made this burger special is Burger King boasted that they went to sleep specialists and neurologists and it had been clinically proven that the configuration of this burger (partly due to the high protein content) will increase the chances of vivid and remembered dreams (if consumed right before sleep) by at least 25%.
Burger King offered money back if the burger did not induce strange dreams or nightmares if you ate it right before bed.
Unfortunately the burger did not look very good because to add to the creepiness factor, they dyed the bun green. It ended up looking like mould.
Now here is the recipe for the Nightmare inducing burger if you want to try to replicate the supposedly clinically proven nightmare inducing dish.
A quarter pound beef patty.
A cooked breaded chicken filet.
One or two slices (based on preference) of American (or Velveeta) cheese,
One or two (based on preference) strips of bacon
Onion (Potion size optional)
And spicy (or garlic) mayonnaise
Served on a sesame Seed bun (dyed green for effect optional).
Below is how it was advertised vs. how it actually looked.
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unzipcraft · 22 days
When to Pick Cucumbers for Pickling: Perfect pickle
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When is the best time to pick cucumbers for pickling?
First time that I started picking cucumbers I realized that I was not sure what time they were best to be picked. This isn't logical, but it would appear to be easy isn't it? I'd stare at these tiny cucumbers trying to figure out if they were small. I'd glance at the ones that were slightly bigger, thinking that they appeared to be larger than the ones that were in the jars at the supermarket.
Pickling vs slicing cucumbers
There are two primary varieties of cucumbers: pickling and cutting. Any kind of cucumber can be picked, however picking cucumbers are more effective.
Pickling cucumbers are designed to be picked when they are smaller and, naturally. However, when compared to cutting cucumbers, they have less skin, softer (crunchier!) flesh, smaller and less seeds, and are less bitter.
Cucumbers cut in slices aren't as crunchy, and the skin may become more brittle - which isn't so obvious when making relish. They are different in both shape and color in addition.
Pickling cucumbers are typically thinner and shorter (stockier) that are more suitable for gherkins as well as spears of pickles. They usually have a lighter hue than the usual dark-green slices of cucumbers. The colors of pickling cucumbers are typically light and creamy to medium green with spiny, bumpy skin.
When is the best time to harvest cucumbers for picking
Although you can let pickling cucumbers grow to the size of sandwiches, and harvest cucumbers by slicing them early to pickle but I'll focus on their intended purpose.
If you're interested in knowing how to harvest cucumbers for pickling specifically for pickling this article is written perfect for you. The best size for picking is determined by the method you choose to pickle them - gherkins, slices or spears.
Harvesting for gherkins
Pickling cucumbers are picked when they are small and still have a thin skin and crisp flesh.
If you're looking to make gherkins you'll need to harvest the cucumbers when they're tiny, to allow them to be steamed whole. Pick when they're 1.5 2- 2" length, which is about equivalent to the width of your finger.
With this size, they'll appear like they're spiky and bumpy which is normal. The cucumbers must also be solid and greenish (even lighter green). They shouldn't appear yellow, which is an indication that something has gone wrong during the process of growing, such as lack of pollination, watering or stress from heat.
Harvesting of pickles for slices / chips of pickles
If you're planning to make bread and butter pickles or slices of dill pickles you'll need to let the cucumbers develop until they're big enough to make perfect slices of around 1.25 to 1.75" wide.
A good way to determine the best time to harvest them is if they're only a little smaller than an average spice container. As a reference, most spice jars are around 1.75" thick and 4" long.
Certain varieties are smaller and more dense, while others are a bit longer and smaller. This is why I choose ones based on their size, not the length.
To make sliced pickles Pick the cucumbers at a time at a time when they are able to reach an approximate diameter of 1.25 inches. If they are that large the length of their slicing will be around 3.5 long. Another method of determining the size of a cucumber is to grab an ornamental plant tag on the ground (standard tags are four" long) and then compare it with the cucumber.
The most stringent standard for picking cucumbers, established by the USDA for pickling cucumbers, is an overall size of 1.25 inches, and not more than 3.5 inches. A lower grade can be sized up to 1 7/8th inch, but not more than 5.5 inches.
If you don't have to worry with commercial production you could also make use of cucumbers that aren't shaped properly to make pickles that are sliced. Nobody will be more knowledgeable!
Cucumbers harvested for spears
Pickle spears are generally preserved in mason jars that are the size of pints. These jars measure about 5.25 inches tall. Therefore, choose your cucumbers only when they are smaller than the container. For spears, cucumbers should be around one-third the height of spice containers or slightly bigger.
Pick the cucumbers when they're about 4 to five inches in length. The blossom ends are taken off prior to pickling as it is full of enzymes which can soften the cucumber when the cucumber is kept.
Many gardeners I've met don't deliberately pick their cucumbers to make spears, but instead use cucumbers that grow accidentally too big to use as spears. This is what happens at the final!
If the cucumber grows excessively long, a good 5 inches then you can reduce them to create spears that can fit into the size of a pint mason jar. Make sure to avoid using ones which are too big without cutting them into smaller pieces in the sense that most recipes for canning test on a particular size. The brine may not be able to penetrate larger spears.
What do you do with the excess cucumbers
Sometimes, your cucumbers for pickling will grow too large to pickle. You can make the form of a pickle relish, or make them fresh as you would with a slicing variety.
But, if the cucumbers are turning yellow, they're not suitable for eating. The yellow (or occasionally orange) color could be to indicate that the seeds within are completely mature. This means you can save seeds to plant next year, even if you're only growing one type of.
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ponyboycs01 · 2 months
Unsolicited thoughts. Keep what you like. Disregard what you like. Scroll by as it suits, lol. Freewill is good like that.
Situational awareness matters.
McDonald's is a real estate company.
Google is an advertising agency.
Meta/BookFace is a data mining company.
Disney is a political machine.
We are collateral before citizens.
We are products before customers.
Media & reality TV are Roman circuses.
The govt & Fed is serving Roman bread.
The Central banks are a cabal.
WW3 is actually WW4 and started long ago. Pray for the non-power players in all theatres that are having their days and nights ripped apart in ways we cannot fully understand. The fifth columns will be what impacts the proletariat the most IMO, for good or bad, on every front.
1984 and T2 apparently should have been studied and reflected upon more.
Still believe in hope and humanity.
Chase the day. Walk by faith, even when it's the size of a mustard seed.
Sort your priorities. Resort as needed. Declutter things around you to declutter your mind.
Protect your clan. Help it thrive. Accomplishing that does not always have to come at the expense of others.
Be generous IRL when you can. It's better than throwing money, etc at things you're not around in your regular life.
Pray for people you care about. Pray for people you're peeved at. This is a winning strategy.
Unproductive emotions cost too much. Let it out and make decisions to do something you actually can accomplish. Stewing in a funk doesn't do much.
Get off your phones more. Touch grass.
Talk to people IRL more about things so you're aware and can digest things and form your own views and opinions and priorities.
Listen to things you agree with and don't agree with and form your own thoughts. Be okay changing your mind.
Find ways to keep whatever is roaring at you at white noise levels.
Make time to enjoy the silly fun IRL.
Don't let the Internet of Things rile you so far you find unreasonable fault in decent humans in your life that might not be clones of your current priorities and views of the world.
Inappropriate laughter is a valid cope.
Good hearted fun laughter is a necessary emotion. It's not the same when it happens online vs IRL.
Slow is smooth. Smooth is fast.
The Buff is forever.
Stay classy.
Have the grooviest day possible always wherever the day takes you.
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perfecttionst · 2 months
Weight Loss Tips || Weight Loss Fast Tips
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The desire to shed some pounds and feel more confident in your body is a common aspiration. But navigating the world of weight loss can be overwhelming, with conflicting information and fad diets promising quick fixes. Here, we'll delve into practical strategies that promote sustainable weight loss and a healthier you.
Understanding Energy Balance: Calories In vs. Calories Out
The core principle of weight loss boils down to energy balance. When you consume fewer calories than your body burns, you create a calorie deficit, leading to weight loss. Conversely, a calorie surplus (consuming more calories than you burn) results in weight gain. Let's explore strategies for influencing both sides of this equation:
1. Mindful Eating: Eating with Awareness
Practice mindful eating: Pay attention to hunger and satiety cues. Eat slowly, savor your food, and stop when comfortably full, not stuffed.
Plan your meals: Avoid spontaneous unhealthy choices by planning nutritious meals and snacks in advance. This helps maintain calorie control.
Reduce distractions: Turn off the TV, phone, or computer while eating. Focus on the experience of eating, making you more aware of portion sizes.
Read food labels: Be mindful of hidden sugars and unhealthy fats. Choose whole foods over processed ones whenever possible.
2. Prioritizing Protein and Fiber for Satiety
Protein: Include lean protein sources like fish, chicken, beans, lentils, and tofu in your diet. Protein helps you feel fuller for longer, reducing calorie intake throughout the day.
Fiber: Opt for high-fiber foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Fiber promotes satiety and digestive health.
3. Making Smart Choices: Swapping Unhealthy Optional
Reduce sugary drinks: Ditch sugary sodas, juices, and energy drinks. Opt for water, unsweetened tea, or black coffee. These quench your thirst without adding unnecessary calories.
Choose healthy fats: Opt for unsaturated fats found in avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil. Limit saturated and trans fats present in fatty meats, fried foods, and processed snacks.
Refined carbs vs. whole grains: Choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, and whole-wheat bread over refined carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, and pastries. Whole grains provide sustained energy and valuable nutrients.
4. Building Sustainable Physical Activity: Find What Works
Regular physical activity is crucial for weight loss and overall health. Find activities you enjoy, whether it's brisk walking, swimming, dancing, cycling, or team sports.
Start gradually: Begin with moderate intensity exercises for 30 minutes most days of the week and gradually increase duration or intensity over time.
Incorporate strength training: Aim for strength training exercises 2-3 times a week. This helps build muscle mass, which increases your metabolism and aids in burning more calories, even at rest.
Find an exercise buddy: Enlist a friend or family member to join your fitness routine. Accountability makes it more enjoyable and increases the likelihood of sticking to your plan.
5. Sleep for Success: The Importance of Rest
Chronic sleep deprivation can disrupt hormones that regulate hunger and satiety, leading to increased cravings and potential weight gain. Aim for 7-8 hours of quality sleep each night. Create a relaxing bedtime routine and maintain a consistent sleep schedule.
Beyond the Scale: A Holistic Approach to Weight Loss
Focusing solely on the number on the scale can be discouraging. Here's how to cultivate a more holistic approach:
Celebrate non-scale victories: Track improvements in energy levels, mood, strength, and how your clothes fit. These are just as important as weight loss.
Manage stress: Chronic stress can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Practice stress-management techniques like yoga, meditation, or deep breathing.
Find a support system: Surround yourself with supportive friends and family who understand your goals and encourage your journey.
Seek professional guidance: Consider consulting a registered dietitian or a doctor who can tailor a personalized plan based on your individual needs and health conditions.
Remember: Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, kind to yourself, and celebrate your progress. Embrace these tips and make small, sustainable changes for a healthier and happier you.
Additional Points to Consider
This article provides general guidelines. Always consult a doctor before starting a new diet or exercise program, especially if you have any underlying health conditions. Personalization is key. Experiment to find what works best for your body and lifestyle. Focus on building healthy habits for long-term success.
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rashmash2 · 3 months
Discover the Delightful Benefits of Organic Gulkand
Organic Gulkand is made from roses and sugar and has multiple health benefits. With the growing awareness of organic and natural products, organic Gulkand has gained popularity among health enthusiasts. In this article, we will explore what makes organic Gulkand so special, its numerous health benefits, how to use it in your daily routine, and where to buy high-quality organic Gulkand.
What is Organic Gulkand?
Origins of Gulkand
The word "Gulkand" comes from two Persian words. This traditional preparation has its roots in ancient India and Persia, where it was used both as a culinary delight and a medicinal remedy. Gulkand is made by freshly fermenting rose petals in sun. This process enhances the natural flavors and therapeutic properties of the roses.
Organic Gulkand vs. Conventional Gulkand
Organic Gulkand is made from organically grown roses and unrefined sugar, ensuring that it is free from pesticides, chemicals, and artificial additives. This makes it a healthier and more environmentally friendly option compared to conventional Gulkand, which may contain harmful residues from chemical fertilizers and pesticides.
Health Benefits of Organic Gulkand
Cooling Properties
One of the most well-known benefits of organic Gulkand is its cooling effect on the body. It helps alleviate heat-related issues such as headaches, fatigue, and nosebleeds, making it an excellent remedy during hot summer months.
Digestive Aid
Organic Gulkand is a natural digestive aid. It helps in relieving digestive issues like acidity, bloating, and constipation. The fiber content in rose petals promotes healthy digestion, while the natural sugars provide a gentle laxative effect.
Regular consumption of organic Gulkand can help detoxify the body by flushing out toxins and purifying the blood. This detoxifying effect can lead to clearer skin and improved overall health.
Stress Relief
The aromatic properties of rose petals have a calming effect on the mind, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. Organic Gulkand can act as a natural antidepressant, promoting mental well-being and emotional balance.
Skin Health
Rich in antioxidants, organic Gulkand can improve skin health by reducing inflammation, preventing acne, and promoting a radiant complexion. Its cooling and soothing properties make it an effective remedy for skin irritations and sunburns.
How to Use Organic Gulkand in Your Daily Routine
Culinary Uses
Organic Gulkand is a versatile ingredient that can be used in various culinary creations:
Spread: Use organic Gulkand as a spread on toast, crackers, or bread for a delightful treat.
Desserts: Incorporate it into desserts like ice creams, puddings, cakes, and sweets for an exotic flavor.
Beverages: Add a spoonful of organic Gulkand to milk, smoothies, or yogurt for a refreshing drink.
Salads: Mix organic Gulkand with fruit or green salads to add a unique flavor and touch of sweetness.
Snacks: Pair it with nuts, seeds, or dried fruits for a healthy and tasty snack.
Therapeutic Uses
Apart from its culinary uses, organic Gulkand can also be consumed for its health benefits:
Daily Dose: Take a teaspoon of organic Gulkand daily to help cool the body and improve digestion.
Natural Remedy: Use it as a natural remedy for conditions like acidity, constipation, and stress.
Where to Buy High-Quality Organic Gulkand
Local Health Food Stores
Organic Gulkand is available in most health food stores and specialty grocery stores. Look for brands that are certified organic and ensure that the product is free from artificial additives and preservatives.
Online Marketplaces
Several online marketplaces offer a wide range of organic Gulkand options. Websites like Amazon, Flipkart, and health-focused online stores provide various brands and types of organic Gulkand. Ensure to check the product details, customer reviews, and ratings before making a purchase.
Farmer's Markets
Local farmer's markets are great places to find fresh and organic Gulkand. Buying from farmer's markets supports local farmers and ensures that you are getting high-quality, minimally processed products.
Tips for Choosing the Best Organic Gulkand
Check for Organic Certification: Opt for Gulkand that is certified organic to ensure it is free from pesticides and chemicals.
Look for Freshness: Check the packaging date and buy Gulkand that is as fresh as possible.
Read Labels: Look for products with minimal processing and no added preservatives or artificial ingredients.
Consider the Source: Choose Gulkand made from high-quality, fragrant roses such as Damask roses for the best flavor and therapeutic benefits.
Organic Gulkand is a delightful and healthful preserve that combines the sweet and aromatic flavors of fresh rose petals. Whether enjoyed as a spread, in desserts, or as a natural remedy, organic Gulkand offers numerous benefits for your body and mind. By choosing high-quality, organic Gulkand and incorporating it into your daily routine, you can experience its cooling, digestive, and detoxifying effects. Embrace the exquisite delight of organic Gulkand and enhance your culinary and wellness journey.
1. What is organic Gulkand?
Organic Gulkand is a sweet preserve made from organically grown rose petals and unrefined sugar, traditionally used for its cooling and therapeutic properties.
2. What are the health benefits of organic Gulkand?
Organic Gulkand offers numerous health benefits, including cooling the body, aiding digestion, detoxifying the body, reducing stress, and improving skin health.
3. Can I make organic Gulkand at home?
Yes, you can make organic Gulkand at home using fresh, organic rose petals and unrefined sugar. The traditional method involves sun-cooking the mixture for 10-15 days.
4. How should I consume organic Gulkand?
You can consume organic Gulkand as a spread on toast, in desserts, beverages, salads, or as a daily dose for its health benefits.
5. Is organic Gulkand safe for children?
Yes, organic Gulkand is generally safe for children and can help alleviate heat-related issues and improve digestion. 
6. How long does organic Gulkand last?
When stored properly in an airtight container and kept in a cool, dry place, organic Gulkand can last for several months.
7. Can people with diabetes consume organic Gulkand?
Organic Gulkand contains sugar, so people with diabetes should consume it in moderation or consult their healthcare provider before including it in their diet.
Further Reading:
Organic foods: Are they safer? More nutritious?
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daveg65 · 6 months
300 - No more Green bubbles and Celebrating 300 episodes - With Chuck Joiner, Mike Potter, Kelly Guimont, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig
The latest In Touch With iOS with Dave he is joined by guest Kelly Guimont, Mike Potter, Chuck Joiner,, Jeff Gamet, and Ben Roethig. Celebrating 300 episodes. All our guests this week have been so amazingly supportive and we talk about their first time on the show. We review what was their first episode on the show.Beta this week.iOS 17.5 Beta 1 was released.We ask the question Is 128GB Enough iPhone Storage there was a bit of a debate. Mike Potter tells us more about Macstock 8 and more.
The show notes are at InTouchwithiOS.com

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Beta this week.iOS 17.5 Beta 1 was released..  
Apple Seeds First Betas of iOS 17.5 and iPadOS 17.5 to Developers
Apple Seeds First Beta of watchOS 10.5 to Developers - MacRumors
Apple Seeds First Beta of tvOS 17.5 to Developers - MacRumors
Apple Releases First Beta of visionOS 1.2 to Developers - MacRumors
Here's Everything New in iOS 17.5 Beta 1 So Far - MacRumors
What to Expect From iOS 17.5 
watchOS 11 Rumored to Drop Support for Apple Watch Series 4 - MacRumors
iOS 17.5 Lets EU iPhone Users Download Apps From Websites - MacRumors
iOS 17.5 Might Expand 'Found Moving With You' Alerts to Third-Party Item Trackers - MacRumors
Is 128GB Enough iPhone Storage?
Google Reveals When to Expect RCS Support on iPhone for Improved Texting With Android Users
Celebrating 300 episodes. All our guests this week have been so amazingly supportive and we talk about their first time on the show. We review what was their first episode on the show. 
Here are the episodes they appeared on for the first time. 
Mike Potter  032 iOS 12 and Visit to Apple Store with special guest Mike Potter
Chuck Joiner  035 iPhone Xs vs Xs Max reviews and iOS12 Tips with Special Guest Chuck Joiner
Kelly Guimont 040 The New iPad Pro is here! With Guest Kelly Guimont
Jeff Gamet  107 – The power of a iPhone Charger – With Guest Jeff Gamet
Ben Roethig 219 - Apple Event Predictions and Highly Rated Apple Car
Apple Updates iWork Apps With New Features on Mac, iPad, and iPhone 
Apple Card Savings Account to Receive First-Ever Interest Rate Decrease
Amazon's New App Lets You Scan Your Palm to Pay at Whole Foods, Panera Bread and More
Macstock 8 is Here! July 12-14, 2024 Macstock Conference & Expo
Our Host
Dave Ginsburg is an IT professional supporting Mac, iOS and Windows users and shares his wealth of knowledge of iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, Apple TV and related technologies. Visit the YouTube channel https://youtube.com/intouchwithios follow him on Mastadon @daveg65, and the show @intouchwithios
  Our Regular Contributors
Jeff Gamet is a podcaster, technology blogger, artist, and author. Previously, he was The Mac Observer’s managing editor, and Smile’s TextExpander Evangelist. You can find him on Mastadon @jgamet as well as Twitter and Instagram as @jgamet  His YouTube channel https://youtube.com/jgamet
Ben Roethig Former Associate Editor of GeekBeat.TV and host of the Tech Hangout and Deconstruct with Patrice  Mac user since the mid 90s. Tech support specialist. Twitter @benroethig  Website: https://roethigtech.blogspot.com
About our Guest
Kelly Guimont is a podcaster and friend of the Rebel Alliance. She appears on The Incomparable network as well as hosts I Want My M(CU) TV. you can find her on Mastodon and Instagram @verso
Chuck Joiner is the host of MacVoices and hosts video podcasts with influential members of the Apple community. Make sure to visit macvoices.com and subscribe to his podcast. You can follow him on Twitter @chuckjoiner and join his MacVoices Facebook group.
Mike Potter is the organizer of Macstock Conference: and the host of the For Mac Eyes Only Podcast. You can reach him on Mastodon: https://tooting.ninja/@formaceyesonly https://tooting.ninja/@macstockexpo
Here is our latest Episode!
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