#breakfast in a blanket fort is like breakfast in bed but better
fraugwinska · 6 months
Since your requests are open… can I request Alastor taking care of his sick wife? The crew noticed their mia and Alastor slinks away to their hotel room to find them dying (metaphorically) in their nest of blankets?
Thank you ;—; I love your writing sm! ฅ(•ㅅ•)ฅ
Whew - that was a first for me :D Switching it up for a little Alastor POV ;> I hope you like it, lovely Anon! (P.S. - The song mentioned is 'Unforgettable' by Nat King Cole)
In Sickness and in Health
Alastor's day couldn't get better – adding another, large territory to his nicely growing collection, visiting his dear friend Rosie along the way, and now returning to his diddy hotel, full of entertainment, and with his lovely wife waiting for his return: He was in a rightfully jolly mood.
He'd left so early in the morning, letting his love sleep in deep, heavy breaths, he was wondering what she had been up to this day? On the way back, he stopped by the florist, careful not to touch the delicate, burgundy blossoms of the chrysanthemums, her favourites.
He entered the hotel to find the residents deeply engaged in another of the princess's silly bonding activities – a game of charades, as it seemed. Alastor watched them with curiosity as Angel Dust gestured wildly, while the others screamed in chaos, throwing guesses his way.
„Fuck, man, come on! I'm making it OBVIOUS here!“, Angel moaned, throwing his hands frustrated into the air.
„The hell you are – you look like you're hurlin' yo' last drink like a garden sprinkler.“, Husk replies dryly, rubbing his temples, while the girls just look confused.
„It's fucking MOTORBOATING, jesus christ on a cracker!“
The group groans, exept for Vaggie, who runs over to him and grabs the card the flamboyant spider waves around.
„It's just 'Motorboat', you idiot.“ „Potayto, Potahto.“
Alastor, having heard enough of that nonsense, closed the entrance noisily. Charlies head whipped around to see him.
„Oh, hey Alastor, you're back early.“, she chirped, ignoring the still arguing group behind her. Alastor walked over and smiled down at her. „Business went better than I expected, dear. And you all are as... aspiring as ever, I see?“ He let his gaze fall back to the group, counting – five heads. Not six. „Would you happen to know where my darling doe is?“
Charlie blinked. „Umm.“, she turned to look at the group, as if she expected her to be there. Alastors eyes narrowed as the princess asked timidly if anyone had seen her.
„Nope, not me.“ „Didn't turn up on the bar, either.“ „She missed breakfast, too“ Alastor huffed, feeling anger bubbling up in his stomach at the blatant negligence of his companions. He left Charlie and the others standing without a word, looking rightfully guilty and shouting apologies at his back. He made a mental note to plan an appropriate response to this mishap, and fastened his steps to his suite.
He knocked on the door, softly. No response. He listened intensely. „My love, are you in there?“ A quiet groan, muffled through thick wood and creaking walls, barely audible.
He opened the door his eyes searching through the dimly lit room - the curtains of the windows were still closed, just like he left them this morning.
„Alastor?“, he heard your voice, weak and tired, from inside the pile of cushions, pillows and blankets piled up on the shared bed.
He quickly set the flowers down on the bureau before he peeled layers of fabric off the built fort to reveal his precious doe – face reddened, hair damp with sweat and deep, panting in straint breaths. Her eyes opened slowly, they were watery and dull.
„Hello...“, she said, a small smile on her dried lips. „Hello, my love.“, he answered, brushing her hair out her face with timid fingers – when they touched her forehead, it was burning hot. Alastor frowned.
„You are sick, my doe....“ She hummed in response. A shiver made her pull the blankets around her closer to her. „I think I'm dying again.“ Alastor chuckled softly, cupping her cheek - heat poured from her scorching skin into his cold palms.
„Always so dramatic. No love, you're certainly not dying. Boiling yourself, maybe. You have a raging fever, sweet thing.“
„Potayto, Potahto...“, she murmured. Alastor scrunched his nose – Angel Dust certainly had a bad influence on his wife.
„Now, now, no reason to call for the mortician, love. Let's get you out of these dampened clothes for a start, shall we?“
She whined from the coldness he exposed her to, grabbing his arms as he pulled her out of the many layers of fabric and peeled the sweat-drenched clothes from her burning body. Her usually smooth and tender skin was colored in angered flushes of read, mimicking the blazing temperature she radiated. While he worked on getting her in fresh, clean pajamas, he murmured soft reassurances and sweet words of comfort to her.
Alastor knew she hated the feeling of helplessness a sickness brought with it. Her demise had been sudden, painful and most importantly lonely, having no one by her side while the disease had eaten her alive.
He placed her back into bed, a snap of his fingers had disassembled the abhorrent nest she had built, linens clean, soft and dry. She whimpered when he opened the windows to let some fresh air into the room, but sighed in sweet relief when the cold cloth he conjured for her cooled her forehead.
“Can you play something for me?”, she whispered after he had convinced her to drink some water, her lids heavy and almost out of consciousness.
Alastor brushed her cheeks tenderly.
“Of course my treasured girl.”
He pulled the chair from his bureau next to the bed, settling down with her hand in his. He chose the song carefully – it was the one she and him first danced to, when he and her were two singulars still, instead of one plural.
The soft tunes of the celeste and piano drove the dreadful, deafening silence out of the room, and when Nat King Coles voice started to serenade, her face relaxed into a serene smile, breaths flattening into calm draws of air.
Alastor watched his wife drift into healing slumber, her skin color already fading into her more normal shade. Relieved, he stroked his thumb delicately over her fingers, still safely wound around his. Yes. Alastor knew she hated the helplessness a sickness brought with it. But at least, this time, he could be there to guide her through it.
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fic-over-cannon · 8 months
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Movie Magic
jason todd x gn!reader
summary: a cozy movie marathon date with jason todd
tags: fluff, kissing, minor reference to canonical character death
rated teen | wc: 1k
a/n: inspired by an ask from the lovely @orchidsangel
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It’s a Saturday morning, and the weekend is stretching wide in front of you. It’s been a long week, so you and Jason have decided to do a movie marathon together instead of going out. The morning starts with breakfast, fresh fruit and real maple syrup drizzled over French toast. Dishes done side by side in the sink, winter sun coming in pale through the window. A few days earlier, when you’d done the grocery shopping, you’d picked up snacks specifically for this day. There’s popcorn and chips, pretzels and M&Ms, licorice and skittles. Each gets put out in their own bowls, ready to be eaten. Then would come building the blanket fort. Moving cushions and the duvet from the bed out into the living room, pulling bedsheets out of the linen closet. While Jason rolls an empty clothing rack out to hold up the blankets, you get the idea to take down some of your fairy lights and put them up in the fort, little pinpricks of light to stop Jason’s fear of small dark spaces from creeping in. It takes all of your decorative throw pillows you had insisted on and Jason had affectionately rolled his eyes at for you both to get comfortable. But it is comfortable, tucked up under Jason’s arm and swaddled in blankets, snack bowls tucked between your hip and the side of the couch.
Jason puts on the first movie, something you both loved as children. You laugh at the same moments, point out your favourite characters and scenes. His ribs knock into yours when he snorts, warm and solid beside you. Jason puts on the sequel, which you both agree is nowhere near as good as the first. Offhandedly you mention that at least the third was better since they brought back the scriptwriter from the first movie and Jason has to press pause. Turns to you jaw slightly open and asks if you’re serious, that there’s a third one, that they made more. The thing is, there was a third movie, only Jason wouldn’t have known. Resurrection and revenge doesn’t really leave a lot of time for catching up on pop culture. You wrap your arms around him tighter, navigate to the next movie and press play. For this one, the two of you are silent. Jason’s eyes are wide and attentive, lips parted in awe. You watch him as much as the movie, drink in his reactions eagerly and the way his arm tightens around your shoulder at the tense moments. The credits start to roll, and still Jason doesn’t say anything.
“So… what did you think?” You ask. He runs his fingers through his hair, looks you in the eye, and goes on one of the most impassioned rants you’ve ever heard him give, and you’ve heard him rant about everything they got wrong in the newest Sense and Sensibility adaptation. He barely stops to breathe between discussing the casting and how surprisingly good the stunts were. He talks himself hoarse until you pass him your soda. That manages to interrupt his flow of thought, and he apologizes sheepishly for getting too caught up in the movie. “S’okay, I like hearing you be passionate. What did you think of the cinematography?” and he’s off again, hands flying through the air as he tries to describe just what parts excited him the most.
It’s his stomach rumbling that interrupts him a second time, causing the two of you to laugh. Lunch gets eaten on the couch, plates carefully balanced on laps. You convince Jason to watch Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, and the look on his face when he gets torn between getting a version of his favourite book with added death jokes and wanting to point out how inaccurate a Regency society faced with the zombie apocalypse is, makes you have to constantly stifle giggles. You take turns after that, introducing each other to different movies as the pale sun slowly moves across the sky. Jason chooses a movie Damian made him watch, which despite the scary moments that have you burying your head in his shoulder, has some of the most beautifully shot scenes you’ve seen in a while. You get into a heated debate over Howl’s Moving Castle, eventually having to agree that book Sophie is more interesting but movie Howl is more dreamy. Jason has to dive for the popcorn bowl when you start yelling at the tv screen for the characters in the next movie to just talk to each other goddamn it! He indulges you when you rant about how most of the time the miscommunication trope is just lazy writing, that if the scriptwriters wanted to get the audience actually invested in the characters then they needed to stop making the climax something so easily fixable. You get so excited when something happens onscreen that you know a behind-the-scenes story about. Poking Jason in the side to make sure he’s listening before launching into an anecdote about how they’re actually only filming on horseback for the long shots, all of the closeups done on fake platforms to make filming easier. Or how the censorship rules of the time meant the director had to find a way for the characters to metaphorically kiss, and that’s why they’re always sharing cigarettes.
It’s beyond time for dinner, but full on snacks and treats, neither of you are feeling hungry yet. You’d introduced Jason to the magic of peanut M&Ms mixed into butter popcorn and you can tell that he’s going to be obsessed for the next while. The credits on the latest movie are rolling, there’s dishes to do and a couch to put back together, but all those things can wait. You look up from where you’re curled up beside him, cozy under the blanket and the weight of his arm, and he’s smiling down at you fondly. It doesn’t take much to stretch up and press your lips to his. He tastes like chocolate and salt and a long lazy afternoon. You can feel the edges of his lips turning up into a smile against yours.
“What was that for?” He murmurs.
“For listening to me ramble. And for introducing me to your favourite things.”
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xiaosonlybeloved · 6 months
Lost to Change~ Childe
featuring:- Tartaglia as Ajax when he was 14 yrs old, his family, gn!reader (no pronouns used) warnings:- implied angst, minor mention of injuries towards the end, nothing actually its just sad a/n:- oml my first actual writing in like weeks i kinda like it ngl. can be read as platonic or non platonic since ajax is 14 here and reader is close to his age too
wc:- 1.6k || masterlists
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“Why isnt Dad back yet?” A little girl questioned you, her worry clear on her face. There’s nothing you can say, though, because you have no answer. “He must still be searching, Tonia.” you try to reassure her, watching over little Teucer who was still sleeping. “Try to go to sleep, Tonia. Tomorrow’s a holiday, but you should still get your sleep. If- When Ajax comes back home, he wouldn’t like to see you all exhausted now, would he?” Sensing her reluctance, you add, “I’m staying here. I’ll keep watch. Nothing will happen, I promise. I’ll wake you up when Uncle comes back home.”
Tonia eventually trudges away to her shared bedroom with Anthon, socked feet moving soundlessly across the carpeted floor. Her elder sister follows to tuck her in, leaving you alone with Teucer as you sigh, gazing out at the moon high in the sky, anxious.
Its been two nights since Ajax had suddenly disappeared without a trace. He’d borrowed some bread for some reason before he left, and no one’s heard of him since. He hadn’t left Morepesok, that much was certain, because his parents had already confirmed it with the police. Which meant that he was certainly somewhere within this quaint little village, or he was lost in the forest. You sincerely hoped it wasn’t the latter, as a distant howl of a wolf was heard.
The police were searching for him too, but his dad had been unable to sit still and wait for any news, so he left to search for Ajax himself. He knows how to protect himself... He would be fine.
“Thank you for staying here, dear. I’m sorry to have asked you to, but sometimes the kids only listen to you, not me. You can go to sleep in the guest bedroom too, its alright. I’m staying awake” Ajax’s mother spoke up from beside the fireplace. At this point, she treats you like you’re her one of her own kids too, and its somewhat reassuring. You quickly reply, “No no, its completely fine, I understand. I don’t mind watching the kids at all. And I’ll give you company till he comes back, don’t worry. I’m used to sleepless nights.”
Ajax’s father comes back in the early morning, alone. The disappointment and worry is very visible on everyone’s faces. You wake Tonia and Anthon up, as promised. Ajax’s elder sister, Maria, and his two elder brothers had stayed awake through the night too. Breakfast is silent as the dim sunrays filter through the forest canopy. You insist on him getting some sleep. The house is silent as everyone goes to their bedrooms after breakfast to try and rest. You use the spare bedroom- its practically yours anyways, with how many times you’ve stayed here for sleepovers with Ajax. There’s a hoard of blankets in one corner of the room that was used to make a fort every single sleepover. It was like an unofficial tradition of yours. 
You try to sleep. Its better than drowning in worry, anyways.
Ajax had a guilty frown on his face as he observed your near-sleeping figure. He should have realised that you’d be tired, it had been a long day after all. But he’d been dying to watch the newest movie of their favorite series with you, and of course, you never said no to him. He’d been too engrossed in the movie to notice when your head dropped onto his shoulder- a usual thing between you two. You mumble some gibberish as he carries you to the bed (not without his struggles, you two were children after all) and switches off the T.V. “Is the movie over? I didn’t realise…” You yawn as you sleepily pull up the blankets to your chin. The nights in Snezhnaya were always freezing cold after all, which is why you dont hesitate to do the same with the second blanket Ajax drapes over you. “Nops, but we can watch it tomorrow morning after breakfast. I think Anthon would like to watch it too, if you don’t mind?” “Mm, I don’t, he’s such an adorable kid. They grow up so fast, don’t they?” you mumble. “Are you coming to sleep too?” “..Yeah.” He responds quietly, snuggling into another set of blankets beside you. “Goodnight, [Y/N].” Because you’re already in dreamland by then, having been content to see him resting beside you, you miss the swirling childlike emotions, the sparkle in his eyes. You’re so used to it, seeing it is like second nature to you, an undeniable part of every day.
You wouldn’t have believed it if you had been told that one day, soon, that innocence, that sparkle in his eyes would vanish, to never reappear again.
You tried to cling on to the distant memory of your dream that was rapidly fading away as you awoke. You liked the dream. The memory… you were rather untroubled in it because of the presence of your best friend. Much unlike your conscious self’s distress and concern caused due to the same person. 
The sun was glaring through the thin air and the gaps between the curtains.”She’s awake.” A small voice whispered, and another retorted, “You were too loud.” Tonia and Anthon. They’re arguing in hushed tones, startling with an incredibly guilty look as you sit up. And that face is so, so familiar that it instantly reminds you of the person they learnt it from, which reminds you that Ajax is still missing and it has been almost 3 days since then. “Is something the matter?” You question them as you rub the sleep out of your eyes. You’re surprised you even manage to fall asleep.
“Well, Mom, Dad, Maria and Atlas are going out to search for Ajax, and me and Tonia are going with them too. Maria and Dad know how to fight, so we should be safe. Alex is staying home to take care of Teucer. Dad told us to ask you if you wanted to come along too.” Anton says quickly. You nod without hesitation as you briskly put on extra layers suited for the chill outside.
As you walk, they inform you that they’re splitting into two groups, one with their dad, Anthon and Atlas and one with you, his elder sister Maria, Tonia and their mom, to scour the forest. You’ll keep in contact with each other if someone needs help or finds Ajax. You all are strictly to return home an hour before the sun starts setting.
There’s not much time left before dusk when finally Maria calls their dad. He immediately answers, starting to tell them to return home now, before Maria swiftly cuts him off. “We found Ajax. He’s injured. We’re bringing him home immediately, please call a doctor in the meanwhile.” She states bluntly. Nearby, you and his mom are doing your best to wrap the wounds and stop the bleeding for a while. 
Ajax was unconscious and looked much worse for wear. Somehow, his hair had grown longer than it should have in three days. Same with his height too, he was definitely taller by a few centimetres from when you had last seen him, as you and Maria carried him home together, his mother and Tonia right behind you. You meet Atlas near their house, who takes Ajax from you as he can carry him faster to the doctor awaiting you all at the house.
Despite the concern, there’s definitely relief mixed in everyone’s emotions to finally finding the runaway. There’s silence in the living room, because the doctor shooed everyone out while he did a checkup and took care of his injuries. After some time that felt like an eternity, he finally reports to you that physically Ajax was alright, he was ordered bedrest for atleast a day, to take care to not reopen his wounds, and that he was awake now. 
You were the first one out of your seat as you immediately hurried to Ajax’s room, eager to finally talk to him, maybe scold him for his recklessness.
Ajax is facing the setting sun in the window, away from you when you enter. “Ajax, you-” You stop short when he turns to face you.
Something’s not quite right.
His smile is the same, if not a bit wider and more cheerful than you’d ever seen him. There was self-confidence in his posture, something he’d lacked before. Make no mistake, you’re happy about that, but…
“Hey [Y/N]! Long time no see!” Ajax blithely exclaims with a grin, and something about it is so off. 
It’s him, its definitely him, your instincts tell you so. But at the same time, its not him. Not the Ajax you knew.
His eyes are completely dull, two dark pools of blue without any shine or light in them. Not a hint of emotion was displayed in them, just a vast emptiness that contradicted his demeanor. His eyes, which used to be your gateway to his thoughts, have locked you out firmly now, no key in hand. 
As the rest of his worried family crowds behind and around you, you realise with a bone-crushing certainty, looking at him, that the Ajax you all knew, loved and missed was gone, lost to the world in those past three days, perhaps never to return. It would never be the same again, he would never be the same again.
(help this isnt even the main plot point i had for this idea this was supposed to be the background not a whole fic on its own-) anyways reblogs, tags and comments are very appreciated thank you <333
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mymelodymia · 10 months
Hey hun ty for writing my request with the bullying one I love it bby I got another one for you I promise this one's better and pure fluff 💗 so basically our Mikey man works to mf hard he has a younger sister(sorry I like the sister and big brother relationships there cute asf) like 7-8 surprises mike from work she makes him dinner, makes him a cute little bath, to the best ability an 7-8 your old can do lmaoo and idk maybe saves up some of her allowance and gets Mike something super nice and he's not sure how and is probably like "Baby where did you get this??" I don't fucking know but super fluffy and adorable. Ily hun ty! ✌🏽💜
aww, thank you sm for saying that and requesting again!
Best baby sister // Mike Schmidt x young!sister!reader
**not a ship**
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Summary: just fluffy big brother Mike 🥰
Warnings: none :']
Age: 7-8
A/N: "mikey man" very funny 🤭
You sat up in your small bed, you hopped up to say good morning to Mike. He was the only person in the world that mattered to you.
You walked into the kitchen and was greeted with the smell of bacon, you wrapped your small arms around him. He looked down at you, having not noticed you were there before.
He patted you on the back and returned to cooking. "Hi mike" you giggled, "morning y/n/n. How'd you sleep?" He asked you.
"Good" you answered, "good." He responded
"Thats what I just said" he chuckled at your comment, you were very sassy, of course.
"But i gotta go to work soon, okay?" He said strictly, pointing the spatula at you.
"Uuoohh, but why?" You complained "because, we need money right?" You groaned in response, you ate your breakfast with max instead. (Rude)
there was one hour until Mike got home, you were playing with your dolls when you got the idea.
he works too hard, so you thought to treat him with a little something, you made him a very nutritious meal (microwaved mac n' cheese) and drew him a warm bath, overflowing with bubbles.
You also made a small fort in the living room, facing the tv. When you heard Mike's car pull in the driveway you ran out to him. You opened his door for him, and led him inside by your side.
You ran into the kitchen, passing the living room, Mike saw your fort and pointed at it. "Whats that?" He asked, but was quickly pulled away by you.
"Youre not allowed to see that yet." You said as you dragged him into the kitchen and sat him down. He chuckled as you sat across from him, a fork and knife in both hands, smiling from ear to ear.
You both ate your meals and you led him to the bathroom. He looked down at you, and kneeled down to hug you.
You shut the door and waited in the living room. He eventually emerged from the hall in a comfy sweater and soft pants.
He climed into the fort after you signaled for him too come in. He lied down on his stomach beside you, you both continued to watch cartoons for a while.
You rested your head on his shoulder, he wrapped his arms around you tight.
He pecked you a few times before taking one of the many blankets in the fort and putting it over both of you.
You snuggled into his chest, his warmth comforting you as you listened to his heartbeat, you fell asleep soon after.
The next morning after he left, you went out with max to surprise him, you had been saving up for months to buy him this. You handed the cashier tons of quarters to pay.
You folded it neatly and set it in a small gift bag. When he got home you gave it to him immediately, shoving it in his face.
He took it out carefully as max left to go home. He gasped as he read it. "Do you like it?" You asked as he kept staring at the hoodie that also had the words 'best big bro' on it.
"Do i like it? Of course i do! I like everything you give me!" He said picking you up. "But, how'd you get it baby?"
"Ive been saving up on my allowance! And searching the streets for some loose change" you said in a raspy voice, making a funny face as well.
He put it on and you both ordered a pizza, and you gave the delivery man the last quarter you had as a tip.
You ate three pieces before you complained about being to full. You fell asleep in Mikes lap while he was playing with your hair. He picked you up and tucked you into bed. Placing a kiss to your forehead.
He went to sleep smiling, still wearing the hoodie, of course he wouldn't tell you that he worked at the shop you bought it from and saw you get it for him but, he was still over the moon nonetheless.
@white-wolf-buckaroo //
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cbsxreader · 2 years
Lazy days with the Tf2 gang!
A whole lotta trash food and TV
Scout doesn't even think twice when you ask for a lazy day.
He digs up all the snacks he has hidden in his room, some more apetizing than others..
You spend your day, chilling in bed and watching movies...and getting food poisoning...
He'll try to nudge you out of bed, but eventually joins you, but not before warning the entire team to not bother you two.
He changes into nothing but grey sweatpants.
Then you watch comedies and documentaries all day.
He has a self-given duty to call all mercs for mealtimes, so he'll carry you with him, announce the meal and then ask you, if you want to stay.
Get ready to stay in your pajamas allll day!
You build a pillow fort with a TV and stuffed toys inside, where you spend your day, watching cartoons.
Also you eat nothing but brightly coloured cereal and marshmallows.
When you decide to have a lazy day, you two don't even leave the bed, unless you need to use the bathroom or grab something to eat.
There's a whole lotta cuddles with him.
If you want food or there's a chore that needs to be done, you'll have to play a bit of rock, paper, scissors to decide who leaves the bed.
Engineer will try to get work done, but will give in, when you suggest today to be a lazy day.
He changes into more comfortable clothing and makes you whatever drink you'd like.
If you get called for a meal time, he will just grab you two servings and eat in bed.
He'd also love to cuddle.
Despite your protests, Heavy will complete miniature tasks, that don't take up much time.
You two eventually compromise, by him letting you lay on his back, arms wrapped around his neck. Like a koala and her baby.
He'll cook ANYTHING for you as well.
Just like a lot of the mercs, he wants to work, but he's the one who doesn't give in so quickly.
You beg for him to stop working, but he's already laid down a team member on the operating table.
The teammate sees your pleading eyes, winks, and excuses themselves, leaving the lab.
Now that his patient has left, he has no choice but to join you in bed. The next day, he will be more energetic than ever before.
Again, he takes his job very seriously, so he'll try to dress in his uniform and go practice, but the sight of you spread across his bed, tangling yourself in the blanket, convinces him to stay.
Most of the day is spent napping and cuddling.
He becomes more talkative as well, telling stories of his own and asking you random questions about you.
If you want to eat, or something actually needs to be done, he'll do it, since he's the one who wanted to work.
Just like Heavy, he tries to do small tasks, before you step in and say that you don't want to do anything today.
He obliges, but not before taking a few books with him, joining you in bed.
If you ask him to, he'll read out loud for you.
If you fall asleep, he just might leave for a bit for a smoke or something, but he'll quickly return.
Ms. Pauling
Sadly, the lazy day comes only once a year, but that doesn't mean you won't enjoy it.
Ms. Pauling still tries to get work done on the side, but that's what you're here for.
You have to drag her into bed and serve her breakfast with a cup of relaxing tea to make her stay.
And, maybe, a massage or a nice bath will make her feel better. Sure, it may not turn out to be such a lazy day for you, but maybe it's worth it to see your girlfriend not seem so tense anymore ♡.
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messydiabolical · 4 months
I've been going though all my old documents of drell worldbuilding and such, so expect various snippets and rambles over the next few days! Kolyat Krios' early memories of his first home.
He was barely out of toddlerhood, and it was before his eidetic memory had fully taken hold. The memories he could recall from this time were hazy, there but hard to grasp. A lot like how the humans and turians seemed to describe their own memorisations.
He could see their first home in fragments. He knew it was small, cluttered, ramshackle. It was also very loving. An odd word to describe a building perhaps, but loving is how he remembered it.
 Mother bathing with me in the tiny shower, cursing when the hot water suddenly went out, then laughing it off. ‘Well that’s one way to really wake up and start a day!’ she waggles her eyebrows theatrically as she tickles my cold body through a towel, making me giggle, forgetting the chill. Her subvocal song trills in joy and I try to copy it, stuttered bursts of happiness in a staccato beat to her soothing tones.
 The neighbourhood was noisy, full of life and interesting, questionable smells.
Children were always outside, playing in the streets. Groups of teens and adults would also gather and mill about, though in retrospect, probably not for such innocent pursuits.
In the apartment upstairs someone was learning to play what sounded like an entire orchestras worth of instruments, taking a jack of all trades, master of none approach to the enterprise. They were very fond of practising late at night, the ceiling thudding with the beats.
A neighbour below them would watch Kolyat in the days while mother and father both worked. She was very old, saggy scales and eyes clouded over like the stormy clouds out beyond the dome walls. He adored her. She’d cook delicious soups that he’d gum and gnash at with his sprouting fangs, getting more all over his face and clothes than actually in his mouth. She’d just laugh in delight, rub his face with a cloth while he blew soupy raspberries in protest. She also loved to read storybooks, putting on funny voices for all the characters. Sometimes Kolyat would sleep over, and she’d make him a blanket fort on the sofa. Kolyat loved her very much.
‘Please Orla, I must insist you take some credits for your time.’ Mother shifts me on her hip. Her frillrings sparkle in the sputtering, broken hall light. I reach out with a pudgy little hand to play with them.
‘Now now dear, how many times must I insist. you keep those credits for him’. A wrinkly, gentle hand reaches over, stopping me before I grab too harshly on my silver hooped quarry.
Mother and father worked a lot. Mother seemed to like her work, exhausted as it left her. The same could not be said for father.
Father would come home from work dirty, dejected. Mother would rub his shoulders, kiss his cheek and put me on his lap, and he would melt a little. Kisses on my brow and a whispered promise. ‘I’ll make things better, do better for us’. Holds me a little tighter.
Kolyat can’t recall the exact words exchanged, but he remembers the night his parents fought, the first time he heard anything but loving devotion between them. The apartment only had one bedroom, so he usually slept in a crib he was vastly outgrowing, squeezed in next to his parents' bed. They had waited until he was asleep before bitter whispering began, then moved to the living room when it was clear things were escalating. It didn’t do much good; Kolyat had already woken up and the apartment had thin walls. It was a long night.
The next morning Thane was gone and Irikah, usually so positive, so determined, seemed to have lost a little spark about her. Usually when she made breakfast she would play music on her omnitool, singing off key and dancing as she moved.
That morning was too quiet, mothers movements too stiff and precise.
It was a Kalsef, a drell weekend day. Kolyat had begun to recognise patterns in time, knew that this was the day daddy always took him to the temple after breakfast while mummy got some me time.
‘Where daddy?’ the little drell asked, confused by the change in routine.
“He’s-” She pauses, looks side to side, runs her hand across her brow. She looks back up, leans across the table, strokes my cheek.
“He’s away on business Kolyat”.
Away on business. That was the first time he heard it. It would not be the last.
Three, perhaps four full Kalsefs passed, and father finally came home. He was dressed in sleek, fancy clothes, nothing like the overalls he’d worn for work before. He was smiling wide, rushed to Kolyat and swung him up in the air. Kissed mother and told them both he’d missed them so. Mother was all smiles too, but something was different. Something felt off to Kolyat. Like they were too eager, too desperate to seem normal, natural, which only served to make it feel unnatural.
A few days later they were packing up their meagre belongings. Emptying the apartment. A lot of it they didn’t bother with, too broken, not worth keeping. Father assured them they could get better things at ‘the new place’.
They travelled then, taking a skycar and then a shuttle, higher in the sky than kolyat had ever been. He clung fiercely to Thane when they looked out the windows, the vast oceans so far below, the islands and domes little specks on the surface.
“Fear not my son, we are quite safe. We’re going somewhere wonderful, you’ll see”.
Their second home was a lofty apartment at the very top reaches of the dome of Da’quin city.
The view out of the floor to ceiling windows made Kolyat feel sick. He had his own bedroom now, and he’d pile up toys against the glass planes, building a barrier between him and that fathomless fall. His new big bed accommodated his rapidly lengehtening limbs, but it felt so many miles away from mother and fathers bed. You couldn't hear the neighbours from the apartment. Never seemed to meet them at all; they could have been completely alone up there for all he knew. There were certainly no Orla’s in this building. He never saw her again. His second home was lonely.
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exhausted-exho · 7 months
Open End Date Night
you were planning a date night just because. living together was no excuse to not have fun date nights, after all. the two of you had worked together and split the tasks, you making the dinner reservations, your loving partner setting up the movie tickets. 
the day had been set for weeks and the closer it got, the more excited you were. it all came tumbling down, though, when you woke up the day of, sick as a dog. there was no way you were going on a date like this.
he called to cancel the reservation and the movie all while making you some tea and breakfast while you rotted in bed, angry at whatever made you sick.
all day, you were upset, no matter how much he tried to comfort you, promising you that it was okay to reschedule.
"it won't be the same, though," you pouted. a sneeze threw your body before you nestled further into the blankets. he let out a soft sigh at your continued self upset, running his hand through your hair before standing up.
"i'll be back in a bit, okay? i'm gonna go get some stuff from the store to make you feel better."
you grumbled in response, still wallowing. a few hours later, as you woke up from a nap, you heard him moving around the house. wrapped in your blanket like a bat with its wings, you shuffled out of the bedroom and into the living room.
all upset thoughts fled when you noticed the fort he'd made in the living room, snacks and to go dinner from the restaurant you'd planned on going to on the coffee table, one of your favorite movies cued up on the tv.
he hadn't noticed you yet as he was putting the finishing touches on the blanket nest, so when you spoke, he jumped a bit.
"you did all this?"
his smile was huge and proud. "yeah. being sick didn't ruin date night. it just changed the plan a bit. and i think this is better than what we had planned."
you waddled over and flumped into the blankets, already getting comfy. he laughed before settling in next to you and sliding you a fresh cup of tea before hugging you.
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uarmyhopx · 4 months
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5 months at home date..
I had prepared this all secretly. The heart shaped pizza because you once said love goes through a stomach, the blanket amd pillow fort out of our new bed because it feels as cozy and comfortable as when you hug me. And even if I may not be good in doing the date edits like you, this time I took matters in my hands.
I honestly wish that everyday could be like this. Waking up together and have a small breakfast before each of us need to work, seeing each other back in the afternoon to watch tv, cuddle and talk about the day and then kiss a good night. But did you know, on this day today it is exactly 5 months until we get that?
I can only repeat myself daily of how happy I am, how immensely lucky I got to have you. I could have never imagined that one human being can have so much love and care in them as you do. So loving, caring, calm and yet full of energy, comforting, even funny and cute, all in one person which is you. You're the perfect cook, amazing pillow and cuddler, making me fall harder confesser and surpriser, just let me sumn this up...handsome, amazing, perfect lovable boyfriend that I could have ever wished for. I could describe from 1 to 100 things that I love about you, that I adore about you but no words that I would speak out could ever justify how truly amazing you are. I wish, pray to the moon and the endless stars up there of which one even has your name, that I am allowed to feel the immense happines with you forever and that I want to be able to keep you forever by my side. I wish for us to last more than anything else. Is it too much to already ask for being able to hold our wrinkly hands together into the sunset we watch from the balcony of the residental homes? And surely then be disturbed by my 6 brothers going 'eeeewwww' because we are still cheesy.
After all the things that happened to me in the last year, I didn't believe in true love anymore and jumped into a one time hook up with you...and you? Didn't let it stay with a one time thing and slowly showed me again what true love is. Even more what real true love is because you are better than anyone else. And you're my one. I swear I will turn into a monk this time if anything ever happens between us because, I don't want anyone else after you. It was surely the cheesiest words now, but I don't care.
Thank you for being with me, being who you are. Thank you for the endless love and care you show for me and taking me with all edges and imperfections. Thank you for already five months with you and for the following months too.
I love you. I love you so goddamn much.
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
insult to injury + "it's just a bad dread, wake up" for elle greenaway if you could!!! please and thanks
A Sucker For Cuddles
Hey all! Sorry for being gone yesterday, I legit couldn't bring myself to write. Anyway, I hope you all had a wonderful day/night and that it continues!!
[[summary]] Elle gets herself hurt on a case and the universe decides that her injury just isn't enough. FBI agent's just can't get a break. (elle greenaway x reader)
Word Count: 1713
You opened your eyes and let out a huge yawn, reaching over to the bedside table to smack the alarm clock that was screaming incessantly at you and your girlfriend. Once you got the damn thing off you laid back again, wondering if you even needed to get out of bed. Technically you had the day off so you really didn’t have to move at all.
This was the first day off you’d had in a long time, you were always called in on one case or another, and with Elle on sick leave you may just get to spend the day pampering the overly stubborn agent. It had literally taken a broken ankle to get the woman to rest.
You rolled over and nuzzled into Elle’s bare shoulder, wrapping an arm around her waist. You stayed like that for only a moment before drawing away, your face wrinkling in concern. Her skin was much warmer than it should be, a thin layer of sweat coating her whole body. Despite the heat radiating from her, she was shivering slightly, clinging to the blankets like they were her only lifeline.
“Oh, Elle.” You murmured, keeping your voice low enough that she wouldn’t hear. Though, considering that the alarm hadn’t even caused her to stir there was a real chance that she could sleep through you banging pots together and belting Hamilton at the top of your lungs. Not that you had done that…in your defense you were drunk.
You slipped out of bed and readjusted the blankets up around Elle’s shoulders, tucking her in tightly. She hummed in discomfort and sniffled before smushing her runny nose against the slightly damp pillow.
You’d need to get her a bath to get rid of some of that sweat. It would be difficult to do that with the cast though, maybe you’d just do a classic wet towel bath just to help her feel a little better. But that would come after you fed and medicated her.
You padded out of the room, mind racing as you tried to go over everything that you’d need to do for the sick woman. She typically got quite grouchy about weakness and had berated you for three hours after breaking her ankle before she just dissolved into tears in your arms.
She had apologized over and over again but you couldn’t be mad. She was in pain, she hadn’t slept in days and the case had been rough on everyone. You’d even seen the typically bright Penelope snap at Hotch for asking too much of her. Everyone was on edge.
So, to keep her from going completely stir crazy you’d need constant movies back to back, crossword puzzles for if she felt up to it, medicine, soup, a few books, and a blanket fort on the couch because eventually she’d just straight up refuse to stay in bed.
You glanced at the clock and decided that you probably only had twenty minutes to prepare before the pain in her leg would wake her up. After that it would most likely be borderline impossible to get her back to sleep without a lot of coaxing and perhaps some bribery. As much as she would deny it, Elle was a sucker for cuddles, especially when she was hurt or sick.
For breakfast you decided to make her oatmeal, figuring that you could make something for yourself after she was settled. For a reason that you didn’t quite understand, Elle absolutely loved oatmeal. She would eat it whenever she could and as disgusting as you found it, you knew that it wouldn’t be too rough on her throat or stomach.
It took you two tries to correctly make the oatmeal, somehow managing to burn the oats in the microwave the first time. Perhaps the microwave was not the best choice of tool, but the damn package had said that it would be okay.
Okay turned into the smell of burning and a frighteningly smokey microwave. You let that air out while you cut up a banana to go on top, grumbling about the stupid machine. The second attempt had been successful, leaving you with a steaming bowl of gooey mush that you were sure your girlfriend would enjoy.
You put the banana in the bowl and sprinkled the top of it with a bit of brown sugar, repeating the practiced motions that you’d seen Elle go through every morning. She always teased Reid about the amount of sugar he would put in his coffee, but she would eat a ridiculous amount of sugar with her breakfast if you let her.
After heating up some water for chamomile tea and adding a surplus of honey and lemon you returned to the bedroom to find Elle beginning to stir. She rolled over in the bed and reached across to your side, letting out a small whine when she found your side of the bed cold.
“Morning pretty lady.” You said softly, setting the tray which held her breakfast and a bottle of NyQuil down on the bed. The tea was placed on the bedside table, you were not willing to take the risk of that spilling all over your sick girlfriend. “Y/n? What’s this?” She rasped, turning away to cough into her pillow. She grimaced when she lifted her head again, a pout settling on her lips. She knew that she was sick and was likely realizing that you wouldn't let her do anything today.
“Well, you see, this is the meal typically eaten in the morning. It is widely known as breakfast.” You teased, leaning over to peck her sweaty forehead affectionately. The woman groaned at your teasing, the glint in her eyes showing her amusement.
“M’not hungry. Maybe later?” You shook her head at her weak plea, knowing full well that maybe later would turn into never and she needed to eat something with her med.
“I’m sorry Elle, just eat a little bit and then you can go back to sleep, okay?” She wrinkled her nose, clearly unhappy with the idea but sighed and nodded. You gave her a pleading look and leaned over again, pressing a little kiss to the tip of her nose. It didn’t matter that it was runny, or that she was sniffling quietly, she was cute and the gesture had worked.
“M’kay.” The brunette sighed, a slight wheeze in her breath. You didn’t think that she would get really sick, it was really just a cold with a slight fever, but the wheeze didn’t make you feel good. You’d need to keep an eye on that just in case it turned into something more but you hoped that a few rounds of cold medicine and a lot of sleep would kick this thing in the ass.
She reached for the spoon but you stopped her hand, gesturing to the little cup of medicine.
“That first.”
She managed to eat nearly half of the oatmeal and you had convinced her to drink all of the tea before she collapsed back onto the pillows looking utterly exhausted. All of the energy seemed to have gone out of her and her eyes looked dull. She coughed quietly and blinked up at you, her cheeks flushing a sudden deep red.
“Aw, baby. I’m sorry you don’t feel well.” You crooned, reaching over to stroke her damp hair. Tears filled her dark eyes and she sniffled hard, trying not to cry. You just continued to card your fingers through her hair, honestly unsure what to say to make her feel better. She was feeling weak, probably less than and you knew that there was nothing that you could say to reassure her that it was okay.
“W-will you l-lay with me?” She finally whimpered, reopening her sad eyes. You smiled and lay back down, positioning yourself over the covers with her cradled against your chest. She was shaking a bit, but you couldn’t tell if it was from crying or fever. Your guess would have to be both.
The brunette dozed off in your arms, her breathing evening to soft congested puffs which hit your chest, reminding you that she was still alive. She was still here. She was safe. You weren’t sure if she’d make it home on the last case, you had sat with her in the hospital trying to hold back tears as you thought of everything that could have gone wrong.
You yawned, reminding yourself that you had gotten practically no sleep the night before. It was always hard for you to sleep after cases, haunted by the faces of those you couldn’t save. Laying there with Elle in your arms made it easier to relax, easier to give in to your exhaustion.
You had fallen into a light doze, awake enough to be aware of your surroundings but asleep enough that you couldn’t interact with them. Elle had been sleeping peacefully beside you, occasionally making quiet noises in her sleep, but nothing that had really sparked your attention. That was until she started thrashing.
You sat up quickly, and grabbed her shoulders, trying to keep her from hurting herself. Of course that only served to panic her further, something you probably should’ve realized before touching you.
“Elle, Elle, it’s just a bad dream. Wake up, wake up sweetie, it’s a bad dream.” You soothed, patting her cheek gently to pull her out of the nightmare. She didn’t wake up, but she relaxed a bit at the soft caress, her frightened yelps turning to soft whimpers.
“Shh, shh that’s right honey, it’s all okay. Shh, I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” You murmured, smiling as she calmed completely, her breaths evening out. The two of you lay like that, you half propped up to make sure that she was safely asleep, not having any more nightmares.
You stayed that way for an hour, finally letting yourself drift off again after you were absolutely sure that she wasn’t having a bad dream. It had been a long time since the woman had been sick and it seemed like her body wasn’t handling it particularly well. That was fine by you, all that mattered was that you would always be there to take care of her.
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t1oui · 5 months
hc that sirius and remus are the last couple in their friend group to get together but once they do get together, the pda is almost unbearable
the first couple is barty and evan, of course, but nobody really knows when they got together. it just happened. they’re pretty bad with pda, but they’re not sirius and remus bad. (barty wanted to compete with them for grossest couple, but he thinks they’re too mushy and got tired of it in two days.)
next up is lily, mary, and pandora. it’s not like they don’t hold hands or kiss each other on the cheek, but everyone thinks they’re just friends.
then there are james and regulus. sure they kiss sometimes, and people know they’re dating because if there’s one thing james potter can’t do it’s love someone quietly, but they’re not… they’re not like that.
there’s marlene and dorcas, who were set up by lily, james, and regulus. now, they barely ever kiss in public, but marlene’s such a simp everyone knows about them anyway.
but then, last but definitely not least, there’s sirius and remus. they don’t get together until seventh year (officially, james and regulus didn’t either, but they’ve basically been dating since they were 15 and 16), and they’re both very clingy. at breakfast, remus is always grabbing sirius’s hand or wrapping his arm around him. when they’re walking to class, sirius is always putting his arm around remus’s waist or looping their arms together. and don’t even get me started on the kissing.
saying goodbye or hello? kissing. agreeing with each other in conversation? kissing. disagreeing with each other? kissing. in their dorm? kissing. hanging out in the gryffindor common room? kissing. in the slytherin common room? k-i-s-s-i-n-g. and their friends can’t stand it.
james finds himself consistently having sleepovers with pandora or lily, mary, and marlene to get away from it. peter’s set up a blanket fort in the corner of the gryffindor common room. at breakfast, james and the girls all opt to sit with their partners at the slytherin table, and peter follows them out of fear of being left alone with sirius and rem.
the two of them really spend the entirety of quidditch games snogging. not even when something good happens, too — gryffindor could be losing by 70 and they’d still be sitting in the middle of the stands with their tongues down each other’s throats. they stop after sirius gets hit with a rogue bludger during a game (barty insists it was an accident. nobody believes him).
they spend every waking moment making physical contact in some way: holding hands, hugging, kissing, cuddling. it’s the same way for sleep; if they’re not sharing a bed, they toss and turn until one of them gives up and hops in next to the other.
usually, the boys go back up to hogwarts after the full moon and wait outside until they see madam pomfrey heading to the shack before heading up to bed. the first full after wolfstar becomes a thing, sirius refuses to leave remus’s side until peter and james come drag him to class. it’s no use; he doesn’t focus and comes back to the hospital wing right after dinner.
when they were twelve, the boys made a plan to move in with each other after graduation. after six months of putting up with remus and sirius, james and peter opt to get their own flat instead. it’s better than hearing what happens on the nights they forget to use a silencing charm.
but as much as their friends complain, seeing sirius and remus together is far better than seeing them unhappy.
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aftg-random-fun · 10 months
Andrew paused as he looked at the scene in the apartment. The couch was covered in blankets and all the stools and chairs were covered up too. The TV was on playing some film from the turn of the century with a laugh track. He knew the movie title of course, but that’s not what is important. The cats were darting in and out of the blankets chasing and batting at each other.
“What is this?” Andrew asked as he finally entered the apartment and closed the door. A rummaging sound came from the pile.
Finally an auburn head popped out from one of the blankets. “Andrew! Look what Matt showed me!” A crooked smile and gleam in his eyes. Andrew took off his Docs and bag before entering into the mound with Neil’s assistance. Inside the mound it was dark. “Where did I put the switch?” Neil muttered as he felt around near him. “Ah-ha! Okay, this part Dan suggested.” Neil explained as he clicked the switch. Above them the mound lit up with fairy lights. The lights twinkled and covered the top of the mound.
“Oh wow!” Andrew breathed. He lightly touched one of the lights. “What brought this up?”
“Matt was reminiscing about blanket forts he made as a kid and when I said I never made one he called Dan and we built this. I was thinking we could camp out here tonight.” Neil gestured to the makeshift bedding at the sides of the mound. “Matt and Dan also gave me a pile of DVDs and said that it was our homework to watch them all.” Neil pulled out a stack of ten DVDs. Andrew took the pile and started to card through them.
“I haven’t seen any of these.” Andrew admitted as he looked through the different animations. “Did any of these pop out to you to start with?” He laid them out on the ground so they could look at all of the titles.
“Matt thought we should start with A Nightmare Before Christmas or The Princess Bride.” Neil tapped the DVDs. Andrew tapped A Nightmare Before Christmas and grabbed the TV remote. Andrew turned the TV over to the DVD channel as Neil popped the case open. Once the movie was starting Neil wrapped them both into another blanket which goes to show that Andrew having blankets stashed in every room was a smart decision.
“Yes or no?”
“Yes,” Neil replied meeting Andrew’s eyes. Andrew reached around and hugged into Neil. As they moved into a better position for cuddles they moved the DVD pile out of the way. The movie progressed and drew both of them in from the visuals to the soundtrack to the plot. When the movie ended they both were tired and each had a cat on top of their laps.
“Want to stay in the fort tonight instead of moving to the bed?” Andrew asked since he could feel Neil’s breathing begin to even out.
“Yes, Matt and Dan said we needed to do that.” Neil agreed as he stretched like a cat before wiggling into the blanket more.
Andrew gazed at his junkie fondly before turning off the television and fairy lights. When he was done he laid down and looked at Neil’s face. He fell asleep counting the freckles that appeared on Neil’s cheeks from his time in the sun. They both slept peacefully in their blanket fort that night.
Of course, in the morning they awoke to both of their cats meowing for breakfast right in their ears.
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ur-boyfiend · 1 year
here's some changlix x reader fluff because i'm eepy and want to cuddle and kiss the loml rn but i can't :( kinda wish i'd done more for the ending but i've got no clue what to add rip
i also added the cut so it's a bit less annoying to scroll past ^^
you groan in relief, collapsing face-first onto your bed. your shift was exhausting, most of the kids in the special ed pre-k group you work with struggle with communication, but one consistency is that if one of them is having a bad day, they’re all having a bad day. 
you’re also empathetic to a fault, and you get it, you really do, but that doesn’t make these kinds of days less tiring. it makes them more tiring if anything. you’re just glad that it was a half day so you only had your morning class. 
you know that your boyfriends won’t be home for a while, since they both have afternoon shifts, and had already left by the time you got back. instead of trying to do anything productive, you wrap yourself up in the comforter from the bed the three of you share, falling asleep after only a couple minutes.
you wake up again to the sounds of people moving around the apartment, you stay put and listen to the shuffling and chatter. you quickly recognize your boyfriend’s voices, they’re trying to be quiet but they’re not particularly good at it. 
rubbing your eyes, you climb out of bed, still with a throw blanket around your shoulders. you trip over your own feet slightly, almost falling, but you catch yourself before your face can have an unwanted meeting with the floor. 
the bedroom door squeaks as you open it, and you hear the talking stop, but it starts up again after a moment, both of them blaming the other for waking you up. you laugh, making your way into the kitchen where your boyfriends are sitting at the breakfast bar. 
“mornin’ sleepyhead,” changbin teases, earning an eyeroll. 
“like you’re any better, binnie,” felix responds, laughing.
you sit on the stool next to felix, resting your head on his shoulder, “this is why felix is my favorite.”
changbin rolls his eyes, “i was the one that went out to get ice cream at 3am so y’all could eat it while crying over finding nemo.” 
you lift your head and point at him, “you said you wouldn’t make fun of us for that.”
“i’m not making fun of you, i’m just stating a fact.”
“speaking of ice cream and movies at 3am,” felix butts in, before the two of you can start bickering, “we should do a movie night again. we still haven’t taken down the fort from the last one.” 
you hum in agreement, “corner store and boba?”
“hell yeah lets gooooo!” changbin is halfway to the apartment door before he’s even finished the sentence, you and felix laughing at your boyfriend. 
you drop the throw blanket back onto the bed before grabbing a hoodie and sneakers and following your boyfriends out the door. as you walk to the store you chat idly, by the time you get there you’re holding hands with felix, changbin’s arm around your waist.
you quickly grab snacks, and changbin ends up paying, you and felix both grumbling about it, but you both forgot your wallets so there’s not much you can do.
you decide to grab ramen bowls as well as bubble tea from the boba place, you fishing a gift card out of your jacket and holding it up triumphantly before changbin can pay. he rolls his eyes, but he’s fighting to keep from smiling. eventually felix pokes him in the shoulder a few times and he loses the fight, trying to swat felix’s hands away. 
once you’ve claimed your order and thanked the restaurant staff, you start heading back to your apartment. this time felix is in the middle, changbin on one side, and you on the other, occasionally squeezing felix's hand as you walk. 
you put the bags of food in the kitchen once you get back and grab a few more blankets and pillows from your room, changbin grabbing gyu as well, you and felix also choosing plushys from the marginally unreasonable collection you’ve amassed. 
you all drop the soft materials into the fort you’d made for your last movie night, then grab your food, settling down onto the couch to eat so you could put your food on the coffee table.
you watch a few episodes of trese, a show that's been idling on your watchlist, after finishing your food and putting your dishes into the sink, you all settle into the fort, unpausing the episode you’d been in the middle of. 
none of you are really watching it, you and changbin are busy trying to count felix’s freckles, and felix is busy trying not to move and end up ruining your count. after he giggles and makes you lose track for the third time in five minutes, you squish his face slightly, kissing his nose. 
when you let go of his face he puffs out his cheeks, and changbin quickly takes the opportunity to kiss them. felix squeaks and rolls over, wrapping his arms around your waist and hiding his face in your stomach. you laugh, playing with his hair. 
you shuffle around a little, leaning back into changbin and tilting your head back to look up at him, getting a kiss on the nose in return. you smile, giving him a quick peck in return.
after a couple minutes you hear felix snoring quietly, playing with his hair always knocks him out. you also yawn, “‘m sleepy.” 
changbin smiles softly, managing to lie down and pull a blanket over the three of you without removing his arm from where he’s wrapped it around your waist. you’ve shifted felix so he’s lying at the same level as you are, and changbin moves his arm to wrap it around both of you. 
“g’night, i love you both.” you mumble, already half asleep. 
felix mumbles something you can’t understand, but you figure it’s some kind of agreement, and give him a small kiss on the nose.
you feel changbin kiss the top of your head, “goodnight, i love both of you too,” is the last thing you hear before finally falling asleep. 
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littlebabyself · 8 months
you did howl as a cg, would you do a sophie as a cg?
oh my goodness I’d love tooo!!
Sophie ((howls moving castle)) as a caregiver!!
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• while cleaning, she’d always have you on her hip, humming to you to keep you occupied. • she’d sew you custom clothes whenever you asked
• pretty relaxed about bed times and such but won’t let you stay up past 12
• makes THE best blanket forts
• brews great tea
• calls you cute things like dandelion, star, little one, sweetheart, gem, jewel, miracle, etc.
• bought you your own toy cleaning supplies so when you wanted, you could clean with her.
• makes good breakfast
• always sings at night, softly though, as to not wake up howl.
• refers to howl as your dada and/or bubba
• sews up all your stuffies
• always cares for your boo boo’s and puts herbs on the wound so it heals quicker
• loves to watch you and turnip head play around
• made you a custom nursery in the moving castle
• she also built you a play set in the garden area field thingy
• she has a special warm blanket that she has calcifer heat for you. Although, he’s happy to do it for you.
• crocheted you a whole blanket
• loves to take you on shopping sprees
• let’s howl fly you around sometimes, only sometimes though
• loves to show affection in any way, whether that be forehead or hair kisses or cuddles or hugs.
• always gives thorough baths after you play outside
• loves to paint you
“awe good morning dandelion! you want some eggies? I’ll feed you if you want help, little one.”
“Ouch, that looks painful, let mama patch it up okay miracle? Awe don’t cry baby, it’s okay, I’m here. It’ll be all better.”
”You’re sick? I’m sorry sweet heart, come here I’ll pick you up and we’ll get you some meds and juice”
hope you liked!!! 🫶🫶
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judgementdaysunshine · 2 months
Domestic prompts
Divider credits to @romanthereigns
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Celebrating an anniversary
Rainy day cuddles
I love yous whispered in the dark
Dancing in the kitchen whilst cooking dinner
Hanging a porch swing together
Covering them with a blanket when they’ve fallen asleep on the couch
Brushing their teeth together 
Leaving notes for them around the home
Getting the giggles together over something that isn’t that funny
Fixing their hair/clothes just before they rush out the door
Preparing/packing for and going on a picnic 
Sleeping in and cuddling the entire morning
Bringing them their favourite hot drink in bed
Road trip together 
Texting one another during the day 
Going food shopping together 
Midnight food run 
Breakfast in bed 
Sending flowers to the other's office as a surprise 
Looking after one another 
Waking the other up when the alarm doesn't go off
Sitting outside at night chatting away 
Baking in the kitchen together 
Heating up a blanket in the dryer when the other is sick
Knowing each other's allergies and what helps
Falling asleep in each other's laps
Painting together
Building a blanket fort
Giving each other massages
Feeding each other
Tracing designs on each other's skins
Washing each other in the shower
Having a pillow fight
Running hands through each other's hair
Comparing hand sizes
Kissing the other's wounds/scars
Going through all of the family photo albums
Boping each other's noses
Already picking names for their baby after finding out about being pregnant
Walking into the other's open arms
Making each other playlists with each of your favorite songs
Linking your arms together
Catching each other staring
Holding hands while in a crowd
Sharing an umbrella
Drawing on each other
Tucking a hair behind the other's ear
Wrapping the other in a jacket
Taking pictures of each other randomly
Running your fingers down the other's spine
Talking to friends and family about the other
"Let me brush your hair while you finish that up, that way you can get two things done at once"
"Hey, how was work- woah why are you crying? Come sit, talk to me, love..."
"I meant it when i said i wanted to start a family with you"
"Baby let me help with that"
"Go to sleep sweetie, things will be better tomorrow"
"So this is our future..." I can't believe it's gonna be with you"
"I love this" "What?" "Us"
"You’re the reason why I believe in love, you know?"
"Hon, if you take any more naps on the couch you’re going to mess up your back.."
"You look exhausted go to bed, I’ll straighten up and take care of everything else"
"As much as I’d like to stay in bed with you, I have breakfast to make for the two of us"
"There’s a bath running already, I know it was a long day for you..."
"Move your blanket, I wanna lay down on your lap"
"You’re so warm" "I hear you, but we really need to get up, love"
"I don’t feel like cooking, how does takeout sound?"
"Hey look at me, it's okay don't cry I know but I'm here"
"Don't worry about it, I got it taken care of baby"
"It’s raining again.." "I guess that means we’re not going out, what movie do you want to watch?"
"Let's go home, it's been a long day"
"You don't have to always up and go, just rest for awhile"
"Sweetie, take these I know you're not feeling well"
"Do you remember the first night we spent together in this house?"
"I can’t understand a word you’re saying babe, finish brushing your teeth first"
"This reminded me of you"
"We stick together, you're my best friend and I'll love you forever"
"Never apologize for needing help and wanting love"
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harus-simp · 1 year
Home, sweet home
-Taerae x reader-
Warning:none (fluffy fluff 😚)
Requested: hiii, do you think you could write a drabble about waking up with taerae and being all domestic ?? <3 (Anonymous)
Author's note: hey there anon, here's your drabble of taerae, so I hope you like it :))
Thank you so much for requesting <3
Spending the day inside with taerae after a long day celebrating his debut makes you realise how much you love him and how hard would it be for you to not have him in your life.
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As the morning person you were, it was around 11 a.m almost and you were still sound asleep. The they before you and taerae had been out all day celebrating him getting 6th place on boys planet, so you were both exhausted from moving around a lot actually.
Shuffling on your bed made you a little bit more conscious, however you wanted to keep sleeping so you tried to for a couple of minutes until you started opening your eyes only to find your boyfriend staring at you with a sweet smile adorning his face.
"Morning sleepyhead"he said ruffling your hair softly as he was using his elbow as a support.
"Good morning"you told him hiding behind your blanket.
He laughed at your behaviour.
"How long have you been watching me?"you asked embarrassed.
"Don't know, I lost count"he said neutrally waiting for you to go out of your little fort.
"Ahhh, seriously, why are you like this???"you whined taking your blanket off you.
He ignored your question and grabbed your hand starting to pull you out of bed to stand up.
"C'mon we can't stay here forever, it's late"
You wanted to stay on bed but figured fighting wouldn't lead you anywhere so you just let him drag you to the kitchen in order to make breakfast.
As you made your way there you both thought of what you could have to eat. Yes at 11a.m, but you both were hungry so who are we to judge?
You finally decided to have something simple as pancakes..., yeah that was the idea because let's say it wasn't going that well.
"What are you doing taerae?"you shouted panick taking over you.
"Aren't you supposed to pour mik now?"
"Yes, but not that much!"😫😫😫
Yeah, so the pancakes didn't turn out that good but well, at least you were having fun together?
After that, you washed the dishes and took a shower because all the goofing around while cooking kinda made you both dirty due to all the flour flying around lol.
Right after that you guys started cleaning the apartment with background music which kinda was a mistake as well 💀💀💀 (you can't do shit without causing chaos, I think junhyeon has infected you lmao).
So instead of finishing everything in a short spam of time you took more time than you had plan and ended your work half an hour later that you had intended to.
Then tarae got the idea of interpreting you hot summer, but an acapella version of it with his guitar as you had requested him to sing days before the song, what can you say you wanted a little spoiler before the finale 🤭
He gathered all he needed and positioned himself to sing in a comfortable place.
As he started singing you were literally hypnotised by taerae's voice (who wouldn't actually), it was true that you had heard it before on the programme but hearing him in person was much better, he knew how to perfectly highlight his skills and you loved how he was able to just draw you in.
After he finished you clapped enthusiastically expressing your love for him and his vocals.
"You are so good taerae, you suit the concept a lot"you complimented him.
"Haha thank you"he said flashing you one of his characteristic smiles.
As you stared at him, you started to realise how lucky you were to have someone like him in your life, he was one the one you always seeked for his face in a crowd when you were meeting for a date, how your whole face and spirit lighted up when you felt his presence or even the heartache you had when you both needed to part ways was enough for you to understand that you wanted to keep him in your life forever.
"What are you thinking there?"he asked curiously as he saw you smiling unconsciously at him, looking directly into his eyes.
"Just how lucky and greatful I am to be your girlfriend" you answered, the smile not leaving your face.
In that precise moment he really felt how time stopped right there and you were the only thing that mattered to him.
You managed to make him so shy he couldn't even look at you back. You simply smiled wider and got closer to him.
"What?I really am"
He trapped you in his arms hugging you tightly and not intending to let go.
"I am more lucky, believe me"
And just like that you spended the rest of the day just being all lovey dovey and clingy 😙
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clumsiestgiantess · 5 months
Y’all remember when I asked you to choose which way I wanted to take the language barrier story (either a continuation or a prequel)?
Continuing with Ritchie and Mason seemed to be the one people were most interested in, so without further ado…
Part 3 of Takeover Scenario Future!
(part two here) (@goblinunderabridge, @entomolog-t, @microfoxprime, tagging y’all because you were the ones who wanted this to win!)
The first night with Mason was wild.  Once I was certain everyone else had gone to bed — even my sister, who kept checking up on me every twenty minutes — I made us a fort beneath my blankets.  He stared in awe at the covers high above him, grinning at me as if it was the coolest thing he’d ever seen.  It was kinda like a sleepover, only he’d be here every night.  I reminded myself to get an actual bed for him later.  Tonight he seemed perfectly content to stay right here with me.  “Wow! S’ti ekil a elohw sucric tnet rednu ereh!  Knaht uoy, niaga, rof lla fo siht.  I yltsenoh t’ndid kniht stnaig derac hguone tuoba su ot evig em gnihtemos yletomer ekil siht.  M’I dalg uoy dnuof em yadretsey.  Neve fi uoy did kaerb ym gel.”
“You’re welcome.. I think?”  I hadn’t understood much of it, but Julie had stuck it to me to learn ‘please’, ‘thank you’, and ‘you’re welcome’ in the survivors’ language.  I asked about learning ‘yes’ and ‘no’, which seemed important, but she shrugged and said that wasn’t really necessary considering nodding or shaking your head could easily replace those words in the basics of communication.  She added that thumbs up or thumbs down could also mean ‘good’ or ‘bad’.  We’d just started learning ‘sorry’ when I was called off to get to bed.
We stayed up a good portion of the night playing Super Smash Bros on my Switch.  Mason refused to sleep until he’d mastered the little controller.  Thankfully the single joycon they give you on the switch was just big enough to be a bit larger than keyboard size to him.  He was decent — clearly he’d played games like this back in his world.  The only thing stopping him from beating me was the fact that he had to use both hands to move the joystick.  I still let him win a few times.  He called me out on it for most of them, though.
I don’t know when I fell asleep, but I was shaken awake by Mason.  He gestured around to the bed then to himself and I eventually realized he was asking for his own place to sleep.  Nodding tiredly, I helped him down off the bed to the floor.  He only needed a single pillow as a mattress and a small blanket as a whole comforter.  I’d just put away all my gaming stuff and slid into bed when he spoke.  “Ritchie?”  It was strange hearing him speak my name.  So much of what he said I didn’t understand.  
“Yeah?”  “Tha.. Thank…  Knaht uoy.”  Well, at least he was trying.  I wasn’t sure what he was thanking me for, either.  Maybe everything.  “Re- Re’uoy emoclew.”  Damn those contractions are hard to pronounce.  I peered over the edge of the bed at him.  He was sitting up on the pillow, grinning at me from below.  “Goodnight!” I called quietly, settling back into my bed.  “Thgindoog!”
Groggily sliding out of the covers the following morning, I nearly gave myself a heart attack.  I’d missed stepping on Mason by a mere few inches.  Thankfully, he was still asleep and hadn’t noticed.  Just as I returned from the bathroom, my mom hurriedly opened the door to my room.  I yelped, quickly coming up to the entrance to block her view of the little bed on the floor, and the small person sleeping soundly in it.  “H-Hey, Mom!  Why are you up so early?”  “What do you mean?” she asked me, “I have to drive you to school in twenty minutes!  I came to see if you were ready for breakfast.”  Her confusion turned to stern exasperation.  “Ritchie, don’t tell me you forgot.  You have six weeks of summer school, young man!  You better get up and get ready!”  “Alright, ok!  I’m up!  I’m getting ready!”  She sighed and closed my bedroom door.
Up until then, I’d forgotten about summer school.  Probably because it sucks.  At least it’s shorter than normal school.  I hurriedly readied myself in my room, stuffing things haphazardly into my backpack.  As I sat on the edge of my bed to yank on my socks, Mason stumbled blearily into the space, still half asleep.  “Tahw…  S’tahw gniog no?  Yhw era uoy pu os ylrae, edud?”
He grumbled something at me, then yawned.  “I have to go to stupid summer school,” I told him with a groan.  Mason stepped back slightly, giving me a slightly hurt look as if I’d grumbled at him.  I held up a hand, “No, no I’m not angry at you!  I’m angry at school, see?”  I picked up my backpack and placed it in front of me, zipping up the pocket I’d been stuffing things into.
Immediately upon seeing my backpack, Mason’s eyes dulled.  A knowing, almost disgusted look spread onto his face.  “Yeah,” I sighed unhappily, “school.”  Mason waved a hand at me dismissively and turned to go back to sleep, but froze in his tracks before he could reach the pillow.  Whirling back around, he ran across the room to me, excitedly talking nonstop.  “Woah!  Slow down!  I only know like.. five words in your language!  And you’re talking so fast I wouldn’t understand a single one!”
He stopped next to my backpack and yanked the zipper back open, pointing to himself then to the open bag.  “You’re kidding…  Why would you willingly go to school?”  Just like I’d been taught a few things by Julie, Elenor had also taught Mason several words in English.  ‘Why’ was one of them.  Mason stammered a moment.  “I tsuj.. tnaw ot og htiw uoy.  Ees erom tnaig secalp, I sseug.”  He stammered awkwardly, glancing away from me.  Whatever he just said, I understood ‘you’ and ‘giant’, and the fact that he was suddenly at a loss for words.  I didn’t know exactly what that meant, but I didn’t see why he couldn’t come.  It would probably make classes a bit less boring, even if Mason couldn’t exactly get out of my bag without being seen.  “Alright,” I nodded, “Let me just rearrange a few things in-”
“Ritchard?  Are you ready up there?”  I flinched, blood running cold.  “You have ten minutes to be in the car.”  Quickly grabbing Mason, I hastily slid him into my backpack — tucked between my binder and the side of the bag where the zipper was.  He gave me a wide-eyed look as I went to zip it up.  “I’m so sorry, man.  I just- my mom’s gonna kill me if I’m not ready.  Just.. try to make yourself comfortable in there, ok?”  Sliding a more gentle hand in, I settled him more comfortably so nothing was in danger of hurting him and especially his leg.  “Ok, gotta go.  I’ll see you at school, buddy.”
Zipping up my bag, I cautiously slung it over my shoulder and made my way downstairs.  Placing it on a chair at the table, I quickly snatched up some breakfast as my mom warned me again about being late.  While I finished eating, I felt a tug on my sleeve and glanced down.  A little arm had slid out of my bag, trying to get my attention.  It slid back inside once I noticed it, and Mason’s face peered through the gap where his arm had been.  He pointed to the table and mimed biting something.  “Oh yeah!” I whispered, “I can get you breakfast, one sec.”
While my mom went to put on shoes, I grabbed a bagel off the counter and slipped it into my bag beside him.  “All good?”  Mason gave me a thumbs up and I zipped everything up again.  Nothing too extraordinary happened on the way to school, but I made sure to treat my backpack with a bit more caution than I usually would.  With it on my lap, I could feel Mason shifting around inside, still trying to get comfortable.  Guiltily I remembered how hastily I put my things inside it.  Whenever I get to my locker I’ll have to rearrange it for him.
However, I didn’t realize that during summer school, you don’t get a locker.  You just bring your bag right to class — in front of about a dozen people.  I had no choice but to leave him there.  Class went by agonizingly slowly knowing there was someone else hidden right beside me in my backpack.  When lunch came and I headed to the cafeteria, I pretended I’d forgotten something and went back — secretly hoping to check up on the survivor.  But of course teachers just have to eat in their room.  Defeated, I trudged back down the hall to get lunch.  At least I could bring Mason something to eat whenever I returned.
Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea bringing him with me.  His presence was only making me more anxious.  Thankfully, I managed to wrap up some of the school’s meatloaf — which was really just random meats stuffed suspiciously together — and returned to class.  It would probably leave a huge mess in my bag, but at least my secret friend would have something to eat.
Actually, he might not even have that.  Mason was gone.  The zipper to my bag was open wide when I arrived.  I cursed under my breath, carefully rummaging through everything in my backpack.  The only sign of him was a partially-eaten bagel and the little empty place he’d constructed for himself.  Desperately, I wanted to call out to him, but I could only sit quietly at my desk, glancing accusedly at the people around me.  Did someone steal him?  Who would’ve gone through my stuff to find him?!
I dreaded it the whole time, but as the end of the school day arrived and the bell rang, I sat at my seat and attentively watched everyone’s bags and hoodies to see if anything could hint at a survivor stashed away inside.  Once I became the last in the classroom, I began peering around the floor.  “Ritchie, is there something you need help with?”  I jumped as the teacher eyed me confusedly from across the room.  “I- I think I lost something,” I said numbly, “but I can’t find it.”  She let me stay for a bit longer, but eventually even she had to leave, and I was left standing alone in the school.
By then my bus had long left.  I was stranded, but not so much as Mason might be, so I kept searching.  “Mason!” I whisper-yelled through the empty halls, “Where are you?!”  My phone started ringing, making me jump as I slunk around.  I glanced at the caller ID and paled.  It was my sister.  My mother was still at work, but my sister was at home, waiting to see whether I’d come back from school.  “Shit!  I can’t let her know about Mason!  She won’t let him stay with me if she finds out I lost him on the first day!”  
Up ahead, I heard the sounds of a custodian in the next hall and quieted my voice.  I peeked out from the corner, planning to make a quick dash past the hallway’s opening while he wasn’t looking.  He seemed distracted enough, so I angled myself to make a run for it, but froze as a shout echoed down the hall, followed by a loud slam.  A survivor scrambled to their feet and ran for the end of the hallway, followed by the custodian with an empty bucket.  I watched in horror as Mason was roughly scooped up into it.  
With a huff, they walked around to the end of the hallway, and tossed the bucket’s contents outside.  Oh thank god, he’s just letting him out.  I raced away down a different hallway and out the side door.  My side ached by the time I got to the door where Mason had been tossed out of.  He was there!  He was.. helping someone up?  I stopped in my tracks.  Mason helped another survivor to their feet.  This new survivor was the first to spot me watching them, and upon realizing I was there, he started screaming — dashing away into a nearby bush and tugging Mason along.
“Wait!  Mason!” I yelped, rushing forward.  The survivor skidded to a halt, letting the other continue hiding.  “Ritchie!”  I fell to my knees at the sound of the relief in his voice.  He ran up to me, scrambling up my bent legs like a ramp before hugging my chest tightly.  In that way, I could feel both of our heartbeats pounding in our chests.  We sat together like that for a while before my phone rang again, startling us both.  Mason stood practically glued to my side as I hesitantly picked up the call.  
“WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU, RITCHIE?!  I KNOW YOU TOOK MASON BECAUSE HE’S DEFINITELY NOT HERE!”  Oh.  “YOU BETTER NOT HAVE GOTTEN HIM KILLED!”  “N-No!  He’s fine!  He’s right here!  He wanted to come to school with me!”  “He wanted to, or you wanted him to?” she asked.  “He wanted to!  You can ask him yourself!”  “Mhm,” she grumbled disbelievingly.
“Anyway, can you come pick me up?  I’m still at school; I missed the bus.”  A groan rumbled out of the speaker.  “Alright, I’m coming.”  The call ended.  I breathed a sigh of relief and glanced back down at my survivor friend.  “What happened?” I asked Mason, opening my bag and pointing to the empty spot where he’d sat earlier.  “Where did you go?”  “I was taht yug!” he told me, pointing to the bush where the other survivor was hidden. “Eh saw gnilaets sgniht morf eht moorssalc eht tnemom eht rehcaet deppets yawa, os I-”
Mason stopped, recognizing the growing confusion in my eyes.  I didn’t understand him.  If only I could just, like, watch a video or something and understand his language.  He sighed, also clearly wanting me to understand him as well.  Never in my life have I wanted to actually learn something language-related until now.  It’s.. kinda the reason I’m in summer school in the first place.
Stepping a little ways in front of me, the survivor motioned for me to follow him.  We made our way back to the bushes in the exact opposite way as the day I found him — with him in the lead and me cautiously following.  When I neared the bush, the other survivor whimpered something to Mason.  I could see him cowering deeper and further away from me.  Mason briefly began to speak, then his eyes lit up with an idea.  He raced over to the dirt, broke a small stick off the bush, and began to draw.  
When he was finished, I slowly peered down at it.  The drawing showed a sad little stick figure behind the bars of a cage, then Mason pointed at the other survivor.  “Ohhh,” I realized, him nodding along with me.  “Eh saw dnuof yb a tnaig dik,” he explained, drawing a larger stick figure with a mean face standing beside it.  “Adnik ekil woh uoy dnuof em, tub eht tnaig ohw dnuof mih saw.. a tol esrow.”
I watched as he gently coaxed the other survivor to come out.  He stepped up to the very edge of the bush, but stayed beneath it.  The little guy looked awful — much more like the wild survivors I’d seen before I met Mason.  His eyes were bloodshot and rimmed with purpled bags beneath them, and everywhere on him were the telltale signs of either bruises or starvation.  He looked older than us, but I couldn't tell if he was actually older, or if his awful tortured state made him look that way.  It was probably both.
“Wh- Who would do this?” I asked quietly.  Mason rubbed away parts drawing to show the survivor escaping a backpack.  He’d been living in the school since his escape.  But today was the first day of summer school.  He would’ve had to have just escaped today!
Shocked, I looked to Mason as he stopped drawing.  His expression darkened for a moment, then he turned and looked up at me — not with an accusing ‘you might’ve done this to me, too’, but a thankful ‘you might’ve done this to me, too’, only I hadn’t.  I’d hurt him by frightening him, but I’d never intended to do anything that would make him look like this new survivor.
With a shaking hand he reached for me, leaning more heavily on his good leg.  I gently took his hand and sat him in my other palm.  The new survivor physically flinched at our interaction, as if I were touching him instead.  I brought Mason to my face and scrutinized him for a moment.  “Are you.. thgirla?” I asked, remembering only one of the words I meant to ask him.  He pressed a bit closer to my hand, but nodded.  If I was so horrified by seeing the poor state of the new survivor that I’d previously grown used to seeing, I could only imagine how Mason must’ve felt finding him — how he must’ve felt when the survivor told him that a ‘giant’ my age in my school had done that to him.
He squeezed my finger as if to say he knew I wouldn’t have done that sort of awful thing, then turned to the other survivor.  “Ees?  S’eh a yldneirf eno, I raews!  Eh nac teg su tuo fo ereh ot erehwemos efas!”  “Dna woh gnol evah uoy nwonk mih?”  He seemed to have said something either really smart or really scary because his reply quieted Mason for a moment.  
“I- I t’nevah nwonk mih gnol, tub I wonk s’eh doog!  Sih retsis-”  “Won s’ereht a retsis?”  “Ehs swonk ruo egaugnal!  S’ehs neeb sdneirf htiw a namuh rof sraey!  I t’ndid tsurt siht tnaig ta tsrif rehtie, tub ehs detalsnart rof em; eh sdnatsrednu.. emos sgniht tuoba su.  Eht tnatropmi sgniht!  Dna s’eh gnoig ot nrael erom!”
The two survivors almost sounded like they were arguing, but I think Mason was just trying to explain to the other guy that I wasn’t going to hurt him.  Damn, why did ‘I’m not going to hurt you’ have be part of today’s useful phrases to learn instead of yesterday’s?  After a back and forth that went on for several minutes.  Mason said something decisive.  Moments later, the new survivor begrudgingly slid out from beneath the bush.  
After some half-arguing, he approached me with his head down as if he were being marched to his doom.  I slowly lowered my other hand for him to climb onto.  Tucking Mason against my chest — which he didn’t seem to mind — I was able to keep a steady both hands on him to ensure he would have as comfortable a ride as possible.  Still, the survivor struggled slightly in my grasp — repositioning himself every few seconds while frightfully glancing back at me.
I made it to the pickup line where Julie’s car was already sitting.  A jolt of guilty fear zipped through my chest, but I braced myself for her yelling and headed over.  Sacrificing my hand that held the new survivor’s back, I opened the car door.  Julie was on the verge of yelling at me, but then she realized the survivor in my hands wasn’t Mason.  Then she realized I was carrying two survivors.
“Where did you-?”  “Mason found him in school.  He said that this guy was caged up by another kid.”  Julie gave the new survivor a pitying look — anger rapidly fading from her expression.  “By the state of him, I wouldn’t doubt it.  Come on, get in.”  I deposited both survivors onto the dashboard so I could get my backpack off and my seatbelt on before reaching out and picking them up again.  The new survivor struggled in my grip, but Mason slid down to happily sit on my lap.  He called up to the guy in my hands and his struggles slowly lessened.
“S’tahw ruoy eman?” Julie asked the survivor in his own language.  He turned to her, wide-eyed.  “T- Tahw?” he asked.  She repeated what she said, nodding to him.  “Ym eman.. si Sirhc.”  “Sirhc,” she repeated, “Ll’uoy eb efas htiw su, I esimorp.  Revetahw deneppah ot uoy erofeb, s’ti revo won.”  The survivor stilled in my hand, and stayed fairly quiet for the whole ride back, except for occasional questions he’d ask Mason or Julie.  Again I had that sense of not belonging.  Everyone in the car had either asked or answered questions throughout the drive, while I sat in silence — only able to guess at what was said.
Back at home, Julie took the new survivor off to the kitchen to get him something healthy to eat and drink.  On my way to my room with Mason, she asked me to tell Elenor what was going on.  I poked my head into the seemingly empty room across the hall from mine.  “Elenor?”  The survivor appeared from behind my sister’s bed.  “What is it?” she snapped.  “Julie wanted me to tell you that we found another survivor.  He was in my school escaping from a kid that had caught him.”  She sighed, said something under her breath in her own language, then nodded and waved a hand dismissively at me.
In my own room, I finally put Mason back down.  He stepped out of my hand to the surface of my desk.  I gave him a long look, then sat down tiredly, head resting on my crossed arms.  “I want to know what everyone’s saying,” I told him quietly, “But I barely know any words in your language, and I’m even worse at pronouncing them.”  Mason came and sat down directly in front of my arms, scrutinizing me with concern.  “English,” I tried, pointing to myself, “you?”  I pointed to Mason.  “Hsilgne,” he replied.  “Hs.. ill.. gn-e?” I repeated questioningly.  We spent a while repeating the word for his language back and forth, then Mason eagerly grabbed a pencil and tugged a piece of paper closer.  In his hands, both items looked massive.
He tried to write something, but kept fumbling with the pencil.  “Hold on,” I said, opening a drawer and digging through it.  “I put a pencil through a sharpener for a bit too long…  Aha!”  I pulled out a very used wooden pencil — the tip ground down all the way to the edge of the eraser.  It still looked thick around in Mason’s hands, but it was small enough that he could use it much easier.  Mason wrote down a word in his language, then pointed to the last letter.  Looking up at me, he nodded towards the larger pencil.  “You want me to write?” I asked, picking it up.  He nodded, made room next to his word on the paper, and pointed to its last letter again.
Confused, but intrigued, I wrote the letter he pointed to: ‘h’.  He went down the strange word, pointing to each letter from the end of the word to the beginning.  ‘h’, ‘e’, ‘l’, ‘l’, ‘o’.  Wait.. what?  I looked at the word I wrote then at the one he wrote in his language.  “Hello?” I tried.  “Olleh!” Mason replied happily, pointing to the papers.  “Wow!  Ronele t’nsaw gniyl; ti yllaer si sdrawkcab,” he mused to himself.
Excitedly, I wrote a word in my language, then pointed to the last letter.  Mason immediately got to work copying it down.  Soon we began learning how to properly talk to one another without having to mime everything.  Through the paper, he told me what had happened without me at school while I occasionally repeated larger or important words I wanted to commit to memory.  I learned that Mason had heard the new survivor — his name was Chris — trying to gather some supplies from the room to try to hole up in the school for a while.  He’d escaped whatever awful kid had taken him by breaking out of the plastic lunchbox they’d kept him in — continuing to kick the latch until the cheap plastic snapped open.  
When Mason climbed out of my bag and made his way over to him, Chris had thought he was also escaping.  However, after learning that he’d befriended a ‘giant’, Chris had begged Mason so vehemently to run away, and tried to convince him that he wasn’t safe, that the teacher in the room nearly found them and they both had to run and hide outside the classroom.  From there, Mason had to chase down the other survivor to try to convince him to come with me.  
Of course, they both ended up getting lost.  After the last bell had rung, Mason feared that I’d left him behind.  He’d begun to have second thoughts about chasing Chris when the custodian found them both and kicked them out.  I knew the rest of the story from there.  “Era uoy thgirla?” I asked him after he’d finished relaying what happened.  I’d asked him that before, but I wanted to flaunt my knowledge of his language a bit.  Mason nodded happily, flopping down on my crossed forearms.  
“Haey, m’I tsuj dalg I tog tuo fo ereht dna kcab ot uoy wohemos.  I saw gnitrats ot daerd taht d’I eb gnivil ni eht sehsub niaga…” Despite my efforts to learn, I still couldn’t quite decipher full verbal sentences yet.  Instead, I tried to cheer him up by laying my head back down over my arms, jokingly resting it on top of him.  He laughed loudly, shoving at my chin.  “Yeh!  Pleh! M’I gnieb dehsums!” he yelped.  
The rest of the day passed more easily.  I grudgingly did homework, then went to check up on the other survivor before I got ready for bed.  He’d decided to stay with Julie, which.. fair.  She can actually understand and speak their language.  Apparently, he had a colony of people that he’d been taken from that he wanted to get back to.  Julie had promised him she’d take him early the next day after a safe night’s rest, and ONLY if he agreed to take armfuls of supplies with him to his camp.
Laying down roughly in bed, I snickered as I watched Mason get launched a good five inches into the air.  I didn’t realize it would do that to him until a split second before I hit the mattress.  He shook himself off eagerly and pointed at my Switch laying beside my bed.  I shook my head “Worromot.  I ev- ah ot peels.”  Mason gave me a slightly disappointed look, but nodded, understanding I’d have to get up early again tomorrow.  By the time I was finished getting ready for the following day, Mason was tucked away in his tiny bed, fast asleep.
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