#breking bad
nymexyl · 5 months
draw walter white as a lamp
Anonymous won't save you.
I know who you are.
(Added in drug references for all those hardcore fans💪💪💪)
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rainbowchaox · 5 months
I feel like Phil and Missa could possibly be an audio parody of the owl house (Eda and Raine but on the contrary that audio with them)
"The thing is.."
"I'm tired of having to get on a chair to kiss you.. "
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mail-forwarding · 1 year
I am so unwell about Nightglows MC (and also just MC in general). Gets told that Duo's grand plan hinges on them sacrificing themself, and accepts it without any complaints. "I understand what's needed of me. I trust your decision, Commander." Only objection is that they don't want to put this burden on Duo's shoulders. "You're still just a kid." Is asked to keep that entire convo a secret, and then obediently doesn't mention a word to anyone else, not even Lil Sal. Throughout the remaining days left till the final battle, talks about dreams and plans for after the war, laughing and enjoying the presence of others, despite knowing what Duo's planned.
Sees enemy Cthugha, still lost in the Nightgaunts, and senses his suffering from so far away. Realises immediately that he's not just a shadowbugger, he's a person. All that before they've even met Cthugha. And when told to disregard that by Breke, immediately puts themself on the same level as shadowbuggers. "Wouldn't you consider me an unknown too? Don't I also possess a dangerous power?"
Gets dream-napped by Nodens/Nuada/Nightgaunts and empathises with him. "You're trapped in this weird place?" "Are you suffering?" Disobeys Bertro's command to retreat just to have a chance to talk to Nodens and better understand him.
Promises Duo to keep his plan's sacrifice secret. Promises to help Lil Sal find out about his past and his creator. Promises to find Breke again. Has kept each of these promises, through different lives if necessary. They're so bad at lying and so bad at coming up with excuses, but they always keep their promises.
"Still, you laugh together and enjoy each other's company. It's the best you can do with the time you have left."
"Win or lose, times like these are fleeting, and should be enjoyed for all they're worth. Because either way, this will end."
Their last words before the final mission starts: "I'm so glad I met you (Cthugha)." Their last words before the loop resets: "Thank you. I love you all."
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kairunatic · 1 year
Too bad I wanted Breke lol
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applepikmin · 10 months
breking bad remix from memory LET'S GO
bom bom bom bom bom eh bom bom bom bom bom bom bom eh bom bom bom bom bom bom bom eh bom bom bom bom bom bom bom AAAAAA my daddy an my mommy and my daddy and my mommmy d-daddy and my momy and my SOP yeah! jeessie piknman in the house bambambambambambam bam badababadababadaba da ba baa a ba ab bitch bitch you bitch i made you my bitch YEAH BITCH JESSIE bitch. i am babada badaba babada the danger babda badabeada i am babadadsababada the one who knocks say my name mista white? youre god damn right. hank say my name willy wanka? what? walta white? youre god damn right pof pof pof. pof pof pof pof. heheheheheh pop heheheh pop hehehe pop. pof pof pof. pof pof pof pof
thats all i can r
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thunderandclouds · 1 year
Jiang Cheng Yilling patriarch
What if Jiang Cheng will see the future, while study in Gusu. Firstly he doesn't paid attention to it and thought it was only dreams, but with a little time he understood that it was more than a silly dreams. Things happening exactly like in his dreams, made him believe that it was visions of the future. With realization came anger and frustration how things worked out in the future and he decides to change it.
He understands even knowing the future can't help them to win a war against Wen clan. Even if hr tried to warn others no one would believed him and he understood that they needed black cultivator to win a war. But he didn't want Wei Ying to go through that path again and decides to became Yiling patriarch himself. From his future memories he learns that he was figthing demon cultivators and you can't fight anything if you can't understand its powers. He discovers that he knew pretty much about the demon cutivation and starts ro train it secretly from anyone, slowly preparing for a war. Also he started to paing attention to people around him and comparing them to their future selfs. How much war and time changes all of them. In his visions he saw how rough the future was with Lan Xichen and how it broke this perfect man. Jiang Cheng promised himself, that he would never let Meng Yao stain the first jade with his lies and betreyal.
(In few fics I have read that Jiang Cheng was the best curse breaker and I like that idea)
After Wei Wuxian was sent back in Lotus Pier, Jiang Cheng continiues practicing devil cultivation more intensively. He understands how this cultivation affects mind and he is searching the ways to cultivate it the safest way possible. He is doing research about it in Gusu library and occasionally came across with Lan Xichen and they have small sweet talks. After every this meeting Jiang Xhengs dedication grows stronger to save Xichen-ge from his future. The information he can get from the library is not enough he needs to get in restricted sections. From his visions he remembers that soon in cloud recesses Lan Xichen will return with one of their sect member cursed during night hunt. No one will break that curse and he will die. In about 2-3 weeks it happens as Jiang Cheng predicted and he is determined to make a deal with Xichen-ge.
Once elders and healers done everything they could to save this members life, but could not lift the curse, Jiang Cheng gets to the Lan Xichen and tells him that he knows about the cursed member and he knows how to save his life, but Xichen shouldn't ask any question how he knows it and shouldn't tell anyone about it. Lan huan trusts him and at night brings him to the cursed person. Jiang Cheng lifts the curse. After this event he tells Xichen that he practices this curse breaking in secret from everyone and he don't want to someone know unless he perfects it and asks it to be their little secret. And about the cursed member he overheard some disciples takling about it. Soon after he asks Lan Xichen if he can grant him premission to enter restricted section, so he could make more research on his curse breking technique( at some point it was not a lie,cause he planned to research in that direction also).
Lan Xichen notices that something is going on with Jiang Cheng. He feels like the boy get 30 years older overnight. He has been observing the boys, from the moment he noticed his brother's interest in Wei In. He noticed that Jiang Cheng was hot tempered, not like he was a bad person, but this trait of his worked no good for him and most of the people didn't notice how hardworking he was. They only saw his anger and rage, mostly overlook how passionate he was and how deeply loving. Despite having all this traits the boy recently felt somehow mature. He noticed that recently Wanyin would get lost in his thoughts so much, that even Wei ins teasing didn't rile him up. Sometimes he noticed this sad expression on his face, almost like he was feeling guilty. Sometimes he has so determined expression, like he was going to carry all worlds weight on his shoulders. This sudden change of a young man make curious. The last drop was Jiang Cheng's ability of breaking the curse. He was looking at him long enough to notice, when he was lying and when Jiang Cheng was explaining to him how he knew about the cursed member, the boy was lying. This incident heat up his interest about the situation. He wanted to know the truth behind it, but was too polite to ask and confront him directly without having evidence. This was a main reason he granted a permission to the boy to enter the restricted section.
After this incident two of them starts somehow getting closer. They meet each other in the library quite often and
P.S. Right now this is the all I can write. English is not my native language and it is little tiring to getting thoughts together. 😅😅
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bpd-shuichi-togo · 2 years
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this is suuuuch a fun question yippee
toji: his entire piglet era was pretty repugnant, but he hurt himself with that first and foremost and he's in recovery now love and light
shuichi: taking advantage of/facilitating the spread of the app, which endangered literally all of tokyo and enabled the machinations of the very people who put him and all the other clones through hell, but also was inevitable so like 🤍 vriska moment + i don't think he should be judged that harshly for it. he's DEFINITELY killed someone though, almost certainly more than one person. also considering he fights with a non-app weapon, he's like, 100% severely injuring other players on a fairly regular basis but 🤍 he's allowed to do that. he gets both a girlboss pass and a 'loves his baby brother' pass, in addition to the neurodivergent and a minor card, which adds up to him being a perfect blameless darling actually 🤍. also outing claude to babs' would have been pretty fucked up if she didn't literally deserve it
duo: holy SHIT. what he puts shuichi through in faking his kidnapping through chapters 7/8, then The Confrontation & staged abandonment in 8, and then by chapter 9 exposing him as a clone to CLAUDE of all people. just like, the way he treats shuichi in the main story (and likely other loops as well if the yog dungeon loop is any indication), very deliberately manipulating his emotions, is... disturbing. all to maneuver him into actions THAT SHUICHI GLADLY WOULD HAVE DONE IF HE'D JUST ASKED. like, you examine it and you can understand where he's coming from! but the fact that he genuinely loves his brother & Does All That to Help and doesn't seem to be acting out of resentment for him at all just makes it more disturbing imo, even if it does arguably make it slightly less Morally fucked intentions-wise. like there's something about a patronizing sort of callousness, especially to that extreme, that's just like Worse to me than a callousness borne from plain old resentment. (you have to wonder who he's even modeling this behaviour from 😶). but then you think about the Genius role he's trying to emulate, and why he's trying to emulate that role and it's like... what other way was there for this to unfold lol. cainbaiting aside, there's also his tendency to set off Exceptions in populated areas, which i think would literally be a war crime, but he gets a baby pass for that one 💛. (ADDING THIS AS I WRITE BABS' SECTION) hey actually how much of what went down in chapter 8 did duo deliberately engineer
cullen: creating life frankenstein-wise alongside bertro & aisaac i GUESS 🙄. f to breke or w/e but she was literally playing house with her brothers, baby pass 💙. also she wasn't especially nice to him i GUESS, but like... from WHOM exactly is she supposed to learn the value of life lol? let alone treating the life you create with the consideration it deserves? it's obvious where she's modeling that behaviour from! baby pass, and if you say anything bad about her i kill you in real life 💙
bertro: having a frankenstein moment as well 🙄. also dropping the moon on tokyo in an attempt to permanently kill literally everyone, but like. it's quite likely memphis tennesse manipulated him into doing that, and even if not you LITERALLY cannot blame him.
avi/aisaac: frankenstein again, but aside from that. complicated question. at the very end of chapter moon, it was set up that aisaac has been like... enforcing the facility's continued control over the other Geniuses, but to my understanding, that was dropped in his debut chapter. it's still true in my heart though. but another thing that's true in my heart is that the aisaac that would have acted as the facility's enforcer isn't the same ai that the original isaac (avi) created. aside from that, he seems to have like... SERIOUSLY fucked some people up mentally? tenuous baby pass until further notice
arc: straight up war crimes! but their mom asked them to really niceys and they feel reallyyyy bad about it sooooo.... they still are willing to literally torture people outside of those circumstances but it's REALLY funny. to me. the neurodivergent and a minor card does not excuse them being catholic however :/
babalon: another holy SHIT, in much the same vein as duo's. the sheer destruction wrought on the walled-in wards aside, bc it's not clear how much of that the finishers were directly responsible for & moreover because it was inevitable/deliberately engineered by the people actually holding the cards. 😬 (edits duo's section). and also because she was right! but her manipulation of the protag and especially arc, who she had to have known wouldn't be able to bear being responsible for the destruction she was planning in addition to the destruction she had outright asked them to cause- the fact that she manipulates them for that reason, specifically to absolve them of responsibility. going so far as sacrifice azathoth- one of her other children, more helpless than either arc or the protag- specifically to unbalance them. the scene where she STABS HERSELF ON BOUNDLESS TAIL... if the protag were an actual character that probably would have been one of the MOST traumatizing things to happen to them. babs was the MOST impactful antag in the game to me, and she was horrifying as she was sympathetic. very interesting compare/contrast to duo now that i think about it.
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crying-fantasies · 2 years
Spirit Attachment
Status: Ongoing
Synopsis: Somthing lurks in the dark, its around you in your worst moments, laughing at your expense, feeding off your inner turmoil, and when you reach a breking point that thing is showing his wicked smile at you.
Warnings: A lot of cursing, bad feeling, self depricating, angst, eventual fluff (i guess?)
Losing it
Hueco Mundo pt.1
Hueco Mundo pt.2
Don`t you dare
Of magic and screams
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cinnabarlab · 1 year
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mothanaalshmali · 4 years
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cappincooks · 2 years
𝗺𝗶𝗱𝗻𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝘀𝗻𝗮𝗰𝗸.
pairing: jesse pinkman x gender-neutral reader
type: fluff
overview: you were woken up by jesse forgetting to stop the microwave timer before it goes off at 2 am.
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you felt shifting from across the bed you shared with jesse. it felt like he was careful and intentionally being gentle to not wake you up. though this wasn't different from any other night. he usually gets up in the middle of the night to take a leak, so you drift back to sleep.
"ah shit shit shit shit, fuck-"
you hear jesse screaming in lowercase letters from the kitchen, it was filled with the sound of your microwave beeping. shifting your heavy eyes from the ceiling, you check the time on your bedside clock: 2:03 am.
sighing, you decided to sit yourself up on your bed and checked up on him. "...jess?"
"uh yeah yeah, sorry. i forgot to turn the damn thing off in time." you hear him pushing some buttons. "i got hungry. wanna eat with me?"
you were dozing off while he was explaining the commotion, to your defense you did get woken up abruptly a few hours earlier than you were supposed to.
hearing only silence, jesse poked his head in your bedroom and saw you were sleeping. he quietly approached your side and covered you in your blanket, which woke you up.
"huh? oh yeah, i could join you. sorry i dozed off, just tired is all."
"nah, you could sleep in if you want to." he tenderly touched your cheek. his eyes were piercing enough to make you feel giddy like you were finally talking to your high school crush, but soft enough to let you know everything would be okay.
you put your hand on top of his, which was resting on your cheek. "it's fine, i kinda got hungry too." you kiss his hand before you stood up from the bed to enter the dimly lit kitchen.
"what'd you make anyway?"
"uhh, poptarts."
"didn't grab your good 'ol funyuns?" you looked back in his direction, quietly giggling.
"oh i would if i could yo, but we ran out of those a few days ago, like zero. but i could make you eggs if you want?" you could hear jesse's quiet footsteps from behind you.
"my boyfriend? cooking? in what world?" you giggled as you leaned on his kitchen island as you fixate your sight on him approaching you with a smirk.
there was no light turned on in the kitchen, just the natural light coming from the moon slithering in through his window blinds was shining on his face. it was enough for you to adore him.
as he was approaching you, his eyes never left yours. his arms found their way to your waist like it was second nature to him already. you do the same thing to him, hopefully, you make him feel loved as he does with you.
"i can cook." his voice raspy, he smirks. his face inches away from yours, he playfully rubs his nose against your own.
"mhm. sure you can." you sleepily replied.
"yeah i can. if it's for you, i can do anything."
you felt a ticklish feeling in your stomach. you were always like this whenever you were with jesse. he just makes you feel amazing, special, loved. you don't know how he does it.
you figured jesse wouldn't notice your overly blushing face in the dark, but he apparently did.
"cute." he remarks.
you rub his cheek, "what is?"
"you're blushing." he chuckles.
"shut up pinkman." you gently pushed him away as you laughed, embarrassed.
he smoothly picks himself up from your push and picked up a pan. hopefully it was clean? both of you hate doing the dishes.
"pinkman," he stopped in his tracks, fixating on the frying pan. "it suits you." he says nonchalantly while grabbing some eggs from the fridge.
you were an even bigger blushing mess now. what did he mean by that? like, did he mean marrying you? or was it something random?
he looks over his shoulder, chuckling when he noticed you were silent. "relax, babe. your face was just really pink earlier so. pinkman. get it?"
"oh," you laughed the embarrassment off.
"one day though." he winks at you as he started frying up some eggs.
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gotta shower but also gotta finish these projects once and for all bc my last day of school is in fact thursday and i don't feel like being a disappointment to my english teacher :(
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christopher-bryant · 5 years
i knew i had a thing for evil ladies when blackfire showed up in teen titans and before that it was watching sleeping beauty and seeing maleficent turn into a dragon? my little ass was in love
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arsonchaoschild · 2 years
i swear i'll get into eurovision just to get a song actually sung in czech in there
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with-each-sunset · 7 years
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OCtober 2: antagonist with a bit of goretober ‘scars’ mixed it.
his name is Daxtor and he’s the only known person in his world to not have a magic power. he relentlessly hunts down the protagonists and, due to permanent tissue damage, is unable to speak in anything except a hoarse, horror-game whisper. making him sort of the main monster in a survival horror game. ah.
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crying-fantasies · 2 years
I´m new in this website, at least in the writting department, bear with me while I get to know this website, the english language, and getting myself into diferent fandoms and drown myself (and you) in a lot of angst.
Different Kinds of Love Series (Multifandom)
Young justice
Happy End (Super Boy/Conner Kent)
Status: Ongoing
Synopsis: Such a thing as a happy end or a happy ever after are not something real for everyone, maybe there is no way to be totally happy, but you could try, maybe he can try, but what happens when your end is anything but happy?
Warnings: Character´s death, bad thoughts, selfhate (mild), angst, unrequited feelings, NFSW (eventually), swearing, blood.
Marbled Love (MermanKoi!Todoroki Shouto)
Status: One shot (Ongoing?)
Synopsis: In a future where mythology monsters are now seeing as something normal in society you go to Japan in a trip that presents you a young merman that without many explanations just decided that you were the one worthy of a shiny white rock and a bunch of algae.
Warnings: Monsterfucking, smut with plot, quirk less!AU, merman and my own concept of merman biology, age gap, virginity lost, gore (very little), temperature play, body temperature change, implied pregnancy, nesting, use of the pill, no protection, reader and Shouto have a long way to go but maybe I would continue this with short drabbles.
JJBA Masterlist
Transformers (IDW/MTMTE/G1/LL)
Spirit Attachment (Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez)
Status: Ongoing
Synopsis: Somthing lurks in the dark, its around you in your worst moments, laughing at your expense, feeding off your inner turmoil, and when you reach a breking point that thing is showing his wicked smile at you.
Warnings: A lot of cursing, bad feeling, self depricating, angst, eventual fluff (i guess?)
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