#briar as belle
thatpunkmaximoff · 8 months
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Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 0 out of 5
I’m sorry, but where is the hype for this book, people? Did it have some spelling/grammar mistakes? Yes. Did it distract from the story? Absolutely NOT.
When I tell you I am obsessed with these characters, I mean it. I started this book yesterday evening (10.8) and finished it this afternoon (10.9).
The author pulled me in with the promises of a dark retelling of a childhood fairytale favorite, and I was sucked further in with the detailing and story. Briar and Casimir have my heart right now, y’all.
There’s heartbreak and joy and laughter… and I really wish there’d been a Beauty and the Beast film made from this book. It’s everything an adult would love.
Now here are my rambling thoughts…
* Dagan’s a dick. I can’t wait until he gets his ass kicked.
* Papa Hart also seems dick-ish. Where’d our lovable papa go 😂
* Fuck you, Dagan! Papa Hart did NOT say yes to your proposal for his daughter’s hand.
* Dagan is a slimy bastard, using papa Hart’s disappearance as an excuse to get close to Briar. Open your eyes, B!
* You stupid girl! Why would you agree to marry him?! This sincerity is all just a farce!
* Oh hell. He commented on her weight? Nope. Walk out. Dump his ass.
* I knew Dagan was still a dick! Wtf did he do that he had a bloody knife?
* Please tell me that Papa Hart is merely injured and that they didn’t kill him 😔
* Runaway bride! Thank god.
* They fucking stabbed Papa Hart!? And “the beast” possibly saved him…?
* She made it to the castle 😏
* Aww. She met a pixie from the Fae realm and just accepted the dinner invite from their “master” 🤗
* Casimir might be the beast in this story, but he doesn’t seem so beastly. I’m already in love 😂
* She saw him change! Omg. I feel for both of them.
* “Until my pain you share, shall this curse you bear.” — Nooooo. I already know what has to happen and I DONT WANT IT!
* Awww. She hurt Casimir’s feelings by leaving in the middle of the night. Thankfully he found her in time. I forgot all about the wolf attack.
* They’re so fucking cute.
* Oh no. Her father did die 😔 and Casimir had him buried the others from the castle.
* No! Dagan found her. Fuck this dude. Someone throw him into a river!
* I just want Briar and Casimir to reunite already.
* “Until my pain you share, shall this curse you bear! Screams of fear are all you will hear. Forever alone you shall be, until you find the one who can truly set you free.”
* Home. She’s home!
* Did he really fucking kill her!?!?
* Serves Dagan right. I’m so glad his head was torn from his body.
* The Fae King brought her back 😭 She broke the curse 😭 Oh my god… my babies are safe 😭😭😭😭
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super-oddity · 2 years
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Disney princesses, 1950-2023
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Disney Loves Come to Life
Aurora & Philip
"But if I know you, I know what you'll do, You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream."
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Cinderella & Prince Charming
"So this is love, So this is what makes life divine, I'm all aglow, mmm, And now I know, The key to all heaven is mine."
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Belle & the Beast
"Certain as the sun, Rising in the east, Tale as old as time, Song as old as rhyme, Beauty and the Beast."
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Jasmine & Aladdin
"A whole new world, That's where we'll be, A thrilling chase (a wondrous place), For you and me."
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Ariel & Eric
“I don't know when, I don't know how, But I know something's starting right now, Watch and you'll see, Some day I'll be, Part of your world.”
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adventurelandia · 11 months
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Disney Outfit Swaps by MirRoriel
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artbysarf · 1 year
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Disney Animated Ladies as Monster High (pt 1/4)
(pt 1,2,3,4)
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stardrawsrmblogs · 8 months
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Look at these cuties in this short, who else do yall want to see?😊💗
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hydn-jpg · 1 year
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i just read kindred and uhhhh ms bell huh
bonus doodles of gus and my mc briar but mostly gus bc cats are <3 :
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vivi-designs · 2 years
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Faybelle deciding not to be the next dark fairy since briar doesn’t want to be the best sleeping beauty. (That’s my hc of faybelles mom)
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lauri-rosehearts · 1 year
“Whos your favorite character?”
The Pink one…
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tarnishedinquirer · 2 months
Bell-Bearing Hunter (Stormhill)
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Heading east again, I passed by Bernahl's shack and decided to check his wares again. I sat at the Grace for but a moment, but when I stood up, he was gone. Intrigued, I went to investigate.
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I was suddenly attacked by a towering figure in thorn-wrapped armor. He appeared out of motes of red and a red glow suffused his entire body, just like an aggressive spirit jellyfish or the handful of times I've been invaded by hostile Tarnished. If the red glow wasn't enough, his body language was all I needed to know: This man was a killer, and I was his target now.
He moved slowly and deliberately, as if each motion cost him something. An asthmatic rasp echoed from within his helmet... was it hollow?
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A predator hat moves slow doesn't need to move fast, and I quickly found out why. His massive sword was enchanted to dance through the air, leaving lurid red streaks in the darkness. I could hear the air hum as if the sword was burning it and I smelled lightning tainted with brimstone. My ability to maintain distance didn't matter half as much against someone who could cut me in half at range.
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I quickly learned that he did in fact have limits, and that I was capable of attacking from beyond them. Or within them, when I lunged in with my sword. Once I figured this out, it was only a matter of endurance. I had to outlast him, avoid getting trapped by trees or the cabin, and gradually wear him down until at last he dropped to a knee and vanished. I would've thought it a dream, were it not for the shiny bell bearing he dropped on the ground.
Concerned about Bernahl, I looked back to find him right back where he typically stood, just as confused by my sudden appearance as I was his. Clearly, there was unfamiliar magic at work here. Perhaps it was akin to an Evergaol, only inside out and backwards, trapping the target in an empty world while you invade them? I'll have to pay more attention if I run into this guy again.
Bell bearing of an unfortunate bone peddler who was slain by the Bell Bearing Hunter.
So that's how merchants around here store their wares. A bell, much like the spirit caller bell, and they use individually attuned clappers/bearings to access it. Sound as a key. I use a method not dissimilar, though I use a series of one-handed claps to store my equipment as spirit. I can see the advantages of a bell...sometimes it takes a few tries to get the sequence right.
This man, the Bell-Bearing Hunter, is hunting merchants to take their wares. He must've come for Bernahl and I got caught instead. Lucky me.
If the Hunter is projecting himself, where is he?
Why hunt merchants? Bones don't seem particularly valuable.
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sanaez214 · 1 year
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Elden Ring fan art. The weapon we never use, never have.
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polls-time-bb · 7 months
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twyz · 3 months
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she's my pathetic lil creature. I love her
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aria-ashryver · 4 months
Hey sweets! Any hc’s you can share of Briar and Kaine? 🤭
I absolutely adored seeing your mc edits!! A talented writer, editor and overall wonderful person? You truly know no limits ❤️
aahh thank you so much sunshine!! that's so kind of you to say! 🌻💛lemme slap Briar and Kaine down here so I can look at them while I wrangle my HCs
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Briar's defining traits in the early chapters of Kindred is that she is hotheaded and deeeeply mistrustful and suspicious (which made all of the Kaine reveals super fun lol, the whole time, Briar was like "I KNEW IT!!!" 🤬😤😤🔪🚨🙅‍♀️)
But they both recognise the importance of her position as the Anchor in the Windhollow coven, and are working on a few things together, namely:
communication and trust
making each member of the coven feel welcomed and valued
This has landed Kaine in the entirely foreign situation of Playing Happy Families with the Windhollow girls. She knows how important it is to Briar that Maggie and Saf feel welcomed and valued, so there is so much smushy, sappy, gross bonding going on all the time... and Kaine freaking loves it.
Oh, she complains. She says the whole thing is pathetic and disgusting, and she used to be the Mistress of Desire and now she's in the kitchen making Yo Po Mian because she just learned how to make hand pulled noodles from scratch and what a freaking downgrade this is, right? But she's elated the entire time.
It is such a blessing to fall into these simple, domestic routines with the love of her life. It's something Kaine never in a million years thought she'd have, and something she'll protect with every fibre of her being.
Kaine finds she really enjoys cooking. It was something Briar suggested as an easy way to re-establish a link to her past self and the loved ones she lost -- find a few traditional recipes from her hometown in Sichuan province in China and learn to make them from scratch. Then, between the recipes, and helping Penny dry and prepare herbs at the Apothecary for use in potions, Kaine found she loved doing things by hand and wanted to lean in further to traditional food storage and prep methods. So she goes full "make everything by hand" mode -- drying tea leaves, harvesting fruit from their little orchard for wine, fermenting vegetables in water-sealed urns to use in her cooking, grinding spices and drying meats herself. It's all pretty labour intensive, but she finds it extremely therapeutic. Also, like, the world isn't on fire and she actually has time to do that now?
And oh boy, do they have time.
One of Briar's guilty pleasures is "practicing her time magic" every morning when they wake up, purely so she can steal an extra ten minutes snuggled up in bed next to Kaine. She loves resting her head on Kaine's chest, listening to her hard-won, human heartbeat. She'll whisper a very quiet "Good morning, Fang Ziyi", and delight in the tiny smile that crosses Kaine's face before she can hide it.
They don't talk during these little stolen moments. They just hold each other close. Watch each other sometimes, enjoying how peaceful the other ones looks in the light of morning. Kaine loves to run her knuckles along Briar's cheekbone, knowing that, without fail, Briar will turn her head to press a kiss to the back of her hand. She's still getting used to such softness being directed at her. And it keeps melting her heart, year after year.
Oh, and they become dog moms. Kaine adopts a Rottweiler. Gus is far from pleased.
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ouadisneyblog · 1 year
Cinderella, in the verge of a stress-cleaning episode: Pocahontas could kill me and I would thank her.
Moana, laying facedown on the floor: Same. Ariel giggled and I apologized.
Belle, collapsed on the couch: Rose texted me I was a good friend and I wrote her a love poem.
Raya: *chuckles* Amateurs...
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littlemoondance · 1 year
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Decided to keep this going with my grouping together my fanart drawings by the color of their clothes. So here’s my blue collage.
You can see my red wearing characters collage here
And I have all of these drawings in my society6 as well.
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