#casimir as beast
thatpunkmaximoff · 1 year
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Story: 4 out of 5 Smut: 0 out of 5
I’m sorry, but where is the hype for this book, people? Did it have some spelling/grammar mistakes? Yes. Did it distract from the story? Absolutely NOT.
When I tell you I am obsessed with these characters, I mean it. I started this book yesterday evening (10.8) and finished it this afternoon (10.9).
The author pulled me in with the promises of a dark retelling of a childhood fairytale favorite, and I was sucked further in with the detailing and story. Briar and Casimir have my heart right now, y’all.
There’s heartbreak and joy and laughter… and I really wish there’d been a Beauty and the Beast film made from this book. It’s everything an adult would love.
Now here are my rambling thoughts…
* Dagan’s a dick. I can’t wait until he gets his ass kicked.
* Papa Hart also seems dick-ish. Where’d our lovable papa go 😂
* Fuck you, Dagan! Papa Hart did NOT say yes to your proposal for his daughter’s hand.
* Dagan is a slimy bastard, using papa Hart’s disappearance as an excuse to get close to Briar. Open your eyes, B!
* You stupid girl! Why would you agree to marry him?! This sincerity is all just a farce!
* Oh hell. He commented on her weight? Nope. Walk out. Dump his ass.
* I knew Dagan was still a dick! Wtf did he do that he had a bloody knife?
* Please tell me that Papa Hart is merely injured and that they didn’t kill him 😔
* Runaway bride! Thank god.
* They fucking stabbed Papa Hart!? And “the beast” possibly saved him…?
* She made it to the castle 😏
* Aww. She met a pixie from the Fae realm and just accepted the dinner invite from their “master” 🤗
* Casimir might be the beast in this story, but he doesn’t seem so beastly. I’m already in love 😂
* She saw him change! Omg. I feel for both of them.
* “Until my pain you share, shall this curse you bear.” — Nooooo. I already know what has to happen and I DONT WANT IT!
* Awww. She hurt Casimir’s feelings by leaving in the middle of the night. Thankfully he found her in time. I forgot all about the wolf attack.
* They’re so fucking cute.
* Oh no. Her father did die 😔 and Casimir had him buried the others from the castle.
* No! Dagan found her. Fuck this dude. Someone throw him into a river!
* I just want Briar and Casimir to reunite already.
* “Until my pain you share, shall this curse you bear! Screams of fear are all you will hear. Forever alone you shall be, until you find the one who can truly set you free.”
* Home. She’s home!
* Did he really fucking kill her!?!?
* Serves Dagan right. I’m so glad his head was torn from his body.
* The Fae King brought her back 😭 She broke the curse 😭 Oh my god… my babies are safe 😭😭😭😭
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dogfight-if · 2 years
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Demo TBA
Windwood is an interactive fiction game following you as you go on a quest to prevent the end of the world. You play as the youngest of a minor noble family in the fae city of Premxine.
Surrounded by the forest of Windwood, the city is covered, hidden from the human kingdoms. After an attack, you flee the city and forest with three companions to warn the king of a threat.Face to face with your own mortality, you must put a stop to that which poses a danger to the world as you know it. Do what you will, but know that failure will result in an untimely death.
With a long time best friend, a loyal protector, a fierce beast, a prince, princess, noblewoman, a priestess, an angel, a fae hunter, and even an ex-friend turned dark lord, there’s no shortage of romance.
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Play as male, female, or somewhere in the non-binary range. Cis, trans, or intersex.
Customize your character to the max with extra unnatural features.
Romance or befriend one of 10 characters, including the dark lord you must defeat.
Uncover the secrets of the gods- or god.
Discover the garden of Eden.
Develop skills in fighting, politics, intelligence, leadership, or stealth.
Choose from 8 different hobbies to pursue.
Dabble in magic, wield a sword, or both if you’re an overachiever.
Get betrayed. Twice.
Survive life threatening injuries.
Find out what you really are.
Romance Options
The Best Friend
Marian Moller (M. he/him)
“As long as i’m here you’ll be safe, i promise,”
Marian, the best friend and prince of Premxine. Marian Moller is fiercely loyal and stubborn, having always been there for you no matter what. To everyone else he’s brash and irresponsible, but you know that’s not the case.
At 5’7, Marian has short, curly pink hair and yellow eyes. He has tan skin, sharp teeth, and has often been said to have an almost childlike face. Marian also has long, pointed ears with feathers framing them.
The Dark Lord
Ness Lodima (M. he/they)
“What have we become? I never wanted this to happen,”
The estranged childhood friend turned evil dark lord. Previously a softhearted optimist, what Ness had been put through changed him. When you knew him as a child he was training to be a druid, but it seems his plans have changed.
5’9, long wavy blond hair with matching yellow eyes, fair skin spotted with freckles. His ears may not be as pointed as any other fae, but they are pointed nonetheless.
The Angel
Foster (M. he/him)
“God never saved me, never helped me when I needed it most, so why should I believe?”
The angel that doesn’t believe in god with repressed memories of heaven. Foster is the holy statue at the church of Andermyne. Short in both height and temper, it’s easy to rile him up, but maybe a more gentle approach is what you need. Foster is key in your plans to stop the end, but can he be convinced to help?
Foster has short fluffy black hair, olive skin with a smattering of scars, and dark brown eyes. Foster stands at 5’2 with a wingspan twice that length. Over his right eye is a large scar that resembles stone cracking.
The Prince
Casimir Kozanaft (M. he/him)
“I do what i must, and if that’s getting rid of you, so be it,”
As the human prince of Afturella, Casimir has a reputation to uphold. With all eyes on him, he can’t afford a slip-up. Taking care of his younger sister Sonja and younger brother Myla, Casimir has his hands full. As independent as ever, Casimir is fully capable of taking charge.
Casimir is 5’8 with shoulder length auburn hair he keeps tied back. He has soft hazel eyes and tan skin with a mole under his left eye. Casimir is commonly said to look pretty, almost like a girl.
The Ranger
Amihan (M. he/they)
“You don’t have to worry about a thing, i’ve got you”
Your protector, the sylph ranger. Amihan’s only goal is to keep you and your group alive, even if it’s at the expense of their own life. With a martyr complex and no regard for human life, Amihan makes a great bodyguard, not so much a great friend.
6’4, smooth brown skin, curly white hair and silver eyes, Amihan is often described as imposing, towering over most. Over his left eye Amihan has a black sylph tattoo, spiraling over.
The Beast
Freyja (F. she/they)
“Don’t touch me, don’t go near me, don’t even look at me,”
Freyja is a wild thing. Living in the Windwood forest, she’s been isolated for so long. She rejects humanity, fighting against all she sees until there is only peace. Hostile and aggressive, Freyja sees nothing in you, but can you change their mind? All she is may just be a damaged soul.
Freyja is 5’5, with long, curly chestnut hair and fierce yellow eyes. If you catch her smiling you’ll see sharp canines. She has light brown skin, spotted with white freckles. Leaves and twigs tangled in her hair around tall antlers. Freyja has ash speared across her eyes and covering her hands.
The Princess
Sonja Kozanaft (F. she/her)
“You don’t know me, stop acting like you do,”
A stone faced, cold hearted woman who only cares about herself. Sonja is closed off and aloof, not wanting to open her heart up. Sonja doesn’t trust easily and her default response to anything is disbelief. Sonja seems like an ice queen, but is there more to it?
5’6, Sonja looks as royal as she is. Sonja has long wavy blonde hair, spotless fair skin, and blue eyes.
The Huntress
Maeryn (F. she/her)
“Such a shame you’re fae, i would’ve loved to have you as my partner,”
Maeryn is what most would call ruthless or crazy. So much blood is on her hands but she’s proud of the fact. Her words can be sharp, but they can also be sweet. You never truly know what’s on her mind, hard to read and conniving. Once she likes someone, she sticks to them, ever so loyal. Is there a motive behind her actions?
The tallest out of the bunch, Maeryn stands at 6’6. She has long blonde locs, violet eyes, and brown skin.
The Priestess
Lumina Durren (F. she/they)
“May Andermyne bless your kind soul,”
Lumina is a kindhearted priestess in the church of Andermyne. Everything she does is gentle- the way her hands clasp together in prayer, even when she lifts a book she treats it with the care you would give an animal. The caretaker of the church’s orphanage, they teach the kids that have nobody left to turn to. But in good, there is always evil.
Lumina is 5’3, with long curly ginger hair, two front strands blonde. She has green eyes and pale skin. With her priestess outfit you can see a four pointed star tattoo on her collarbone.
The Noble
Eliana Derlot (F. she/her)
“Don’t say that, I gave you what you wanted, didn't I?”
Lady of House Derlot, Eliana knows her way around the intricacies of the court. Used to facades and snakes, Eliana has a hard time believing things said, yet values honesty at the same time. The young Lady knows what she wants and how to get it, making her a valuable addition.
Eliana is 5’7, with long wavy brown hair and tanned skin. She has sea green eyes with a mole under her left.
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shmothman · 1 year
Sef’s Fic Masterlist | AO3 | Writing Tag
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figured it was about time I made one of these! most links go to my AO3 page, but I’ve cross-posted some fics to tumblr over the years, and there are some drabbles I’ve posted to tumblr that I never posted to AO3. I'll try to keep this up to date! Thanks for reading!
Rating Guide: G (general audiences), T (teen and up), E (explicit, 18+ only)
Kaiju No. 8
something's gotta give (Soshiro/Reader) (E)
Stardew Valley
Let it Steep (Shane/Reader) (T)
A Date With Death
the very mortal concept of “self love” (Casper/Reader) (E)
Internet Safety (Casper/Reader) (T) (Drabble)
Defying Fate (Casper/Reader) (T)
Kekkai Sensen
Bacon & Eggs (Zapp/Reader) (T)
heart-tell (Ginko/Reader) (E)
Just a Little Rush (Ginko/Reader) (E)
One Punch Man
Connection (Genos/Reader) (E)
lovebug.exe (Genos/Reader) (E)
Happiness (Genos/Reader) (E)
Vash/Reader Fics
Talk to Me (E)
Throwing Caution (G)
Triage (E)
Reputation (E)
Monsoon (E)
Vulnerology (T)
Bloom (E)
Wanna Be Yours (E)
Arms Tonight (G)
Dirty Little Secret (E)
Seven Minutes (E)
Nectar (E)
Throw Me a Bone (E)
you know, that one song by Jeremih? (birthday sex) (E)
Intense (E)
Stuck like Glue (E)
It’s the Thought that Counts (Part 2) (E)
Your Atlas (E)
Public Displays (G)
One Too Many (E)
Stampede (E)
Vash/Reader Drabbles
love, if your wings are broken (G)
morning, mayfly (G)
love, you're not alone (G)
hands (put your empty hands in mine) (G)
tits or ass (E)
Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts:
"You don't have to be alone anymore"
"You have 5 seconds to tell me not to hug you"
"Tell me what I'm doing wrong! What's wrong with me?!"
"I love you. I'm sorry."
“I’m here. I’ve got you. You’re safe now.”
Confessional (Wolfwood & Reader) (E)
To Have and to Hold (T)
Vash with his hair down (G)
Desperation (E)
Alloy (G)
Blossoming romance prompts:
Hugs that linger (G)
Clumsy attempts at flirting (G)
Not reader insert
Uncanny Vash (G)
Counting One, Two, Three (Hassel/Reader/Brassius) (E)
Solamente (Clavell/Reader) (E)
The Wig Stays On During Sex (Clavell/Reader) (E)
Lentamente (Clavell/Reader) (E)
Quiero Ser Tuyo (Clavell/Reader) (E)
Legends: Arceus
Judgement | Forgiveness (Volo/Reader) (G)
Judgement | Forgiveness Related Drabbles (Volo/Reader) (G)
Makes the Heart Grow Fonder (Volo/Reader) (E)
Denial's Not Just A River In Utah (Volo/Reader) (E)
Culture Shock (Laventon/Reader) (G)
Fireside (Laventon/Reader) (G)
Kiss Me Through the Phone (Leon/Reader) (E)
Hot Blooded (Peony/Reader) (E)
Bug Buzz (Guzma/Reader) (E)
The Stanley Parable
And Stanley Was Happy (Stannarrator) (G)
Just Like A Prayer (Stannarrator) (E)
The Sandman
Dream/Reader Fics
Enter, Sandman (E)
Another Taste of Heavenly Rush (E)
Dream/Reader Drabbles
Hurt/Comfort (G)
Who Dreams, What Dreams (T)
Nix Hydra (now Fictif? still don't understand all that)
The Arcana
The Warmth We Share (Asra/Reader) (G)
A Memory of Grief (Asra/Reader) (G)
Seeing Red (Lucio/Reader) (T)
Monster Manor
Soothes the Savage Beast (Casimir/Reader) (G)
After So Long (Casimir/Reader) (E)
The Adventure Zone: Amnesty
The Man, The Moth, The Lover (Indrid Cold/Reader) (E)
Can't See Me Lovin' Nobody But You (Indrid Cold/Reader) (G)
Pheromonal (Indrid Cold/Reader) (E)
Hindsight is 20/20 (but foresight is almost as good) (Indrid Cold/Reader) (abandoned) (G)
Boku no Hero Academia
Smile, Sunshine (Yagi Toshinori/Reader) (G)
Doki Doki, Todoroki (series) (Tododeku) (G)
But the Fire is so Delightful (doki doki Todoroki, part 1)
Much Ado About Shouto (doki doki Todoroki, part 2)
Feels Like Floating (doki doki Todoroki, part 3, tsuchako)
Cherry Blossom Season (doki doki Todoroki, part 4)
Cicadas and Sunshine (doki doki Todoroki, part 5)
Happy Valentine's Day, Todoroki! (Tododeku) (G)
The Magnus Archives
Employee Benefits (and I'm not just talking about healthcare) (Elias Bouchard/Reader) (E)
Mob Psycho 100
Oh, Your Love is Sunlight (Reigen Arataka/Reader) (G)
It's a Process (getting two silly boys to realize they're in love, that is) (series) (Klance) (G)
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welcome-to-ratterrock · 4 months
I'm curious, if the cast have any hobbies they do in their free time or to relax?
(The world is too chaotic, hope they all have a peaceful day😔)
Thank you so much for sending this, the crew definitely needs those moments of relaxation and fun…
Locke loves playing his viola, playing music is very therapeutic for him, releasing the tension and giving voice to the emotions it is so very hard for him to speak about. Like the violin it’s an instrument that elicits haunting sounds and sadness, but it’s darker and richer in tone. He gets so ticked off when people mistake it for a violin. 
He likes reading nonfiction books, with the exception of a few novels, and also enjoys attending concerts where he can close his eyes and sink into the music like water…but because his work is so important to him, he doesn’t really make time for himself to do such things. 
Once upon a time, he loved playing chess with Regal. 
Regal plays the piano, a versatile instrument adept at both classic and contemporary music. Playing is very therapeutic for him, releasing tension and turmoil and allowing him a way to “speak” to the emotions so many would be horrified by. 
He loves to read a variety of different things, nonfiction and novels and plays and poetry and essays, and enjoys attending the theater as well. However, due to his work, he’s very busy and hasn’t had much time to himself. 
Once upon a time, he loved playing chess with Locke. 
Sorcha adores reading, and her absolute favorite book is “The Phantom of the Opera” - she’s very proud to have a first edition in her personal library! She is very much a patron of the arts in general, always looking for new art galleries and museums to explore, theaters and shows to attend. She also loves being wealthy enough to be able to shop at high fashion stores for all sorts of treasures to adorn herself with, and all the owners are thrilled that a beauty like her wears their wares…
Lorcan’s biggest passion is boxing, he’s an absolute legend in the ring and loves to lose himself in a good match, facing off with a worthy opponent. He also loves swimming as well but doesn’t get to do it too much, which is a shame as it really helps with his aches and pains. For quieter moments he likes to whittle and play cards. 
Rilla’s biggest passion is dancing, a love that her mother passed onto her, it is her joy and her escape from whatever weighs her down. She also LOVES designing and sketching dresses and clothing, and would love to bring her creations to life but she’s never been able to find someone to teach her how to sew. She also is known in her social circle to be a dab hand at crafting some stunning flower crowns. 
Lu loves to write, especially stories about magic and fantasy and girls finding themselves through challenges. She visits the library and bookshops whenever she can. She also enjoys watercolors, especially landscapes and flowers. 
Brig was taught to box by her father and she’s been a devoted boxer ever since, and is an absolute beast in the ring. She finds working out to be very relaxing as well, a good way to center herself and enjoy the burn of her body. 
Bogdan loves composing music, he’s very talented and likes to take his inspiration from the natural world. He’s also avid about charting the stars, and spends much of his time studying the skies.
Casimir will actually be gaining a hobby in the comic! But as for right now, he loves playing cards and gambling, especially when the stakes are high…
Clifford likes good old fashioned English hunting, shooting after crickets and beetles and birds (they aren’t sentient in this world). 
Thank you again for sending this! As we introduce more characters I’m gonna come back to this post and reblog it with their favorite hobbies, this was a wonderful character exploration exercise. And it doesn’t even touch on what the couples like to do together…
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gr3y-plays-ttrpgs · 1 year
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tokens! I drew these for @bobcatconrad's campaign, and it's the first time I've drawn this style/angle of battlemap token thing.
The third character is my beast barbarian, Ash! The others are Artok, also barbarian (@goldyapper); Casimir, grave cleric; Hilbert, paladin (@betalmond) and Heather, creation bard (@cryptcness).
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alr here we go >:3
If any of them have already been asked that’s fine! Ty bestie :3 /lh
-mod!yuu, @nrcsfavoriteshrimps
(✨dw! you were the first ask in the inbox so im gonna try answering things in order :33)
"Greetings, my most illustrious servant! It is truly a pleasure to be interviewed on this day indeed. It is not often I get the chance to talk about myself for long periods of time without others feeling perturbed."
"Hi everyone! Yuna here. Time for me to do my. Actual Yearbook/Newspaper Club duties and do some birthday interviews."
"Alright, let's start with an easy one. Casimir, If you could be any animal, what kind of animal would you be?"
"Well, of course I would want to be the magnificent hellhound (black lab) itself! They are powerful, loyal, intelligent- all excellent qualities of an evil overlord, you know! I do believe such a beast would be the perfect representative of my status and strength."
"Ooh, fascinating! Let's see here... the next question we have for you: If you could choose any one student to be your sibling, which student would you pick?"
"What a peculiar question... there's no shortage of fascinating figures attending this academy, and yet I am confined to only choosing one? Hm... Well... I suppose if I could choose anyone, I admire the demon overlord of Pomefiore! I have not communicated with him before aside from simple club disputes between the drama club and the film appreciation club, but he radiates a rather powerful aura. He also radiates the grace and dignity that an ideal evil overlord should have! I wonder if perchance he should be willing to take on a disciple..."
"Vil-senpai, huh? That's a good pick. A bit surprising, though. Honestly, I was thinking you would pick someone from your own do-"
"And what, pray tell, do you mean by that?"
"Oh, nothing! Just thought it was interesting. Think nothing of it, hehe. Anyways, the next question: What's your favorite kind of flower? Is there any significant reasoning behind that choice?'
"Hm... Well... I must say I've always been fond of flowers in general, though I do think that certainly conflicts with my imposing image... Specifically, though, I've always adored roses, specifically white ones. They've always been my mother's favorite flower for as long as I can recall, and I suppose she just instilled that love of them into me. You see, she always had a rose bush of white roses specifically that she would tend to. Once I was old enough, she also taught me how to care for them, and I suppose I grew attached.
My mother told me that they are a symbol of innocence. She claims that that is a description that 'fits me to a tee', but I must disagree with her there. I am certainly far from innocent, as evil is. Well. The complete opposite of that!"
"I see. Y'know, I think I can kinda see where your mom was coming from, Pipsqueak. But I don't wanna start a debate here over your 'evil nature', so instead, I'm just gonna move on. The next question I have for you is pretty simple: What is your favorite movie?"
"Oh? That is indeed a simple question... What was that musical you showed me that took place in 'France' and was quite tragic?"
"Cas, that doesn't narrow it down any. Are you talking about Les Mis? Or Phantom of the Opera?"
"The second one- is that the one where the male lead lives beneath the performance hall and dons the mask?"
"Yeah, it is."
"Ah, then yes, it is that one! The other one was quite excellent as well, though. A tragic tale of revolution, justice, and overcoming! It is most beautiful as well, but that 'Phantom of the Opera' has stuck with me ever since you introduced it to me! I hope that that is sufficient enough of an answer?"
"Yeah, that works! Oh! And it looks like that this inquiring viewer has one more question for you, but there will definitely be more later. What is your room like? How is it decorated?"
"Oh! I would indeed love to answer such a question! My roommates do deem my lair's decor to be... 'quite childish', BUT I must disagree! It is decor perfectly befitting an evil overlord! My quadrant of the lair is... a bit chaotic, but still organized. The decor itself is delightfully evil, with false cobwebs in the corner, and some lovely bats, although they are false. One of my roommates once said, and I quote 'It's like walking into one of those temporary Halloween stores'. I don't know if they are insulting me or complimenting me by saying such a thing, but I suppose they aren't entirely wrong either way?"
"Oh yeah, it definitely does give off those vibes, doesn't it? Not that that's a bad thing, though. I think it's pretty fitting."
"It is, is it not? I enjoy the villainous atmosphere it creates, kyehehe!"
"I wouldn't call it villainous, per say... (maybe a bit cheesy?) but it's still totally you, Casimir.
Anyways, it looks like that's all from this curious reader. We'll take a quick break between these interviews today, but for now, Happy Birthday, Casimir!"
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vuldak-juneau · 2 months
Who: @casimirnoctis When: After the Iskarans arrive in Lysara, probably overlapping with the festivities? Where: Eterna, at la casa de Casimir
It embarrassed Juneau how difficult of a time she had finding Casimir’s residence. Juneau could always fall back on the assertion that though thieves were known for many attributes and skills, timeliness was not amongst their virtues. The truth of the matter is, she had struggled to find his address because he had written it down for her. Any Lysaran willing to debase themselves to stop and provide such a raggedy-looking little Iskaran girl with directions had used street names–none of which Juneau was able to read easily on her own once she came to them. This required her to ask for more help than she cared to, and convincing the residents of Eterna to provide directions in terms of the number of city blocks and landmarks proved to be futile.
Through no small effort, she finally found herself at Casimir’s doorstep. At least, she was fairly certain that’s where she was. Her eyes were tired from the strain of checking the small slip of parchment he’d written his address on against the street signs and building numbers. The numbers stayed still and behaved where they were written, but the letters seemed to warp and dance, tricking her. Juneau spent a prolonged moment engaging in one final check that the posted street name aligned with the markings Casimir had put down in ink and that the numbers were the same.
Once Juneau was convinced this was the right place, she lifted a hand–notably pale and unusually clean for the seasoned wayfarer–and knocked on the door. She pushed a swath of her blond hair over her shoulder with one hand, finding it strange that the texture was smooth and unknotted rather than a half-matted tangle. And it was also nice not to smell of deer blood any longer. But the Lysarans recognized her as a foreigner nonetheless, and she may as well have bathed in the ichor of those sylvan beasts for the looks on their faces when they took in the sight of her. As she waited for someone to answer the door she thought to herself that the disdain and revulsion the Lysarans showed for her was truly not all that different than how many of the Iskarans received her either. They were at least polite enough to speak it behind her back rather than wearing it so plainly on their faces. 
Juneau tried not to worry about this too much, instead focusing her attention on the weight of the cylindrical puzzle she had collected from across the veil during their previous encounter in her pocket. She stuffed a hand into the pocket in which it was housed and dragged the tip of a finger over one of the runes. Juneau had solved it since the two had last spoken, and she suspected this would please Casimir.
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shipwreck-letters · 2 years
Casimir's Beast HCs
I said it would be a while before I posted something, right before I just sat down and wrote an entire scenario/imagine/headcanon thing. Strike while the iron's hot, I guess!
I haven't edited this much, I just wanted to post this while I still had the attention-span. Shoutout to anyone still into Monster Manor, I sure am. ✌🏽If you have any ideas or requests, my inbox is open as always!
-It’s hard to see on certain occasions, as Casimir tends to crouch and bend lower to the ground during his transformation, but he has a heart-shaped pattern on his abdomen, towards the side of his ribcage. It’s a pattern that shows on his fur more prominently, and shows up as a small birthmark in his human-form. 
-He’s embarrassed to admit or acknowledge its existence. 
-Casimir tends to walk on all fours, but standing up, reaches ~7 feet tall, and his steps are very long; He can close distances very quickly that way, which makes for a more terrifying thought. 
-According to Casimir, the deity that cursed him planned for him to act as “prey”. However, in the main story, and according to the tales of the Beast of Gevaudan, it seems more of a “predator” type of attack. So…I headcanon that Casimir was meant to be a prey animal, but his anger, grief, and frustration twisted the curse’s effects until he was lashing out at himself and others for years. 
-When confronted with your nature, a little bit of that aggression dissipates more and more, thanks to your self-preservation and the House’s refusal to let Casimir hurt you. Not that he would want to, anyway. 
-For the first few times after that first transformation, Casimir hides away until the curse passes. It’s hard to find him, as he moves to the more unkempt parts of the House to withdraw from you, not wanting to be seen, or risking hurting you. 
-However, as time goes on, you’ll find glimpses of the beast lurking around corners and walls. Not threateningly, but….Almost hesitant. Scared. He recoils from your attempts to reach out to him, and sticks to sniffing your hand and growling, before slouching away to sulk. 
-It takes a while for him to finally approach you…Looming over you in wait. Waiting for what? He doesn’t know, and neither do you. So, with caution but kindness, you talk to him, keeping your physical touch away. You assure him you’re not going to hurt him, you’re here to help, just like you always have. 
-It takes even longer for him to sit next to you, to sniff your hair and hand, keeping the sharp horns away, his teeth hidden and claws curled. The untransformed Casimir knows you, and knows your intentions. This beast does not, and so it’s building another relationship from the ground. Just….With a little more danger. Neither of you want to be hurt. 
-When you tell Casimir your progress, he’s…Baffled? Flabbergasted? Shocked, horrified- You get the idea. 
-”You’ve been doing what??” 
-He is not aware of any of this, and can only imagine glimpses of you if he really tries. When he transforms, it is out of his control, and his mind. 
-When the initial emotions simmer down, he’s not sure what to feel, or what to think. For 200 years, more than that, he’s been a threat and a danger to everything and everyone around him. And now, what you’re telling him is….He’s changing. For the better? It sounds impossible. 
-But, somehow, you’re a master of the impossible. And so it shouldn’t be that much of a surprise. 
-He makes another vow, and takes the effort, too, to make the House a better place. It’s the least he can do, but he wants to do something. 
-He still has many thoughts and feelings about his curse, too complex to get into. It sends him into bouts of silence sometimes, as he ponders over a project or task. He does what he can to make you feel safe and comfortable, and reminds you to please…Be careful. 
-And you do. The beast seems to understand that as well, still shy of your touch and apprehensive at best. But you can’t help but smile a little at the progress, seeing Casimir sleeping in a block of sunlight through a window. 
-There are things you might not ever understand, or see for yourself. But you can at least attest to one thing: 
-One step at a time, things are getting better for them both. 
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silly-little-soul · 2 years
Hi! Hope you're having a good day/night! I'd like to ask for HCs (or whatever format you're cool with!) for Casimir, maybe something just like how he would spend the day with MC when they're not working on the House?
Romantic is fine! I hope that's not too vague of a request! Thanks! :)
A/N - Hey, I’m so sorry for the wait I finished this weeks ago but forgot about it I’m sorry ;-; hope you enjoy! (Also thank you really much for being my first Tumblr request)
(I’ll fix the format of this post when I have my laptop later today)
Fandom: Fictif, Monster Manor
Format: headcanons
Type: Fluff, a bit comedy
Warnings: none I can think of
Summary: spending time with Casimir
Relationship: Casimir x Reader (Written as romantic but save for like one all work platonically)
Characters featured: Casimir, briefly Mimi and the house, Rainier mentioned
Note: maybe OOC, some of these are kind of far fetched (Also I didn't read any of the paid scenes so I’m sorry if I got something canon wrong)
Renovating is pretty exhausting so of course a lot of work means a lot of rest. There's many ways to do so such as sitting down with some tea and snacks, reading together or to each other, cuddling or watching movies; either way you spend this time together quite often 
speaking of movies, movie and show nights! At first at least there might be more of Casimir nerding over the technology than watching though /hj. Someone just please show this man the Beauty and the Beast. Or Transformers. First one is self explanatory, second one I just think would be funny. Also maybe Howls moving castle. That might be super far fetched but I think he'd like studio Ghibli. 
Bonding with Mimi! Casimir really wants to gain back her trust and having you be there calms him Mimi. Though it's better than it used to be already there's still some tension between them and you're definitely helping. You also get to spend time with both of them so that's definitely a win!
You cannot convince me this man doesn't go into hour long rants and rambles about his interests after you asked one simple question. He can get pretty lost in it once he started and tends to get a little embarrassed about it once he realises. Cmon, he was all by himself for multiple centuries, he's not used to people being around. You encouraging him to go on, asking questions or referencing things he told you later on means a lot to him. 
Of course it goes both ways, he absolutely loves listening to you talk, especially about things you're passionate about and will try to bring it up again later or engage in your hobbies with you together. He genuinely wants to know about you and your interests, for one he hasn't really heard from/about anyone else for a very long time (not counting cats and buildings) and also you're, of course he wants to hear everything you have to say
Okay okay okay this one's my personal favourite: hide and seek.​ I actually might write a whole own thing about that at some point soon because it'd just be so much fun!​ The house is quite big with super many hiding spaces. Now it's not something he'd suggest and yeah it might take some force persuasion to convince him but if you ask him really really nicely hell probably say yes, or just annoy him till he agrees (even more effective if Rainier joins). Alternatively just hide somewhere so he has no choice but to search (you definitely gave him a heart attack the first time you did that)
Casimir is old fashioned (I mean- how wouldn't he be) so your regular date nights are pretty classic. Usually it's a romantic dinner (brought to you by The House TM), sometimes it's dancing (like that one paid scene(? Is there one? Or am I mixing something up? Idk); he was taught to be a gentleman and he's gonna use that /hj
Bringing him modern things from shopping trips. It started off by you bringing him something he was curious about after you mentioned it and quickly developed into a habit of you bringing him trinkets whenever you're out. His curiosity makes you much more aware of how interesting even little thins can be and soon turned to you coming back from trips out the house with a bag of things like toys, gadgets and other fun things from the dollar store or similar. You then spend the day looking at what you brought, how it works and so on. Imagine spending the day with Casimir trying out a bunch of toys you bought or found with your old stuff (the type for children, don't think wrong here)
adding onto this because I love the idea of doing fun childish things with him (you'd have to be the one to initiate them though, potentially ‘force’ him, but he secretly enjoys it). Silly sleepovers with pillow forts, movies, teeny magazines (I want to just hand this guy a stack of these teen magazines and see what happens so bad), and snacks! 
related a bit to the one above but spa days! He definitely needs some more self care. I do kinda think he likes stuff as skincare and and used to have a routine (nobility and stuff) he likely had to cut short or even drop it completely with the house's hostility. But now you're there and not only are there so many products your world has for this, it's also much more fun together, leading to entire days planned only for spa and wellness activities (like doing each other's nails, I have a little theory connected to Casimir and acrylic nails but that's all I'm saying on that)
I feel like I have to say something to end this smoothly sooo Casimir supremacy!!
(Requests open)
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thesorcererspen · 2 years
About Me
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I am TheSorcerer'sPen. Some just call me SP. Either is fine. Writing has always been a passion of mine since childhood. I graduated a few years ago with a degree in writing & rhetoric, but I've never been brave enough to share anything online. My fiance and best friend have both encouraged me to put myself out there more, so I wanted to start by introducing myself to the writing community here.
I am a lover of fantasy, sci-fi, mythology, and crime stories. I am also obsessed with manga/anime, especially HunterxHunter, Naruto, and Jujutsu Kaisen. My favorite book of all time is Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky. Game of Thrones and Dune are both in my top five favorite books of all time. I am not a huge fan of romance stories, but I love stories with well-written romance subplots. Action scenes are fun, but I am here for the great dialogue and character interactions. Internal conflict is seriously underrated.
I am a huge history and mythology buff, so much of my writing is inspired by these two things. I love writing dark fantasy stories and exploring themes of class, power structures, dysfunctional families, friendship, forbidden love, angst, etc. But, really, I just get such great joy from creating my worlds and creating characters that feel alive. My characters become like my imaginary friends.
I want to use this blog to showcase my writing and connect with other writers in the community!
I have two current WIPs listed below.
Traitors of the Nation
Genre: Urban Fantasy
In the nation of Astoria, the cold carves bone deep and its citizens are divided by blood—those with the golden blood type are called the magia, people with super abilities that manifest themselves when the user is thrust into dangerous situations. The noble elite wants to control this power with a class system that ranks its citizens based on the nobility of bloodlines and the usefulness of one’s abilities. Commoners with the golden blood type are forced into labor assignments, and the elite have created a device to suppress the abilities of an individual should they prove to be defiant.
Izan Ashida and Satoshi Nishimura are childhood friends who find themselves on opposite sides. Izan sits among the highest elites, serving as a bounty hunter who does the Crown's bidding, while Satoshi is placed in a lower class and branded a danger to society. War is brewing between the classes, and it has the royal family on edge. Revolution is coming. But when an elite military officer orders Satoshi be executed for treason Izan must confront a past he was desperate to leave behind and decide where his loyalties truly lie.
The Immortals' Gambit
Genre: High Fantasy/Mythos
Casimir Kozak has lived his life in hiding, afraid of being discovered as a cross-blood in a world where humans struggle as mere mortals and the vampiric hemomancers known as the Zegoshi reign as gods. But the nine immortals are not the only thing to fear.
The Watchers, a highly trained military faction of the Zegoshi, are everywhere. They are tasked with maintaining social order and executing any cross-bloods they encounter. Beyond the wall, there are dragons, violent beasts who are enemies to Zegoshi and humans alike. At least, that’s what he had always been told.
Tired of living within the confinements of the wall and wanting to escape his Zegoshi father, he runs away from home on his eighteenth birthday. But his venture outside the wall proves to be lethal when he has an encounter with a dragon, discovering that the beasts have been disguising themselves among humans.
A rogue Zegoshi intervenes, sweeping Casimir into a world of intrigue and danger. Forced into an alliance with an enigmatic young Watcher captain, the trio embarks on a mission to investigate the surging dragon threat in society. But as he begins to delve deeper into this world, he uncovers hidden truths about humanity’s history with the dragons, the true intentions of the gods, and a prophecy that reveals the role he must play in this deadly game of power and politics.
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nathanwinter · 1 year
This close, and at this angle. Sokolov can make out the crow’s feet around his eyes. The flecks of red in his salt-and-pepper hair. The grey in his barely-burgeoning stubble. For someone who boasts his obsession with progress and evolution while wearing designer ties, Valentine has a refreshingly disinterested approach to aging and cosmetics. It seems that time is the one beast he has no interest in conquering; maybe he is confident that he can defeat death itself before time has any say in the matter. Maybe even Casimir Valentine has a limit to how many absurdly lofty goals he can balance at once before he runs out of hours in the day. Sokolov can appreciate the tiny signs of age, of limitation, in someone that otherwise seems almost immortal. Unyielding, unwavering, unstoppable.
But not untouchable.
The horror novella is gay now
And it's only going to get gayer
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maledictus-maleficus · 11 months
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@kinglyisms sent: " what the hell are you doing out here? are you crazy? it's negative fifty billion degrees and getting colder by the minute! come on, come with me! " (Casimir to Winter or Night) ↳ BLIZZARD PROMPTS. | accepting!
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            Though his face is obscured by a veil of blackest night, his eyes are still shining: the only perceivable feature adorning his face. He tilts his head as he watches this.. mortal(?) struggle to reach him through the cold. Their tone is scolding, though it is said in concern and worry. He finds it surprising that anyone even managed to spot him out in this furious storm. Though, being dressed head to toe in a black robe might make him stand out more amidst the sea of white. Hmm. How inconvenient. 
           " Only one of us is shivering. " The being points out. True to his words, he does not look particularly bothered by the inclement weather. " If the frostbite hasn't already reached your fingertips, it will soon. " This stranger was a fool, but.. well, he supposes it was an idiocy done out of sincere concern (for him, no less). The least he could do is make sure they avoided hypothermia. Or any of the beasts lingering about. 
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          " Where is this shelter? "
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gcuienveres · 1 year
who: @arronlannister what: continuation of this thread / set following the outburst between king casimir tully and prince arron lannister
he asked her if she hated him; the only person in the entirety of this world that she believed was truly her soulmate. that there was something in his embrace, in his words when he were surrounded by clouds of reason, that made her feel as though everything was going to be okay. it were more than him being her older brother; it were as though he was something else to her, something that would allow the gods to sit within the room with them when they were together.
in the way she had fallen asleep night after night on his chest when she had returned home, healing both physically and emotionally from a trauma she no longer spoke of. none knew of how long she had taken to even hold jasper but arron, who had grown increasingly distressed by the infant's hungry cries. blissfully unaware of the whispers and the curses that spread about the two of them. "i know you would." she whispered, moving to clench his hands within her own, as though she wished to feel something.
she always felt everything with him, everything all at once.
"you won't. the currents of the trident will not run crimson with blood from your hands." for as much as arron was a tornado, as much as he was the beast of the earth itself, he would not go comfortably to his maker knowing he had been the reason for the murder of women. "because it is my choice." her voice was almost cynical now. if she could cry, she would have here; bottom lip trembling, the sound of a voice cracking.
that their love, that their devotion, was something unnatural between siblings that had shared the womb of the same mother, that had come from the same father. only, she was no longer blissfully unaware of what was written about them: she had seen such scrawling upon those damned papers, and it was that individual she wished to cleanse of their sins. allow them rebirth in holy water, that was boiling, knowing they would emerge as nothing more than a bloody lump of flesh.
"this is no choice." she uttered to him, in a voice that was so quiet it were as though she almost were in confession.
"it is unbecoming for a lannister to be dragged to a sept to marry. and so you all push, and push, and push, until i find myself at the door of the sept." he were guilty of it as much as the king himself. was it not him that went up to the river king and demand he marry her? "and now you make me casimir tully's queen, knowing you expect me to serve this family and this realm before his. even as his queen."
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but arron had been with her before she had even been born: and it was his face that was the earliest she could remember. it was his name that was her first. they were entirely and utterly devoted to one another; nothing, no king, and no god, could change that. her hands dropped, and she looked up at him; as much as he claimed he were not like tyland, they were the same in their own ways too. all three of them. cursed. ruined.
"what happened to the last king i married who fought for rhaenyra targaryen?" she asked, knowing entirely what they were speaking of. it was the first time she had even mentioned rowan arryn in months. she felt as though her heart shattered, time and time again, into a million little pieces. impossible to put back together. "you have opened my eyes to rowan. to his involvement with the ironborn. and casimir had done the exact same, had he not? only we were betrothed. we were actually betrothed. what difference is there?"
she paused, dropping her hands from his. "how can you tell me to close my eyes once you've opened them?"
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welcome-to-ratterrock · 3 months
Wait that REBLOG you made of the little scrambling bat and said definitely Cas-
How many ppl has he scared doing that out of nowhere? Does he do it for fun or?
And why doesn't Big do it that often?
Bogdan is far too dignified to scuttle about in such a manner, never mind what it would do to his clothing…
As for Casimir, he’s done it in a variety of moods and for a variety of reasons - when he was a pup it was definitely for fun, but after his incident with the wires, well…
The bat of the Night Court colony are hard to scare, but other rodents are a bit more susceptible to a sudden spiraling terror when a cackling, growling beast scuttles up a wall and over a rooftop. Casimir thinks it’s a gas.
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hybridanafrost · 2 years
BC OC: Constantina "Connie" Elastica
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And just like that, here comes another oc!
Name: Constantina Elastica (Goes by "Stretch" in her squad but mostly goes by Connie with friends)
Age: 17-18
Birthday: May 18th
Sign: Taurus
Blood Type: B
Squad: Green Mantises
Grimoire: 3 Leaf ☘️
Magic Attribute: Rubber Magic
Eyes: Green
Hair: Magenta
Connie is a commoner born with a lot of energy. She loves to laugh and play physical games. It made sense that she manifested rubber magic because her parents would describe her as a child that bounced off the walls. Her parents were too burnt out to entertain Connie's constant need to play.
One day it reached a breaking point and her parents blew up at her, saying hurtful things. They called her annoying and wished she was born a normal girl. Connie ran away from home and broke down crying in the woods. Her cries drew the attention of a massive wild beast. She used her rubber magic to defend herself but was running low on mana. Before it could harm her, it was sliced up by Captain Jack. Jack was out hunting and thanked her for crying so loud so it was easier to track down his game. His Vice Captain Amiris wasn't too far behind him trying to get him to come back to work. Amiris was attentive to Connie and gave her the reassurance she needed to go back home. Connie apologized to her parents for running away and decided to focus her playful energy on training her magic. The same year she was awarded a grimoire was the same year she went for the Magic Knights Exam. She passed and chose the Green Mantises because she was starstruck by Captain Jack. Connie deeply admires Vice Captain Amiris who she refers to as "senpai" when not in a formal setting. Amiris and her older squadmate En treat her as if she were their younger sister and soothe her whenever she gets too overzealous. She spent a lot of time tormenting Sekke before he became the king's assistant. During the Royal Knight exam, she set her eyes on Luck Voltia as a new playmate. They hit it off and eventually realized they were more than friends.
Connie also goes by she/they pronouns.
For Amiris's bio:
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gallalctyka · 1 year
oooo wait i like ur ocs story even in shitpost small summary form tell me more :)))))))))
UAUAUAAAAAA..... alright then :3
okay so. like i said the whole premise is that, instead of the cold war ending by the fall of the eastern bloc and dissolution of the ussr, it ends with a world scale nuclear war that devastated mankind as we know it. not COMPLETELY wiped it out but. you know it was still pretty bad all things considered
the story focuses entirely on the eastern europe and the aftermath, as the action takes place a LONG time after the conflict. mankind is basically trying to rebuild itself from the ashes. think fallout or s.t.a.l.k.e.r. like (albeit i know the second one isn't technically post apocalyptic jdhgskh but i digress). ANYWAY the gimmick is that the long forgotten demons and spirits from slavic folklore have made themselves known after centuries (if not millennia) of hiding ^_^ they're fucking shit up!! well not all of them. many demons are cool actually. still dangerous as shit though
anyway with their "reawakening" so did the old faith. the slavic pantheon and old traditions are INTEGRAL to the lives and culture of the survivors. christianity who? (well it still kind of lingers i won't lie. considering the impact it had on our history but that's for another time). still, religion is a... tricky subject for some. as some people are understandably upset that the divine never came to stop the cataclysm from happening, ESPECIALLY since there are old tales of them actually showing up to aid after the fallout. but who knowsssss those are old sayings... wink wink
basically the whole thing is a mix of fantasy PURELY inspired by slavic mythology and sci-fi (there are ROBOTS HERE!!! soviet robots... and other weird soviet experiments that nobody knows what were for because nobody has any knowledge about technology anymore lol. oh also RADIOACTIVE MUTANTS) set in a post-apocalyptic setting
casimir is the main character!! a teenage disaster i tell you. they're basically a vagabond travelling between different settlements, their goal is to actually find a way to reach the Iron Curtain and to escape to the outside world (the whole eastern bloc is COMPLETELY unaware of what's going on outside). something something a metaphor of young eastern europeans running off to the west for better opportunities ANYWAY. the road to get there is basically unbeatable lol good luck trying to survive the ghouls lingering there. and if that won't stop you then good luck trying to pass through the Never Ending Storms. they're also a bounty hunter and Can Kill Demons. epic. something very useful. the story "starts" with them reaching lviv and kind of. getting stranded there?? but not really??? the details aren't important. what is important is that they're THERE
that's where they meet the brothers i mentioned! elias and nikolai :) they're old gruff men with an aura of mystery to them. elias is LOUD and very short tempered, emotional as all hell too. every emotion he has is explosive. he's definitely intimidating to a lot of people but once you start talking to him it's like to an old friend you've known all your life. he values camaraderie a lot. also he's a beast at parties. nikolai is more reclusive, always saying some ominous shit. you'd think he's the cool mysterious brother at first glance but really he's a chaotic freak that likes to fuck with people sometimes. mostly elias. but he is definitely more laidback of the two. one thing though is that their relationship is... VERY strained. to say the least. it's so bad to the point that basically EVERYONE IN THE CITY has no idea they are related. for all they know elias could chop off nikolai's head and nikolai could hex elias if given the right opportunity
oh right did i mention they are gods. perun and veles in fact, the two leading deities in the slavic mythology. that's fun. yeah they're basically undercover lol. you could even say retired. at least in elias's (perun's) case who feels unworthy of carrying the title of the "supreme god" after everything. nikolai (veles) is however more busy than ever being the god of death and afterlife. he feels like he's never going to rest - doesn't consider that a burden though, as he loves humanity. anyway they are DEPRESSED!
so when casimir comes into their lives they don't think much about it. elias doesn't even TRY to get attached because he never learned to cope with mortals passing. nikolai however decides to indulge in them... for one reason or another (:3) and it's like oh god. oh fuck i got attached. elias help. elias voice you're so pathetic watch me- oh no
honestly the one MOST against getting attached was casimir lol. all they wanted is some intel then they'd skeddadle outta there as fast as possible. people in this settlement were supposed to be nothing more than means to an end and now they ended up with TWO ADOPTIVE UNCLES and a CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. i love found family
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