#brief luna/neville
greygaunt · 7 months
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How the Slytherin boys would react to being on the opposite side during the Battle of Hogwarts
Theodore Nott
The air crackled with tension as you burst onto the courtyard, seeing Neville and Luna standing stoic, wands pointed at Blaise and Adrian. You pushed through the crowd. You scanned those opposite you, realising you were stood directly opposite Theodore. Your eyes raked over his figure, tense and hard, like a shield. He looked afraid, but fierce. He raised his wand and pointed it at you, a vindictive smirk crossing his face. You swallowed and looked down at your feet, deeply breathing to quell your anger. Your eyes flitted across the rest of your opposition, acknowledging the dead look in their eyes. You looked back to Theo, his face was once a comfort to you, but you didn’t recognise him. Both of your wands raised in silent acknowledgement of the conflict that had torn your bond asunder. His voice, usually filled with love and laughter, was now laced with a bitter edge as he spoke. "So, you've chosen to stand against us," he spat, his words dripping with scorn. "I didn't want it to come to this, Theo," you replied, your voice tinged with regret. "But I can't stand by while innocent lives are at risk." His anger flared at your words, his wand hand trembling with suppressed emotion. "You always were too soft," he snarled, his facade of indifference slipping for a brief moment. "You think you're doing the right thing, but you're just getting in the way.” Theo launched into attack, spells flying from his wand with a ferocity that shocked you. You defended yourself, each flick of your wand a response to the hollow ache in your chest. Just beneath the surface, there was a timid shadow of grief behind his eyes. Theo's attacks were fuelled by a mixture of rage and sorrow, his movements frantic as he grappled with the conflicting emotions tearing him apart. His eyes grew dark as he shot spell after spell your way, his eyes unwavering as he watched you fall. You struggled from the floor, desperately defending yourself until he hovered over you, casting an intimidating shadow. “I may be a pawn in his game, but at least I’m not a weak little coward.” His words bruised you like rotten fruit, and you sagged under the weight of his hatred.
Mattheo Riddle
Your breath was ragged as you joined Harry and Luna in the courtyard. The air was thick with spells and the sound of clashing metal and distant explosions. In the calm of the courtyard, sides began to form. It was almost as if a ravine had split across the stone, two groups stood facing each other. Amidst the standoff, you found yourself standing at the forefront, surrounded by fellow defenders of Hogwarts. Your resolve was unwavering as you faced the onslaught of dark forces that threatened to engulf the castle in darkness. Across the eerie quiet of the courtyard, you caught sight of Mattheo. His figure stood tall and imposing, his eyes gleaming with a fervent intensity that sent a shiver down your spine. He was flanked by a group of dark wizards, their allegiance evident in the way they brandished their wands with aggression. For a moment, time seemed to stand still as you locked eyes with Mattheo, the distance between you feeling like an unbridgeable chasm. In that fleeting moment, you saw the weight of his choices etched upon his features, the conflict waging within him mirrored in the depths of his gaze. Was that… longing? It couldn’t be, your relationship was irreparably ruined. He has made assurance of that. But there was no time for hesitation, no room for doubt. You knew what was right, and you intended to fight for it. With a sigh of composure, you squared your shoulders and raised your wand. Mattheo’s eyebrows raised as you stood so confidently. He wasn’t expecting you to be so ready to challenge him. Mattheo's eyes, once filled with warmth, now glinted with a dark determination. His wand gripped tightly; he raised it. You mirrored his stance, your heart heavy with the realisation that the only way to end this was to face him in combat. Without a word, Mattheo’s face drained of all emotion as he unleashed a barrage of curses. You deftly dodged and countered, the combat techniques he taught you now working against him. "You could have stood with me," Mattheo sneered, his voice cutting through the chaos. "But now you're just another obstacle to overcome." You parried his attacks, your own spells flashing brightly in response. "Mattheo, there's still a chance to turn back. We can find another way, a better way." He was unyielding, his resolve unbroken. The duel between you intensified; the ebb and flow of magic continued. Beneath the surface, there was an unspoken sadness, a shared history that lingered in every bolt of light.
Lorenzo Berkshire
The castle was clouded with bolts of light and screaming. You were running across the bridge back towards the courtyard when a figure blocked your exit. You came to a sudden halt, your eyes tracing Lorenzo’s figure like he was a predator. His eyes were burning with a simmering violence. "I never thought I'd have to face you like this," Lorenzo sneered, his voice laced with bitterness. "I trusted you, believed in you, and you fucking betrayed me.” The air around you was cold as you baited your breath. Lorenzo raised his wand and wordlessly flung spells at you, threatening the bridge you were stood on. "You're a coward," he spat, his words cutting through the chaos. "Turning your back on everything we worked for, everything we believed in. I never thought you'd be so weak. Not fighting back?” You let out a groan of defiance and raised your wand, parrying his attacks with a wild anger. "Lorenzo, it's not about weakness. It's about saving innocent people! There’s another side to this.” He scoffed, his laughter filled with bitterness and vitriol. "Another way? You're fooling yourself. This is the only way, and you're too blind to see it." The spells were flying with vengeance, wands waving and flicking with such disgust. Lorenzo's hurtful words continued to pierce through the chaos, leaving wounds that went beyond the physical. "You were supposed to be my ally, by my side,” he hissed, a dark fire burning in his eyes. "But now, you're nothing. Just another obstacle to overcome. I don't need you. Actually, I’m not sure I ever did. You disgust me.” The bitterness and disappointment lingered like a toxic cloud. You refused to yield. He was not going to win this, he would not best you. His face was cold and detached. You heard footsteps behind you, your head flying to see Harry and Seamus. “Beat it, Berkshire. You sly git.” Seamus yelled, flinging his arms about in a rage. Lorenzo shot you a scornful, hate-filled look and left you with one final seething graze: “I let you ruin me. I take delight in knowing you’ll be gone soon.”
Blaise Zabini
In the midst of the chaos, you had found yourself unexpectedly face-to-face with Blaise whose heartache and disappointment were evident in his eyes. He stood, eyes blinking slowly as he recognised you, covered in cuts and scrapes. His wand trembled in his hand, his movements hesitant and uncertain, as if torn between loyalty to his cause and the love he still harboured for you. You took a deep breath and raised your eyebrows, shrugging your shoulders at him. "I can't do this," Blaise murmured, his voice barely audible over the din of battle. "I can't fight you." You met his gaze, the weight of his words suffocating you. It took everything for you not to be consumed by your guilt. “Blaise, please," you pleaded, hoping to reach the part of him that still remembered the bond you shared. "There's still a chance to end this madness. We don't have to be enemies." But he shook his head, a mixture of anguish and determination engrained on his features. "I trusted you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotion. "I believed in you, and you betrayed me. I can't just forget that. We were supposed to be here together.” With that, he raised his wand higher and misfired spells at you. Blaise's movements were hesitant, his spells faltering as if he couldn't bring himself to truly harm you. You deflected his attacks with ease, each clash of magic a painful reminder of the rift that had formed between you. "Blaise, listen to me," you urged, desperation creeping into your voice. "I never wanted to hurt you. We can still make things right." But he turned away, his expression filled with sorrow and regret. "It's too late for that," he murmured, his voice barely audible in his emotional state. "I can't keep pretending that everything's okay when it's not. I have to go." With that, Blaise fled, his heart heavy with the weight of his decision. You watched him run, feeling hollow inside as you realised the damage was truly irreparable, you were finished. Both of you.
Draco Malfoy
Draco had his wand pointed at your chest, but his arm was wavering slightly. His face was scornful and cold with disgust, but his eyes were pleading with you. Draco's spells seemed to miss their mark, veering wide or fizzling out altogether. It was clear he was holding back, his hesitation palpable in the air. "Draco, just stop!" you called out, your voice barely audible over the roar of battle. "We don't have to do this. We can find another way. I don’t want this.” The pleading in is eyes dissolved, they were now swirling with a tumultuous mix of hatred and longing, refusing to meet yours. "It's too late for that," he muttered, his voice tinged with pain. "You made your choice, and now we have to live with the consequences. You did this.” Despite his words, his spells continued to miss, each one a silent plea for forgiveness amidst the hatred. It was clear that Draco was conflicted, torn between his duty to his father and the love he still held close for you. With each missed spell, the tension between you grew, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Draco's movements became more confused, his frustration mounting as he struggled to reconcile his conflicting emotions. Draco's resolve seemed to waver. With a final, desperate glance in your direction, he lowered his wand, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I can't do this," he whispered, his voice barely a breath. "I can't fight you, not like this. I-“ With that, Draco turned and dropped his wand, walking away from you. You felt empty. “Draco, wait!” You called out, picking up his wand. But he had already gone, leaving you stood there like a fool. You were drenched in your sadness and your guilt, drawing in your grief.
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lqtraintracks · 9 months
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Omg it's reveals!!!! I was so excited to participate in @hd-erised this year again! I loved writing this fic for the completely lovely @xx-thedarklord-xx (a little more on that below) and being a part of everything with all the other kickass participants (I will be reblogging my incredible gift art again later as well because HOLY SHIT Y'ALL)! I want to thank the mods so very much for running things so smoothly, putting in countless hours of hard work, and being awesome!
The super talented @nv-md made this gorgeous banner! Thank you so much; you know I was a'flailing! She was also my beta along with yet another rockstar, @capipuff, and I can't thank the two of you enough! <3333 Okay onward with the deets!
Title: Jasmine in Bloom Author: Me Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, background Ron/Hermione, background Dean/Seamus Rating: Explicit Word Count: ~41,500 Tags: Werewolf Harry Potter; Creature Fic; Tattoos; Tattoo Artist Draco Malfoy; Landscaper Harry Potter; Magical Theory; UST; Meddling Friends; Nonbinary Characters (not Harry or Draco); Disability; Assistive Devices; Chronic Pain; Recreational Drug Use; Clubbing; Bowling; Hung Harry; Humor; Mild Angst; Jealousy; Soulmates; Brief Mention of Animal Deaths; Bisexual Draco Malfoy; Bisexual Harry Potter; Wanking; Inappropriate Erections; Shaving; Blood; Buff Harry; the man is ripped okay; Disaster Wolf Harry; Hot Werewolf Harry; he contains multitudes; Himbo Harry Potter; but also; Powerful Harry Potter; Magical Genius Harry Potter; Competency Kink; Himbo Kink; Frottage; Blow Jobs; Deep Throating; Face Fucking; Rimming; Anal Sex; Werewolf/Human Sex; Knotting; Creampie; Post-Hogwarts; Alternating POV, Alcohol, Spitting, Slapping, Creature Prejudice, Internalised Creature Prejudice, Shame, Anger Issues, Breaking and Entering, Invasion of Privacy, Sparring, Rough Sex Summary: This is not something Draco can have in his life… Potter overturning all that he’s carefully cultivated. They’re not compatible and never will be. Draco’s been playing with fire. It just so happens that he likes how Potter smoulders before being allowed close enough to burn. Author's Notes: XxTheDarkLordxX, now that I can squee openly about it, I loved your sign-up SO MUCH! Tattoos; creatures; soulmates; magical theory; Neville, Goyle, and Luna; 'Maybe Harry is a lesson Draco didn't know he needed'; 'Plotting by friends brings them together'; and 'Opposites that discover that not everything is quite what it seems. The things that separate them also bring them together and show their dichotomy.' Those were all the things I tried to cram in here, and I had SO MUCH FUN doing it! You were a pleasure to write for. Also, there is a spoiler tag in the end notes if any of you are the sort who can’t stand not knowing! It’s not anything in relation to any of the major archive warnings or other content warnings, though, rest assured. I think it's better to go in not knowing right off the bat. ;) Anyway, enough talk! Enjoy! <333
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jomiddlemarch · 7 months
I loved and guessed at you, you construed me
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It was not that he was waiting for her as much as that he was most often in the faculty sitting room at this hour and so was she and the staff knew to leave out a full tea service and also a magically chilled bottle of very dry amontillado, the color of her eyes. And then to tell anyone else that the room was occupied and that they were not to be disturbed.
It wasn’t that he was waiting for her, but he did look up when she came into the room, letting the ancient, rare and precious book he held slip out of his hand, an instinctive, wandless spell keeping it from clattering onto the floor.
“You cut your hair,” Draco said. 
Any pretense to eloquence, savoir-faire, or intellectual rigor associated with achieving his Potions Mastery and Mwandamizi kemia had been decimated by the four words, uttered in a tone of complete shock, which given his Pureblood upbringing meant flat, with a hint of scorn. He had spent the past twelve years working to convince Hermione he wasn’t that man anymore, the one who would have meant the scorn, the fault-finding appraisal, cold and superior and not terribly clever underneath it all.
(The one he’d felt doomed to become before the chandelier fell in his family’s ballroom. Before she’d testified to keep him out of Azkaban. Before she’d returned his formal letter of apology with a brief addendum You were a child, Draco an absolution he didn’t deserve.)
Blaise always said he was his own worst enemy. Theo always nodded and offered a glass of single malt Scotch. Neville always shrugged and tried to reassure Draco, meandering through some nonsense about how they’d all had to grow up too soon, let down by the adults, forced to experience trauma that they’d been lucky to survive and a plate of buttered toast would soon set him to rights.
Luna changed the subject and talked about some possibly fictional chimerical creature to take his mind off his shortcomings. It never worked but he appreciated her effort and consistency.
“I suppose that’s better than ‘Bloody hell.’ And “Holy fucking Christ.’ Harry reverts to Muggle obscenity when he’s really surprised,” Hermione replied. “You only told me what I already know, as I didn’t accidentally fall into a Mongolian silver scissor-bush.”
“Is that a thing?” Draco asked. 
He had to keep talking but there was a lot to take in, the startlingly gorgeous line of her bare neck, the angle of her jaw, how her eyes looked enormous, luminous. How her chestnut hair was swept across her brow and came to a delicate little point on the nape of her neck, all these hidden aspects suddenly marvels revealed. Suddenly, astonishingly breath-taking and erotic and also heart-breaking, because he’d wanted so to run his fingers through her loose hair, to stand behind her and draw a brush through her curls. Watching her eyes get drowsy in the dressing-table’s looking-glass, resting a hand on her bare shoulder and feeling the tickling silk of her hair. He’d wanted to cast the spell that ended the charm securing her chignon, to pull out the jeweled pins she used to keep her braids in the coronet around her head. 
“No. It sounds like something Luna would mention though,” Hermione shrugged. It was as if he’d never seen the gesture before.
“It’s a lot to take in,” he said.
“It’s actually not. It’s both literally and figuratively not,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Snape being a double-agent in love with Harry’s mum was a lot to take in. Any Sunday lunch at Molly Weasley’s table is a lot to take in. War and Peace in the original Russian without a translation charm is a lot to take in. I took off a few inches—”
“A few inches?”
“Fine, I got the first professional, Muggle, haircut of my adult life because I was fed up with my hair and charms and Sleekeezy and glamours, so many glamours, and you would think I have announced I am Grindelwald’s secret lovechild,” she said in a tone of complete exasperation, pursing her lips in a matching moué he felt an impossible urge to kiss very thoroughly and until she was gasping his name. 
He was fairly certain that action would not be requited, not now, and potentially not ever.
But definitely not now.
She was now almost glaring at him, waiting for a response.
If this was ever to become something beyond hopeless pining, if he were ever to be allowed to call her sweetheart and coax her back to bed, he couldn’t get the next part wrong.
“Are you happy with it?” he said. It was a gamble, saying anything would have been a gamble, but there was a chance he’d gotten it right.
He’d surprised her, that he could tell instantly, though her face changed very subtly. It meant no one else who’d seen her had asked and considered she might be. No one else had thought about why she’d done it, only what they thought of it. Evidently, both Weasley and Potter had indicated a negative response, Weasley likely driven by his own unrealized Pureblood upbringing, where all witches wanted the long hair associated with power and Potter never wanted her to be anything other than she’d been in their youth, when her unruly hair was her most obvious signifier.
“Yes, I think I am,” she said. 
“That’s good. That’s what matters,” he said. He was supposed to reference the book he’d been reading or follow-up on their most recent conversation about geopolitics or whether Chopin was a Squib or at the very least offer her something to drink, the tea first and then, when she demurred, the sherry. But all of those would require him to look away from her and he couldn’t bring himself to do it.
Not quite yet.
“I ought to have done it a long time ago,” she said. She spoke without her usual forthright confidence, but also without any of the regret the statement might have implied. She sounded hesitant, as if she wanted something from him she felt she shouldn’t. Or shouldn’t ask for.
It was tempting to make some sort of declaration, offer reassurance or an argument. But he’d gotten this far by asking her a question.
“Why do you say that?”
“I don’t know. It would have been a way to move on. Grow up. Make my life easier, decide it for myself,” she said. She was watching him very closely as she spoke. She liked that he’d asked, though she wasn’t smiling. “It wouldn’t have been grief or some kind of, I don’t know, unhinged trauma response.”
It would very much have been a response to the colossal trauma she’d experienced if she’d hacked it all off after being tortured, and it wouldn’t have been unhinged when one considered the myriad extremely risky alternatives she might have chosen, but Draco wasn’t about to ruin everything. Even as his own worst enemy, he could keep from doing that.
“It could have been just something you do when you’re in your twenties, trying something out. Like, going to the Maldives or studying Norn. Learning earth magic from tribal elders in Namib.”
“Only you would saying learning earth magic in Namib is something you do in your twenties,” Draco said wryly. “Most people just go to the pub and fret a lot.”
“You didn’t,” she said.
“I think it’s well established I’m not most people,” he said.
“No. You’re not. You’re the only person who didn’t tell me cutting my hair was a terrible mistake,” she said. “As if it could even remotely compare to the other terrible mistakes I’ve made.”
“It’s not a terrible mistake,” he said. “And you’re the person I know best whose made the fewest terrible mistakes in her life and we can sit here drinking sherry talking about it because of it.”
“My parents wouldn’t agree,” she said.
“Neither would mine. I wonder how people grow up when they don’t have to discover their parents were deeply, entirely wrong about something absolutely crucial to survival,” Draco said.
“We could ask Blaise Zabini,” Hermione said after very clearly Thinking About It, a little crease appearing between her eyebrows.
“Too risky,” Draco replied. “It’s only the husbands people talk about but people have a way of disappearing when they ask questions about his mother.”
“No one would comment on her haircut,” Hermione said wistfully. “What a bloody icon.”
Draco laughed, startled.
“You’re enchanting,” he blurted out. Stupid, gauche, impulsive—he could go on (and on) about how ill-considered it had been.
“Well, I am a witch,” she said. She did not seem put off. In fact, she smiled at him, a little shyly.  “Goes with the territory—”
“You enchant me. Bewitch me,” he said, throwing caution to the winds. “You don’t want anyone to comment on how you look, so I shouldn’t but you’re exquisite—”
He broke off, fearing he’d broken it all. She was still in the room and he still had all his bits and bobs, when he knew she was a dab hand at wandless curses. It was rather late to decide discretion was the better part of valor, but better late than never.
“I didn’t do it for you,” she said.
“No,” he replied.
“I didn’t do it only for you,” she clarified. “But I was curious to see how you’d react.”
“Did you have a hypothesis? You usually do,” he said.
“Yes. You’ve exceeded it slightly,” she said. There was a gleam in those sherry-brown eyes and when she tilted her head to the side, he understood the vampire’s insatiable lust. 
“I can do better than slightly,” he said, half-dazed with the realization that she was requiting far more than he’d ever imagined. And that she’d imagined his response to seeing her bare neck, had wanted his admiration. He got up from his chair and crossed the room to her, standing close enough to take her in his arms. “I can do a wide margin. Prodigious. Overwhelmingly—”
“I like prodigious,” she said and he leaned in and kissed her parted lips softly, then deeply, one hand at her waist, the other cupping her cheek. The urge to possess her was tremendous, held in check only by an immense and constant tenderness, the moon that could pull the devouring tide back from the shore.
“Can I see overwhelmingly?” she whispered. “For comparison—”
“Of course,” he answered and moved to kiss her neck. He tasted the pulse of her carotid, sucking gently where he wanted to nip her. He moved back up to the hollow behind her ear, grazing her lobe with his tongue, then murmured,
“You cut your hair. I love it.”
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sailtomarina · 1 year
It's not a crush
Pansy’s perfectly-shaped brow raised high under the fringe of her bangs as she watched Hermione watch Draco who was desperately trying to not watch her back. They’d been playing this game for what felt like hours, tonight and for several nights before that.
If anyone had told a younger Pansy she’d be meeting up with swotty little Granger for drinks nearly every weekend, she would have smacked them upside the head and labeled them as barmy as Loony Lovegood.
Luna. Luna Lovegood—incidentally now also a close friend even if she drove Pansy batty with her oddly accurate observations.
But back to Hermione and Draco and this poor excuse of a staring contest.
“Why don’t you just ask him out already?” Pansy was sick of watching her friends play coy with one another, even more so because of how brash they could both be otherwise.
Hermione jerked her face around in surprise, nearly slipping off her stool in the process.
“What? Ask who out?”
Her denial was adorable. Annoying, but adorable.
“Dra-co.” Pansy enunciated his name as if speaking to a toddler, which in her estimation, Hermione was…when it came to romance.
“Wait, what? Draco? Why Draco?” Hermione sputtered, turning full on cherry in the face, her curls expanding in size with her mortification.
“Because of your not-so-subtle crush on him?” It hurt how hard Pansy had to try and not roll her eyes.
“It’s not a crush!”
Pansy continued to hold her ruffled friend in her sights, brows still raised and lip curling in what some might consider disdain. Normally, Hermione stood toe to toe with her.
But now?
Honey brown eyes slid away from her to gaze longingly across the room.
“…it’s not a crush,” she repeated, voice so soft Pansy had to lean forward to catch it.
Oh, no.
This was more than a crush. This was the stuff of love sonnets and happy endings.
Her mind made up, Pansy took their empty glasses in hand and sashayed over to the bar where Draco sat next to a couple friends.
“Parks,” Draco greeted her, before leaning in to brush a kiss to her cheek.
“How’s it going, Pans?” Neville grinned at her from where he sat next to Theo. Pansy’s breath caught for just a brief second before she took a hold of herself. That was a crush, and she didn’t have time for it right now.
“Lovely. Draco, darling, do you have a minute?”
Intrigued, he leaned in as she bent to whisper into his ear. Silver eyes widened in disbelief, darting across the room then back to Pansy as she continued to speak. She didn’t even need to turn around to know where the daggers she could feel burning into her back came from.
“You’re sure?” Doubt still laced Draco’s voice as he questioned her. Despite the uncertainty, she knew him as well as she knew the boots on the witch’s feet nearby were several seasons old, and that her Birkin was a counterfeit. Dusty rose was also most assuredly not her color.
“I’m sure.”
She couldn’t help but smile at the light that filled his eyes, reminiscent of Quidditch games and summers at Narcissa’s cottage. She loved Draco dearly, once upon a time as a lover, but now simply as a friend. Loathe as she was to ever say it, she also adored Hermione and all of her infuriating mannerisms and backwards fashion.
And what she loved most of all was seeing her favorite things come together in a tapestry of her making.
Drinks refilled, she shoved both glasses into Draco’s hands, patted him on the back, and turned to wink at a certain former Gryffindor as the two forces of nature collided.
Far be it for anyone to say Pansy Parkinson wasn’t a generous friend—generous, thoughtful, methodical, and now…hungry.
She finally let her own eyes slide over to another former Gryffindor, still seated and chatting with her former housemate. The two brunettes laughed over an unknown joke, completely oblivious to the absence in their trio or to her own consideration of their persons. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips. They were incredibly fit.
The night was still young, and Pansy was in the mood to play.
WC 704
Featuring a current favorite, Pansy! I love seeing her as an adult bestie to Hermione, like two opposites from school ended up meeting in the middle and realizing they had a lot more in common than they previously thought. I could have used a wingwoman Pansy during my college days, either to aid, or steer me away from poor choices ;)
And yes, hinting at some PansyxNevillexTheo playtime
Twitter prompt from DramionePrompts
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We know you enjoy fucked up characters. But which HP and Twilight characters do you actually like/consider decent at least as people, not characters? I'd love a reasoning, if you have time for it, but if you don't, just a list would do, thank you!
In the traditional sense that tumblr would readily accept? Alright, I'll try listing things off and see what we get.
(As for my actually 'liking' that's a different story, as you note, I do genuinely like the fucked up characters who I claim are abominable. They're interesting to me, anon.)
Harry Potter
I'm only going to bother listing off the at least somewhat present characters. We're not going to talk about shop keepers who have two lines one time or someone who just gets mentioned offscreen.
Neville Longbottom
Neville's a good kid and kind of the Charlie Brown of the series. Just, god, this kid puts up with so much shit even from those who are supposed to kind of be his friends.
However, I can never remember him ever being remotely awful even in a normal teenage way. He's just a really nice kid who has shitty teenage friends.
Luna Lovegood
Luna's a bit strange but also suffers from the seeming to be a good kid with shitty friends syndrome. Especially when those friends are worse to her than they are to Neville (quite the accomplishment). Luna should have blown her lid years ago but takes it all in stride even when Ron, Harry, and Hermione are actively making fun of her to her face.
God, Luna, I'm so sorry.
Fleur Delacour
Fleur is standoffish to Harry at first, but it's reasonable given the position she's in, her age at the time, and that it looks like Hogwarts favoritism. However, to me she generally acts nice and like a very decent person, even when the Weasleys are giving her constant hell for daring to date Bill.
Viktor Krum
Viktor seems like a nice enough guy. We don't see too much of him but he's friendly, approachable, he and Hermione have a great time at the dance and brief romance and every bad thing he ever did turned out to be him getting imperiused.
Charlie Swan
Charlie has some serious flaws and some issues when it comes to seeing Jacob clearly/disregarding his daughter but he does genuinely seem to try his best and have her best interests at heart.
Billy Black
Billy, you poor man. In every instant Billy is trying to do right by his son, his people, his friends, or Bella and he comes off a superstitious madman, an old man who has no idea what he's talking about and the Cullens are amazing, or someone who doesn't understand.
Jessica Stanley
Jessica's a gossip and a teenage girl but she goes out of her way to do right by all of her friends. We don't see too much with the other girls, as Bella... cares about Bella, but she goes above and beyond for Bella when none of her other friends are there for her.
She nopes out (as she should have when hanging around Bella became dangerous for her) but she hangs out with Bella later when Bella's... stabilized and never brings up what happened.
Beautifully repaid for this by Edward and Bella both thinking she's The Worst.
Mike Newton
Mike's not a bad kid, he's just a teenage boy. He's about what I'd expect from any teenage boy in any high school. He's very interested in girls, yes, but he also reacts in ways normal people should like say when Bella looks like she's going to pass out in Biology over the blood testing and he's freaking out over it.
Sam Uley
I may get flack for this but the man does try. A lot. He tries to do right by all the people in the pack, tries to do right by Bella, tries to do right by Leah and Emily (even when imprinty shifty nonsense happens), and is forced into making very hard decisions. However he seems to be a very honorable and standup guy just in the worst circumstances.
Emily Young
Emily's another that tries to do right by everyone and is just caught in an awful mess. She tries to do right by Leah, by Sam, then keep her tribe together when these teenage boys keep imprinting on everything.
Leah Clearwater
Leah's full of anger but again always tries to do the right thing and is very levelheaded considering her circumstances. She doesn't want to hate Sam or Emily for what happened to her and actively tries to move on from her own hurt.
Seth Clearwater
Seth seems like a good, earnest, kid. His flaws are actually in his naivite and willingness to see the good in everybody when, yeah, Seth, maybe the Cullens are in fact dangerous and you shouldn't be buddy buddy with them. I've got nothing against Seth.
Quil Atera IV
Quil seems like a decent kid who got stuck imprinting on a toddler and is desperately trying to make the best of it in the only way he can: just being her baby sitter one time a week. Before the imprint he seemed like a decent enough guy.
I'm not going to list off all the pack but most of them seem like decent people trying to do the right thing if a little teenage boy-ish (which can sometimes make them assholes).
Carlisle Cullen
The man has some serious flaws and issues but I think he is a decent person at heart who does strive to live by his principles and do the right thing. (Also, you guys knew this one was coming).
Esme Cullen
Esme's bizarre, but she's a very sweet and caring person who I think is quite genuine in her compassion towards others. She may not be entirely there, but she does mean what she says and genuinely mean well for her family and for others. She just... says things sometimes, or doesn't realize that telling Edward it's okay to eat the girl means Edward would be... eating a teenage girl...
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epitomereally · 1 year
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@hd-wireless 2023 fic claim: LA, Who Am I to Love You? for @sitp-recs
Harry’s summer in LA is not going as expected. Pansy Parkinson keeps inviting him to parties in the Hollywood Hills and harassing him to finally go to the physical therapist, Blaise Zabini keeps slipping new strains of his company’s magical weed into Harry’s pockets in hopes of an endorsement, and Draco Malfoy keeps having sex with everyone but Harry.
Liv, there's nothing I can say that everyone hasn't said before: you're such a lovely, kind, supportive part of our fandom and I can't think you enough for everything you do (especially sticking up for my fic while it was still on anon!). I was so so so excited when I saw your prompt — thank you for letting me rhapsodize about magical Los Angeles and also for letting me be horny in your ask box 💕💗💞
This fic took a village & is immeasurably better for all of their feedback: @thehoneybeet, whose essays about how some key scenes should change led to more clarity and kindness in the fic (and who let me steal their words VERBATIM); aulophobia, who tamed my run-on sentences (or at least half of them — blame me for the rest) and britpicked the hell out of this American fic (any Americanisms remaining are my own); @theonetruenim for their enthusiasm and wonderful LA vibes check; and @chaoticbindery for talking with me about Chicano magical traditions and a sensitivity read.
I'm feeling really sappy about this story. I truly love LA and I hope everyone else can see something to love about this illogical and metastatic city in the fic, whether it's the interminable sun and traffic, bougainvillea cascading over a fence, or the smog making the sunsets violent and gorgeous. Thank you to everyone who read it (especially @sitp-recs & @romaine2424 for your recs) — it means the world.
A brief snippet for the * ~ LA V I B E S ~ *
Luna and Neville spend a magical week in LA. Neville works during the day, developing a new strain with Blaise, but Luna is stupendously free. She accompanies Harry to yoga, where she compliments the teacher on her lack of Wrackspurts. Harry’s teacher accepts the compliment graciously and completely seriously. Despite being a Muggle, she is apparently senses when her aura is being declared clear, despite the incomprehensible words Luna uses.
They go to Harry’s favourite juice bar and Luna delights in ordering the oddest-coloured drinks she can: black (charcoal), royal blue (spirulina), hot pink (pitaya), and then green, green, and more green.
He and Luna spend hours outside. They lay on the beach—the first time Harry’s taken his shirt off in front of anyone who’s not a Healer since the bite—and Luna spends hours tracing it gently, completely intent, her nose almost pressed into Harry’s side. Harry dozes, waking up every time she hits somewhere sensitive. Despite applying extensive sunscreen, he somehow acquires a bit of a glow about him. He loves it. Harry, who was always tan in England, had felt positively pale before now in LA. He had been technically darker than Malfoy and Pansy, but his skin didn’t have a healthy flush of recent sun exposure; it looked almost green, olive tones coming out against the gold of Malfoy’s and amber of Pansy’s. Somehow, all the Slytherins have freckles. They no longer look sickly and afraid like at Hogwarts; instead, like they had ripened and melted in the LA sun. When they arrive back at Malfoy’s, Harry likes how Malfoy laughs at both of them, not unkindly, when they immediately demand Sun-Healing Potion.
They walk along the canals of Venice and the tiny alleys, where Luna stops to marvel at pomelos the size of Harry’s head, or brush her fingers through mulberries which stain her hands wine-dark for the rest of the day, or weave a crown of fig leaves.
They wile away the time in Draco’s garden. Butterflies flit around them—Harry’s not sure if they’re even real, given the mild explosions from Draco’s garage, where he’s madly inventing effects. Luna takes time to tell Harry about every plant in the garden, what’s in season, and what Draco has enchanted to bloom despite the heat and the sun: bougainvillea and wisteria and jacaranda and Birds of Paradise and one English tea rose. It’s odd how at-home Harry feels in Malfoy’s back garden—they’ve only just barely become friends—but he does and Malfoy seems to like him there, anyways.
On Thursday evening, after 48 hours of mad plant alchemy between Neville and Blaise, they come home. Neville’s only got one long scratch down his cheek, which is apparently a rousing success for trying to cross marijuana, Gillyweed, and a Venomous Tentacula. The poison is apparently a mild empathogen in small doses, the Gillyweed makes Harry feel as if he’s floating and unexpectedly makes him blow bubbles, and they all lie in the backyard, laughing and dozing and chatting. Bubbles float above them, trapped by the jacaranda: purple and pink and iridescent, shifting in front of Harry’s eyes. Somehow, butterflies are still flitting about the garden; the fairy lights glow above them in the dim of the twilight. A giant purple blossom from the jacaranda drifts down to the top of Malfoy’s head, and Harry can’t stop staring, entranced by how lovely he is, how golden and beautiful. He falls asleep on the cushioned wicker sofa out back that night, Luna curled around Pansy in a chair, and Neville snoring away. Harry wakes up feeling better than he has in a long time.
Luna and Harry go for hikes in the Hollywood Hills: Runyon Canyon, and Cahuenga Peak to the Hollywood Sign, where Harry feels like a tourist for the first time in LA. They even even drive west up into the Santa Monica Mountains, where Harry roasts to a crisp, exposed among the shrub, with the ocean vast and glittering to his left. Luna’s a calming presence in the passenger seat of Harry’s car, humming along in a scattershot, off-key melody to songs she’s never heard before. While they hike, Luna points out a peppercorn tree, crushes the pink berries between her hands and puts them into Harry’s nostrils; he sneezes. She marvels at the wild mustard, coating the hills with yellow sprays of flowers. She stands in front of an agave, blue-green spikes taller than her, with what appeared to be a giant asparagus rising from its center. It must have been thirty feet tall, covered in yellow and red anemones. Luna loves it instantly. She loves the prickly pear too, with their bloody metastatic fruit sprouting off the paddles—Harry finds them frankly unnerving. She finds wild rosemary off the trail, soft and plush; it’s so intensely savory that Harry feels like he’s being punched in the face with a focaccia when he smells it.
Harry had just tolerated LA—it was a means to an end, a long shot to get rid of the wolf. It almost feels like cheating to see it now through Luna’s eyes, just after Parkinson tempts him with a Quidditch offer. Harry feels as if he hasn’t made a real choice in his entire life: his path laid out by Voldemort and Dumbledore from his first birthday; his apathy during Auror training; and finally the bite. He didn’t think he had a real choice in front of him here, either, but now, in the unexpected beauty of LA through Luna’s eyes and generosity of Pansy Parkinson, he does.
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lemonsprite · 1 year
Neville POV- the other night I saw Harry and Draco in Professor Snape’s room after hours. Before I could say anything, Snape stopped me and told me to just “walk away.” I haven’t seen Draco, Harry, and Snape in the same room since. Snape won’t Look Draco in the eye.
Luna POV- The other day I saw Harry and Draco in the forbidden forest doing things only animals would do. Harry told me not to tell anyone and if I did promise not to he would still be my friend.
Ron POV- I saw Harry and his sworn enemy sneaking around in the library, specifically the forbidden section. We promised not to go there after first year, but here he was! Breaking that promise… Hermiones said it was just my imagination, but… I don’t think my imagination could come up with that.
Hermione POV- I saw Harry take Draco under the invisibility cloak. I was under the impression he was taking Draco down to the dueling grounds for practice but after hearing some strange noises… I’m not so sure…
Moaning Myrtle POV- I saw Harry and Draco in the girls 2nd floor bathroom and in all my years at this school… I’ve never seen something like… *that*… it was quite entertaining enough but they caught me and Harry went very red. I laughed and laughed and went back to thinking about Cedric and death
Oliver Wood POV- After a Brief qudditch Match, I Found Harry and Draco under the stands together. Draco and Harry had gotten into an altercation over the golden snitch. Draco pushed Harry against the wall and whispered, in quite a sultry voice may I add “you think you’re gonna get away with this, just wait until later.” And then Harry smirked.
Goyle POV- Goyle thinks it’s weird that Draco is hiding something from Goyle. Goyle keeps seeing Harry sneak in to the Sylterin boys dormitory. Goyle keeps hearing weird noises…
Voldemort POV- during the final battle after I cursed the Potter boy, that Malfoy child came running. He gave the wand back to Potter, and after some oddly close interactions and some strange caressing, Potter sat back up as if nothing had ever happened. I don’t know what kind of spell that spawn of Lucius cast but as far as I’m concerned that whole Malfoy clan is no longer apart of my ranks.
Lucius POV- I always thought that Draco was all talk when it came to Potter, I mean I’ve heard it, *believe me*. That boys been rambling about him since year one. But it all came to a head when I was going to ask Draco a question but he’d already turned in for the night, and from my dear sons room I heard a cursed name. “*potter*”
@ziggystardust8675 >:]
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dhr-ao3 · 3 days
Dead Language
Dead Language https://ift.tt/Le2mCbA by Vaellie Draco spent three years in Azkaban to atone. Seven more trying to remember how to live like a real person. Legal training, caring for his mother, finding ways to normalize in a world that seemed to have moved on in his absence. A random briefing arrives at his private law firm's door and he takes the meeting out of curiosity, only to find the last witch he expected to see again asking for help caring for victims of Lycanthropy. Though then again, with his entire friend group working to shove the two together in various ways, it was only a matter of time for him to run back into Hermione Granger and send both of them into an awkward orbit. Hermione has been with and divorced Ron here, Rose Weasley is 5 and is generally only cared for by Hermione and friends. Golden Trio more an awkward Golden Duo.   Only chaos ensues~ Misleadingly happy for a while. It will not always be that way and I will so endeavor to warn when it isn't. (Updates at the very least weekly, but hopefully a little more often? I am my own beta reader, kill me) Words: 5025, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/M, Multi Characters: Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Harry Potter, Ginny Weasley, Ron Weasley, Narcissa Black Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Astoria Greengrass, Daphne Greengrass, Andromeda Black Tonks, Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Rose Weasley, Fenrir Greyback, Bellatrix Black Lestrange Relationships: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy, (past) Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Astoria Greengrass/Theodore Nott, Padma Patil/Blaise Zabini, Neville Longbottom/Luna Lovegood Additional Tags: Divorced Hermione Granger & Ron Weasley, Hurt/Comfort, Eventual Happy Ending, Rose is 5 in this, Eventual Romance, God it's gonna be a wierd journey, BAMF Hermione Granger, Auror Hermione Granger, Auror Harry Potter, Lawyer Draco Malfoy, Death Eater Trials, Warning: Fenrir Greyback, please take that warning to heart, (i'm sorry), Healer Theodore Nott, Good Parent Narcissa Black Malfoy, Protective Narcissa Black Malfoy, POV Draco Malfoy, POV Hermione Granger, POV Multiple, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, Hermione Granger Has PTSD, traumatic flashbacks, Hermione with an Eidetic Memory, Somehow both Geniuses, And still both stupid, Everyone knows before they know, Exhausted mother Hermione, Girl has been through hell, Golden Trio is a little less Golden, Other Additional Tags to Be Added via AO3 works tagged 'Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy' https://ift.tt/aRuLWJx September 20, 2024 at 06:52AM
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griffin-girl-r · 7 months
Chapter 2: Denial
Chapter 1
June 22, 1996
The sunlight filtered through the hospital's windows, casting long shadows on the walls as hushed whispers echoed inside the room.
"Do you think she'll wake up soon?" said a voice.
"I hope so," replied another. "She's taking quite some time in doing so, mate."
"Madam Pomfrey said that she should have been awake by now," a calm, high-pitched voice added.
Hermione groaned weakly as she started to emerge from the darkness that had enveloped her.
Her eyelids fluttered open for a brief moment, but her eyes struggled to adjust to the light that seemed so harsh now.
Her head was throbbing, and her ribs felt as if they had been broken into a million pieces.
Everyone in the room held their breath as Hermione slowly regained awareness.
Hope filled their hearts as the brunette girl finally opened her eyes fully, her clouded gaze flickering around the room before settling on the face to her right.
Ron's face broke into a wide smile as he saw Hermione's eyes open and full of life again, despite the lingering pain within them.
"Hermione!" breathed Ron, relieved. "You're awake!"
"How are you feeling?" Harry asked, appearing into her line of view. "You gave us all quite the scare."
"I can agree with Harry on that one," Neville mumbled from his chair.
"I feel like..." Hermione choked out. "Like I've been run over by a train."
Ginny, who was laying on the bed on Hermione's left, looked at her brother and his friend concerned.
"Harry, I think you should go and call someone here to check on Hermione," Ginny worriedly stated.
"I'll call someone," Luna chimed in, jumping down from the edge of Ginny's bed where she was seated.
"Hey..." Hermione tried to sit up but winced, the pain in her ribs intensifying tenfold. "Ouch... I was just joking. It's a Muggle joke."
"Still... You need to be checked," smiled Luna before leaving the room.
Hermione turned towards her best friends, her vision returning to normal as she could now see her friends clearly.
"What happened?" Hermione questioned curiously, trying to piece together the fragments of her memories.
"During the battle, one of the Death Eaters threw a wordless curse at you," Harry explained, a hint of guilt flashing in his eyes.
"It was Antonin Dolohov," Ron furiously added, knowing that the name would ring a bell for Hermione. "Bloody murderer!" He exclaimed, revolted. "If Harry hadn't petrified him, we could have lost you there."
Hermione squeezed her eyes shut as her brain struggled to process the information she had just heard.
She almost died.
She could have been dead by now.
She could have been dead, and for what? For a war that wasn't even hers?
But that didn't matter.
The only people who would have missed her were her parents.
Maybe even Harry and Ron.
But she thought that Harry would have been a little too busy to allow himself to grieve for her.
So only Ron would remain.
But to the rest of the Wizarding World, she would have been just another casualty. A young witch who fell protecting her friends fiercely.
"For how long have I been asleep?" The brown-haired girl asked, in a poor attempt to distract herself from her thoughts that threatened to overwhelm her.
"For almost four days," answered Ginny.
Hermione turned around to look at the ginger girl, taking a moment to have a good look at her.
Ginny's ankle was bandaged, but judging by the position of her foot, her ankle had long been fixed.
"It was that bad?" asked Hermione, surprise present in her voice.
"It did quite enough damage to be going on with," Madam Pomfrey's voice boomed as she walked inside with Luna behind her. "Yes, the curse was less effective than it would have been if cast aloud, but you still need a lot of potions and bed rest to fully heal."
The woman walked towards Hermione's bed and started checking the girl.
Hermione made no move, but she could feel everyone's eyes on her, which made her feel uncomfortable.
She tried to think about other things that were more positive, like the fact that if she had been unconscious for the past four days, it meant that she was just one week away from the end of the school year. That also meant she was one week away from returning home to see her parents.
She was so lost in her own head that she hadn't even noticed when Madam Pomfrey stopped checking her. But she did get startled when Ron grabbed her hand shyly, giving it a gentle squeeze before letting go.
Her head snapped in his direction, but before she could say anything, Harry beat her to it.
"You should rest, Hermione," said Harry quietly. "I promise that we will explain everything to you in the morning. But for now, you need to sleep and recover."
Hermione wanted to protest. No one tells her what to do. But the heaviness in her eyelids was too hard to ignore and, with a long sigh, she nodded.
Maybe a nap didn't sound that bad after all.
The distant sound of birds chirping filled Hermione's ears as she woke up with a start. She had somehow managed to sleep through the entire evening and night.
As she opened her eyes now, the soft morning light blinded her vision before she adjusted to its intensity.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," a voice greeted her, and she instantly recognized Ron's voice. "We were wondering if you would join us for breakfast this morning."
Hermione chuckled weakly, her head turning to look at one of her two best friends, noticing that she, Ron, and Ginny were now alone.
"What my idiot brother is trying to say is that Mom will bring us some homemade food this morning," Ginny sternly explained. "He hasn't been able to sleep all night thinking about it."
Hermione smirked 'Classic Ron,' she thought, 'Always thinking about food.'
"Right," chuckled Hermione once again with a nod.
Hermione gathered the strength she had to slowly push herself into a sitting position as her muscles begged for relief. But just as she relaxed, she caught sight of something she hadn't noticed the prior day.
"Merlin's beard!" she cried, getting startled.
"Oh, that?" Ron chuckled. "Yeah, she's been like this for the past few days."
There, in a far away corner of the room, Professor Umbridge was lying still on the bed, her eyes wide open but staring into the void.
She looked relatively unscathed, if you didn't count her hair in.
Hermione couldn't help but feel a slight pang of guilt in her heart for the state Umbridge was in. She knew that Dolores Umbridge deserved it, but still...
"How did she end up here?" questioned Hermione hesitantly.
"Dumbledore rescued her from the forest," Ginny said as she stretched her arms before sitting up on the edge of her bed. "How he managed that, I have no idea," she shrugged.
"Bloody mental, that old man is," said Ron loudly, his eyebrows reflexively darting upwards. "I'm telling you!"
Hermione nodded absentmindedly at Ron's remarks, making a mental note to investigate what happened later, when she would be allowed to leave the boring hospital room.
"What more should I know?" asked Hermione, looking between the two siblings, her arms crossed over her chest.
"And then Bellatrix killed Sirius," Ron finished his story, his tone grave and filled with sadness.
"Sirius is dead?!" Hermione yelled, her eyebrows shooting into her hairline.
"Yes," Ginny confirmed in a somewhat unbothered tone. "Then Harry wanted revenge on Bellatrix, used the Cruciatus Curse on her, You-Know-Who showed up out of nowhere, Dumbledore saved Harry and after everything, Fudge officially declared that we are now at war." She finished, passing the Sunday Prophet to Hermione.
"He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Returns," Hermione read the big bolded title on the front page.
She swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, realization hitting her like a tidal wave.
"Poor Harry!" breathed Hermione, lowering the newspaper into her lap.
She could feel tears stinging her eyes but she refused to let them fall.
She felt pity for her friend. He lost the man who was his only family and now they were thrown into an unwanted war.
It simply wasn't fair.
"You know," started Hermione revolted. "Us Muggles have our own kind of wand that I would love to use on Bellatrix for killing Sirius."
"You do?" Questioned Ginny surprised
"Yeah!" Nodded Hermione "It's called a gun and it's more efficient than a wand."
"Hermione, no!" Ron shouted
"I'm just saying." Hermione rolled her eyes
"Anyways, Dumbledore was reinstalled as the headmaster," Ron shrugged awkwardly, trying to offer Hermione at least one piece of good news.
"Thank you, Ronald. What would I do without your good news?" Hermione offered him a small nod, the room falling into an uncomfortable silence.
Thankfully, it did not last long as Mrs. Weasley walked inside the room, her face lighting up at the sight of Hermione awake and alert.
"Hermione, dear!" cried Mrs. Weasley happily, spreading her arms open to engulf Hermione in a tight hug. "I'm so happy to see you awake! You gave me such a scare."
Hermione's body protested against the hug, yet she couldn't deny the fact that she quite enjoyed the motherly hug she was receiving.
"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley," Hermione smiled, pulling away from the embrace, trying to hide her pain. "It's good to see you as well."
"My girl..." Mrs. Weasley smiled widely, pinching Hermione's cheeks.
"It's good to see you, Mother," Ginny and Ron chanted simultaneously, attempting to catch their mother's attention.
"Albus Dumbledore, newly reinstated headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, reinstated member of the International Confederation of Wizards, and reinstated Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, was unavailable for comment last night. He has insisted for a year that You-Know-Who was not dead, as was widely hoped and believed, but recruiting followers once more for a fresh attempt to seize power. Meanwhile, the Boy Who Lived..." Hermione stopped reading and lifted her head. "There you are, Harry, I knew they'd drag you into it somehow," said Hermione, in a sarcastic tone of surprise, looking over the top of the paper at her friend.
Harry sat on Ron's bed, a frown etched on his face as he appeared to be lost in thought.
After Hermione, Ron, and Ginny had eaten the breakfast brought by Mrs. Weasley, they were joined by Harry, Luna, and Neville to discuss what had been wrote in the Sunday Prophet.
"He's 'the Boy Who Lived' again now, though, isn't he?" Ron said darkly, a sneer on his face as he reached for some Chocolate Frogs from the pile on his bedside cabinet. "Not such a show-off maniac anymore, eh?"
Hermione watched as he threw some to Neville, Harry, and Ginny before ripping the wrapper with his teeth instead of his hands, causing Hermione to roll her eyes annoied.
"Yes, they're very complimentary about you now, Harry," Hermione nodded, now scanning down the article, that was making her frown. "I notice they don't mention the fact that it was them doing all the ridiculing and slandering, though."
Hums of agreement were heard as Hermione kept scanning the article with her eyes quickly.
"Well," Hermione folded up the newspaper and threw it aside, too fed up with it to keep reading. "It's certainly given them lots to write about. And that interview with Harry isn't exclusive, it's the one that was in The Quibbler months ago..." She pointed out.
"Daddy sold it to them," Luna mumbled distractedly, while turning a page of The Quibbler that she was reading upside down. "He got a very good price for it too, so we're going to go on an expedition to Sweden this summer and see if we can catch a Crumple-Horned Snorkack."
Hermione frowned as her mind tried to come up with anything to say about Luna's plans, trying to find something non-offensive to say. "That sounds lovely." She squinted her eyes with a nod of her head. "So anyway," she tried to sit up a little straighter but winced, her ribs protesting once again. "What's going on in school?"
She wanted to know everything that happened in the time she was unconscious.
"Well, Flitwick's got rid of Fred and George's swamp," Ginny was the first to speak. "He did it in about three seconds. But he left a tiny patch under the window and he's roped it off..."
"Why?" Hermione questioned, almost flinching at the news.
"Oh, he just says it was a really good bit of magic," explained Ginny, shrugging unbothered.
"I think he left it as a monument to Fred and George," Ron spoke with his mouth full of chocolate. "They sent me all these, you know," he looked at Harry before pointing at the small mountain of Frogs beside him. "Must be doing all right out of that joke shop, eh?"
Hermione shook her head disapprovingly as she forced herself to not make any remark at Ron's antics. "So has all the trouble stopped now Dumbledore's back?"
"Yes," Neville said, speaking for the first time since he entered the room. "Everything's settled right back down again."
"I s'pose Filch is happy, is he?" asked Ron, propping a Chocolate Frog card against his water jug.
Hermione looked at the card and saw it was featuring Dumbledore on it before turning to look at Ginny.
"Not at all," said Ginny, catching Hermione's attention. "He's really, really miserable, actually..." She lowered her voice to a whisper, afraid someone might hear their conversation and get them in trouble. "He keeps saying Umbridge was the best thing that ever happened to Hogwarts."
Hermione said nothing as she looked around the room, her gaze settling on Umbridge who was wide awake but didn't show any signs of awareness.
She knew that it most probably wasn't anything serious. Right?
Madam Pomfrey had said it herself that Professor Umbridge was just in shock, although Ron had discovered that she did react to certain sounds.
Horse galloping sounds, to be more specific.
Yet, Hermione barely muffled her laughter as Ron showed them once again his discovery, making Madam Pomfrey, who was just then passing by their room, ask Umbridge if everything was okay.
"Speaking of centaurs,'' Hermione asked once she was able to control her laughter, "Who's the Divination teacher now? Is Firenze staying?"
Now that was information she not only wanted to know but needed to know.
"He's got to," Harry supposed, shaking his head. "The other centaurs won't take him back, will they?"
"It looks like he and Trelawney are both going to teach," Ginny added.
"Bet Dumbledore wishes he could've gotten rid of Trelawney for good," Ron said, munching on another Frog. Hermione lost count of how many he had eaten at this point. "Mind you, the whole subject's useless if you ask me. Firenze isn't a lot better."
"How can you say that?" Hermione gasped demandingly. "After we've just found out that there are real prophecies?" From the corner of her eye, she noticed Harry shifting in his seat nervously. "It is a pity it broke," she quietly continued, shaking her head in disappointment.
"Yeah, it is," Ron said. "Still, at least You-Know-Who never found out what was in it either. Where are you going?" he added, as Harry stood up.
"Er - Hagrid's," said Harry, nervously. "You know, he just got back and I promised I'd go down and see him and tell him how you two are..."
Hermione had a feeling that Harry was lying, trying to find an excuse, but she brushed it off as a mere thought.
"Oh, all right then," Ron replied grumpily, disappointed that his best friend was leaving so soon. "Wish we could come..."
Harry started speedwalking towards the exit, leaving his friends behind in a state of confusion and curiosity.
"Say hello to him for us!" called Hermione. "And ask him what's happening about..." She quickly tried to find the right word to use. "About his little friend!"
She didn't receive an answer as Harry was already gone.
Hermione sighed sadly, reaching for one of the potions that were on her bedside cabinet. She scrunched her nose in disgust, opening the cap of the small bottle of the potion.
"Is that the fifth one?" questioned Ginny.
"The sixth," said Hermione, quickly drinking the potion to get it over with as quickly as possible. "Just four more to go."
"Four more?!" said Neville, surprised.
"Madam Pomfrey said I have to take 10 different potions a day for the entire summer," Hermione nodded sadly. "Not the most pleasant way to spend your vacation, but she says I need it."
"Which you strongly disagree," added Ron, shoving another Chocolate Frog in his mouth.
"Stop eating, Ron," Hermione ordered. "You're going to have a chocolate rush."
"Who says that?" Ron mumbled.
It felt like an eternity for Hermione until she was finally deemed completely recovered to be allowed to leave the hospital.
It has been five long days and she couldn't have been more bored, despite having time to read as many books as she wanted. Being the last one to be discharged didn't help with the boredom either.
But on the bright side, there were only three more days left until the end of the term, and the girl couldn't be happier.
She had already started packing her things, eager to have a respite from the brewing war and fights.
She was now in her room, her clothes scattered around on her bed as she preppared her luggage just in case.
She groaned, bending down to pick up one of her shirts that she had accidentally dropped while folding. The soreness was too stubborn to leave her alone too soon it seems.
"What kind of curse had he used?" Cried Hermione loudly, taking advantage of the fact that she was alone in the room.
She scoffed.
"Hex you, Dolohov," she added through gritted teeth.
She continued folding her clothes, but her mind was worrying about Harry.
Hermione had tried to bring up the matter of Sirius' death on various occasions, yet Harry tried to avoid the topic, with Ron not being much help as the ginger boy made hushing noises each time she tried to say Sirius' name.
She knew that Harry was in a state of denial. He tried to block out the fact that Sirius wasn't coming back, lying to himself that his godfather would return in one way or another.
Harry refused to hear any mention of the Department of Mysteries or of Sirius being dead, and Hermione wasn't blaming him, but denial wasn't going to help him face the loss.
Nonetheless, he would have to accept the truth sooner or later.
She couldn't deny that Sirius' departure brought a sense of sadness to her as well. She had grown to like Sirius over time and he offered her a feeling that she had known him long before they actually met. Yet, he was nothing to her.
Shaking her head, she abandoned what she was doing, deciding that a walk near the lake would do her good, helping her clear her mind.
She left the dormitory and made her way outside, only to find Harry and Ron already sitting by the lake.
"Don't worry, mate," she heard Ron say, patting Harry's back, "we'll find a way."
"Oh, how lovely to see you two having such an intellectual and engaging conversation without me. I'm sure your discussion about Quidditch tactics is absolutely riveting," she stepped closer to the two boys, her tone half filled with sarcasm, half with mischief.
"Ya wish!" chuckled Ron, turning to face her.
"It's good to see you walking around these grounds again," Harry said, trying to offer Hermione a smile.
"So what's the plan now that the Ministry has finally acknowledged that You-Know-Who is back?" asked Hermione.
"We're not sure just yet," said Harry, looking down at the ground.
"Hey..." breathed Hermione, placing her hands on Harry's arms, "We're a team, okay? We'll get through this just like we have done before." She took a deep breath before adding, "Together."
"Always," Ron smiled.
"Always," Harry nodded.
"There you three were," a voice called, making the trio turn their heads only to see Professor McGonagall speed walking in their direction. "I've been searching for you everywhere."
"Something wrong, Professor?" Harry asked, concerned that something might be wrong.
"I swear, we didn't do anything this time! We were just discharged from the hospital, barely even got out!" Ron's voice shook with fear. "I thought we were going to rot in there if they kept us one more day locked up."
"Mr. Weasley," Minerva McGonagall began, disappointed. "I am asking you to stop being dramatic. Luckily, you three haven't caused any mischief this time."
"Then what is the matter, Professor?" Hermione raised an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. "What do you need us for?"
"Dumbledore is requesting your presence in his office," said McGonagall. "He said there is something more he wants to privately talk to you about before you leave."
"What more could he want to tell us?" Harry said quietly.
McGonagall fixed Hermione with her eyes, a mix of sadness and apprehension shining in them.
"I'm afraid I cannot answer that question, Mr. Potter," the woman said. "But I heard it is something that concerns Miss Granger."
"Me?!" shouted Hermione, but before she could say anything else, she was interrupted.
"Come on now," McGonagall said, turning around to walk back to the castle. "Everything will be revealed in its own time."
Hermione, Harry, and Ron shared a concerned look.
They were scared of what secrets would be revealed this time.
The afternoon sun reflected its colors on the surface of the lake as the three friends walked side by side towards Dumbledore's office, ready to face whatever was coming as a united team.
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ma-lark-ey · 2 years
I feel like challenging GOD so in my first ever read of Harry Potter I will be listing all of my headcanons in one big master post and sending it into the void space of tumblr thank you goodbye. I have no concept over which of these are hottakes, which of these are widely accepted, and which of them are just me being batshit crazy because as I write this I have never once looked at the Harry Potter fandom proper and my only knowledge of it is My Immortal and the fact that TikTok thinks Harry's dad and Sirius' little brother should makeout. 1. Ron Weasley is autistic.
2. Neville Longbottom is half-Korean on his mother's side, and also probably wears goofy little frog overalls.
3. Ron is tall, Harry is Short
4. Harry's scar is smattered across his face like a lightning storm and not just one little bolt, that's pussy shit. Make that shit dramatic
5. Ron and Luna probably had a fling at one point. Autism for autism
6. No way this isn't fanon, but Luna Lovegood is autistic.
7. Ginny Weasley is the HOTTEST bitch in Hogwarts and she is AWARE.
8. In Goblet of Fire the entire little Ron and Harry arc happening there was that they had a summer fling and then broke up when Ron had his little pissboy arc and they were both babies about it and then went back to having their regularly scheduled bromance thank you goodnight
9. Harry is actually dating a new person each book, no matter how short-lived it is. Why? Comedy. It's FUNNY.
10. I think Harry and Ginny have a shotgun wedding at like, nineteen.
11. All I know is that in my brief dive into AO3 (re: I looked up this exact tag out of morbid curiosity of it was A Thing), Sirius/Snape were apparently one of the smallest ships with like only 2k fics which is wild to me, because that enemies to lovers??? Thought bitches would eat that shit up. I don't ship it, but it still was wild.
12. Sirius and Remus are in love. (post mortum: I have now dived just slightly in the fic of Harry Potter and realize this is widely accepted fanon.)
13. Hermione wears fun frilly dresses outside of school and actually really loves dressing up and being girly fuck this 'not like other girls' agenda going on with her. Put her in a pretty dress and let her frolic in a field with flowers.
14. Luna is a seer. She goes on to teach divination
15. I was gonna say something about in my little noggin Ginny raised her and Harry's kid as a single mom or whatever and it's a fic I'm gonna work on and also his name is Remus Weasley and he's a Slytherin but APPARENTLY that's just the entire plot of the Cursed Child as my HP special interest having bestie informed me. I just added in a Gryffindor pretty boy for my Slytherin Potter boy to make out with when JKR was too much of a coward to make him gay.
17. Cedric Diggory lived a very long and happy life and had a lovely spouse - guy who got really attached to this dorky little dude, knowing full well how he died.
18. It takes Harry at LEAST two marriages to women to realize he's gay. The egg takes a very long time to crack.
19. Ron is straight. He's just. He's got such bi wife energy.
20. Ginny Weasley is a raging bisexual, and so are the twins, and so is Bill. And Charlie? I know in my soul that's a nonbinary.
21. Luna Lovegood? NOT a lesbian, sorry lesbians. I'm claiming her for the aromantics. That's right. She belongs to us.
22. Fleur Delacour was a lesbian. LESBIAN.
23. Harry and Dudley reconnect in their like, thirties/forties and actually become good friends I think.
24. Harry often does diy piercings in the bathrooms during fifth and sixth year, Luna helps.
25. Fred and Lee Jordan are boyfriends god bless.
26. Out of spite for JKR, here's a list of trans woman in Harry Potter according to ME: Ginny Weasley, McGonagall, Hermione, Luna, Lily Potter (her and James are t4t), Tonks (that bitch is nonbinary transfemme),
27. I will live, breathe, and die by my personal headcannon that Tonks and Remus are comphet and in a lavender marriage but they lovingly coparent their child together and regularly at parties Tonks goes "where's my husband? Oh, he's making out with his boyfriend okay cool." and moves on.
28. Draco Malfoy's patronus is that white ferret Moody Crouch turned him into in book four.
29. In my perfect world James Potter is alive and I love him most than anything, I'm holding him like a wet cat. i literally bought three stag plushes over the month I was reading this series just because I couldn't stop thinking about him.
30. I am ignoring the implications in the epilogue that Harry did not raise Teddy Lupin, because he did, actually. That was the last promise he made to his beloved Remus Lupin and if Deathly Hallows taught us anything it's that Harry Potter keeps a fucking promise <<3
31. Molly and Arthur heavily assisted Harry in his 'I'm gonna raise this god damn orphan to good y'all won't know what hit him. I'm gonna be such a good dad.'
32. I am literally IGNORING all these implications of the Cursed Child. Draco Malfoy is also a banger dad. i think he goes to counseling and sorts out his issues and tries very hard to not put such high expectations on his own kids. I think he tries very hard to undo the damage Lucius did to him, and the bad choices he made in trying to make his parents proud of him. I think he makes sure his kids know better than anything else, that all he wants for them is joy. He wants them to be good, happy people.
33. Just Lovers - Zerrazapriel says that Sirius' patronus is Moony and that's so fucking real and true of that fucking fic and I live by that now.
34. On a similar note, Molly and Arthur have matching patronus'
35. Fuck this 'hermione minister of magic' nonsense that girl is a leftist and would never join politics did jkr forget her own fucking canon of harry and hermione doing their absolute best to fuck the government over for the last half of the series? whatever the fuck. HERMIONE TEACHES CHARMS AT HOGWARTS.
36. I'm sorry I got so heated on that last one. I had thoughts. Anyways, Draco also goes on to become head of Slytherin and teaches DADA.
37. I was so anti-Draco for the entire first five books and then the last two books Happened and so now I'm just holding him so close to my chest. He needs therapy. And i think it takes him until their mid-twenties or so, but I think he does make amends with Harry and the crew and actively tries to come back from the actions of his youth, and obviously the Golden Trio and co are sympathetic because Harry himself in the books clearly could recognize Draco was acting on the instruction of his trusted adults, trusting they knew better than him.
38. this is not a headcanon but the wandlore of Draco having a unicorn hair in his wand and the unicorn hair wizards being the most difficult to turn evil and his wand ultimately being the one to defeat voldemort is sooooooo. He's such a product of grooming and I think about him. I want to study him.
39. YOU KNOW WHAT. what if I said harry trans woman who unpacks her gender after the war is over and has time to contemplate who she is as a person and her and Draco become a very cute and in love little couple in their early thirties??? what then???? (does this fic exist and if it does give me links)
40. I think the funniest mental image ever is if Harry just shows up to a party or whatever with everyone when they're like, 26 with Draco fucking Malfoy in his arm and is like "this is my boyfriend" with no further explanation or nothing and half of the group is like "no yeah this is an expected development" and the other half is like "THE BITCHBOY????" and yeah.
I will most definitely have more Harry Potter thoughts as time goes on but this is all I'll put into the world. Good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight.
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schmem14 · 2 years
Kinkuary 2023 Masterlist
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This collection is now COMPLETE. Read the whole thing HERE on AO3
Day 1: Accidental stimulation/Arousal
Summary: Ginny cuts wood to keep in shape. Hermione watches, only to find she's unexpectedly aroused.
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Ginny Weasley, Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
CW: Infidelity
Day 2: Gloryhole/ Anonymous
Summary: Harry and Ron have an unspoken arrangement. What will it take for them to break free?
Pairing: Harry Potter/Ron Weasley
CW: None
Day 3: Medical Play
Summary: As captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, Minerva has many excuses to visit the hospital wing…
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Poppy Pomfrey
CW: Student/Staff relationship (everyone is of age)
Day 4: Genderbend
Summary: Severine Snape hates her face, her job, and her hideous body. Most of all, she hates the way bimbo dream boat Professor Lockhart makes her weak at the knees.
Pairing: Severus Snape/Gilderoy Lockhart (Fem Severine/Gilda)
CW: see end notes
Day 5: Consensual non-consent
Summary: Minerva wakes to find an unwelcome visitor in her room…
Pairing: Minerva McGonagall/Dolores Umbridge
CW: triggering non-con role-play, unethical behavior
Day 6: Begging
Summary: Neville is as pleasant a man as people assume… until he demands more than Pansy can give in the bedroom.
Pairing: Pansy/Neville
CW: Mild Dom/Sub vibes
Day 7: Somnophilia
Summary: Rita Skeeter has her revenge
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Rita Skeeter
CW:DD/DNE, Non-con/Rape, underage
Day 8: Intercrural
Summary: Lucius has a half-giant to save—The only problem is, he's already sold his soul.
Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Rubeus Hagrid
CW: Student/Staff relationship, Age gap romance, ethically questionable, UHEA
Day 9: Hair/Hair-Pulling
Summary: A hair growth chew, a maiden atop a tall tower, and a Prince Charming who is willing to make the climb… Et voila, a Rapunzel tale to curl your toes (and hair!)
Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Ginny Weasley
CW: None
Day 10: Fisting
Summary: Hermione has a secret… will discovering it spur Ron into action, or make him wish he’d never found out?
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Lavender Brown, (Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley)
CW: Accidental Voyeurism
Day 11: Roleplay
Summary: Remus sees the ghost of the man he used to love, and he’s so far gone that he would do anything for another night of passion…
Pairing: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
CW: Dubcon, Brief suicidal thoughts, Manipulation, HBP compliant, Knotting
Day 12: First Time
Summary: On the eve of her wedding, Narcissa has a few things left to learn…
Pairing: Bellatrix Lestrange/Narcissa Black, (Narcissa Black/Lucius Malfoy)
CW: Incest, Infidelity, references past sexual assault
Day 13: Dacryphilia
Summary: Cho cries all the time. Luna doesn’t mind in the least…
Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Cho Chang
CW: Brief mention of canon-compliant minor character death
Day 14: Fabric Play
Summary: Princess Pansy decides to pamper her lady’s maid Hermione for the day… (Royalty AU)
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Hermione Granger
CW: None
Day 15: Possessiveness
Summary: Pansy stays out late for drinks even though she knows how jealous her girlfriend will be…
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Millicent Bulstrode
CW: Rough Play/Discipline, Dom/Sub vibes, Vampire, biting/blood
Day 16: Size kink
Summary: Harry and Draco are on the hunt for the perfect tiny snack…
Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Dennis Creevy, Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
CW: Anal DP
Day 17: Wax Play
Summary: Werewolf Lavender has long ago given up hopes of being with the one she loves, but might be willing to let the spirits decide…
Pairing: Lavender Brown/Parvati Patil
CW: Previous reference of war trauma, brief mention of werewolf savagery
Day 18: Exhibitionism
Summary: Hermione and Fleur go on a picnic… they hope they’ll have an audience.
Pairing: Hermione Granger/Fleur Delacour and a secret watcher from the house...
CW: pseudo-incest, infidelity, voyeurism, age-difference romance if you squint
Day 19: Hate Sex
Summary: Draco and Harry are getting married… but Ginny and Pansy are not happy about it.
Pairing: Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson, Background Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
CW: Rough Play, Profanity
Day 20: Overstimulation
Summary: Luna will stop at nothing to get Hermione to see things her way.
Pairing: Luna Lovegood/Hermione Granger
CW: DD:DNE, sex as torture, non-con/rape, drugging, Horror
Day 21: Chastity
Summary: Father Harry must take all the confessionals upon himself—even the ones that threaten his resolve
Pairing: Harry Potter/Draco Malfoy
CW: Priest AU, hints of homophobia and racism/colorism
Day 22: Piercings
Summary: Pansy can’t stop staring at what Hermione’s wearing… or rather, what she isn’t wearing…
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Hermione Granger
CW: public indecency
Day 23: Praise Kink
Summary: Pansy has been starved for love her whole life. All she needs is someone who will give her the approval she craves.
Pairing: Pansy Parkinson/Narcissa Black Malfoy
CW: referenced violence/emotional abuse, child neglect, age-gap romance
Day 24: Feet
Summary: After years of writing off Eloise Midgen as unremarkable, Ron finds something of hers to love. Too bad she’s not making it easy…
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Eloise Midgen, background Draco/Harry
CW: None
Day 25: Comeplay
Summary: Cormac won’t leave Hermione alone. She and Ron hatch a devious plan…
Pairing: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger/Cormac McLaggen
CW: dubcon, workplace harassment, workplace sexism, revenge
Day 26: Humiliation
Summary: Oliver Wood loses a bet with Marcus Flint and now he has to pay up.
Pairing: Oliver Wood/Marcus Flint
CW: Semi-public, rough sex/spanking
Day 27: Cockwarming
Summary: Molly is determined to get Arthur something different for Christmas this year... she hopes he'll like what she came up with
Pairing: Molly Weasley/Arthur Weasley
CW: None
Day 28: Wildcard- Cunnilingus
Summary: Andromeda might be ready to fall in love again.
Pairing: Andromeda Black Tonks/Ronald Weasley
CW: Age-gap romance, death/grief
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braveclementine · 4 months
Chapter 32
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Warnings: None. However, future chapters will contain sexual content so readers that are under the age of 18 may have to skip those chapters (However they are very few so those under the age of 18 can still read a majority of this book. However please keep note of the warnings).
Copyright: I do not own any Wizarding World characters that J.K. Rowling wrote. I do however own Elizabeth Kane (main character) and Trang Nyguen (best friend). There should be no use of these two names without my permission. I also do not condone any copying of this.
In a brief statement Friday night, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge confirmed that He-Who-Must- Not-Be-Named has returned to this country and is active once more. "It is with great regret that I must confirm that the wizarding styling himself Lord- well, you know who I mean- is alive and among us again," said Fudge, looking tired and flustered as he addressed reporters. "It is with almost equal regret that we report the mass revolt of the dementors of Azkaban, who have shown themselves averse to continuing in the Ministry's' em- ploy. We believe that the dementors are currently tak- ing direction from Lord- thing. "We urge the magical population to remain vigi- lant. The Ministry is currently publishing guides to elementary home and personal defense that will be delivered free to all Wizarding homes within the coming month." The Minister's statement was met with dismay and alarm from the Wizarding community, which as re- cently as last Wednesday was receiving Ministry as- surances that there was "no truth whatsoever in these persistent rumors that You-Know-Who is operating amongst us once more." Details of the events that led to the Ministry turn- around are still hazy, though it is believed that He- Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and a select band of followers (known as Death Eaters) gained entry to the Ministry of Magic itself on Thursday evening. Albus Dumbledore, newly reinstated headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, re- instated member of the International Confederation of wizards, and reinstated Chief Warlock of the Wiz- engamot, was unavailable for comment last night. He has insisted for a year that You-Know-Who was not dead, as was widely hoped and believed, but recruit- ing followers once more for a fresh attempt to seize power. Meanwhile, the Boy Who Lived-
"There you are Harry, I knew they'd drag you into it somehow." Hermione said, looking at Harry over the top of the paper.
We were sitting in the hospital wing. I'd been moved into a wheelchair and I was rolling back and forth between the door at the end of the wing and the windows, getting used to pushing me around. While Madam Pomfrey said that my legs would be healed soon and I would be able to walk, there hadn't been any improvements that I could see and I figured it was time to get used to the damn thing.
Hermione was still in bed and so was Ron. Ginny was curled up at the end of Hermione's bed, having been out of the hospital wing for some days now. Broken ankles healed over night after all.
Neville's nose had been fixed and he was sitting in a chair between Ron and Hermione's beds. Luna was also sitting on a chair, however, she was reading the Quibbler and wasn't taking in a single word anyone else was saying.
Trang was also still sitting in bed. Dumbledore had told Madam Pomfrey to keep her in bed until he came to talk to her. So far, he hadn't talked to her yet.
Ernie and Susan were lounging on an empty bed too. It was weird that they were hanging out with us. I was so used to it being just Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I. And I could've gotten used to Luna, Neville, and Ginny or just Ernie and Susan. But everyone together. . . but nine was a powerful number of course, just like seven.
"You're going to break the wheels on that." Trang said with amusement as I turned the chair, crashing it into the wall.
"No I'm not!" I said brightly, "It's magically modified."
"So why are you pushing it with your hands?" Trang asked, still amused. "Just give it commands and let it teleport you."
I stuck my tongue out at her.
"So." Ron said darkly. "he's the Boy-Who-Lived again now, though, is he? Not such a show-off maniac anymore, eh?" He grabbed a bunch of chocolate frogs and threw them to us and ripped his own open with his teeth.
"Yes, they're very complimentary about you, now, Harry." Hermione said, scanning the newspaper. "'A lone voice of truth. . . perceived as unbalanced, yet never wavered in his story. . . forced to bear ridicule and slander. . .' Hmm, I notice they don't mention the fact that it was them doing all the ridiculing and slandering, though. . ." She winced slightly, putting a hand to her ribs. She had to take ten different potions a day so I didn't pity myself much that I had to take seven. "'You-Know-Who's Last Attempt to Take Over, pages two to four, What the Ministry Should Have Told Us, page five, Why Nobody Listened to Albus Dumbledore, pages six to eight, Exclusive Interview With Harry Potter, page nine. . .' Well, it's certainly given them lots to write about. And that interview with Harry isn't exclusive, it's the one that was in The Quibbler months ago. . ." Hermione said, folding up the newspaper and tossing it away.
"Daddy sold it to them." Luna said vaguely. "He got a very good price for it too, so we're going to go on an expedition to Sweden this summer and see if we can catch a Crumple-Horned Snorkack."
"That sounds lovely." Hermione said in a strangled voice. I caught Ernie's eye and turned away, laughing.
"So anyway, what's going on in the school?" Hermione asked.
"Well, Flitwick's' got rid of Fred and George's swamp." Ginny said. "He did it in about three seconds. But he left a tiny patch under the window and he's roped it off-"
"Why?" Hermione asked, looking startled.
"Said it was a good bit of magic." Susan piped up from where she'd been sitting quietly, flicking through a gossip magazine.
"I think he left it as a monument to Fred and George." Ernie said thoughtfully.
"They sent me all these, you know." Ron said, pointing to the mound of chocolate frogs by his bedside. "Must be doing all right out of that joke shop, eh?"
"So has all the trouble stopped now Dumbledore's back?" Hermione asked and she sounded very disapproving.
"Yes, everything's settled right back down." Neville said.
"Even Peeves." Susan said with a grin. "Though Peeves seemed a little disappointed."
I giggled.
"I s'pose Filch is happy, is he?" Ron asked.
"Not at all. He's really really miserable, actually. He keeps saying Umbridge was the best thing that ever happened to Hogwarts." Ginny said in a low whisper and the ten of us looked over at where Umbridge was lying on the bed.
Dumbledore had gone to rescue her from the Centaurs. No one knew how he had done it and not received a single mark. I highly doubted that he'd used magic against them. Umbridge wasn't speaking either.
"Madam Pomfrey says she's just in shock." Hermione said in a low whisper.
I snorted. Dad had come in to see me and she'd uttered a little scream. He'd ignored her and I burst into uncontrollable laughter as Madam Pomfrey had come dashing out with her wand raised. She'd seen dad, rolled her eyes, and slammed the office door shut.
"Sulking, more like." Ernie said.
"Yeah, she shows signs of life if you do this." Ron said and made soft clip-clop noises with his tongue. Professor Umbridge bolted upright, looking around wildly.
"Anything wrong, Professor?" Madam Pomfrey asked, sticking her head out the door. My hand was pressed over my mouth to keep from laughing to hard.
"No. . . no. . . no, I must've been dreaming." She said and laid back down. Ginny, Hermione, Susan, and I all muffled our laughs by our bedclothes.
"Speaking of Centaurs, who's Divination teacher now? Is Firenze staying?" Hermione asked.
"Yes." I said promptly. "They'll split up the years between them. Firenze can't go back unfortunately."
"Bet Dumbledore wishes he could've got rid of Trelawney for good. Mind you, the whole subject's useless if you ask me, Firenze isn't a lot better. . ."
"Yes he is!" I said a bit angrily.
"How can you say that?" Hermione asked Ron. "After we've just found out that there are real prophecies?"
"Bet Elizabeth could make a lot of prophecies." Susan said with a grin.
"Oh yeah?" I said, raising an eyebrow. "And what would you want to know?"
"Who I marry!" Susan said, her eyes lighting up. "Can you see that?"
"If you give me a moment." I said and closed my eyes. The entire hospital wing seemed to be holding their breath and I grinned and then laughed.
"Who is it?" Susan practically shrieked.
"Well. . ." I said slowly. "You marry Ernie here."
Ernie and Susan looked at each other with a shocked expression on both of their faces and everyone roared with laughter except for Luna.
"Really?" Ernie asked, sounding surprised.
I nodded, "Yes, you guys will have two children. Your first child is a girl who you will name Irene and then you will have a boy after that who you will name. . . Justin."
"Justin?" Susan asked in disbelief.
"After Justin Finch-Fletchley." I said with a grin. "Oh and Neville, you're going to marry Hannah Abbott."
"I am?" Neville asked in alarming disbelief.
"Yes, and you'll become the Professor of Herbology." I said. "And you and Hannah will have a daughter who you will name Luna."
Luna and Neville looked at each other and then Luna said, "Well that's a pretty name." And then entire hospital wing burst into laughter.
"What about me?" Harry asked eagerly.
"Nope, I'm keeping that one a secret." I said with a mischievous grin.
"That's not fair!" He said hotly and I simply shrugged my shoulders.
"Lee Jordan is going to marry Alicia Spinnet and then lets see. . . Anthony Goldstein is going to marry Mandy Brocklehurst. . . they'll have a daughter."
Susan shook her head. "I can't believe that you can foresee all of that."
"Anyways." Hermione interrupted, looking annoyed. "It's a pity that the prophecy broke."
"Yeah, it is." Ron said. "Still, at least You-Know-Who never found out what was in it either- where are you going?" Harry had stood up.
"Er-Hagrid's." Harry said. "You know, he just got back and I promised I'd go down and see him and tell him how you two are. . ."
"I'll come too!" I said brightly. "It'll give me more practice with the chair."
We left the hospital wing and I immediately goaded him with questions, "When are you going to tell them the contents of the prophecy?"
"Not yet." Harry said, keeping pace with my chair.
He helped me down the steps and as we entered the entrance hall, Malfoy, Crabbe, and Goyle emerged from a door on the right. I brought the wheelchair to a stop and Harry and the other three stopped dead too.
"You're dead Potter." Malfoy said.
"Funny, you'd think I'd have stopped walking around. . ." Harry said, raising an eyebrow.
Malfoy looked extremely angry and I tried to shift uncomfortably in my chair but my waist still wouldn't allow movement. "You're going to pay. I'm going to make you pay for what you've done to my father. . ."
"Well, I'm terrified now. I s'pose Lord Voldemort's just a warm-up compared to you three- what's the matter? He's your dad's mate, isn't he? Not scared of him, are you?" Harry stated sarcastically.
Draco started to advance, Crabbe and Goyle flanking him. I realized that I didn't have my wand- I'd left it in the hospital wing. I felt a bit of fear. I was utterly defenseless. Why had I thought just because I was in the school meant I was safe? "You think you're such a big man, Potter. You wait. I'll have you. You can't land my father in prison-"
"I thought I just had." Harry said.
"The dementors have left Azkaban. Dad and the others'll be out in no time. . ." Draco hissed.
"Yeah, I expect they will. Still, at least everyone knows what scumbags they are now-" Harry said.
Draco's hand flew toward his pocket and I screamed, catching my hand in the wheel as I tried to move backwards and cried out in pain. Harry had his wand out in a flash, pointing it at them.
"Potter!" Professor Snape emerged from the staircase that led to his office. "What are you doing, Potter?" he asked in an extremely cold voice, striding over to the five of us.
"I'm trying to decide what curse to use on Malfoy, sir." Harry said but I was too scared to laugh. My face had frozen into fear, my hand still between the frame and wheel, and Severus' eyes swept over my face. He approached me, quickly helped me with my hand, and then turned back to Harry.
"Put that wand away at once. Ten points from Gryff-" Professor Snape said and then stopped. There were no more points to take away- Gryffindor's hourglass had zero in it. "Ah, I see there are no longer any points left in the Gryffindor hourglass to take away. In that case, Potter, we will simply have to-"
"Add some more?" A different voice said.
I spun my wheelchair around with difficulty to see Professor McGonagall stumping up the stone stairs. She was carrying her tartan carpet bag in one hand and leaning on a walking stick with her other hand. I felt a spring of envy go through me. At least she could walk. I quickly pushed my bitterness away. She was lucky she wasn't dead.
"Professor McGonagall, out of St. Mungo's I see!" Professor Snape said, striding forward.
"Yes, Professor Snape. I'm quite as good as new. You two- Crabbe- Goyle- here, take these up to my office for me." She said, shoving her traveling cloak and carpetbag into their hands.
"Right then." Professor McGonagall said, turning to the hourglasses as Crabbe and Goyle walked up the stairs to her office. "Well, I think Potter and his friends ought to have fifty points apiece for altering the world to the return of You-Know-Who! What say you, Professor Snape?"
"What?" Professor Snape snapped and a reluctant grin came to my face cause I knew he'd heard her. "Oh- well- I suppose. . ."
"So that's fifty each for Potter, two Weasleys, Longbottom, and Miss Granger. Then Fifty for Miss Lovegood of Ravenclaw. Then Macmillan, Miss Bones, and Miss Kane of Hufflepuff."
Red rubies, blue sapphires, and yellow amber fell into the hourglasses of the three houses. "Now, you wanted to take ten from Mr. Potter, I think, Professor Snape- so there we are. . . Well, Potter, Malfoy, I think you ought to be outside on a glorious day like this, Miss Kane, do you need help getting down the stairs?"
I shook my head. "Harry's going to help me."
Professor McGonagall nodded, squeezing my shoulder in a gentle, almost motherly action before Harry pushed me out of the entrance hall and helped me down the stairs. He pushed me across the grounds- there was a little dirt path to take us down- and then we arrived at Hagrids house. The sun was hot and I felt bad that Harry had to push me. There were many students lying on the grass, eating sweets, reading the paper, and calling out to us.
"He'll be behind the cabin." I said as we approached his house and Harry pushed my chair around to the side of the cabin where Hagrid was picking runner beans in his garden.
"All righ', Harry! All righ' Elizabeth! Come in, come in, we'll have a cup o' dandelion juice.." Hagrid said, standing up. He took over and lifted my chair in one hand and I clutched the arms tightly, hoping I didn't slip out, as he carried my chair through the door, and set it down gently. I breathed a sigh of relief, releasing my grip on the chair arms.
"How's things?" Hagrid asked as we settled down and gave us iced juice. I'd never had dandelion juice and it had a peculiar flavor but it wasn't the worst thing Hagrid had made before. "You- er- feelin' all righ', are yeh?"
I sucked in my cheeks and said, "Things could be worse, that's for sure."
"Ay." Hagrid said softly.
"I'm fine." Harry said quickly, "So, where've you been?"
"Bin hidin' out in the mountains, up in a cave, like Sirius did when he-" Hagrid broke off, cleared his throat and took a long draft of juice, looking between the two of us, "Anyway, back now." He said feebly.
"You- you look better." Harry said and I knew he was trying to avoid the conversation of Sirius.
"Wha'? Oh- oh yeah. Well, Grawpy's loads better behaved now, loads. Seemed right pleased ter see me when I got back, ter tell yeh the truth. He's a good lad, really. . . I've bin thinkin' abou' tryin' ter find him a lady friend, actually. . ." Hagrid trailed off, thinking about it.
I giggled, "Oh yes, that's a great idea Hagrid! I'm sure the Centaurs will be right pleased with that idea!"
Hagrid was silent for another moment. Harry was draining his cup quickly and I knew he was trying to find a way to depart quickly.
"Ev'ryone knows you've bin tellin' the truth now, Harry. That's gotta be better, hasn' it?" Hagrid asked in the softest voice that I'd ever heard him use.
Harry simple shrugged.
"Look. . ." Hagrid leaned across the table to look at both of us. "I knew Sirius longer'n you two did. . . He died in battle, an' tha's the way he'd've wanted ter go-"
"He didn't want to go at all!" Harry said angrily.
"Nah, I don' reckon he did. But still, Harry. . . he was never one ter sit around at home an' let other people do the fightin'. He couldn' have lived with himself if he hadn' gone ter help you two-"
Harry leapt up. "I've got to go and visit Ron and Hermione in the hospital wing."
"Oh, Oh. . . all righ' then, Harry. . . Take care of yerself then, an' drop back in if yeh've got a mo. . ."
Harry was gone, leaving me there with Hagrid. A tear trickled down my cheek and I wiped it away and said, "You're right Hagrid. Sirius would've liked going out with a bang. . ." I looked out the window, wiping away more tears. My throat was tight again. "It's all my fault too. . ."
"Nah, I don' think it's yer fault Elizabeth." Hagrid said gently. "Yer friend was in trouble and yeh went. It's wha' Sirius would've done and it's wha' Lupin would've done too. Yer like yer parents and no one can blame yeh fer that."
I was silent and took another sip of dandelion juice. I wondered if Hagrid knew that Lily and James were my parents too. Dumbledore had told me and dad after my fourth-year that he wouldn't tell anyone. Of course, he'd also said it was getting harder to deny my relationship as I got older and the rumor was already planted there in people's minds anyways.
But I wasn't going to bring the topic up without any proof that Hagrid did know. We stared into each others eyes and then Hagrid said, "Harry doesn' know does he?"
"About what?" I asked softly.
"Yer his sister."
I swallowed. "Dumbledore told you?"
"Nah, yeh look too much like yer mum, tha's all. Lupin bein' yer father an' Sirius being yer Godfather. He was there when I went an' got Harry outta ter house. I figure tha's when he got yeh out."
"Yeah." I whispered. "It's not time to tell him yet."
"No, I s'pose it's not." Hagrid said and we watched the sunset fall together without another word between the two of us.
𝕳𝖆𝖌𝖗𝖎𝖉 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖒𝖞 chair back up to the Hospital wing and I thanked him and rolled inside the hospital wing and froze, taking in the scene before me.
Trang was standing in the middle of the room, shouting at her parents who were standing in front of her, both of their faces angry. Dumbledore was standing by them, talking calmly, his hands behind his back. Madam Pomfrey was standing between Hermione and Ron's beds. Both of them were sitting up against their beds, watching. Professor Umbridge was still laying down.
Mrs. Nyguen caught sight of me sitting there in the doorway and started going off again in Vietnamese and Trang answered her in Vietnamese. Dumbledore looked politely puzzled. I didn't think he knew Vietnamese.
Madam Pomfrey hurried over to me and then pushed me to the bed and helped me into my bed. That's when dad entered the room, having coming back from St. Mungo's and he also froze, taking in Trang and her parents fighting and then Mr. Nyguen started shouting too and dad hurried over to my bed.
"Why are her parents here?" Dad asked.
"Oh- er- well, I don't really know but um, I think I may have forgotten to tell you that Trang's a pure-blood witch and she didn't find out until this summer."
"Oh!" Dad looked surprised and then flushed. I wondered what he was thinking about.
"Mrs. Nyguen, if you could please revert back to English so that we can talk." Professor Dumbledore said in a weary voice, "I'm sure that we can find a solution that works for everyone."
"I do not want my daughter influenced by the magical world!" Mrs. Nyguen shrieked.
"That's not fair!" Trang shouted, also in English.
"If perhaps," Mr. Nyguen said in a quieter, more controlled voice, "we did some memory modifying-"
"No!" Trang snapped at him, "It's too late, you're not taking my memories away from me! I've been to the Quidditch World Cup! I've watched Krum catch a snitch on a firebolt broom! I've seen house-elves and Dark Marks and gnomes and taken mail from owls! I've cast spells with and without a wand and I've soared above the trees with a broom. I've watched a werewolf transform and I've watched simple Muggle tents open up into apartments. I've eaten chocolate frogs and sugar quills! I've read about Ancient Runes and Herbology and Charms and Magical Creatures! I know that I'm a pure-blood witch! I know that this is where I should've been going to school for the past five years!"
Trang was breathing hard, glaring at her parents. They both looked shocked and then Mr. Nyguen asked, "What do you mean you went to the Quidditch World. . ." and then he trailed off and looked over at me. "Of course. . ." He muttered darkly.
Her mother however, was freaking out, "What do you mean you watched a werewolf transform!"
Dad went a darker red. Ah, so that was what he'd been thinking about.
"I don't believe that erasing Miss Nyguen's memories is the er- solution." Professor Dumbledore said. "In fact, though she has missed five years of schooling, if she is anything like Elizabeth here, I don't doubt she could go to school for a couple of years."
Trang's eyes lit up in surprise and happiness and I felt my heart pound. However, her parents faces paled so that they looked more yellow than ever.
"Trang- go- to school- here?" Mrs. Nyguen said, struggling so much with the English words that I thought she might revert back to Vietnamese. "Nonsense!"
"Why not?" Trang asked sharply. "It's where I belong!"
Mr. Nyguen pulled off his glasses and squeezed the bridge of his nose. "Trang we've always wanted what is best for you and this-"
"Really?" Trang asked. But she wasn't shrieking anymore. If anything, she sounded colder than ever. "Because if you'd really wanted what was best for me, you would've sent me here. I got captured, not because of Elizabeth, but because I didn't know how to throw off an imperius curse! I was useless in the Ministry because I didn't know spells! I don't think that's what was best for me."
"You were never supposed to interact with the magical world in the first place!" Her dad said, his voice rising just a little bit.
"Well I interacted with it just by living with you!" Trang snapped. "Considering you're both wizards."
"Miss Nyguen," Dumbledore said calmly and Trang turned to face him. "I'm going to take your parents up to my office. I'd like you to stay here until we come back."
Trang didn't seem happy about this but she nodded and came to sit next to me. I gave her a reluctant smile as Mr and Mrs. Nyguen walked out of the room, heads held high.
"I can't believe them!" Trang seethed. "Not wanting me to go to school!"
Dad had a tense look on his face and I nudged him with my shoulder. "What's up?"
Dad jumped, "What?"
"I asked what's up? You look lost." I said and then grinned, "Is it Tonks?"
Dad blushed red and said, "I don't know what your talking about."
I didn't answer and just smiled and then pursed my lips.
Trang and I fell asleep and when I woke up, I found that dad had laid me down and Trang was curled up next to me, her head resting on my stomach.
There was an opening at the hospital wing and Dumbledore came in. Dad rose to meet him and whispered something to him. I wanted to sit up but there had been no improvements. So instead, I nudged Trang with my hand, shaking her awake and then pointed to Dumbledore. Trang got off the bed and stood up, looking apprehensive.
"Miss Nyguen, your parents are waiting for you in the entrance hall."
"Are they- will they- am I-" Trang said, seeming close to tears and unable to spit the words out.
As an answer, Dumbledore smiled and said, "They're not happy with the choice, but after long consideration it does seem that you will be coming to Hogwarts. You won't go through the same process as anyone else here, less years and you'll end up continuing your education past the age of adulthood, however, with extra sessions with teachers and of course, you already know quite a bit from what Professor Lupin has said, I don't doubt if you couldn't finish the education in five years."
I was quite excited about that. Trang was equally excited and practically jumped for joy.
Dumbledore said, smiling. "Miss Nyguen, we will go up to my office for a few seconds to sort you and then we'll go and meet your parents."
I just wished I could learn how to walk again.
But, I was too happy that Trang was going to be going to school with me for at least my two next years. I wondered what house she was going to be sorted into. Definitely not Hufflepuff. Probably Ravenclaw or Gryffindor. Most likely Ravenclaw. Alas, I wouldn't find out until I went home this summer.
𝕴 𝖉𝖎𝖉𝖓'𝖙 𝖌𝖔 down to the end of the term feast. Instead, I took the freedom of using my newly improved legs and made my way down to the lake. It had taken me a few weeks to get them back to normal, but Madam Pomfrey said I was near the completion of healing. I still needed the chair sometimes but overall, I felt much the same as I did before we'd left for the Ministry, and that was a large improvement from before.
I took off my shoes and socks and waded out into the lake. I was wearing a tank top and shorts because I had wanted to go for a swim. My long hair was pinned up in a bun. But now, as the sun had started to set, I didn't really want to go under because I wondered if I would come up for air.
I missed Sirius with a pain. I'd talked to Hagrid about him, of course and his words were comforting. I wasn't like Harry- I didn't throw my anger out onto everyone else. After all, it wasn't their fault. They just wanted us to feel better. No, I was too kind and I realized that the Sorting Hat really never had made a mistake when he'd put me into Hufflepuff. I belonged in Hufflepuff and I was going to stop fighting that.
I knew the Hufflepuffs were celebrating tonight. We'd won the Quidditch Cup and we'd won as the house with the most points tonight too. I wondered if Ernie and Susan were looking for me or if they thought I was sitting at the Gryffindor table.
Tears slipped down my face and I looked up at the sky. I had once read a story that the stars were all the people that had died on the Earth. Of course, the church had said that people went to Heaven and Hell and became Angels or the minions of the Devil.
But looking up at those stars, I almost felt that they were once people. I'd heard in Muggle science that sometimes stars burned out. That's when people finally forget them, I thought. That's when they burn out.
There was a star above me that looked brighter than the others and I smiled. That was Sirius' star, I could feel it. Tears fell faster and I blinked them away. There were two stars so close together that they were practically touching. Mum and Dad, a small voice in the back of my head said. And then there was a large star above Sirius'. Cedric, I thought.
And as Luna and Harry were talking outside the Gryffindor Tower portrait, I thought, Luna was right, they never do leave us, do they. A pause and then I thought. Luna's right, I'll see them again one day.
I dove under the water. 
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chyckles · 1 year
Requests & Characters I write for
Requests are OPEN
Drop your request in my ask box, and I'll try to write it as soon as possible. Keep in mind that this is a hobby, I have a life outside Tumblr, respect my time and don't pressure me.
Please remember English is not my first language, and I'm still learning, so if you see an error (there will be plenty of them) don't be mean to me. If you don't like it, just ignore my posts, thank you.
Your request need to contain:
The character/s you want me to write about (I will leave the list at the end of the post). I don't write ships, only “x reader”. If what you want is a preference, then only specify the fandom.
Select one of this: one-shot (2k+ words), preference or drabble (500-1k words).
Give me a brief description of what you want. You can even send me a scene or dialogue that you already have in mind.
Let me know if you want a bad or good ending. If you don't say anything, I'll do whatever feels right for me.
I will not describe any physical feature (skin color, weight…) unless it's relevant for the plot, so if the reader needs a specific feature please include it in your request.
I DON'T WRITE SMUT BY REQUEST, only whenever I feel like it. Sorry.
I can write love triangles, but not polyamory because I don't know almost anything about it and don't want to mess it up. Maybe in the future. The only exceptions are Steven Grant and Marc Spector, they're the only ones that I can make the reader date at the same time.
I DON'T WRITE INCEST, PEDOPHILIA OR ANY SICK THING LIKE THAT. If the character is underage, the reader will also be underage, and they will behave like underage people. I can write age gaps if the characters are both adults.
I don't necessary write only romantic relationships. If you want any kind of platonic relationship, that's okay, just specify it on the request.
Characters I write for:
I will add new characters of other fandoms in the future. These are just temporary. My favorites are in bold.
Bucky Barnes
Carol Danvers
Kate Bishop
Marc Spector
Natasha Romanoff
Peter Parker (Tobey, Andrew and Tom)
Sam Wilson
Steve Rogers
Steven Grant
Stephen Strange
Wanda Maximoff
Yelena Belova
Harry Potter
Bill Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Cho Chang
Draco Malfoy
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
James Potter
Luna Lovegood
Neville Longbottom
Nymphadora Tonks
Remus Lupin
Ron Weasley
Sirius Black
Game of Thrones
Arya Stark
Daenerys Targaryen
Cersei Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Jon Snow
Robb Stark
Sandor Clegane
Sansa Stark
Tyrion Lannister
Dean Winchester
Sam Winchester
The walking dead
Carl Grimes
Carol Peletier
Daryl Dixon
Glenn Rhee
Maggie Greene
Negan Smith
Rick Grimes
Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious
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lazuli-writes · 1 year
The Vanishing Intro II
a/n: Please forgive me for the excessive use of oc’s and non-canonical name fillers. I do not own Harry Potter and the characters, all rights go to JKR and Warner Bros. Pictures. Only the non-canonical plot was my idea. I also do not agree with any and all prejudiced remarks formulated by JKR in concern of their tr*nsphobia. Remember folks, copying other people’s works is plagiarism and that’s illegal. Don’t be that kind of person. Anyways, hope you all enjoy it :)
©little-lazuli. Do not copy, repost, or translate without permission
Summary: Under the threat of defeat, the supporters of the dark lord cast a curse that banishes half of the Wizarding population of the British Isles. No knows where they had gone or how they vanished. But twenty-one years later, the vanished make their return, and the Wizarding world they once knew is no longer the same.
Listed institutions are referenced with information as of 2019
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Part i: Eschaton
timeframe: May 1998 - January 2000
précis: In the aftermath of the Vanishing, Ron is left reeling. A scion of his family and the last of the Golden Trio.
extended summary: Ron struggles to grieve the loss of his family and friends. Daphne fights to save her sister, whilst struggling to deal with her own trauma. Muriel gathers the remains of her family as the war escalates. Draco turns the tides in the face of insurmountable pain. Neville spearheads Dumbledore’s army, while Minerva takes charge of the Order of the Phoenix. The Ministry collapses under the weight of the Impurities. And as the Second Wizarding War comes to a close, Bellatrix unleashes her wrath.
Part ii: Decimation
timeframe: January 2000 - September 2005
précis: Ron comes to terms with his new life as the war with the impurities come to a close. Yet, another brews on the horizon.
extended summary: Ron and Daphne, finally taking the steps to healing have fallen in love along the way. Tracey discovers a conspiracy on her path to become an unspeakable. Mafalda attends a Hogwarts, different from what it was. Theodore is forced to atone for his father’s sins. Neville struggles to be what the world demands of him. Draco refuses to be idle in the sight of a coming war. Luna finally breaks at the seams. The muggle government enters an era of retribution for their lost souls.
Part iii: Treachery
timeframe: October 2009 - June 2017
précis: Ron sits at the precipice of a rising magical Britain, only for it to possibly undo in a matter of seconds.
extended summary: Ron and Daphne holds a secret that leads them down a dangerous road. Susan completes her promise and in the aftermath, madness and stupidity. Theodore and Tracey compete in a race to maintain the safety of magical Britain. All the while, Romilda, Roger and Flora seek to sustain their home in their own ways. Draco’s sudden rise calls his honor into question. Mafalda comes to blows with family and foe as she takes the reigns of her business. Wizarding Britain licks its wounds as Rappaport’s Reign comes to an end.
Part iv: Unvanquished
timeframe: May 2019 - December 2019
précis: When the vanished begin returning in droves, Ron isn’t the same man his family and friends once knew.
extended summary: Ron’s dreams of his family’s return is marred by the demons of his past. Daphne struggles to maintain a grip on order as the Vanished make their return. Draco remains trapped between old enemies. Harry and Hermione struggle to find the friend they once knew. Percy stands at a crossroads. Theodore becomes the scapegoat and the answer to all problems. A brief respite is filled with lost loved ones, but stained with the return of magical Britain’s darkest wizard.
Part v: Vendetta
timeframe: January 2020 - Present
précis: War has returned to Wizarding Britain, and Ron refuses to allow it to take his family from him again.
extended summary: Ron sets aside old feuds in the hopes to save his family. Daphne finds herself at the center of a Trojan Horse. Neville battles snakes in his garden. Harry must finish the war once and for all. Percy struggles to gather a foothold in a warring Conclave. A grain of deception may cost Draco everything. Mafalda tempts fate when she uses her business to redirect a war. Magical Britain stands on a knife edge as Voldemort seeks to smother the realm in his shadow.
Prominent Family Trees
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Renowned Businesses & Facilities
Sinestra’s Sanatorium for Magical Maladies:
Sinestra’s Sanatorium for Magical Maladies, commonly referred to as Sinestra’s Hospital or Sinestra’s, is the current wizarding hospital servicing the magical population of the British isles. Former Hogwarts astronomy professor Aurora Sinestra founded the hospital after St. Mungo’s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries was destroyed in the Calamity of Diagon Alley. Recognizing the ever growing need for a place of healing, Sinestra turned her own Hogsmeade Estate into a local clinic. Receiving donations and later conclave mandated funds, Sinestra expanded her estate into a full fledge hospital. From its founding in 2002 to the present, Sinestra’s ever growing institution would eventually take precedence as the capital of healing for magical Britain.
Dame’s Wizarding Bank:
Dame’s Wizarding Bank is the current wizarding bank for the magical populace of magical Britain. Following Gringotts’ destruction in the Calamity of Diagon Alley and the Goblin massacres of 1999 & 2002, the goblin species were rendered nearly non-existent in the British isles. Hoping to follow in her relatives’ footsteps—Lord Ronald Weasley & his wife Lady Daphne Greengrass—to fame and fortune, Lady Mafalda Prewett, founded Dame’s Wizarding Bank. Based in Cokesworth, Lady Prewett founded the bank in 2004, whilst attending her fifth year of Hogwarts. With the backing of her legal guardian, Lord Ronald Weasley, she had the Prewett house elves excavate the vaults, mines, tunnels and offices under the ruins of Gringotts. She led the construction of the new Vanishingment halls, which bridged the main bank-hall in Cokesworth to the vaults beneath Diagon Alley. The house of Prewett, along with houses Weasley, Greengrass, Malfoy and Lovegood act as proprietors for Dame’s Wizarding Bank, with Lady Prewett, owning approximately sixty-five percent of the bank herself (as of 2019).
The Quibbler:
A tabloid once recognized for their eccentric stories, tales and theories, the Quibbler currently stands as the largest and most prominent news outlet for magical Britain. Founded by the late Xenophilius Lovegood, the newspaper is currently owned by his daughter, the madam Luna Lovegood. Based out on the Isle of Drear, the Quibbler releases weekly papers, with families paying a subscription fee of seven sickles.
Witch Weekly:
Founded by Tobias Misslethorpe, Witch Weekly is a popular magazine aimed for witches. Reporting on gossip, celebrity news, advice columns and even furniture and apothecary deals. Based out in Hogsmeade, the current owner and editor-in-chief is madam Lavender Brown, who has built a fortune off of her infamous—inanely accurate—articles detailing the love lives of much of the wizarding aristocracy.
Lovegood Magical Sanctuary:
The Lovegood Magical Sanctuary is one of the largest reserves for magical creatures in the world. Founded by madam Luna Lovegood, she built the sanctuary on the once disdained isle of Drear. Initially made unplottable due to the dangerous Quintaped species that inhabited the island, Luna Lovegood fled to the island after being pursued by muggle witch hunters. There she eventually met and became a cherished friend of the tribe of quintapeds. Inspired to obtain such solitude and safety for other species, madam Lovegood took possession of the island. With her monetary reward granted to her by the old British magical ministry, as well as the funds from her newspaper “The Quibbler” madam Lovegood transformed the isle into a safe haven for hundreds of species. Centaurs, bowtruckles, augureys, porlocks, unicorns, thestrals, hippogriffs, dragons, blast ended skrewts, and Aethonan horses were just some of the species protected on the isle.
Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes:
Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, also known as WWW, is a joke shop founded by the vanished twin brothers, Fred and George Weasley. The shop initially started as an owl-service, headed by the twins at the Burrow, then later selling at Hogwarts before the storefront came to be. Once located in Diagon Alley, the shop was initially closed for good in 1999 by its inheritor, Lord Ronald Weasley. The former shop building was destroyed in the Calamity of Diagon Alley. However, following the need to cheer up the growing wizarding population under Rappaport’s Reign, Lord Ronald rebuilt the shop, reopening the business. Now with locations in Ottery St. Catchpole, Godric’s Hollow, Hogsmeade, Cokesworth and Trent Valley.
Wotcher Woods:
The most prominent broom manufacturer in all of wizarding Britain, Wotcher Woods was founded by Hogwarts alumni Oliver Wood. It is currently based in Hogsmeade. The business was founded after the International Congress of Wizards (ICW) sought to punish the British wizarding community for the British Magical Purge—which they considered a result of British witches and wizards breaking the statute of secrecy. Along with halting the trade of magical products including wood; wand and broom production in the isles dropped immensely. This led to many domestic entrepreneurs to form their own businesses through both legal and illegal means to sustain the productivity of magical Britain. Wotcher Woods was one such business.
Catchpole Cinemas:
Catchpole Cinemas is the very first wizarding cinemas. Founded by Lord Ronald Weasley, and located in Ottery St. Catchpole, the cinema was built for the influx of residents and magical refugees from London, after the Calamity of Diagon Alley.
Greengrass Solutions:
The Greengrass family business known as Greengrass Solutions, is a large farm and factory, famed for being the largest domestic producers of apothecary goods. Lady Daphne Greengrass serves as the current proprietor, with her sister Lady Astoria Malfoy née Greengrass working as the general manager. The company rose in fortune after the ICW banned other European wizarding ministries from traveling or trading with Wizarding Britain.
Vane’s Vanities and Oddities:
Owned by madam Romilda Vane, Vane’s Vanities and Oddities was once a simple business focused on magical beauty products. However, during the Purge, madam Romilda had joined in the trend of creating methods to avoid muggles. Her substantial efforts in producing and distributing the advanced vanishing cabinets, two way & later motley way mirrors brought her business into the mainstream.
Prominent Locations
The British Conclave of Magic:
Hidden within the Cheviot Hills of the borderlands, the Conclave was constructed in a similar fashion to the old British Ministry. The Agora, built in an unplottable valley acts as a mini market center. A large platform typically used for speeches stands in the center. The large oak doors into the ministry itself—located at the end of the agora—holds an atrium with numerous elevators and gondola lifts to carry workers to the different sects of the Conclave.
Once a mixed magical-muggle community, particularly in the block known as Spinner’s End, Cokesworth became a magical only sanctuary towards the end of the purge; seeing as the muggle residents were expelled to make room for the magical.
Godric’s Hollow:
The village of Godric’s Hollow is a small wizarding village in West Country, England. Home to notable magical figures such as Godric Gryffindor, the Peverell and Potter families.
The largest wizarding and magical settlement in all of the British Isles, Hogsmeade acts as a de facto capital for the wizarding populace. Home to many notable sites such as Sinestra’s Hospital, Witch Weekly, Wotcher Woods and Vane’s Vanities & Oddities, Hogsmeade claims a population of almost a twenty thousand residents—this includes beings, beasts and spirits.
Ottery St. Catchpole:
Another high profile location, this once mixed muggle and magical village is now a complete wizarding village. Treasured as the home of famous wizarding family, the Greengrass-Weasleys, the Ottery is also home to many other popular sites. Including the Warren, the Burrow, the Rookery, Catchpole Cinemas and Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes.
Ruins of Diagon Alley:
Following the Calamity of Diagon Alley, the ruins of the once large and popular settlement was remade unplottable. The land serves as a ruined memorial, a scarred land still ruined by the effects of muggle terrorism. The lingering remains of chaotic magic, were left to stew in the ruins.
Trent Valley:
Once the personal swaths of land of the House of Nott, the Trent Valley became a settlement following the Calamity of Diagon Alley. The refugee crisis that came due to the calamity, caused many magical beings to flee Southeastern England as a whole. Lord Theodore Nott opened his lands to form a refugee camp, that eventually evolved into a village. They took the name of Trent due to the nearby river of the same name.
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Day 2: Holiday Movie Marathon
This year, they had all piled into Draco's apartment for holiday fun. However, the living area was quite small for nine people.
Blaise and Neville were on the floor in front of the TV, coffee table shoved against the wall. Hermione and Ron were comfy on the love seat - the opposite of Ginny, Luna, and Pansy who were squishing themselves onto the other loveseat.
At the back, behind them all, was Harry and Draco on a bundle of charmed blankets and pillows. They were the ones who came up with the sitting arrangements.
This way, no one could make a comment about just how close they were laying together, limbs tangled under the blankets, hands running through hair and over hips.
They were halfway through Home Alone when Ron discovered all the snacks were gone. "Oi, Harry, mind getting us some more popcorn?"
Harry huffed. "Get it yourself," he huffed, cuddling deeper into the blankets.
"C'mon –" Ron whined because it was true. He was in fact the furthest from the kitchen.
"I didn't even eat any of it so why should I get more?"
"You’re the closest to the kitchen mate!"
Ron groaned in protest, not moving from his spot on the couch, his head on Hermione's lap. "Stop cuddling your boyfriend and help us out. I'll get them next time," he said.
Harry choked on air and almost dismantled the floating charms when a surge of magic was caused by his brief panic.
"Stop cuddling your girlfriend and get your own food," Draco suddenly chimed in, a smug tone as he heard Hermione stifle a laugh.
Ginny threw her hands up and groaned before dragging the other two women on the couch with her into the kitchen, yelling at Ron and Harry to 'shut the bloody hell up!'.
After his brain finished rebooting, Harry leant on his arms, pushing the upper half of his body up. He squinted at his friend in the dim light. "Boyfriend?"
Ron sighed and finally sat up, staring dead at the pair in the back with a look he surely stole from Hermione. "Mate, you both walk around with hearts in your eyes," he said, making them both glance away from him. "Besides, you’re not great at hiding the whole hand holding and kissing stuff."
Draco's face heated and he buried his face in Harry's chest, drawing the blanket up over his hair. Harry tilted his head back to stare pointedly at the ceiling, the peak of lipstick sticking out of the collar of his ugly Christmas sweater.
Day 1 /// Day 3
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joeygoeshoppity · 4 months
This is a bit about me.
Hey, guys!
This blog has been created for the purpose of recording what I'm doing in my daily life - from May 13th onwards, I'll be uploading stuff (not regularly) on this blog that I feel I'd want to share with you guys, or I might need a perspective on, or ask a few questions, or even make a few acquaintances.
Here's a few things about myself to get started! ~ BASIC IMPORTANT STUFF: What can you call me?: Zoey, Joey, Zo(zo) How old am I?: Well... I'm not going to tell you guys that just yet. I'll say I'm a teenager, though. Nationality: Indian and proud! Many people do confuse me for a Filipina or American citizen, so I'm going to clear it up here. Birthday: 13th November ~ DETAILS ABOUT MY PERSONALITY: Sun, Moon and Rising Signs: Scorpio, Aquarius and Cancer MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator): ENTP-A (The Debater) Enneagram (with wing) and Tritype: 2w1 215 Alignment Chart Result: True Neutral Temperament: I-C (Sanguine-Melancholy) What are some of my good traits?: I guess I'd say I'm pretty smart - emotionally and intellectually. Many people say I'm level-headed, wise and determined, and the nicest person around. What are some of my bad traits?: While I have a lot of determination, I can get distracted very, very easily. I also have a very sharp tongue and a strong ego on occasion, getting myself into a lot of fights. ~ STUFF ABOUT MY INTERESTS: What do I aspire to be when I grow up?: An architect or an interior designer is of my highest interest, and Annabeth chase is a huge inspiration of mine in that sense. But it doesn't mean that I want to limit myself to just that - I could be a writer, a chef, a voice actress, a vlogger - anything. What book genres do I read?: Generally, I read fantasy novels, but I don't have a preference. And no, I'm not a part of Booktok. Any specific books that I like?: Definitely any major book by Rick Riordan, as well as The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval Noah Harari, the Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery, Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda by Becky Albertalli and a few Alice Oseman books too! What movie/show genres do I enjoy watching?: I definitely have a preference for action, comedy and drama films - nothing makes me love a film more than it managing to make me feel like I want to cry. Any favorite shows or films?: I've enjoyed a bunch of films and shows, but nothing beats 8 Below, 3 Idiots, The Lion King, Anastasia, the Adam Project, A Silent Voice, Percy Jackson & the Olympians, Heartstopper, Mystreet, Minecraft Diaries and a few others. What other things do I enjoy doing?: I play the piano (currently in Trinity Grade 4, sketch, sing, play videogames and generally enjoy socialising with people when I get the chance. Other than that, I enjoy annoying (and doting on) my mom, begging her to go out and enjoy new culinary experiences, and being a slight couch potato when I have time to think to myself. And now... ~ FANDOM-RELATED INFORMATION: Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Patronus: Dragonfly What Harry Potter character would I be?: I would probably not end up being one specific character - I'd probably end up with Neville's heart, something similar to Luna's creativity, Hermione's intelligence and the rest of it... well, Ron Weasley, minus all the siblings. Percy Jackson cabin: Cabin 6, as expected - half of the time, though, I honestly thought it would be Cabin 11 or Cabin 14. What Riordanverse character would I be?: Like with the Harry Potter characters, definitely not a specific character. I'd have Annabeth's intelligence, Frank's sense of self, Magnus's sense of humor and Samirah's self-control. (I'd fill in more stuff, but I feel partially like I want to collapse from post-exam exhaustion.) Anyways, that's my introduction for now. I'll probably redo it later... maybe after a year or two. Hope you guys don't mind reading this absolute dump of an introduction.
See you guys sometime (hopefully) soon!
Sincerely, Zoey
"Where’s the glory in repeating what others have done?"  - Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson and The Lightning Thief
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