#bring back the theatrics of storytelling
lutheban · 4 months
i think the modern insistence on trying so desperately to ground our fiction in reality might have severely undercut our ability to enjoy stories actually
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Hey! Could I request something for either Jolly or Matt (I'm having a mental struggle with myself over both of them atm) reader being a metalhead friend of one of the guys and they bring her to hang out or she's a roommate of one? and maybe where you're friends - lovers or enemies - lovers? I've been listening to Why? By Mis-teeq and it's about friends to lovers 😂. Thanks in advance!!
You gave me quite the options to pick here😄Also I watched a podcast with Matt and he gives me very sassy vibes lol. Thank you for your request! Hope you liked it!
You’ve always found solace in the unrelenting chaos of heavy metal. Growing up in a small town, you and Noah discovered a shared passion for the genre’s blaring guitars and intense vocals. That bond has only deepened over the years. Now, Noah leads his own band, pulling you into a vibrant world of sound engineers, late night recording sessions, and, most notably, Matt Dierkes. Noah’s primary sound engineer, has become a regular fixture in your life. You see him at nearly every gig or jam session, his calm demeanor and meticulous nature often a counterpoint to the chaos of the music. While his obsessive precision can be infuriating, you find yourself increasingly drawn to him, noticing a spark of attraction that you can’t quite ignore.
Tonight is a special occasion. After a grueling but successful tour, Noah has organized a gathering at a dimly lit studio to celebrate. The room is relaxed and informal, with everyone lounging on worn leather couches, sipping beers, and reminiscing about the tour’s highs and lows. Matt is engaged in one of his favorite debates. “Okay, but you can’t seriously argue that Iron Maiden is superior to Metallica”, he says, his smile smug as he takes a swig of his beer. You recline against the leather couch, crossing your arms with a scoff. “Comparing Maiden to Metallica is pointless. Metallica revolutionized the genre. They’re the blueprint.”
Matt shakes his head, a chuckle escaping his lips. “Come on, Y/N. Maiden’s storytelling and theatricality elevate them. They’re leagues ahead.”
You roll your eyes, a familiar debate, but tonight there’s a new edge to it, a playful energy that seems to crackle between you and Matt. Maybe it’s the beer, or perhaps it’s the way he’s wearing that faded band tee, his eyes twinkling with passion.
“Delusional,” you laugh, sitting up to face him directly. “Name one Iron Maiden song that even remotely matches the brilliance of Master of Puppets.”
His grin widens, and he leans in slightly. “Easy. Hallowed Be Thy Name.”
You groan, throwing your head back in exaggerated frustration. “You’re impossible.”
“And you’re stubborn,” he teases, leaning closer. “Admit it, Y/N, you just don’t have the range.”
Your jaw drops playfully, and for a moment, it feels like the rest of the world fades away. Noah and the rest of the crew are chatting in the background, but right now, it’s just you and Matt.
“Is that so?” you challenge, your heart pounding.
Matt’s smirk softens into something more serious as he closes the distance between you. His gaze locks onto yours, and your stomach flutters with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. The way his knee brushes against yours, the warmth in his voice it all feels charged, urging you to take a leap.
Without overthinking it, you lean forward, cutting off whatever retort he was about to make, and kiss him. Matt freezes momentarily, clearly surprised. But then his hand moves to your jaw, and he kisses you back with a slow, deliberate intensity. The world seems to vanish, leaving only the two of you in this perfect, charged moment.
When you pull back, breathless, you meet his eyes with a smirk. “Still think I don’t have the range?”
Matt laughs softly, shaking his head in disbelief, though his fingers linger on your skin. “You just managed to shut me up in the best way possible.”
Across the room, Noah raises an eyebrow, finally noticing the two of you. “Hey! When did this happen?”
You and Matt laugh and pull away, though not too far. Matt shrugs and glances at you with a look that makes your heart race. “About two minutes ago, man.”
Noah chuckles, taking a sip of his drink. “Took you long enough.” As you look back at Matt, his eyes still locked on you, you realize that sometimes, the best things are worth the wait.
The mood has shifted, and you’re acutely aware of everything around you, the low hum of studio equipment, the muted laughter of friends, the warm buzz of beer but most of all, Matt. The kiss still lingers in the air between you, not just a spontaneous act but a culmination of the dynamic that’s been building for months. Matt leans back, glancing around at the group before returning his gaze to you with a soft smile. “So… what now?” His voice is low, as if this is a secret shared only between the two of you.
Your stomach flutters at the way he looks at you, his teasing grin now replaced with something more vulnerable. For a moment, nerves hit you. Is this real? Can you transition from friends to something more?
But this is Matt, your friend, your favorite person to argue with, someone who challenges you without diminishing you. The one who, honestly, has been occupying your thoughts more and more.
“Well,” you say, biting your lip as you lean closer, “I think we owe it to ourselves to continue this… conversation. Maybe somewhere a bit quieter?”
Your suggestion carries a playful edge but also a note of seriousness. The studio is buzzing with energy, but you need a moment away from the chaos to process what just happened.
Matt’s smile softens, and he nods, glancing at Noah, who is already giving you both a knowing look. “Hey, Noah,” Matt calls out, “mind if I borrow Y/N for a bit?”
Noah rolls his eyes but gives a lazy wave. “As long as I don’t have to hear another Metallica vs. Maiden debate tonight, go ahead.”
You shoot Noah a playful glare, but he just laughs and moves on to another conversation. Matt stands, offering you his hand. Without hesitation, you take it, feeling that familiar electric thrill as your fingers intertwine.
Matt leads you out of the studio into a quieter hallway. The muffled music still pulses from behind the door, but here it’s just the two of you. The cool air contrasts sharply with the warmth you’ve just left. Fluorescent lights hum overhead, casting a softer, more intimate glow, and Matt’s hand remains firmly in yours.
He stops, turning to face you, his free hand gently tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. “I didn’t expect you to kiss me in the middle of an argument,” he chuckles, his eyes searching yours.
You grin, still buzzing from your bold move. “What can I say? You were getting on my nerves.”
Matt laughs, shaking his head. “Was kissing me your way of shutting me up?”
“Worked, didn’t it?”
His grin fades into a more serious expression as he steps closer, his hand moving to your waist. The touch is gentle but grounding. “It definitely worked,” he says softly, his voice dropping to a whisper. The distance between you disappears as Matt leans in again, this kiss slower and more deliberate than the first. It’s softer, sweeter, as if he’s savoring every second. His hand slides up your back, pulling you closer, and your fingers curl into his shirt as you kiss him back, losing yourself in the moment. When you finally break apart, you’re both a little breathless but still close. Your foreheads rest against each other as you catch your breath, his thumb tracing gentle circles on your hip.
“Okay,” you whisper with a small laugh, “this wasn’t what I expected when Noah invited me to hang out tonight.”
Matt grins, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Yeah? Well, I wasn’t expecting to be kissed in the middle of our millionth band debate, so I guess we’re even.”
You chuckle, the warmth in his eyes making your heart skip. His hands on your waist feel right, and being with Matt feels right.
“I have to admit,” he says softly, his voice growing more serious, “I’ve thought about this before. You and me. But I didn’t want to risk our friendship.” You nod, understanding that hesitation. You’d thought about it too but pushed those feelings aside for the same reason. Matt had become one of your closest friends, how could you jeopardize that? Yet tonight, with everything unfolding as it has, it doesn’t feel like a risk. It feels like stepping into something that was waiting for the right moment.
“I get it,” you whisper, your fingers brushing against his chest. “But…I think we’re doing okay so far, don’t you?”
Matt smiles and leans down to press a quick kiss to your forehead. “Yeah, I think so too.”
For a moment, you both stand wrapped in each other, the rest of the world fading away. It’s simple, easy, and thrilling all at once.
“So…” Matt begins, his voice light and teasing, “does this mean I win the argument?”
You blink, pulling back to look up at him with an exaggerated scowl. “Excuse me?” He laughs, holding up his hands in mock surrender. “I’m just saying, if kissing me was your way of conceding, I think I deserve a victory lap.”
You playfully punch his arm but can’t stop the grin spreading across your face. “I kissed you to shut you up, not because I agree with you.”
Matt raises an eyebrow, his smirk returning. “Guess we’ll have to keep debating it then.”
“Or,” you suggest, leaning up to kiss him again, “we could find other ways to settle it.”
Matt grins against your lips, pulling you closer. “I think I like that plan better.”
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showmey0urfangs · 4 months
Mini Claudia Rant
TLDR: Who are you and what have you done with my Claudia?
I've been avoiding writing meta until the season is complete and we have a clearer picture of WTF is going on, but this felt like a crucial point that needs to be addressed. I've already discussed this with several moots in spaces and it seems I'm not the only one who feels this way. So here it goes:
Let me preface this by saying that I absolutely love Delainey's acting. She does an excellent job at seamlessly transitioning between the all the emotions that Claudia feels. She imbues the character with a sweet vulnerability that humanizes her completely, even in her worst moments. But she can only do so much when the script gives her so little to work with.
One important rule in storytelling is that if a plot point you need to happen requires for your characters to act contrary to their previously established traits, then you need to get rid of it, go back to the drawing board and think of something better to move your story forward. The reason I bring this up is because the way Claudia has been acting in this season, especially in past two episodes, is the complete opposite of how she was previously established, both in the book and in the first season.
In episode 6 and 7 of season 1, the writers go out of the way to show the audience that Claudia is cunning, shrewd, calculated, and most importantly, that she is ruthless and will not hesitate to do what needs to be done. Claudia manages to single handedly orchestrate Lestat's murder, outsmarting both him and Antoinette in the process. We find out that she was well aware that Antoinette was listening in and that she used it to her advantage. She plays on Lestat's arrogance and the fact that he underestimates her to gain advantage over him. Overall, Claudia is shown as a hypercompetent character, capable to overcome her limiting circumstances to free both herself and Louis from what she viewed as a toxic situation.
Hell, that was the entire point of the SA storyline in episode 5 wasn't it, to sell us on the gross and tired trope that somehow being raped turns women into the ultimate badass girlbosses. So WTF happened?
I find it very hard to believe that same Claudia is now completely oblivious to the fact that the theatre coven had been trailing them for months. I find it even harder to believe that she would not realize the danger she's in the minute she sees Lestat's portrait in their lair. That she would go as far as to scoff at Louis when he mentions the risk they are running by staying in Paris. I would expect that level of naivety and stupidity from Louis, but not from Claudia! Claudia takes after Lestat in that she's arrogant and often overestimated her own strength, but she is not foolish. As Louis says in episode 6, she can sense the danger coming from a mile away. So her reaction in episode 2 literally contradicts everything we've been told about her character so far.
The other thing I have a hard time buying is that Claudia would have any interest in these theatre freaks in the first place. Lestat de Lioncourt's daughter would have laughed at their cheap theatrics and turned her pretty nose at the poverty chic squalor they live in, so far removed from the pretty shiny human world that she loves so much. Just like her daddy, Claudia has very expensive taste, something Louis often deplored because of the gigantic hole it dug in his checkbook. 😂
In episode 1 she tells Louis she wants diamond rings and mink stoles to rain from the sky. We see her longingly eyeing a pretty lavender silk dress and then using her meager funds to buy it and get to tailored to her body. But you want me to believe that same Claudia would happily settle for a dusty coffin and blood-stained hand me down robes for the rest of eternity?
Another important point is, do we even remember why Claudia decides to kill Lestat in season 1? She found Lestat's control stifling. She refused to live under his authority and hated being treated as his subordinate—a state that she often compared to slavery. Claudia valued her freedom so much that she was willing to kill for it. And yet you want me to believe that she would willingly sign up to a club that imposes a curfew on its members? That dictates how and when they're allowed to feed, sleep, speak etc. The Claudia we see in season 1 does not like conforming to rules and she does not tolerate being told what to do or how to behave. She would have also scoffed at the idea of having to be deferential to the likes of Armand and the rest of the theatre coven in the same way her father does in episode 3. Lestat de Lioncourt's daughter would have rather gouge her own eyes out than lower them in front of any fucking body!
So again I have to ask, what happened to that Claudia? Why is she suddenly so eager to play resident stooge for a bunch of vampires that she would no doubt view as beneath her, in the same way her father did?
Claudia is fiercely independent and desperate for autonomy. It's literally the crux of her entire struggle; she resents the fact that in the body she's in, she will never truly be able to exist on her own.
We were told repeatedly in the promos and interviews that season 2 would be ✨Claudia's season✨. But I find that once again, she is used as a mere plot device and relegated to the background, as the main conflict in Louis' life seems to have shifted from profound existential questions of good vs evil, and grappling with the loss of his humanity to now being entirely about his relationship with his not-so-dead ex-husband and how much Louis misses him and can't stop thinking about him all the time. 🥴
I mean, how else are we supposed to interpret the fact that Louis no longer seems preoccupied with killing humans, or that he rolls his eyes at the profound philosophical discussions Armand tries to have with him, just before they're rudely interrupted by comedic gags of Lestat serenading him with an approximated karaoke rendition and Molloy struggling with his laptop in the worst stereotype of a clueless boomer.
Molloy is right that this is now a telenovela (and no, a character on screen pointing out a flaw in your narrative in a bout of meta self-critique does not magically stop it from being a flaw). It's The Young and The Restless, but with bit of blood and gore added—and no gay sex either because you can't have too much of that or the advertisers will clutch their pearls. You can show plenty of tities though, that is American A-okay, and it helps us sell more Carl's junior burgers and mercedes Benz SUVs. Good job AMC! 🙃
At this point the only thing that would rescue Claudia's storyline for me would be a reveal that Louis has mischaracterized the entire thing. That he is painting Claudia's time in Paris under the completely opposite light than what it was in reality. That Claudia was the one who sensed the danger and wanted to leave while Louis dismissed it because he was too dickmatized hypnotized by Armand's sexy hot cheeto eyes. It would certainly be more in line with what was established of their characters in season 1—and also with their book book characterizations, even though that matters a lot less since this is an adaptation and should be viewed as its own separate thing.
I know the strikes affected production a lot of ways, and part of that is felt in the inconsistent writing of the episodes we've gotten so far which imo hampers the show significantly. It doesn't matter how high your budget is, how pretty your sets and costumes are, how talented your actors are, how expense and lifelike you vfx is. It all comes down to the writing. If your script is shitty, you will invariably get a shitty final product.
That said, I'm still holding out hope that these are just growing pains and in the upcoming episodes, all the kinks will be ironed out to give us an overall brilliant second season. Fingers crossed!
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leclsrc · 2 years
prompt 35 with Charles????
everyone adores you – cl16
genre: fluff, drabble, 1k celebration
35: an awkward kiss given after a first date. title from this
Charles loves the story of your first date. He tells it often, over wine nights with the drivers or Secret Santa exchanges with friends. Over a glass of red or a fake Santa beard, he quells the room and goes: “Did I ever tell you guys the story of our first date?” And although everyone groans and lets out a bunch of affirmative answers, still he meets your eye from across the room, where you’re nursing white wine, or wearing an elf hat, and you smile, winking.
“Okay then!” He hollers, miming a shush motion. “No need to pressure me! I’ll tell it.”
And everyone groans again, a collective sigh, because Charles loves to pull out his best theatrics for your love story, and it means sitting through another living room one man play. Alex pretends to stand and get up, and Lily sloshes her wine or tugs her Santa hat off in her hurry to pull him beside her, because she loves the story so much. Max groans and slides onto the floor, spilling his vino or shedding his ugly fleece sweater.
You’re always silent when Charles insists on telling it because, although you fully understand the sarcastic disappointment, you also know that everyone loves the story deep down, loves your boyfriend’s goofy antics. And his storytelling aside, you’ll admit: your first date was the stuff of films.
Set up by Lewis (who continues to claim it was his worst mistake during gatherings like these), you’d met in London, where you were based for work at the time. Charles arranged the whole thing himself, with the pride of a six-year-old with a messy drawing, and looked up the best restaurants in the area. You met him outside the expensive-looking restaurant, and—
“—she goes, ‘I hope you’re paying for everything!’ and I go, ‘of course I will!’” Charles says energetically, the whole room watching him with amusement. He slides back and forth on your wooden floor, playing both you and himself, and then when it reaches that point of the story, the snooty French restaurant host: “He goes, ‘how may I help you, zir and madmwasel?’ and I go, ‘oh, I called you the other day—to reserve a table for two. Under Leclerc.’”
You looked expectantly at the host’s finger sliding through the seating chart, flipping a page, sliding through another, and then looking up with an unsmiling face. His expression said it all, and you were getting ready to leave when Charles began arguing, insisting he really did reserve a table, maybe you just can’t spell, I called your number, here it is.
“And the French host, he says, ‘zir, zis is not our number. Our number endz in 5-4-0, not 5-0-4.’” Charles pauses for dramatic effect even if everybody knows what happens next, holding his arms up. “You might be wondering, where did I reserve that table?”
“Nobody is wondering,” Pierre quips, wearing a Christmas tree sweater. Yuki swats him quiet, wearing the exact same one. 
“It was in a chicken shop down the street. So we ate there, she and I,” Charles says dramatically. “And I kept thinking, oh oh oh I’ve fucked it up, yes? No!” (A bit.) “We ate chicken and chips, and had soda, and I learned everything about her. We were probably expecting to eat steak and beef and drink wine”—he raises a glass—“but we made do. And I don’t regret it. But that’s not all!”
It isn’t. Your night had ended in front of your flat, still laughing over anecdotes shared in-between bites of chips and sips of Coke. Work awaited the both of you, so you made a flimsy excuse to go inside and thanked him for bringing you home. But you didn’t walk inside yet, like you were waiting for something.
“Something like a signature Charles kiss,” your boyfriend says proudly. “But nothing was good about the kiss. I leaned and she didn’t, and we were both stiff, and unprepared.” Everyone has a window to laugh despite themselves, because the way he describes you both is so unlike how you are now. It’s so unbelievable, it’s silly. And even you allow a laugh, hiding behind your giant glass of wine or pulling the elf hat over your shy eyes.
You’d kissed, stiff and cold, and pulled away fully aware of the stiffness and coldness of the kiss. You had smiled to try and play off the stiff cold kiss that still lingered, and then opened the door to your flat and shut it. In your head, you wondered if your chemistry seemed good in the chicken shop and then ultimately wilted when it came to everything else.
“So I stood there.” Charles says, sipping wine, hand on hip, like a middle-aged mom. “And I thought, no way am I going to let that beautiful girl go home without a proper kiss! So…”
You were still leaning against the door, not even toeing off your shoes, when it rattled thrice. You swung it open, and allowed him to kiss you then. This time it felt right somehow. Not stiff, not cold, not awkward. Turns out, you just needed to not think about it, and it became the most memorable first kiss you’d ever had.
He finishes the story, panting with the intensity of his acting. Scattered clapping meets the finale and you whoop, throwing your hat or a throw pillow to serve as a congratulatory rose. You’ve grown to realize that Charles’ stories of wins, victories, overlaps—they never go like this. He’s quieter, less excited. But for the story of your first date, he pulls out all the stops.
You wonder what comes next. Charles, though: he wonders if you’ve noticed the indent of the ring box in his jeans pocket, an introduction to a story for another day.
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easternmind · 20 days
I have only now given Kunitsu-Gami the attention that it deserves. Its patent uniqueness extends even to the underlying creative process, as so many of its visual elements originate from meticulously sculpted miniatures and live special effects, as are shown in this clip. Such a marriage between digital design and craftsmanship is unusual these days, particularly in that it is motivated by the ambition to imbue a game with elements from reality in order to confer it a distinct quality that rises above the generic source-available engine graphics libraries.
This is further expanded on by the exquisite theatrical prelude resulting from a collaboration between Capcom and the National Bunraku Theatre in Osaka. Combining the ancient arts of puppetry (ningyō), chanting and shamisen playing (jōruri), it stands as a rare example of videogame storytelling that exceeds the boundaries of the digital by reconnecting with the traditions of old.
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Such initiatives, while bound to be overlooked by most, constitute a clear example of what Japanese game design can still attain, when adequately supported by the structure, technology and financial backing of the remaining major studios. I wholeheartedly applaud Capcom for endorsing this project and for bringing it to the world.
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caityelizabethjoy · 3 months
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@ff9week2024 Day 6 - July 6th - Summer || Relationships || Voyage
He had one more surprise for her that night. "I taught the band our song," he said with a lopsided grin, and before she'd even registered this statement, the melody reached her ears, perfect in orchestral form. She gazed up at him, tears in her eyes, wondering how she could ever have been so lucky to receive a second chance at love.
Breaking the rules and making two posts today - because I have to talk about these two.
I just love everything about Zidane and Dagger. From the moment they met and Zidane vowed to kidnap her, his support for her was unwavering. He was instantly drawn to the princess, protecting her from harm without question or an ulterior motive - just because he wanted to help. Watching them bond and laugh and fumble their way through their early interactions was such a joy. The way their relationship changes throughout the game feels organic. For me, Zidane and Dagger’s relationship feels real - they can have a joke and be silly and sweet, but they also have moments of deep sincerity and vulnerability. They don’t always agree, and sometimes even argue, but they are always learning from each other. In this way, they make each other better people; they bring out the best in each other. When they were torn apart, they both realised just how much they meant to each other, and it didn’t take long for them to be drawn back together. I love how their relationship in the game begins and ends with ‘I Want to be your Canary’, and Zidane’s promise to her - in the end, he was able to capture his canary and find a place to call home. Their journey is so wonderfully romantic from start to finish - I can’t express how special their love story is to me.
I've been in love with these two since I was 12 years old. It may be the nostalgia, but I truly love the incredible storytelling in FFIX and Zidane and Dagger will always, always hold a very special place in my heart. I am so grateful that I grew up with this game. I still remember the first time I finished it - not believing they'd killed off the main character, squirming in anticipation and worry, seeing the hooded man's gloves and thinking 'they're Zidane's gloves, right!? He's alive, right!?' And the reveal! Oh my goodness. The way he theatrically throws off his cloak, declaring his love - probably my favourite line in the game - "Bring my beloved Dagger to me!" My heart burst with happiness the first time I saw the ending, and I remember sitting on the "The End" screen for a very long time afterwards, listening to the prelude, just taking it all in, overcome with emotion. I just love this game. I love these two.
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mortalityplays · 1 year
Most usernames j see on here are shit like “my fart fruity toot” and “unicorn fucker” but is there an actual meaning behind your username? Because it literally slays
thanks. back when I sold comics and shit at conventions I needed a name for my business. my comic was about pagan gods and folklore, and since everything else I make is similarly kind of gothic / storytelling / anthropology slanted, I liked 'Mortality Plays' as a play on words.
for anyone unfamiliar, a 'morality play' was a medieval style of theatre where a very didactic fable or parable about various virtues was performed to teach the audience a christian moral lesson. they were a way of bringing church doctrine to life for peasants and convincing them to live upstanding lives, much like an embarrassing play about resisting peer pressure performed for middle schoolers by an eager youth ministry. except if the cast of that play were characters like "underage drinking" and "respect for your parents". I don't know why I said 'if', I'm sure this is still real. anyway.
basically I liked the idea of branding my work as theatrical, metaphorical tales about being mortal, and the connotation of play as in fucking around. and it was catchy enough to stick because here we are ten years later.
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jtl07 · 2 months
Now that I’m watching beach volley, I must say that Kristen Nuss from USA reminds me of Ava 🏐 She’s so tiny, but one of the best players in the world!
oooh okay so anon when i saw this, my brain immediately split into 2 directions: beach and indoor/team volleyball.
beach would be incredible for Ava - at the beach! in the sun! one half of such an important partnership; being equal. the tricky part is figuring out her partner lol - like, she could partner anyone yknow?
as in, i feel she'd have an incredible dynamic with anyone she's with. like, with Mary - maybe a veteran Olympian - would have her back and trust her and ground her while also pushing her in different ways; with Lilith, i feel like they'd make a dangerously sharp and fiercely aggressive team (when they're not sniping at each other lol); with Camila they'd have this rapid pace and creativity, maybe also as a new pair/new generation bringing in a breath of fresh air into both their country's team and the sport in general; Beatrice of course would be such steady support for Ava's theatrics, though not to say that they wouldn't be risk-takers - for some reason i have them as the most unpredictable for opponents because of how much they trust each other.
team/indoor volleyball is something i've actually thought about before, but in terms of a Haikyu au.
[eta: omg this became so much rambling i'm so sorry anon, especially if you have no idea what i'm talking about but if you like volleyball, i encourage you to give Haikyu a chance!]
while i've seen some episodes/clips of the anime and stage plays and think both are fantastic, the manga is my true love. it's hands down my favorite sports manga and one of my top 5 manga of all time. i learned so, so much about storytelling and structure from this series; i think Furudate is all sorts of brilliant.
in terms of if i was to make a Haikyu au for WN, Ava would absolutely have to be Hinata because his love of volleyball and that voracious desire to learn. to me, his major character arcs come from working with a team and becoming a professional volleyball player. the former is perfect for the team aspect of WN, the latter would be wonderful to explore Ava's more serious side. as in, when something you love becomes something you dedicate your life to, where you find the most joy, where you become the best version of yourself.
ugh oh man the timeskip would be a beautiful analog to canon too, as in Ava coming back from the other side - stronger, more confident, and still in love with volleyball. a true "monster" lol as the ones who turned pro were called. plus there was that bit in the ending about the Olympics so this is in line with your prompt anon, i swear this isn't just me rambling mindlessly about Haikyu (tho it kinda is lol)
casting everyone else is hella tricky. though, i could get behind Camila as Nishinoya. she'd be a tad "lighter" in personality than Nishinoya but Cam does have that serious side to her and of course size-wise, she'd fit the libero position. Tsukishima immediately had me thinking of Lilith with all the shit he gives Hinata at the start and the f-ing brilliance of the Shiratorizawa match - oh man i still get shivers at that arc. also damn, that scene when he and Kiyoko have to go to the infirmary would be beautiful for Lilith too, having to trust her team to hold on. (i think i'mma have to reread ohno)
Mary feels very Daichi because captain/dad lol, i wonder if Sugawara could work as an analog for Shannon - his story is slightly different, since Sugawara gives the setter position to Kageyama (i.e. not Hinata/Ava) but still, that act of stepping back i feel would be close.
i have no idea who i'd cast for Tanaka - i'm not sure who'd be the sort of "everyman" analog from WN. the managers too are hard to cast - mostly because there's not a lot of folks to choose from lol - but also, who can possibly be as cool as Kiyoko?! ... well, Beatrice could lol, but that would mean i'd need to cast Ava as Tanaka because of course lol
speaking of Beatrice, i hesitate to cast her as Kageyama because though she'd be a brilliant setter, Beatrice's relationship with Ava is different from the antagonistic/rival aspect of Hinata and Kageyama's relationship, yknow? to that point, hm, Lilith would actually be fun in that position instead, especially with Kageyama's past and their similar ties to past folks/legacy of sorts.
which, then, Beatrice could be cast as Tsukishima, brilliant and strategic - doesn't think much of Hinata/Ava at first, develops a strong relationship with the back line hm, goddammit why is Beatrice the character who can do everything™
though now that i'm noodling more, if we go back to Beatrice as Kageyama, yes it'd be a different dynamic but also huh it could be interesting to set (lol) up a backstory for Beatrice that run similar to Kageyama where they both developed a rift with their past teams because they were driving them too hard and has to learn how to meet folks where they are. (then later learn to challenge once that trust and individual and team skill have built up). hm in that way, Beatrice's arc could be really interesting - and she and Ava could still have a rivalry and push each other to be better, just not as antagonistic as Kageyama and Hinata...
sorry anon this is just me rambling. last thing i'll say about this and Haikyu is that this kind of au would be interesting on a group/team level because their team, Karasuno, doesn't have that elite standing like the OCS, they're the underdogs which, idk, i feel like could provide some interesting conversations with canon
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winterlogysblog · 1 year
So... I've binged watch Wei's Genshin Theory Videos and my messed up brain thought of something.
So in Wei's video. He talked about the possibility of Teyvat being in a Samsara.
This theory on its own is quite interesting and makes a while lot of sense. Good watch tbh.
So let me add on to it.
Mona being an Astrologist can read people's fate by looking at their constellations, one would argue that vision wielders have a constellation because having a vision is essentially a means to ascend to Godhood as the people would like to believe. But to constellations aren't restricted by visions or anything. The Traveler has one even Dainsleif has one (it's officially revealed to be an Ouroboros snake) (a snake eating itself in case you didn't know) Which means it isn't unlikely that everybody has their own constellation which translates to everyone has their own fate. Fate is sealed tight shut. There is no changing it, there's no escaping it.
This talk about fate, their lives being set in stone. Loops in what might Happen in Fontaine, The Abyss and the loom of fate, and Kaeya's Hangout specifically the Sumeru route and him literally quoting Shakespeare.
"The world's a stage and all men are merely players."
This is also quoted in the freaking 4.0 livestream maybe it's just quoting Shakespeare for the sake of quoting Shakespeare because ✨️Plays✨️ ✨️Theatrics ✨️ ✨️Drama✨️ and all that good stuff that's gonna happen in Fontaine so who knows.
Now, going back to the Samsara thing. If Teyvat really is in a Samsara of sorts. When does it begin and when does it ends?
It could possibly have started either when the Primodial One casted upon the Celestial Nails or the Cataclysm (for the sake of storytelling let's say it's the day before the Cataclysm). How it ends? I really don't know, there aren't any candidates for it, but it very much could be after a devastating war which isn't an unlikely scenario for there are certain for this. The Abyss and the Tsaritsa are just two of them and who knows what else.
The constellations would make even more sense in this case because, we can look at a person's constellation as their script. A script handed to them as they live/act their lives over and over and over again. Like a play.
Now, what could possibly have caused the Samsara?
Well... let me put on my tin foil hat for a second. Because this is where I went off the rails. This is pure speculation and bullshit fuckery at this point.
The Samsara is caused by a Stellaron. (Yes, I'm bringing Star Rail into this)
I know, crazy, but here me out. In Jarilo VI, Cocolia was corrupted by the Stellaron so maybe, just maybe the Stellaron managed to corrupt Celestia as well and ended up plotting the destruction of Khaenri'ah.
Do I have evidence? No.
Is it crazy? Yes
Is it a possibly? Maybe not.
If ever, Star Rail comes to a point where they're gonna visit Teyvat. The Samsara is a perfect explanation on why Teyvat is the way it is. Compared to Star Rail, the world of Genshin is... let's say primitive. Mondstadt is medieval Germany, Liyue is China, Inazuma is edo-era Japan, Sumeru is if South Asia and Middle East had a baby, Fontaine seems to be the Renaissance period of France. It's definitely primitive compared to the sci-fic aspect of Honkai.
It's honestly just cool to think about. This concept can truly establish the Hoyoverse. Just culminating the games in one singular universe, and with the popularity the Star Rail has, it's perfect.
That is all folks. Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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kendrixtermina · 2 years
Talking Style by Enneagram Type
I hadn’t put these on tumblr & it occurred to me that I probably should  
1: ‚Teacher-like‘ – sermons, lecture, life advice, evaluation, criticism, moralizing, matter-of-fact, straightforward, improvement suggestions, detail corrections, admonishing, enforcing rules, Voice of Truth(TM), expressing visceral disgust or outrage at bad deeds, lots of „shoulds“ and „oughts“, reminding of obligations, „thats not right/fair“, ultimatums and yes/no questions, focus on coming up with clear plans of action – they also ask advice & feedback more than other types.
2: friendliness, effusiveness, flattery, complimenting, personal, establishing rapport, supporting, checking on you, comforting, sympathizing, pitching in, offers, virtue-signalling, emphasized emotionality sometimes to the point of theatrics, giving advice sometimes to the point of seeming a bit pushy or bossy with it, laments on yours or a third person’s behalf, postive reinforcement, second person language
3: confident, professional, smooth, efficient, goal-focussed; self-presentation, mentions archievements, sucess stories & activities, what theyve been doing recently, promoting, boasting, motivating, encouraging, extolling, „advertising/selling“, praising, pushy, impatience, appeals to common cultural symbols/emotional associations like movies, job stereotypes, celebrities etc., plans, actions, short & useful questions, future oriented language, encouraging action & movement
4: Lamenting, yearning, longing, extolling somethong they idealize, whining. „bitching“, Breathy voice, Ellipses or trailing off, disdainfully lambasting while drawing distinctions. („Not like those people“) Lots of adjectives. Poetic/affected/deliberate phrasing, flowery, larger than life language. Regrets & talk of shortcommings. Talks about self & own experience, personalizes& specifies. If you catch them in a good mood they can also be somewhat hyper and witty.
5: Content-focus. Detailed explanations. Definitions. Systematic and ‚sectioned‘. Brings up topics that may seem out of context. Either short noncomittal statements or long rambly "treatises". Tangents, run-on sentences, adverbs. Descriptive comparisons. Arguments appealing to rationality, objectivity or neutrality. Quotes & proverbs. Low volume, formal language, jargon, technical terms. Few pleasantries, says little unless some relevant topic comes up.
6: Warnings. Limiting Statements. Formal but warm. Appeals to realism & common sense, bringing lofty talk „back down to earth“. Lots and lots of precise questions. Troubleshoots, problem solves, rants, accuses, defends, blames, complaints as a bonding method. Second-guessing, self-deprecating and/or dark humor, disclaimers & qualifying statements, worst case scenarious, „...but what if…“ uncertain or tentative, carefully chosen words, bouncing off suggestions
7: fast talking, verbosity, anecdotes, storytelling, future plans, analogies, energetic. enthusiasm, excitability, positivity, light-heartedness, humor, criticizes by mocking, tries to engage the listeners, may try to impress, charm or entertain others with knowledge, skill or experience, scattered or jumping between topics. Can appear distracted or talk about themselves alot. Sing-song voice. Socratic dialogues. „Wowwww how amazing!!!“
8: Short, direct to-the-point and hammer-like. Certain, clear & firm tone. Commands. Imperatives. Snap judgements („What youre doing wrong is...“) Laying trips. Glib, quippy statements. Teasing Profanity. Debating. Arguing, defiance, „unmasking“/calling out , direct confronting, „below the belt“ shots. Military or wilderness related metaphors. Informative, factual, pragmatic. Sometimes quite jolly or unexpectedly sentimental.
9: pleasantries, respectful, considerate, dreamy, meandering, generalizing, vague aphorisms, recounts stories in a lot of detail, may wait for the others to speak first and sort of mirror, sypathize with & validate what you say, usually good listeners, may have to think a bit if asked their preferences. Some can be shy terse or monotonous in new situations or big groups, but grow more animated in a chill familiar envronment/ with trusted ppl, unneccesary apologies
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tomorrowxtogether · 2 years
TXT Talk About Temptation, Identity, and New Album “The Name Chapter: Temptation”
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The quintet's new project is both a homecoming and a new adventure for the South Korean group.
In 2019, Tomorrow X Together (TXT) captivated audiences by unveiling the concept trailer for The Dream Chapter: Magic. The mesmerizing video served as the introduction for their first official comeback. It showed the then-rookies executing gravity-defying choreography against an ever-changing backdrop, playing with perspective and illusion with only the help of a projector. The blank canvas was an instant hit among their dedicated fandom, known as MOAs, and the general public and foretold just how artistic TXT's journey would be. Four years later, the South Korean quintet revived the format with the concept trailer for their fifth EP, The Name Chapter: Temptation.
Two months before Temptation's official release on January 27, 2023, the trailer for the quintet's new chapter premiered on HYBE's YouTube channel, transporting viewers back in time with immediate callbacks to their beginning. Except this concept is different, and TXT are all grown up.
"We really thought about how we could [best] express the theme of temptation in our concept trailer visually, and I think it [naturally] came out similarly to Magic during the process, with the projection mapping and everything," Taehyun, who does much of the talking for the group, tells Teen Vogue over Zoom from Seoul two weeks before the album's release. "Many people like our concept trailers, like in Magic and Freeze, because we add some really cool elements to them [so we think long and hard about them]."
Though similar visually, a thin line separates Magic and Temptation thematically. If Magic was an ode to innocence, Temptation is an ode to its loss. These two sides of the same coin kickstart a new chapter in TXT's ever-expanding book, the third after Dream and Chaos following brief pitstops for Minisode 1: Blue Hour and Minisode 2: Thursday's Child. "Story-wise, The Name Chapter is about a phase where you solidify your identity and your name as you grow into adulthood," Taehyun explains, noting the overlap. “We try to express that temptation where you just want to settle for now and don't want to grow up anymore.”
As a motif, temptation is a tale as old as time. In Greek mythology, temptation serves as the driving force for multiple stories, from the Sirens to Pandora. In the Book of Genesis, it's temptation that ultimately gets Adam and Eve cast out from the Garden of Eden. Beyond religion and myths, temptation has also been a familiar trope for playwrights like Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and many after. Temptation is everywhere, and it's perennial. In TXT's universe, "temptation means you choose something that is not helpful for the future," Taehyun explains. “Falling into that choice is the temptation.”
While it is true TXT go back to their roots with The Name Chapter: Temptation in more ways than other — going back to their tried-and-true "intricately interconnected" whimsical concepts and veering heavily onto theatrics and storytelling with Peter Pan-inspired elements — in other ways, they explore uncharted territory.
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After just one listen, it's not hard to discern that The Name Chapter: Temptation is TXT's most experimental album, exploring new genres we haven't yet seen from the band. Kicking off the five-track project is "Devil by the Window," a song produced by BigHit Music's very own Slow Rabbit and mixed by Grammy Award-winning engineer Manny Marroquin. Heavy on bass, "Devil by the Window" traffics in extremes, incorporating snaps, claps, rocky hi-hats, and glitchy noise scratches with subtle whistles, murmured vocals, and layered harmonies. The push and pull share some DNA with last year's "Good Boy Gone Bad."
The track is TXT's second official release featuring all-English lyrics, not counting "Cat & Dog" and collaborations. Taehyun says that was still a challenge for the group. "As Koreans, it's really hard to bring out the right vibe because of the accents when you have to sing in English," he explains. “It's really hard to bring out the detailed emotions and the vibes. But I think all the members did a really good job in recording the 'Devil by the Window.'”
"Devil by the Window" acts as a prelude for the title track: "Sugar Rush Ride," Hueningkai's favorite. "We always like to challenge ourselves with new style and sound, and we did exactly that with this song. The song plays a line from the Korean traditional folktale 'Chunhyangjeon,'" the maknae of the group shares. He also explains how the performance, which includes a tsundere-esque killing point move involving their index fingers, also borrows elements from traditional Korean dance. "I really like the song. I think it shows different styles and genres in the most TXT-ish style."
"Sugar Rush Ride" is the safest offering from the bunch. It's straight-up saccharine dance pop with instantly catchy funky guitar riffs and booming drum and bass. The real punch line comes with the bridge and chorus, with a whistle and echoed "gimme mores" that would be insidious if they weren't so sweetly tantalizing. Among the credits, there's one name MOAs will surely recognize: Salem Ilese. The group says the opportunity to work with the singer again arose naturally after sharing the stage in the U.S., Korea, and Japan last year. "She's a really good friend, a really good player, and a really good maker," says Taehyun. “She really has a knack for writing melodies and lyrics. She's the best.”
The official featured artist on the album, however, is Coi Leray, who jumps in on "Happy Fools." Also a Slow Rabbit production, like the previous two tracks, "Happy Fools" features writing credits from all the members. The track kicks off with a Bossa Nova-inspired elevator rhythm which quickly transforms into upbeat R&B with a camouflaged flute as the base. "I wrote the top line for 'Happy Fools' and all the members contributed to the lyrics," Yeonjun says of the track. "It's again, our story, so I think it expressed us well. I think it came out really well. When I listened to the song, I could see just how much our members have grown as artists and lyricists."
The next track, "Tinnitus (Wanna be a rock)," is the indisputable highlight of the album. It's TXT's take on Afrobeats, produced by Dystinkt Beats and Grammy-nominated Smash David, and features creative contributions by Taehyun and Yeonjun. After a suave kalimba intro, an engulfing bass-heavy drum beat and a distinct clave rhythm take over the sound, with the members' vocals layered over assorted adlibs for a fun element. On top of the percussion, the use of repetition in the bridge and chorus makes the track even catchier. Definitely a song that calls for headphones. Taehyun says the members were extra excited about trying out this new genre, but they were also extra careful, as a misstep could “ruin the vibe and the quality of the song.”
The closer for the album is "Farewell, Neverland," another explicit Peter Pan reference. "Farewell, Neverland" is a Latin-inspired ballad led by the strumming of an acoustic guitar and a cajón-style percussion swaying the beat, with heavier impacts and electric guitar joining the mix later on. Produced by Carson Thatcher, this track is the second "hitman" bang contribution on the album and also happens to be Soobin's favorite. "When I heard the recording for the first time, I got goosebumps because I could just imagine singing this song with our MOA at our show. I think MOA will feel the same when they listen to it," the group's leader shares.
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"As we challenged [ourselves with] different genres for this album, I think all the members now have a more diverse spectrum [when it comes to] expressing ourselves," Yeonjun tells Teen Vogue. Beomgyu adds: “Since we try different concepts for every album, I think I'm more confident that I can pull off any concept now. I think that's what makes us grow, trying new things and taking on new challenges.”
The topic of variety rings true for the songs but also for the project's concept photos, which caused quite an uproar as they were revealed. "We usually share our ideas with our visual team and work with them throughout the process," Soobin shares about coming up with these concepts. Though very distinct from one another, all concepts are all intertwined in the music video for the title track. Still, each member has their favorites.
For Soobin, "Daydream" takes the crown. "It has a dreamy yet sexy aesthetic which I think suited all of our members really well," he explains. Beomgyu, on the other hand, favors "Nightmare" because "it's supposed to look like some kind of a beautiful nightmare that is colorful and sweet like 'sugar rush'" and that “captures the overall mood of 'Sugar Rush Ride' really well.” Yeonjun and Hueningkai do not share their preferences, but Taehyun does not hesitate to pick "'Farewell" as his favorite. "This concept is about the very moment of saying goodbye to temptation," he elaborates. “The concept clip had a lot of close-ups, and it was really important that we show the complexity of emotions on our faces when the video was shot. I think all of our members pulled it off very well.”
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The Name Chapter: Temptation is the first notch in TXT's belt this year after successfully wrapping up their first world tour and landing a historic Lollapalooza performance in 2022, two feats they're immensely proud of. Their second world tour, Act: Sweet Mirage, is already slated for a March start, with 21 stops across Asia and the U.S. already locked and a "more to come" promise. "If the opportunity allows, I hope that many people recognize us and listen to our music in 2023," Taehyun shares. "Also, we were invited to the AMAs in 2022, but if we go again, I want to perform." That seems like the next natural progression for a group that likes to take it one step at a time. 
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'Oppenheimer star Cillian Murphy has officially responded to fancasting of him as Fantastic Four villain Dr Doom, giving Marvel Studios the key to casting him, if they want him. Murphy previously played Scarecrow in all three of Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight movies, kicking off his status as something of a talisman for the decorated director. Somewhat inevitably - given his profile - Fantastic Four fans have regularly fancast him to appear in the MCU as a different kind of villain: the Machiavellian monster that is Victor Von Doom.
Murphy was asked about the possibility of playing Dr Doom in an interview with Josh Horowitz on the Happy Sad Confused Podcast, revealing he would be willing to read a script if one was presented to him:
“Yeah, I mean, I’m always… It’s always about the script. So, I’ll read… If someone sends a script, I’ll read it. And you never know what turns up... That's what I love about this business... I had no inclination or no idea that Chris [Nolan] was going to call me [in 2021] with [Oppenheimer] you know, it just happens and that's the kind of the beauty of this business it's so unpredictable and wild..."
So it seems, if Marvel Studios want to give fans what they want with Cillian Murphy playing Dr Doom in the so-far-uncast Fantastic Four movie, they know exactly what they need to do. Nail the script, get the script in front of Murphy, and there might be a possibility of one of the greatest actors of the current generation joins the MCU. That responsibility currently rests with Avatar: The Way Of Water scribe Josh Friedman, who took over from Jeff Kaplan and Ian Springer. Given Friedman's work on the likes of Foundation and Snowpiercer, Fantastic Four's tone may well be a good match for Murphy's acting.
Cillian Murphy Revealed His Condition For Playing Comic Book Movies Years Ago
Even more important than a good script is the right script. If Marvel Studios want to bring in Murphy to match fan desires, they should look back to what appealed to the actor when he signed on for Nolan's Batman Begins. While the MCU is more fantastical than the Dark Knight universe, Murphy has previously praised Nolan's realistic tone (via Vulture):
It was a different time when we made Batman Begins. I think that Chris [Nolan] has to take credit for making that trilogy of films. I think they’re so grounded in a relatable reality... Nobody in those films ever had a superpower. Do you know what I mean? It’s a slightly heightened level of storytelling where New York is Gotham and no one did anything magical. Batman in his movies just did a lot of pushups and was, like, British. So that’s what I loved about them.”
That may pose something of a problem for the Fantastic Four movie's prospects of actually delivering Murphy as Dr Doom, but Doom actually should be a realistic threat. Previous iterations of the villain have been too theatrical or too otherworldly, and while there is an inherent otherness to Doom because of his appearance, his desire for domination and his terrifying aura are what should lead the casting decision and the writing. There's no reason Doom cannot be grounded in reality without compromising the comic book spirit of the MCU's Fantastic Four reboot. And if that's what it takes to get someone as good as Murphy for the role, maybe it's the right cost to pay.'
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collindelade · 2 years
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Welcome back to #Pandora! Make plans for a 3-hour vacation to the beautiful islands and clear seas of the alien planet! Swim with the sea creatures and get to know the natives. Just watch out for the big blue military hunting down a tribal leader and his family.
Thirteen years have passed since the release of the highest-grossing movie of all time. While the film came and left in the memories of pop culture, director #JamesCameron has been hard at work trying to replicate the awe and new-before-seen visual wonders of Pandora in this highly anticipated sequel.
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While audiences haven't seen Jake Sully and Neytiri in over a decade, they have been busy raising their four kids while leading and protecting the Na'vi civilization from a familiar foe. The Sully family travels to the faraway island side of Pandora for protection, while getting to know their aquatic-built Na'vi brothers and sisters.
The original #Avatar was a theatrical spectacle back in 2009, with its revolutionary visuals and immersive 3D. #AvatarTheWayOfWater replicates that awe and wonder once again while adding a slightly strong story and high-framerate sequences. The trailers and advertising does not do the visuals justice, as you need to really see and experience the beauty yourself.
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It has been a while since 3D has been shoved in our faces, and there's no better movie to bring the format back than the franchise that kickstarted the trend in the first place! Cameron is the pioneer of incorporating 3D into his movies and The Way of Water raises the bar even higher for immersive visual storytelling. While you can seek out 2D showtimes or wait for them to become more available, this is the rare case where the 3D is beneficial and incorporated well.
Visuals aside, the story and characters of Way of Water are improved, even if only slightly. The story shares focus not only with Jake and Neytiri but also with their kids and their aquatic neighbors. While the story itself is engaging, the dialog throughout is weak and cliché. For example, the amount of times characters would say "bro" to each other is distractingly annoying.
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With so many characters to focus on, Cameron manages to stay focused on the important ones and use the side players only when needed. The only major character that falls flat is Neytiri being stuck as "the mom" for the majority of the movie. Performance-wise, Zoe Saldana is fantastic, but the character has little to nothing to do until the film's climax. When it's her time to shine, she shines bright, but Neytiri was done dirty for most of the movie.
The biggest area that will turn away casual audiences more than anything else is its over three-hour runtime. Running almost 30 minutes longer than the already bloated first film, it is fair for many to be hesitant in dedicating their time and bladder to this fantasy epic. While the time does fly by with good pacing, 3 hours and 12 minutes for any movie is a long time for one sitting.
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As high quality and entertaining The Way of Water is from beginning to end, that long runtime prevents it from being a unanimous recommendation. For a once in a generation experience James Cameron is dedicated his career towards though, The Way of Water fits right in with his catalog of epics. Set some time aside with the family to revisit Pandora, as it appears there won't be that long of a wait to return again in 2024.
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lanterntheatre · 2 years
Introduction to the City of Dana
Hello! We're Lantern Theatre, a virtual theatre company focused on creating audio dramas in a distinctly theatrical style to bring the stage to your ears as authentically as possible. We're currently airing our City of Dana series: nine multi-episode plays in the deconstructionist style all centered around the city of Dana Point.
"So what the hell is deconstructionism anyway?"
Great question! The characters in a “deconstructionist” play not only interact with one another and pursue their desires, but actively challenge the rules and logic of the world they inhabit. They revolt against laws of physics, memories, historical facts, and even the constructed reality that the playwright has set forth for them. Basically: shit gets weird and everybody's down for it.
"Which City of Dana play is for me?"
In our opinion, all of them! (Please don't ask us to choose between our children). However, this handy guide can help you select which to start with when entering the city:
Do you like: biting satire, ethical quandaries, and courtroom dramas?
The Foxes- A gambling addict learns the art of sophistry to win a case in court.
Do you like: bawdy wordplay, hijinks on the high seas, questioning the fabric of your very reality and the laws of science?
Pilgrim- As the age of science and reason comes to an end, a marine biologist loses her wits and fights back against the changing of the times.
And don't miss our next production releasing February 5th:
The Goat Walk- A young poet desires to defy the laws of physics and become omnipresent on the morning of his wedding day.
If you enjoyed the trippy and experimental storytelling of The Great Chameleon War, or the absurdist humor and memorable characters of Two Flat Earthers Kidnap a Freemason, we might just be the show for you.
Exploratory theatre tackling big ideas, accessible for everyone. That's our motto. Listen now on your preferred podcatcher.
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ozzyscollectiblehub · 4 hours
The Power and Passion of Wrestling: A Sport of Strength, Skill, and Spectacle
Wrestling is one of the oldest and most dynamic forms of competition known to humankind. Rooted in ancient civilizations, from the Olympic games of ancient Greece to the folk wrestling traditions found worldwide, this sport combines physical strength, mental strategy, and raw athleticism. But wrestling is more than just a contest of brute force; it’s a blend of technique, tradition, and drama that has captured the imaginations of people for centuries.
From Olympic-style wrestling to the theatrical world of professional wrestling, the sport’s influence is vast and varied. Let’s explore the key aspects of wrestling and why it remains such a compelling and enduring force in the world of sports.
A Brief History of Wrestling
Wrestling’s origins date back thousands of years, with depictions found in ancient cave drawings and records from civilizations like Egypt, Babylon, and Greece. In these early societies, wrestling was often seen as a test of personal honor, physical prowess, and even a method of conflict resolution.
The sport became institutionalized with the ancient Greek Olympic Games, where wrestling was one of the key events. Greek wrestling, known as pale, emphasized throws, holds, and pins, and it became symbolic of discipline, endurance, and the pursuit of glory. As the sport evolved over time, different regions developed their own styles — sumo wrestling in Japan, lucha libre in Mexico, and Greco-Roman wrestling across Europe, each adding its own flavor to the mix.
Modern Olympic wrestling has two main styles:
Freestyle Wrestling: Wrestlers can use their entire bodies to attack and defend.
Greco-Roman Wrestling: This style focuses solely on upper-body techniques, forbidding the use of legs in offense or defense.
The Appeal of Wrestling
At its core, wrestling is a battle of will, strength, and technique. Unlike many sports that rely heavily on teamwork, wrestling is intensely individual — there’s no one to pass the ball to, no one to share the responsibility. When the whistle blows, it’s one athlete against another, testing not only physical ability but also mental toughness.
Some of the key elements that make wrestling such an appealing sport include:
Discipline and Conditioning: Wrestlers are among the most physically fit athletes in the world. The training is grueling, demanding extreme levels of endurance, agility, and power. Wrestlers must maintain strict diets and engage in intense conditioning, often pushing their bodies to the limits to make weight classes and ensure they’re in peak form.
Strategy and Technique: Wrestling isn’t just about overpowering your opponent. It requires a deep understanding of techniques, from single-leg takedowns to complex submission holds. Wrestlers must think quickly, adapting to their opponent’s moves and finding the right moment to strike or counter. Every match is a chess game of positioning, leverage, and timing.
Mental Toughness: Wrestling is as much a mental sport as it is physical. Wrestlers must remain calm under pressure, make split-second decisions, and never give up — even when they’re down on the mat. The sport teaches resilience, focus, and the ability to bounce back from defeat.
Professional Wrestling: The Spectacle
While amateur wrestling showcases pure athleticism, professional wrestling brings the element of entertainment into the fold. Promotions like WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), AEW (All Elite Wrestling), and New Japan Pro-Wrestling have taken the essence of wrestling and added storytelling, character development, and dramatic flair.
Professional wrestling has evolved into a global phenomenon, with larger-than-life characters, over-the-top theatrics, and carefully choreographed matches that blend athleticism with entertainment. Unlike amateur wrestling, pro wrestling isn’t a legitimate competition; it’s a scripted form of performance that combines athletic feats with narrative-driven drama.
Some might argue that professional wrestling is more theater than sport, but there’s no denying the physical toll it takes on its athletes. Pro wrestlers endure grueling schedules, long hours on the road, and frequent injuries from their high-flying stunts, body slams, and dangerous falls. Yet, what draws millions of fans to professional wrestling events and broadcasts is the electrifying combination of athleticism, storytelling, and pure spectacle.
The Global Influence of Wrestling
Wrestling’s appeal stretches across continents and cultures, with different styles reflecting local traditions and values.
Sumo Wrestling: In Japan, sumo wrestling is a centuries-old tradition that blends athletic competition with ritual and ceremony. Sumo wrestlers, known as rikishi, engage in intense matches where the goal is to push the opponent out of the ring or force them to touch the ground with any part of their body other than their feet. Sumo remains deeply connected to Japanese culture, with each match filled with ceremonial significance.
Lucha Libre: In Mexico, wrestling takes on a unique form with lucha libre, where masked wrestlers (known as luchadores) perform acrobatic moves and high-flying maneuvers. Lucha libre’s colorful costumes and fast-paced action have made it a beloved cultural phenomenon, influencing professional wrestling styles worldwide.
Greco-Roman and Freestyle Wrestling: Across Europe, Asia, and the Americas, both Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling dominate amateur wrestling competitions, including the Olympics. These styles emphasize technical precision and physical strength, and they are considered the pinnacle of the sport’s athletic achievements.
Wrestling’s Role in Modern Sports
In today’s world, wrestling continues to thrive at both amateur and professional levels. The sport’s visibility has grown through collegiate wrestling programs, international competitions, and popular promotions like WWE. Additionally, Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) has highlighted the importance of wrestling skills, as many top fighters have a wrestling background, using grappling techniques to gain an advantage in the octagon.
Wrestling’s popularity isn’t just limited to competitive sports. Its values — discipline, mental toughness, and perseverance — are often taught in schools and youth programs, helping to build character in young athletes. The sport teaches participants how to win and lose with grace, instilling a work ethic that translates well beyond the mat.
The Future of Wrestling
As wrestling continues to evolve, its influence will only grow. The rise of female wrestling, both at the amateur and professional levels, is one of the most exciting developments in recent years. Women’s wrestling has gained significant momentum, with more opportunities and greater visibility for female athletes in the sport, from Olympic champions like Helen Maroulis to WWE superstars like Becky Lynch.
With the continued expansion of MMA, freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling techniques are becoming more integrated into various combat sports, reinforcing the sport’s relevance and necessity in broader athletic competition.
Wrestling’s Enduring Legacy
Wrestling is a sport that has stood the test of time, evolving from ancient combat to a modern global spectacle. Its appeal lies in its raw simplicity — two athletes battling for dominance — while the layers of technique, discipline, and strategy make it endlessly fascinating for competitors and fans alike.
Whether you’re a fan of the technical mastery of Olympic wrestling, the larger-than-life drama of professional wrestling, or the cultural traditions embedded in sumo or lucha libre, there’s no denying that wrestling is a sport of passion, power, and pride. As it continues to grow and influence new generations of athletes, wrestling’s impact on the world of sports remains as strong as ever.
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nancycastrogiovanni · 3 months
The Art of Costume Recycling: A Step Towards Sustainable Fashion in Theatre
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Our English Theatre Club, in the vibrant and multicultural city of Prague, has embarked on an exciting and motivating adventure. This theatrical production goes beyond traditional norms, embodying a philosophy that blends sustainability and creativity — a remarkable narrative that effortlessly merges artistic innovation with a dedication to the environment.
One of the most important contributors to our project is Kamila, an exceptionally talented costume designer. Her dedication to sustainable fashion brings vibrant and innovative energy to our productions. Kamila’s workspace is a living testament to the art of transformation, as she meticulously converts forgotten costumes and textiles from thrift stores into stunning and vibrant outfits that grace our stage. This process is not merely about recycling; it’s a profound statement on the value of reusing and repurposing in a world all too accustomed to disposability.
In contrast to the prevailing mindset in theatre, our ethos challenges the notion that costumes are only valuable during a show and can be discarded afterwards. Engaging in such practices only makes the environmental crisis worse. Our goal at the ICP English Theatre Club is to minimize its impact through the actions we take. By recycling costumes, we are taking a small but meaningful action to reduce waste and show the possibilities of sustainability in the arts.
Our philosophy also highlights the significance of integrating diverse viewpoints and life experiences into our narrative. With each passing year, there is an exciting opportunity to bring scripts to fruition that delve into different cultures and historical periods, which means sourcing an extensive selection of traditional costumes from around the world is essential.
Striving for genuine experiences, while also being committed to sustainability, may bring about several obstacles. This is where Kamila’s resourcefulness truly shines. The way she can turn materials into costumes that genuinely represent their cultural heritage, all while considering the environment and financial consequences of buying new items, is truly remarkable.
Our guiding principle remains unwavering: the strong conviction that the true heart of theatre does not live in flashy stage designs or elaborate costumes, but in the captivating art of storytelling and the exceptional abilities of its actors. This principle traces its roots back to the early days of theatre, a time when storytelling flourished through simple yet captivating tales and mesmerizing performances. In the past, storytellers could captivate crowds using only their narratives and vocal talents, without the use of any additional props or embellishments. This traditional practice emphasizes the powerful effect that simplicity can have on the world of art.
In today’s fast-paced world, where spectacle frequently takes precedence over substance, our aim is to rediscover our roots. Our productions are meticulously designed, based on the belief that simplicity enriches the storytelling process and cultivates a stronger connection between the performer and the audience. By emphasizing the fundamental aspects, we establish a space that encourages the unimpeded growth of creativity, without the burdens of excessive modern theatre production.
The pursuit of sustainable theatre entails facing challenges and embracing opportunities to develop. This compels us to reassess our creative methods, motivating us to generate inventive solutions that uphold our environmental responsibilities and enhance our artistic expression. Our yearly shows, even though temporary, have a lasting influence on our spectators, motivating them to contemplate the significance of sustainability in both the art they enjoy and their day-to-day existence.
Originally Published At: https://www.nancycastrogiovanni.com/the-art-of-costume-recycling
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