#bro i’ve been working here for two and a half years i think i know what im talking about
brattybottombunny · 11 months
we only see children at my job. we are specifically a children only facility. and this man just came in - wanting to get a sleeping aid prescription which isn’t even what we do if we did see adults - and when i said im sorry we only see kids, he told me that google told him we see adults too. and then asked me if i was sure!!!!!!!!!! like…no my guy. it’s not like my mom’s been working for this company for literally more than half my life time. it’s in our name!!
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random shit that most of this fandom collectively deluded into being canon, regardless of if it a) wasn’t explicitly stated in the show, b) contradicts actual lore, or c) was just straight up made up with no real basis! Also half of the bullet points end in rants; there are no words to describe this phenomenon but I’m a fanfic writer so that sure as hell didn’t stop me from trying
Ghost cores—not only the different types but also just their existence in general apparently—was pretty much entirely invented by the fandom. Like bro that’s the entire basis of ghost biology, how tf were we supposed to believe it worked in the show??
To expand on that, ghost biology.
Someone just decided Danny has freckles and that they glow in ghost form and we were all like. yeah.
Wesley Weston’s entire character. Nuff said.
Jack and/or Maddie always seemed to have grown up on a farm? Although I suppose with Maddie’s sister that could maybe be considered an educated guess
All the townsfolk refer to Danny’s ghost form as just ‘Phantom’ - oh wait, no they don’t.
Valerie’s alter ego is called the ‘Red Huntress’ - oh wait, no it’s not.
That one’s especially funny cause originally this list just included “Phantom calls Valerie ‘Red’” but then I learned the whole title was fanon and now I question everything I’ve ever thought beknownst to me.
Amity Park is a small town (not according to the background shots in the actual show).
I don’t remember how much of ghostly obsessions/Danny’s specifically was pulled out of the fandom’s ass but I imagine a fair amount of it considering the show wasn’t big on world building.
Phantom’s voice is echoey and/or staticky.
Danny smells like ozone and possibly citrus?
This one might just have to do with number psychology, but everyone seems to agree Phantom is a “level 7” on all of the arbitrary ghost rating systems invented by the Fentons?? Which were also made up tbf cause the Fentons never even invented that.
Danny bleeds both blood and ectoplasm, usually dependent on form, has a low heart rate and body temperature in human form, and possibly fangs. Aside from the latter these are mostly just logical inferences but it felt like they belonged here anyway.
Blob ghosts maybe?? I only think they might’ve been made up because I couldn’t find a proper photo reference of them one time and like I said, I question everything now. Maybe Jazz was never even real and the fandom just made her up so Danny could have one tiny thread of stability to support the massive load of trauma that we also dumped on him. Who the hell knows anymore, this fandom was the original Goncharov.
Accident with a capital A.
As far as I can tell, ectoblasts aren’t actually referred to as such. Admittedly I didn’t rewatch the whole show just to confirm, but according to the wiki, they’re actually called ghost rays.
Danny’s signature nervous tick is rubbing the back of his neck. I honest to god accidentally picked this habit up from reading fanfic and it is marginally embarrassing.
Danny blushes green in ghost form (admittedly this is a relatively obvious leap from “bleeds ectoplasm”.)
Ghost speak.
Danny’s middle name is James and Lancer’s first name is William (or maybe Edward.)
In all the AU’s I’ve read that involve Danny moving to Amity from somewhere else, it’s always Chicago. Admittedly I’ve only read two, but to paraphrase Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, it’s still weird that it happened twice.
Ghost ice doesn’t melt? Was that a thing? I don’t think so(?) This fandom is so bad at distinguishing canon from fanon and that does not exclude me, I haven’t seen the show in three years.
What else do y’all got? I’m sure there’s plenty more to go around
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thisaintascenereviews · 2 months
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Zach Bryan - The Great American Bar Scene
There’s no artist like Zach Bryan, especially with his meteoric rise to fame within the last couple of years. I remember hearing his name back in 2021, but he was an underground artist. Now that everyone knows about him, what happens next? Since Zach Bryan is arguably one of the biggest artists in the world, he can do whatever he wants at this point. His self-titled album from last year was his stepping stone, and it was the album that catapulted him to the stratosphere of country music. Hell, he dropped an EP just a few months later, which boasted features from Bon Iver and Noah Kahan.
He’s been teasing The Great American Bar Scene for awhile now, but we finally got it a week ago (as of writing this, anyway). I loved the self-titled, as it was in my top three albums of the year for 2023, so expectations were high. Fortunately, I’d say this record is quite good, and it’s still one of the best of the year, but it doesn’t top the self-titled. If anything, The Great American Bar Scene is starting to show the cracks of Bryan’s formula that originally worked quite well (and still does, frankly, at least to a degree, anyway), and I don’t know how much longer his formula can hold up without people finally getting sick of it or realizing what it is.
Zach Bryan’s formula is pretty simple: he’s a singer-songwriter that blurs the lines between folk and country, his lyrics are usually very honest, and he has a very “authentic” persona that a lot of people find interesting. That’s why he got big in the first place, because people have been vying for an authentic country artist that goes against the mainstream, especially the bro-country and pop-country eras within the last decade. Bryan’s biggest problem is that a lot of his music is the same. Even as a huge fan, I can’t deny it. I’ve gone on record many times saying that I’m mixed when it comes to artists who keep their sound stagnant, because it depends on the artist and what their sound is. If a sound works for me, it works, but I’m picky about it.
Bryan’s sound has worked for me for a long time, whether it’s for his voice being good, his lyrics being well-written, and knowing how to write some catchy songs, but he doesn’t know when to cut himself off at times. His albums end up becoming self-indulgent and running way too long, and that might be why my favorite project of his will always be 2022’s Summertime Blues. It’s a brisk half hour and has some of his best material, but his albums are always overstuffed, even if they’re not necessarily bland or bad. Hell, 2022’s American Heartbreak is two and a half hours, and it didn’t need to be that long, The self-titled wasn’t too bad, but The Great American Bar Scene is a little over an hour with 19 songs. If that isn’t self-indulgent, I don’t know what is, but I still quite enjoy it.
The Great American Bar Scene is very much in line with Zach Bryan’s sound, but that’s also its biggest issue — it’s just a typical Zach Bryan album, which is great for diehard fans, but for those that want some variety or something new, you won’t get it. I love his “typical” sound, so I’ll eat this album right up, but I can also acknowledge it’s got some problems. I don’t know if we’re getting a diminishing return here, because this record has some of his best songs. The price of admission alone is worth it for “Purple Gas,” “Pink Skies,” and with what I think is the most important moment of the album, “Sandpaper” that features The Boss himself, Bruce Springsteen.
To some, that feature may not make sense, but this album is Bryan’s Nebraska (which is Springsteen’s 1982 acoustic solo album that’s the outlier of his work, as well as his darkest, lyrically speaking). This album doesn’t have anything as dark as that album, but it’s a basic singer-songwriter album in the same vein, and he uses the album as a way to tell stories about various people, whether it’s himself or another character. Having The Boss himself is a big moment for any younger artist; The Gaslight Anthem had him on their comeback album from last year, although I felt The Boss was a little phoned in on that album. He sounds a lot livelier on this record, thankfully.
Aside from that, though, this record is standard Zach Bryan, but there is a lot to really appreciate, which are the still the trademarks of a typical Zach Bryan album, so it’s kind of two-fold. This is a great ZB album, and diehard fans are sure to love this to the moon and back, but I can see fans and the mainstream being more apprehensive towards this, minus a few big singles. Bryan’s voice sounds fantastic, the storytelling and the lyricism is rich and beautiful, and even the songs themselves are written well, despite becoming meandering or derivative after a certain point. I love this record, warts and all, and you’ll certainly see it somewhere on my yearend list.
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Is It Really That Bad?
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I think I speak for everyone when I say that Jack Black is awesome. Ever since the one-two punch of 2008’s Kung Fu Panda and Tropic Thunder, Black has steadily seen himself rise to becoming a wacky and near universally beloved cultural icon, with zany YouTube videos and roles such as the gay psychic viking musician Helmut Fullbear in Psychonauts 2 and fucking Bowser of all people in The Super Mario Bros. Movie fully cementing his status as one of the most fun actors working today. But this sort of adoration wasn’t always the case.
Sure, everyone loved School of Rock and Tenacious D had a solid stoner buddy comedy film and some amusing songs, but Black’s career prior to the 2010s was pretty spotty and filled with bad and disposable comedies; there’s a reason he’ s playing the character stuck in a rut of making nothing but flatulent fat joke comedy movies in Tropic Thunder, after all. He still had some speedbumps to overcome before he’d reach Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle and Goosebumps even after his well-received 2008 films, and after starring in a film in 2009 that ended Harold Ramis’ career (and that I’m sure you’ll all vote for me to rewatch eventually), he made a pit stop in 2010 to dent his own career… but it wasn’t just him who suffered thanks to Gulliver’s Travels.
You see, this movie has an interesting bit of trivia to it that s likely the only reason it’s even vaguely remembered at all. Emily Blunt was contractually obligated to star in this film as a result of starring in The Devil Wears Prada, which on its own isn’t all too interesting… But because of this, she had to skip out on being Black Widow in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While Iron Man 2 wouldn’t have been better with her in it, the MCU as a whole might have benefited from having an actress as good as her as the first superheroine in the franchise. Maybe we could have even gotten a Black Widow movie sooner, and with less awful villains and terrible CGI!
This is all the film gets remembered for today, if it’s remembered at all: A footnote for the MCU, and one that hurt the careers of its lead actors for a couple of years until they were able to bounce back with more critically-acclaimed films. At best, those into more niche and obscure media might know that this films has a lot of material reworked from a scrapped adaptation of the Prometheus and Bob shorts from Nickelodeon’s KaBlam! It can’t even be remembered as some ridiculously huge bomb, because even with it making less than half its budget back domestically, internationally it managed to double it!
So hey, maybe those international audiences were on to something. Sure, it was critically reviled but it was also successful overseas, so maybe other countries knew something we didn’t here in America. Is Gulliver’s Travels really that bad, or is this a hidden Jack Black gem that America was too hard on?
I think what really surprised me the most is the set design and costumes. Maybe I’ve just been absolutely poisoned by the non-stop onslaught of CGI as of late, but it was really nice to see some actual sets, actual costumes, and actual effort on display in a movie, even if it wasn’t the most amazing thing out there.
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The film also has some very fun sequences, all of them obviously revolving around Jack Black. There’s the scene where he has to put out a fire and, uh, uses his natural hose to extinguish the flame (which is apparently lifted directly from the original book), which manages to be one of the only funny pee jokes in human history thanks to James Corden becoming doused in urine; there’s a scene where JB has to defeat an armada of ships and manages to do it with an accidental counter attack that eerily manages to foreshadow the climax of Kung Fu Panda 2; and there’s a scene where JB is banished to an island where he is kidnapped by a giant girl and turned into a doll in her dollhouse. Fun sequences like this make full use of the world the film has created.
Also, yes, it’s a bit dumb and cringey how one of the major conflicts in the film is solved by Jack Black randomly breaking out into a musical number, but if you’re gonna pay for Jack Black you gotta get him to sing. This one time, I’ll let the corny dance party ending slide—but it’s on thin fucking ice.
I mean, with both James Corden and T.J. Miller in the film, it’s no surprise there’s plenty of suckiness to the proceedings.
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I think the main issue is that the film is too short and doesn’t really do enough with its premise. Now, I’m no expert on the book this is loosely adapting seeing as I’ve never read it, but I feel like they could have done more than just liberally adapt elements for a silly family film, and I also think eighty minutes isn’t nearly enough time to really delve into things. And even having never read it, this is taking one of the greatest pieces of classic literature written by one of history’s sharpest satirists (Johnathan Swift, he of A Modest Proposal fame) and turned it into a wacky vehicle for Jack Black. It’s kind of hard not to feel a bit bitter we didn’t get a straighter modernized adaptation instead of a wacky family film.
Aside from that, though, the worst I can say is that some of the humor is pretty dorky or cringey, and that not a lot of performances really stand out. The former is to be expected from a silly family film like this, but the latter is pretty damn shocking considering the massive amounts of talent in this film. Black is having fun, but his hamming doesn’t always land, nor does his oversaturation of pop culture references; Emily Blunt and Jason Segel are okay, but they feel a bit overplayed and underplayed, respectively; Billy Connolly is barely even trying as the king, but it’s not like he’s given good material; and the rest of the cast are perfectly serviceable but not exactly standout. Everything is just okay (even Corden and Miller, but I hate them so let’s just say they suck).
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I think my biggest issue is that even if nothing is done offensively badly here, the film’s story is packed far too tightly with the most expected family film cliches you can imagine. You’ve got a really basic “liar revealed” plot at the core, you have the character getting bad romantic advice from his friend that leads to a third act breakup with his love interest, you have the most shallow romantic arc in the world beside that with one of the most unrealistic reactions you could ever imagine from a woman who has been repeatedly lied to by the guy crushing on her… It’s just really tired and sloppy. You have seen all the plot points here in a dozen better films.
Maybe it’s just because I was expecting a lot worse, but I honestly found this film to be kind of charming.
Like, sure, it’s not really anything special. It’s just a goofy Jack Black family film, and as far as those go it’s definitely nothing compared to Nacho Libre. But it doesn’t really overstay its welcome, it has a few chuckles, Black gets to sing, and James Corden gets doused in piss, so I can’t say I didn’t find some enjoyment in it. It’s a silly little disposable bit of fluff that’s fun to watch once and maybe put on in the background if you need some noise, and there’s a place for films like that in this world.
But, you know, I kind of get why audiences didn’t vibe with this. Nothing in this movie is as offensively bad as a lot of other family fantasy films of the time, but there’s nothing that really stands out here either. You’ve got some cool scenes, cool ideas, and Jack Black hamming it up, but none of it really ever gels into something great. This is a completely average, somewhat enjoyable, and kind of forgettable film, and I completely understand why it has faded from the public consciousness besides being a bit of MCU trivia. It’s not offensive or bad enough to really bring out intense emotion, but it isn’t good enough to gush about, and Jack Black has been in so many better roles lately that utilize the traits this film is banking on far better that it’s hard to recommend this unless you’re really curious or bored.
That 4.9 is pretty harsh though, honestly. I gave it a 6, mostly because I just found the whole thing endearingly dorky, but realistically I’d say maybe in the mid to high 5 range is where this movie belongs. It’s got plenty of cringey moments and it’s not really mind-blowing, with it relying far too much on cliché plot elements you see in a lot of bargain bin family films, but I think there’s just enough effort on display here to make this a passable viewing experience. As far as corny Jack Black movies go, you could be doing a lot worse than watching this one.
A lot worse.
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invisiblegarters · 2 years
Jack o’ Frost Ep 5
Who’s ready for some mess?
It’s me. I’m always ready for mess.
I feel like I’ve been waiting for Ritsu to either reveal that he has had some bit of memory all along or to find out that he and Fumiya used to date, and now that it’s here I’m on the edge of my seat waiting for the fallout. 
Aw, I feel like little bro is caught between loyalty and worry here. But he’s an awful liar, thank goodness. 
“Do you know what it feels like when something so important is kept from you?” Freaking EXACTLY. This is what I have been saying this whole time. Malicious or not, what Fumiya did was selfish and kind of cruel. Ritsu relied on him for nearly everything, trusted him not to lie, and he repaid him by not giving him the full story and letting him make his own decisions. I have seen the trope where doctors encourage family and friends to let an amnesiac find things out at their own pace, and tbh not having known anyone with it I can’t say if that’s a real thing or not, but no one said that here. Fumiya picked the route that served him best - so while I can sympathize with him and with his panic now that the inevitable fallout is happening, I can’t help but feel like he’s earned it. 
Aw, ex is trying to be a good guy but I kind of dislike him pushing Ritsu into talking with Fumiya. If he doesn’t wat to, he shouldn’t have to. Then again, pretty sure that Ritsu wants to talk to him anyway. But still. He just found out this huge thing about his life and found out that the one person who should have told him about it kept it a secret. He has a right to want to process first. 
Oh, what a lovely little birthday. Until the argument, that is. But it’s very well done. The way that it starts off with Fumiya being passive aggressive and tense and Ritsu being avoidant and then just ramps up. I even like that it’s foreshadowed in the beginning despite the way they both put it aside to focus on birthday fun. 
Entirely unsurprised that Ritsu left. I don’t really think that Fumiya is either. I think he always knew that that would be the case if and when Ritsu found out what he did, even if he refused to acknowledge it. 
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but maybe the very annoying one year time skip that Korea is always pulling would be best for these two. They clearly aren’t going to grow together, but maybe they can apart and then work their way back to a relationship. If they still want to.
Although, i must say I’m not getting unhappy ending vibes from this one anymore.  This show stopped giving me melancholy vibes around episode three It’s more wistful now. The fact that Ritsu walked out the way he did weirdly makes me certain that the ending isn’t going to be super depressing. Oh, they might end apart, there’s still a fairly good chance of that happening, but I genuinely feel like they’ll be in a better place with each other even if they decide not to get back together. 
I suppose we’ll see next week. I’m looking forward to it, but I’m not looking forward to once again having half of my favorite shows be over and done with (after this unless I find something else I really love it’ll just be Bed Friend, Our Dating Sim, and Midnight Museum for me (and the latter probably won’t turn out to be gay at all, even if it is a lot of fun)).
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haylanmakesstuff · 2 years
First Year Zombie
One year I wanted to do something a little different for Halloween; something distinctly not-pretty at all. My brother decided to be Rick Grimes because everyone kept saying he sorta looked like him. Clearly, this only meant one thing: I was going to be a zombie. I wanted to go crusty and gross. I wanted to make people uncomfortable! 
Here is the finished product, but scroll down for more to see it in stages of creation, and one of brother as Rick Grimes!
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First, I had lovely light pink hair, but I wanted to be an old lady zombie -- so that was going to have to go. I had been filming a live action Jem and The Holograms movie, but a pink haired zombie didn’t feel right.
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The night before Halloween, out with the pink and in with the grey. 
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I ate a big meal knowing that for half the day/night, I wouldn’t be able to eat solid food - which is very hard for me. I started with the application of the internet-purchased prosthetics: the cheek and nose bones, and the two bite marks. All silicon, which I found out I prefer over latex - the quality was astounding.
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Then I applied the mouthpiece I handmade out of liquid latex, press on nails I changed to gross teeth, and tissue. All painted with acrylic and alcohol-based makeup. This would be why I can’t eat solid food the rest of the day.
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The next two photos are just adding textures to all of my visible skin before painting, using liquid latex and tissue:
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More textures and putting on the bottom layer of the costume (a bathrobe will go over top of this)
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And then it was all about getting help from Brother to do the backs of my hands (pictured later), and then putting texture on the portion of my legs that will show. Then on to the actual makeup. I used an alcohol-based makeup for most of everything you see. It’s pricey, but dang is it nice and stays on great, too. Don’t forget little details like putting conditioner and Vaseline in your hair to make it look permanently oily, wet, and gross. 
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The nightgown, bathrobe, house shoes and socks were all thrifted for very low prices, then distressed with different items like cheese graders, mud, tea, coffee grounds, etc. I wanted to MAKE DANG SURE that I was gross. I wanted to make at least one baby cry on Halloween night. We all need life goals, right?
Well, when I pondered how to be more gross than any other zombie I might see, I considered what would make people really uncomfortable. As always, the answer is poop. So, I made some pudding and used it to stain down the back of the nightgown and robe. Yeah, it was over the top gross, but it also is very realistic if you think about real zombies. 
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Finishing up these details, because that’s where the Devil is, the costume was done. Here you can see the detail on the hands, as well as the press on nails I made. Thes are the same set the teeth are made out of, just painted differently. All together from start to finish, the day of Halloween makeup application took about 6 hours since it was mostly done by myself. 
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And of course, a photo with Brother, Rick Grimes. These costumes were wildly successful downtown on 6th Street of Austin, Texas that year. Yes, I completed my goal of making MULTIPLE babies cry, but also plenty of adults; not all of them were drunk, which makes me feel great! The downside of this costume was that out of every costume I’ve worn (and I’ve worked at a haunted house), this costume had the most aggressive adult men try to shit talk me, get in my face, bow up for the punch, etc. Which may be unpleasant, but also means it was a very effective costume.  Why so scared, bro? It didn’t help that I stayed in character all night.
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This Halloween night was rounded out when The Walking Dead official posted us to their social media pages. Made my night! In fact, we both liked doing it so much, we did another version of this costume for the Halloween after. But that’s a post for another time! 
Happy Halloween! 
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number1goat · 1 year
So I’m at my 2nd job 4 days this week and it’s been increasingly cursed every day, but yesterday was especially MUCH
-on the way to work I biked past a massive pool of blood half a block away, with a handful of white button mushrooms
-no one knows what the fuck but Stephen goes “looks like we found the scene of the crimini!” and villain laughed to himself for 10 minutes
-we use the same playlist in the same order ever night. Every night for two years. Yes, they hate us that much. It’s disco. I know. The only song they haven’t ruined for me is Rasputin because when we make it Rasputin the worst is over
-Stephen makes sound like a smoke alarm with low batteries—every ten minutes or so he goes OH BABY BABY YOURE A BABY BABY
-it’s so bad the fucking disco playlist isn’t the most annoying sound in the restaurant
-everything smells like fried fish. Congrats, you smell like fried fish too.
-at least it’s not as bad as the cook who’s 6’5” and has no personality besides his cock. His height is relevant because his armpits are nose height
-Stephen always makes me smell his leg brace when he takes it off because he’s an evil evil man
-keeps ordering for the woman he came with “beautiful young lady! White wine!” And gestures. It’s like buddy I think she can speak
-I guide him through the menu and he goes “so I’m having my teeth whitened and I can’t eat….colorful food” I tell him all our whitest food and then have to hide in the walk in to laugh
-the cook calls me over because he heard half the convo and goes “what the fuck kind of dietary restriction does he have? You recommended the WEIRDEST group of food”
-he’s so bad the cook who spends the entire fucking time on tinder gets fed up and actually sends food quickly because “get them the fuck out of here”
-host comes over “god bar 4 is a douche” other cook comes over “I’ve been eavesdropping on bar 4 and what the FUCK is he on” I get to tell her about his white food only diet
-at this point everyone in the restaurant has separately come to me to complain about this dude
-he starts eating fish and chips with a knife and fork, picking the fish out of the fry very delicately to leave a pile of batter in his plate
-I’ve done training drills at jobs before where I try to pretend to be the most annoying customer I can conceive of. I’ve been in food for 14 years. I have NEVER seen this. Bro
-Stephen made me sniff his leg brace when he took it off
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chidoroki · 2 years
Tokyo Revengers S2EP4
aka: sketchy assistance is sketchy
Were those other two little kids Mitsuya’s siblings? I can’t tell. They both have similar eyes but not matching Mitsuya, not like eye color means much in anime, or hair color for that matter, but whatever.
“I’m keeping an eye on him [Takemichi] because he’s a moron.” Glad we can count on you Chifuyu.
Release Yuzuha? From what exactly? Taiju’s gunshot like punches maybe?
Oohh Mitsuya with a swift block! but damn Hakkai really is terrified of his bro, poor dude is sweating bullets and breathing heavy.
Well shit, Taiju agreed to the deal to not hitting Yuzuha but now we gotta let Hakkai go to Black Dragon. I dunno if this the right way to deal with the issue but I assume we got a backup plan or something to get Hakkai back?
So the small kids earlier are Luna and Mana. I don’t recognize the names from anywhere, so maybe they are just family.
Thank god we got Chifuyu to talk Takemichi out of heading back to the future too early.
Oh.. due to their parents never being home, Taiju was basically abusive to his siblings, and because of Mitsuya’s words to Hakkai to “protect everyone” he made a deal to take all the beatings to spare Yuzuha.. damn we’e getting a whole lot on this family huh.
And if Taiju broke his promise back way back then then I’m sure the deal he just made with Mitsuya means shit to him too.
“I’m going to.. kill Taiju” WELL we certainly can’t have that! That’s the one thing we’re trying to prevent here!
So y’all just let him walk away after? Not even gonna say anything to try and change his mind??
“Taiju’s got connections with the rich. When they’ve got trouble, he loans them Black Dragon goons. They pay him big money in exchange. It was one of my jobs to collect that money. But yesterday, I was released from doing that forever.” Okay, it’s good that her involvement with the brother is starting to get cut off but I’m still worried since she said it was just “one of her jobs,” like there could’ve been more, if any, and I don’t like any ideas my mind is getting on what those could’ve been.
“Yuzuha’s hiding something.” Yeah ya think?
“We’re down to half now. Of the founding members. I’ve lost sight in where I’m heading with this.” And that could possibly be the reason why Mikey changes in the future, since Draken ends up on death row and Mitsuya ends up missing apparently..
“Mitsuya. Don’t you ever leave us, okay?” EXACTLY. Ya see what I’m saying!!
Okay I didn’t notice last week but yeah now I remember Draken has a new voice actor.
I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing Hanma and Kisaki in the Toman uniforms, even if they both fit it well.
What.. was with the random zoom in on the table with nothing on it..?
Kisaki wants to work with Takemichi? Oh dear.. and Chifuyu is getting all angry with him. Understandable since he knows about the future where he kills him but chill boy!
“And Black Dragon isn’t so weak that you two alone can crush them.” Well no shit, especially when one of them two is Takemichi. The lad can take a hit but I’ve yet to see him actually put up a fight.
FUCK CHIFUYU! I get your anger but seriously no need to smash a damn plate and point it at Kisaki like that when the dude is trying to prevent y’all from making stupid mistakes!
Okay Hanma, relax with the knife at Takemichi’s throat too please.. granted it looks like a butter knife but still, I don’t doubt you could still do some damage with that.
Kisaki’s got a spy in Black Dragon? What else is knew. You sure know a lot of people huh?
Goddamn, yeah, that private chat with the spy didn’t last long at all courtesy of Koko..
Wait a damn second.. is Koko the actual spy??
Oh my god.. I’m pleasantly surprised? The guy truly is a snake.
“Every year on Christmas night, he goes to church to worship.” Well then, hallelujah. Give praise that no one dies this time during a holiday battle.
I don’t wanna give praise to Kisaki of all people because I know he’s gotta be scheming behind the scenes for stuff but thanks for helping us out now? I guess?
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wuahae · 2 years
i cannot. actually believe that blue box bitch is making hui compete on bp999 after being in the military for two years. what the fuck. as a ptg fan it is super discouraging to see and i’m rlly worried about the future of pentagon :((( the gp999 contract was an exclusive 2.5 year contract, and if it’s the same for bp, then hui will not have been in a comeback for pentagon for nearly FIVE YEARS !!!!! being a uni is like being punished by god for real
also, this minghao thing hurts bro. ik he probably didn’t say it with the intention of being malicious but that does not change the fact that the sentiment is harmful… idk man, feels bad lmao. i’ve struggled w body image issues my whole life and to hear something like that come from minghao makes me feel uncomfortable and rlly insecure. never would have expected that from him (or any of them) but tbh that’s probably my mistake lol
sorry to dump all this on u and i’m sorry i’ve been m.i.a 😔😔 my tiny lil dumb brain is not working lately so i’ve been trying to take it easy ahdhsh ilysm cat 💛💛💛 take care of urself -🦁
i’m strapped in!!
THE BLUE BOX FJWKFKDK and yeah ,,,, i heard it was gonna be a full 7 year contract this time with the first half promoting only with the new group and the second half promoting with both your own group and the bp999 group?? but like idk i hope he pulls a nu’est where he gets super super popular and makes it to the end and then he doesn’t get voted into the final group wkhdwkkfwk but honestly we never know what the situation is until the show comes out with his interview :/ i’m not even a uni (real) i’m just a casual fan but its just so ….. 😭 btw the fact that hwanhee and xiao from up10tion who debuted around the same time as ptg are here too ,,,,, the trainees are about to get shown up!!!
and ok. when i first saw it the minghao thing was really disappointing to see and i know that this is said all the time but it doesn’t make it less true ,,,, east/southeast asian culture tends to carry the sentiment that being bigger is inherently bad and it’s not surprising that there was a clip of him saying those things and repeating that rhetoric when its the culture he was raised in.
BUT. THIS IS A REALLY BIG BUT. i also heard people saying that it was a mistranslation and the clip that went viral is actually not showing the full context? (p.s i don’t want to seem like i’m defending him or excusing minghao if he really did say those things but i’m just relaying what i’ve seen!) but basically the translation on the video kind of misconstrues what minghao was saying. the full context was that minghao was asked what advice he would give someone who was skinny and wanted to gain weight, and then asked for advice for someone chubby who wanted to lose weight. minghao then says that what’s most important is loving yourself, because when you love yourself you can know what’s best for yourself, whether it be exercising to gain, lose, or maintain your weight. and that initial thing where he says “stop eating” is said like . jokingly/sarcastically, because the host had previously said that he lost 15kg in one month from not eating and minghao was just referencing that again (and also after he says the joke he gets serious and says that this sort of thing was something he can’t just say carelessly, which is why he goes onto explain his actual answer and advise). the overall message he was trying to say was to love yourself no matter what size you are.
even so, i doubt minghao is completely guilt free in what he said (even if he didn’t mean it like that), especially since he’s still implying there’s a certain “body type” that’s considered healthy(?). but again, if it comes out that minghao really did say it like that then i’m disappointed but not really surprised, but also i think we shouldn’t jump to conclusions before getting all the facts straight :’)
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journals-chapter-1 · 1 year
A house with a family and invitation for fellowship friendship to be refreshed in the soul in the mind and spirit the very thing here now in the moment to present June of the year 2023, in the beginning stages of my three year plan three years 156 weeks. I am in week 20 probably going into week 21 next week as I am walking going on a 5 mile walk hike, brisk power walk with my companion friend Leonidas, a.k.a. also known as Leo, the guard dog, German Shepherd, purebred from Germany born about two years ago, came to the family about a year and a half almost 2 years.
So I fellowship with the Lord every time I’ve been going on a work out every time I’ve gone for a walk or run the act, the very act of going on a work out since the third week of October a week before my best friend Henrique Silva passed away From a drug overdose rocked my world, and the only thing that I can think of was the previous three weeks when he invited me over to his place showed me treated me like family took me out to eat with my family treating me like he’s on his family, my brother, blood brother, talked about his successes, his ups and downs, and how he was very close to achieving a $40 billion valuation of his company which then his dream was to purchase a Gulfstream Learjet and he told me don’t tell anybody this is just between you and me but when the moment comes bro you’re gonna be there with me.
Aside from all these last details, which leading to the purpose of this journal entry, this chapter of my life, which sets the stage in the tone for more interest. This is the first time that I resort to audibly making a journal entry so I don’t wanna make a habit of it, I’ll always resort to my penmanship where I’ve been known as a prolific writer. I’ve been known as a great writer and argumentative best of the best A+ class and all my esses in English class in my career professors and teachers have said I know how to argue a very good point.
Back to the subject I’m walking by beautiful houses in Rancho Cucamonga by the hills and mountains do it one by area messy house is beautiful houses and I have a vision and I have a vision of myself being there at the house. Already coming home going or coming it doesn’t matter. I am there, but whenever I am there, I am there to sit to the set, the tone of what that house is going to be no compromise, I am the steward of the flock. The Lord is my shepherd I shall not want so I am there in one of those beautiful houses and then there’s always gonna be home-cooked food. It doesn’t have to be strictly for my family. There will be people that always gonna be invited People that are always going to be invited to come and share a meal with me, but in that table best believe it’ll be a table like back in the day when Jesus walked in this earth a very long table we will be able to sit together as a family and have a meal there will be no food eating in that house if it’s not in the table because the eating of food in nutrition is a symbol of fellowship with God.
So in this house I will sit down say oh my brother sister how are you? It will be a place where I will see him and everybody get around. Let me share a thought.
“ To me in my life I have come to learn that if we take care of our inner man , our soul , and I want your inner man to prosper. Let’s talk about Jesus , and I would a reading and a devotion , but share it with them acknowledging how it can be applied. How easy it is to share a seed of hope , peace and grace with others. The Peace of god which surpasses all understanding.
The house I have a dream to receive anyone to come and share a meal with my family and this is why I would like a house of such as the ones I walk by in my neighborhood.
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kennyomegasweave · 2 years
Get to Know Me
Tagged by @negrowhat.
Three Ships 1. Over: Team/Win I liked the 30 minutes we got in Until We Meet Again. The whole "be brave about it" scene got so many bitches and I was one of the bitches. I loved Between Us. The only complaints I had had nothing to do with those two. Also, unpopular opinion, but the subs translating "hia" to bro were amazing because I call my girlfriends dude, so it didn't even occur to me that it was weird Team was calling his boyfriend bro. I'm a Californian okay. That makes more sense to me than Win wanting his hookup to call him the same name his baby brother calls him and he calls his older brother. I don't even like daddy kink, no thank you to a brother kink, lol.
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2. Not Airing, But Not Over: Palm/Nueng Listen. They're so hopelessly teenage. They're like 18 and are like "we ride together, we die together, bad boys for life." Palm got Nueng's name tattooed on him, got shot for Nueng, had his mom die due to Nueng's life, his father is in the wind cause of Nueng's life, and he's still like I love you more than anyone in this world baby. Nueng really isn't better. He was like you're officially debuting as my bodyguard so I'm gonna dress you in a slutty shirt and too tight pants since you're gonna be next to me and I want people to see my fine ass man *play Nikki Bella's "you can look but you can't touch"*. They both tried to break up with the other with dramatic goodbye notes and leaving in the night. That didn't work for either of them. Palm like owns a bar at the end? And Nueng is like still gonna take over an entire company, possibly mafia? Remember, they're like 18. It makes no sense, compels me though.
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3. Currently Airing: Buck/Eddie Eddie legit said to Buck after a year of knowing him "I know you love [his son] the same as I do." And then after only like a year and a half of knowing him gave him custody of his son in the event of his death and when he finally told Buck that, like maybe two and a half years after knowing him, he was like "yeah I have family, but you love my kid more than anyone, you'd fight for him more." I don't think I need to say anything more. Oh, except I will mention the time Eddie was trapped in a mudslide well underground and Buck tried to DIG HIM OUT WITH HIS BARE HANDS until their captain stopped him because, you know, that wouldn't work and also get ahold of yourself Buck. I've lived in that moment ever since. "Did you ever hear about the girl who got frozen, time went on for everyone else, she won't know it" and all that. It won't be canon cause I know my Ryan Murphy shows, but that won't stop me because they legit have a KID together.
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First Ship Eric/Jack and Shawn/Angela from Boy Meets World I loved Eric/Jack together and wanted them together all the time. Even as a kid I was like "Rachael, babe, please, let them be with each other." Looking back, I know they were baby's first slash ship. Shawn/Angela were just perfect for each other and, to this day TO THIS DAY, I don't understand why they broke them up. It makes absolutely NO SENSE. Both of these ships are why I also don't acknowledge Girl Meets World at all. Because fuck that. Just fuck all that. Thank you.
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I'm gonna do my first BL ship too because it's my post and I do what I want. Prem/Wad from SOTUS. Yes, I'm aware they weren't canon. And I will be FURIOUS until the day I die. Plus Wad just disappeared never to be spoken of again and I don't understand. I DON'T UNDERSTAND. Gunsmile was out here CAMPAIGNING for that ship. He would have done it! They would have made a good ship. They are the ship that should have been. I'm more angry about them not being an actual thing than I am about ToddBlack and, believe me, I am a full on clown about ToddBlack.
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Last Song Serial Killer by Lana Del Rey. I will be mad as hell this was never officially released. It is in my Top 3 Lana songs.
Last Movie I haven't actually watched a movie in a really long time. So maybe it was Fair Haven months ago? I come back to that one a lot because it's not super angsty, but also not 100% fluff. It has the hint of religious trauma but even that's thrown off relatively easily cause he misses his bf that much, lol.
Currently Reading I just did a reread of The Long Walk by Stephen King. It's just sad. 100 boys are selected after volunteering to enter a yearly game in a weird alt America. They start walking at the Maine border and have to continue to walk until there's only one left alive. The winner gets anything he wants. They aren't allowed to stop for any reason. If they do stop, or fall under pace, they have three warnings and then they're shot. It's the worst because you know the entire time they're all doomed from the start, but you really hope somehow it won't end the way you've known it will end the whole time. Plus it's very fruity between two of the mains and that's like an acknowledged thing. That makes it even more devasting to me. It's one of my all time favorite books.
Currently Watching 9-1-1, Bed Friend, those are the only ones I can think of actively airing.
Currently Consuming Last night's grilled cheese.
Currently Craving Rice and an egg. Like cracking an egg on steaming rice? Perfection. I can taste it. Except I don't have any eggs. And like a cuddle buddy. I don’t cuddle but I want to, idk, lol.
Tagging: @ohnegroplease, @yourrescuemission
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Mo Shíorghrá - Chapter Four.
A huge thank you to everyone for your engagement with this! Apologies for it being late, but as you might have seen, I’ve been doing the drabbles all day and relaxing, too! Enjoy :)
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Previous chapters - One  Two  Three
Tag list - In the comments. Please DM to be added/removed
Words - 6.051
Warnings - 18+ content throughout. Minors DNI!
“Here, I don’t know your thoughts towards Southern Comfort, but I think the occasion calls for it,” Venus spoke, handing her little silver flask to Chibs, who took a very grateful swig from it. That particular bourbon was much too sweet for his liking, but he wasn’t about to turn it down. He felt like he’d just had a heart attack, seeing Abi begin to come around, only to start gasping and wheezing, unable to breathe. The doctors had deduced her lung had collapsed, rushing her back into surgery, a tube needing to be inserted to prevent it from happening again. It had scared the shit out of them both to witness. “Would you mind awfully if I relieved you of one of those?”
Taking another cigarette from his pack, he passed it to her, flicking his lighter for her before igniting his own. “I’ve never seen you smoke.”  
“I quit what must be coming up to fifteen years ago now. However, my nerves dictate to me that I am to dance with lady nicotine once more in light of our precious girl being taken back into the OR. At least there is one good thing to come from it. She woke up, prior to it. She looked right at both of us, although I know she was frightened.”
The adjective didn’t quite cut it. Abi had looked terrified, but Chibs didn’t correct her. “I am not one for platitudes, but she truly is in the best place she can be at present.”
“Aye,” he began, taking a long drag on his cigarette. “I know, darlin’. I just wish she wasn’t, trite as that is.”
Her face softened, reaching to squeeze his arm. “There is nothing trite about a husband wishing that his wife was not under such medical duress, chere. But - and this is what is keeping me in the positive - this is Abigail we are speaking of, a woman with perhaps the greatest fortitude and strength I have ever encountered. There is a short poem I recall, and I believe it fits Abi perfectly. She will rise. With a spine of steel, and a roar like thunder, she will rise.”
He smiled then, his eyebrows twitching upward in agreement. “I think that’s very fitting.”
“We must remember it, too, in moments where we falter and allow concern and doubt to guide our emotions. The hardest substance known to man is not diamonds. It’s Abigail Telford.” His smile continued to widen there, even chuckling a little. He wasn’t the only one who thought as much, it seemed.  
Venus crossed paths briefly with Jax on her way to begin her working day, the club’s VP lighting a cigarette and seating himself next to Chibs, inquiring how everyone was doing.
“You know death ain’t coming for her, bro. You know that, right?” he began, Chibs’ mouth twisting a little as he turned to view him. “He’d take one look at Abi and be like ‘nah, I ain’t taking that down. That’s too much ferocity for me.’ He’d need to bring half of hell with him to even have a fighting chance against your ole’ lady.”
He snorted with a burst of laughter. “And when they dragged her down there, she’d only walk straight up to Lucifer upon his fiery throne and tell him to get the fuck out of her chair.”  
“Exactly that,” Jax chuckled. “Roosevelt called by the clubhouse last night, telling us in no uncertain terms we’re not to take this into our own hands. He’s got nothing on the driver, though. All the eyewitnesses could say was that he was some bald, white guy. Car was stolen from a property in Stockton, and that’s about all they have. We need to dig in, see where the fuck this came from, because according to the eyewitnesses, it was very deliberate, wasn’t a brake failure or anything else less nefarious. That piece of shit meant to hit her. I have my thoughts on it, whether they match whatever the reality is, I don’t know.”
Chibs felt the venom in him rise like a volcano, primed to erupt. “And those thoughts?”
“That it was Irish, the kings wanting her back in the fold after she bailed out of Libya.”  
He shook his head. “They were fine with it. Believe me, if they weren’t, they wouldn’t have made an underhanded play like that, wouldn’t have risked her life to harm our children if they did want her to return to her African duties.”  
Jax nodded, knowing that he was likely right there. Why risk the value of that one soldier by potentially killing her? “Revenge, maybe? For her leaving a more active role?”
“Again, they wouldn’t have been underhanded. We would have known. The IRA deal clearly where that’s concerned. It wouldn’t have been a hit and run. She would have been offed with a bloodied army sigil painted on her corpse. It would have caused a shitstorm for them, too, to slaughter Michael Maguire’s last surviving daughter. You know I’m usually with you in your deductions, Jackie, but you’re way off here. Wasn’t them.”
Jax wasn’t entirely convinced, but he didn’t press. “How’re my dogs?” he asked after a few silent moments.
“They’re down at TM, with my mother spoiling them rotten. She was doing invoices with Ozzy sitting on her lap when I left.” Chibs laughed softly at that, imagining Gemma hampered by ninety pounds of pitbull sitting on her. At least the pups were okay.  
Jax left after a further ten minutes, not before telling him that as far as the club were concerned, he was on indefinite sabbatical, until conditions improved with his family. Those conditions were worked upon tirelessly by the surgical team operating on Abi, who was blissfully unaware, her anaesthesia doped mind transporting her off into dreams, dreams of the past, not unlike the one her husband had experienced the night before. In her dreams, she was eighteen again, under the duress of the realisation that what she felt for the lover who she always assumed would only be a causal thing was becoming so much more to her...
Belfast, 1994
“What are you thinking about?” Chibs asked, lying on his front next to Abi while she ran her fingernail up and down his spine in a languid glide, her head propped against her hand.  
“Hmm, nothing much,” she hummed.
“I can’t say.”
He made a soft noise in his throat of disbelief. “And since when do you ever hold anything back where it comes to being vociferous?”  
“I can be quiet.”
“Don’t make me laugh!” he boomed. “You’re a wee gobshite who always speaks her mind, whether it’s to her detriment or not. So, come on. Speak it.”
“No. It’ll just ruin everything.”
“Ruin what?”
She pointed between them. “This. It’ll ruin this.”  
He took her hand, kissing her palm. “Doubtful, hen. You know I think the fuckin’ world of ye.”
“I do, aye. But... ahhh, fuck.” Stuffing her face into the mound of duvet that had been kicked to the bottom of her bed during their earlier sex session, she groaned with agitation. This wasn’t supposed to happen.  
“Abi, you’re going to need to come out of there at some point,” he told her, poking her shoulder.  
“Nope, the duvet is good.”
“What are the chances of you letting up on me?”
He sniffed, shuffling closer, kissing the top of her arm. “Nil. Out you come and tell me what’s up. You know I hate when people drop cryptic crumbs.” She did know that. He wasn’t in the habit of entertaining verbal procrastination. It never failed to wind him up.  
“I love you. I’ve gone and fucking fallen in love with you, and I know I shouldn’t have, before you remind me! I know it’s impossible, you’re married, blah, blah, fucking blah. So, come on, tell me that it’s over and that you can’t see me anymore.”  
He snorted with laughter, stroking her hair. “You done now?”
“Good. I love you too, you wee stupid bugger.” Her head shot up out of the bunched duvet so quickly, she almost dislocated a vertebra in her neck.  
“You do?”
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I’m telling you now.” He laughed at her glare, pulling her into his arms, kissing her shoulder. “I thought it was the last thing you wanted to hear. I thought you considered me a bit of fun and that was it.”  
“Which is exactly what I thought you viewed me as.”
He shrugged. “I guess we’re both stupid twats then, eh?”
“Aye, I suppose we are.” She burst out laughing, burying her face against his chest. “This was the last thing that was supposed to happen!”  
“I know, but I’m glad it has. You’re pretty fucking amazing, after all.”
“Am I, though? Most people think I’m too much bother, too temperamental, too crazy.”
“I’m not most people though, am I, lass?” He had a point. “You’re just the right about of temperamental and crazy for me. My crazy baby. My wee CB.” She smiled, stroking his face, sharing kisses with him as a sense of relief sparkled through her. He loved her too. There she was, in the arms of her outlaw, the man who loved her, but outwardly, wouldn’t be able to show that, since he was married to someone else. That part was a big, screaming mess, but Abi didn’t want to think about it. At that moment, all that concerned her was the press of his lips and the tightening of his arms around her. The hardening of his cock against her stomach was an added bonus.  
Turning him onto his back, she shuffled backwards a little, feeling the tip of his hardness meeting her still dewy folds, reaching between them to guide him to her entrance, slipping back a little more until he filled her. She remained against his chest, rocking back and forth as his hips rolled up in a slow rhythm that met hers perfectly, kissing one another softly.  
She squeezed her inner muscles around him, his cock bathed in the sumptuousness of a velvet grip, grunting against her tongue, her hands bracketing his handsome face, taking a moment to just stare at each other, Chibs kissing the tip of her nose. “I love you so much.” His whispered words preluded a deep kiss, fingers tangling in her hair, her mouth breaking from his, her kisses travelling to his throat and chest. The noise he made when she bit his nipple arrowed straight to her marrow, deep and grumbling, his hand clasping her bum as he drove deeper into her, that stetch making her see stars.
Pleasure flitted over her nerve endings, Abi pushing herself up, hands braced at his chest as she sank down on him fully, closing her eyes, whispering curses as she spasmed around the thickness filling her to her very summit, her mouth dropping open on a soft gasp as she began to ride him, slow and rolling to begin with, his hands stroking every rise and curve of her body as she looked down at him in wonder. God, he was so gorgeous. And he loved her.
What began as soft and steeped in slow sensuality soon gave way to pure fire, Chibs moving out from beneath her, entering her from behind. He was like heated iron within her burning cunt, piledriving her slick with lethal intent, ferociously aroused. The lewd sound of their skin smacking together coupled with his grunts peppered the air, drowning out the soft little cries she emitted in response to his full-on attack to her insides. He did warn her, though, that this was his intention, to give her a humping worthy of rearranging her guts. And oh, how he did such so very masterfully.
Pleasure skittered through her, sparkling her veins as he continued to thrust wildly, one hand clutching her narrow waist, the other fisted in her hair, pulling her head back in a clear display of dominance. She was utterly saturated around him, so wet he could barely keep inside her, her cunt so aqueous that she’d begun to drip onto the bed beneath.  
“Oh god, ohhh! Fuck, you’re going to go through me!” she cried, Chibs still moving like a jackhammer within her, his deep, rumbling laugh filling the room.  
“Not complaining are you, CB?”  
“Of course not!”  
He grinned, amused as his hand hit her bum cheek, leaving a big, red print behind. “I did’nae think so.”  
Each speedily delivered thrust had her sparking, her walls clenching around the thick heat driving into her rapaciously, his cock pumping a release of stormy, biting pleasure through her strongly, the waves beautiful as she shattered for him, hands gripping the bedclothes beneath. He let her cool down, slowing a little, enjoying the way her soaking muscles felt as they fluttered and twitched around him.  
Once he was satisfied that she’d adequately recovered, he was all barbarous frenzy once more, invading her squelching heat with ruinous intent. Sweat misted them both, gilded by the late afternoon sun filling her bedroom, Abi receiving the most delicious view of that when he withdrew to throw her onto her back, grabbing her legs at the ankles and holding them high and wide before plunging back into the sodden clutch of her cunt.  
“You’re so fucking beautiful, and fuck, you take my cock better than anyone.” He complimented her, leaning down to kiss her soft lips before sitting back on his heels once again, driving himself into her wildly, watching his slick cock entering and retreating intently.  
She provided even more of an enticing visual show for him by reaching down to begin rubbing at her hardened clit, biting her lower lip and moaning, his hips rutting against her fiercely in response as he groaned so deeply, it sounded like thunder.  
He then slowed suddenly, dragging his cock languidly, making her glimmer, leaning down to kiss her once again as he took the weight onto his elbows, everything slow, deep and hard.  “I love you.” A kiss laid to her mouth. “I love you.” His lips moved to her neck. “I love you.” Back to her mouth again.
“I love you more.”
“Not possible.” The slow rhythm was enjoyed for but a fraction longer before it gave way to instinct and frenzy, Abi crying out as re railed her into the bed.  
“You are so damn amazing. How can... ahh! One man be so fucking... oh fuck, right there... be so good at sex?” She gasped, a slight rotation of his hips making his cock hit spots she never even knew existed.  
“Lots of practice.” She didn’t doubt that emission for a moment. The pace continued, wild and unfettered, Chibs flattening her to the bed and driving into her like a piston, pinning her arms above her head as he fucked a tingling, swirling release into her, hot and consuming, the bliss throbbing through her aching loins, spilling himself into her deeply.  
They lay still in the aftermath, his cock twitching within her spasming walls, stroking one another idly as they shared soft kisses. “I love you.”
“Yes, I think you just made that very, very clear,” she chuckled softly, stroking his face.  
“Aye, because I never want you to forget it.”
She never had either.  
Her dream began to swirl and fade, something feeling like it was sucking her middle, pulling at her, her being hurtling until she felt still, her eyes fluttering open. There he was. And the way he smiled at her. As well as his love, she’d never forget that smile, either.  
“Hello, my love. Fuck, I’ve been so worried about you.”  
She blinked a few times, feeling heavy, managing to croak hello back before she drifted again, aware of another presence shortly after, her eyes opening again, seeing a woman checking her over, her heavy head feeling a little lighter, reaching to try and take her oxygen mask off. More poking and prodding, soft hands taking the mask off, a supply of air streaming in through her nose. A light in her eyes, a big hand holding hers. Filip. He was still there. A straw was offered to her lips as she blinked more, Abi focusing. Tara. “Welcome back, sleepy.”  
“I feel funny.” She could speak for the sips of water, Tara offering the straw forth again. She took a few more, no other drink she’d taken before then more refreshing, although she’d kill for some mouthwash to remove the chemically taste rolling over her tongue.
“That’s the medication. We have you doped up on a lot of painkillers, so you might feel out of it for a time,” Tara explained, Abi nodding, her focus beginning to sharpen more. She found breathing quite difficult, though, even with the stream of oxygen under her nose. Her chest was tight and sore, her words breathy, not delivered with their usual punch.
“A car hit me... fuck... the babies.”
“Shhh, darlin’. They’re alright,” Chibs spoke softly when he saw her begin to panic, squeezing her hand, stroking the back of her arm.  
“We had to deliver them, but the accident left them completely unscathed. They’re doing so well, too. I just came back on shift, so I’m on my way up there. I’ll be able to come and tell you more once I’ve checked in on them.”
“But... they’re too little. How are they okay?”
Tara smiled, placing the water beaker back down. “Because they have their aunt Tara taking care of them. I’ll be back a little later.” Leaning close, she kissed Abi’s forehead before departing, Abi still feeling very floaty, turning to Chibs and puckering her lips. He smiled, obliging her with a kiss.  
“Wow, I’m so high,” she spoke, making him softly snort with laughter.  
“Higher than when you were shot, and we got you those black market tramadol?” After he’d personally dug the bullet out of the back of her thigh, something she’d cursed him to hell over while lying on the pool table at the SAMBEL clubhouse and stitched her up again, having a dose of those had given her the same mental comprehension as a member of Motley Crue after a bender. She was absolutely high as a kite.  
“Oh aye, definitely. Nothing hurts, but I sort of feel like it should? I’m not complaining about that, though. But really, our boys. Was Tara just being kind so I didn’t panic?” she slurred, still feeling very woozy, her breaths short.
“No, she wasn’t. They’re doing really well. They’re still not fully stable, but they’re wee fighters, just like their mum.”
“I bet they’re so tiny.”
“Aye, about the size of my hand.” She gasped at that, her hand covering her mouth. “They’re little, but mighty. Again, just like their mum.”  
“Can I see them?”
“That’s for the doctors to decide, hen. I’ve no idea when they’ll want to move you, yet. You incurred a lot of injuries.” She made a face like he should reveal them. “Hairline fracture to your skull, swollen brain, that’s subsided now, though, punctured lung, which just collapsed this morning. I doubt you remember, but you awoke briefly before they knocked you out again and took you back into surgery to fix it, you also have four broken ribs and a shattered hip, all on your left side. They couldn’t repair the hip, so you’re bionic woman now, with an aluminium one.”
She nodded, seeming to drift off a little again. When she’d been waking up, Tara had stated that the sheer amount of painkillers she was pumped full of would likely mean her consciousness faltered, so he was prepared for her to slip in and out of dreamy states. Abi being Abi, though, she fought against it. To quite hilarious results when her pain began to spike higher than her dosage, meaning she was topped up more.  
“Are we at Disneyland?”
Chibs couldn’t hide his amusement. “No, darlin’. St Thomas Hospital.”
“Then why is Cinderella here?”
“That’s Lyla.” She’d popped in between shoots, giggling at a very out of it Abi.
“No! That’s Cinderella!” she slurred, pointing vaguely in Lyla’s direction. “Did you find your shoe?”
Lyla decided it was better just to play along. “Yes, yes I did.”
“Oh, that’s good,” she hummed. “And Prince Charming?”
“Yep, I have him, too.”
Abi’s eyes fluttered, looking over at Chibs. “That’s not him though, is it?”
“No, sweetie, it isn’t. Do you know who he is?”
“No idea!” she shouted, giggling suddenly. “He’s really hot, though.” They couldn’t help but quietly die laughing. “Does he have a girlfriend?”
“No, baby. He has a wife. You.”
“Me? I’m married to him?” Waving her hand dismissively, she giggled again. “Get outta here! Really?”  
“Ooooh!” More giggling followed, pausing to take a few breaths as deeply as she could manage. “Can I have beans on toast?” Lyla and Chibs cracked up completely at that, a sense of relief flooding them both to see her awake and talking, even if it was a pile of utter nonsense. “There all criminals around here!” she then continued.
“Who are?” Chibs asked.  
“You be quiet! I’m talking to Cinderella!” He looked playfully affronted, saluting her, Abi rolling her head in Lyla’s direction. “They stole the sweaters. They put them in the bathtub. There’s no room in the office.” That was the last thing she said before her head lolled and she fell asleep, leaving her husband and friend in absolute fits.  
“She’s gonna pee her pants laughing when I relay all of this to her,” Lyla chuckled, her sides hurting.  
“Yeah, Abi has somewhat of an entertaining reaction to anything with opioids in it.”
“What, that she makes a young Keith Richards look sober by comparison?” Lyla questioned.
“Aye, that’s about the gist of it.” She couldn’t stay much longer, leaving to get to her next shoot after a further ten minutes, Chibs popping upstairs to visit his babies again before coming back, Abi still out of it. He rested his head on the side of her bed, dozing for a little while, the feeling of her hand stroking his hair being what awoke him properly.  
“You look tired, baby,” she cooed, fingers moving to his cheek, giving his beard a little scratch with her nails.
“I think that’s a fair assessment, yeah. Sleeping in a chair isn’t comfortable,” he confessed. “Although right now, my comfort doesn’t mean shit. You’re the one who needs to have the concern focused upon.”
“What, you’ve been sleeping here?” He nodded. “You need to go home, rest in bed, Fil. I’m fine, I’ll still be here when you get back.”  
He took her hand, kissing it. “I don’t want tae leave you.”  
“Well, I’m telling you to go. The dogs will be wondering where we are, for one thing.”
“They’re with Clay and Gemma.”  
Her eyes widened. “They’re not our dogs any longer, are they? Gemma will be hanging onto them like grim death.”  
“When I spoke to Clay earlier, he said he had to fight them for his spot on the bed, came home to find them both curled up with her while she was reading. Anyway, as for leaving, nope. Not doing it.”  
She sighed, rolling her eyes a little. “Look, I’m going to be drifting in and out of a painkiller haze anyway, I can feel these wearing off and I’m a bit sore. And I’m tired, being awake isn’t good, even if it means I get to see you. Seeing you looking knackered and wincing - because your back is playing up, isn’t it? - that isn’t what I want to see. Go home, take a bath, sleep stretched out without me there taking up space.”
“Yeah, but...”
“Filip Henry Telford. Go.”  
He winced. “Oooh, shit. All three names. You mean business, don’t you?”
“I do, aye. Now, give me a kiss and I’ll see you tomorrow.” He reluctantly agreed, kissing her before heading off, going up to see his boys and then leaving the hospital for the first time in three days. As soon as the door had closed behind him, Abi buzzed for the nurse, taking deep breaths, the pain excruciating. Her hip and chest felt like someone had rammed a spike through them, her caesarean wound burned like hell, and her head was pounding. She didn’t want to show how much agony she was in to her husband, though. She could see it in his face, he’d been worrying enough.  
With a top up of painkillers, she began to happily drift again, back into an opioid induced sleep, dreamless and restful, exactly what she needed. Meanwhile, Chibs was riding through the gates at TM, just in time to catch Gemma before she left. As soon as his dogs saw him from the open office door, they came hurtling out to him, all wiggly and waggy, overcome with excitement.  
“How’s my lads, eh? How are ye?” he greeted them with, crouching to give them scratches and pats, being showered with kisses, his legs whipped by their speedily wagging tails.  
“You’ve come to take my babies,” Gemma called, folding her arms as she leaned against the doorframe.  
“Aye, but I’ll bring them back tomorrow if that’s alright?”  
“Hmph.” She lifted her chin, walking out to join him. “That’s assuming I let them go right now.” He laughed softly, Gemma’s hands reaching for Jimi, stroking his large, soft head. “They’ve been wonderful, although Clay wasn’t impressed about me letting them sleep on the bed.”
“Yeah, he mentioned that.”
“So, how’s our girl, and the little ones?”
She noticed him brighten at being asked that, although she noted he looked absolutely shattered. Such was no surprise. “Doing well, thank fuck. Abi’s awake and talking, but in a lot of pain so doped up on painkillers. It’s reassuring that she’s come round, but she has a long road ahead, recovery wise. As for the boys, they’re making steady progress with their stability. It still frightens the shit out of me, every time I see them and remember all over again how tiny they are.”
She cocked her head, empathetic to hearing that. “I remember it with Abel. It makes you feel so helpless, doesn’t it? They’re tough, though. Just look at whose kids they are, sweetheart. They’re gonna be fine.” Opening her arms, she hugged him, kissing his cheek. Taking Abi’s keys from his pocket, he bid her goodbye, clicking the fob as he walked in the direction of her Escalade, opening the back door to let the dogs in before quickly running back to fetch their harnesses and leashes from Gemma.  
Once he was home, he took them for a long walk, yawning his head off for the entire duration of the hour spent making sure they were suitably exercised, heading back and making himself something to eat before stripping off and crashing into his bed, asleep about ten seconds after pulling the covers over his nudity, the dogs settling in their beds out in the hallway.  
He slept for ten hours, unable to remember the last time that had happened, usually only needing between six and seven. He reasoned that he’d only slept well for that first night at her bedside, the following two much more fitful. Waking up to an empty bed was tough, though, his hand smoothing over Abi’s empty space with a sigh. ‘At least she’s alive’ he thought, rolling over and getting up, ambling through the house to let the dogs out before stepping into the bathroom, a content groan leaving his mouth when he stepped beneath the shower.
Feeling much fresher for the wash and even better to floss and brush his teeth, he went about making coffee, feeding the dogs their breakfast before taking them for a long, two-hour walk, crunching through a slice of toast as he did. Once they were exercised, he drove back to TM, the dogs running toward the clubhouse as soon as they were out of the car, Ozzy bounding up into the arms of one of his favourite people.  
“Big puppy!” Happy spoke, Ozzy licking his face with gusto.  
“Oz, don’t do that, lad. You’ve no idea where he’s been, or who with,” Chibs joked, lighting a cigarette as he walked over.  
“Me neither. I think one was called Bonnie. Maybe. I dunno.” he replied, his grin filled with lascivious mirth. “How’s the warrior?”  
“She’s good, mostly spaced out on meds, but awake and talking, at least,” Chibs confirmed, Happy nodding.
“And the tiny warriors?”  
“Battling on, brother.” He relayed the same information to his brothers in the clubhouse after they’d sat down at the table, Clay informing him that they’d begun attempting to discover who the driver was.  
“Juice hacked into the CCTV system and managed to get a few stills of footage, but when they’re enlarged, they pixelate beyond being of much use to identify him.”
Turning the laptop he was looking around, Juice pointed at the screen. “If only we could make out that ink on his face and chest. It’d be a start, to discover his affiliations.”  
Chibs leaned across the table, viewing the image. It was about as sharp as a feather, his brow furrowing, Bobby suddenly straightening in his seat.  
“There is one guy we could take it to,” he began, Clay groaning, the others making similar noises of discontent.  
“Oh god, not Mitchell.” He then looked right at Chibs and realised that dealing with the neurotic headcase of a computer genius that was Mitchell Spivey would be worth it, if it meant getting a solid lead on who had attempted to take the lives of Abi and her sons. “We have no better alternative, though. “Come on. Let’s go visit the kook.”  
Because of his computer genius status, Mitchell’s skills extended to the kind of computer hacking that could land him up to sixty years behind bars, meaning the man with sanity that already balanced upon a seesaw that was precarious at the best of times, was often more than just a touch paranoid. He was worth it, though, for the skills and software he possessed in the name of image enhancement. Clay often thought that the mystery surrounding the shroud of Turin would likely be solved in one afternoon if Mitchell was tasked with it. That was, if the historians didn’t throw him from the building by his collar within the first fifteen minutes.  
After the forty-minute ride out to his desolately located abode out in the hills, the sons were all swiftly reminded why he was such a pain in the ass whom they only relied upon if they truly had to.  
“Who is it?”  
Immediately, Clay sighed. “You know who it is, Mitch. You have cameras all over this goddamned property.”  
“I don’t care for your terse tone.”  
“It’s me, Clay Morrow.”  
“You look different!”
His exasperation began to spike, as he knew it would before he’d even climbed from his motorcycle. “It’s been a few years, what can I say? Forgive me if my effervescence has faded somewhat.”
A long pause at the intercom followed. “Is my brother in cyber endeavours with you? Can’t see him.”
“Yep, hey Mitchell,” Juice spoke, stepping out from behind Opie and Tig.
“Hey, bro! Y’all can come in. Take your boots off on the porch, though! I don’t want any outside dirt in here.” Seeing Juice often sweetened him a little, that little kindred link of another hacker there upon his porch. Once all boots had removed, the sound of multiple locks clicking open and chains being unhooked became audible, the door opening to reveal the bespectacled, wild haired, bushy bearded man, adjusting his glasses, pointing at Tig.
“What’s with the shoe polish hair and goatee, dude? It looked better before.”
Tig snorted. “Yeah? And your mama looks better with my cock up her ass, but you don’t hear me complaining.”
“My mama died five years ago!” he yelled, agitated.  
“Wouldn’t put him off,” Opie snorted, lighting a cigarette as his brothers began to snicker.
“Hey! Do you want my help or not? If you do, you’ll quit disrespecting my mother. And no smoking in here!”
“Fine, I’ll wait out here.” Opie muttered, shoving his feet back into his boots, the others all heading in. It was the kind of house that an afternoon dedicated to cleaning wouldn’t go amiss with, cobwebs and dust everywhere, piles of books and magazines littering the space, dirty plates and stained coffee cups stacking up in various places. It reminded Chibs of his house before Abi had moved in, despaired at him, kicked him out and spent the day cleaning.  
“We need your help with the images on this,” Clay began, pulling a USB stick from his pocket and handing it to Mitchell as he took a seat again in the large, leather computer chair. “I need ‘em sharp, so we can make out the identity of the driver.”  
“Alright. Let me see the colour of your money first.” A roll of notes was pulled out, Bobby handing the wedge over.  
Mitchell took a moment to count it, nodding thereafter. “Satisfactory. Is this drive virus scanned?”
“Yeah, I ran McAfee over it,” Juice attested with a nod.
“McAfee?” Mitchell scoffed, “you might as well have let a racoon piss on it.” Slotting the drive in his computer, he clicked a few times, bringing up a scan of his own. “I know people bitch, but Norton, man. Always use Norton.” Juice saluted him with an entertained grin, earning a sharp look. “Don’t be facetious. I know my shit. So should you.”  
Once the drive was decreed free of viruses, Mitchell opened the files in question, flicking through the stills from the CCTV, zooming in, zooming out, making quiet noises of contemplation in his throat. Opening a specific software program, he uploaded the first image, tinkering with it. More noises followed. “Give me a few minutes to work my magic, folks.”  
More clicking and zooming in, different processes tried, until the grainy picture began to sharpen a little. Chibs leaned forward, Jax too, the latter pointing at the screen. “Bring it up on the chest tattoo more.” Mitchell did as he was instructed. “Are those domes?”
“Aye,” Chibs confirmed. “Russian mob prison ink.” The men all exchanged looks that silently said one thing. How? How on earth was this coming from the Russians? Romeo had adequately dealt with it, the weight and might of the cartel enough to make them back down in the wake of Opie and Jax facing heat from them a week prior up at the Wahewa reservation.  
“Can you bring up his face any sharper?” Jax asked, Mitchell moving the tool over in attempt to do just that. It took a bit of time, Chibs beginning to pace around restlessly, his hands clenching and relaxing. He needed a face. He had to know who this man was so he could get a step closer to exacting the revenge he had burning in the pit of his stomach upon him.  
Even the high-powered software the likes of which Mitchell possessed couldn’t work miracles, but by the time he was finished, they had a definite clearer picture of the man, a very distinguishing mark on the side of his face in the form of a small spider tattooed upon his right temple.  
“The spider is facing up, so it means he’s active. I’ve never seen the guy before when we’ve met with Putlova. Dig in on him, Juice, try and pull up a criminal record,” Clay instructed when they were walking back to their bikes, folding the printout Mitchell had done and storing it in his kutte pocket. “You heading over to the hospital?”
“Aye,” he confirmed, Clay nodding.  
“Give her our love. See you later, brother. And don’t worry. We’re gonna find him.”
Of that, Chibs was sure. Rarely, did anyone slip the net on the club, so he knew the man would be located sooner rather than later. Just as long as he was. He could wait on it, for that level of revenge would be sweet, no matter how near or far into the future it actually came.  
34 notes · View notes
sortasirius · 4 years
What the Fuck Happened to the SPN Finale?
Okay so here it is, my Charlie Kelly style manifesto.
Before I get into it, I recognize that I will look like this to many of you, and that’s okay, I understand:
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Secondly, your personal Takes about the writers don’t interest me, I don’t need to hear them. This, as I’ll explain, is going to remain a writer positive blog, and that’s the end of it.
Third, and most importantly: some of what I’m going to talk about is fact, and some is highly educated speculation. I will notate what is speculation, just so there’s no confusion or hot takes in my inbox that I’m a conspiracy theorist or stirring shit up for no reason.
A list of what I’ll be discussing
The episode in regards to the rest of the season
The episode issues: length, editing
Scene placement and speculation of scenes cut
The scrubbing of Jack, Cas, Eileen
Network involvement and general timeline of when things were cut
Misha: theories on where he was, official company line, why we can’t expect to hear anything directly
The silence of the cast post episode (in Misha’s case, mid episode) and what this might mean
Jensen speaking with Kripke about the ending: why it doesn’t mean what you might think (also why kripke remained positive on the ending)
Walker, and why this episode had a major shift
Why the network would do this or get involved
Why the writers of the show simply aren’t the bad guys here, and what I “want” out of this post, since I know it’ll get asked
This is very long and under a cut, but I hope you’ll give it a read.
The Episode In Regards to the Rest of the Season
So, I’ve discussed this already here, but it’s the most obvious thing to me, and that’s the way this episode simply doesn’t fit with the rest of the season.
These people in this room have, truly, been nothing but consistent when it comes to their arcs, especially this season, and the marked dropoff in quality for the finale episode is just too sus to discount to me.  Dabb’s whole focus has been character-based.  In his seasons, we’ve moved far away from MOTW and bro-codependency, the found family taking it’s place.  Does it really sit right to anyone that that was all thrown away in literally the last episode of the entire show?
This is speculation on my part, but as a writer myself, there is no way I would be happy or willing to stamp my name on something that I didn’t think would, at the very least, wrap up the season+ character arcs that I and my team had been crafting.
And before anyone comes in here saying, “well GOT did that!”  Bruh.  The writing was on the wall for GOT long before the final episode.  You could tell that the showrunners just wanted to be done (not only from the plot, but from the fact that they lobbied for a shorter season).  Miss me with that, it doesn’t apply here.  Andrew has, besides Singer and J2, been with the show longer than anyone.  He cares, he is meticulous and detailed, and this ending feels worse than anything Bucklemming has ever written, let alone Dabb.
Additionally, I’ve seen a lot of people say that Dabb was never behind Destiel, that it was all Bobo and Meredith and no one else.  That is reductive to the point of insult of the work Dabb has done to get this greenlit.  This man did not write the s13 Dean grief arc to be slandered like this.  That being said, YES, Bobo and Meredith were the leads on the DeanCas arc this season, but ANDREW IS THE SHOWRUNNER, TO GET EVEN THE CONFESSION APPROVED BY THE NETWORK HE WOULD HAVE TO HAVE THEIR BACKS.  AND HE DID.
Finale Issues
So, now that we’ve gotten the fact that this episode doesn’t hit on any of the major themes the show was barrelling towards all season, let’s discuss the fact that the episode is just...weird.
Not only is it shorter than any other episode (I think with the intro and the credits/crew thing at the end, it was around 38 mins), but it was also...idk, 90% filler?
One of the lovely humans in the POLOL server did the legwork here, and broke it down:
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This is weird, y’all.  Most series finales are LONGER than normal (Lost, SOA, Longmire are the ones I can think of off the top of my head), and for the final episode to be this?  I saw more than one person point out that we only really needed 19 episodes, what was the point of 20?  AND THAT’S EXACTLY IT?  WHAT WAS THE POINT OF THIS FINAL EPISODE IF THIS WAS ALL WE WERE SUPPOSED TO GET?
It simply doesn’t make any sense, the first half of the episode was rushed, a final monster hunt gone wrong, but in the second half?  Nothing really happened?  Sam lived his entire life and Dean just drove around.  It doesn’t make sense to have all the emotional arcs left unaddressed in an episode that definitely needed some kind of spark.
Here’s the speculation I have: the episode seemingly went through a lot of changes between the initial inception of the final season and when we actually got it, but I think it would have been passable (as in, we wouldn’t be sitting here asking each other why each arc feels incomplete) until the editing room got ahold of it.  The only think that makes this episode make sense is network fuckery.  Truly, that is the only thing.  It explains the weird, cuts, the rushed pacing of the first half followed by nothing in the second half, the double montages of “Wayward Son” back to back, and Dean just...driving around for the last half of the episode.
Scene Placement and Speculation of Scenes Cut
Before I get into this section, the info of the shots in the episode I have come from a source that @occamshipper​ got a week or so before the finale.  She’s talked about this here.
So here’s what Min was given:
1-5: 1 INT MEN OF LETTERS – DEAN’S ROOM Dean is greeted by Miracle
6-10: 6 INT MEN OF LETTERS – HALLWAY/SAM’S ROOM Sam has his routine
D1 1 11-15: 15 EXT FARM HOUSE Establishing
N1 1/8 16-20: 19 Dad’s journal, marker, drawing of masked man in journal.
21-25: 23 INT IMPALA – PMP Driver picks the music
N2 1 3/8 1,2 26-30: 28pt2 INT BARN: A face from the past
28pt3 Sam and Dean say goodbye
28pt4 Shot early for technical reasons, presumably the overhead shot
N2 31-45: 41 INT MEN OF LETTERS – SAM’S ROOM Sam’s alarm goes off D4 1/8 1 46-60: 56 INT N7glasses for Sam, laptop.
So...it all fits right?  It all tracks with the actual episode, where it lands, etc.  The issue is between shots 29-40 which were apparently “too big to spoil.”  Uh.  Where are they?  And where’s 28 pt4?
After Dean dies, the next scene is Sam burning him, then shot 31, the shot of his alarm going off.
So.  Where are those 11ish shots?
PLUS we have the boards, which are scenes we KNOW were actually shot:
As well as scenes for 20 that were shot in 19.
It’s just...weird, it’s weird and again hits on the fact that the episode is so short and like 80% montage.
The Scrubbing of Jack, Cas, and Eileen
So now we have to reckon with the fact that Eileen was last mentioned by Sam after she got snapped by Chuck, Jack’s last mention is that he’s off being God somewhere, and Cas’ last mention is a ~knowing look~ between Dean and Bobby.
I’m sorry, make it make sense:
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????????  That’s the end if it?  They don’t need to be discussed after this???  It’s just simply not something a writer would do, they would not introduce these characters, these arcs, without thinking there’s going to be some kind of follow through here.
So not only were three major characters (including two leads and both of the original characters’ love interests) completely wiped from the finale episode, it was as though Sam and Dean never even needed them, which just...ain’t it.
So why Eileen and Jack too?  Why not just take Cas out of it if they were afraid of the gay?  Because, ultimately, the episode went back to Kripke’s original story: just the bros, they only need each other and no one else.  They don’t want anyone else, they don’t need anyone else.  Easier to go back to something they knew was successful than trust the writers and their audience and take a big leap.
Alex even said he shot for 20 with “some of the guys” here.  What happened to that footage?
The complete 180 of it all still shocks me, I still cannot believe that we were essentially at the finish line, and the network just stopped short, and decided to go run another race, at the expense of the arc of this fifteen year legacy show.
Network Involvement and When Things Were Cut
Okay, now into the juicy stuff.
So I’ve pretty well established that network fuckery is clear, but how much did they get involved, what was the original intent?
Well again, we may never actually know what Andrew’s original script was, but I think, at the least, it would involve Dean speaking his truth to Cas and Sam living a life with Eileen.
Now, it seems today, that Misha said that Jimmy Novak was supposed to be in the finale in one iteration of the script, and while initially my brain was like “that truly makes no sense and he’s either straight up lying or telling a half truth,” I think what may be happening is Misha talking about as much as he can right now.
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So Jimmy right.  Weird as fuck.  Why would he been in the Roadhouse and not Cas?  My current thought (this is about as reachy as I’ll get) is that Jimmy had no lines, could he have been in the Roadhouse as a red herring, like it said “Jimmy” in the script but it was just Cas in human clothes, a way to get around the network saying Cas couldn’t be in the final scene.  Also, you’ll notice that Misha didn’t say that Cas wasn’t supposed to be in the ep at all, just Jimmy in the last scene.
All this to say, there have clearly been multiple versions of the script, getting lighter and lighter with Cas and Eileen as the network pulled further and further back.  Remember, Dabb has to get things approved before they get shot, and if the network kept asking and asking and asking to cut Cas and Eileen, he had to find a way to work around it.  Granted, I still think that if we had been able to get a Dabb script that wasn’t torn to shreds in editing, it wouldn’t be so bad.  It may not be what a lot of us wanted (Dean speaking his truth to Cas and a reciprocation), but doing everything he could to give it to us in subtext or visual clues.
Plus, in all honesty, my man can’t keep his story straight anyway.  He said twice in his panel that the Empty and offscreen Heaven ending weren’t his original ending either.
In addition, remember that Jensen did ADR post episode 18, AND said in a meet and greet last weekend that Dean’s reaction to Cas’ confession was “cut down.” (Source here).  Many of us clowns got excited when we first heard about ADR, because we thought it would be upping the ante on Dean’s reaction, but I remember being a little sus when it was just crying.  My speculation on that is that they cut out Dean actually SAYING something, @winchestersingerautorepair​ spoke about that here.
The biggest sins were, in my opinion, committed during editing, where the network got too gun shy and sliced the episode until it was nothing but a heartless bro-fest of a finale, not mentioning anything about the other major characters that we all love, and letting the boys just suffer in separation until Sam died and finally joined Dean in Heaven.  The editing came by cutting all the major emotional beats between anyone other than Dean and Sam, leaving the skeleton of the story intact, just shorter and less...poignant than it was ever supposed to be.
We know Misha was in Vancouver, we know he quarantined, but we also know he wasn’t in the final scene, when he spoke about being in the last moment of the show months ago.  We were not crazy, he was there, he quarantined, and, in all likelihood (speculation but fitting with the timeline), he actually may have shot something (not much, but something).
I have sources here, here, here, and here showing where Misha was at that time.
Remember, the man was completely open about coming back until they finished shooting (look at this thread).  The switch happened, just like everything else, halfway through them shooting.
Please also remember Jake Abel posting his “Where’s Misha” video here.  Jake isn’t malicious, he isn’t being nasty here.  Misha was there, and everyone that’s trying to convince people he’s wasn’t just...isn’t telling the truth about it.
This is one of the things that makes me really mad, because they’re literally attempting to gaslight people into thinking, “oh we were totally wrong he was never supposed to be there” WHEN HE WAS THERE, WE KNOW HE WAS THERE.
So we’ve already heard from several people (Meghan Fitzmartin, Jay, a PA on the set of 19 (WHO WAS NOT WORKING FOR 20), Misha himself) that this was all down to Covid restrictions.  Ultimately, as this post says, we’ve heard FIVE versions of where Misha was.  None of it makes sense, but the Covid protocol seems to be the company line that others are repeating.
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You may ask: why?  Why lie to all of us when we have questions?  Why, in Jay’s case, say that we’re all spreading false lies to stir up trouble, when we just have questions and things that do not make sense.  Simply?  Warner Brothers is absolutely massive.  These people have their careers to protect and are likely all under NDAs.  They want to work for WB again and don’t want to burn bridges, including Misha.  It sucks, but that’s why it’s unlikely that we’ll hear someone come out and say, “yeah we’re lying to you.”
Silence of the Cast Post Episode
So this is...probably the worst part of all this, at least in my opinion.
The guys had all been pretty excited about the end of the show (especially Jared, but Jensen’s panel last week was Jensen as happy and jokey and positive as I’ve ever seen him.  He was so excited about episode 18, about what it meant for Dean and for Cas, and I just cannot buy that he would have been that excited unless he thought there was something more in the episode.
Misha live-tweeted the episode, and was watching it with his kids.  It’s well known that Misha and the kids don’t watch the show because it’s too scary, and let’s ask ourselves, why would he have them watch an episode that he’s barely even mentioned in?
He also stopped live-tweeting at a very specific point in the episode (Dean’s death) and has not mentioned Supernatural since then. 
None of them, not Jared, Jensen, Misha, or even Alex, said anything about the episode for nearly 36 hours, when Jensen posted a salty photo on instagram.  It’s just...not what you’d expect for the end of a 15 year show, when the cast and crew are so close to the fans, so close to each other. 
My theory?  They didn’t know.  They thought Misha was, at least, going to be in the episode in some way, and when he wasn’t, they decided not to say anything.
You really think that Jensen “Heller” Ackles would have been so excited about the end of the show last week if he thought Cas wasn’t going to be in it at all?  Nah son, doesn’t make any sense.
Even today, in Jared and Misha’s panels, they seemed sad and...more than a little careful, both saying that there were things they couldn’t say, both talking around things that we all have questions on.
Jensen Speaking with Kripke
So this is where a lot of people are getting fodder to take shots at the writers, saying that Jensen hated it from the beginning, but I don’t think so.  I actually think I know what Jensen went to him about, and it wasn’t the lack of Cas or the weird pacing or the montages (which I don’t think were there when Jensen got the script); I think it was the manner of Dean’s death.
I know a lot of people were upset about that, upset with how...normal it was, coming off an episode where they literally beat God.  I actually didn’t mind it, I thought it was an interesting thematic take to be like: you can be a hero all your life, but sometimes shit happens, and you just die.
But imagine how hard that was for Jensen to read.  He would run to Kripke for that, because for him, Dean dying by being impaled by a piece of rebar had to be tough to swallow.
So, why didn’t Kripke say that?  Why didn’t he say, “oh well he had a problem with Dean’s death, none of that other stuff was in the script.”
Guys.  Why would he get involved?  He’s not going to burn bridges any more than anyone else is.  He said the ending was good because it’s the easy thing to do, it’s simple, will cause him no problems in his career, and he can just ignore the people trying to engage with him on it.
Something else to talk about is the major shift this episode had from the rest of the season: the shift from Dean to Sam.  I am NOT saying that Sam isn’t important, he definitely, absolutely is, but it was DEAN who really needed to wrap up his arc, Sam just needed to move on, get married to Eileen, become the leader he was always meant to.  So what changed?  What was with the shirtless scene, the Austin number and random case there, most of the episode being heavily Sam focused, going through his entire life in a montage?
Anyone else notice the 375 Walker promos, or Jared’s little spiel about Walker and how he hoped SPN fans would “come along for the ride.”
It’s...kinda obvious?  CW wanted to appeal to who they think the key demographic of SPN and Walker is: rural areas in the South.  It would explain a lot, why so much editing, why so Sam focused, the Austin number, the number of Walker promos, all of it.
I’m not saying this is fact, I don’t know that it is, but it is a little suspicious that even in Jared’s panel today, he talked A LOT about Walker and how he hopes SPN fans will watch it.
Why Would the Network Get Involved?
Simply put: $$$
If they think Walker can be the new SPN, and that those crazy SPN fans liked it originally, it’s a lot safer to go with the “original intent” of the show than do something risky (like making one of your two original leads queer).
And?  They don’t care.  They don’t care that the episode didn’t make sense, they don’t care that all the emotional arcs were left hanging, they don’t care by (potentially) smashing together two of Dean’s monologues (one to Sam, one to Cas) that it came of as...gross. ( @curioussubjects​ wrote a beautiful post showing how part of that death speech was likely meant for Dean here).  They don’t care, they never have, they just want to make their money and move on from the too-loud fandom that fought for representation too hard for too long.
It can’t help but feel insidious, which, honestly, it might be, but it really all comes down to the next cash cow, which, they think, is Walker, even at the cost of the fifteen year legacy show.
The Writers and What I Want
So here it is, all this weird, sus shit laid out on the line.  And you know what?  To me, there is no way to blame the writers, because they didn’t want this.
I don’t think Dabb and Bobo would have gone ahead with the confession in 18 without thinking that there would be some closure to that arc, they wouldn’t have done that not only to the fans, but for the sake of their own story as well: no writer wants to start something that they can’t finish. (And this applies to both Cas and Eileen).
Here’s a basic rundown of what I think happened: they had a clear arc from 18-20, ending in reciprocation at some level from Dean, Sam marrying Eileen, Hunter Sam as the new Bobby, Dean in heaven with Cas and big roadhouse reunion at the end. Covid prevented a good amount of that. Network had to stare at big gay 18 for six months, got cold feet. Thought about Walker, target audience and alienation of the rural areas if it went full gay. Misha quarantined and likely shot something (not much), he was then cut by execs and went home. They likely added in lines referencing Eileen and Cas to make it clear but more subtextual. They wrap, editing gets it and hacks it to pieces, so we get a shorter episode that’s mostly montages and jarringly bro-centric with nothing else. Arcs are left hanging. Dabb gets episode but it’s too late, there’s nothing he can do. Actors aren’t told so they can continue to do positive PR for the ending, they all found out at the same time we did: hence almost complete silence about the finale.
And you know what?  They warned us.  I talked about it here, but they’ve been telling us all season that Chuck wasn’t the writer, he’s the network.  I don’t think, still, that they thought it would be cut up like this, into something so unsalvageable that it’s been panned by almost everyone, even people who didn’t care much about Dean and Cas.
Finally, a masterpiece can be ruined by editing, and while I’m not sure even the script they ended up shooting on was a masterpiece (due to the network meddling already), but to me it’s blatantly obvious that it’s no one but the network that caused this, that took away closure for Dean, Cas, and even Sam.
So what do I want?  Nothing really, there’s nothing we can do, but I wrote this mostly to show people that the writers are not your enemy.   In fact, to the people trashing them?  You’re doing exactly what the CW wants you to: blame the obvious targets, blame Misha, blame Jensen and Jared, blame Dabb.  Scream and yell at them on Twitter and about how the show is ruined because of them.  The network keeps their engagement levels high, they don’t get as targeted for their behavior, and just keep moving along.
Just, please, think about who did this,  Mourn the show, be angry, but not at the people who fought tooth and nail for this for literal years, not the people who wanted it more than we did, not the people who cannot say anything because of their careers and the NDAs they’re bound by.
Someone is going to spill eventually, but until then, we just have to wait, and continue to be loud.
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 years
Could I order a medium well steak with mashed potatoes and peas please? I’ll be splitting it with Bakugo and/or Kirishima ☺️
Oh honey yes yes you can!! And thanks for giving me my first poly fic ☺️☺️ 💪💥
Pairing: KiriBaku x fem!reader poly is this happening or.???
Warnings: smut, 18+, oral fem and male receiving, hair pulling, one or two daddy calling, threesome, fingering, spanking, it’s my first time writing poly mkay
Enjoy your meal~
Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki, and you. Friends since high school and now inseparable in your fourth year of college. The dynamic between the three of you was always energetic, supportive and fun. Most of your friends always found you three together and it would always be weird if one of you was without the other two. Yes, this was perfect, it was working, it was fine.
It didn’t matter that feelings between the three of you began to shift from platonic to romantic.
When did that start really? Well it could be boiled down to a couple of instances. The first one being your first major heartbreak in college. You were a freshman, young, a little naïve, so you dove head first into the arms of an upperclassmen who claimed to see you for you. Until you saw him in the arms, rather sheets, of someone else. The pain you felt was excruciating as you ran and told your two best friends. Each of them lending an ear and some advice to your heart slowly closing off to them and the world.
“That extra didn’t deserve you anyways. You can do way better.”
“I already got your favorite ice cream. Now come on, I know you wanna cry in my shoulder. We’re here for you.”
You hadn’t expected them to be so kind and caring about that. The three of you ended up cuddling together and watching your favorite movies. It was confusing. This is normal for friends right? Totally platonic for friends to snuggle and provide affectionate care after a bad break up. Totally and completely.
But your heart can’t stop racing and you can’t stop the warmth you feel from their closeness.
The next time was when Bakugou’s college hockey team made it to the national title your second year. You and Kirishima had been at every game, even the ones out of state. You cheered him on and yelled at all the right times when plays and calls seemed unfair.
“You call that an infraction? Bakugou barely touched that guy, come on!”
“Hell yeah bro! That’s how you score on those unmanly boys over there!”
He never admitted it, but seeing the two of you in the stands at all of his games made him want to play harder and better, push himself to be the best despite any potential injuries he could have gotten. Being able to hear your intense screams over the crowd and Kiri’s booms of what’s manly on the ice and what isn’t made his heart race in a way he couldn’t figure out. There’s no way it’s the l word. No, they’re his best friends.
That’s all it is, he loves his best friends in the most non-romantic way possible.
The third and last instance was a little more personal between the three of you; starting with you and Kirishima. It was a party, celebrating Kirishima’s new job at the university gym, where you began to realize your feelings. The apartment was filled with close friends and some acquaintances where alcohol and some drugs flowed freely. The two men had lived together with a couple other guys they knew so for the most part they were on host duties. When you had finally arrived with a couple of your girlfriends, you greeted the blond and red head and continued to dance and mingle with your friends.
About an hour after you had entered, you walked over to Kirishima’s room to use his bathroom (you didn’t want to touch Denki’s bathroom) in his room. When you walked into his room, you were surprised to see him standing in front of his closet, half naked and changing shirts.
“Ah geez Eiji! Sorry to interrupt, I’ll wait outside.”
He chuckles and finishes putting on his shirt. “It’s all good pebble. I just had a little spill and needed to change.” He looks you up and down in an unfamiliar way. “Did you need to use my bathroom?”
You feel your cheeks heat up at how close he had gotten. It had to be the alcohol, right? That’s the only explanation. “Yeah,” you huff out, “but I don’t know if I need to go anymore ha ha.”
He grins at you and asks, “do you wanna sit for a bit? I feel like we haven’t had much time just the two of us.”
And who were you to say no to one of your best friends? So you sit beside him on his bed, something you’ve done plenty of times before. But somehow this felt, different. You feel him lay his head on your lap, a move he’s done before to indicate how tired he is and you naturally rake your fingers through his soft hair. You wish he would wear it down more often, you think he looks better that way.
“You really think so?”
You look down at him and freeze. Seems that you were talking out loud instead of in your mind. You giggle awkwardly, but keep your fingers attached to his scalp. “Yeah,” you hum. “It looks really nice.”
He hums into you, enjoying the feeling of your hand in his hair. A soft smile adorns his face as he muses to himself, “wouldn’t it be funny if Bakugou gelled his hair down?”
You don’t do much to hold in the laughter that erupts from your stomach, making the man in your lap laugh with you. The small intimate moment between you becomes more intimate when Kirishima sits up to look you in the eyes, his pupils dilated. You feel his hand come up to your cheek as his thumb rubs circles near the crease of your eye. “God you’re beautiful,” he whispers holding your gaze. The hand that was previously in his hair rests on his broad shoulder. Had he always been this rough yet soft to the touch? You don’t realize you’re sharing breaths until his next words are felt on your lips.
“Can I kiss you?”
You nod fervently and close the short distance between your lips. The rush that you feel when his warm lips are on yours is an experience you want to relive over and over. Just like him, his kiss is soft and full of care as he gently kisses you. Kirishima’s hands run down your body and find comfort on your hips while your wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. You can feel how hard he is from your bodies grinding on each other.
You break for air with a string of saliva connecting your lips. This is it. You might’ve known it for a long time but it’s glaring at you right in your face. You love him, and from what you can muster, he loves you too. The way his fingers are still touching you even though the act of passion has ended. Your foreheads are touching as you both exchange breaths.
“I,” he starts, “I think I’m in love with you. Well, have been for awhile.”
You smile when he smiles and slowly peck his lips. “I love you too, Eijirou.” You pause to cup his cheek and feel happiness grow inside when he leans into it. “But what about-“
Your hand falls into your lap and Kirishima reaches for it. He holds it gently and strokes his thumb at the back of it. The silence in the room isn’t complete because of the muffled music and shouting outside the closed door. You part your lips and struggle for the next couple of seconds to say the right thing. “I don’t want our dynamic to change.”
“Neither do I. But I can’t deny these feelings I’ve had for you anymore! Ever since that jerk cheated on you at the beginning of college, I think that’s when my feelings started. I hated seeing you cry and I vowed that if you ever did cry that I would be the one to wipe away your tears and take care of you. Not that you can’t take care yourself, you know what I mean!” Your light chuckle helps him to keep talking. “But I think about how it’s always the three of us and… I don’t wanna leave Katsuki out of this, us! It wouldn’t feel right.
“And I think when we saw him score that winning goal last year, with the way you looked at him I thought you could never look at me that way.”
Your back sits up straighter at his words. Was that true? Did you also have feelings for Bakugou as well? He had turned his face away from you at his admittance, but you pulled him back for a kiss. This one seemed to be more heated and passionate than the last as your hands search and prod his warm body all over.
You were so tightly wound up in each other you neglected to hear his door opening.
“Hey dumbass, (Y/n) went in here to go to the bathroom forever ago- what the fuck?!”
Kirishima pulled away from you quickly at hearing his other best friends voice. The two of you do your best to fix your state of clothes but the damage had already been done. You’ve seen Bakugou upset before but never like this. Never like this at the two of you. He looked broken and betrayed.
You face him and get up off the bed, “Katsuki, wait lemme explain!”
Vermillion eyes glare down at you in such passionate anger that you were almost terrified to say anything. “I think everything makes perfect sense to me. You two have been dating behind my back haven’t you.”
It wasn’t a question but a statement.
Kirishima responds first, “wait it’s not what you think, ‘Suki. We actually need to talk to you about something.”
“Tch,” he roughly pulls himself away from the two of you, “don’t fucking call me that. How long has this been going on, hah?! You really think I wouldn’t notice? You guys have been making go-go eyes at each other for years.”
“Would you please hear us out? And close the door,” you murmur, “everyone’s looking in here.”
Bakugou looks to the two of you and then behind him as his friends look on. Most people had dispersed or left so only your close friend group had stayed. Being the good and observant friends they are, Denki was the first to speak up.
“I think we’ll go somewhere else. You three need to talk.” And in his slightly drunk and slightly high daze, he and Sero managed to get everyone out of the doorway and out of the apartment. So now it’s just the three of you and open truth of the situation.
Bakugou roughly shuts the door and stands above the two of you. “So,” he huffs, “how long have you been dating?”
You can’t help but hear the hint of hurt in the last word he said. You want to reach out but know that it won’t help presently. “Ka- uh Bakugou, we’re not dating. We just, kissed and confessed our feelings.”
The ashy blond pouts and crosses his arms. “Don’t lie to me, dumbass. Shitty hair, is that really what happened?”
“Yeah dude, we really were just talking and then we kinda kissed and talked about our feelings.”
“What does that have to do with me?”
“Everything!” You had let your emotions get the best of you as you yelled at him. “It’s always been the three of us and we don’t wanna ruin this dynamic we have.”
Katsuki snaps back, “I get it. I would be in the way. Just, fuck, go be happy.”
Kirishima stands up and prevents Bakugou from leaving. “No dude, you don’t get it. (Y/n) and I came to an unspoken understanding:
“We can’t do this without you.”
With his anger subsiding, Bakugou was vulnerable. And in his state of vulnerability, Kirishima took the opportunity to cover his lips with his own. The ashy blond is caught off guard, but eventually concedes into the kiss. Something inside you stirs at seeing your two best friends kiss. It’s not jealousy, it’s contentment; like everything is finally fitting and working out.
When the two males part, their breaths are heavy as they stare into each others eyes. Kirishima speaks up first. “This is what we wanted to talk to you about.” He then tangles his fingers with the stunned in silence blond. “We think, no, we know that we have feelings for each other. But also-“
“We have feelings for you too Katsuki,” you chime in from the bed. “We couldn’t do this, thing, without you. I can’t imagine life without you two.”
Bakugou looks over to where you are on the bed, and his eyes soften. He can see the love in your eyes, a gaze that he’s seen you give Kirishima and maybe you’ve given those looks to him and he didn’t notice? Almost like he thought you wouldn’t have feelings for him, or that his red headed friend would feel similarly.
“Tch, idiots. How long have you,” he looks away as his cheeks start to tint pink, “had feelings for me?”
You stand up and walk up to the shy man, taking his other hand. “I’m not sure. I might’ve realized it when Eiji and I were cheering for you at one of your games… T-the way you looked when you noticed us made my heart leap. You were so happy and satisfied with that look on your face Katsuki. But I was confused cause by then I had already confirmed my feelings for Eiji so I- mmph!”
Katsuki ended your rambling and pulled you into his body. You had always dreamt and fantasized about what his tout and fit body would feel against yours, and it’s better than you could have imagined. Where Kirishima was soft, Bakugou was rough as he licks at your bottom lip and thrusts his tongue in your mouth. You accept him hungrily as your arms wrap around his shoulders. Your lips mesh so easily and effortlessly together that you can’t help but moan.
When the two of you pull apart, Katuski is back to his smug self. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do that princess. Damn, so what now?”
The question doesn’t linger too long in the air as the three of you exchange glances at each other. “Well, we just keep doing what we’re doing. You know, now with kissing and hand holding and sex stuff I guess, hehe.” Kirishima laughs out as realization comes to all of your faces. To be fair, you all have already kissed and you doubt Kiri’s earlier hard on has gone down.
Being brave, you step up to Kirishima, grabbing his collar and pulling him into a lust filled kiss. You grind yourself on his torso, forcing him to put his hands on your waist. His grip on you tightens and doesn’t hesitate to lift you up, making your legs wrap around his waist. Behind you, you feel hands trail down your back sensually, stopping at your ass. You pause your kiss with Kirishima to whine at the touch, feeling Bakugou’s hands go down your thighs and over Kiri’s hands.
“Put her on the bed, Eijirou.”
The way he commands the two of you, the way how he growled that out right by your ear made your panties damp. Kirishima nods and walks you two toward his bed, gently placing you down. He works on getting your leggings off, slowly pulling each leg out to keep touching your soft skin. Once they’re off, you’re left in your top and lacy thong, unaware of how the night would turn out. The wet spot at your core doesn’t go unnoticed by the two males and Kirishima licks his lips and Bakugou starts palming at his jeans, hissing as he does so. “Is that for us, pebble?” He takes a single finger and slowly swipes it up your covered slit making your toes curl and a huff of air leaves your lips. “Fuck, baby you’re so wet. Katsu, you gotta see this up close.” He takes off your thong, brings it up to his nose for a long sniff, and stuffs them in his pocket.
You feel a new pair of hands graze your inner thighs, as a head of ashy blond is now seen between your legs. He breathes into your cunt and grins at your mewl, the sound going to his hardening cock. Without warning, his tongue dives into your folds, going in between kitten licks and deep thrusts of his tongue into you. Your jaw drops in pleasure and you can’t help but moan loudly. Bakugou pulls away, and grunts “Think you can shut her up shitty hair?”
You hear the red head chuckle to the side of you as he had already removed his pants and now his boxers. His cock springs free, swinging upward on his abs and already leaking pre-cum. The way you’re looking at him like a full course meal makes his dick twitch. “I can’t wait to shove my dick in your mouth.” You see a little bit of drool fall from the corner of his mouth and just seeing that turns you on so much. He moves to straddle you over your chest, careful not to sink down or hurt you in anyway. His ruby irises meet yours as he caresses your cheek, “is this okay?”
You nod, words failing you because Bakugou hasn’t let up on your pussy. Kirishima inches closer and sit up slightly so that your lips can finally met his warm and hard dick. You wrap your lips around the tip, your tongue flitting at his leaking tip causing the strong man above you to moan loudly. That moan caused a ripple effect from you sucking him harder and Bakugou’s tongue swirling on your clit, which made you moan onto Kiri’s cock. All three of you are beginning to feel extreme pleasure at once, almost as if everything in your lives was building up to this point.
You sink your mouth deeper onto throbbing cock, causing Kirishima to pant and curse. His hips struggle to stay still but your tongue, throat, and mouth are working wonders on him. You never thought he would be somewhat loud in the bedroom, but it’s making you love him more. You’re snapped out of your thoughts when you feel a slap on your inner thigh and but hear an extra one. The extra one you heard was Bakugou lifting his body just enough for him to reach Kirishima’s are ass and smack it. Just knowing he got spanked made you wetter.
“Heh, do you like it when I smack his ass baby girl? You’re gushing down here after I did that. Lemme do it again, yeah?” And you hear the sound of palm against skin and you taste more of him in your mouth after. Bakugou continues his assault on your pussy as your hips gyrate into his face, moans and cries muffled by Kirishima’s long and girthy cock in your mouth. Kiri moves his hand from your cheek to your hair and tugs as he chases his high.
He feels you whine something on his dick and smirk. “You gonna cum pebble? You’re gonna cum all over ‘Suki’s face while I cum down your throat? C’mon baby girl, milk my cock I wanna mess up your throat, ah fuck this feels good!”
Bakugou inserts two fingers into your aching pussy as he sucks on your clit. Your hips are moving out of rhythm as you feel the build up deep in your core want to explode. You suck hard on Kirishima’s cock as he moans above you loudly, filling your mouth and throat with his seed. As he comes down from his hard orgasm, you let out a pop as you let go of his cock. He removes himself from your chest and takes your chin in his thumb and forefinger, running his thumb over your swollen lips. “I don’t want you to spill a drop until he makes you cum. If any of it spills or you swallow it without permission, he won’t let you cum and I’m gonna punish you okay pebble?”
You nodded and he lets you go, realizing he hasn’t taken off your top. Kirishima brings you up to take off your top, giving you a look to remember his words just seconds earlier. He removes it and realizes you aren’t wearing anything underneath. He lifts an eyebrow at you and chuckles darkly. “You’re so naughty,” he growls as he takes a hardening nipple into his mouth. He sucks earnestly as Bakugou finger and tongue fucks you. You feel your orgasm getting closer and closer as Bakugou growls into your pussy.
“You ready to cum baby girl? You heard Ejij, don’t spill a fucking drop until I say.”
You nod vigorously, avoiding being vocal to keep your mouth full.
“Then cum baby,” he sucks on your clit harder, “cum for daddy.”
Your own orgasm rocked through you so hard you were seeing stars. You obeyed their commands and only swallowed after you were sure you were done cumming, holding onto Kirishima’s back tightly as your nails dug into it. Bakugou removes himself from between your legs, licking his chin and observing your juices on his fingers. He taps Kirishima on the shoulder and shoves his fingers into his mouth, catching the red head off guard. He moans around the wet fingers as his tongue dives in the valleys of Bakugous fingers. The scene before you was incredibly erotic as the to men didn’t break eye contact.
“She tastes good doesn’t she?”
“Mmm,” he releases with a pop, “fuck yeah she does, babe.” Your chest heaves up and down as you come down from your high, truly enjoying the moment between the trio of you. Kirishima lightly plays with your breasts still as Bakugou moves to the other side of the bed. “Get her on all fours. I can’t wait to fuck that mouth of hers.”
The two of you do as he says, and you get on all fours on the bed. You see Katsuki undress and you do your best to keep your dirty thoughts to yourself as you realize you are in the presence of two god-like looking men. You feel Kirishima smack you ass and you yelp out the sudden sensation. You hear him snicker behind you as you feel his hands knead your ass. The man behind you leans over you, hands trailing up your back and sides as he asks. “All of this is okay, right?”
Bakugou grunts, “speak.” He grabs your cheeks and forces you to look at him, “now.”
You nod at first, but remember that your mouth is empty. “Yes,” you pant, “please have your way with me, daddies.”
Wet lips attach to yours as you make out with Bakugou once more, accepting your consent. Kirishima palms at your cunt, making you clench around nothing, as his other hand reaches for his nightstand to grab a condom. The red head had no idea that he would need these anytime soon, especially with the two of you. Once the condom is on, he lines himself behind you, teasing your hole with his tip. At the same time, Bakugou lines up his aching cock with your lips, outlining them with this dick.
When Kirishima finally pushes in your eyes go wide. You knew he was big, but fuck would he fit? He moves slowly for you to adjust to his size and length. You pant wildly as he grips your hips tighter at how slick you are. Soon enough, he’s bottomed out in you and waits. He can tell you aren’t used to his size yet and traces your spine to comfort you. “You’re taking me so well, pebble. Tell me when it’s okay for me to move, okay?”
You let out more shaky breaths and then crane your neck to give him the most blissed out face he’s ever seen. Tears are building in the corner of your eyes, pupils blown out and your tongue lolling to the side as you tell him to move. And when he does, you never thought that fucking, no making love could feel so ecstatic, so euphoric. The feeling is overwhelming but you love it, it’s a good overwhelming.
You barely have time to moan because Bakugou shoves his needy cock into your mouth. He’s not as big as Kirishima so blowing him is going to be a fun adventure. You wrap one hand around the base and hollow out your cheeks as you suck him in. He hisses above you as one hand finds purchase in your hair. His hips stutter a bit when you lick a stripe up his cock from base to tip. A few pants escape him when you do that but what has him moaning more is when you lick and play with his balls. His grip gets tighter as you keep playing and messing with his cock and balls.
Meanwhile Kirishima is slamming into you, his balls hitting you with every thrust. You never knew you needed this but now that you have it you don’t want to go with out it. There’s one particular thrust he gives that makes your eyes roll back and stop working on Bakugou briefly. He tugs at your hair and you get back to licking and servicing him. Above you, you feel a hand on the middle of your back and a hand leave your hair.  You catch Kirishima whisper a “c’mere” and the sounds of lips and tongues melding together is heard. The scene is absolutely erotic and you are living for it. Having your two best friends, no lovers, make out above you almost makes you cum again as your pussy clenches.
Eijirou pulls away when your pussy clenches around his dick in order for him to whimper at the sensation. He starts pumping into you harder, wanting you two to cum for the second time. You have a feeling Bakugou is close because his thrusts have become erratic and he’s pulling on you harder. The pull of your hair and the way Kiri’s dick feels inside you is enough for you to cum.
You whine on Katsuki’s dick, seeing the tears in your eyes as his hips keep moving back and forth. “You ready to take my seed, huh pretty girl? I know you are, just look at you. Fuck,” he moans out, “you’re something else princess. Shit, I’m gonna cum, I’m gonna cum. Unf, (Y/n), EIjirou, fuck!”
His cum fills up your throat, some of it spilling out the side of your mouth. You swallow what you can and release him with a pop. Your breathing is ragged as you admire the taste of both men mixed on your tongue. The hands that were previously on your hips go to your stomach and pull you into a strong chiseled chest. Kirishima rests his forehead on your shoulder blade as he fucks you harder. “C’mon pebble I’m so close, I’m so close. God you feel amazing,” he mewls into your ear. One hand goes to your swollen nub and rubs at it intensely. Your voice raises an octave as you practically scream in pleasure, the waves of your second orgasm hitting you without warning.
Kirishima pumps up into you faster after he felt you tighten around him. “Oh fuck, oh fuck I’m gonna cum (Y/n). Katsuki I’m cumming, I’m cumming! Ah fuck!” He holds you tightly as he pumps through his orgasm, speeding up and then slowing down as the both of you calm down from your highs. You stay impaled on his cock, enjoying the sheen of sweat between the three of you. Bakugou comes up to you and kisses you sweetly, carefully lifting you off of Kirishima’s dick. He takes a finger to trace along the outside of your face and then over your lips. He lays the two of you down on the bed, just embracing the moment. Kirishima gets up and shaky legs to take care of the used up condom. He throws it in the trash and then heads into his bathroom. When he comes back out, he hands Bakugou a towel and the two of them begin to tend to you and clean you up. “You did so well for us babe,” Bakugou whispers, kissing your cheek and wiping your right leg. Kirishima has your left and himself to clean up.
Once you’re all cleaned up, Kirishima takes the towels to the laundry room and returns with bottles of water for each of you. He slides under the covers, the top comforter replaced with a Crimson Riot one, and cuddles up to you and Bakugou. “So,” he starts, “does that mean we’re together? Like officially?”
Bakugou who’s facing the two you, with you in the middle, rolls his eyes and extends an arm out to the adorable red head. “Dumbass, I wouldn’t have done this if we weren’t. Now shut up,” his voice lowers, “she’s asleep.”
The diner is open
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ecliptsukki · 3 years
falling for you ❧ kaoru sakurayashiki / cherry blossom
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➣ genre: fluff, slight comedy
➣ warnings: cursing
➣ a/n: i’m far too in love with this man. i can’t help myself. also if you have anything you want me to write, send it to my inbox!
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- he first met you at "S," seeing you stood by langa and reki
- his silky pink hair flowed behind him in the wind, his bangs lifting to reveal his golden eyes. those golden orbs are locked on you the entire time he skates closer to you
- the lack of bickering that usually arose between cherry and joe had caught joe's attention
- joe notices cherry's gaze on a particular y/h/c. he almost snorts, almost, but, being a teasing lil bitch kidding, he decides to jab at cherry's side
- "hey, do you see that girl over there? she's cute, isn't she?"
- the bubblegum-colored hair male glares holes into his friends head
- "i'm sure she wouldn't be interested in a muscle-brained gorilla like yourself"
- skates off into the distance, further closing the gap between the two of you
- girls and guys start cheering for and fawning over cherry, as well as joe. this catches your attention because you're surprised mostly by the fawning of the people. honestly, you wouldn't say that anyone you've seen there is worthy of so much attention, excluding your two best buds: langa and reki.
- you're actually older than reki and langa by 3 years. you met reki on coincidence.
- you had borrowed your friend's skateboard to cruise around the town. you had felt overwhelmed with all that had been going on in your life, and you wanted to find an escape. your friend, wanting to help you with that mission, offered the board, saying "it's really fun and gets your mind off of things whenever you need." obviously, you took up on the offer because it was a nice spring day: the sun out and the bright colors of nature and the city filling your misty eyes.
- you skated by the skate park and saw a particular redhead practicing ollies and other tricks. you were impressed by the skill he had portrayed, yet you were also envious of how light he seemed, how his eyes twinkled with joy. your gaze must've rested too long on the boy because he approached you soon after.
- reki, later on, introduced you to langa, bringing you to where you were today
- you came to "S," though unwillingly, to support langa in his beef against another fellow skater
- honestly, you detested that your younger friends were participating in illegal activities but never brought it up because you saw how happy they looked whenever they spoke about the beefs
- anYWAYS-
- looking into the distance, you see a masked man in a white yukata, hair flowing behind him, and a green haired, shirtless, buff man skating closer
- "who's that?" you ask your friends
- "oh! that's cherry blossom and joe. they are the founding members of "S." cherry has an ai board, and joe has incredible power," reki pips
- you nod, acknowledging the two men as they stepped off of their skateboards
- “well hello there,” the green haired man winks at you
- “hi,” you flush, eyes wandering between his gaze and his bare chest
- “what’s a pretty little lady like yourself doing with these two kids?”
- “uh-”
- reki tries to jump joe but is held back by langa because we know that reki doesn’t stand a chance against big muscle man
- joe gets all up and comfy with you, flexing his muscles and talking about who knows what
- your attention was mostly on the blue-nette friend of yours. you were still very anxious about this entire thing
- “she’s not even paying attention to you anymore, you idiot,” the masked man speaks
- embarrassed that they noticed your rude behavior, you begin to excessively apologize
- “no, please don’t apologize. i should’ve realized you were worried about your friends,” joe says modestly
- “there’s no need to worry about snow. he’s fully capable of staying safe. we’ve seen him skate many times, and he always comes out in one piece. i’m sure you’ll be impressed as well,” cherry says in his monotonous tone
- “snow?” you tilt your head to the side in confusion
- when i tell you cherry MELTED, i mean that he MELTED
- stomach? churning. heart? fluttering. cheeks? flushing. hotel? trivago
- bRO, why are you SO FUCKING ADORABLE
- “snow is langa,” joe explains when he notices cherry’s flustered silence
- “ohhhhhh-”
- “actually, i’ve just realized. we haven’t properly introduced ourselves. call me joe,” he looks expectantly at his friend
- “you may call me cherry,” the man thanked the lords that he wore a mask because if he wasn’t, you’d see the obvious rose tint on his cheeks
- “i’m y/n! i came here with reki and langa.”
- to say cherry’s heart broke in that moment would be an understatement. his heart was more so shattered and pulverized.
- did i just fall for a minor? FU-
- “but i’m older than them, of course.”
- lemme just pick up the shards of my broken heart and re-piece it back together
- you barely talked to cherry that night his fault for acting so cold, but you were intrigued by the man. i mean he skates on a talking skateboard, how can you not?
- cherry leaves “S” that night, regretting all his life decisions because instead of talking to you, he avoided you
- who knows when’s the next time he’d meet you?
- lmao, SiKe
- you walk into sakurayashiki calligraphy, awkwardly waiting to be interviewed
- his pink hair meets your eyes, the long, silky hair framing the man’s pale face. a pair of glasses rest on the bridge of his nose, enhancing his golden eyes. he is clad in a navy blue yukata
- hm, he looks familia-
- you almost gasp aloud, as you realize who he is
- not wanting to jump to conclusions, you ask, “have we met before?”
- kaoru is freaking out, though he hides it well under his professional mask
- what the heck? she’s the one looking for a job here?
- “yes, we have, but that’s not what we’re here to talk about”
- yiKeS, nice first impression on your, hopefully, new boss, y/n
- throughout the entire interview, you impressed him with the slightest of things
- you were beyond professional and exactly what he looked for in employees
- damn it. why is she so perfect?
- you walk out of the building with the brightest smile on your face, ecstatic with the news that you had been hired
- kaoru follows closely behind you, acting gentlemanly as he leads you out
- “thank you so, so much. i promise i will work my hardest to make your business even stronger and better than before”
- “no, the honor’s all mine. i can tell that you’ll become a valuable asset”
- you’re bowing your head and thanking him to a crazy amount that he starts to worry that you’re getting dizzy
- mustering up all the courage he could, he speaks up, “actually, i don’t really like talking about the skating half of my life...”
- you mutter a genuine apology for bringing it up before
- “it’s alright, but i was wondering if you wanted to go to “S” with me next time. i understand if you decline. i won’t fire you for it,” he tries to add a joke to lighten his tense mood
- you giggle at his nervous and awkward behavior, “good to know i won’t get fired if i say no, but sure! i wouldn’t mind going again. it’s a good opportunity to let me watch over reki and langa—”
- “that-that’s great,” he sighs with relief
- “—and i can get to know you better,” you mutter quietly under your breath
- he flushes, hearing what you said perfectly
- “i wouldn’t mind that either”
- you couldn’t sleep that night, thinking about the soft smile on kaoru’s face, whilst kaoru was busy sleeping, lost in his dreams of you and him together
- the both of you couldn’t wait to get to know each other more
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violetlilysunshine · 3 years
He’s Not My Harry
Boyfriend Harry Holland x Actress Reader
Summary: You’re presenting at Comic Con and a fan asks you a question about your relationships with Harry and Tom.
WC: 1,550
Warnings: A little angsty maybe??? But nothing really
A/N: I’ve never been to Comic Con so I don’t really know how it works, also written before Tomdaya, so don’t at me.
REQUESTS OPEN - Or just come chat :)
Your new show was invited to present at Comic Con this year and you were over the moon. You were already planning to go to Comic Con, since Harry would be there with Tom, but now you got to be featured as well. You hadn’t seen Harry in way too long. You and Tom had filmed together in Atlanta, becoming fast friends. After he had introduced you to Harry, you guys hit it off immediately, quickly becoming a couple.
The distance had been pretty hard on the both of you, but you were still going strong after two years. You and Harry made your relationship public just a week before Comic Con, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off each other once you reunited. You posted a casual, “Happy two years,” and a cute picture, keeping it short and sweet, mimicking Harrison and Grace. Harry on the other hand seized the opportunity and posted, “Two years. Gotcha beat Haz and Grace,” making sure to tag them both. Luckily, they found it funny and you all laughed it off.
You both had gotten more positive messages than you were expecting, but quite a bit of hate as well. You expected to get some, but didn’t really think people would be sending as much to Harry as they were. You felt really bad about it, but he reassured you over and over that he was fine. The absolute last thing you were prepared for, was how much hate he was getting because the fans were shipping you with Tom instead.
The boys got in last night and Harry called you immediately upon leaving the airport. He texted you again as they were pulling into the hotel and you bolted down the stairs. You found them at the front desk, checking in together and Harry was just taking a room key.
He turned around, spotting you standing by the staircase. His face broke into a giant smile, his eyes lighting up at your presence. You skipped across the room, jumping into his arms immediately as he dropped his bag, his other hand still holding his phone and key as he wrapped it around your waist.
“Hey, Red,” you greeted him quietly in his ear as you snuggled into his neck.
He rubbed his face deeper into your hair, “hi, darling,” he whispered back.
You pulled back slightly, arms still latched around his neck, and pulled him into a deep kiss. You were glad that you’d posted together because you wouldn’t have been able to hold back.
When you pulled away, you saw some fans taking pictures scattered across the lobby, but you weren’t all that worried about it. You’d kind of expected it, and most of their focus was on Tom anyway.
“Alright, you lot, c’mon,” Tom called, picking up his bag and heading towards the elevators.
You unwrapped from Harry, taking his camera bag over your shoulder as he grabbed his larger suitcase.
“Alright, love, so I’m in 615 with Harrison,” he told you as you waited for the elevator, “you can drop by whenever you like, alright?”
“Oh,” you answered in a small voice, smile dropping just slightly.
“What is it?” he asked gently.
“Well, I sorta thought maybe you could stay with me...”
“Oh, well, I didn’t know what you wanted to do, so I just got this one with Harrison. It’s connected to Tom’s too, but uh, I’d rather be with you if that’s what you want,” he said with a smile.
“Hey!” Harrison called turning around.
“Sorry bro, but do you really blame me?” Harry said, smirking.
“Whatever, div,” Harrison turned back around, climbing into the elevator behind Tom.
“Okay, we’re in 710,” you told him, as well as Tom and Harrison, passing Harry your second key.
“Maybe I should write the numbers on them so I don’t get ‘em mixed up,” Harry laughed.
You giggled back, looping your arm around his wrist.
Waking up next to Harry was your favorite thing in the world; you loved feeling his arm carelessly thrown over you and his legs tangled with yours. You loved seeing his sleepy morning smile and crazy bed head curls. You loved hearing his raspy morning voice and his grumbles as he awoke. You’d never get enough of it or him.
You rolled over this morning to find his eyes already on you; you smiled gently, bringing a hand up to push the curls off his forehead.
“Morning, baby,” he said, pulling you closer.
“Mmm, hi,” you whispered.
“Wish we could stay like this forever,” he said, leaning forward to kiss along your jawline.
You giggled as his hair brushed over your face, “unfortunately, we both have things to do.”
“Mmm yeah, stupid work,” he grunted, tucking into your neck, pressing a few kisses to your skin before mumbling, “stupid Tom.”
You laughed loudly at that, knowing he was just joking and he didn’t really think badly of his brother.
You giggled again, pulling his head up to kiss him for real. He held your kiss for a moment, before pulling away. He brushed his fingers against your skin under your shirt, just watching you for a moment. You giggled under his intense gaze.
“What time are your panels, darling?” he questioned gently.
You rattled off what you could remember before asking, “why?”
“Well I wanna come to as many as I can o’course! Maybe bring the guys with me just for fun.”
“Mmkay,” you giggled, before pulling him in for a few more slow kisses.
Before you knew it, your alarm was going off, “have to get up and get ready,” you said sadly.
“Me too. Was supposed to be at Tom’s half an hour ago,” he chuckled.
You slapped his chest lightly before rolling out of bed to get ready for the day.
He chuckled deeply, watching you fiddling around and getting your stuff together for a second before getting out of bed to do the same.
You weren’t really expecting anyone to bring Harry up today in your panel, but of course, three questions in, someone said something.
“Hi, um, my question is for Y/N,” the fan said timidly into the microphone.
“Hey, darling!” you cheered with a big smile, “what’s up?”
“Um, well I saw you posted a happy two years with Harry, and I was wondering why you picked him instead of Tom?”
Your face dropped instantly, lips curling down and eyes losing their sparkle. You stared blankly at the fan before asking, “are you serious?” in a low voice.
The fan just looked back at you, nodding only the slightest bit.
You took a deep breath, glancing at the ceiling before opening your mouth. You opened and closed it a few times, trying to figure out how to handle the situation.
“I know that the smart thing to do here would be to not answer that question, but I’m going to,” you breathed, “I’m going to answer it once and that’s that,” you said finally. “Let me start with this: I hate that question because it sounds like ‘why’d you settle for Harry when you could have had Tom?’” you paused, “it makes it seem like Harry is less than Tom and that is absolutely not true at all,” you took a break there, breathing deeply.
You noticed fans were beginning to chatter in the audience, pointing at the boys sitting in the front row. You noticed the look on Harry’s face and after that, all you could see was red.
“I don’t need you to point at them, guys, I know they’re there,” you spoke tenderly into the mic, chuckling a little bit so as not to scream.
You continued your answer, speaking slowly, “Tom and Harry are not one-in-the-same. They’re not interchangeable. They are two completely different people. Harry offers me things that no one else in the world ever could. He’s kind and smart and beautiful and confident and genuine and hardworking and so, so incredibly talented and one of the absolute greatest people you could ever surround yourself with,” your voice started to falter as you got choked up, almost crying from anger, “and not that Tom isn’t all of those things, but he’s not my Harry. Tom is great and one of my best friends in the world and I’m so grateful for that, but... I love Harry so much that it hurts,”
You took another break, glancing at the ceiling again to try and keep yourself from losing it, “and if anyone puts him down in front of me again, I’m absolutely going to lose my shit. So…” you trailed off, chuckling again, “so, in conclusion, they’re very different and while Tom is great, Harry is the best. Next question, please.”
You turned to face the fan on the other side of the audience, placing your mic in your lap and tossing your hair behind your shoulder. You took a deep breath, shaking off your anger, and looking at Harry in the audience again. His happy expression had returned now, his eyes brightening and a very small smile gracing his features. You gave him a tight lipped smile back mouthing, “I love you,” to him quickly.
He mouthed, “I love you more,” back, making your smile grow even wider.
TAGLIST:  @samhollandscupcake @spider-barnes @hogwartsmarvelmommy @tulipholland @harryhollandsgirlfriend @cupids-crystals @sunwardsss
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