#or whatever and then they fight me when i tell them no
thehighladywrites · 2 days
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✩ summary: different scenarios where you find yourself sitting on them
✩ warnings: nsfw, 18+, mentions of sex, mentions of self-doubt, kissing, begging, gossiping, fluff, smut, crack, fun times and soft Eris😭💗
✩ amara’s note: the original cassian hc was so long that i had to stop myself bc i was thirsting and it turned into a regular oneshot lmaooo😭 anyways enjoy babes!!!!💗💗💗
reblogs are really appreciated! :D
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No matter how angry you and Rhys get or how petty the fight is, you two always end up holding hands, even while yelling at each other.
Sitting in his lap while you two argue about random, non important stuff is a standard
You guys just don’t do the whole “no touching” thing
Today, the argument was over who cooks better, both of you bickering pettily.
“Listen, I love you a lot, but the kitchen isn’t your best friend. It's crazy how you can burn an empty pot.”
“Maybe you’re crazy,” you retort, arms crossed over your chest as you step closer to him, leaning against his desk in his office.
He keeps arguing with you, going back and forth, while pushing his chair back from the desk to make room for you.
“Whatever, Rhys. I don’t even need to cook when I can summon anything. It’s stupid, and you’re being unfair,” you mutter as you put your hands on his shoulders and plop down in his lap, subconsciously warming at the way he holds your waist and places one hand on your back to keep you steady.
He suppresses a smile, scratching the back of his head as he looks up at your pouting self. “You’re absolutely right, sweetheart. I don’t know what I was thinking. Of course, you’re an amazing chef,” he concedes, his tone laced with affection.
“Awww, come with me while I make you something,” you say, flashing him an oblivious smile.
“Oh! Um, you sure we shouldn't order something or..?” he asks nervously, his voice getting higher as he kisses you.
You slip out of his lap and hurry downstairs to plan his meal, assuring him not to worry about ordering anything and to just come down for his favorite meal.
“Dear Gods,” he whispers as he gets up, a mix of worry and fear in his voice.
Eris had been stressed out for a few weeks now. Nothing you said seemed to make a difference.
He was dealing with his father’s death, ruling a new court as the heir, and inheriting the High Lord powers. Your heart ached for him. You wanted to be there for him, giving him hugs and words of encouragement, but you were not on that level yet
Today had been the most stressful day yet, resulting in him shutting down and locking himself up in his bedroom.
“Eris, are you okay? Can I please come in?” you knock gently on the wooden door, voice hushed and gentle.
After a few moments of silence, you hear him shuffling behind the door until he opens it very slightly.
He is shirtless, only in a pair of pants. You manage to catch a glimpse of his tired, amber eyes before he turns around to lie in his bed.
The room looks clinically clean, the only disturbance being Eris’s rugged appearance.
Without saying a word, you walk over to him and give him a hug. It’s a long, warm hug that tells him everything he doesn’t allow himself to hear: you’re there for him.
It takes a few moments for him to hug you back, but when he does, he wraps his arms tightly around your waist, bringing you into his lap.
Only after an hour of silence does he speak
“I feel like i’m stuck. These powers are killing me, the board is fucking annoying, the folk believe i’m wicked and cruel and i have no idea what to do about anything.”
He looks up at you with desperate eyes, “Do you believe I’m truly wicked?”
You shake your head in honesty. “No, honey. I have not met anyone as smart, kindhearted and brave as you. Others do not know you like I do but they should,” you whisper, hands going through his tussled hair. “You’ve been hiding behind your mask for too long, Eris. Let people see the real you.”
The room goes quiet, the only sound being the beating of your hearts.
Slowly his lips meet yours in a new and experimental kiss. He stares up at you with his pupils blown but before you can apologize and get off his lap, he kisses you again and locks his arm around you
“Thank you,” he whispers between heating kisses, “Thank you, beautiful.”
“Hi there sugar, what can I do for you?” Cassian asks sweetly as he flicks your nose with his finger, happy that you ran into his office and immediately plopped down on his lap
“Can you fuck me?” you ask, frustrated with the lack of dick lately.
His eyes widen slightly at your words, then he slowly cracks a handsome smile. “Gods. How inappropriate of you,” he teases, the amusement clear in his voice.
His teasing almost makes you sob. This was totally NOT the time. You almost roll your eyes before realizing he will so not give in if you give him that
“Cassian, i’m begging you. I want, no- need to be fucked. Please, i’m losing hearing in my left ear,” you beg as you get closer and sit in his lap, rubbing your hands all over his chest
He looked incredibly good, almost unfairly so. Cassian’s jaw and chin had grown scruffy in a ruggedly masculine way that made him look older and even more attractive.
A week without seeing him had only heightened your weakness for his body, making you throb.
“Losing hearing? You must be really dying for me, huh? Alright then. I’ll let you ride,” he smirks at you while unbuckling his belt.
He finally fucking let’s you fuck, hitting spots that makes you go fuzzy brained.
You make him promise to never be gone again before going for another ride, satisfied when he breathlessly promises.
There is not a bigger shit-talking couple in Prythian than you two
One look between you two is enough.
Someone’s being annoying? You share an annoyed glance. Someone’s being rude? You share a baffled glance. Something’s juicy’s happening? You share a glance that says you will so talk about it when you get home.
“— and he has the audacity to two-time her? He’s lucky to find even one person willing to date him,” you gossip, lounging in Lucien’s lap, your voice dripping with disbelief.
“You’re not going to believe this, but this isn’t his first time. He did that to Tamlin’s cousin too,” Lucien adds, his tone filled with incredulity.
“No way,” you gasp in disbelief, shaking your head as the gossip sinks in.
“Yeah, apparently this guy fucks around in all courts and cheats on anyone willing to stomach. What a fucking loser, honestly,” Lucien nods in agreement, disdain evident in his voice. “The sick bastard gets off on it.”
“That reminds me, guess what I heard about Rhys in Rita’s yeaterday,” Lucien prompts, leaning in with a sly grin, clearly ready to share some gossip.
“Some males and females were talking about Rhys, saying he's replaced Feyre with a clone,” Lucien whispers, his tone laced with disdain. “And get this— they think her transformation from human to fae is fake and that there is no way she could possibly be the mother of Nyx.”
“A clone? They’ll say anything these days,” you exclaim, raising an eyebrow incredulously.
“That's exactly what I'm saying! They're probably just making shit up out of thin air,” Lucien replies, nodding in agreement.
“I wouldn't put it past them,” you say, shaking your head as you reach for a biscuit, happy to be sitting and gossiping with your love.
Azriel loves when you sit on his lap.
It makes him feel safe and relaxed knowing you're close to him.
It's something he does every day when he comes home - having you in his lap. Sometimes you both sit quietly, other times you talk or fuck or cuddle, depending on how you’re feeling.
Azriel especially likes the fuck part.
He loves the part where you sit on his lap while he works. If you’re good, he’ll bend you over his desk and fuck you. If not, he still fucks you but he does it with no mercy
He makes you sit on his dick and tells you not to move and inch or you will be edged for hours, not being allowed to cum once
Fucking torture is what it is honestly
“Stop moving around so much, i can’t focus.”
“Do you blame me? You’ve buried your dick in me, of course i’m moving. Maybe do something about that.”
He raises his eyebrows at your snarky comment. If it’s something he didn’t need today it was sass.
His day was quite shitty and all he needed was his sweet mate who would kiss away his problems and take his dick perfectly
Azriel smiled slightly as he put his pen down. He would take out his frustrations on you today.
“You want to be fucked? Let’s fuck,” he says in a low tone
In the end, all his papers are scattered, all pens on the floor.
He is relaxed and all smiley while you’re on death’s door💗
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708 notes · View notes
amaiaqt · 2 days
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤミㅤlike what you seeㅤ⋆ 。˚ㅤ♡ ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤflustering them by staring for too long ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwanderer, heizou, xiao, ayato, childe ! ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ( p.s. amai never proofreads)
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"anonymous order; ...can i have the prompt 'screw you and your cute face' with wanderer, heizou, xiao, ayato, and childe ? — message cut."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤi just love the idea of flustering these guys ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤthank you and hope u enjoy, xoxo ♡
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤwanderer !ㅤ
if you think the easiest way to fluster this man is by staring at him with that lovesick look in your eyes, then you're absolutely correct.
he could be minding his business and you'd take your place beside or in front of him, and after a few minutes he can just feel the way you stare at him. your eyes burn into his skin, but not in the way he'd grow uncomfortable under your gaze, instead, in the way he could feel his face heat up.
he would huff before looking up at you, about to nag you for staring, but he always finds his words locked in his throat when he locks eyes with you. archons, the way you look at him is always so hypnotizing, it makes him feel vulnerable in a way that he'll never admit he likes.
he tsks, "can't you go, i don't know even just a minute, without staring at me ?" he snaps his fingers in front of your face, causing you to hum and look away from him. no, no don't stop staring. i didn't tell you to stop. his eyebrows furrow.
you chuckled, "sorry sorry," you turn back to him, chin resting on your palm, "i can't help it when you're so handsome." and you just had to back that up with a grin. archons you were doing this on purpose !
as much as scaramouche tries to fight back the warmth in his chest and the shudder your voice sent through his body, the shaky breathe he let out betrayed him as he opted to look back to the textbook he was reviewing.
he stuttered, "w - whatever ! just stop staring so much." before burying his nose back into the textbook as you laughed at him. "i can try ~"
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤshikanoin heizou !ㅤ
in your relationship, it's usually heizou doing the flustering. and he does a whole lot of that staring too, especially when you're busy and he happens to be bored out of his mind, but ironically enough it's his weakness too. especially like this . .
the two of you had a free afternoon ahead of you, and what better way to spend it than to wind down in a hot spring ? you stepped into the water first, beckoning heizou to join you.
he turned his back to you, rather shy to take off his shirt, and you happened to make him even shyer by whistling once he slipped his shirt off. he turned to you over his shoulder, a smirk on his shocked red face, only for you to return a cheeky grin as you leaned against the rocks of the spring.
he shook his head, choosing to retaliate by teasing further. "so, you like what you see ?" he turned to you, hands on his hips with confidence that you'll be the one turning red, only to watch your eyes look him up and down. "yeah, yeah i do." you hummed, closing your eyes, missing the way heizou's face burned up again.
he cleared his throat, now stepping into the spring and taking a seat beside you, trying his best to brush off your gaze on him. since when did you know how to look at him like that ? he leans back, relaxing in the warmth of the spring and closing his eyes.
"if i get to see this sight everytime i take you here, i might just buy this entire place for ourselves." you spoke, piquing heizou's attention as he opened his eyes to turn to you, and not even the heat of the spring could compare to the heat he felt on his face as he met your gaze.
he chuckled, embarrassed, "well, aren't you bold today ?" he tried to tease, scratching the back of his neck. "why, don't you like it ?" you joked, cupping his chin to make him look at you, earning a shy smile from him. "i do, i do like it actually."
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤalatus xiao !
being new to the concept of expressions and reactions to certain antics, xiao is easily flustered, though he is yet to realize it.
"is it a natural habit for you mortals to. . stare ?" he quizzed without looking at you, his eyes still closed as he savored the rich flavor of the almond tofu you had brought him. he opened one eye slowly and gazed at you you from the corner of it, perking up to the sound of you chuckling softly to yourself. "i suppose you can say that," you waved a hand in front of you.
"more like, it's natural for us to stare at something, or someone, we find interesting, puzzling, or alluring." xiao now fully turned to face you in curiosity, the bowl of half-eaten almond tofu set on the fencing of the balcony.
there was an emphasis on alluring, he mentally noted. was that intentional ?
"i see, so, which do i fall under ?" he asked, his gaze now fixated on you with an emotion you couldn't quite decipher. you tilted your head at him, "what ?" "do you. . stare at me because i'm interesting, puzzling, or —" "alluring." you smiled at the way amber eyes seemed to widen for just a split second before they were replaced with the back view of messy sacramento green locks as the male turned away from you.
"i stare at you because you're alluring, xiao. very alluring, even." you hummed, leaning your elbow against the fence of the balcony and resting your chin on your palm ever so casually, watching and noting the way his shoulders tensed then relaxed.
he might consider being thankful that your view was locked on his back, hence you couldn't see the humiliating red he could feel his face burst into. he tried to clear his throat, his hand grabbing the bowl of almond tofu and spooning the rest into his mouth to distract himself.
"every part of you is alluring, even how red your ears are." and at your words, one of his hands reflexively came up to cover his ear, causing you to laugh out loud as the adeptus turned to glare at you lightly.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤkamisato ayato !ㅤ
if this man thinks he's not easy to win over, he is funnily mistaken.
sure he's the smoother one with words, he knows all the right words and habits to adapt to make you swoon. but other than that, he's more vulnerable to your simple antics as he lets off.
"ayato," the way you'd say his name and drag on the last syllable, as if cooing at him, how he loves it. "ayato," the way your touch would linger on him even at the lightest taps, something so simple could tug his lips upward into a grin. "ayato !" a soft hit to the back of his head caused him to turn to you, finally.
"ah - good afternoon, darling." "i called your name three times ?" "ye. . yes, pardon me. i thought i was lost in my imagination again." he admitted as he took your hand in his and kissed your knuckles gently.
you hummed, "and what was so engrossing about your imaginations this time ?" you questioned, taking a seat next to him while his hand rested on your waist, now leaning his head against yours. "you, i was just thinking about you." he hums, "you smell sweet."
and a few minutes of comfortable silence followed after, enveloping the two of you in a rare calming atmosphere, ayato's head was now laid in your lap as you stroked his hair softly. ayato then started to feel your gaze on him, by how familiar it was. he smiled, looking up at you.
"staring much ?" he teased, sharing laughter with you as you playfully messed with his bangs. "i can't help it, you're very pretty like this."
"only like this ?" ... "stop staring at me, darling, answer my question." ... "please ?"
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。゚ ⊹ㅤchilde !
now, you wholeheartedly think your boyfriend's eyes are pretty, regardless of how lifeless they are whenever he's not gazing at you like this.
but, at this moment, you can't help but find them a little bit irking. just a little bit. just a tad.
it's the third call of his name, yet he's still sitting there, chin on his palm and everything, with that smug smile on his face ! while you're here, trying to cook a full course meal, he's sitting there staring at you like you're the food.
but in his defense, is there a law against admiring your lover ? there better not be ! he's done nothing but sit there innocently, just drinking in your pretty face, because if he can't do it no one else can !
it's when you softly pinch his side—not enough to hurt, but enough to make him snap out of his daze—that he finally raises his hands up in surrender. "what, i can't ogle at my own darling lover anymore ?" he makes a show of jutting his bottom lip out in a pout, but you just huffed at his antics. "you can, if you would actually help me cook." "help as in ?" "cut some carrots maybe." "but i can't stare at you intently if i'm cutting something." "maybe that's the point."
ah, how you wound him.. kidding, a day without your attitude is a day incomplete for him. he fakes a sigh before standing up from his chair. he grabs a chopping board, a knife, and a few carrots, then gets to work.
it's a few minutes later that he feels your eyes on him, so from over his shoulder he turns to see you, in your seat with your cheek propped up against your fist, smiling at him. he grins, "now you're staring at me." "what, i can't ogle at my own boyfriend anymore ?"
he raises an eyebrow at the way you turned his words back onto him, but he laughs nonetheless before shaking his head and going back to work, assuming you would too.
you did not go back to work. he could still feel your eyes burning into his back. and he would never, ever—he would, out of the blue just to fluster you one day—admit that it was starting to shake his focus. his cuts were starting to get uneven as a result.
"are you going to keep staring at me ?" "is there a law against me admiring my handsome boyfriend ?"
alright, you win. just this once.
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ© amaiaqt, 2023 ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤdo not plagiarize !
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461 notes · View notes
chosows · 1 day
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Choso x Fem Reader
Summary: Recently in your relationship, you have taken on the more dominant role in the bedroom, letting the power trip get straight to your head. Choso is growing sick of his words being shut down every time he speaks, his emotions finally spilling as he can no longer control everything he bottled up.
Word count: 2.1k
Contains: Established relationship, smut, oral sex, cunnilingus, angry sex, penetrative, spitting, jealousy, degrading, aftercare
Note: first smut i’ve made w/ no plot ( ꩜ ᯅ ꩜;) — divider creds in tags
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Tension is heightening while you’re both in bed, straddling Choso as he lies helplessly underneath you. He allows you to take whatever you need from him; he hardly ever puts up a fight. Your hands wander under his shirt, grazing over his toned set of abs while rocking your hips against his boner. Those innocent eyes he gives you provide you with the verification that this man worships the ground you walk on.
“I want—” He reaches his hand out towards yours but you swat it away, continuing to rock your hips against him while planting pecks on his neck.
“Not now, Choso.”
“But—” Trying to get his words out was no use—you wouldn’t listen either way.
Sensing him shift, you pin his wrists down and continue your motions, whining as the build-up of friction becomes too much. There was a thin line of material between your panties and his boxers, leaving a wet patch where you had been the longest. You felt his pre-cum ooze as the wet patch spread, knowing it’s not just your slick anymore.
One thing that Choso has yet to tell you is that he hates the feeling of being taken advantage of. It’s never his way; it’s always yours. Even though you had him wrapped around your finger, there was only so much he could take before his pending outburst was to be released. He broke free from your hold and shoved you off of him, sending you backwards. Your head was inches away from colliding with the metal footboard, confused as to what was happening.
With a firm grip on your ankle, he drags you forward and looms over you, the light in his eyes darkening. From your cherished boyfriend to a man you can’t recognise, you were unsure whether to be frightened or concerned. His chest was heaving, cheeks still a bright shade of fuschia. When you went to roll away, he crushed your arms down; the weight he was exerting made you wince, prompting him to snicker.
“Doesn’t feel nice, does it?” Choso slings his shirt off, making slipping yours off light work. Displeased with your bra, he takes it off and rummages through your lingerie drawer, pulling out a red lace one and putting it on you. Tonight, you’ll be exactly to his liking.
“It’s always you. You never ask me what I want.”
“I didn’t think—”
“You don’t even know what I like because you never let me do anything.”
With no words left to speak, you remain silent while his index finger traces circles on your inner thigh. You assumed he was satisfied because he never complained, but what he is saying is true; you have never directly asked him what he would like to do for a change. He grunts, his dick desperate for attention; he can’t let himself crack for you again, not now.
Pushing his feelings aside, he lowers his face and dots kisses on your abdomen, lowering himself slowly until he comes in contact with the fabric of your panties. Using his teeth, he drags the material down, now lying exposed in his line of sight. Wasting no time, his tongue darts to your clit; your initial reaction was to close your legs, but he pried them apart while tending to you the way he had in mind. 
Choso craved your pussy; it was his favourite thing to relish in before you got too comfortable in your bossy ways. The noises coming from his mouth while he worked you up to a climax were obscene; you have never seen him so unhinged. He was pushing himself further, the grip on your legs causing them to tingle from the lack of circulation. You were gasping, unable to control the feeble moans; for the first time in a while, you felt weak. Before you could cum, he pulled away, staring up at you with your slick smeared around his lips. His hair was ruffled, a bead of sweat rolling down his forehead.
“Greedy bitch,” Choso scoffs, closing your legs while he tugged his boxers down, “Now look who’s fucking soaked. Going to cum? Doing the same thing you constantly ridicule me for.”
“Got anything to say for yourself? Or have you already said everything while you were belittling me for being turned on by you?” Choso scowled, his tone bitter. Everyone has their limits, though you had no idea how far you were pushing him.
Choso lines his tip up with your soaked entrance and forces his way in, not bothering to allow you time to adjust like he usually would. All of his anger is pouring into his actions, his thrusts harsher than the words he lashed out at you with. His head drops down while he fucked you, cursing your name as your cunt squeezes around him. Unable to support himself properly, he switches his position, now hitting deeper inside of you while his mouth rests close to your ear.
“Bet you wish I was that guy you always gawk over in the supermarket.” He grunts, pressing his sweaty forehead into your shoulder while the force of his thrusts increases, “He’d never be able to give you what I can.”
“You want him? Yeah?” Choso grabs your jaw while pulling back to glare down at you, watching you feebly shake your head in disagreement.
Using his thumb, he pries your mouth open and spits, watching how your eyes widen. He covers your mouth with his hand and pinches your nose, forcing you to swallow if you want to breathe. When he sees your throat move, he removes his hand from your lips and wraps his fingers around it. Your eyes well with tears from how reckless he’s being, a side you never expected to see.
“I don’t want him to look at you anymore. I don’t want you to look at him. Look at me.” He orders. Your eyes snap up and lock with his—vision becoming blurry.
“Good. You’re doing so good, taking me so well.” He hums, voice now silvery while your doe-like visuals twist.
“My pretty girl. You like it, don’t you? Like how I’m fucking you—shouldn’t be such a spoiled bitch all the time; look where it gets you.” Taking his words in, your brows furrow; it was as if you were disagreeing with him without saying any words.
“Don’t think you’re spoiled? I let you ride my dick every time you beg; I give you everything while expecting nothing in return—but I can’t take it anymore. You’re so ungrateful.” Choso grunts, letting a whimper slip as he feels your orgasm release. Your cum aids as lubrication, allowing him to slide deeper while you babble useless nonsense. He’s fucking you senseless, giving you the same treatment you serve him.
“Wish you’d just— Why can’t you—” He struggles to get his words out, unable to control the sounds he’s making, “Would it hurt you to show me that I’m actually appreciated?”
“I want to feel loved too, you know?” You notice Choso’s eyes watering as you come down from your high, your hand rubbing up and down his arm.
“I love—” You bite your tongue as your senses come back to you, recognizing the point he’s hitting will send you over the edge, “—Love you so much.”
“I didn’t ask you to talk.” Choso shakes his head, reaching for a pillow to cover your face. At this point in time, he doesn’t want you to look at him.
“This is my time—not yours. Every single hour of my life is yours; just let me have this.” His mouth dries up and his hands begin trembling, acknowledging the wreck he’s falling into.
“Fuck— I’ve never had you like this before. You’re so pathetic.” His emotions are a mess, now chuckling as a tear slips from his eye, “Didn’t know you liked rough sex. You told me you liked it gentle.”
“Why did you lie to me?” Choso’s thrusts become sloppy, rutting into you as he feels the coil in his core preparing to unravel.
“You know what? I don’t care. You never care, so why should I? Why should I have to care about everything—” 
Choso’s orgasm peaks, shooting cum deep inside of you while he presses his head to the pillow covering you. He mutters under his breath while holding himself inside of you, more cum spurting out despite the lack of movement. You had drained him, both emotionally and physically. He removes the pillow from your face and keeps his eyes low, providing you the chance to glance at his dishevelled appearance. In a swift motion, he stands and storms off to the bathroom, leaving you curled up on the mattress. You were sore—unable to fully decipher what happened due to the extreme mix of emotions he shared with you. You reach for his shirt and bundle it up, snuggling it tightly to your chest. 
Inside the bathroom, Choso wipes himself with a damp cloth, removing the droplets of sweat on his body. While he looks at himself in the mirror, he recognises that the situation expanded beyond his original intent. While it’s known he’s far from perfect, he tries his best to hide the jealousy he harbours. His communication has never been his strong point, and that’s something he labels to be his greatest weakness. You didn’t deserve to be treated that way, but he couldn’t help himself—he had finally burst with everything he had been holding back.
Making his way back into the bedroom felt like his ankles were tied with lead, as if the floor was swallowing him whole with every step he took. You feel the mattress dip and his cheek press against your back, the volume of your sniffles advancing.
“Hey,” Choso leans over you, moving your chin to face him, “I never meant to make you cry. I’m sorry.”
Since you remained silent, he pressed his lips to yours, trapping you in a gentle and sincere kiss. His thumb rubbed your delicate skin, wiping away the tear marks running down your cheek. Knowing he’s the person who hurt his beautiful girl breaks his heart—though he won’t allow himself to feel pity. His way of handling his outburst was unethical, but it was the only way he felt he could get the words he was struggling to say out.
To his surprise, you lean forward and wrap your arms around him, burying your face into the crook of his neck. He supports the back of your head and lies down, allowing you to rest on his chest while you regulate your current state. In this given moment, Choso felt like he truly was your boyfriend; whenever you needed comfort, you would isolate yourself, claiming he didn’t need to see you like that. It was as if you pictured him as an incapable manchild, but something in you had changed.
“I do like gentle sex. And I am sorry—I’m so sorry. I was being selfish; I liked that feeling of power I had over you, but I overdone it.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. I’m an asshole for making you feel like this is your fault. We do need to talk though.” He smiles softly, stroking your stray hairs down.
“I liked seeing you like that.” You sheepishly divert your gaze, locking your fingers with his.
“What?” He chuckles, tilting his head to attempt to see you eye to eye.
“Just a little.” 
“Maybe if you let me fuck you properly you’d like it more, yeah?” He pinches your cheek, watching your grin widen, “Let me have a say sometimes. I wasn’t aiming to yell at you; you just never listened to me.”
“I know. M’ sorry.” You pout your lips, wrapping your hand around one of his fingers and waving it side to side, “You said you liked assertive women one time and I—”
“I do. I don’t like a boot camp general though.” After saying that, the endearing sound of your laughter causes his lips to quirk up, “You need to tone it down a few notches.”
“It’s my first time doing that whole dominant thing—we probably should’ve spoken about it before I thought I was doing it right.”
“That’s fine; I don’t want you to feel bad about it. I still enjoyed it—you just wound my nerves up over time by ignoring what I was trying to say.”
“By the way, the only reason I look at that guy is because I’m convinced he checks you out every time we go to the store. He’s not my type, but I think you might be his.”
“Oh shit, I never knew. Maybe it’s best if we switch supermarkets; it’s getting messy.” Choso sits back against the headboard, pulling the blanket over your bare body.
“If it makes you feel better then I don’t mind. You’re the only man I gawk at, for your information.” You lift yourself up, hovering close to his face.
“Let’s make sure we keep it that way then.” His voice was hushed, drawing you into a kiss while pulling the blanket over both of your heads.
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kaionyx · 23 hours
I know I talk a lot about biting when it comes to marking someone, but fuck I need to be a puppy sub’s chew toy while they fight to stay conscious when i’m rutting load after load into their sore cunt.
Seeing that they’re too scared or worried about hurting me at first then telling them they can’t finish until they make me bleed, ruining orgasms and edging them constantly until they’re biting and scratching at me like some mindless fuckmutt to finally get their release. Growling at them to bite harder on whatever i’m using to hush their pleads and begs for a break, only to go faster when they do and try to somehow force myself deeper even though their poor cervix is already so bruised from all the kisses my cock gave them.
I want it to look as if we tried to kill each other with how many bloody bites and deep scratches are engraved in me by the time we’re done, all while knowing they’ll be begging to be under me and fucked stupid again within in the next few hours.
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minniesmutt · 11 hours
☾ ━━━━━━ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐲
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     It was a game to him. A little bit of cat and mouse. Who was who didn't matter? It was fun either way. It was a long game.
     To her, it was a frustration. Dealing with his misleading games. From small petty crimes to large-scale ones, he evaded her. Leaving the scene just as she got there leaving a note. 
     ‘Next time, beautiful. - H’
     A rose with every letter he left. Stumping his little hero in her tracks before he let her catch onto him. Purposefully letting her catch a glimpse of him when she came to stop him. Leaving hints till he was just within reach of him. 
      Playing his cards right to lead her to some dingy nightclub. Getting lost in the crowd. Watching her look for him till he caught her off guard. He was the cat tonight. 
     Quickly walked up behind her on the crowded dance floor and wrapped his arm around her, pulling her back into his chest. Leaning into his ear. “Don’t turn around, beautiful.”
     “Whatever you're planning, don't.” She replied.
     “Then you’ll follow me,” he told her, pulling her out of the crowd and down a hallway. 
     There was barely any light in the hallway. She couldn't even see his face. Just his silhouette— tall and slender. Shorter hair bounced slightly as he walked. 
     Making a sharp turn into a room before pulling her in. Keeping the lights off as he pushed her against the wall.  Pushing his body right against hers. Even in the dark, she could tell he was smirking. 
     “What are you after?” She asked, waiting for her to adjust to the dark to make out his face. 
     “Originally, just the thrill and money. Then you came to the city.”
     She knew that voice. Just couldn’t figure out where. 
     “What do I have to do with this?” she asked 
     “You haven’t figured it out, darling?”
     Y/n was cut off from her sentence by his lips. Those plump lips that took her forever to forget. Just confirming her guess. Only he had ever called her that nickname. 
     His lips left hers as quickly as they were on hers. “Told you we’d meet again. Just need you to want me like I want you, again.”
     Hyunjin pulled away from her and quickly left the room. Y/n followed him a second too late. He was gone as quickly as he appeared. 
     She wasn't aware he was living a double life when they met. She’d just moved to the city for work. She started her ‘volunteer work’ a few days later and two weeks later she met Hyunjin when she was grabbing coffee before work. He had come up and asked her on a date. What could go wrong?
     Maybe it was his possessiveness that set her off. Some was fine but it had caused so many arguments between them in the few months they were together. If they weren’t fighting, they were fucking.
     It wasn’t healthy so she ended things. Five months went by without a hitch. Two months ago, “H” started messing with her. Now everything was making sense to her. 
     She was happy she was off from her day job the next day. Sitting on her couch with her computer and a cup of coffee, hacking into the police department records. There wasn't anything on Hyunjin, he was good at covering his tracks so the cops hadn’t caught him.
     She jumped when she heard her doorbell buzz. She shut her laptop and walked to her apartment door. Seeing a flower delivery man through her peephole. Sighing as she opened the door. 
     “For Y/n L/n,” He said 
     “Thank you,” Y/n smiled, taking the bouquet from him and closing the door. 
     Red roses. A signature at this point for him but she still read the note sticking out from the top.
     ‘I know you’re looking for me, darling. You’ll only find me when I want you to. Keep thinking of me ♡- Hyunjin’
     The pattern repeated every week. She’d look for him but it’d seem he disappeared. His little crime spree seemed to stop, but not other criminals. She did her job in the dead of night. Leaving them for the cops to pick up later. Even though it was their job to catch the criminals in the city, when she got home in the early hours of the morning, there was always something. Notes, flowers, gifts. His attempt at winning her back. Everything but the notes was tossed.
     She had a distaste for how often he was on her mind now. She’d barely thought about him in months but their nightclub encounter was messing with her head. Then she’d drift to their good times— however rare they were.
     Maybe that's how she found herself at the same nightclub. Her eyes peeled for him but he never showed. Rather she was hit on by drunk men all night till she called it quits heading back to her apartment building. Parking her car and heading back up to her unit. 
     She sensed something off when she opened her door. Nothing was out of place, everything was locked. Nonetheless, she quietly closed her front door and locked it. Slipping off her shoes and hanging up her things while grabbing one of the throwing knives she carried out her bag to check her rooms. Just to find nothing but a gift box on her bed. 
     Slowly she walked towards it and undid the ribbon. Jumping as her phone rang.
     She grabbed it out of her pocket and looked at the screen. Unknown caller. She answered the call, pressing the phone to her ear.
     “Not gonna finish opening your present?” Hyunjin’s voice rang the speaker
     “Where are you Hyunjin,” Y/n said
     “Mhm, I missed the way you say my name,” he chuckled on the other end of the line. Fuck that laugh
     Y/n put her phone on speaker and set it on her bed while she opened the box. Tissue paper covering whatever was under it. Lifting the tissue to find a red and black lingerie set with an egg vibrator sitting on top.
     “You like your gift darling?” 
     “Are you out of your mind?” Y/n asked after taking the phone off speaker
     “Mmmm, yes. I am. But you are too.”
     “I’m perfectly sane.”
     “Perfectly sane people don’t jump from buildings every night and take out shitty excuses for criminals. Or chase after their exes”
     “I’m not chasing you.”
     “You’re not?” Hyunjin laughed again, “Then why go to that club again? Definitely didn’t look like you were interested in any of the drunks that came up to you.”
     He was there. And he was watching. 
     “Admit it Y/n, you need me. All over again. We were almost perfect together.”
     “Fighting and fucking all the time was ‘almost perfect’ to you?”
     “The fucking, yes. Could’ve done with less fighting.”
     “That’s why I left.”
     “But here you are, chasing me.”
     Y/n went to say something else but he hung up. She tried calling back but nothing. Sighing in frustration she threw her phone on her bed. Moving the box off her bed and stepping out onto her fire escape for some air. She should just go to sleep but didn’t think she would be able to. It was nearing four in the morning.
     Putting pieces together on a chilly night. Hyunjin knew where she was— not that she moved after their breakup— and how to get in. He possibly could have made a copy of her key and was using that. But there weren’t any threats or danger in his actions. He was just obsessed. Which matched with his possessiveness. 
     He was also watching her. How? She had no clue. She went back inside and checked her whole apartment for cameras or microphones. Nothing. That meant he was close by.
     Y/n went on about her life. Keeping an eye on her surroundings for him. Waiting to see if he would slip up. And he did.
     Her coworkers had insisted on going out over the weekend. A group of them going out to the club and opening a tab. Forgetting about the work stress of dancing and alcohol.
     Hyunjin followed, just as he had. His whole plan was working far too slowly for his taste. Materialistic things weren’t working like he thought. Maybe he could get her alone again. And luck was on his side. Her group had left her on the dance floor and he was behind her in seconds, hands on her hips
     “You look good,” He whispered in her ear
     “Still trying?” She laughed as she turned to him
     “You’re worth trying for.”
     “What’s your end goal here, Hyunjin?” She asked as she pulled him closer to her, just to have a semi-private conversation on the dance floor.
     “Fuck you till you’re as crazy as I am.”
     Y/n looked over his facial expression. He was serious with that devilish smile of his. Leaning in till his lips ghosted her ear. “It’s not like anyone after me has gotten you off like I have. Isn’t that right?”
     “Been keeping that close of tabs, have you?” Y/n tried not to let it phase her
     “Of course I have. Tell me I’m right.”
     Hyunjin lifted a hand to hold her chin while he locked eye contact with her, “Tell me I’m right, and I’ll give you all those pretty orgasms you’ve been missing.”
     “Fuck you,” Y/n said before pulling him to her lips. 
     Hyunjin responded quickly and let his hand rest against her neck. Smiling into their heated kiss before pulling back. “That's my girl.”
     Y/n quickly pulled both of them out of the club. Hyunjin smirked at her eagerness, letting her drag him out to the alleyway behind the club. Pressing him up against the wall and pressing her lips to his again. 
     Hyunjin moaned into her lips before flipping them so she was against the wall. Pressing her hips against his while she gripped his jacket. Slipping his tongue past her lips and dominating her mouth. 
     Y/n fought back with her own tongue till his hand wrapped around her throat. Gasping as he pulled away and looked at her. “I wonder what this city would think about their favorite hero falling for a villain's charms.”
     He let go of her and pulled her out of the alley. Dragging her towards her apartment. The two made it up her stairs as quickly as they could while Y/n grabbed her keys out of her bag. Hyunjin pressed himself right up behind her, leaning in to kiss her neck till the lock clicked and the door opened. Walking inside with her and locking the door behind him. 
     Turning her around and walking her back into her living room, lips reattaching to hers. Backing up to the back of her couch. Y/n grabbed at the back of his neck, pulling lightly at his hair while he sat her on the back of the couch. 
     “Missed these lips so damn much,” Hyunjin mumbled against her lips as he shrugged off his jacket, “been thinking about them every night.”
     “Gonna talk all night or you gonna make do on your promise,” Y/n asked
     Hyunjin smirked and picked her up by her thighs. Wrapping her legs around him, “Don't be taking an attitude now darling.” He warned as he walked towards her bedroom 
     “Thought you liked it when I had one,” Y/n teased
     Hyunjin walked through her door and pinned her down onto her bed, attacking her neck. Kissing the top of her breasts that peaked out from her shirt before lifting the fabric over her head. Just to be greeted with the lingerie he had bought her. 
     Y/n knew his ego was growing seeing the red and black lace. She could see it in his eyes and by the way he practically ripped the remainder of her clothes off her body— lingerie included— before discarding his. Pinning her wrists to her pillows as he started marking up her skin
     Y/n tried slipping her hands out of his but Hyunjin was quick to catch on and moved to hold her hands above her head in one hand while looking down at her. “Can’t behave unless you're tied up, huh?”
     Hyunjin leaned over to her nightstand and opened the bottom drawer. Finding that his toy selection hadn't moved. Pulling out a pair of handcuffs, and locking her to the bed frame. Y/n tugged on the cuffs, both of them knew how to get out of them. That’s why Hyunjin was quick to drag his fingers through her folds and wrap his plump lips around her nipple. His rough tongue flicked the bud while his thumb slowly rolled across her clit. Slowly slipping two fingers inside her. 
     Y/n arched slightly into him, biting her bottom lip to stop her moans. Hyunjin thrusted his fingers in and out of her, slowly picking up his pace. Switching between her breasts sucking, licking, biting, and blowing on her nipples. Making her shiver from the cold feeling. 
     Slowly his lips trailed down her body after getting bored with her tits. Laying on his stomach and wrapping his pretty lips around her clit. Sucking on the little bud and slipped a third finger in. Curling up into her walls. 
     Y/n slowly rocked against him as the pads of his fingers just were barely rubbing against the one spongy spot inside of her. “Fuck,” Y/n whined
     Hyunjin pressed on, finding the spot and abusing it along with her clit. Listening to her moans pick up. Feeling her legs shake next to him as her rocking became more erratic till she stilled. Warmth covered his fingers. 
     He pulled his fingers out and pushed his tongue inside her. Thrusting the muscle in and out of her as she rode out her high. However, he didn't stop once she came down. Licking her clean from the inside till he was satisfied. 
     Sitting up on his knees as he pushed her legs open, hooking his hands under her knees. “Don't got much to say now?” he teased as he wrapped one hand around his leaky cock. Pumping himself a few times before lining the tip up at her entrance. 
     “Just waiting for you to give me a good fuck,” Y/n smiled. 
     Hyunjin scoffed before sinking into her in one go. Watching her mouth fall open. He leaned down and he grabbed her neck as her mouth closed again. “You’re so much nicer to me when my cock’s inside you,” he chuckled as he pulled back and thrusted into her again. 
     Sitting back up and keeping his hold on her neck, using it to push her to meet his thrust. Feeling her vocal cords move under his hand from any whines and moans she was making. 
     “Seems like you missed having me inside your pretty little pussy,” Hyunjin groaned 
     “Didn't miss you at all,” Y/n shot back at him
     “Really?” Hyunjin pulled his hand from her neck and then pulled out of her. Listening as she whined and her hips bucked towards him. Her hole clenching around nothing, “Seems like you did.”
     Hyunjin brought his hand down on her wet cunt. Enjoying the little scream she let out. He peaked over at the open toy drawer to see what else he could use. Pulling out a magic wand and licking his lips. 
     He didn't think twice about turning the toy to the second-lowest setting and pressing it against her clit. 
     “Oh fuck,” Y/n whined, throwing her head back into the pillow 
     “You're going to start begging if you wanna cum,” Hyunjin told her 
     He kept one hand pressing the toy to her clit while he wrapped the other around himself. Getting off to the way her body shook from the toy. Waiting to hear her beg for him to fuck her again. 
     “‘M gonna cum,” Y/n moaned
     Hyunjin pulled the toy away from her clit. Laughing at her whines and pleas. 
     “Please Jinnie, wanna cum so bad,” Y/n whined, “Promised you’d give me em.”
     “That’s before you were a brat,” Hyunjin huffed 
     “‘M sorry! I missed you, missed having you inside me! Need you to cum,” Y/n rambled, tears escaping her eyed 
     “Yeah?” He asked, feeling his high quickly approaching, and pointed his tip at her wet folds, more aiming for her clenching hole
     “Yes! Thought of you every time I was with someone else!”
     Y/n gasped as Hyunjin filled her with his cock again. Immediately bullying his cock against her walls. Pressing the toy back against her clit, feeling her clench around him. 
     “Shit,” Hyunjin groaned. 
     Within a few more thrusts, he buried himself inside her. His warm cum filled her up. The vibrator slipped from her clit for a moment before he fixed the issue and turned up the speed. 
     Listening to her whines as he came down from his high just to finally trigger hers. Watching her hips buck against him. Hyunjin managed to pull out of her and pull the toy away from her to take in the full show. Smiling as she came down, their mixture dripped out of her. 
     He turned off the toy and tossed it beside them on the bed. Finding the keys for the cuffs and unlinking them from the headboard. Turning the hero onto her stomach and lifting her hips up and sinking back into her. 
     “Jin,” Y/n whined
     “You’re okay darling. Gonna take care of you all night,” Hyunjin smirked and nipped at her ear.
     Hands grabbing her wrists and pinning her down to the pillows. “Gotta remind you that you’re mine.”
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stankhole · 2 days
predictions for veilguard romances under the cut. would love to hear what you guys think will happen with the characters
confident and seems like the type that would immediately flirt back
would use assan playing cute as a way to pick up dates
later you find out the sad reasoning behind why he left his clan & joined the wardens
her wearing armor reminiscent of the shokra-taar/antaam-saar makes me think she’s a qunari still following the qun
she’s initially only interested in a physical relationship and has to work through her upbringing under the qun to become comfortable with a romantic relationship
wants to ride rook’s bones to dust after they take down a dragon the first time
she feels like she has an obligation to the inquisition/rook/varric/whatever organization she’s a part of so she’s initially hesistant to enter into a relationship. she’s been a forward scout for so long she’s used to being all work and no play so when you flirt with her she enjoys it but doesn’t take it too seriously, she’s been traveling with varric recently so she’s used to it after all
she’s also confused because of the magical powers she gains and is afraid of hurting rook since she can’t control them
you help her get control of her magic/figure out where it’s from and you bone
been raised to be a perfect assassin so he doesn’t know what to do when someone shows genuine interest in him
since he was raised to take over as the next talon, he’s used to having his life planned out for him so when he gets the freedom of making his own choices he doesn’t really know what to do
final romance flag is either after he tells his grandmother he doesn’t want to be the new talon or after his cousin finds out he’s not dead
please let him mention zevran, even if just in passing
sunny and goofball personality, likes to make their lover laugh
very intelligent, a big history nerd and would love to take you to romantic places in arlathan and give romantic ancient gifts
thrill seeker, first kiss scene happens after doing something reckless, be that a veil jump or boss fight
grandpa thinks he’s too old for you and you deserve someone younger, but when you don’t back down you realize that peepaw absolutely ~ f u c k s ~
married to his job for the past 30 years, his only friends are his skeletal assistants
manfred will absolutely walk in on you two getting busy at some point
i hope desire demons make a comeback and show up in his story
somehow knows cassandra; is like her 5th uncle 3 times removed
knows what she wants and isn’t going to hesitate if you show interest in her
but will not be fully invested in the relationship aspect at first because of her cynicism. eventually comes around when she realizes how devoted you are to making minrathous/the world a better place
has worked with dorian/ dorian is an informant for her
god bioware please give her a dwarven strap that matches her prosthetic. she’d be unstoppable 🙏🏻
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typicalopposite · 2 days
Ooooooo just thought of some double angst potential
Gerrard is giving Buck a really hard time… like just absolutely not letting up on him. It’s worse on him than everyone else but he does it enough in the shadows to make sure Buck is the only one to realize it. He can read Buck like an open book, he knows he won’t tell… everyone else is having to deal with Gerrard’s bullshit, too. So what if he is getting the blunt end of it. Better him than them.
Buck is left exhausted.
Tommy clocks it immediately.
He begs Buck to go to someone. Go to Frank, surely he can pull some strings. Go to the chief, he didn’t like Gerrard swooping in and stealing Bobby’s job anyway. Go to his team, they will 100% rally together with him.
Buck insists everything is fine. He can handle it; its under control. No one needs to fight his battle for him, and he doesn’t want his problem to become everyone else’s problem…
So Tommy lets it go… kind of.
He goes to Bobby.
He feels grimey going behind Bucks back but he doesn’t know what to do and Bobby is already working with the higher ups—who’s heads were all gone over in the whole scheme to keep Bobby gone—to get his family back. So that’s how Tommy ends up outside the house Bobby and Athena are renting.
“What do you mean Gerrard’s doing something to Buck…” Bobby asks, voice low and threatening in a way Tommy doesn’t think he’s ever heard it before. He’s instantly up and looking for his keys.
“Wait, stop!” Tommy blocks the door and Bobby gives him a warning look, and yeah… Tommy sees that adopted father/son feeling definitely goes both ways. “I don’t even know if I’m right about this… Buck won’t talk to me. He won’t talk to anyone.”
Flash forward and Bobby meets Buck for lunch. He doesn’t think he’s ever seen Buck look so empty and distant. He just wants to hug him and tell him it is all going to get fixed—he doesn’t know if it is… he’s trying but this all seems so much bigger than just an alleged discipline deficit…
“Talk to me, kid…” Bobby finally says. “Whatever is going on… we can work through it… you don’t have to deal with it—”
“Alone?” Buck finishes for him. He turns bloodshot tired eyes up to Bobby and lets out a halfhearted laugh. “How can you even sit there and say that to me like it’s not exactly what you did…”
“Hey, that’s…”
“Don’t you dare say it’s different!” And then his eyes are tearing up and he’s shoving back from tables and storming off… but Bobby knows that the only thing he has to show for trying to keep his problems away from the people he cared about… was a slew of new problems that directly affected the very people he was trying to protect.
“Buck stop!” He yells and jumps up from the table to catch him. Buck stops walking; Bobby could swear he looks relieved when he turns back around. “You’re right, kid… I hid a big thing from you—from all of you… and I was wrong. It was stupid, and selfish… and it backfired big time,” he offers a smile… Buck gives one back. “Don’t make the same mistakes I did. If something is bothering you… speak up.”
So it turns out Gerrard singled out the one person who—in his words—had already “turned his back on his team”. He’s been trying to get information of the others, on Bobby… hell even on members from other stations (Harbor specifically included) who have helped them in the past with their brave(read: illegal) escapades. Buck won’t give in; Gerrard won’t give up. He is trying everything to get under Bucks skin from just the horrid homophobic slurs… the blatant racism he has Buck terrified to speak up on… putting far to much of a work load on his shoulders… to getting his hands on Tommy’s schedule just so he can make sure Bucks never lines up.
Bobby is LIVID… he won’t let this man—this monster—get away with this. “We’re gonna get rid of him once and for all…” he vows to Buck.
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sunny-mercya · 2 days
Poly! Billy Loomis & Stu Macher x Male Reader
Fandom -> Scream 1996
Requested by -> @silentlycoris
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»My daddy is a nurse and he once told, always help when someone needs help.«
That had been your sole and only explanation you had given Billy and Stu, when they asked you—after you ushered them inside your house—why you treated their injuries when they're Strangers to you.
It was a night to be remembered of how they both had meet you—it happened after one of their very first testing out kills, just measly murdering back then, wanting to see how it goes—testing the waters—and if they improve on anything.
What neither of them had calculated, that one of their test subjects of killing had been a bodybuilder and the man—much larger in height and more muscular in shape—did put up an good back fight, which did ended in him being dead anyways—but also Billy and Stu getting injured.
In the unholy hours of night, when they wandered out of the alley—in a town a few miles away from Woodsboro—tracking a walk of two hours back home, Stu whined all the way—till they reached the first line of houses of Woodsboro—like a small child, about to have a tantrum any moment, Billy's ear off—complaining about the pain and the blood and how stupid that idea was.
Billy, rubbing his temples—trying to ease his splitting headache—scoffed loudly at his friend, telling him to just shut his mouth and suck it up—jaw clenching in building annoyance.
There just some minor issues of injuries, nothing big to whine about and neither is there a need for going into the hospital—wouldn't be really a good idea—as they could bandaging themselves up just as good.
When passing a few houses—looking so ominous looming without any real streetlights—Billy and Stu flinched visibly, out of surprise, when a Dog started to bark and came—from the small bits of garden they passed—running towards them, sniffing as they're fresh butchered meat—than again, with blood on them, they might be.
»Dallas! Dallas my boy whats wrong?« you came jogging out the door, clothed in baggy pyjamas, when Dallas didn't returned and continued with his barking outside.
Once close enough, you raised your eyebrows at the two strangers—not expecting on your tonights Bingo list of nothing spectacular happenings, to have these strangers—covered in blood, you assumed at least, with the nonexistent light out here it was hard to tell—passing by your house and getting jumped by Dallas.
»Are you....you two alright? You look a bit beaten.« you waged with yourself to ask such, personal, question—whatever happened was not your job to snoop in.
»Your dog's named Dallas?« asked Stu, pushing Billy a bit away to get near to you, ignoring your question completely and his momentary whining of pain—too intrigued on your dogs name, wanting to know why choose such a name.
»Uhm yeah, it was the only name which seemed to fit and click, when he had been just a pup years ago.«
Normally, Dallas would've barked up a storm and snarling his teeth at anyone—who isn't your dad or a very close friend—when they come far too near into your personal comfort bubble zone—and this tall strangers before you, had already crossed such bounds, but Dallas seemed to be okay with it.
»Stu. You're towering again. Stop that, you skyscraper.« Billy pulled Stu, by his hoodie, away from you—giving you a small nod.
»You two seriously seemed to be injured and I don't wanna overstep here any line, but just come inside and I'll patch you two up.«
With that being said, you grabbed them both by their hand and dragged them back inside.
»I hope you brought me some pizza and Fanta as a payment for me patching you two up, once again.« you said teasingly, when Billy and Stu came through the kitchen backdoor—calling out for you and Stu being overexcited to see Dallas again, although you three had seen each other this morning and afternoon already.
»You getting real pricy here, babe.« Billy grins, licking over his lips as he goes into the living room and setting down onto the couch.
»Oh really? With the amount of medical supplies you and Stu are wasting, because of your little secret what the ever-fuck, I should actually raise my prices of payment much higher than it is.«
Your voice was laced with amusement, getting the wipes of disinfectants, cooling creams and gauzes out—already inspecting Billy's minor injuries.
Ever since the night you first have patched them up, Billy and Stu dropped by two days after—saying their thanks and gifting you chocolate and dog-treats.
Then they keep visiting you, getting to know you better and better over the long summer and persuading—trying at least—to transfer to their highschool instead of going to the one in Flintstocks.
And somehow this blooming friendship, over the last two years, turned into Billy and Stu dropping by also in the late nights—whenever they're finished with their whatsoever secret kinda hobby—to get patched up by you as posses the medical knowledge and you're—by Billy and Stu's teasingly opinion—their favourite nurse.
»[Nickname]! I wanna be patched up first! Billy went first last time already!« Stu whines, he was good at such antics.
You sometimes teased, that Stu reminds you of a overgrown puppy which way too much energy—rivalling against Dallas, when it comes to your attention and affection.
»Well, then how about moving your ass here into the living room, Stu honey?« chuckling, you called back to him—sharing a knowing smile of amusement with Billy.
Like being said, you're indeed their favourite Nurse.
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venturebeeloved · 2 days
Lifeguard Venture HCs
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DON’T WORRY VENTURE NATION. I WILL HELP US COPE WITH THIS TRAGIC LOSS! This is definitely not me coping from not having venture content. Definitely not. Hope you enjoy!
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TW: none!! This is very fluffy <33 like this is genuine fluffy brainrot. Reader is implied to be GN but can be whatever!
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• For starters, they are definitely coworkers worth the rest of the baywatch squad (that’s what I call all the lifeguard skins now.) and they’re absolutely stationed near the ice cream stand.
• Probably looking around all the time! Can’t stay still and focus on one thing. They’re super attentive, though! They’d probably hone in on a kid getting too close to the water just to make sure everything is okay.
• Wears really funny sunglasses. Not like your average pair but those really funny tourist shop ones.
• They always have a smudge of sunscreen somewhere. Whether it be on their nose, chest, or back. They never manage to wipe it all away first try.
• Then along comes you!! And oh boy can they not keep their eyes off of you. Not like openly admiring, but they find their gaze drifting towards you when they have nothing to do.
• if you’re a coworker, they get ecstatic when you’re stationed next to them! They always want to spend their break near you, eating lunch or getting a drink.
• Do NOT flirt with them while they’re on the job, they will lose focus and flush brighter than any sunburn would be capable of.
• Needless to say, if you’re drowning, they’re saving you in an instant. Like leaning over you trying to make sure you’re okay. Nobody has ever seen them so distraught.
• Ice cream date? Ice cream date. They’ll talk all about how sand is formed and maybe take you beach combing for shells.
• Mauga is not a lifeguard, he probably runs the tiki bar. He and Sloan fight like siblings, constantly trying to one up each other. Very competitive volley ball!
• So imagine Sloan just walking by Mauga with you, a dumb yet smug grin on their face because they landed someone like YOU!
• If you find a piece of sea glass, you are keeping it, and now Rosetta has a partner!
• Maybe they’ll take the day off one day so you can have a proper beach date. You want to build a sandcastle? They’ll be the best architect ever. You just want to relax? Lay beside them or in their arms. You want to go into the water? Don’t expect them to play fair when the water guns come out.
• They make sure to educate you in proper beach safety, including very uncommon threats like washed up jellyfish or whales (VERY unlikely, but they just want you to be prepared!)
• Pet names would include “my pearl”, “my treasure”, and “my sunshine”
• If you have top surgery scars, that’s alright! Sloane has them too! They encourage you to not be ashamed about wearing a swimsuit that shows your scars. If you still don’t want to, that’s okay! They want your comfort.
• At the end of the day, they’ll wait for you at the beach and walk home with you, holding your hand and telling you stories of things that happened before or during the day!
• They’re glaring at anybody who is staring at you, or trying to flirt with you. That person is lucky they’re on the job so they can’t truly protect you, but that doesn’t mean they won’t blow your whistle or try to keep you near their chair.
• THEY DIG HOLES IN THE BEACH! Their favorite thing to do is dig, dig, and dig! If they find anything under the sand, they give it to you as a gift.
• They’re like those brown Labradors that come back golden after digging in the sand
• Call them a golden retriever they’ll melt
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my asks and requests are open!! Feel free to drop ideas. I have an idea for a marine biologist reader x lifeguard venture HC / Drabble, so lmk if you’re interested in that 🐝
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mal3vol3nt · 2 days
This is kinda a long read. But I wanna ask your opinion on this. I see this one post saying Zutara is a purely female fantasy and that’s why so many people hate it. Basically saying it was made for girls, by girls, it has everything a girl wants in a relationship and “When people attack the idea of Zutara, this is fundamentally what they're attacking-women and girls wanting better for themselves in a relationship.”
Now I am just a man. But I think this argument especially the latter part is such a reach and a cope. I don’t see how shipping a fanon ship is some big feminist thing. There are women I know who love Kataang (and if you ask me most of what they’re describing Zutara is actually Kataang in disguise) and there are some guys who like Zutara (which is perfectly fine as long as you don’t write a slave-fic about it like this one guy.
Call me insensitive, but it seems like this guy has some weird victim complex.
Here’s the link BTW:
i agree with you anon. i think it’s very silly that these people think a fandom ship is the peak of activism/feminism. such a claim, dare i say, reeks of white feminism, especially when you take into account that the ship they’re claiming is “so feminist” is a relationship between a canonical colonizer and a victim of genocide
the things the op of that zutara post listed are all very westernized “issues” that they claim shipping zutara is supposedly fighting against while also praising western standards, such as saying that zutara is for the girls who want to be with a man they’re attracted to, directly saying that aang is unattractive because he doesn’t fit western beauty standards whereas zuko does. as well as saying zutara is for the girls who want passion in their relationships, directly saying that zuko’s hot-headedness and western masculine qualities are hotter than aang’s pacifism and him being a monk. this claim is also pretty on par with how zutaras sexualize the relationship between zuko and katara, which i don’t even want to get into for obvious reasons. needless to say, i think all of these claims are very very stupid and so obviously come from someone who gravitates towards the racism of the show. sorry not sorry
these claims also come from someone who twists aang’s character so that they feel more justified in hating him, and who twist katara and zuko’s characters so their ship works better. because at no point in the show does it ever feel like katara is changing herself to be with aang, as if she would ever do that (i can tell this is a southern raiders argument—i swear these people misread and latch onto everything). at no point in the show does it ever feel like katara is unattracted to aang, especially since she’s the one who initiates both the first and the last kiss between them, is constantly touching him, and gives him kisses on the cheek in a way she doesn’t do with any one else (she also audibly gasps when she first sees his tattoos in episode 1, which could be read as just her being shocked because she’s never seen airbender tattoos before, but considering the fact her crush on him develops quickly by the beginning of book 2 and she marries him, i wouldn’t be surprised if she also liked the way they looked). all claims that fall back on katara forcing herself to be with aang for whatever reason are projection because 1) katara would never do that. she is not the kind of girl to force herself into any position that doesn’t make her happy, and we see her actively set boundaries with aang in canon, so she is obviously comfortable making her wants known, and 2) katara clearly doesn’t see things through the same lens as her so-called fans. just because you had a crush on zuko doesn’t mean that katara should too, and just because aang isn’t your type doesn’t mean he can’t be her type. yall are projecting onto her
the whole “zutara is for the girls” and “kataang is the male gaze” is so stupid because no, that’s not how that shit works and is a take that is so very american/western that i fail to take it seriously. and yes, i know atla is a western-created show with a western-intended audience, but the characters in the show aren’t and i feel it’s important to acknowledge that
now, i’m a girl (or a woman i should say, 19 years old lmao). and i live in a very patriarchal society and have dealt with sexist standards being forced onto me from my latino culture and family my whole life. it didn’t, however, take long for me to realize that i was unhappy with that way of life and have actively detached myself from it, instead gravitating towards fighting for and recognizing my freedom to choose. this is a freedom i believe all women should have, and i have dedicated myself to learning of the injustices women go through all over the world and do my best to fight against them from where i live. i detest the patriarchy and all things created that demean women or force them into any one role. i am also a lesbian who hardly ever thinks of men lmao. yet miraculously, i am a kataang shipper. according to these zutara stans, im a misogynist who prioritizes male pleasure and happiness. yet from what i know of myself, that’s not at all true. i couldn’t give less of a fuck about patriarchal standards and actively avoid them in the media i consume as much as i can. but i think kataang is cute and i turn away from the thought of zutara, so either one of two things are true:
kataang is for the girls and zutara is the male-gaze
or fictional character shipping has fuck all to do with activism and the kind of person you are in real life
i’m gonna go out on a limb and say number 2 is correct. whether you’re a zutara shipper or a kataang shipper, i don’t think that’s an instant tell of the kind of person you are in your real life. it’s not an actual tell of what you value and yall look ridiculous trying to paint one ship as better than the other on an innate moral level
at the end of the day, this is fandom shipping. you can be a horrible person who engages in shipping content and still be a horrible person at the end of the day regardless of which ship suits your fancy. cause it doesn’t fucking matter. neither of the ships are morally superior to the other in any way that has importance in the real world. yall need to get offline i swear
now personally, i think kataang is an infinitely better ship than zutara for many reasons that i have discussed before, so yall will never catch me saying kataang and zutara are equal in any other context but this one lmao
also saying any colonizer x colonized ship is superior will never be taken seriously by me. you can enjoy those kind of ships all you want, but they’ll never be my cup of tea and that doesn’t make me or anyone else anti-feminist or whatever the fuck insult zks throw out. i just prefer my ships to be between people who haven’t wiped out the other person’s race
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matan4il · 3 days
my congregation's music tech played a beautiful song today and I thought you'd like it, it's called Olam Chesed Yibaneh / Build this World from Love by Rabbi Menachem Creditor
It was so BEAUTIFUL. I'm still in tears and it's been 20 minutes lol.
Hi Nonnie!
Oh, I absolutely love this rec, thank you for it! Here it is on YouTube, for everyone to hear, because it's so soft and gorgeous indeed. Sending you lots of love and hugs, dear! xoxox
Oh, and to share something back, I think I meant to post this song here, but never got around to it? But it's so stunning, I couldn't forgive myself if I didn't share it here at least once. This is the concert with the biggest ever number of musicians playing together in Israel. It was recorded at the Caesaria Ancient Theater. The song was written before Oct 7, but got a whole new meaning after it... Months after I've first heard it, this performance still strikes a chord, and I'm not over it, especially since 120 people, are still being held hostage and denied the peace of returning home, some to get their last, eternal rest.
And I hope it's okay if I add here another ask, because they both felt like little gems...
Happy Birthday Alice!!! I don't say a lot on here but I read you all the time. Thank you for the effort you put in. Your post are always educational but soft and moving. The story you told about someone complaining about you to the director. I literally wanted to fight them for you. I can tell the goodness in you so it was shocking to think anyone could misunderstand your words. I know it's stressful right now. I hope the hostages are released and Hamas is removed so you guys can start the healing process. Happy Birthday!!!
Thank you so much, sweet Nonnie! This is really lovely of you. I can't tell you how much it means, to hear your perspective on my posts, and why they have value, even when I myself am not entirely sure there is any, and I mainly write because of the need to express certain things and get them out. It makes me content I can help in whatever way, and happy that I got to come across wonderful people such as yourself, who are a reminder that there are still so many good, caring humans out there, despite those doing their best to prove otherwise. And those bday wishes from you, I don't think I've ever hoped for any to come true as much as I'm wishing that these ones will. Thank you again, you're so very kind, and I hope all the good in the world comes your way! Love and hugs from Jerusalem, you have a friend here, always. xoxox
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icycoldninja · 2 days
Hello!! This is my first time writing to someone.. but your work is so cool! It's my birthday today, if you have time can you write something on this topic with Vergil, and maybe other boys if you want? not fundamentally NSFW or SFW. I’m generally a girl, but the reader can also be gender neutral. you can write some headcanons, or.. in general, whatever you want, I will be glad even a small headcanon or just a congratulations😺 you don't write anymore 👉👈
Oh, thank you, that's so sweet. 💜 Happy birthday!
Vergil x Reader birthday headcannons
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-The first thing Vergil does for you on your birthday is.....drum roll please.....nothing.
-He knows the importance of sleep, and how rare it is for an adult to get a full 8 hours of it, so he lets you sleep in.
-Of course, this is all so he has time to get breakfast ready, which he will do right after taking a short 15 minute nap with you wrapped up in his arms like the warm little burrito you are.
-Later, he sneaks out of bed and creeps downstairs in his puffy rabbit slippers, not bothering to take them off, and flips through your recipe book, trying to find something simple yet delicious that he can make.
-Good news is, he found one: pancakes. Even though these are perfect for beginners, they're a nightmare to flip and can easily get burnt.
-Don't worry though, Vergil has the reflexes of a ninja and a samurai and manages to get your pancakes onto a plate with minimal damage to either the food or the kitchen.
-When you wake up and come downstairs, he will greet you and offer a quiet "happy birthday" before giving you a quick hug and a kiss.
-What happens after you guys eat is entirely up to you. Do you want to go out for a walk? A trip to the store or park? Or do you just want to hang around and watch TV all day? It doesn't matter, Vergil will do anything and everything.
-Later in the afternoon, you guys make a cake together. Several flour fights later, your birthday cake is ready, and it doesn't look half bad.
-After eating dinner, Vergil ominously wishes you a happy birthday again, because you were in the dark, sitting in front of your cake with candles, and he sounds more menacing when you can't see his face.
-Once you've blown out the candles and made your wish, (shh, don't tell me or it won't come true) Vergil gives you his present for you, a silver, heart-shaped locket with the words "My little love" engraved on the inside.
-The rest of the night is spent however you want. You guys could go out to explore the town, visit Dante, or you could just stay in and enjoy a quiet little celebration. Whatever you choose, Vergil's happy to just be with you, and he knows you feel the same about him.
-Happy birthday!!!
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johnslittlespoon · 3 days
DISBELIEF]: after the receiver has done something completely unexpected (and reckless) the stunned sender cups their face in their hands while trying to get them to explain why the hell they did it.
gale x john??? i loveeeeeee them
prompts | tysm for the prompt request!! turned it into a little rewrite of the escape scene in the finale :') ~800 words of emotional angst and comfort below the cut. <3
Gale hadn’t felt good about John being the last to join their small group in their escape, but he knew there was no way in hell John would let Gale be the last to go, so he’d reluctantly parted from him.
As soon as he’d heard a harsh shout only seconds after he stepped away, he knew he’d been right to feel apprehensive, fighting against the urge to run and pausing to look at John instead. His heart had lurched, watching as John seemed to freeze up, torn between running after Gale and running at the guard.
Gale had sworn under his breath and steeled all his nerves to lunge back toward John, grabbing his arm and giving him a harsh tug, a desperate plea of his name.
It had been enough to shake John out of whatever reckless self–sacrifice he’d been debating before the guard could get a clear shot through the sea of bodies in the alleyway, the two of them running arm–in–hand to the wall, with Gale far too scared to risk letting go of John until they were well over the barricade.
Now, grass blades whipping at their boots and the night blanketing them as they approach the forest line, bullets hitting dirt too close for comfort with hollowed thuds, Gale kicks himself for ever letting go in the first place, the distant shouts a reminder of what they’ve just dodged. His heart pounds as they crash through the trees and frostbitten underbrush, following the silhouettes of George and Bill until no one’s legs can push them on any further.
Gale can only stare at John in disbelief as they all sit around on the cold ground fighting to catch their breath, and John pointedly refuses to meet his eyes, like he knows exactly what Gale’s thinking about.
It’s only once the other two are asleep with John and Gale taking the guard duty shift that they finally have a moment alone. Gale watches John where he leans against a tree, studying the rigid set of his shoulders as he looks off into the dense woods, seemingly lost in thought. Gale exhales heavily, breath coming out in a cloud in the cold night air, and then he wanders over to John’s unmoving form, not even getting a turn of his head at the sound of his approach.
“Some watchman,” Gale says quietly as he reaches John’s side. “What if I’d been a guard sneaking up on you?”
John breathes out an attempt at a laugh that falls flat, scuffing his boot against the dirt.
“Y’think I don’t know the sound of your footsteps by heart?”
Gale’s own heart clenches at that, but he steadies himself, moving to stand in front of John so he can’t avoid looking him in the eyes anymore. John looks uncertain, nervous, cagey, but as soon as Gale reaches his gloved hands up and cups his face, he softens, tense jaw relaxing.
“John,” Gale murmurs, searching his dark eyes pleadingly. “What the hell were you thinking?”
John’s face twinges as if Gale’s concern inflicts actual pain, and he shakes his head gently, not enough to knock Gale’s hands off.
“I wasn’t,” he says gruffly, voice thick with emotion. Gale wants more than that, even though he already knows; he wants to hear John admit he was thinking about sacrificing himself, so that he can tell him how stupid of an idea that was.
But John presses his cheek against his hand, a silent apology, lashes dark against his cheekbones when he lets his eyelids slip closed, and Gale’s anger melts away, replaced by desperation.
“Don’t do anything like that ever again,” Gale whispers fiercely. “Promise me.”
John nods, swallowing hard, blinking his eyes back open to meet Gale’s with weighted sincerity.
“I promise, Gale.”
“I can’t lose you, John. You know that, right?” Gale presses, stepping forward. John looks reluctant to believe him, but he seems to resign himself to doing so when Gale doesn’t waver in his conviction.
“Can’t lose you either,” John mumbles, a hand toying with the hem of Gale’s sweater, giving it a gentle tug to bring him closer.
“Well,” Gale hums, lost between John’s lips and eyes. “Guess we better not do anything stupid then, hey?”
“Guess so.”
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copalcetic · 17 hours
“We asked for a chance to defeat the Sith, and we failed."
This is what Kanan tells Ezra when Ezra asks why Yoda sent them to Malachor, and it haunts me. They asked for a chance, and Yoda gives them one, and they fail. And after that, as far as I can tell? Yoda writes them off. Yoda never appears to them after Malachor; Obi-Wan, when Ezra turns up on Tatooine, tells him "You're in the wrong place," refuses to help the Rebellion, and sends him home. All Yoda and Obi-Wan's eggs are in one basket, and that basket is labeled "Luke." Kanan and Ezra are on their own.
It would be so easy for them to give up. They're not the chosen ones; they failed their test. Who could blame them?
But they don't. Kanan works through his depression, Ezra comes back from the dark, and they keep fighting. It doesn't matter that they'll never defeat the Sith. It doesn't matter that the battles they fight are insignificant on the galaxy-wide scale, that no one really cares about Lothal except them and their friends. It doesn't matter that the structure of the Star Wars franchise means they'll never even be a footnote to history; by A New Hope, no one will remember them.
What matters is that the fight is worth fighting, so they're going to give it all they have.
This is why I love Rebels, and all the other bits of Star Wars sandwiched between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. We have lots of stories, as a culture, about people who vanquish evil; we don't have nearly as many that valorize people who fight battles they can't win. We watch these shows and play these games knowing that the protagonists won't defeat Vader or the Empire, knowing they're living in the wrong place and the wrong time, and we learn to care anyway. We learn that even impossible fights are worth fighting, that every skirmish matters even when they're not what wins the war.
We need more media like that. Because most of us are never going to be the ones who strike the final blow (if a final blow even exists) against climate change, or bigotry, or whatever battle we're fighting. And it is so easy to give up hope, and so important to remember that the struggle matters, even when you fail.
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idontplaytrack · 1 day
Prompt idea- Regina tells everyone at the party she is in love with Janis when she is drunk and she publicly apologizes to Janis but she is with Aaron and he is a dick about it. Janis defends Regina.
The One That Got Away
Regina George x Aaron Samuels(ft. Janis + Damian, Gretchen and Karen)
Warnings: alcohol consumption, coarse language, angst
Regina drunkenly admits that Janis is the one that got away. Aaron’s not happy about it
They were all gathered at Regina’s for a hangout, after having not seen each other in weeks, some haven’t seen each other in months. College was great, but also incredibly busy. Now that the whole gang was on spring break, well, they could all finally take a break.
Regina was already tipsy when the rest of the bunch started to arrive, and were subsequently met with a very stressed out Aaron. “Dear Lord, you didn’t want to wait for us before you got started?” Damian grumbled.
“My house. My rules.” Regina laughs. Damian squints at her, then at Aaron, “Man, good luck dealing with that tonight.”
“You guys will be here awhile.” He lets out a laugh, “So…I won’t have to worry about that for a few hours.”
The bunch started off their night with card games, then board games, then puzzles. All of them gradually started losing focus from the games and started getting absolutely wasted. The puzzle pieces were soon abandoned, and chatter filled the spacious room.
“Guys, remember when I made fun of Janis?” Regina asks aloud, causing all of them to just collectively fall silent.
“Babe, what— I don’t think you should be bringing that up right now.” Aaron chimed in.
“Why not?” The blonde asks, “I want…to apologise.”
“Regina.” Aaron sighs, fighting back an eye-roll. Janis notices that immediately, glaring at him very not-subtly. “No, let her talk.” Janis spoke up, “Why shouldn’t she bring that up? She has a good reason to.”
“It’s old news.”
“Well, it happened. And not to you, so I think you should shut the fuck up and—”
Regina cracked a smile hearing the profanity, Gretchen and Karen looked at them, worried. Damian was simply enjoying the building chaos but also— worried a little about Janis spiralling afterwards. Gretchen quietly took away Janis' bottle of beer, and thankfully she didn't notice. "It was a fucked up thing to do, regardless of the reason why. I never should've done that, I never should've made things hell for you and lost you as a friend as a result. It sucked, having to figure out who I was while I envied you being so unapologetically yourself. Pushing you away the way I did was no help to either of us. I wish we could turn back the clock and I would've never done any of that. Things would've been so different. You truly are the one that got away. I'm sorry, Janis."
"Seems very sober of her to me." Damian remarked.
"She's drunk off her ass." Aaron scoffs.
Janis huffs, "And what? That doesn't mean she can't speak. 'A drunk mind speaks a sober heart.'"
"Whatever, I'm out. Good night."
"Don't need you here if you're gonna be a dick about an apology to someone I care about, Aaron. Scram." Regina added on. With that, he got up from the floor and left slamming the front door.
Janis pondered over the girl's words before saying, "Thanks for holding yourself accountable. I'm sorry for lighting your backpack on fire. I just felt so betrayed having the person closest to me at that point in my life make fun of me with the whole school. I had no one for a long time, even though I had Damian. i did not like that change...I missed us. Our friendship, what we used to do, how much time we used to spend playing and laughing together. All of that— gone."
"Please, that backpack was ugly." Regina laughs, "Actually I should be thanking you for lighting that tacky backpack on fire."
Janis sighs, then chuckles.
"We're good?"
"We're good." Janis confirms. Regina opened up her arms, approaching the brunette. Janis, though taken aback, still stood up and accepted the long awaited hug. "Thank you for hearing me out, Jay."
"It's what we should have done in the first place. We're moving on to a new chapter of our lives soon...I'm just glad that one's finally closed." Janis swallows her tears, "Maybe you should go look for Aaron—"
"I'll talk to him in the morning. He was being a fucking dick about this whole thing, he can wait. I'm just glad I have you back in my life without all the tension."
Janis allowed herself to smile, though hiding it— poorly. Regina nudged her playfully, "Sit down. Gretchen took your drink."
Janis sulked as she plopped back down into her spot on the floor, "Gretch. My drink."
"I don't think you should drink anymore tonight, Janis." Gretchen frowns, studying her face carefully.
"I'm fine, this is worth a drink, right?" Janis looks at her.
"I guess?" Gretchen squints, shrugging, "Alright, here you go. Slow down."
Janis grins, reaching out to grab her half-empty bottle of Kona beer. "Thanks."
Gretchen couldn't help but smile seeing Janis being so...smiley. "Cheers."
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🏷️ Tag list:
@ashecampos @auliisflower @cheesysoup-arlo @frogs00 @ludoesartnstuffs @pda128
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fairy-verse · 2 days
Tell me about the nightlight! Whatever comes to mind, there's no rush. I want to know what his relationship is like with killer, dream, error, and ink.
The wind howls and the days of early autumn sing and dance as leaves rustle and fall to the ground. Through holes in the ground the wind enters gently and passing over root and dirt they come upon a secret room; deep down, but spacious. Crystals and chimes hang in silken string from the roof and softly flutter to the touch of the wind, stirring the fairy laid on pillows large and small. Sleepy sockets reveal dim eye lights, though they come alight as Nightlight awakens to the sound of a new day. This one must be filled with moments of light rain, because the air that tickles his bones smell lovely, and he softly takes a deeper breath to savour the scent.
The crystals chime above him, and he sighs. He wonders what he will read today, perhaps one of those fantastical fantasy stories that are full of magic and romance; they never fail to make his mind wander and fill his heart with wonder.
Not caring to change out of his nightly sheer silks, he stands to wander across soft wooden floors, all polished to a near mirror image. Taking a goblet and filling it with fresh moon water, Nightlight drinks heartily. After he takes a few bites of the various fruits and berries laid out on the rounded table, some grapes, a few apple slices, a little strawberry, and some nuts. The fruits will run out soon, so Nightlight takes the time to savour their lovely taste. More will come next summer, but the wait is long, and he’s always enjoyed fruits and berries the most, though some honey on freshly baked bread is also delicious.
Nightlight begins to think aloud as he slowly eats his breakfast. “Will you come and see me today, Nightmare? Will you bring your charming guard, or will you surprise me with Lumin again,” said he, closing his sockets as he smiled softly, “Lumin always has such wild stories to tell. He reminds me of a wanderer in some of the books I read, always seeking adventure, always hungry for more sights to see. I’m sure he’s seen so many places on the island already, but he’ll wish to see more, I’m sure,” he said.
Nightlight began to think of Nightmare’s guard, Killer, and a faint flush crossed his pale cheeks. Killer was so different to the firstborn, so strange and lovely in his mortality, yet so charming in his way with words. The lingering looks he’d cast Nightlight’s way whenever he’d come to visit never failed to make the fair fairy feel light on his feet, and the kisses of parting he’d give his knuckles made his chest tickle pleasantly.
“Perhaps he’ll be busy with you, Nightmare,” said Nightlight, speaking to the charms and chimes who still sang above him, their twinkling lights casting specks all over the room. “You’re still calling in autumn, my other half. I can feel it, my soul is working in tandem with yours. I hope it became easier for you, after my return,” said he.
No, Killer would stay at Nightmare’s side for as long as he stayed outside, so perhaps Dream would come? Perhaps he’d bring Ink and Error with him, too, like last time. It’d been such a pleasant surprise, all three fluttering down the passage and into his rooms. Dream and Ink were so upfront, so eager to decorate him with kisses and warm embraces, speaking words of light and dreams alike. Error still held back, sometimes, acting oddly shy in Nightlight’s presence, but never resisting when Nightlight approached to hold him.
They all have lived centuries without him, have gone through traumas and terrible fights, yet he remained the same; a memory come back to life. It had been such a shock to them all, and Error had been the one who’d needed the most time to take it all in.
“He hesitates, my other half,” said Nightlight, and laid down upon the polished wooden floor, stretching his arms above his head and sighing as he cast his eye lights upon the twinkling crystals up above. The roof glittered, the roots appearing more like living fingers interlacing together to keep the hardened dirt from collapsing down. “He’s still afraid. He must fear that I shall wither away once again,” he said, and instead laid his hands above his chest, over his heart. “He is so cold, Nightmare. Even as I hold him, he’s so cold, and he’s unsure when he goes to hold me back. I wish I could help, but just my presence brings him pain; memories of that horrible day, I’m sure.”
The crystals twinkled, and the chimes sang.
“But…” Nightlight sat up, and he looked around the room, filled with tall shelves of books, tables decorated with trinkets and odd recreated big folk objects, the swirling stair that led to another room, the various archways leading to hallways into other rooms for him to explore over and over, and of course, the flower from which he’d been reborn through, now filled with pillows and tapestries made of silk, wool, and cotton, all soft and delicate; made for a fairy going to sleep.
“I believe it brings him… that it brings Error, Dream, and Ink as much peace as it does for you, Nightmare, to know that I am safe. To know that I will always be here,” said Nightlight, and closed his sockets as he smiled gently. “And that is good enough for me. I do not need the outside world.” He stood up, and as his pale wings dragged along the floor with each slow step, Nightlight came to stand in the middle of the room, beneath the glittering chandelier, hanging low with its pale blue, purple, and pale crystals, glowing dimly yet casting an ethereal light upon the room.
“I only need you all to come to me, to see me, to smile at me, to hold me, to kiss me, to sing to me,” whispered Nightlight, nearly singing as he danced slowly, holding around himself, “Come to me, and I shall forever be happy.”
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