#bro why couldnt I have had someone cool
youngpettyqueen · 1 year
the moment when you remember who you based your haircut on in your early transmasc years and it isnt even anybody cool
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pwnyta · 8 days
...You were so intimidating dude....
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Aizawa and Michael! in falling into Kurogiri!!
Really I thought this was gonna go so hard....
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Award for MOST CUCKED BY A VILLAIN goes to...
You coulda been that villain obsessed with Toshi but Hori plays too much.
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Award for DAMN ALL MIGHT IS THE ONE!!!! goes to....
Im a proud All Might stan NGL...
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Award for MOST OUTTA POCKET PUNCH goes to....
Holy shit Tokoyami!! GET HIS ASS!!!! (Im also a proud Tokoyami stan!)
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Phantom All Might!!!!
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Stain Shoto and Iida!
Theyre too damn good!!!
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Toshi bless..
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Award for BIGGEST INCEL goes to...
Bro was so mad Stain and Toshi had their weird whirlwind romance while beating the fuck outta him he killed Stain and took his quirk to make Toshi regret it... CRINGE....
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This Delaware SMASH!
LMAO.... Hori you needed all the space in the world why did you do this...
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Award for I MEAN HES KIND OF A BRO FOR AN NPC goes to....
??? Whoever this dude is?
Good for him. Have a trophy! All Might stan to All Might stan!
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Award for THE BABYSITTER OF ALL TIME!!! goes to...
Dont you think he'd be more useful on the field....
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...Im so proud of you my beautiful son!!!!
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Feels underutilized like a lot of characters!!
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AND WITH THAT WHIMPER!!!! Here concludes the BNHA awards (unless anyone wants me to add more categories!)
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chickensoup1025 · 1 month
Onto Bubbler...
Before it starts I wanted to say I have beef with Nino in this episode cause he makes his best friend's birthday about his hurt feelings and it's annoying and he didn't even get him a present
It was actually pretty nice of Plagg to try to give him that present
We love Sabine on this blog
Did Nathalie not even try to get him something herself??? She practically raised him!
Y'all should throw a small party at school if a house one isn't gonna work
Marinette is beyond thoughtful for MAKING him a gift.
Are you seriously telling me Paris's Teen Sweetheart didn't have a fan club that is celebrating his birthday at all? He's not getting letters in the mail? Or fans coming up to him at school? Or MORE people telling his dad to throw a party/throwing one for him??? This episode is just. Idk man.
Marinette has been a called a push over in the last two episodes (and this is the SECOND EPISODE) so it's amazing to see how far she's come!!!!
Bro. Nino says he's gonna go to Adrien's house and Marinette and Alya are in the background. Cut to only Marinette and Alya at Adrien's house. Did Nino get lost????
Alya can you please tell Adrien later that it was from Marinette?
Wild how Gabriel really did come out to talk to Nino. Ohhhh he wanted to make Nino an akuma. Gotcha.
DONT SIT ALONE AND BE UPSET NINO. THIS ISNT ABOUT YOU. BE WITH ADRIEN. HE WAS JUST TOLD ON HIS BIRTHDAY THAT HIS BEST FRIEND COULDNT EVER COME AROUND HIS HOUSE AND YOURE JUST GONNA WALK AWAY??? GO BACK TO SCHOOL TOGETHER AT LEAST????? Speaking of, that photoshoot was super quick? And why was he dropped off at his house? No way lunch break is that fast???? Go to school??????
Ugly ass akuma
Gabriel seriously made an akuma who specifically hates and is mad at him 🤦🏽‍♀️
What even counts as an "adult" here? 18+ or like out of university or like old enough to have kids or-
I'm a Nathalie hater I dunno yall I can't believe her this episode.
Just a weird ass akuma
This being his first party makes me wanna cry.
I think Ladybug should be allowed to use her power selfishly like this more often.
Did no one hear when Ladybug said "yours truly"??? It was pretty loud
No one knows how old ladybug and chat noir even are so people might be imagining they're also just stuck in bubbles lol. Oh god, if Adrien and Marinette were adults then they wouldn't be able to transform like that out in the open and THIS COULD HAVE BEEN SUCH A GOOD PLAN TO TRAP THEM OR FIND OUT THEIR IDENTITIES HAWKMOTH JESUS. What you have to do is: Bubbler brings all the bubbles together so you can see them all in one spot. Have Bubbler WATCH, not just throw a party. If someone inside transforms then great! You know who they are. But if LB and or CN show up anyway then you know they're not an adult and that whittles down your search BY A LOT.
Girl is pretty brave for writing "Love, Marinette"
Nathaniel has some Shuichi energy hm
Cool moves...
"But adults keep children, safe, and protected. They care for their kids, they love them!" "Most adults do, anyhow." JESUS CHRIST WAY TO GO STRAIGHT FOR THR HEART
Him throwing his staff for her to swing her yo-yo around was completely unnecessary-
You can really see how the stakes change between the beginning and end of the show. "Oh I'm stuck in a bubble for awhile and just have to wait an hour at most to go back to my normal day" to "oh the world is ending"
Adrien is such a good boy...
One day- NO ONE HOUR of no adults and suddenly every thing everyone is trying to mail will be late for another week. Huh
Marinette didn't take the credit 🥺
"You're amazing Marinette, someone Adrien will see that too." Cut to not even a full season later Adrien leaning back in Marinette's desk chair, "You're amazing, Marinette."
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OKAY turns out gram has a Big Gay Crush on black and is not in fact secretly dating his girlfriend lmao
also yoks persistence in finding unar is so fucking funny like bro ran into a burning building to save this guy hes never met (which, a valiant thing to do obviously) and even without seeing his face hes instantly entranced ?? and hes like i gotta find out who he is no matter what im not gonna give up no matter how long it takes all from that One interaction they had and he keeps finding him and hes so obvious its embarrassing tbh :/ turns out his guys a cop though so we'll see how that goes 😭😭
also also i really like seans girlfriend shes cool as fuck i wanna be her when i grow up . + the thing at the end where those masked motherfuckers got black fucking got me by surprise even though it was obviously coming lol
why didnt he go with Something (anything) to defend himself with though 😭😭 which probably wouldnt have helped in the long-run but STILL
also i dont think i trust todd very much tbh :/ i mean he seems like a pretty chill dude but k also wouldnt be surprised if he was the one who orchestrated the whole black getting injured thing 乁⁠(⁠ ⁠•⁠_⁠•⁠ ⁠)⁠ㄏ except that seems too obvious so idk But i cant wait to find out
ajfnsklf i only watched one episode this time but i Couldnt Help It i Had to share my thoughts :P
omg the Gram/Black/Balck gf (who I cannot remember the name of) love triangle is so good but also doesn't have the most satisfying resolution I don't think.
Yok is so me in meeting the guy one time and becoming obsessed lmfao. I also love that Unar is a cop cause it adds so much to the activism and conflict of trying to make change from within a system or choosing to work from outside it. Which is really one of the big reasons I like the show, it explores all the challenges of activism and how different types of activism all have pros and cons. Someone on reddit descibe the show as being "political but intimate" which I think sums it up quite well.
Namo is one of my favourites, I'm pretty sure she's Seans ex? their relationship is honestly really ambiguous.
Really interesting that you don't like Todd, though to be fair he is rich (in contrast to Blacks gang) which is immediate bad vibes.
Dude you are seriously binging this and I love that for you. making me want to rewatch it AGAIN.
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stinkgh · 9 months
I just finished the Scarlet & Violet DLC The Teal Mask (scarlet) and I think this is one of the dumbest stories we've ever had in a while. And I don't mean the Ogrepon and the Loyal/Toxic Three Legend, but more so Carmine and Kieran are just fucking dumb as fuck and got on my last ever ending nerves and playing messenger as a part of the game was really annoying to deal with.
Carmine's tsundere attitude got on my last God damn nerves and as someone who had to grow up around unstable mental health like that was not cute to witness her straight up bullying and threatening to hurt her little brother and everyone else like that. Like where are your parents and what is the deal with ur home life babe cuz your eggshell attitude is toxic as fuck. And also like bitch you think ur all that and a bag of chips but you're literally dog shit compared to Penny, Arven, and even Nemona had better depth and development than Carmine could ever dream. And you rollin with a Champion Level Bitch aka ME. So you can keep talking smack about ~oUtSiDeRs~ but you need to put some RESPECT on Paldea's name cuz u keep making a fool of urself and I'm embarrassed for you at this point.
Kieran on the other hand, is one of the most 2 dimensional Eren Jaeger ass wannabe characters we've seen in a while and when I say Eren Jaeger I mean in the concept that Eren had one objective on his mind the whole damn time and that never changed until he knew the truth and then it became genocide. And all Kieran talks about is Ogrepon this Ogrepon that until he hears the truth and then suddenly he's turning on us??? Like WHY IS HE TURNING INTO A VILLIAN JUST BECAUSE WE DIDNT TELL HIM A FUCKING BED TIME STORY LIKE HUH??? Bitch YOU STOOD THERE AND HEARD UR POP-POP SAY WHY WE COULDNT TELL U THE TRUTH U DUMB FUCKING BABY... cuz you was gonna run head first and TELL EVERYONE AND GET URSELF IN TROUBLE you fucking IDIOT... and what does he do??? HE TELLS EVERYONE.
Idk they just piss me off so bad. Like yeah it works out in the end but my God these two siblings are horrible and the worst part is that they're actually kinda charming by the end of it all and that just PISSES ME OFF EVEN MORE!!! Carmine actually takes us seriously and starts acting like a big sister would and Kieran actually takes on a big responsibility all by himself in order to grow and challenge himself to keep up with us. LIKE FUCK OFF CUZ YALL STILL ANNOYING AS FUCK AND I HATE THAT WE'RE EVEN STILL HERE WITH U ASSHOLES. this has been the most absolute mediocre ass school vacation of my entire life but hey at least I got an OgrePON PON WEI WEI WEI PON PON WEI PON WEI PON PON reference in a few times so~
Another thing I'm not really satisfied with is just how much the festival took a back seat to everything else going on. Like I LOVE the forced linearity of going through the day searching for signposts and Ogrepon lore. But why didn't they force us back to the festival square each night for a different event each time???? THAT WOULD HAVE MADE IT SO MUCH BETTER, THATS WHAT I WAS EXPECTING TBH. Like Ogre Ousting is fun and all but what about a live performance at the playhouse? And maybe a parade float down Revelers Road? FOR A STORY THAT FOCUSES ON A FESTIVAL THE ACTUAL FESTIVAL SURE DID PLAY A MINIMAL ROLE IN THE STORY.
Overall I'm actually enjoying it despite the yelling lmao
I do have to wonder why they keep showing that .. mole? Thing on Kieran's neck... is it just a mole? Or is it something toxic.. has he been controlled? Are we looking at another Lusamine and Nihilego toxin situation?? Tbh I doubt it bc there's no other outward signs Kieran is being "possessed'... like his eyes aren't different colors and theres nothing else visible about him to suggest it. But goddamn they keep showing that mole and I'm like... okay... cool mole bro.... wtf lmao
Also Briar is a Pokemon in human form from Area Zero just like Geeta is. Their true significance will be shown in The Indigo Disk.
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linalavender · 1 year
[Spoilers] Jojolands Chapter 5: November Rain. A Rambly summary.
WOW! What a fucking exposition chapter that was I love it. We get a deepening Mystery on the Diamonds, See November rain in action, Jodio in action and Someone other than Jodio mentioning Mechanisms?!?!? Were getting into the over arching plot and theme here how exciting!
The timer is immidiately set to 10 minutes as Rohan calls the cops, and Dragona Grabs the diamond once more, Only to hear a clink in the coffee-cup at the dinner table in the distance. I'm so eager to see the true mystery of this Diamond. Rohan seems to know about its properties though, as the money Usagi stole is too removed from his pockets and back to Rohan. Araki makes a point to have Dragona point out that he said "Returned" when he grabs the money, I dont have any idea what that could mean yet but its interesting!
As Dragona is about to be tied up with the zip ties they brought to the mansion we see it, Its Raining in the dining room. November rain has come if you will (couldnt help myself, sorry!)
The Ability is still fascinating and a mystery to me! He seemingly rained in the entire room but concentrated its weight not only to seep trough a carpet completely fine, but then to be heavy enough to go trough the Concrete floor after the fact, and in such a small area too!
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Rohan is ofcourse caught very offguard by this and Jodio is Quick to Tie him up, The Tables have Turned! And we even get a Jodio pose as a bonus!
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Looking cool I must say.
The gang ofcourse furious and ready to kick Rohans Ass Jodio is quick to stop them, He has a big respect for Rohan, and some Big questions.
The gang discusses the diamond, how the police is on their way and that he knows their faces. Rohan simply mentions that they are in far bigger danger than they would have been in if they just let Rohan capture them. Intriguing.
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They are being chased now, they got way to deep into something they didnt know about.
Jodio remains calm in the situation though, he beleives he has the upper hand. He even asks Rohan to call off the Cops, resulting in this cute callback to part 4
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I like Jodios character alot so far, Hes cool and collected, when he feels like he has the situation under control he almost has this like Surf bro attitude to him. Like the "Heyyyy man, chill out~~" vibe, I like it!
He keeps ranting on about Rohan Senseis works and how much he likes them, Even mentions what I can only assume be an obscure oneshot, Real superfan Jodio here! lol
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Until ofcourse he gets real serious, He wants to know the answers.
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The Lava in the Safe. What is its signifigance? The mere mention of it has Rohan SWEATING. Jodio really actually had the situation under control. He understands the Rocks incredible importance, Because why would it be locked up alongside a 6 million dollar diamond if they werent important?
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Jodio ofcourse after revealing his knowledge offers Rohan to reconcider his refusal with the threat of destrying the rocks should anything funny happen to them. He even escalates the threat by immidiately smashing one of the rocks! Ofcourse Rohan panics and with this reveals the important fact that what Jodio says was true, the Lava is incredibly important.
Now for the most fascinating part. As The gang is about to Leave Rohan urges Jodio to stay to talk to him in private for abit.
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Aparently the Lava comes with alot of responsibility, and you must not lose it. Why exactly?
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Because of its 'Mechanisms'. Yes, Someone other than Jodio mentions the Mechanisms. And most importantly, Rohan hasnt read Jodio with Heavens door, he doenst know Jodios goals or aspirations, or his knowledge of the mechanisms. Yet he mentions Mechanisms and his desires to be Filthy Rich.
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Jodio asks once again about the true nature of the Lava but Rohan doesnt elaborate, Its Jodios own journey to discover its Mechanisms. Rohan isnt out of the Story yet, and warns Jodio to not trust his friends. (Watch Usagi somehow be the only one he could trust, that would be kinda funny)
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Usagi ofcourse steals an original drawing of Pink Dark Boy and Jodio almost seems jealous rather than worried lol. Paco was able to get the diamond out of the Villa but... The Cat... Or should I say Cats, doesnt seem to let that slide.
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Seems an Autonomous stand is protecting the Diamond and theyve made a terrible mistake.
Ive loved Jojo Lands sofar, Jojolions start was abit more jumbled and confusing but I feel like with JojoLands we got a way more structured start and we already have a clear goal to strive for here instead of "But like... Who Am I though?"
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zooone · 2 years
mutual love!!!! inspired by @gaytoadwithapopcicle (anon love will come tomorrow,,, ,.,,.,.,.,, im tirired)
@lyssys - oh my goodness where do i even begin. um. the whole reason why im even here???? the whole reason why i love logging onto tumblr?????? the whole reason that im inspired????? uh. hello??? literally greatest person ever. ive said this before but they remind me of mumza and niki... as caring and sweet and open as mumza and as beautiful and empowering as niki!!! the best of the best... huge inspiration for me,,, and im lowkey still shocked that she was my first mutual and she (wonderful amazing beautiful lyss) asked me (rambling bozo) to be moots! but nonetheless it was absolutely amazing ofc!! i worship them soso much. deserves the world <33
@sardonic-the-writer - insanely similar to lyss'- where do i even begin. i used to literally freak out to your amazing writing. again, v v surprised that they (absolutely cool, insanely talented sardonic) asked me (someone who used to reel over their work and inhale it like air) to be mutuals!!! aaa i remember when they first asked,,, i recently hit 100 nd was playing guitar when i saw them ask to be moots! i had to put my instrument down so i caan get up and jump w joy :)) but anywho very very talented! and accepting as well, i dunno how they were able to withstand me and lyss spamming them w scrunkbut /affectionate. also the whole reason i have like half of my mutuals :DD couldnt have done it w/o u man :)
@gaytoadwithapopcicle - MY MANNN!!1!!!!! my pal my guy my brotherein my homeslicicle my bro...... another instance in which i got rlly happy when they asked to be moots!!! like okqoabajwjsjwmwnwbsmdm this insanely cool person wants to befriend me???!!!?!???? i was shocked, to say the least. but toad is so so so cool!!!!!!!!! im exteemely flattered to be their first mutual and i hope i made a well first impression of how it feels to have a moot!! but v v v kind and sweet and respectful!! i feel v safe and welcome in their dms and theyre the coolest absolutely
@harbingerofheartbreak - yet another moment that i was shocked when she asked to be moots (man, i really am a fuckin loser, huh? /pos) honestly one of the most, if not the most, talented writer i know. the grammar they use is immaculate whilst also being still comprehensive,,, the way they show emotion is picture perfect,,,,,, and to say that way she writes stories to flow so well it blows me away is an understatement!!!! if they released a book id be the first to buy /hj,,, but aside from their amazing talent, they're also so so so sweet too! v supportive of others work, and wont hesitate to be the sweetest ever!!! aaaa i love em sm :)) <33 /p
@gh0st-b0ys - a huge issue i have w myself is that i often think im too annoying, by ghostly never made me feel like that. id post something absolutely idiotic, and still get happy when they would like it!! didnt matter what it was, as long as i get a like from them, everything is alright :)),,,, also they said that they idolized me?!?2!1?1?1??1?!3?1!!?2! wtf!?2!?!????????!1!1?! /pos waaa i cant express into words how happy that made me feel.... i idolize people all the time and to know that someone is like that towards me makes it sm easier to get out of bed. and even tho we havent had a lotta interaction between each other,,, i just wanna let em know that theyre insanely cool :Dd
@pebblebrainlovejoy - proud to say i watched them grow 💪💪💪💪 i feel like a proud older sibling whenever i see their blog. i remember seeing one of their newer works (cant remember what it was but at the time it only had like 2 notes) and i thought "this is actually amazing,, this persons gonna blow up, i swear." and they did!!!! and im so so so proud of them!!!!!1!!1 honestly, i love seeing their blog on my dash and it makes me the happiest whenever i do. absolutrly amazing writer as well!!! i respect them not only as a mutual vut as a writer definitely. cant even describe how happy their work makes me,.,,, like its amazing,, i would recommend it a thousand percent to people absolutely <33
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jerek · 2 years
alright. bonus lore time. i literally never thought anyone was cringe if i ever had a problem w u it was ALWAYS about wrathion.
since fall 2021 ive developed a new talent which is my cortisol randomly spiking and making my stomach too acidic which can and has made me vomit 10 times in a day and put me in ER-level pain and i think it has something to do with the lil polycule of rpers i was with back then.
roster was, iirc (at the time)
26 y/o male / nb
38 y/o female
mid 20s male
mid 20s nb
early 20s female
19 y/o me
18 year old nb
26 year old was the one who made the discord, roleplayed anduin, the rest of us were literally self shippers with ocs. (except me i played sylvanas)
was a SHIT ton of wranduin in there!!! i'm not evil though so i put up with it. i asked once can they please stop putting wrathion porn in there, they were like "thats cool bro i respect your triggers" and put it in a different channel still accessible for the girlies who love to trigger themselves.
so like. heres where the mysterious food poisoning came in. when i say 'dissociative' i may not mean DID as diagnosed by a trained professional after 15-20 tests but like. i couldnt even express to a therapist how shit i felt bc i was not consistently the same type of person between appointments. if you make me come in every week, next week i will not remember why i felt the way i felt last week. i'll vaguely remember what i said, but she's not me anymore lol.
and sometimes it's THAT, the true saint norman experience, sometimes it's possession (thinking other people's thoughts) and sometimes it's dreaming but girl SOMETIMES it manifests as like.
Imagine going up to norman bates and telling him he cares too much about his sick, declining, codependent mom.
Me but when you smack Wrathion I feel it. He's a metaphor for me. I think in his voice. I damn near pray to him ig, being a mormon I can tell you he is the only reason ive ever felt 'the spirit.'
Cringe? Yes!!!!! Out of my control? Yeah 😭
There is no center to my being. i dont identify as anything. i'm not the name my parents gave me, but i am the characters i use to puppet out whatever emotions. Internet sexting for so long has eaten away at my boundaries so much there is no longer any reason for her (who i was born as) to exist or for me to relate to her.
Rping in that group gave me so much dopamine I couldn't sleep, consistently had the feeling that my stomach muscles were splitting down the center, migraines. Literal food poisoning symptoms. It was really fun still!!!!!
And then when the wrathion shit happened like. Whispers of nzoth in the back of my brain started tickling my self defense instincts for no reason. No reason bc I had put up with literally everything including the wrathion shit, the only difference was I personally didn't enjoy wrathion porn.
I knew I was irrational. Not liking a certain type of porn is one thing, I was fighting off the old gods trying not to start some shit.
Prob shoulda communicated! Communicating last time gave me a trigger myself button though. Literally the [triggered] meme.
Eventually you get the feeling that shit is going down the drain whether you like it or not. The rp's stopped, everyone's switched to FF and your laptop can't run it. It's all just kinks, someone posting once or twice a day with "imagine li-li stormstout [redacted]" getting reacted with 😏 emojis.
So I posted screenshots bc I knew the other half of the world, the one with everyone else in it, would feel as alienated as I did. I'm back in 2015 as a 13 y/o dominatrix prude and I want the feeling of 'we know what's wrong' I got from the ER. Literally went to sleep 5 minutes later because I knew I'd be guillotined.
I wake up and I have no idea why I did that. It's been years since I tore off the chunk of me that will do literally anything to be included, those two halves don't communicate anymore.
But shit's fucked now!!
It was always about wrathion. Literally always about my shitass fixation on blizzard's favorite 7 year old to unbutton the shirt on. Girl why
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judeslovaa · 2 years
1 heart only // Jude Bellingham x Reader
about: Southgates daugther Aniyah/you started spending more time at his job and discovered mad shit
warning(s): none
summary: Jude always tried to get near you.
Guys break is over, as you guys know it now was more than 5 minutes. Coach introduce this beauty, someone said but you couldnt hear it. This is my youngest daugther Aniyah. And shes gonna be taking lessons from 1 lucky guy. We have to choose the most non busy guy. someone whos worked hard enough. Guys Jude or Phill, Father asked. His little cew was thinking till they chose. Master we choose Phill Foden he could learn and teach. Phill was laughing at Jude while he sat quietly. You felt like shit. Dad i think im more safe with Jude i said. Well im the 1 to choose and its Jude sorry crew.
Me and Jude had the time of our lives, now why ask if u could be with Jude? You see Jude and Aniyah had been friends for 19 yrs/since birth. Our mothers went into labor at the same time same room but hes a minute older. You see theres only 3 mins left i need to talk to Declan, mm see ya. You went to dad and told him all i've learned from Jude. Sounds cool, he left. Meanwhile with Jude: Declan and Jude were arguing about you. Bro shes all red flags, shes got 16 ex's and never realized ur love for her, i mean u always trusted her when she was sad and she got a new boyfriend the next month. For 16 months you've suppoted her boys even tho you knew they sucked. But i love her always and forever.
2 hours into your lesson and it was done. But now u have to ride the bus home. Jude sat next to you. Hey wanna watch me play tommorow? Free for mi amoe only. Aniyah never understood his heart, i mean she took it as a joke since Jude was like a brother to her
Watching Jude play and score 4 goals in the first half she ot a message that boke her. Before Jude left she ran to himand cried till his yellow jersey got all wet. He boxed 2 guads and took her into the lockerroom, everyone stood with them and asked how she was. Gio even gave her his coat for sweetness but she just cried it all out. L-Luka broke up with meeeee she said cying. Jude was so mad he ruined 4 tables. If Jude got mad at halftime they'd win 70000-0 and you finally realized how lovely he was. She hugged Jude so hard and crying still over that model designer actress guy. He blushed and the locker room was crazy. YOU MADE IT!!! Karim who was in the shower that whole time, said. Wait is that An- yes schlotterbeck stopped him. Jude what happened ur tearing up. What, for my sake? I'm so sorry Jude, i love you i'd never wanna see u cry. He ran to the pitch and there Luka was. Jude ran up to him and screamed, WHY? What man? You broke Aniyahs heart, little cunt i'll kill u. She spent more time with u anyways. Jude slapped him hard with the whole crowd watching. The game had started and Jude scored 8 goals almost breaking the nets i mean ending up with 12-0 aint 70000-0 but its good.
Omw home Jude told you to sleepover to clear my mind. you got a heartwarming welecome by Denise and Jobe but Mark wasnt home. Denise made a whole spa with face masks towels and pedicures. Jobe Jude and you were watching a movie then u fell asleep so Jude brought u to his extra room. Im in love with you but u never knew, goodnight.
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namuneulbo · 11 months
week eighty-six
i was so busy on sunday so i couldnt post in time. sorry!! ill write and post this now at 1 am on monday. it was a good sunday though, cute person at the till but i got so flustered i forgot to look at their last name when i ided them so i just know his first name and middle name loool. went to the bar after work w c, l and s. we then went for food and ate in the school cafeteria. a cute security guard came after a while and asking for us to show our keys to prove we could be there lol.
ive been listening to loooots of saosin. im so in love w their stuff. so the sotw is obvious hehe.
okay now ill go through the week in order lol.
monday i dont really remember. just work.
i had a shorter shift on tuesday, only four hours! afterwards i met up w e and e and we walked around town and then had some food and then went to some shops. it was fun and time went by so fast.
on wednesday i thought id have to rawdog the music quiz and just go alone and hope id find someone ik there to play w BUT c came home just in time so she joined me along w d, e and s. s left before the results and d and e left right after the results. we did HORRIBLY!!! we came like,, 9th ??? out of 14 probably?
s joined us afterwards and m also joined in after a bit. i thought it was a lot of fun but apparently ive now gotten the news that s is... a bit weird. idk, i always thought my friends were kind of,,, making him seem worse than he is but ig im starting to understand what they find so odd ab him and back on wednesday i still enjoyed his company. after talking for a while, m left to go to another table and c and i were left w s. h joined us at one point and omg i was so excited ab it, i think hes so cool and cute and sweet and i kind of fangirled internally. like truly its not like a crush or anything, hes just so sweet and funny so i was so excited to talk to him. THEN..... D JOINED??? idk if ive talked ab him too much on here but basically hes just this bassist dude whos so fucking cool to me and ive never spoken to him and before this i hadnt even sat at the same table as him or stood within the same circle as him. ig this experience was quite humbling though lol i think i made him up to be more talkative and louder than he actually is. nothing bad ab that i just realized ive probably made him way cooler in my mind than he is irl. hes just human lol. hes still cool to me though but i need to mention that its funny that c had literally said to me like “girl, ur hyping him up way too much. hes just a man.” and now i was indeed proved right. he is just a guy lol. its kind of become an inside joke by now though and i like that ive created that correlation to him now so itll always be in the back of esp c and ls minds. i did fangirl a lot when he sat down at our table out of nowhere though and it was so funny bc c kept giving me a look.
d left quite quickly to go to talk to others and after a while me, c, h and ss convo turned into a film bro convo bc apparently all three of them r film bros and i havent seen like,, any movies so they started listing movies from every era and of every genre that i had to watch and it was so funny. after they had been listing stuff for a good 15 minutes they finally said dead poets society and i could finally be like “IVE SEEN THAT ONE”. i then watched interstellar the next day... no reason why i specifically watched that one...
after watching interstellar on thursday, i got so inspired to go learn cornfield chase on piano so i ran to school at 12 am but obviously it was closed. i knew it would be but sometimes the gates might still be open or something so there r loopholes but yeah, not this time. i checked every door lol. i still havent gone to practice it. i practiced a little bit at home on the keyboard but it sounds so bad and its so hard to play, mainly ergonomically.
friday! played sims all day and then went for a drink w t. we then went for a walk and then got some food to end the evening. i love them sm <3
saturday was work again but it was a five hour shift that went by pretty fast and it was such a weird shift lol. theres this guy that comes in every now and then and weve always had this little tension between us, like a pretty obvious romantic tension. i remember all the times hes been at the till while i was working. one time he was also just in the store while i was fixing some shelves, i think i was specifically organizing cat food? anyways, first time, i actually cant remember fully if it was him but im pretty sure?? idk, like i said, i get flustered when i see pretty ppl so i just remember a BIG tension and his hand shaking a bit when holding his card to the card reader. second time he bought cigarettes and i ided him and TURNS OUT ITS A GUY I WENT TO ELEMENTARY W LOLLLL. hes two years older than me and all i remember of him is that he used to show me gore on the computer at the after school thingy we were at. honestly shaped me a lot as a child probably. i wonder if he remembers me from that as well. anyways. he bought food some other time too and i remember just really feeling the tension still. like its sm fun??? like how u can feel that we both find each other so attractive yet no one says anything apart from just smiling and doing like a specific type of eye contact and just like idk... speaking in a certain tone ig??? its sm fun. hes so hotttttt. anyways on saturday he came in twice, once w his friend (who i also know and hes not a great guy sooooooo) and that time his friend was just buying cigarettes but he stayed away for some reason and like fully turned his back to me lol idk what that was ab but then after an hour or so he came in alone to buy some quick meal and the tension was back. i think he mightve genuinely just avoided me the first time bc he didnt want his friend to know??? or am i being totally delusional rn?
later that shift d shows up. THE d. we were both as surpised lol i just looked up from my phone when i heard someone start piling up stuff on the conveyor belt and then i meet eyes w him and his eyes widen just as much as mine and hes like “hi!” and im like “hi!”. we dont say anything else but it was just so funny and i keep smiling lol. hes so iconic to me. maybe a little hot too but like mostly iconic. i think. he is QUITE hot though... like to be fucking fair....
THEN omg. this was so fucking funny and i laughed ab it for the rest of my shift. this guy came in to buy alcohol and he was young so he showed id before i even got to asking him for it and his name is literally the same as w, my crush. FIRST AND LAST NAME WERE THE SAME??? what a fucking coincidence??????? it was so funny and i had to keep myself from bursting out in laughter in front of him it was so fucking weird. i didnt think w had THAT common of a name. like yeah first name sure, one of the more common ones for his age but like first and last name??? woah.
anyways, thats a fucking wrap.
sotw: saosin - racing toward a red light
0 notes
Ya no it's crazy how life goes. I find it amazing that at one time in my life I had to make an appointment to see my grandkids cause I was doing dirt and respected my family enough to clear my house out because you don't want them to feel uncomfortable or get them involved in illegal things or even be around it. Yet I'm supposed to be uncomfortable if I wanna see mine. For once in my life according to some I'm doing right I'm busting my ass daily I don't have to worry about illegal shit I own my first car, at 50 legally I have my own place, I pay my way because someone believed in me and wants good for me. It floors me to see people's true colors. Abuse a child it's cool, we forgive you. But be uncomfortable and not want to be involved in things you don't agree with or be around someone ya know purposefully have done things to make your life harder. And still do. regardless if they shit on your family name. Like it was nothing. Man if all I do is stay away cause your in the wrong or ya cant respect me then then what's the issue I'm not that Scott there always has to be something wrong with so you can egerly fix. I don't need your fixing that roll for you is obsolete. You will not do me wrong and because of having nothing or no one I stay or forgive and forget. For the last twenty years I did what you preached to people and the ones I love I couldnt Do. Like my lifes a game. I'm doing what ya said you wanted but it's always gonna be something from the shit shitty things you tell people to the shitty things you have done behind my back to make my life harder. Just because I don't say anything doesn't mean it hasn't been brought to my attention. Over and over. The things is even thru all of it. I'm still here. The easy thing would of been to not be here. I've grown thru it all. Every down and every up. After this month I will not be a convicted drug dealer. For pot. And I get non of that time back the way it effected my life. In this small town. My best bet was to leave. But I didn't so if my kids and grandkids aren't important to me then why why for Heaven sake am I still here I'm sorry I haven't done things that you needed from me. I didn't even do things how I wanted them done for me. Can't it just be he fucked up his whole life. And is still trudging along staying a float be enough? Really for fucksake. I've learned we aren't all the same. People talk a big game. And watch it happen. There is a code on the streets but you fuck with mine and there is no code. I've learned Most don't stand on it. They lie, lend a hand, overlook it because they don't wanna get involved, or get things, it makes
life a little easier. Are you shitting me really. If I didn't love my grandkids then why do I question my family's sense. You have children. Ya just gonna let that slide. Dad? 💯. You gonna get yours right, tell yourself whatever you want . The sad thing is that peace a shit is taking yours to the grave . ... And your letting him. You have had years to get that back so I no my knowledge goes unheard. Ya got your family involved, your wife's family involved. You lost a loyal friend probably many to be honest. And someone that loved you truely loved you for you bro. To my son and oldest. Thank you for your forgiveness thru the years and understanding it's a learning process and for the knowledge that there has always been someone who loved me. And was there. No expectations just Ones of love. I'm so proud of both you becuase you overcame many things. You have always been you. You have made mistakes and own them...... That's a very important quality and you learn from it. You have compassion for others. To ci, I have always loved you. But I'm aware we also don't have to like eachother. We have that right. I miss you very much but I don't even no if that person exist anymore. But I pray someday the you I new before life changed you. Or molded you finds it's way back. I hope you realize owning it let's it go.
0 notes
kindnessisweakness2 · 2 years
Perfect Chaos -  Part 1
Angel’s face dropped instantly as he watched Jake throw his arm around the shoulders of a smiling Riley. He hated seeing them together and it was no secret. Well not a secret to anyone else, but Riley? She never noticed him. Angels stomach twisted like he had been punched in the gut and he had to turn away as Jake leaned down to kiss her. Fucking Jake. 
“Hey man, Grab one of Vicki’s girls. Distract yourself.” Coco nudged Angel as he leaned against the bar. You wouldn’t believe it but Angel hadn’t been near one of Vicki’s girls in months. Thats how EZ, and Coco knew this was bad. Angel shook his head as he took a swig from his beer bottle. “Nah Bro, think i might just head home.” Coco couldn’t hide his frown. It was a Friday Night and the usual lively Mayan party was in full swing. It was barley 10pm and Angel wanted to leave already! Before Coco could stop him Angel started to make his way towards the door. He couldn’t sit here for much longer. He couldn’t bear to watch them together. 
Making his way towards his bike, preoccupied with searching his pocket for his keys, he didn’t hear her voice. Jumping out of his skin when her hand touched his arm, Angel couldnt help the swear words that left his lips. His heart thumped in his chest at her cute giggle and pink cheeks. “Sorry i didnt mean to make you jump.” Shaking his head Angel nodded smiling at her to let her know it was ok. “I was acutally going to be really cheeky. Is there any chance you could give me a ride home? Jake said he’s got to stay. Club stuff.” Angel couldnt help his eyebrows furrowing in confusion and anger spreading through him. That piece of shit. There was no Club business. The asshole just wanted to stay late so he could spend the night with one of Vicki’s Whores. It was beyond Angel why anyone would want to do that when they had a girl like Riley on their arm. Fuck, she was perfect. “Did Jake tell you to ask me or did he want someone else to take you? Because if your not comfortable coming with me i can get a Prospect to take you?” Riley smiled at him, shaking her head. “Jake did say not to ask you, never said why. Probably didnt want me to disturb you, But your leaving early anyway. If your cool with it that is. I know how some members can be, Back of the bike reserved for your old lady kinda thing.” Angel nodded at her, not able to wipe the grin from his face. The way he saw it, he had two options here. 1) Tell her he couldn’t take her and get EZ instead. OR 2) Take her himself and make the most of the time he will have alone with her. It was obvious why Jake told her not to ask him. He knows Angels feelings towards the girl. Angel should have loyalty to Jake, afterall he is a Patched Member. Only very recently patched, even if Angel was against it. The Older Reyes’ reservations about the New member went ignored. He couldnt put his finger on it but there was an odd vibe to Jake and they’ve never got on. Maybe it has something to do with the first time Angel had him in the cage. To say Angel handed his ass to him would be an understatement and Jake did Not take well to losing at all. 
“Well its a good thing i dont have an old lady yet then aint it?” Angel handed Riley his helmet and warmth filled his chest as he watched the smile that spread across her face. Angel took a seat on his bike, holding his hand out for Riley to steady herself as she climbed on behind him. 
Angel took a deep breath as her hands wound tightly round his waist and her head moved to rest in between his shoulder blades. Within seconds he sped out of the yard already deciding to take the long way to her house. Behind him Coco watched from the Clubhouse Porch already unsettled at the trouble this would undoubtedly cause.
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nemeseos-noctua · 3 years
seeing as requests are open can i please request Albedo who was dating his s/o as an experiment but ended up falling in love with them and the s/o finds out?
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: albedo x gn!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: you (reader) have a hydro vision! <3
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒: originally had a long note so heres a tl;dr - ily anon ty for the albedo, delayed bc of school/grades + tumblr deleted my completed drafts TWICE, slightly changed the prompt bc i cant read <3 (also consider: burnout and executive dysfuction)
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chalk doesnt have feelings i hope everyone knows that
and love is subjective
so one day Albedo kinda just overheard someone in Mondstadt talking about someone (Donna)
“hmm... what is love” - Albedo, XXXX
dude made a whole hypothesis too like damn bro !
his test subject was you because you happened to work with him the most
convenience !
“Albedo... do you think we can make organisms with water?”
“What makes you think that?” he questions. You usually didn’t ask questions, especially not out loud and to him.
You were reserved and didn’t really deal well with people in general, therefore now making you a people pleaser. “Always be the best,” you were told, “always stay #1.” 
“Oh, uh, nothing in particular... It’s just that we could make life out of anything theoretically, right? So would water be different? Is the water from my hydro vision the same as regular water we would see out in the rivers?” 
“Yes, you do make a good point. Why don’t we make that our experiment after we begin the one that I plan to start?”
“The one you plan to start? You’ve already thought of another? Sir, we just got back into Mondstadt after almost blowing up a part of Dragonspine.” 
He looked hesitant to admit what he wanted to say. Would it come across as too straightforward? “Love” seemed to be this sort of... sensitive topic to a few. 
“Well, I had overheard someone mumbling to themselves about love and decided that there was no harm in trying it.” Immediately, you felt your face start to burn, quickly spreading to the tips of your ears and neck.
“W-Wait a second... Are you sure this is an experiment?!? Love takes time!”
“Yes, well... we could just use the title of ‘dating’ for now and see what happens.” 
“I, well, um... I guess you’re right. But I still don’t think you should ask random people that question if you ever do so again...” Especially since you’re so good-looking... you thought to yourself. You sigh and throw your ponderings away. This wasn’t the time for that!
“This happens to be my only experiment for my selfish question, so I do not intend to do so to anyone else.” He looks away from you for the first time since you arrived back at the Knights’ HQ. 
he thought that it was a super dumb question and never wants to ask it again
but seeing you flustered??? was so cute????
whatever. he is Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius. 
hes a genius, not depressed. (iykyk)
“I’ll ask Acting Grand Master Jean to let us go to Liyue Harbour. A change in scenery would be nice, as well it being surrounded by copious amounts of water, perfect for our new experiment. Isn’t that right, Love?”
No. No, no. He is way too good at this. HE’S SUCH A SMOOTH TALKER.
You could feel your face warm up again, right after you had cooled down. 
“Uh, well, yes-- actually, no, I mean...” you stammered as your brain started to process the words more and more. He chuckled. This was gonna be a long experiment, won’t it.
A few months pass and the bond between the two of you became stronger and stronger until you really couldn’t tell if it was still actually an experimental dating simulator or what. 
“Dear, is there something wrong?”
“Oh, ah, it’s nothing, really.” Lies. 
He gives you a skeptical look. He definitely knows that something is wrong, just not what. 
i mean were you guys even in love or anything??
you couldnt tell at all and albedo shows very little signs of anything
plus he made for a good liar.
“Okay... please know that you can always come to me whenever you need to.” He walks away to work on a different lab, the one that you came up with. Surprisingly, the two of you working on it together didn’t speed up the process. 
You take a deep breath and let it all out. How would you even go forward with this?
Minutes become hours and hours become days. Pushing the problem to the side was not how you should be handling this...
“Albedo, can we talk?” You popped into your significant other’s office after knocking. He looks up, nodding his head.
“Dear, is there something wrong?” Again, those exact words. You stumble over your mental script. What should you say first???
“So you know how you said that we could pretend date and stuff a few months back...? I was just, um, wondering if you actually loved me...” you trailed, not really knowing how to explain your thoughts. “You seem really lovey-dovey and stuff which is great and cool but is it all satire or--”
“Should we go see the Deaconess? You don’t seem yourself, Darling.” You were taken aback by his interjection. 
“What makes you say that?”
“The real and true (Y/N) that I love would never doubt my feelings, would they?”
“Well-- it’s just that-- I didn’t--”
“Why don’t we get you checked out? Maybe that can prove my love for you, Love.” The very apparent concern for your wellbeing shown on Albedo’s face was comforting. 
Maybe he did still love you. Just maybe.
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Omg I love all your drabbles they are so amazing and brilliant I can’t believe you do that for free! What a blessing you are!! I was wondering whether there would be a part four to the vacation au and if not could you do maybe more jealous Cassian but in your lawyer au I’m obsessed but honestly anything you write has me happy!
This is so sweet I am so glad you’re loving the drabbles! I did a second part to the vacation AU a couple days ago so I’m going to go with Jealous Cassian in the lawyer AU. I already *kind* of did this but I’ve been doing jealousy light lately and this time we are cranking it up to 100. This one is kinda long and pretty angsty and I think I definitely need to smoosh all these lawyer drabbles into a mini story that follows Nessian from meeting while studying for the bar exam and then through snippets of their careers so maybe that’s what I’ll do next.
Actually facing Nesta in court was an extreme rarity. All of her non pro Bono work was strictly solicitor. Drafting contracts and negotiating deals in different chic board rooms with little glass bottles of Perrier and complimentary latte carts trolling the halls.
Nesta thought that she didn’t want to litigate. She thought that people didn’t like her and because of that she was a bad advocate. She couldn’t have been more wrong.
Watching Nesta fight for something that she believed in, truly believed in, was the closest thing to a religious experience Cassian had ever known.
“And I would urge you to consider in your decision, your honour, the fact that even if it should apply in this case, the very law my learned friend is attempting to uphold is currently under review by the Supreme Court and may soon be overturned on the basis of being unconstitutional as well as unconscionable.” Nesta took a pregnant pause.
“If that happens. If this law is overturned, as you well know, it will not be retroactively helpful to my client. My client who was born here. My client who grew up in Queens. My client who can draw you a map of which bodegas has the best coffee vs the best sandwiches and their proximity to the nearest train, and if that doesn’t qualify her as an American, and a New Yorker, then I don’t know what does.” The judge smiled a little at that. It was a calculated risk, the emotional appeal. But Judge Miluski was already on Nesta’s side and she was a born and bread New Yorker and she had the rare distinction of being a member of the judiciary with a sense of humour. “If this law is overturned, which we both know is highly likely, then my client will be sent to another country, a country she has never even been to, not because she did anything wrong, but because this trial happened a few weeks too-”
Nesta trailed off, eyes caught at the quietly opening gallery door. A man stepped in. Tall and thin and… greasy. Hair slicked back with so much product Cassian didn’t think he’d feel it if he hit him on the head with a hammer. Which he desperately wanted to do. That brutish, violent, raised in foster homes in Harlem side of him that even a legal education and a closet full of Armani suits could never quite polish out of him lit on fire at the sight of this creep. This asshole who was wearing fucking asics with his $4000 suit. And no tie. Top three buttons of a pinstripe white shirt unbuttoned. What a fucking rube.
Except that this guy. THIS fucking guy, made Nesta lose her train of thought. This guy who walked into court late and had yet to drag his eyes up from Nesta’s ass, had distracted her. Caused her to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear and smile a little. This shy, light, cutesy little smile that absolutely did not belong on Nesta Archeron’s face.
When Nesta smiled it was a sly, knowing, victorious thing that curled across her lips and set Cassian’s heart hammering in his chest.
This… this was insanity.
The man smirked, deep and arrogant, as he stood at the back of the courtroom, hands slid into his pockets. Not even respectful enough of the proceedings to sit down.
Nesta gathered herself quickly. The whole mess over in under 20 seconds, but Cassian noticed it. Even as Nesta went on and cited the law and the competing jurisprudence and the ethics and the constitution, he couldn’t focus. All he could think about was that little smile.
Cassian said his final piece, the judge ruled, as they both knew she would, in Nesta’s favor, and it was all over.
Nesta didn’t even gloat like she usually would have. She just stuck her hand out, the absolute picture of professionalism, and shook his.
“Good working with you, Counseler.” She said, as if he hadn’t pulled her around the side of a building and pushed her body up against a brick wall the other day, moulding her into him as they fought over this case. Discussed their future. Their passions.
She’d rejected his invitation to dinner, but she always did. It was a part of the game. A game that Cassian was determined to win.
“Who’s the tech bro?” The sneakers with the suit and the unbuttoned shirt and the general shitty attitude all pointed to that being the only reasonable profession.
“Babe,” the slimy man in question pushed past the swinging waist high half door that separated the gallery and the space where counsel’s desks sat. “Let’s go.” He wrapped and arm too tightly around Nesta’s waist and pulled on her a little.
Cassian curled his fists into his palms so hard his nails bit imprints into the skin of his palms. Babe? Telling her when to leave? The pulling? No.
“I’m Cassian.” He held out his hand. “ADA. What firm do you work for? Haven’t seen you around.”
“Tomas.” The man scoffed, “And I’m not a lawyer. Not interested in all that gibberish you’re type is always spewing. Sounds like pure nonsense to me. I’m a tech investor.”
Yeah. That sounded about right. No actual skills. Not an engineer or developer or even a business manager. Just an idiot with a trust fund throwing money at whatever looked cool.
“Well, Tomas. Do you know why they call that big exam full of all that gibberish you hate the bar exam?” The weasel just raised his eyebrows. “It’s because once you pass it, then you are an attorney. And allowed to cross past this BAR.” Cassian pushed Tomas back out the little half door again. “Which separates the civilians in the gallery from the lawyers making their cases. So maybe learn how to show a little respect.” Cassian scoffed, flicking his eyes to Nesta, “In a few different areas of your life.”
“What the fuck, bro?” Tomas rolled his eyes. “This is why I fucking hate going to your lawyer parties and shit. Jackasses like this.”
“Tomas, please.” Nesta placed a hand on his chest, Cassian tensed, and that seemed to calm Tomas down. Not Nesta’s touch, but another man’s jealousy.
“Why don’t you bring the car around. I have to work out a court date for another matter with Cassian but I’ll be right out.”
“Yeah, ok.” Tomas glared, keeping eye contact with Cassian as he kissed Nesta’s cheek, hand travelling too far down her back. “Hurry though.”
“Of course.” Nesta smiled that same tiny little smile that made her look like a doll on a shelf and Cassian wanted to scream.
“What the fuck are you doing with a piece of shit like that?” Cassian minced no words as he turned to face Nesta.
“Excuse me?”
“Pretty straight forward question, Nes.”
“You… you don’t know him. He’s not like that once you get to know him.”
“Sure he’s not,” Cassian scoffed.
“What is your problem?”
“My problem is that your boyfriend, who I’ve never heard of or seen before today despite knowing you for years, had a chance to see you in court. Had a chance to watch you all fired up and passionate and brilliant and instead he walked in late, stared at your ass instead of listening to what you were saying, and then shoved his way up here and pulled at you to leave like you were some kind of toy he didn’t mind tearing the arm off of.”
Nesta blinked. Huffed out a breath. “We’ve been on again off again for a while. That’s why you haven’t seen him before. And he just doesn’t like lawyer stuff that’s why he’s like that in here ok? Not that it’s any of your business.”
“So you’re dating someone who not only doesn’t recognize how brilliant you are but won’t even let you talk about your job?” That was wrong. That was so wrong. That was… why Nesta was so intense with him. Why she debated and fought and talked for hours. Because she couldnt do it at home.
“Why do you even care, Cassian? Let’s just set a date and-”
“Fuck you, Nesta.” Her jaw fell open. “Fuck you for even asking me that. You know why I care. You can’t play dumb with me like I assume you do with him.”
“You don’t know anything about my relationship!” Nesta defended a little too vehemently.
“I know you can’t yell at him about his take on immigration laws,” Cassian stepped closer to her. “I know you can’t get a little tipsy off your favorite Malbec and go on a rambling tirade about the corrupt judiciary and your twenty three- or twenty five depending on the night- reasons why voting for judges completely undermines the integrity of the legal system.”
The was almost no space between them as Cassian looked down, gently set his hand under Nesta’s chin and raised her gaze to meet his. Burning with anger and passion and barely concealed desire. “I know that he didn’t understand why you were crying when RBG died. Because he doesn’t care about how appointing Supreme Court judges works or what that meant for the future of the court. And because I know that you weren’t with him that night. You were with me. Just like election night in 2016. And the Kavanaugh trials. And when the travel ban came into effect. You found me. Because I get it, and I care about your thoughts on all of those things. I’m devastated by them too. You were with me, Nes. And don’t you dare pretend that doesn’t mean anything.”
“It does,” Nesta let her cheek sink into his palm. “It means everything Cassian, but…”
“But we fight,” he smiled. “We bicker and yell and cross ideologies and disagree on all the little things. But not the big things, Nes. Never on the big things. We disagree on how to change the world, not what we want to change in it. Isn’t that what matters?”
Nesta swallowed. “I can’t risk losing you.” She said quietly. “I need you. For all of those reasons, I need you to be in my life and if we… I hurt the people I love, Cassian. So if I let myself love you, I would only hurt you. And I can’t bear the thought of hurting you.”
“So you date him.” Realization was an arrow sailing into Cassian’s chest. “Because you won’t hurt him. Because you could never actually love him.”
Nesta swallowed. “See? See how awful I am?”
Cassian moved his hand to her back, pulled her into his chest. “Go,” he whispered. “Go do whatever you need to do. I’ll be here. And I’ll be waiting for you to realize that I’m not going anywhere. That I can take it. Whatever you want to throw at me, I can take it, Nes.”
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captainlevisteacup · 3 years
sooo mammon is our first right? First friend, first pact, first man, first bro, blah blah blah, it means that he's the one with the longest bond with MC, right? So, I wonder what would be the brothers' reaction to an MC who looks for Mammon everytime they need someone to comfort them, when they're scared, like they rely on Mammon to save them and be always there for them even though they are already dating one of the brothers. There's no cheating here coz mc truly loves the brothers too, I just want to give some love for Mammon because he👏deserves👏it👏
thank you and love you!
Oooooooooh a fluffy request
Do I sense a mammon stan?
Hehe anyways thank you for asking so politely!
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The Brothers in a Relationship with an MC Whose Comfort Brother is Mammon
Warnings: None
Ohhhh boy
He hates it. He hates it so much
Some part of him begrudgingly understands, as Mammon was the first demon MC ever got attached to, and he was there when MC was first getting used to the Devildom
It's only natural....right?
A part of him wishes he had just put his work off FOR ONCE and helped MC adjust, instead of Mammon
Of course, he knows MC loves him
But every time MC gets scared or is in trouble, they insist on going to his idiotic little brother?!
Would never ask MC to change, although he might subtly let them know they can always come to him, too
MC thanks him, immediately knows why he's saying that, and explains that it's only because Mammon was the one who was there when they were scared and trying to adapt to the new environment around them
Lucifer assures MC he isnt upset with them, he just wants to be there for them, too
Is just a *tiny* bit smug about it
Of course his human would come to the Great Mammon when they need help
Is really, REALLY protective of MC ever since they started coming to him exclusively for help
If someone so much as *looks* at MC in the wrong way
Oh, they'd better run
He's one of the most powerful demons in the devildom for a reason
Will literally give MC anything they need
Food? Blankets? Will get MC an abundance of both
"Mammon I didnt need THIS many!"
"Well too bad, now you have that many!"
Avatar of Envy?
Yea, substantially worse than even Lucifer, though maybe not as bad as Satan
Won't directly approach MC about it for a while, but eventually breaks
"Damnit, MC, I'M your boyfriend, not him"
Immediately apologizes
MC calms him down with a hand on the cheek, and calmly explains their reasoning
The more MC explains, the reader Levi gets
Practically begs for MC'S forgiveness
MC chuckles and assures him it's okay, as long as he understands now
He tries
He really does
It doesn't work
He just cant stand that even though MC is HIS significant other, they insist on going to Mammon
His logical side understands it
But...his temper doesn't
He tries to hard to bite his tongue
But when MC runs directly past him and into Mammon's arms crying...
He couldnt do it
He snapped
He got so worked up that Mammon stepped protectively in front of MC
This triggered him even more
Only stops when he sees MC cry, immediately calms down and starts profusely apologizing
MC asks Mammon to give them a minute
Mammon begrudgingly leaves, but stays right outside the door
MC explains it, and promises to try to remember they can come to Satan for help too
Literal SHOCK
Why would MC prefer that OAF to someone as perfect as himself?
A little offended, and keeps insisting very outwardly that MC come to him, too
MC does their best to calmly explain it to him
It takes Asmo hearing a conversation between Mammon and MC (by eavesdropping) to understand
MC just has had the connection to Mammon longer
After all, Mammon WAS always blabbing about how he was MC'S first
Still tries to butt into Mammon and MC'S time and conversations
Eventually realizes as long as MC loves him, why should he care?
Is eventually okay with it
This wholesome bean
It doesn't even bother him
He knows that MC loves him
Why would he be worried?
He's so happy that MC can vent to Mammon, and that Mammon has a good friend in MC
Because Beel is so accepting of it, Mammon starts mentioning whenever MC came to them upset and why they did
Beel always makes MC's favorite foods, and "accidentally" runs into them in the hallway (on the way to their room) so that they don't suspect Mammon tipped him off
MC always ends up telling Beel about what's wrong right after they tell Mammon, because Beel isn't pushy about it
The epitome of a healthy relationship
He gets it. Mammon is MC'S first pact, first friend, yada yada
But he's MC'S boyfriend
Immediately insists that MC come to him first
MC refuses
Surprisingly, instead of getting mad, Belphie comes up with a compromise
MC tells Mammon AND Belphie when they're upset
That way, they both know
MC can choose who to talk to about it first
But this way, nobody gets left out
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secret-keeper18 · 3 years
So I’m finally watching the x-men movies and here are my comments and ratings so far. These ratings are completely arbitrary and completely based on how much fun I had while watching it. Also some great memes I made and sent to my roommates who dont appreciate it as much as you all will.
X-Men: First Class
Okay so we pirated this and there was no subtitles for foreign language, and about 30% of it is in German, French, Spanish, or Russian. So my understanding of these scenes was reliant solely on my rudimentary understanding of basic phrases, vocab, and counting in each of these languages
Watching Erik fuckin murder nazis while casually taking a drink of beer
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Also I love Michael Fassbender but i feel like Erik’s character should have a german accent. Can’t complain too much though ngl
They went to a strip club and literally only looked at each other like sorry i dont make the rules but that is not heterosexual
I’m new to these movies so I hope I don’t offend any like, Mystique stans but Raven you win World’s Worst Sister. like bro doesnt wanna see ur tits out he doesnt care that you’re blue OKAY he’s ur brother. I’m just saying if my brother got shot in the spine by his boyfriend i wouldnt leave him lying in the sand to ditch him with said boyfriend idk maybe i’m just built different
Charles fuckin waits for Erik and Raven to leave before saying he can’t feel his legs. Anyways who else wants to cry? 🙃
Barely passes Bechdel test but loses points for immediately killing the only black man character and then have the only black woman character turn traitor 🤷🏻‍♀️
My guy decided to betray his boyfriend then break the woman he almost killed and then arrested out of prison. Then sometime inbetween those two events he decided “i need... a cape.” And then he STUCK TO THE CAPE for the next like forty years. Imagine being so stubborn you stick to the same purple and maroon color scheme for half your life.
Pretty gay. Friends to lovers to enemies. Utterly heartbreaking. 12/10
X-Men: Wolverine Origins
Honestly not as bad as I was expecting but that might be bc I’ve only heard negative things
This movie honestly was one big middle finger to my ADHD bc the pacing was kinda weird
Damn i hope we get Remy in the other movies his powers are hella cool in this
Deadpool who? Never heard of him he doesnt exist.
Oh yeah I think there is something called a wo-man in this movie?
Knowing that this movie is from 2000 really made it palatable tbh. Like, surprisingly good considering it came out a month after I was born
Why do i got a feeling that Charles is gonna be so useless in the next like three movies
I forgot movies before like 2016 couldnt write women for shit. Jean is to the X-Men what Black Widow is to the Avengers tbh. Love the characters and their potential, but played with the emotional range of a teaspoon
Also Scott is pretty cool but why is his only lines about his girlfriend? Like calm down bro.
I’m so here for Dad Wolverine tbh. Like my guy really was just like:
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Somehow despite having many female leads it still doesnt pass the Bechdel Test???
Gonna be honest here. I was making dinner while watching this, so I was only like half present.
Bobby “coming out” to his family is just *chef’s kiss*
Kinda boring conflict ngl but I’m here for the characters at this point
Magneto murdering someone w the iron in their blood is fuckin metal as hell. No pun intended.
The moment Rogue sees Magneto for the first time since he tried to kill her in the last movie and she about to take her gloves off deceased me on the fuckin spot. Bitch really said call an ambulance but not for me.
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Anyways Charles is one of the most powerful characters in the comics but he has once again been relegated to plot device in this movie. I get it, I get it, mentor character. He could fix every problem in these movies if he wasn’t such a liberal about his powers :/
I’m so SICK of the silent and dangerous Asian assassin character archetype. Yes I KNOW it was 2003 so let’s take this as yet another reminder that we need to do better
Okay ik we’re not supposed to know that Mystique is his sister yet bc it’s only 2003 and First Class wont come out for another eight years but STILL yall really left him in there to die can you NOT
Also real question: was i supposed to be sad that Jean died?
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