#brother reynaldo
berensteinsmonster · 4 months
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To me an opposite Randy Radman is someone who is basically all work no play. He acts super serious all the time, and yet he stills builds giant whimsical inventions but denies theyre for fun. he enjoys his love for machines because they're his art
The reason I didn't make him a completely sad/depressed dude to be the opposite of Radman's happiness is because that's not all I see Randy as. I'm mirroring his party-animal trait only. Plus, this guy still needed to show his heroism in a way as a Cowwoy sheriff, so he wanted to build machineries to try and help people with them, especially the cow boys in the posse. Plus PLUS, steampunk fashion is dope as all hell and fun :3c
Brother Reynaldo is the opposite of Reynaldo the Brute. So you know, gentle guy. Total hippie. Smojkign that weed i mean chewing that straw. Can get on Rubeberg's nerves because of how carefree he is, but he wouldn't replace him for any other right hand.
Also gonna put it out here that all Cowwoy Sheriffs are usually crowned to be the next sheriff passed down by the chief before them. No one is getting dethroned because. you know. The Cowwoy Posse are good guys,
(part 2)
more hv au
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brine-in-my-eyes · 4 months
i have no songs for my original oc randy rubeberg the only thing i can think of is putting weird al's hardware store on repeat while i lineart him and brother reynaldo
also i thinkg brother reynaldo would have loved weird al btw his favorite song is biggest ball of twine me thinks if they were alive in 2014 that would have been epic
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violetsandshrikes · 1 year
Aly Dominguez (38) and Jairo Bonilla (28) were two Guapinol water defenders who were killed in January of this year, 2023. Their movement involves organising to protect their rivers from an open-pit iron oxide mining project in the Carlos Escaleras National Park, Honduras.
The families of Dominguez and Bonilla say they were killed by unidentified gunmen after weeks of threats related to their activism. Honduran police have said that Dominguez and Bonilla died in a robbery gone wrong, but family members say their motorcycles and personal belongings were not taken. 
Oquelí Domínguez, brother of defenders Aly and Reynaldo Domínguez was killed in the community of Guapinol (department of Colón, northern Honduras) on June 15th, 2023.
Every year, environmental defenders are intimidated and killed for the work they do in their communities, and many of these cases never leave the local news cycles or are investigated further. One thing we can do is to not forget their names or contributions.
(x x x)
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attibar · 1 year
More Toppat leader headcanons: Electric Boogaloo
These are some (a lot) of my overall headcanons that I usually use in my AUs.
Some of the leaders have unofficial nicknames in the form of “Toppat X” depending on how the clan sees them. For example Wilford gets referred to as Toppat Dad due to many seeing him as a father figure. 
 Wilford is conflicted by this. On one hand he’s flattered, on the other hand he feels embarrassed at being referred to as a dad by his subordinates.
It doesn’t help that Terrence, being the shit he is, will call Wilford “daddy” with no warning.
Dusty and Cloudface adopted Jaques as a child and raised him as their own during their reigns. It was this and Jaques expanding the clan to international level that gave him the nickname the Toppat Prince.
Henry still has the nickname the Toppat King. However if his powers get revealed some of the more overzealous Toppats start referring to him as the Toppat God, much to his chagrin.
The main reason Wilford had Terrence as his right hand was due to having immense trust and faith in him. His quick thinking has saved Wilford many, many times. Terrence, similar to Right, cares more about his chief than the clan itself; Terrence would never betray Wilford.
Wilford can be a workaholic and a perfectionist at times. He has taken Toppats under his wing to help improve their skills.
Terrence, at best, sees Reginald as a winy annoying little brother. At worst, he dislikes Reginald’s cowardice and absurd ambition, seeing him as a walking disaster waiting to happen.
The feeling is mutual though. Reginald sees him, at best, as a dumbass adrenaline junkie and at worst someone who is unhinged and will ruin the clan.
Reginald and Terrence used to prank and mess with each other prior to Terrence’s leadership. This ranged from Reginald applying super glue to Terrence’s hat to Terrence sneaking hot pink dye into Reg’s shampoo.
Wilford’s favorite alcoholic drink is whiskey. He’s got a stash of it hidden in his office.
They both joined the clan as teenagers/young adults.
Only Terrence knows this, but Wilford is actually Scottish. He’s worked on hiding his accent. However sometimes it comes out, particularly when Wilford is upset or surprised.
Terrence once got to record Wilford speaking with his accent, to hilarious results
Unusual for the time, the majority of Reynaldo’s elites and even his right hands were mostly women. To quote Reynaldo:
“Question. who is the last person you want to fight: a man or a woman? The answer is the woman and I’ll tell you why. Men will hurt you, women will fucking destroy you. I grew up with three sisters, I know my shit.”
There was little doubt to the skill of his elites. Some referred to them as the Amazons of the Toppat clan.
Reynaldo grew up in a town in the southern area of Mexico.
If a Toppat who angered him has a child, sometimes he’ll threaten to teach the little one Spanish swear words.
Randy has tried many, many different types of drugs. However there’s some even he won’t touch such as heroin.
Randy will refer to Reynaldo as “Reynaldo the bitch” if both ever came back to life. Randy’s a little salty about Rey killing him.
TRNK would prefer to keep the name instead of his original one. He doesn’t want his original identity to be connected to the monster he has become.
TRNK was fairly cognizant after being revived. Three things caused him to go mad:
The immense pain from the botched revival.
Constantly being seen and feared as an abomination no matter what he did.
His own elites seeing him as a weapon to be continuously modified for Clan purposes.
Besides that though, TRNK loves to play chess and poker.
Billy G is an excellent cook and especially enjoys spicy Indian food. He once made a meal so spicy Wilford thought the man was trying to kill him.
More than once has Sven fallen asleep on top of paperwork. He ends up with the text staining his face.
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humanrightsupdates · 1 year
Human Rights Watch: The acquittal last week of a former Army general for the 2006 abduction and torture of two brothers highlights the persistence of impunity for enforced disappearances in the Philippines.
Moments after the verdict, Raymond Manalo faced reporters outside the court in Bulacan province and wept openly. Manalo had alleged that he and his brother Reynaldo were kidnapped and tortured by then Maj. Gen. Jovito Palparan and his men in 2006. Manalo’s earlier testimony had helped convict Palparan in 2018 for the enforced disappearance, torture, and rape of students Karen Empeno and Sherlyn Cadapan in 2006. They remain missing. Palparan is serving a 40-year prison term.
The recent verdict came on the heels of a number of abductions of activists in locations throughout the country. On September 29, unidentified men took activists Lee Sudario and Norman Ortiz in Nueva Ecija province. On September 23, alleged soldiers seized activists Job Abednego David, Peter del Monte, and Alia Encela in Oriental Mindoro province; the military claims they were communist New People’s Army (NPA) rebels but has provided no information on their whereabouts. All five remain missing.
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thsc-stuffs · 1 year
Galeforce Family Tree
Buckle up because there's a WHOOOLE lot to unpack here. (Info under cut)
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Alright, so, needless to say Hubert comes from a bit ole military family. For current clarification, the squigley lines signify adoption and the dotted line signifies a child born from parents not in a relationship.
Starting at the top!
Dewane and Martha Galeforce got married young and had a whole lotta kids. Dewane was KIA while very shortly after Hubert's birth, so Hubert was the golden child.
Children in order are Mark, Mary, Kaitlyn, Krista, Reynaldo (not featuring his deadname), and Hubert.
> Mark and Mary were twins. Mark went into the military, Mary went into the police force. Mary was KIA.
>> Mark Galeforce married Emma Swain, had Conrad and Bailey Galeforce. Conrad died of cancer in his 20s. When Bailey married John Bukowski and they had twins, she named them Conrad and Calvin, after her brother.
Kaitlyn is somewhat distant from her family due to her parent's disaproval of her being a single mom to her adoptive son, Noah Petters, and said son being trans. They've gotten better over the years, though, and the two have started showing up to family events again.
Krista was killed in a car accident in her teens, when Reynaldo was around 8.
> Between Krista and Dewane dying, Reynaldo had a lot going on and his mother took a lot out on him. By the time Hubert was born, Reynaldo was the oldest kid in the house and in turn expected to help take care of Hubert.
>> Needless to say, when his coming out turned sour, it was the final straw. He had been offered a place in the clan by a buddy of his and he took the offer.
>>> Reynaldo married Jaques Kensington, then Harriet Smith after Jaques' death. Harriet fell pregnant and panicked, murdering Reynaldo and fleeing the clan. She abandoned the baby boy. The signature, H.S., was taken to be the boy's initials and he was named Henry Stickmin.
Hubert dedicated himself to the Military almost immediately and grew distant from the family because of it. By the time he came out as gay and got married to Dmitri Petrov, the family wasn't outright homophobic but Grigori Olyat did fistfight Mark at the wedding for saying some fucked up shit about the couple.
> Dmitri and Grigori adopted Terrence Suave. Yes. I got a taste of this with an au and almost IMMEDIATELY fell in love.
> Terrence had a son, Charles, who he didn't want to be dragged into everything and didn't feel would be safe being raised by a hated ex Toppat leader. So, Hubert adopted him. He got to keep Terrence's new last name, Calvin, and was told of the situation pretty early in life. It's why he's chill with criminals/crime but still doesn't approve of the Toppats.
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lizardrosen · 1 year
inspired by @cleverclove 's multiverse of laerteses, here's mine, with relevant playlists by myself and the incomparable kylee @all-mimsy !
default laertes: when i don't have a specific production/verse in mind. unless stated otherwise, laertes is assumed to have dated or hooked up with hamlet at some point. this laertes wears his heart on his sleeve and lives his best life in france, fencing and smoking and going to protests. and then his life falls apart and he's an unstoppable force of nature, but he can be redirected. it's absolutely essential that he dies asking for forgiveness and not saying "the king's to blame". General Laertes: Youth To Itself Rebels (kylee)
luke thompson laertes: from the 2017 andrew scott hamlet, he's the brightest cutest ball of sunshine, and he scrunches up his eyes when he's embarrassed. gertrude was like a second mother to him and really helped him cope with his anger and grief when his own mother died. he and hamlet broke up because they each assumed that’s what the other one wanted. currently dating reynaldo but only when they're in france and they don't call it dating because they're both ridiculous. when he comes back to denmark his whole body trembles and he So Clearly wants to be doing anything else, so he shuts his eyes because it's all too painful. Reynaldo: By Indirections Find Directions Out (kylee) Laertes/Rey: Let Him Ply His Music (me)
edward bennett laertes: from the 2009 david tennant hamlet, he looks a little scowly and imposing but he’s really just a shy nerd goofball under the surface, and is absolutely terrible at being clandestine when he doesn’t want to be spied on. this is also the verse where I get most of my osric headcanons and characterization, and both of them have had a thing with hamlet at various points in the past. best universe is when they somehow figure out how to be a proper triad with actual communication skills. when he comes back to denmark he’s so cold and determined, but he’s also an open wound and claudius is completely willing to throw him under the bus. Osric: Bubbles Are Out (me) Hamlet/Osric breakup: All's Golden Words (kylee)
blc laertes: from the 2013 bethany lutheran college production, which also has my absolute favorite claudius (this is important). laertes starts out very soft and earnest, wearing soft nerd sweaters. when his father dies he has a total glow up and comes raging into the castle with a very hot determination. the chemistry between him and claudius is electric and claudius offers to sleep with him just to help him unwind and get out of his head for a bit, and later trusts him enough to tell him he killed his abusive brother. they both have way more feelings than they’re willing to admit, and after ophelia dies things get messy and sad. he says “the king’s to blame” hoping that claudius will run and save himself, but knowing that he won’t. your honor, I love them. Claudius: Bosom Black As Death (me) Gertrude: Imperial Jointress; Sometime Sister; Wretched Queen (me) Claudius/Gertrude: Delight & Dole (kylee) Fic Series: Put Me In Your Heart For Friend (me and kylee)
more specific AUs and canon divergences under the cut!
d&d au: an offshoot of bethany lutheran college, in which everyone multiclasses, and hamlet is the warlock of the Forbidden Graveyard which messes with the dead of all denmark. laertes makes his paladin oath identifying hamlet as his greatest foe and actually Kills Him Dead in the duel. he and gertrude both get poisoned but claudius doesn’t and stays by their bedsides healing them. meanwhile horatio has gone to wittenberg to resurrect hamlet, which messes with laertes’s paladin powers. he and claudius spend the first half of the campaign hunting hamlet down and fighting him, and the second half reconciled with him and fighting the far greater evils in the land. everyone gets to have a long domestic life, with claudius/laertes/gertrude all married and in love, and they have dogs and gardens and children!! D&D verse: When Churchyards Yawn (kylee) Claudius/Laertes: My Acquaintance Seal (me)
indirections verse: offshoot of luke thompson in which hamlet never returns to denmark. laertes is deeply, catatonicly depressed because he’s been robbed of his chance for vengeance and his whole family is dead. laertes believes he’s a poison who destroys the lives of everyone around him and tries to push rey away “for his own good” and says some incredibly cruel things but reynaldo is endlessly kind and patient with him and makes sure he stays alive — he finds the poison that laertes brought to kill claudius, and quietly gets rid of it so he won’t do anything stupid. it gets very dark and cuts very close to the bone, but eventually laertes starts to crawl out of the hole he’s in and relearns how to love himself and how to love reynaldo, and he proposes to him in a park! Playlist: Both Worlds To Negligence (me)
to this point I stand: offshoot of edward bennett in which hamlet never returns to denmark. if indirections is a slow drowning, then to this point is a flash flood. laertes throws himself into every bad decision he can find just so he won’t have to stay still or think about anything he’s lost. this laertes doesn’t think he’s a poison, he thinks the world is a poison and it’s taking things away from him to punish him specifically, but the truth is that he’s doing a lot of this to himself. osric provides him a temporary escape from the world, and finally challenges laertes to get it together. this laertes is also deeply depressed, but it doesn’t look like depression in the overwhelmingly apparent way luke thompson is depressed, but because he’s such an active disaster zone things escalate very fast and the catalyst to start recovery happens relatively sooner. Playlist: To This Point I Stand (me)
orphic journey au: offshoot of luke thompson in which reynaldo travels to the underworld and makes a deal to save laertes, and oops the terms of the deal mean laertes is in a three year long timeloop and isn’t allowed to talk about it to anyone! so he gets to try to fix things but he also has to experience many variations of the Tragedy of Hamlet. I’m keeping the details of this one very secret for now! Playlist: Orphic Journey AU (me)
roger guenveur smith laertes: from the 2000 campbell scott hamlet, he and his family are the only black characters in an elsinore that’s aggressively appearance-focused, with manners being everything. his father’s drilled into his head that he has to work twice as hard to get half as much and can’t afford to make any mistakes, so he’s incredibly restrained in a way that looks like he doesn’t have strong emotions, but he’s really just tamping them all down. I don’t really write or talk about this one that often but he’s very distinct from any other laertes so he deserves a mention. he and hamlet likely didn’t hook up but did share some reserved but intense kisses.
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flamingredanon · 1 year
I thought Right would be the more feral vampire out of the three.
Also could you give us a peek at the vampire leadership timeline?
In the Vampire Trio AU, Right is the oldest son to Mayor Galeforce and was expected to be the fancy, well behaved young man with many talents.
Right however hated how all eyes were on him and how they always compared him to his younger brother, Charles, how he had little to no free time for himself and how the only real friends he had were Henry and Dave, which he didn't get to visit too often.
Even though Right is a vampire now, he still a mostly proper gentleman when it comes to things like eating or speaking to others.
And here is a rough timeline of the leaderships of the Toppat Coven.
Dusty and Cloudface both led the vampires for centuries, growing their numbers and eventually settling into the floating castle that the current vampires call home.
The two would eventually retire and give leadership to their son, Reynaldo, who led the Toppat Coven against the Petrov vampire hunters that would start a huge rivalry for ages to come.
Reynaldo was slain in battle and soon his son, Jaques and his wife, stepping up to leadership as per his father's wishes. He was able to come up with a peace treaty with the nearby human village and from there, an uneasy alliance would be formed.
Jaques however turned himself into a ghost from a potion that he theorized would let him just turn spectral. And while his daughter Ellie could've taken the throne, she wanted to help fix the mess Jaques was in, leading to a few vampires fighting for the throne.
Billy G Wilford would be the victor of these vampires and become leader, showing his more greedy, lustful side and causing the Toppats to feel unease and even leading to some leaving instead of dealing with Billy's rule.
Sir Wilford IV would step up to his face his younger brother, challenging him to the throne and eventually winning and becoming leader alongside his wife, Carol, though she would pass on after having Randy.
The Toppat Coven would recover from Billy's leadership and grow even more thanks to Wilford, everything looking up for the vampires.
But then an ambush from Dmitri's vampire hunters would take place, trying to kill Wilford's blind son, Randy, and his human lover, Terrence, but Wilford stepping in to take the fatal blow from Grigori so that Randy and Terrence could escape.
So Randy and Terrence took to leading, adopting Reginald, trying their best to keep the peace between them and the humans and helping the Toppat Coven grow and advance.
Eventually the two decided to retire early and give leadership to Reginald, preferring a more quieter role in the coven.
And now Reginald, alongside Henry and Right, lead the current Toppat Coven, dealing with the shaky alliance of the Red Mesa village and the growing hostility of the vampire hunters.
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hiddenspringss · 2 years
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random moments!! armando taking care of his little brother reynaldo is soo cute ><
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connorthemaoist · 1 year
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) joins the Filipino people and their various democratic organizations in condemning the acquittal today of the fascist butcher Gen. Jovito Palparan by the Malolos Regional Trial Court, for the abduction and illegal detention of brothers Raymond and Reynaldo Manalo.
The acquittal cannot come at a worse time as military and police forces under the Marcos regime have stepped up its campaign of extrajudicial killings, abductions and torture against unionists, social activists, community organizers, environmentalists and other cause-oriented groups and individuals.
Palparan’s acquittal will further embolden the fascist criminals in the AFP and abet the prevailing culture of impunity which characterize the perpetration of their crimes and violations of human rights.
The terror tactics employed by General Palparan during his stint as commander of various units of the AFP, specifically the tactic of abduction, secret detention and torture, are the same terror tactics now being employed by the AFP. These same martial law tactics employed by the dictator Marcos and his trusted General Ver, are now being revived by Marcos Jr.
We recall how the Manalo brothers were abducted in San Ildefonso, Bulacan in 2006. They were secretly detained and subjected to unspeakable forms of torture in a cell inside the camp of the 7th ID in Nueva Ecija, under the direct command of Palparan. Palparan, himself, visited those torture chambers and ordered soldiers. We also recall how one of them personally saw missing activists Karen Empeño and Sherlyn Cadapan in those dungeons.
General Palparan was among the favorite generals of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo whose regime is responsible for more than 1,100 cases of extrajudicial killings and more than 200 cases of enforced disappearances.
Marco Valbuena | Chief Information Officer | Communist Party of the Philippines
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berensteinsmonster · 4 months
Randy Rubeberg and Brother Reynaldo lore and bio dump!!! for the hv au
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I am SO proud of how their designs came out yall aguhhhh LOOK at them!!!!!! They look so good whether drawn on their own or together!!!! Like literally gorgeous gorgeous *pats my own head*
I'm gonna definately be posting more of these guys cuz they are kinda like. HMmm.. theyre kinda occupying my brain rn.. theyre really nice to draw im just so obsessed with their colors and themeing and!!!!!! AAAAA i am my own biggest fan rn i just love my two boys smmmmmm
(part 1)
ok now for the lore and bios inside the first pic:
☮Brother Reynaldo
The meditative and carefree sheriff of the Cowwoy Posse. Came next in line after Rubeberg died.
He's a wanderer of the world, going wherever the wind takes him, sometimes literally. Light as a feather and agile as a crane.
Knowledgeable in all things groovy (baby!)
⚙Randy Rubeberg
The stern and strict sheriff of the Cowwoy Posse. Came next in line after Cloudless left for college.
Usually seen with his head inside machine cogs, always tinkering.
His inventions are usually designed to be overly-complicated to perform simple actions.
He loves his art, even if no one else other than Brother Rey can see that.
Used the Cowwoy funds responsibly to build the Blue Heron and train for the posse to use.
Died 3 days after completion of the airship due to his tuberculosis.
*Last name is a reference to Rube Goldberg, cartoonist known for drawing overly complicated machinery with one single-use purpose. For the funny. And added alliteration appeal.
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anthos11 · 1 year
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Ozob by Reynaldo Siqueira -
Ozob Bozo is a character featured in Cyberpunk 2077
Ozob was born in Brazil. His brother ripped off Ozob's nose during a fight using a pair of pliers. Instead of chroming a new nose, Ozob decided that a grenade matched his style better. At some point in his life he became a mercenary.
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moonlarked · 2 years
i haven’t read hamlet but i really wanna hear about your idea, can you give me like a vague rundown of the characters?
( @sarcasticinsomniac-and-theories you also asked so here :))
ok!!! So, for context, hamlet is a play where the Prince of Denmark is approached the the ghost of his recently deceased father and learns that the person responsible for the father’s death is his uncle, the new king. This leads him down a path of murder and betrayal and madness and all that stuff.
disclaimer: I am not an expert on this play. I’m actually pretty casual and i don’t know the full extent of all of the characters. I’m in the process of doing more research for my au, so this is unfinished right now, unfortunately.
So. Sophie is Hamlet. She’s the princess of Havenfield and her father, King Grady Ruewen, has passed away. She’s naturally a very emphatic, impulsive, and self righteous person, and those are all traits that I’m going to be pulling from the books to make her descent into madness more realistic and not just slapped on there to fit the play. She’s going to be frustrated with people not believing her and that’s going to turn into paranoia that she can’t trust anyone. Hamlet in the play is, well, a smartass and likes to press peoples’ buttons when he doesn’t like them. I’m gonna be keeping that with au!sophie.
Stina is Horatio. In the play, Horatio is Hamlet’s best friend and is the only person who sticks with him even as he becomes more and more illogical and obsessive. Book Stina doesn’t exactly fit this role - she’s incredibly judgemental of Sophie - but in this au she and Sophie are going to be much older than they are in the book and have made up their differences and have formed an incredibly close bond. I’m still going to be keeping Stina’s base personality, but she’s gone through a lot of character development, so to speak, and has a vastly different perspective. (also, horatio and hamlet have a very gay dynamic. I’m keeping that here.)
Fitz is Ophelia! Which…. If you’ve read the play, that may seem like an odd choice, but hear me out. Now, Ophelia is Hamlet’s “love interest” (their relationship falls apart pretty quickly) and she goes mad after Hamlet rejects her and her father ends up dying. Fitz is going to have a different personality that Ophelia. After his father (Alden here) warns him to stay away from Sophie, he’s going to remain determined to stay with her. But after Sophie turns erratic and even violent, he starts to fracture a little and doesn’t know who to turn to, since his sister is away. His father tells him to stay away (Alden is going to be just as manipulative here as he is in the books) and Fitz doesn’t know who to trust. Fitz’s mental state ends up deteriorating after his father dies.
Biana is Laertes, Ophelia’s brother. He’s away for most of the play, but when he comes back, it means a lot for the plot. At the beginning, Biana is leaving Havenfield on a trip to another nation. She stays away until she learns about the untimely death of her father, which prompts her to come back and challenge a duel. Which ends up going Really Fucking Badly.
Wylie is Reynaldo, the spy sent after Laertes. I wanted to put Wylie in here somewhere because I love him but unfortunately I couldn’t think of a major role for him. Also I’m gonna make it so he’s being blackmailed by the king via Prentice.
Lord Cassius is… King Claudius!! Just because he’s the biggest asshole i could think of! He killed the late King Grady and married his wife (which I WILL explain). Not much character to him other than he’s a jerk and I want to hate on him as much as possible. Well, I guess there is that one scene where he feels guilty, but… whatever.
Edaline is Gertrude, who married Claudius after the king died. In the play she’s portrayed as a selfish coward but in this au she’s trying to help her family and her kingdom the best she can and after the death of both her daughter Jolie and now her husband she has to find a way to cope. Also, Cassius is manipulating her into fearing that everyone is trying to take her kingdom. She has fights with Sophie about this and tries to make her see her perspective, but Sophie doesn’t listen.
Alden is Polonius (the bitch). He’s an overbearing father and one of the king’s lackeys. He dies because he was spying on Hamlet through the curtains and Hamlet mistook him for the king and stabbed him. After this Hamlet remarks that Polonius was just stupid. Absolutely nothing needs to be changed here. Perfection.
Keefe and Dex are Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. (I have not read Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead, so I’m gonna be taking most of their personalities from the books.) They’re Sophie’s childhood friends who are sent (in this au blackmailed by Keefe’s father) by the king to spy on her. I’m gonna make Keefe Sophie’s old flame, because you know me. Now if you’ve read the play, you know how this ends, but let me just say in this version there’s a hell of a lot more angst (because sokeefe).
Linh is Fortinbras, the Prince of Norway (here the Princess of Choralmere) who, if I’m correct, invades the King of Denmark’s castle to get revenge for the murder of his father. In this case, she’s going to be getting revenge for the murder of her brother (sorry). I would add more but I’ve got to do more research because he was cut out of the version of the play I have.
Marella and Maruca are the gravediggers. I wanted to add them in somewhere.
Jensi is Osric, because funny.
Jolie is Yorick. :)
And Bronte is the priest.
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sefarad-haami · 1 month
Sinagoga de Camargo, Comunidad Sefardí Madre de Bs As
🇦🇷🇮🇱 El 21 de julio de 2024, en el programa "Emisión en sefardí," se kontó la istoria de la kreasión de la Sinagoga Sefardí Madre de Camargo en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Esta fue la primera sinagoga en la kaleja Camargo, un lugar onde los djudiós sefardim podían ofisiar shabat i las fiestas sagradas komo Rosh Ha Shaná, Pesaj, Sukot, Januka, i Yom Kipur. Matilda Gini Barnatán rememoró komo su avuelo Shmuel Guiní fue uno de los fundadores de esta komunidad, i su ermano, Samuel Reynaldo Gini, es Vizepresidente emérito. El programa inkluyó un paseo muzikal kon kantes tradisioneles sefardíes.
🇺🇸 On July 21, 2024, the program "Emisión en sefardí" narrated the history of the creation of the Sinagoga Sefardí Madre de Camargo in Buenos Aires, Argentina. This was the first synagogue on Camargo Street, where Sephardic Jews could observe Shabbat and holy festivals such as Rosh Ha Shaná, Pesah, Sukot, Hanukkah, and Yom Kipur. Matilda Gini Barnatán recalled how her grandfather, Shmuel Guiní, was one of the founders of this community, and her brother, Samuel Reynaldo Gini, is the emeritus Vice President. The program featured traditional Sephardic songs.
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humanrightsupdates · 1 year
Urgent Action: Water defenders killed in Honduras
Oquelí Domínguez, brother of defenders Aly and Reynaldo Domínguez was killed in the community of Guapinol (department of Colón, northern Honduras) on June 15, 2023. Five months earlier, defenders Aly Dominguez and Jairo Bonilla Ayala, members of the resistance of Guapinol against an iron ore mine, were also found dead.
In February 2023, six other defenders of the Guapinol river found out that they could face criminal prosecution for peacefully questioning the legality of a mining project in the Carlos Escaleras National Park.
We demand the Honduran authorities to ensure a prompt, thorough and impartial investigation of the attacks against the defenders of the Guapinol river, and to refrain from using the justice system to harass them and to ensure their protection.
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thsc-stuffs · 1 year
Ohhhh 50!! 50's a good one!! Twisted by MISSIO! This one's sort of here as a general vibe, but it suits multiple people to a degree! Dmitri and Reynaldo come to mind!
| My mother, she told me, | "Don't get in trouble" | My father, he told me, | He knew I would. | My brothers, they told me, | "Don't give a damn" | My sister, she told me, | To do something good.
Talking about Dmitri and Reynaldo for this one; both were told they were trouble and always would be. They weren't cared for, and reflected that. Yet, both had someone good in their childhood- Dmitri's sister Anastasia and Reynaldo's brother Hubert- to urge them to be better. Dmitri would be far crueler if it weren't for his sister, and Reynaldo holds sympathy for the Government soldiers because of Hubert.
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