#brought to you by my Scorpio 5H
astralothila · 2 years
Scorpio 5H be like: attraction is a game, a chase, and you win by making a person chase you more than you chase them. Also it's not fun for me if you're not dying to fuck me.
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cardboardheartss · 6 months
Kim Soo Hyun Chart Readings
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Background Information : KSH had been getting exposed people are pointing out his really odd psychotic behavior from things he said in the past. As an Astro girlie… it was time to get to work!
Natal Chart Reading :
KSH is a Saturn dom man, he has multiple planets in both Aquarius and Capricorn. KSH is an Aquarius Sun, Moon & Mercury. It’s pretty obvious that he is already detached from the get go, with his Mercury being in a cancer degree, it’s possible he could be manipulating and use his partners words against them.
Aquarius’s ruling planet, Uranus is at 0° in Capricorn along with his Saturn too. This explains how he, in the past was open about relationships and wanting to be the dominant person in the relationship. Saturn, lord of time could also indicate why he said he wants to date younger people because he wants to be dominant in the relationship.
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Mars in Sagittarius at 25° (Aries), I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he dated outside of his nationality to be honest. But anyways, in a blog post in the past he mentioned how he wants his partner to be able to live around him as he gets angry quickly. Not all Aries, but majority of the time Aries are known to be really fiery and lose their temper quickly (on my side as an Aswini Rising, I agree 🫣)
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His birth time is unknown but IMO I believe KSH could possibly have a 5H Lilith and this Lilith is at 20° (Scorpio). He seems to look down on women or he probably gets jealous of women pretty easily, leading to him being obsessive over them.
Sidereal Chart Reading :
KSH has a Scorpio Venus, and I’m aware not all Scorpio Venus placements are this way but this placement of his makes him hella obsessive.
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In his Sidereal chart he has Cancer Mercury and once again, he could toy with his partners emotions. The deity for this mercury is ‘Nagas’ which is part are part of the Serpent Creatures in Hindu/Bhuddist mythology.
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In terms of this particular situation about KSH, I will only point out the similarities of his behavior with the Nagas deity. Nagas are good at ‘crushing’ and this makes sense as KSH said that he wants his partner to “die” because of him. Nagas also has a ‘Prehensile Tounge’ which means Nagas has the power to manipulate objects/people. In KSH case, he is able to sense his victims, he knows what type of women is easily manipulated and this is the reason why he wants to go for younger women. Lastly, Nagas have ‘Multiple Heads’ in this case this could easily point out KSH possible multiple personalities he puts up in order to pull people in and once he knows he got them he can reveal his true personality.
He has an Aswini Moon, and this also emphasizes how quickly he can get angry and what’s funny about this is how Ashvini rules over health and look at what KSH said…
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moon rules over the mother, being nurtured and frequented habits. So he obviously expects his partner to be like a mom/caregiver and constantly watch over him…💀
KSH has an Aries mars, and this definitely emphasizes his temper problems and his Bharani is ruled over Yama (God of Death) and with his past being brought up, he seems to have really destructive and narcissistic tendencies because WOW!! That little post of his speaks volumes!
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here’s his full post btw 👆🏽
Well!! That’s it for today!! All I have to say is wow because this new information from his old blogs about him shocked me because I wasn’t expecting all of this. But at the end of the day… we all really don’t know each other so we really can’t be out here putting each other on pedestals…🤷🏽‍♀️
Once again… Thank you for reading 📦
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itsmeanyango · 1 year
The Luckiest week in Astrology 2023: What is Jupiter in Taurus bringing you?
The Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter Uranus and North Node in Retrograde are in Taurus, the patient planet of beauty.
The Sun represents spotlight.
The Moon represents feelings and emotions.
Mercury represents communication and neighborhood.
Jupiter represents luck and expansion.
Uranus represents revolution. The type of change that brings restructure.
North Node represents whats meant to be, in retrograde it means review what is meant to be.
This energy with the sun in Taurus will last until end of Taurus season on May 21st.
The Moon will impact your feelings for three days until May 19th
Mercury will impact your communication and neighborhood until June 11th. Mercury was retrograde and you felt the stagnancy, resistance and strain then. Now you slow but surely will see the beauty of it all.
Jupiter will impact you until May 24 2024. Take advantage!
North Node in Retrograde will impact you until July 12th when it leaves Taurus.
Let's talk a little bit about the New Moon in Taurus.
On May 5th there was a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio. I made a post about it here. Scorpio is directly opposite Taurus, they are in opposition. Go back to what the Eclipse brought, removed or taught you. Which house was the eclipse in? Now look at this Moon in Taurus and see what the new beginnings are, Taurus softens the harshness of that eclipse because the universe does not pelt rocks at her children. One hard transit does not mean it's over for you, the universe ALWAYS has your back and will ALWAYS bring softness and tenderness to you. All you have to do is pay attention.
There's a prayer that can help you, the serenity prayer. You can customise it to suit you but here is how it goes:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.
This is what this transit may mean for you depending on the house you have Taurus in your chart using whole sign:
In the 1H: People's perception of you, spotlight on you, being talked to beautifully or longing kind words and encouragement,self image success, review who you really want to be known as.
In the 2H: Your money looks good, emotional spending or retail therapy,money mantras or being told how money you seem, growth in income, review your relationship with money.
In the 3H: Beautiful relationship with siblings/cousins or wishing for such,be careful not to butter up the wrong person, postive affirmations, reviewing your conversations and self talk.
In the 4H: Making a beautiful home, memories back then, My home essay, expansion in family whatever family means to you, review what family is to you.
In the 5H: Beautiful face because of hair, your hair is beautiful please don't believe the negativity,letter to my younger self, nurturingy inner child, review how I treated younger me and how younger me and as treated.
In the 6H: Creating beautiful routines,only seeing the good of something,writing down plans,I have grown and evolved from that, review how you do things and figure out how they have worked for you so far.
In the 7H: Spotlight on Beautiful relationships(not just romantic), feeling like the beautiful relationships are too good to be true, self sabotaging beautiful relationships because of old mindsets, relationships bringing growth but remember growth can be painful, review the growth you have gone through.
The 7H has a lot. When Jupiter was transiting your 6H(Aries), you really had a hard time because things were moving so fast and your health was not at its best then so many plans were burning down. While others were enjoying Jupiter in Aries, you were in a hot oven. It must have been very hard, you deserve comfort. You deserve a break. It's going to be slow, but you will heal and get back up. Get back up again from the animation Trolls(and sung by Anna Kendrick) would be a good song for you, have a listen or play it on repeat.
In the 8H: Noticing how beautiful others resources are, jealousy or gratitude, asking for help(might be talking to investors), receiving support that propels you,healing from trauma, review your perception of who deserves and who does not deserve to be wealthy.
Someone is healing from sexual trauma and shame. I'm happy you get to experience this peace and freedom ❤️
In the 9H: Learning about beauty,reviewing your perception of beauty, talking or writing about beauty standards, expanding your knowledge on beauty, review your beauty standards objectively
In the 10H: Spotlight on career, zero in on what is most attractive to you career wise, feeling called to a certain career direction, writing the most beautiful cover letters and applications,promotions or getting into the career you wanted,review your career choices, they keep changing, why do they?
In the 11H: Seeing and desiring beautiful networks, going to places around you to see if you can get networks or making beautiful networks around you, meeting someone and realizing you landed a stroke of luck, review your networks especially on social media, are your connections good for your wellbeing?
In the 12H: Being open to mental health practices, feeling the fog lift, journaling, realizing what seemingly beautiful thing is making your mental health tank, reviewing what works and what does not work for your mental health.
The Moon was in Taurus on Wednesday, a good day to communicate your feelings because Mercury rules Wednesday.
The Moon is still in Taurus on Thursday, a good day to get philosophical about what you love because Jupiter rules Thursday.
The Moon is still in Taurus on Friday, indulge in beauty self care because Venus rules Friday.
The New moon in Taurus is on Friday, a good time to start or restart something beautiful.
Taurus is also ruled by Venus, love yourself ×10
Taurus rules the voice, honor your voice.
You can book a reading with me here follow our Tiktok here our Twitter here our YouTube here and our Pinterest here
Astrology and Human Design Simplified. AHDSimplified.
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hallucie · 2 years
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🌑✨Taurus Scorpio Eclipse season 2022✨🌕 (Oct. 25- Nov. 8)
Hello all, this is not one of my usual posts. Instead I will be talking about my own recent experience with this years eclipses. ⚠️Trigger warning⚠️ I will be talking about the very detailed and tragic loss of my two dearest pets, Layla (Aussie 4) and Ronald (Manx 12).
This is a documentation of what happened during the eclipses compared to my own birth chart, how I felt in the moment of loss and the insight I learned after. (Key word: Feel) This eclipse season did fall in my 12-11H, where my 12H holds my Scorpio Moon.
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October 26, 2022 12:30PM:
I was at work during lunch time when my partner called me to let me know that my copper Aussie had passed away suddenly. I left work in shock only telling one for-worker where I was going and that I would not be back. As I arrived at my house, I found Layla in my backyard, stiff and unsightly. It appeared to me that she possibly experienced a seizure before her passing due to her purple tongue and drool. She had not had an easy passing. My family and I mourned her death as we wrapped her up, contemplating how this could’ve happened.
At this time I struggled with a nasty neighbor whom I grew suspicious of due to her many complaints of my dog barking. My family and I agreed to have Layla’s body examined but sadly nothing came of it. We were left to wonder what might have happened to our sweet girl. She was wrapped in her favorite blanket and dropped off at the animal morgue about an hour away from home. During the next few days instead of feeling sadness I felt vengeful. My heart clung to spite and mistrust.
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On this day you see in the yellow ovals the Transiting Scorpio Moon 19° 11H has come conjunct to my Natal Scorpio Moon 22° 12H, both being in opposition to Transiting Taurus Uranus 17° in the Transiting 4H, but my Natal 5H.
There was a sudden Uranian upheaval of life (Taurus: the start of spring where everything starts to bloom/come to life, tangible beauty, sustenance) from my home (Transiting 4H: home, family, physical land, property) remember that I found her in my back yard. The incredible factor was that Transiting Uranus fell in my 5H: house of pleasure— Pleasure can be found in anything, people find joy in children, relationships, sex, alcohol, even food. I find happiness and pleasure in animals and children. I feel my best around animals and express my authentic self around kids.
The opposition of the Transiting Scorpio Moon creates a tug of war, or give and take effect. In which case this sudden upheaval let me to become suspicious and even more hateful towards my neighbor. Due to this unfortunate circumstance, I met with a facility (my Natal 12H: general facilities like hospitals, prisons, or even in some cases a physical body) and faculty (Transiting 11H: groups of individuals) to drop off my deceased loved one.
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In chart 2 you will also notice Transiting Scorpio Sun conjunct Venus in Transiting 10H square my Natal Aquarius Uranus 2H.
The time I was told about Laylas passing was while I was at work (10H: being house of career, what you’re known for) I had told one lady at my job that I found out my dog had passed away and she had given me empathy (Sun conjunct Venus). This encounter brought immediate action (squaring) to my house of values (2H). There was sudden change in what I valued (Natal Aquarius Uranus 2H).
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(Exactly 7 days later)
November 1, 2022 10:24AM:
On this morning my partner noticed my eldest cat, Ronald, breathing faster than normal. I picked him up and took him to my room to notice he was struggling to walk as well. I rushed him to the emergency vet. The caretaker immediately took him back to do their best at tending to him but unfortunately it was of no use to him. I was forced to make a decision, euthanize him or pay $2-4k for treatment. I asked the vet-techs their personal opinion and I agreed. I felt in my heart it was best if he was euthanized because there was no guarantee he would get better. He had been diagnosed with heart disease at 7 years old so out of all the years I had cared for his heart, I had never seen him like this. I was sent to a quiet room to discuss options for his remains but before I knew it one of the vet-techs took me to the back room where he was. I was told he was not doing well. I took after the hasty nurse, holding my heart as I grew closer to the operating station. I saw that Ronald was held in an oxygen tank, but still gasping for breath. They tried to sedate him one last time but he was fighting hard as he could to overcome his suffering. I sobbed as I did my best to comfort him in his last moments. I was in such shock, it seemed like everything was happening so quickly. Not before long, myself, along with several other kind strangers held his frail, fuzzy body on a table to prepare for euthanasia. One doctor in front of me pressed the end of her stethoscope to his chest and within minutes says to me “honey, he’s gone”. Not even enough time to complete start the euthanasia. Feeling heavy and weak, I turn around to be greeted by a middle aged nurse placing her hands onto my shoulders gently trying to rub the pain away, as if she were trying to rub off the weight I bore in that moment, “I’m so sorry” she said as she held back her own shaky breath. Tears clouded my vision only to clear long enough for me to glance around at all the staff grasping at their own hearts, some even holding onto each other for comfort. In that moment I acknowledged that unfamiliar faces garnered empathy as my heart was ripped out of my chest.
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As you’ll see Transiting Scorpio Mercury, Sun and Venus in Transiting 11H, fall into my Natal 11H.
I, along with a group of individuals (11H) received a stabbing, painful message (Scorpio Mercury) of one of the most traumatic sudden upheavals. So much so that Venus’s empathy shined brightly amongst the souls of others. Remember the opposition of Transiting Taurus Uranus in Transiting 5H and Natal 5H— the sudden upheaval of life that once brought pleasure.
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You’ll also notice in the second diagram with the rectangle that Transiting Scorpio Mercury squares my Natal Aqua Uranus 2H. There was sudden change in what I valued. 2nd house being the house of valuables like money, self esteem, cherished people or things.
🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷 🪷
Side note: My partner just so happens to be a double Scorpio. His Natal Sun conjunct Moon 3H. Both times being the messenger of bad news. (3H: house of communication)
All of this chaos helped me to realize that there is no one to blame for life’s misfortunes. There is only room to grieve and release. Taurus and Scorpio want nothing more to hold on and fixate on what’s real and cling to the emotions within their reality. The anxiety that I felt for my little meow in his last moments would pass and bring me peace but only if I accepted and let go of my grip. I would only truly be allowed to grieve once I accepted Laylas death was no one’s fault at all.
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moonlight-yuyu · 16 days
hello! could i put in a request for the autumn special game?
My big six are:
taurus sun 6h, gemini moon 8h, scorpio rising, taurus mercury 7h, aries venus 5h, and aqua mars 3h
Emoji: 🍂
With: riize wonbin
Thank you in advance! ~
🦋Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you'll have a lovely day and feel free to request again🦋
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As the autumn sun casts a golden hue over the park, you and Wonbin arrive at a vibrant scene of falling leaves and playful energy. The crisp air is filled with the earthy scent of fall, and the park is alive with the colorful spectacle of leaves in shades of red, orange, and yellow. The scene is set for a day of carefree fun and laughter.
With your Taurus Sun in the 6th house, you approach the day with a sense of grounding and practicality, ensuring you have everything you need for a perfect autumn adventure. You’ve prepared a cozy picnic blanket, some hot cider, and a selection of warm snacks, reflecting your reliable and nurturing nature. Your Taurus Mercury in the 7th house indicates your preference for thoughtful communication and a deep connection with your surroundings, making sure everything is just right for this special outing.
Wonbin, embodying the dreamy and compassionate qualities of a Pisces Sun, greets you with a warm smile, his Libra Moon adding a harmonious and charming touch to his demeanor. His Mercury in Aquarius suggests an innovative and open-minded approach to the day’s activities, while his Venus in Pisces brings a romantic and whimsical flair to the experience. His Taurus Mars reflects his steady, yet persistent energy, perfectly complementing your practical nature.
As you both step onto the blanket of colorful leaves, your Scorpio Rising adds an air of intrigue and intensity to the scene. You feel a thrill of excitement as you and Wonbin prepare for a playful day of jumping into piles of leaves and tossing them at each other. His Pisces Venus and your Aries Venus create a delightful blend of romantic playfulness and spontaneous fun.
You take turns running and diving into the leaf piles, your Aquarius Mars fueling your energetic and inventive approach to the activity. You come up with creative ways to toss leaves, your Gemini Moon’s adaptability and curiosity making every moment a new adventure. Wonbin’s Pisces Moon and Mars in Taurus ground the experience with a sense of calm and enjoyment, allowing you both to immerse fully in the joy of the moment.
Laughter fills the air as you both engage in playful leaf fights, tossing colorful leaves high into the air and watching them flutter down around you. Your Aries Venus adds a touch of spontaneity and excitement, while Wonbin’s Pisces Venus adds a layer of romantic whimsy to your playful interactions. The blend of your energies creates a delightful and memorable experience.
After an exhilarating session of leaf tossing, you both take a break and sit on the blanket, enjoying the warm cider and snacks you’ve brought along. The conversation flows easily, reflecting your Taurus Sun’s grounded nature and Wonbin’s Libra Moon’s charming and balanced communication style. You both share stories, laughter, and a sense of connection that deepens throughout the day.
As the sun begins to set and the sky turns shades of pink and orange, you and Wonbin relax together, surrounded by the remnants of your playful leaf pile fun. The day has been a perfect blend of your practical and nurturing Taurus traits, Wonbin’s dreamy Pisces essence, and the joy of your shared playful spirit. The park, now bathed in the soft light of dusk, feels like a magical backdrop to the memories you’ve created together.
With the crisp autumn air and the warmth of your shared laughter, you both savor the tranquil end to a day filled with joy and connection. The playful leaf pile adventure has not only been a fun escape but also a reminder of the simple pleasures and deep bonds that make life so rich and fulfilling.
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asstrolo · 3 years
Astrology notes while listening to mitski
(most of these are my personal theories and a compilation of tweets from other astrologers on astro tw, please feel free to add more if you want)
✷ I noticed a lot of capricorn dominant/stellium people like astrology, spirituality and tarot, it must be cause of their sidereal Sagittarius stellium, but it’s good that they like these kinds of things since it can help the person be less uptight 
✷ Wanna know how your love life is gonna go this year? check your solar return, if you haven’t had your birthday yet, then put 2020 after your birthday instead of 2021, see if there’s any aspects in your 7H, for example, if your 7H in the Solar Return is aspecting Neptune, you might be more idealistic about your relationships in general, so be careful by not seeing something that’s not there! or aspecting Pluto, you’ll attract a lot of past lovers, you must also be careful not to fall into possessiveness or unhealthy habits in your relationships, this can count on Venus aspects too! but i personally think the 7H is more important
✷ Also, this has been brought up by another astro blog and they said if your Natal Chart 1H is in your 7H or 5H in your Solar Chart you’ll also be most likely to have romantic relationships that year or it will play an important role that year too (this post!)
✷ Most people that have Saturn in 7H tend to marry or get into really serious relationships rather young, it’s recommended for them to not get married until they have their Saturn return because they’ll probably get divorced (@iJadee on twitter talks a lot about this specifically, and i 100% believe its true, be careful!)
✷ Too much of virgo and libra in one chart can make someone incredibly giving and they get taken advantage of A LOT, they don't know how to put boundaries between being polite and being used, this is something they have to battle with for the rest of their lives because they probably have it since childhood, being the mediator of the family or the one everyone is counting on to be harmonious and happy and giving
✷ A person with plenty of 8H, specially in Venus, Mars and/or Saturn are NOT the type to have one-night stands, these people see sex as the ultimate sacrifice to let yourself be vulnerable with your partner, they probably were in very serious long relationships from a young age or are waiting until they get into a relationship, they are very connected to physical touch, that’s why they won’t give it to just anyone
✷ Also, now that we are in the 8H, this house doesn’t always necessary means sex or what they do with partners or their kinks, this house is way more than that, you’d figure people here will already know that, but not everyone knows. So I’ll tell you what this house means; death, heritage, your dark side, money and how you push yourself, transformation and what you can be scared of, this house has so many more meanings than sex
✷ Having gemini degrees (3°, 15°, 27°) in any planet, but specially MC and ASC, gives the person an innate ability to write and communicate, even if this person has hard aspects with Mercury, people are drawn to what they have to say, this makes someone really good at things related to marketing, or social media, publishing, selling things, etc (the original tweet!)
✷ Following the topic of degrees, if you have several degrees in a sign, like having them in Leo degrees, 5°, 17°, 29°, but not having any Leo in your chart, you can still feel like you relate to that sign to some extent, or having a lot of degrees in a same element (4°, 16°, 28° cancer degree, 8°, 20° scorpio degree, 12°, 24° pisces degree) gives a person more water attributes even if they don’t have water in their chart
✷ A Venus dominant person, or having Venus aspected the most on their chart makes a super artistic person, yes, they know how to create art and are good at it, but Mercury dominant people (especially with Venusian influence) are just as good, they add realism to beauty, they can make normal everyday things look poetic and inspiring, virgos get inspired by that, their routine and geminis by the people around them
✷ This also happens with Saturn dominant people, i think, personally, that capricorns have a way of connecting to their femininity or their softer, more delicate side, and this has nothing to do with gender, earth people normally have a gracious way of moving and a really soft, pretty way of interpreting art, a capricorn will make something like pain or obligations into art, talk about jobs and how money works and how everything is the same in a way that seems likeable, more dreamy
✷ Just gonna continue talking about capricorns lol, these people are very fatalist, they see complications and problems as something beautiful, most musicians that are capricorns or have this sign a lot in their chart use the pain that a situation has caused them and romanticize it, it's almost like they are happy difficult things happen in life to make them feel human
✷ libras don't get enough credit, these people are very ambitious and will do anything to succeed on whatever they want, they might even risk their own health for it
✷ Don't know what to gift your scorpio rising friend? Gift them a cat, scorpio risings have a Leo MC and, as we know, Leo and cats just go together, there is something about the connection a Leo placement and their cats have that nobody else ever will, don't be stupid, gift them a cat!
That's it's all for today folks, please don't send me your birth charts because i won't read them unless you pay me 🤠
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delightningfield · 3 years
Why Fixed Signs Read First Impressions the Fastest
HOW Fixed Signs May Take First Impressions Seriously
These are my astrological observations from hearing perspectives brought up by friends. Some have been expanded on a little more from my own perspective of these placements, and some from response of people with these placements in my personal life. TLDR; these are speculative observations.
Known Observation: Fixed signs are stabilizers. They are the four elements that bond the start and end of the elemental seasons, they are the four signs that evaluate the past (cardinal energy) to create an opening for any transitional work (mutable energy).
Speculation: Fixed energy is grounded, is consistent, is powerful, and is balanced. The four houses these signs represent all require an individual and collective mindset.
The attachment to the past is why I'm making this observation:
If Taurus and 2H represents material values, Taurus takes a read of someone's first impression in their value systems; whether its material values or moral values, Taurus and Venus (celestial ruler) will be the first to note your perspective on life and living and will apply this to their perception of you. Earth signs are very understanding of the varying weights of the human condition on every person they come across.
If Leo and 5H represents childhood, Leos read first impressions with their inner child looking for another friend at the playground to play/connect with on a spiritual level. The Sun (celestial ruler) is the heat of life, Fire is an element of pure energy, and therefore attracts all energies; Even if you haven't directly interacted with each other, the Leo is observing how you carry yourself, how you treat others, and will allow you to orbit into their life accordingly.
If Scorpio and 8H represents transformation and change, you will find that the place of observation will occur in changes of behavior. We all know that we show different faces around other people and personalities, and Scorpios take this degree of change to consideration. Do your political or moral views change by the energy of the room? What is the notable difference in the lie you told today versus yesterday? Will you defend yourself or others in situations of stress? Water signs are the best to know exactly how never ending and deep one's emotional layers can go. Pluto (celestial ruler) knows no morals or boundaries, and Mars (traditional celestial ruler) embodies the chaotic energy that water will always be; something that fills and reshapes to any container or space. Scorpios make notice of these shifting energies in order to understand you on a level that melts the internal and external appearance.
If Aquarius and 11H represents community, society, and global consciousness, then Aquariuses will look for your chosen forms of communication when you talk about yourself and (or versus) the world. Air signs are notable for their ability to consistently remain at the pace of their own flow in all forms of energy shifts. Therefore the perception of communication is real and complex for Aquariuses; one's ability to communicate on their own true emotional, physical, and spiritual behalf already places them at a spiritual level that is not consistent with humanity at large. Therefore lies hold a certain weight, and there is a chance that they're focusing on how to perceive you through your falsified truth. While Saturn (traditional celestial ruler) requires the original type of existence, to be connected with yourself and your world, Uranus (celestial ruler) knows that in order to be your true inner and global self, a disconnection for self reflection to the see where your own words (and actions) play out in the communal world of thoughts is equally as important. Aquariuses take note of things you say because to them, speaking embodies your being into motion based on how vital communication (to yourself and to others) plays a role in Air energy.
Oh ? do all of these work together and represent several ways we hold onto first impressions? interesting :p im still trying to see if this observation applies to all 4 signs and in which particular celestial body does it manifest the most?
ive gotten feed back from two leo suns, one scorpio moon, and one scorpio rising. i might make a follow up post with someone with taurus and aquarius placements in their big 3.
if not let me know, but actually let me know in reblogs or dm chats because im literally just going to keep posting astrological observations on this tumblr as 2021 continues :)
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vicxy · 3 years
Hiii I’d love to participate in the game and if possible, would be a blast to hear your thoughts
My cards: The magician and Wheel of fortune
I also have ♉️ NN 5H!
Thank you so much!
The Wheel: With this card, I feel like you have some fire placements, mainly Sagittarius or Aries. This card can signify luck, so you might be quite lucky or have experiences where you had a stroke of luck in the nick of time/when you needed it the most. This could also indicate that you have good karma in this life. The lesson to be learnt here is to appreciate the good times that you have gone through, as with this card your life is in a constant state of change. Back to what I said about karma, this also applies to how you treat people. The Wheel is perpetually turning, and what goes around comes around. Treat someone nicely and they'll be nice to you in return, but treat somebody like shit and you'll get a shitty attitude in return. You should be optimistic about life, and if you are willing to go on adventures and explore different possibilities then you will be brought to greater heights. If undeveloped I have a feeling you could be a lazy person. You might also be intuitive or have psychic abilities, or maybe someone around you does. I feel some water energy from you though, maybe cancer/Scorpio. You can be closed off or really private sometimes. The number 10 might be significant to you.
The Magician: With this card, I think you might have some air influence in your chart, especially your planets being in air houses. You are a very determined person with a lot of drive, and you might be a fast and creative thinker. I think you are an intelligent person. You’re probably resourceful and have a lot of connections. Yup this also makes me feel like you have a good potential for manifestation! If you have any projects that you are doing now, it is important to focus on your goal and not get distracted, this will help you accomplish it.
Past Life NN Theory:
Alright, now I’m going to explain why I talked about past lives and stuff. Since the North Node is something like what we need to learn or what we need to do to achieve our highest self and grow in this lifetime, I feel like it would be safe to assume that you south node in this life represents or indicates the type of person you were in your past life? It can also show the you when you were younger. (Especially your flaws)
Since you have Taurus NN in the 5h, you would have Scorpio South node in the 11h. This could mean that you were too individualistic in your past life and too controlling, and you have to unlearn that in this life. With your taurus NN in the 5h, I would say that you should watch out for being too materialistic and stubborn, maybe being too proud also.
I hope this was alright, good day!
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gg-astrology · 6 years
Hello i saw the answear when i asked about if my venus in sagitarius and mars in pices would be interested for taehyung, Thank you so much i really appreciate it ,But i didint fully understand if taehyung might be interested in me?english isnt my first langue but i hope you will understand me,I dont know so much about astrology what is luminates? Sorry for being annoying and i am really grateful that you answear me so quickly for my last question,
Hey there!! 💜💜 Just wanted to let you know I got your other asks too ksdjnksn I just want to give u a heads up that I’m.. probably not going to answer the idol x romance stuff ok? 💜 I don’t answer those anymore (or...I’ve never answered ones like those before either ;;) 💜💜 so i hope you won’t mind if I don’t publish/talk about it ;; 💜💜Don’t worry about your english, and as long as -- um if you can calm down a lil with the idol x romance asks i think im ok sdkfnks 💜💜
As for the tae thing, I can’t give you a complete answers there’s a lot more factors than that 💜💜it depends on the person completely, even if placement matches-- whether they’re interested in another person in that light or not is up to their jurisdiction too 💜💜What i pointed out was that your pisces are generally good for caps bc they could sextile each other, so if you happen to find anyone with a cap placement like that-- maybe it’ll be good for you too 💜 luminaries are your sun/moon 💜💜
for the mars-pluto asks: please don’t worry i mean usually it’s more self-reflective (the things we get/remember about others) sometimes its for something that happened in the past that needs to be brought up/addressed -- not as clear cut as you mentioned, it could just be trauma/something that was lashed out-- sometimes it’s to reprimand us for bad habits we have. I think when the time comes, the advice from this aspect will be relevant, but if it’s not referring to your past/things you’ve experienced yet-- try to keep an open-mind about it first ok 💜Tarot and astrology are both forms of divination technically. I think both forms are different from each other and has it’s merits, asking if one is more accurate than the others is like asking whether you should eat cheese or bread when they?? you can put the cheese on the bread and eat them like that?? or you can eat them separately from each other?? 
whether u like vedic or western is totally up to you! 💜 some people grew up learning one thing and wants to learn the other, some sticks to what they know 💜 I think learning both is a good idea, so you can see for yourself which one you prefer without undermining the others unjustly y know 💜
5h talks about your self-expression too, you’ll need to manifest it tho 💜 help it out, put yourself out there 💜 even when the opportunity opens a playing ground for you, you’re the one who has to actually use the tools given to you to help yourself 💜💜 
as for ‘finding partner later in life’, ‘ideal placements’, ‘long-term couples’ -- i’ve kinda answered those in my astrology asks masterlist? 💜 so if you search around on it, i think you’ll find answers to ur questions :) 💜💜
And for leo-venus, aspects are important. It could talk about how it’s working, if the composite/synastry charts would point to something else. It’s more than just one person, but two people together too. Leo Venus doesn’t act the same way with say like a Scorpio/Taurus than it does with a Leo/Aquarius. Chemistry and just-- aspects/synastry is good to know to help understand each other and see what we need to do y know? 💜 
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woollygothlesbian · 8 years
Rules: you have to tag 20 followers you want to get to know better.
I was tagged by @jilliannholtzman (I was tagged on thatglutenfreelesbian, but i’d rather do it on this blog) thank you!!
Gender: Female
Star Sign: Scorpio
Height: 5'4′’ (ish? i think?)
Sexual Orientation: ace lesbian
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Favorite Colour: Pastel purple and deep green
Favorite animal: this is fuckin cruelty, my man. I’m gonna go with cats just bc i see them less often
Average hours of sleep: somewhere between 6 and 9, usually much closer to 6
Cat or dog person: i love them equally, but i usually say cat person bc it doesn’t imply a dislike of dogs, but saying ur a dog person implies a dislike of cats
Favorite Fictional Characters: Remus Lupin, Santana Lopez and Lafontaine tbh
Number of blankets I sleep with: 1 in summer, 3or4 in winter
Favorite Singer/Band: atm, i’ve been listening mainly to tegan and sara, but also 5h, childish gambino and hayley kiyoko
Dream trip: edfringe, definitely. Doing it properly, staying for the full month in a shitty hostel, preferably with the cast of the show i’ve brought over
Dream job: definitely writing, prose, poetry, scriptwork, and also directing for stage
When was this blog made? september, 2013
Number of followers: 74
What made you decide to create this blog? i wanted a place to post more ~aesthetic~ stuff, and my original works, and it devolved from there
i tag @hotdamnholtz (bc i know you haven’t done it yet) @there-once-was-a-pirate @ravenousclaw @little-red-ryder @iwantsixcoffeesaday @louisfondsharry @la-loba-loca-que-toca-la-moca
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