#brownie posting
beantownbrownie · 1 year
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2022 Chevy Corvette Stingray 2LT w/ Engine Appearance Package
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pretentiousbrownie · 6 months
how do I break up with a friend
aw shucks, it’s never easy
it depends on who this friend is, what they mean to you, how they came to be, and why this split feels necessary, but it’s always good to be direct
communicate with them the why and how and the shape of what it is that’s causing this
they may not like what you have to say - you probably don’t need me telling you it’s really hard losing a friend - but as long as there isn’t any bad blood, ill intent, or real malice, they may come to appreciate you letting them know very clearly that it has to happen
sometimes friendships can change and go faraway places or lull into quiet stretches for indeterminate amounts of time, and that’s perfectly okay; some friendships will endure no matter the space and time
but if you know in your heart of hearts that a friendship has reached its final conclusion, there’s no use in trying to prolong a period of hope and simultaneous frustration, or commit the energy to something you know is on borrowed time
the only hard part there is knowing when a friendship is in a place like that versus just being a long period of quiet
but yes, please tell them
without embellishments or promises left lingering
of course always be kind and courteous - they are and will remain someone who was your friend, but let them know that the place you are in today may be different than the place you were in then, that perhaps the nature of the relationship or the experiences you or they have had in life has changed things and it no longer feels like the two of you or group of you are the right fits for each other anymore
it won’t be easy
no one *likes* to hear that
but there will be a time when the friendship has come to a close, when the pathways of your lives have diverged, when you are both many years or experiences down the road, and you find that you haven’t thought about each other the same way for a very long time, but you still remember what was good and happy and lovely about it
and you both remember having that conversation that set the stage for everything that came after. there was no guesswork or things left unsaid or questions about things gone undone; it was final and definite, and there is a closure in that
it’s gonna suck to lose a friend
but it sucks just as much knowing your friendship has gone on longer than is healthy for either one of you
we know that people will often come and go in your life no matter what we think they mean to us and us to them; people are there for certain times, maybe for certain reasons, or maybe chance and happenstance, and we can love and appreciate that as much as we love and appreciate them
but it’s important to recognize when fate tugs at the strands of your lives that were once interwoven away from each other
in the end
just tell them
it will sting, it will hurt, it won’t be easy
but it may be the right thing to do
I dunno if this is what you were hoping to hear anon, but I do wish you and your friend the best of luck and all the love
and I hope the memories you both share will stay forever, no matter what happens
please take care, love you anon <3
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bovineblogger · 9 months
i dont even know why i made this
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original by @punkitt-is-here lalaal
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thepringlesofblood · 2 months
ok so like. murderbot is famously anti-food right? but consider. we know secunits have a sense of smell. it mentions liking/not liking plenty of smells across the series (the 'dirty sock' human smell, ART's showers smelling good.)
where i'm going with this is that good food smells good. and i don't think mb has ever been around any good food. like think. academic surveys, mining installations, close-quarters space travel, these are not places or occasions known for their cuisine. its experience of food in an olfactory sense is probably limited to ration packs & corporate cafeteria lunch settings. until relatively recently, it had never even been through the 'human' parts of stations before, where it may have smelled some sort of actual food in passing. it's probably seen plenty of other types of food on media, but never smelled any of it.
so imagine. come with me on a mind journey. mb stopping in on Mensah's actual house for some reason during the day, and one of her spouses or something is baking gingerbread (very much the kind of cookie that fills up the whole house with good smells). like. would it even recognize it as being food necessarily? gingerbread is very much one of those smells that everyone tries to recreate and no one quite can. I imagine it's not thrilled with the concept of ovens in general (humans please stop putting your hands in/near hot things), but imagine it frantically trying to place the smell and mensah being like hey you good? and it being like theres. a smell. something must be wrong somewhere. and mensah being like oh no that's just gingerbread, tano's baking cookies. and it's like that's FOOD???
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glitter-alienz · 3 months
have u ever considered that OMNI Don is always high?/j
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he's always high on that uh. the sad? idk.
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raph is right btw ^^
also i can't find the original post for this but it was a meme i saw on reddit months back loll
[TMNTOV Masterpost]
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goose-doodles · 5 months
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3moe5me · 6 months
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weirdofish · 2 months
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Don't turn around, Weeg.
Man, this looked much funnier in my head. The thought of Shadow really wanting something mundane like brownies is kind of humorous to me. The whole joke is that the brownies are ultimate because they attract ultimate life forms (I dunno what I was thinking, either. I just thought it was funny.)
While making the first panel I was listening to I Am All Of Me not realizing how funny it was to listen to that while drawing someone making brownies (though let's face it: nothing is as hardcore as Luigi with freshly baked goods XD)
Bonus panels:
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I told you not to turn around (don't worry, he's fine)
And Shadow got his damn brownies
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You know, this reminds me of this:
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He has conquered the Dairy Queen brownie XD
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call-me-strega · 7 months
Dc x Dp Prompt #14: The Valentines Day Debacle
“debacle • \dee-BAH-kul\ • noun.
1 : a tumultuous breakup of ice in a river 
2 : a violent disruption (as of an army) : rout
3 a : a great disaster b : a complete failure : fiasco.”
~ It was Valentine’s Day and Jason regrets agreeing to go on this date.
Weelll, kind of, but not exactly.
This “date” was actually a covert-op with three caped chaperones because he, Steph, Tim and Cass were all on cases that ended up being the same case.
Steph and Tim had caught wind of some allegedly magic potions becoming popular among college students used to help students score dates with their up coming Valentines. There weren’t any outright love potions but confidence boosters, things to increase your attractiveness, luck boosters, thing to get people in the mood. They had been investigating into it to make sure this wasn’t secretly a drug ring but found it to some real magical bullshit. They’d located the source’s lair/lab where they brewed the potions but not the potion brewer themselves.
Cass had been in Hong Kong when she caught wind of one of her targets following rumors of a witch who specialized in potions to grant small boons and bewitching charms. After dealing with her target she started tracking down the witch to find out her goals and intentions. She followed her trail across Asia, Europe and a good portion of the eastern seaboard before her path led her to Gotham.
Jason was investigating some upper middle class chick that started hanging around the alley trying to get in with the prostitutes and drag queens(and only succeeding in making them suspicious). She met several young men who abandoned the gang allegiances too trail after her like puppies. His investigation showed she was also circling Gotham elites and was in search of gossip on two things: people looking for love and a beau for herself.
They had been going over their cases at a team meeting when they realized their 3 targets were all the same woman. Between the four of them they pieced out she was some new age witch, descendent from an older family line looking to get rich and in a relationship. Her potions weren't really actively harmful but her use of them to gain the upper hand in business deals and amass a following of boytoys she decided weren’t hunky enough for her but would do as muscle was.
Tim and Steph knew she was planning on selling her potions at the Valentine’s/Winter market place in Robinson Park coming up. Jason and Cass knew she was looking to net some more followers while they were there so the plan was simple. One of the guys would go undercover to try and get recruited while the others stayed nearby for back up. They’d try to get some information out of her and if the need for it arose, to take her into custody and hand her off to the Justice League Dark. They’d already talked to Zatana to have her ready to come to Gotham should things go awry and gotten a charm from her to prevent them from getting put under her control.
Oh if only this didn’t go so wrong.
Unfortunately for Jason, he matched their little witch’s tastes to a tee. Thus, he was the one stuck being dragged around market under the guise of having agreed to a date with her. She dragged him around, made him pay for her things, tried to use his stature to intimidate others and was generally rude to the other patrons and staff. Oh, Jason despised her but grit his teeth and pretended to play nice. Cass was investigating her stall and Steph and Tim were tailing them.
Finally over the comms he heard the team confirm Cass had found the info she was looking for and he could finally ditch little miss witch. He broke it to her that he thought this wouldn’t work out and her eye just twitched. She must have tried to charm him because she asked him to stay with her and become her main beau, which he soundly refused. This set her off on a rage as she screeched over how her charm didn’t work and how Jason would have been perfect if she’d been able to get him under her thumb. He tried to back off when she lashed out with a magic rope insisting once she captured Jason he’d be the perfect leader to her adoring little boyfriend army.
So yeah she was more psycho than anticipated.
Spoiler and Red Robin began to swoop in for the rescue which only served to enraged her further. That’s when the team learned that she was talented in more than just potions. She used her magic to start awakening magical creatures in the park surrounding them. Nymphs shed from trees and little snow golems formed and began attacking RR and Spoiler.
Black Bat had run over to extract Jason when the witch noticed her. She shrieked in outraged proclaiming if she couldn’t have Jason no one else would and that he could become fish food for the frost creatures of Far Frozen before picking him up with a spectral vine and slamming him through the frozen lake into a swirling blue portal. Cass tried to go after him but the witch quickly engaged her with too much feral rage to realize she was outclassed in hand to hand against Black Bat. By the time Steph and Tim fought off the nymphs and golems it was too late. Whatever whirling portal had been in the lake closed and Jason was no where to be found.
As Jason pushed through the ice he had one final thought before he felt himself black out: ‘Worst Valentine’s Day ever.’
~ The first thing Jason felt when he came to was cold. He was still submerged under icy water. It was chilled him to the core but was almost soothing in a way. As if cooling of a burn. As is opened his eyes the world seemed to move in slow motion. He was still underwater surrounded by chunks of ice. He could make out sounds of distorted yelling as the world seem to get even slower.
Suddenly he felt something grab his collar and place itself under his arm. Jason was unceremoniously hoisted out of a frozen river and laid out on a river bank. He let out a harsh cough and his head got dizzy. He tried to regain his wits long enough to see who pulled him out.
It was large figure, maybe an inch or two taller than his 6 foot, with the bulk of a viking and the looks of one too. The man appeared to be around the same age as Jason, possibly older, and very concerned. He had messy white hair that was tied(or braided? Jason’s vision was still blurry) in the back. He was wearing armor made of some sort of hide leather and a dark gray metal (iron?) and covered in snow-white furs.
Jason stared at his savior trying to get his wits about him, willing his vision to clear. That’s Jason felt a warm fur cloak wrap around him as the man said something Jason wasn’t able to comprehend. He let out another harsh cough and felt himself being picked up in a princess carry. His rescuer moved incredibly fast for someone carrying a man of Jason’s stature. However, the motion did not help with the dizziness or the cold. Jason shivered, curling towards his “heroic knight” and pulling the cloak tighter around himself. This spurred the man to go faster.
Finally, everything stopped moving and Jason felt himself encompassed in warmth. Several more furs were wrapped around him and he was laid down to rest. At last Jason’s vision cleared enough to see the other man’s face properly. He had a rugged face and a strong jawline. He had a small scar near his eyebrow and round eyes with light eye bags beneath them. He had a straight nose and bow-shaped lips.
Jason felt the world slow down again and realized he’d soon pass out from the cold. The man lifted Jason’s head and slipped a pillow underneath. A rough hand gently pushed the wet hair out of his face and caressed his cheek. Jason stared into the man’s eye. They were kind, gentle, and such a vibrant green they seemed to glow. The man gave him a small smile and the last thing Jason heard before falling asleep was a soothing voice telling him “Rest, we will take care of you.” And with that Jason felt himself relax and fell asleep.
~ When Jason came to the first thing he saw was a 20-something-foot tall yeti with an icy cybernetic arm looming over the foot of his bed.
He promptly screamed and fell out of bed.
A vaguely familiar voice called out from another room.
“ FROSTBITE! I thought I told you not to scare him!”
In walked the man that had saved Jason from an icy death. Upon closer inspection now that he wasn’t dying the man seem 10 times as beautiful than Jason remembered. He almost seemed to have this ethereal glow to him. The man continued to admonish the yeti who just laughed heartily and continued on with whatever task he was trying to complete. The man turned his attention to Jason, smiling at him in apology and lifting him back into the bed.
“ I’m sorry about Frostbite. He won’t admit it but I think he gets a crack out of scaring his patients,” He said with a placating chuckle. His mirthful eyes met Jason’s puzzled ones and he continued on as he began to fiddle with few thermoses, seemingly searching for one in particular.
“ You must be quite confused. I don’t exactly know how you ended up here but this place called the Far Frozen. I felt a pulse of magic near the river and went to investigate and ended up fished you of the water. You were nearly frozen so I brought you back to village where you could get warmed up and medics like Frostbite could help you before the actual frostbite set in.”
He chuckled at his own joke before placing a cup in Jason’s hands.
“ It’s soup, drink up. It’ll help you get warm.”
Jason hesitantly took a sip of his soup. It was surprisingly good! He continued to sip his soup and Jason observed the man. He had a rather muscular build Jason noticed, staring at the man for no other reason than assessing if he’d be a potential threat (and for absolutely no other reason). Danny finished closing up his thermos and continued to speak.
“ I promise once Frostbite treats you for any illness or injury. I’ll help you get home. -Oh where are my manners” he held his hand out for Jason to shake. “You can call me Phantom.”
“ Call me Jay,” he replied, taking Phantom’s hand and a glance at his biceps. Phantom pulled away and stood up.
“Well, I’ll let you get back to resting. I’ll come back later when Frostbite gives you a check up and we can talk about how you got here and how to get you back” He turned and began to walk out before turning his head back one last time and waved. “I’ll see in a bit Jay.”
Jason watched him go and fell back into bed having finished his soup. As he pulled the furs and blankets back over himself he thought ‘Well maybe it’s not the worst Valentine’s Day ever.’
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empiireans · 7 months
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short king dump because i’m too impatient for the two embers and my personal hc ramblings needed to get out of my brain [vv]
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and a bonus
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idfk why i did this last one but if it ages poorly then i’m sorry
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beantownbrownie · 1 year
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oh the places you'll go :3
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pretentiousbrownie · 6 months
Bits from the Work Journal - 03/11/2024
I didn't see the truck at first.
Sure, there was a slight glint and a brief flash as it pulled up beside the building, but my eyes were focused on the turntable, the camera's viewfinder pressed up against the tip of my nose.
I slowly lowered it as the last echoes of the shutter and bulb rang out in the tall room and I turned to the window. I could see him then - a grizzled and fairly built heavyset man. His demeanor was casual, his gait easy, but the thin blue line plastered against the black of his hoodie had me on edge.
There, in white, bright block capital letters, read "back the blue," the ever-present mantra of gun-totting, right-voting, nationalistic bootlicking weirdos standing out a country mile in the morning sun.
I set the camera down and peeled off my vest - a small work-issued North Face bearing my pride pins and pronouns - folded it over my chair, and walked through to the store.
He greeted me with a smile and a "hey, how we doing?"
I responded in kind, asking how his day was going and what I could do to help.
He posed an interesting question, one which hadn't come up to me before, so I obliged and did my best to help.
The concern was relatively simple; he wanted to verify the existence of a gift card or gift certificate that had supposedly been purchased for him by his partner. He wasn't sure if it was something we could reference in our system, or if the partner in question would need to have the email, or a printout of the email on hand to schedule an appointment.
We spent a few minutes taking down names and dates and numbers, trying to sort through the disorganized mess of the store's POS to see what we could turn up. Unfortunately, the system just wouldn't cooperate, so I brought him through to my office and pulled up the store's back-end on the main computer - hopefully it could tell us a thing or two.
We spent a couple minutes going through the same information, trying to trace back to when and where and how the gift certificate would've been purchased, all the while striking up some normal pleasantries and casual conversations about the store, the studio, and the work I was doing.
As I scrolled down the list of gift certificate numbers, I heard him pause mid-sentence and wrap his knuckles against the wall. I glanced his way. He was looking up and down at the curved walls of the studio, it's dark, textured panel pinging as he lifted his hand away. He pointed at the thing.
"Hey, is this where you folks take all the photos?"
"Mhm," I responded, looking back to the screen. "This right here is the studio - you can actually take a peek, if you'd like. Just right around there," I pointed around the other side of my desk. "This one's going in next," I nodded to the small Honda parked in the garage bay, "but you can see the whole turntable and rigging system without it in there."
"Oh wow, this sure is something, huh? Man, this is pretty wild stuff - this could not have been cheap!"
"You bet! It ended up being something to the tune of two or three hundred thousand dollars. We installed it back a couple years ago now, and it's been a massive help for us."
He nodded along thoughtfully, looking across the length of the illuminated walls.
"This doesn't do anything though."
It wasn't a question - it was barely even a statement, so much as it was this strangely assertive ... assumption? I'm not even sure.
I looked at him for a moment. Not stunned or questioning, just waiting for him to go on.
"I mean, there's no way this does anything," he continued. "There's no way this makes sense when these guys," he motioned to the recon and detail garages next door "are doing all the work, and the cars can just come in here and bam, boom, couple of shots, and they're out."
Well, that was certainly off base, I thought, and swallowed back a lump in my throat. Truth be told, it was intimidating. No, not quite intimidating, more worrying. Sure, granted, he was a taller and much, much bigger person than me - that's not an uncommon thing for me to contend with when I'm surrounded by most guys. I am definitely on the shorter side of the "guy" spectrum. On the best of days I could maybe lift a TV on my own, where he looked like he bench pressed Mack trucks for a hobby. But there is always the thought that crosses your head as a queer person of color in situations like this; what are they capable of? Seeing a hoodie like that, starting a conversation like this - what was his goal, what did he intend, did he mean anything by it, or was this just another random customer encounter that I'd forget in a day or two?
In the moment, it's hard to say.
"You'd think," I started, slowly and deliberately choosing my words. "I mean, you look at other dealers that will have someone like me out in the field instead, that way they're not carrying all this overhead, but it certainly sets us apart, we- "
"Not to be derogatory -" an interesting choice as he interrupted me, "but I mean you don't really do this- " at this he gestured vaugely around, "you don't handle, like, MacMulkin's inventory or take in all these exotics or customers, so how does it make any sense?"
"We tend to serve a pretty small clientele, one that we have running agreements with, handling their load for BaT or CaB, and other platforms."
"So what's that, maybe $10K a year?"
"Mhm, yeah, something like that," I responded, sarcastically.
It completely passed him by.
"Yeah so, it just doesn't make any sense."
At some point, the conversation fell into more of the same boring back and forth. At another point shortly thereafter, I completely checked out. I suppose the six figures we were actually pulling in a year didn't really make a difference, not when he knew the business better than I ever had.
He was so right.
Clearly, because it made no sense.
It made no sense to spend the time to recondition, to stage, to shoot, to market, to advertise, to expend all this energy and effort to do the best we - or really I - possibly could to eke out a competitive edge in a well-traveled space.
Naturally, it couldn’t possibly make sense to bring in our private clients for their shoots and help them showcase their imports and rare and unique builds on the public markets.
Above all, it would never even remotely make sense for me to be there, doing that work, spending all my waking hours and energy trying to perfect what I was doing for someone else, because that would never make sense!
No, definitely not! That’s all crazy talk!
It was the same kind of backhanded, fuck it, not even backhanded, just straight up asinine nonsense our old business manager had - always questioning the why, the purpose, my purpose, the validity and necessity of my work, just because he could, and just because he didn't have a second clue about what I did. Thank goodness he was long gone. But this was a customer. What the fuck?!
I let the conversation peter out after that and drew his attention back to the questions at hand. He was nice enough beyond that, no hard feelings or genuine ill-intent, just assuredly ignorant and wholly frustrating. I sent him on his way about ten minutes later with a promise to get back to him if we ever found anything else out.
I watched him drive away in that blacked-out, lifted 3500 monster of a truck, and genuinely breathed a sigh of relief when he turned out of the driveway.
That sure set a tone for today.
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tiredsmashbros · 1 month
💯MEGA ARTFIGHT POST {kinda long}✨
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oh boy oh boy, the fight of art has once again been finalized and wrapped up for the year. and man what a month this was. got more attacks then i've ever received AND attacked more than ever before vs my previous years!!! a sUCCESS i may say B^)))
met so many great new people + made awesome friends!!! seriously what an amazing and fun this artfight was, i can't express the insane amount of love i've received, and hopefully next year i can plan better to gift that love back just as much and mORE <33333
i legit could go on forever but for now, i must get to the actual meats of this post fvecdsx {will only be focusing on the SMG4 community of attackers on here, if you want to see the rest of the attacks i made check out my artfight @/smg4 !! yes i name claimed it LMAO}
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IN ORDER : @strange0-0storm @yamperjellety @its-a-me-mango @aquaproductions @r3d2y hehe hi ako 💛
fr thought i was gonna be able to do detailed work for everyone but once again my style changed and i legit no idea i would get attacked so much i had to a big brain move and try a different strat to get back everyone as best as possible 👁👁📝
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IN ORDER : @bluesbox @/xxnobodyxx_420
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IN ORDER : @kittykibbl @libbytwq @bluestrawberrybunny
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for my buddy, @/tinydragontoonz, not in the smg4 community, bUT he's a lover of mario and tons of other awesome stuff PLS go follow them they're aWESEOME RAWRRR FYUGD- ahem,,, and i made this comic... that... only he knows the real context to LMAO but uh uh lOOk tsb is there sooo :))))) UIGYFLUGCKHVBJCDWS
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morbidpaintz · 11 months
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shoulda locked the door
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waylay-managment · 9 days
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Would anyone like a brownie? We made to many :)
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insecthusbandry · 24 days
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