#bruno mars article
mushroom-for-art · 2 years
Another movie au silly XD probably takes place after the incident, imma be real I feel like they've done some kind of drugs or girls night just hits different one of the two! Anywhos @oogaboogaspookyman ur boi is getting to enjoy girls night good for him, this one's more dialogue heavy
Girls Night and Serious Questions
May's tail swayed and swished softly as she rested comfortably on some cushions on the floor of her actors' room leaning back against a beanbag for back support. The pink strawberry scented face mask was cool on her skin as were the cucumber slices on her eyes as she exhaled peacefully with some quiet background music for ambience. She raised a hand carefully, taking a cucumber slice from a bowl and putting it in her mouth, crunching it with satisfaction.
"I don't think you're meant to eat the slices off your face May."
The monochromatic two commented, he was also wearing a face mask. It was blue and blueberry scented with cucumber slices over his eyes, he was also lounging comfortably, tail swaying in contentment.
"I know that's why I sliced extras," her voice was sing song like as she carefully rattled the bowl for him to hear, "you know you wanna crunchy crunch on a cucumbee~" He snorted a soft laugh but reach out clumsily finding the bowl and taking a slice happily popping it in his mouth with a grin as she lightly gasped to herself, "He got the cucumberrr."
"Yes he dooo~"
The other two singsonged back and sighed.
"Gosh this is nice, and you say you and Matt try to do this once a week?"
"Yup, sometimes we make little fruit salads with slices and chunks of all kinds of fruits. God it's so good, unfortunately I didn't have any fruit in so we got cucumber masks and unhealthy snacks. Peak girls night material." the other two snorted in soft laughter.
"Girls night Girls night."
He playfully chanted before settling back into a comfortable quiet.
"So, I heard your manager had a baby?"
He queried too curious not too.
"Yup, indeed she did."
"I heard she had it naturally?"
"Al dente indeed yea, no cloning, didn't know that could happen."
He hummed softly in agreement.
"What does that mean for you then?"
"Uh, my manager is more busy than usual and I'm probably gonna have to babysit I guess."
He made a soft ah sound as he chewed the inside of his mouth.
"Does it bother you?"
"What you mean?"
"Well, you and your manager have a complicated uh relation to one another."
"Yea she's cloned from me."
"And she had a baby, does that mean you could too?"
May went quiet and thoughtful before clumsily stretching a leg to try to kick or at least nudge the other two.
"Why? Wanting to get me pregnant or something ya dork, you're an absolute pervert." Her voice was entirely playful and jokey.
He reached to nudge her back.
"That is slander my good woman I hope you have a good lawyer that is not why I was asking!"
His tone was mostly mock offended easy in nature as they continued to lightly kick and nudge the other with May giggling softly.
"I just meant like, is that something you could see happening for you down the line?"
"Girl time really unlocking the deep personal questions, what is girls night if not for crimes and personal stuff I guess." May laughed softly before humming in thought, "I dunno, I don't, think about my future a lot, but I can't really see myself with a kid personally I'm not responsible enough for that."
"You take care of Matt don't you."
He joked playfully as she mock gasped in joke offense at him being right.
"Yes but that's differentt, he's my optional pest whereas a baby is full time pest." the two snorted out loud giggling and kicking his feet a bit at May referring to her hypothetical child as a pest.
"You're so mean to your babyyy."
He joked as she laughed.
"Fuck them kids."
He snorted a laugh as she started to giggle.
"Fuck them kids."
He repeated, laughing to himself at the absurdity.
"What about you huh, babies on your bucket list? I can see you settling down eventually with a lovely woman," she nudged him playfully with her foot, "you two could make a cute little baby."
"You two?? Me and who??"
He asked, completely baffled.
"Your wife!" she boldly started giggling as he made more confused noises.
"What wife?? Where is this wife?? Show me this woman?"
He playfully demanded as she laughed and giggled harder.
"I dunno! She's somewhere! You'll find her and you'll luuuuuuv herrrr. And I can make jokes about stealing your pretty wife."
"You can't have her, she's mine."
"I could seduce her from you."
"Is that why you picture me with a wife so you can steal her from me?"
He playfully kicked at her laughing at her weirdness.
"You are so bizarre!"
She laughed as well saying, "I knowww, Its just me getting you back for stealing my drinks, you're a horrid little coffee thief I'm a horrid little wife stealer." He snorted loudly, absolutely howling and hollering as he kicked his leg into the floor.
"YES IT IS BITCH!" She yelled laughter in her voice as he cackled.
"You are positively insane."
"Thank youuu," She snickered.
"Not a compliment!"
"I'm taking it as one you fuck!" She laughed as he let out a laugh like exhale as he ate a cucumber slice before asking.
"So, if I got a husband you'd steal my husband because I drank your drinks."
"Hmmmmmm….I dunnoooo….cause like…" She moved her hand limping her wrist, "but also like it depends. How hots your husband." He made a confused sound.
"What the hell are you on about? I heard you move but I can't remember."
"Oh yea." She laughed at her mistake, "so like, girls."
He made a hum of agreement bringing his hands to his stomach.
"Yea, girls."
"I like girls."
She didn't catch his disappointed tone, "but also sometimes like, boys."
"Oh? So like, both?"
His tone slightly intrigued.
"Sometimes? I don't know like attraction and orientation hard, I flip flop a bit because I'm not sure, I go yea I like both, then I go ages without like feeling attracted to guys so hm maybe just girls but then ohoho a cute guy so like 80% of the time I'm like woman and 20% I'm like but that dude though, ya know?"
"Hm, I understand what you're saying, yes. Have you, seen any attractive guys in a while?"
She made a noise humming for a while her tone going strange saying, "I mean yea but it's whatever." She made a pft sound waving off her hand, her tail thumping the floor softly, "You thirsty? I'm thirsty, imma make milkshakes, you want milkshake?"
He chuckled to himself as he lifted a cucumber from his eye to watch her hurry past him, smiling a bit to himself. He could push and tease about it as he could tell she was embarrassed, but, then he might not get a milkshake.
"Yea I'll have the one you're having."
"You can have your fucking own!" He snorted softly.
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I was doing kind of okay in terms of how crushing it is to miss my partner so badly but I think it was mostly cause I was so busy with other stuff because I’ve had a two hour train ride and it really hit me just how much I can’t imagine life without them and how badly I want to fall asleep next to them again and then I started crying 👍 this may also have been in part because I was listening to taylor swift but that’s how it goes sometimes
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daydreamingyuta · 6 months
could I request like female idol x jaehyun idol going to a bruno mars concert in Korea together
And the song finesse comes on and you know the part that goes fellas grab ur lady if ur lady fine😭 and he does that😝
and somehow it gets dispatch finds out
Finesse | Jaehyun
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summary: fluff, drabble, dispatch exposing your relationship with Jaehyun after getting caught attending a Bruno Mars concert together. wc: 809 a/n: Hi! Thank you for requesting! sorry it took so long but I had sm fun writing this because it reminded me how good Bruno Mars songs are! (Also in one part I mention that y/n is in aespa, I hope that's ok!) <3
“You make me feeell like I’ve been locked out of heaaaven for too longgg.” You and Jaehyun sing in unison, not caring a single bit if you were in key or not. 
When Jaehyun had asked you if you wanted to go to the Bruno Mars concert with him, you couldn’t say ‘yes’ fast enough. Countless dates with Jaehyun have ended in the car singing his songs at the top of your lungs with the windows down, the wind not even close to drowning out your passionate singing. 
You had been a little nervous about going since your relationship with Jaehyun was not public yet, but he assured you that you didn’t have to worry. You both wore hats that covered your faces pretty well and your seats were out of view from most people in the audience, so you really thought you didn’t have to worry. 
As “Locked out of Heaven” ended, Bruno Mars switched to a slower song “It Will Rain.” Lights lit up all around the arena from the flashlights on everyones phone. You both joined it, swaying your phones along with the crowd and singing, “There’ll be no sunshine if I lose you baby” 
At the very end of the song, Bruno Mars stepped away from the mic and let the crowd sing the “oohh” part, and it was magical. You and Jaehyun laughing at each other when you saw that you both got goosebumps from the beautiful moment. 
Just when you thought the concert couldn’t get any better, you hear the beginning notes of Finesse, one of your all time favorite songs. Using a half empty water bottle as a microphone, you and Jaehyun sing and dance along. 
You sing, “Fellas grab your lady if your lady fine.” while Jaehyun grabs your waist and pulls you in close to him, swaying to the music. Your cheeks hurt by the end of the song from smiling so much, you truly didn’t have a single care in the world and it was easily one of the best concerts you’ve been to. 
──── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ────
The rest of the night you were on that concert ‘high’ that you always get after a fantastic concert. You didn’t feel a single negative emotion, until the very next day when you were woken up by Jaehyun’s manager calling him. This wasn’t too uncommon of an occurrence, so you closed your eyes again and tried to go back to sleep until Jaehyun shot up in bed right next to you. 
He involuntarily grabbed your arm as he listened to his manager. They talked for a while and when Jaehyun hung up, his face was pale white. Still, he smiled at you and stroked your hair like he always did when you woke up next to him. 
“Is everything alright?” You ask, sitting upright alongside him. 
He nodded his head, but when his phone dinged with a text from his manager, he let you see for yourself what was happening. You grab Jaehyun’s phone and click the link to a Dispatch article. 
The bolded title read: “NCT’s Jaehyun and aespa’s Y/n go Home Together after Attending a Bruno Mars Concert.”
The first photo attached was a blurry picture of you two getting in the same car. “You can really tell that’s us.” You say, trying to think positively. 
Jaehyun hums in response as he watches you scroll some more. If you thought there would be room to deny the allegations, you were proved very wrong when multiple videos started playing of you and Jaehyun dancing together, specifically during the song Finesse. 
There was more to the article but you set his phone down in your lap. A million emotions were flying through your mind, but after a couple of moments you found yourself laughing. Jaehyun laughs along with you too, because of course this would be how your relationship leaked. 
You had both spent so long being so secretive about everything you did together and now that it was finally out, you couldn't help but feel relieved. 
“Am I wrong for being kinda happy about this?” Jaehyun asks you. 
“Honestly I think I feel that same way.”
Jaehyun scoots closer and wraps his arms around you. “I hate hiding you from everyone.” He whispers, kissing you on the cheek. 
“Me too” you say, leaning your head against the bed frame and looking at him. He kisses you and you both melt into each other, feeling like a million years worth of stress just flew away. 
Obviously you were still going to have to deal with the consequences of this coming out, but you had this weird feeling that everything was going to turn out alright. You and Jaehyun will have each other no matter what, and you knew that he wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of what you two have. 
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niftukkun · 1 year
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New from RECAP Weekly!!! An Exclusive Interview from Hermitopia's Emperor?!?
for the third week of @shepscapades ’s hermitcraft character design event, i offer grian as an empires smp member!
ok so first off, that head. thats just p03 from inscryption. but grian. it fits! but also! go play inscryption go go its on sale Right Now (until june 30) go play it its so good then go watch this video afterwards join my fandom please please please join us
ok back to hermpires! so i originally was gonna take an empire from s2 and just insert grian into it, but while browsing through the esmp s2 wiki i came across/remembered hermitopia and my brain went yep! this one. so i thought a bit about what grian would do if he was an empires smp member and how hermitopia would happen, and i think grian would crash the economy on purpose. i mean it almost already happened when the hermitpires crossover happened so i dont think im too far off. i think grian originally exported something simple, like maybe sugarcanes or mud, something easy to farm yknow, but then i dunno got bored or something so he made a couple more farms. then kept making more farms. then the hermitopia we all know and love happened!
actually maybe hermitopia isnt grians first empire. i think grian has a separate empire but decided to invite his friends to help him make some farms and then it just kept going. then hermitopia happened. i like the collaboration aspect of hermitopia so i think thats how that happens. hermitopia isnt necessarily grian's but its under his command so it gets called his. (isnt there a word for this? was it vassalage? i think its vassalage)
with that in mind i went with a robot-y grian because grumbot and a snazzy cool suit because business man (sidenote im looking over my pre art notes and one of them is just capitalism man and. yeah! not wrong). i gave him more steampunk-y wings than the usual feathery ones cause that fit better. i gave him a crown not really sure why but it fits since without it the design was more Just A Guy but with it he's more Emperor yknow. the buttons have a g on it because he would and an (attempted) gold trim cause that looked nice and fancy. originally he was gonna have four wings cause fun fact four wings is part of my base grian design but four wings kind of crowded the drawing so i didnt include them (sad) and i also didnt include the tail hes supposed to have because i couldnt find a good way to add it in with the pose. but in my heart he has both four wings and a tail
now why magazine style artwork? i 'unno. i thought itd look cool. and it does!! it looks SO cool!!! im so proud of it. recap magazine!! because of course im gonna make a hermitcraft recap reference are you kidding me recap is practically already a magazine reporting what gossip is happening on the hermitcraft server on any given week. its very specifically volume 9 issue 34 because thats when the crossover happened season 9 week 34 babey we love little esoteric details hell yeah!! i looked up how magazine covers work and its supposed to be like, main article big and smaller supporting side articles just kinda floating around so i did that!! and i made them funney references because of course i did! local bard catches scurvy because you cannot convince me that oli orionsound would not catch scurvy he would. does god is gay is a reference to that does bruno mars is gay nonsense article that makes me laugh everytime specifically in reference about mr smallish bean because he. has so many children. and none of them as far as i know from the lady server members theyre all lovechilds from gay lovers its hysterical and hilarious. quit your job join our sun cult is about the dawn empire because thatse the vibe that empire gives me and i think its funny. also!! thats hermitopia!! in the background!! i got the image off of the empires smp wiki and just Biggen'd it and it makes a bomb ass background hell yeah ^-^!!
also version with no text here lookit it!!
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gasstationpopcorn · 4 months
10 music albums chosen by Joker Out
from this article on rocker.si Bojan Cvjetičanin
Oasis – (What’s the Story) Morning Glory? (1995)
Daft Punk – Random Access Memories (2013)
Michael Jackson – Thriller (1982)
Big Foot Mama – Tretja Dimenzija (1999)
Beatles – Rubber Soul
ABBA – Live (1986)
Arctic Monkeys – AM (2013)
5h – Rapidol
Siddharta – Rh- (2003)
Trkaj – Rapostol (2007)
Kris Guštin
Dan D – Katere barve je tvoj dan? (2004)
Arctic Monkeys – Favourite Worst Nightmare (2007)
The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour (1967)
Milky Chance – Blossom (2017)
The Kooks – Inside in Inside out (2006)
MRFY – Story (2018)
Kendrick Lamar – Good kid, M.A.A.D city (2012)
Nas – Illmatic (1994)
J. Cole – 2014 Forest Hills Drive (2014)
Rage Against the Machine – Rage Against the Machine (1992)
Jan Peteh
Jamiroquai – Automaton (2017)
Parcels – Parcels (2018)
Snarky Puppy – We Like It Here (2014)
Royal Blood – How Did We Get So Dark? (2017)
Pink Floyd – Animals (1977)
Emkej – Znajdi se (2012)
Iztok Mlakar – Rimarije iz oštarije (2001)
Fat Butlers – The Dawn (2019)
Vulfpeck – Hill Climber (2018)
Miles Davis – Kind of Blue (1959)
Martin Jurkovič
John Mayer – Where the Light Is – Live in LA (2008)
Radiohead – In Rainbows (2007)
Siddharta – RH- (2003)
The Kooks – Inside in / Inside out (2006)
Rage Against the Machine – Rage Against the Machine (1992)
The Beatles – Rubber Soul (1965)
Red Hot Chilli Peppers – Californication (1999)
Kings of Leon – Only By The Night (2008)
Trkaj – Rapostol (2007)
Matic Kovačič
Toto – Toto IV (1982)
Green day – Dookie (1994)
Michael Jackson – Thriller (1982)
Parni Valjak – Pusti nek traje (1991)
ABBA – Waterloo (1974)
Siddharta – Nord (2001)
Queen – Live at Wembley ’86 (1992)
Mando Diao – Give Me Fire! (2009)
Big Foot Mama – Izhod (2012)
Bruno Mars – Unorthodox Jukebox (2012)
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thatonepersononline · 3 months
Marry Me?
Anthony Lockwood x Reader
summary: After a couple drinks at this years Fittes ball, lockwood asks you an important question. (characters aged up)
this is really short. also this is mainly fluff, and some kissing, little suggestive themes at the end, minors don’t interact 😼 🩷
I stumble out of the Fittes Ball with Lockwood right behind me, we collapse on a bench by the road. Me and him meet eyes and immediately burst out laughing.
“It’s a beautiful night, we’re looking for something dumb to do”
We walk (with much stumbling) down the road hand in hand. As we come closer to the few shoppes that are still open at this time, Lockwood stop and look at me. He leans in for a kiss, and we stand there kissing, not a care in the world about where we are, or even who the other person is.
“Who cares if we’re trashed, got a pocket full a cash we can blow”
We stumble in and out of various bars, throwing shots back and getting more drunk. As we leave our fourth bar Anthony stops and looks at me. “You’re gorgeous,” he says. “Thank you Anthony,” I say while stifling a laugh. He grabs my hands and we slowly start dancing to the music that spills out of the bar behind us. He spins me out and then back into his chest, we lock eyes as he brings me back.
“Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice”
We walk down the pier hand in hand. We stop at the end and look out at the water that reflects the bright moon. “I think i want to marry you,” I hear Anthony say as he turns to face me, “Will you marry me y/n?” I take a breath before answering “Yes!” He kisses my lips gently, as he pulls away he mutters, “I’m sorry i don’t have a ring.” I smile, “I don’t need a ring as long as i’m marrying you.”
“Well, I know this little chapel on the boulevard we can go.”
When we enter the chapel, the few people in there give us some stares. He walk over to the pastor, “We want to get married,” we say in unison. He takes us to a smaller room away from everyone else. As me, Anthony, the priest, and a lady who was in the church already all file into the small room the priest makes sure we want to get married. 30 minutes later we’re married and on our way to 35 Portland Row.
“If we wake up and you wanna break up, that’s cool”
As we stumble inside we can’t keep our hands off each other. Articles of clothing litter the way to Anthony’s bedroom. As his bedroom door swings shut, it blocks out all the worry that tomorrow will bring. Not worrying about the consequences of marrying a strange you met the night before while drunk. Right now it’s just us.
the end.
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atzupdates · 1 year
[230628] Consequence Article: 10 Dynamic Pop Albums ATEEZ Think Every Music Fan Should Own
1. SZA - SOS
HONGJOONG: I’ve been so into this album lately. SOS itself is so organic, and with SZA’s voice, it’s music that you wouldn’t get tired of even if you listened to the entire album on repeat all day long. I can honestly say that it’s an album that awakened a new taste in music that I never realized I had.
2. DPR IAN - Moodswings in to Order
SEONGHWA: The videos and concept are so fascinating and extremely cool. And the music, of course, is to my taste and preference. I’ve actually been largely influenced by the style from this album.
3. Christopher - Under the Surface
YUNHO: Every single track on this album, even the B-side tracks, are my style! I can honestly say that every song on this album is my type of song.
YEOSANG: This is an ATEEZ album, but I wanted to bring it up because I personally really like the style and mood of the album. I loved performing the title track off the EP a lot, too.
SAN: This would definitely be my personal pick for a top album because it’s one that largely inspired me as an artist on stage. I grew my own dreams of being an artist while listening to their songs and watching their performances.
6. Calvin Harris - Funk Wav Bounces Vol. 2
MINGI: I’ve always been a huge fan of Calvin Harris, but I really like the overall vibe of this album, so it’s my favorite. It’s got so many songs that are great for easy listening, so it’s an album that I’m really fond of.
7. Shawn Mendes - Illuminate
WOOYOUNG: There’s a lot of memories tied to this album, and Shawn Mendes is an artist whose vocals have really inspired me as an artist. I remember when we used to listen to this album a lot as trainees, and even do vocal practices using his music. Each and every single song on this album is a masterpiece! I’d love to collaborate with him one day.
8. Bruno Mars - XXIVK Magic
JONGHO: Every single song on this album is amazing. It’s an understatement to say that his music has given me so much inspiration vocally. This album in particular really makes you think, because it’s simply enthralling how one person’s vocals can express so many different genres! After listening to all the songs on this album, it made me want to work even harder to broaden my spectrum and range.
9. Charlie Puth - Voicenotes
ATEEZ: We listened to this album a lot in the car on our way to and from different work schedules during promotions, so it brings back a lot of memories. Definitely one for the road that brings back a lot of memories we’ve had together as a group.
10. EDEN - RYU : 川
ATEEZ: This is an album that we listened to a lot as trainees that gave us comfort. We learned and gained inspiration from this album during our early days as a group. And though we work with him frequently now as our producer, it wasn’t as easy to see EDEN back then. We would listen to his songs, study them, and receive comfort from them.
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oldbutchdaniel · 2 months
hiii i feel like i remember u talking about matt damon/ben affleck before so i wanted to share a finding i made… for the record i know nothing about these men im not a shipper of them i just stumbled across this ANYWAY,, this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2mM4tqudxus at around the 0:58 timestamp matt damon says some stuff about how he a. would ‘go gay’ for ben affleck and b. how ben affleck is ‘the kid [he]’d go gay for since he was 10 years old’ which is. insane. like again i dont even ship them but that was insane. anywayyy i hope you enjoy that 🙏 i needed to share it with at least one person legitimately involved w the ship & also it seemed like something youd like
i want you to know that last night i literally had a dream about running into matt damon and ben affleck in the park and they were standing like. a suspicious distance apart yk. but it sort of looked like they wanted to be holding hands? i tried to take a picture but they noticed me — but i laughed it off with them before the dream ended. don’t worry
anyway one thing about mattfleck is the fact that i literally thought the “which could mean nothing” article was just like. something in the same vein of does bruno mars is gay. so the amount of real lore they have is crazy. now i view that person as some sort of prophet
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #68: 2017
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: Ed Sheeran, Luis Fonsi and Daddy Yankee, Bruno Mars, Kendrick Lamar, The Chainsmokers, Migos, The Chainsmokers, Sam Hunt, Imagine Dragons, Post Malone. End description]
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It's easier more than ever to see the effects of streaming on the pop charts. As electropop and club music become a distant memory, the pop music of the late 2010's works better with individual listening. As mentioned before, streaming works better for album listening, much more than the iTunes era which encouraged the purchasing of individual songs (which was great for singles artists, but not necessarily for albums). Some artists were able to hack this system. For example, Drake's Views (featured on the previous poll) was notable for having 20 songs on its tracklist -- which is a lot for a pop release. Unlike the iTunes era or even the CD era before, longer albums with shorter songs flourish more in the streaming landscape.
Streaming also helped to continue blurring the line between genres and audiences. Without going too much into it (because this is a topic I could ramble on about endlessly), genres were not handed down to us from Mount Olympus or something. Genre is a tool of marketing, and the lines drawn between them can have a variety of cultural, racial, economic, gender, religious, and other variables between them. These lines were more prominent in previous years before streaming made it easier to access just about every kind of music at once. This is when we start to see the rise of a concept known as the "monogenre". In order to cater to as wide an audience as possible, everything starts to sound like everything. A little rock, a little indie, a little trap, a little tropical house, a little festival EDM. There were also those who criticized the streaming era in how it promotes a more "passive" listening style, since playlists and algorithms could continue playing ad infinitum without the listener needing to seek out new music themselves. While I certainly see the evidence of that on the charts, I don't think this tells the complete story.
As a less cynical counter-argument, streaming has made it easier for listeners to find music that otherwise wouldn't have been marketed to them. I believe that this could be one of the factors behind reggaeton finding a growing audience among English speakers. Obviously reggaeton did not originate this year. The roots of the genre can be traced back to the 1980's in Panama where it would later grow an even larger audience in Puerto Rico. The genre would grow in popularity in the States as well, especially in the early 2000's. But if you weren't paying attention to Spanish language music (and you didn't grow up in the Southwest), it was easy for mainstream audiences to miss it. Reggaeton includes influences from dancehall and hip-hop, so it makes sense that the genre would find a mainstream English-speaking audience when those two genres were also shaping pop music. Because Despacito wasn't just big for a reggaeton song. It wasn't even big for a Latin pop song. Despacito led to Daddy Yankee becoming the sixth most listened-to artist on Spotify in 2017, and led to an influx of Latin and reggaeton artists who were able to cross over without English language remixes. Billboard magazine has an article here about the "Despacito Effect".
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amethyst-halo · 4 months
i've gotten a couple comments abt the "secretly gay and emo" bit abt floyd on the young brozone post skjdfhjhj i feel like when he was a kid he was prob more reserved and secretive abt it due to needing to keep up appearances for the band! his brothers know ofc but i feel like he'd be less inclined to talk to fans abt it bc he's also still a kid
all that to say i was struck by the "does bruno mars is gay" bit last night and the idea of an article called "does floyd brozone is gay" made me laugh aksjdhkajshdjkdfj
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lvnestudy · 6 days
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September 14-17th, 2024
Day 14-17/30 days of productivity
Again, the lure of weekend got the better of me so here's day 14 to 17 in one post. As for what I read: Old articles of bizarre cases. Not much progress reading for uni. (Look at this cute thing I got! You can't tell me it doesn't look like a gummy candy)
Work as usual
Practice AZ
Continue writing project
Read for leisure
Watch a documentary
Q14: What is a realization that you think helped you grow or change as a person? — People are too busy thinking about themselves to notice what you're doing. Q15: Do you play video games? — Sometimes, yes. Match 3 and puzzles currently. Q16: Who is your biggest role model or inspiration? — My parents.
🎧 Die With A Smile - Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars
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jlf23tumble · 5 months
I haven’t watched The Idea of You yet, but it’s interesting that you found the music lacking. Did you see the interview that Savan Kotecha and Carl Falk gave to GQ about writing the music for the movie?
Oooh, thanks for this link, it actually explains some of the problems I had with the music, especially with how bland/dated it sounds. Arguably the best song, Guard Down (which should be the title, I cannot for the LIFE OF ME, get the movie title right first time), sounds like an AI version of Bruno Mars/Locked Out of Heaven. The rest of the songs just sound [to me] like the fake music you'd see in a Hallmark movie or Disney channel show where they don't want anyone to sniff a song that sounds like some other song, yet also very AI-ish, soulless, not created by human hands. But getting back to that dated sound, it also underlines the weird timeline disconnect I had with this band in general (are they the biggest band in the world? why are they at coachella at this stage in their career? who's their audience? pick a goddamned lane or hire a beta reader, lmao). That article, though, okay, GOT IT, some dudes wrote it, some dudes who had their heyday 10-15 years ago and phoned this in, but whither the female pop songwriters? This movie managed to get the rights to a Fiona Apple song AND a St. Vincent song (and Annie H), but they couldn't ask Amy Allen to crank something out for this fake boyband? Because I think that would have been way, wayyyy better
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joesalw · 9 months
CNN article has the same vibe as "No one says that about Ed Sheeran, no one says that about Bruno Mars. They're all writing songs about their experiences, their current girlfriends, their love life and no one raises a red flag there". Girl, please
you can very clearly tell who was behind that CNN source.
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thenicestgirlinred · 2 months
I was referencing this very... not good english article titled "The Rumor Come Out: Does Bruno Mars Is Gay?"
I could care less about your sexuality. None of my business, go kiss all the women you desire
......... Starshine i think you are wonderful please dont ever die i actually need you in order to stay as #silly as i am
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aaliyg · 2 months
alz bae!! have you seen the new paige article??
firstly, she looks amazing im losing it. secondly, her highlighting the role black women play in her life will always have me in TEARS.
It's always a good day to be a black woman🫡
and honestly I'm not an article girlie like that but this is why i just love paige sm (even tho i dog on her alot 😭)
she's like bruno mars in a sense. she's very influential in a space that was created/rocketed by black people and she will always give her flowers to them 😌 and she never steps on anyone's toes in her pursuit of greatness
Military grade role model if i do say so myself😌
also paige looks good asf in brown good Lord 😳
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barbiegirldream · 2 years
Dream having multiple Forbes articles written about him ohhhh he’s gonna meet Oprah and Bruno Mars next
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