#bruno valentino
guskinnie · 5 months
thinking about that time I said something like "and Valentino... we don't talk abt him" and then one of my friends mentioned We Don't Talk About Bruno so then I proceeded to write a whole parody called We Don't Talk About Val telling the story of how he ruined Angel's life and then recorded it with awful vocals (and now my friend won't stop listening to it)
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pop-life-my-life · 4 months
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Karen Mulder dressed by Valentino & photographed by Bruno Bisang, 1991
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garadinervi · 6 months
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Antonio Gramsci, (1948-1951), Quaderni dal carcere, Vol. I – Quaderni 1-5, Vol. II – Quaderni 6-11, Vol. III – Quaderni 12-29, Vol. IV – Apparato critico, Edited by Valentino Garratana, Istituto Gramsci, «Nuova Universale Einaudi» 144, Einaudi, Torino, (1975-)1977
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Cover Design: Bruno Munari
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hitchell-mope · 4 months
MCU/Wish au
For this au I’m using the Starboy concept. And yes. I’ve put Strange in as Magnifico because he’s an asshole with a Capital A who ruined Peter’s life. I’m just that petty.
Michelle. Asha.
Peter. Starboy.
Strange. Magnifico.
Christine. Amaya.
Lucky. Valentino.
Ned. Simon.
Kate. Dahlia.
Cooper. Safi.
Bruno. Gabo.
Lila. Bazeema.
Kamala. Hal.
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naoko-world · 2 years
Bruno won't say he's in love!
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A little drawing for Valentine's day: Bruno singing "I won't say I'm in love" and his family behind teasing him because he's clearly in love.
At the start I thought about making it during the day so I used usual colors but since it's happening at night in the end, like in the song, I preferred changing the colors to darkening them.
Here is the original! (It was before I add the family's reply)
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I based my drawing on this screenshot I took of Hercules!
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Because I loved the muses's expressions on it I couldn't not choose it among my screenshots xD
Honestly it came to me because "I won't say I'm in love" is among the songs in my playlist for my fic Bruno's fangirl! Because it's perfect to represent a period during the story!
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adventure-oc · 2 years
What’s there to understand ?
(Lyrics in the background)
Between the parts of the song
"But mama." Camilo asked as she took some of Antonio's toys. "Why do you hate me that much ?"  A dark cloud appeared as the woman looked at her masked son in shock.
"Que ?! I don't hate you mijo. Who told you that ?!"
"You, of course. Considering what happened during the last ten years..."
"My question first. What do you feel when you see me ? Is it because I refused my Gift ?"
"Camilo, not now. We have to be ready for the Guzmans."
That line was the last straw for Camilo.
"It's never the moment with you anyway. I just wanted to ask what you think of me, but apparently it's too much to ask of you." He was about to leave, his vision and the ruby safely hidden in his already full bag, and ignoring the now thundering cloud, when his father barged in, an angry look on his face.
"It was a real problem !"
"Félix !" Pepa exclaimed out of anger and shock, her voice covering Camilo's exclamation of confusion.
"We have to talk to him, Pepi. We have to."
"What do you mean by "It was a problem" ?" Camilo asked.
"We couldn't understand you, Milo. One moment, you wanted a Gift, and then, nada, nothing. You changed your mind."
He didn't really change his mind, well, at one moment and then, but he wasn't going to tell them that.
"Can you give me a clear answer, Si or no ?" Camilo didn't flinch at all when Félix grabbed him by his shoulders.
"Well, we are your parents, but we don't understand you."
Pepa then interposed between the twos, wagging her finger at her husband in the rhythm.
What's there to understand, stand, stand, stand ?
What to understand about you ?
It was your ceremony
It was your ceremony
Everything was ready and no mistake were made
No mistake during that day
But you went up with a frown on your face
You telling this story, or I am
I’m sorry mi vida, go on
You refused your magic door
Why did you do thaaat ?
In doing so it became flat
Nothing fantastic anymore.
Anger during your birthday
It should've been a joyous day, 
What was there to understand, stand, stand, stand ?
What to understand about yooouuu ?
Camilo : Alright, I get it. I’m so hard to decipher and you, so forgetful that you forgot the reason why I did that. I’ll ask someone else about what they think.
He opened the door, leaving the dancing couple alone, but stopped when he saw Dolores in front of him.
Camilo (half-exhausted, half-serene) : What do you want Lola ?
Dolores : …I want to be part of the song.
Camilo : (Sigh) alright, but for that you have to tell me what you understand-
Dolores : -about you, I know. Listen to me about what I hear about you.
For years I heard children laughing and your friends being so loving 
But some people were always gossiping and complaining
We associate you with the sound of clattering paintbrushes, clac-clac-clac
A very young child immature, dirty and lazy
Refusing to help because he’s selfish
Unlike the family he didn’t really flourish
But didn’t you already ?
Camilo (frowning before smiling) : I’m not sure. But thanks, Dol. It helps me a lot.
Dolores (grining) : Anytime, hermanito. Anytime.
Camilo was about to go to the kitchen when he bumped into someone carrying some tapestry rolls.
Camilo : Sorry, Mira.
The girl humphed and was about to leave when she saw Dolores with a grin on her face.
Mirabel : …What the heck is going on ?
Camilo : I just wanted to ask people what they understand about me, and it became… singsongish.
Mirabel (smiling in a creepy way) : Really ?! I want to say something- no wait, I’ll sing it !
Camilo (backing away) : Thanks, but no thanks, prima. I will ask tio Bruno or tia Julieta about me.
But before he could leave, the sewist grabbed his arms and dragged him to another part of Casita.
Mirabel : Sorry, primo, but I practiced a long time and I want to say it NOW !!! Because to me, you’re a…
Burdensome boy
Masks hard to peck
Because you’re complex
You’re ruining the space
An ungrateful boy 
With every disgrace (But !)
What’s there to understand, stand, stand ?
What to understand about you ?
As Camilo walked away from Casita (and Mirabel), he recognized his friends in the village and looked ready to be part of the song.
Arturo : You and your masks are parts of a strange play.
(Yeah, yeah !)
Angelica : You’d buy candies for children and reward them.
Valentino : But with your craziness, you make people’s hair gray.
(Yeah, yeah !)
All (with people approaching ) : Why ask about these problems, 
When you can solve them ?
Camilo was highly surprised when he was back in Casita and saw Isabela descending from the ceiling on her swing of vines.
Isabela : You made sure my destiny would be perfect
Like tio Bruno prophesied years ago
Your presence makes such an effect 
That we can’t ask you to stay low.
(Oye, Mariano’s on his way)
Dolores : Because of you, the man of my dreams
Is out of my reach
I want be with him-
Isabela (glaring at Camilo) : Cousin. I want not a sound out of you ! (And my only wish…)
Dolores : ...Is to be with him !
Camilo : Yeah, that’s hard.
To see if I’m good or bad 
Will I achieve or fail in my mission ?
Please, let me understand, dear vision !!!
(Hermana, your fiancé’s here !)
Time for dinner !
As people danced as they prepared the table, Camilo walked to his room and was saddened when he saw Luisa’s door flickering and the latter struggling to lift a vase, which was normally so easy for her to carry. He took the ruby he found out of his pocket and glanced at it, before closing the door behind him. 
Burdensome boy (It was your ceremony, It was your ceremony)
Masks hard to peck (Everything was ready)
Because you’re complex (and no mistake were made)
You’re ruining the space (No mistake during that day)
An ungrateful boy  (But you went up with a frown on your face)
With every disgrace (Surprise)
He kept looking at the vision he assembled and spun to find either Casita broken or healed. As time passed, the different parts of the song influenced him as his family and friends danced around him, chanting their verses at the same time.
You telling this story, or I am
I’m sorry mi vida, go on (Oye, Mariano’s on his way)
You refused your magic door (Burdensome boy, masks hard to peck)
In doing so, it became flat (I’m okay, I’m okay)
Anger during your birthday (I’m okay, I’m okay)
(He’s here !) 
At this moment, Camilo gave up on understanding the vision and sat on his bed with his hands in front of his face. 
What to understand, stand ? (Why can’t I understand ?)
Nothing to understand about you !
I should’ve understood myself !!!!
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correllian · 2 months
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boomgers · 8 months
El amor es el gran motor de la existencia… “Tu Vida Es Mi Vida”
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La historia sigue a Paula, quien padece una grave enfermedad que pone en peligro su vida, esta situación hará replanteé su vida y abandone su trabajo para pasar el mayor tiempo posible con sus tres hijos.
Para ello, compra un food truck en el cual junto a su familia vivirá una aventura, a la que se sumará su padre Lorenzo, que desconoce la enfermedad de su hija y se empeña en que inicien el recorrido en un pequeño poblado en donde han tenido una casa de campo por años.
Al llegar al poblado se dará un enfrentamiento entre Lorenzo y la familia de Pepe, un hombre de nobles sentimientos quien le acaba de pedir el divorcio a su esposa, mujer egoísta que le es infiel. A pesar de que la relación entre Paula y Pepe comienza de manera poco cordial, no pueden evitar sentir atracción el uno por el otro.
Entre la enfermedad de Paula, los secretos familiares del pasado, los problemas a los que se enfrentarán sus hijos, aunado a las intrigas de Malena, la esposa de Pepe, y Rolando, pretendiente de Paula, que junto con Natalia su socia y supuesta mejor amiga, provocarán toda clase de conflictos para impedir la unión de Paula y Pepe.
Estreno: 15 de enero de 2024 a las 6:30 pm por Las Estrellas y en ViX.
Producida por Angelli Nesma, la novela cuenta con las actuaciones de Susana González, Valentino Lanús, Juan Soler, Sergio Madrigal, Bruno Piza, Camila Méndez, Lisardo Guarinos, Sofía Rivera Torres, Elena Pérez, Elsa Ortíz, Romina Poza, Rodrigo Ríos, Verónica Merchant, Roberto Mateos, Pedro Moreno, Karla Gaytán, Surya MacGregor, Pablo Valentín, Laura Flores, Pedro Baldo, Margarita Magaña, entre otros.
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dani-luminae · 10 months
So this post introduced me to posters for Wish that I hadn't seen before and BUCKLE UP FOLKS CAUSE I'M ABOUT TO GO NUTS
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REFERENCES GALOOOOORRRRE! There's Rapunzel's lanterns reflected on the water as well as her sun symbol painted on the cottage pillars, Moana's (Te Fiti's heart) spiral on the rocks to the left, a racoon and the partridges which I chose to believe are a Snow White reference (of course the racoon could be Meeko from Pocahontas, too.) The flower resembles the Sundrop flower (with the wrong amount of petals and no glow.) There's also a carving on the rocks just below the cottage, but I can't make out what the carving is. Can you?
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EVEN MORE REFERENCES GALORE AND FOLKS I'M GONNA SCREAM! In Wish bubbles at the top of the screen we have: the Elephant Graveyard from The Lion King; Ariel from The Little Mermaid; an unknown for certain man standing at a ship's wheel, possibly Eric; Sleeping Beauty's dress; an unknown scene that looks like water; Be Prepared from the Lion King (the crescent moon finale); a figure with a staff or a flag, maybe Radcliffe from Pocahontas?; Gaston, flexing; and someone reaching out for what looks like the moon, sitting on something that looks vaguely like a fish (Aladdin? Quasimodo? Milo in Atlantis?)
BELOW the Wish orbs, though, we've got Disney Villain props all tossed around! At the back worktable we see Dr. Facilier's hat, next to a Sundrop flower, and a rack of antlers and fur that I'm gonna take as a Gaston reference. On the front worktable we have the Poison Apple from Snow White, some Tarot cards of Facilier's, bottled polyps from Ursula's lair, and in the stacks of scrolls below we can see Judge Claude Frollo's hat.
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Aladdin's lamp and Bruno's ruana are sitting on a rock to the right, and between them are colorful bugs from The Lion King! The trees have faces which made me think of Grandmother Willow but not sure fully. Up at the top we can see a silhouette of Lumiere on one of the branches, and a racoon holds Chip the teacup! The owl and bluebirds are of course typical "princess in the forest" companions and I'll let you draw your own conclusions, but we also have Bambi and Faline (both adults) in the background! One of the chipmunks in the foreground holds a piece of broken green stone like the kind that stores Bruno's visions, right above a turtle that I'm certain is a Snow White reference! Also, the flowers covered in visible dewdrops as well as the mushrooms remind me of "The Nutcracker Suite" animations in Fantasia!
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And last (and with the least references I could find,) on the left we have one of Belle's books sitting on the steps! A farmer with the giant pumpkin that might have been Cinderella's carriage has just gone past in the background, and Simba's symbol from The Lion King can be seen on the opposite side of the steps, close to the yellow pinwheel. The two children are sitting on a pirate ship under two stars... maybe the Second Star to the Right? The last woman on the right has a pattern on her vase that I can't quite make out, and Valentino has a dandelion in his mouth (my first impression is the dandelions that Belle holds while singing her I Want song, but I could be wrong!)
Did I miss any references? Can you spot any that I didn't see? Please let me know!
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Right, here are the updated middle names:
Pedro Wilfredo (Cabrera) Madrigal
Julieta Sámara Madrigal
Pepa Renata Madrigal
Bruno Gaspar Madrigal
Félix Juan Pablo (Estrada) Madrigal
Isabela Cristina Mercedes Rojas Madrigal
Dolores Amparo Lorena Estrada Madrigal
Luisa Amalia Yamilet Rojas Madrigal
Camilo Elias Valentino Estrada Madrigal
Mirabel Teresa Salomé Rojas Madrigal
Antonio Basilio Rafael Estrada Madrigal
All the grandkids have double middle names because I can’t pick favourites.
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misscinnamonroll16 · 3 months
Brozone Playlist
Now Floyd has a LOT of songs. A lot of them are solely because they're rock and he'd like that (again, personal headcanon). He's also slutty some songs are like that.
Previous Brother Next Brother
Gossip by Maneskin
Anything MCR related
My band by D12
Bleeders by Black veil brides 
I wanna be your slave by Maneskin
Poison by Blake Roman/ Angel dust (he's so angel dust coded)
Nails, Hair, Hips, Heels by Todrick Hall
Psycho Crazy by Halestrom 
Final Girl(too pretty to die) by PI3RCE
Chop Chop Slide by Insane Clown Posse ( him and Clay have a lot of songs that they unknowingly share)
Cannibal by Nethan Apollo
Fall out boy songs 
Heaven was full (I’m headed straight to hell) by TX2
Everywhere I go by Hollywood Undead
Punk tactics by Joey Valence and Brae
I’m not a Vampire by Falling in reverse
Freak Show by PI3RCE
Wolf in Sheeps Clothing by Set it off
Barbie & Ken by Scene Queen and Set it off
Till Death by PI3RCE 
21st Century Vampire by Huddy
Valentino by Years & Years & MNEK
Take a Hint by Meghan Kabir (this version bc swearing and drinks)
Anything from a musical
Hallowennie IV by Ashnikko
I’ve already said this but Melanie Martinez
Panic at The Disco 
Rebel Girl by Bikini Kill
Slumber Party by Ashnikko
Daisy by Ashnikko
Build a Bitch by Bella Poarch
Billionaire by Bruno Mars and Travie McCoy
Porn Star Dancing by My Darkest Days
Flesh by Simon Curtis 
Pretty Little Psycho by Porcelain Black
My First Kiss by 3OH!3 featuring Ke$ha
Jesus of Suburbia by Green Day 
How to be a heartbreaker by Marina and the Diamonds (ironic name for Floyd to like lol)
You call me a bitch like it’s a bad thing by Halestorm
Telephone by Lady Gaga featuring Beyonce 
Good girls go bad by Cobra Starship
Sarcasm by Get Scared 
Single Ladies by Beyonce 
Barbie girl by Aqua
Big girls don’t cry by Fergie
Secret by The Pierces
Wake Up by Black Veil Brides
Do Not Disturb by Halestorm 
Familiar Taste Of Poison by Halestorm 
Love Bite (so do I) by Halestorm
Fuck you by Lily Allen 
I Will Not Bow by Breaking Benjamin
Bring me to life by evanescence 
Diary of Jane by Breaking Benjamin
I hate everything about you by Three days grace
Bad Romance but specifically the punk version
Hollaback Girl by Gwen Stefani 
Don’t stop the music by Rihanna 
Misery Business by Paramore
Everybody talks by Neon Trees 
Bubblegum bitch by Marina and the Diamonds
Sexy, Naughty, Bitchy Me by Tata Young
I’m Not Gay by J Pee (gag song for a different reason)
Everyone is gay by Great Big World
Hello I love you by Adore Delano 
Ur so gay by Katy Perry 
Jar of Hearts by Christina Perri
Love the way you lie by Eminem featuring Rihanna
Avril Lavigne 
Twenty One Pilots
Little Game by Benny
Squidward’s Nose by Cupcakke 
I’m yer dad by GRLwood
M.I.L.F. MONEY by Fergie
Thot shit by Megan thee Stallion
No by Meghan Trainor
Cinderella’s Dead by EMELINE 
F*ck it All by TX2
Brozone songs
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wyxxiee · 8 months
hazbin hotel characters as SONGS:
Angel Dust: Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA
Vox if he and Alastor were mere fuck buddies: Super Psycho Love by Simon Curtis
Valentino: Gorilla by Bruno Mars
Husker to Angel: When I Met You by APO Hiking Society
who’s next?
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phasecornnuts · 7 months
Fandom List!!
Hazbin Hotel
Sir Pentious
Castlevania/Castlevania Nocturne
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (Broken up by part :^)
Part 1
Jonathan Joestar
Dio Brando
Part 2
Caesar Zepelli
Joseph Joestar
Lisa Lisa
Part 3
Jotaro Kujo
Noriaki Kakyoin
Old!Joseph Joestar
Hol Horse
Part 4 (For this part the characters will be aged up to 18)
Josuke Higashikata
Okuyasu Nijimura
Akira Otoishi
Yoshikage Kira
Yukako Yamagishi
Part 5 (Underage characters will be aged up)
Bruno Buceratti
Leone Abbachio
Panacotta Fugo
Guido Mista
Giorno Giovanna
Risotto Nero
Part 6
Jolyne Kujo
Ermes Costello
Weather Report
Narciso Anasui
Foo Fighters
Part 7
Johnny Joestar
Gyro Zepelli
Diego Brando
Funny Valentine
Hot Pants
Part 8
Josuke Higashikata
Yasuho Hirose
Persona 5 (Characters will be aged up to 18)
Akira Kurusu/Protagonist
Ryuji Sakamoto
Yusuke Kitagawa
Goro Akechi
Yuuki Mishima
Ann Takamaki
Makoto Nijima
Sae Nijima
Haru Okumura
Tae Takemi
Persona 3 (Characters will be aged up to 18)
Junpei Iori
Akihiko Sanada
Shinjiro Aragaki
Yukari Takeba
Mitsuru Kirijo
Fuuka Yamagishi
Blue Eye Samurai
House of the Dragon
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signed-sapphire · 5 months
Who do you see as the voice actors of your characters from The Fallen Star au? P.S. The question appeared after reading this post: https://www.tumblr.com/annymation/740501852095905792/the-voices-in-my-wish-rewrite?source=share
OOHHHHHHHHH thank you for asking!
Okay okay so I will be recasting most of the main characters. Like @annymation, Chris Pine is still Magnifico because he’s literally Magnifico, and I don’t really have a problem with any of the seven teens’ voices.
So here we go!
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Asha is voiced by Cynthia Ervo!
I really like Ariana’s voice, it’s very much what someone would associate with the 3D Disney princesses. However, TFS!Asha has a completely different personality than most Disney princesses, and I want her voice to match that. She has a very strong singing conviction, and it’s different voice representation! Plus, Cynthia has HUGE vocal range, it’s seriously amazing, and honestly fits exactly how TFS!Asha is
And as a bonus, Cynthia was in Disney before!
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Cielo is voiced by Anthony Ramos!
I first found out about Anthony because of Hamilton, and I’ve loved him in everything since. Literally every character he plays or voices is similar to Cielo! Particularly his roles in In the Heights and Bad Guys, he sings in both too!
Anthony is just so funny and goofy, and has SUCH STRONG flirtatious vibes EXACTLY how I imagine Cielo to be with Asha
^This is the song I’m imagining when I imagine domestic royalstar. I’m only attaching the song instead of the music video bc it’s a tad suggestive and also, Jasmine (his then girlfriend and fiancée featured in the video) broke up and that makes me sad
But!!! Musical experience, chill personality, Spanish, literally all Cielo.
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Magnus is voiced by Chris Pine!
Seriously, Chris Pine really loved his role, you can tell. “This is the Thanks I Get” didn’t fit his voice in the honeyed way it’s perfect in, and I’ll forever be mad at Disney for that. Chris is good in slow, emotional songs, which is why his villain song in my rewrite will be perfect for him
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Amaya is voiced by Carolina Gaitán
So I’m still not really sure about this one. Amaya in TFS is Egyptian-Hispanic and I didn’t really know a lot of singers outside of Broadway tbh, but Carolina is such a great one! She voices Pepa in Encanto and it’s a shame we didn’t get to hear much of her singing voice (besides that small bit in “We Don’t Talk About Bruno”) because she’s such a great singer! I’m not 100% sure of her voice, but I do think it fits and that it will grow on me. I also haven’t had the chance to draw Amaya as much as I’d like to, so I feel like once I do I’ll be able to picture her more.
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Valentino is voiced by Ravi Cabot-Conyers
Now, Valentino doesn't have any significant singing roles in my AU, but he does still speak. And I love, love Alan and know he has done amazing things for Disney, so I want to find him a voice in The Fallen Star too, but Ravi also voiced this little cutie
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And yes, it's another Encanto voice, but Ravi was so adorable and amazing and it would be funny to have his dichotomy with the deep-voiced Asha
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midnightblvc · 4 months
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since i started seeing people writing argentinian characters / using argentinian fcs, i feel like some people use just random names for them, i know everyone is entitled to put whatever name they see fit for their characters, but as someone that lives here, i wanted to help a little bit.
note: in this list you will find names that have arabic, native and european origins and you can give your character, even if they are a white latinx, any of those names, because that is something that happens here a lot.
note 2: you can also use this page ( here ) and you can even check if that name was registered somewhere in argentina between 1920 - 2015.
under the cut you will find some popular names for your argentinian character.
Ailén / Aylén ( mapuche )
Ayelén / Ayilen ( mapuche )
Ailin / Aylin ( mapuche )
Ainelen ( mapuche )
Aimará / Aymara ( mapuche )
Ceferina ( latin )
Huilen / Wileen ( mapuche )
Irupé ( guaraní )
Katari ( quechua )
Mailen / Maylen ( mapuche )
Nayla / Naila
Nair / Nahir
Naiara / Nahiara
Yamila / Yamile
Kimey / Quimey ( mapuche )
Naira ( quechua )
Catriel ( mapuche )
Ceferino ( latin )
Lautaro ( mapuche )
Leonel / Lionel
Lucas / Luca / Luka
Nahuel ( mapuche )
Valentín / Valentino
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staticintone · 1 month
This has been a long time coming, but here is my "Nonspecific/Non-writing RAM playlist". As in, lots of random songs that don't necessarily fit my Alastor, the vibes, or I feel like they only fit some particular situations. Warning: the list is long for absolutely no good reason.
Bubblegum, love, or overall pop-y songs that absolutely do not fit the vibes (or are almost crack) but are funny or awful in context:
Unconditionally [Katy Perry]—Alastor to Vox. Let Me Love You (Until You Learn To Love Yourself) [Ne-Yo]—Alastor to Vox. Walls [Natalie Taylor]—Alastor to Vox. Part of Your World (Reprise) [Jodi Benson]—Vox to Alastor. Irreplaceable [Beyoncé]—Multiverse song that the Voxs probably assume Alastor would sing about them. The Phantom of the Opera [Andrew Lloyd Webber]—Come on, I had to, for Vox and Alastor. Lost in the Woods [Jonathan Groff]—Vox to Alastor, or even vice versa if you're like me and think Alastor is the most. Infinity [Jaymes Young]—This is just Alastor's love song in general, but a lot more twisted in context. FRIENDS [Marshmello, Anne-Marie]—Not my Alastor, but the canon RAM Alastor to Vox. One Last Time [Ariana Grande]—Not a perfect one to one, but Valentino to Vox potentially. Oops...I Did It Again [Britney Spears]—Alastor playing around with Vox's feelings knowing the directive will set in and prevent him from doing anything about it. Slipping [Neil Patrick Harris]—Multiverse Alastor shenanigans. Welcome to My Life [Simple Plan]—Vito to the other Voxs getting RAM'd in the multiverse. We Don't Talk About Bruno [Encanto - Cast]—Multiverse Alastors talking about RAM Alastor. Isabella is Alex in particular. The Best Day Ever [Spongebob Squarepants]—Niffty. Chasing Cars [Snow Patrol]—Vox and Alastor. Horny Angry Tango [Rachel Bloom, Scott Michael Foster]—The fight between Alastor and Vox. GUY.exe [Superfruit]—Alastor, especially in the multiverse. You're My Best Friend (And I Know I'm Not Yours) [Pete Gardner]—Niffty to Vox probably. Confrontation [Jekyll & Hyde]—Main and RAM Alastor, but Jekyll is RAM and Main is Hyde. Those Magic Changes [Sha Na Na]—Vox in the tower during those seven years. Skin [Sabrina Carpenter]—Alastor in the multiverse to all his detractors. Jaded [Miley Cyrus]—Multiverse Alastor to the Vox leading the charge against him. Psycho [Taylor Acorn]—Alastor to Vox. Lover Of Mine [5 Seconds of Summer]—Alastor to Vox. Francesca [Hozier]—Alastor to Vox in the most twisted of contexts. Skyscraper [Demi Lovato]—Vox to Alastor. you broke me first [Tate McRae]—Alastor to Vox. Broken [Lifehouse]—Vox to Alastor. Let Go [Frou Frou]—Alastor to Vox.
Songs that fit the AU a little better but might be questionable for one reason or another:
In the End [Linkin Park]—Vox. Comatose [Skillet]—Vox to Alastor. The Killing Kind [Marianas Trench]—This song is in three parts, but the first part feels very Alastor, especially the building manic pace. Saints [Echos]—A more lucid Vox to Alastor. Scratch [Kendall Payne]—Velvette about herself and Vox. Falling Inside the Black [Skillet]—Vox to Alastor. Hurt [Christina Aguilera]—Velvette to Vox. Silk [Crywolf, MOTHICA]—This is overall a sex song, but I think taken literally it has very Vox and Alastor vibes. Before You Go [Lewis Capauldi]—Valentino to Vox. CEPHALOTUS [Crywolf]—Vox. Without You [Breaking Benjamin]—Valentino to Vox. Leave My Body [Florence + The Machine]—Vox. The Diary of Jane [Breaking Benjamin]—Vox to Alastor. Car Radio [Twenty One Pilots]—Vox. DATURA [paroxysm] [Crywolf]—Vox about Alastor. Believe [Mumford & Sons]—Vox to Alastor. Sail [AWOLNATION]—Alastor. Black Magic [Jaymes Young]—Vox to Alastor. Not Who We Were [Em Beihold]—Niffty. ULTRAVIOLENT [adrenochrome] [Crywolf]—Vox to Alastor. Love [Daughter]—Valentino about Vox and Alastor. Blame [Echos]—Vox. Craving - Acoustic [YMIR]—Vox to Alastor. House a Habit [We Are the Guests]—Not sure why, but it gives me big Niffty vibes. Frozen [Within Temptation]—Vox to Alastor and potentially vice versa. Hate Me [Blue October]—Alastor to Vox, in some ways, but not all. Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This) [Eurythmics]—Alastor.
Songs that are incredibly specific to either particular roleplays or circumstances:
Learn to Love [Jessi Smiles, Joey Emmanuel]—Velvette and Valentino to Vox, particularly if he gets his memories back and is trying to move on. Slowly [Susanne Sundfør]—Potentially Vox during the Reassurance phase of my version of the Ordeal. The Seal Lullaby [Eric Whitacre]—The Reassurance phase, and potentially what Alastor would have hummed or sang during it. Angels [Within Temptation]—Either Other Ending or Heaven Ending Vox.
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