#bsd soulmate au
ravencincaide · 6 months
Disobedient soulmate 
Summary:  Why comply with executives' demands if you were anyway going to die anyway At least you were not going to go down easy and quiet like all those other scared rabbits. No, you were not going to make this easy on him, especially if Chuuya was your soulmate.
Pairing: Fem reader x Chuuya Nakahara 
Part 2 of: Not My Soulmate: This is a continuation of ‘Not My Soulmate’ au. You can read this as a standalone as well, I think? 
Warnings: Cursing, abduction, humour,  Anyways hope you get as much a laugh from this as I did!   ~ Enjoy
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Your mama always told you two rules; one, if you like a man then never hit him where the sun doesn’t shine. And two, if you do hit a man in the forbidden place then never ever stick around long enough for him to recover.  You had just broken both rules. “ Put me down” You screamed as loudly as you could- your only real power against stuffing, suffocating red that turned your body heavy and imobile on the executives shoulder. Indeed no matter how much you tried to move it, to trash and kick the ginger, you were no better than a sack of potatoes.
Although that did not make you powerless; after all you could still be an annoyance. A loud obnoxious annoyance right in his ear. If you were lucky, then it would be sufficient to make the ginger reconsider his very real actions of abducting you, “ I said put me the fuck down you- you–you under developed carrot!” “ Oj is that the best fuckin insult you got, girl? You curse like a toddler” Chuuya’s voice dripped in sarcasm seemingly unbothered by your insulting screeches. You didn’t need to look at his face to know he had rolled his eyes at you. You heard him take a deep drag of the cigarette between his lips, breathe the smoke out and away from your face, before he broke the silence again “ And you hit like one too” You gaped, your mouth opened and closed like a fish. You were unsure which part was more insulting; his words, his comparison, or the cocky grin which played on the edge of his lips. The way he walked without missing a step, smoked without a bother while he carried your body draped over one of his shoulders as though you weighed nothing. What was up with that anyway? You broke out of your trail of thoughts, your expression darkened as his hand tightened on your lower back a little bit more, purposefully doing the very opposite of your demands. Jerk. “ Set me down this instant and I’ll give you a goddamned repeat of earlier. Wanna see you call me a toddler when you’re doubled over in pain you insolent little– hey!” You yelped loudly as Chuuya suddenly took a harsh right and kicked open the door to a run down- almost abandoned looking motel in the middle of the industrial district of Yokohama. Around you were industries and workshops; factors and metal smiths. Still somehow he found some form of living arrangements amidst all those almost-identical looking metal and stone constructions. 
Then with one fluid motion Chuuya tossed you onto the only piece of furniture in the forsaken, dirty place; the bed. Your body made painful contact with the worn down thing, bringing up a huge cloud of dust in the process. In an instant you sat up, completely forgetting about being able to move again and your earlier threats. “ What the hell is your issue and who the fuck do you think you are?!” “ Shut up for a second” His tone had changed completely. Like night and day, from flirty and sarcastic to this serious almost murderous thing. Chuuya’s blue orbs, which were surrounded by the menacing red were narrowed, his tone of voice dead serious as he addressed you. The way he looked at you, the way he acted, it instilled fear in you. It seemed he was done with your bullshit and in that moment you understood why he was a mafia executive. Port mafia executive no other. “ If you wanna live then pipe the fuck down, stay put and don’ open the goddamn door for anyone, hear me?” You blinked then gasped as he took a step towards you in warning. “ Did you hear me?” Chuuya repeated each word slowly, threateningly. Until all you could do was slowly nod your affirmation. “ Good. I’ll be back soon mm‘yeah” he then turned on his heel and walked backwards towards the door. He paused in the doorway, hand on the flimsy piece of half broken wood that was intended to keep you inside this tiny dusty space one would barely call ‘a motel room’. Chuuya threw another warning look over his shoulder “ Oj don even think about running away yeah- I’ll fuckin know if you try anything- and there’ll be a punishment if you do. So be a good thing and just fuckin stay ‘ere.” Then he shut the door, plunging you into unfamiliar darkness. You sat still for a moment, stared at the dust, dirt and grime that surrounded you. Felt each heavy breath, felt the age-old filth enter your body with each inhale. You imagine it settled in your lungs with a shudder. You bit your lip, desperate to take as few breaths as possible as you listened for his movements outside. At first silence, but then you heard his footsteps retreating further and further away in the same direction from which you two had come from. Almost impatiently, you waited until they were gone. Waited until you were certain he would be out of sight. In the meantime, you listened for any other sounds around you. But none seemed threatening. You heard rats scurry somewhere beneath the floorboards, swore you saw a roach scutter inches from your shoe. And just like that you were up and running out of the front door. Consequences be damned along with his threats; no you intended to outrun him. And what better way to survive than to escape from right under an executives nose. - when safe alert the authorities.
The news warning rang through your mind, guided you. It told you exactly what it was you needed to do. First, you needed to find a phone. 
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Author note: Since a precious someone has gone wayyy out of their way to make this a good and special birthday for me, the least I could do was stop teasing and actually publish this little thing. Hope you enjoy it! Like this? Check out Part 1 here, or see Raven's masterlist for more stuff to read!
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todorokis-girl · 3 months
It's MY Body - Chuuya Nakahara x F!reader
Soulmate AU
When Chuuya Nakahara and Y/N, a member of the Armed Detective Agency, wake up in each other's bodies, they are shocked to discover they are soulmates. Navigating their opposing affiliations, they must find a way to reconcile their feelings and work together.
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The morning sun streamed through the window, casting golden hues across the room as Y/N stirred awake. She blinked groggily, feeling unusually heavy and disoriented. The bed beneath her felt foreign, the room unfamiliar. Panic surged through her veins as she bolted upright, her breath hitching. She looked down at her hands—hands that were calloused and larger than her own. She was feeling stronger, more agile, and surrounded by the masculine elegance of Chuuya's apartment, though she didn't know it was his quite yet. His hat was perched on a stand by the door, his coat neatly hung, and the lingering scent of his cologne enveloped her. She walked to the mirror, her reflection showing Chuuya's piercing blue eyes and signature red hair.
“What the hell?” she muttered, her voice deep and commanding. Familiar.
Meanwhile, across town, Chuuya Nakahara awoke in a similar state of confusion, in a world entirely foreign. He groaned, rubbing his eyes, only to find them softer and more delicate than he remembered. He sat up, feeling an unaccustomed lightness and the silky sensation of long hair brushing his shoulders. He looked down at himself, eyes widening in shock. he stood up to look at himself in a near by mirror, the reflection staring back was of a young woman with hair cascading around her shoulders, eyes wide with shock.
“Y/N?” he whispered, his voice unfamiliar and soft. "This has to be a joke," he muttered, his voice higher and more feminine.
The two spent the first few hours in a state of utter bewilderment, trying to come to terms with their new realities. Y/N, now in Chuuya's body, felt an overwhelming surge of power coursing through her veins—an intensity she had never experienced before. She struggled to control it, fearing she might unintentionally unleash his ability, Corruption.
Chuuya, on the other hand, found himself in awe of the gentle yet profound connection to nature he felt within Y/N's body. He could sense the wind whispering secrets to him, the plants responding to his emotions, and an innate ability to influence the weather. He marveled at the raw, untamed power that seemed to flow so naturally through her.
After a frantic exchange of phone calls and a hasty meeting, they stood face-to-face in a secluded alleyway, away from prying eyes. The air between them crackled with tension and unspoken questions.
"How did this happen?" Y/N asked, her voice shaky "Did you do this?" The accusatory tone, evident.
"I have no idea," Chuuya replied, crossing his arms and trying to appear composed despite the turmoil inside. "I didn't do this, But we need to figure it out. Fast."
Their eyes locked, a mixture of distrust and curiosity flickering between them. They had always been on opposing sides—Y/N, a dedicated member of the Armed Detective Agency, and Chuuya, a formidable executive of the Port Mafia. Their encounters had always been fraught with tension and conflict, but this was different. This was personal.
As they navigated the complexities of each other's powers, they began to notice subtle, inexplicable connections. Y/N could feel Chuuya's memories and emotions, his fierce determination, and his loyalty. Chuuya, in turn, experienced Y/N's gentle compassion, her unwavering resolve, and her deep connection to the world around her.
It was during a particularly tense moment—when Y/N, in Chuuya's body, struggled to control his ability—that the truth dawned on them. As she faltered, Chuuya instinctively reached out, his touch grounding her, stabilizing the overwhelming power within.
Their eyes met, and in that instant, they knew.
"We're soulmates," Y/N whispered, her voice filled with awe and disbelief.
Chuuya's eyes softened, a rare vulnerability breaking through his usual tough exterior. "Looks like it," he murmured, a faint smile tugging at his lips. "Fate has a twisted sense of humor, huh?"
The realization brought a mix of emotions—shock, disbelief, and a strange sense of completion. Despite their differences, despite the chaotic circumstances, they felt an undeniable bond, a connection that transcended their individual selves.
But the weight of their affiliations hung heavy between them. Y/N looked away, her expression conflicted. "Chuuya, we're on different sides. This—this complicates everything."
Chuuya sighed, running a hand through his borrowed hair. "I know. But maybe this is fate's way of telling us there's more to this than just sides."
As the day wore on, they learned to trust each other implicitly, relying on the newfound understanding that being soulmates brought. By the time the sun set, casting a warm, golden glow over the city, they had grown closer than ever before, their shared experiences bridging the gap between their worlds.
When the world shifted once more, returning them to their original bodies, they stood side by side, the weight of their experience settling between them.
"So," Chuuya began, a mischievous glint in his eyes, "wanna come back to my apartment?"
Y/N laughed, her heart lighter than it had been in ages. "Absolutely. Not. I'm still with the Agency."
"And I'm still with the Mafia," Chuuya replied, his tone serious. "But maybe we can find a way to make this work. The universe has spoken, and I'm not in the habit of saying no to a beautiful woman."
She rolled her eyes, overwhelmed and exasperated. "You're impossible, you know that?"
Chuuya smirked, the usual confidence back in his stance. "I've been told. But seriously, Y/N, this is... something neither of us can ignore."
Y/N sighed, her mind racing. The idea of being soulmates with someone from the Port Mafia was ludicrous, yet the connection she felt with Chuuya was undeniable. "I guess we can figure it out as we go," she said, her voice softening. "Just... don't expect me to make it easy for you."
"Wouldn't have it any other way," Chuuya replied, his eyes glinting with determination.
As they stood there, side by side, the lines between their worlds blurred just a little. It wouldn't be easy, and the path ahead was uncertain, but for the first time, they felt a flicker of hope. They were bound by something greater than their affiliations—something that defied logic and expectation.
And together, they were ready to face whatever came next.
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c7arisse · 4 months
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in my bsd era (once again...)
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anticidic · 2 months
I like the idea of a skk soulmate AU where they do everything in their power to get away from one another.
Dazai and Chuuya actively resist that pull that's supposed to draw them to one another simply because they drive each other nuts, but in the end they still inevitably find themselves circling back to one another.
That "pull" that's supposed to draw them near weakened over time after Dazai defected from the Port Mafia, and at some point Dazai thinks if they're away from one another for long enough, they might break that pull for good.
He continues to push Chuuya away as Chuuya does the same, but whenever Dazai feels that pull weakening again, he comes back around to Chuuya. He fights it—they both do—but neither have the strength to sever it. It plagues Dazai's mind that the consequence of breaking their bond for good might cost him (them) to lose each other completely. So he doesn't.
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valverii · 1 year
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i absolutely love @makeriia ‘s soulmate pets au and so i immediately drew their soukoku and their pets!! please go check them out i beg of u their art is so sick
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monarchamos · 1 year
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I’ve had nothing to do this finals week so i decided to doodle some skk aus I’m in love with
Please go check the original artists out they’re really fucking cool :D
Soulmate pets au: @makeriia Stray dogs impact au: @damianito Soukoku switch au: @muaviinu
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dailynakaharachuuya · 11 months
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21. Musicians AU 22. Doctors/patients AU 23. Bakers AU 24. Beast AU
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the-moon-files · 7 months
Chapter 4: Stray Dogs Follow Me Home
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art for the poly!soukoku fanfic im writing, it has a lot more going on than just that, read the tags/summary if u rlly wanna know
(dont look too closely at Naomi's hand pls) i only post this here bc i need to link the image address for ao3 tbh lmao
wow u opened this post? have this funny panel from the fanfic ig
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anyway enjoy chapter 4
Peace out,
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wow-an-unfunny-joke · 11 days
I fucking hate soulmate aus! But hear me out- skk soulmate au, Chuuya doesn’t have a soulmate for arhabaki reasons, Dazai doesn’t have a soulmate either for like other reasons, he’s just unlucky or smth idk. They find eachother, they skk it up, one of them is like ‘idk if I’m human man, I don’t have a soulmate’ and the other is like ‘yo me too????’ And then they KISS
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xlillyle · 7 months
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Duck, Duck,...Dazai?!
🪿 a SKK fanfic
🪿 1.7k
🪿 fluff & crack...a lot of crack
🪿 and a goose. yes. Dazai is the goose. Good luck, Chuuya. Also me because this apparently is my SKK writer debut, woop woop!
Oh, and happy Valentine's Day.
The fic is locked for ao3 users, but I have retrospring and tumblr for anon comments!
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ravencincaide · 7 months
Not my soulmate
Summary:  No, absolutely not. You refused to even consider the fact that your universe's chosen soulmate was one of the most brutal, deadliest and wanted men of Yokohama. And none other than an ability user! No, absolutely and utterly no, even if he was a little cute..
Pairing: Fem reader x Chuuya Nakahara 
Raven’s Special prompt: Soulmate AU : “Chuuya soulmate au ooh it could be the one where soulmates have their names written down somewhere on them”
Warnings: Cursing, annoyed Chuuya and bratty reader
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You looked at the news segment; the picture of a manic looking man with ginger hair partially hidden beneath the shade of his tophat. Piercing eyes that stole your breath and the boyish grin that mocked the viewer of the security footage from which the picture was taken. The photo was surrounded by huge letters which warned viewers about the dangerous man. “ Do not engage. Comply with his demands and when safe alert the authorities. Executive of Port Mafia:  Nakahara Chuuya is– ” 
You tore your gaze away and down to your bare forearm where cursive red letters glowed out the name of your soulmate. Then you flickered your eyes back up towards the news segment which described the executives' latest atrocities. Then back down at your arm- back up to the news. Down to your arm. Up to the news. 
Then you screamed. 
“ Jesus Y/N are you alright?!” You heard your mothers voice echo from the hallway accompanied by her rushed steps. The time it took her to reach you was just enough for you to pull the sleeves of your shirt down, in the process knocking over a cup of hot tea onto the table. As she entered, you flashed her a guilty smile for needlessly worrying her.  “ Did you burn yourself?” You shook your head in answer “ Good, what got you screaming? Did you find your soulmate or something?” 
You faked a laugh then cracked at your mothers pointed look. “ Yeah on the news” you said with a roll of your eyes. Thankfully the wanted poster was replaced with the weather forecast narrated by an elderly gentleman.
Your mother laughed loudly at the sight of the pensioner“ Ohh that’s just a coincidence- common name you know?” she brushed a few stray strands of hair out of your face reassuringly “ I’m going to head out for some errands then visit a few friends–” 
“ - have fun and I’ll keep my phone close in case you miss the last train” you promised. Your cheeky remark earned you a glare and a mouthed ‘one time’ before the woman strolled out of the apartment in an almost guilty fashion- as if to say the second time could be tonight. You smiled a little but your smile dropped the second your eyes landed back onto the news segment. 
The warning poster was back with the ginger haired murderer; cocky grin, black mafia coat and all. 
“ No, no way” you muttered as your fingers trailed over the material above the matemark. “ Just the same kanji- not even the same pronunciation. Not even the same name!” you told yourself. Forced yourself to believe that until the name on the screen stopped making your heart beat faster. Now then to the mess with the tea–
You froze as you heard the doorbell. Then rolled your eyes at your mothers forgetful nature. The doorbell rang again and again, an impatient sound that made you groan out loud as though you were a teenager again “ I hear it. I’m coming, I’m coming. Sheesh, if you're in such a hurry you should have just taken the keys with you in the first place.” 
You opened the door and your blood ran cold. Your mouth was dry as you came face to face with piercing blue orbs of the man in the news segment. Before you could react, a gloved hand reached up and he tipped his top hat towards you in politely gentlemanly greeting. 
“ You’re Y/N yeah?” his voice was rough, language of a typical delinquent which did not match his appearance, it made your lips tug downwards into a frown. 
“ N-no sorry wrong apartment” You attempted to shut the door but he stuck his dress shoes in the way. A gloved hand grabbed the wood and forced it wide opened again. 
“ Ehh you sure? Coulda sworn this was your picture? Nevermind, sure you ain't lacking a soulmate?” although flirty there was an undeniable warning in his words as he crumpled up your official picture and stuffed it in his pocket. 
It was a warning you ignored. 
“ N-no sorry, I’ve already met my soulmate!” you lied and hoped it was believable. 
“ Oi– okay if that’s the case dollface, then you wouldn’t mind stripping just enough for me to see the mark, yeah?” Chuuya grabbed your arm and kept you in-place as he drew closer, hot breath fanned your face. Eyes glared daggers as though he saw right through your lie. Your mind replayed the warnings from the news which so bluntly told all civilians to stay the hell away from him and if encountered then;  
Comply with his demands and when safe alert the authorities.
But since you already lied to him and refused his orders- how fucked were you? And would it at least be a merciful death?
Chuuyas impatient growl filled you with more and more dread. It only increased as he yanked you closer to himself.  “ Where the hell is it?” His free hand began tugging on your shirt. Lifted it up just high enough to see your stomach, then cursed when the mark wasn’t there. “ I said where the fuck is it?!” 
The way Chuuya yelled; desperate attempts to find your mark and then the realization that he would kill you once he saw it filled you with a sense of hopelessness. But with it came anger; Why you? Why now? And why did this bastard have to be your soulmate? And more important why did he seek you out? 
‘Well if you were going to die then you would be damned sure it wouldn't be without a fight’ That was your last thought before you raised your knee and hit him in the groin. You heard him huff, saw him double over in pain and used those precious seconds to pry his hands off yourself. 
And then you ran. 
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Author Note: Well it's not my best work but it was fun to write. And i managed to get it right below the 1000 word word limit- Yay me! Hope this special made you laugh- or at least crack a smile and until next Sunday.
Update: Find part two here, disobedient soulmate
Can't wait so long? Check out Raven's masterlist for more stuff to read!
©ravencincaide 2024. Do not copy/repost/translate or spread my work(s) without my explicit permission. If you see any of my work(s) reposted/copied anywhere else without my consent, please inform me!
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todorokis-girl · 4 months
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Request are OPEN
My Rules
Writing Plan
My Hero Academia
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I Never Knew You Were Alive - Soulmate AU (Dabi)
Chapter I: So it starts Chapter II: A late arrival Chapter III: belive of be doomed Chapter IV: What are we doing? Chapter V: Last minute encounter Chapter VI: Deciding to fall in love with you
Weird things I write:
Bakugou and Y/N getting together
One shots:
Shattered Boundaries- (Midoriya x Reader - Hurt)
Let's talk about the Caffeine addiction - (Kirishima x reader - Comfort)
No feelings of Loss (Dabi - hurt/comfort fluff)
Ashes (Dabi - Angst/Fluff)
Shinso, Hawks and Dabi with an oblivious reader (Fluff)
A Cozy Afternoon for a busy hero (Hawks - Fluff)
Hidden Sparks (power loader, fluff)
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That's Really not what I meant (part 1) (part 2) (part 3) - Kuroo Tetsurō Getting Back Together with your ex? (part 1) (part 2) - Suna You left me stranded and I wanna fall in love again (part 1) - Atsumu
One shots
A world of failed sets (Kageyama - hurt) Healing together (Iwazumi -comfort). Can you stop? (Sugawara - hurt/comfort) Week 1 - (Oikawa Tooru - comfort) A world of failed Sets (Kageyama Tobio - Angst) I just wanted to help… (Osamu Miya x reader) Kiss-Proof and Bokuto Approved - (Bokuto x influencer reader
Confession series:
Honestly, I didn't even think about that (Kuroo) On a collision course (Tsukishima) It's never too late for this (Tendo) I celebrate by being honest with myself (Kageyama) A long time coming (Bokuto) All on up stream (Kenma)
A moment of gentle care (Sugawara - Comfort)
Bungo Stray Dogs
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One - Shots
It's MY body (Chuuya x reader)
Dangerous Attraction (Dazai x reader)
Shadows of Deceit (Tachihara x reader)
Lessons in Shadows - (Tachihara x reader)
The Middle of a War - (Chuuya x Reader)
Lovesick - (Dazai x Reader)
Standing Tall - (Chuuya x Reader)
The Sound of Rain - (Junichiro x reader)
Comfort - (Akutagawa x reader)
Dr. Stone:
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One shot:
Welcome to the Stone World - Senku Ishigami
Mix fandom
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How he is (mixed fandom)
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silawastaken · 7 months
a valentine's tradition (for @woklaza)
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rotisseries · 5 months
read a fic a bit ago where the two characters got magically tied together through their possibly metaphorical possibly literal strings of fate and they could feel emotions through the bond and had to be right next to each other or touching at all times or it would cause physical pain. anyway sskk au
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inkyvirus · 1 year
In a world where soulmates of various kinds with many different connections, Chuuya has never seen the color of his enemies blood, and Dazai has never seen the beauty of the summer sky.
Until one day when they're 22 years old.
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kyouka-supremacy · 1 year
Intensively thinking about sskk The Good Place au. That scene at the end of season 2 where someone is publicly shaming Eleanor, on a podium, in front of everyone, except it's Dazai and Akutagawa:
Dazai: Akutagawa and I have a lot in common. Here's how to tell us apart. One of us is a ruthless demon who's an expert at making other people suffer, and then the other one is me! [...]
Akutagawa: Not super funny for a roast, there, bud.
Dazai: Oh, sorry, you want a joke? Okay, you love Atsushi and Atsushi doesn't love you back. Boom! Now, that's funny, because it's very cruel and humiliating.
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