#bta machines
widmakenametal · 3 months
Exploring Turnkey Fixture Solutions, BTA Machines, and Hob Sharpeners
When it comes to manufacturing, precision is the name of the game. Every little detail matters, and ensuring top-notch quality can make or break a company’s reputation. This is where turnkey fixture solutions, BTA machines, and hob sharpeners come into play. These tools and solutions are integral to achieving the high standards required in modern manufacturing.
What are Turnkey Fixture Solutions?
Turnkey fixture solutions are comprehensive, ready-to-use solutions provided by experts in the field. They are designed to streamline the manufacturing process, ensuring that each component is positioned and held correctly for optimal performance. But what exactly makes them so valuable?
Efficiency: Turnkey fixture solutions eliminate the need for in-house development of fixtures. This not only saves time but also ensures that the fixtures are crafted by professionals who understand the intricacies of the manufacturing process.
Customization: These solutions are tailored to meet specific needs. Whether you’re dealing with automotive parts, aerospace components, or electronics, turnkey fixtures can be designed to handle the unique requirements of each application.
Quality Assurance: With fixtures developed by experts, there’s a significant reduction in errors and inconsistencies. This leads to higher quality products and fewer defects, which is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction and meeting industry standards.
The Role of BTA Machines in Manufacturing
BTA (Boring and Trepanning Association) machines are essential for deep-hole drilling operations. They are widely used in industries such as oil and gas, aerospace, and heavy machinery manufacturing. So, what makes BTA machines so indispensable?
Precision: BTA machines offer unparalleled precision in drilling deep, accurate holes. This is vital in applications where even the slightest deviation can lead to catastrophic failures.
Efficiency: These machines are designed for high-speed operations, making them incredibly efficient for large-scale production runs. Their ability to handle heavy-duty tasks without compromising on quality is a significant advantage for manufacturers.
Versatility: BTA machines can handle a variety of materials, from metals to composites. This versatility makes them a valuable asset in any manufacturing setup.
The Importance of Hob Sharpeners
In the world of gear manufacturing, hob sharpeners are indispensable tools. They play a crucial role in ensuring that the hobs used to cut gears remain sharp and effective. Why is this so important?
Consistency: Sharp hobs produce consistent, high-quality gears. This consistency is vital for applications where precision and reliability are non-negotiable.
Longevity: Regular sharpening of hobs extends their lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements. This not only saves costs but also minimizes downtime in production.
Performance: Sharp hobs perform better, resulting in smoother operations and less wear and tear on other machinery. This contributes to overall efficiency and productivity in gear manufacturing.
Conclusion When it comes to providing top-notch turnkey fixture solutions, BTA machines, and hob sharpeners, WIDMA stands out as a leader in the industry. With years of experience and a commitment to innovation, WIDMA has earned a reputation for delivering high-quality solutions that meet the diverse needs of modern manufacturers.
Their turnkey fixture solutions are known for their precision and reliability, ensuring manufacturers can focus on production without worrying about fixture-related issues. WIDMA’s BTA machines are celebrated for their efficiency and accuracy, making them a preferred choice in industries that require deep-hole drilling. Additionally, their hob sharpeners are renowned for maintaining their sharpness and effectiveness, ensuring consistent gear production.
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about-faces · 3 hours
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Lonnie was really like, “Okay, so there’s one (1) ethical billionaire, but his friends suck so he sucks too.”
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thatneoncrisis · 2 months
sometimes when i get too caught up in the details of a story i watch a childrens show to remind myself it literally does not mater
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
RiddleBird Au:
Edward and Oswald have a massive fight and take a break over politics. Because Eddie is big on workers rights and thanks to personal experience hates bilionaires and capitalism and Oswald is the poster child for older moderate conservatives. They were managing but the Luthor election was a big boom.
Oswald thinks it's a silly thing and Edward will see reason and come back until he hears that Eddie developed a close friendship with Clock King (who is also a leftist) so his only solution is to ask Loonie Machin to guide him into leftist ideology so he can impress Riddler and get him back (he choose Loonie because while Loonie is waay too radical for Penguin's tastes the only other option was Ivvy and Pam can be very scary). Loonie at first rejects the idea but after Oswald promisses to allow his workers to unionize Machinn begrundgily accepts (with a video of Oswald being mean towards Riddler from before they dated as insurance because if Oswald back tracks on the union he will garantee he never gets his bf back). Shennanigans issue.
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multiverseunknown · 1 year
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nitewrighter · 21 days
When writers say the riddler is too silly for modern Batman stories, I wonder how much of that is code for “I can’t write good riddles”. I mean, even btas only had a few episodes with Eddie because Dini admitted they had a hard time coming up with them.
I suppose it brings up a problem with writing a character who’s supposed to be smarter than you.
It’s easy to have joker blow up a bunch of buildings.
You want to show a villain is tough, have them smack the heroes around a little.
You want to show a character is a genius, just have the build robots or time machines or whatever.
But very few can hit that intellectual sweet spot between “overly complex word puzzles so difficult Bruce has to pull the answers out of his butt” and “dopey puns that wouldn’t make popsicle stick standards”
I mean obviously the puns and silly little puzzles are a vital part of the Riddler, but you know, even if you can't write that, there are aspects of the Riddler that you can focus on that still feel true to the core of the character. I think the pathological need for attention can be a great focus for his character, and I think the Arkham Games did a fun job with that even if the majority of the 'riddles' were just in-game puzzles and him taunting you. There's also something to be said about like... certain facets of the Rogues basically getting offloaded onto the Joker because DC feels the need to jam Joker into everything to make it sell. Like, you have variations on Harvey's Two-Face origin story getting offloaded onto the Joker because of the Joker's (might not even be real because one of the Joker's whole THINGS is that he's an unreliable narrator) "Red Hood" origin story in The Killing Joke. So like, Bruce and Harvey are childhood friends, but then DC will bring in the Joker and kind of co-opt (one of) Harvey's origin stories to say, "Batman was, while unintentionally, intimately involved with the creation of the Joker." But like... the whole thing about the Joker is that we, as the audience, aren't ever really supposed to know why the Joker's Like That. That's the whole point of him having multiple "You wanna know how I got these scars?" stories in Nolan's The Dark Knight.
But like... take the Joker's obsession with being Batman's Ultimate Nemesis in The Lego Batman, for example--you actually have a lot of Batman's relationship with the Riddler in that particular interpretation of the Joker, because for the Riddler, it's all about proving himself as Batman's intellectual superior, and actually a major factor of their chemistry is that this obsession is significantly one-sided on the Riddler's end. And I think the Matt Reeves Batman also handled that "one-sided obsession" aspect of the Riddler really well, as well. Like, for Batman, it's all just mystery to solve and then you finally get to the Riddler and Paul Dano's Riddler is like "Wrow. I knew you'd find me because we're so alike and we're besties! It's allll for youuuu!" and then you have Batman fire back with "We're nothing alike--! Wait, I just remembered I'm also an off-putting loner freak. Uh oh." So like... there are ways to feel true to the Riddler even if you can't go full camp.
The Riddler WANTS Batman to find him. He WANTS Batman to solve his riddles because not only is that the only way he is 'seen' but he believes it also gives him control in how he is seen and who he is seen by--although it really doesn't because Batman has already made his assessment of "This is an egotistical loner freak who is desperate for attention and obsessed with me."
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understandingbimbos · 7 months
Bimbo Types, or Neapolitan Bimbo
(This is something I've previously gone over in my My Little Pony post but wanted to reiterate here.)
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Bimbo can most easily be divided into three distinct archetypes. The Clown, The Innocent, and The Debutante. These archetypes are not absolute, they come in many variations and their traits can and will overlap.
The Clown, also known as The Free Spirit or The Wildcard, usually shows up as the comedic relief. They can be loud, showy, excessive, and obnoxious. Their sexuality is very self-assured, self-aware, and playful. The Clown's main concern (if any) is having or spreading fun, "fun" in this context being completely up to their individual style and personality. To give a very stereotypical example, a goth clown may have the most fun watching very violent horror movies or playing with spiders. Another clown could have the most fun (Incidentally) causing a ruckus or being mischievous, it's all about perspective, the possibilities are pretty much endless.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Jeannie (IDOJ), Pinkie Pie (MLP:FIM), Harley Quinn (BTAS), Synclaire James (Living Single), Jayne Mansfield (films and public persona), Elvira, Mistress of the Dark
The Innocent, also known as The Ingenue, is just as the name suggests. Not only helpless but often unaware and wholly out of her depth. Her inexperience and or meekness makes her prone to being taken advantage of. Despite this, she (usually) remains positive, kind, and happy to help. Unlike The Clown, The Innocent's sexuality is typically portrayed as natural, uncomplicated, and unintended.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Marilyn Monroe (films and public persona), Weena (The Time Machine), Lorelei Lee (in the novel), Elissa Megan Powers (Empowered)
The Debutante, who could also be called The Alpha Bitch, is probably the most popular in the modern era and who you're most likely to come across in real life or on social media. Her sexuality is mainly a means of control. She puts a lot of time, work, and effort into her appearance because beauty is both her business and capital. While she may, at times, enjoy and indulge in carnal pleasure it's far from her main concern. Being the most or unattainably desirable is how she knows she's better than others, how she's able to acquire and maintain control. The Debutante values social standing above all else, to her it's a matter of life or death, she would die without overwhelmingly positive attention.
Examples of this archetype include but are not limited to: Regina George (Mean Girls), Heather Chandler (Heathers), Courtney Shayne (Jawbreaker), Heather (Total Drama Island), Cleopatra Smith (Clone High), Jeannie II (IDOJ), Emma Frost (X-Men), Panty Anarchy (PSG), Ginger (Gilligan's Island), Holly Golightly (Breakfast at Tiffany's), Kim Kardashian, Rarity (MLP:FIM)
These archetypes are combined, remixed, and subverted so often it's hard to find pure examples (I tried my best, and even then this is just reducing them to their base archetypes and do not accurately describe every single one of these characters), but this is a good thing. It leads to nuance and diversity, and many of the most popular bimbo characters are mixed or subversions. Chrissy Snow (Three's Company) is a Clown and an Innocent. Elle Woods (Legally Blonde) arguably includes elements of all three. Romy and Michele's High School Reunion follows two clownish Innocents who realize they were bullied by debutantes. As far as I know, all bimbos exist somewhere along these lines (or perhaps on an axis) but we shouldn't view this as limiting, when you think about it the combinations are really seemingly endless, and I didn't even cover sub-archetypes! Many Debutantes are mean but they don't have to be. Innocents don't have to be completely pliable, you can do (or be) whatever you like, even moving from one archetype to another.
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tsams-and-co-memes · 6 months
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POV you found a notepad and wanted to get the autographs of your favorite characters
Font names and other stuff under the cut
Sun: Font name is “Luna.” You likely got his autograph by approaching him in the daycare. He's skittish and awkward sometimes with fans, so you had to be very chill and calm with your approach. As long as you maintain a normal speaking volume, give him personal space, and talk to him like a normal person, he's cool with giving autographs
Moon: Font name is “Quikhand.” Like Sun, you probably also had to go to the daycare to get his autograph. He can be a bit awkward and distant, but as long as you treat him like a normal person and aren't clingy and don't hover or insist on physical contact, he's cool with giving autographs
Frank: Font name is “CakorAyam.” No one ever knows where to find Frank, or where he is at any given point in time, so let's be real; you didn't find Frank, Frank found you. He's a guy of few words and mostly breathes at you during the whole interaction, but as long as you're kind to him, he'll be kind to you, and he'll even happily give you an autograph
Solar: Font name is “TINET.” You more than likely went to the Superstar Theater and approached him while he was working at the counter. If you treat him like a normal person, he'll give you an autograph, and he might even be content to crack some jokes or make light conversation. If you go at him like a crazy fan though, he'll send you away empty handed and tell you that you're being weird
KC: Font name is “Bree Font.” He worked at a soup kitchen, so you probably went there to see him. If you're weird in your approach, he'll tell you and ask you to stop, but if you're chill and polite, he'll give you his autograph and speak with you during his break. If he's in an especially good mood, he may even send you off with a cinnamon roll or cookie, too
Eclipse: Font name is “PP Handwriting Normal.” No one knows where Eclipse is, most of the time. Only god knows where you manage to stumble across him, but when you show up, he's probably in the middle of plotting and scheming something. He's not happy you're there, but he tries dismissing you. If you're calm and patient, and have the willpower to stand there and take the attitude he'll more than likely give you, he might give you his autograph purely to make you go away faster. If you're rude back to him, he might find some amusement in it and give you an autograph too, but that's a 50/50 shot whether he'll laugh or get annoyed
Solar Flare: Font name is “TrashHand.” You spotted him when he was on his way to the daycare to deliver satellite blueprints to Moon, so you stopped him for a moment. He was in a hurry, as blunt as ever about how important he is that he completes his task before Eclipse realizes what's up, and he finds the concept of autographs a bit strange, but he goes along with it. He doesn't really care how you behave, since he's indifferent to most things
Ruin: Font name is “We Mano Negra bta.” You found the British boy hanging out in the fazcade, tinkering with an arcade machine. As long as you're not a crazy fan about how you approach him, he's quite the social butterfly and would happily give you an autograph, but if you're weird about it, he'd either get visibly uncomfortable and leave as soon as possible, or he'd drop the sweetheart act and tell you, in a very blank, very flat tone of voice, to knock it off
Creator: Font name is “Taken by Vultures demo.” I'll be honest, I have no idea how you'd get his autograph. Firstly, you'd have to break into his lab, and doing so would probably result in death because now you've seen too much. Secondly, he has no hands or opposable thumbs as a giant brain. He'd need to be in the body of one of his little droids to even think about holding a pen and writing anything. On the off chance that you break into his lab and stroke his ego enough, he might consider letting you go, but if you say or do something he doesn't like, he'll put you 6 feet under
Bloodmoon: Font name is “5 years old.” I'm not sure about this one, either. You'd need whoever Bloodmoon was following/taking orders from present, to keep Bloodmoon from launching himself at you with murderous intent. That's assuming the person in question is nice enough to allow that, but... with the track record that Bloodmoon has of people he's decided to follow, the chance of his new master being kind is slim to none. If you don't end up in multiple pieces or smeared on the ground, you'd be very badly hurt. It's in everyone's best interest that you avoid this one at all costs
Monty: Font name is “Mind Antiks.” You likely found Monty in Gator Golf and decided to approach them there. They might be a bit skeptical of your intentions at first and assume you’re there on behalf of The Government, but with patience and gentle perseverance, you could convince them that you’re there of your own will and that you don’t intend to do anything weird or bad with their signature. As usual, treat them like a normal person, and don’t be weird or act like a crazy fan, that’d make them super uncomfortable (gonna stop repeating the “treat them like a normal person and don’t be a crazy fan” rule, because I feel like that should just be a given that no one likes it when you’re weird towards them)
Foxy: Font name is “Note this.” You likely saw him at the store when he was picking up something for FC, or while he was heading to Gator Golf. He’d be caught off guard and a little awkward at first, but probably very flattered that anyone would like him enough/think he was cool enough to want his autograph. Just,, whatever you do, be patient with the man; we all know he struggles with moving his arms
Puppet: Font name is “Domestic Manners.” You stopped by the Faz-Pad for a drink and saw Puppet there, crashing in that little corner that has the pool table. They were in the middle of watching some anime that you’d never even heard of, and although they’re slightly miffed about their show being interrupted, it’s quickly forgiven when you explain why you’ve approached them. Puppet likely didn’t think they had enough of a presence in the shows or that they couldn’t possibly be anyone’s favorite character, so they’re very flattered and more than willing to give you an autograph. If you started asking them questions about anime (whether it’s the one they’re currently watching, a different show, or anime in general), you’d probably be there all day while they happily ramble at you
FC: Font name is “Kindergarden.” FC was under Sun’s care when you found him, likely in the daycare. While it’s a little odd to go up to a kid and ask for an autograph, FC would be very excited, and he’d get the biggest ego boost from it, because this was all the proof he needed to see that he’s cool
Vegeta: Font name is “Elliot six.” Much like Frank, you do not find Vegeta, Vegeta finds you. He might be a little weird about the situation and a bit skeptical at first, but he could be convinced to give you an autograph. You might be suckered into getting him ice cream, helping him find his dog, watching some of his weird, out of pocket dance moves, or something else entirely, and he might find you again in the future, but hey. He’d be happy, and you would have unintentionally made a friend
Stitchwraith/Andrew: Font name is “Bear Butter.” You’d probably die the instant you wandered into his base, uninvited and unannounced. To be honest, I highly doubt anything you could say or do would be enough to get any form of mercy from him, let alone getting a simple autograph. He doesn’t take kindly to people poking their noses into his business, so… yeah. Hope you have a will drafted and a coffin picked out before you even try to approach him
Stitchwraith/Jake: Font name is “Endless Bummer” (in all caps). Everything I typed out for Andrew also applies here, so I don’t really need to add anything else
Lunar: Font name is “Dadhand.” Like with Sun and Moon, you probably found Lunar in the daycare and approached him there. He’s chill with fans coming in to say hi, and he’s happy to give you his autograph, provided you’re not a creepy weirdo
Earth: Font name is “Shadows into Light.” She was also in the daycare (wowie wow wow, look at all the people in the daycare, such a shocker /silly/sar) when you decided to approach her. She likes interacting with fans and it makes her very happy. She’s more than willing to give you an autograph, but you need to be especially mindful of how you act. If she’s even the tiniest bit uncomfortable around you, you’ll be booted out the door by one of her brothers
Jack: Font name is “Coffee House.” Lord knows where you stumble upon Jack, honestly. He’s probably confused about why you want him to write his name on a piece of paper, but he does it anyway, because why not. The only downside is that he might steal or break your pen
Castor: Font name is “Oil bats basic.” Astral bodies don’t typically get asked for autographs, so he’s thrown for a loop when you waltz up to him and ask him about it. While Castor grasps the concept of it, it’s just ACTUALLY doing it that confuses him, since… that’s his name. Why do you need/want it so bad? He is literally just There, he doesn’t see why you’re so invested in getting him to write his name. He’ll do it, but not before expressing how bizarre this is to him
Pollux: Font name is “A hundred miles.” Pollux doesn’t quite understand why you’d want her autograph either. Her thought process is very similar to Castor’s, but she’ll still do it. If you tell her that you want her autograph because you think she’s super cool, you might even manage to score some brownie points
Gemini: Font name is “Hathem Bosteem Free.” They’ll do it. They’re just Castor and Pollux merged together as one person, so just imagine everything I typed out for both of them, inserted here
Nebula: Font name is “Antro Vectra.” Again, this is another one where only god knows where you’d find her. Nebula doesn’t quite fully understand the concept of autographs, but I get the feeling she’d be flattered if you explained it to her and said that you wanted hers because you thought she was cool. She’d be flattered and still slightly confused, but either way, she could be convinced to do it
Taurus: Font name is “Across the road.” You…. Are not finding him on your own. Plain and simple. You’d have to get his autograph through Nebula, assuming he was feeling gracious enough to give you his autograph at all
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dustorange · 4 months
opinions?… 😬😬
Wfa =free, comics = $3.99 per -> subsidized demand -> market distortion -> :/ :(
The claim of that post—“people have gotten tired of unrelenting grimdark” e.g. actual DC main runs and therefore prefer “slice-of-life fluff [that] also presents a coherent, easy-to-enter, balanced storyline” e.g. WFA—is directionally accurate but its also sort of talking about a Different Group of People than DC Comics Readers.
in particular there is a group of people who have been pretty much totally deracinated from developing or being capable of developing their own opinions on media or humor or life. because of social media and maybe also they r very young. there is a general valence to that part of fandom: the incorrect quotes, the Canva-post-derived politics, the memetic vocab + jokes and like this weird very limited view of redditizedhistory and culture+literature consisteing of the binding of Isaac and twoheadedcalf poem. and so there is just genuinely not the ability to process things that haven’t been run through a filter of accessibility. and WFA, which has BEAUTIFUL art and lots of very sweet moments, IS super accessible and its also sort of been through the preapproved foundfamily neoliberal kitsch machine and come out with a passing grade. but yes it is missing that like elusive Something and it also lacks a seriousness and it isnt the Characters. it’s something else. And its so pretentious to say its for people who don’t have the like stamina ??? for longerform storytelling but yes if you pressed me i would say its a bunch of people, primarily young genz and millennial girls/women, whose critical mental faculties and attention spans have been fried by social media and underexposure to challenging original content
that’s a different new group being lassoed into dc stuff from the previous existing audience. The DC Comics Reader People. i don’t know how much of this to do gender politics with but comics fandom has DEFINITELY gotten MUCH more female in the last 2 decades and there was a distinctive male comic book go-to-the-LCS-and-get-physical-copies and rigorously-autisticslly-fight-about-minutia-of-canon culture. Men also r going to be the one who GENERALLY prefer your fightheavy “”””grimdark””” comics, as opposed to women who doooo generally prefer social relational content. And also women-dominated comics fandom spaces are obviously qualitatively different from men’s fandom spaces. So PART of the reason WFA outsells real DC stuff is market distortion and PART is the DCfan genderdemographic shift that favors content like WFA
I rly hesitate to endorse a lot of Canon dc tumblr’s posts about the fanony WFA-style stuff bc it seems so clear that a the latter is enjoyed primarily by a group of very young people and it also feels like there’s a weird power imbalance intellectually between fanon and canon people. AND I AM A BIG BELIEVER IN LET PEOPLE READ AND ENJOY THE CONTENT THEY WANT and they shouldn’t be shamed for enjoying something as visually sweet and cute as WFA. and a lot of canon tumblr’s rants abt fanon stuff r clearly sort of excessively vicious and insecure attempts to feel superior. although admittedly quietly they r correct but it comes off cruel idk. also i think that BATMAN and superman and to some extent some others ARE indeed very flexible in terms of what is canon and what you have to consume to have consumed The Character and The Story. ive never seen BTAS but as far as im concerned, someone who has only watched BTAS is someone who has the right to do whatever batman stuff they want.
Related questions are: Is mainline DC batman stuff GOOD right now? and Is WFA good? I agree that mainline DC stuff isnt the best right now and i haven’t read WFA so i can’t comment on its quality but i honestly don’t think its the case that “WFA is better written than actual Batman comics, so thats why WFA is more popular” lol
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jesncin · 2 months
That BTAS clip just reminds me of how far we have come, and not in a good way. The BTAS Batman is so compassionate, he doesn't kill because it's never too late to turn it around and he fights to save people. The new versions of him floating around out there are deranged man-children who just like to hurt people.
A couple of years ago I would've said something similar! Around the time of the Snyder films and a couple of the Arkham video games era it wasn't in the popular perception that Batman was kind, compassionate, or humanized outside of a crime-fighting machine.
Thankfully though (and it helps that Bats is such an oversaturated character that has a ton of adaptations and comics going on) there's some pretty good modern Bat media that portray him in a more humanizing light, even in unflattering ways. My personal recent faves are Batman Unburied, Batman Audio Adventures, and the Telltale Batman games! And of course 2022 Battison~
That Sandman quote where good stories return to their best forms eventually~!
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talisverse · 3 months
I've always kinda wanted to know how your versions are similar/different from the ogs, story wise i mean! you already have wonderfully different visual designs! you've probably talked about some of their stories before I probably just missed it (⁠´⁠-⁠﹏⁠-⁠`⁠;⁠)
I have talked about their backstories, there on this blog somewhere. I don’t know which version of the rogues to compare them to though. I’ll just give a brief summary.
Edward: hosts a game show for his crimes, very book smart (trivia), cringe fail, divorced
Jervis: looking for his childhood friend Alice, invented a dream machine at Wayne Tech, trapped in a wonderland dream while awake
Scarecrow: parents were both doctors, murdered his father after mother’s death, worked at Arkham as a psychologist, special connection to crows since childhood
Arnold: worked on a puppet tv show, detective scare face tried to solve a real murder on set, now they interfere with police investigations for blackmail and other gain
Babydoll: I think she’ll be the same as BTAS
Joker: professional clown that never laughed, the circus collapsed/burned which he found hilarious, unsure of where the joker toxin comes in
Poison Ivy: plant scientist, got her DNA altered after a lab accident, becomes a carnivore, has a vendetta against humans
Harley Quinn: therapist in Arkham, wanted a silly fun lifestyle, humdrum until she met Joker, they become best friends, joker toxin unsure??
Catwoman: lives on the streets, wanted to be a magical girl since childhood, steals from the rich and gives to the poor
Polkadot man: experimented on since childhood to gain superpowers, mother wanted him to be a hero, perpetually sick due to alien parasites (dots), currently quarantined in Amanda Waller’s facility
Bookworm: works at public library, funding cut and threaded to close, other options didn’t work so he resorted to crime for money, anger issues
Mad mod: British fashion designer, kept mod fashion alive, thinks he deserves to be queen of England, inspired by Teen Titans episode ���revolution”
Calculator: college student, major in robotics and computer science, main character syndrome, loves mecha anime, making his own mech suit (the calculator)
Hugo Strange: works at Arkham in pharmacy, regularly mixes medicine and creates something new, random patients fall victim to testing them, original creator of fear toxin
Mr Freeze: scientist working in Artic lab, wife sick in Gotham hospital, neglect caused her to pass before he could find a cure
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widmakenametal · 4 months
Turnkey Fixture Solutions: The Game Changer in Precision Manufacturing
When it comes to precision manufacturing, efficiency and accuracy are the pillars that can either make or break the process. This is exactly where turnkey fixture solutions come into play, revolutionizing how industries tackle their manufacturing challenges. But what exactly are these solutions, and how do they transform the manufacturing landscape?
What Are Turnkey Fixture Solutions?
Turnkey fixture solutions refer to a complete package of fixtures designed and customized to meet the specific needs of a manufacturing process. These are not just off-the-shelf items but also meticulously engineered to enhance the productivity, accuracy and reliability of manufacturing operations. Whether it's automotive, aerospace, or any other sector, these fixtures are tailored to ensure seamless integration with existing machinery and processes.
The Benefits of Customized Fixtures
Imagine having a solution perfectly aligned with your production line, minimizing downtime and maximizing output. That's the beauty of customized fixtures. They are:
Precisely tailored to fit the unique requirements of each project, ensuring optimal performance.
Cost-effective, as they reduce the need for multiple adjustments and trial runs.
Time-saving, streamlining production processes and enhancing throughput.
BTA Machines: Deep Hole Drilling with Precision
Another critical component in precision manufacturing is BTA machines. These specialized tools are designed for deep hole drilling, a process crucial in numerous industries such as oil and gas, automotive, and heavy machinery. BTA machines stand out for their ability to drill deeper, faster, and more accurately than many other drilling methods. Their precision is unparalleled, making them an indispensable asset for operations requiring meticulous attention to detail.
The Role of a Hob Sharpener in Manufacturing
Maintaining the sharpness of tools is pivotal for any manufacturing process. This is where a hob sharpener comes into its own. Hob sharpeners are vital for keeping gear-cutting hobs at their optimal performance level. A sharp hob ensures clean, precise cuts, essential for producing quality gears. Regular sharpening extends the tools' life and maintains the work's quality, saving costs and reducing waste over time.
comes into its own. Hob sharpeners are vital for keeping gear-cutting hobs at their optimal performance level. A sharp hob ensures clean, precise cuts, essential for producing quality gears. Regular sharpening extends the tools' life and maintains the work's quality, saving costs and reducing waste over time.
Conclusion In the complex manufacturing world, having the right tools and solutions tailored to your needs can significantly enhance your operational efficiency. WIDMA understands this necessity and stands out with its comprehensive range of turnkey fixture solutions, advanced BTA machines, and efficient hob sharpeners. These offerings not only promise to meet your specific requirements but also aim to elevate your manufacturing capabilities to new heights.
Whether you're looking to upgrade your production line or enhance your manufacturing precision, exploring solutions like those from WIDMA could be the key to unlocking new potential in your operations.
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skye707 · 1 year
what's the preferred energy drink/gatorade/coffee flavor of each Riddler, or which category do they each prefer?
Gotta stay hydrated when you're busying conquering the world.
Unburied - Coffee, something sweet like a mocha frappuccino
ZY - Energy drink (and by energy drink I mean water that's been flavored with a power mix containing electrolytes, vitamins, etc.)
Dano - He drinks those instant caffeine shots, 5 Hour Energy and whatnot. Something that's very likely to send him into cardiac arrest one day.
YJ - Gatorade, and his preferred flavors are blue and green.
Gotham - Coffee and, when he can get it, tea. Three sugars, please and thank you.
BTAA - He's got an espresso machine that is always on and always working just as hard as he is.
Arkham - Stale coffee that's been sitting on his workbench for at least two days, but there's still some in there so he might as well drink it.
BTAS - Coffee and only coffe. Get that gross leaf water out of here.
Telltale - Tea and only tea. Get that gross bean water out of here.
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
A/N: heyo so this was a request from a super sweet friend of mine who wanted to remain anonymous! They wanted a little sweet, romantic, and wholesome fic with BTAS Mad Hatter just truly perplexed that someone outside of his wildest fantasies can actually exist! It was such a sweet and wholesome idea, I couldn't not write it lol. Hope y'all enjoy!
Trigger Warning: none, just really super fluffy and romantic, you may get cavities it’s pretty sweet.
Word Count: 627
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BTAS Mad Hatter x Reader - Better Than A Dream
For once the sun pierced through the thick depressing smog that often plagued Gotham City. 
A frabjous day indeed for Jervis to spend time with his beloved. 
The bright rays showered the both of you, warming you two like a weighted blanket
Jervis’ head was nestled in your lap. His eyes closed, not yet asleep but on the brink of dozing. He was almost certain he was dreaming, he had to have been…if he was, he was sure he didn’t want to wake up. 
Your hands steadily raked through his golden hair. Occasionally, you would pause the book you were reading out loud to grant him a small kiss on his forehead. Sometimes you’d kiss his cheek or his nose instead, both willing victims to your kisses. 
Jervis couldn’t help but feel a little remorseful. He had long forgotten what you were reading, not that he wouldn’t catch up, it was his favorite book after all. 
He just couldn’t help himself. You were just so enchanting…so wonderful. 
Jervis slowly fluttered his eyes open to gaze at you.
There you still were, just as radiant as before. Even more than the version he saw when he drifted off for a bit. 
In all his years of solitude, longingly seeking companionship in the recesses of his mind in his dreams or through his machinations in reality. 
None of them could compare to the real deal. 
The real you and the genuine love between the two of you. 
Oh, no Wonderland beyond his wildest imagination could conjure up a vision such as you. 
All of a sudden your voice cut through the white noise. Your voice soft and sweet like a tea party delicacy. 
“Yes, darling?” He asked, slightly propping himself up to properly face you. 
“Is, is everything okay?” You inquired with your face slightly flushed red. 
“Why, everything is grand, darling-why do you ask?” 
“You were just…quiet and,” you giggled nervously as your cheeks continued to redden. “You were staring.”
Jervis hummed amused. It tickled him how utterly unaware of how beautiful and magnificent you are. Especially to him. 
What he wouldn’t give for a looking glass that showed you how you look to him. Maybe you wouldn’t doubt yourself so much. 
Jervis sat up fully in front of you. He gave you a soft smile and reached out his hands to frame your face against his palms. His thumbs began gently caressing your cheeks. 
“Don’t worry, darling. I was just…ensuring you’re real…being with you is much like living a dream. I had to make sure you were truly there.” 
You giggled breathlessly, your hand came up to hold one of his own. “Oh, Jervis…shush! I’m real. I’m not a dream.”
“But you are beloved…you most certainly are! A dream within a dream! A dream that I’ve dreamt of for so long! So long…I thought for the longest it would just be that…a fantasy…a Wonderland I could only enjoy in my mind.” 
Your eyebrows furrowed softly, as you thought back to how Jervis mentioned how lonely he was before meeting you. How he felt like love and companionship was just constantly beyond his reach. 
You smiled at him after gently kissing the inside of his palm. “Well, the same can certainly be said for you too. Every time I’m with you it feels like I’m on Cloud 9.” 
Jervis’ smile widened as he leaned his face closer to yours, resting his forehead against your own.
One of his hands moved upward into your hair, he combed back a few loose strands that obscured your face. 
“It means the world to hear you say that, my darling.”
You beamed happily, playfully rubbing the tip of your nose against his own which made him chuckle. 
Jervis leaned in closer to you. His lips finally meeting yours in a sweet loving kiss. When the need for air became greater than your love, you two reluctantly pulled apart. 
“I love you…so much, darling. You are my Wonderland.” 
“I love you too…and you are my Mad Hatter.”
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rae-raewrites · 1 year
Hi! First off I love you're writing your very talented! And second how do you think the riddlers would react to finding out they have a teenage daughter they never knew about (how inherited there smarts and sass)and something happened to the mom so they have nowhere to go so they track him down.
Oh geez it’s dad angst time😂 this is just a bunch of boys dealing with the younger versions of themselves. Also sorry this took so long anon!
The riddlers finding out they have a teenage daughter
Warning:mentions of death
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It was out of pure annoyance when he actually answers the phone after 13 missed calls from Jonathan crane.
So when Jon casually invites him over saying he needs talk to him he’s even more miffed. And then he finds this kid having tea with the dr, who the hell was she-?
“Ah Edward so nice of you to join us,this wonderful young lady has been trying to find some way to reach you.”
The her in question was a rather well put together 16 year old girl who was like a mirror of his younger years. She certainly had his eyes. Eleanor,her name was Eleanor
He’s not stupid and he puts two together quite easily.
Mom gone to cancer,the youngster was left in Gotham to survive on her own with only the understanding that he was her father. Her mother had apparently kept his tie from the fateful evening.
Apart of him him tells himself to just not bother with her,the other stronger side tells him not to be his father
Things are tense at first with moving in. He’s never really shared a space before with anyone so he’s avoidant at first. Not thinking she’s going to be much help with his projects
He is completely surprised when he finds out she knows her way around electronics
But then he realizes the kid has his photographic memory. And his sass……
“When was the last time you took a shower?” “Please explain to me a how a shower will improve any of my plans.” “Simple: you’ll stop me from dying from gross sewer dad smell.”
It irritates the hell out of him but when she start’s jabbing at the other rouges he’s a proud man.
They bond over getting work done,so much time lost yet there making up for it real quick
She created a rather wacky Rubik’s cube that left Batman puzzled for at least two days
Of course he got a kick out of taunting the dork knight while also genuinely being proud of his daughter
It’s hard to get used to hearing the word “dad” in relation to him but it’s a title he “humbly” accepts in the end
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He received a knock on his door one extremely sunny morning
Gina found him after his “reformation” and partnership with wacko toys was announced to the public. It wasn’t hard tracking down a man in the spotlight
Edward is of course absolutely stunned by the realization.
To his understanding the girl from metropolis knew the basics of his criminal career. The off traps and puzzles were something well known outside of the city.
He feels out of obligation to take her in,I mean he’s a villain but not a monster. Kid gets say down with some hot coco
Of course when he is brought back to Arkham the poor kid is quick to go and visit him and calm him down as well as work on a way to get him out
He’s rather surprised when he get broken out by jervis and Jonathan and they have him a letter from his prodigy with little xoxo’s and detailed escape plans
When he does get home he pretty much is dead set on teaching her everything he possibly can,how he got the virtual reality set up to work,his more simple traps
Of course just like her dear old dad she’s quick to design some of her own.
“A nothing machine that actually does something……. Out of the box but I adore the ingenuity.” “At least it’s more safe than the vr incident”
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It was another day of Eddie not being able to figure something out using the box method,unfortunately sticking two nuclear bombs and a tricycle and an old Macintosh in the box just wasn’t cutting it that day.
Cue Tuesday getting a phone call from Miss autumn at the behest of scarecrow
“Hey Eddie do you have any kids you forgot to tell me about?? “No….why?” “Oh geez”
He’s basically the surprised pikachu face meme when he meets Tina,kid was smart enough to get the drug king pin of Gotham to listen to her.
She looks so much like him!!
Of course he’s still skeptical! I mean any kid can just say there his! (But still!)
That completely disappears when the kid creates her own gizmos that rival her fathers
Of course rivaling his intellect means also rivaling his ability sass and make fun of everyone else
“A toaster with a tv screen?” “I know,I know not my best work.” “Well duh coulda thrown it in Gotham harbor and it would be more useful.”
Of course him and her quickly put their collective mind brains together and craft some rather complex new plans
Tuesday is totally chill with her around especially considering she’s able to chill him out when he’s suffering from writers block
Really Edward just got another child on top of already having miss Tuesday. He loves his two daughters from their two different origins
Zero year
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Moira visited his cell at Arkham shortly after his defeat at zero year
He was already not in the mood for visitors until the determined teen calls him an idiot in a lime colored pimp suit
Hey! He doesn’t need some red headed brat coming in to his cell like she owns the place!
Oh wait…….
Let’s just say that he smartens up real quick to what’s going on.
Initially wants to tell the kid to bug off,he’s got a criminal career to succeed in but she’s quick to point out he doesn’t have anything right now
So they come to an agreement: get him outta there and he’ll maybe let her crash with him for awhile
So color him surprised when she gets him out safe with minimal bruising
Hell she’s pretty damm smart he has to admit,she certainly didn’t get it from her mother
He does ask eventually what became of his ex,a car crash left the poor kid with barely much. He was kinda her best and only option go figure
He’s snarky with the kid for awhile,of course she’s very quick to throw it right back at him
But they quickly start to getting together quite well especially when they DO get into a fight and quickly realize how stupid it was to begin with
I mean c’mon,kid could probably rule Gotham in less than a week. She’s not someone he wants to scorn
She’s a pretty smart kid he guesses (he totally loves her he’s just got an ego)
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Hi! Doll anon from awhile back who requested the Jervises (Jervii?) reacting to an S/O who's literally a mechanical life-sized doll, and 'taking care of' her abusive creator. Can I get the same scenario for BTAS and 2022 Penguin, where she's very uncanny (you can hear her gears turning, she turns her head the wrong way, etc.) but loves them dearly? Bonus points for how they'd deal with her creator trying to take her away!
"A Real Doll and Her Unfortunate Past" BTAS and 2022 Penguin x F!doll!s/o
Man, that one was a while ago, huh? Almost like I need to start getting faster on these LOL. But fuck yes we love the uncanny mechnical doll bride!
TW: dolls/dollplay, body horror, Murder, implied abuse, being fed to animals
BTAS Penguin
Rather fascinated! He'd grown up with a spectacular amount of old clocks, clocks with exposed cogs all about him as a child. To see such machinations powering a physical being... It's difficult to see where the doll ends and the person begins. In his mind they're almost separate entities. But that would be rude to say, so he's just not going to.
Briefly he wonders if he could make more "dolls" to do his bidding for him- and then nervously laughs as she ribs him for even thinking of such a thing. Of course, dear, no one could ever be as special as you anyways, dear.
He would love to see the inner parts! Like walking into a clock tower. Seeing every intricate working that makes her heart beat for him. There's something quite romantic in that, isn't there? The most prized of all treasures in Gotham and she chooses to be with him!
So when she sees a man in a crowd and looks frightened. Oh no, that won't do at all. He's thinking of the ways to take care of this when the man has the unmitigated gall to approach them! Grabbing her arm, almost ripping the sleeve of her dress. Telling her she must come home at once, or there will be grave consequences.
Oswald is quick to act, pointing the business end of his umbrella towards the man's gut. He tries to remember which one he packed today. It wasn't lethal, he knows that. The Creator calls him a loathsome little toad and to back away from his Precious Girl. Oswald fires and a small fireworks explosion erupts, burning the man and temporarily blinding him.
It gives them just enough time to escape, his doll in tears and begging not to be returned to that cruel man. That if he loved her, he wouldn't. That he would "shut her down" before considering it! Oswald calms her. She's never going to have to worry about him ever again.
There are some people in Gotham who owe him a favor... It's simple enough. Have his doll safely watching via computer feed set up by the Completely Non-Egotistical Edward Nygma and Pamela Isley in his dolls clothes. They were only too happy to help after hearing about the situation.
Pamela lured the man in, paralyzing him with her kiss. He might realize it's a rather large aviary he's been led to. Paralyzing him meant Oswald could show the man the true meaning of fearing for his life as his darling did seeing him. He has a very specific collection of birds who are going to feast upon his flesh over time.
She can choose to watch. Choose to leave the room. Whatever she likes. Oswald will be sure to confirm the man's death for her so she never has to fear again.
2022 Penguin
At first, he's genuinely freaked out over the real doll thing. What in the goddamn... Nothing against it! The first time she turns her head backwards, though, he is going to scream about it for at least ten minutes. Warn a fucking guy! Scared the hell outta him!
He does not want to see the inner workings. This is not to say he's frightened or ashamed or any negative feelings about it, per say. It's just. Something about the parts and pieces moving and he thinks about how fragile it all is. How one piece not moving could stop her from moving at all. He doesn't want to get his big mitts anywhere near that. She's too important.
People talk, unfortunately. Word gets about, especially when your girlfriend doesn't quite realize how uncanny and different she is about people. It all leads to a man arranging a meeting with him, a suitcase full of money to give him in return "for what's his." The man states that she's his ward, that her escaping is the product of faulty programming on his part. That she must be returned and that he'll offer even more money.
Oswald thinks on it. He calls her in. If the look of horror on her face wasn't telling enough, seeing the things she was carrying in her hands clatter to the floor was a sure sign. She sputtered, asking how he found her. The Creator merely replied he was taking her home, that he had given Oswald money for her. The heartbroken look in her eyes...
"Woah, hey, I never said we had a deal." Oswald iterates. He motions with his hands for the doors to be shut. When the creator takes out a gun, Oswald already has his own pointing to the back of the man's skull.
"Wanna do the honors, sweetheart?" He asks the doll. Whether she takes him up on it or not, this man, this creator won't leave the room alive. Anyone who causes that much fear in someone he cares about, someone he loves... They're good as fucking dead. He doesn't need a reason.
Though he's ready to listen to her when she's ready to share.
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