#btas riddler x reader headcanons
riddle-me-ri · 2 years
YJ, BTAS, Arkham Riddler with S/O who got in pretty serious trouble, asking what she was thinking and she answers "The risk was calculated but boy am I bad at math."
The Math Ain't Mathing
Young Justice Riddler:
To say you two were sitting ducks was an understatement.
You were trapped in an alley, trying your best to hide from The Team. You two took cover behind some dumpsters. Last either of you checked Robin was hot on your tail. 
“We need to keep moving!” You demanded in a whisper. 
“What? No! After your brilliant plan, I’m not taking any more chances!” Ed snapped again, in a harsh whisper. 
“We’re just waiting for Boy Wonder to find us!” 
“If your plan would’ve worked we wouldn’t be in this mess! But nooo the great Y/N just had the best plan! What were you thinking anyway?” 
“Clearly, there were some miscalculations…or I’m just really bad at math…” You muttered the latter part under your breath. 
Unfortunately, Edward still heard it, “yeah I think I’ll go with you’re just terrible at math!” 
“And you both are terrible at hiding~” 
You and Edward groaned as you’re both caught by the Boy Wonder and shipped back to Belle Reve.
BTAS Riddler:
The only sound that could be heard throughout the room was the steady tapping of a foot. 
Edward's foot. He had his arms crossed and looked absolutely beside himself. 
You screwed up. You screwed up big time, and Ed had to come in and save your ass. 
You thought you were ready for the big leagues. You could hack into GCPD's databases and get info on the Rogues and erase your criminal history! At least you thought…you hit a firewall and your presence was immediately alerted. 
Thankfully Edward was able to bypass the firewall and blocked GCPD's tracker from pinpointing your location. 
"Care to tell me, just what on Earth were you thinking?"
You winced at his irritated sharp tone. "It…I…I calculated the possibility of police interference…just..turns out I'm bad at math…and subtracted way more than I should have.." 
Edward sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Next time, dear Y/N..get a calculator."
Arkhamverse Riddler: 
"How could you have been so foolish? So ignorant and careless? Was your brain malfunctioning when this scheme was plotted?"
"N-no..no…Harley and I thought it was a good idea.."
"That explains part of it…anything that..that clown princess partakes in is doomed to fail some way somehow…"
Yeah, in hindsight, it probably wasn't a good idea to try and snatch one of the Penguin's armored trucks full of weapons.
"But you, I expected better from you. Have I taught you nothing? Have you wasted away what intellect I've made you privy to? Vast knowledge that most would kill for?" 
"N-no you have! You absolutely have…I…I gathered all the variables and calculated all possible outcomes. I'm just really terrible at math."
Edward rubbed his face with his hands, before he rubbed his temples. 
"I think you need to spend less time with Quinn and more time in the workshop. So there won't be any more miscalculations."
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finniestoncrane · 7 months
Ik this is sorta late depending on time zones and this ask being cheesy as hell but what would the Riddlers do for Valentine's Day with reader? Something cheesy asf? Or not celebrating it at all? I wanna know I'm curious as hell now
Valentine's Date
Riddler Headcanons gosh i rushed so fast to get this done today!! luckily, it was a blessing as work was SLOW! so here are the boys and how they would celebrate valentine's day in my mind because i am down bad for them all and live in a fantasy world where they would all try and do something nice for you 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: suggestive stuff but it's mostly fluff!!
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young justice
i can almost guarantee that if you're spending valentine's day with him, it'll be the first one he's had with a partner
so he is pushing the boat out. or... as best as he can... what with the nerves
he wouldn't do something too extravagant, not too fancy or big. that would only increase the number of people he might embarrass himself in front of
he's far more keen on taking you to a quiet, unexpected but comfortable restaurant with quiet music and only a few tables, so he can talk to you and hear you properly
he'd buy you a single rose, hire the violinist to play a song by your table, your favourite tune
no dancing, he's got two left feet, but he will reach across the table and hold your hand, stroking it with his thumb and looking into your eyes
and when he takes you home, he'll walk you to your door and offer you a shy, reserved kiss
whether or not you pull him through the door by his tie and ravage the poor beast is up to you
he wouldn't actually ask you out for valentine's day
he'd give you a rant about capitalism and how it's a made up holiday and that you should keep your calendar clear anyway just in case he decides to do an ironic date
you'd think his goal was to embarrass you, in fact, because he's showing up to your house with a little remote control and blasting your favourite song out of every speaker system you own
"hey, sh... don't ask how i know your favourite song or how i got control of your devices. just... stop thinking about it. hey. hey! you're thinking about it... don't think about it, sh you're too pretty to think about it. let me think about it, i'm smarter and prettier"
dinner isn't anything too special either. takeout pizza on a rooftop in gotham somewhere. it could be romantic though, and it would be to someone desperately in love with him like you
listening to him talk about light pollution, asking if you want to hear some riddles about constellations, pointing out the various places he's hid from his enemies
it's not traditional by any means, but it is oddly romantic. dinner, music, time alone under the dulled stars. maybe that was his plan all along
oh we are going WHOLE HOG here for valentine's day!! you know he's an old romantic, a sweet and gentle soul
so don't think for a moment that you'll be seeing any other people that day, your attention will be solely focused on each other
he's sent, uh... someone has sent in some miscellaneous threat to your workplace, so luckily for you(!) you're not required to go in! SO SURPRISE!! he's here to make you breakfast
and then a brief walk down some of the quieter streets, where he might be brave enough to ask if he can hold your hand
once you're at his apartment, you're in for some respectable but tension filled cuddles on his sofa while you watch some classic romance movies
and then he's making a beautiful three course meal for you both! pressed tablecloth on his little dining table, roses in a conical flask, candles in test tubes (is he stealing these from work?)
he'll feed you little bits of food, wiping your face with a napkin, staring into your eyes dreamily
and then the night will end with a perfect and very polite kiss that you'll wish wouldn't end
he knows how to do romance, he's been around long enough. it's more a question of whether he can be bothered to celebrate
but he'll pull himself together and act the perfect gentleman for you, regardless of how tired he is after a day of committing violent/cyber crime and being oddly agile for a man in receipt of a state pension
(a fact which will come in handy at the end of the evening...)
he'll start off the evening with the traditional gifts. a box of expensive chocolates or candy, perfectly suited to your dietary requirements of course. and a bouquet of flowers. not roses, but your favourites. he knows they'll make you happier
he's not one for being out in public, what with the whole "is he dead" thing, so you'll be dining in BUT to make it special, he has hired a discreet personal chef to provide the food for the evening
slow, quiet jazz playing in the background, just you, him, and the waiters he has hired and has threatened under extreme violence to keep their mouths shut about this particular shift
could it get any more romantic??
bless his heart but this eddie is forgetting that it's valentine's day until you're handing him a card, grasping it between his dirty fingers, smudging the soft pink colour with grimy fingerprints
then, you'll endure a fifteen minute long lecture about why you should have at least had the sense to warn him in advance, or to remind him, since you know how he can be
and when he's done, he'll be pushing you out of the room, getting rid of you so he can "finish his important work" and only then can you consider "doing something for this silly holiday"
really, he's just looking for an excuse to get you away so he can work on your very last minute present without you seeing
which of course, he'll present to you as though he had been pretending to forget all along
"i made you this, it's a symbol of our relationship"
it's the remnants of a neon question mark bent into place to resemble a heart. and there's hot glue still drying on it. and a screw stuck to it
but it's the thought that counts, and the thought is there! after all he loves you enough to have lied and put aside his important welding or whatever to haphazardly craft the lie
for him, valentine's day is about showing your love for someone. because you can love them every day, but this is an excuse to make a display out of it
so expect a myriad of gifts, food, perfumes, vouchers, jewellery, stuffed animals, flowers, a handmade valentine's card
enough that it makes you guilty (and enough that you wonder if he really has just been saving all his salary instead of spending it on... furniture or therapy)
then, the personalised activities! most of which involve you doing his quiz all about you and your relationship with him, solving several riddles that lead you to a hidden compartment in the wall of his bedroom (weird.) where he's stuffed his poems to you (sweet!) which he will then recite to you, stuttering over the words and blushing the whole time
but it's not enough for him, he wants to shout it from the rooftops, show the world how much he loves you and appreciates you
he's had all this love bottled up for so long with no one deserving to give it to! let's just hope it comes out in a healthy way...
he's swooping in to your apartment very late at night
"it's only 11pm, it's still valentine's day mi amorrrrr"
look, he's very sorry that he wasn't able to spend the day with you, and that he's incredibly late to the dinner you had planned
but he's a busy little criminal, he has so many things to do AND he had to do it all by himself because he gave miss tuesday the day off so she could go on a date of her own and-
oh see! you've changed your mind now, no longer grumpy, because he was actually doing something kind for someone else
he really is a generous soul, emphasised by the fact that the reason he was late was because he was pulling off a perfect heist in a jewellery store uptown
so... did you save any leftovers for him? or is he going to have to return this beautiful ring/watch/necklace he bought you?
he's a curveball, like seriously give you whiplash kind of valentine's date
you think it's going to be a very standard evening, after all there you both are in black tie best, sipping expensive champagne, him talking about himself while you try hard not to stare at his tits
but when the meal is finished, he goes to pay in secret and then rushes you out into a car with tinted windows, and it's lucky he can get you so hot and flushed and eager that quickly, since it's not long before you arrive at the next spot
a strip club
which is? i mean not a traditional valentine's day date location, but it could be very hot
and he's booked one of the private rooms for you both, so at least you won't have to hide your blushing cheeks from the rest of the guests
but it becomes very obvious that there isn't a dancer coming to entertain you, and you worry that he expects you to get up there and put on a show, which would be a disaster because you haven't planned anything and-
"happy valentine's day"
ah. of course. why would the world's most self-absorbed man think you would want anything else for valentine's day than a private strip tease from him
and he's annoyingly very right in that assumption
he absolutely does the most! and the most is often cheesy and dorky and therefor a million times more precious
the kind of guy who would buy you a rose for every day he's known you, regardless of how many days he has known you
the kind of guy who gets those little personalised lego figures made of you and him, or gets a plushie of him to give to you so he'll always be near you (and you know he's putting the personalised message in if he gets it from build a bear)
he knows your favourite starter, main and dessert are all from different restaurants, so he's made the reservations at all three with plenty of time for romantic rides in the back of cabs between each stop
it's important he has plenty of time to cover your neck with kisses, and for you to tell him how adorable he is
and then, because he is the cheesiest but in the best way, it's more than likely he'd use valentine's day as an excuse to propose to you, so he's down on one knee under the cloudy gotham night sky to ask you to marry him (and you're obviously not going to say no)
zero year
he doesn't do valentine's day, what a waste of time! he's nice enough to you the rest of the year, why should there be one day where he has to do something extra fo-
oh? oh! oh ok, if it means you have to do something for him too, then he's down for it
yes... that sounds like a wonderful excuse to get up to some mischief... (it's concerning how evil his little face looks when he's supposedly considering activities for the most romantic of holidays...)
although, why bother going out somewhere on a date, it's such a waste of time and effort
he has to keep his energy for more important things, and speaking of... he can think of very few ways to spend an evening that are better than taking you into the bedroom and sharing an exchange of giving for a few solid hours
no need to wear something nice, it's only going to get stripped off
no need to get him a gift, you'll be giving him plenty
and no need to eat something, he'll make sure you don't leave hungry, trust him
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yandere--stuck · 10 months
I LOVE how you write the Riddler, really soft for a yandere. If you're willing, could you please from the alphabet do D, E and I for him? I'm starving,,, thank you.
Thank you, I'm so glad you like it! Soft yanderes are my favorite <3 hope you like these ^^
D - Depraved: Does your yandere have a shrine? (If so, what's on it?)
I don't think Ed is really the type to have a dedicated shrine, though I do think he'd have keepsakes of yours around his work area or on his person. Pictures of you, writings or doodles you may have made that he was able to snatch up (maybe even saved out of the trash), pieces of clothing that he was able to cut or rip off… You know, normal stuff! Little things to sate him while he couldn't be with you.
I can also see him considering the crimes he committed in your names as a sort of ‘shrine to your love’.
E - Erratic: How unpredictable are they? How quick are mood changes?
Ed prefers sticking to plans when it comes to his crimes, but he can be prone to unpredictability when it comes to social interactions, typically. He can be prone to paranoia and reading into things. Inconsequential words or even a change in tone or expression could be suddenly seen as slights or insults against The Riddler, which can lead to explosions of anger and accusations of betrayal towards civilians, the authorities, Batman, or in the latter case, his hired help. 
But with you, Riddler feels at ease. Any paranoia is soothed by your presence. With you, he feels so at ease. So right. His equal. His match. His soulmate! Any desperate need for validation is quelled by you. Even if you argue and fight with him, he'd know it's not anything you have against him - well, not really. It's not your fault you've been lied to! You'll understand that you and he were meant to be after he helps you unlearn all the horrible things the idiots of this city have force-fed you.
After all, if you weren't perfect for one another, why did he feel so safe and secure with you?
I - Intimacy: How intimate are they with their darling?
Ed is so touch-starved it's not even funny. He never wanted to be separated from you! Be prepared to be basically smothered in affection. Hugging, cuddling, nuzzling, smothering you in kisses - everything he's missed out on, he wants to finally make up for. All his time spent waiting for the perfect partner is finally worth it now that you're here! And as stated above, he won't get angry if you don't reciprocate. You're just confused, it's okay. 
Any attempts at fighting him or cursing him out will just lead to him cooing to you condescendingly as he ties you up in restraints so you can calm down… Though, he may not be able to hold back from being affectionate before you're done with your time-out. He just adored you so much! You know, exposure therapy is a very effective treatment for aversions, and this would be the perfect opportunity to show how wrong all those fools in this cesspool of a city were.
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rae-raewrites · 10 months
Can I request the BTAS dork squad + Harley Quinn for a s/o who’s scared of being abandoned? Please and thank you
You got it! And happy turkey day ya’ll I know who I’m thankful for. (Spoiler it’s you)
BTAS dork squad +harley with a s/o who’s scared of being abandoned
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Normally that suave,charismatic personality is enough to put anyone’s mind at ease. Just one of his many talents.
So when he plans to go out with jervis for the evening he automatically notices the uncomfortableness that has found its way onto your face.
“Dear? Is something a matter?”
He tries to pry gently. Years off and on in the mad house teachs you that some don’t have the ability to easily talk about some things.
Now when you actually do tell him he’s going to be a little stunned for a moment
You wouldn’t think that about him would you? Oh criminal he may be but he’s not-
Jervis can wait,he needs to set this straight immediately
He knows that words can only go so far
If he can he pretty much brings you wherever he can if not nothing is stopping him from taking a page out of the dark knight and investing in trackers
“Me abandon you? That would be stupid! And I’m the smartest there is!”
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Literally the perfect one to tell this too
His time teaching psychology
Does it originates from a specific incident? A group of incidents that culminated into a single reaction?
You don’t have to tell him of course! But it would be pretty nice for the personal notes………
But make no mistake he’s becoming your rock in this conversation
Lots of reassurance on his end
But also help you deal this healthily
I mean even he knows fear toxin in this situation isn’t going to help.
“Let me be the first to assure you that I’m going nowhere no matter how much you think you don’t deserve me so.”
Mad hatter
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The idea of him leaving you alone is already such a crazy idea.
I mean cmon what’s a hatter without his Alice?
Automatically stunned when he realizes you’re worried about him abandoning you.
“Is that what you think? What utter balderdash! Never!”
Congratulations now he’s going to do everything he can to 180 this entire thing entirely
Pining for you entirely.
Like twice as many tea parties as normal
He NEEDS to assure you he’s not going anywhere
Alice isn’t getting abandoned on his watch!
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Wether she will admit it or not this hits home for her
Years of being abandoned off and on again has given Harley a sense of knowing this kinda stuff
Especially if you’re staying attached to her like glue
“Sweetie you afraid I’m going somewhere?”
If you’re choosing to be open about it then be prepared for Harley to be Harley
All the over reassurance in the world with a heaping amount of love and affection
She’ll just make it a point to include you in everything now
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stickparrot · 4 months
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BTAS Riddler x FTM!reader
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He definitely lends you his clothes, he thinks you look better in them than any other clothes because it symbolizes that you're his. He won't hesitate to buy you new clothes though
He makes sure you don't spend too much time in your binder. He will literally make a power point about why you shouldn't wear it for too long. He'll still massage you if you're in pain though, but you're getting a lecture
He does not like needles, but he'll suck it up and inject you for you and dammit he'll remind you of it every time. He's very proud of himself if you ask him to hold your hand during blood tests
He scares the doctors into doing a good job on your surgery just by showing up and he totally eats that up
Any transphobes that bother you, he will make disappear with a few clues to what happened because he can't help himself
If you're feeling dysphoric, he's not the best at soothing people, but he tries his best when it comes to you and it shows
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make-your-own-evil · 2 years
could I request hcs for BTAS, arkham, and capullo riddler with an easily flustered s/o?
note: feel free to reblog and comment! just give credit where credit is due :)
Riddlers with easily flustered S/O!
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BTAS! Riddler:
ohhh look how cute you look!
maybe part of the reason you guys got together?
this guy gets pretty flustered too, i mean cmon weve all seen the episode where he was called cute
feel free to hide your red face in his coat, he will eat that up
chuckling and rubbing circles on your back
his teasing you wont ever be done in a malicious way! he just thinks youre so darling when youre face is red and you stumble over your words
if you tell him that makes you insecure or you dont really like it when he points it out, he would understand. if not, he will revel in how flustered you get
no one is to tease you about it except for him >:(
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Arkham Knight! Riddler:
this greasy bastard would probably be the most mean about it at first
he thinks that it would be a sign that youre stupid even though he gets flustered himself
im just going to leave this here...
why are you having trouble speaking? why are you hiding your face? are you an idiot?
the further you get into your relationship the less intense he will be when you get flustered
he has been flustered and he has also been downright humiliated, he knows how it feels so its something he has to keep in mind now
eventually he may find it cute...
okay fine maybe he thinks its pretty adorable
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Capullo! Riddler:
this little shit
he revels in your flustered state. he will exploit it and show it off to as many people as possible
he would probably do one of those "aww what has you so flustered?" in a very degrading tone of voice
"use your words" type bitch
makes you look him in the eye without breaking eye contact
i imagine that he would make it into some sort of game. if you keep your eyes on his, if you speak without stuttering, etc.
he also probably takes it as a sign that youre less intelligent than him
he may be nicer about it down the line? again he would totally be the type to exploit this side of you
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mistywave · 2 years
Someone knows if I can watch it somewhere else 😭?
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gothamitelove · 2 years
Heyo, could I get a yandere BTAS Riddler? I love that guy so much, just underrated and adorable. Any scenarios is gucci to me!
OH my god okay i've been waiting for this one y'all
yandere!btas!riddler hcs:
wholeheartedly believes in love at first sight. you are the most angelic creature to ever walk the face of the earth and now that you've caught his attention, you'll finally be revered as such
stalker! (silence from the crowd. no one is surprised)
yeah no he stalks you for sure. he's going to learn everything about you and once he does, he'll never forget it
starts constructing more and more elaborate riddles for batman in the hopes that you'll notice him
does not go about meeting you normally. chances are he just kidnaps you, because he doesn't go slowly about this at all
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writers-wrongs · 7 months
Could you write yandere headcanons for Arkham Riddler x male reader? If you don't do Arkham then BTAS?
sure thing! so far ive only played arkham knight (didnt realize it was the last installment til i was halfway through the plot) so thatll be where im drawing from
yandere!arkham!riddler x male!reader
-now, eddie is 100% bi (fight me), so hes not surprised when hes into a guy
-he is, however, surprised that hes actually romantically interested in someone enough to keep an eye on him as he navigates gotham
-this man... is interesting? and intelligent? that cant be possible, everyone but edward is a dribbling moron!
-but here you are, solving a few of the riddles hes placed around the city. he cant let you take the trophies, theyre for batman, but now hes certainly paying attention
-a few months after he first notices you, youre just go about your day when you notice a neon green question mark down an alley. another one of those trophies! might as well solve the puzzle, even if you dont get to keep it
-you solve the puzzle and go to try and grab the trophy, not expecting anything but a slight shock, but youre instead knocked to the ground from the voltage
-you wake up in default gothamite mode: tied to a chair in the middle of an empty room. of course, it had to happen eventually. soon, the riddler himself comes in to speak with you
-"good, youre awake. if i had to beat myself in chess again, id go completely insane"
-and he... sits down. sets up a chessboard on the table in front of you, and unties your hands. you play, mostly out of fear, and while you dont win, you get pretty close
-he looks shocked and excited, with a dash of smugness
-"i knew you were the one. second smartest man in gotham- right after me, of course"
-he explains to you that hes not going to kill you, just keep you ("i cant let that mind of yours make direct contact with the idiocy of gotham! your IQ will lower just by being around them!") and that he'll keep that mind of yours sharp
-how does he do this? puzzles. lots and lots of puzzles. hes a bit of a sadist, so the puzzles are mandatory if you want things like food. regardless of how you do, he'll keep you alive, but if you want anything more than the necessities, you better get good with puzzles
-he spends lots of time with you. he says its because youre the only interesting person in gotham, but its mostly because hes an incredibly lonely man. its hard being at the top, so he'll cling to anyone who can even get close to what he sees as his level
-he LOVES learning more about you. not that he didnt research you for months, but he could only gather so much information before kidnapping you. every conversation is like an interrogation
-in terms of affection, hes... interesting. if you earn your dinner, hes programming robots to serve as waiters and dusting off his green suit. i wouldnt call him a romantic, per se, but he certainly thinks of himself as such
-dont expect much in terms of physical affection, he takes a while to get to that point. hes the riddler, after all! hes above the need to cuddle! unless... if you need comfort, he supposes he can indulge you
-if you ever try to escape, he'll be furious. how dare you try and leave! how dare you assume hes dumb enough to not have planned for this! until you apologize, youre getting the bare necessities and no attention
-when you inevitably start to reciprocate, hes smug about it, but secretly ecstatic. he knows hes not the most charming guy around, but he managed to win over the second smartest guy in gotham. and isnt that all he really needs for companionship?
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hxney-lemcn · 9 months
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One Shots
The Riddle of Love — Gotham! Edward Nygma x gn! reader
First Date — Young Justice! Riddler x gn! reader
Tea Errors — General! Jonathan Crane x gn! reader
Gotham! Edward Nygma Befriending gn! M.E. assistant! reader
Affections + First Kiss — General! Scarecrow, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman x gn! reader
Fake Dating — General! Scarecrow, Riddler, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Catwoman x gn! reader
Adventurous — btas! Edward Nygma x gn! reader
Just One More — Music Meister x gn! reader
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riddle-me-ri · 2 years
Arkhamverse, Zero Year and BTAS Riddler having romance with their fem!therapist at Arkham in secret, please?
A/N: omg this is such a neat cute idea asdfghhh. Also my first request for some Arkhamverse and Zero Year Eddies! I hope I did them justice rip
Trigger Warnings: Therapist/Patient relationships, inappropriate work relations, and some strong language (Zero Year can't be discussed without expletives).
Arkhamverse Riddler x F!Therapist Reader
You are the only redeeming thing about being tossed back into this hellhole.
It is an absolute game for the two of you to trick the other workers and inmates at Arkham. You two constantly spoke in code and riddles of your own, and nobody was known the wiser.
Ed doesn’t want this to be a Joker and Harley repeat. No, no, no, this was much more smart and refined. 
You entertain his riddles even when he added his own morbid twists to them. 
Ed would throw in a few flirty riddles here and there to see you giggle, whenever touching you was out of the question. 
Whenever he went into your office, it was difficult to keep his physical touches to a minimum. He would touch and kiss you wherever and whenever he could, all the while bearing in mind the guards will come in at any moment to retrieve him. 
He would never admit it, but you are one of the main reasons he was able to get back up on his feet to face the Dark Knight again. 
You are the only one who could truly console him whenever he was defeated by Batman, and you actually heard him out. 
You understood, no, you appreciate his intellectual superiority. You actually saw his brilliance and validate him. You are absolutely priceless to him, but he would never say it outright.
Zero Year Riddler x F!Therapist Reader
Unlike Arkhamverse Eddie, this dickhead flirts with you willingly and openly. He has no shame and he won’t hide his obvious attraction to you.
Your annoyance often reads into disgust so there’s no way of anyone discovering you actually adore the ginger-headed asshole. 
It took all the patience in the world to keep your professionalism in tact, and not slap the shit out of him.
He will sweet talk during the entire session, asking for favors and treats. Of course, you deny him this, but he’ll be smirking knowing he’ll get what he asks for within the next couple of days. 
Ed adores one on one sessions with you in your office. He’s an absolute tease, knowing you two only have fifteen minutes at most, most of the time. 
He made you a frustrated, turned-on, wet mess when you guys had a thirty-minute session, but best believe he got what he wanted like always. 
He got frustrated whenever they would move him from facility to facility, in an attempt to keep him from escaping. It wouldn’t be so much of an issue but you were only admitted to giving treatment at Arkham. 
It wasn’t until he threw a full-on tantrum and refused to cooperate that you were allowed access to the other penitentiaries they housed him in.
He drives you absolutely mad, but you couldn’t deny the little flips your heart did whenever he grinned at you. Or how he made you wobbly in the knees with his touch and kisses. 
BTAS Riddler x F!Therapist Reader
This man gets absolutely giddy when you come around, even at the mention of your name. It takes everything in him not to show it. 
You were the only therapist that was able to get him to calm down after his breakdown in the aftermath of Riddler’s Reform. You helped him solve how Batman escaped and survived. 
He forever appreciates you after that. Constantly asking you riddles, and being pleased when you solved them. 
Edward was instantly smitten, sometimes the roles of who asked the questions switched, as he too asked many questions about you. He has to know everything about you. 
It was fair to say the feelings were definitely mutual. You found yourself enjoying his company and falling for his charming personality. 
This Ed would also treat your secret liaison like a game. Hiding compliments behind riddles and putting on a dramatic act of despising you to trick those around you. 
Whenever you two would have office sessions, he was always quick to make up for whatever he may have said under the act. You often teased him about how he almost made you believe what he said. 
This Edward would definitely push the envelope when in public view; holding your hand longer, sometimes rubbing his thumb against your wrist, sneaking in kisses on your hand or cheek when the guards turned away.
You constantly chastise him for this, but neither of you can deny the smile on both your lips. It was truly entertaining to see just how far you two could go.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
What's a kink of each of the riddlers that you feel like you haven't really talked about?
More Riddler Kinks
Riddler Headcanons hooray, finally getting round to this one after the event!! it's a long one too oops... ok i am got INTO this. some of them i think i've mentioned before but i am so glad to put my silly little thoughts into more detail 💚 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: so many potentially triggering kinks here, cnc, piss, free use, roleplay, rough sex, violence, monster fucking, nude photography
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i have written about it a LOT but he definitely has a thing for cnc/rape play
and with him, it comes from a space of feeling like he's not good enough, and follows his life's trajectory of having to take things he wants rather than wait patiently for them to come to him
he wants to be in control of a situation, something he's never had before in any aspect of life
something that allows him to feel like he's in charge, that he's got the power
and at the same time, it's so emotionally fulfilling for him to be trusted by someone to that extent
to know a partner is willing to allow themselves to be so vulnerable around him, to get to be so close and intimate with someone
to feel like he's someone you have actively chosen to trust and let him take part in something like that
and to speak to him like an intelligent adult while you cover rules and boundaries and safe-words
that's so healing for him to experience, and it only amplifies his sweet and adoring behaviour outside of your more intense bedroom sessions
plus, any excuse to offer you the most satisfactorily sickeningly sweet aftercare, that's what he's really after
i play with this man like he's a fucking doll honestly there's not a kink i wouldn't give him, but allow me to delve into my most recent fixation
because i'm giving him a piss kink and no one can stop me
i don't think it's so much about the piss for him, more about the mess and the sense of control over someone's behaviours and habits
definitely about the embarrassment and humiliation
because the minute you let yourself go, the minute you're vulnerable standing or sitting in front of him
bound by his rules to not interrupt him for bathroom breaks
knowing that any mess you make is your own fault
that's when he gets his kicks
and the ability to chastise and degrade you for making a mess of yourself and having very little self-control is an added benefit
telling you how ashamed you should be, while you can see the smug smile on his face and the growing tent at the front of his stupid cargo pants
i don't think he'd piss in you or on you though. as messy as he is i think even he knows standards of good practice when it comes to germs and such
(he's filthy, yes, but very picky over certain textures and substances, it's the autism)
plus the act of him defiling you would be too much, since this idiot harbours intense feelings of admiration and respect that he's too scared or embarrassed to admit to
i don't think i've gone into too much detail about his medical fetish, but he definitely has one
i mean, i did write that thing on the autopsy table... but anyway!
definitely veering towards the experimental side of medical roleplay
he'll get all of the correct gear on, nothing inherently sexual about it unless you're into that kind of thing
protective gear though, a smock, rubber gloves, maybe a mask
and you'll be expected to be fully nude, all of you exposed to him so that he can test the limits of each part of you
see how every square inch of your skin reacts to his touch
or to his various 'tools' that he's got, sterilised and prepared to work on you
there's no medical benefits to this, he's not aiming to fix you
but he is definitely good at making you feel much, much better than you did before you were laid down on his table
teased, torturous edging, new experiences and toys
until you're a shuddering mess, ready to be eased up for some aftercare before he cleans up for your next appointment
his desire to study you, to see what makes you tick and what makes you make the sweetest sounds is what motivates him here
and he will take rigorous and extensive notes during and afterwards
and then study them in his down time (or alone time)
corruption, for sure. like his whole personality revolves around being the best and greatest manipulator and schemer that ever was
so corrupting your innocence, real or roleplayed, gives him everything he wants from a sexual encounter
and in a relationship
it's not like he's 24/7 on with the whole "i am your master" thing
but it leeches into everyday life easily enough when you spend a lot of time in his company
any roleplay scenario where he can play an authoritative character while you are a weaker, more innocent position works for him
professor and student, master and servant, he's not beyond playing god and having you pretend to be a nun either, and there are more taboo pairings he's willing to try
there's often elements of bondage, dominance, spirit breaking, orgasm control
anything where he has the higher ground
and he can teach you and show you new and exciting, or scary, things
having you beg to show him the correct ways, to educate you, to give you a new experience, to touch you in a way no one else has
that's what gets him off for sure
100% is into breeding, and definitely barebacking
the idea of fucking you completely raw (pending your health checks. he's completely clean and fine, but you on the other hand... he needs the documents)
that's what he's most into, especially if he can incorporate some other kinks into the foreplay or actual sex
and then have the grand finale be painting your insides with his cum, letting you feel the warmth of him
but it has to end with you under him, whichever position you prefer the most he's not fussy
with his cock buried deep inside of you
cumming inside of you and holding himself there, keeping you pinned to him
thrusting a couple more times for good measure so he can be sure he's pumped his seed as deep as it can go
and holding you afterwards, telling you how good you took him
his perfect little breeding stock, his sweet little cumdump
filled up and ready to bear the fruits of his labour
there is no doubt in my mind that every waking minute that he isn't spending on schemes or building his little gadgets
is spent playing fantasy roleplay games, of any kind, on any platform, alone or in groups
he's a huge nerd! it's one of those things that he'll never outlive, once a big dweeb, always a big dweeb
so a big thing for him is roleplay, and specifically, roleplay where he can involve some monster fucking
he can either play the hero, slaying the beast and then saving the girl, who promptly rewards him with herself to use
or being the hero who sets out to defeat the creature and instead ends up fucking it
or let him be the monster and he'll show you how monstrous he could really be
as long as it involves preparation, dramatic reactions, practice and rehearsing, preferably a script with some room for improv
and, of course, the most extravagant and detailed costumes (accurate to the scenario or time period, obviously)
then he will be a very happy, and satisfied, boy
zero year
i haven't really talked about this but it's a huge one for me personally with him
but i think he's a big fan of free use obviously like he just screams it
loves nothing more than a sort of semi-permanent situation where you spend days completely naked and at his mercy
and add a bit of roleplay into it, maybe you're his live-in housekeeper
cleaning for him, cooking for him, washing him, feeding him
and whenever he feels like it, he can stick his dick in you
but you can't react to him unless he gives you permission
you gotta stand there, kneel there, sit there, lay there while he fucks you without making any sounds
and comitting to whatever task you were in the middle of when he decided to start going at you
i just think it would absolutely send him to the moon to know that when you're walking around naked, bending over in front of him
hanging on his every word and obeying his every command
he could also just decide to press his cock inside of you nonchalantly
he's literally devoutly into cuckoldery, but he's the bull
imagine watching your partner get railed by some ineffectual dweeb with a penchant for riddles
knowing that he's giving it to them with all he's got, making them scream in pleasure and shout out his name
making eye contact with him at some point
and having him wink at you? stick his tongue out? give you some finger guns?
all with the most smug, self-satisfied grin you've ever seen on a human being
and then to top it off, he's calling out sex-themed riddles?
and laughing at you when you don't get them right?
that's not something you can come back from
that changes someone, on several deep levels
and truthfully, that's the part that he likes the most
the emotional scarring on your ego, and the little stroke his gets
knowing he's so annoying that he's unforgettable, which would be the biggest crime to him
i have these ideas about him that always revolve around something artsy or classy
and while i think he would be into some dorky roleplay (he's definitely pretending to be a minotaur, sorry)
i do, selfishly i suppose, think that he would be into body worshipping
specifically in the form of erotic photography
he'd be keen to take pictures of you, in poses, costumes, scenarios, roleplays
directing you, encouraging you, watching you loosen up and let yourself go
whatever you were comfortable with, that's key here
and he'd cherish seeing your face afterwards when he showed you the final products
knowing he'd captured everything about you that he loves and finds attractive
pictures that he'll keep if you want, or destroy
it doesn't matter to him in the end really
he takes them because he thinks of you as his muse, the act of photographing you, of being allowed the vulnerability
to create with you in mind
that's what he finds most erotic and exciting and ultimately, an expression of his love and adoration for you
young justice
if you managed to get him to find the courage to admit to it, you'd learn his favourite thing is uh...
well... just because it plays into his... awkwardness, and shyness, and inexperience...
just... it makes sense that he has a virginity kink
but interestingly, it goes both ways
while he's so keen to have you show him the moves, and pretend to be inducting him into your little black book
teaching him how to touch you or how to move his hips
he's equally interested in switching the roles up a bit
it's a challenge for him, sure, but he's the riddler! there's no challenge he can't live up to
even if that means weeks of practice and lessons with an acting coach to get past the initial nerves
it would all be worth it to pretend that he was confident, dominant, and knew what he was doing
that and the satisfaction of taking something from you, something important
the honour in knowing he's your first (or at least pretending)
and the lasting impression he might have on you for that
that's the kind of idea that has him rutting into you like a fuckin beast
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yandere--stuck · 2 years
this is the firts time i request something, I'm so nervous omg-
N, B, C and Z for the riddler??? please??? if you want-
B - Brutality: How vicious can they be towards a rival?
Edward would never think himself a brute, but when it comes to you, all "civility" goes out the window when it comes to rivals. Rivals, ha! Just the idea of someone thinking they could compare to his intellect, his wit, his chemistry with you - it's laughable!
For their idiocy, his 'rivals' find themselves in one of his many riddle traps! Though, unlike his other puzzles, they have no ways of winning. There is no answer, just an endless goose chase as the realization of their doom slowly sinks in and suffocates them. Riddler loves using spike traps, crushing walls, or just strapping them down for dissection to reveal their stupid, tiny little brain! He'd make them pay for their audacity! And he'll show you further proof that he's the smartest mind in all of Gotham.
C - Caring: How well do they take care of their darling?
Well, Riddler certainly thinks he takes good care of you. I mean, you're trapped in one of his many hideouts, usually almost always in complete darkness, cut off from the outside world and hidden from anyone who could even try to save you… But, hey! Ed loves to constantly praise and compliment and cuddle you. He brings you food and drink and buys you gifts and loves to run his bands all over you, trying to make up for any time spent alone during the day. That makes up for everything else, right?
N - Never: What is one thing that they would never do to their darling?
Two things, actually! One being that he would never lay hands on you to hurt you. The other being that he would never insult your intelligence, especially in anger. He's been through both as a child and the pain still stings. He could never do that to someone he loves. Never. Never, ever.
As such, Edward doesn't really get angry at you. You could swear, scream, hit, and Edward will have you restrained and try to soothe you and speak reason to you. Ed is definitely condescending, but it's not because he thinks you're unintelligent - of course not, you're brilliant! It's just that you can't see that. Can't see you and he are meant to be. The city and its moronic populace have fooled you into thinking you're just like the rest of them. But, don't worry, Edward will help you see how better you are than them. And how deserving he is of you…
Z - Zealous: How devoted are they to their darling?
To most everyone else, Edward Nygma is a stubborn, pompous, and unstable know-it-all… But, with you, Edward feels comfortable. At peace. His equal. His one true match. Edward is incredibly devoted to you. He wants to impress you, to show you how much he loves you, how you and he are meant to be! He'll kill thousands, he'll steal the most priceless of treasures, he'll blow up Gotham with his bombs spread out across the city to form the shape of a heart.
He wants approval. He wants affection. He wants praise. He wants love. All from you. And he wants it so bad that he probably won't even notice if you begin to use that devotion against him.
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rae-raewrites · 4 months
Can you do the Riddlers with an introverted artist reader who draws them sometimes?
As if he didn’t need more for his ego anon lol
The riddlers with a introverted artist S/O
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Congratulations you have ended up with an extrovert with many an introvert quality!
Eddie’s already quite the recluse so you doing your own thing in his space isn’t as much of a problem as he originally thought.
He keeps a pretty keen eye on everything that matters to him,his plans,his puzzles, you!
Well apparently not well enough when he finds you scribbling in your sketchbook
Extremely fascinated when he sees you look up almost like you got caught doing something
Of course when you shyly reveal what you’re doing well…….to say he didn’t have the biggest smile on his face would be a lie.
“Well look at you taking notice and appreciation of the genius around you!”
Congratulations you’ve accidentally fed his ego and completely charmed him at the same time
Internally though he is absolutely at awe of how much you’ve managed to capture him
Especially the not so…….easy edges
But mostly on those good,handsome ones that make him so downright irresistible
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Absolutely sweetheart in terms of you being an introvert
Like he’s a boy who understands it’s just not in your nature to be his level of flashy (let’s be honest, who is?)
Doesn’t mean he doesn’t spend hours at his desk not tinkering with the idea of a new scheme
His thinking face basically perfect to be sketched
“Dear? You’re staring.”
Wants to scold you manners wise but gets caught off guard when he sees the sketched in you’re hand
That’s…..that’s him!
All his wrinkles! His hair!
And with such mindfulness of proportions!
He’s…..charmed. Absolutely utterly charmed and hopelessly in love.
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He’s having a artist block day and it’s hitting him
Poor Eddie is trying to find some inspiration today
During one of his many attempts to find some inspiration he finds his muse with a pencil and paper
“Mi amor? What are you doing?”
When you shyly show him what you’ve sketched he’s genuinely perplexed for a second
It’s……it’s him succeeding at a plan!
He wants to kiss you. Genuinely
Like it’s hanging out on his desk now and he’s smiling like a maniac.
Congratulations. Now Gotham has to contend with another possible plan of his.
Zero year
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Wether in intentional or not he can be a real jackass about your introvertness
He’s just…….really flashy? With a side and flair for the dramatic?
I mean the man held Gotham hostage and proceeded to make an hour with the main focus was out smarting him
Sees you drawing when he happens to look up from one of his MANY projects
“Whatcha scribbling down there doll?”
To say his grin when you show him is shit eating is well……an understatement.
Man goes out of his way to start losing some clothes
“What?! It’ll help you capture my really good side ! Not to mention it is hot in here.”
You’re gonna probably have to yell at him to get some actual clothing on at some point.
Like he’s to over dramatic to not see this as an opportunity for anything dirty to happen
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Riddler/Edward Nygma/Nashton
General Headcanons (old, needs to be redone)
Stupid nicknames
A succubus offer
With a vigilante S/O
Panic Attack Telltale
Walked in on- Arkham Riddler NSFW
"Riddler with a baby" Riddler Party
"Insufferable" General M!reader NSFW
Pregnant Partner- Telltale
The Concept of Himboification- General
Love Letter to Coworker - batman 2022 (Valentines 2023 event)
"Custom Made" Riddler Party
What does he watch and read?- Batman 2022
"Protector" Batman 2022
Riddler Design based around Alan Cumming
"Unprofessional" Gotham, BTAS, Capullo, Arkham x F!reader
"Can't sleep, how about you?" BTAS, Telltale, Arkham
With an Asexual S/O- Gotham, BTAS, Telltale, Arkham
"Vampire Backgrounds" Riddler Party (vampire au)
"So you think I'm sexy-" 60s Riddler
"Strange Skills" Gotham
"Who is hunting who?" Telltale (vampire au)
"Business Meetings" 60s NSFW
Wall climbing Telltale (vampire au)
"Deadly Nightshade" 60s
"Nasty" Batman 2022 NSFW
Brief musings on Telltale
"Lean Greenbean" Riddler Party
"Zeros and Ones and Everything Inbetween" 60's Riddler x nonbinary!Reader
"Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?" Riddler party
Zero Year Riddler is Actually A Nerdy Dork-Ass and I Have Evidence
"Riddlers and Horror Movies" Riddler party
Zero Year Haphaestus nickname
"Affectionate Comforts" Riddler Party
Zero Year Voice Claim
"S/O with vitiligo" Riddler party ask
"Riddlers with Dogs" Riddler Party Ask
"Sweet as honey, dumb as…" Riddler party x F!reader
"Riddler's with Dogs Pt 2" Riddler Party Ask
"Riddlers with Cats" Riddler Party Ask
"Polaroids" 2022 Riddler x reader NSFW
Riddler Party x Reader With Sensory Issues
break lol
"Whimsical Interests" Telltale Riddler
"Magic Hands" Riddler Party x F!Reader
"Touch Averse S/O" Riddler x Reader
"With an older s/o" Riddler Party x Reader
"Deserving" Riddler party x Reader
"We are not keeping the damn thing-" Riddler Party x S/O
A Date in the Asylum - BTAS Edward x F!S/O (Valentines Event 2024)
A soft Love Letter - Telltale Riddler x F!S/O (Valentines Event 2024)
"Yes, Boss? <3" 60s Riddler x Henchmen!Reader
"Groan-worthy" Riddler Party x Reader
"Flower Shop" - BTAS!Riddler,Dano!Riddler,Arkham!Riddler and ZY!Riddler x Fem!Reader
"Breast Cancer scare" Riddler party x Reader
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