#bts fake convo
accio-victuuri · 7 months
some february fake rumors 💭
i am referencing these two contributions here & here. while we’re preparing ourselves for the chaos of xz’s mfw appearances, let’s enjoy these sweets first!
i’m using a very sexy xiao laoshi just because… 🤷🏻‍♀️
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the first one is so funny and nostalgic with how it was presented. usually, fake rumors are in conversation form or in paragraphs. or, at some point, there is a story and then OP will include stick drawings to better explain what’s happening. this was popular when the topic are unofficial bts content before the videos were released.
this contribution tho only had the stick figure 😂😂
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you can clearly see what’s the “story” here. lol. the two of them were caught by someone. this is not the first time a story like this came out but seeing it this way is entertaining. fans are also pointing out what they are doing, the faces are so close! kissing! 💋
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the second one goes back to the usual format of conversations.
the first part is a staff telling yibo that be brought so much and then wyb says he doesn’t have the car to carry the stuff. he also said he has divided it, to which another staff says it’s easier for them. they tell wyb that he should eat more mandarin oranges.
wyb: Yo, you’re back
wyb: Come on, I brought everything with me.
xz: If I don’t eat, I’ll stay up late tomorrow and die of swelling.
xz: gone
wyb: Look at me going all the way here and you’re ignoring me.
xz: Aren’t you pretty good at the game?
wyb: That's different
xz: Why is it different? Please explain it carefully.
wyb: Fierce me 🥹👈🏻Brother x, look at everything about him
xz: 🙄🤛🏻
wyb: If you don’t eat carbohydrates, your temper will get worse.
LOL. Years later, WYB is still worrying over XZ and what he eats lol. and how WYB wants all of XZ’s attention, and his gege playing along. I can imagine him saying “please explain it”.
staff 2: 🍊 So delicious
staff 1: I’ll take two more
xz: You guys eat so much
xz: Come, come here
i love how wyb’s love language is giving gifts, and it shows here. this is allegedly a fake scenario during the CNY holidays, and ofc, Bobo won’t forget gifts for XZ’s staff as well! what a good brother in law!
I don’t know anything. I only know how to eat. You can talk wherever you like. Where can we go to talk? We'll make up soon anyway.
xz: Okay, I won’t argue with you anymore. I went back to take a shower and sweated all over.
wyb: Then I’ll go back too
xz: You eat here and eat with them
wyb: I’m afraid of getting swollen even if I don’t eat.
xz: Okay?
wyb: ☺️☺️🥰
wyb: Withdrawal ✋🏻
wyb: You should ☺️ take a sip to reduce swelling.
xz: you😂
xz: Is it okay if I ask Brother A to buy red beans for me?
wyb: Let’s go upstairs☺️
The use of the door here and this commentary from the OP made fans think of the “drawing” from the rumor i discussed first. It’s like OP is implying that he was only there to enjoy the food from wyb. The previous convo looks like the two are bickering, but they will be sweet later. make up soon? what does that mean? Did OP see them kissing?
P.S: if you have a weibo account, please like all the comments with yellow circles in this xzs new post. take this as a reminder to do the same for the MFW posts in the coming days. 💪🏼 we have to show our support! XZ will most likely post on IG too, so this is your reminder to follow him.
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aliceisathome · 3 months
Man I love Wandee Goodday - this is a grown up bl that's managing to be funny, sexy and informative without becoming preachy. They are repping for everything from mental health and vaccines to communication, consent and fun sex. There's a femme guy who's managing a gym, an ace psychiatrist who's designing sex aids, sensitive boxers, and no evil female character. All this and a villain we all want to the boxer to punch. It's glorious.
Anyway our 'fake' boyfriends continue to be incredibly supportive of each other but NO! DOC! You got that pic of you and Ter out of the bin and saved it. Poor Yak - he looked so content poking around your shelves. Gah. Now he thinks you're still into Ter. Please tell me you're not still into Ter Dee - he's just a toxic habit you've given up surely?*
Kao channelling the viewers in this convo with Dee, and throwing truth bombs as usual. Once again proving he is the true MVP of this series - now give him someone to cuddle dammit.
I'm not sure how Yak resisted punching Ter just now but I loved Cher's little mother moment.
Holy arms Batman.
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Aaand I'm back.
Every now and again I forget that there's nearly a decade's age difference between Dee and Yak - Dee might be smart but, as Kao knows, he's a little immature emotionally.
I'm more shocked by the fact that Dee wore his Teeny Tiger gear to Ter's place than that he left the candles burning. What are you doing Dee? Why did you stay? That smug bastard is complimenting your tiger costume - the tiger costume you should be keeping for Yak.
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Honestly I don't blame Yak one little bit - he waits for ages then finds Dee in his sexy tiger getup with a half naked Ter. Do we think Ter deliberately sabotaged his bathroom tap? Yes, yes we do.
Loved Kao here.
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Noooo - the inevitable break up. Sometimes I hate the narrative arc - I'd be happy just watching another 5 eps of Dee and Yak just being boyfriends and snuggly and domestic.
And now we have the crying. You silly men, both thinking it's the other who doesn't really care. The reach for the comfort of the necklace that's no longer there? Gutted. Literally gutted.
And now I feel sorry for Taem as well - I thought she liked Mr Student Council. Ter, not so much - even if I believed the manipulative fucker. And of course he passed out so we didn't get to see if Dee would have given him his first kiss while we did see Yak decide not to kiss Taem.
Cher, my sassy little queen, I love you so much. Please give your big boyfriend a smack for us. He is an idiot.
And this is not how I wanted the first kiss - I wanted it to be joyful. It was a good kiss - a great kiss - but neither of them were wearing their colour and they weren't lit by them either. That's what I want to see - them dressed in their yellow and purple, bathed in their light and declaring undying love. Give it to me now!
Wandee Goodday has been a happy counterbalance to the sheer stress and tension of My Stand In. Except this week. Ter and Tong are cut from the same cloth and they both deserve to have the snot slapped out of them.
But because Wandee Goodday has been so delightful so far, this episode has hit me hard - I need to go and watch something tooth achingly sweet and cuddle my cat.
*much like me and cigarettes - I gave up years ago but every now and again I still REALLY want one.
NB the interviews, bts etc are excellent - I don't usually watch these but Great and Inn are so good in them. They're both older than other GMMtv newbies and haven't grown up with the company so are just brilliantly relaxed and playful with each other. It looks like some of the dialogue and action is developed and/or improvised by these two as well - they're very naughty and Golf just lets them go for it.
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shaunashipman · 28 days
Buddies weren't the ones having a 4 hr audio rant posted called Oliver lashings talking shit about Oliver for 4 hours because he was posting pics & vids of Ryan and just hanging out with him on set. Nah that was bucktommy shippers. Funny your toxic bucktommy fake insider has to make up rumors of Ryan and Oliver distancing themselves bc they feel awkward with each other now bc buddie shippers. Pretty desperate & toxic if you ask me. Yet very quickly that was proved wrong by a pic of them together with Aisha smiling their asses off. And you don't call it out bc it's not buddies.
are the same anon as before? still don't wanna drop your @ so we can see what you post about bucktommy?
I didn't call that out because I didn't hear it? idek how those twitter space things work but I assume it's live not recorded, and not only was I not there but I don't have 4 hours to listen to ppl talk. yeah, talking shit about OS for hanging out with his friends he's known for years and not a guy he's known for probably couple months is weird and rude. that should have been kept as a private convo.
tho again, shit talking someone isn't quite up there with wishing death on an actor. which buddies have done repeatedly and proudly. and before you start about that one person, they aren't even a bucktommy, I don't even think they're in the fandom they're just an admitted hater.
it's not toxic to say that two ppl feel awkward that thousands of ppl online are shipping them together? that ppl are posting about them having a sex tape? that ppl are tagging them in these "theories"? that ppl actually think one of them is gay and keeps trying to literally fucking out them over a notification in a ss? if you think that's toxic then please get off the internet and seek help.
and also, they never claimed OS and RG would never be seen in bts together. there are courses you can take online to improve your reading comprehension. here's some to start
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stoopid-turtle · 1 year
BTS in Order August Pt 1
Mainly from this bilibili playlist.
The timeline for all the interviews during this period are, frankly, a mess. There are multiple interview segments taken over multiple days, with different sources having different dates, usually only 1 or 2 days apart. Without being able to read Chinese, it is impossible to get this straightened out, so I did my best. Just consider 8/7-8/9 to be a big mushy mess of interviews segments. In each case, I put things on the date I thought most likely while including the alternate date(s) in parentheses.
8.1 ggdd outside. Wen indoctrination. DD is teasing gg for how many lines he has to memorize - A crowd scene with ggdd in a row with jl next to DD and jc next to gg. Gg and DD are in their own world, chatting and smiling at each other.
8.2 ggdd. Cloud recess lectures. Jl has bag of snacks and passes it to jc. Dd points accusingly (playfully) at gg. - A bunch of the cast are eating together. Dd has gg's phone, and gg keeps giving him amused looks. Gg in black hoodie. Jc, yl, and jl. Dd in black hoodie joins later. Then jzx. After, a couple women show gg a few bags with stuff. The others are still eating behind them. When gg gets back to table, DD is gone. (So, DD was still there when gg walked back. Then the camera cuts and DD is gone while gg is at table)
8.2 outside, burial mounds era. they're filming the scene where wn wakes up. Dd disappears early on so it's gg and yb. Ah..dd is doing wire work with his guqin - Later, DD feints kneeing gg in the groin. Then a clip of both of them going nuts on the sunscreen. - Wq joins them. - They change into post-timeskip costumes at same location.
8.3 ggdd. Gg roasts DD for sending selfies to him. (Alt 7.8) - Dd retaliates by showing everyone the pouty photo of gg. (Alt 7.8) - Clip of them running in place, shot from behind. Dd steals gg's tea. Seems like the first time from gg's reaction. (Alt 7.8)
8.3 market scene with jl and ggdd. Dd and gg pass a mirror back and forth while having a convo. In between them, in the bg, are their doubles, also standing side by side. It's a funny shot.
8.4 DD helps gg climb over railing on roof. Then it rains and there's that shot of gg reaching his hand out to the rain from the roof shelter place (alt 8.3)
8.4 ggdd more of the early market scene (yin iron era) - Gg and DD are punching each other in the shoulder. - A little swordplay. Then gg tries to put away his sword but DD keeps batting his sword at gg.
8.4 gg only. Scene with wwx taking jc to get his core replaced.
8.4 evening, gg chases DD with a bug - Also filming the first rooftop fight - Romantic rooftop stargazing - Birthday countdown
8.5 DD only. The awful livestream.
8.5 gg doing wire work in a forest with a DD double. Gg's doing a bunch of fight-y stuff. - Dd appears when gg's fighting off a fake owl. - They're chatting while gg's makeup is being touched up and DD pointedly looks at the camera. I've never seen this clip, so I don't know what they're saying.
8.5 gg walking down yi city street with Lil Apple.
8.5 Market scene. Gg tells DD to smile. Dd does. The blonde ponytail guy cracks up. Dd asks for green tea. gets it. - a scene with ggdd and juniors. Gg is with juniors and DD is being a disruptive gremlin. Leaving the juniors, gg walks up to DD with an indulgent dom expression They bicker a bit, but it doesn't seem serious.
8.5 ggdd Birthday cake and prezzies!
8.6 DD in blue robes. When lwj talks to mianmian at jinlintai. Dd is rubbing his throat a lot and puts his hand to his head a few times. Might be sick. - Then DD has a scene with lhk.
8.6 ggdd post-timeskip with lhk. - Then DD and lhk back at cloud recess - Gg doing takes of the fight down the steps of the jinlintai. Lwj is a double. - Ggdd the giggly run down the stairs - In the evening, dark, gg and DD standing beside each other, talking. Assistants hold an umbrella over both of them. Bright lights and blue screen in background. Also, jin ling wandering around like he's lost. Then they film the scene where jin ling stabs wwx. Gg and DD chat between takes 8.7 yb interview gg. Cloud recess outfit. Night. There's a bit where gg interacts with an animated creature. I've never seen this. - Oh! He draws the good health rabbit!
8.7 yb interview DD. Evening. I think they're outside while gg is doing some blue screen closeups. - Oh, this is where yb says the lans are poor and DD points out his Jade pendant.
8.7 DD does blue screen wire work. then gg joins, though no wires. They're doing shots from their cloud recess sword fight. Between takes they chat, though they seem tense. Dd seems dismissive and gg seems concerned and annoyed that DD is dismissive. I wonder if they're talking about DD's health problem? I don't know when his visit to the hospital happened. (to be fair, dd doesn't know when his visit to the hospital happened either)
8.7 DD does some blue screen closeups with a wwx double
8.7 then gg and DD outside but under a tent or something with a roof. Gg is spraying DD with bug spray. Then they talk about about something. I don't know what. People off camera are giggling.
8.8 another Sina interview clip. This has the part where gg rats out DD for using his own memes. And DD says it's just in case gg wants to save them to use. (Alt 8.9) - Also I think this is the first time DD talks about gg's ability to cry on cue. Like a switch. - Also, DD looks very shy and pleased when gg says good things about him. (Leos like praise)
8.8 nighttime yb interviews with ggdd - Dd makes gg wear a cat ears headband briefly
8.9 sword fight on cloud recesses rocks. Dd gets minor injury on hand. Brats about it. (Alt 8.8) - I think this is the instigator of the spicy wontons conversation, but I've never seen a clip of that conversation so I don't know much more than that. - DD in blue robes with gg and jc. Outside. The director is walking them thru the scene where they discover the Chang massacre - Gg and DD bicker for a bit. Then they do a bro handshake. But then DD starts talking to the camera as if arguing his case. Gg laughs and protests - Jc is such a third wheel. Poor guy. - ggdd gawking at a bug bite on jc's neck (alt 8.8)
8.9 ggdd side by side in cloud recess outfits. Gg hands DD a mirror to check his ribbon. Gg shows DD something on his phone. They talk quietly for a bit. Then a kid in a red shirt comes over and gg talks to the kid while DD sits back and watches. (Alt 8.8) - Lhk is in the background reading - Then they both do a bit with the little creature that showed up in the 8.7 interviews. - Yb interviews lhk. Then DD does a Sina interview, then gg does one. But almost as soon as gg says something, DD whaps him from off camera. - ddgg sina interview with yb. Waist measuring (alt 8.8) - Gg and DD share eyedrops - A lot of official clips are pulled from this day
8.9 gg then DD on set interview (alt 7.8 or 8.7). The one on the white couch where gg calls DD a lunatic. - Gg joins DD and sits basically right on top of him. Big dom "who hits who" moment. - Also, gg pulling up his robes. Wow.
8.9 bazaar interview take 2
8.9 more filming of the Chang Manor. This time with Xiao xingchen and song lan - Jc shows gg and dd a clip of lea salonga singing reflection. Gg sings along.
8.9 Then jl measures gg's waist (alt 8.7) - Then DD and jl interviewing each other? And measuring DD's head circumference?? (Alt 8.7)
8.9 more outdoor nighttime interview where DD walks up after gg is asked about him. Gouzaizai
8.10 jiejie putting DD's wig on. Another jiejie is putting gg's wig on. Dd shows up behind him. I think DD is asking if he's eaten. - Yb shows up behind gg. Also a-yuan. - Jl goes around the room with a camera, stopping by each actor. - Then when jl is at gg, dd takes the camera. - And then - Epic makeup room brawl (alt 8.8) - After, gg stands behind DD and eats some snacks. - Then gg is with xl and jc while xl gets her makeup done.
8.10 ggdd filming a pre-timeskip scene with xxc and sl. And tied up xy. Between takes outside, gg reaches out with his sword to poke DD in the ribs. - Oh, so there's the exchange I've seen in a video that claimed jc saw a picture that "would end everything" according to the translation. Then this clip is where DD tells gg about it and jc says he knows everything, but DD tries to say he doesn't. - The implication being that jc saw some photo of ggdd (more on this in the takeaways post) - There's all sorts of conversations going around in the circle of gg, jc, dd, jgy, jl, sl, and xxc and I want to know what all of them are.
8.12 ggdd post-timeskip. Gg across table from DD. Lhk in background. Director is talking thru the scene - Then the scene where lwj walks in to find wwx waving to wn in the window. Cue flirty look -Between takes, gg says something about how handsome DD looks. Dd smacks him with his sleeve, points at the camera, and says he's just being nice since they're being recorded. Gg looks surprised by the camera. Then they bicker. - Filming yb upside down - Filming scene with ggdd and lhk outside where lxc receives the jin butterfly
8.13 gg only. Seeing things in the burial mounds with xl - Then a scene with gg and jin ling where wwx finds the curse on jin ling's leg
8.14 gg only. Nightless City. Finding the hanged bodies of the wen refugees (alt 8.6)
8.15 gg only. Scenes with the nightless city wen battle. Some wire work for gg!
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somuchyoudontknow · 1 year
"IMO, neither BUA nor an engagement/wedding is coming. These rumors have been set up to achieve certain aims which is always the main objective of the PR rs.
Hey hun, this is from when you talked about the Carlisle house in depth back on Thursday I believe.
Idk if you already answered this so I apologize for the repeat question. But in your opinion, if "neither BUA nor an engagement/wedding is coming" - do you think neither will be coming at all, or just not anytime soon? You’re team pr (I’m assuming solely PR and not “real with PR” right?) so when they do finally Gd willing break up, do you think it’ll be done quietly or there will be like an “official” announcement from like People (like how when they confirmed the “rs” back in November), or what? Sorry, not trying to trip you up or anything, I just wanted some more explanation regarding what you said. Ty doll 🩷
Hi :) I am Team PR and not Team real with PR. I have a theory. I will share. I don't believe any wedding will ever happen. It's all just rumors set up to achieve their targets.
So I have been discussing this with a friend and we think there are chances that no BUA ever comes. If you notice, both Chris and Alba have not confirmed their relationship to the media. Their reps have never said a word to any media outlet.
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It has always been "sources" and not the reps. Chris and ALba even have not spoken a word in the media about each other. Let's say if they publish a BUA, it would be counted as a confirmation that a relationship existed and it eventually ended. If you notice the words have always been used as "rumored engagmenet/wedding" for them and nothing confirmed. Alba was not mentioned in his SMA, Jinx promotion and the family article. It seems like they are trying to evade any scenarios that might be interpreted as confirmation. Chris dumped the photos and vids on his IG stories which do not exist anymore. His convo with Jenny still exists on his Twitter.
We think that since the relationship is fake/pr and not real, if they publish a BUA it will be a confirmation that they might not be going after.
Alba's movie Amelia's Children has been picked up to be presented in the Lisbon horror movie film festival in September. I don't know if actors of the movies attend this festival or not but if they do, there are high chances Alba might attend too since she has attended film festivals (Venice, Berlin) in the past. If she attends it will be confirmation of no wedding happening and it will also show she is focused on her career. They need a narrative of them spending time separately and focusing on their own things. If you notice they have already started to build a certain narrative of breakup but it doesn't mean that a BUA is coming. It only shows there are some problems going on bts.
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Notice on words "trying to build". It shows he is facing some challenges in starting a family. The words are linked to laser-focused article and there is a link in that article to Alba. It seems like a subtle nod that there might be problems going on in their relationship. In short they might keep building a narrative for breakup but no BUA confirming anything might come.
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(sent through here in case you don’t answer notes. replies? idk, i’m new to tumblr. feel free to disregard if you do reply to those.)
Are you willing to engage in a convo/elaborate on disliking Taehyung? I can see that you already have somewhere, but I’m new here so I can’t find that. All that I have gleaned is that his actions have bothered you somehow? To be honest, I would like to critique one of your posts by saying that I think you saying “I don’t have the energy for him, I’m trying to be nice” is, like, harmful? Rude? Maybe a bit weird? Yes, I am Taehyung-biased, but I would still be saying this if you said that to Jimin or Minho or, idk, Harry Styles. I just think it’s an unnecessarily mean and even threatening thing to say to someone without being a bit more upfront about your reasoning. I think it would be helpful to link those old posts you made, though I get that that’s not possible for every ask. Anyway, I guess I’ve become the Taehyung-likers in your inbox (or whatever this thing is called) that you don’t have energy for lol, but I genuinely would like to know your reasoning. Thanks for all the other posts, too, your queer Bangtan analyses are very cool and awesome.
Hey @raspberrytaegi
I saw you sent this same message in the comments. I decided to answer here because it's easier to write. This was during my break, so now I finally decided to actually answer your questions.
In a way, I understand where you're coming from, specifically because it appears that you only recently opened up your blog and you somehow stumbled on to mine and you happened to see me dismissing something that was Tae-related. Now, there was a context to that. Some of it is obvious from my blog, other stuff was more personal in a way. This is not me justifying myself because as you will see in what I will explain down the line, I don't think it's necessary for me to do so.
Me saying I don't have the energy for him was right before I went on a break and put the blog on hold. My initial plan was to wait until right before Christmas, but I just had had enough of anything BTS and the 90 percent of asks that were piling up in my inbox. If I came across as rude in that ask, I was just the same in the other ones I responded during those days because I simply didn't have the patience anymore for nonsense. So, there was that.
For anyone who has been following me for a while, they sort of know what my stance is in regards to Tae and I've never been shy about it. I can't link all my posts about him because it would take too much work and time that I do not have. I also wish my tagging system would be more consistent, but if you are interested, you can check the "tae", "taehyung" "V" tags on my blog and you could probably find some more. And what you will find is that indeed, I'm not a fan of him. But I also don't subscribe to this idiotic mentality of what this fandom would call anti, hater or whatever else label is out there. Which means, I don't have a hate boner for him. I may be biased and that influences the way I perceive him, but I'm also not going to drag him for the sake of it. I had anons saying his friendship with the Wooga squad is fake and just for the show they made which was something that I did not agree. I sort of live posted during the Grammy awards last year and 80 percent of my posts was me enjoying Tae doing his thing. His first trip to Paris was on my radar as well and in a good way. I also talked about the "dating scandal" back in September and how the fans are being shitty towards the entire thing (in way more words anyway. If that is of interest to you, I tagged it under the ship name).
At the same time, I'm not a fan of his behavior. I think he can be shady some times and this is something that would get me stoned on twitter. He can come across as rude and spoiled and that's something that personally doesn't work for me. I also don't expect everyone to agree. Some things that I don't like might be the same reason why others are his fans. They like how Tae is more serious and quiet, I see it as unwilligness to be professional (in some group video messages and even Run BTS episodes. Everyone can have a difficult day and not be in the mood at all, but it's a job where they play games. That's it. And it's not a one time occurence. If it was that case, I probably wouldn't have noticed).
I don't understand his tendency to lie. Especially when there's intention (or it comes across as that). This is a behavior that is seen by his fans as Tae just being himself, he's cool like that. Fine. But not to me. He posts a fake tattoo just because, he says he's having a collab for a Christmas song but that didn't happen and it came out of the blue, and so on.
I don't hate the guy, I just don't vibe with him at all and he's the type of person that I can't be a fan of. That's it. It's not a crime. And I'm also not going to judge you for coming to my inbox and wanting to understand why I think that way because you're Tae biased. I get it. I also don't get some of the opinions written about Jimin and Jungkook so I understand your position.
I also don't mind the passive agressiveness in your ask about me not having the energy for a Tae-biased fan. I "judge" my anons mostly on how they choose to express themselves and the willingness to understand different point of views, not based on who they stan. If someone is at least mostly reasonable (which you were), we can have a conversation.
Lastly, I saw that you liked some of my other posts, thank you! Seeing that you didn't immediately sent me a hate post and being able to see beyond an dismissive answer to an ask I answered played a big part in me being open now in having this conversation.
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kookiecrumb · 2 years
I feel like you're the only blog that wouldn't take this wrong way tbh, but the fandom is just ridiculously sensitive in the wrong ways.
1) bts cover missing you
straight up became racist as if they don't know the meaning of the song for black people or the message or even understand the meaning of rap. All I saw regardless of blocking people was people saying "how they're gonna bring hate, some stupid ass Instagram account called the shade room or whatever is gonna ruin them, they're gonna disrespect the song and dedicated it to army's" then them just cover it and it not being an issue at all???? They showed so many wrong colors then.
2) people getting worked up over using "spoiler" when talking about namjoons upcoming album. Got off of Twitter bc I kept getting recommended these convos, but people are mad at the fact tweets are saying "namjoon has been spoiling the album in last year" which isn't wrong or true. Full on saying "you're making namjoon look like a fool and not giving him his credit" that sounds like projection, knowing he has given hints of so many things of their work. By why whole threads about it, it's silly, and you're distracted over that....depressing.
3) Jungkook in qutar.
Basically, within the last decade, lots of south Asians had died, around 1,6k and probably more uncounted died from poor work conditions. They were immigrants as well. Some people were aware and didn't like the fact big hit & jungkook were promoting it bc of that. Right now people seem to not realize you can care about both sides without seeming like an insensitive asshole the bread makers of those who have now passed and to seem like a Jungkook anti. Like yes I'm happy jungkook can perform in such a stadium like that, however the lack of awareness of lives taken is sad. There's people being straight up being Islamophobic or just worried about jungkook being in the country knowing what's happening in surrounding or like countries being called "Islamophobic" or just throwing the word around.
4) Crush situation and people turning on hoseok. Straight up took some girls side, a girl who manipulated the situation to being artists down. Was proven in her tweets that she tried to take down multiple group and solo artists for "anti blackness" when they weren't doing anything wrong.
There's being protective and being an ass for no reason. Like the fandom is just so bad in this area,I mean weak as well. It's just blank fake support or care tbh, so many peoples colors have been shown ( both racist & human insensitive & anti ) I can't even say only a certain percentage, it is always all or none. I always appreciate it when they defend us, however, we need to take a few hits to change and better our fandom as it's just depressing at this point.
When actual issues come up, most all turn selfish and turn into hungry consumers and not the "we'll protect you bangtan, we care <3" ex June 14 2022 and the sale drop.
Thoughts? I'll be anon🎵🤟
1. Idk anything about that and can't comment.
2. Namjoon is a smart guy, I agree. He also has a team of other talents working with him to ensure that every "spoiler" is deliberate and received favorably by the fandom.
3. Jungkook is in Qatar to shoot his music video and perform at the world cup. It's completely unrelated.
4. I don't know about that situation either. Koreans can be pretty racist, but I think Hoseok isn't because of the collaboration and inspiration he draws from other diverse artists.
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dorefasolsido · 1 year
1. What are you doing at this exact moment? (I want details, people!)
Details, okay. Sitting on the floor in the living room and doing a survey on my laptop while half listening to this true crime video my sister is watching. Occasionally checking my phone too.
2. The one song you will never get sick of? Additionally, any song recommendations?
I feel like there are sooo many songs I won’t get sick of. But I’ll go with Blood Sweat & Tears by BTS -- that song is just *chef’s kiss*. Alsooo, Jimin’s whole new album is fantastic, so that’s my recommendation.
3. Name everything you have ever wanted to be (occupations and random things, like animals!)
Oof, I’m pretty sure I won’t even be able to remember it all. But here goes nothing: writer, translator, chocolate factory owner, astronaut, archaeologist, Santa Claus, teacher, wizard in Harry Potter, actor, singer, artist, and ever since I got a cat, I’ve really wanted to switch places with it too.
4. What is the best fanfic you have ever read?
Ahahah so honestly, I only read really bad fanfics since I find them so funny. When I was younger I used to read some good ones too. But at this stage of my life, the more messy they are, the better. My absolute favourite of all time is My Immortal and well, it’s not good per se, but it’s a work of art.
5. Name every fandom you have ever been in! 
I’m a fan of many things but I used to avoid fandoms, so it’s only recently that I’ve actually got involved in a few. So I’d say just AoT fandom (a complete mess btw) and Army.
6. What is the saddest movie you have ever watched? Additionally, movie recommendations?
Any films where dogs die or watch their owners die, like, why. I think I cried my soul out watching Hachi and I’m not even much of a crier normally.
As for movie recs, Oldboy. Korean version though. Thank me or curse me later.
7. If you could direct your own TV show/movie, what would it be like?
I’d probably go for psychological horror with some really bizarre twist or so.
8. The cringiest account/fan account you’ve ever made? (oh god) 
I didn’t really have any, I think. There was a time I had this weird Google+ account where I followed anime pages and even became an admin of one, but I don’t think there was anything super cringy there.
...I hope.
9. What’s your aesthetic? Describe it to us.
I’m not really sure I even have an aesthetic, but I’m like a mixture of K-pop and rock/alternative/grunge scene with a little dash of Halloween (so, all in all, lots of black clothes).
10. One thing you’ve always wished you could do / be good at?
Dancing or painting.
11. Put a picture of your best (or your worst!) fanart/drawing ever!
I only do little chibi doodles here and there but they’re all pretty horrible lol
12. The best book you have ever read? Additionally, any book recommendations?
Oof, that’s a hard one. I guess one of my all-time favourites is The Trial by Kafka, but I have to mention Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata because I feel like that book both fully understands me and also changed my entire outlook on life. It’s really short too, so everyone can and should read it!
13. Most exotic food you’ve ever had?
Idk, I don’t think I’ve eaten anything too exotic. I guess octopus is kind exotic in these parts, so I’ll go with that.
14. Post a picture of the weirdest/funniest text conversation you’ve ever had!
I don’t really save pictures of my convos with friends and I won’t go looking for anything now.
15. Random fun fact about you!
Last summer at 4 am in the morning, I decided to just chop off my bangs, so I grabbed regular kitchen scissors and did it, no planning, no idea what I’m doing, no nothing. Surprisingly, they turned out okay -- not the best, but acceptable. I shudder to think what could’ve been now that I actually watched some tutorials and know how I'm supposed to do it.
16. What do you think of me?
You’re a real engima.
17. Do you have any fake names? Pseudonyms? Idk, stage names, street names? If not, what would it be?
Nah, and I don’t know what name I would give myself anyway.
18. What is your idea of a perfect life?
Just having the financial freedom to travel the world whenever I want and health to support such adventures for as long as possible. 
19. Finish the sentence: “Oh, to be a _____”
20. Is there a stranger you would like to meet again?
A sweet old woman I met on the bus once who was telling me about her health problems. She was so grateful because I adjusted something on her phone, and I really hope she’s doing better now.
21. Post a picture of you/someone you know doing something weird. Do it, you won’t. Coward. (Obviously the pic doesn’t have to have a face in it)
Nah, I’m definitely a coward
22. Is there a place you feel homesick for even though you’ve never been there? 
So, I wouldn’t really call that homesick, but I desperately want to visit Japan. And sometimes when I watch stuff related to Japan and see the nature and the streets and all, I just go like ;-; take me there already
23. Basic, but what’s your sign?
24. What sign do you act like? What sign do you wish you were?
Idk for sure, but I always think I act more like my rising sign, Aquarius. And I don’t know which sign I’d like to be, it doesn’t really make a difference to me
25. What is one unusual thing you do?
I’m in the process of making 1000 origami cranes because a legend says you can make a wish once you’re done. I don’t actually know what I’d wish for, but by the time I’m done, I’m sure I’ll figure it out
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purplesurveys · 1 year
1. What are you doing at this exact moment? (I want details, people!) I’m taking this survey while sitting on the couch in the living room, which we FINALLY got professionally cleaned after Agi must have peed 47549835734 times on it; and I currently have Jimin’s Like Crazy playing on loudspeaker from my phone right beside me. Dogs are resting in front of me having just finished their dinner. Am also cautiously watching the time because I plan on working again by 10 PM so I can finish a couple of slides on a Powerpoint I’m in the middle of finishing.
2. The one song you will never get sick of? Additionally, any song recommendations? I really really feel this way the most about Namjoon’s Closer.
3. Name everything you have ever wanted to be (occupations and random things, like animals!) Writer, journalist, housewife, lawyer, art curator, historian, mom, bird (so I can fly and travel), dog (so that I never have to work lol).
4. What is the best fanfic you have ever read (lmao) There were a couple of AJ/Punk fanfics I enjoyed back in the day, but sadly the author took them down (and I think even deleted their account altogether) so my memory of the story is lost to time. More recently, I’m obsessed with this AO3 writer’s Namjin works; I go back to my favorite scenes from time to time to give me the giddies lol.
5. Name every fandom you have ever been in! Beyoncé, wrestling if that counts as a fandom, One Direction, BTS. I like and have liked a number of other things too like Paramore, THAT British YouTuber crew, and Good Mythical Morning, but I wouldn’t say I was ever active in any of those fandoms; I just enjoy ‘em on my own time.
6. What is the saddest movie you have ever watched? Additionally, movie recommendations? Requiem For A Dream, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Life Is Beautiful, and ROMAN FUCKING HOLIDAY holy shit the last scene amazes and pisses me off every time lmao. 
As for movie recs, I’d also go for Roman Holiday.
7. If you could direct your own TV show/movie, what would it be like? A snoozefest...I like to keep my life uneventful.
8. The cringiest account/fan account you’ve ever made? (oh god) The first one that I made when I was around 11; it was my Twitter account for everything Beyoncé. I would’ve given my wrestling Tumblr as an answer too, but in retrospect I don’t think it was necessarily cringe; I was just being the modern-day fangirl/stan before stan culture was even a thing. Meaning to say the shit I posted was definitely more out-there than anything back in 2014, but if I look at that Tumblr now (it’s still alive!), it honestly holds up, lmao. Looks like every other stan account that we otherwise have nowadays.
9. What is your aesthetic? Describe it to us in list form. Hmm okay I’ll try but I’m honestly so over the place idek if I have one.
K-pop merch
A wall of custom Polaroid printouts of BTS members
Coffee and a pastry
Laptop stickers
Peach soju
Oversized t-shirts and sweaters and baggy joggers
Bucket hats
Printed socks
Muted shades
Listening to lofi or piano music at 2 AM
10. What is one thing that has been bugging you recently that you just need to talk about? That I am so bad with money.
11. One thing you’ve always wished you could do / be good at? Play the piano.
12. Put a picture of your best (or your worst!) fanart/drawing ever! I don’t draw.
13. The best book you have ever read? Additionally, any book recommendations? I haven’t read any that I’d consider an all-time favorite. 14. Most exotic food you’ve ever had? Crocodile sisig.
15. Post a picture of the weirdest/funniest text conversation you’ve ever had! Idk if there is one. I have lots of funny convos with friends, but I’m not sure if any of them would be the funniest.
16. Random fun fact about you! I blocked Zayn Malik for like five years after he left the band. LOL
17. What do you think of me? Ahh! Idek who you are!
18. Do you have any fake names? Pseudonyms? Idk, stage names, street names? If not, what would it be? Nope. 19. What is your idea of a perfect life? One where you’ve reached a level of contentment in a way that you’re comfortable and happy with every decision you make, and face mistakes with a lesson and an, “On to the next.”
20. Finish the sentence: “Oh, to be a _____” Nepo baby? Lmao
21. Is there a stranger you would like to meet again? Sure, the nice fan sitting beside me at Seonho’s fanmeet who gave me a slogan when she saw that I didn’t manage to get one.
22. Post a picture of you/someone you know doing something weird. Do it, you won’t. Coward. (Obviously the pic doesn’t have to have a face in it) I would but my phone is at 1% and the charger is upstaaaaaaaairs, lol.
23. Is there a place you feel homesick for even though you’ve never been there? Well, no. I don’t think the homesickness would be genuine that way.
24. Basic, but what’s your sign? Taurus.
25. What sign do you act like? What sign do you wish you were? None of these astrology questions plz.
26. What is one unusual thing you do? Surveys? < Agree.
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97nochuu · 5 years
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Bangtan groupchat- discussing holiday plans✈️😅
REQUESTS ARE OPEN (thanks for the request anonnie <3 )
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accio-victuuri · 1 year
why is this so cute! whether this is true or not, it’s the type of clowning that i like. i was actually a bit confused on what’s going on lol. so someone pointed out what they think an lrlg conversation was talking about. we know that lrlg convos are generally a hit or miss. it’s a free for all on how to interpret it, unless there’s some obvious clue that tells us when it happened & what’s it about.
the lrlg convo was about xz telling wyb something like dolls are okay, and just hang it on yourself. wyb then asks why xz won’t do the same too.. there’s some talk and in the end, xz agreed and said "Okay, okay, I'll tie one for you"
so what doll? some are saying it could be this (p1) which is similar to what wyb did before in ttxs (p2).
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why? fans digged up this project from before by xz and it’s of the same material. so if he knows how to do that, then he can make these cute little “dolls” that you can hang.
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this kind of cpn is the same with the one that said wyb is knitting, and lo and behold, we see in HB bts that there might be some truth to it. i’m thinking about them doing things together. picking up new hobbies to try even if it’s not exactly the other person’s thing. them doing arts & crafts together lol. why. so cute 🥹🥹🥹🥹
this is all fake btw. 😌
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acopenhagenarmy · 5 years
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Work of art - Part seven
Taehyung x reader
Warnings: Stong language, again some mentioning of mental abuse Masterlist
A/N: Hey loves! Your feedback on this story is honestly overwhelming, let me know if you wanna be tagged in this or any of my other stories! I’m doing my best to update regulary, but none the less my exams are coming, so I hope you can bare with me! 
Taglist: @purpletaehyung92 @btstxtstanninprogress @aclp-jb1d​ @imlookingforthelost-blog @the-next-person-420
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dearmyloveleys · 5 years
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If BTS were true to honest college students slash working people AU (1/?)
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littlepurplethings · 6 years
Jungkook!au - Boyfriend
You see Jungkook is looking at his meal during the dinner and not even talking to your parents whereas it was their first time to come together. You catch Jungkook alone in the kitchen and whisper;
You: Jungkook baby, why are you not talking to my parents? And just staring at your meal?
Jungkook: I went to the pharmacy today and asked a random pharmacy guy which one would be the best condom for tonight.
You: And?
Jungkook: I didn’t know your dad was a pharmacist.
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stoopid-turtle · 1 year
BTS in Order June Pt 2
Mainly from this bilibili timeline.
June Pt 1 here.
6.16 DD tries to enter gg's car.
- DD trips while running outside with gg and jl. (Alt 7.8)
- ggdd. Soulmate Convo scene. And into jzx love confession
6.17 ggdd same scene. Now with madam jin.
- Madam Jin seems real confused about there being 2 male leads. I don't think she realized she was cast in a bl adaption. I wonder if she figured it out eventually.
- GG offers to design DD's racing suit.
-Dd and gg dancing together at a distance. (Alt 6.16)
- Filming the zongzi scene (alt 6.18)
- Gg only. Standing on a boat being motored around.
- Also with jc and yubin at night in boat
- Gg and xl goofing around on lotus pier set.
6.18 DD only. Dd and jc find dead wen on road
Dd playing with bichen in road. Guy holds an umbrella over him.
6.18 gg only. Playing flute outside.
6.18 ggdd. Dd brushes gg's sleeve.
- Dd makes weird noises thru his fan (alt 6.23)
- rain scene after wwx gets stabbed where DD reassures gg that he is still handsome. Also flicks mud on him
- ggdd with Lil Apple. Scene where lsx and wen ning go off together. This is also the scene where DD and gg complain about how few scenes they have together
6.18 Dragon boat festival dinner date night
6.19 gg only. Outside with jc and jl.
- GG in a great mood.
- Jiang fam dinner. There's a double for jc at first. wzc appears later.
- More scenes where jc doesn't have his core
- Gg cheats on DD with the AC pipe. (and so soon after their date too)
6.20 gg only. With xl and jzx.
- More with jc.
6.21 gg only. With jc. Filming attack on lotus pier.
- Filming other lotus pier scenes with Jiang dad and mom.
- Gg says he's a salted fish while laying on floor.
- Filming the whipping scene
6.22 gg only. Yi City with yb, xue yang, and DD double
6.23 gg only. Back in lotus pier with xl and jc.
- GG is a noticeably bad mood. XL and JC try to cheer him up, but he doesn't respond so they both back off and watch him warily.
6.24 gg only. With xl.
6.25 indoor scene where DD is holding gg's wrists. Gg gives thumbs up. Dd smiles and gremlin laughs.
- With xl and mianmian. And jzx. They all talk about JC wearing a "fake butt" (!)
- gg talking to dd with xl between them. dd shares his Thai herbal nasal spray with gg and xl. Not drugs!
6.27 ggdd. 9 minutes in a boat. (alt 5.27)
6.28 gg only. with xl. Crying after attack on lotus pier.
6.29 ggdd. In yi city.
- Also some scenes in the nie crypt.
**6.30 Gg only. On boat with a bunch of other jiangs. Happy dream sequence.
Jc with camera recording xl. Turns to record gg.
6.30 ggdd. scene with lwj and wwx sitting against column while jgy monologues.
Protecting each other shenanigans. Dd is insufficiently romantic for gg.
- They are very handsy together here.
- GG IN A BOAT IN DD's LAP. Also, lotus seeds.
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solecitojun · 6 years
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requested : exposing the duality of boyfriend!yoongi
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