#btw Pan - if you don't actually want me sharing this then just tell me and I'm privating this
fadebolt · 5 months
Hello Rain Worlders! During the art month, @pansear-doodles (lovely fella that does a lot of stuff both with and for our community, you've probably heard of 'em), hosted a little challenge where folks had to make something every day throughout the entire event, which I painstakingly completed.
This was mostly to learn and improve and get better and faster at drawing, but also.... there was an emote request reward.
And if anyone's familiar with the Rain World related VA stuff I did before, it should come as no surprise that my request was.......
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Bonjour Ma Précieuse Perle!
The French Scav propaganda has stopped spreading, and now it's about time to fix that!
If Pan is ok with it, I'm sharing this so that anyone and everyone could now use this little beauty.
Bon appetit! :D
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mothsgotghosts · 1 year
Soapghost Tangled Au
LOOK. I'm certain I'm not the first person to think about this but I Don't Care. This blog is basically just me saying shit about cod to the void anyway and talking like a bunch of people will see it lmao. THIS IS GONNA BE LONG AS FUCK BTW.
Also this shit is gonna feature some good old fashioned nikprice and alerudy and my several headcanons, a few of which I will share for context: First of all, almost everyone is trans in my mind, I won't lie to you. But mostly that's not relevant to the plot besides Soap and Nik are both trans men. Also Ghost is transfem and that's not super relevant but I will be using mostly she/her for her (I hc her using she/her and he/him pronouns) so be prepared. OKAY GOOD This is just gonna be me rambling my ideas in a bulleted list hopefully in the order of the plot.
The story sticks fairly close to the actual movie plot, once upon a time there was a magic flower yadda yadda. Anyway Old Man Shepherd wants to be eternally young yeah
Meanwhile the kings (Price and Nik) are like "let's have another kid", I say another bc Gaz is here also he's adopted <3, and seahorse dad Nik is real, okay great (DO NOT TURN THIS INTO OMEGAVERSE SHIT. HE'S TRANS. A TRANS PARENT.)
Anyway uh oh Nik gets sick (haha rhyme) and Price is like "go get that flower so my husband doesn't DIE thanks), Shepherd is pissed, steals their baby with magic hair
That baby with magic hair is Soap! Who is raised by Shepherd, everyone's favorite (least favorite) manipulative piece of shit!
Some background info on Soap's childhood, it wasn't great being locked in a tower and also. Soap is trans in this (as I've said), he's just gnc, but the long hair. Eehh. Not something he super loves but Shepherd won't let him cut it, obviously. The mohawk was a compromise (yes I know the hair lore but I want him to have a mohawk so shh)
Anyway Soap's 20-something birthday rolls around and he tries to ask Shepherd to go see the glowing lights, Shepherd says no, they argue, Soap asks for paint instead, Shepherd leaves to go get it
Meanwhile Ghost and Graves are robbing the fucking castle and steal the lost prince's crown, Ghost leaves Graves to get caught by the royal guard and then gets chased by a horse named Riley for a while before ditching him and climbing into an abandoned tower, and gets hit with a frying pan
Again, the story continues fairly the same. John makes a deal with this stranger in a skull mask to take him to see the floating lights, the lanterns apparently, and he'll give her her satchel back, Ghost begrudgingly agrees.
Ghost then takes Soap to get some food to convince him to go home and call off the deal, and she takes him to Los Vaqueros Saloon, run by two outlaw husbands and frequented by loads of criminals and bounty hunters
In case it wasn't obvious, Alejandro and Rudy own the saloon. Its patrons are made up of various different operators + Valeria (who IS an operator now but still).
Poor Soap is terrified bc Shepherd told him all people, esp ones like these, are bad news and then a bunch of guys lunge on Ghost to get her bounty and send someone out to go find some guards. Soap stops them, I've Got A Dream happens. Alejandro wants to be a pianist, good for him :)
Meanwhile Shepherd returns, sees Soap is gone, and rolls up right as Soap is saying how glad he is he left and gets pissed
Then the royal guard show up and Rudy and Alejandro help them escape and then call Ghost's dream stupid.
"Go follow your dream, hermano." "I will." "He was talking to him, your dream is stupid."
They get cornered by Graves, the royal guard, and Riley, escape and then get trapped in a cave and nearly drown. Ghost cuts her hand trying to pry away some rocks but it's too dark underwater for her to see. They both think they're gonna die so Ghost tells Soap her real name.
"my real name is Simon Riley. Somebody might as well know." "I have magic hair that glows when I sing." "....what?" "OH MY GOD- I HAVE MAGIC HAIR THAT GLOWS WHEN I SING!!!"
John's good old magic hair saves the day, they escape, they find a clearing to camp out in for the night and Soap uses his hair to heal the cut on Simon's hand, Simon freaks out a little bit it's fine, she's fine
John then asks why Simon changed her name to Ghost, Simon says it's a boring story but John listens anyway. She talks about her father and her brother taunting her with ghosts and skeletons, and when they died it stuck with her. She decided to become a ghost.
Simon asks about John's hair, he tells her that his "father" keeps him in that tower to protect him from people who want to steal his hair, shows her the tiny little brown strand that never grew back and says people want to use him for his hair's healing abilities, it's how he got the big scar on his chin.
Simon leaves to get firewood, and Shepherd emerges from the fucking shadows like a creature and tells Soap to come home with him, to which Soap says no because he Likes Simon, and she's gonna take him to see the lanterns, and she's nice!! Shepherd gets mad, tosses him the satchel and says to give it to Simon and see what she does, that he'll be sorry when she runs away with it, and then leaves
Simon comes back and Soap lies and says everything is fine. Shepherd runs into Graves who wants to kill Simon and makes a deal with him
Then morning rolls around and Simon is awoken by RILEY THE FUCKING HORSE, Soap convinces Riley to be nice and let Simon go for one day because "it's my birthday :)" and she's supposed to take him to see the lanterns
They make their way into town and Simon immediately is like "okay yeah your hair is too long" because people keep stepping on it and gets some kids to braid it. John looks very handsome, Simon is very queer, they run off and have a good time enjoying the town square and all the festivities
At some point Soap notices a mural of the royal family, with a certain golden haired baby that looks very familiar, but quickly brushes it off to dance with the townsfolk and Simon
Then it's time to see the lights! Yay! Simon gets a boat for him and John, tosses Riley a bag of apples that he Definitely Paid For, Okay...Or Mostly Paid For.
I See the Light happens, John gives Simon the satchel and Simon pushes it aside in favor of taking off her mask, just for John.
"but I'm not scared anymore, ye know?" "I think I'm starting to."
AND THEN HE TAKES THE MASK OFF AND. sometimes, I am a genius. Anyway, they get back to shore and Simon sees Graves and is like "I promise I'll be right back" and goes off to just give him the satchel, he doesn't want it anymore he just wants to be done with all this criminal shit, mainly for Johnny.
Graves instead is like "what if I took that magic hair guy instead" and knocks his ass out and ties her to a boat then goes to snatch Soap. Shepherd shows up AGAIN and knocks Graves out like "oh look son I saved you!" And Soap sees the boat with Simon on it, thinks she left him, and goes back with Shepherd
Graves also gets arrested and Simon freaks out on him when passing him being led to his cell, Graves says that some weird guy showed up and took Soap back home and Simon is locked in her cell
Meanwhile back at the tower, Soap is laying in his bed all sad bc his gf left him, when he realizes the sun crest on the little flag Simon got him at the festival matches suns he's been subconsciously painting for YEARS, that when he tried on that crown Simon stole it fit, that that baby on that mural WAS HIM, that BRO HE IS THE LOST PRINCE.
Then he yells at Shepherd for stealing him away and Shepherd is like "okay fuck you" and plans to lock him up forever
Meanwhile, Simon gets broken out of prison by two cowboys and their gaggle of thieves and bounty hunters and a horse named Riley. Riley takes him to the tower where he climbs up and gets stabbed by Shepherd after seeing Soap LITERALLY CHAINED TO A WALL.
John begs Shepherd to let him heal her, that he'll go with him quietly and never complain if he does and Shepherd agrees and chains Simon up too so he can't follow them. Soap goes to heal her and Simon slices off a bunch of his hair. Shepherd rapidly ages and falls out of the window and dies, L moment. Simon dies too tho, sad.
For real though, "You were my new dream" "And you were mine" fucks me up every time. Anyway, Simon dies, Soap's magic tears of love or something brings her back to life.
"Did I ever mention...I like brunettes" "PFF- YER AN ARSEHOLE!" "Sorry Johnny, there can only be one blonde person in this relationship!"
Anyway happily ever after and all that, Soap gets to reunite w his long lost fathers and brother.
Look idk how they recognize him okay. Father's intuition? Blue eyes? The big fat scar on his chin that wasn't ACTUALLY from someone stealing Soap (he was a stupid baby)? Idk could be any or all of those.
THE END!!!!!! Thank you to those who sat here and read ALL of this <3 big preesh! Okay idk how to end this so bye
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moldybonessmell · 1 year
Okay, but can we talk about this one Christmas scene in BBC Sherlock S2E2?
Let's take a look at this one dialog that occured when John needs to stay with Sherlock to comfort him after Irene's death and his girlfriend is upset:
"You're a great boyfriend!" "Okay, that's good. I mean, I always thought I was great-" "And Sherlock Holmes is a very lucky man." "Oh, Jeanette please"
John has his priorities and it's very obvious to everyone involved (even tho I do think that staying with your best friend after the death of a person who was important to him is a valid reason to miss a celebration) I suppose it just was the last straw for her
"No, I mean it. It's heartwarming. You'll do anything for him. And he can't even tell your girlfriends apart!"
The fact that John's love is so unconditional he doesn't even care if Sherlock returns it reminds me so much of this one episode of Doctor Who where River Song compared loving Doctor to loving sun: "You don't expect the sun to love you back!" or something like this, I don't remember the quote and it breaks my heart so much.
(Yes I did a wholock reference, what are you gonna do about it?)
And I also see here how much he tries to move on knowing that sun will not love him back but he just can't.
"No, I'll do anything for you, just tell me what it is, I'm not doing, tell me!" "Don't make me compete with Sherlock Holmes!"
This quote is so important because even Jeanette knows and understands the entirety of the situation John's in.
Compete with Sherlock Holmes is something nobody can do (all his enemies get defeated as we know) but not only villians are a threat, even loved ones will always be on a second place for John. The first place is forever taken by this one nerd not knowing the Earth is moving around the Sun (even tho he's the sun himself).
"I'll walk your dog for you. There, I've said it now, I'll even walk your dog." "I don't have a dog!" "No, because that was the last one- Okay."
Even John himself admits his defeat and realises what he got himself into.
(He did marry Mary eventually, and even tho I love her character, I can't help but see her being another one of "escapes" for John.)
Please don't witchhunt me for "hating on straight ships" or whatever, complain at the directors and writers who made John so unbearably closeted any other of his ships just doesn't sail (pun fully intended).
All I see here is a man desperately stuck in his one-sided feelings and fear of being out, he goes through the struggle a lot of queer people experienced in their life.
Yes, it's been done many times before, but I can't help but say that the production crew are cowards for not making John canonically queer when his writing is so authentic it makes me experience almost physical pain.
Coming back to the topic of Mary btw, I think it was fucking lame in the way her destiny turned out to be. She deserved to have a good life with loving husband and a child, but writers put her in the story just to make John not so openly queer coded (bi and pan people exist btw but it's a topic for another conversation unfortunately) and they just killed her off to "sail" the johnlock ship in the end because they are cowards to actually follow through with queerbaiting (that's what the quotes for, because they haven't actually sailed it). I hate, and I mean HATE when a woman is added to a story just for a man's character development and gets killed off and BBC's Sherlock situation is exactly like this. Why even add her to the story if you don't plan on making her stay with John? The last season makes no sense and makes me so angry I often pretend it doesn't exist "BOO TOMATOES TOMATOES-" (it's the reason I don't want any new Sherlock seasons tbh)
Okay, this post is all over the place, at this point I'm more just ranting instead of doing a proper topic analysis but I hope you liked it anyway. Share your opinion if you have any, ig the Sherlock tag is too full at this point I don't really see people taking about stuff while checking the tag (saying this as if the first season didn't come out like 13 years ago)
Have a good day :)
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mdhwrites · 1 year
I heard Dana gave toh fans the freedom to consider their headcanons canon, or smth like that. There's probably more info on twitter but I don't use the app. What do you think?
So what I've heard is that it's not entirely this. It is just saying that whatever Dana says outside of the show, like in livestreams, panels, etc. don't count as canon. The only things that are explicitly canon is that which is in the show. Otherwise, everything else is her personal headcanons which are just as valid as any fans'. I was introduced to this a few days ago by someone sharing it with me (this was apparently said in a livestream btw so will almost certainly get lost to time) a tweet with me about someone being happy about their fan children being 'canon' It was cute and I didn't check what the ships were. I mostly responded to that person being happy that they could headcanon Lumischa as having eventually happened because that was more fun for me especially with my hands being bad. Besides, I think the statement is dumb on multiple levels that I'll get to eventually. Reading this question, I spent more than a single second thinking about it and went "Wait, but Amity is only a lesbian because Dana says so. This is absolutely going to make 70% of the fandom choose to make her bi because then they can ship her with whoever they want." AND GUESS WHAT SHIP THE TWEET WAS ABOUT!? FUCKING AMITER! It has always been a problem for the show that Amity's sexuality is not stated in it. It creates a similar excuse to what people who have to defend stuff like SasuNaru (my introduction to shipping through my older sister btw) of "They don't have a canon sexuality." Well... No longer does Amity. We do know she's interested in girls but that doesn't mean she isn't pan or bi.
I personally do not agree with this interpretation. For me, changing characters who appear to commonly be straight to gay is fine... Because there's close to zero gay characters in most genres, let alone mainstream popular shows. How many are in Shounen anime in general? Okay now remove the villains who are queer coded and tell me again. If the LGBTQIA+ (which I want to remind you I'm not a part of so I don't benefit from this interpretation) want to tell their stories within the media they like, they HAVE to change sexualities. They have no other choice. Meanwhile, Amity is not a particularly special archtype so if you're a straight dude wanting to ship her with yourself, you can find that elsewhere. Even within the same show, just use Lilith who in S1 was similar to Amity. Though yes, Lilith is technically aro/ace but only by decree from Dana and the show never actually sways one way or another on her feelings on relationships because... Why the fuck would it? It's a comedy adventure. Which brings us to the complicated question of what is right to include in a story or not (which I could go into a LOT more in a different blog). It's not like everyone is constantly stating their sexualities in real life after all. It's a rough place for a lot of creators, just like saying if a character is nuerodivergent. A lot of stories just don't have a place for that sort of exposition and honestly the author letting us know outside of the work IS useful for that. Would it be better if it were stated in the show? In TOH's case, because of how much it stakes its reputation on representation, YES. For most? Not really but most don't court the romance genre, where saying those sexualities is more reasonable, like TOH does.
So that's one reason why I don't like the statement. Dana sticking to her guns on her ideas is one of the few saving graces I could give her and just saying "Fuck it, you all decide what you want to be canon so long as it isn't in the show" is just... not that. Not unless she was going to go whole hog and say that the IP was in the public domain so LITERALLY MAKE THE CANON YOU WANT! Which would have been novel but is also NEVER going to happen. Instead, her statement amounts to "I officially give you permission to make fanworks." Which... Lady, you don't get to decide that. No creative does. If people want to make work off of your story, they're gonna do that regardless of what you say. The creator of Calvin and Hobbes is FAMOUS for how anti-commercial he was of his work and spent much of his career making sure that his strips, panels, characters etc. didn't appear on t-shirts. And he still failed mostly because stopping EVERY avenue was simply impossible.
Also Dana has not really put much authoritatively on the scales besides the sexualities, making the statement even more pointless. If she's dropped giant lore dumps, I haven't heard about them and I've been in this fandom long enough that I feel like I should have heard about them. Instead we got small things like Amity dying her hair because her mom forced her to. That isn't going to break anyone's story and I even personally used it as a bonding moment between the two because I made Odalia neurotic about stuff like that.
So I guess my big question is... Who cares? Unless you actively don't like the few answers we've been given by the crew. And if that's the case... That's what fanworks are for. For when you don't like canon and want to change it. You don't need permission for that. You never have. =========
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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carmenized-onions · 4 months
hi! this isn't related to chicago's kindest (which is amazing btw, can't wait to read ch. 6) but i saw that you're in film/tv and i'm wondering how that's going for you!! i've always been passionate about film but i'm not currently pursuing it in school, so i wanted to know what you're currently doing with that (if you're comfortable sharing) or if you can give any insight to people looking into going to school for that industry!!
Oh my lovely lovely summer child.
I'm gonna tell you a bunch of shit. And you're gonna do me a favour, you're gonna listen to none of it. You're going to completely ignore any advice anyone gives you, and you're gonna do what the fuck YOU wanna do. Not everything has panned out perfect for me, but I will never ever ever regret pursuing film, and I have every intention of coming back to it on an actual career stand point.
Right now, I'm not in film or tv (career wise. I stay fuckin' writing my scripts tho, it's vv important to do that on the side). Alas. Such is life. I do admin. Cute lil' desk job. I like it. The people are nice, as are the hours, as is the idea of consistent cash flow.
Film for a lot of people is either gig based or teetering on being laid off if you've got a permanent position or a union job that, if you're being honest with yourself, you are scared it's gonna become dead end. That's right out of school, at least. That's probably gonna be like, the first 5-10 years. I'm only on year 2. It's fucking hell. It goes by slow and you feel like everyone is succeeding more than you. I want you to know, they're not. You're not falling behind-- My mentor, a prolific director/writer (like worked with Netflix and shit) said so, so it's not just me saying so.
We're amid strikes and union busting and revolutions-- It's so complicated, rn. And honestly, I got my degree in the pandemic-- The entire industry is absolutely still feeling the effects of that. I'd also add here, while I think my information is vague enough to go for all of North America-- I am Canadian. So if you live in a major U.S city like Chicagooooo or New York or Los Angeles-- You're going to have a radically different experience than I am in Toronto.
If you feel comfy DMing me, we can chat more about your interests! I love film, I love to write-- I love to direct. That's what I did in school, and I'll be damned if I don't do that shit again. But those things do take time to be allowed to do professionally.
The best advice I can give you: When you're in school-- Socialize. Do your best on student films, because if you beef it it goes around FAST. I had a fantastic reputation in Film College ngl, and it served me extremely well. Keep up your connections.
Get a good consistent job that gives you a schedule you can work with, then work on your own film shit on the side. Get weird. Stay learning. I'm gonna start going to local improv because that's what all the writer's i've known do. And they have careers now. So. Yknow.
Things I wish I did different:
I fucking hate applying to festivals, but you have to do it, i'm so sorry.
Every. Summer. Apply for an internship. Any internship. Any film internship, rather.
You will be okay if you study a little bit less and spend time with your peers a little bit more. That didn't neccessarily impact where I am now-- But it's just something that looking back i'm like... I didn't need to take these notes... I shoulda went to that party my friends begged me to join.
And if you want bluntness? My classmates who took production management/producer courses? They're all the ones with consistent film jobs now. But like. Again. Do what the fuck YOU want. Don't follow the money, it won't end up feeding you.
This was a lot, but again, feel free to DM me if you want even more deranged ramblings. I'm happy to go into more personal detail-- It's honestly vv important that you go to a film school that's actually fuckin' WORTH SOMETHING-- Because a lot of them are snake oil. I love/hate my College tho. Love them because I learned more than I would anywhere else. Hate them because that was psychological torture everyday I think I had a panic attack like 3 times a week.
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cappymightwrite · 3 years
Good morning Cappy,
I just want to thank you about your answer to that last anon question that you received, because your reply is something that touched me deeply
I'm a woman in my mid 30s and I've never been in a relationship, except for 2 very short and disastrous attempts in my early 20s, of course being a female I get asked about when I'm going to get a boyfriend all the time, and I feel like a failure as a woman for being still single, and I feel like there's something wrong with me that I can't put my finger on, and that thing is the reason that men don't approach me, not even to flirt, on a night out. Maybe I give off a weird vibe, I don't know. But your answer made me think that maybe you're right and I'm not a failure as a woman, and if being on a serious relationship is something that I really want, even if I don't ever get it, it doesn't really mean that there's something bad about me, sometimes it just doesn't happen, and those are things that my friends tell me all the time but reading it from someone that I don't know, talking in a general way that has nothing to do with me, it hits differently
So thanks very much for sharing your thoughts with us!
Hey! Aw, no problem anon!
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I totally get what you're saying and I've definitely felt that pressure myself (I'm 25 btw), and I still do at times. But the thing is... not ages ago, but a while ago, I did start a relationship with someone which didn't pan out, in fact I ended it, and the reason for that was because I realised that I was with him because I wanted to prove to myself that I could be in a "serious" relationship. Not because we really connected on a deeper level, at least on my side unfortunately. It made me realise that I'd rather be on my own, as my authentic self, feel how I feel, rather than try to package myself away into something else... to what? Prove that I'm loveable/desirable etc?
I know I'm those things. But it took some self-reflection and acceptance of my time with myself to come to that conclusion. I talked about the importance of self reliance in that Ben post and I really do believe that, more than ever actually. Sometimes being in relationship makes you smaller at the expense of having the social kudos of being in a relationship. Your "success" as a person can become wholly attached to your "success" at that relationship.
But being in a serious relationship won't fix a person's hang-ups, their sense of self worth etc, if anything it reveals them. Sometimes you can work on those things together, but really it's a job for yourself.
Believe me when I say you're not a failure. And there's nothing inherently wrong with you. You are you and you are living your life, one that is unique to you. But if you feel like you are a failure, if you feel unworthy in any way, the burden of that mentality is going to come across in the way you navigate through life. Your "vibe" for a lack of a better word, and maybe that's the "weird vibe" you think you give off. It's an unfounded lack of confidence in yourself.
But likewise, if you take a step back and think, actually I'm good, I'm good with myself and I'm good on my own, but I want to give and share too and that's ok... that will come across as well. But in order to reach that "I'm good" mindset, it takes a bit of introspection.
At the end of the day, romantic love is wonderful and it's perfectly normal to want it, to feel sad that you don't have it, to compare yourself to others etc. That's just life, and no one is 100% happy and sure of themselves all the time. But what is also wonderful and equally valuable is knowing who you are on your own, how to be on your own, what you appreciate, what you value etc. And really, once you embrace that, I think, it sets you up for being a better partner, if and when that happens. Because why shouldn't it? Having a strong sense of self is one of the most attractive things about a person, IMO, and being self reliant, shrugging off those shackles of societal shame, has a lot to play in that. And if you don't ever meet "the one" or whatever, your core self won't suffer for it. Because you know who you are, you know how to be, you know you're good, coz you're you.
I hope all that came across ok! I myself am still figuring stuff out about myself and relationships all the time, lmao. I just think... we beat ourselves up so much about so many things, that you're more likely to see positive change in your life when you actually just say fuck that I'm going to be kind to myself, I'm going to be forgiving, I'm going to remove the pressure to rush, to reach that imaginary, illusory finish line. Because there isn't one! By millimetres and by miles, things are changing all the time, things go away, and things come back again. You think you're fixed in one place... and then maybe you aren't. That's the spice of life babeyyy
Thanks for the ask and thanks for sharing! :)
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robin-the-enby · 3 years
Hello there! I hope you are fine. May I have a Black Butler matchup?
So uh I'm 17, INFP, a pisces and a pan. I have short, straight black hair with black-ish big eyes. I have an round face with chubby cheeks even though I'm a bit of the thin side.I have long eyelashes and wear glasses. So basically I have baby face and I don't show my age at all! As for my height I'm 1.70 cm.
For my personality, I'm that mom-friend that every friend group has. Need some painkillers? BAM! Need some pads? Do you need 1 or 50? You are hurt? Don't worry I have an aid kit. Your stomach or head hurts? Honey, don't you worry I have a various kind of herb teas with myself.
If someone needs a shoulder to cry on, that person is me. If somebody hurts my friends I go like "So you are saying that he/she/they broke your heart? Okay give me the names and addresses. Now."I would deal with them and then say "So do I need to break some more faces?" I'm not that violent but if they touch my family and friends.... May God help them.
But I'm actually very kind and smiley. I'm the kind of person who smiles at strangers, hold the door for them, talk with a waiter casually and smile at them as well. I never judge someone for their nationality, skin color, language, sexuality etc. And If I see someone bully another person for these reasons or another one, I stand against the bully and if needed I beat them.
I may seem like an cold and serious person at first meeting but over time I'm the biggest goofball and crackhead you can ever see! Sometimes I'm a bit sarcastic and tease my closest friends a lot- ofc I never offend them. I know what they are insecure about( if they are, WHICH isn't allowed on my watch.- and My friends always tell me that I kinda flirt with them but I never realize and When I actually try to flirt, I can't? But I also know how to be serious as well.
For the hobbies; I love watching anime, literature, myths, listening and observing people, comforting people or just listen their rantings, reading, listening music and singing.... I am not that good at gardening and stuff but sometimes I do this as well...
Thanks a lot in advance and I'm glad I found you blog!😍😘
Hi, I'm doing amazing, thanks for asking! I honestly wish every mom friend out there a very pleasant existence. Don't forget to take care of yourself, huns! I match you with:
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This dude, omg. He'd declare his love for you the day you two meet.
Of course, at that time he isn't really in love with you (yet), but he definitely wants to spend more time with you.
And oh boy does he spend more time with you. As soon as he finds out where you live, he'd be at your doorstep every day, asking if you wanted to hang out.
If you'd say no, he'd give you the most convincing and iressistible puppy dog eyes that you've ever seen.
This man child is very clingy, but Agni holds him back to an extent, because everybody needs time for themselves.
Btw, Agni is your biggest shipper and fan, you have his infinite blessings from the start.
But as soon as you set some boundaries (and trust me when I say you gotta do it firmly, because he can be a bit thick, if you know what I mean), he'll become the cutest, most selfless boyfriend you've ever had.
Mans is enchanted by your kind and helping personality, but he'd rather if you both got pampered by Agni (who is honestly just really happy for you two so he doesn't mind) than you doing the work.
However, if you're insistent, he'll just sigh and later on brag to everyone (ehmehmCielehmehm) about how kind of a girlfriend he's got and how you're his entire life and he'd give up anything for you if he had to.
Have you ever forgotten to take care of yourself, since you're taking care of others all the time? Well, not anymore! Soma makes sure that if you're adamant on taking care of him and others, you will get taken care of as well!
That said, sometimes he gets jealous of Agni if you spend too much time with him, assuring that he's ok too or anything else. He'd pull you away to do something and act pouty around Agni and the poor khansama has no clue what he did wrong.
Soma plans days off for you two, be it so that you could just be lazy all day and stay in bed or have a picnic or go to a spa.
Sometimes he gets insecure about his personality, worrying that he's "too much" and overwhelming (usually after getting scolded by Ciel).
He'd love if you just cuddled him and reassured him that you won't leave him because he's too loud.
He's very handsy as well, kind of like Lizzy with Ciel, just not as forcefull. He won't yank you around, but he is the master of surprise hugs and suddenly picking you up off the ground.
He's not really a crackhead, but definitely a himbo. So your energies go very well together <3
Agni would tell the both of you stories and myths from India, sing you their songs and Soma would try to teach you some dances if you'd like. If you say yes, he's over the moon! He can't wait to dress you in their national robes, you'll look like a princess that you basically are now.
In return, you can share some myths from your country and get them both familiar with your culture in return.
Soma would just be such a great and fun boyfriend!
I can also see you with: I wanted to say Joker, because I feel like he's also very kind to those around him, but I don't have that good of a grasp on him yet, since I'm in the process of watching Book of circus. But definitely Grell Sutcliff - She loves to get pampered and taken care of. Would love it if you listened to her ramble. But she knows not to just take from someone. I feel like she'd love to spoil you almost as much as she loves to be spoiled. Like, this woman goes all out. Spa days and makeovers and shopping are a must. She'll give you her honest opinions on outfits that would look good on you and trust me, she has a keen eye ;) You just need to remind her sometimes to slow down or calm down a bit, she's very excited since there's finally somebody who gives her the love and attention she deserves <3
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via-rant · 4 years
Hello people. So I just confirmed a few things that are very intetesting. I am a genderfluid pan/demisexual.
Yes I know a little while back I said I was non-binary but that was because I was more confused about myself than ever and rhought it would be easier to be called "they" instead of "she".
Back on topic I have been questioning all of it for a while. I honestly didn't think any of this exsited until I moved to Texas which, btw, was two, almost three, years ago. I met this girl who would always mention she was bisexual. I asked her what it was and she explained it to me.
That was when I was in seventh grade. My family moved middle schools and I started noticing more girls. I would cry out of confusion at night because I didn't know what was happening.
Than highschool came along and I joined cologuard. I started crushing on a girl from clorguard who soon became my best friend and we still are. She's also bisexual. I considered myself as bisexual for a while but never really confirmed it because it didn't sound right so I was even more confused and kept going back and forth between lesbian or bi for months.
Than I found out about pansexual and I decided I should look it up. I found a million other sexualities and it made me more confused than ever.
It took me two years to realize I wasn't bi I was actually pan but I wasn't proud of it and I'm still not. I than considered my gender. I thought of Transgender but that didn't really fit. So, as the second paragraph says, I stuck with non - binary.
By my sophmore year I had a freshman friend who was a-sexual. I knew I wasn't but I knew I don't like dating people I didn't know. So I came to terms with also being demi.
I know this is really long and you peobably don't want to hear my selfish stories but I felt like sharing so uh yeah.
Heres a picture I did earlier today.
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I know it's not the best, I can't draw, but oh well.
Btw if you want me to tell you which gender I am each day than let me know.
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cheemken · 3 years
if it's not too personal, what does it feel being aromantic, and being aro in a relationship?
Ah being aro be dope, it's cool, it's amazing, respect your local aros or die
But ehhh,,, y'know what sure why not share my lil experience too hahaha
So fun story
Back then, I had a shitton of fake crushes bc like, every damn girl in my class wouldn't stop breathing down my neck going "hey who do you like owo" so me, getting annoyed by it, told them I like this random guy and such, and yeah, and idk,,, they still keep asking and all that, and hey might as well go w their lil game and tell them I like another guy
But honestly??? I really don't see anything abt them that I deem to be romantically appealing. Like, I only see them as friends, brothers really by how supportive they are of me, and idk man,, even when I told em I was bi, they still kept going on asking on who I like, so I had to fake another crush
And sometimes, y'know, it kinda hurts bc I convinced myself that I should love someone, that I should have an actual romantic crush too, but I don't and I thought that maybe it's just my looks that they don't like me too, or maybe it's smth abt me that's broken and that's why I never really saw what everyone else sees
But then i discovered the word "aromantic" from a post and said that aros experience little to now romantic feelings and Y O
You don't understand how happy that made me bc holy shit!!!! I'm not the only one!!!!!! And it's so nice to see other people being like me and not seeing the romantic appeal or smth of peeps and such much tho hahaha
Like it's nice y'know, cause I always thought that it was smth in me that's wrong, broken, that I really cannot feel anything for anyone in class, but nah man, not broken, they all just suck (joking btw, well,, half joking hahaha) but still tho hahah
And like,,, being aro in a relationship,,,
Kinda surprising right considering I never really fell for anyone hahaha
But like,,, idk, there's smth abt Pan that made me,,, well,,, love her and it was so surprising bc it scared me cause I never felt this before y'know, it's a really new feeling for me and I thought "oh yo am I really not aromantic???"
But hey, I still am, some aros are in a relationship and such
Like back then when I was still in Six, almost everyone was gushing about the actresses and such and I'm just "I mean... They have dope voices—" idk man, Sam Pauly be dope ngl, but ig that's just me lying to myself to be like others and gushing about her too bc everyone's like,,, yeah, everyone's all over dem actresses but I really just can't see it y'know hahah
And I do love Pan, I want her to be w me, and I want to be w her, she's like, everything to me, and God I just want to be w her rn more than anything
But like, w others tho, like peeps gushing abt some celebrity or smth,, yeah, I,, I really don't see any appeal hahaha
Even until now, I do try to see what's so great abt em, like, some are nice, some do look, in everyone's standards, attractive, but I don't really see it. From celebrities to even just the guys here that are deemed attractive, I honestly don't see the appeal of it
It's smth, but hey, it's still okay hahah
I'm still me, and I'm aromantic, and even if I do have a gf, that's okay, bc that doesn't make me any less of an aro right hahaha
But yeah to sum it up
Being aro be trippy before but now it's fine bc I'm confident w what I identify as and peeps should be too even if you're not too sure cause hey it's fun discovering yourself in the process too hahah and hey, no offence to the peeps who do feel romantic feelings and such, to the peeps who do have crushes and all that, you do you mate hahaha it's your life and such so hey
anyways yeah hahaha
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