#btw before anyone calls me an idiot for paying so much for the game: i am not American. that is not in USD.
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mmmmm $120 game
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five-rivers · 3 years
@lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks came up with this op!Danny/Marvel AU!
BTW I need help naming this newest proof that I can't keep anything to a short little one-shot.
Loki was not, and never had been, a good man. For that matter, whether or not he’d ever been a good boy was debatable. His mother would argue that he had, but she would very likely be the only one. Well, except for Thor, perhaps, but that was because he was an idiot who could drown in three inches of nostalgia. Like he didn’t remember every time Loki had humiliated him. Maybe he didn’t, for all that he kept falling for the same trick over and over again.
It made Loki’s late nights studying the arts of illusion, misdirection, and lying seem redundant. Almost. Not everyone was as dense as his big brother.
No. Loki had never been a good man. He had, however, been a free man.
Free to run or hide. Free to explore the nooks and crannies of Asgard, to uncover her secrets in ways few cared to do. Free to walk hidden paths between the Nine Realms and even farther flung territories, where his people did not and had never ruled, to play games, make deals, have adventures, take risks. To be. To exist as his own creature.
He had been free. He had.
But on one of those little secret excursions, he had discovered something that had made even his flippant, slippery heart clench with fear. A ravening plague, spreading across the stars. The death of half of everything on the horizon.
Loki was not a good man. What cause did he have to care for all the sundry others in the universe? There were too many. It was too much to ask.
But Asgard—His home, even though the had long ago realized the blood in his veins originated on very different soil. That was different.
Asgard, he could help. Asgard could survive.
But it had to be strong. It had to have strong allies. None of this barely-held peace, this enemy eternally at their gates. It needed strong leadership. Not his brother’s simplistic view and longing for the glory of war.
Loki was not a good man. But he was one who could get things done.
Before he knew it, he had burned all his bridges behind him. In one case, a literal bridge that was literally broken.
And he fell.
And he fell.
And he fell right into the hands of the one he had feared enough to do this. Broken enough for poison to drip into the cracks. No one knew where he was, no one could know where he was, except, perhaps, Heimdal, and Loki sincerely doubted Heimdal cared. No one was coming for him. No one was looking for him. No rescue was forthcoming.
He was alone.
Asgardians were considered gods for a reason. Their bodies and minds were much more resilient than the average mortal’s. But Thanos’s people had been titans, and there was a reason for that, too.
Thanos enjoyed breaking him.
And Loki turned his lies on himself. A skilled master of games always had one gifted opponent, even alone. Hadn’t he wanted to rule? To command? To see a world, any world, prostrate at his feet? To be given the recognition and praise of which he was so worth?
To pull something, anything, out of the fire?
(If he had spent less time learning how to spin lies and more on how to see the truth, he might not have believed it. A better, wiser, man would have. But Loki was not a good man. And he was very skilled in his craft.)
So, his new master put a weapon in his hands, and he went off to conquer a world.
Danny was used to rude awakenings. He was used to those rude awakenings being full body chills and ghosts, not someone knocking on his door.
Blearily, he pulled himself out from under the blankets. Quasi-military government facility or not, the beds were comfortable. Maybe Mom or Dad had gotten themselves locked out of their room? Or Jazz—No, not Jazz, she hadn’t come with them. She was at college, not being flown places by Mom and Dad’s suspiciously generous new consulting job.
At least it wasn’t the GIW.
He stood on tiptoe (curse his perpetually short body) to peer out the peephole. His parents’ buff, one-eyed, and incredibly imposing new boss stood in front of the door, hands on his hips, slightly sweeping back his long dark coat. If Danny listened carefully, he could hear two other people near the door, and… was that an alarm? Yes. Faint, but present, was a warning klaxon.
Okay. Danny would bet his right arm that something had gone horribly wrong with whatever his parents were consulting on. Didn’t explain why the boss was in front of his door.
Unless they’d gotten the rooms mixed up, somehow?
Ugh. Danny wasn’t paid enough to deal with this.
He opened the door. “What-?”
“Phantom,” intoned eyepatch guy with great solemnity.
Danny immediately tried to close the door. The guy stuck his foot in the jamb, and, sure, Danny could have crushed it, but that would be a jerk move. He didn’t think this guy was going for a pirate look, after all.
“We need your help.”
“I’m not sure what you think I can help you with,” yelled Danny over the beating of the helicopter blades. He’d remained stubbornly in human form. “My parents are the scientists. This sounds like a science thing. Not a punching-people thing.”
“We spoke to them earlier,” said Fury, “and we have plenty of scientists working on the theories they brought up. You’re the one with practical experience.”
“Practical experience in what?”
“Interdimensional portals,” said the woman, who had yet to introduce herself.
As if this whole thing wasn’t already giving him a bad feeling. “My parents built an interdimensional portal. Again, you should be talking to them. They’re the ones you’re paying.”
“We could pay you, too,” said Fury, “but we assumed you would want to avoid letting your parents know about this, as you’re still a minor and they have control of your bank accounts.”
Danny stared flatly. “This is blackmail.”
“We aren’t threatening you,” pointed out the woman.
“Emotional blackmail,” said Danny, glaring, daring her to challenge him on whether or not he actually knew what blackmail was.
In the meantime, the helicopter landed. Danny unbuckled and hopped out, trailing slightly awkwardly behind Fury and the woman. He didn’t want to stand out, but he suspected that, being the only kid here and being in the general vicinity of Fury, who radiated authority, that was a lost cause.
“This is Agent Coulson. Coulson, this is Phantom.”
Danny’s mouth went dry(er) at how casual the introduction was. His eyes went nervously to all the other people running around the field. With all the noise, it was unlikely anyone had heard, but still…
“Can you not? Secret identity and all? Unless you’ve told everyone herealready, which, rude.”
Fury sighed. “How bad is it?” he asked Coulson.
“We’re not sure,” said Coulson. “That’s the problem. Big fan of your work, by the way,” he added as an aside to Danny. He glanced at the woman. “Agent Hill.”
“Background?” asked Fury as he led the way into the building.
“The first energy surge was four hours ago. Dr. Selvig’s equipment picked it up – He’s the head scientist on this project.”
“Dr. Selvig isn’t authorized to test,” said Fury. “We wanted to run his plans by the Fentons.”
“He wasn’t testing. He wasn’t even in the room. He called it ‘spontaneous advancement.’”
“It turned itself on?”
“What are the energy levels?” asked Fury before Hill’s question could be answered.
“Climbing,” said Coulson.
“Mr. Fenton,” said Fury, “any comments?”
“Look, I don’t even know what this thing that you built looks like or what it’s a door to.” Danny frowned as a thought occurred to him. “You’re not expecting me to fight whatever comes out of it, are you? Because, unless you’ve got a ghost portal down there, I can’t make guarantees.”
“It’s called the Tesseract,” said Coulson. “It’s supposed to be a connection to the other side of space. A source of unlimited energy. At least,” there was a note of humor in his voice despite the evacuation taking place around them, “that’s what the scientists say.”
“A door to space?” asked Danny, firmly shoving down his excitement at the prospect. “Like, a Stargate?” It was no good, he could practically feel himself sparkling. He took a firm grip of his core and reminded himself he might need to fight before the end of the day.
“Well, no,” said Coulson. “It’s this little… cube… thing.” He made a shape with his hands.
“Oh,” said Danny, mind still whirring. “You know, if it’s really a tesseract, it isn’t a cube in just three dimensions, so bigger things could come out of it than you’d think.” He’d seen some weird portals in the Ghost Zone.
“Well, right now, we’re just getting energy.” They entered a large room with an extremely sci-fi setup. It looked like they were planning to shoot some kind of laser across the room onto a platform surrounded by strange-looking panels. There were men with guns scattered around in what was probably a well thought out formation Danny couldn’t see. There was also a dude with a bow sitting up in the rafters. He frowned down at Danny as he noticed Danny noticing him.
“Dr. Selvig!”
“What do we know?”
Danny allowed himself to be distracted by the centerpiece of the room, a piece of machinery built around what was indeed a little cube thing. He tilted his head and approached, trying to get a better view of it around the people in lab coats and protective gear currently swarming it. He caught mention of radiation a grimaced.
It was unlikely to kill him, but, really, everyone here should probably be wearing more PPE. You never knew what was going to come out of an interdimensional portal, after all. Except trouble. Trouble was a pretty safe bet.
It was pretty. Blue. Reminded him a little of a blue raspberry ice pop. Part of him wanted to lick it. Which was stupid. He didn’t want to wind up half what-ever-lived-on-the-other-side on top of his regular ghost nonsense.
“Mr. Fenton?”
Danny jumped and turned, refocusing on the adults, who had multiplied while he’d been daydreaming. The guy with the bow had joined them.
“Mr. Fenton? Like the Doctors Fenton I spoke to earlier?” asked Selvig.
“Yeah, it’s—”
This, of course, was when everything decided to explode. Sort of.
The blue cube shot out a beam of energy that had more than a little in common with the Fenton Bazooka’s portal setting. The beam terminated on the platform, a portal rapidly forming.
Danny slid into a fighting stance, and barely even noticed as blue energy washed over the room, throwing many less-prepared people back.
Something shaped like a man stepped through the portal.
Danny did not break his stance. Still. “An alien,” he whispered, eyes wide. If they were friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space. If they weren’t friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space after Danny beat them up.
(Danny did not go ghost. Did not even think about going ghost. There were too many people here, and the space was too open.)
Fury attempted to negotiate. Danny approved. Not everything that came through an interdimensional portal was necessarily evil.
Except this guy apparently was. Go figure. He could also deflect bullets and was very good with throwing knives, which led to Danny having to pull several of the gun guys out of their own line of fire as well as the alien’s line of knife. Who would have thought an alien’s weapon of choice would be throwing knives? The energy-blasting spear was much more in line with his expectations.
The bow guy proved to be more competent than the gun guys. This didn’t really surprise Danny. Bow guy sort of had to be competent. Otherwise, no way would they let him go around with a bow. Like, seriously. A bow.
Even so, bow guy was fighting an alien and—
“You have heart,” said the alien, raising the spear.
Danny pushed bow guy out of the way, and his mind fuzzed out.
(The human part of it, anyway.)
Loki didn’t know what a child was doing here, and he didn’t particularly care. The boy would do for a hostage, at least. He had a mission he had to fulfil, or else…
Or else.
“Please don’t,” he said turning with a shadow of his usual lazy affect, vaguely insulted that the human thought he could be sneaker that him, “I still need that.”
The human went on and on, apparently burdened with the delusion that he was on the same level as Loki.
Loki was burdened with other things. A glorious purpose. Glad tidings. Freedom. What could be better than freedom?
“A world free from what?” asked the human.
“From freedom,” said Loki, and wasn’t that what he believed, now? Wasn’t that what he’d been shown? “Freedom is life’s great lie.” He would know. He was an excellent liar. “Once you accept that, in your heart—” He batted away an arrow and tsked. “Shield me, boy,” he demanded. Had Thanos misrepresented the scepter’s powers? Or was the boy merely—
A dome of green surrounded him and the boy, thrumming with magic the likes of which he had only seen once, in a tome thrice forbidden.
“Oh,” said Loki, almost purring. “You are interesting. What are you?”
“Half human, half ghost,” replied the boy, tersely.
Loki had never heard of such a creature. No matter. He’d be sure to make good use of him.
“Grab the scientist,” he said, nodding at the balding man who had been with his brother when he’d fought the Destroyer in the desert.
Loki wanted the archer. He seemed interesting. Useful.
Fenton was under thrall. Phantom knew what that felt like. A hundred feet under red water, trying not to drown, whispers everywhere. Pulling. Pushing. Prodding.
This was different, but the principle was the same.
Neither half of him could truly ‘fight’ the other. Fenton and Phantom were a single entity. Not two in lockstep. Even so.
Fenton grabbed onto Dr. Selvig, as ordered. Phantom made sure that was all they did.
“What are you doing, boy?” snapped Loki. “Follow me! Bring the scientist.”
And so, they followed.
Loki breathed. Acquiring Barton had been the right choice. The boy was powerful, but, perhaps because of his unique biology, did not have Barton’s presence of mind, and couldn’t have led him to such wonderful allies.
These weren’t truly his allies. Nor were they subjects. They were…
Loki forced himself to breathe. He just had to follow the mission. Follow the mission, let Thanos’s army through. He’d been promised this world. He would have this world.
And then he could be… His mind stuttered over the next word, and he shook his head, trying to drive out the painful buzz of Thanos’s herald and mouthpiece trying to contact him.
He looked up at the drones bustling around, all according to his will. Except the boy, who stared at him, somehow managing to be both utterly blank and challenging at the same time.
He was alone, here.
He was alone.
But what did it matter? Bad men always wound up alone, and Loki… Loki could never be a good man.
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kiwibirbs-library · 4 years
Not What You Expected
a/n: hi hi so i had this idea after seeing a bunch of things on how everyone thinks kags is super scary but he really is a cinnamon roll and about how hes only really seen like because of middle school. So imma play off that. im thinking about making this a type of series but idk on who other than like three charcters soooo
btw this is kags second year so the third years arent there there to much. Im also going to warn you right now this is INCREADABLY LONG as crap and the stories are uneven i got carried away
word count: 3460 words
warnings: fluff of the century, not read through
pairing: Kageyama Tobio x fem!reader
summary: Tobio Kageyama looks like the type to be mean at any time of day to anyone. Of course of the past couple of years you’ve learned different. Over plenty of moments you’ve seen that reputation get proven wrong.
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not my art
The Day You Met
Tobio Kageyama.
The name is known around Karasuno now that he’s a second year. Normally that’s a good thing. But his name was known for being a guys the was mean and snappy. A name known for a guy with no friends and no sociability. 
You had never met the guy. Never even seen him in all honestly. You had transfered from Fukurodani half way through this year so it wasn’t to surprising. Still you would think you would at least see him at some point. I mean he even came to the school while you were there. Bokuto had told you about him enough times to know that much.
So when one of your friends invited you to a practice game they were having,, you took the chance to finally see the dude. And dang when you saw him, you SAW him.
There, in the middle of a game that tired YOU out by watching, was this guy running around and jumping like crazy. Everyone was so focused on him and how he was moving. Your eyes how ever were focused on the tall boy with black hair near the net. He seemed so focused on everything. The players, the ball, the net, everything. It was crazy to watch him. He seemed so serious at first but then when he would score a point with a serve his eyes seemed to sparkle. He didn’t smile to much or anything but his eyes just screamed excitement. 
When he set the ball for set point and it landed the whole team yelled in excitement. The tall boy whipped around to his team. Before his eyes could lower from the stands they locked on yours. You both just stared at each other for a second before he went back to teams celebration. Your friend pulled at your arm so she could go talk to the friend that told her of the game. 
She hooked her arm with yours and started down the stairs toward the gym doors. Who was the friend again? Ya- something? You two waited in the hall when a small girl came through the doors. She gave your friend a small smile, walking over to talk to her.
“Y/N this is Yachi! She’s the teams manager, Yachi this is Y/N,” she introduced you two. She smiled, saying hi. You three talked until she needed to go back to the coachs. Thats when you saw him again. He was walking with the small speed demon from earlier. He seemed like he was snapping at him but the small kid wasn’t phased by it. He turned forward where you were standing, locking eyes with you again. You didn’t miss the light pink that hit his cheeks. None the less, he ignored you as they passed by.
Tobio Kageyama, interesting.
Your friend waved goodbye to you as she got into her mom’s car. As they drove away you grabbed your jacket from your bag. When you looked back up you could see Kageyama at a vending machine in the corner. He leaned down, grabbing a carton and stabbing a straw into it. You watched him as his eyes sparkled again when he grabbed it. You laughed a little as you watched him. Here he was getting so excited over a carton of milk. 
You watched him as he left. He was going in the same direction as you. As you followed behind him the sun began to set. There was a quiet meow from a bush up ahead. Your eyes wandered to the noise. When you reached the maker you found a small black kitten. As you stepped closer you found someone else there too. 
Squatting behind the bush, holding a finger out trying to get the small cat to notice him, was Kageyama. He looked frustrated that the cat wasn’t paying him any mind. The kitten turned its head away towards you. It immediately started to you after it saw you. Kageyama followed the animal with his eyes until he saw you. You were sitting on your heels, scratching behind the kitten’s ear. He watched the exchange for a second before standing up to leave. When you looked up it was a lot darker and he was slowly leaving your sight. The wind started picking up and there was wierd rustling coming the trees. All of it was slowly starting creep you out. Looking in front you caught sight of the tall boy again and before you thought about it you were running up to him. 
To say he was shocked when his sleeve got pulled was an understatement. He jumped comically high into the air. He looked down at you with fear before relaxing a little. He was tense and looked a bit confused. 
“um can I help you?” he was leaning away from you but you still had his sleeve in hand. 
“oh I’m sorry. It just got kind of dark and I was hoping I could stick closer to you? Sorry I just wanted to not have something happen,” you said letting go of his sleeve. He looked throughly confused still but (ahem he does have a sister after all) he nodded.
“ya that fine,” you smiled at him and he blushed slightly. As he walked you followed close behind. Then he turned to you. “are you going to stay back there?” he looked over his shoulder to you. It took you back but you took the offer. Jogging up besides him and thanking him a comfortable silence drifted over the two of you. You would have thought you would be scared or intimidated but no, it felt really nice to walk next to him. You turned to him.
“by the way, I’m Y/N L/N. Nice to meet you.”
When You Met The Team
You were with Kageyama at the vending machine before he had to go to practice. He pressed the button, handing you your own drink before grabbing his own. You leaned on the wall as you two talked. 
It had been a couple months since that walk home, and you had made an effort to say hi every now and then. You didn’t really know why but it was nice talking to him then. And now you were comfortable enough to meet up everyday before his practice. It was always a peaceful interaction and he was always so quiet and calm.
Of course when a little ball of energy came into the picture that changed fast. He came running around the corner and barreled towards Kageyama, not seeing you yet scince you were hidden by the vending machine. 
“KAGEYAMAAAA!” Kageyama flinched turning to the smaller kid. “Come set for me before practice starts!” he hopped up and down.
“ya ok I’ll be there in a second,” Kageyama turned back to you. “sorry I’ll talk to you tomorrow Y/N.” You smiled and nodded to him.
“ok have fun with your practice.”
Hinata froze. That was a girls voice. A girls voice that was talking to Kageyama. He poked his head around the vending machine. When he saw you and confirmed that it was a girl he whipped around to look at him.
“YOU KNOW A GIRL?!” he yelled out. You flinched back while Kageyama jumped back.
“WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN?! YES I KNOW A GIRL HINATA YOU DUMBASS!” he yelled back. As they yelling back and forth, you slipped out from behind Hinata. 
“um Tobio I’m gunna head out,” you patted his shoulder before giving Hinata a small smile before walking off. They both quieted down, watching you go to the road look around then walk down the sidewalk. As you disappeared the two boys turned to each other before Hinata smirked. He bolted down in your direction, Kageyama chasing after him. He raced in front of you, sliding to a stop.
“Hi! I’m Shoyo Hinata! What’s your name? Do you know Kageyama well, you called him by his first name too,” he smiled widely at you. You however had been incredible surprised by his sudden show that you were stumbling backward. Kageyama was the one to stop you from fully falling over. 
“I- uhh hi? I’m Y/N L/N, um yes I do know him,” you stuttered. Kageyama, who was still holding onto your arm, glared at Hinata.
“HINATA DON”T DO THAT YOU IDIOT SHE ALMOST FELL!” he yelled. Your eyes widened. You really hadn’t heard him yell other than that first practice game you watched. He stiffened with his tone, remembering you were still listening. 
“SHUT UP! Oooo wait did I embarrass you or something?” he snickered “No way, did you actually get a girlfriend?!” he looked shocked.
“SHE IS NOT MY GIRLFRIEND YOU IDIOT!” you looked up to see his beet red face an you laughed. They both turned to you with a confused look.
“is there something wrong Y/N?” Kageyama asked you.l
“no no I- I’m sorry. It’s just I’ve never seen you like this, you’re normally calmer than this,” you laughed. Hinata snorted
“Pfft I don’t think I have ever heard anyone call him calm,” Kageyama seemed to almost growl at him. You and Hinata continued to laugh however. Thats when Kageyama’s worse nightmare happened. “OH Y/N you should come to todays practice!” he bounced on his heels. You smiled widely and nodded, both of you turning to face Kageyama. “isn’t that exciting Kageyama!” Hinata poked.
Kageyama glared at him mumbling something.
“Tobio? You good?” Hinata smirked at the sound of his name. Kageyama blushed slightly, continuing to glare at Hinata.
“no whatever come on were going to be late,” he turned on his heel and started back to the gym, Hinata and you skipped after him. Hinata went on about the other kids on the team. He was in the middle of saying something about a tall guy with glasses when there was a yell. 
A guy with a shaved head was standing in the door way, hands on his hips and a wide, kinda scary smile, on his face. A small guy slid into the space behind him, a bleached section of his hair swinging with the momentum. 
“well you two are never late wh- oh...” the guy with the buzz cut stopped when you came out from behind Kageyama.
“helloo pretty girl I have never seen before! Whats your name?” the short one asked with a smile. You just smiled and introduced yourself. Hinata bounced into the gym, telling them about how he invited you to watch. They followed along with the excitement, introducing themselves and throwing in some complements here and there. They whole time Kageyama was grinding his teeth and glaring. He stayed quiet though, not wanting to full on yell in front of you. He followed behind you into the gym, the other third years noticing you as well. The three came up to you and introduced themselves. The captain, Enoshita, was in the middle of telling you where you could sit when Nishinoya flew in out of nowhere almost jumped on you in the process. You weren’t paying attention to what he was saying out of surprise. 
There was a faint snickering from somewhere, gaining your attention. A tall boy in glasses sat on the floor, laughing into his hand.
“honeslty, you should calm down around Kageyama’s girlfriend a little. If you don’t it looks like he’ll crack a tooth,” he said quietly. You turned to Kageyama and sure enough, he was glaring on the wall quietly, teeth grinding again. You laughed lightly at how he stiffened and yelled at the kid with glasses. Noya snickered along with him, switching his attention to poking at Kageyama. 
“its not like that idi-”
“Y/N!?” Yachi came barreling up to you. You smiled, finally seeing someone you were familiar with. She gave a glance to the boys, gently pulling you away. “sorry if they were a bit overwhelming,” she laughed as you two got the stage area. 
“oh don’t worry its actually really nice to watch. Not to mention I’ve never seen Tobio so, I don’t know, uncalm I guess,” you laughed. Yachi gave you a look.
“oh you’ll get used to it. He’s normally like this. I do have to admit that hes a little more intense today,” she giggled.
You ended up staying throughout the whole practice. You watched on the stage as they played against themselves, walking over at one point to help Yachi through the balls up. At one point Kageyama missed a set or two and they bounced off his head. It took about ten minutes each time for the boys to refocus from teasing him. 
By the end of the practice it was dark outside. Yachi had already left, her mom calling her to get home for dinner a little earlier tonight. You waved a goodbye to the team and walked outside, sighing at how uncomfortable you were with walking alone at night.
“wait up!” you turned to the familiar voice. Kageyama jogged up beside you. “sorry I just remembered you don’t like walking home alone at night,” he rubbed the back of his neck. You smiled up at him.
“thank you Tobio,” you paused for a second. “sorry for embarrassing you in front of your team.”
“you didn’t embarrass me. It was actually nice to know you were watching,” you looked back up to him. He was turned away but you could see the red glow to his cheeks. You laughed lightly, returning to the peaceful silence you two could always hold with only one thought. 
‘scary my ass’
The Day You Started Dating
Out of all the time you spent with the young setter, this was both one of the sweetest and scariest. 
You had a steady schedule now. You went through your classes, went to the vending machine to meet Tobio for lunch, more classes, and then meeting the boys for club. After meeting them all you became a somewhat unoffical manager, helping with set up, clean up, and over all practice. You were enjoying it, and when you all went to matches you were able to meet people and socialize more than you were. 
You were especially excited for this coming up trip. It was a training camp with the tokyo schools and you were ecstatic to see Bokuto and the team again. As you all filed onto the bus you were practically bouncing off the walls with Hinata in tow. The newer first years watched in slight fear that you two might explode. Even though you sat with Tobio you were still basically having a race with words with Hinata. Unknown to you, however, the tall boy had been waiting for your attention the entire ride.
“Y/NNNNN!” Bokuto was speeding down the stairs in front of Shinzen. 
“BO!!” you yelled back. he picked you up and spun you around in a hug, both of you laughing. The rest of Karasuno watched the interaction in semi-shock. 
“you need to come visit at some point! I haven’t seen you since you transfered!” he said as he set you down. 
“I know, I know I’m sorry,” you both continued talk as the rest of the team came down. Akaashi casually slide into the conversation when he met up with you both. Soon enough he was calming Bokuto down a couple knoches after detecting Tobio’s aura of death from beside the bus. The team was able to catch onto it too, snickering and poking at him. 
This continued throughout the rest of the week. Between Bokuto’s constant hovering with you and the overall simpingness from E V E R Y O N E with all the girls in general, not leaving you out, Kageyama was on the edge of murder. He really wanted your attention more and more throughout the week, but you were busy half of the time. It wasn’t until the third day that he fully snapped.
Karasuno had just lost a set and were taking a breather before their next match and you were talking with the shinzen manager. Shinzens new captain came up to you and joined into the conversation. Kageyama noticed immediately, his attitude getting worse by the minute. He unconsciously moved closer to hear.
“so you’re with Karasuno right?”
“yes I am.”
“oh cool cool. So are you... seeing anyone up there?”
“umm not really,” his head whipped in your direction. You were alone with the captain now, he was slowly leaning closer to you as you backed away.
“not really? So is that a yes or no?” he asked again. It wasn’t even like he was making a big scene or being mean about it, but you were still uncomfortable. You probably looked normal but Kageyama could see it. The way your eyes were shifting between him and around the room. The way you were leaning backward and shuffling backward at the same time. The way you held his gaze when you found it. He immediately stood up and walked over to you. The captain took notice quickly and backed off a little with the glare he was getting. 
Tobio grabbed you hand, throwing one last glare, then pulling you away and outside. He sat down and pulled you in between his legs. You were currently confused, flustered, and scared. Confused because what was happening. Flustered because you were now located basically in his lap with his head on your shoulder. And finally scared because the glare he just gave the other player was scarier than any other he’s ever thrown to Hinata or Tsukkishima. 
“um Tobio?” you tried to turn around to look at him but he help you in place.
“I really didn’t like it,” he said quietly.
“what?” you turned your head a little.
“I really didn’t like him hitting on you. I didn’t like how I haven’t been able have your attention these past few days. I really don’t like that,” he mumbled into your shoulder. You smiled lightly. You knew you should be trying to comfort him in a way but, listening to how he was talking, you could only smile .
“Tobio can I turn around?” he stiffened slightly before letting go of your waist. You turned, sitting on your knees. “you know, if you wanted my attention, you could have just asked,” you giggled.
“harder said than done with a girl that is constantly surrounded by guys,” the start of a smile spreading on his face.  
“oh please, you could steal me away at anytime and I wouldn’t complain,” you flirted. He blushed at the comment. 
“so like does that count at school too?” he asked looked back up to you.
“as long as anytime means what I think it means, then yes,” you laughed again.
“and at random times of the day?”
“yes,” the laugh you had was growing.
“and  at practice?”
“oh.my.GOD. Tobio just ask me out!” you laughed into his shoulder. He was bright red and had been for a while. His smile was growing despite that though.
“isn’t it cheesy if I just ask ‘will you go out with me’?” he was starting to laugh too. You both just sat there, his hands on your waist and you head on his shoulder, shaking with laughter.
Little did either of you two know you would get caught in a couple of minutes by one shocked coach Ukai after not being able to find Kageyama.
It wasn’t anything really special. Just everyone after buzzing with excitement about after parties and pictures. You had run out to meet your family and friends a little late. You saw everyone in a little group, the now third years on the team, their families, and a couple others. You could see Nishinoya and Tanaka jumping up and down and patting Hinata and Kageyama’s heads. You smiled as you got closer to them, knowing that they didn’t need to come. Kageyama saw you and smiled softly. You sped up slightly, running head on into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. 
There were groans from the boys, while their parents cooed and awwed. He always was like this with you though. No matter how pissed or upset he was he would always smile when you showed up. It meant a lot to you, knowing how he hated the teasing. 
Thats when he did what he never does. He pushed you away slightly, then taking your chin in his hand. When he kissed you there were quiet gasps and gags from your little group. 
“sorry I just needed to do that,” he mumbled against your lips. Once again you could only think one thing as you smiled back to him.
‘scary my ass’
a/n: dang that was long ok thanks for sticking through it tell me if you would like this with more of the charcters :)
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i was wondering of you would do a request for an s/o of some of the "benchwarmer" characters (like yamaguchi rip D:) where s/o always comes to their games and makes them feel insecure, but they discover that s/o does homework/doesn't pay attention unless they are called to play, and only cheer for them!
hello hello anon!!
im so so so glad that we’re showing some love to our “benchwarmer” characters
this was honestly such a cute idea and I appreciate you being so patient with me
I decided to throw in ennoshita and kyotani because they don't get a lot of time on the court either sooo I hope you don't mind :)
anywhooo I hope you enjoy!!
(btw this definitely isn't my best work sooo I apologize in advance lolz)
•Yamaguchi, Ennoshita, + Kyotani w/ a Supportive S/O•
warnings: none
genre: fluff
characters: yamaguchi, ennoshita, + kyotani
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yamaguchi always got very nervous whenever you mentioned you were attending one of his games
as a pinch server, he rarely got the opportunity to play and when he did, he never felt like his performance was good enough for you to see 
not to mention you always made it a point to wear his spare jersey to each one of his games which raised his nerves more then he would care to admit 
he really doubted himself on that court and felt like he wasn't good enough for you to be up in those stands representing him not to mention his spare jersey looked really really good on you
it meant the world to him that you supported him but he didn't want to disappoint you
this particular game, coach ukai had promised yamaguchi that he would definitely be put in  
which is why everyone couldn't understand why he seemed so down in the dumps
tanaka was the first one to point out his bad mood,
“Yo! Yamaguchi, what’s up with you dude? You look all pouty.”
hinata decided now would be a good time to add his two cents,
“Yeah! You get to be all swoosh, bam, boom today! You should be excited!”
yamaguchi couldn't lie, he was pretty happy about being guaranteed a few serves this game but he couldn't push away the negativity that clouded his mind.
“Oh, uh, I don't know. I guess its just Y/N is going to be here today and I already know that with all your guy’s amazing plays, my serves won't really matter and I just want them to be proud of me.”
the team stood in silence for a moment
was that really how yamaguchi felt about himself compared to everyone else?
sure, he didn't get to play often but without him they wouldn't have been able to get out of some tricky situations
surprisingly tsukishima was the one to break the silence this time,
“Wow, are you really that much of an idiot yamaguchi?”
a chorus of scolds came from his teammates
yams was about to apologize but tsukki continued his speech,
“Your precious s/o doesn't even pay attention to the rest of us. They only watch the game when they know you’re involved. So, you don't have to worry about us stealing your spotlight. Now, quit being stupid and stretch will you?”
was that really true? did you seriously come to support him and him only?
maybe tsukishima was just saying that to try and get him to forget about what was troubling him but he couldn't concentrate on that right now, he had to get his head in the game for the sake of his team and you ofc
however, curiosity got the best of him, so as his teammates played, he took a peek up at you to find you skimming through a textbook
all this time he felt insecure that you would think he was a bad player compared to the rest of his team mates but now he knew that you didn't even have the opportunity to compare them when you were only focused on his plays
he felt his heart swell with pride as he promised himself he would play with all his strength for you
and sure enough his serves had never been better
your cheers could be heard the loudest throughout the gym and he couldn't miss the large smile on your face as he looked to you in the stands
as soon as the game had concluded, you ran down to the court and threw your arms around him, congratulating him again and again on how well he did
he buried his face into your neck in attempts to hide the blush that was spreading across his cheeks like a wildfire
that day, he went home feeling accomplished, with his own personal cheerleader right by his side
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ennoshita didn't really get many opportunities to step on the court and show his skills
honestly, his lack of playing time made him pretty insecure in his ability to be on the same level as his teammates
he was never very confident and often found himself wondering if he deserved to be on a team with such skillful players
which was why he wasn't always excited when you attended his games
its not as if he didn't love seeing you in those stands, cheering him on, but he hated that there was always a possibility that he could disappoint you
especially since you were always so excited to come and support him
this was all he could think about as he sat stretching on the gym floor with the rest of the team
and his far off expression didn't go unnoticed by the rest of the boys
daichi decided to pull him aside and talk to him about what was on his mind before the game started
after all, he couldn't have such an important asset stuck with his head in the clouds
“Hey Ennoshita, everything okay?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s just Y/N is here and I honestly don’t know if I can play to her expectations.”
daichi understood what was going on with his underclassmen now
he had known that ennoshita was not the most confident when it came to his volleyball skill, but he didn't know that he was this blind to his own talent,
“You know, I don't think Y/N has every really showed any interest in anyone else’s plays other than yours.”
“Huh? What are you talking about?”
“Maybe you're too focused on what's going on on the court but they’re usually always scrolling through their phone or reading a book unless you get swapped in.”
now that daichi mentioned it, ennoshita never really heard your voice cheering from the stands unless he was on the court and you always seemed pretty oblivious when he talked to you about plays he wasn't involved in
he knew that you supported him with all he did but he was always a bit nervous that you would start to notice how well everyone else played and view his skills differently
discovering you came to his games for him and him only warmed his heart
lucky for you both, ennoshita had been subbed in for most of this game due to daichi getting a minor injury don't worry daichi is fine, don't start planning his funeral yet
you were over the moon that your boyfriend got to spend so much time on the court that day, you always loved watching him play
ennoshita could hear your cheers for him echo throughout the whole gym, causing his confidence to skyrocket
safe to say, you were definitely his lucky charm for that game
even with all the commotion after their win, all ennoshita could focus on was encasing you in a loving hug
after all, he couldn't have done it without you
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kyotani didn't get the opportunity to be on the court often
he was a very strong and skilled player but his attitude usually caused him to sit out for many of aoba johsai’s games
this never stopped you from coming to support him though
no matter how much time he spent in the game you would show up and cheer him on
kyotani didn't really understand your reasoning though, he was barely ever put in so what was the point of coming at all
although he was quiet about it, he really loved having you at his games
being able to catch a glimpse of your smile when ever his temper got the best of him on the court was a huge reason he wasn't already kicked off the team 
but he still felt as though he was wasting your time
he couldn't even begin to imagine how disappointed you were with every game you attended
he tried to get you to quit coming to his games but you simply refused, letting him know that if you weren't in attendance, you could miss the opportunity to see his talent shine
as much as it could be a pain in his ass, your enthusiasm was kind of nice
which was the only reason he agreed to let you continue to come to his games
this game in particular, kyotani seemed to be on his best behavior
maybe seeing you in his spare jersey had something to do with it but no one needed to know that kyo bby, everyone knows that, pls stop staring y/n down like an animal
he was determined to stay on the court as long as he possibly could and surprisingly, he got to play almost the whole game
when you had run down from the stands to go congratulate kyotani, the first person you came in contact with was oikawa tooru himself,
“Ah Y/N-chan! I’m so glad you could make it, did you make sure to cheer for me?”
your boyfriend could never stand the way oikawa would flirt with you just to get a rise out of him
“Oi idiot, get away from them.”
you couldn't help but laugh at kyotani’s antics before wrapping him in a hug,
“Hey Kyo, congrats on the win. You did great!”
Oikawa pouted at you for blatantly ignoring him,
“Hey, what about me?”
“No offense Oikawa, but I really only come to these games for Kyo. I mean unless he's playing I don't really pay attention so cheering for you is pretty much out of the question. Anyways, I'll wait for you outside babe.”
both oikawa and kyotani were pretty baffled at your statement 
kyotani was probably the most surprised out of the two, did you really come to his games just to support him
he was pulled out of his thoughts when kindaichi spoke up,
“Now that they mentioned it, I honestly haven't ever seen Y/N look up from their phone unless Mad Dog was on the court, and they only ever cheer for him.”
kyotani almost let a smile slip out at his teammate’s words
he couldn't believe how much you cared about him and supported him
he never knew how you managed to put up with him but he was beyond grateful for it
he loved you more then he would ever let on
on the walk home, you didn't know why kyotani was so much more affectionate then usual, but who were you to complain?
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deiliamedlini · 3 years
WIP Wednesday
I wrote this last night and really don’t know where I’m going with it because I wrote another section of this that’s completely different from this first part, but I’m having too much fun so this might become a long oneshot or like a two/three chapter short fic eventually. I signed into my Guild Wars account for the first time in forever to watch the chat and apparently Lion’s Arch isn’t as interesting as it used to be. Not that any of that is really relevant. 
This is Zelda and the Champions as internet friends playing a MMORPG video game called Hyrule Warriors. 
Zelda Harkinian loved Fridays. Not that it was a rare thing to be obsessed with the weekend, but she maybe loved it a little too much. After a week of lesson plans, and cleaning the classrooms, and sneezing students, and emails asking for an extension on a paper that wasn’t even due yet, she relished the escape the weekend provided. Granted, she still had to grade about a hundred tests, but that was a problem for Sunday or even Monday.
Smiling down at her roommate, a kitten she’d raised when she found it in the street all alone, Zelda fed her girl—whom she’d named Duchess because she had every intent of treating her like royalty—and played with her for a bit before throwing down her bag in her room and then grabbed a water and a granola bar before heading to her desk. She flipped her laptop open and booting up Hyrule Warriors, her favorite open world MMORPG.
Her internet sucked, so she grabbed her phone to aimlessly scroll to see if there was any news or updates. But it was pretty dull.
Instead, she thought back to how this whole weekend ritual began.
She’d been in a cavern just off of Death Mountain for about three days killing fire keese, lizalfos, and beamos. As a mage, her AOE skills made short work of the larger groups, hitting them all at once. It was especially useful here because her main specialties were water and light, but she struggled when boss fights came out. The NPCs weren’t great teammates, and she constantly found herself resurrecting far from the boss, only to make a long run with a health penalty that ended with her getting killed again, until her heath penalty was maxed out and she had to restart for any hope of succeeding. As a mage, her light armor made her vulnerable to physical attacks, and this boss was very physical.
Zelda didn’t like interacting with people in this game. It was massively popular, and the chat was always running. Sometimes, she’d just sit at an outpost and watch people talk. Her favorite interactions were often the random ones. She’d begun to look up the acronyms everyone used in chat just to understand them better. WTS= want to sell.
Indigo2421: WTS: Guardian Short Sword 4k rupees
Indigo2421WTS: Guardian Short Sword 4k rupees
Indigo2421WTS: Guardian Short Sword 4k rupees
Britneigh4Horses: WTS My mother. 1 rupee. Will pay postage fee.
But after her days of suffering in the lonely caverns in Death Mountain, she relented.
A quick search had her hands shaking, but she typed quickly so she couldn’t back out after she’d hit enter.
xPrincessZx: LFG Dodongo’s Cavern
Holding her breath, she’d waited in the hopes of a private message being sent to her.
One did.
(PM): ThunderstruckQueen: What missin are doing there?
(PM): ThunderstruckQueen: Mission*
(PM): xPrincessZx: I have to kill the Dodongo boss for the main story
ThunderstruckQueen would like to join your party.
Biting her nails, she’d accepted.
(PM): RockRoast12345: Still need someone?
(PM): xPrincessZx: Yes! That would be great! Thanks!
RockRoast12345 would like to join your party.
That had been how it started: A goron warrior with a Warhammer and some serious defensive moves joined as the tank to take as much damage for the team as he could stand, and a Gerudo Paladin had joined her party. Zelda was jealous of the purchase-only red hairstyle the Gerudo had for her character. She had a sword and shield, but her body flickered with elemental lightening magic. In-game purchase effects.
They’d defeated Dodongo with ease, and had gone on several missions together that day, taking down their storylines with relative ease. But they couldn’t function with the NPC healer who barely functioned at all.
So, ThunderstruckQueen had taken to the map chat and put out a request.
ThunderstruckQueen: I found someone. She’s a Zora Cleric. Level 40
RockRoast12345: Let her in! I want to get this one over with
Rutella Zoran IV would like to join your party.
After that, the four of them realized they worked so well together that they’d formed a guild. The Champions. ThunderstruckQueen paid the guild fee, bought a hall, and began decorating it with merchants, and chests. Zelda still shuddered, wondering what she did to have so many rupees ready to go. Needless to say, she made herself the leader.
Some days, they didn’t play together. Other times, only two of them were on. But on weekends, they all came together.
But it had been a Monday when Zelda played, and she’d been alone. Having already tossed her tissue box across her room in frustration, she debated making a new character with more defense, but she sucked it up and went into the Castle Town map, ready to ask for help. She couldn’t wait until she could get to be a higher level. As it was, she’d only gotten to these level 40 areas as a 32 because of Rutella.
Suddenly, a random Hylian man in green with a fancy sword and shield ran up to her and bowed. Zelda scoffed at her computer screen, unsure if she was supposed to respond.
She didn’t need to.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: Hey Princess
(PM): xPrincessZx: Hello?
(PM): WildKnightOut2: Jst wondering if u have a spare flower crown from yesterday’s festival. Missed it. Will pay
Zelda pulled up her inventory, forgetting she was still wearing her flower crown from the Flower Fest. It must have been what tipped him off. In fact, she had four spares.
(PM): zPrincessZx:  Yeah, I do. Come to the chest and I’ll trade.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: Thx
She’d never done a trade with anyone who wasn’t in her guild, so she’d felt nervous running to grab it.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: How much u want?
(PM): xPrincessZx: Actually, I’ll give it to you free if you’re willing to help me with a quest? Or 10k.
WildKnightOut2 would like to join your party.
She accepted and watched his character appear in the corner of her screen.
WildKnightOut2: That’s a rip off, btw. Crowns are with 15k at least. Don’t undersell
xPrincessZx: Thanks. I didn’t realize. I’m still kind of new.
WildKnightOut2: Howd u get out here then?
xPrincessZx: I had a run from a friend in my guild.
WildKnightOut2: Got room for a warrior in there?
Zelda introduced him to the other Champions when they’d signed back on, and after a few weeks, Zelda had leveled up enough that she didn’t need to constantly rely on a teammate. But still. She liked Wild the best after ThunderstruckQueen.
They’d brought in a Rito Ranger named TheBestYouveNeverMet, which immediately set Wild off.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: should I aggro a group over so he has to fight them for us?
(PM): xPrincessZx: No! Don’t do that! I’ll get sent over to deal with them!
(PM): xPrincessZx: HEY! I SEE YOU ON THE MAP!
On the mini-map, she saw a hoard of red coming at them and rolled her eyes before joining TheBest to kill them with area attacks. Rutella stayed back to heal them, but Thunder and Rock both continued on, unfazed.
ThunderstruckQueen: Wild you’re an idiot
But that was then. This was now.
They’d been together for months as a guild, and now, the six of them knew how the others worked.
If Wild or TheBest took off on their own, no one would follow. They’d both been killed numerous times in an attempt to piss the other off. Zelda had learned to stay with Thunder and Rock. Rutella flitted between running back to revive the idiots, or sticking with the smarter members while letting them heal on their own.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: u wound me
Zelda chuckled, but he wasn’t done.
(PM): WildKnightOut2: After all ive done for u
(PM): WildKnightOut2: u leave me to die
(PM): xPrincessZx: Don’t run off next time
It was a Wednesday when she and Wild were playing alone, so they freely used party chat for ease. She’d surpassed his level, and towered as a 93 while he was an 87.
WildKnightOut2: Hang on. Fuzzball wants food
Zelda stared at his character on her screen, wondering if he looked anything like that avatar. Blonde hair, muscular, piercing blue eyes. She’d made her character look like herself, so it wasn’t hard to imagine others had. Plus, he was the only Hylian. She highly doubted that RockRoast12345 was actually a giant rock-man, or that Rutella Zoran IV was a short fish lady.
She knew everything about these people except their names, faces, and voices.
She knew that ThunderstruckQueen was a single mother who called her daughter Ri on chat. She was a chief of police, and had a few hundred of her force to look out for. Still, she wanted to quit soon to join the military reserve forces now that her daughter was getting older. Devoted and loyal, Thunder occasionally snapped when everyone would start fighting with each other, though it was usually directed at TheBest and Wild, the annoyance sometimes extended out to others.
She knew that RockRoast12345 was older than all of them and had a young grandson. He’d bonded with Thunder over their children at first, and then, without meaning to, they became the parents of the group. Recently, Rock had retired from working as a supervisor in a mine, and gaming had become his way of relieving some of that boredom. But he told the best stories when they were idling around, just stories about anything, and they were always captivating. Also, he was afraid of dogs.
She knew that Rutella Zoran IV was the daughter of a politician. She cared for her little brother like he was her own, and sometimes, he took control of her character, proudly revealing that his real name was Sidon. She was in school to be a doctor, and that made her family prouder than anything. She lived and breathed for her family.
TheBestYouveNeverMet was a pilot. His schedule was the most hectic out of everyone’s because of the flights, but he was sarcastic to the core, and sometimes, the sarcasm was simply rude and definitely didn’t translate well over chat. He was superior, and since he’d been playing the game longest, he thought it entitled him to make more decisions. But Zelda knew from her private conversations with him that deep down, he was sweet and caring. He’d always be the first to ask her how her day was, and he’d learned some of her students’ names to ask if they’d been nuisances.
But Zelda spent the most time talking to WildKnightOut2, so she knew the most about him. At first, they’d bonded over the fact that they both had cats. His was called Fuzzball, an orange, fat cat that needed to exercise more. He’d tried to leash him, but Fuzz wasn’t interested. Sometimes, Fuzz would crawl over the keys, send Wild running, and send chat a long stream of letters.
He was funny and made comments in her private chat while they were playing that had her roaring at times.
He was a rock-climbing instructor and in his free time, he was a free solo climber. When she’d looked it up, she’d been horrified to see that he basically climbed mountains without a harness or ropes, and a fall could kill him. She’d asked if he was good at it, or just did it for fun, and his answer had been an ambiguous “yes.”
She knew about his family. He didn’t live near them, but he kept in contact with his grandparents, his father, and his little sister.
WildKnightOut2: k back. Where we going princess?
xPrincessZx: I need to farm for new armor out in the Haunted Wasteland. Do you need to do anything?
WildKnightOut2: I need to help u farm in the haunted wasteland. What do you need?
xPrincessZx: 10 Rubies
WildKnightOut2: damn ok I have 2 u can have so u only need 8
xPrincessZx: Thanks. How’d that party go last night?
WildKnightOut2: Sucked
xPrincessZx: Cool details
WildKnightOut2: If ud been there, ud have hated it
xPrincessZx: Why?
WildKnightOut2: Bunch of self-absorbed idiots. Like TheBest is
xPrincessZx: Lol. He’s not that bad.
WildKnightOut2: if u say so
They headed into the Wasteland looking for red poes that had rare drops for rubies. She and Wild took out a few groups before they started to struggle. Neither could play and talk at the same time fast enough to warn the other that something was happening, and they both ended up at the shrine of resurrection more times than they cared to admit.
xPrincessZx: Hey Wild. This might sound weird, but do you have that gaming app where we could just maybe voice chat?
xPrincessZx: Unless you’re not comfortable with that. We can invite the others, and when we play together, and it would probably make life a thousand times easier
xPrincessZx: But it’s okay if you don’t want to
WildKnightOut2: yeah I have it
Oh, Zelda thought to herself. That was easy.
xPrincessZx: Do you want to add me? I have the same name
She watched her phone like it was food in the microwave, only occasionally glancing at her computer to see if Wild had sent her another message. She drummed her fingers and her leg started to bounce until her screen lit up.
WildKnight has sent you a friend request.
She hastily hit accept and grabbed her headphones from the drawer before typing into her phone.
xPrincessZx: Your name is missing a few things here.
WildKnight: Yeah HW already had someone with this name so I added on
xPrincessZx: The meaning completely changes
WildKnight: which do you like better?
Zelda froze, unable to make her fingers type. Was he flirting? Was that how people flirted online? She was really good at reading body language cues, and that was always how she knew someone was flirting. But this? There was no context! How was she supposed to know?
xPrincessZx: Which fits your personality more?
That was a safe way of getting out of answering while still sounding maybe like she was flirting. Right?
WildKnight: this one
Zelda’s face warmed up and she put her head in her hands, unsure how to respond. How does she respond to that? What if he wasn’t flirting? What if he was.
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secret-engima · 4 years
No one?
(Unless you haven’t played or watched the game yet and don’t want spoilers in which case TURN AWAY NOW).
...Ahem. *deep breath* Okay so I will forever stand by my opinion that chapter 13 of the game (the one that takes place on the train and then in Gralea) is Good™ and does exactly what it's supposed to in the narrative. That is not to say I don't hate it with a passion and didn't cheer when they added the Gladiolus route for those of us (like me) who didn't want to replay the Noctis route again, but I will stubbornly insist to anyone that wants to listen that the chapter's difficulty and wildly different tone and pacing was THE POINT of the darn thing and deserves some respect for it.
See, the game up to that point is, if not always lighthearted (because it's not), has still been something of an Adventure Story™. Yes there's horrible tragic things like Insomnia falling and Regis dying, but for the most part the gameplay is exploration and cool combat mechanics and the relationship between the four brothers. It's ... happy for a good chunk of it. There's this light at the end of the tunnel, this comfy assurance that there can be a happy ending, that this can all be fixed and tied up in a neat little bow somehow.
Then Altissia happens. Luna dies, Ignis is blinded, and the game puts you on literal rails, forcing you to go hurtling toward A Different Tone. Everyone is stressed, everyone is scared or angry. You’d THINK that this is the lowest point of the story and that surely there’s going to be an emotional reconciliation between Noctis and Gladio and then we’ll get back to exploring and saving the world and all that jazz.
Except we don’t.
The train scene with Ardyn and Shiva happens, and the entire heartbreak with Prompto happens, and that’s when things start to seriously crack. You lose all access to your magic while stuck in this narrow train, then you lose the Regalia, your symbol of freedom, your main way to travel through the game (even when you fast travel, the animation of arrival shows you getting out of the Regalia). You are now trapped in Gralea. In dark, hostile territory with one of your party missing, one of them blind, the other angry at you, and still no magic. Then a few minutes later you are forcibly separated from the rest of your party, the characters you’ve spent all game getting attached to, and leaning on, and laughing with. They are your last anchor points to the brother dynamic that has kept the whole game on a lighter note and now they are GONE. You have none of your weapons or skills, you have no idea where the others are (first time playing the game without spoilers anyway), you have NOTHING. No hope. No backup. No distractions from the fact that, oh yeah, this is a story where the Bad. Guys. Win. Are winning, have won, and all Noctis (all you) can do is take out the Ring that slowly killed Regis, that Luna died for, the thing that represents everything going wrong and all NOCTIS must do to fix it even when he is painfully, woefully unprepared ... and finally put it on. 
Noctis (and by extension you, the player) MUST shoulder the responsibility of being the king of a lost kingdom, of acknowledging that he IS the king, his dad was MURDERED, and Luna was killed for the thing you are now wearing and everything it means. It’s your only option until you eventually find the dead Ravus and take back Regis’s sword toward the middle/end of the level, which you can’t use recklessly because every swing drains your very life-force, forcing the Ring to still be your “best” option in many cases.
Most of that level is spent running, and hiding, and praying that the MT Units on the floor don’t leap up and try to murder you, or that the daemons don’t notice you, or that the teleporting daemon doesn’t find you, or that Ardyn will just SHUT UP because his taunts are really unhelpful right now.
The only hope you have left in this level is to grit your teeth and get through it with the Ring until you can reunite with your brothers and get magic back and go get the Crystal, the mcguffin of this whole game, and put the game back on the normal track of brotherly dynamics and fun quests. Just get to the Crystal, and everything will somehow start going back to normal.
And then that turns out to be a trap too.
Welcome to the final act of a tragedy, and your character is the one living through it. There will be no restoration of the norm until you’ve seen this to its final conclusion. There will be no light save for the one Noctis dies for.
Even when I first played that level (vanilla, not even a day one patch version btw because I was an idiot like that) and hated it because it was terrifying, I never thought it didn't belong in the story like ... quite a few comments I saw on the internet later insisted it didn’t. This is Noctis's story. This is Noctis's tragedy. THIS is the level that strips every last distraction and security blanket and shelter away from him and makes him put on the Ring and thus shoulder everything it represents. There is- terror here, there is trauma, there is GRIEF. This is practically Noctis's headspace without his brothers, because let's not forget that while we the players are having fun fishing and catching frogs for a silly scientist lady, Noctis is a refugee from an empire that MURDERED HIS FATHER and the FATHER OF HIS SHIELD-BROTHER, destroyed his HOME and then, right before Gralea, murdered Luna, the girl who he's known and talked to and confided in via letter for twelve years. This is a world falling into literal darkness (and if the player hadn’t noticed how the daytime cycle in the game kept getting shorter and shorter before this point YOU CERTAINLY NOTICE NOW) and it's up to Noctis- JUST Noctis, ONLY NOCTIS thanks to a Prophecy made long before he was ever born, to somehow Fix It™.
One person. Just one.
And he has to fix ... all of this.
He doesn’t know. During the Gralea level he DOESN’T KNOW. All he (all we) know is that the Crystal is the key, but since the Crystal only answers to Lucis Caelums, that means Noctis is the key, and Noctis (and you the player) is painfully aware of how Not Ready he is.
And the weight of that is enough to render you helpless in the face of it. The fear of that is a maze. The terror of it is a monster following you down the halls that you cannot escape from and cannot kill while it laughs at your misery.
All of that is GRALEA. The capital city of the people who overthrew his home, killed his father, killed his fiancé, and isolated him from the last safety nets he had.
The entirety of chapter 13 isn’t meant to be enjoyed. It’s meant to make you scared. It’s meant to frustrate you and make you feel helpless. It’s meant to make you feel sick when you learn what the daemons and MTs you’ve been killing really are. It’s meant to make you RAGE against Ardyn, and the Empire, and this entire situation because you’re one person and you’re not prepared for this and it’s NOT FAIR and you just want things to go BACK TO THE WAY IT WAS AND ALL OF THIS SUCKS.
Yeah. It does.
And who else do you think feels like that?
Chapter 13 isn’t meant to be fun. It’s meant to make you feel like Noctis does.
And what emotions would you expect from someone who has just lost everything and is expected to fix everything for everyone else, and now has no distractions or shields between him and his grief?
I remember reading an article about “why this chapter failed” and it was basically to the order of “this game is about a fun road trip with your bros and reuniting with your fiancé and chapter 13 breaks away from that too hard” and I respectfully have to disagree.
This story isn’t about a “fun road trip” and it isn’t just about “reuniting with your fiancé”. From the very first cutscene we are told that it’s not in Regis’s desperate (and soon revealed as last) words to his son about setting forth on a journey and not being able to go back. We are told it’s not in the first hour or so when Insomnia burns and Noctis cries and Cor tells us that “in his last moments together he didn’t want to be your king, he wanted to be your father”. How is that a “fun story about a road trip?”. Yes the road trip IS fun for us, and it IS about the brother relationship, but in a large, LARGE part-
Final Fantasy XV is about a young man setting out into the world and facing the hardships of it. It’s about loss. It’s about regrets. It’s about how no matter how much you want them to, some things can never go back to the way they were yet you must keep going anyway. It’s about how the darkness of the world will just keep taking-taking-taking until someone is willing to pay the price to make it stop, and that sometimes a happy ending for the people you love most means giving up your own personal happy ending on their behalf.
Final Fantasy XV never really hid the fact that it was a tragic, bittersweet story.
But it’s in chapter 13 that the story refuses to let you mistake it for anything else any longer.
Could the chapter have been structured a little better so that the gameplay itself wasn’t so frustrating? Probably. I know almost nothing about game design so that’s not really my call. But does the chapter, for all its frustration and anger-inducing inversion of pacing and tone, brutally get the point across?
Maybe it’s just my opinion, but I’d say yes. Yes it does. Because this video game was the one that fully 100% convinced me, in a way that no other video game had before, that the platform could tell heart wrenching stories, could give me characters I would care for, cry over, rage on the behalf of.
And a big part of that clicked for me at the ending, but it likely wouldn’t have if I hadn’t first struggled my way through chapter 13 and all the emotions it causes and represents just like Noctis did.
There. I’m done. Thanks for reading my long-suppressed rant on the most hated chapter of FFXV.
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shirtlesssammy · 4 years
15x18: Despair
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The entire fandom preparing for this episode
We literally start off right where we left off last week. Jack is a ticking time bomb. Sam hauls his nephew/son into the war room. Team Free Will freak out and try to come up with a plan. Jack wants to get far away from them. “Don’t let me hurt you.” AGGHH. We’re fine. It’s only 2 minutes into the episode, WE’RE FINE. Dean insists that they’re not giving up on him, and we love a good 180. 
Billie pops up and tells them all that she can’t stop what’s happening to Jack, but she can help. 
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She sends him to the Empty where he promptly explodes. 
Billie explains to the trio that the Empty was the only place/entity that could absorb that kind of power. Jack could survive --and the Empty could survive, but it won’t be happy. Billie points out that the Empty will want her, but can’t get to Earth without being summoned (coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool). 
Billie wants God’s book back from Sam. Sam Fucking Winchester confronts Billie about her end game plans of restoring order --and sending all of them back to their death. Billie tells Sam that if they want Jack back, he’ll give her the book. 
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Petty, petty, sullen Sam brings Billie the book, but throws it on the table instead of handing it to her, and we love him and his insolent little heart. 
She grabs the book and starts to open it. Cas wonders what she’s doing. 
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She tells them that God’s book has a new ending. Dean’s done and wants Jack back. 
Meanwhile, the Empty recorpealizes and is D O N E. She drags Jack to her and just as she’s about to HURT HIM, he disappears. 
He’s home, but Billie claims him. Dean doesn’t like that idea so he grabs Death’s scythe before she can ditch the bunker with the kid. He slices her arm and she sends him flying. Billie disappears without the book, her scythe, or Jack. 
Later, the Brothers Winchester take a moment in the library. Dean apologizes for pulling a gun on Sam. 
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(Listen, if we’re going full Bicon clown with Dean these next couple of weeks, this shot reminds me SO MUCH of the shot of James Dean from Giant.)
He also breaks down that Chuck is probably now all powerful, they’re on Billie’s hit list, Jack’s powerless, and Michael’s in the wind. They toast to their impossible odds. 
*Charlie and her cute GF Alert*
Stevie, the cutie from episode 3 is making perfect scrambled eggs for Charlie, and I’m dying inside. Charlie suggests a hunter’s date, and they smile and ARE CUTE, and I’m dying inside. The eggs are perfect, but this story isn't. Stevie just poofs away before Charlie’s eyes. 
Cut to Dean and Sam checking out Charlie’s place to piece together what happened. Charlie tells the brothers that she didn’t see or feel anything before Stevie disappeared. 
Outside, Cas waits with Jack. Cas asks how Jack is doing. 
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Jack feels “strange”. He doesn’t know how to feel now that he’s not needed for the big plan. Cas assures him that he wasn’t there to get absolution from the Winchesters. “We don’t care about you because you’re useful or you fit into some grand design. We care about you because you’re you.” BRB CRYING. 
Jack is crying, I’m crying, and the world is crumbling. Jack is scared, and Cas, gripping his son’s shoulder, tells him that he’s scared too. 
Inside, the brothers tell Charlie that they think that Billie’s killing people that shouldn’t be on Earth. Charlie gets upset and admits that she promised herself that she wouldn’t do “the love thing” again. Sam gets a call from Bobby. More people are disappearing. Dean points out that no one is safe. 
Sam instantly thinks of Eileen AND WE HAVE EMOTIONS. They take off to find Eileen. 
Sam texts Eileen as they drive, but doesn’t tell her what’s up. Sam watches the dots...until they disappear. Hahahahahahah, NOPE.
They get to Eileen’s place and find her purse and phone on the sidewalk. 
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She’s gone. “If I let myself go there, I’ll lose my mind.” AND WE’RE RIGHT THERE WITH YOU SAMMY. 
Sam activates action mode. He tells the others that they need to protect the other hunters from Alt World. Dean tells Sam that he should do this, but he’s going to make Billie pay. “I’ll go with you, Dean,” Cas volunteers. OF COURSE. 
We jump to a close up on Donna and her fabulous D-TRAIN license plate. Readers, I love her. She talks to Sam over the phone. She’s found a silo they can ward up and hide out in while Dean and Cas try to take out Billie. When Sam hangs up, he notices that Jack’s looking unrooted and gives him a job to do. Jack “has to drive” so that Sam can do work. Jack scooches over to the driver’s seat, ready to do something at last. Readers, I love Sam.
Dean and Cas arrive at the bunker and make plans to barge into Billie’s library. Dean plans to trash the place like a particularly unruly raccoon who breaks into a kitchen, until Billie arrives to stop them. He grabs Death’s scythe and they’re off. 
When Sam and Jack arrive at the silo, Donna tells Sam that she’s there for him - whatever he needs. 
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The hunter network is on high alert, and Bobby’s got his AU crew holed away in the silo already.  Charlie pulls up, transformed from her sunset bright t-shirt into apocalypse world Charlie again.
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Sam joins the crew in the warehouse and reconnects with Bobby, who immediately informs him that Sam’s the boss of the operation. When Bobby told the hunters that Sam wanted them to head to the silo, “they came running, no hesitation.” ….Excuse me, I have something in my eye. They’ve warded the whole silo with every warding they can throw at it, and Sam’s using one of Rowena’s spells (EXCUSE ME, I HAVE SOMETHING IN MY EYE) to bolster the strength of the sigils. 
Jack and Donna are painting sigils together, when Jack notices a plant. She recommends pulling it to protect the warding, but when Jack extends his hand it withers and dies.
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Dean and Cas creep into the library, where Billie stands waiting for them. Dean tells her that they’re after her because she’s been killing off his friends. Her only reply is, “Interesting.”
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Dean jabs Billie in her wounded shoulder, and the pain is high enough that Dean can get the upper hand. She holds the scythe at bay with just her hand, and Dean orders her to call off the hits. Billie laughs right in his face. She’s not killing anyone! Dean’s little papercut to her shoulder is enough to kill her, so her only plan at this point is to kill herself a Winchester and go out in a blaze of vengeance. 
Sam powers up the warding in the silo, ready to defend against Billie. Meanwhile, Billie thinks Chuck’s the likely one who’s been disappearing people. Quickly enough, a little girl is the first to disappear. As her family breaks down into full freak-out mode, all the hunters hiding out in the silo flash away. ALL OF THEM.
Hey, if I have to suffer, you have to suffer.
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Sam, Jack, and Donna can only watch this with horror and then Donna looks down at her hands. She smokes out too. NOOOOOOOOOO!
Billie power-smacks Dean across the room. It’s vengeance time! As much as I don’t want Those Two Idiots™ to die, it is lovely to see Billie storm around in battle-Death mode. 
Dean and Cas race into the bunker without a plan, Billie in pursuit. It’s only moments before Dean is buckling. As he collapses, we reveal Billie on the balcony. I do love how this is framed!
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She’s clutching Dean’s heart in her grip and pursues them through the bunker. “I’ve got you,” Cas tells Dean as he supports him. HELP, I’ve been murdered by emotion!
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Cas directs them to the dungeon, grabs Dean’s pocket knife from his back pocket (I’m FINE, btw), and slices his hand. Quickly, he wards the door with a sigil, and Dean recovers instantly.
That is, he recovers physically. Emotionally, he is in ROUGH SHAPE. While Billie pounds away at the sigil, Dean realizes that they’re trapped. He blames himself - he was angry and needed something to kill and that’s ALL HE KNOWS HOW TO DO. f r o w n y f a c e
Dean’s in a pretty bad headspace. He thinks Billie’s going to break in and kill Cas, then himself, and then EVERYBODY ELSE. He apologizes, while Cas puts his strategic commander-of-garrisons brain to work. There is ONE thing that Billie’s afraid of. 
Readers, it was at this point that Boris and I were shouting our usual gleeful shit at the TV. Things like, “Lay one on him, Cas, and the Empty can come!” And then CAS SAYS, “I made a deal.”
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“Kiss ‘im,” I murmur while wondering WHAAAAAAT IS HAPPENING when Cas brings up the “moment of true happiness” requirement. At this point, I’m thinking they’re in the dungeon and it’s full of spellwork supplies probably. So, like, I guess they’ll light some quick candles and summon the Empty? 
We fall silent as Cas starts talking about FEELINGS. “The one thing I want, it’s something I know I can’t have.” He says this RIGHT TO DEAN’S FACE. RIGHT IN OUR FACES. “Happiness isn’t in the having. It’s in just being. It’s in just saying it.” 
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We stop breathing.
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And then Cas murders us forever when he shifts to talking about Dean. He knows Dean sees himself as a killer, a “blunt instrument.” But Cas sees him differently, and his way is true: Dean cares more than anyone Cas has ever met. He’s powered by love and not anger. “You’re the most caring man on Earth. You are the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know. Ever since we met. Ever since I pulled you outta Hell, knowing you has changed me. Because you cared, I cared. I cared about you. I cared about Sam. I cared about Jack. I cared about the whole world because of you. You changed me, Dean.”
Cas is crying and we are murdered dead in our beds by this show. 
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Dean thinks it sounds like goodbye. “That’s because it is,” Cas tells him. And then he follows up with one last thing. “I love you.” 
And...it’s there. The love we’ve seen in his eyes for eleven seasons is there, out loud, and centered on Dean. We joke a lot at ShirtlessSammy about the need to just KISS ALREADY but this flayed us in the way a kiss could never do. It heightens everything. Castiel’s care for Dean, his loyalty and friendship now have a new layer - that of textual, unrequited love. We’ve obviously been personally clinging to the destiel train car for quite some time, but laying out Castiel’s feelings and saying it’s enough for him to acknowledge them out loud is SO POWERFUL. As a love story, it’s tragic beauty. As a personal coming out story, it’s just BEAUTY. 
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With this dropped between them, Dean can read the writing on the wall. “Don’t do this, Cas,” he begs. Immediately, gooey sounds begin to squish out from the brick wall behind Dean. 
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The empty swirls in, and Billie breaks through the door at last. Cas grasps Dean by the shoulder. “Goodbye, Dean,” he says, hurling him away from the twin threats. 
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In an instant, the Empty advances, swallowing Cas and Billie and retreating back into the wall without so much as a howdy. (Please join me for a displeased hiss at Billie’s apparent demise.)
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Sam and Jack emerge from the silo, shocked. Sam tries calling Dean, while Jack looks around. Jack wonders if it was just the people in the silo who disappeared. 
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The camera POV pans out to abandoned playground equipment, still-spinning bicycle wheels, and cars left behind on the road. It’s the end of the world, and suddenly the world feels too big. Too lonely.
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We cut to Dean. He’s on the floor in the same place Castiel threw him. His phone rings. It’s Sam. Dean stares at it, before dropping it to the floor. He pulls himself inward, and the episode ends on the sounds of choked sobbing.
Boris and I are monsters, as WE end the episode entirely too jubilant for words. Here’s to being right! Readers, while Boris can’t fully hope for a happy ending (gotta protect that heart), Natasha has zero doubts. We’re getting them back, damn it! And love’s gonna light the way.
Never Gonna Quote Me Away (From You!):
I don’t wanna hurt you. Don’t let me hurt you.
To somehow
I wanted to make things right. And now I don’t know why I’m here
Let’s go reap a reaper
I brought a bucket
I guess this is the part where I say, “Hello, boys”
It’s you, Dean. It’s always been you. Death defying. Rule breaking. You are everything I live to set right. To put down. To tame. You are human disorder incarnate
You think that hate and anger - that’s what drives you. It’s not. Everyone who knows you sees it. Everything you have ever done - the good and the bad - you have done for love.
Want to read more? Check out our Recap Archive! 
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
After seeing tha La Squadra ask with the yakuza games I was wondering how the group would react if the yakuza La Squadra member had a few of their old yakuza friends visit Italy and their the characters from the yakuza games (let’s just say it’s in the same universe)
🐉 Former Yakuza La Squadra member gets a visit from Kiryu & Majima🐉 (multiple asks in one) (2,1k)
sfw // gn reader (reader is the former yakuza member)
After discovering Majima and Kiryu shared a mutual friend that had moved to Italy and joined a gang there, they were curious to know how they were faring, deciding on a whim to pay them a visit. Their old pal had left quite the impression on the two men back when they were part of the yakuza.
Set in an AU where the Yakuza in-game happenings and JJBA events take place in the same universe, the game does not exist, it’s just real life for the characters and La Squadra’s newest recruit that used to be in the Yakuza happened to be friends with Kiryu and Majima back in the day.
(Btw my interpretation of Majima when he’s alone with Kiryu is that he mostly drops his act and since he’s in a new country he is a little more timid towards strangers, don’t get me wrong, he will still start shit but maybe not as quick.)
It was a bright and sunny day, the sweet spring wind still holding some winter chill as it blew through your hair. You were sat on the bench across from the safe house, arms spread wide on the backrest, cigarette dangling on your lips while you basked in the warmth of sunshine. You quite enjoyed sitting like this, making it an uninviting scene for passersby or your teammates, not wanting anyone near you so you could relax in peace. Of course still on guard, never truly letting it down, there’s enough people out there that have a bone to pick with Passione, especially your division. You took another long drag of the cigarette, the overwhelming smoke entering your lungs like ashy clouds. But as you heard some rustling you reached over to grab the smoking bud and pressed it into the ground with your foot. There was something suspicious going on, you felt like you were being watched. You casually peered through half closed eyes at the building in front of you, no one had been staring through the windows. No, it felt like it came from a different direction. Lazily you stood up, stretching your core, twisting your middle from side to side while letting your arms get some movement, readying your body for possible combat. As you turned, you saw a trashcan wiggle in your peripheral. The movements looked very unusual, was there a cat stuck in it? But the can was placed so precisely on the corner of an alley, someone could easily be standing right around the bend to surprise-attack you. Picking up a rock and throwing it right at the middle of the can, even making an indent, you felt a bit idiotic for doing it. But still there was no further movement or sound. You were still curious so you without much thinking you crept closer. If it was an animal in need you’d feel bad to have left it to suffer.
As you stepped nearer, now in front of the dented can, having full vision of the alley you were met with someone you didn’t suspect in the slightest. “Kiryu-san?” You questioned, face frozen in shock. “Wh-what are you doing here? Am I dreaming?” you asked while rubbing your eyes, maybe if you rubbed them hard enough you’d wake up. The large man’s furrowed eyebrows softened as he was met with your familiar form. A small smile formed on his lips but he stayed quiet for some reason, opting to kick the trashcan in front of him instead. It burst open, the lid sent flying further into the alley as you both ducked for cover. “What the fuck Kiryu-chan?! I told you I got this!” Majima’s figure popped out, the snakeskin jacket crumpled from what looked like sitting in the confined space for far too long. You couldn’t believe your eyes, you’re sure your mouth was hanging open with eyes wider than a deer in headlights, like your brain had crashed and burned. “Ya went and ruined the surprise Kiryu-chan! And ya went and broke Oushi-chan as well.” The one eyed man gestured angrily while complaining, he’d planned out the perfect way to surprise you: to shock and fight you. But the only thing that snapped you out of your stupor was that stupid nickname, Oushi-chan. He basically called you a bull, giving you the nickname after you’d stormed angrily down the stairs of the Tojo Clan head office after a particularly frustrating meeting and nearly threw Majima down the stairs as you raced on by. “Stop calling me that! And what in the name of all that is sacred are you doing in Italy?” You hushed your yells as to not alert the entire neighbourhood of their arrival, helping the older man out of the trashcan. “We’d thought it was nice to come and visit you, see what you’ve been up to.” Kiryu calmly explained. “And calling was too expensive? You guys really scared the shit out of me!” Still filled with disbelief at their sudden appearance, but glad to see those familiar faces again. You did miss them too, the short time you shared with them still being remembered fondly. “Glad to see ya haven’t changed, ya did get an Italian accent though.” Majima playfully jabbed as he slung his arm around your shoulders. “Oh you’re one to talk about accents old man.” You prodded back as you pushed his arm off in annoyance, not taking any of the man’s teasing that easily. “Before you ask how we found you, I’ll explain.” Kiryu’s voice was still as deep as you remembered, telling you how they knew you were in Naples and even knew of Passione, it was just a matter of time until someone pointed you out (after some mild intimidation). Not that it was hard to spot you among the Italian men in your team. Hard for these two to talk, back in Tokyo you’d spot that grey suit and angry scowl from a mile away. And let’s not even pretend that Majima’s no-shirt-tacky-jacket-leather-pants look was any less eye catching. You huffed out a laugh, the shock of seeing these two finally wearing off as they started asking questions about how you’ve been and how work is. Happily chatting on the bench you were previously lounging on.
“So… what’s the nature of yer squad exactly? I mean ya look meaner than before, if that was even an option.” The one eyed man jested in a hushed voice, sure that it was a sensitive topic. “Well I like to think we’re the cleanup crew, bringing a bit more harmony to this field of work.” Ignoring his comment about your looks, sure that they helped you in this line of business. “That’s one way to phrase it.” Kiryu huffed out a chuckle, leaning his hands on his knees as he looked at you with a sympathetic smile. He admired your fervour, it was one of the reasons he was so fond of you. After hearing how you stood up against Majima and he didn’t slice you to bits, he was impressed at how you persuaded Majima to settle it through a game of hanafuda. The stoic man knew you liked to be alone, being used to it himself or rather preferring it somewhat over putting his loved ones in danger. He actually asked you to join his family if he ever became patriarch of his own one, he put a lot of trust in you.
After some more catching up you decided that perhaps you should show them around the house and introduce them to your teammates. Knowing how much they loved hearing your stories about your time in the yakuza, they’d surely appreciate to meet your old pals. You stepped in with the two men in tow, stopping in the entry way to hand your friends some slippers, it was a habit you never let go since moving here and you’d even convinced the rest of your house mates to go along with it. “Hey guys, I have some friends I’d like you to meet! Please don’t be weird!” You yelled loudly enough for the entire house to hear, even your capo on the top floor would be able to. Formaggio, Prosciutto and Pesci sauntered out of the living room, looking quite bored before noticing your two friends. Now they seemed interested. “So who’s the eye-patch guy and mister giant?” Formaggio joked as he elbowed Prosciutto who tutted his colleague for touching his suit. “Well these two gentlemen are my friends from Japan… from the yakuza…” it was so awkward to add that they were also involved in such things. You were pretty sure Kiryu was nearing his end run with the organisation anyway. “Oh and they do not understand a single word you’re saying, I’ll translate and yes I will filter out your jokes Formaggio.” You said in a serious tone. The two men behind you stood awkwardly awaiting any signal from you, Majima eyeing your teammates up and down, trying to get a good impression of them. Pesci seemed scared by the men but trying his best not to show it, only shaking a little. Majima thought him a perfect target to tease, holding himself back from his usual persona. “Prosciutto. Pesci. Formaggio.” Your blond colleague introduced them curtly, hands still in his pockets. Kiryu understood the introductions and gave a little nod, Majima followed with a grunt. “This is Majima-san and Kiryu-san.” The mingling of Italian and Japanese still being something you were trying to get used to, only having been able to speak Italian since you arrived. You led the men into the sitting room, the three colleagues retreating back to their card game while you and the other two sat down on the couches. Your colleagues weren’t really that interested it seemed or maybe just unsure of them for now. As you excused yourself to get some drinks for your guests, you were a little worried to leave them by themselves, you knew they could handle themselves physically, but it was more the communication part that you were worried about. You returned with a couple of glasses filled with juice as you saw Melone had slinked inside the living room, gently placing himself on the one seater next to the couch. “So who are these guys?” He asked curiously while leering, perhaps making Kiryu blush a little since Melone kept staring at him. You quickly introduced them to him and shushed him out of your seat, instead he sat on the armrests of the chair. Majima sat up a little, not really liking the looks of the purple haired one. “Is he always like that?” he asked, being a little weirded out. “Yes, yes he is.” You replied with a sigh as your teammate kept staring with a grin on his face, happy to just quietly observe.
You nearly sprung out of your chair when Risotto entered the doorway, feeling like you’d overstepped by bringing in your friends. Majima cocked an eyebrow at your behaviour, not knowing what superior could make you act like that. That was until he turned around as well. “Risotto I-, excuse me for bringing them in but they came all the way from Japan to check up on me.” You pleaded in a hurry as your capo took in the people in the room. “Don’t worry.” He said while giving a nod to the guests while taking them in, having a bit of a stare off with Majima or more like Majima didn’t want to lose eye contact. He felt an innate need to fight Risotto, not because he wanted to hurt him, he just wanted to see what the large man was made off. Risotto reminded Majima of his dear friend next to him. “I’ll be going back to work but please treat their guests nicely.” Risotto aimed his comment at the other men in the room, seeing them not really interact with the guests just yet. You sunk back down in your chair and sighed in relief. “He’s got ya whipped Oushi-chan.” Majima joked as he saw your cheeks get a little flushed.
Slowly but surely with lots of hard work the men actually started talking (with your help translating), Kiryu was still a bit demure but you didn’t expect him to be otherwise, respecting his usual style. After a while Prosciutto even invited them to play a round of cards, all sat around the table while he dealt them. A simple game of blackjack. You actually quite enjoyed the intermingling of your past and present, happy to know there were still people looking out for you back home. Not even sure if you were still allowed to call it home, having perhaps found a new one.
And yes Melone did ask to fight Majima, who quickly agreed since he thought the lithe man was weird and needed some readjusting. Of course Majima won, you sternly asked Melone not to use his stand. The whole thing was quite amusing actually, even Kiryu seemed to enjoy it.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 4 years
Déjà Vu (Or are we losing our minds?) VI -Modern!Shirbert
Words: 2,292
Series’ Masterlist
Previous Chapter // Next Chapter
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Chapter Six: Kindred Spirits.
Anne to ‘Golden Trio’: I know you were looking forward to our party this weekend but I just got my period and I’m DYING so… rain check?
Cole: Bitch—
Diana: Oh, no! :( I hate when that happens, but it’s okay, we can wait!
Cole: I just want you to appreciate my friendship right now cause I’m on the verge of throwing myself over a cliff but fine, I have no uterus, no opinion. I’ll have to stand these beasts a while longer
Diana: Those are your nieces, nephews and siblings you’re talking about, Cole…
Cole: And I love them but doesn’t mean they don’t suck
Anne: I love you so much Cole, I promise next week it’s on!
Anne dropped her phone on her nightstand, then it buzzed once more, she groaned but picked it up anyway, Josie's name on the screen.
Josie: Ruby’s having a crisis. Waiter guy won’t answer his phone and now she’s on the verge of shaving her head.
Anne: goddamit I just got my period, I’m still on my pj’s!
Josie: We can go to your place? I really don’t want to deal with Ruby on my own...
Anne bit her lip, she had the tendency to lack patience during her periods, but the girls needed her, so she couldn’t say no.
Anne to ‘Golden Trio’: If you guys feel like witnessing some drama Josie’s heading to my place with a "Pink Crisis."
Cole: Fuck, did that waiter broke things off with Ruby already?
Anne: Apparently he’s not answering her texts and Ruby’s about to go crazy.
Cole: I’m in. Anything as long as I can leave the house.
Diana: Sorry, I was talking with Minnie May
Diana: btw I’m in too, let me see if I can take the car and I’ll pick you up @Cole
Cole: Cool, text me when you’re coming.
Anne dropped her phone again, this time on her pillow, and got up to let tell Marilla and Matthew that the girls plus Cole were coming. 
A strange thought came to her as she got up from bed. She felt like there was something missing, something was out of place, or unfinished. Was she supposed to text someone? Had she missed an appointment?
‘A doctor's appointment,’ said a voice at the back of her head.
Anne snorted at the absurdity of that, she knew there was no doctor's appointment scheduled, what the hell was wrong with her? Maybe it was just the hormones...
Bash was still not over the fact that Gilbert had had a “wet dream” about Moody’s girl and kept teasing whenever he could. It wasn’t Ruby though, Gilbert knew that, somehow.
He was sure that the girl in his dreams had red hair and grey eyes. Or blue, he couldn’t remember well. Either way, as the afternoon went away he started to forget. Sure enough, it’d been nice, he woke up feeling some sort of strange joy for the rest of his shift until it was time to close the diner, then his mind drifted to the dishes he needed to clean and the bills they had to pay.
While Mary was upstairs putting Delly to bed Bash sat next to him on the living room, making sure to mess up the comfortable position Gilbert was in by putting his legs on the boy's lap and laying on the whole lenght of the couch.
“Sometimes I feel like you’re the real twenty-year-old in this house and I’m the parent,” Gilbert rolled his eyes, pushing Bash’s legs away.
“That’s cause you’re always grumpy. You know why you always grumpy, Blythe?” Bash smirked.
“I don’t want to know.”
“It’s because you need to get laid.”
“There we go…”
“Why can’t you be a normal young adult and get one of those apps to hook up?”
“Because everytime I try it, all I think about is how I could end up murdered or sick- Do you want me to die of syphilis, Bash? Is that what you want?”
“Don’t be dramatic.”
“I’m not that desperate for sex, anyway.”
“I don’t wanna know the context of that sentence at all,” Mary walked in holding a basket full of Delly’s clothes. “But since you have all this free time to talk about your sex life, why don’t you help me with the girl’s stuff and fold them while I make myself a cup of tea?”
“Sure,” Gilbert agreed, happy to change the subject.
“Am I asking too much? Does god hate me?”
The group groaned in exasperation at Ruby’s inquires.
“I think you should finish your tea and breathe,” Diana said patiently.
“What she needs is to get her shit together and understand that it’s the twenty-first century. No man is going to propose to you after a drunk make-out session, Ruby!” Josie rolled her eyes.
“I know that!” Ruby said defensively. “But he’d been so nice even before that... I thought he liked me!”
“Maybe he does,” Anne said. “You have to remember that it’s Christmas, maybe he’s shopping? Maybe his phone got busted? I don’t know, give him the benefit of the doubt!”
“You know what my advice is,” Cole said simply.
“Yes,” Diana and Anne said at the same time.
“I’m gonna say it anyway. Dump the idiot and live your best life. Why are you trying to have a serious relationship when half of the boys in college are desperately trying to get in your pants?”
“Are you trying to get her pregnant or with syphilis? Because that’s how you do it, that's how you get syphilis,” Anne said crossed her arms. “She doesn’t have to sleep around to be happy! She just needs to be logical!”
“Okay, Dr. Heart, what do you recommend?” Josie huffed.
Anne whined and curled up under the covers. Ruby and Josie were sitting at the edge of her bed while Diana and Cole laid casually on the floor, their heads against the pillows Anne had given them so they weren’t completely flat on the ground.
“I don’t know, I’ve never dated a guy for more than a month.”
“Ew, Roy,” Cole said instantly.
“But maybe… I don’t know, do you have his intagram or something?”
“I do,” Ruby sniffed. “I haven’t checked it cause I didn’t want to look desperate and you know how I always accidentally like old pictures…”
“If you have his instagram, you have his facebook,” Cole said.
“How come?”
“Give me your phone,” His hand lifted from the ground, Ruby gave it to him.
“Okay, so we decided to go full stalker then,” Josie said bluntly.
“It’s either this or…” Anne stopped herself before saying ‘or hearing Ruby mop for another three hours’ but managed to hold her tongue just in time.
“This is for the best,” Diana replied almost as if talking of a medical procedure.
“Can someone go to the bathroom and fetch me the painkillers?” Anne groaned.
“I’ll go, see if I can drown myself in the toilet,” Josie mumbled. “I can’t believe you guys are my best friends…”
Anne laughed at that. Truth be told, Josie and her weren’t exactly close during their youth, Josie even sort of made her life a living hell for a whole year during Junior high, then some random dude tried to take advantage of her during a school dance and Anne stood up for her in front of the whole school. Josie spent the rest of her highschool years making up for her bad actions by defending Anne from any nasty comments anyone would throw her way.
She kept this up even during college, and Anne would’ve gladly told her it wasn’t necessary if it wasn’t because Josie seemed to get more insulted whenever Anne tried to point it out than if she was actually insulting her.
“You know what I’d love to have right now?” Anne yawned.
“A nap?”
“I’d love to have one of those god awful pancakes they used to make in our highschool’s cafeteria. God, they were awful, but for some reason I’m craving those fucking pancakes...”
“You ever crave flowers?” Diana asked absentmindedly.
“What?” Anne laughed. “What do you mean?”
“Like, you walk past a flower shop and you see a gorgeous bouquet, and then some random day you’re like, ‘Man, I wish I had the bouquet, it’d look amazing on my coffee table'”
“I… no– wow, I think it’s the first time you've beat me, Diana. That was the weirdest thing I’ve heard in a while.”
“Oh please, you love flowers, you must have felt that way at some point!”
“No, I swear,” Anne sat up. “I mean, maybe because if I see pretty flowers I just buy them, never been one to say no to buying flowers.”
“That’s the reason why our flat always stinks like gardenia, or roses, or lilies…” Cole adds distractedly.
“You know,” Ruby said, a bit calmer than before. “No boy has ever given me a bouquet.”
“That makes two of us,” Anne patted her knee.
“Three,” said Cole.
“So, Moody got mugged as soon as he left the bus station yesterday,” Gilbert sighed.
“Oh god, is he alright?” Winnie asked through the phone.
Winifred was back in town for the holidays, and she had many stories to tell about Paris and the girls she’d met there. She was one of Gilbert’s best friends from highschool, if not the only he still had from that time apart from Moody.
They were planning to have lunch the next day, but she’d called him to let him know she was home now, safe and sound, and they were chatting the night away.
“Yeah, a black eye and no phone or wallet, but fine,” Gilbert chuckled. “What’s worse is that he’s not even mad about that, he's upset that he won’t be able to text his girl...”
“What?!” She gasped. “I didn’t know Moody had a girlfriend!”
“He doesn’t,” The boy squinted. “Well, I think they saw each other the other night at the bar and they kissed, but I’m not so sure.”
“Right, because you were utterly shit-faced.”
He heard her laugh.
“I miss you two so much! Honestly, sometimes I feel like french guys lack sense of humor.”
“Oh, but I bet the girls were quite amusing, considering you oficially dated at least two of them throughout the semester,” He teased.
“Didn’t say I wasn’t having fun,” Winnie replied, he could pictured her smirking. “Looks like the only one who’s got no game is Canada’s Golden Boy! What’s the matter, Gilbert? No girl is worthy of your charms? Are you waiting until marriage?”
“Not quite,” He grinned. “I’ve been busy studying, that’s all.”
“I worry about you, don’t want to see you in ten years all grey and grumpy.”
“That's awfully rude, Bash is not grey and he’s ten years older than us!”
“Yeah but I’ve heard that if you don’t have sex you die faster.”
“That’s the biggest slander I’ve ever heard. Don’t try to scare the future Doctor with fake news!”
“Well, future Doctor, I just want to make sure you don’t end up as the spinster of our group. Not that is bad, if you want to be alone that’s cool, but please don’t be a bitter one, you know, like those old librarians?”
“So what should I be then, the old spinster that invites you to have tea every sunday?”
“Yeah, you could even own a coffee shop- oh wait, you do!”
“Rude,” Gilbert frowned, but he was still smiling. “The Orchard is not a coffee shop, just so you know.“
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” Winnie chuckled. “See you tomorrow?”
“Got it!”
The girls straightened up at Cole’s announcement, all of them excited.
“And?” Diana urged him.
“Good news or bad news?”
“Bad news,” Cole looked up. “He posted this five hours ago…”
He handed the phone to Diana, then she gave it to Anne, there she read the most recent post on his page:
‘Someone stole my phone and wallet, please block the number in the meantime. If you need me you can send a private message here.’
“Could’ve been worse,” Anne gave the phone back to Ruby so she could read what it said.
Ruby sighed heavily.
“He doesn’t hate me.”
“Of course not, you’re a ray of freaking sunshine,” Josie retorted.
“I still think this is god giving you the opportunity to reconsider,” Cole replied. “Don’t commit, Ruby, you’re too young to get married–”
“She won’t get married!” Diana slapped his arm, then hesitated. “Well, at least not anytime soon... right, Ruby?”
“It’s late, children,” Marilla peeked through the door. “You can have dinner here if you want, we have room for all of you, but if you don’t then I suggest you to say your goodbyes now...”
“Thank you Marilla,” Anne smiled. “They’ll be on their way.”
“You can stay the night if you want as well,” Marilla added. “Matthew and I missed the fuss you kids make around the house whenever Anne invites you.”
“That’s so kind, thank you,” Ruby beamed.
Marilla left and Anne turned to look at the group.
“So any of you want to stay?”
“You know I do,” Cole smirked.
“Same,” Josie admitted. “My mom's being a pain right now: ‘Are you dating someone, love?’ ‘Will you ever give me grandchildren?’”
“I’d like to stay too,” Ruby said, deep in thought. “I know he’s not avoiding me, but I really don’t want to sleep alone tonight…”
“You have two younger sisters, Ruby.”
“It’s not the same!”
“See?” Cole said. “Ruby gets it!”
“I’ll have to pass,” Diana sighed. “My dad needs the car tomorrow morning, last minute shopping.”
“We still have next week,” Anne assured her with a small smile.
@ninizkd @http-itsrebecca @fuckthisshitimoutyall @just-here-to-escape-from-reality​​ @little-boats-on-a-lake
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naysaltysalmon · 5 years
Shoutout to @tiburme for tagging me~!
Rules: Name 10 favorite characters from 10 different things and then tag 10 people.
Oh, massive spoilers below btw.
1. Gon Freecss from Hunter x Hunter: My favorite shounen protagonist by far. At first you think he’s your typical happy-go-lucky bouncy boye :D who definitely doesn’t have abandonment issues or self-destructive tendencies that literally actually almost kill him later on, and then, uwu... The amount of complexity that Gon has as a protagonist who hardly ever has stand-alone development is nothing short of astounding. How during the Chimera Ant Art his characterization totally dips off to the side to become an unknowable entity even to the audience, while still retaining amazing character development regardless -- not to mention how brilliantly daring his decision to threaten Komugi is that nearly every other author with such a happy-go-lucky protagonist would shy away from in cowardice -- is absolutely surreal to me. The more I think and write about Gon, the more I fall in love with him. If I ever meet his father, and by that I mean his real father, the creator, Togashi, I have nothing else to say but,,, well done, sir.
2. Tanjirou Kamado from Demon Slayer: I’m really hoping the Demon Slayer movie comes out soon because I absolutely love this boy and how charming he is. Unlike most protagonists, not just of shounen anime but of seemingly macho story lines that involve power-ups and training in general, Tanjirou never lets go of his kind heart. (Welp, except maybe in some cases when he’s facing the Upper Moons later on -- I haven’t caught up yet -- but WE’RE GONNA IGNORE THAT for now.) From the beginning, Tanjirou’s kindness isn’t an obstacle holding back his power, though other characters pose it that way, but rather he cultivates his empathy to grant peace to the demons he faces. He smiles in the face of anyone who treats him poorly because of his cluelessness, and that’s just so heartwarming to see, and dare I say subversive to the hardened, calculating, and cocky male protagonists we so often get. Good job, Gotouge.
3. Joseph Joestar from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Giorno Giovanna was a close second, but I gotta go with Joseph. He’s the one who made me fall in love with the series, and with the later parts too. Unlike Jonathan Joestar, who was chivalrous and manly, Joseph was a riot: colorful, arrogant, funny, but also extremely clever. I absolutely loved his, “Next you’ll say...!” because at first I expected it to just be him being an overconfident asshole and eventually he’d be proven wrong at the ~Dai Pinchi Moment~ (please excuse my weeb speech, I legit didn’t know what else to call it), but then he hit the mark every time and eventually I was just waiting for when he’d pull that out and it was so hype. Also I surely can’t forget his transformation as an old dude in Part 3 -- him screaming “OOHHHH MY GAAAWDDDA!” and “HOLY SHIIIT!” murdered me every time. And of course, last but not least, the raw fucking emotion when Caeser died -- the dude actually gave a shit and wasn’t made entirely of wit and absurdity, but heart too. Joseph set the tone for what JJBA was as a whole for me (fuck off with that “but Part 3/Part 4 is the best Part” bullshit, Part 2 will always be top tier for me because of Joseph Joestar’s brilliant, bright, and beautiful absurdity -- but Part 5 was really good too). Araki really is a genius.
4. Link from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: My love for this series is a bit older than the series I’ve already mentioned, and TLoZ: TP was actually probably the first time I got seriously obsessed with a fandom. I love all the Links in their own ways, but Twilight Princess really drove home the “lone wolf chosen by the gods, fighting against the world” narrative for me. It made me feel important and strong at a time when no one cared about me. Seeing Link struggle silently through his quest with villagers who meant well but did nothing for him, and Midna who started out as a reluctant acquaintance and eventually became so much more, meant so much to me at the time I played the game. I will always love Twilight Princess the most because of what it did for me at one of the darkest times in my life, and because I felt completely and utterly immersed in every part of the story and gameplay through Link’s character, who was, and in many ways, still is, so relatable to me: Silent courage really is what I use to get through every day.
5. Greedling from Fullmetal Alchemist (Brotherhood): For once I’m not naming the protagonist of a series! Lissen, I still smile whenever I see the slightest reference to Edward Elric, but now he’s more of my childhood love. He’s just a part of my personality already? LOL. Anyway, FMA(B) has so many good characters that choosing just one doesn’t feel right (I mean, same with HxH tho). I say Greedling because that encompasses both Ling and Greed though, two of my favorite characters from the series! Ling’s apparent childishness in constantly running away from fights, making other people pay for his food, and failing to grasp the seriousness of the situation (until Lan Fan’s arm gets cut off lol oops) is so adorable and entertaining. He’s the best kind of idiot asshole, and I especially love how he teases Ed. After him and Greed fuse, Ling’s stout heart becomes even more apparent, as he constantly eggs Greed on to remember his past life, his friends, and become someone outside of Father/the Dwarf in the Flask. Conversely, Greed’s nonchalance and (of course) avarice are nothing short of entertaining and heartbreaking. Greed’s realization at the end, when he finally admitted to himself that what he wanted all along were “friends like these,” completely crushed me the first few times I watched FMAB. And when he’s screaming in the tunnels under Central after having killed Bido, remembering his friends, and he doesn’t understand why, and later attacks Wrath/King Bradley... that shit was so entertaining and cathartic to watch. None of his development feels like forced redemption, nor like it was too little development, since it mostly happens in the background and away from the “validating eyes” of the protagonists other than Ling. And at the end, when Ling and Greed work together to take down Bradley and all the soldiers invading Central HQ... it’s so beautiful. Many have said this before but I’ll say it again: Hiromu Arakawa wrote the perfect series.
6. Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler: Another protagonist! And another older obsession of mine. Ciel remains in my mind to this day mainly for his heartlessness in relation to his age, and the fluidity with which Toboso tells his story. Normally when authors write younger characters into their serious stories, they make “child adults” of sorts, but Ciel feels totally realistic to the extent that he is both childish and adult to me. Obviously, Ciel is responsible and (normally) level-headed due to being the head of the Phantomhive household, but also from trauma. Yet, his cruelty at times is what sticks in my mind the most: You really feel that he’s someone who feels he’s been abandoned by the entire world, given his experiences, and that makes him disregard or use others sometimes in order to reach his own ends. Normally, authors would be too cowardly to let their protagonists, let alone child protagonists, go to such lengths to avenge their family, or carry out their duty as the dog of the military (looking at you, Arakawa -- she’s still a goddess tho). But Ciel is unforgiving. He lies to Snake and tells him his troupe is still alive. He murders the entire troupe because he’s triggered -- a childish decision, but driven with adult-like power due to trauma. It’s devastatingly riveting, and I cannot forget his unrelenting, contained rage to this day.
7. Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars: The Clone Wars: This one may come as a shock to most of you, because I hardly ever post Star Wars let alone Ahsoka content on here -- but it’s true. Other than the blatant, half-assedly inserted heteroromantic partner they gave Ahsoka in, like, idk season 3??, Ahsoka is a fucking goddess. From her origin as a wee baby in the earlier seasons who didn’t really know what she was doing and was a bit of a cocky brat, to how she matures and becomes wise, resourceful, and fierce in the later seasons, I just love Ahsoka’s design and character to this day. The episodes that stick in my mind aside from the obvious are when she’s possessed by the Dark Side of the Force on that Force balance planet and her arrogance becomes so exaggerated that she threatens and attacks Anakin, her teacher. It was so fucking cathartic. Normally female characters, let alone young protagonist female characters, are never allowed to show the ugly sides of themselves in fiction, since women are always portrayed as perfect beautiful majestic angels or some bullshit like that. (Or they’re cocky/sexy/slutty villain women. ‘Kay then.) Seeing Ahsoka devolve into her basal desires and come out of it like hardly anything happened and she’s still a perfectly valid character was so amazing to see on a meta level; it wasn’t about her learning a lesson or anything, it was a thing that happened like any other character and then they moved the fuck on. I also distinctly remember the episode where she was trapped on that island/planet and she had to take out the aliens that were after her all by herself. That was so fucking empowering to watch and god fucking dammit I need to rewatch this series now. And of course, let us not forget the fact that the entire time, we were all expecting Ahsoka to just be another domino in Anakin’s downfall -- and she was, but not through the refrigerator -- but through walking away from it all. That was so powerful and moving -- and heartbreaking. By the end of TCW, her character carried weight and agency in the narrative, and god, I only wish whoever wrote her could write more female characters in the future.
8. Tigress from Kung Fu Panda: Maybe another surprise, but I think she deserves this spot. Tigress is a female character who starts out as kind of an antagonist, given how she outright tells Po to leave the kung fu temple within the first day of him arriving. She’s even jealous of the fact that he’s chosen as the Dragon Warrior rather than her -- but that’s due to the backwash of years of trying to live up to the memory of Tai Lung in order to please Shifu (which means “master” in Chinese but ok I’ll shut up now), her master and mentor over the years. She never says this out loud in the movie, which is what makes her character more believable. Others even joke about how stoic she is (and not in bad taste). Her character development is definitely present for those who are looking -- but I put her on this list because I’m so happy the movie doesn’t make it some huge dramatic emotional thing, because so often in media women are depicted as being overly-emotional and here Tigress is just a hurt child trying to make her mentor happy. But, she gets over it, her and Po become allies, even friends to each other -- she and Po talk like equals in the second and third movies, and she even tells him to back out of the fight with Lord Shen and he listens (I mean he doesn’t stay put but he doesn’t undermine her opinion either lol, like most jokesy protagonists of Western media would -- looking at you, Marvel). I like Tigress because she’s an antagonist without being a bitch, she’s powerful without being overpowered, and she’s not sexualized despite being a well-trained, at times jealous, and even emotionally awkward kung fu master. And I almost forgot to mention the best part: There is never an indication of romance between her and Po, or any other character, for that matter. She’s perfectly capable, complex, and lovely on her own terms. And that’s that on THAT.
9. Bilbo Baggins from The Hobbit: I wanted to include at least one character protagonist from a live-action movie/book, lol. I feel like Bilbo’s pretty self-explanatory. He doesn’t wanna go on an adventure because he likes his doilies and warm sheets, but then Gandalf seduces him with the call to the outside world and possible death (LOL), and he fucking goes for it, grumbling the entire time. Isn’t that what any of us would do if given such a proposition? I like to think so. Bilbo obviously has his own gradual, evil transformation with the One Ring, becomes murderous and uses it to disappear, and grows a strong bromance with the King Under the Mountain (which happens in both the movie and the book), but I think what I like about him is that he really feels... down-to-earth? Like even though the adventure changes him, it never feels like he’s been stretched in a way that makes his core character traits of grumbling and bluntness disappear. He gets better at the whole adventuring thing, for sure, but he remains Bilbo, at least, to me, throughout the journey. It was heartwrenching watching him try to save Thorin in The Battle of Five Armies, honestly, but Bilbo’s the kind of character that I feel like has his own story and mythology aside from The Hobbit, and maybe that’s just the result of J.R.R. Tolkien writing the lore for every aspect of his universe, but My Point Still Stands. He feels like his own man apart from the series he’s in, yet he’s still so much fun in his series.
10. Barley Lightfoot from Onward: And last, this one is because I saw Onward yesterday and was pleasantly surprised by the characterization in it -- and anyone who thinks differently can kiss my *ss. :) I was not expecting the movie to take the twist of fleshing out the “annoying” (more like adorable) overconfident nerdy big brother. Normally those characters are swiped to the side because God Forbid The Comic Relief Have Any Sadness In Them. I was expecting the movie to focus on Ian’s journey to meet his fatha and that the movie would pull something stupid at the end like “oh actually there’s another phoenix gem underneath the school” or “actually since only his legs appeared then you still have 24 hours with him” or some shit like that, but I guess this isn’t an anime so those absurdist explanations wouldn’t hold water anyway. But still, for a kid’s movie, I was NOT expecting this movie to go so hard with the characterization. For once, the main character doesn’t get what he wants at the end, and instead realizes it’s his big brother, Barley, who’s been looking out for him his entire life. Meeting his dad would betray that reality. What happens instead is that the lovable big brother never actually said goodbye to their dad before he died, because when their dad got sick, said brother ran away from the hospital room in fear of all the life-sustaining equipment. (Is this some meta thing about Chris Pratt and Guardians of the Galaxy? Off topic and call me stupid, but I didn’t realize Chris Pratt plays him until I saw everyone freaking out about it afterward on Tumblr laksjdflak.) So instead, the lovable big brother talks to the dad at the end, and unconfident younger brother grows confidence and thanks big bro for being with him his entire life. It was so touching, dude. I cry. But the moment that sticks in my mind the most was when Ian was crossing the invisible bridge... Ian needed to have confidence in himself to be able to cross over a chasm in their path, and Barley knew that if Ian didn’t believe in himself, he would fall and die. They tie a rope around Ian for good measure, and Barley encourages him the entire way, but halfway over, the rope comes loose and slips off. Barley sees this and starts panicking, but of course continues to encourage Ian so that Ian will get to the other side. What got to me wasn’t the fact that he faked it for Ian, but that there are actual tears running down his face as he’s encouraging Ian to get to the other side, because he knows otherwise Ian wouldn’t have the confidence and would fall to his death. Like dude, that raw, complex emotion in a kid’s movie?! DUDE?! I was fucking surprised. The clear anxiety and grief in Barley’s face as Ian’s totally clueless and even dancing around in the air was just too much, omfg. Of course, then it’s played off for laughs, but... I guess that makes sense for the annoying overconfident nerdy big bro character. :’)
Okay these are way longer than I anticipated and I’m sorry, but also I’m really not. Hope you enjoyed reading my thoughts on my favs!
Seems I don’t talk to that many people on here anymore: @stupidbluejay @mirycactusito @chronicstarlight
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nikatyler · 5 years
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*gasp* a replies post! A long replies post! A long replies post where I overshare again! *o* Yeah I kinda missed doing these. I’m now at home, but won’t be for much longer. First, I’m going to meet some of my new classmates on Friday and I’ll spend the whole weekend with them! We’re going somewhere...well I don’t even know where that is, just that it’s in nature and I’ve never been there before! Thank gods we’re meeting at the main station in Prague, or else I wouldn’t get there myself. Then on Moday, I have to go to my uni, and then once more on Wednesday I think? And on Wednesday, I’ll have to wake up at 4 am. my LiFe Is SoOoOOOoO HaRd oH mY gOd. No, I’ll be fine.
And a month from now, I’ll be moving to my dorm. That’s some crazy stuff. I can’t believe it’s happening. Last week, my dad actually took me to Prague and we went to see where it is. The location reminds me a lot of my home, but I won’t tell you what exactly that is because no one needs to know that. Anyway, school starts in October. I’m actually looking forward to studying, but the “living alone in a big city with people I’ve never seen before” part is scary. D: I’ll give you updates.
Anyway, today was a weird day. First, I sat alone by the lake when these two guys came and talked to me (I didn’t mind that actually, they were kinda nice), then when I got up and said I had to go home, one of them complimented my legs...which would’ve been really nice but then he basically implied he’d go to bed with me...and like literally five minutes ago he said he had a girlfriend...basically men are scary. Then later, mum and I went grocery shopping and I saw my middle school crush with his girlfriend...and decided that his girlfriend is cute, way cuter than him actually...bisexual culture I guess, crushing on your middle school crush’s girlfriend lmao. Then we went to pay for our groceries and the cashier...was my childhood friend who also happened to be my first crush and also my last crush and these days I’m wondering if I’m really crushing on him or if I’m just holding onto him because I don’t know any better. Long story but if you ever feel like I have a thing for childhood friends to lovers trope, maybe blame him.
Wow. Oversharing much? Let’s get to those replies then, before I tell you what colour my underwear is or something.
Also!! Stream Lover. You won’t regret it.
volcanopasta replied to your photoset “@ ea guess what we still don’t have in ts4”
I miss spooning
I feel like that’s one of those little things half of the community misses. ;-;
simlishprincess replied to your photoset “MAGNOLIA???”
she’s morphing
She’s broken like this really often and it scares me :D
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Vanessa: “So do you forgive me?” Gwyneth: “Of course I do. I must...”
Lol, a bpr founder telling thez plan no more children, they are so funny
These sims have no clue what I have in store
And just you wait for gen 2
Just you wait
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “There it is. Wonder what she could use the computer for…;) (no, I...”
Well I can`t say this is surprisingXD
Yeah...do most people go for purple? At least most bpr people I follow/followed went for this colour :D I also wanted to do this thing where the founder chooses the pink person, but the heir is purple. Idk why, I just wanted it to be like that haha
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “Uhh oh hi again. You guys are seeing this right after the last post,...”
Jeez, Vanessa looks like that liquid Terminaor from Terninator 2.Funnily enough he was posing as a police officerXD
Lol I have no idea what you’re talking about because I’m bad at watching iconic movies (read as: I haven’t watched any of the movies that people think everyone has watched :’D) but I’ll believe you lmao
dandylion240  replied to your photoset “I really can’t justify this, can I? Listen, I have to stay true to my...”
Sometimes the aliens won't let you go even if you want to.
Oh you’re right
create-a-sim replied to your photoset “She traded her policeman hat for a fishnet top. Fashion, you know.”
me as a policeman
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “You know how I said I couldn’t justify this? Well…Alexa play Oops I...”
Yeah, make Roxanne that purple sibling/s
Careful what you wish for 👀
dandylion240 replied to your post “The power of what sharing a worry with someone can do amazes me, as a...”
Awe I'm glad you didn't delete without telling anyone. You would have been missed. But you're not the only one who thinks about doing that though.
I love seeing you on my dash ❤️
1o8percent replied to your post “The power of what sharing a worry with someone can do amazes me, as a...”
I’m glad that sharing your worries was able to help you. Simblr can be overwhelming and well life in general can be too. It’s nice to have someone to let it out to. I’m glad you’re still around!
Thank you guys so much. This happens to me from time to time, but it’s never been this bad.
desira-sims replied to your post “Random thoughts and ideas: NSB, BC and my hair (again)”
I’m slowly working through the sentence starters too. I didn’t realize quite how difficult some of them would be. Lol
Same! I might incorporate one of them into my yellow gen because it would fit there perfectly. God I’m really going to milk this one awful awful event for angst huh. That will be frowned upon. As for the other...I have an idea for it but it doesn’t fit the og Raleb timeline at all (it was for them) and I want it to be canon...like I kinda just don’t want to call it an AU, but I guess I’ll have to.
aiseinei replied to your photoset “Eden: “Ughhh oh my god my life is soooo hard!”
I would be too if I was stuck staring pink in the mirror for the rest of my life �� no very cute!
Oof same haha. One of the reasons why I was hesitant about starting BPR was the pink :D
And then I went and made my founder marry a pink sim and have four pink children with her, because that makes sense. I love making myself suffer, yay!
Thank you, btw!
medleymisty replied to your post “I'm not saying I want to re-read my entire NSB but...I kinda do. Will...”
*hugs* We're our own worst critics. I used to cringe at my old stuff too, but really it was decent. I might have learned more since then, but it was still good. I'm glad you can see the good in yours. :)
I’m definitely not as hard at my younger self anymore. I went and read some of my stories written when I was 13-14, and I tried to look at it that way. They weren’t perfect, but maybe they were good for a child of that age. I mean, I always got good grades on my writing homework, and my teachers have always liked how I worked with words, so...yeah, it’s not perfect, but I’m not going to have perfectly fleshed out characters and storylines when I have barely even understood that the world isn’t just black and white, good and evil. There are shades inbetween.
That got deep again but I have a lot of feelings about this and I’m sorry to my younger writer self for how I’ve treated her. Keep going, kid.
xiapxls replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me! Whenever I come across a new blog I'm interested in I always read everything before I hit follow
whysimstho replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
It was how I found your blog actually!
yamekamerainbows27 replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I have! ✋✋
elisabettasims replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I feel like I read over 90% of it?
dandylion240 replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me. Was in love with Ross since he was born in game. He was such a lil cutie!!
desira-sims replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
Me! Came across a Ross and Caleb post and went back to the beginning to read it all.
1o8percent replied to your post “Well, of course my bad wifi had to ruin everything. I guess I will go...”
I have ��
Wooow there’s a lot of you. And you stuck with me through the bad and the worse, through all the dumb ideas I got...thank you. Seriously, thank you. There’s more in store, I promise.
You’ll want to punch me in the face eventually, I’m just saying.
Speaking of punching someone in the face, yesterday I was waiting for my hair to dry and I thought hmm, let’s go read gen 2 of my NSB. And...I knew Ross was an idiot when he was young, but I forgot he was that bad. I’m glad none of us accepted it and we only collectively forgave him when he got his crap together. Yay. Also yay we didn’t cancel him because cancel culture is disgusting, people can learn from their mistakes.
I’m going off topic again. That happens when I’m in a good mood.
elisabettasims replied to your post “Let's play a game, "how many more curly maxis match hair can I...”
It's true, there is never enough.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Let's play a game, "how many more curly maxis match hair can I...”
There is never enough
Glad we’re on the same page haha
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “��”
Yes, tumblr finally stopped bullying me and send my ask!
Yay tumblr, it got its crap together for once!
No, jokes aside, if you ever send me an ask and I don’t respond, feel free to send it again. I think I got better at answering my asks fast, so you can definitely tell by that. Also, if I answer everyone else’s and not yours...that’s also a sign because I hardly ever keep asks private (unless I’ve been asked to do so, then I’ll always respect your wish!)
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photo “I have to catch a bus in like ten minutes but here’s what I’ve been...”
This hairstyle suits Ross!
It kinda really does?? It was also the closest I could get to his ts4 one haha.
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photoset “Contestant number seven has arrived! Talia: “Is everything alright?...”
god yeah as an experienced bc player i feel that, introductions take SO long and get SO annoying
I had an “ok I’m never doing this again” moment with literally every contestant because 1) it was taking forever and 2) making ten different and yet still entertaining dialogues was hard
And I write a lot so you’d say that would be easy for me, but nope :’D
doka-chan replied to your post “I don't know how many of you are interested in my book...”
Book recommendations are always a plus. Thank you ! :)
I like them too! Not only because, well, I get a book recommendation, but also because I’m always curious about what people read haha.
vintageplumbobs replied to your post “Just queued episode 2 of the BC and one of the posts got flagged…wanna...”
Not all of us have time for breakfast! I can’t be looking at that in the staff kitchen! People will riot! ����
Oh that’s right, forgive me tumblr, I have sinned
desira-sims replied to your post “But I’ve never told you that before.” Caleb and Ross, please? ��”
That is the sweetest thing ever. ������
dandylion240 replied to your post “But I’ve never told you that before.” Caleb and Ross, please? ��”
I love it ❤️
Thank you guys ;-; ♥ I loved writing this so much. It gave me that nice warm feeling inside, you know what I mean? They make me so happy! ;-;
wcif a vampire best friend that would eventually end up marrying me?
dandylion240 replied to your post “Just queued episode 2 of the BC and one of the posts got flagged…wanna...”
Every single post of Emerson bc was flagged and they weren’t nsfw either mostly
Yeah, this is so weird...I know people say it happens when the picture has a lot of “skintone” coloured pixels...but that’s not always the case with my flagged posts??
Also (I’ll never shut up about this)...why is there a female-presenting nipples rule when it clearly can’t ever tell female and male nipples apart? I’m just saying. And yes I get it, for AI it sure has to be difficult to tell such things apart but in my opinion that’s exactly why they should get rid of it and only incorporate it when it can tell it apart. Actually, hold on, nope. The nipple rule is stupid no matter what gender the nipple is.
And I’ve just used the word nipple more times than ever before in my nineteen-something years long life.
desira-sims replied to your photoset “Some more pictures of Aretha ♥”
She's so pretty
Thank you! ♥ I’m happy with how she turned out.
vintageplumbobs replied to your photoset “I did not forget about those townie makeovers! @epicvictoria suggested...”
That style really suits her. But then...maybe I’m biased...
I think it suits her way better than her original outfits too, but same, I might be biased...vintage/retro aesthetic is my jam.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “How to tell which characters are my favourite? Well, they probably...”
Looking good!
omiscanking replied to your photoset “How to tell which characters are my favourite? Well, they probably...”
Haha thank you! I hope it’s a good kind of screaming :D
toxoplasmajuice replied to your post “Thoughts?”
screenshots are cool and all but i say if you wanna rely more on text then go for it! especially if you've figured out that taking all those screenshots is an obstacle for you - do what works best for you, you know?
doka-chan replied to your post “Thoughts?”
For me a story is up to its writer. I don't mind only one picture with a huge text, or the contrary a lot of picture with little to no text. As long as we got attached to the characters, it's not important, as long as it's progressing and understandable.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Thoughts?”
I don’t mind reading a lot of text. Pics are always second to the story to me.
desira-sims replied to your post “Thoughts?”
I sort of think there should be a balance. No, not everything needs to be shown as a ss, but it should be more than one photo for a wall of text.
Thank you for your feedback! I think it would be no more than one Word page of text. Which is a lot still but I think that’s the maximum I’d go for. And I mean, I’d show all the important moments. It’s just, I guess I don’t need ten different pictures of the same conversation when these people are just standing next to each other. And it doesn’t need to be split into ten different posts either.
I’ll figure it out, don’t worry.
deathflowertea replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
TS4 looks good on her! ��
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
alfalfalegacy replied to your photoset “the softest bean �� alternate, boring caption: So I finally decided to...”
I love her!!
Thank you guys! I really like how she turned out too.
tiny-tany-thaanos replied to your post “I'm thinking of starting something like "random facts about..." tags...”
I do love when people talk about their characters and stories! It makes OCs more real and all the small details are just adorable!
Me too. I want to know all the details. Tell me how you came up with this or that. Tell me what inspired you to do this. Tell me which song you associate with them. Tell me little things like what shower gel they’re using. I JUST LOVE OCS OKAY
toxoplasmajuice replied to your photo “Nicky: “This is a tragedy. Can I burn my picture before anyone sees...”
me whenever i finish a drawing
big relatable mood
create-a-sim replied to your post “list 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box for...”
I love good lyrics as well ;)
I’ve recently found a lot of appreciation for lyrics that seem simple, but then you get into them or read some behind the scenes facts and realize they’re not as simple as they might seem. Then I feel like the person who wrote it is a genius.
ineptbubbles replied to your photoset “Could I ever get bored of her? Nope.  Could I ever get bored of making...”
Omgosh I love that shirt!!
Me toooo and I need one irl ;-; But I mean, I’ve told my sister so many times this week, maybe when my birthday comes around in December, she’ll remember and she’ll tell my parents I want it? :D I mean I could just ask them for that myself but I just know I’d be embarrassed for some reason.
mlpsimmer replied to your photoset “Roxanne: “Dad, what are you doing here?! You told me you were supposed...”
Your sims are gorgeous!
Thank you so muuuuch! ♥
desira-sims replied to your post “Fluff sentence starter 16. “Do you think the moon is jealous of how...”
These two. �� My heart. I just love them.
dandylion240 replied to your post “Fluff sentence starter 16. “Do you think the moon is jealous of how...”
I love this thank you ❤️
Same. They borrowed my heart, said they’d give it back and then ran away with it and I never saw it again. smh guys, stealing isn’t nice
And no, thank YOU for making me write this ♥
mlpsimmer replied to your post “Tumblr……..your protect-kids-from-seeing-nipples algorithm still isn’t...”
It happened to one of my drafts, which was never published. They were fully dressed, too! It's a little annoying.
Yeah, I just talked about this above in a reply to an older comment. It’s...ugh tumblr, what is u doing
13 notes · View notes
babaleshy · 5 years
Time for me to rant. If anybody is morbidly curious about what it’s like to live with Trump supporter parents where one parent basically projects himself onto Trump, you can click the thingie. But the context of how this is different from other times I’ve bitched about my folks on my old account is we’re not starving for once. We actually have some money and are trying to get some shit together so we can take care of the urgent needs such as fucking house repairs and shit.
So... We live on a farm. I won’t say where, but right over the hill is a goddamn oil pad. My parents aren’t rich or anything from the oil rights, but I am reluctantly admitting that we are finally getting some money in to where we could repair our tub so we don’t have to risk blisters from pulling a DIY string to turn on the cold water through a ventilation duct because the faucet is fucked. We also got the train to our tub fixed so that way when we shower, we’re not standing in filthy-ass water that can’t drain properly no matter what we shove down the drain to fix it with. We had to replace the entire drainage system for both bathrooms.  Yes. Both bathrooms. The second one is just a toilet and a sink but that sink had the same clog problem due to YEARS of rust build-up because there’s so much goddamn iron in our well water, which my dad states is “actually water coming in from a flooded mineshaft,” and at this point, it would not surprise me if he was right for once.
We also finally got new working vehicles we don’t have to keep taking in for repairs we can’t afford in hopes we can make it to the grocery store or in hopes my mom and my husband can make it to work. Still 2 vehicles, but they are much newer than what we had before (I’m not car-smart, so I couldn’t tell you what years they are or whatever).
My mom also finally paid off all of the credit card debt we were drowning in. This includes both of mine we were forced to use and max out and never make payments on because we couldn't afford to eat several times. That’s about $3k in the hole if you include late fees and interest on TWO credit cards under MY NAME. Because we didn’t have money on us so we could fucking eat.
We are hoping that soon we can get all of our teeth fixed. My husband and I have wisdom teeth in dire need of removal. All of his are rotten, one of mine is rotten but all four are crowding my teeth, all four of us have cavities in our teeth we’re doing our best to keep from getting worse. So the next logical step is teeth. I’m trying to apply for Medicaid but now apparently you’re required to do that over the phone, now and I need a day during the week where my husband has off so I can get some help with this phone call (long story, I just have trouble with phone calls). We also really hope we can find a dentist and oral surgeon NOT IN THIS AREA. A BIG REASON WHY HALF MY TEETH ARE FUCKED IS BECAUSE OF PURPOSEFULLY BOTCHED JOBS BY AN ASSHOLE DENTIST SO YOU’D KEEP GOING IN AND HAVING YOUR FILLINGS RE-DONE.
But hey! We’re doing financially better, now. Especially since my mom plans to give me birthday money this year, and my parents don’t seem to have a problem with paying (if necessary) to help me get tested for dyslexia.
With all of this good news, you’d think my dad would be just tickled, right?
He bitches about spending money. He has a mole hill of money he sees as a mountain and he wants to sit on it and never spend it. He bitches anytime spending has to take place. At all. He parrots any and all things Trump promotes and shit. My dad wants to be Trump. My dad is racist, thinks Mexicans are invading America to take our jobs and rape our women and murder Americans (same with any non-white refugee from anywhere), he thinks the military doesn’t get enough support of any sort, with his excuse being “we need to make sure we can show the world we can destroy it at any time we want to so the rest of the world respects us.” Btw, he equates fear with respect. There is no debating him. I’ve tried.
My dad says if he is somehow convinced his xtian god isn’t real, then what’s the point in being a good person? He’d start killing everybody just because there would be no god to judge him. THIS IS THE SIGN OF A MENTALLY UNHEALTHY, UNSTABLE, UNSAFE INDIVIDUAL. Luckily, my dad is actually all talk 99.9% of the time. My dad is lazy, and even states that his ideal life is to sit in an apartment without ever having to move, and he’d have servants at his beck and call. He actually tried several times to convince my mom to move into an impoverished part of the south intentionally because “we would live like kings with the money we’ve got coming in right now.” He’s full of shit because it actually isn’t that much money. It’s just that we can stop starving. (For context, my mom wants to move north ever since her mom/my grandma died because her sister is all she has left and she lives up north, and since Kent State is up there, I’m fine with that.)
My dad wants to sit around and be lazy and absorb any and all conspiracy theories on YouTube that appeals to his fucked up worldviews on a device he claims to hate and wishes never existed. He also bitches about having to drive my husband around, who “should have gotten his permit and license by now” despite the fact that he finally got new glasses after 10+ years of not being able to afford to upgrade his prescription and needs to get used to his new vision. My dad is convinced that because he willed himself through his own problems that literally everyone else can do the same. My dad is the most self-centered adult outside of celebrity-hood I’ve ever seen. My husband has anxiety because being behind the wheel of a machine that could easily kill people freaks him out, and he’s not sure if he can see a counselor for managing his anxiety on a regular basis is going to be possible right now.
My dad thinks my husband works at a retail video game store to support his hobby and nothing else “because of all the damn games and statues he keeps buying” when my dad likes to ignore the fact that employee discounts, clearance sales, trade-in credits, and special deals exist. 
My dad is a miserable old bastard, and because we’re in the same situation as him, he cannot stand how we enjoy ourselves to make the most of it. Misery loves company, and he can’t get past the fact that his life changed forever when he got hurt and permanently disabled at the steel mill back in ‘95. He has since then refused to accept what has happened to him, and would rather be a miserable piece of shit and take down anyone else nearby with him. Which could be why he bitches about having money he can spend, now.
And he does all of his venting at my husband. I know my dad is trying to goad my husband into saying or doing something stupid so my dad has a reason to either kick us out or be physically violent. My dad doesn’t like the fact that my husband isn’t a fucking idiot. My husband grew up with a family full of anger-filled assholes. He knows the ropes as much as I do. And the fact that my husband sticks up for me while I’m not around shows to my dad that my husband truly does love me, and wouldn’t only stick up for me while I’m around. He has called my dad on his shit quite a bit when I’m not around. My dad HATES that he can’t dangle the indirect message of “you’re all by yourself, no one else thinks you’re right” above my head. And ever since my husband started routinely calling my dad out on his shit, or defending me when my dad bitches about me over stupid shit, my dad has backed off me for the most part.
My dad wasn’t counting on me getting married to a good man. My dad previously equated good men with financial wealth. Turns out my dad was proven wrong, and he can’t stand it. That fucker is the whole reason why I have had so many self-image insecurities (and still do) and my dad can’t stand it that my husband isn’t joining him on mocking me. My husband tells him to fucking stop. My dad dares not do it in front of my mom, because she tells him to stop.
My parents aren’t in a very health marriage. There’s more footage of convincing evidence of Bigfoot than there are times my parents did something together because they love each other, and I’m not talking about anything expensive, either.
Mom sleeps on the couch because she told me she can’t stand his snoring. However, I remember my mom once telling me that my dad “doesn’t have an ‘off’ switch with his libido” so I’m guessing that’s another reason why.
Both of them sit in the same room on opposite sides of the room (mom on the couch, dad in the busted-ass armchair) on their devices (mom on her tablet and/or phone and dad on the computer that’s by/in front of his chair), only talking to each other about certain articles they read, and not much else. They’ll occasionally watch something on the TV together on Netflix or Hulu but that’s about it.
Mom wanted to live on a farm and raise horses ever since she was a little girl, and through manipulation and the excuse of 4-H projects through me and my brother, she finally got her wish. And my dad is against having any animals of any sort. All he does is bitch about them. He also bitches about how much country my mom listens to (and I can’t blame him there; my mom is the whole reason why country music is the bane of my fucking existence).
Aside from boinking to have 2 kids and mourning over the loss of one of them, my parents have very little in common. I have no idea how or why they got together other than my dad made my mom laugh and didn’t break her jaw like her ex-husband did, my dad had 3 exes and wanted to make the 4th one count, and my mom found out she was pregnant with me before dad proposed (I’m GUESSING knocking my mom up is what made them decide to marry, I dunno).
My mom has (VERY FEW) redeeming qualities, so I take advantage of her mama bear nature to ensure I’m safe under the same roof as my dad. I’m unintentionally appealing to her desire for a farmer-daughter by wanting to garden, though I made it very clear I will never be responsible for farm animals again. She also doesn’t mind the fact that she’ll never be a grandmother to human babies. I’m willing to bet it’s because she never wanted me and doesn’t blame me for not wanting kids of my own. She gets points for not being exactly like her own mother, but I could’ve used some meaningful and caring mother-daughter bonding instead of the distant I-see-you-as-a-burden-now-that-we-are-living-in-poverty treatment I got growing up.
I could point all of this out to my parents, and they would rather spend more time coming up with excuses or redirecting the blame instead of, you know, APOLOGIZING FIRST. And I say this because I have brushed on the topic before and they got SUPER defensive about it.
I was an accident, they got married probably so I wouldn’t be born out of wedlock and so their respective families wouldn’t look down upon them, they thought they had this and had a second kid, a year to two years later dad gets hurt at the mill and we’ve been impoverished ever since but because boys bring more promise of success than girls---especially girls who are different like I was and still am---my brother was automatically the favorite. And I was always screamed at.
Boy would I love to see a therapist instead of a one-hour visit with a counselor trying to figure out as much of why my brain is the way it is once a friggin’ week. Not blaming the counselor, because he’s awesome. But my counselor did say that he’s actually a bit surprised but glad I’ve figured out some way to live with this. It’s because I know how they act, how their minds work, how they would react if I said or did this or that. Having all of this free time and being alone with my thoughts because my husband works his ass off for pennies only for my dad to try and make him spend money on necessities instead of spending his own goddamn money has allowed me to think about and even analyze my own parents; how they act, why they act this way, why they’ve acted that way, etc.
I do consider myself lucky that they aren’t worse than this. My mom is actually much more understanding with me, now, and that’s probably because I’m the last child she has left. So I guess after living in a shit or unhappy marriage and working her ass off to raise two kids and then losing one, she tries to be the good xtian mother and be thankful for what she has now. It’s a guess, though. The whole thing could be a facade for all I fucking know.
Dad’s all talk, but because his tone is the same whether or not he makes his shitty, stupid jokes, or can’t keep certain thoughts to himself and feels the need to say them aloud (SUCH AS POINTING OUT I HAVE CLEAVAGE LIKE IT’S SOME “OMG WOW YOU HAVE BOOBIES NOW AFTER HIGH SCHOOL” IN FRONT OF THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY COLLEGE IN MY EARLY TWENTIES THANKS DAD THAT WAS CREEPY WHAT THE FUCK), it’s hard to tell whether or not he’s serious about some of the shit he says.
He projects himself onto Trump because he wants to BE Trump. Trump says if Ivanka wasn’t his daughter, he’d date her. I wouldn’t be surprised (I’d still be creeped out) if my dad said something similar. And he has tried to talk about my appearance and how I could make money with it such as a pin-up cosplay calendar because apparently I “look so attractive” while at the same time he shames me for having “skin so pale my legs blind him from reflecting so much light while I wear shorts.” And when I call him out on it, he genuinely thinks he’s done no wrong. My dad is pretty much Trump Lite, and it’s creepy.
But I know the fucker. I can play at his fucked up game, too. All I gotta do is talk about periods or vaginas, because suddenly when his daughter talks about, you know, being a human, suddenly it’s just too much for him.
And he hates I can play this fuck-ass game with him.
And I’m glad he hates it.
Because it’s evident he will never see himself in the wrong. He never has, never does, never will. Because he’s got one excuse or answer after another, and when he runs out, it’s time to drop the conversation before he gets pissed and ruins the night for everybody.
So I’m glad I’m good at playing this game back at him and being damn good at it. That’s what he gets for being a piece of shit.
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nadjaofstatenisland · 7 years
Keeping Up With the Coopers
Wrote something about Alice showing up at the SoDale event last night and accidentally erased it because I’m an idiot, so lets try this again. (apologizing in advanced because I’m sure someone else has used this title before.)
Oh, Alice. As I ask of my favorite character every week what is your game? 
Let me start by stating the obvious: Alice is insecure. “Did you tell Dad everything when you started dating?” “I sure did, and he used it against me.” Betty and Alice exchange this in 1x10 when Betty is unsure of trusting Jughead with dark!Betty. And by this point we already saw Hal use Alice’s insecurities against her in 1x08 when she kicks him out. “Oh, no Alice. What will everyone think?” I’ve talked to a few people who viewed this exchange as Hal not wanting the town to find out they don’t have a perfect family, but I disagree. Hal says this in such a condescending tone, I can only read this as him using her insecurities against her. Hal grew up in the Northside, founding family of Riverdale, and probably had a very similar childhood to the one they gave Betty and Polly. The Coopers already have an established imagine and Hal could care less of it, it’s been there his whole life and little can tarnish it now. It’s Southside Alice, the girl from the wrong side of the track with the bad reputation. She is the one who cares about her family’s reputation. Possibly because she finally has a “good” reputation to uphold, unlike her past. 
Which brings me to 2x05. Betty gets sent this article of her mom being arrested as a teen (conveniently right after the Lodge’s discuss what a pain her articles have been. hmm.) and posts it under the Black Hood’s direction. Now, this is a small town. All the older crowd already knows Alice from her past and knows she’s formerly from the Southside, yet the only person who ever brings this up is FP. Even then, FP brings this up in private, although it would have been so easy to toss into that dinner conversation in front of Betty and Jughead in 1x11. Do people ignore this as a polite courtesy? Strange since all Alice ever seems to do it shit stir.
So this article pops up. Alice claims all public records of it are gone, but what’s sent to Betty is a picture of the paper. An original copy implies that someone’s been saving this paper for 25 years just to eventually hold something over Alice’s head. And in retrospect… who makes a big deal about this? We see groups of kids snickering about it at Pops. Pop’s himself tells Alice he’s not judging her. Hiram kind of nods along with it when Hal says Alice is shook. Is it such a big deal…?
Yes, because if there is anyone Alice has been trying to erase her past from, it’s her own children. How was there not a scene of Betty actually confronting Alice about this? (and i know her and Jug where pressed for time, but they hardly touch on this. please Jug, ask an older Serpent what they know about Alice, for my sake.) The scene we get is so short and basically Betty just saying she did this for justice. “Shit talk the Southside and I’ll expose your sketchy past.” But what about, “Mom, you were a Serpent and have a record, yet instead of telling me and my boyfriend about this as maybe a cautionary tale, you just post articles about how the place you come from is ruining Riverdale?” 
And what about the older Serpents? Do they just roll their eyes and go, “Oh, silly Alice, running her mouth as always,” and shake it off? Does Tall Boy know Alice? And why is it this group of misfit Serpent teens who want to attack the Register? (btw Jug, great job not telling anyone about their stupid plan. I know you have a complicated relationship with Alice, but leaving a pipebomb in some’s business is a serious deal. and do they ever even say they’re not going to do it? uhhh…)
So this brings us to the SoDale Open House. Hal tells Hiram they decided together that Alice shouldn’t come after the article. “Alice, you’ve really been stirring the pot lately. Lets put crazy on the backburner and you sit this one out?” “Oh sure.” At which point, Alice ran out to Greendale Mall and brought that bomb ass outfit that I couldn’t pull off in my wildest fantasy. (fyi my wildest fantasy may or may not include Madchen in that outfit.) And a snake necklace. And she shows up in total Cheryl Blossom fashion and makes a scene, yanks a drink out of her husband’s hand… and then what? Takes three steps back and asks him what she’s missed so far? She’s standing next to him minutes later when Hiram makes his speech.
Who was this stand against? Hal? This entire fandom gives Hal so much shit and I hear so many people calling him abusive. To who? Does Alice strike anyone as the type who takes shit from anyone? Listen to Hal when he tells her not to do something? The only time we see him remotely talk back to Alice is the scene I mentioned in 1x08, which of course still results in him getting kicked out. Hal and Alice were high school sweethearts (more on that). He knows her past and still married her in spite of it. That article hurt her, not him. So even if he told her to stay home, he must have known there was little chance of it happening, so please, someone tell me why they think Hal is such a villain. I’d love to have a legit discussion on this, not just, “He’s awful, end of story.”
(and before we get into the Polly debate, I’ll say this. I’m pro-choice. as far as we know, Hal offered to pay for Polly to get an abortion, which is the same thing he did to Alice back when they were in high school. he didn’t force either of them to do this since, obviously, neither got an abortion. the most important thing is what Polly said. “He didn’t even ask me what I want.” which yes, i agree with. it’s 100% Polly’s choice, but since she didn’t get an abortion, she wasn’t forced into one. what she was forced into was going to the Sisters of Quiet Mercy. but please, I’m not here to get into a pro-choice/pro-life debate if that’s where anyone’s going, thanks.)
So this is a stand against the town? “I am Alice, here me slither.” Anyone Alice’s age already knows has a shady past. And they knew you were Southside, but did people know you were a Serpent? If anything, this article is just a reminder of that time she got arrested and that snake necklace is maybe suppsed to be a reveal. But we don’t even know for sure because there is no follow up on this scene. Alice, no one in this town cares who you were 25 years ago. You care who you were 25 years ago. Are you trying to say you’re not embarrassed anymore? Are you done wearing pastels? (a shame, because they really suit you.) Who forced you into a J Crew catalog? Everyone in town knows you dress your damn husband. 
Please writers, let us not just ignore this. Alice didn’t do all this just for it not to be mentioned again. Don’t let me down. Is Alice now going to be pro Southside? Stop trying to pin them as the bad guys? I highly doubt this, but why the snake necklace then?
So while I’m coming off the high of going for a run and drinking three cups of coffee, let me get into a topic I see come up every so often but am normally too lazy to comment on. Alice and Hal’s relationship.
“They’re so different.” “Why are they still married?” “How did they ever get together in the first place?”
Look, my husband and I are polar opposites. My sister and her husband too. My parents were, my grandparents… Who marries someone just like them? My husband is loud, outgoing, hotheaded, never afraid to talk up or speak his mind. I’m quite, sarcastic, levelheaded, and will eat the wrong meal if a waitress got my order wrong because I hate confrontation. We balance each other, as couples should. (i’m in no way saying you can’t be with someone with a similar personality, I just often see it the other way around.) 
Alice and FP being too similar is the exact reason I can never see them working out. 
So okay, I love getting into the inner workings of Alice and Hal’s relationship, as many know. I find it fascinating. Alice was this bad girl in high school. Southside, most likely a Serpent, arrested at least once. Yet she dated this preppy Northside boy. They’re referred to as high school sweethearts and Alice got pregnant (we can assume) a bit before senior year started. To me that implies they dated for a chunk of high school, as I doubt they’d be popular enough to win something like homecoming court if they just got together. 
So yes, they must have been popular if they could win homecoming court. Who were they up against? Hermione and Fred? Hermione and Hal’s apparent buddy Hiram? (oh god, give me a double date of Hermione, Hiram, Alice, and Hal at Pops, please please please.) And that’s just it. I can totally see the school rooting for this mismatched couple to stay together. I can see them gaining their popularity off of each other. 
Ah, but at some point in high school Alice was arrested (assuming before senior year since she spent half of that at the sisters). And who else but the Riverdale Register posts her mugshot. We see a lot of family businesses in Riverdale, so it won’t surprise me that the same goes for the Register. Probably started by Hal’s grandmother to “expose the truth of Riverdale and those maple syrup stealing Blossom’s” after her husband was murdered. So Hal’s parents published that article on Alice. Was she already dating their son at that time and this was their way of embarrassing her to break them up? Or was Hal drawn to her after this, discovering his kink for bad girls?
Okay, this is an unedited mess I need to cut short to go to work. 
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mermaidfan76 · 7 years
Homeless Autistic Girl
Hey guys... this really kills me to ask, however right now I’m homeless at the moment.
Technology, I’m living with a long time friend who is hounding me to find a job since she believes it’s just so damn easy and move out by The end of February. I’ve put out application after application and only maybe a couple have called back for an interview. Only for them to tell me the same exact thing over and over, “You don’t seem like you will do well for this job.” With out even giving me a garsh darn chance to show them I’m willing to work my butt off.
Yet, they hire people who are literally ALLERGIC to manual labor, and pay them twice the wage to appease them so they don’t get sued. It pisses me off. I have Autism and PTSD, I watched my mother and fathers beloved dog get run over by a car, I know these people have mommy and daddy’s that coddle them. My parents died on September 22, 2013. My sister’s threw me out in the cold and said I’m on own. I’m still here, sadly. Not one day goes by and I don’t think about giving up and killing myself. Love to give that bayberry (under a new name) Bitch and all the rest what they wanted in the first place! With heartless pieces off shit like them in this world, I definitely don’t feel it’s worth the aggravation!
You push, you kick, you fight, you bite, you bunch, but guess what you end up someone else’s lunch! It’s survival of the fittest and you’ve won the game if you have Money, Fame, and/or Power! Just 1 on these gives you the right to control poor peoples lives!
You can play the advocate for good all day, but turning a blind eye to the innocent people that are truly in pain by the very people you are advocating for. Who’s the real villain? Saying the people who did nothing deserve it because someone said its poetic revenge... read a book. Get your facts straight, you really think they would attack now? Why didn’t they attack back then? People don’t postpone revenge -_-...
(if I had a grudge against a person, I’d want to get them now, not expect my descendants to attack his descendants. 1. How do I know if they’ll follow through? 2. What if everything is patched up and my other descendants didn’t know that and still desire to take their revenge? (They don’t even know what the whole argument is about... could be about stealing the last slice of pizza) This is about taking over the world just like before! We stopped them once! They’re trying again, however they fooled you!)
So with politics, islamphopia (more like not wanting an ideology of woman haters who desire to take over any free country and turn it to a world of oppression and insanity), racism (a political term used when a white person doesn’t agree with you), feminist (because women are oppressed because they have tits and a vigina), fatphopia (because veggies don’t taste like cake, if they did we’d still become fat, why? Because we’d get sick of sweets and want savory tasting veggies that you only get from cake... oh the irony), LBGT without Q (Queers are just feminist men who are really flamboyant gays... and real gays try to avoid, ever heard the term, “Queer as a Clock work Mouse.” Man I miss my English mother! The LBG, The Les, The Bi, and The Gay, do as you wish... Hey I’m you Bi, I find shapely girls just Be A U Ti Ful to draw, have to get that full body motion. Gays, love ya, best guy friends and you give perfect fashion advice, Lesbians, you’re very easy going and easy to talk to, al yal are A O Kay in my book. Trans, um... look umm... I’m female... I have more of a male mind... we can find common ground here can’t we?) and that’s what I go through everyday. Half the words I’m called... how do they apply to me? Like racist? I judge by character, not by skin tone.
(All I see is another human being in front of me. If you act like you’re above a human being, than I’ll treat you the way you treat me. Not one human is above another. If you have earnt that privilege than you are granted that only by the people who gave you such power, however they have the power to take it away. That is the true purpose of the second Amendment! In short; “a president is a civil servant to the people of his/her country that he/she has sworn to protect! As such nothing is beneath them!”)
I really wish people would do their homework...
My friend I was talking about earlier; well she’s not only getting on my case about finding a job, but she’s also pissing me off about politics. Her plan is to be an American History Teacher. She wants to teach her class how America was founded on the “Socialistic” Principles we use today and that’s bullshit! We wouldn’t have many of our largest company products that I bet everyone of you see every single day, more than likely every minute of your day.
(For Starters:
Let’s start off with Ford, if America was a Socialistic Society, well then all of you who drive a Ford let alone a car in general, would walk everywhere. If it wasn’t for Ford’s Model T being a Successful test run clearing the way to Model A. Ford’s company could only up from there. (Btw: anyone who drives the VMW Bug- just a little trivia for you did you know that the original design was created by Adolf Hitler himself? Adolf Hitler was the original Designer for the shape of that car the VMW Bug, just a little tid pit I know from Graphic Design School, hope that doesn’t ruin your VMW driving experience:D)
Another one I’d like to point out: McDonald’s, that famous Golden Arches fast food places started as a ma and pa rest stop, now it’s one of the biggest fast food chains in the world! Mickey D’s started again in America! Again how is that possible in a Socialistic society?
Socialism is structured to where everyone is equal... equal pay... equal healthcare... equal quality of living... doesn’t count the politicians! In this system if you work you’re an idiot. Those who sit on their ass get everything handed to them, those who work their asses off barely survive. So why bother putting yourself through that much torture. Because:
No one working:
No power
No cable
No doctors
No teachers
No police
No food
No safety
No security...
Why? This would have been a good thing! This here proves Socialism doesn’t work!
If everyone decided to not work because they’re getting ripped off; than America shuts down! The government is screwed! And so are the moochers!)
Those are only two examples of capitalism being a good thing.
There is so much more... not to mention the feminist aspects like Susan B. Anthony: Voicing her “opinion” by voting for who she thought would be a good president. Of course the judge was going to let her off with a warning because “woman privilege” (woman today would be like okay and do it again), however she, Susan B. Anthony, A Real Feminist, (no Feminist is an insult to her, She a Real Woman, The Genuine Wonder Woman!) demanded she was sentenced to jail just like any man who broke the law! (Please oh please can we do that to these modern, pussies who call themselves women!) The first woman to fly a plane over the pacific Amelia, or the women who rose up against unjust treatment Rosa Parks, I mean come on. Worst of all is, she’s being taught tha John Wilkes Booth was Republican and Abraham Lincoln was Democrat... and it’s reversed. There’s a saying the liberals came up with: “if those damn n$&@€ must vote then they should only vote Democrat!”
My friend has become heartless and greedy, I’m in a fucked up spot because of a malicious brat who played innocent and didn’t understand what happens when you compromise. It’s not one side surrenders and the other gains, but what do I expects from the preppy college school type, (not all preppy girls are mean, I just have this personality that sends the wrong vibes and makes them more territorial)AKA mean girl type... however, this girl demanded everything goes her way or else. She’s from Georgia, yet she comes to higher elevation part and in the middle of the US, it’s winter yet she expects sunshine and beaches? All of us to be drinking out of a coconut? Yes, her hair is blonde at the roots, and she smokes pot in the apartment. Kind of gives you a clue on the person she is. Of and her Boy Toy is always there... when I stayed there. She blamed me for her messes, and her food she didn’t eat. Thing is I hate fish. Well another one to count she has a low IQ from the Mercury poisoning... and here I thought fish helped with brain development.
Anyway, it was hell, so my friend volunteered on the condition that I find a job and move out ASAP. I’m tryin as hard as I can here.
Being told no everywhere I go is very discouraging. I’ve made a gofund me campaign to maybe to maybe help a little... I don’t expect anyone to donate really... if anyone could click the link and share it to a friend they know and spread it around.
By February the only place I’ll be staying is my car on the side of the road... just sharing the story helps. Thank you.
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annaparsons822 · 7 years
-THE LINK……. This fucking link: https://youtu.be/cNGl07oYHp4 - ANTI IS COMPLETELY INSPIRED BY FLOWEY THE FLOWER - “In this world, it’s kill or be killed” *psychotic laughter* - “I owe you a HUGE thanks (thanks community), you really did a number on that old fool (*cough* Jack) Without you, I never could’ve gotten past him (Yeah because we gave Anti more attention than Jack). - “but now, with your help HE’S DEAD” (Jack is completely dead, Anti reigns, hence the “say goodbye” vid) -“and i’ve got the human soul” (Obviously, Anti took Jack’s human soul) -“Boy, i’ve been empty for So long” *chuckle* it feels GREAT to have a soul inside me AGAIN (Anti is bragging now, and btw, “again”?) -“hmm I can fell them wiggiling” ( Remember Jack was still fighting for possession of his own body) -“awe, you’re feeling left out aren’t you? Well, that’s just perfect” -“After all, I only have 6 souls” (Jack’s egos) -“I still need ONE MORE” (Who is it? WHO?! Jack himself? Or the whole COMMUNITY?) -“BEFORE I BECOME A GOD” (Dark vs Anti: “This world is MINE, these people are MINE” -“And then with my new found powers, monsters (other egos like Dark), humans, everyone, i’ll show them all the real meaning of this world (K, now this is a threat) -"oh i forgot about escaping into your old save file, it’s gone forever.” (“Now he’s gone forever” in say Goodbye vid) -“ but don’t worry, you’re old friend flowey (*cough* Anti) has worked out a replacement for you” (Which is him👏fucking👏self) -“I’LL SAVOR (or save all) YOUR OWN DEATH SO YOU CAN SEE ME TEAR YOU UP INTO BLOODY PIECES.” *Chuckle*(As a matter of fact he did, and that’s why Jack is still alive because Anti is making him suffer SLOWLY) -“OVER AND OVER AND OVER” (Hence the title in one of his videos “LIVE.DIE.REPEAT”) -“What? Do you really think you could stop me?” (We all had the opportunity to do so… “You could’ve stopped me, but you just watched, AS THIS HAPPENED”) -“You really are an idiot” (We are fools, guys) - This is all just a bad dream..“and you’re never waking up!” *more cackles* (On Jack’s twitter on his “location” it says “in your head” This is a bad dream that we are never going to be able to escape? Guys, we are all trapped, Anti trapped us. We are trapped and we are going to be stuck forever started on the 3rd, which is the expectation of Anti’s new video) -“Do you really think I was going to be satisfied” (Did you think he was done after “SAY GOODBYE”?) -“Killing you only one time” (again, the title: “LIVE.DIE.REPEAT.) -cut in video- -"No, NO! This can’t be happening! You! YOU! Idiot! (Some people were trying to stop Anti in the community, but he knows damn well that the majority of the community still pays attention to him, enough to keep him alive) -"Do you really think you can defeat me?!” (You can’t get rid of me” in Always Watch vid) -“I am the god of this world, and you, YOU’RE HOPELESS” (“Look at you all, you’re just sitting there, you all thought I was gone, not worrying about anything” in Always Watching Vid) -“Hopeless and alone. That’s right, your worthless friends can’t save you now” (Jack is hopeless and alone in this fight, we can’t save him) -“Call for help, I DARE YOU” (Remember that source code tag on his post with Jack’s pic on it? It said S.O.S.) -“Cry into the darkness ‘mommy, daddy, somebody help!’ See what good it does you” (Anti mocking Jack) -In the game, you call for help (So Jack did call for help) -“but nobody came” (Exactly because WE ARE IGNORING JACK) -“Boy, what a shame, nobody else is getting (or going, same thing) to see you DIE” (Are we going to expect another death in the next video?) - In the game, you randomly get full health- - “What? How’d you? Where are my powers? The souls? What are they doing?! NOOOO! NOOO!You aren’t supposed to do that, you are supposed to obey me!” (OMG, JACKS EGOS ARE FIGHTING BACK, THEY ARE GOING TO FIGHT BACK) - Flowey defeated (?) - “What are you doing? Do you really I have learned anything from this? No, sparing me won’t change anything, killing me is the only way to end this? (ANTI IS TRICKING YOU, HE IS SAYING KILL ME BECAUSE HE WILL COME BACK ALIVE AND EVEN STRONGER, We have to spare him, it’s the only way to stop him from doing this mess) -“If you let me live, i’ll come back” (Again, it’s the opposite way, killing you is going to bring you back, Anti) - In the game you keep sparing him- -“i’ll kill you, i’ll kill everyone, i’ll kill everyone you love” (Yeah, sure) -“Why? Why are you being so nice to me?! I can’t understand!” (Didn’t some say that the red color means love and compassion or something? Because if they did say that, then the red light in his video’s could mean signs of weakness?) -“I can’t understand! I. JUST. CAN’T. UNDERSTAND.” - Flowey runs away - -“Why? Why did you let me go? Don’t you realize that being nice just makes you get hurt? Look at yourself, you made all these great friends, but now you’re probably never going to see them again. Not to mention how much they were set back by you. Hurts, doesn’t it? If you just gone through without caring about anyone, you wouldn’t have to feel bad now, so I don’t get it. If you really did anything the right way, why do things still end up like this? Why? Is life really that unfair? Say, what if I told you I knew some way to get you a better ending (Anti tricking us again), you have to load your save file, well in the meantime, why won’t you go see Dr. (Alfus?) (*Cough* Schneeple, you mean?) It seems like you could have been better friends, who knows? Maybe she’s got the key to your happiness, see ya soon! ● Okay, the last one is kind of confusing, but does Anti get defeated at somepoint? Who knows? But this whole Anti situation is DEFINETILY inspired by Flowey the flower in Undertale.
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bakurakaboom-blog · 7 years
Starbomb Ch. 5
Fandom: BNHA Pairing: Bakugou x Uraraka Genre: Romance and Comedy probably Chapter Summary: Bakugou has a weird dream about Uraraka and cannot bring himself to face her. Hurt, Uraraka tracks him down at his favorite arcade and attempts to at least play a game with him. A/N: I’m continuing this on this blog. Btw.  
Bakugou opened the door to his dorm room, and on his bed, a matured, exceptionally voluptuous Uraraka lied curled up with her long, brown hair sprawled across the silky red sheets - waiting for him. She wore his t-shirt and his socks and his underwear! How did she even get ahold of something like that?
"Hey, Katsuki," she sang as she yawned.
What? Katsuki? Only his family called him that.
His body acted on its own as he lifted her shirt and pulled down her shorts. His hands began to roam her body with reckless abandon.
"Oh, Katsuki," she sang in a different pitch.
"Haha. You like that, huh?" He would never say something like that!
Her reddened cheeks and frequent, happy gasps made her look like an idiot to him. And as sweat dripped down her face, he followed each drop with his eyes down to her giant, open smile. Drool gathered in the corners of her mouth. Even as his hands wandered to squishy places, his stare fixated on her face before he lowered to kiss her with an astounding thirst.
His hands wandered for certain spots.
Touching right there caused that kind of note.
And down there caused that kind of note in a different octave.
He played her like an instrument. As he groped her, her voice inched higher.
"You're the best, Bakugou," she managed to moan.
That situation escalated into new, rhythmic motions and from there into ecstatic sensations that he had yet to feel through combat with a fraction of the physical exertion that he ever put into training.
Then, he felt the most pleasurable explosion he had ever unleashed.
When Bakugou woke up from the apparent dream, he realized that he ruined his sheets. "What the fuck was that!?" he yelled.
Uraraka had tried to interact with Bakugou earlier the following day. She attempted conversations with him, and she even tried to compliment him. To no avail, he shot her down. He had shielded his face from her all day by either turning his entire body away or burying his head in his crossed arms. His actions caused her to check her face a few times in the mirror.
Midoriya may have done that a few times in the past, but he certainly never growled while doing so. Plus, Midoriya would always at least attempt conversing with her.
When she finally saw Bakugou's face after class, every inch had reddened to the hue of his crimson eyes as he twitched and convulsed with what she thought to be hatred. He must have been outraged with her. Following her glimpse of his profile, he about-faced and walked in the opposite direction.
Before his shift in demeanor, they had civil interactions. On the days of their late excursions to see Kotone, they met in the gym for an even later night workout. Then, suddenly, he vanished from her routine. Maybe she complimented him too much, or maybe she poked fun at him too much.
She tried to replay the past few days to see what she may have done wrong.
By the time the weekend arrived, she had noticed her gut feel heavy and a bit emptier. When she passed by Bakugou's dorm room, she lingered near the idea of knocking and confronting him for a chance at rekindling their delicate friendship. If she waltzed up to his private quarters, then he'd almost definitely lash out at her for invading his personal space. That wouldn't work.
Since they lived on the same floor, she overheard Kirishima invite him to an arcade. While she could have brought Iida and Midoriya along, she knew that would be fighting the fire with oil. Bakugou hated them. Instead, she opted to go alone.
On the way there, she assured herself that she wasn't stalking Bakugou. Rather, she practiced some investigative field work to understand her allies. If she could somehow find a way to cooperate with the most stubborn and callous person in her class, then maybe she'd work towards an S-rank cooperativeness grade one day.
No, she didn't have to justify her actions. Genuinely, she wanted to be on good terms with her partner. Just a few days ago, she would tell anyone if they asked that she had made progress.
Uraraka stopped to gulp down a lump in her throat. While she would not be as naive as to assume that she captured Bakugou into a friendship, she mourned his company.
Her family had sent her a bit of spending money. Putting aside the money that she bought had plagued her conscience. Plus, what if this was the wrong arcade?
Nearly an hour passed, and she checked over her shoulder every moment. Maybe she should have invited her friends. If Midoriya were there, then she wouldn't feel like she had squandered her money. However, as she dug through her bag for her final token, she held out hope that Bakugou would show up and make the entire effort worthwhile.
She climbed into an alien-killing game located in a secluded booth and began to load her last token before the black curtains ruffled and ash blond hair poked through. Her already alert eyes grew and glimmered as her heart nearly leaped from her chest. "Bakugou!" she cheered as she eagerly pulled his arm towards her.
A tingling sensation rose to her face as she grinned. All that waiting was worthwhile after all.
"What?" said Bakugou. Of all the games in the building, he played that one the most. And, of all the times he visited that cheap arcade, he had never seen Uraraka there before. "What the hell is going on?" This encounter had to be some intervention.
"Come! Play this with me. Don't tell me that you think I'm gonna beat you," challenged Uraraka as she pointed at Bakugou's face with her free hand just like she rehearsed.
Somehow, his depraved sexual dream dissolved into nothing when he laid eyes on Uraraka's untainted, rosy cheeks. A girl like that couldn't possibly make a face like the woman in his nocturnal fantasy. He sprang at the chance to banter back and mischievously smirked, "Beat me? At Planet of Devastation: Vile Panic Strikes Back? Think again, round-face."
Uraraka showed her teeth when she grinned until she could hardly see through her elated eyes. So then, they had regained their peculiar bond like nothing ever happened. If she could withhold her curiosity of why he acted the way he did, then she just knew that they would have a pleasant time.
Picking up her last coin, she pushed it into the slot. They could enjoy that one game together.
The game began.
A slight notion of doom settled into Bakugou's chest as soon as he sat down next to Uraraka. A unique type of nervous energy rattled his limbs for a few moments before he gulped. Their shoulders grazed each other, and the sudden contact beckoned for him to glance over at her black tank top.
Then, again their shoulders brushed when she leaned over to take a shot at an approaching virtual enemy.
Once more.
Bakugou would have destroyed the toy gun in his hand if he had any less restraint. Grounding his teeth, he cursed upon looking at the score, "Shit." If Uraraka had have worn something that didn't reveal the eye-catching cleavage of her feminine chest, then he would have won. He would have voiced that excuse if it weren't a potential future weakness of his that she could exploit. The fact that he gave a speck of a shit about her fashion choice endlessly irritated him.
By the images of his dreams, he knew what lied beneath that thin cloth anyway.
"Ugh," complained Bakugou. He acknowledged that he shouldn't have allowed his mind to wander back to his NIGHTMARE. Retracting his arm closer to his body, he attempted to keep an adequate distance.
Uraraka thought to herself with authentic disappointment, "I didn't think you'd hold back." A frown dropped onto her face.
Regardless, she couldn't even play a rematch, for she had spent her last coin.
When he didn't respond, she jumped at the opportunity to excuse herself. If she had to admit her poverty in front of him again, she'd probably die. Forcing a yawn, she said, "I was thinking about heading back to the dorms. I'm kinda tired, ya know?" She stretched her arms into the air. "Maybe that can be our rematch for the Sports Festival."
If she wanted to go, then she probably shouldn't have said that.
Bakugou, who, at the time, withdrew into his thoughts to understand what went wrong decided that he rather cover her with his overshirt. And why the fuck did she have to stretch like that? Didn't she know that her breasts bounced when she did that? She pulled that shit in his dream, too.
He shook his head to rid his thoughts and instinctually growled at the flippant remark. "This isn't a fucking rematch. I'm gonna kick your ass for saying that later. Plus, that win is bogus without another round," he grumbled as he shoved coins into the slots. "If you take this seriously, then stop yawning."
"Okay," she agreed as she bit her bottom lip and nodded with a small smile. Uraraka saw that he paid without any snarky remarks, and when the realization hit her, she didn't know how to react. She wouldn't be able to pay him back if he asked - maybe with the few tickets she won. If she thanked him, then he'd probably immediately jump out of the game.
Meanwhile, she noticed her heavy breathing as she glanced over at him with a buoyant heart and a glittery sensation in her cheeks. Maybe she needed to think a little less.
As he slaughtered her in the following round, Uraraka witnessed an amazing combo of 100 kills and joyously squealed, "You're amazing, Bakugou!"
He stopped pulling the trigger and froze in place as his eye twitched and mouth contorted into a tight frown. She moaned those words in his dream. Maybe the two Urarakas had more similarities than he initially thought. Shaking his head again, he reminded himself of the context, and when he narrowly escaped with a victory, he noticed her wide-eyed, obvious stare linger on his face.
Her eyebrows furrowed as she frowned once more. "Sorry. Was that too much?" she asked. "You keep making that twitchy face."
Taking off his black over-shirt, he threw it at her. "No! I'm fine! I just haven't played this in a while, and these cheapskates need to turn up the AC," lied Bakugou.
"Really? I'm actually a little chilly. I shouldn't have worn something so thin. So, thanks, I guess," replied Uraraka as she stuck out her tongue.
"Then hurry up and put it on!" he urged. His shoulders rigidly hunched with each word.
She jumped at the sudden gravity in his growl. "Wah? Put it on? Are you sure?" However, she dressed in his edgy, skull t-shirt. At least, she felt a little warmer. Pleasantly melting into her seat, she raised her eyebrows when she noticed Bakugou shove more coins in for another game.
"Best 3 out of 5, round-face. I'm going to murder you."
"Okay," she nodded as she stifled verbal gratitude and grabbed her toy gun.
Kirishima passed by a few games as he searched for Bakugou. He had suddenly disappeared. Over the past few days, he noticed that Bakugou seemed a lot more flustered and would lash out at anyone around him. Twitchy and boisterous, he even yelled at Kaminari the day before. Then, when they went out to the arcade, he kept his distance and played games alone for the most part.
Something changed, and when he spotted Bakugou across the room in a shadowed booth of his favorite game, he began to stride towards them. That was until he noticed his companion - a girl!
So that was why Bakugou ditched their sparring sessions for the gym on some nights. Maybe they worked out together. Kirishima honestly thought he had taken an interest in Uraraka, but he hadn't seen them converse all that week.
When Bakugou emerged from the game, Kirishima gasped and subsequentially ducked when he caught sight of the girl. She was Uraraka! Covering his mouth, he pumped his fist. "Alright, Bakugou!" he cheered under his breath.
Wait. Did they switch shirts?
Oh man, Kirishima invited Kaminari to come along, but if he wanted today to go smoothly for his friend, he would have to cancel. So, he texted him, "Hey, Bakugou bailed, so let's go to the shitty place closer to the dorm instead."
Meanwhile, Uraraka tried to think of an adequate excuse to get out of revealing her empty wallet to Bakugou. However, he pointed at game after game and shoved coins from his pocket into the slots. She figured that he enjoyed having a punching bag since she had virtually no talent with video games. Maybe something with hand-eye coordination like Dance Dance Revolution would have been better, but she couldn't picture Bakugou playing something that embarrassing.
Bakugou heard Uraraka giggle to herself. Why would she giggle? Was she having fun?
He had no reason to pay mind to what she wanted to play. He had a strict routine of games that he played every time he visited that particular location, but he noticed how fast he burned through his stock of coins. Since Kirishima ditched him, he needed someone to help him get the maximum amount of tickets.
That would be his excuse for letting her stick around. Though, he curiously awaited every second they spent together.
They wouldn't be able to play his typical final game. He noticed her eye the skeeball. They wouldn't get a lot of tickets from that, but if she were good at it, then maybe they could get enough for an adequate prize.
Without warning, he loaded his tokens and turned back to her. "This is really fucking easy, so if you don't get any tickets, then I'll kill you."
Careful not to acknowledge that he willfully paid for her, she raised her eyebrows at his eagerness to play. What a success that day had been. They played together all day like friends would. Even though he cursed and swore at every opportunity, the atmosphere kept a smile on her face. With a spring in her step, she grabbed a ball with the palm of her hands and melodically rolled it up the ramp and directly to the center.
"Jackpot!" alerted the machine as it spat over 1,000 tickets out.
"What? Look, Bakugou!" shouted Uraraka as she jumped and grabbed his arm. "I got the jackpot on the first try!"
Their cheeks centimeters apart, Bakugou scratched his collarbone as he urgently smothered a growing smile until he proudly smirked. Allowing her to hang onto him for a few moments more, he wondered why he didn't want to attack her.
Racing heart, euphoria, and a bit of nausea - that's what he felt with Uraraka by his side.
His palms dripped with sweat. Although they certainly could not continue playing in their position, he failed to push her way and instead groaned, "Alright, round face, keep rolling. We're gonna run out of time."
When she separated from him, she hesitated to continue playing and pulled at a strand of her hair. Maybe she got ahead of herself, for she could have sworn that she saw him smile, too.
Uraraka nearly screamed and cried when she noticed the time on her phone. The cafeteria closed half an hour before. Desperate tears gathered in the corners of her eyes as they stood around the prize booth. Quickly, she wiped her face before saying, "Well, this was fun, Bakugou. We should do this again sometime. Maybe I'll actually beat you at something besides skeeball," she laughed before twirling around to the exit.
His firm hand gripped her shoulder and jerked her back. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?" growled Bakugou. "We're going to the same place."
She gasped and pointed to a green shirt that looked like the skin of green grenade. "Bakugou, that's perfect. Did you see that?"
Bakugou narrowed his eyes at the article of clothing and slammed his tickets on the counter. "Give that to me!" he demanded. The cashier handed the t-shirt to him with a lofty sigh. "Uraraka, hurry up and get something. I don't want to stay in this dump anymore."
"Me? Uh," Uraraka stammered. "Okay. I want that necklace with the star." Pointing to the yellow, Mario-esque, chubby star on a silver chain, she sucked in her lips to prevent a prevalent smile. She knew not to thank him.
The heroine's stomach growled on their way out the building. She dangled the chain in front of her face and gave herself a victory sign. A token a friendship and triumph hung in her hands. Not every day and certainly not everyone got a chance to befriend the class pugilist. Maybe she felt a little too excited. Her heart hadn't calmed for a while.
Then, again, she was probably just hungry.
As they walked down a darkening city street, neon lights shined on the various storefronts. If only she hadn't spent her money at the arcade, then she'd be able to at least stop at a street vendor.
Bakugou made a turn away from the direction of their school.
In turn, Uraraka stood at the crossroads and watched as Bakugou continued into the shopping district. He glared over his shoulder and said, "Stop standing there like a fucking idiot."
He would never admit this, but Uraraka had bonuses that came along with her useful quirk. He found appeal in the way Uraraka's hair curved around her round face, and the melody of her laugh pleased him as well. Her energetic and passionate adulation boosted his gaming performance, too. Their proximity gave him a rush especially on the off moments their arms bumped into each other.
As he walked, he enjoyed the warmth of her stare on his back.
Rubbing his neck, he figured he had many rational reasons to keep her by his side.
Uraraka sweat bullets the entire stroll to the restaurant of Bakugou's whim, and when she pointed out a familiar, Japanese restaurant, he scolded her for thinking she had any choice in the matter before he entered the traditional style building anyway.
"Don't tell me you're fucking broke. This is the cheapest damn place on the block. I guess poor people like you have to ask for food," Bakugou taunted as he pulled out his wallet that had just enough money to cover her as well. However, being the sadistic guy that he was, he wanted to hear her beg. After all, he already said that he'd take care of her one day. If she wanted to be stubborn enough to reject that offer, then he would have to push her until she came crawling.
Smirking, he glanced up and expected his intimidation to get through to her. Sure, sweat jumped from her glistening face, but her pensive stare furrowed in the direction of her bag. Her permanent blush at the tips of her cheeks paled in comparison to the fluster that he imagined. Why didn't his taunt affect her? He realized that she had run out of money back at the arcade.
A bright, toothy grin popped onto her face as she revealed her plan in the form of a small ticket. "It's okay, cuz I've got some coupons!" she boasted. In fact, she hardly heard Bakugou's rant about her poverty. Holding up two fingers, she added, "2 for 1. I got a whole bunch, so get whatever you want. I got one for a free dessert, too."
Bakugou then wondered how he could ever win over someone as independent as her. He censured with a scoff, "Fuckin' mooch."
Standing up, she dropped everything she held onto the table and lowered her head. "Bakugou," she muttered in a low, shaking voice. "I know you paid for the games we played together because I ran out of money. I was really happy that we could have lots of fun together. And, I know you said you'd pay for me when I got older. But, I don't want that. Quit bullying me for not being able to buy the things that I want."
When Bakugou witnessed her try to leave their booth, his chest wrung and he reluctantly blurted, "Don't tell me you dragged me to this shitty place just to leave me here." He had doubted he could debilitate her that easily, yet there she was - abruptly fleeing from him.
Even though she needed to wipe her face, she knew that doing so would let him know of the tears that fell from her eyes. "I'm trying to be a pro hero. I'm doing my best, and I'm gonna use this damn coupon," she demanded before she plopped back down into her seat.
That side was the girl that Bakugou wanted to see.
He smirked at the fruit of his berating. After all, how many people got to see the gutsy face of Uraraka?
When the waitress came around, Bakugou ordered, "Give me the mapo tofu."
"Me too!" added Uraraka before she corrected her urgent and passionate outburst. "I mean, me, too!"
"How plucky," thought Bakugou as he averted his gaze to the window beside them. He stared at her reflection instead, for looking at her directly on caused his heart to race too fast to the point that he hardly felt like stuffing food into his mouth. In fact, in that moment, he hungered for days like that with her over everything else.
"I'm sorry for blowing up like that," Uraraka apologized. "I should have thanked you earlier, but I was afraid that you'd get mad and leave."
Bakugou had no response. Her thanks meant nothing. Alone, her gratitude neither angered him nor pleased him.
"Now, I'm not gonna back down. I'll tell you whatever I'm thinking because no matter what you're probably gonna get angry, right?" Uraraka laughed as she sipped on the water that the waitress served to her. For that spicy meal, she would probably need a lot.
No, he felt obligated to pay for her as long as she stayed by his side. As she spoke, he shifted from side to side in his seat. He wanted to be with her because he found her company more enjoyable than exploding objects and enemies. These sentiments failed to come to fruition in his silenced mind. Instead, he focused on his growling stomach.
After they had finished eating, Bakugou abruptly snatched the coupon from under Uraraka's nose and threw it across the room while she chugged down the rest of her water.
The anti-gravity girl wondered if he harbored rancor against the ordeal after their "heart to heart." Maybe she held a one sided confrontation with him instead of the breakthrough conversation that she imagined. Bending down, she retrieved the small, crumbled ticket from beneath a table. When she returned, she asked, "Hey, Bakugou, why'd you do that?"
Quickly, he snatched the small sheet of paper from her, blew it up, and then rushed out the building with a frightening shade of blood red illuminating his face.
"What?" she shrieked. What was she supposed to do? That was her only way to pay. Maybe she had another coupon or enough cash to cover her part. She gulped as her trembling hands navigated the pockets of her bag. Why would he do something like that? This predicament was her fault for getting close to Bakugou.
If he used this whole day just to make a fool out of her, then she had no reason to hope for a better friendship. Her chest tightened as tears came to the corners of her eyes. The stress in her heart worsened over her thoughts and memories with Bakugou rather than her monetary dilemma.
The waitress approached her and bowed, "Have a good night."
"Wah?" Uraraka gasped, "I didn't pay."
"Your boyfriend paid for you," explained the waitress. "Young love is tricky like that I suppose."
Boyfriend? Did she mean Bakugou? Before she could think to correct her, Uraraka made eye contact with Bakugou through the window as a grin burst onto her face. He had been waiting for her. She carelessly allowed her residual tears to fall from her eyes as she watched him turn away. Darting down the aisles and out the door, she wanted to hug him, but she knew that would be a straight ticket to a sordid scorn.
Instead, she clasped her hands together behind her back and tried to catch up to him. She noted in a sing-song voice, "You waited for me, and you paid. Thank you a lot. Today was amazing! I had lots of fun."
He tried to pick up the pace so that she didn't see his heated face. "Don't think anything special is happening. I don't want to be seen with people that miss curfew. And," he stammered with a brief pause. "I only had that kind of bill, and I didn't feel like waiting for the change, so consider yourself lucky."
"You're the meanest good guy I know," Uravity pointed out as she stroked the star chain that hung around her neck.
"I don't give a fuck what you think."
Uraraka mused out loud as she looked to the sky, "I hope we have more days like this, you know? Only, next time I'll make sure I can pay for myself. Maybe I could even pay for a meal for you." Of course, she knew that she would have to ride the Bakugou rollercoaster a few more times before she could handle nausea and stress of it all. However, simply hanging out with him outweighed his volatile idiosyncrasies.
"You're never going to fucking pay for me! I already told you how things will go after we get," the blond began until he trailed off because, for some stupid reason, he felt as if reminding her of their future marriage exposed a desire that had dug deeper into his mind than he could handle. With all his might, as he panted and seethed, he could not force out the word "married."
Something inside Bakugou grew as he gulped, and he didn't know how to kill it. However, the next day he had a lot more gusto in his work out.
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