#btw this keeled me so.
lotus-pear · 4 months
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araneapeixes · 11 months
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Throw down your umbilical noose
So I can climb right back
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fellhellion · 1 year
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i’ve been thinking thoughts and feeling feelings for a month straight help
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achilleslyre · 1 year
alright i broke down………… ash lynx playlist be upon ye
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r0semultiverse · 5 months
I can’t wait to be a way older trans person and all the older tphobes start leaving this mortal coil. I’ll be grinning & cackling throughout my life. I WON BITCH! You’re 6 feet under & I’m still here! 💥
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intheupside · 23 days
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from facebook (sid is headed back to pittsburgh soon according to the post)
Tonight my heart is full and happy!! My quest is complete!!!
I don’t post on here like I used to, but this one is worthy and those of you who have followed this quest with us (from last year) will enjoy this story!! I’ll try and keep it short! (Oh well)
Last October, I decided to treat my boys to a trip to Pittsburgh to watch the Penguins and Avalanche play hockey! The ultimate goal was to meet Sidney Crosby!! Although many great things happened on that trip, including special treatment by the Penguins organization, ice level view from the penalty box for the pre game skate, a puck, a visit to Sidney’s personal skybox, and a couple bags full of Penguins swag…but we fell short of meeting Sid! I vowed I would do all I could to fullfill my boys dream! When we returned home, a family member reached out to me and said “I might be able to hook you up with a meeting” we stayed in touch over the last 10 months, up until today, we just could not get things lined up for the meet and greet. We were running out of time, after tomorrow, Sidney returns to Pittsburgh. I got the call on when he might be available, so I scooped up Kacey and said let’s go, we might be making your dream come true! We were told where he might be, and what time. We waited for 2 hours, we decided he wasn’t going to show, we went to thank my family member for her efforts, after a short conversation and catching up, I turned and said Kacey, let’s go. She said “WAIT!!! He just pulled up”… my heart started to race, Kacey started to literally shake, we sat down, as my family member met Sidney at the door, I could hear her asking him if he would get a picture with Kacey, he smiled, and waves us to come outside…we shook hands, he shook Kaceys hand, commented on his shirt and asked where he got it, Kacey said “in Pittsburgh”. Sidney replied “That’s really cool” A short conversation, a photo and a signed shirt, and a dream was fulfilled!! It’s amazing how much impact someone like Crosby has, especially on kids! When we got home tonight, Kacey literally had me keeled over laughing with his final line… he said “ Dad, I left home a kid, and I returned a man” !!! 🤣🤣. Thank you Sidney for making my boys dream come true!! Forever Crosby Fans!
BTW, from this day forward, we will celebrate August 29th (the 8th day of the week — Sid-day) by doing something special! 🏒 🥅
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gay-dorito-dust · 7 months
Can we have more of domestic Jason but now with him needy of touch? 🥹
the reader got out of bed early to go drink water and he wakes up from a nightmare needing her and he thinks she left him and he starts crying in panic, but then she appears and calm him down with kisses, words of affirmation and lots of love.
Thank u! I love ur writing btw!!
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I don’t know if this is what you have in mind, the ending might be a little half-assed but I was half asleep whilst making this 🦦also thank you for enjoying my writing! It really means a lot!
Your side of the bed had barely gone cold which indicated that it hadn’t been long ago that you had left but it was the reason why you’ve left that haunted Jason, who was fresh out of a nightmare and drenched in his own sweat and finding difficulty in calming his uneven breaths.
He had meant to reach out to you for comfort.
Only to be greeted by air just as palm of his hand then hit the lukewarm mattress below.
It was enough to break Jason’s resolve as his innate belief that everyone he ever cared for was destined to leave him- especially you- began to worsen with every passing second the longer Jason allowed himself to be poisoned by the possibilities that you were gone. Disappeared. Or worse yet; taken.
‘Y/n?’ He calls out softly.
‘Baby?’ He tries again, a little louder this time, not having realised that his eyes had started to tear up and blur his vision of his dark room, or that a lump in his throat had started to form, making it difficult for him to swallow down his overwhelming anxiety.
‘Don’t leave me here…please don’t leave me all lone.’ Jason pleads with the darkness of his room as though that would be enough to give you back to him. ‘Haven’t I done that enough?’ He then asks as he clenched the bedsheets between his powerful hands, trying to bound himself to something to combat his discomfort in being left alone with his mind for too long. ‘Being left alone when I was proven too difficult to save? Too far gone to be helped? Am I just that broken to be given just a sliver of happiness?’ He cries out at he pressed the palms of his hands into his eyes as he chocked back his own sobs.
Despite building himself a strong body that could endure punishment, the pain of that of an broken heart had been so excruciating it had Jason keeling over in bed, wanting nothing more then to tear it out of his chest as though it burned him; Or was it in fact just phantom pains from a heart that had been hollowed out by the hands of another.
The door to the room opened and golden light flooded in, eradicating the darkness that threatened to swallow him whole. ‘Jason?’ Your voice called out and Jason never felt more alive than he did in hearing you say his name in that angelic voice of yours, so much so that he didn’t notice that he had begun to cry harder but out of relief this time. ‘I thought- I thought you left. I couldn’t feel you. I tried reaching for you but you weren’t there.’ He began to say but was cut off when you brought him tightly into your arms.
‘Im sorry that I kept you waiting my beautiful boy.’ You cooed as your fingers reached up to comb through his hair, nails scratching at his scalp now and then to assure him of your presence. Jason didn’t hesitate to bring you into his lap as he buried his head deep into your shoulder, wiping his tears against your sleep shirt, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care when he was holding onto you as though you were bound to disappear once he lets go. ‘Where did you go?’ He asks. ‘I got a little thirsty and so I went to get a drink of water.’ You explained, kissing him anywhere that was made available to you.
‘You’ve been strong for a long, long time and I’ve never been more prouder of you for holding out as long as you have with everything you’ve been through, it never fails to amaze me how resilient you are Jaybirdie.’ You felt his breathing even out as he began to lean back into the bed, still holding onto you. ‘You’re truly an incredible man for being able to stand on your own two feet and still find it within yourself to fight.’ You softly told him as you continued to hold him in your arms as he squeezed your waist in response. ‘I’m so unbelievably lucky to have someone like you in my life and I will do everything in my power to make you believe that.’ You promised him.
‘Even if it’s impossible and might take forever.’ Jason says, starting to feel the lull of sleep as it began to weigh heavily on his eyelids.
You smile softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. ‘Even if it takes an eternity I would still find a way to prove just how beautiful you are.’ You replied, nuzzling into him as his bodily warmth began to ease you into a sense of security. ‘You are the most beautiful man I have ever met Jason Todd.’ You moved to look him in the eyes. ‘A butterfly may not be able to see the colour of their wings but that doesn’t retract the fact that they’re undeniably beautiful.’ You added as you pressed a couple of kissed to his forehead. ‘Now gets some sleep my beautiful boy, I’ll be here when you wake up.’
‘You promise?’ Jason asked, biting back a yawn.
‘I’d be stupid to break a promise I made to you.’ You responded, thinking all was said and done when Jason brought a hand up to your face, showing you his outstretched pinky. ‘Pinky promise me that you’ll be here with me when I wake up.’ He says and you smile softly at the inherent innocence of that of a pinkie promise but still went ahead and linked your pinky with his, pressing a kiss to his calloused and scarred hand with reverence before resting it on his chest. ‘I pinky promise that I’ll be here when you wake up. Was that good?’
‘We’ll see in the morning when I get to wake up to you chipmunk.’ Jason replied, holding you more against his chest and fell asleep but you weren’t complying as you soon followed him into dreamland, your pinkies still linked to one another as a reminder of your promise.
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gaoau · 3 months
i've been thinking a lot about Suo and i need it to stop, so i wanna analyse him a little bit and say things into the void. normally i like to psychoanalyse characters in fics but i've seen that side of the fandom and i do NOT wanna go there, so i'm saving myself by pulling the same thing i did with Nanao ig.
disclaimer: this isn't necessarily a theory about his backstory as much as it is what i personally wanna see happen. see, if i were writing him, i'd do very specific things that could go in various directions, but since i am not, unfortunately, writing him and he's not my character to fuck with, all i can do is yap. which, also, probably won't be very eloquent.
manga spoilers for literally the whole manga up to date btw.
i don't think we won't be getting a backstory on him, to be honest. with a character like him, yeah, the mystery is part of the charm, and having this much anticipation can suck ass if once the secret gets revealed, it doesn't stick the landing. but i doubt Nii Satoru doesn't have something planned for him. why would bro be leaving Suo's room illustration out of the fanbook if there wasn't something there to talk about? what is in his room to talk about? but that's not what this is about.
anyway i'm gonna be so fr Suo's built like a dog. he's clearly full of shit, and yknow, that's fine, good for him, but there are things that are so painfully obvious he's just straight up lying about. after his fight with Kanuma, which is deadass the first time we see him fight, he says he "doesn't usually get so emotional," which ?? shut the fuck up? that's not true.
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i know a liar when i see one. we've seen him fight five times? six if i wanna be generous; in three of those he got crazy emotional (Kanuma, keel, and Endo), and just a tiny bit miffed with the gymnast guy idr his name fuck that freak. which, listen, to be fair, if someone touched a single hair on Nirei's head in front of me, real me too i'd kill a guy. but look me in the eye lil bro don't lie to me. real talk, though, he was more than ready to kill the keel dude, and was going to. he wanted to. he was shaking while Sakura held him back, don't play with me. he wasn't gonna stop just cause someone was interjecting.
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bro was itching to kill, side-eyeing Sakura, spitting snark cause how's the hot-headed mf who jumps head-first into a brawl without a second thought staying more rational than him, the rational one? Sakura's talking to him the same way i talk to my dog after she tries to kill my cat. i'm ngl my dog has better self-restraint than this kid. he also just straight up xd's his way out of it? like "oh whoopsies! mb gang! i was just feeling silly goofy! 🤪" like he forgets he's not supposed to glare at people with murder in his eyes.
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speaking of murder! this is where i want him to have killed someone before Bofurin. he's, like, 15? so there's not much time to work with, but the same way Kaji was going feral at idk 8 years old, i can see a world in which Suo actually went overboard when he was a younger kid. (i'm not saying this is what things are pointing at, but i want this to be the case. i would do this myself.)
he is emotional, i don't think that's up for debate. i understand why he gets so emotional and i do think it's very noble and cool and swag of him, that's a good person, somewhat, he cares about his friends and it pisses him off when they get hurt. i fuck with that. that's great, get him an ice cream (if he even eats fucking weirdo). but why are we acting like "i am chill ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ" when, clearly, that's not true?
here's where his teacher comes in. for how much grief i'm giving him, i don't think he's all lies at all. i don't think him liking Nirei and Sakura enough to not only speak highly of them, but also fuck a guy up for them, is a lie. i think he is as kind as Umemiya describes him to be, cause honestly, if Umemiya says someone is kind, then they probably are.
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i don't think this is necessarily fake as much as i think it's borrowed. it's learned behaviour. it's teachings passed down to him by his teacher. it's discipline. it's not something that comes naturally to him, but it is something a person he respects and looks up to taught him, so he tries to live by it. he's very clearly been disciplined, probably got beaten into the ground by his teacher, got his ass handed to him again and again and again until he sharpened his reflexes and learned how to control himself in a fight.
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he talks a lot about adulthood, talks a lot about maturing, talks a lot about self-control and whatnot. which, by the way, this is a child? lil bro you're fifteen go play on your switch idk. but i'd like to think this comes from someone telling him, "hey, what you did was not okay. you have a lot of strength and you're not an animal. use it wisely so you can one day grow into a proper adult." solely cause i want him to have killed someone. that's all i want.
i think it would make sense, really. how funny would it be if he was living similarly to Sakura? i've seen people headcanon him as a rich kid, but he lies a lot, and i wouldn't put it past him to be living in a sad, lonely one-room apartment. there's a billion ways things could be done with him. maybe his parents didn't care to try disciplining him, maybe he grew up with no parents at all. he has a short fuse, that's easy to tell, even if he acts like he's got everything under control. it's a very Suzuri type of situation, so maybe it's not the direction Nii Satoru is gonna take things, but one can dream.
as for the eyepatch, i haven't really thought much about it. the way i see things, he's gotta come from a neglectful background, so losing an eye would make sense. or maybe he did it himself, i'd love to see that (i would do that with a character like this if he was mine). if his eye is even missing at all, cause all things considered, it might be sort of just a way to give himself a handicap to remind himself not to go overboard.
which, circling back to the self-restraint thing, i like to think that's the reason he doesn't really use much excessive force. not to say he doesn't kick and punch, cause lil bro packs a mean punch, but he doesn't gravitate to hitting people. he's usually using his opponent's weight and momentum against them, which is why i was decently surprised when i saw him grab the keel dude and wind back to bash his face in. he's not violent, until he lets go of what little self-restraint he has, and then he is. it's values and principles that come from someone else telling him how to behave, except he still struggles to hold himself back.
to put it in simple terms, if he were my character, this is what i would do. i'd have him kill someone by going overboard as a kid, have him be taken in by this teacher, have him disciplined and clean his act up by beating his ass, and then have him parrot all these teachings at people he meets later. cause that's essentially what he's doing, he's just repeating things someone else told him. what does bro know about being an adult he doesn't even pay taxes go do your trig homework. but he tries, and you can tell he's trying, even if it doesn't come natural, he cares about his friends and he cares about becoming a better person, he's just a little too quick to snap.
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you know what i mean? he cares about Nirei in particular, he loves Nirei, he tries to learn from Nirei. (guys i love Nirei i wont shut the fuck up). but fr, he's got that Nanao complex where he instigates things or sets things into motion and doesn't quite participate. he watches from the back, for better or for worse, but he doesn't necessarily involve himself in things. he keeps a distance. he feels like the other side to Sakura's coin sometimes, learning about people and how warm they actually are. he's all prim and proper and nonchalant, but he recognises he's no match for Sakura and maybe even Nirei. after all, it's always Nirei the one grabbing both of them by the arm and dragging them places.
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he talks so big and maturely about not meddling too much with people who can't quite handle friendship yet, and then goes "!" when Nirei tells him "? fuck are you talking about? that's the more reason to teach Sakura about friendship." it's the look on his face after Nirei, despite Suo's long-winded and logical argument, goes to Kotoha and insists they help Sakura anyway. he's learning from Nirei too. also Nirei's crazy endearing so real me too but that's beside the point.
i don't think these parts of him are fake, but they might just be artificial. he's still integrating them into his own person and making them his, but he still slips here and there. he's not quite there yet. i hope he killed someone when he was 8yo. that's all thank you for reading thumbsup
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sumicchin · 3 months
❃ a wind breaker (satoru nii) reader insert.
Sakura needs to remind everyone that his apartment complex doesn't have galvanized steel extensions. (1.5k words)
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content warnings: female reader, everyone testing sakura's patience
No luck here on our end!
nada here as well!!
she's better at hiding than me that one time with KEEL
Skill issue
Sakura reads the messages his classmates sent in their group chat, all of them having the same result. They all decided to go by pair with the exception of the captains and kings as solo to respond quickly to their subordinates. Sakura found himself wandering near his apartment, what's already eerie in ambiance has been worsened by the rainy weather. The perfect hiding spot for a fugitive, he thinks. While there's the possibility the target already escaped to the next town, him feeling the target's skin told too much that the person wouldn't last long if the rain persisted.  'If only I was quick enough, I could've caught this person easily,' he mutters to himself. 
He feels his phone vibrate in his pocket and whisks it out swiftly. A message from Kusumi, one of Kaji's friends, was sent to all Bofurin students with a video attached.
Sent a video.
This is her right????
Sakura watched the short clip and sees the now clear figure of a girl hanging onto a lamp post, back hunched and labored breathing. His phone rang again, another message from Kusumi.
Kaji and I are near an alleyway by the bakery btw!
Come quick >< !!!!
I think she knows we're here but she's not moving (⁠;⁠ŏ⁠﹏⁠ŏ⁠)
Sakura doesn't understand, but he immediately runs to the said location. Just earlier, he was trying to fight this person, but now he's running with all his might under the rain for some stranger. 
Many students had already arrived at the girl's location, but none of them knew how to handle the situation. Kaji, already waiting for about a minute or two, stepped forward but was pulled back by his shaggy-haired vice-captain. "She's gonna die from hypothermia if we keep acting like pussies," Kaji scowls. He turns his head back to the girl, only to see Umemiya next to her. Sakura arrives just in time to see Bofurin's leader take off his dark green tailcoat and put it over the trembling girl who hasn't moved an inch.
"We aren't here to harm you, we promise you that." Umemiya keeps his eyes on the girl whose lips are a shade of purple, hands gripping the lamppost already pruning.
What they didn't expect was to see their leader in a defensive stance as he blocked a punch directed to the face.
"Let us help you, please." He states with a firm tone while making sure he isn't gripping the girl's fist roughly. He felt like he was touching ice, and he needed to work his magic soon to save her fast. Umemiya was thinking of having someone come out and help him seize the girl, but he noticed the pressure on his arm was gone.
He felt a weight on his chest instead.
Everyone watches as the girl falls towards Umemiya, who is fast enough to catch and wrap his arms around her. He then proceeded to carry the unconscious girl who was barely breathing in his arms.
"Whose house is nearby, quick!"
Everyone looked at each other, until a certain first year raised his hand.
"My place is nearby, but I don't think it's the best place to keep her," Sakura says. Umemiya however argues that it's their best option so far, so they decide to rush over to his lodging. Some of the boys ran to shops to get supplies such as heat packs and warm soup.
Umemiya, Kaji, Tsubaki and the first years arrive at his seemingly run-down apartment a few minutes later, laying the girl down gently in Sakura's futon for warmth. Said homeowner unfortunately did not own pillows, but Nirei was kind enough to offer his lap as a makeshift cushion. Normally, Sakura would've been embarrassed by what he was seeing, but the severity of the girl's condition had him too worried to care about public displays of affection.
"Kaji says that his group is going to arrive soon with food and heat packs," Hiragi relays to Umemiya whose gaze is stern and clearly bothered, different from his usual demeanor.
Hiragi swears to himself that Umeyama's expression had something other than concern showing.
Suo and Tsugeura were seated oppositely at the girl's side, their much larger hands taking in her cold, paler ones to warm her up while waiting for the heat packs. Kiryu and Tsubaki offered to rush to Cafe Pothos and ask Kotoha for help and spare clothes. Not much was going on inside the room while they waited for the second years to arrive, with only the labored breaths of the girl permeating their senses.  
"So this is yer place," Hiragi tries to break the ice as he looks around the room, searching for at least one piece of furniture. "Didn't know yer a minimalist."
Everyone looks at the two of them, the room's atmosphere slightly lifting. Sakura however feels embarrassed, having his friends over in such a cramped space. "I-I don't have any need for furniture...just a waste of money."
Umemiya lets out a chuckle from his underclassmen's persistence, "I can get you a bean bag and some curtains if you'd like!"
Sugishita glares at Sakura upon hearing Bofurin's leader offer his rival free stuff, "You should be grateful Umemiya-san is offering you gifts!".
"It was pretty concerning the first time we came here..." Nirei says with Suo nodding in agreement, feeling the girl's hand feel warmer as time passed. "I have faith that Sakura will eventually learn how fun it is to decorate."
Other than warming her up, Tsugeura fiddled with the girl's hands as if he were massaging it. A thought suddenly appeared in his head, face scrunching up as he imagined it.
"Doesn't this mean that she's gonna stay here with Sakura for the night?"
Said homeowner exploded.
A few hours passed, and everyone seemed to calm down a bit. After Kaji's group arrived, some of them bid their farewells but reassured they were willing to help if needed. Kiryu and Tsubaki arrived with Kotoha in tow, allowing her to clean and change the girl's clothing into warmer ones. They all sat in silence as they prepared warm food and drinks for everyone.
"So, is no one gonna fill me in?" Kotoha breaks the silence, everyone turning their heads towards her. Umemiya could only let out a weak chuckle, scratching the back of his neck. "Sorry Kotoha, we didn't mean to keep you in the dark." Bofurin's leader turns to resident chatterbox Nirei, who still hasn't given up his job of makeshift lap pillow to retell the events—from the beat-up red light district traffickers to Umemiya almost getting squared in the face.
"She must've run away," Kotoha says looking at the near folder yet tattered kimono beside the girl.
Suo stares intensely at her sleeping figure whose breathing is now at a normal pace, "Perhaps she works at an izakaya...or even a brothel."
Everyone started formulating their own theories, on how this girl came to be and what drove her to act violently before succumbing to weakness.
"She looks like a princess while sleeping, straight out of a fairytale," Tsubaki says with smitten eyes, pushing away strands of hair covering her face. "I believe that Kotoha and I should be the first ones to have a talk with her once she wakes up."
No one seemed to reject the idea, so it was decided that they all go home to freshen up and come back once Sakura let them know she was awake. Upon hearing the idea, Sakura went into panic mode, asking his more experienced peers what to do if the girl woke up.
He was ignored.
So it was like that for hours.
The Haruka Sakura, resident bad boy lone wolf who happened to be given the flaw of being the worst at socializing, is now alone in his very humble (and minimalistic) abode with a girl who was now sharing his futon. He hasn't moved an inch since arriving at his own room, mind you. Every time he dared to make a move, to maybe freshen up since he stunk as hell from having damp clothes and a face full of wet concrete earlier, he suddenly retreated once he heard the girl make noises in her sleep.
Is it normal for girls to do that, he asks himself. His train of thought was broken when he heard actual words come out of her resting figure, repeating the phrase "Get away from me" with intensity.
His feet drag him towards the girl, her face sweating profusely and eyebrows knitted. She's having a nightmare.
Does he wake her up? Sakura finds himself reaching out to her but immediately retracts his arm. This internal warfare kept going until the girl calmed down on her own.
Nicely done, Sakura.
What he didn't expect was to suddenly have eyes staring back at him.
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milliesfishes · 29 days
Ahhh can you please do Billy x reader who are struggling to get pregnant ☹️☹️ OR OR MAYBE a part 2 to your fic about Billy x reader who had a stillborn maybe reader gets pregnant again and they both freak out? I LOVE HOW YOU WRITE ANGST BTW MUAH
ty lovey!!!! ⋆౨ৎ𝔂𝓸𝓾 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓾𝓰𝓰𝓵𝓮 𝓽𝓸 𝓰𝓮𝓽 𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓰𝓷𝓪𝓷𝓽⋆౨ৎ 𝓯𝓮𝓶 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 𝔁 𝓫𝓲𝓵𝓵𝔂 𝓽𝓱𝓮 𝓴𝓲𝓭
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Never before in your life had you been subscribed to old wives' tales. Young and naive, you always thought them purposeless stories born of boredom. Now as you were struggling with fertility, you realized they hadn't been entertainment. They'd been bringers of hope.
Indeed at this point there was nary a thing you hadn't tried. Potions, prayers, positions... you were running out of options. Billy was endlessly supportive, indulging every whim you introduced. It was only when you became distressed over your methods that he stepped in.
"Baby...stress is gonna make it worse," he murmured, holding you close and dropping his lips to the top of your head, rocking you back and forth. You'd been obsessing over moon cycles lately, working yourself into tears when you'd realized the supposed prime fertile days had passed for the time being. "It'll happen when it happens, sweetheart. All we can do is keep tryin."
When visions of cradles and swaddled bundles had filled your dreams, you'd confided in Billy immediately. He'd been more than receptive, and thus every conversation began. Late into the night, sweaty from the aftermath of your baby-making efforts, you'd laid snuggled in his arms and spoken excitedly of baby names, what it'd be like to have a little one.
The arrival of your monthly had rendered you devastated, but you'd kept up hope. It was only the first time. Surely soon your belly would begin to round, and you'd become joyful at the notion of the impending life growing inside.
But the second month bore no results. Nor did the third. Six months passed without any results, and with each monthly you became more despondent. It was taking a toll on Billy as well, you knew. But he showed no sign of it, holding you close, making love to you as many times as you needed. He never grew weary of reassuring you, making sure every motion was made with love.
He was endlessly patient with you, and it only made you love him more. There was one day in particular that he came home to you in tears on the bathroom floor, holding yourself around the waist, keeled over and sobbing. Immediately he got to his knees, gathering you in his arms and murmuring sweet nothings into your hair. "Oh my love...c'mere...oh, sweet girl, it's okay. I've gotcha darlin'. Whatsa matter?"
"I thought...maybe...I was...that there was a baby..." you hiccupped, words coming out in shuddering bursts. "But I just...got my...monthly...and I was so excited...and it hurts."
"Honey," Billy murmured, rubbing your back. "'m so sorry, sweetheart. I know it hurts. Everything's hurtin'. But you're gonna be okay."
"It's been months," you sniffled, tears soaking his shirt. "Months of trying and nothing. I don't know what's wrong with me-"
"Uh uh." Billy shook his head, shifting you in his arms to a more comfortable position. "Don't go blamin' yourself for a damn thing. 's not your fault. For all we know, it's me, sweet girl. Could be somethin' in my system."
"I want a baby. Your baby," you murmured, voice edging on sorrow as you fisted his shirt.
"I know...oh I know sweetheart," he whispered, kissing your head and sliding his arms more fully under you. "C'mere...c'mon let's getcha comfy."
Billy scooped you up with that strength that always made you swoon, carrying you with heavy footsteps to the bedroom. The next thing you knew, there was a soft mattress under your back, and his warm body was cradling your back. He nosed soft kisses into your hair, pulling the blanket up to your shoulders.
Though your anxiety was high, you allowed yourself to relax into his arms and succumb to his kisses. Eventually you calmed, the waves of emotion slow and steady and buried underneath the weight of his arms. You were perfectly still, practically melting into him.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, cheek pressed against his chest. His hand twitched in your hair, and then slid down to your shoulder.
"What're you sorry for?" he murmured, kissing the top of your head.
You closed your eyes. "You deserve someone who can give you babies."
"Honey." Billy rubbed your back, shaking his head. "Don't say that." You looked up, teary eyed, and he leaned down, kissing your forehead. "I ain't in this for babies. I'm in it for you."
Somewhere subconsciously you had known that but hearing him say it out loud nearly sent you into tears for an entirely different reason. Billy shifted you so your head was resting on his chest, pushing his hand soothingly into your hair and rubbing your scalp. "Sweetheart, if we're meant to have a baby it'll happen. But I'm just happy to have you."
Sighing softly, you snuggled into his chest, kissing him over his heart. His words struck a chord in you, and they were undeniably true. In all your worry and heartache, you had forgotten what was at the core of your desire. It was love. Love for him, love so powerful you wanted to create a life with him.
Your hand rubbed on his chest once, and he seemed to understand, tightening his arms around you. "Baby or no baby, you're my girl and that ain't ever gonna change. I love you."
"I love you," you echoed, breathing in and out, smiling at his hum of approval. "I love you and all that you are to me."
A baby would come when it needed to. For now you were merely grateful to have him.
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raedshadowlegends · 1 year
Why Lore Olympus and Miraculous Ladybug are the Same Thing but in Different Fonts
Good evening, good day, hello and howdy. I am INCREDIBLY bored and I'm here to go on a nonsensical tangent about two pieces of media that I hate and have dedicated a vast amount of my free time to. This is all in good fun and all of my rudeness is intended to be satirical and/or comical unless indicated otherwise.
Now just to preface, if you know me then you know how much I dislike Miraculous Ladybug. Folks in my circle got to watch as I descended into madness writing a 64k word review on season 5. So I've spent an uncomfortable amount of time dissecting this show.
I have also spent an uncomfortable amount of time engaging with the shitshow that is Lore Olympus. And now my ass is gonna try and compare the two because there's a lot of shit going on here.
None of this is going to matter and it's all in good fun. Like I said, I am bored. And sometimes it's fun to compare stuff you hate.
Now let the insanity ensue. FP spoilers and MLB s5 spoilers below the cut btw.
To get a major difference out of the way, Miraculous Ladybug is a tv show. Lore Olympus is a webcomic.
But mediums aside, these two things still have a lot in common. So for the first comparison, I'd like to talk about the insecurity in both properties.
What I define as insecurity in this context is a piece of media that is too afraid to commit or adhere to a certain tone, story, style, etc. In short-- they don't know what they want to be.
Insecurity in Lore Olympus is a bit more obvious than with Miraculous so I'm gonna rant about that first.
Lore Olympus just straight up does not have a story to tell.
There are too many random ass plots being added and discarded on a whim for it to be a coherent story. A good way to explain it is kinda like this-- In this episode of LO, something cool new and interesting is set up and you have to keep reading to see what happens! And then nothing ever happens. Or it happens because the audience won't let the author forget so there's a half-assed attempt to wrap up that plot point.
LO is so insecure about what it is, it feels the need to add more and more to make it actually something. But what it is is a hollow story that lacks substance. So all of these new random plot points are kinda like bandaid solutions if that makes sense.
There are so many unfinished/under-utilized plot points that if you were to count out each and every one, you'd probably keel over dead before you finished. There's that many.
It's too insecure to commit to any one of them in the grand scheme of things.
I don't know how coherent all of that was so here's a shitty tl;dr
LO doesn't know what it wants to say anymore so it's just adding more shit to keep the reader "invested."
Yeah ok I think that makes more sense. As for Miraculous...
God. I fucking hate Miraculous.
It's insecure as hell and you can smell that shit from ten miles away. It's insecure with it's premise, I think.
If it just kept to the simple "monster-of-the-week" formula, I do not think I would have written so many words on it's fifth season.
Miraculous (apparently) had a grander story to tell beyond the "monster-of-the-week revert back to the status quo each episode."
But we don't see any of that in full swing till season 3, really. Which is a long ass time to get the ball rolling imo.
It's a little jarring to see the show go from the stupid kid status quo adventures to a heavy and emotional story??? And I say heavy and emotional with the most sarcastic tone possible because the only emotion I feel watching this shit is rage.
Despite wanting to make that shift to a serialized type of show, Miraculous was too scared to stray from the successful status quo format.
To explain a bit more I wanna talk about my review of the season.
While it is mostly filled with rude jokes and incomprehensible jargon, I bring up a lot of points in it regarding the state of things.
One of those things being the show's hesitancy to move the story along.
The fifth season was supposed to be a grand final battle and a conclusion to this story arc. But it was too scared to commit to that so there's way more episodes that are nothing but shipping fodder.
There are many episodes that season that just... feel the same. Just with different coats of paint. "Marinette is trying to date Adrien but she's awkward and clumsy and oh no! shenanigans ensue!" We've been doing this for 8 years.
If they want to tell a serialized story then they need to grow some balls and cut the shit we've seen a million times before.
Their insistence to stick to the status quo makes the writing exceptionally weak downright painful to sift through. It was too scared, too insecure, to stray from its formula.
That's a part of the reason why I think the season is paced so bad. There's so little time spent on the interesting parts of the story because they had to cram in as much shipping shit as possible. So by proxy, there was less time to tell a good story.
Both of these stupid ass properties don't know what they want to be. There are too many things being added and not enough balls to commit to any of them.
Now with both LO and MLB, we can all agree that the writing is pretty shit. Nothing new there. But shitty writing often bleeds into the characters and making them shitty by exposure. Almost like a spill of toxic waste, infecting anything near it and turning into a rotten pile of sludge and chemicals.
So yeah, the characters are ass as well. But I only wanna complain about the female leads for both of these things.
But just to mention Adrien and Hades, they are pretty similar. I won't go into detail but the short of it is, "Character with deep seated issues that could have been interesting, has a lot of potential, but is just kinda garbage in the end."
At least Adrien Agreste isn't monetizing death and has a bunch of shades in his basement doing his work.
Persephone and Marinette
So I always say that I don't like using the term 'Mary Sue' to describe a character. But as it turns out, I use that term a lot. So I'm not gonna lie about that anymore.
These two characters are Mary Sues.
Persephone first
Oh my god I hate Persephone a lot. She just ticks every box on my list of 'THINGS I HATE IN A CHARACTER.'
Which is funny because her character had a lot of promise and heart in the beginning.
I related to her a LOT when I picked up this comic before my frontal cortex developed. I related with her character and her struggles. Especially after the Apollo incident. That really stuck out to me. It was so powerful.
But all of those tiny things I liked about her character were stripped away. Her ambition to study in school? Poof, gone. Her charm? Not charming anymore. That kindness everyone in the story gushes about? I don't even think it was there in the first place.
Truth be told, I do need to reread this comic because the beginning is fuzzy as fuck in my walnut-sized brain. But I can tell you for certain that the way she was in the beginning is not who she is now.
And this isn't the case of a character going through an arc and developing and changing. She's just getting worse and the narrative treats it as a GOOD THING.
"Oh yeah, Persephone trashed Leuce's apartment instead of talking to her husband like an adult. She threatened to kill this nymph but you're supposed to find that endearing." Like, what??? I will not have a story try and get me to believe this is a good thing.
If this were a good story, Persephone's actions in that episode WOULDN'T BE REWARDED. But she's rewarded with sex for being a fucking psychopath towards a random nymph. Wow.
And that leads into my next point-- she can never be in the wrong ever.
AOW? Retconned, not her fault. It wasn't her fault she killed all those people. It's actually Eris' fault because she gave her wrath.
Trashing Leuce's apartment? She was in the right for that, apparently.
Killing people in a famine during the 10 year banishment? That's never explored, we just know she killed people, burned a library or something, and probably shot the president too. But it's fine, she's the good guy.
And most recently (and potentially the most frustrating);
Persephone causes winter.
Not her mother, Demeter, no fuck the myths. Persephone is the one who caused winter actually. AND SHE DID IT ON ACCIDENT SO TECHNICALLY IT IS NOT HER FAULT CAUSE SHE DIDNT MEAN TOOOO UWU She also probably killed a million flower nymphs in that snap freeze but its ok it doesn't matter.
She's not going to receive any consequences for anything because she is just too perfect.
She's smarter than Athena, prettier than Aphrodite, better than her mother in every way, all the boys want her, she has a perfect body, she's pink, her eyes go red when she's angy, she has the most power of everyone in the world, she's a super rare fertility goddess, she has all the gifts, all the blessings, and none of the development.
It almost feels like a wattpad fanfic.
"My mom doesn't like me so she sold me to one direction and then I became queen of the underworld."
Yeah, I don't like her.
And the same can be applied to Marinette!
A character who is so blatantly perfect, the narrative fucking BENDS TO HER WILL.
She's a creepy ass stalker and has done some weird ass things to get close to this random famous white boy and it's all excused.
It's literally excused.
There is a rule about character backstories. They are supposed to provide an explanation for a character's behavior, not an excuse for it.
In season 5, episode 14 - Derision, we see a bit of Marinette backstory. Some stupid bullshit happens and Marinette essentially says she isn't going to say 'I love you' to anyone unless she knows literally everything about them.
She says a lot in that stupid ass scene but it's basically just saying that all of her stalking and creepy behavior is justified. Which it is not.
Marinette can do no wrong. The narrative won't allow it.
She's perfect in every way. And even when SHE is in the wrong, characters somehow find a way to apologize to her. Either that or she turns a situation about someone else into one about her self.
She's just the perfect character who ends up saving the world.
Fuck having Chat Noir face against his dad in the finale, Marinette has to girlboss all over the place and save the day but then actually lose because the "plot" demands it.
Oh yeah and she's probably never going to tell Adrien that his abusive dad was the villain they had been fighting for months. Do you think that's a good choice? I'll give you a hint; it is not.
It makes Marinette look like a HORRIBLE character but it's painted in a way that makes the viewer believe this is the right decision.
I don't think I need to get into specifics as to why that is wrong and disgusting.
If I had to make a prediction for this show going forward, she isn't going to tell him. It's going to be forgotten and she's going to be painted as the hero.
No flaws, no accountability, nothing.
Garbage character. Fucking hate it.
Both of these characters will never see consequences for their actions. Their bad actions are either excused or retconned out of existence. And that's not how you write a character btw. If you want them to be real, give them consequences. The world should not revolve around them. They should have flaws and issues that should be explored. But apparently that's too much work.
It's funny how both of these properties claim to be about feminism and somehow completely miss what feminism is
Miraculous thinks that feminism means "Girl power! Girls are better than guys in every way!" And Lore Olympus makes no attempt to be feminist at all. Women hate other women, and they don't get a lot of opportunities to explore and express themselves.
I could get into the whole purity culture shtick but that's a shitty rant for another day.
I've been ranting about this for a while and I got the big ones out of the way, methinks. I do want to get into the creators of both of these things but that is also a rant for another day.
Cause if I got into that now, we'd be here a while.
So let me just make a final comparison and wrap things up here. I don't think any of this makes a lot of sense but I hate both things and I'm passionate about it so I'm gonna keep rambling.
Miraculous Ladybug and Lore Olympus never attempt to grow as stories. They are both scared to try new things and to stick with it. Most of the time this results in rushed writing and horribly done characters.
It's so clear that both of these things are desperate to be something great but they just can't put in the work to get there.
Honestly, they both feel like the product of a team of yes-men. Bad decisions and errors slip by WAY too often and it's kind of embarrassing.
These are popular pieces of media and they have the resources to be great but they just aren't.
They're both too insecure to make something of themselves.
It's honestly really sad and I don't want this for either of these things. I want LO to be stunning and retell the myth of Persephone with the respect it deserves. I want MLB to be a serialized show with focus on the lore. Sure it can start as episodic but it can ease us into a deeper story and intrigue the viewer. But I want it to flesh out the world and be an entertaining experience.
It's sad but it's the way it is.
Who knows, maybe MLB season 6 will be good. And maybe LO will have a 4th season and it'll fix all the problems it has.
I dunno.
Thanks for reading this incoherent nonsense.
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willalove75 · 1 year
Rebecca x employee/coach/player reader. The player realizes Rebecca wants them and decides to tease them until she jumps their bones. (Loved the angry Rebecca request btw)
Hehe yes I love this!
And thank you so much!! If you/anyone else has any other requests please feel free to send them my way!💕
Warning: 18+ Minors DNI
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"How does this one look?" You ask Keely, looking at yourself in the mirror, unsure of the dress you're wearing.
"Hm," she says as she crinkles her nose. "It's nice, but I don't think I love it."
"Right? Me too."
"Here! Try this one!" She rummages through your closet and pulls out one of your more form-fitting dresses.
"Oh god, I haven't worn that dress since uni, I don't even know if it fits anymore!" You say taking the dress from her hands. The dress brings back a bunch of fun memories of you and your friends going out at university.
"Jut try it!" She says.
You go into the bathroom and put it on, you're a little relieved that it still fits. You walk out and stand in front of the mirror, a little surprised, it doesn't look bad.
"Huh," you say looking into the mirror. You definitely fill out the dress differently than you did back at uni, but to your surprise, it actually looks good.
"Holy shit you look fit as fuck in that!!" Keeley exclaims running towards you.
"You think so?" You say with a laugh.
"Yes! You look hot! Damn!! You have to wear this one!"
"Okay, if you say so, it isn't too, 'clubby' right? I mean we are going to dinner with our boss."
"No it's perfect! And Rebecca is chill, think of it less as 'dinner with your boss' and more like 'going out to have fun with work friends'!"
"Okay." You say with a laugh.
You both finish getting ready and head to the restaurant. The hostess brings you to the table and you see Rebecca and another woman you don't recognize.
"SASSYYYY!" Keeley screams, running up to the woman past Rebecca.
"KEELEYY!!" She yells back.
You laugh as you walk over and Rebecca gets up and looks over at you. She pauses for a minute, looking a little surprised as she stares at you, looking you up and down. You're terrified that this dress isn't appropriate until Rebecca speaks.
"Wow y/n, you look fantastic!" She says pulling you into a hug.
It's definitely weird hugging your boss, but her strong arms give you a sense of security as they wrap around you.
"Y/n, this is my best friend Flo, but you can call her Sassy. Sas, this is y/n!"
"Wow you look amazing!" Sassy says as she gives you a hug.
You chuckle and thank her.
The four of you sit at the table, Rebecca sitting across from you. You notice that the neckline of her dress is just low enough to show off her amazing boobs, especially when she leans in. You try and avert your eyes, not wanting to get caught staring at them. You look up and meet Rebecca's eyes, she smiles and quickly looks away, as if you caught her checking you out.
You order your meals as your drinks arrive. The four of you laughing, talking and having a good time with one another. You and Rebecca catch each others gazes throughout the night, you catch her looking at you, and she catches you. It's a little uncomfortable at first, but as the night progresses, it almost becomes a game that only the two of you know you're playing.
Your meals arrive with the second round of drinks, the table falls quiet as you all dig into your plates. You look up at Rebecca and make eye contact again as you both gently smile and look away. You look over to Keeley who noticed the subtle interaction and gives you a look. You quickly look down at your plate and keep eating. You don't notice it, but Sassy gives Rebecca a similar look and Rebecca rolls her eyes at her. Sassy and Keely exchange looks, both silently confirming what the other one saw and they go back to eating.
Once you finish your meals, Sassy gets up to go for a smoke and asks Rebecca to join her. Rebecca says she doesn't smoke anymore but will keep her company. You watch her get up and walk away, once they're out of ear shot Keeley swats you on the arm.
"What was that for?!"
"You didn't tell me you and Rebecca have a thing going on!"
Embarrassed and surprised you blurt out
"No we don't!"
Keeley gives you a look.
"We don't! I mean, I don't think so."
"You two have basically been eye fucking each other all night! You can't tell me this is the first time that's ever happened between the two of you."
"It is! I swear!"
"What do you mean?!"
"I mean that tonight is the first time that's ever happened between us. I don't know why-" You say as you take a sip of your drink.
"Its because you look hot as fuck in that dress!"
You laugh and look over at her.
"I'm serious! That dress is magical! Also why did you never tell me you had the hots for Rebecca?!" She says swatting your arm again. "I could have been wingmanning you for months!"
"Will you stop that!" You laugh. "And because she's my boss, I would never hit on my boss-"
"Not before tonight!" Keeley interjects and winks at you.
You roll your eyes at her and laugh.
"She's hot as fuck! You have to go for it!" She says.
With the cat totally out of the bag, you give in.
"She really is," you say as Keeley squeals. "But she's my boss! I can't do that."
"You totally can! And should! I've been friends with her for a long time and I've never seen her eye fuck someone like that before."
"Will you stop saying that?!" You ask.
"Just promise me you'll think about it." She says with puppy dog eyes.
"Fine." You say rolling your eyes. You look over and see them walking back.
"Okay now shut up they're coming back, DON'T say anything about this." You say looking at her.
Keeley imitates zipping her lips and throwing away the key. Rebecca and Sassy get to the table and sit back down. Sassy gives Rebecca a look and Rebecca glares back at her. Rebecca looks over at you and looks down and smooths out her dress, a little flustered. You smile and look away, she's even cute when she's flustered.
You all continue to chat and order dessert. Sassy looks over at you and asks
"So, y/n, are you seeing anyone?"
"Sass," Rebecca hisses at her as you see her cheeks turn a little pink in the dimly lit restaurant.
You chuckle at her.
"No, I'm not seeing anyone." You say and take a sip of your drink.
"Y/n is a ranging bisexual," Keeley says as you choke on your wine.
"Thank you." You say glaring over at her as you clear your throat.
"Well it's true!"
"I'm not a 'ranging' bisexual, Jesus." You feel your cheeks heat up.
"But you are bi!"
"Yes, I am."
You scan the table and see Rebecca smiling and Sass looks like she's never been more entertained in her whole life.
"So Sass," Keeley says. "If you know any single men, or lady friends, hook a girl up! I've been trying to get her laid for months now."
"Jesus Christ Keeley!" You say.
Mortified, you bury your face in your hands and shake your head. You look over at Keeley, your hands still on your face and she looks more than pleased with herself as you hear Sassy and Rebecca laughing.
"You are an asshole." You say quietly to Keeley with a laugh.
The night continues and you finish dessert and Rebecca sneaks away to pay the bill. You all head outside and say your goodbyes. You give Sassy a hug while Keeley hugs Rebecca. Keeley hugs Sassy goodbye and they giggle to each other. Rebecca rolls her eyes at them and gives you a hug. Your heartbeat increases yet you feel yourself relax a little in her arms, you think you feel her do the same. The hug is a little tighter and longer than usual but very welcomed.
The four of you go your separate ways and the night ends, Keeley teasing you the whole way home.
The weekend flies by and Monday comes, deciding to see if what happened between you and Rebecca was just a one night thing, you put on a dress that shows off your figure and shows just enough cleavage to be tasteful for the office. You're walking down the halls of AFC Richmond, your head down in your notebook scribbling some thoughts down. You hear heels walking in your direction and you look up to see Rebecca. You both smile and stop to talk to each other, you having to look up at her and her having to look down at you since she towers over you.
"Hey!" You say.
"Good afternoon!" She says with a smile. "Did you have a good time Friday night?" Her eyes sparkle a little when she asks.
"I did, I had a great time." You gently push a piece of hair behind your ear and you notice a slight shift in her eyes. "It was great meeting Sassy, she's a lot of fun."
"Oh yeah," she says with a laugh. "She's something all right."
Someone walks by and says hi and you both respond. They ask you a quick question and you give them an answer. You turn back to Rebecca and catch her looking down at your cleavage. She meets your eyes and quickly looks away, blushing just a little.
"Well I should get going, see you around y/n." She says with a smile.
"See you around!"
Pleased with how well that went, you walk away with a little more confidence.
As the week trails on, you and Rebecca steal glances at each other when you see one another around the building. You've been trying to up your work wardrobe, to give her just enough to look at, but still appropriate for an office. The next week comes and goes and the intensity in her eyes grows each time she sees you. You're dangling yourself in front of her like a toy, and you both know it.
You're walking around the building when you see Rebecca talking to a few people in the hall, she sees you over one of their shoulders and she smiles. You smile back at her as someone stops you in the hall. You turn your back to Rebecca purposefully, so she can get a good look at your ass in your skirt, because it does look great. You quickly speak to the person and you drop your pen as they walk away, you turn to see Rebecca out of the corner of your eye staring at you. You're not even sure if she's listening to the people she's been talking to.
You slowly squat down to pick up your pen, grab it, and slowly stand back up. You turn to look at Rebecca, you can tell she's turned on, you smile at her and walk away, her eyes following you down the hall. You feel a little guilty about teasing her so much like this, she is your boss after all, but she's been doing the same thing to you. Leaning over your desk with her chest nearly in your face, giving you looks in the hall, wearing outfits that show off her incredible figure, you two have been teasing the hell out of each other for weeks. Now it's turned into a game of who will break down first.
The week comes to and end as Friday arrives. You're talking to Higgins about the upcoming match and you ask a question you know he won't be able to answer and will defer to Rebecca. He suggests walking up to her office to find out and you agree.
You both walk in, you have your cardigan pulled around your body, waiting for the perfect moment to reveal the new shirt you bought that has a deep V neck that dances on the borderline of being inappropriate for work. Rebecca gets up from her desk and walks around to the font and leans against it. She's making sure you get to see her from head to toe, you gently bite at your lip when you scan her up and down. Your eyes meet and she gives you a little smirk.
She answers the question for Higgins and as you go to write down what she says, you let your cardigan open to reveal your cleavage. You slowly look up at her and she looks like her knees are about to give out. You bite your lip and smirk at her as you turn back to your notebook.
"Is that all?" She asks Higgins.
"Yes I believe so! Thank you so much Rebecca, y/n, lets go-" Higgins says.
"Actually," Rebecca interrupts. "If you don't mind Higgins, I'd like to steal y/n for a moment to speak with her."
"Of course!" He says and walks out of the office.
Now it's just you and Rebecca standing in her office, you look over your shoulder at the door and ask
"Do you want me to-" before you even finish your question she says
You turn around and close the door and lock it. You turn back around and see she's already walking towards you. You meet her halfway and she immediately grabs you and pulls you into her. She puts one hand on the back of your head and grabs hold of your hair and puts the other on your waist. You hold onto her hips as your lips smash together, your tongues immediately connecting, you feel sparks coming off of her lips as she kisses you. She grabs you tighter and you pull her hips into you. Soft moans escape from the both of you as the kiss becomes more passionate. It slows and your lips part, just barely brushing against each other. You bring your hand up to her face as she looks down into your eyes.
"Fuck," she says breathlessly.
You just smile back at her while you look deep into her eyes.
"God I've been waiting for weeks to do that." She says.
"Me too." You reply.
"I thought I was crazy, thinking you were flirting with me at dinner, but once Keeley mentioned trying to get you laid, I knew what both her and Sass were doing."
"I still want to kill her for that." You say with a light chuckle.
You kiss again and you feel the passion radiating off of her lips, you slide your hand down and squeeze her breast over her shirt. She moans into your mouth and breaks off the kiss.
She pulls you to the couch and sits, she guides you on top of her and pulls you in for another kiss. You feel your heart racing and realize just how wet your panties are. She pulls your shirt out from your skirt, pulls it over your head and tosses it aside. She kisses down your jaw and down your neck as she grabs at your breasts over your bra. You reach behind your back and unclip it, she pulls it away from you and puts one nipple in her mouth as she rolls the other one between her fingers. You let out moans as she sucks and nibbles on you, she moves to the other one and does the same.
You pull her shirt off and reach your hand between her legs under her skirt. You make contact with her soaked panties and she lets out a moan. You rub your fingers around her throbbing clit, she lets out another moan and grinds her hips into your hand. You pull away and she lets out a little whine and looks up at you, desperate for more. You lean in and kiss her again as you fumble with the zipper on the side of her skirt. She unzips it and you kneel on the floor between her legs and pull it off. You debate for a second if you should tease her, but you've been doing that for almost a month, so you pull her soaked panties off of her and immediately wrap your lips around her clit.
Her eyes roll to the back of her head as she lets out a moan and grabs the back of your head. You lick and suck on her as you feel her clit pulse between your lips, she was so desperate for it. She rests one of her legs on your back as you go down on her. She looks down at you and throws her head back.
"Fuuuuckkkk" she groans as she tightens her grip on your hair.
Her breathing increases and you can tell she's close. You slide two fingers into her dripping pussy and curl them into her sweet spot. She tries to muffle the moan that escapes from her lips as she rocks her hips to your rhythm.
"Oh fuck!" She moans.
You look up and you can tell she's close. You pick up the pace with your fingers and flick your tongue across her clit more. Her breathing becomes labored and you feel her clench down onto you. She tightens her grip on your hair even more and arches her back. She grabs a pillow and covers her face with it and screams into it as she cums on your fingers. You slow your pace and pull your fingers out of her, dripping in her juices.
"FUCK." She yells trying to catch her breath.
You lick your fingers clean and you go to stand up.
"No, no." She says leaning forward. She slides off of the couch and onto the floor on top of you and kisses you. She holds your head as she gently slides you up and lays you down, not once breaking the kiss. She sits up and unzips your skirt and pulls it off with your panties. She wiggles herself between your legs and leans over you. She gently kisses you as her fingers slide between your lips and push deep into you. You furrow your brows and moan into her mouth and kiss her harder. She works her fingers in and out of you, curing into you, her thumb caressing your clit, your lips separate and she looks into your eyes as you climb higher and higher. Her eyes are filled with passion, aching to make you soar. She quickens her pace, curing her fingers into you each time, you grab the back of her head and grab hold of her hair as you try and keep your moans quiet.
"Oh my god, I'm-"
You say as your eyes roll to the back of your head. She rubs your clit harder with her thumb and puts her other hand on your cheek, wanting you to look her in the eyes. Your hips buck with her movements, inching closer and closer to the release you're both craving. You stare into her eager eyes as you feel yourself clenching down on her.
"I'm gonna-" You begin to let out a moan and she presses her lips against your to muffle it as your back arches and your body shakes against her fingers. She slows down her pace and slides her fingers out of you. She pulls her face away from yours and runs her fingers through your hair as you lay underneath her, gently tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
"Holy shit," You say, trying to catch your breath. "That was amazing."
You both sit up and she licks her fingers clean.
"You're telling me, that was the best sex I've had in a long time." She says smirking at you. "We both know that's the best sex you've had in months." She says teasing you.
You open your mouth in shock as the corners of your mouth curve into a smile.
"Now that's fucked up." You say laughing.
She laughs and leans in to kiss you and guides you back down onto the floor. You cuddle into her, your legs intertwined, and slowly kiss her. You both lay there staring into each others eyes, smiling. You run your fingers through her soft blond hair and rest you hand on her face, stroking her cheek with your thumb.
"I think I can lay here forever." You say quietly.
"So can I."
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
Do you write anything else except for yandere?
I love the yandere content but it's not quite my cup of tea. I wanted to ask if I could request something with Father!Aaron again,maybe they have an argument about Reader doing something mildly shady,coming home with bruises etc. I don't really care what the plot is,just please no yandere and comfort (at least in the end or something)
(btw I realize the first sentence doesn't really make sense so I'll elaborate. It's great content,I love the writing.While I love the plot idea I'm not a big fan of yandere,that's what I mean by it. :D)
Ask And You Shall recieve->
Summary: After a terrible hair related experemint, you now have to face...youre Dad.
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You should have known not to dye your own hair, standing in Musa's the bathroom, looking at yourself in the mirror you saw your hair turned orange with the intention on blonde, Musa trying not to giggle covering her mouth, heaving with buried laughs.
Y/n: "What have you done to me?!"
You yelled flicking the brush at her.
Musa: "I didn't do anything! you did this to yourself!"
Y/n: "So why didn't you stop me!!"
You heard a knock on the door, Its Ayesha.
Ayesha: "You okay in there?"
Y/n: "No!"
She slowly opened the bathroom door, observing the sink with its strange red hue to see you, standing in a bath robe with an orange mop untop your head.
Ayesha: "... Ice spice?" She asked jokingly.
Y/n: "Fuck you! what the am I going to do when I get home!"
Both Musa and Ayesha broke out into booming laughter as you crumpled onto the cool tilied bathroom floor.
Ayesha: "I thought you were going blonde not Ron Weasly!"
Musa: "AAAAAhhh HAHAHA" she keeled over the bath while laughing, unable to control herself while Ayesha held onto the door frame for dear life.
Y/n: "I'm supposed to be home in an HOUR! What the hell am I going to DO!?"
Musa began to shed tears of joy and your unfortunate fate.
Ayesha: "I told you! you should have waited for Stella's she's good at this kinda thing you wait a few days she might be able to fix this!"
Y/n: "I can't hide away from my Dad for a couple of days the last time I did that he got my damm uncle involved!"
Ayesha: "the cop one"
Y/n: "Yeah, and it won't matter any way I won't have hair by the time she gets back, my Dad's gonna cut it off!!"
Musa wiped tears from her face.
Musa: "come on I think your exagreting! he wouldn't cut off your hair would he?"
Y/n: "I Don't know!!!" she cried out, melting down onto the floor as both Musa and Ayesha held onto each other laughing like mad men.
As the time approached for you to head back home, you and the girls where scrambling to do damege control, styling your hair in any way to make it look less bad, Dutch braids, pig tail, pony tail, French braids, fish tail, basic plat no matter what they did it looked terrible.
infact it took so long to run through all these styles, you were far out behind your cerfew.
Its youre Dad.
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Oh fuck oh Fuck Oh God take me now
Musa: "You know...it's not that bad?" She said as her voice squeaked.
Y/n: "don't lie to me Musa, I look like a damm pumpkin!"
Ayesha: "Maybe if you hide it till Monday, Stella can fix it when she gets back!"
Y/n: "You think I should avoid my Dad seeing my hair for 3 days?"
Ayesha: "Sure, why not just stay in your room, it was a lock dosen't it?"
Y/n: "Ayesha, if I locked by Dad out my room he would kick it down"
Ayesha: "Then just wear hoodies all the time"
Musa: "I think he'll still notice the red hair poking though"
Ayesha: "Yeaaaaaahh it's bad"
Y/n: "I hate you both so much"
As you were taking yourself out the house and at the door, Ayesha hanged back in the hall with Musa, waving you off.
Ayesha: "If don't seen you Monday we'll file you a missing person report!!!" She yelled while smiling as you walked down the street your hoodie wrapped tight round your head, not wanting the world to see this monsterousity.
As you stood outside your front door, you could hear the TV on, so you must assume Aaron is waiting for you, waiting to scould you for being so late, for walking home alone or for your hair.
God please don't let him see my hair
As you crept into the the living room, you heard a beckon call.
Aaron: "Ay, Y/n, why are you so late huh?"
Think of a lie, think of a good lie
Y/n: "Musa's Dad was having one of his melt down and I didn't want to leave her"
Aaron: "Oh damm, is she okay? Should I pull out the couch for her to crash on?"
Y/n: "Oh no, It's taken care of, and Ayesha's sleeping over at hers so she should be alright"
Aaron: "okay. what you wearing that hoodie for? it's warm inside"
Y/n: "Its just comfortable Dad"
Aaron: "m'kay, anyways I don't really feel like cooking, how about take out?"
Y/n: "Sure Dad" you say dissmissvly as you head off for your room.
Aaron pulled out his phone.
Aaron: "What do you feel like then, we got Korean, chinses, jamican, mexi-"
Y/n: "anything is fine"
Aaron: "...is everything okay?"
Y/n: " yeah I'm good just need to sleep"
Aaron: "It's 6pm?"
Y/n: "yeah I'm tired"
Aaron: " is this about Musa? If she needs to come over it's totally cool"
Y/n: "No, Musa's okay I just want to go to my room and die in my bed"
Aaron: "die in youre bed now? You sure you okay?"
Y/n: "Yes Really I'm fine" You said as you rushed over to your room.
You felt your Dad's hand on youre shoulder, pulling you back.
Aaron: "How bad was it? Musa's Dad?"
Ugh, why must your Dad make you feel so terrible
Aaron: "Should go pick her up?"
Ughhhhhhhhhhhh whyyyyyyyyyyyy
Y/n: "Dad-"
Aaron: "is it like last time? should I call Uncle Jeff?"
Y/n: "Dad-"
Aaron: "I can make room for Ayesha too if she need's to stay"
Y/n: "DAD!"
You pull back your hoodie revaling your redish hair. Aaron is confused, your once lovley black hair was now frazzed and ginger.
Aaron: "What the hell happend to your hair?"
Y/n: "I-"
Aaron: "You look like Bob ross"
Y/n: "Excuse me?"
Aaron: "oh dear god, did you try and dye your hair?"
Y/n: "Maybe"
Aaron: "And you did it at Musa's?"
Y/n: "Yeah"
Aaron: "Did Musa do this to you?"
Y/n: "Noooooo I did" You asked wincing, ready to be scoulded for such a silly endevour.
Aaron: "....okay" he huffed.
Aaron went to get his jacket and grabbed his keys.
Y/n: "Lets go get you something to fix...that" He gestured to your hair.
Later, while in the beauty shop youre Dad led you down into the hair care isle.
Aaron: "What were you trying to do anyways?"
Y/n: "I was trying to go blonde"
Aaron: "Ah I see"
He picked out a box of black hair dye.
Aaron: "So you went over to Musa's house to secretly dye your hair, and you thought you could just come home, blonde, and I wouldn't notice?"
Y/n: "No, I just thought You'd accept it...eventually"
Aaron: "uh huh"
He places the dye in the basket.
Aaron: "You need anything before we go?"
Y/n: "Uhh No I'm good"
As you and youre Dad walked out the store, bag in hand he stopped you walking and pointed over to the new local Korean place.
Aaron: "You wanna get some barbeque?"
Y/n: "Sure"
Once you and your Dad got home, he unwrapped the take out and made you a plate.
Aaron: "We'll take care of your hair tmorrow, m'kay?" He said, sitting down next to you on the sofa.
Y/n: "Yeah that sounds good"
Aaron: "What you said about Musa, that true?"
Y/n: "...no"
Aaron: "So you lied about Musa's Dad have a melt down, too what end?"
Y/n: "I just wanted to get you off my back before you saw my hair"
Aaron: "...Don't be lying to be about that kinda thing, it's to serious m'kay? If Musa need's to stay, that's fine but don't be making stuff up"
Y/n: "yeah, I know I'm sorry"
Aaron: "You know who you look like?"
Y/n: "who?"
Aaron: "That new rap girl, ginger lady"
Y/n: "...I hate you"Dad
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pearl-blue-musings · 4 months
Aaaah no worries. I'm socially awkward and feel like I bug people if I reply too quickly so I just...exist and reply after some time. And never feel rushed to reply to me, I get it!
He looked bent outta shape and I wanted to cuddle him SO BAD!!! Like come here baby lemme make you feel better 🥺 I hope he rests up tho! And YES HIS VA is such a cutie!!! 😩
Hmmm~~~~~~ idk what to think of, so I'll just say make it Childe related, make it a flirty sparring session and I'm happy 😊 Your writing is fabulous btw. Hope you've had a great day! - 💙
His voice actor has my heart and I’m not upset about it hahaha
But!! What if we expand a little bit on the bow and arrow thing we talked about before?
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You never wanted to admit defeat or bend to anyone, your will and pride wouldn’t allow it. You were next in line to become an elite assassin within Liyue. Your travels around Teyvat had left trail of bodies within busy cities. But now, your target is out in the middle of open land. Which is not suitable for your stealth and lethal way of a quick bypass. So now you have to learn how to aim from afar and be undetected.
And that’s how you ended up in your current predicament.
Near the Chenyu Vale village, a series of practice targets are set up across a river bend. You had done all the research necessary to learn the basics of wielding a bow and arrow and set out to practice on your own. However, you’ve been unsuccessful. Not once had you hit a bullseye and you had managed to get some burns on your forearm. You let out a grunt in frustration which caused local fauna to flee and a chuckle to emerge from behind you.
“Heh, seems like you could use a hand.”
You grip the bow tightly as you know that voice too well. On more than one occasion, Childe has tried to win you over with good food, beautiful jewelry, and whatever else he knew you liked. You had originally taken a liking to him, but once you realized he’s part of the Fatui and a Harbinger to boot, you began to loathe him. Unfortunately for you, that made him pursue you harder.
You’re about to run over to the other side of the river to fetch the arrows when you breathe out, “nope. I’ve got it. Aren’t there some innocent children you need indoctrinate into working for you?”
Childe hisses at the implication before tutting at you. “Hey I’m just trying to help!” He raises his hands in defense as he watches you trek to the other side of the river to fetch your practice arrows. His arms cross over his body as he watches you in disbelief. For once he’s trying not to bother you, he genuinely wants to help you out. Upon your slugged return, he pulls out his own arrow, lines up a bow, and almost effortlessly hits the bullseye. And then he walks to the side and does it again, hitting two bullseyes Inca row. You stand there wide eyed and slack jawed as he cocks out his hip.
You pout and grunt at him. Damn him for being so good. You sign and lower your shoulders. “Ugh, fine! Can you please help me?” Childe snickers and nods, motioning for you to get in aiming position. The Harbinger looks over your technique and almost wants to puke. Who taught you?
“Okay first of all, your position and technique are terrible. Did some court jester teach you?” You turn around and elbow him in the gut. Childe retches and keels over in pain. “Okay, okay! Sorry princess.”
You place your bow down and open up your satchel. Out come all the books you’ve read up and Childe almost wants to throw them into the river. “I read these books,” you say sternly, “and they taught me everything I need to know. Well,” you start to relent, “I guess not…”.
He takes pity on you and closes your book. “Alright c’mon, get up and put your bow in your hands.” You put the books down and pick up your arrow. You take a deep breath and pull it up, all tension in your body going straight to your back and shoulders, your fingers straining on the string. Childe approaches you carefully, “whoa whoa. Hold on, let me help you.”
He gets up behind you, and gently places one hand on the underside of your hand holding the bow to steady it. His other on your shoulder to straighten it. His touch send jolts of electricity through you; had he always smelled that good? Why is his breath fluttering by your ear? And why are you suddenly nervous. Childe lowers his head to whisper in your ear to calm you down. “Okay,” he says slowly, “you need to have more strength in your base. You won’t be able to shoot anything without any strength,” he pauses to run his hand up your arm to your bicep, “here.”
You tense your arm to do as he says, but also at how close he is. The pads of his fingers on your shoulder lower down to your mid back as he keeps calmly instructing you. “Now that your shoulder is less tense, keep your core strong.” His voice and eyes trail toward your arm holding the arrow. Swiftly, he repositions himself slightly as he places a hand on your waist and the other lifting your elbow. His voice is like hypnotic honey, “you need to be strong yet relaxed. Yes, that’s it.”
Your heart is running at a mile a minute and you’re worried your composure will be lost any minute. Childe’s touch is fiery and icy all at once. You want more yet you don’t. With your eyes focused on the target ahead of you. You release a breath and widen your stance at his insistence. His body is practically pressed against you, fixing your angles with the lightest of touches that leaves you craving more. The cherry on top is when he finally tells you to, “let go.”
You release the arrow and watch it fly across the water, straight into the bullseye. You let out a small scream in excitement as it lands directly where you wanted it. Any tension you held is dropped as you do a little giddy happy dance, smile as wide as the ocean. A blush comes to the Harbinger’s face as he sees your reaction. If he wasn’t smitten before, this sealed the deal. You turn around in his fleeting hold, barely registering his hands on your hips as you look up at him happily. “That was,” you breathlessly say, “exhilarating! I’ve never felt like that before!”
“Heh, I bet you haven’t.” His hold tightens and for some reason you don’t back away. His eyes bore into yours and the space between you two lessens.
You swallow a lump in your throat and feel small. “I, I wouldn’t mind if you helped me feel that way,” you brush your nose with his, “again.”
Childe breathes against your lips, his own brushing against yours. “I don’t think we’re talking about archery anymore, sweetheart.” He leans in and just barely kisses you before he pulls away.
“We still have more targets to hit. Reload.”
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bizlybebo · 4 months
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this is so fucking funny to me. dakota with The Aura. also this is from the tapeworm post btw
cheri this combo of words and image genuinely fucking killed me. i actuallt had to keel over in shock at this and audibly laugh/scream. i donr know what about this exsclty is so fucking funny but i’m cryinh after a minute straight of giggling like a madman helpme
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saltynsassy31 · 10 months
no cus i totally understand your frustration, ive also quit splatfests for the moment until they get an overhaul
i suggest if you feel close to getting hateful to either shiver or shiver fans then maybe quit for a while for your own sake cus ive felt a lot better after doing so, im still really sensitive to negative comments towards frye or rude ones about shiver winning but taking some time for myself has made me feel infinitely better
ive been close to hating shiver before bc of how cocky and rude them and their fans can be but it doesnt really do anything but sour your enjoyment of the game more, so its really not worth it
i do have to say though, anyone who says "its just a game" reaaally needs to understand the frustration of people OTHER than them, sympathy is something a lot of people forget about when it comes to things that arent real life. just because it doesnt affect you doesnt mean everyone can shut off their attachment to the game or a character like a light switch; a lot of the time you dont know whats going on with them. i myself am really attached to frye cus i am hashtag autism creature and he brings me comfort, so anyone being rude to me about shiver winning really REALLY gets under my skin. its not entirely (if they were serious, if they werent then its not at all) their fault, but nintendo fixing the frustration of splatfests constantly keeling in one direction (which theyre supposed to do anyways but they havent) would definitely fix the issue. we need to find a way to have nintendo fix this, not attack anyone else for what bundle of pixels and text theyre attached to.
not everyone has really thick skin and if we want splatoon 3 to be more hospitable then we should try to cut down on the general splatfest bullassery in public spaces (being overly cocky and rude/blaming others in a way with no basis or truth behind it). its not something everyone can always do since we arent all perfect, but if we make steps in that direction then we could help more people enjoy the splatoon community rather than being eaten up by toxicity and spite
i didnt word all of this entirely correctly so like interpret ad best as you can cus im eepy but yeah.
a fye for u to enjoy (also ur anon is off btw)
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u dont have to but for the sake of not being harrassed id appreciate if u didnt tag with public tags
I don't want to quit playing it, I do enjoy splatfests, to a certain extent, i like going with my friends and i made a lot of new friends through it, it's like, the online community that I'm having a problem with
I don't hate shiver, I thought I did but I can't, she is still a comfort character (tho Frye is like, my obsession besides being my comfort character cuz I am also part part the 'tism XD), in a way, I like her dynamic with the group at least, she annoys me, yes, very much so, but I don't hate her
And I don't hate people who like her either
Who I do hate is people being mean about it, I had turned off anon cuz of a stupid person who was going around every frye support account anonymously just saying mean stuff and praising shiver as the best, I just forgot to turn it on, so thanks for reminding me 😅
Saying that "It's just a game" is so annoying to, tell that to the football fans, they go just as crazy if not more so
Splatfests are ment to be fun! You should be able to enjoy the splatfest without having to worry about people fighting
I don't like fighting with people, I hate how angry I become, how mean I can sound sometimes, I usually just vent without interacting
At least she won in Japan, so that is one other win under her belt, I just wish she'd win more in the future 😔
Oh also I almost didn't participate in this splatfest either and I did only because I haven't had time to play and I haven't finished my catalogue yet 😅 I usually use splatfests to up my catalogue quicker lmao
Also, don't worry, I won't tag anything that could get you harassed, if anything does happen, please block for your health, I don't want anything happening to you, you seem very sweet ;w;
Edit: also YOUR FRYE PLUSH IS SO CUTE! I've been seeing people get her but idk where to buy her!!!! Where'd you get it? :0
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