#Dad Aaron Davis
itsmebytch001 · 10 months
E42!Aaron: “stop calling me that”
1610! Y/n: “what?”
42!Aaron: “ ‘Aaron’”
1610!Y/n: “but that’s your name?”
42! Aaron: “not to you it’s not, to you it’s ‘Dad’”
1610!Y/n: “well, no? My Dad died in an alley like a year ago in a purple gimp suit”
42! Aaron:” just because I’m from a different universe doesn’t mean I’m not your father”
1610!Miles:” I mean…your kinda not”
42! Aaron: “hush your not involved”
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homiesondaweb · 6 months
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cucumberteapot · 1 year
The first thing I noticed was the bodies of Spider-people the Spot has either killed or exhausted. You can even see Spider-Plushie in the left-hand corner was a casualty.
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Then we see a few frames of Miles fighting the Spot, which I feel is self-explanatory.
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But then we get into the interesting part of the vision with Inspector Singh saving the little girl in the red dress, and while we're told these events are of the future. What we see with Jefferson saving the child wouldn't be the first time the Spot's visions show past events, i.e. when he reveals his origins.
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I say this because I don't think the vision of Jefferson saving the little boy who is also wearing a red (Spider-man) top - the only time we see colour besides black and white in this scene - is foreshadowing the future.
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Because this is the past. And what we're seeing is E-42 Jefferson saving Miles G Morales as a child.
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dirtytransmasc · 1 year
You wanna know what I need? I need Miles 42 to meet Miles 1610's dad.
I just know this kid who's supposed to be all big and tough and scary, the prowler, would turn into a teary-eyed little kid if he saw his dad again. I need to see him hug his dad, even if it isn't his dad, because Miles (1610) is very willing to share with his "twin".
I need to see this kid break down, but in all the best ways, letting himself be a little kid again, just clinging to his dad, because for fucks sake he's just a kid and he just wants to feel safe and protected, he just wants to feel his dads arms around him and hear his voice calming him down and the sound of his heart beating. Its not a need, its a want.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
If you think incest is an inherently lgbt dynamic,there's a good chance you're a white gay who hasn't actually experienced incestous abuse
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peachycaffeine · 7 months
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i've been having some Liv brainrot lately so i'll be dumping art with her because i can
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this one is from oomfie's au where Aaron is a priest and Olivia is a drug dealer lol
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i've made a headcanon where Otto is Olivia's deadbeat blind dad that she hates lol
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this one came to me in a dream, i shit you not I literally saw a raw af sketch of annoyed Liv with giant beetroot in her hands. i've sketched it while i hadn't awaken fully
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that's all i have for today i'll post more later i was too lazy to have it all in different posts lmfao
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milimeters-morales · 7 months
ACAU Miles doesn’t like thinking of Aaron being the Prowler (i’ve decided he figures it out in year two, but doesn’t tell anyone about it) because he doesn’t like that Aaron is doing bad shit and lying about it, and a smaller part of him doesn’t ever want to consider that Aaron and Peter are remotely similar right now, but he sort of… like, he starts to believe “playing favorites is fine when it comes to family” and doesn’t give any hints to anyone about his uncle being the Prowler, when he hears about what the Prowler’s done some nights he’ll brush it off and make himself forget a few days later, and if it sticks with him he tries to convince himself he’s jumping to conclusions and Aaron surely had his reasons. If he accepts that his uncle is capable of this evil, that means he’d have to tell people, and that would no doubt get Aaron taken away from him, and would send him (and his possible sister) into the system. Besides, his uncle is just trying to provide for them the best way he knows how, and life isn’t fair anyways, why ruin what he’s got? Why does he have to be the one to be good all the time, why can’t the adults just know without his intervention, why can’t he just sit back and let them do whatever they want? Especially since it’s not really negatively affecting him. He’s got a roof over his head, always has food, a warm bed, and a loving guardian, soooo… 🤷🏾‍♂️
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billornot · 16 days
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bobbie-robron · 4 months
Whatever your differences, Andy needs your support. Now I’m not expecting you to like each other, too much has gone on for that. But there’s no need to make the situation worse.
Some fascinating scenes where they very much set the tone of decades of animosity between Robert and Andy no thanks to Jack. Daz is gobsmacked Andy is getting back with Debbie (which means dumping Libby). Robert is not a happy teen either with Jack wanting him to support Andy even if he got a schoolgirl/minor up the duff but he is stepping up. Robert hits the roof hearing the baby is gonna be called Sarah.
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frissy · 1 year
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Earth42! Miles Morales x fem!Reader
(Edited) ——— (Part 1) (Part 2)
• fluff to angst
• tw: mentions of death
• google translate used, so excuse any mistakes
• short! • Miles loves to spoil you
• little bit OOC, Miles has a soft spot for you
• not proofread!!
”Where next, mí amor?” He grabbed your hand.
You and Miles were out on a date, and he was spoiling you.. like a lot.
But you’re not complaining though.
He’s gentle with you, which is unlike his apathetic and cold demeanor.
But you are his [name]. His world, his love. He would do anything for you if it ended up withyou safe and happy.
“Miles.. isn’t this a bit much? We’ve been out all day and you’re carrying so many bags.” You looked at him, slight confusion in your eyes.
He has bags all around his arms. He didn’t let you carry anything. He didn’t want you to, he heave you major princess treatment.
“nonsense, mí amor… it’s never too much when it comes to you.” His grip on your hand got tighter.
You had no clue where Miles got all this money from, it’s kind of concerning to you. But he’s not gonna tell you, so you just go with it.
“oh.. okay then.. how about.. uh.. the jewelry store?”
“Of course.”
He went the rest of the day spoiling you, and being affectionate.
”I love you, [name]. Mí amor… mí vida… mi bella querida.“ he kissed your cheek. Wrapping an arm around your waist.
Everything was great, it was all fine. Nothing bad could happen, right? .
Your date was later over, he went home while you went to work.
That’s when everything went terribly wrong. .
Miles was slouching on his couch, he was thinking about you, and how much he loved spending time with you… then, he saw the news channel. It was live.
The whole world stopped for him. There was a crumbling building… and it was falling to you.
That’s when he saw his dad too. He had ran to you, attempting to help, but it was too late. Miles watched it all from the TV. .
He was crying. He hadn’t noticed. But he did when it all sunk in… you were dead. His darling, his world. Was dead.
All he could do now was beg for you to walk through the apartment door, coming to see him again with a bright smile on your face.
He was waiting for his dad to come home, with dinner in his hands from Miles’s favorite restaurant.
He would never witness either of those ever again. .
As soon as he could, Miles and his uncle Aaron made a tribute to you and his dad with graffiti on the brick wall on the roof of the apartment complex. .
His father was smiling in the portrait. In his police uniform…
You were also smiling. But Miles’s had painted a halo around your head. You were his angel after all, but now you were truly an Angel.
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itsmebytch001 · 1 year
ok imagine the yan family au but in earth 42, no one would let ANYTHING slide, esp if she’s sneaking out
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Miles lives half and half at his own home and Uncle Aarons, and all the time he's at his house he's looming round your room waiting for you o come home, welcoming himself into your house with the key he didn't know he had, wondering into your room through the window and fire escape.
Your Dad of course was just as over bearing, he drops you at school or work and picks you up, if not him it's Miles, and god KNOWS you are NEVER allowed to be seeing boys, even if they see you talking to a boy a little to much thier giving you a talk about why you never trust men, and then later Miles will visit the boy in question of a little 'chat' needless to say they haven't talked to you since.
Truly your silbling like bond had grown deeper since Jeffs death, and since Aaron and Miles were always out doing viglilate things, you were home alone alot, and intially they didn't realise you were sneaking out until one night, Miles checked your location while Aaron drove, he would get a instant notfifcation if you were to turn it off, he saw you were no where near home, you where across town.
Miles: "Ay, you know where Y/n at?"
Aaron: "What do you mean? Inst she at home"
Miles: "Not according to her location"
Aaron: "Where is she at then?"
Miles: "Crowns heights"
Miles: "Yeah is that not what I said"
Aaron: "Don't give me lip Miles, why the hell is she in Crown Heights?"
Miles: "I don't know, probably hanging round her girls"
Aaron: "It's that Stella girls ins't it? I knew I should have checked her earlier, can you find where she is exactly?"
Miles: "Give me a few"
About a half hour later Aaron had pulled up outside the house you were staying in, It was of course stella's house she lived round the posh side of town, so he sent Miles in to collect you, being that you were asleep in the guest bed room miles being the normal person he was simply entred the house found the guest room and shook you awake.
Y/n: "Miles?!"
Miles: "Ssshhhh we gotta go"
Y/n: "What the fuck are you doing here?"
Miles: "What are you doing here?! Your supposed to be at home"
Fully dragging you out the house kicking and screaming, and from then on the house in on LOCKDOWN when no one else is home.
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You always have the best thought out and researched Hobie takes, so I have a punkflower question for you. How does Hobie respond to his boyfriend's father being a cop? I feel too many fics and creators tend to brush it under the rug. How do you think that situation would pan out?
Miles, Hobie, and Having a Dad In Blue
[I'm gonna be transparent like Miles - there's no open romance in this. This is mainly a short thing about Hobie helping Miles heal from the pressures of his family - just wanted to give a heads up so no one gets to the end and gets disappointed lol]
Honestly, when I think about it -
I think Hobie's first reaction would be more about Miles, than it would be his own feelings.
Like I don't think his first thought would be 'ew' or 'that's horrible' . I think automatically his first thought would be -
'That makes a lot of sense'.
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First thing that pops into his head.
Hobie and Miles come from two very different universes, and the ways they handle their shared identity of Spider-man is really different too.
We hear it directly in Hobie's introduction - He's NOT a Role Model.
But earlier in the movie, Officer Davis' biggest gripes with Spider-man - with Miles - is that he is not enough of a role model.
Miles is trying his best. He wants to be a good hero for his dad's sake - knowing one day the cat will be out of the bag.
That's different than Gwen and her father. Her father already knows GhostSpider as a murderer, and there's no reversing that. Gwen knew her father would never accept her - so she hasto keep it a secret - in definitely.
She'll never be a role model to her father - and she's not trying to be anymore. That's Gwen's arc.
An arc Miles hasn't gone on yet. He still wants to be a role model. He wants his dad to idolize and like Spider-man because he doesn't plan to keep it a secret indefinitely.
Unlike Gwen, he wants his father to know who he is.
But he can't - he still feels like he has something to live up to - a code of honor he feels he isn't reaching.
Miles wants to be good enough.
So Hobie sees him going through this struggle all the time, of wanting to be like Peter, wanting to impress his dad, worrying about telling his parents. And not knowing the source -
And then Miles is like "OH By the way, my dad's a cop."
I feel like it would just click for Hobie. He'd be like "That makes a lot of sense, if I'm being honest."
If anything I think he'd feel for Miles first and foremost. That's what Hobie does.
He'd immediately see Miles, and the effect his dad has on him, in both good and bad ways. His dad helps Miles strive to be better - but that also leaves him feeling guilty and alone.
I think he'd go on to be like "That's gotta be tough. Is that the reason why you X, Y, Z?"
And Miles - Poor Miles probably wouldn't even pick up on this until that very moment. Having Hobie say to this him would probably leave him a little shook.
But it'd be SO relieving.
Gwen and Miles don't talk about their family. Gwen isn't a talky person. Miles doesn't really have anyone to talk to about his family dynamic or his situation at home.
Like even Miles!42 - His uncle Aaron KNOWS he's Prowler. Miles doesn't have that support.
And then Hobie would give it to him, and be like 'I understand', 'That must suck', 'You don't have to be a role model, you just have to be yourself.'
Hobie offers that support all without Miles asking - (Miles is finna cry)
All because Miles having a cop as a dad immediately explains a lot of the struggles he's going through. And Hobie can see that. It makes him frustrated and he'd want to at least be someone Miles can talk to.
Like police corruption and oppression aside, living in the shadow of someone with a black and white view of right and wrong, or good and bad, sucks.
Growing up under someone who abides by order and swears by it SUCKS, because the world in unorderly. The universe is.
Hobie knows this. Him meeting Officer Davis however is a whole thing -
Honestly speaking, I'd think he'd look at Miles dad with pity. Like 'Damn you're a good father and a good husband - but you're a cop'.
He'd probably turn up to the cookout, make himself and his views known (not changing the laces) and if Miles' dad really finds a problem with them he can ask.
Hobie will happily tell him "I'm not from here. The place I'm from is a lot less nice and a lot more corrupt than this one. What I did ain't fun - but it was in the name of liberty. I guess you know all about 'defending liberty', don't you? You wear a blue uniform to remind you. I wear blue laces."
Because it's the truth. Hobie will say that shit without blinking. Standing there like
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'Now is there a problem, officer?' Just because he wears blue laces DOESN'T mean he lacks a moral code.
Hobie has a moral code. A VERY strong one - and simply in the way he carries himself, you can tell that he's committed to that code.
Maybe even more than Officer Davis. They have two different moral codes, but I'm sure Miles dad can identify on sight - and respect - 'We both are the type to stand by what we think is right'
Because by Hobie not changing himself, he's showing that he won't bend his morals for Miles' family. But there's differences in the way they operate and that's okay.
I think Hobie learning about Miles' Dad would
Bring them closer together. For the first time Miles has words and reason behind the pressure he feels. Why he looks up to his dad and is annoyed with him at the same time. Hobie would catch the connection right away, and open the discussion. And Miles is open to talking, we see it in their scene before Miguel's office. I think having that outlet would help Miles SO much. I feel like he'd become more confident over night. Hobie telling him there's no rules or laws or academy when it comes to being Spider-man. There are certain circumstances where the police just can't help. That's what Spider-man is for. To go above and beyond the black and white authority society has created. It'd be so liberating for Miles.
Garner some respect between Officer Davis and Hobie. It kinda sounds backwards. But lets be honest, if they're at the dinner table and Officer Davis asks about one of Hobie's political patches - he's gonna tell him what he thinks straight out. Hobie's wearing a 'Dearm the Police' patch and Miles' dad asks about it - Hobie's gonna be like 'Yeah, they don't need those weapons. The lot of them are already weapons themselves.' And of course Officer Davis is gonna want a conversation about it, and Hobie loves hearing himself talk. But it never gets heated. It's them going back and forth dropping these huge points and citing examples and bringing up theoretical scenarios. It's just - THEY KEEP TALKING. Rio is like 'Hun, please your food is getting cold.' And Jeff is like 'One second - *Turns to Hobie* In 1983 there was a court case about a cop- *continues his long as counterpoint*' What even more interesting - HOBIE HAS A BETTER UNDERSTANDING OF HISTORY THAN JEFF. Yeah, all those cases in the 70's that Jeff was a baby for. Yeah, Hobie was there and a teenager - the equivalent of cases still match up. So Jeff is debating at the dinner table with a dude who is technically older than him - but he doesn't know that so Hobie keeps catching him off guard with that SMUG ASS GRIN Miles is sighing under his breath like 'Hobie COME ON let him win PLEASE' So for Miles, and ONLY MILES, Hobie lets it slide. Until Jeff turns on the TV. And the first thing they see on the screen is s report about politics and NOW THEY'RE BACK AT IT AGAIN FUCK Hobie pointing at the screen like 'Case & Point, m8. Thats exactly what I mean!' Fuck outta here, Hobie will debate till the cows come home.
It'd help Miles and his dad a lot Officer Davis would probably be left with a HUGE amount of respect for Hobie. Because yeah he looks like a delinquent - to someone obvious trained by the system. But Hobie knows his shit. He knows how to maneuvour in conversation, how to pick peoples brains, and understand their reasoning. He GENUINELY wants to have a conversation. Because he genuinely believes he can back himself up in a calm and logic way. So why not talk about it? After Hobie leaves there would always be a silence - and that's because yeah they went back and fourth for 40 minutes, but Hobie ALWAYS leaves you with something to think about. Or consider. Or re-evaluate. Honestly Miles has NO idea what his dad thinks. Usually his dad would be ranting still - but he looks more thoughtful. Just replaying the discussion he had with Hobie. Miles might ask his dad what he thinks - but his dad might say something vague like Officer Stacy did - call him a 'piece of work' It isn't until later when Miles' dad knocks on his door that he realizes how much Hobie has an impact. Even if his dad didn't know about his secret identity - I think he would see how much his police training effects his home and Miles in specific. How much pressure that can put on someone. Officer Davis would replay the story Hobie told him of the unnamed girl whose father shot at her. And he'd consider how anyone could choose their badge over their kid. Maybe he has a discussion with Miles, apologizes for the pressure he puts on him, telling Miles he's proud of him.
And Miles would know it's all because of Hobie. Because Hobie cares about him and Hobie knows how to approach people, all type of people.
Officer Davis would KNOW how Hobie feels about cops. And he's know why. He'd at the very least understand Hobie, or respect him. Hobie would make him realize - 'Oh hey, you don't have to be a role model to be a good person'.
Because Hobie Brown is NOT a role model. He's something better.
That's just how I see it. I think Hobie is a great mediator tbh. It's his strongest talent. It's the reason why Miles trusts him to much to begin with.
ANNNDDD As per usual if you made it this far - THANK YOU!!!! The gift shop is to the left. As courtesy here is a photo of Hobie with a bonus photo of Miles that I think is really really funny.
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I don't know why that photo of Miles is SOOO funny to me- I think its the fact his hands are in fists his expression is so unreadable IT LOOKS LIKE HES ABOUT TO SOCK ME IN THE MOUTH Im in legit tears laughing at that
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cucumberteapot · 1 year
BTSV has got to give us an inversion/parallel of Miles hugging E-42 Aaron with Miles G and E-1610 Jefferson. Like imagine somehow Miles and Miles G fight back into E-1610. They get separated and Jefferson doesn't realise Miles G isn't his Miles and is obviously confused (like Aaron) but doesn't care he's just happy to see his son again after he's been missing for so long. Maybe Miles G extends his hand like Aaron does but Jefferson rushes him with a hug like Miles, and that's so far the biggest crack in Miles G's 'Prowler' façade. Just being hugged by his not dad after thinking he was dead for years.
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punkeropercyjackson · 5 months
No offense but nonblacks who make gay jokes about Punkflower are annoying as shit.'Hobie is Miles' bi awakening and he's in TOTAL denial,he can't be g-gay😳!He's just a normal straight teenage boy afterall but little does he know-'Y'all think Uncle Aaron wasn't having situationship with guys nonstop when Miles was growing up?What brand gaydar y'all got,mans screams bisexual in every direction and i bet Rio had girlfriends in college she told Miles about since Jefferson has bi wife energy mentality.Hobie babies Miles because he's in love in her and wants her to feel safe and her age.You all baby Miles because you wanna think of her as the same as white boys.You are not the same
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hobiebrownismygod · 10 months
Rising - 1610!Miles Morales x Fem!Reader
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~3.1k words
Synopsis: Miles knew he would have to battle with his guilt from his Uncle Aaron's death, but he never expected to get involved with the Prowler again. This time, the Prowler returns with a new face.
TW: Death, Mention of Murder & Robbery
A/N: Reader doesn't have a specified race. I talk about Reader's eyes a little bit, but nothing is specified other than them being pretty <3
Edit: Based off prompt by @homiesondaweb go check them out
10:36 A.M. Aaron Davis's Funeral - Miles' POV __________________________________________________
"Thank you for coming." Miles watched as his mom quietly whispered her thanks to the numerous family members approaching them with their kind words and back pats. He forced a smile as a woman he didn't even know cupped his face in her hands, her condolences barely audible over the loud murmurs of the rest of the funeral crowd. The cold Brooklyn breeze sent shivers down his spine, his thin suit coat doing little to prevent the goosebumps from rapidly spreading across his skin.
It was a gloomy day, dark clouds on the horizon blocking the sun, the inevitable chance of pouring rainfall growing closer and closer as the wind pushed the overcast towards the funeral service. It had been exactly one week and two days since his Uncle Aaron's sudden death. The cops, well Miles' dad Jeff, had done a good job covering up his uncle's involvement in the collider sequence that generated the tens of tiny earthquakes, shaking New York to its core and leading to thousands worth of property damage. It was as if the Prowler had never existed. They said that his uncle died during one of the earthquakes, trapped under the rubble while trying to help evacuate a neighborhood but Miles knew better.
He knew the truth. He knew that his uncle wasn't a good guy. He knew that he'd been working with Kingpin. He knew about the Sinister Six. But worse than all the rest, he knew that it was his fault his uncle was dead. Because if he hadn't been bit by that damn spider, Aaron Davis would still be alive.
"Dear friends and family, we gather here today in grief and love to remember the life of Aaron Davis and to support one another during this difficult time. As we come together, let us take a moment to offer a prayer of comfort, healing, and strength..."
It was starting. Miles quickly took a seat next to his mom who was silently dabbing the corner of her eye with a small, white napkin. She put her hand on top of Miles' squeezing gently and shooting him a slight smile before they both turned their heads to look back over at his father, who was approaching the podium to give his farewell speech. Miles watched as his father pulled out what looked like a crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, looked at it for a moment, and then shoved it back in with a sigh. He placed his hands on both sides of the microphone, eliciting a small, high-pitched screech, evoking subtle winces among the crowd.
His dad cleared his throat, and began to speak, his voice wavering slightly with every change in tone. It was hard for him, probably harder than it was for Miles. Miles couldn't help but feel a little proud of his dad for being able to stand up there and talk about the man that they'd lost, because he knew that if he himself tried to go up there, he'd break down and never be able to build himself back up again.
"Aaron was my baby brother. But more than that, he was my best friend." His dad chuckled slightly, memories flooding his mind as he continued, "I remember when we were young, how the two of us would go out causing trouble like we were invincible. Like nothing could break us..."
As Miles's focus slowly wavered, he felt his father's voice becoming more and more muffled. Miles' mind was overwhelmed by unwelcome thoughts, flooding his senses and making his swallowing sharper and his eyes heavier. If I hadn't been bit...would he still be here today? He closed his eyes quickly, to prevent himself from breaking down right there, swallowing back his tears before opening them again and looking back at his father. If I hadn't been followed...would he have survived?
If I'd shook him off my path that day, he would've never realized that I was going to Aunt May's house. And he wouldn't have caught me. And I wouldn't have taken my mask off. And he wouldn't have been shot.
Miles heard clapping and opened his eyes again, forcing a smile onto his face and clapping along with everyone else while his dad sat down in the seat next to him. Another person went up to the stand, someone Miles didn't know. As the person began to talk, Miles felt his mind wandering again, back to those horrible, horrible thoughts. But there was a hint of truth behind them, wasn't there? If I hadn't-
He felt a tingling sensation in his body, the hairs on his arms standing up and a weird, almost nauseating feeling entering the front of his forehead. His spider-sense. It was detecting something.
He subtly turned his head to the side, where the sense was telling him to look. His eyes scanned over his surroundings, taking in the faces of all the people there, most of whom he'd never met before. Many of them were relatives on his dad's side, people who he didn't meet often because of his dad's messy relationship with his parents. He'd never told Miles why exactly he never got to meet his grandparents, but Miles knew not to ask. Family issues were difficult.
His eyes landed on a pair of people, one larger than the other. They were both covered from head to toe in funeral attire, the larger one wearing a black suit and the smaller one, probably a young girl, wearing a simple black dress. They looked just like everyone else, except for the fact that they were wearing face-masks to cover their faces, something you didn't often see at a funeral. It was as if they were trying to hide something.
Miles continued to stare at the pair, gears turning in his brain as he tried to see if he could recognize them. Despite not being able to see their expressions, they looked solemn. His spider-sense began to die down and he decided it must've been a fluke, but even then he couldn't help but continue to gaze at them. Especially at the girl. He was mesmerized. He couldn't even see her face, but he felt some kind of weird connection. Like he knew her from somewhere. Or she knew him.
Suddenly, her eyes darted towards him. He immediately looked away, feeling his face turn hot as he pursed his lips together, looking down and fidgeting with his fingers. His spider-sense went off like crazy and he could feel her hard stare boring into his skull, those entrancing eyes glaring right at him. He stayed like that for a few minutes, barely even breathing as he waited for her to look away. When she did, he looked back more subtly this time, and then looked back at the stand with a newfound sense of focus.
"Aaron Davis was a good man who died a hero's death. May his soul Rest In Peace for all eternity..."
Another person who must've been close to Miles' uncle was talking, preaching about how perfect he was. Miles couldn't help but wonder...if only they knew. His uncle was a hero, but not for the reasons everyone else believed. He'd saved Miles. But Miles couldn't save him.
Eventually, after all the speeches finished, Miles stood up and walked with the crowd toward where his uncle's coffin would be buried. Everyone watched intently as the coffin was lowered into the ground and everyone stayed silent while they threw in their white roses and other flowers. Some were crying, some were sniffling, but Miles stayed quiet. He couldn't break down yet. Not here. Not in front of everyone.
Once everyone else was finished, Miles approached the coffin silently, a single sunflower in his hand. He raised his hand out toward the coffin, and let the sunflower fall down, catching on the wind and slowly drifting onto the top of the coffin. "Goodbye, Unc." He whispered, just loud enough for nobody else but him to hear. He felt red hot tears filling up his eyes as he stepped back from the grave. "I'll miss you."
8 days earlier, 17 hours after Aaron Davis's death Your house - your POV __________________________________________________
"Hey kiddo."
You looked up as your father walked into your room, sitting down on the bed and watching you as you continued working on your newest project. Hover-shoes. They looked like normal shoes, but the soles were replaced with a strong magnet which would push you off the floor and help you hover for a little more than a few minutes. They would be useful if you ever needed to sneak around without making noise, because they'd prevent you from touching the ground.
You placed the shoe sole you'd been manipulating down and looked over at your father, eyebrow raised. He rarely delivered good news like this, so something must've happened.
"Hey? What's up?" You asked, slightly nervous as you watched him put his hand on the back of his neck before looking away from you. The guilty look on his face told you something was definitely wrong. You quieted your voice to a whisper before leaning toward him slightly. "Don't tell me...we've been compromised?" You asked, eyes wide with fear as your mind immediately went to the worst.
You and your father weren't the average duo. Actually, you were a lot more than average. Murder, espionage and robbery weren't father-daughter dates that were revered in modern society. But it was how you survived. It was really all you knew. You were just a little kid when you discovered what your father really did for a job, murdering and stealing for unknown bosses, a mercenary of some sorts. But unlike a normal child, you were excited. You weren't scared of your father's job, in fact, you wanted to be a part of it.
Your genius intellect might have had a hand in that reaction, considering you were never normal to begin with. Always the top of your class, always having to wait for the others to catch up, life was phenomenally boring for someone like you, so a bit of excitement never hurt. Your father's job also helped you build connections, connections with people most would be scared of. Except these connections did more for you than any fancy private school ever could. Learning from the best, although the public would consider them the worst. Being taught how to accomplish impossible feats. A life fit for a little Einstein.
"No, nothing like that" your father said quickly, waving off your fear that you'd been caught. The constant meetings between criminals in the apartment you stayed in would probably raise suspicion eventually, but for now the two of you were in the clear.
You leaned back in your chair, arms folded over your chest as you tilted your head at him. "Then what?" your breathing slowed down as your fright subsided, heart-beat back to a regular pace. Being a genius didn't prevent the occasional panic attack, although occasional could be considered an understatement. They happened often and randomly. You were never 100% safe when the chance of losing your ability to move and breathe was always on the corner. It was one of the reasons your father was so against you being out in the field. But you wanted to be there anyways, because after all, where's the fun in staying to the side?
"It's about...Aaron."
Your eyes widened as you leaned forward again, hands clasping in your lap. "What happened?" You asked quietly, dreading the response you'd receive. Aaron Davis was the Prowler. A revered member of the Sinister Six cartel. The mercenary of all mercenaries. Your role model. Your dad's best friend. Nothing could happen to your idol, the man who ate dinner at your table just three days ago. Nothing.
"He's dead."
You swallowed that sharp pain in your stomach back, blinking away the arrival of a tear in your eye. "What happened?" You repeated, voice a little bit harsher, tone a little bit colder.
"We're not sure. He was killed during his hunt for that kid. The new Spider-man." Your expression hardened. "Spider-man?"
Your father nodded solemnly. "We're trying to figure out who this kid is. The rest of the cartel wants him too. Aaron...we think he killed Aaron. Our cameras show him fleeing the crime scene."
You nodded back, folding your arms over you chest as you leaned back in your chair for a second time. You tilted your head so the back of it hit the top of your chair, before rolling it to the side, looking back at the pair of shoes you'd been working on. "So what's the plan then?
Your father stood up, putting his hands in his pockets before he approached you. "Before we go over the plan, I have something that might cheer you up, kid." You looked up at him, a little surprised. A present of some sort? Unlikely. Why would he bring it up after dropping something so heavy on you?
You stood up and followed him out, arriving in the living room where a medium-sized box sat on the couch. He leaned down and gently lifted it before handing it over to you. "Open it." he said with a nod.
You scrutinized his expression, trying to guess what might be in the box before you opened it. "What's this, then?"
"Just open it, (reader's name)."
You chuckled softly before removing the top of the box, peering inside curiously. A soft gasp escaped your lips, eyes watering at the sight of the present. Removing the top layer of tissue, you pulled out a mask.
The Prowler mask.
"He-he-did he-?"
"He left a voice message saying it was for you." Your father forced a smile at your expression. He was trying to support you, but he was obviously frightened at the idea of his daughter growing up so fast. Of his little girl turning into him.
"Thank you." you whispered, blinking back your tears. This gesture was almost too much. Your idol wanted you to carry on his legacy. It was almost poetic in a sense.
Your father nodded, putting his hand on your shoulder in a comforting way. "Lets talk about this plan, shall we?"
7:50 A.M. - Monday Two days after the funeral - Miles POV
"Mami, I'm gonna be late for school!" Miles said quickly, dodging another one of his mom's sloppy kisses before walking out the door. "Hey, un momento más! Dame un kiss first!" Miles groaned as his mom grabbed his face and placed another kiss on his cheek, but he couldn't help but smile at the gesture. She handed him his bag before walking back inside.
Miles was already late to school. He had 5 minutes until class started and it took 10 minutes for him to walk there. There was no way he'd be able to make it in time, unless...
ten minutes later
Miles arrived on top of the school building, panting slightly as he struggled to pull his school uniform over his head after three minutes of intense web-swinging. Swinging was almost as tiring as running, but Miles would never complain about how it felt to swing through the city as Spider-man. The adrenaline pumping through his veins, the exhilarating feeling of the cold wind slamming against the skin of his suit, speeding past cars and trucks, threading the needle between buildings and alleyways.
He was still going to be late, he realized as he tried to fix his tie while he ran through the hallways. He skid past the door he was supposed to enter and tripped, falling onto his face before he recovered and swung the door open, right as the bell rang.
The entirety of the class turned to look at him, the silence so loud you could hear it as he walked inside, beads of sweat still wetting his eyebrows. "Nice of you to join us, Mr. Morales." His physics teacher said with an eye roll, her voice barely drowning out the sound of his bright red Jordans squeaking across the floor while he attempted to sit down. "Nice of you to wait for me" he replied with a sheepish grin, setting his backpack down.
His teacher gave him a fake smile before gesturing for him to stand up. "Actually, I'm going to have you sit next to someone else for a little while." she said, eyeing the boy Miles had sat down next to. Ganke Lee shot her a sly grin back before subtly giving Miles a high-five under the seat.
"Back corner of the room. Quick, don't keep us waiting." Miles looked back at the area she was pointing at and shuffled toward the empty seat. He barely gave his new partner a glance before he sat down. He looked over at the person he'd have to share a table with and he let out an audible gasp.
Those eyes...
Your POV
You glanced over at him, eyes narrowing as you began to recognize him, scanning over his figure. An amused grin spread across your face as you watched him shut his mouth and turn away, obviously embarrassed at how loud he'd just been. You shook your head gently, a soft chuckle escaping your lips.
"Everyone pull out your textbooks and turn to page 76. Today we'll be learning about-"
Despite the teacher's ongoing lecture, you could feel his eyes on you, unmoving from your face. You bit the inside of your cheek, debating with yourself on whether or not you should ignore him. You decided to confront him, but before you could say anything-
"Hey. What's your name?"
You looked over at him, tucking a strand/lock of hair behind your ear as you did so.
"Y/N. You?" You tried your best to seem dry. You weren't here to make friends, but you couldn't help but shoot a smile at the sweet-looking boy next to you. He returned it, resting his face in his palm and leaning against the table as he watched you.
"I'm Mil-" his voice cracked slightly and he ducked his head in embarrassment, looking away. You stifled a laugh, covering your mouth with the back of your hand as you nodded at him. His face was a little flushed when he looked back at you. "Miles. Miles Morales."
@s6onder @therealloopylupin2099 @l0starl @daydreaming-en-pointe @niqetine @gwennesy @itsparis-07 @@vileviale
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milimeters-morales · 7 months
do acau aaron and matt have any kind of relationship? are they glad miles has another (relatively) positive role model, or do they disagree too much abt whats best for him?
Matt and Aaron don’t like each other for a long time once they find out about each other; Matt thinks Aaron is a reckless father and puts his job before his son, & Aaron thinks Matt is a useless hypocrite who’s not trying hard enough, but they have very similar ideas and methods, and begrudgingly respect that in the end they are only doing what the can to protect and/or provide, so they have to work together to keep Miles alive (and sane basically). Once Miles finally confesses why he’s dropping the Spider-Man mantle for a bit (so about two years into the story), the two do begin a very shaky friendship in their normal civilian lives in order to better help Miles with both his powers and living a normal life again, making friends, trusting himself and others, stuff like that. But Matt still doesn’t like that Aaron’s risking Miles’s life by simply being the Prowler, and Aaron doesn’t like that Matt still tries to help Peter become a better person.
(Matt doesn’t find out that Aaron isn’t actually the father until nearly a year after meeting each other bc Miles and Aaron do a little trolling.)
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