#bucky barnes labyrinth au
jobean12-blog · 10 months
A Love for the (P)Ages
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader (Mob/Mafia AU)
Word Count: 1,170
Summary: Bucky might be the baddest mob boss in the city but he’s the softest and sweetest husband in the Universe. 
Author’s Note: I just love writing super soft Mob!Bucky and I love books and then I figured why not both and while this doesn’t focus on Mob stuff just keep that tucked away 🥰Thank you so much for reading! Much love always! ❤️❤️❤️Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics thank you Daisy! 🥰
Warnings: fluff, fluffs and more fluffs :)
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“Why can’t you just tell me where you’re taking me?” you ask as you walk toward him.
“Because it’s a surprise doll,” he says softly, circling his arms around your waist once you’re standing between his spread legs.
“Are you going to stay in your suit?”
He nods as he toys with the hem of the tee shirt you’re wearing.
“So should I put on one of the fancy dresses you’ve bought me? Or?”
His hand slides slowly over your hip, reverently tracing the curve of your body until his fingers wrap around the back of your neck and he pulls you down toward his lips.
“Wear anything you want doll face,” he whispers against them.
“Fine,” you pout playfully before kissing him. “Don’t give anything away!”
When you step out of your walk-in closet you find him at the mirror above the dresser fixing his tie. You meet him and reach out as if to help but instead start to undo it. He raises a questioning eyebrow but doesn’t protest.
Once his tie is off you drape it carefully over the dresser and open the first two buttons of his shirt then fix the collar. Your fingers toy with the chain that hangs around his neck, the one you gifted him, and you straighten the pendant at the end.
“There,” you say happily. “I love when you have it open like this…although, all the other women do too so I’m sure I’m going to be giving out plenty of dirty looks wherever we end up going.”
He chuckles and drags you into his chest, wrapping you up in his arms until he can run his nose along your throat with a soft inhale.
“Jealous baby doll?” he teases when he reaches the shell of your ear.
“Maybe just a little,” you admit on a gasp.  
“It’s only fair doll considering every man that lays eyes on you can’t seem to peel them away unless I punch them in the face.”
Your grin is wicked when you say, “well, I’m definitely something to look at.”
“You are the one and only thing worth looking at,” he murmurs as he steps back and his eyes sweep over you.
You soften at his words, linking your fingers with his as he tugs you out of the room.
“Now, let’s go because I have a feeling you’re going to want to spend a lot of time where I’m taking you.”
With his arm secured tightly around your waist and your eyes squeezed shut Bucky leads you toward your surprise.
“Now don’t open them until I say so, ok?”
“Ok,” you answer, digging your teeth into your bottom lip with excitement.
He opens a door to usher you inside and the moment you take that first step a wave of enchantment washes over you, carrying the aroma of aged leather and dusty pages.
His lips meet your ear and he whispers, “open up doll.”
Your eyes pop open and fill with the soft golden glow from the antique lamps that line the walls.
“Bucky!” you whisper shout, unable to take your eyes off the books but squeezing his hand tightly. “It’s amazing!”
You rush forward, tugging on his hand but he stops you with a gentle pull and you turn to look at him.
The corner of his mouth lifts into a boyish smirk and he crooks his finger. When you step into his embrace he dips his head and brushes his lips against yours.
“There’s only one rule while you’re here,” he whispers.
Your arms circle his neck and you smile. “And what’s that?”
“A kiss for every book I buy you.”
“What if I buy one hundred,” you giggle.
“Then lucky me,” he says with a wink.
You press yourself closer and pepper his face with kisses then finally find his lips. He’s reluctant to let you go but you hold his hand as you start to meander through the labyrinth of wooden shelves that are lined with books and seem to stretch on endlessly.
The old, wooden floor is worn from the traffic of numerous readers and you can’t help but run your fingertips along the spines of the books as you peruse the shelves as one of them.
“I don’t know where to begin,” you say softly, peeking over your shoulder at Bucky.
He smiles sweetly, his eyes trained on you and the joy you’re expressing.
“Take as long as you want doll.”
The urge to kiss him all over again is strong and so you grab the next book your fingers find and pull it from the shelf. As you flip through it you take slow steps toward him until your standing close enough that you can feel his warmth.
You open the book, carefully thumbing through the pages before lifting it to your nose and inhaling it’s scent.
“Oh I’m definitely getting this one!”
Without another word you hold it up for him and he takes a deep inhale. “Smells good.”
“Right!” you cheer with as much excitement as you can quietly. “And look, it’s a romance!”
He reads the title and his smile widens as he leans in for his kiss. It starts off slow and sweet, his lips a whisper against yours but when you press yourself closer and slide your hands over his chest, he closes the distance, pushing you toward the shelves until your back hits the dusty wood.
His fingers dance up your arm, tracing the curve of your shoulder and grazing your collarbone before his thumb presses under your chin and he tilts your head back to trail kisses along your throat.
“Bucky,” you breathe out, your fingers clenching the expensive fabric of his shirt. “Someone might see.”
“That’s ok baby doll,” he croons, finding your lips again. “I own the place.”
You suck in a breath and look him in the eyes.
“You…you own it.”
He nods and gathers you in his arms as he presses soft kisses to your face.
“You bought me a bookshop?”
“I did,” he states as if it’s nothing. “And don’t worry, the previous owners were perfectly happy with the agreement considering they were ready to retire and I promised I wouldn’t change anything about it other than the necessary upgrades.”
“I…” you stammer. “I just…I can’t believe it!”
“And you haven’t even seen the rest of it yet. You’re gonna love all the reading nooks and there’s a hidden attic that we can renovate into whatever you want.”
He kisses you again but before it starts to heat up you nibble his bottom lip and ask, “how many books do you think are in here?”
His smirk is wicked. “Oh there must be thousands of them doll face.”
“That’s a lot of kisses,” you purr.
He rests his hands against the bookshelf on either side of your head, trapping you in place as his face inches closer and his gaze falls to your mouth.
“It’ll never be enough,” he murmurs, brushing his lips along yours.
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@book-dragon-13 @sebstanwhore @randomfandompenguin @goldylions @late-to-the-party-81 @justkinsey @kmc1989 @beccablogsthings @laineyreads @lookiamtrying​ @hallecarey1 @hiddles-rose​
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Masterlist 📝
A regularly updated list of my works; all are x f!Reader unless otherwise stated. If you wish to be tagged for any specific story, or all future works with a certain character, please comment on the specific post!
Please do NOT copy, repost, steal, or translate any of these! My works should only exist here, on Tumblr. I have not and will not post them on any other platform, nor do I consent to any other individual doing so.
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The Sandman
Morpheus / Corinthian
Ineffable (series) *on hiatus
Easy on the eyes (series) (18+) *on hiatus
Only you can set alight the fire in me (oneshot)
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House of the Dragon
Daemon Targaryen
Without you, I would not be (upcoming series)
This world was never meant for a fire like yours (part one - part two (18+) - unalloyed - part three.one - )
in the shadow of your heart (part one - part two)
She is my heart (oneshot)
ñuha mērī jorrāelagon (oneshot)
feast (oneshot)
rogue ink (oneshot)
turning red (oneshot)
but daddy, I love him (chapter one - chapter two - chapter three)
Aemond Targaryen
prūmia va perzys (heart on fire) series
part one: don't you love me?
part two: and what of your love? (18+)
part three: the flames that divide (18+)
part four: the aftermath
part five: never tear us apart
part six:
part seven:
some jealous Aemond Targaryen scenarios
maroon series (part one - part two - part three - part four - part five -
burn them all for you (oneshot)
a little game (modern au oneshot)
hmm (a christmas drabble)
sepār iā sylutegon (just a taste)
your heart's serrated edges are much like mine own (oneshot) (18+)
sapphire-hearted - part one - part two - part three -
dragonfire (oneshot)
i will never say that I am in love (oneshot)
Daemon and/or Aemond
A dance with two rogue dragons (oneshot)
If these walls could speak (18+)
midnights imagines : question...? - anti-hero - labyrinth - lavender haze -
dialogue series: King? -
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Star Wars
Anakin Skywalker
As I believe in you (oneshot)
there's hope for us, yet - part 1 - part 2
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Bucky Barnes
babydoll (oneshot)
reconnaissance - one - two - three
so high school - one - two
Steve Rogers / Bucky Barnes
The Bolter - part one - part two - part three - part four - part five - part six -
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World On Fire
Tom Bennett
tongue in cheek (one - two - three - four )
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John Wick 4
Marquis Vincent de Gramont
le marquis et le moineau - (ill)fated - first dance -
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mollysolo · 9 months
hii can i request a sacred the thread with bucky barnes where it’s a tlou au and bucky and the reader are sent to go find an old friend of sam’s. like an enemies to lovers kinda thing. and congrats on 3k! :)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes X fem!Reader
Summary: You and Bucky learn to get along when you are sent out on a mission together.
Warnings: Crying, Bucky is mean to the reader, arguing, some insults, there is an age gap between Bucky and the reader (Bucky is 42, the reader is 33), some cursing, kissing, idiots in love, tlou au, mention of guns, mutual pining
Word Count: 2.6k
a/n: i hope you like this!
my 3k follower celebration!
the gif below does not belong to me
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For as long as you and Bucky had known each other, you’ve never gotten along. But that wasn’t your fault, you tried to be nice to him like you were to any other person in Jackson. But he just seemed to always treat you horribly anytime you spoke to him.
And you never understood why, but you weren’t going to kiss up to him. If he hates you, there’s nothing you were going to do try to change that. Even though the very thought of him hating you made you feel like your heart was slowly breaking in your chest because you were in love with him and had been for months. But the way he was treating you showed you that he quite obviously didn’t feel the same.
Little did you know, Bucky was in love with you too. He had been in love with you since the day you arrived in Jackson and he had seen Sam showing you around. But he had been scared of the feelings he has for you and has been immature about this whole situation ever since. He was being mean to you just because he liked you and he didn’t know what to do about it like he was still a young boy and he hated himself for that.
The only reason you two interacted at all was because Sam — who ran the community in Jackson — had assigned you to do patrol together every other morning. And right off the bat, Bucky had started to just be an asshole to you and only you.
He’d mercilessly tease you, insult you, torment you about how you lived alone and mostly kept to yourself. “Y’know, I’m not surprised that you live alone, doll. I don’t know why anyone want to live with you or love you, you’re always quiet and when you do talk, you’re just boring.” He had said to you one morning, causing tears to start to well up in your eyes. “Fuck you, Bucky.” you had said in response as you faced away from him and swiftly wiped your tears away.
And as much you would’ve liked to run home anytime he insulted you, that wasn’t an option during your patrol shifts. So you stayed there and tuned him out, not letting what he was saying to you bother you. But that particular statement, really dug deep. It hurt to hear the man you were in love with say these things to you.
You wished that he would just give up on insulting you. And little did Bucky know, the reason you were so introverted was because you had survived on your own for years since you were a kid and teenager and hadn’t gotten used to living close to other people again without worrying if you were in danger. You were taking it all one slow step at a time because that’s what worked for you. If only Bucky knew that, then maybe he’d stop being mean to you.
One morning in early December when you and Bucky weren’t on your patrol shift, Sam had called you two into his office because he had something he needed to discuss with you and Bucky. You were dreading to find out what he wanted to talk to you about. What if Sam sent you out on a mission with Bucky? Would you even be able to survive being completely alone with that man?
And that fear ended up becoming your reality just minutes after you got to Sam’s office. Sam was sending you and Bucky to find an old friend of his by the name of Joaquin Torres. This man used to live in Jackson and run the community along side Sam but he had randomly disappeared five years ago and Sam had finally gotten some insight on where Joaquin might be hiding.
So he decided to send you and Bucky — his best fighters and scavengers — to find him and bring him back. The two of you would leave tomorrow morning at 9am and start heading north.
You groaned and rolled your eyes the second Sam had told you that two of you would be going on a mission together. “Isn’t there someone else you can send with me?” you asked Sam, desperately hoping that he’d say yes.
Sam sighed as he began to respond to your question, “No, there isn’t. I’m sorry, (y/n) but you and Bucky are just going to have to learn to get along.” he had said to you, causing you to let out another groan.
You took a deep breath, “Fine.” you replied, getting one simple nod of his head from Sam in response.
You then stormed out of Sam’s office to go pack for the mission, leaving Bucky behind in the room. And once you were gone, Bucky looked down at his feet and let out a deep breath as he thought about all of this for a moment.
Sam knew just how much Bucky loved you and he didn’t know how long he was going to last on this mission before he started apologizing for everything and then admitting his feelings to you.
But now that he was actually thinking about it, that didn’t sound so bad. He just hoped that you would forgive him when that time for him to apologize came around. Bucky then looked at Sam one more time, nodded his head in understanding then left, off to pack his own bag for the mission.
And as you walked home from Sam’s office, this mission was starting to not sound so bad to you as well. Maybe this would give you and Bucky the chance to actually get to know each other without the arguments and insults. Maybe he’d fall in love with you too.
The following morning, you got up early and went to meet Bucky at the entrance to the community after grabbing some things you would need, your shotgun and bag strapped to your back, the horse Sam was letting you borrow standing at your side.
You arrived at your meeting place at 8:59am, earning an eye roll from Bucky.
“Do you even know how to be on time? We have to leave right now, we don’t have anytime to make a plan for how this mission should go.” Bucky complained, glaring at you as he got onto his own horse.
“Oh sorry, I was just busy getting enough of the resources we’ll need on this mission so that we don’t die.” you sternly replied, glaring right back at him as you got onto your horse, the bottom of your bag gently bumping against its back as you got on.
That sentence made Bucky’s eyes widen and it reminded him that all you had ever been was nice to him, even when he had been quite the opposite to you. But he was still too full of his pride to apologize so he simply nodded in response and motioned for you to follow him on the path you were supposed to go down.
The two of you road your horses on the path you were supposed to be going down for the next 8 hours in complete silence until you had to stop because the sun had started to set. You set up camp in a part of the forest you had come across with a large amount of trees that surrounded a small clearing.
You hopped off of your horse and tied her reigns to a nearby stable tree branch, petting her head before you went to unpack your sleeping bag, your silent way of telling her to lay down. You then got your sleeping bag out and set it down on the ground and took out a large blanket you had brought for your horse, gently unfolding it and setting it down on top of her now that it was getting colder outside.
Bucky watched in complete awe as you did all of this, you looked so gorgeous in the orange light that filled the forest as the sun set. He couldn’t bear to look away from you and he wished that he hadn’t been such an asshole to you from the start. Maybe then he’d have a chance with you.
You turned to face Bucky after you finished setting up your side of the camp, you had felt him looking at you the entire time you were setting your things up. “What?” you asked while you softly shook your head side to side and looked directly into his eyes.
His eyes widened at that and he shook his own head, to bring himself out of spacing out while he stared at you in his case, “Nothing, doll. Don’t worry about it.” he answered, sending a feeling of shock through your system while he crouched down to start the fire in the middle of your camp with some nearby branches.
That was the first time he had actually spoken to you without being mean in some way. Maybe this mission would bring out Bucky’s kinder side? At least that’s what you hoped, all you wanted was to see the side of him that he didn’t let anyone see and have him let you love him.
Sure, he was an asshole anytime he spoke to you. But some part of you just hoped that he loved you too and was just being an asshole because he doesn’t know what to do about these kinds of feelings, as stupid as that may sound. After all, you know it’s been a very long time since he’s had a lover, same as you.
And once Bucky had finished getting his side of the camp as well as the fire set up just ten minutes later, you sat down on your sleeping bag and crossed your legs.
You then reached back into your bag and pulled out two of the sandwiches you had packed for the mission. You threw one to Bucky and it landed in his lap, making him smile and softly chuckle for just a second. But you saw every reaction he’d just had, which caused your cheeks to heat up.
You let out a sigh as you took the first bite of your sandwich. If you and Bucky were going to be alone together for a while, you thought that now would be a good time to tell him more about yourself. Specifically your past, the reason for your solitude that he felt the need to make fun of.
“Y’know there’s a lot you don’t know about me, Bucky.” you said, starting off this sort of conversation in a relaxed manner. You hoped that he would listen to what you had to say.
He looked up at you from his own sandwich and smirked at you, “Oh, yeah? What don’t I know about you?” he asked as he looked into your eyes, showing you that he was listening to you and prompting you to continue on with what you were going to say.
You took one deep breath before you started your story, “There’s a reason why I live alone and I don’t interact with other people in the community as much as everyone else does. I was 10 when the outbreak hit and I was made an orphan right away because my parents had been infected. So, in all of the chaos I was forced to survive alone and figure everything out on my own. I haven’t lived so close to other people without worrying that I was in danger since I was 10 and I only moved to Jackson last year, so I’m still getting used to living so close to it all again. We’re all going through different things and I understand that what you are going through may be the reason you are taking your anger out on me.” you explained to him, your story causing tears to prick at Bucky’s eyes but he wiped them away before they even had the chance to fall.
You had been through so much and even though he was mean to you, you were never once mean to him. You always treated him well, even when he didn’t deserve it. You had been on your own for 22 years and you still didn’t let that destroy your kindness or the goodness of your heart.
“Oh god, (y/n), I had no idea. I’m so sorry, for every mean thing I’ve said to you. I’ve been such an asshole to you and you don’t deserve that at all.” he made known to you, his apology that you had been waiting months to hear making you softly smile as you continued to eat your sandwich.
“Thank you and I accept your apology, Bucky.” you told him after you swallowed the bite you had just taken, that soft smile still on your face making you look extremely beautiful to Bucky.
He was in shock, “You forgive me? You should be furious with me.” he said, you pointed your face down towards your lap and softly chuckled at that.
You looked back up at him, complete honesty in your eyes, “Yes I do because life is too short to hold grudges against people, especially in the world we live in now. Plus, I don’t think I could ever bring myself to be genuinely mad at the man I’m in love with.” you said, a gasp quickly escaping your mouth after that last sentence, Bucky was in shock too. You hadn’t planned to admit your feelings for him as impulsively as you just did.
But the very second that this shock wore off, Bucky was on his feet and quickly making his way over to you. He fell onto his knees in front of you and lovingly took your face in his large, warm hands. You placed your hands over his, showing him that you were okay with his touch. There were tears in his eyes once again and this time he let them fall.
“God, I love you so fucking much. I’ve been such an idiot.” he shakily told you through his tears while your face remained in his hands, laughing a little at himself while he briefly looked away from you.
You inched yourself a little closer to him and looked up into Bucky’s eyes once more, a look of love only for him in your eyes.
“Me too.” you replied with a nod of your head, laughing with him, “I love you too, Bucky.” you made known to him, prompting Bucky to crouch down more so that he could press his forehead against yours and just feel you. He wanted to feel that you were real, that you were actually here and that you loved him back.
He pulled away from your forehead a few minutes later and looked down into your eyes again, “Can I kiss you, doll?” he asked, a tone of desperation in his voice as he continued to gaze into your eyes like you had hung the stars and moon in the sky just for him.
You nodded right away as tears started to form in your own eyes, not having the strength to verbally tell him yes because you were overwhelmed with everything you felt for Bucky. And with that, he pressed his lips to yours and passionately kissed you. You began to stand up on your knees while you kissed him back, loosely wrapping your arms around your neck and pulling him even closer to you, letting yourself indulge in the handsome man.
“I love you so, so much.” Bucky muttered against your lips in between kisses, causing a new feeling to bloom in your chest. Happiness.
You now had each other and everything felt truly perfect for once. The two of you clicked together like two pieces of a puzzle and you hoped that you would stay that way, in love and connected — the way you were always meant to be — forever. You had finally gotten through the worst of what was the labyrinth of falling in love with someone.
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frostironfudge · 19 days
Labyrinth - Bucky Barnes - Epilogue
Summary: labyrinth (noun), a complicated set of paths and passages, through which it is difficult to find your way. Bucky and You would do anything for Steve and Wanda, your respective best friends. In an attempt to avoid a tradition Steve and Wanda come up with a lie involving their best friends.  A lie, that involves building a labyrinth. Bucky and You begin to build but will you two find your way out or be caught in it?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader, (Modern AU)
Word Count: 7.3 k || Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Warnings: chapter contains 18+ moments, minors DNI, fluff, sm/ut, dir/ty talk, p in v, hot bucky, swearing, soft bucky, protective bucky, feels, family drama, bucky is a whole green forest, bucky is the cutest, animal adoption, feels, family issues, tox/ic family dynamics.
Main Masterlist || AO3 || Fic Masterlist ||
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“Allow me to understand this,” The tone carries disappointment and anger in differing proportions.
Bucky bites the inside of his cheek, for once his composure is not maintained. The nerves that wrap around him as if a python is going for the slow kill. He nods.
“You lied to all of us.” Yusuf Khan stares at his stellar employee. An employee he began to view as family after the night they all interacted.
Bucky wants to give a reason, explain it all but he chooses to say the one worded truth, “Yes.”
Yusuf contemplates, tapping on his desk, “And your fiancé?”
“She’s my girlfriend now.” He responds, eyes moving between the tapping digits of his boss and his own feet.
“Is it because you wanted to get in my good books?” Yusuf is on the brink of disappointment.
“No, it is a long story actually… Steve Rogers, my best friend–,”
“Steve Rogers the acquisition lawyer?”
“Yes, well about several months ago he proposed to his long time girlfriend and well, it um, it sounds really stupid to my own ears…” Bucky runs a hand over his jaw, moving up to tuck his stray strands of hair back into place.
“I’ve got time, sit.” Yusuf gestures to the chair. 
Bucky takes a seat and begins to recount the events that began in the diner all those months ago. 
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“So it was an elaborate plan to get the two of you buttheads–,”
“Kamala.” Muneeba chastises her daughter.
“It wasn’t even a bad word!” The youngest Khan complained only to sigh at her mother’s stern expression.
“Yes, it was their elaborate plan to make us,” 
‘Buttheads’ Kamala mouths and you nod, she grins.
“To make us realise and act upon our buried feelings over the unresolved miscommunication.” You explain, Bucky returns with your plate filled with appetisers. 
“They played us.” He shakes his head, still not understanding how he did not catch onto the lies. You pat his knee to keep him from getting grumpy about it. 
Though it was adorable when he started getting a little pout on his lips. You kept that little information to yourself.
“Thank you for allowing us back into your home.” Bucky adds, even though the remainder of the staff wasn’t there that night. Yusuf had requested Bucky and you to join the Khans for dinner.��
Once they all heard what exactly was the history the two of you shared, the lie or as Muneeba put it, ‘The two of you got your chance to fall in love again.’
You liked that point of view. 
Sharing a glance with Bucky observing as his shoulders did not have the slight droop which indicated his distress over telling the full truth. It made you happy he wasn’t dismissed or treated coldly as one of his co-worker had experienced.
The dinner passed by in a blur of laughter and happy memories. A part of you glad you had the experience and opportunity to interact with a family as warm as the Khans. Tayesha and you had taken an immediate liking to each other, talking much more in depth than the opportunity previously provided. 
Dessert was fast approaching you had brought over cookies, the dinner invite came at the very last minute amongst the other orders you were fulfilling. Muneeba suggested making tea but Yusuf sweetly kissed the back of her palm, called her Jaan (life) and told her the men would do it. 
Drawing a very reluctant Aamir away from a game of Monopoly Deal he was winning against his sister, much to her delight. Yusuf nodded towards Bucky to follow them into the kitchen.
“You know, the reason you are welcome back here is because of your honesty.” Yusuf explained as he brought out the containers of ingredients. Bucky watched as Aamir drew measurements based on feeling; a contrast to the meticulous way he had observed you measure. 
“I didn’t want to keep it from you, it's just that day in front of everyone I got cornered and well…” 
Yusuf nods, “You couldn’t damage control as much as you preferred and I put you in a tight spot.” 
“Sort of and I didn’t want to disappoint you. It would be true had Sunshine and I—I mean had Y/N and I gotten together earlier.” 
“Always refer to them by their nicknames; they love it.” Yusuf advises with a smile. 
“And they love you more for it.” Aamir brings out the tea cups. 
Bucky grins then, “I’ve always thought of her as Sunshine.”
“It shows how she brightens your life my dear boy.” Yusuf then says a word in Arabic, “We say it when we do not want the evil eye to befall on anything.” 
“I see.” Bucky smiles, “Thank you, I didn’t think I’d find more people to consider family.” 
Aamir grins at him, “The first time dad mentioned you, I knew you’d become his little protégé.” 
Yusuf chuckles, “Well, you know I have a healthy gut.” 
Aamir groans, “Not that joke again.” Exasperatedly running his palms down his face. 
Bucky laughs, “Your gut is healthy so your feelings are all right?” 
“Precisely.” Yusuf winks at him. 
The tea is strained into the cups, Bucky holds the biscuit box and the cookie box as they re-enter. There are photo albums opened across the coffee table. 
You’re sitting cross legged on the floor with Kamala as she shows you the Khan family through history. Bucky observes as you delicately trace your fingers over the photographs. When you look up at him, your smile doesn’t reach your eyes. 
He frowns, Muneeba distracts the two of you by asking about future plans. 
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It has been two weeks and you find yourself opening the chat with Bucky scrolling to the shared media page and staring at the picture with the Khans. All seven of you squished onto the couch. The camera set on a tripod, you leaning against Bucky because the two of you were balancing on the armrest. 
The same as Tayesha and Aamir on the other side. You trace the picture yet again and shut the message thread. Your heart cautions you yet again from saving the picture, the permanence of family was not a privilege awarded to you. 
Alpine brushes herself across your ankles. You pick her up and pepper her cute squish-able face with kisses. She chirps in happy approval till she has had her fill and then leaps out of your arms. Bucky emerges from his post workout shower, finding you in the kitchen absentmindedly stirring the saucepan. 
“Are you going to tell me?” He broached the subject the very night of the dinner as the two of you drove back home.  
You declined him then, put on a front that he saw right through but didn’t mention. He let you stew in your mind because you weren’t willing to see the hand he extended towards you. Into the void that was labelled ‘crappy family’ but you weren’t willing to be brought out. 
Bucky has had enough of you drowning yourself in sadness. He can taste it on your lips. He can feel the cracks on you deepen when he holds you close. He’s had enough of you letting this eat at yourself. 
“Soare, I’ve let you take your time with this but you’re falling into a deep pit and I do not know if I will be able to pull you out. So I’m willing to go down with you, so I can help you climb back out.” Bucky steps closer, shutting off the stove and turning you to face him, palm cupping your cheek. “Let me in, please.” 
You meet the beautiful eyes that anchor you. 
Concern and worry brimming in them as he looks into your eyes, knowing there is a sadness looming. Knowing he wants to protect you. You grab at his arms, blinking but the tears form. Your mind, body, heart and soul know he is your safe space. 
He is your everything. 
The one you can be authentically yourself and he will love you. 
He still held onto you when he thought the worst of you. 
You still held onto him when you thought the worst of him.
Bucky feels the same way about you, the love you share is unconditional. Allowing each other to grow individually and together. 
“Sunshine, you gotta talk to me sweet girl,” He gnaws at his bottom lip watching you. 
Your hands rest on his chest and the damned dam breaks. Your hands move around his neck pressing yourself to him and you begin to cry. 
Bucky’s warmth surrounds you and he pulls you closer. Arm around your waist and the other holding your head, keeping you pressed to the crook of his neck. 
Sobs wrack your body, he doesn’t hush you, the soft movements only encourage you and allow you to know that he is here. He is here for you and you should let it all out. 
“My strong Sunshine, let it all out okay? We can fall apart in front of each other okay? Such a strong girl, my sweet Sunshine.” He whispers through your breakdown. 
When your sobs turn to sniffles and he presses the cool water bottle into your palms, helps you drink it. Bucky wipes away the tear stains, kissing your entire face. 
“You okay Sunshine? You wanna head to bed?” He questions and you shake your head with a sniffle. 
“Take your time baby.” He encourages, rubbing his warm and loving palm along your back. 
“It's just, I miss my family? Being around the Khans that night? Kamala showed me the pictures. I didn’t think I’d be sad for this long, I’m so sorry, I know you’re trying to help. I just thought I could handle this alone. That I’d get over it. I always have but, I, they accepted you back and me after we made mistakes and hurt them and, and Bucky that is what family does…. Why couldn’t mine do the same? Was I that bad? Am I that irredeemable?” You blurt out, gingerly taking more sips as he brings the bottle to your lips again. 
“Sunshine, you haven’t committed any mistakes ever that are non forgive-able. Your family has treated you like crap. Basing your worth—making you think and believe that your worth is tied to a fucking douchebag? Just for their gain and access to the guy’s bank account by extension? God, I want to punch your brother so bad.” His hands brush away your tears, 
“Look, baby, you can handle things alone, sometimes which is most of the time but you should not have to, I learned this pretty fucking late too. You have a support system in place. Wanda, Steve, their parents, Becca, my parents, and me. You can lean on us whenever you want, okay? We’ll catch you.” He nudges your jaw with his nose. It makes you smile.
Bucky’s heart eases as he watches your eyes light up after days of dark clouds.
“Pietro too…” You giggle at his responding growl. 
“Look, it isn’t wrong to want your family on that list, okay? If you want to mend your relationship with them I’ll drive you over myself and stay with you. You want privacy? I’ll wear noise cancelling headphones and sit in the kitchen. You want Wanda there? Steve? Becca? Even fucking Pietro will turn up for you in support okay?” He makes you look up at him, “You say the word, my love, Soare mi, I’ll make whatever you want happen. If it is in my capacity of bringing to fruition, I’ll fucking bring down the sun to worship at your feet, Sunshine.” He promises. 
You cup his cheeks, thumbs grazing over his stubble, “I love you so much. You all in my life, you’re enough okay?” Guilt eats at you for wanting more than what you have for being greedy. 
“I know we are but there’s nothing wrong with wanting more.” Bucky says, reading your mind almost, “You think about it, but don’t let it make you turtle all the way down. I need my girl to shine.” 
Your eyes mist again, kissing him before being tucked against the crook of his neck again. 
A few more days later Bucky drives you across the city towards the neighbourhood where your family lived. The hand rest under your intertwined palms is warm in the sun belting down overhead. It’s an unseasonably hot day. Good enough to blame the sweat pooling at the nape of your neck upon it. 
Ever so often Bucky raises your hand and kisses the back of it. You needed this, you wanted it and you were prepared in case things go south to leave them be in the past they wanted to remain in. Bucky was in correspondence with Steve and Wanda on a separate chat. The three ready to take over for you in case you needed to just be though they were rooting for a happier outcome. For your sake only. 
Walking up the pathway of the house is bittersweet and nostalgic. The house is in good enough condition. Lawn mowed and kept in compliance with the HOA. 
Your grip on Bucky’s arm tightens, “You’re the second man they will be meeting.” You try to lighten the conversation. 
“Well they’ll know you got it right this time.” He chuckles, heart twisting as you laugh but the nerves begin to claw at you. 
He wonders if he could shield you from this the way he shielded you from the cold. He wraps an arm around you. You’re tucked right against him. Your head rests right at the spot of his tattoo dedicated to you.
The doorbell rings. 
There is shuffling and a bit of yelling. A common occurrence. 
Your brother opens the door, his eyes move to Bucky and then to the arm at your hip. Then at you, “This your trade in for the rich fucker? This is—,”
“He is an upgrade from the cheater.” You cut him off, “Are mom and dad home? I wanted to talk as well as introduce James.” You look up at your man, Bucky squeezes your side in encouragement. 
Your brother scowls and then pads inside, from the doorway you see him gesture to come into the hall. Your mom and dad sit on the couch. He takes the chair that leaves the smaller loveseat open for the two of you. 
The five of you sit in silence for a few minutes, Bucky observing them and they observe Bucky. He watches as they take in the kind of clothes he wears, the brand of his watch already caught their eyes. He wonders if this is why you were worried that they would judge him. 
Your eyes however are all over the old home you had. The wall with your heights marked. The smear of nail paint they could never get out from one of the walls. The ceiling that was the floor of your room. 
“So,” Your dad begins, “This is?” He vaguely gestures towards Bucky. 
“Wait a minute. You, you’re fucking married!” Your brother points to the wedding bands.
“Are you serious? Y/N, fuck I had hope you’d marry the rich dude. God, do you never think about the benefit of this family?” 
“Do you ever let her speak or do you all always walk all over her?” Bucky seethes at the three of them. 
“Who the hell are you? To talk to us in this manner.”
“James Barnes—,”
“That scholarship idiot who she was pining behind? So pathetic. Mom, remember I told you about finding her one day crying over him that weekend she came back?” Your brother says looking at your mom who looks at you with disappointment. 
“Sweetie, don’t you think about us? Our needs?” Her tone may be soft but her words are fully inducing a guilt trip you do not deserve. 
“Are you fucking—,” Bucky shuts up when you squeeze his thigh. 
“I’m running my baking business now—,”
“There goes the money, do only I have to do the work around here?” Your brother groans. 
“It’s doing well enough, I thought we could mend things after the horrible way I was treated.” 
“You?” Your dad scoffs. 
Your mom snorts, “If anything you got us into this mess and now you want to sell Betty Crocker with your name on it.” 
Bucky can’t take this anymore, half a mind to chew them out, your squeezing hand keeps him quiet. He stays quiet for you. Anger ebbing into a simmer. 
He knows where your brother worked. The boss is an old friend of Bucky’s dad. 
Small world. 
One little word and this man would be put on the midnight shift. 
“As I was saying, I came here to mend things. Clearly you have no place in my present or future. Also you do not get to disrespect the man I love. So what if he had scholarships? That means he had more brain cells than you three combined to get a degree.” You stand. 
Bucky stands with you, “I’m proud of him. I stand by him and he stands by me. He told me he would be there for me today so I wouldn’t have to endure the horrible crap you all say alone.” 
“Boo hoo you weren’t abused.” Your mom waves off looking at you without an ounce of guilt. 
“Abuse isn’t always physical. Neglect isn’t always physical. You all made me emotionally broken.“ You bite your cheek, you can’t cry. 
You won’t cry. 
“Finances aren’t ever the responsibility of a child. I went through it myself. It isn’t for us to grow the fuck up earlier than required because you as parents, failed miserably.” Bucky adds, squeezing your hand, “She did her best given she had to be an adult before she was required to be. When you,” he points to your mom and brother, “Were supposed to be adults. Not her all alone.” 
“Exactly, you made me grow up and then treated me as if I was a tantrum throwing child. When you all were the childish ones.” You point at all of them, “I did my best. With what I had, I did my best.” 
They all stare at you, baffled at you calling them out. They clearly weren’t ready to admit their faults. Nor were they prepared for civilised conversation. Your brother stares into his phone and then widens his eyes, “You drove Beck into a loss?” He asks Bucky.
Bucky rolls his eyes, “Is that all you people care—,”
“That means he got more than that cheater.” Your dad adds cutting him off.
You scoff, “Fucking rich.” You grab Bucky’s hand leading him towards the door. 
He follows while glaring at all of them as they watch on and then sputter into action.
“He has an expensive car too,” Your brother groans,
“You couldn’t be respectful?” Your mom swats the back of his head.
Bucky shuts your door, before rounding the car to the driver’s side. He keeps the door ajar so you can catch the conversation, “Do not expect to get anything from her. I’m going to make sure you cannot touch a penny she has to her name.”
“We’ll claim as family once she’s married, she has nothing to her name but a failing business.” Your dad informs him walking with his walker to the driveway.
Bucky settles into the car, he gives you a once over. You watch a calm demeanour take over him and his next words are in a voice you recognise he uses at work, “You seem to be curious people. I’ll tell you what, come after her. No seriously come after her and see where you end up. This cute three bedroom is spacious right?”
The three of them nod, still thinking they have a shot at something better. 
“Try and do anything remotely stress-inducing to my girl, even if it's a damn Christmas card. I’ll shove you three into a matchbox.” He rolls up the window and pulls out of the driveway. Exhaling loudly when the house is out of view.
You reach over, holding onto his hand, “Thank you.” 
“You need not thank me, Sunshine.” He kisses your hand. 
You’re too lost in your thoughts, the car stops and you blink. Bucky opens your door just as the door to Wanda and Steve’s home opens as well. The two stand at the door.
“Thought you’d need your family tonight.” He smiles as you look at him.
“We’ve got wine, take out, I’ve printed pictures of your brother to be a dart board.” Wanda pulls you into a hug, “Steve has the best thing though.” 
“I’ve checked the law, multiple times. They really can’t come after you. You’re above eighteen. In the event you do want to protect future and current assets we can put them into a trust.” Steve says, “But we can discuss this later on in depth for now, how about a hug and I ordered your favourite take out. Also, Wanda’s lined up your comfort show.”
You look at all three of them, heart bursting at the seams for all the love they have to offer you. You open your arms, all three, engulf you in a group hug. Bucky and Steve laugh when Wanda grumbles about them being giants.
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Months further pass. 
A blur of date nights, date days. 
A haze of falling even more in love with James Barnes. 
The pink rivulet runs along his jaw, you lick your lips as his thumb prevents the further fall of the strawberry juice.
“You’re right, I should not eat these laying down.” Bucky chuckles, the sound of him sucking his thumb has your ears echoing your heartbeat. This man should be aware of what he does to you. You hope he does.
Reverting your gaze back to the book at hand, you try not to let your thoughts get side tracked. Bucky had planned this picnic date, his only request was your strawberry tarts and chocolate covered strawberries. Hence the devil incarnate side-tracking juice.
He sits up bemused looking down at you, you still remain laying, book open but the words are a blur.
“Hi, Sunshine.” Bucky greets, leaning over, lips brushing against your own.
“Hi Puffin.” You kiss him, he smiles against your lips, hand gently grasping the book from your hands. He pulls away slightly, finding the bookmark and placing it before shutting the book and returning to your lips.
The taste of chocolate and strawberry explodes upon your tongue. You cup his cheek, your left hand moves to his hair, undoing his bun is one of your favourite moments. A small laugh escapes between the two of you as his strands tickle your cheek.
Somewhere his phone alarm rings and you huff, he kisses your cheek, making you sit up, across his lap. 
“Sunset’s about to start, and I brought you here for that.” He explains yet again.
“Well you knew you would get horny hence the cockblock alarm.” Nipping at his jaw, you laugh as his hands tickle at your sides.
“Pay attention to the view, Sunshine.” He chastises with a grin of his own.
“I am, Mr. Barnes. You are a delectable view.” You coo as he blushes at your words and rolls his eyes.
Shaking his head, he grabs your jaw to make you face the view. The colours begin to change, dusk creeping into daylight. Bucky had found this view after driving around for the better part of his shitty day years ago.
He stayed there, only heading down the hill to pick up food from a burger place nearby, returning to watch the sunset. At first it was a shitty day relieving place, slowly it turned into a weekly thing. Now, he’d brought you here.
“It’s beautiful.” The colours change to pink and orange, you’re tucked right against him. Bucky drapes his jacket over you. Chin resting on your head after placing a soft peck. 
The two of you watch the sunset, his arms tighten around you. Your hands rest above his, “How did you come across this place? Thank you for sharing it with me.” 
“You know, how Dr. Cho said we need to tell each other about how we processed ‘the event’?” He keeps his gaze on the darkening sky.
You swallow, nodding allowing him the space to speak.
“I found this place in the aftermath, at first it was mostly to escape crappy days. I was here often when the two of us interacted. You know, sort of snide comments, glares, and disdain.” He sighs, shoulders slumping, “Then I came here on a night I did something that made me question things. Ultimately I realised the thing I did was a happy one.” 
The silence engulfs the two of you, the sounds of people packing their own picnics begins as night completely takes over. Solar lamps flicker on as pathway guides.
“What was it that you did?” You ask, playing with the ring on his finger.
Bucky says nothing, only smiles but you can’t see it. 
The proof of what he did is framed in your home in the name of Jamesetta Barnette. He would tell you eventually. The perfect moment was already handpicked.
“Bucky?” You look up, he brushes his knuckles over your cheek.
“I’ll tell you soon enough.” He promises, resting his forehead against yours. 
“It made you happy, that’s enough for me to be happy about as well.” Your eyes close, “I love you.” 
“I love you, my Sunshine.” 
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The very bookstore café that Bucky and you frequent now houses your baked mini cakes and other dessert items. Your little logo plaque rests proudly above the display. A full six months went into this, you began pitching ideas to bookstore-café combinations a week after Steve and Wanda’s wedding. 
Bucky made sure to help you with the numbers aspect of your presentation, making it simplified. Staying up late surrounded by leftover food hearing you pitch to him over and over. Not once did he belittle you for asking questions, not once did he make you feel inferior for not understanding the integral aspect of finances. You knew enough to get by and file your yearly taxes but not this meticulously, while keeping your business in a growth mindset. 
Now seeing the signed contracts with a few cafés and especially the one where one of your risqué fantasies had come true really was the icing on the cake. 
Bucky deems a celebration is in order and the book buying journey turns into you both finding yourselves in the secluded section yet again. 
Only this time you’re the one tasting the dulce de leche off of his skin. The way he loses himself is sending you on a powertrip. His little whimpers and gasps, the groans that leave him. 
You’re straddling him, his head thrown back just at the teasing of your lips. Shirt unbuttoned and showing his beautiful skin. Surrounded by books and the promise of him recreating one of the scenes that had you go very quiet and calm as you read it. You smile as the blush that dusts his cheeks as he had read the scene is the same way right now. 
His pretty pink lips parted, large hands on your hips guiding you over his bulge. Sending shivers of pleasure thrumming through you in between your torture upon him.
“Sunshine,” His voice was hoarse, but you weren’t done. You smear another bit of the sweetness on his lips. Leaning down, the kiss is salvation and sin, heaven and hell. 
“Fuck, baby,” He groans.
Bucky’s left hand moves, gripping the back of your head, his knees bent and you hold onto him as he shifts the two of you with ease on the carpeted floor.
You’re beneath him now. He grinds against you, swallowing your moan of his name. Your nails clawing at his back, pulling him closer. 
“You know anyone could find us this way.” He teases, “You, fuck–, being a good girl for me, my pussy taking what she wants from me.” 
You moan at his words, your satin shirt unbuttoned. Bra unhooked, discarded somewhere. Fingers carding through Bucky’s hair as his lips latch onto your nipple, sucking hard. 
Your clit pulses demanding attention, he grinds down at the very moment sensing your need. 
“Fuck, Bucky, God—,” Your fingers tug on his hair, he moans against your hardened peak. Your hips move against him, demanding more. 
Bucky pulls away, his body covering yours, shielding you from prying eyes, he’s asked management to close off the section. He’d tell you afterwards he holds a stake in this store as an investment but not in the decision making. For now though you look so pretty and he can feel your arousal soaking the material of his pants and if he does not get even a little taste he thinks he might just die. 
Dipping his head to capture your sweet lips, he pauses brushing them, your nails—leaving a delicious burn in their greed. He loves it, loves all the marks you leave upon him. 
“Oh, oh fuck—what? Bucky? Y/N?! Holy shit!” 
Bucky stares down at you confused, you feel your body heat up and then tense. Then ice coats your veins. 
“Someone—,” You can’t complete your thought, Bucky’s hands are working at record speed, you now wear his henley. Your legs no longer wrapped around his waist but together and he pushes you behind him. 
You peek up from Bucky’s shoulder at the intruder and find a red faced Steve Rogers standing at the end of the aisle while staring down at his shoes. 
“Steve, what the fuck?” Bucky breaks the silence. 
“I um, I came for the books and uh, I’m going to go now…” He scratches the back of his neck. 
“What book?” Bucky looks at the aisle you both are, it begins at maternity books and ends on culinary books. Where the two of you are currently. 
“Are those pregnancy books?” You narrow your eyes at the books in his hand. 
“Uhm, yes the pregnant lady downstairs wanted another set of copies so I volunteered.” He explains with a cough. 
“How far along was she?” Bucky tilts his head at his best friend. 
“Um? I don’t know… Also I didn’t realise this was the way to get pregnant with a live demo aisle.”
“Wait a minute,” You look at the books again, then Steve and then recall the way Wanda had been the past two weeks. 
You lunge your phone while Bucky struggles to keep you covered. Steve just turns his back towards you both but remains standing in the aisle.
Wanda: 911 call me asap 
“Bucky!” You squeal, your man turns to you with eyes wide and confused. 
“What?” He holds onto his hoodie, you narrow your eyes at him. 
“You had your hoodie but gave me your henley?” You huff, typing back a response to Wanda. 
“Is that… relevant to whatever is going on with Steve and I suppose Wanda?” He hands you your jeans, you let the topic slide away for another day. 
“Can you both please get dressed?” Steve offers advice and plea. 
“Now you know what the two of us have to deal with when Wan and you are at it.” Bucky rolls his eyes.
“That's the only series of words you both say.” You comment. 
“That's because your Bucky has all the stupid with him.” 
Bucky snorts as he hands you your socks. Waiting for you to finish before he takes his clothes sans hoodie which you have conveniently stolen during his argument with his best friend. 
Right from under his nose. 
His heart somersaults nonetheless seeing his clothing on you. His dick however sends a very risqué image of you just in his unbuttoned shirt on top of him to his brain. 
You raise a brow at him, he only licks his bottom lip. Blue eyes sparkling with an intent you know all too well. 
He leans in, “Sunshine, I love fucking you and I fucking love you.” A sweet, innocent kiss is placed on your warm cheek before he puts on his shirt. 
“Finally.” Steve sighs with relief when Bucky taps his shoulder.
“So?” Bucky claps Steve’s shoulder as you head to your respective cars.
“So?” Steve repeats.
“Man, if you don’t tell me.” Bucky glares at him.
“Okay fine you remember her dream?” Steve grins.
Wanda’s call comes through, you move away from the two giggling boys.
“Wan?” You hear silence on the other end. Then a sniffle, “Oh Wan, what is it?”
“I don’t think I can do this?” She manages to breathe out just as there is clattering.
“You’ve been preparing for this, so what if it seems daunting?” You offer, concern washing over you, “I’ll be over in a few we can talk then okay?” 
Bucky lets you drive, following behind Steve.
Wanda is sprawled on the floor, instructions to make the crate covering her face.
“The adoption did go through, we’re picking him up tomorrow.” Steve informs.
“First of five?” Bucky grabs the misaligned crate parts.
“First of five.” Steve confirms.
You lay down near your best friend, the instruction sheet big enough that you too join in under it. 
“Hi.” You whisper.
“Hi.” Wanda whispers back.
“We’re in the kitchen okay, babygirl?” Steve calls out.
“Let me know if you both need anything, Soare mi.” Bucky pats your knee as they head to the kitchen.
“I will, Draega mea.” 
“Look at the blush.” Steve teases Bucky.
Wanda and you hear a swatting sound, it makes her chuckle finally. She looks over at you.
“I can do this right?”
“I have no doubt you’re going to be a great dog mom.” You smile at her, “Plus you bought that expensive baby stroller so of course my god-puppy is going to be spoiled rotten.”
Wanda laughs, she lets out a breath. Tears spring to her eyes, “I’m nervous.” 
Your hand reaching for hers, hiding under the blanket or your textbooks was a common theme.
“What have I told you, I believe about nervousness?” You remind her.
“It means I care.” She answers, breathing out, the instruction sheet flutters.
“Exactly, and your puppy is going to love you, along with the other random animals you will end up making Steve adopt.” You chuckle.
“I saw a rat in the basement, he was so tiny.” She gushes and gestures with her free hand the size of the rat.
“What did you name it?” At this point you know she potentially adopted it already. Setting up non-hazardous traps for it.
“Rara or Bugsy.”
“Hey, Bugsy is reserved for the hamster you adopt.” You need to set your foot down on the matter.
“You’re right, probably Remy. Yeah that makes sense.”
You shake your head but decide to sit up, immediately your best friend hugs you.
Steve approaches the entryway, a smile on his face. Mouthing a thank you to you.
“Oh by the way Wan, I caught them fucking at the bookstore.” He says with a shit eating grin.
You glare at him, Wanda screeches.
“Tell. Me. Everything.” She grabs your shoulders, “Also, Stevie you owe me money. I told you one time we’d catch them there.”
“How about I turn the cash into a cute purse?” Her husband offers to a very willing Wanda.
“Ya’ll bet on us?” Bucky feigns betrayal.
“Oh please, as if you both didn't place some bets on us.” Wanda points her finger at him.
“You told them?” You ask Bucky.
“Steve wondered where I got the cash for buying rounds at the bar.” Bucky defends, a sweet smile taking over his features, the crinkles by his eyes showing. Your heart beats harder, reminding you of your feelings.
“Smitten kitten.” Wanda whispers as she had years ago. 
You still swat her arm the same way.
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“Bucky—,” Your quip is broken into a giggle. Strong arms encircle you. Bucky grabs onto the railing entrapping you against him. 
He brings his face close to yours, blue eyes bright and a smile on his face. 
“Sunshine.” He says happily, nose brushing against your own once, twice, several more times. You blush, heart roaring at the happiness you feel in this moment. 
A clamour of ‘oohs’ distract the two of you. Then the silence envelopes the small crowd gathered. 
Bucky gazes to the side, shifting slightly so you can see the view better. 
The snow capped mountains of Switzerland being embraced by the sunrise. Slowly taking over, your head rests upon his chest. His cheek upon your head as you both watch the dawn of a new day. 
“Beautiful.” You murmur, arms wrapping around him. 
“Not as beautiful as you, Sunshine.” Bucky chuckles, “I know I’ve told you this at every sunrise we’ve seen but it's true.” 
“All across Europe you’ve favoured me over the view.” You pull back to look up at him only to find him looking at you already, “That and the eskimo kisses.” 
Bucky laughs, “Oh remind me to tell you about that when we get home, tomorrow.” He cups your cheek, pulling you in for a kiss. You melt against him, the past three weeks were one of the best. 
After a year and a half of working hard to make the baking business take off. Bucky asked if you’d be willing to take a vacation. The business was better, you’d rented out a sort of studio space. Which could be versatile in its purpose on those weeks that you didn’t have many orders. Those days it was given to people looking for hosting their own classes or group sessions. 
Bucky had done the math, your next goal was owning a space as this, doing the same thing but you’d own it. He projected an achievable timeline. 
Progressing at his firm under the tutelage of Yusuf. Bucky himself was thriving in front of you. On some days you couldn’t believe you both were out of the labyrinth holding hands. 
Alas, the trip had come to an end. The memories would live on. Carried in the little photo album of polaroids. Negatives of films ready to be developed and the digital photos tucked away in memory cards and back up ones.
Sleepily walking into the apartment, you were hoping to crash on the couch itself. The small clock read close to five a.m. 
“Take a shower, you will feel better.” Bucky kisses your forehead. 
You whine in response, “Sleepy.” 
“Sunshine.” He uses the kind of stern tone you can’t fight against.
“Cmon, you knew I’d help beat jet lag.” Bucky leads you to his and now your shared room. 
“Only because you have a fancy shower.” You grumble, allowing him to help you out of your coat. 
He only laughs, placing a sweet kiss to your jaw. 
“Join me?” You offer the most innocent expression on your face. 
“Tempt me all you want Sunshine, I am not going to shower with you again, you’re my angel but your water temperature can rival hell.” Bucky kisses your nose, squeezing your ass just as you pull away. 
Swatting his arm you head into the bathroom, “Don’t tell me later, ‘Can’t dick down Sunshine in the bathroom.’”
Bucky sputters the water he began drinking, “That was one time and Steve fed me weed brownies!” 
“I had those too! I didn’t say Bucky is a wimp during warm showers!” You call out over the sound of the lovely said warm water. 
“More like scalding.” He peeks into the bathroom, getting a good view of you. 
“Did you not want to unpack the chocolates we bought?” You remind him, he smiles nodding and heading out. 
After your shower you find your favourite hoodie from Bucky’s collection on the bed. You could cry because it was warm. 
“Hey Sunshine, are you out yet?” Bucky calls out. 
“Yeah, just a second.” 
“I wanted to know is the hot chocolate supposed to go in the fridge?” 
“You remember what happened to the Cocoa Powder of February don’t you?” You pause your stride to the kitchen. 
Several paper hearts line the floor to the little balcony. A balloon floats tied to the handrail. You pad over, Bucky not in sight. 
“Bucky?” You call out, pulling the balloon down, there isn’t anything written on it. 
Warm arms encircle you, just as they did at every observation deck, during every sunrise. As if he planned it down to the minute, the sky breaks into colours of dawn, you turn to face him. 
“Puffin?” You stare up at him.
Bucky leans in, eskimo kissing you. You smile as you always did when he showed his affection this way.
“One sunrise at home. More than a year ago, at sunset I proposed to you albeit it was a staged one. This one isn’t staged. I put something on our vision board. Maybe you hadn’t seen it.” His hands move to grasp yours, “Do you know puffins mate for life? They sort of peck their beaks to know their love.”
“Is that why you’ve been eskimo kissing me?” You wanted to cry.
He wipes your cheek with the back of his, your hands still intertwined.
“I haven’t even started the proposal yet.” He chuckles, but his own eyes are misty. Tears gathering. His cheeks turned pink.
“I got the chance to fall in love with you again. Maybe that is a blessing. To watch you grow and see you in different lights. Sunshine, I’ve seen you eclipsed, I’ve felt your warmth on cold mornings. I’ve dreamed of you when you aren’t near. I’ve dreamed of you when I have you in my arms. I’ve lost you. I’ve found you.” He pauses, taking a deep inhale.
“I’ve been the worst foe to you. I’ve had the honour to be your friend. I’ve had the honour to have your trust. You say I’m your home Sunshine but I’ve found my peace with you. I want you for the rest of my life. I’ve seen what an engagement to you is like, I want to know what marriage is with you.” He slowly gets down on one knee.
Tears flowing out of his beautiful blue eyes.
“Oh Bucky,” You blink the tears free.
“I know, I’m not perfect,” He begins, “I’m not either,” You remind him.
“But we, we fit right.” He smiles when you wipe the tears from his eyes.
“We do.” You agree.
“Sunshine, will you be mine, to have, to hold, to love, cherish, in sickness, in health, in life. Whatever may come our way, will you allow me to be your husband? Will you be my wife? I also promise to say ‘Where is my wife?’ just like those book boys of yours.” He chuckles.
“You’re way above them, I love you so much. I didn’t think I’d get to know what it is to be yours, once I had a taste. I didn’t think I could go back.” You kneel as well.
“Puffin, I’ve seen you grow and I want to grow with you, two trees in the same forest. Roots expanting, branches fanning out. Puffins mating for life. I didn’t think I could find happiness. Let alone find the happiness that I thought was lost between us. So yes, I will be yours, husband. To love, to cherish, in sickness, in health, in life. I love you more than my book boyfriends.”
“More than that one bodyguard book dude?” Bucky’s teasing you know it, you laugh and nod.
“Yes, even more than him.” Your forehead rests against his, Bucky slips something onto your finger.
“We had wedding bands but never an engagement ring, I knew you wouldn’t want those replaced. I had the ring designed to match the original band. So you could wear both.” He explains the beautiful piece of jewellery. 
“I love you, husband.” You grin as Bucky blushes, a shyness he only showed in front of you takes over him.
“I love you, wife.” Bucky cups your cheek, drawing closer. 
His lips meeting yours, the morning light shining bright around the two of you.
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A.N: thank you for waiting, loving and reading this story, i find it very difficult to part with the worlds i create and labyrinth is so close to my heart so very close to my heart i will miss this fic so much im crying brb
tagging: @slutforsexyseabass @elle14-blog1 @sxnshinebxcky @sebsgirl71479 @pandaxnienke @stevesmewmew @tfandtws @povlvr @tanyaspartak@maggiejackson3@brodymarx @ladylee76 @buckyinluv @buckymcbuckbarnes @almostcontentcreator @alltoounwellread @unaxv @stickyjudgeturtleghost(strikedthrough if unable to be tagged)
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firstelevens · 7 months
sambucky (bake off AU mayhaps?? 👀) + “bloom” 🪷
“Okay, but why did bodyslamming the dough seem like a good idea?”
Sam scowls at the phone. “I didn’t bodyslam the dough, Bucky. I just applied extra pressure so it would roll out.”
“You threw your entire body weight behind that rolling pin and fucked up your neck and shoulder, Sam; I think that’s a little more than extra pressure.”
“I had to get five dozen danishes shaped, what was I supposed to do?”
“You could have waited literally any amount of time for the dough to warm up.”
There’s no video on the call, but Sam can perfectly picture the look on Bucky’s face anyway, frustration mingled with fondness, and he would call the feeling that blooms in his chest homesickness if he wasn’t already smack in the middle of Delacroix.
“Put Alpine on,” he says, instead of I miss you or thank you for worrying about me. “She’s much more sympathetic than you are.”
“Can’t,” says Bucky. “She’s at my parents’ place.”
“And where are you, exactly? You left her all alone?”
Bucky snorts. “I dropped her off a while ago. She’s busy hanging out with my parents while they set up for the party; I just needed to make a quick stop.”
That, at least, explains why Sam thought he heard a GPS earlier in the call. The neighborhood that Bucky’s parents live in might as well be a labyrinth, and for all George and Winnie’s well-intentioned directions, one visit was enough to put Sam firmly on Bucky’s side of the ‘this is why no one should live in New Jersey’ debate. 
(Not that Bucky ever needs to know that. During his last visit to the city, Sam had shamelessly baited Bucky by praising a bagel spot in New Brunswick, and the resulting angry makeout session had absolutely been worth listening to Bucky’s rant about the superiority of New York tap water.)
Sam doesn’t realize that he’s gone silent until Bucky’s voice breaks through his thoughts. “I didn’t interrupt you setting up at the truck, did I? Tell me you’re not there right now.”
“You’re worse than my Mama, you know that?”
“I’ll take that as a compliment,” says Bucky, and it’s actually stupid, the way a corny line like that makes Sam’s heart stutter.
“I’m not at the truck,” says Sam. “Freddie said he could cover the lunch rush, and Naya has practice after school today, so we’ll just close things up early.”
“Sorry, sweetheart. I know you were looking forward to seeing everyone before tonight.”
He sighs. “It’s fine; I’m just glad we didn’t have to shut down completely. I should’ve been more careful.”
“You think I could have that last thing in writing? Get it notarized, maybe?”
It’s very obviously a ploy to make Sam laugh, but it works anyway. “Shut up, Barnes. I’m always careful.”
“Oh, did you get rid of Redwing and just forget to tell me? That tiny little plane that you flew during a storm the other day, because you live to stress me out?”
“I live for other things; raising your heart rate is just a bonus.”
Bucky snorts. “You’re impossible, you know that?”
“So I’ve been told,” says Sam. He starts to ask something else, but cuts himself off as the doorbell rings.
“Sam Wilson,” Bucky says, faux-scandalized, “did you just call me to kill time while you were waiting for company to arrive?”
“Not this time,” says Sam, as he pushes away from his desk. “I’m not even expecting anyone; Sarah and Freddie already took the truck.”
“Maybe they forgot something.”
“I think I’d have noticed eight batches of croissants lying around.”
“Maybe they just really wanted to see you again.”
“Yeah, I’m sure it’s that one,” laughs Sam. “Hang on a second, let me just see who it is.”
He’s still got the phone pressed to his ear as he pulls the door open, which is maybe why he’s so confused to find his boyfriend standing on his porch and not a thousand miles away in New Jersey.
“Like I said,” Bucky says, grinning crookedly at Sam, “I just wanted to see you again.”
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strangercarla · 4 months
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Multi characters
Palentine's Day Headcanons - Peter, Kate, Yelena & Fem! Y/N ♡
Valentine’s Day with OT6 Avengers - Fem! Y/N ♡
Individual characters
Clint Barton
Kate Bishop
Celebrating Your Birthday Headcanons (♡)
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Bucky Barnes
Peggy Carter
Tony Stark
Natasha Romanoff
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Polaroids - Fem! Y/N ft The Avengers and Guardians
Thor Odinson
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Scooby Doo
Multi characters
Individual characters
Daphne Blake
Girlfriend Headcanons - Fem! Y/N ♡
Velma Dinkley
Her - College AU
Shaggy Rogers
Fred Jones
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The Lost Boys
Multi characters
Girls Night With Star ft Paul Headcanons - Fem! Y/N ♡
Celebrating Y/N's Birthday with The Lost Boys Headcanons - ♡
Individual characters
The Popstar & The Front Man AU - Fem! Y/N ♡
Stormy Nights - GN! Y/N ♡
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Law And Order SVU
Nick Amaro
Kiss You - Fem! Reader ♡
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sincerely-viv · 7 months
Sneak peak at my first fic!
Just As It Is
Bucky Barnes x Reader
This is a modern college AU.
No minors allowed, read at your own discretion.
TW: Swearing, religious imagery, smoking
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Dark clouds linger overhead, far too close for comfort. A twinge in the air and rain birds circling the sky makes unease swell in the pit of my stomach. A storm is brewing, something dark this way comes and here I am walking down the street with no jacket, no umbrella and Bucky’s place nowhere in sight.
I quicken my pace. Shoes stomping heavily on the asphalt, desperate to outrun the impending shower- to no avail. Thunder claps, electricity crackles, the birds make their descent in the sky behind me and the floodgates of the dreaded downpour open. I feel the rain spilling through my hair, the chill crawling down my spine and soaking my clothes. I wish more than anything just to be inside, warm and in good company.
 The D&D campaign tonight is one I’ve been looking forward to for weeks, Bucky let me in on a few minor details now and again. This story was meant to be his most enticing yet, described by the man himself as “a fuckin’ mind-blowing labyrinth of malice, monsters and murder.” He added that the alliteration was meant to captivate and create anticipation- fucking English majors.
I have a feeling we’ll be trekking through some haunted castle, infested by a lonesome vampire luring innocents into his clutches. I recall when the theory solidified for me, it was just a few days ago- after classes had ended for the semester. Bucky and I were meeting up on the benches on the edge of campus for our afternoon chit-chat and I convinced him to act out a snippet from the forthcoming adventure.
Bucky slinked behind me, fallen auburn leaves crunched under his boots and the chains on his pants clinked together- I held my breath as he brushed his fingers over the side of my neck. The touch was light, almost untactile- nevertheless my skin felt like it was lit ablaze. The flames spread, embers sizzled deep in my stomach, the red blaze surged through my arms, and it settled in the tips of my fingers. Blood rushed to my ears and my heart pounded against my chest, I could feel his breath on my neck. “Are you scared, little bird? Or do the pleasures of the night entice you? Are you willing to take this journey and receive your hearts desires, or do you fear the lurking horrors may consume you before you reach the summit?” Bucky whispers.
Please let me know your thoughts! More coming soon!
Viv xoxo
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lilithwolferp · 1 year
I'm in dire need of roleplaying partners. I have an OC, she in my pinned post. I would appreciate it if you could write at least 3 sentences to a paragraph. I don't expect novels, but a story can't build with little to no description and dialog. AUs and Canon are welcomed. I do like dark, taboo, and fluff. You must be 21 and older. Because I do smut and I'm 30. And I have a lot of ideas. And I'm in a lot of fandoms. So without further ado. I'll list the fandoms and then the characters I'm looking for to play against my OC. I'm willing to do doubles.
Marvel: Loki, Bucky Barnes, Captain America, Black Widow, Thor.
Supernatural: Dean, John, Sam, Arthur Ketch
Law and Order: SVU: Stabler, Carisi, Barba, Olivia
Chicago Fire: Severide
Crimnal Minds: Reid, Morgan, Prentiss
Stranger Things: Sheriff Hopper, Billy
Rizzoli and Isles: Rizzoli, Maura, or both
Labyrinth: Jareth
Queen of the Damn: Lestat
Henry Cavill Characters, all movies
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im-95-not-dead · 7 months
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a/n: I started late, so my Masterlist only has 22 fics but I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed writing them! Please check my ao3 profile for details of my consent related to my posted works and read full tags on ao3 carefully before reading.
Strangers Steve Rogers x Tony Stark | 4.4k | Gen Aud | Tags: hurt no comfort, break up, non-powered au Discover Tony Stark x Bucky Barnes | 1k | Mature | Tags: sexual language Cozy Bruce Banner x Thor | 788 | Gen Aud | Tags: fluff
Hush Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes | 907 | Teen | Tags: mission gone wrong, worried Bucky Mirrors Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | 3.2k | Mature | Tags: hurt no comfort, major character death, triggers warnings Forlorn Loki & Thor | 1.6 | Gen Aud | Tags: Loki & Thor friendship, multiversal travel Serenade Steve Rogers x Tony Stark | 1.1k | Gen Aud | Tags: Irish Steve Rogers, domestic fluff Puzzle Natasha & The Avengers | 1.1k | Gen Aud | Tags: pranks, domestic avengers Spice Bruce Banner & Wanda Maximoff | 2.3k | Gen Aud | Tags: Bruce cooks, domestic avengers, important discussions Quiver Steve Rogers x Tony Stark | 6.1k | Teen | Tags: mission failure, cold trauma, getting together Regrets Thor x Bruce Banner | 1.8k | Gen Aud | Tags: Thor’s sad life, getting together, sad with a happy ending Nuzzle Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes | 816 | Gen Aud | Tags: fluff, Alpine the cat Sunrise Clint Barton & Bruce Banner | 2.3k | Mature | Tags: light angst, triggers, self-esteem issues Linger Loki x Stephen Strange | 722 | Gen Aud | Tags: break up, angst Solitude Bruce Banner & Hulk | 733 | Gen Aud | Tags: major character death, angst Labyrinth Bruce Banner x Clint Barton | 4.4K | Gen Aud | Tags: getting together, everyone has issues, friends to lovers Delight Steve Rogers x Tony Stark | 927 | Gen Aud | Tags: secret relationship, AOU Frost Loki & The Avengers | 1.1k | Gen Aud | Tags: fix it of sorts, what if Captivate Clint Barton & Natasha Romanov | 2.2k | Teen | Tags: canon typical violence, captivity, mission gone wrong Garden Bruce Banner x Thor | 1.9k | Gen Aud | Tags: adoption, infinity war fix it, fluff Midnight Clint Barton x Bucky Barnes | 975 | Gen Aud | Tags: getting together, fluff Journey (To Find My Family) Natasha Romanov & Tony Stark | 1k | Gen Aud | Tags: found family, Tony & Natasha friendship
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take-it-away-erniee · 9 months
1x1 Fandom Roleplay search Canon x OC
*Edited to include a couple more fandoms!
Are roleplay partner search pages still a thing on Tumblr? Or maybe my dumb app isn’t working, so I’m just gonna post it out in the open!
I’m gonna keep this as brief as I can.
Trying to get back into RP after a long hiatus due to life & work.
I am F 25 and won’t RP with anyone under 21+ sorry. Been roleplaying for around 13 years ago now. Started on Quizilla and old YT those were the days man 🥲(also did anyone used to RP through these Platforms? I miss it man I feel like you could always find a partner easily)
I RP through email, Google docs or RPnation (I have no idea how to use discord)
I work full time Mon - Fri so unfortunately I can’t reply as much as I used to, I will always let my partner know if I am too busy to get a reply out but please don’t hound me! I promise I will get to it!
I can write anywhere from a couple of paragraphs to a novel styled response, but NEVER one liners, they’re so dull and I get bored super quick.
I love OOC chat, brainstorming ideas and scenarios, Spotify playlists, TikTok’s, memes, you made an edit for your ship? Send that sh— over!! I live for it! 🫡
I love AU ideas/scenarios and totally up for doing these! The only thing I ask is that the Canon characters don’t act OOC.
Always open to doubling!
Dark themes, angst, drama, complete devastation for our characters? BRING IT!
What I am really craving right now & Love interests:-
🩸Vampire Diaries🩸 - (Klaus Mikaelson)
🪄Harry Potter🪄 - (Draco Malfoy)
Potentially open to:-
🔮 Labyrinth 🔮 - (OC, Jareth) (Always wanted to RP this but could never really think of a plot)
🧪Stranger Things🧪 - (Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson)
💥Marvel💥 - (Bucky Barnes, Wade Wilson
🚬 Peaky Blinders 🚬 - (John Shelby)
🔪Scream (Original)🔪 - (Stu Macher)
🔫 Legend 🔫 - (Reggie Kray)
💰Gossip Girl💰 - (Carter Baizen)
🧚‍♀️Once Upon A Time 🧚‍♀️- (Jefferson - The Mad Hatter) (I haven’t seen past like season 4 but I can research and refresh myself for this!)
💃🏽Moulin Rogue💃🏽 (Christian, OC) (interested in doing this or some au based on it!)
I guess that’s everything!
Hope this catches someone’s eye out there! If you are interested send me a chat! 🌼
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findyourrp · 8 months
Hey there!🌻
Currently trying to get back into RP after a long hiatus and still looking for partners! ☺️
I am 25 and prefer that my partners be at least 21+, sorry. Started roleplaying around 13years ago now on Quizilla and old YouTube those were the days man 🥲. I RP through email, RPNation, Discord or Google docs!
I am also looking for canon x oc for my side but happy to write oc x oc or canon x canon for yours!
I work full time Mon - Fri so unfortunately I can’t reply as much as I used to, I will always let my partner know if I am too busy to get a reply out but please don’t hound me! I promise I will get to it!
I can write anywhere from a couple of paragraphs to a novel styled response.
I love OOC chat, brainstorming ideas and scenarios, Spotify playlists, TikTok’s, memes, you made an edit for your ship? Send that sh— over!! I live for it! 🫡
I love AU ideas/scenarios and totally up for doing these!
Always open to doubling!
Dark themes, angst, drama, complete devastation for our characters? BRING IT!
What I am really craving right now & Love interests:-
🩸Vampire Diaries🩸 - (Klaus Mikaelson)
🪄Harry Potter🪄 - (Draco Malfoy)
Potentially open to:-
🔮 Labyrinth 🔮 - (OC, Jareth) (Always wanted to RP this but could never really think of a plot)
🧪Stranger Things🧪 - (Billy Hargrove, Eddie Munson)
💥Marvel💥 - (Bucky Barnes, Wade Wilson
🚬 Peaky Blinders 🚬 - (John Shelby)
🔪Scream (Original)🔪 - (Stu Macher)
🔫 Legend(2015) 🔫 - (Reggie Kray)
💰Gossip Girl💰 - ( Carter Baizen)
🧚‍♀️Once Upon A Time 🧚‍♀️- (Jefferson - The Mad Hatter) (I haven’t seen past like season 4 but I can research and refresh myself for this!)
💃🏽Moulin Rogue💃🏽 (Christian, OC) (interested in doing this or some au based on it!)
I guess that’s everything! :)
If you are interested please send me a chat we can take it from there!🌼
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the-canary · 5 years
A Million Stars - B.B (8/8)
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Summary: It’s a whisper in the night, a promise to disappear forever. Don’t trust the Goblin King – it’s just that some princesses never learn. (Labyrinth/Royalty AU!Reader/Bucky Barnes).
Prompt: “The kind of smile that would be cruel not to kiss.”  
A/N: This is for @sweetboybucky 1k writing challenge. 
Feedback is always appreciated.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 
The young man stands up in front the throne, something that hadn’t always been his to gain, the night before his coronation. The night is dark and still, but sometimes -- he can still hear them, the giggling and the soothing words. He touches the details on the arm rests -- fairies and woodland etched upon them to signify the land around the country that had always been there-- and looks up above to the stars etched up on the high ceiling. The young man lets out a sigh, a million thoughts about everything his mother and uncles had told him, and he wonders if he’ll be good enough for all this.
“I really wish you were here right now,” he murmurs softly to a person he doesn’t remember, to a young woman that he still dreams of and they sing songs of in the village square, “I do not think I am made for this sort of thing, sister.”
“She would be most angry if she heard you say that now, young prince,” a soft voice but commanding answers him back, as a flurry of gold shines in the long entranceway.
The young man looks up and his eyes widen in shock. Gold eyes met his own, as the man in the golden armor smiles.    
 Princess, please think about your decision!
Princess, come back! Are you really going to believe the Goblin King?
You hear their voices echoing in the abyss, as you stare at bright blue eyes as you finally see James’ face. Strong jawline, a small scruff, and shaggy hair that seems to be all over the place. Without the mask, he doesn’t seem as menacing as before, but there is a sad and lost quality to his eyes but you know that he can always chance at the tip of hat. James can be cruel and utterly love, as you can see from the way he is looking at you, at the same time. He is temperamental and doesn’t seem to are for his kingdom or the creatures that live in it. You are sure that you have meet worse men in your lifetime --Brock being one of them-- and you are sure that you are just as worse than anything else.
However, before you can decide on anything, you look at him straight in the eyes and let out a deep breathe.
“You promise me three things before I give you my answer,” you respond as his smile falls and hand goes back to his side.
“On your word as king, James ,” you whisper harshly, as stars and thunder begin to thrum through your fingertips. His eyes widening at how quickly and easily you have gotten control over your powers, but there is a smirk on his face for a brief second as if proud of it as well, “Promise me.”
“You have my word,” he bows in a mocking sort of sense and for once you feel his power -- the scent of honey in the air, golden and sparkling behind his body, as if something is protecting him and for a brief moment you wonder what it would be like to fight him -- magic against magic, “What do you ask of me?”
“My brother returns safely to the castle,” you declares as you can hear his cooing and happy giggles echoing off the walls, “My home needs an heir.”
His face perks up at your declaration for a second, as he makes a movement with his hand and Marcus sits between the two of you in a baby basket. James smiles and simply states: “It will done.”
“My friends are allowed to go free as well,” you state with a little quiver in your voice as both of them stop talking, “You will not harm them in anyway, especially Sam.”
Princess, please!
“I-I--” James seems to have some difficulty with that request, as you glare at him for a moment before he does the same motion once more, “ Your wish is my command.”
You can’t hear your friends anymore and Marcus has disappeared the moment you take your eyes of him. Your eyes meet blue ones, as you give him a soft smile. This time you are the one that outstretches your hand, as he looks at you bewildered for a moment before smiling in a way you had never seen before -- like he had  finally seen the light after a very long time. You can feel his breath hitch for the moment, waiting for your next words as you lay your heart open in front of him.
“Please don’t throw me away. Please don’t lie to me. Be faith to me and only me, and I’ll be yours forever.”
“I would never dream of it, my princess.”
A light shines bright and you can’t see anything -- James’ voice is the last thing you hear for a very long time.
 Baby Marcus is returned that night with a golden teddy bear and other stuffed animals toys within the baby basket.
The kingdom rejoices, celebrating the return of the prince while mourning the loss of their king. The Dukes prepare everything from a small party to an even smaller funeral -- wishing to bring more hope than despair.
They say that they find the princess’ body near the lake behind the castle a few weeks later. Others think that she ran away from the kingdom with some stable boy, or maybe just returned from whence her mother had left to as well.
The Dukes never say what they saw that night, when they found her body, but they make sure that the kingdom returns to thanking its old gods and the fae -- they make sure to thank Good Queen Rebecca until the end of her days.
 In a shining castle, surrounded by endless grass and a small village, there is a room that overlooks it all. It’s a like a glided, black cage that is surrounded by vines and flowers outstretching into the hallway that leads to such a room. In the middle of said room, there lays a well that sparkles like starlight and is filled with a golden aura that shines when the figure taps the water’s edge every so often.
They hum as they see Sam, in his human form, walking around an unknown merchant town laughing and looking at all the twinkling items that catch his attention. They see Hulk walking around peacefully, talking to the black spider at the edge of an all too familiar maze, calmer than he has been in years. Another tap and  they see a coronation on a bright sunny day -- a man, now grown, taking one step down and receiving the crown from a man with golden eyes -- they smile, knowing that things are for the better now even if Heimdall still doesn’t speak with them for the choices made.
Another tap and she sees an unfamiliar port city -- a young woman is sitting at the edge of her seat during a play in the theater, eyes fully entranced as the Goblin King says his magic words to the fair girl that has traveled through his labyrinth.   
“Fear me, love me. Do as I say--”
“Is that how they are saying I won you over with now, my love?” a man laughs lightly at the sight before him. His hands wrapped around the woman, wearing a long summer dress with flowers embedded into her hair, as she follows in the laughter. Blue eyes are shining with happiness and joy, the only emotions he has ever felt since she decided to stay by his side.
“I suppose so,” she remarks, turning to look at him, “If only they knew the truth, what would they think?”
“Oh,” the man laughs, rubbing in nose with her in pure affection, while his thumbs play with the noticeable bump growing beneath her dress, “And what is the truth, my queen?”
“That I took your face,” she motions with completely familiarity to such a course of action, as blue eyes light up with fondness that has only grown over the decades together, “And I was the one to say: That kind of smile you are giving me well, it would be too cruel not to kiss it.”
“Would you kiss it now?” the man asks breathlessly, completely underneath her spell -- has been since the moment she entered his labyrinth, since she took over his kingdom and the peace returned along with its people, since she became his Queen.
She laughs and peppers his face with kisses before finally deciding to plant one sweetly on his lips. They spent sometime together, just like that, and she can’t help but laugh at the lovestruck look he always seems to have after every lovely kiss they share.
“I’ll kiss you every single day of my life, my Goblin King,” she whispers like a prayer against his lips, as he stares at her reverently.
“And I am yours forever more, my Darling Queen.”
Their laugh echoes in the air and the labyrinth, its denizens and the surrounding lands, know nothing but peace at the hand of a young woman who caught the heart of a lost man and placed it --took care of it-- among her millions of stars.   
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rayshippouuchiha · 6 years
I wish you would write a labyrinth Au with Toni/Bucky. Except Toni is the (not evil) Goblin Queen and Bucky accidentally wishes away a younger sibling.
Ohhhhhh MAN! Just OH I adore Labyrinth, it was a formative film for me!  So I could do a Labyrinth AU in so many ways but with this one specifically I’d probably tweak things around a bit and do a little something like this:
Toni is a fae who took the throne and power over the Labyrinth from the former King Howard.  Wrestled it from him with cunning and rage so powerful and vicious that the other fae in the courts whisper behind her back.  They call her the Iron Queen because she, like her namesake, is deadly to any fae or Other who would stand in her way.
So Toni rules the Labyrinth, the Nexus of Below, with a fair but sturdy grip, has rules and standards that will be obeyed even by the rowdiest of her precious children, her Goblins.
And then there’s Bucky.
Bucky who gets his hands on a certain book.
Bucky who’s the oldest of four, has three bratty but precious little sisters.  Who has Steve who, most times, feels like nothing more than a bratty little brother with his fighting and his prickly nature.
Bucky who’s exhausted, working two jobs trying to make ends meet since his parents died but still finds time to read the fairy tale to his little sisters before they fall asleep at night.
Bucky who gets frustrated with Steve one day and wishes him away.  A knee-jerk reaction that he didn’t even mean.  Not really.  He’s just so tired.
And Below, Toni hears him, feels his anger and his exhaustion, and comes.  She’s expecting an exasperated mother, a selfish sibling, a neglectful father.  There’s a reason why her Goblins are so precious to her after all.
She isn’t expecting Bucky.
And Bucky sure as hell isn’t expecting her, this bright eyed beauty with a crown on her head and lightning in her eyes.
Isn’t expecting her to tell him about taking Steve, about how only he can get his best friend back.
And it ends up being an adventure that changes everything.
For both of them.
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ramenoff · 3 years
• 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩 •
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Synopsis: Bucky would literally die for you but his ego is bigger than his dick and you wanna shove him out a window. 
Pairing: fuckboy!bucky x AFAB!reader (college au)
Warnings: uH enemies to lovers, no explicit smut (brief, inexplicit mentions), PINING OH MY GOD, unrequited love (on Bucky’s part), language, some specific traits for reader mentioned (nothing like skin, hair or eye colour, more just clothing style and no makeup), Bucky is an idiot lmao.
(1.3k words)
You’re staring at your board like you’ve got a bone to pick with it, determination evident in your brow and a scraped knee to match it. 
Should’ve bought those knee pads. 
You huff out a sigh and push off on your board once more before dipping back down into the bowl and rounding the circumference to get yourself comfortable. Your foot meets the ground to spur on your momentum- it’s a simple trick, and you’ve only been skating for around two weeks at this point but you’ve spent all afternoon trying to nail this move and you refuse to return to your dorm with defeat written all over you. 
You direct yourself to round another lap before allowing the board to take its course up the side of the bowl. You meet the edge and you use the momentum in your hips to let yourself rise up in the air and- holy shit, you’re almost doing it! 
As you meet the edge your body swivels, right hand gripping the board to your feet as your left-
Well, your left hand was supposed to catch you. 
Before you can calculate that the distance was misjudged, you're tumbling down the side of the bowl and biting the pavement. 
“Take it easy there, champ.” 
You’re so ready to castrate him. 
“Eat glass,” you snap, dusting off your cargo shorts and examining your twin wounds on your knees. 
You’ve never understood just what makes James Buchanan Barnes so great. It's clear that he’s a class A douchebag with his stupid blue eyes and ridiculous hair that falls perfectly in place no matter how hungover and disgusting he was. He swears he’s got a big dick but he’s proven that his ego has the advantage, even girls on campus swap stories about one night stands and seven minutes of god knows what when stuffed into a closet together on a dare. Maybe you’re jealous that it isn’t you, or maybe you’re just tired of the pick-me-girl shit that goes on simply for a college fuckboy with precisely two and a half brain cells who has somehow Pavolov’d a swath of young girls to be at his beck and call when he wants a blowjob. Either way, the rest of campus thinks that Bucky is just peachy while you can beg to differ. 
The best part? He wants you bad. 
Your bruised skin and scruffy attitude is refreshing, he’s decided. Not once has he been so threatened by a look but he’d be damned if he didn’t imagine those harsh features softening at his touch. He doesn’t care if it’s behind closed doors, where your back arches and your eyes roll, pleads and prayers dripping off your lips like honey as he plays your body like a finely tuned instrument. Nor if it’s out where everyone can see, a brush at the small of your back, just so you know he’s there. If he could just tuck away that flyaway strand of hair that always hangs in front of your eyes he’d die happy. If he’s lucky he might cup your cheeks and trace your lips with his thumb, trying to memorize the touch in case his body forgets. 
He thinks, if he could have you, that his body would never truly forget it. You’re too extraordinary. You’re extraterrestrial. He swears your beauty is so alien but also earthly and real, unlike anything else he’s ever seen. If God exists, he made the cosmos revolve around you. Bucky sometimes scrunches his nose and grimaces at how cheesy it sounds but he solidly believes that God took inspiration from your eyes and created stars. Your hair is the waterfalls of the world, the clouds in the sky and the leaves on the trees all at once. Your skin is the earth, lush and rich, but blemished from your pursuits. When your eyes narrow and your brow sets, so does the sun. When you breathe the wind wraps him in chilled kisses. He’d like to create a hurricane with you. 
He’s bad at showing it, but he’d give you everything. He’s made fun of you and taunted you out of his own insecurity, but only because he just knows he’d love you better than anyone else. When he teases you about your baggy, ripped clothes it’s because he wishes he could worship the prize that lies beneath them. When he points out your circled eyes and offers to take you makeup shopping it’s because he wants to kiss those dark crescent moons and adore them like the rest of you. He finds any opportunity to poke at your scars and scabs because he yearns to place a band-aid on them and kiss them. 
Champ? He calls you that for two reasons. 
1. He can’t get enough of that face you make when he does. Never has he wanted to drop to his knees to beg and throw you over his shoulder and feel you squirm at the same time. You look like you could commit all sorts of creative crimes when you look at him like that and it makes his heart swell morbidly. 
2. You are a champion- his champion. He wants so desperately to be proud of you, to watch you with adoring eyes and his face in his palms as you put everything surrounding you to shame. Roses? They pale in comparison to your skin’s natural glow. The jaws of death? They snap shut and whimper when you walk- no, skate- by. 
Bucky wants you more than he has ever wanted anything in his life- come to think of it, he hasn’t ever really wanted much in life. He just grazed the median to get into college by a longshot, never exactly cared for a job or any of the girls he dated in the past. Steve and Sam, while being his best friends, Bucky knows they won’t put up with his absolute dogshit behavior forever. But you? He’d change for you. He’d cut his hair or wear a clown suit if you really wanted him to, he would do anything if it meant making that tight line of concentration and grit that is your mouth curve up into a smile. 
What does he do instead? 
“You’re pretty shit at this,” he readjusts his ball cap as he peers down the bowl at you. 
You glare up at him. Your eyes are a myriad of labyrinths. He’s sure he’ll never find his way out of them but you break the gaze and kick up your board. 
“Not as shit as you in bed,” You quip, taking a run up the side of the bowl and making it up this time without trouble. 
Please, just let him hold you.
“Wouldn’t you like to find out.”
Even just for a minute.
“I’d like to keep my pink palace untainted, thank you.” 
You can count if you really can’t stand it. 
“Pink palace? You mean crackhouse.”
Just let him be selfish. He doesn’t deserve it, but hell does he want you. 
“And your junk is close to godliness?” you snort. 
You’re now nearly nose-to-nose. He can smell you- warm vanilla and sandalwood rolling off your body like waves of rugged sweetness and the sharp bite of spearmint gum on your breath. He could kiss you. He could just take you by the back of the neck and finally get that clash of lips, teeth and tongue that have haunted his dreams at night. Or he could guide your chin to his lips with the tips of his fingers, letting anticipation build with the riot of butterflies in his stomach. 
But no. 
“Maybe you’ll get that trick next time, champ,” Bucky claps a hand on your shoulder and is on his way with his heart sinking in his chest.
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frostironfudge · 2 years
Labyrinth - Bucky Barnes Masterlist
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labyrinth (noun), a complicated set of paths and passages, through which it is difficult to find your way. 
Bucky and You would do anything for Steve and Wanda, your respective best friends. In an attempt to avoid a tradition Steve and Wanda come up with a lie involving their best friends.  A lie, that involves building a labyrinth. Bucky and You begin to build but will you two find your way out or be caught in it?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader, (Modern AU)
main trope: fake engagement, Grumpy x Sunshine.
warnings will be before each chapter.
main masterlist
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Labyrinth Characters sorted into Hogwarts Houses
last update: 21.05.2024
tagging a few people who i think might enjoy this fic no pressure to read: @elle14-blog1 @sebsgirl71479 @slutforsexyseabass @nana1000night @stevesmewmew @pandaxnienke
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madamebaggio · 3 years
The Crackship Fleet is back!
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It’s been a long time since we set sail together, but here we are!
Hold on to your hats, because the Fleet is back in the AU verse and anything can happen.
For those of you who don’t remember -or don’t know -here are our 50 special ships:
Robb Stark (Game of Thrones) X Arthur Pendragon (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) 
Tauriel (The Hobbit) x Valkyrie (MCU)
Napoleon Solo (The Man From U.N.C.L.E.) X Miriam “Midge” Maisel (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel)
Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) X Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Vortigern Pendragon (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword) x Sansa Stark (Game of Thrones)
Erik Lehnsherr (X-Men: First Class) X Susan Pevensie (The Chronicles of Narnia)
James T. Kirk (Star Trek) X Rey (Star Wars)
Klaus Mikaelson (The Originals) x Kisa | Santanico Pandemonium (From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series)
Daisy “Quake” Johnson (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.) X Gary “Eggsy” Unwin (Kingsman)
Blair Waldorf (Gossip Girl) X Stiles Stilinski (Teen Wolf)
Beverly Marsh (It) x Eleven | Jane Hopper (Stranger Things)
Matt Murdock (Daredevil) X Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Lydia Martin (Teen Wolf) X Bucky Barnes (MCU)
Natasha Romanoff (MCU) X John Wick (John Wick)
Darcy Lewis (MCU) x Derek Hale (Teen Wolf)
Joseph Dredd (Dredd) x Octavia Blake (The 100)
Maria Hill (MCU) x Merlin (Kingsman)
Thranduil (The Hobbit) X Loki Odinson (MCU)
Steve Rogers (MCU) x Mera (DCU)
Dean Winchester (Supernatural) x Wynonna Earp (Wynonna Earp)
Daenerys Targaryen (Game of Thrones) x Clarke Griffin (The 100)
Ravenna (Snow White and the Huntsman) X Morgana (Merlin)
Murphy and Connor MacManus (The Boondock Saints) x Anna Poliatova (Anna)
Frank Martin (The Transporter) x Lorraine Broughton (Atomic Blonde)
Baby Doll (Sucker Punch) x Priest (Priest) 
Gretel (Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters) X Prince Nuada (Hellboy: The Golden Army)
Margaery Tyrell (Game of Thrones) X Roan (The 100)
Maleficent (Maleficent) X Jareth (The Labyrinth)
Dutch (Killjoys) x Leonard McCoy (Star Trek)
Sam Winchester (Supernatural) X Felicity Smoak (Arrow)
Diana Bishop (A Discovery of Witches) x John Constantine (Constantine)
Queen Freya (The Huntsman: Winter’s Wars) x Conan (Conan The Barbarian)
Roxy Morton (Kingsman) x Leo Fitz and Jemma Simmons (Agents of the S.H.I.E.L.D.)
Faramir (The Lord of the Rings) x Jon Snow (Game of Thrones)
Lucian (Underworld)  x Tamara (Conan The Barbarian)
Snake Eyes (G.I. Joe) x Katia Von Dees (Hitman Agent 47)
Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn 99) x Kate Kane (Batwoman)
Darth Maul (Star Wars) x Lady Jaye (G.I. Joe)
Hattie Shaw (Hobbs & Shaw) x Jane Kano (Charlie’s Angels)
Face (The A-Team) x Han Cho Bai (Red 2)
Jacob Hood (Eleventh Hour) X Santiago “Pope” Garcia (Triple Frontier)
Selene (Underworld) x Mina Harker (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)
47 (Hitman) x Elena (Charlie’s Angels)
Dagonet (King Arthur) x Brienne of Tarth (Game of Thrones)
Borra (Maleficent: Mistress of Evil) x Catia (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword)
Diaval (Maleficent) x Yennefer (The Witcher)
Sabina Wilson (Charlie’s Angels) x Daphne Kluger (Ocean’s Eight)
Lady Sif (MCU) x Sara (The Huntsman) 
Chris Argent (Teen Wolf) x Madison Maxwell (Dollface)
Frank Castle (The Punisher) x Grace (Ready or Not)
Let’s get sailing!
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