#bucky loves tony
bruhaalla · 2 months
Okay but where’s my 6’5 brown eyes black hair thick thighs man ?
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lefthandarm-man · 3 months
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Bucky Barnes // The Winter Soldier Captain America: Civil War (2016)
the way he looks at steve (part 1, part 2, part 3)
(steve vers.)
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katdavina8 · 5 days
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Tony was the original Steve/Bucky shipper.
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meidui · 2 months
what is it about steve rogers that drives men crazy
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itsagentromanoff · 8 months
We're All Team Tony
“Ya know, it’s really creepy that cape of yours cuddles with Tony,” Bucky huffed at Strange.
“Cloak,” the doctor corrected, smirking as he watched his cloak glare at Steve who tried to cozy up on the couch next to the genius, “You’re just jealous that Tony likes me better than you and Rogers.”
The ex-assassin scoffed at that, “Ain’t nothin’ to be jealous of.”
“Beep beep! Outta my way,” Quill interjected, bumping his way pass the other two, “Here ya go StarDust.”
“Aw, thank you Peter,” the genuis smiled, sipping the hot coffee in his hand, humming “Just the way I like it hot.”
Not to be out done by the half-alien, “Do you need me to get you anything, Tony?“
“Unless it’s to allow me back into my lab, no Cap,” Tony gave him a hopeful smile.
It nearly broke the super soldier’s heart when he shook his head at the engineer’s request.
“You know I can’t allow that Tony,” the blonde regretfully told him, “You heard what your doctor and Banner said and you sure as heck know what Miss Pott’s would say if she knew you were trying to sneak off to work.“
Tony pouted at that, frustrated that he’d sidelined by Loki and some Doom bots.
“Hey doll, wanna take a look at my arm?” Bucky called out, purposely bumping the Sorcerer Supreme but paused. Did the cloak just hiss at him?
Just as Bucky was about to take the free spot beside Tony, boxing him in between himself and his best pal, T'challa swooped in.
“Here are the plans that you asked for, Anthony,” the young King offered passing the StarkPad to the brunet, “Shuri asked that you contact her as soon you are able to.”
“Thank her for me.” Tony snorted looking through the tablet, “Is this you?”
Tony turned the screen to the King, Bucky peered over his shoulder watching the younger man’s face morph to humiliation.
The ex assassin caught his friend’s eyes having a silent conversation while the young King grumbled about double checking his sister’s surveillance again.
“Aw, Your Pantherness was this your first time with this tech?” Quill teased, winking at Tony who rolled his eyes at the other man.
The dark man glared at him, “No,” he gritted out, he have to have another word with his younger sister, “It was merely a training accident.”
“Oh sure,” Strange commented from his spot in the living room, “What with you being new to the superhero world it must happen all the time.”
The engineer raised an eyebrow at that. Was it him or was there hostility within the group? Trying to diffuse the situation, “So what’s everybody’s plans for dinner?“
Cue four men shoving each other out of the way to head towards the kitchen, while Strange whirls a golden portal turns and winks at Tony before entering it.
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denebolablack · 1 year
Tony: *To Bucky* You cannot shoot every single person I've dated that you don't like!
Bucky: *Raises an eyebrow*
Tony: Okay, you technically can, but you shouldn't. Come on, Steve! Help me out here!
Steve: *Amused* Idk babe, you always tell him to use his free will, and that's exactly what he is doing.
Tony: *Frustrated* I'm so done with both of you, absolutely done.
Bucky: Don't say that doll *Pushes the genius into his lap* I'll behave if you spend some quality time with us, ¿hm?
Tony: *Squints* I feel like I'm being blackmailed but I'll allow it just because you're hot.
Steve: *Hugs the pair of brunettes* Oh so you are with us just because we're hot?
Tony: Right now? Yes. Now shut up and kiss me cuz I'm still mad at you.
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3twindragons · 2 years
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piggyinthesea · 1 year
Why Do You Look At Her?
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader , Steve Rogers x Reader (implied)
Warnings: smut, smut, smut, hinted love triangle, cursing, hickeys, jealousy, foreplay, hickey kink, slight insecurity (bucky)
Fuck Marry Kill?
It was pretty usual of Tony to throw charity parties. It seemed almost routine at this point getting ready for them. The sparkly dresses, make-up usage, and occasionally hair curlers were all things part of the ritual.
“Fuck!” You yelp at the fuming curler wand that scarred your skin with an ugly purple burn with hints of blue on your neck. You knew it was gonna be cliché to have to explain yourself to the others that it was in fact a burn, not a hickey and they most definitely wouldn’t believe an inch of it. You contemplated covering it with makeup, but you weren’t a rookie against heat burns and you knew that would just further damage your skin even more. So be it, if it can’t be helped, it can’t be helped.
Finally done with your hair and makeup, you slipped into your gorgeous sparkly maroon dress. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Skin tight, breasts lifted, and it hugged your curves in all the right places. You were definitely going to thank Tony for this one.
One Hour Later
You finally arrived to the charity, making your way towards the only person you knew there. If only Wanda and Natasha didn’t take so long to get ready.
“You look wonderful, dear. Might just take you from Bucky.” Steve said, pulling himself away from the group he was chatting with prior.
You tilted your head back and let out a chuckle, “Oh stop. You know you love him too much to do that.”
“Why don’t you guys admit you’re together, everybody knows it, and it looks like he’s already gotten to you.” He smirks, glancing at the purple bruise on your neck.
“We’re not like that, and for the record this is a burn, as you can tell by my curls. Doesn’t take a spy to figure out I burned my hair with the curling iron.” Glancing at the tower filled with millionaires, you tried scouring the crowds for a sign of Bucky yet he was no where to be found.
“So what you’re saying is, you’re single?” Pried Steve, subconsciously taking a step closer.
“Is who single?” Said a voice that emerged from the backs of you both.
“Bucky!” You excitedly turn around and give your dear friend a hug. You failed to notice the look Bucky gave to Steve. If Bucky could, he’d hug you back instantly though his hands were occupied by two glasses of pristine champagne. The scent of his strong cologne reminded you of the ocean which you always loved because it reminded you of fond memories when you were a child. When he asked you if he should go for the deep forest or ocean cologne, you picked ocean. It was Tony’s suggestion to come with matching outfits. You with a maroon dress and Bucky with a maroon tuxedo. Maroon definitely suited him.
“I’ll leave you guys alone.” Steve awkwardly says, a cute smile placed on his face as he heads towards Tony and strikes up a conversation.
Bucky hands you a golden champagne glass. It’s contents appeared almost physically sparkly, you knew instantly the champagne would be marvelous. After all, this is a charity held by Tony Stark. Bucky raised his glass to you and the two of you clinked your glasses and took a drink.
“So, you and Steve?” Bucky says, attempting to hint at the obvious closeness of you and Steve, while also indirectly hinting at the evident mark on your neck. Though he was too busy looking anywhere but your face, you scrunched up your face in discontent.
“No, Steve and I aren’t like that. And since I know you’re dying to ask no, this isn’t a hickey. Let’s go to the minibar?” You say, attempting to quickly pass by this conversation. You were not going to have this conversation with Bucky.
He turns, finally giving you a full look. Instinctively, you stepped in front of him, fixing the crooked tie. He looked down at you, watching as you helped straighten his tie out and though it was only for a second, he did not miss the way your eyes sparkled as you looked back up at him.
5 glasses of champagne and 3 margaritas later…
“Okay, Okay. Fuck, Marry, Kill. Steve, Me, and Tony.” Bucky says, so obviously drunk with his slurred words and pale face.
You giggled, “You’re such a child. Okay, Okay, give me a second, my world is spinning. Fuck Steve, Marry You, and dear god please don’t let Tony hear this but, kill Tony.”
“Wow. You would fuck Steve, but not me? I’m truly hurt. I’m gonna go into a deep depression. ” Bucks jokingly, putting his head down attempting to appear ‘depressed’ . “I mean, the guy gets a serum and all of a sudden he’s a big macho man. Well I’ve been the macho man for centuries even before him! Where’s my recognition?” He mumbles into the table.
“But, if we’re married we’d be able to fuck anytime, with Steve it’d just be a one time thing.” You whisper into his ears, almost falling off your seat trying to get closer to him.
“Ah! You’re right. So Steve’s not better than me!” He lifts up his head, his eyes sparkling with victory.
A hoarse voice calls out from behind, “Oh, I am so better than you.”
You turn back at the blue eyed blondie who seems to enjoy hitting into peoples conversations. You’ve taken notice how well his deep navy tux looked on him. You never had any appeal to Rogers but you’d be a fool to not find attractive in his suit. . “I’m heading to the restroom, don’t have to much fun without me.” You say, an overwhelming urge to pee taking over you. Perhaps you had a little too much to drink tonight.
The two men looked as you walked away, carefully admiring the way the dark maroon sequins glistened under the fancy lighting of the tower. They didn’t dare to miss the way your hips swayed with each step almost elegantly. “Why do you stare at her?” Bucky asked with the utmost curiosity and almost hurt expression.
“I don’t stare at her.” Steve looks back at his friend defensively.
“You like her.” Bucky concludes, an urge to hear his friend admit the feelings he so desperately wants to bury. For what reasons? He’s unsure. Maybe to hurt his own feelings.
“I don’t, Bucky. You know I love Peggy. Maybe you’ve had a little too much to drink.” Steve lets out an exaggerated sigh, as he begins to dwell in his own thoughts. He doesn’t like you. His heart belonged belongs to Peggy.
“Alright then. I’m going to my room. Maybe I did have too much to drink.” Unconvinced and irritated, he begins to walk away. That was the last thing Steve wanted him to do. He didn’t want to be left alone with his thoughts.
During the walk to the corridors, he bumps into you. “Oh hey! You heading up? Guess I will too.” You say, noticing the weird expression on his face. Usually you’d be able to read him, but this time he has an expression on his face he hasn’t shown before.
It took about 3 minutes for the elevator to come down and go back up towards the room corridors and the both of you headed towards Bucky’s room. The corridors were filled with different rooms, each of them having a gold plate on the door with a different name. You passed by yours first, then Falcons, and finally you’ve gotten to Bucky’s. It was nothing strange, you’ve been to his room plenty of times. The two of you are almost always watching movies together. You kicked off your heels and mated down on his large and frankly not very comfortable bed. His room was pretty simple, it consisted of a grey headboard bed in the middle, a mahogany night stand by the corner, a drawer with a large mirror, and a restroom that directed into a large marble bathtub with a rainfall shower.
He aimlessly stared into the wall, almost as if something was on his mind. “What’s wrong?” You ask, you’ve never seen him like this and it was beginning to worry you.
He turned to you. His bright blue eyes looked pleading, as if his soul was attempting to reach yours when suddenly he kissed you. Instinctively, you kissed back allowing your tongue to explore his mouth as you positioned yourself on top of him. His hands roamed through your curves, squeezing your waist and coming back up to pull your hair. Within seconds the kiss became heated and your body ached for more. He flipped you under and took off his blazer and collared shirt which revealed his chiseled abs. You felt yourself becoming wetter with each second you stared. Sadly, it was cut short as Bucky began sucking on your neck, careful to not touch the side where you’ve dumbly burned.
You let out a moan, “Please.”
“Please what?” Bucky rasps out, completely hard. The effect you had on him was unlike any other women. You completely and easily had him wrapped around your finger without you knowing it. The moment you helped him out of a dark nightmare that night, he knew he could never let go of you. With each day that had passed where he had not kissed you, a little part of him died. He knew when his best friend caught feelings for Peggy. He definitely knew it too when he saw the way he looked at you earlier.
“Please touch me.” The request was simple, yet a little embarrassing. It was definitely not in your nature to beg. But for Bucky? You’d beg a million times.
It was as if he was possessed by some speed demon because in no time, you were completely out of your dress and almost fully unclothed except for the black lace panties you had on. You tugged on his belt, wanting him to be equally as vulnerable which he obediently took off with his pants. He spread your legs wide, toying with one of your nipples as he inserted a finger in you.
The ache of pleasure in your stomach was overbearing. You wanted to be closer to Bucky. As he began moving his finger’s pace he lightly twisted your nipple, “Why do you talk to Steve so much?” He shamelessly asks, jealousy reeking from him which he had no desire to cover up. Your moans filled the room as he added another finger.
“I don’t.” He twists your nipple slightly harder which earns a louder moan from you. “Please I just want you. Give me all of you.” You pleaded. His fingers were pleasurable but his cock would be so much better.
“Say you don’t want Steve.” He says removing his boxers and finally lining himself at your entrance.
“I don’t want him. I never did. Please just fuck me, Bucky.” Your stomach twirled with anticipation, excitement, and pleasure. Without warning he pushed his whole length into you, and immediately you let a loud almost pornagraphic moan. Your walls stinger with pain and pleasure yet you still wanted more. Bucky began a slow pace quickly turning brutal as his ears filled with your moans. The moans he’s causing.
You pulled his hair as you were chest to chest. Bucky groaned, “Doll, you feel so good. You’re so gorgeous.” He quickened his pace if that was possible, when he felt your nails digging into his back. He began sucking on your breasts, as if he were a starving dog. There would definitely be bruising tomorrow all over your chest. He lowered one of his hands down to your clit and began rubbing the pads of his fingers in circles. A burning hot sensation filled your body, if he continued like this you would be done for.
“B-Bucky. Don’t stop I’m close.” You moaned, the heat suddenly becoming overwhelming. You knew he was close by the way his thrusts began to falter. With a pinch of your clit, you moaned out in pleasure and came on his cock. With a final thrust he came inside you, his cum adding warmth to your walls while leaking out. He collapsed to your side, and you pulled him in for a kiss. You pulled his hair a little, sucked on his neck long enough for there to be a bruise in the morning and finally asked him, “Why’d you bring up Steve?”
“I think he likes you.” He says, not wanting to look back to you. You turned his head, and kissed him again “Guess I’ll just have to explain I like his best friend more.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead. “I’ll be back.” He says heading to the restroom inside his room. Shortly after, he came back with a damp cloth in his hand.
Notes: So this is my first fan fic, please feel free to leave any suggestions in the comments. If there are any typos please point them out so I can correct them <3
Don’t know if there will be a part 2 buttt let me know if you guys would want one! I feel bad for Steve lol
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ironspidersblog · 18 days
Team cap team Iron man blah blah team they both had their problems and had their right and wrong moments!!!!!!!!!
I understand Tony’s grieving motives for attacking them but also bucjy and Steve were literally being attacked so yeah they fought back. like none of these boys were right in this fight, Tony was acting in grief Which o understand so it pisses me off when ppl shit on him for it bc he validly could be mad at Steve for idk not telling him the truth about his parents death???? but he still shouldn’t of attacked either of them and they VERY VALIDLY fought him back but also the whole slamming the shield was a bit much??? I get why they didn’t just sit down to have a conversation but I wish they just sat down and had a conversation lmao
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kayvsworld · 5 days
fun mcu buckytony tunabucket fact of the day they both play piano. thank you mcu for this fun canon buckytony fact
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winterspiderpurrs · 1 year
Okay but Peter getting kidnapped. The doe eyed innocent, science puns, very conservative with clothes and layers. The one who isn't associated with the business. Sure he had some basic training to help protect himself. But he wasn't like the rest of them.
And Tony and his men doing all they can to hunt down the person who took Peter and to rescue him.
They were not expecting a dinning hall full of dead bodies.
Peter sitting at the head of the table. Sitting on the lap of someone with a knife in his eye. He was in what appears to be a lacey teddy lingerie. Calmly sipping the lobster bisque. He had on a metal collar that was chained to the chair. A gun sitting next to the half empty glass of white wine. Bullet shells scattered around.
" Oh good! You're here! My neck is starting to hurt"
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royalstcve · 1 year
Me: I watch marvel for the plot!
The plot:
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robertdowneyjjr · 8 months
Happy birthday!!! 🥳 Also, I absolutely love your writing~♡ (your stony soulmate au and vampire tony au are my favorite!!!)
For the prompt: Tony being dragged to a weapon's demonstration by Howard, decides to absolutely piss him off by wearing booty shorts and tank tops—distracting Howard's favorite soldiers: Steve and Bucky
hello ily sorry this has taken so long 🥲
As long as Stark Industries continues to make weapons, Tony has zero interest in “doing his part” for the company at these military shindigs. Sure, he’s glad that his dad is at least letting him head the efforts for defensive and medical tech, but until the day the weapons department is completely shut down, Tony will not give those power hungry generals the time of day.
So when Howard all but forces Tony into joining him for a five-day trip to Afghanistan for a weapons demonstration, Tony retaliates the best way he knows how. By shamelessly embarrassing his dad.
He takes his sweet time on the plane, lazing casually in his band t-shirt and jeans as they make their descent. He knows he’ll be expected to change into a more “appropriate” outfit once they land because that’s protocol, and he’s looking forward to watching Howard’s head explode later.
That’ll teach him to force Tony into doing anything weapons-related.
By the time the company jet lands, Howard has already changed into his perfectly pressed suit so he can greet the soldiers who have been sent to meet them.
“Hurry up and get changed, Tony. The general has sent his most elite squad to come get us,” Howard says. “Steve and Bucky are the best of the best. Let’s show them some respect and not keep them waiting.”
He turns towards the stairs to disembark.
“What the hell kind of a name is Bucky…” Tony mutters as he heads towards the back of the plane to change his clothes.
Five minutes later, he’s going down the plane stairs like a pageant queen, never mind the fact that he’s dressed like the polar opposite. The chatter between Howard and the two beefcakes facing him abruptly stops when the blonde one spots Tony and immediately blushes a bright red.
When Howard turns to see what the problem is, he goes red too, albeit much uglier and angrier.
“Tony, what in the world are you wearing? Do you really think this is appropriate for a trip of this nature?” Howard seethes.
As he joins the group, Tony looks down at his clothes. His jean shorts cut off six inches above his knees, and his tank bearing his favorite band’s logo is only marginally long enough to not be considered a crop top. He looks damn good, and he knows it.
“I do in fact think these clothes are appropriate, actually. I dressed for the weather.” He pastes on a shit-eating grin and turns towards the soldiers. “Hi, I’m Tony.”
Before either of them could introduce themselves, Howard cuts in.
“Get back in there and change into a proper suit, Tony. This isn’t funny.”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that. All I’ve packed are shorts and tank tops and t-shirts.”
As Howard splutters, one of the soldiers — the blonde one who had been staring — takes Tony’s hand and shakes it.
“I’m Steve. I, uh, I think you look great. Um, you’ve got nice legs,” he says, his ears turning pink. Tony has a feeling it’s not because of the blazing sun.
The brunette standing next to Steve gently shoves him aside and takes his place in front of Tony.
“Heya, I’m Bucky.” He boldly steps closer and places his hand on Tony’s shoulder. “And if you really do need something else to wear, I’d be happy to lend ya somethin’. I’m sure you’d look incredible in my clothes, doll.” He winks.
Tony glances between the two soldiers, both of whom have not even spared Howard or anyone else a second of their attention since Tony sauntered up to them in his booty shorts and tank top.
He smiles.
Looks like this trip might not be a bad idea after all.
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soliloquent-stark · 7 months
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❤️ love is a tower where all of us can live by soliloquent
2,1k words // pairing: tony stark & bucky barnes
“A metal-armed supersoldier materializes before him, intruding into Tony’s line of sight and obstructing his project. The trespasser holds two plates of food and regards Tony with an unreadable, almost disinterested look.
Tony sighs internally. Why did he think adopting all these orphaned Avengers was a good idea?”
or: Five times Bucky takes care of Tony and one time Tony realizes why.
written for the @stuckonyvalentinecards 2024 event
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rainintheevening · 2 months
fandom: mcu
word: impress
Tony swallowed hard, pulled the boy closer, till Peter was practically in his lap, head nestled between Tony's chin and shoulder. "Kid, no, you've got it all wrong. You don't have to impress me with your super strength or your webs or any of that stuff." No, I do not care how corny this sounds because it's true. "That spider didn't give you your love for science, or your laugh, or the way you keep helping people who don't deserve it," like me, "and, please, trust me when I say, all of that is a helluva lot cooler than catching a bus with your bare hands."
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denebolablack · 1 year
Sooo, I have this HC that Tony needs to be using his hands with something while watching series, a movie, or simply listening to someone. Otherwise, he won't be able to concentrate, and he will end up biting his nails, scratching some part of his body, or biting his lips.
Well, his Brooklyn's boys found out about it very quickly. And ever since then, they make sure Tony always has some object to "play" with if he needs to.
*On a meeting*
Fury: Why is Stark dismantling a gun in the middle of our meeting?
Bucky: *With his arm around Tony's weist* Because I asked him to.
Fury: I won't even ask why. Just don't shoot anyone in this room.
Tony: If I wanted to, I would've done it long ago.
Fury: ...
Bucky: *Smug smile* He's not wrong.
*While watching a movie*
Tony: *Scratching his fingers anxiously*
Steve: *Put a notebook and a pencil on the genius's hands* Why don't you try drawing a plan of the house of the movie, sugar?
Tony: *Stops moving* That's a great idea! Why didn't I think about it sooner? *Starts drawing while mumbling to himself*
Steve: *Smiles and kisses the genius' forehead*
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